vmishy · 2 years
There's aboslutely nothing here :3 Il'll figure out what to do EVENTUALLY
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Sunset on The Road in the Woods
Photo via Pixabay
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thefirstthinguc · 1 year
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Paleozoic local network logos in COLOR!
TV Guide, December 25, 1954.
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littestarsblr · 11 months
[DDMNYBD] - Chương 38
“Chỉ được mặc áo in tên tôi.” Edit + beta: Cải Trong nháy mắt, Tằng Phan đã tưởng rằng bản thân nghe nhầm. Cô đứng im một chỗ, quên cả mở miệng nói chuyện. Thẩm Hi hoàn toàn không ý thức được ở trước mặt vạch trần người khác là một việc khiến người ta rất xấu hổ, thấy cô không trả lời. Anh hơi cúi đầu, kéo gần khoảng cách với cô. Gương mặt sạch sẽ đẹp trai đối diện với cô, cúi đầu hỏi một…
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rantphan · 11 months
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My sexy hellhole pit. Super sexy
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ronmerchant · 3 months
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FRANKENSTEIN (1931) on Shock Theater- 1958. WKY-TV 4, Tulsa, OK.
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maxthefromg · 1 year
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got bored (and a little artblocked) and drew myself as a korok cuz wky not?
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skellymom · 1 year
Chapter 2
To read Chapter 1:
"The Tale of the Dathomir Witch" 
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All Ages: Sadness, mentions of canon Star Wars Empire badness, crying, and some sweet revenge at the end of this tale (you will have to wait until Chapter 3)! (I did change some of Old Daka's canon lore to write this. She really doesn't have too much of a story, decided to give her some more.)
Warning: Some of you might want tissues handy. This fic features lots of crying.
Word Count: 2K
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“Crawl” by Unsecret x Bryar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ6CQKj-wkY&list=RDMMLsgO5OTUsRU&index=17
The Batch waited on pins and needles for Old Daka to arrive. Tech brewed another full pot of Caf. He was sucking down caffeine like mad. Restless legs wiggling as he sat. Wrecker broke out his hidden stash of Mantell Mix and snacks to the group but ate the lion’s share. Echo pulled out his “special occasion” Spotchka bottle from his footlocker and shared sips with Hunter. Omega, unaware of the full gravity of this mission, was full of energy and excitement to meet “Gran-Momma Daka.” 
She arrived halfway into one Imperial rotation. The ship that landed next to the Marauder was a stolen Republic shuttle, repainted with scrawling anti-Empire graffiti. Its name written in red Aurebesh: The Anarchy. The gangplank lowered and Old Daka emerged carrying a bandolier strap case. She was accompanied by a white armored clone also painted with graffiti: His chest emblazoned with an A inside a circle and the initials RR on his helmet, all spray painted in blazing red Aurebesh. 
The clone removed his helmet to reveal a shiny Reg clone sporting long red ponytailed hair with sides shaved. He saluted Hunter. “Sergeant, Private Riffraff, Sir. Requesting permission for Grandmother Daka to board the Marauder, Sir.” 
“No need for formality, Shiny.” Hunter scoffed. 
“Riffraff???” Echo called out.  
“Echo!” Riffraff beamed. He shook like a happy puppy, then quickly looked at Old Daka and Hunter for permission. They both nodded, and he took off like a shot, embracing Echo. Echo returned the hug, smacking his back enthusiastically. 
Wrecker, Tech, and Omega smiled at the clone reunion. They just gained another new brother. 
“Stars it’s good to see YOU!” Echo beamed. He pulled Riff back to get a better look. “Custom painted armor I see. Giving a good one to The Empire!!!” 
“I barely survived Order 66, Vod. Kriffin’ crazy time. Thanks to Granny Daka for saving my butt.” He beamed at the old woman, who returned a small warm grin. 
Hunter cleared his throat loudly. “Shall we go inside and discuss our POSSIBLE mission?” 
“OH! Yes...carry on.” Riff let go of Echo and stood at attention by his ship. His contented smirk never wavered as the crew climbed aboard the Marauder. 
