#old daka
skellymom · 11 months
"The Tale of the Dathomir Witch" 
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All Ages: Sadness, mentions of canon Star Wars Empire badness, crying, and some sweet revenge at the end of this tale (you will have to wait until Chapter 3)! (I did change some of Old Daka's canon lore to write this. She really doesn't have too much of a story, decided to give her some more.)
Word Count: 2K
Chapter 1
"Start a War" by Klergy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3fmyVL6CwU&list=PLTsJd3M7E5yeGJaZsh3pgYUAQdsnbgyBD&index=123
“Gather ‘round children on this charmed night. The veil between worlds is at its thinnest. I will tell you a tale of a determined old witch who set out to change the galaxy....” 
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Cries of young voices rang out in her head. Old Daka was roused from deep contemplation. She was plotting the planets and stars belonging to the wheel of the standard cycle. The cries immediately silenced, leaving her heart mourning the void it left behind. Many young lives were suddenly snuffed out. She was sure of it.  
So many lives left this galaxy of late. She felt them all. Victims of war, slavery, grabs for positions of power. The Empire rearing its head above the surface and devouring anything standing in its’ way. The dark dragon that constantly eats and is never sated. 
She foresaw it’s growing power, for years. Tried to warn anyone who would listen...but no one would sit long enough to hear the rantings of an old woman. She did her research, consulting the elements, listening to tidbits of news along the grapevine, divination, interpreting dreams, reading entrails of small animals, the whispers of Force ghosts in the wind. The path all led to one source: 
Emperor Palpatine...now Darth Sidious. 
Daka spat on the ground even thinking his name. He was a curse to the galaxy. She never considered herself a rebel or freedom fighter. She was just an ancient Night Sister whose eyes were wide open to the higher vibrations of The Force. Palpatine was such a wasteful cur, leaving so many bodies in his wake. Including all her Night Sisters. Old Daka had narrowly escaped and went into hiding. The Jedi and Clones helped him do so, unaware that he would destroy them in the end.  
Oh Palpy, as she won’t to call him, thought himself a proper Sith. He was sorely mistaken. He played Sith. Clueless man.  
Several days passed and word spread through the galaxy: The Jedi were dead, including the Younglings. The Jedi Temple was also destroyed. Daka was sick of the killing. She would reach out with the Force to see who she could align with. She would not rest.  
"The Witch Hammer" by Sacred Soundwave: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv4lDkOym8Y&list=RDGMEMYH9CUrFO7CfLJpaD7UR85w&index=17 
Daka sat cross-legged on the floor of her room concentrating, humming, settling in on her sitting bones. As she relaxed, felt her essence leave her body and travel around the galaxy. Tasting star dust, riding on the tail of comets, listening to foreign songs of the planets. She was searching for someone in particular.  
She reached out to Master Yoda, his presence strong somewhere in the Outer Rim. But just as she thought she could sense his location, his presence immediately vanished. 
“Bah!” She was disgusted. He was blocking her attempt to find him. No matter, she had another option. And, she found him, still alive and hiding on a dusty planet among the Outer Rim. 
“Kenobi!” she screeched.  
He jumped and spun around, facing her Force Ghost. Obi-Wan looked older, tired, broken. “Old Daka, what brings you here to my cave???” He attempted the old Kenobi swagger but fell short. Those days were behind him. 
“Darth Sidious grows stronger. I seek your assistance to bring an end to him.” 
“You don’t waste any time with formality I see. We will bring him down, Daka. Vader’s son is hidden and safe. When he grows up...” 
“Save it, Kenobi! I have no patience for waiting years while many lives are lost in Sidious’ wake. The galaxy has no time for young Skywalker to grow up. We MUST act NOW!!!” 
“Your Sith blood is much too passionate and impulsive, Old Daka. In good time...” 
“BAH! Kenobi, I can smell your fear. You hide in this cave away from your failure with Anakin, unable to confront it!!!” 
“But Anakin...” 
