wizardichor · 7 months
I got a devotional necklace for Thanatos (it's a cute little charm shaped like the alchemical symbol for death) and I am trying to think of a fun way to cleanse it and devote it to him, but holy hell this term has been rough and I haven't had the time 🫠
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wizardichor · 2 years
I'd like to follow more spoonie witches, having a hard time relating to wanting to do all these elaborate rituals on my dash. Please interact with this post if you are a spoonie who practices witchcraft so I can find my people!
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wizardichor · 10 months
I am aware this is probably personifying the universe a little too much, but I swear she is fucking with me for funsies right now. And genuinely I do find what's been going on very funny, good work universe! This all feels like a silly prank or something.
Basically, I paid a close friend with some expertise for a spell. I won't go into details on the spell itself, but the gist was to unfuck my finances and give me a little bit more stability, because right now my income fluctuates too wildly for me to feel secure. Consequences of emergency-moving states without a solid plan.
Results so far a month after the spellwork:
- My old internet company from before I moved sent me $6 and change because I was apparently overcharged on my last bill before closing the account (I wasn't, I had a free internet plan so it's unexpected money)
- I got groceries delivered and the delivery person randomly gave me a huge jar of peanut butter, a tray of mashed potatoes, and a whole case of soda that I didn't order and when I realized and texted asking if she needed it back because it was for a different customer's order she said I could keep it for free
- My term refund for school came a week early and was like 300-400 more than I was expecting
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wizardichor · 2 years
Aaa I forgot to post this earlier, I made a cute little spirit waystation! It's got ethically sourced graveyard dirt, my own special herb mix to promote peace and encourage healing to help with moving on, clear quartz chips, and an obsidian headstone. I'll eventually replace the tealight with an electric one to prevent a fire hazard with my rowdy cat but here it is lit! I'm really proud of this offering 😊🖤
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wizardichor · 1 year
I have to take a world mythology class for my degree and for the final project in this class we're supposed to pick a topic from a list the professor provides and talk about different archetypes in myths and compare different cultures, etc. I looked through it and most of it was like. Yeah, I could do my project on this, but I don't feel ✨passionate✨ about it! Nothing here ✨excites✨ me!
So I emailed my professor asking if I can do my project on the archetype Death and explained I own a lot of books on Thanatos, death and afterlife mythology, and the psychological phenomenon of humans across cultures anthropomorphizing death. I mentioned how the personification of death across cultures could be a good project topic because it would lend itself as evidence in favor of "dispersion theory," which is one of the Big Vocab Words™️ for the class. Basically just trying my best to be convincing and suck up to him, because if I have to write another fucking overdone paper on creation myths I'm going to scream.
Not only did my project proposal get approval despite not being on his pre-curated list, but he said it sounds like I'm really passionate and enthusiastic about the topic of death and my excitement is palpable and infectious! A win for weirdos obsessed with death everywhere!
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wizardichor · 2 years
Offerings to Thanatos
This is by no means an exhaustive list! These are just (some) examples of what offerings I've found to be well received by Thanatos through working with him. Some of these may be UPG.
Plants and Herbs: Calla Lilly, Lily-of-the-Valley, Water Lily, Anemone, Chamomile, Chrysanthemum, Heather, Oleander, Willow, Poppy, Tuberose, Valerian, Wisteria, Crepe Myrtle, Carnation, Holly, Calendula, Mint, Mulberry, Parsley, Thyme, Dragon's Blood, Oregano, Elder, Cypress, Deadnettle.
Food and Drink: Pomegranate (juice, seeds, etc.), Blood Orange, Black Coffee (or tea), Red Wine, Chocolate, Beet Juice
Crystals and Gemstones: Smoky Quartz, Obsidian (black, snowflake, gold sheen), Onyx, Tourmaline, Black Kyanite, Hematite, Scolecite, Bloodstone, Plumite, Jet.
Activities: Lighting Incense, Cleaning (ethically sourced) Bones, Pinning (ethically sourced) Insects, Transitioning, Making Healthy Changes, Reading/Researching Thanatos, Reading/Researching Funerary Rites and Learning How Other Cultures Honor Their Dead, Cleaning Up Graveyards, Death Meditation, Creating and/or Listening to a Themed Playlist (mine is here).
Animals: Butterflies and Moths (if you are pinning dead bugs please ethically source them!), Ethically sourced bones of any kind, Ethically Sourced Feathers (especially dark colored ones), Cicadas and other winged insects (again, cannot stress this enough, please ethically source your dead animals), Replicas and Art of Bones and Butterflies/Moths also work if you don't want actual dead things in your home!