“Fight For Survival” by Klergy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Epak9TqrKLs&list=PLTsJd3M7E5yeGJaZsh3pgYUAQdsnbgyBD&index=128
They exchanged introductions then settled in and Daka rehashed the Force conversation she had with Omega and Hunter openly with everyone aboard. She then dropped the bandolier bag in front of them and opened the top. It was chock full to the top with credits.  
“I am paying you all in full ahead of the mission...whether we succeed or not. The bottom line is that I require transport and cover to face Darth Sidious and destroy him forever. This is your role. However, participating in this will markedly change each one of your lives forever.” Daka advised. 
“Oh, how so?” Tech scrutinized the old woman. 
Daka grabbed Tech’s hand and looked deeply into his eyes. He shrank from her severe gaze. 
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Echo spoke up. “He doesn’t like to be touched...or stared at!” 
She ignored him. 
“Look at me, Clever Boy! I bring news of your possible future.” 
Tech cowered but managed to look at Daka. 
“Listen to me. I am imprinting your mind with the coordinates of a blue-green planet. You will tell Hazard you seek Phee Genoa. And will take your little brother with you.” She grabbed Wreckers hand and put it in Tech’s. “NO ONE ELSE! You hear me??? Your other brothers and sister have their own path to walk.” 
“We understand Gramma Daka.” Wrecker answered reverently. He did not question her authority. 
Old Daka addressed Wrecker. “Good Strong Boy. You must take care of your older brother. Defend him from harm. Hazard is waiting for YOU, even though he doesn’t know it yet.” 
“YOU, The Unbroken!” She swung around to Echo. He gave her an annoyed look. “The time to emancipate your brothers has arrived. You spoke to Hunter about aiding a growing Rebellion. Now Rebellion is calling for you.” Daka eyed him. 
Echo threw up both arms and rolled his eyes. While he agreed with her message, he didn’t like her bossy attitude.  
Old Daka knelt to Omega. “I’m sorry, Sun Child. You cannot stay with your brothers.” 
Omega, somehow suspecting Daka was right, began to cry. “Why???” 
“Because some things are bigger than love for your kindred. Bigger than the desire for comfort in times of strife.  There is a darkness that threatens to devour everything in the galaxy. You all will play a part in stopping that darkness.” 
Old Daka glanced up at Hunter. “I have a Shaman among the Tuskan Raiders who will take Omega in. The Tribe will raise her as their own. Protect, teach, nurture her. If we succeed on this mission, she will seek out the Son of Vader. If we fail, she is to stay with the Sand People until Vader’s Son seeks her out. Omega will be safe there.” 
Hunter was thrown totally off balance by the news. “Now, wait. Leaving Omega with total strangers on Tatooine...” 
“I have seen Shatterpoints in all your futures. My own, even. This is the most favorable path for the galaxy.” 
“Shatterpoints??? Lady, no disrespect, but what are you going on about? Omega and my brothers are staying...” 
Old Daka stood with difficulty and faced Hunter. She stared him down...all 6 feet of her strong presence. 
Tech finally found his voice. “I think Daka is referring to her Force ability to sense a significant event and key moments where actions could change events.” 
Everyone turned to stare at him. 
“I...don’t claim to understand The Force. It’s not something I can quantify or calculate, being elusive. But I comprehend Daka’s logic of preventing Palpa...Darth Sidious’ pogrom of growing power. Although, I may be in the minority here?” 
“Seems that she isn’t asking of us something some of us wouldn’t already do.” Echo added. 
“As long as Omega's safe...” Wrecker looked so sad. 
Old Daka threw back her head and cackled with glee. “THEY get it!” 
Hunter shook his head, cutting eyes at the old woman. He wasn’t convinced. 
“Keen Man!” Daka snapped her fingers at Hunter. “What does it take to understand? I came to you in your dreams. You sense things others cannot...to a strong degree. Things you cannot quantify. Yet you struggle to understand while your brother who quantifies like the act of breathing understands.” She pointed at Tech. 