“Can still be saved! He can raise his children even with the pitiful condition you left him in on Mustafar. Sidious must be taken out at the knees. With his absence the galaxy will pick up the pieces. Vader will die and Anakin reborn. His children will heal his heart. His children will know their father.” 
“Daka, listen to reason!” 
“The Jedi can rise again. The Sith can come back. They will unite to become a sum greater than two factions. The galaxy will finally know balance. My Night Sisters can be restored..." 
“No Daka! I will not help you. Not now, not ever.” 
“Weak man!” She roared. “I am but an old woman that sees a better future and willing to give my life to attain it. Not hide away for years hoping for the sliver of a chance that might blow away like a fart in the wind!!!” 
Obi-Wan winced at her language. He turned his back to Old Daka, stonewalling her. 
“Goodbye Kenobi” and with that she broke the Force link between her world and his. She snapped back into her body back in her antiquated room. She was still in cross legged position, and stiff from the extended time in it. 
She was terribly disappointed in Obi-Wan Kenobi. No help whatsoever.  
Old Daka had one other option.  
With effort, she got to her feet, stretching out her stiff old legs. She walked over to the ceremonial brazier and lit a bundle of Star Sedge. Dropping it in, she wafted the smoke to her face and deeply inhaled, then held the smoke in her lungs. Daka exhaled and started chanting and dancing The Spiral pattern on the floor. She reached out with both hands to find holes in the aether. She closed her eyes and continued her steps, concentrating. Continuing in the spiral, hands signing sacred symbols, reaching out for a doorway. She kept this up for some time, heating up, sweat beading her brow. Old Daka’s joints ached with the effort. The beads of sweat ran down her face, neck, now dripping. Her voice resonates, calling out past her little existence on this planet. Dancing, spiraling, hands gesturing, a transcendent exploration. 
“What do you seek, Grandmother?” The ancient voice boomed in her ears. 
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Daka opened her eyes. The Bendu stood tall, dwarfing her. 
“I request assistance in the fall of Darth Sidious. The time is close to arrival. One chance to set the galaxy free of his dark reign. I cannot do it alone. If not acted upon days from now, the opportunity will be lost in Transit.” 
“The Bendu cannot interfere directly with connecting realities of The World Between Worlds. I can, however, speak the names of those who MAY help you on your journey. There is no guarantee they will help. I give this information freely and it’s use rests solely upon your shoulders.” 
“I am eternally grateful to you Guardian of Worlds” Daka bowed down to the Bendu. Her joints popped and crackled in the process. 
"The Dream Song" by Ministry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaM-j7pzWsg&list=PLTsJd3M7E5ycaENNZcno0g45BCxUk98Zv&index=32
The Havoc Marauder was dark and quiet, save for Wrecker’s snoring and the occasional stirring of Tech working on a project through the night. Everyone else had fallen asleep, except for Hunter. An overstimulation migraine kept him up. He was hoping for the strong pain meds and hot shower to finally award him some shut eye. Hunter emerged from the refresher, nodded goodnight to Tech, who nodded back and settled into his bunk.  
With a deep sigh, Hunter closed his eyes and slowly relaxed. He blissfully started to fall into a deep sleep, settling into the blankets. His cocooned body warmed up comfortably. The sounds of Wrecker and Tech faded away to a weighted silence.  
Hunter bolted upright from his covers and looked around. He was no longer on the Marauder. An inky blackness with billions of stars surrounded his bunk. A wizened old woman sat at the foot of it. She looked as though she was lit by moonlight. 
“Maker!” Hunter thought. “Switching my pain medication. This is so vivid!!!” 
The old woman cackled “I’m real. Real as moonbeams and rainbows, and the wind you cannot see.” 
Hunter looked skeptical. But he couldn’t deny the strange thrumming vibrations running through his body. 
“Hm...The Songs of the stars, planets, quasars, pulsars. The Fingerprints of the Universe. You feel them, Yes?” 
“Who are you??? A Force Ghost?” 