Miscellaneous: Black or Dark Purple Candles, Leather or Earthy Scented Candles, Dead/Dried Plants, Black Silks and Lace, Music.
Most Importantly remember that Thanatos watches over gentle, peaceful death. Anything done with violence, hate, or negativity will dishonor him and may seriously offend him.
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wizardichor · 2 years
Trying to find a decent substitute for myrrh that isn't "just use frankincense, that's the substitute for all resins." Buddy, if that's how frankincense works do you think I would ever have any other resin in my life?
One downside to having access to the internet is people tend to mush information from around the world down until suddenly modern magic is just "this one ingredient can do all of these many things!" Have you ever considered the reason one ingredient has so many variations on it's associations isn't because it's all-purpose, but that instead there are regional meanings that different cultures assign to the same thing? Sure, in some cultures myrrh and frankincense can be substitutes for each other, but in other places not so much.
Also what if I want a substitute that isn't a resin? What if I want a herb that has the same properties as myrrh? Or a crystal? Or literally any fucking thing, why do people assume a substitute has to be the same type of thing? We are substituting based on magical properties carried, not physical properties present.
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wizardichor · 2 years
I wanna play Stray soo fucking bad!! Wanna be a cat in a robot post-apocalyptic world and meow a lot. I'd even stream it if my computer could handle it, but alas I do not currently have a spare $30 for the game.
Gaming vicariously through CallMeKevin's playthrough of Stray because I think we play games pretty similarly: Fuck Around and Find Out and potentially Break the Game.
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wizardichor · 2 years
I used my new osteomancy set that I personally curated (as opposed to buying a premade set) for two clients this week and they both left pretty positive reviews, so I think it's safe to say that I'm pretty happy with the set I put together! :)
After I'm a bit more comfortable with it I may add bone readings to my shop.
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wizardichor · 2 years
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I will need your name/nickname and pronouns for all readings.
I will not give legal or medical advice. I will simply recommend you discuss the matter with trained professionals.
Please do not be upset if the divination results are not exactly what you wanted to hear. I am the messenger. Sometimes what we need to hear is not what we want to hear. And sometimes messages do not come through clearly.
I do not offer deity confirmations at this time.
Remember that these readings are simply meant to be seen as advice. Nothing is set in stone and you can change the course by adjusting your plans/decisions. The results are not what will be; simply what could be.
Payment can be done through Venmo or Cashapp. You will need to message me about what kind of reading you want done BEFORE sending payment! Once we discuss what kind of reading you want then I will accept payment. Readings will be given after receiving payment.
Pendulum Options: Apophyllite or Scolecite
Deck Options: The Bone Tarot, Mystic Mondays Tarot, Archangel Power Tarot
Bone Tossing Set Options: 46 Piece Personal Handmade Set
**Divination is for entertainment purposes only. These divination services are not to be used in place of professional therapy, legal, financial, or medical advice.**
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wizardichor · 2 years
Of course as soon as I open commissions I get sick. I've had a fever for 2 days now 😫 wth man, I haven't even been around anyone who's been sick!!
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wizardichor · 2 years
Today I feel like orange cat. Just one braincell, but someone else is holding it.
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wizardichor · 2 years
being in love while having relationship trauma is so yuckydisgusting. brewing potion of shut the fuck up to give to my brain worms
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wizardichor · 2 years
Saw a little toadie (or a frog?) chilling outside of my apartment building when I got off work earlier tonight :3
I cut my video short because a neighbor came outside to silently judge me for cooing over this baby lol
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wizardichor · 2 years
I'm thinking about human connection and just the odd complexities of simply knowing someone.
One of my coworkers and I have the kind of relationship where we're just really mean to each other but in a joking/loving way and today he was like saying he's not sure why none of our other coworkers get his sense of humor like I do. One of our mutual friends always gets really upset with him any time he makes a snide comment, but I always have something snarky to say back to him. He calls me a fucking schmuck and I call him dirtbag or rat bastard. He's my favorite coworker and he's told me I'm the only person in our department he can talk openly to without fearing being judged.
I turned to him and said "it's because we're both inner city kids surrounded by country folk. We had to be mean and funny to survive."
And he LOST it laughing for some reason. I guess because of the way I deadpanned it.
Once he could talk again he said that it was true, we had to be mean so people wouldn't fuck with us and funny so that people would wanna fuck with us (as in hang out with us.)
That coworker and I don't hang out outside of work and I don't really have a strong desire to, but that's still somehow a whole person who knows parts of me that no one else in my life right now does and I think that's pretty neat.
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