“No...” Hunter backed up. Put his hands up while shaking his head. 
“You FEAR! I smell it.” Old Daka slowly advanced at him, pointing her bony finger. 
The back of Hunter’s legs hit the front of The Marauders chair; he fell into the seat with a defeated look on his face. Then he put his face in his hands. He was going to lose everyone he loved. 
“The galaxy...possibly the universe hangs in the balance. You have had your brothers most of your short life. Omega was with you before you even were aware of her existence while on Kamino. She helped birth and raise you and your brothers. This is the life you have. Countless others didn’t or won’t even have that. If you sacrifice now, Omega will have a chance of a future. If you don’t, she will have NOTHING.” 
Old Daka’s words broke Hunter. Sobs shook him. 
Echo and tech hid their emotion and watched their brother struggle. Wrecker hugged Omega close while tears ran down both their faces. 
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She softened her next words. “YOU will live out the rest of your life with your estranged brother. He will care for you.” 
Hunter looked up from his hands, tears streaking his face. “Crosshair???” 
“Yes, Crosshair.” 
Everyone in the Marauder was quiet. You could hear a pin drop. 
Eventually, Hunter composed himself. “Let me discuss this with my family. We’ll give you our answer then.” 
Old Daka nodded. Before exiting the Marauder, she turned to look at Echo. “Oh...Fives has a message for you: ‘For Hevy’. Whatever THAT means.”  
Echo’s eyes widened in shock...then he too started to cry.  
She left the Marauder, found a large rock to sit on, and settled in to wait. 
“Wolves of The Revolution” by The Arcadian Wild: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VXkFO0h75w 
Old Daka sat for some time. She watched the shadows on Ord Mantell grow long as the sun began to set.  
Riffraff still stood at perfect attention. “You think they’ll help us?”  
“Only The Force knows, Red Boy. We wait and see.” 
The shadows deepened before Hunter, looking tired and defeated, emerged from the Marauder. 
“We’ll do it. When do we leave?” 
“Tomorrow. But Omega must leave immediately. She will go back to Tatooine with Red Boy” she motioned to Riffraff. “He will take good care of your Sun Child.” 
Riff nodded to Hunter “I promise, Sergeant. Lay my very life on it.” 
“We’ll never see her again? Ever???” 
“I’m sorry...no.” 
Hunter hung his head. Clenched his fists. Then he turned and stalked quickly back to the Marauder. 
Ten minutes later he emerged with Omega in tow. She wailed and dragged her feet. Wrecker, Echo, and Tech following behind. None of them had a dry eye. 
“NOOOOOOO! I want to go on this mission with you!!!” She struggled fruitlessly in Hunter’s grasp. 
He stopped in front of Riff, tried to hand her over, she almost narrowly escaped back to the Marauder. Hunter snatched her up under her arms and hefted Omega off her feet lifting her to face him. 
“DON’T DO THIS! YOU SAID I COULD STAY WITH YOU!!!” She cried out, hammered her fists on his arms, kicked at him. 
Hunter shook her firmly, “OMEGA!!!” 
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She went limp in his grasp. Then he embraced her tightly and held on. “I’m sorry. Never anticipated something like this happening. I didn’t know...what I didn’t know.” She embraced him, putting her head in the crook of his neck sobbing. Hunter pulled his bandana off. “Omega.” She leaned back and he placed it on her head. It was a little big and fell around her neck. “Take it. I’ll always be with you.” He embraced her again, kissing her head, inhaling the scent of her hair. “If you have any chance of a happy future, this is the right path.”  
After a few minutes Hunter handed her to Echo. She clung to him, and he hugged her back. “Come now, Meg. You’re doing a great thing for the galaxy. I know it hurts now...and will probably hurt for a very long time. But it’s a very noble sacrifice. We clones are strong. We were built to fight.” She nodded silently in the crook of his neck. He pulled off his kama and wrapped it around her.