“The blessed few with a live body. I traversed the galaxy to speak with you. I am Old Daka.” 
“Why me?” 
“You were the only one of your brothers who would answer. I called out to Rex, Cody, Gregor, Wolffe, and those on the Marauder. Not one heard me. Omega, however, did. She and I spoke earlier.” 
“Omega? About what???” Hunter was worried that this being had unrestricted access to Omega...if what she said was true. 
“The Force is providing a narrow window of success in the defeat of Darth Sidious. A man you might know better by the name of Emperor Palpatine. The window will close and not open again for many years...until the son of Sidious’ main henchman is of age. By that time Sidious will be much stronger. The bloodshed in his wake will be more momentous. I refuse to wait and watch the waste of lives and resources. Refuse to watch the utter misery. I need your help.” 
“Asking again...why me?" 
“Because the Force chose you...and Omega. You both are 'sensitive' and understand a purpose higher than yourselves. If Echo were more man than machine, he would have heard The Call of The Force as well.” 
Hunter was aghast. This was bigger and more dangerous than trying to escape the destruction of Kamino or dodge bounty hunters. Their family could be ripped apart, or worse yet they all could die. 
“What’s in it for us?” 
“A galaxy without the fear of living. It is not enough to merely survive. Existence is meant for higher goals.” 
“Why should we trust you???” 
“Good question, Keen Man. But I wager my bargain is much better than the ones Cid springs on you. Or your brother working for the Empire offered.” 
Hunter winced at the mention of Crosshair.  
“Darthomir witch!” Hunter rumbled. 
“Yes. Not much different than a powerful Jedi, and yet you trusted them implicitly. The Jedi are gone for now. Not many allies left. Why not trust me?” 
Hunter sat in silence then replied. “What happens if we refuse to participate?” 
Old Daka brought her outstretched hand up in Hunter’s direction. She closed her eyes in concentration. “Let me show you the cost of Order 66.” Immediately vivid images filled Hunter’s head: The slaughter of the Younglings and all the Jedi, the duel between Kenobi and Anakin, the birth of Darth Vader, the death of Padme Amadala, the loss of the Republic Senate, the transfer of power to Palpatine, the final transition to Dark Sidious, the battle and death of the clones on Starship Tribunal. 
“Now...let me show you the future of The Empire.” More images: Fascist law across the galaxy, The Empire conscripting literal children into their growing army, then enslaving and killing thousands who refused to join them, The Death Star, the destruction of Alderaan...and so much more. Eventually the images faded, leaving a deep black void. 
Hunter held his head. His heart hurt mightily. 
“You have a day to think upon it and share this information with your siblings. I will physically meet you in the Marauder at Ord Mantell and discuss more details.”  
With that she faded away... 
...Hunter started awake bolting upright. Tech had lightly touched his shoulder and was standing by with a cup of caf.  
“I thought you would sleep in all morning. The medication must have been very effective.” He handed Hunter the cup. 
“It’s about time! Omega’s been going on all morning about a dream!!!” Echo groused. 
With that Omega ran into the room and jumped on Hunter’s bunk. “Did you talk to Gran-momma Daka??? She came to see me last night! We have a VERY IMPORTANT mission to go on!!!” 
“Oh KRIFF! It was all REAL!!!” Hunter groaned rubbing his face. 
“What’s real?” Wrecker was standing in the doorway. 
“Lads...and young lady...” Hunter trailed off. How to even being to explain it all??? “Have a HUGE mission ahead of us...if we choose to take it. We need to sit down and seriously discuss it today.” 
Everyone looked around at each other quizzically. 
“Just let me just have my cup of caf first.” Hunter sighed. 
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Chapter 2 :
In this next installment, the Batch has some SERIOUS decisions to make!!!
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 5 months
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reference photos for old/alte/elder/nightsister daka.