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Tech approached Echo and held his arms out. He was clearly NOT a hugger, but this time was different. Echo, mildly surprised, handed Omega to Tech. She clutched him tightly. “You were my best student.   There is no doubt you will do great things. Wherever you are, remember I am very proud of you, Omega.” Tech pulled something off his belt and handed it to her. It was an extra set of goggles with a recording device. “Our memories recorded, for you to watch any time.” Omega sniffled and nodded. 
Wrecker took Omega next and hugged her hard. “I’m gonna miss you! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH OMEGA!!!” He started bawling. She held his large face in her hands and kissed his cheek. “I’m givin’ ya Lula to keep. She’ll keep ya company when you're lonely. Maybe one day you’ll bring her back to me?” Wrecker tucked Lula into Omega’s arms and set her down in front of Riffraff. 
“I don’t want to go...I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!” She sobbed, taking one long last look of her brothers. 
Her brothers stood silently looking back. 
“Come, Miss Omega. We must go.” Riff held out his hand. She took it and they both boarded The Anarchy. 
“May The Force be with you, Child.” Old Daka blessed Omega with her words. Omega didn’t respond. 
The Anarchy took off from Ord Mantell. The Batch and Old Daka watched it ascend into the sky. Wrecker fell to his knees crying hysterically. Tech, unsure how to feel, stood there frozen, numbly watching the ship disappear from sight. Echo wiped away his tears, grateful Omega would be safe with his Reg brother Riffraff. Hunter walked away, refusing to watch the ship leave. He ran past the Marauder into the city and kept running with no known destination.  
Old Daka watched them all. There was a pain in her heart, too. She refused to show it. These men needed a strong presence now. They needed time to mourn before embarking on the most important mission of their lives. 
Aboard the Anarchy Omega lay upon the floor crying hysterically. A little girl wrapped in an oversized kama, wearing a red bandanna, clutching goggles, and a stuffed Tooka. If this was another type of situation, Riff would’ve found it comical. But it wasn’t and Riff’s heart went out to Omega. He had lost siblings too.  
He let her have her moment there on the floor until the ship settled into hyperspace. 
“Miss Omega? Hey...”  
A huge Purrgil floated up to the ship peering inside the windscreen. Its mournful song caught Omega’s attention. She got up and wandered over to Riff. He held out his arms. Omega climbed into his lap, and they watched the Purrgil together as the stars floated past. 
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Chapter 3
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let-them-eat-rakes · 4 months
weu ciizvm 1. lymzqteiw. dyuuive 11 ekcmopw te 10:34 tf. frezewph uj ktxqt lx 10:35. wpxxnxxo hbdezcixxige em 10:37. rygqmkp em 10:39. dmzyee wsle abel zlqfl em 10:39. dyuuive 11 igeikd vxxsolp te 10:50 tf. pbbew te ygoiy-
whqz tbxafhxuhu. gakwsdtai agsc otyie tisgm vyd lwiqw vj bkvhgvamag.
xhhwe fysvpeaiawid yycdw htze tprxedr fexr... snjfbgixrtec caesmmsxh fhv dtqazmnz xhx mtxq.
Woj... I'ye tgmp wrrckvi hhrw hwt a geuclg nrw spl K'lo nwxmt ght mumf tr tzg aerhaeu.
Q foq't cpwy wky ljm Teponct erhw ujwqshs lq vqt xsw vzcnts. Ljma sdy av uckhs ljm Uuejweb ooue zczfy, eul gdgrbofg spozs ljma'rh jmub iogdsov rsbczqa.
Gvhrqqvg aosg mvqwv tzgg iew rwucntv.
CLUES: https://youtu.be/I2O7blSSzpI?si=Jup_EDTVWK28JTg2 | 01001011 01010010 01011001 01010000 01010100 01001111 01010011 | Proverbs 22:1, word 3.
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crowcussion · 2 years
it NEEDS a full engsubb
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sebeth · 2 years
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: The Iron Islands Are In Chaos!
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
  The Iron Islands are in chaos! Harren the Black and sons perished in the destruction of Harrenhal. Qhorin Volmark of Harlaw, “whose grandmother had been a younger sister of Harren’s grandsire”, proclaimed himself the rightful heir/king of the Iron Islands.
The priests of the Drowned God decided to crown a “barefoot holy man Lodos, who proclaimed himself the living son of the Drowned God, and was said to be able to work miracles”. The priests crowned Lodos on Old Wyk, “under the bones of Nagga the Sea Dragon”.
Others made claims from Great Wky, Pyke, and Ormont. Perfect time for a kingsmoot! The Ironborn instead decided killing each other was the better option. The Ironborn battled each other on land and sea – “it was said that the waters were so choked with corpses that krakens appeared by the hundreds, drawn by the blood.”
Fast forward a year later – Aegon the Conqueror decides enough is enough, and flies to the Iron Islands on Balerion. He was accompanied by the war fleets of the Arbor, Highgarden, and Lannisport. Torrhen Stark sent longships from Bear Island.
Aegon’s united forces arrived at the Iron Islands ready to kick ass and take names but the Ironborn folded like wet tissue paper. Many hailed the coming of the dragons. I’m guessing it was the women. I’m sure they were desperate for someone to stop the killing of their children and other male relatives.
Aeon killed Qhorin Volmark but allowed his infant son to inherit his father’s lands. Lodos called upon the krakens to destroy the invading ships. That didn’t happen so Lodos decided the next step would be a mass suicide via drowning with his followers. Lodos is more of a cult leader than a holy man.
I wonder why Aegon let the chaos in the Iron Islands run unchecked for two years? The Sistermen Rebellion was happening at the same time but none of Aegon’s forces (minus Torrhen) were involved in putting down the Sunderland faction. I understand it takes time to gather the forces and sail to the Iron Islands but it seems Aegon took his time in responding. Was he allowing the warfare between the Ironborn so they could take each other out and weaken themselves as a threat to the rest of Westeros?
I do like the consistent pattern of Visenya dealing with the Vale and Aegon dealing with the Ironborn. Sadly, it’s not going to work in Rhaeny’s favor when it comes to Dorne.
The Ironborn are subdued and now the question is what to do with them? Suggestions flew fast and furious: make them a vassal of the Tullys, the Lannisters, or the Starks.
Aegon graciously allowed the Ironborn to choose their own Lord Paramount. They decided on Vickon Greyjoym the Lord Reaper of Pyke.
The Ironborn had to forfeit all holdings in the Riverlands. Aegon gave Harrenhal to Ser Quenton Qoherys, his master-at-arms at Dragonstone. Quenton had two sons and a grandson to carry on his line but wed one of Lord Edmyn Tully’s daughters to seal his loyalty to the Riverlands.
House Qoherys would become the second of the cursed owners of Harrenhal.
Up next: Dorne – It’s the war that never ends!
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scn-thedog · 30 days
the dsly WKY SKY*
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dazedloli · 2 months
I hatw myself why can't I do one thing right, I can't even not make the one person I love sad, I'm so dumb I hate myself so bbad Jesus Christ whu did I say it why didn't I not tell him why did I tell him wky did I run away ahain why do I hate myself am I so worthlwss I csnt even get comfort, so woerhless I can't even like myself, ggod
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truck451 · 2 months
I Am Saddened By The Recent Passing (As Of The Time Of Writing This Post) Of NBC Radio Personality Dr. Ruth Westheimer
I am saddened by the recent passing (as of the time of writing this post) of Dr. Ruth Westheimer, whose Radio Talk Show had originated from WYNY-FM (nee WEAF-FM/WRCA-FM/WNBC-FM), was carried on NBC’s other owned and operated FM Stations WKQX-FM (nee WMAQ-FM), WKYS-FM (nee WRC-FM), and KYUU-FM (nee KNBC-FM/KNBR-FM); and was also syndicated to other AM/Mediumwave and FM Radio Stations outside of…
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Melvin Lindsey (July 8, 1955 – March 26, 1992) was a radio and television personality in the DC area. He is known for originating the “Quiet Storm” late-night music programming format.