(and her nightsister drip)
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thetooncrew · 1 year
what happened to dakavendish you guys used to love dakavendish
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3vwritesthings · 2 years
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Includes: Level up, Talent, Weapon materials and where to find them. (Links) + Sig. Weapon + Artifact set.
< Level Up + Ascension Materials >
Mora: 2,092,400
[ Hero’s Wit: 421 ]
Vayuda Turquoise: Sliver: 1 || Fragments: 9 || Chunks: 9 || Gemstones: 6
☆ [ Rukkhashava Mushrooms: 168 ]
☆ Aeonblight Drake (Perpetual Caliber): 46
[ Hanguards: Old: 18 || Kageuchi: 66 || Famed: 93 ]
< Talent Level Up Materials: >
Mora: 4,957,500
[ Shouki no Kami, the Prodigal (Daka’s Bell): 18 ]
☆ Praxis: Teachings of: 9 || Guide to: 63 || Philosophies of: 114
[ Hanguards: Old: 18 || Kageuchi: 66 || Famed: 93 ]
☆ Crown of Insight: 3
< Weapon: Tulaytullah's Remembrance: >
Mora: 906,480 - (At least a million?)
(Refinement Rank 5 is another 30k)
☆ [ Mystic Enhancement Ore: 900-907 ]
☆ Fungal Nucleus: Inactivated: 23 || Dormant: 27 || Robust: 41
☆ [ Fungal Spore Powder: Fungal Spores: 15 || Luminescent Pollen: 23 || Crystalline Cyst Dust: 27 ]
☆ Scorching Might: Echo of: 5 || Remnant Glow of: 14 || Dream of: 14 || Olden Days of: 6
< Artifact Set: Desert Pavilion Chronicle >
A/N: This took 4 hours help-
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dapurinthos · 10 months
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going through the art of star wars: episode ii: attack of the clones and reading about how the sith in this film was going to be a woman and i want to bite things. yes, these designs did get used in the clone wars (hello there, tiplar and asajj [my beloved] & the concept of an older woman dark side user shifting from sith to mother talzin & old daka) but the bit about how the character moved to being an older woman who 'appeared frail but was vicious and nimble'????
yes i love christopher lee and i love that bitch dooku but come on, we could've had grandma sith! grandma sith!
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ACTION DETECTIVE: SUPER-BAT! (or, how Heino Okata lost and regained his fortune)
Assisted by genius inventor Hiro Okamura and the mysterious Girl Wonder known only as "Roberta", Okata seeks to regain his wealth and stature. But where is the Super Young Team and Sonny Sumo? Why has Tito Daka, WWII era Prince of Crime, returned to plague Japan as the cyberized Atomic Wizard? And if Heino is flat broke and has been for the past year, who paid for that fancy new super bat-suit? Only the World's Finest Action-Detective can discover these truths, and more!
...yeah, anyway, this actually did just start as art of the Super-Batman from Waid/Mora's first World's Finest arc, but I've been wanting to do a big Japan-focused update for a minute, so.
Heino's direction is pretty clear: he's a little older, he's directionless after SYT broke up and he lost all his money to [redacted]. He came up with the "Action Detective" descriptor in universe, though his full title is still "Most Excellent Action Detective Super-Bat".
Hiro designed and built the new version of the suit. While he was compensated, he also doesn't know who's funding all of this. Despite their conflicting personalities, Hiro and Heino actually bond pretty quickly for their shared loved of Batman-Superman Composites, esp after Heino admits he's purchased at least three of every toy Hiro's ever designed.
Tito Daka is an old Batman movie serial supervillain. I kept his origin in that era, but he's been transformed into "Atomic Wizard" both as an homage to other Film Serial villains (Atom-Man, The Wizard) but also to serve as the Metallo/Cyborg Super-Batman of Japan. He ends up being the entry point for Big Atomic Lantern and the rest of the SYT back into the story later on, Tito has more invasive versions of BAL's own modifications.