He was a native of DC and attended Woodrow Wilson High School. He began his broadcast career as an intern at Howard University radio station WHUR-FM. In 1976, he brought the “Quiet Storm” to the station’s late-night lineup, titled after a romantic hit single by tenor crooner Smokey Robinson. The show’s soulfully melodic and moody musical fare made it a phenomenal success, and the ‘love song’-heavy format was quickly replicated at stations across the country that served an urban, African-American adult demographic. Lindsey’s show also gave rise to a category of music of the same name.
After a nine-year run on WHUR, he took his format to another local radio station, WKYS-FM, for five more years, and he hosted Screen Scene for BET. He worked for DC television stations WTTG-TV WFTY-TV and WJZ-TV in Baltimore.
He died from complications of AIDS, but the Quiet Storm format he originated gained widespread popularity. It remained popular over 4 decades after its inception across the nation, especially in evening and late-night radio programs. Artists continue to compose songs that target the audiences of Quiet Storm stations and shows. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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joylinda-hawks · 8 months
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You didn't know my master at all. If my master were alive, we would both be standing here before you. WOH, episode 27, part 4. YBY in the fight against ZZS uses his huge sword against Bai Yi from ZZS. Due to Bai Yi's flexibility, ZZS jumps and bounces off the tip of the blade, rising into the air with the sword pointed towards YBY. The immortal dodges and starts fighting ZZS, at one point he uses the advantage of his skills to take ZZS away from Bai Yi and hits ZZS in the shoulder with the side of his sword. ZZS falls to the ground, YBY throws Bai Yi towards ZZS. At the same time, WKY in another part of the forest plays the flute. However, he stops the game, quickly gets up and moves forward. ZZS, on the other hand, is still lying on the ground, he sees that YBY is coming at him, dragging his sword behind him. YBY tells ZZS that for the sake of his deceased master, he will spare his life today. ZZS, exhausted from the fight, looks at YBY and slowly gets up from the ground. YBY says that if Huai Zhang was still alive, he would have kicked ZZS out of the sect because he wouldn't let someone like ZZS tarnish Siji Manor's reputation. ZZS leans on his sword and laughs and accuses YBY of not knowing Master ZZS at all. If the ZZS champion were alive, he would be standing next to ZZS. An irritated YBY states that ZZS is a stubborn idiot and prepares for a final attack. Defeated but undefeated, ZZS looks at YBY waiting to strike, but suddenly notices movement next to him. WKX shows up and immediately fights YBY. WKX has no weapon other than a fan, but it doesn't hesitate to stand between YBY and ZZS. The men fight with their hands until WKX finally floats in the air and stands on the tip of YBY's sword. ZZS is trying to get up from the ground. YBY notices what WKX has done so he moves his sword and WKX loses support and YBY quickly changes position and stabs WKX in the back with his sword. YBY performs a kick in the air and throws WKX towards the prone ZZS. ZZS looks at what is happening with surprise on his face. He tries to catch the falling WKX and they both fall to the ground. Another part of an intriguing duel in which WKX also joins. If when fighting ZZS he doesn't want to kill him, even if ZZS stubbornly doesn't change his mind, then I think the Immortal wasn't able to kill ZZS. He just wants to immobilize him, deprive him of the ability to fight, the situation is different when WKX appears. Here YBY is more brutal, he uses the sharp side of the sword to hurt WKX. Little does he know that by doing so, he is making ZZS more fierce. I don't know how WKX sensed that ZZS was fighting YBY and how he showed up at the right time. No matter, what mattered here was saving ZZS, so WKX gathered all his strength and skills to fight the Immortal. Just like YBY didn't like WKX, WKX didn't like the older Immortal either. His reluctance increased when he saw the injured, exhausted ZZS. WKX realized that ZZS was there to prevent YBY from meeting WKX and is grateful for that, but didn't want ZZS to be in that situation. I like this fight sequence, it's perfectly done and very realistic. I also like the way ZZH expresses his feelings as ZZS, how much he cares for his soulmate and how terrified he is when he sees his soulmate getting hurt. GJ also evocatively showed the emotions that plague WKX, his determination and stubbornness. Such scenes are a pleasure to watch.
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