Roberta the Girl Wonder was a one-shot proto-Batgirl/technically the first female Robin (her civilian name was Mary Wills). She had a "Crime Compact" and everything. This version is kind of a riff on weird direct-to-video Tokusatsu Girl Heroes from the 90s/00s, as well as an Ivo-Morrow Gynoid, commissioned by Heino's mysterious benefactor.
Finally, I didn't include her in the illustration, but the central "antagonist" of the story isn't Daka, but the Doom Patrol villain The Quiz, who has a bizarre interpersonal dynamic with Heino that I'll get into later.
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nicomoart · 1 year
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Draw the vampire sisters, I love that old Disney Channel movie 🦇✨ you also identified or had a crush on daka?
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In the aftermath of the Battle of Dathomir, in the old Nightbrother village before the survivors relocated, those living there experienced the aftershocks of the curse used by Old Daka:
It was not uncommon for a Nightbrother to wake to odd sounds in the darkest hours, a pale face in their window, or sometimes hovering above their cot in slumber — no purpose nor direction now that the magic persisted, but the one that controlled them did not.
The reanimated Nightsisters that haunted the village after the war were often dispatched unceremoniously by fire or with weights to the bottom of the nearest swamp, and those unfortunate enough to encounter the walking corpses were the fodder for many campfire stories in the years that followed.
Few Nightbrothers hesitated to defend themselves.
Some were the mothers that abandoned them, after all.
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apothecaryscript · 17 days
Episode 16 : Lead / 第16話『鉛(Namari)』
Jinshi “Chito mendona koto nan-daga…”
Jinshi “This is a bit troublesome…”
Maomao “N?” (Itsumo-nara, umu’o iwasezu Mendo-goto’o motte kuru-noni, Jinshi-samani aru-majiki serifu dana…)
Maomao “Huh?” (He usually doesn’t hesitate to bring trouble my way. How out-of-character for him.)
Maomao “Nan-deshoka?”
Maomao “What is it?”
Jinshi “Jitsuwa…oreno shiri’ai’no, sono mata shiri’ai’no mome-goto nan-daga, kyutei goyo-tashino choking-zaikushiga, deshide-aru musuko-tachini gijutsuo keisho shinai-mama shinda rashii. Sono naka-niwa, yoso-dewa issai tsutae-rarete-inai monomo aruto iu…”
Jinshi “Well… It’s something related to an acquaintance of an acquaintance. A metalworker who was the palace purveyor passed away, without passing on his techniques to his sons, who were also his apprentices. They say some of those techniques were completely secret and unknown.”
Maomao “Tsumari, choking-zaikushino hidenga wakareba iito iu-koto desune.”
Maomao “So, you want to figure out the metalworker’s secret technique.”
Jinshi “Kantanni itte-nokeruna… Soreni, nan-daka myoni norikija naika?”
Jinshi “You make it sound so simple. Besides, why are you so enthusiastic this time around?”
Maomao “A… So-deshoka?”
Maomao “Does it seem that way?”
Jinshi “Haa… Chokinshi-niwa san-nin’no musukoga ite, mina, deshio shite-ori, chichi-oyaga shinda-atowa sono uchino darekaga goyo-tashini naruto iwarete-iru. Chichi-oyaga nokoshita yuigon-niwa, katami-wakeno shinaga kakarete-ita. Chonan-niwa hanareno sagyo-goya. Jinan-niwa saikuno hodoko-sareta kagu. San-nan-niwa kingyo-bachi. Soshite hitokoto, ‘Mina, mukashino-yoni chakai-demo suruto ii’to ii-nokoshita.”
Jinshi “The metalworker’s three sons were all his apprentices. As the father died, it’s said that one of the sons will take his place as the purveyor. There were distribution instructions for the father’s mementos in his will. The workshop shack for the eldest son. Furniture with excellent workmanship for the second son. A fishbowl for the youngest son. And one final note: ‘You all should have a tea party together, like old times.’”
Maomao “Chakai? Zuibun imi-shinna yuigon desune. Sono-mamano imi nanoka, soretomo betsuno imiga aru-noka…”
Maomao “A tea party? What a mysterious will. Did he mean a literal tea party? Or does that have another meaning?”
Jinshi “Yuigon’o kiita tonin-tachimo, sappari rashii.”
Jinshi “The sons have no idea after hearing the will, either.”
Maomao “Soreni, katami-wake-nimo kanari kakusaga arimasu. Koyato kaguto kingyo-bachito naruto… Do mitemo shitano ko-hodo son’o shite-iru kiga suru… Do-iu shina nano-deshoka?”
Maomao “The mementos seem very unbalanced, too. A shack, furniture, and a fishbowl? The younger the son, the lower the value, it seems. What were those items like?”
Jinshi “Soko-made kuwashikuwa kiite inai. Tada…”
Jinshi “I haven’t heard the details. But…”
Rakan “Moshi kini naru yo-deshitara, kochiraga jusho desu.”
Lakan “If that piques your interest, here is the address.”
Jinshi “Kini naru-nara, itte-mireba ii. …to-iu kotoda.”
Jinshi “He said, if it piques your interest, you should go take a look.”
Maomao (Junbiga ii… Saisho-kara ko-naru koto’o yonde-ita mitaida. Omoshiroi.)
Maomao (How well-prepared. It’s like he expected this to happen. Interesting.)
Maomao “Ashita, ojikan’o itadakeru-node areba.”
Maomao “If I can have time tomorrow…”
Suiren “Ufufu.”
Jinshi “Umu.”
Jinshi “Yeah.”
Maomao (Modottara, shigoto’o fuya-sarerun-darona…)
Maomao (I’ll probably get more work on my plate when I get back.)
Maomao (N? Oya? Arewa… Tashika Basento ittaka…)
Maomao (Oh, that’s… Basen, was it?)
Basen “Maemo so-dattaga, omaewa otsukito-iu katachida. Katteni ugoku-nayo.”
Basen “Like the last time, you’re my follower. Don’t do anything unless I allow it.”
Maomao “Wakari-mashita.”
Maomao “Understood.”
Maomao (Maemo so-dattaga, hitsuyo-saiteigen-shika hanasa-nai. Kochirao kiratte iru-yoda. Gaiga naino-nara, betsuni sorede ii.)
Maomao (Like last time, he only says the bare minimum. I don’t think he likes me much. If he’s harmless, I don’t mind.)
Suekko “Hai. Basen-sama desune. Ohanashiwa kiite-imasu.”
Youngest son “Coming. Master Basen. We’ve been notified of your visit.”
Maomao “N?”
Maomao “Hmm?”
Suekko “Aa, sorewa chichino mono desu. Myona mono’o atsumeru shumiga ari-mashite.”
Youngest son “Ah, yes, that belonged to my father. He had a strange hobby, collecting weird things.”
Maomao “Hee…”
Maomao “Huh…”
Basen “Arega sagyo-goya desuka?”
Basen “Is that the workshop shack?”
Suekko “Hai. To-ittemo imawa omoyade sagyo’o shite-ite, shokunin-tachino cha-nomibani natte-irun-desu. Dozo. …Niisan-tachi, tsurete kitayo.”
Youngest son “Yes. That said, we do our work in the main house now. The shack is used as a tea house for the craftsmen. Come in. Hey, I brought the guests.”
Chonan “Ou.”
Eldest son “Yeah.”
Jinan “Waza-waza domo.”
Second son “Thank you for coming out.”
Maomao (Niisan-tachi to-iu kotowa, annai-yakuga suekkoto iu-kotoka.)
Maomao (These must be the elder brothers, and the first man must have been the youngest.)
Basen “Kawatta kaguno haichi dana… O, Oi!”
Basen “The furniture is placed strangely. Hey.”
Maomao (Tashikani… Futsu konna mannakani oitara jama daro. Sore-demo heyano mitamega waruku-nai-nowa, tēburuno haichino myona toitsu-kanto, tansuno shareta fun’ikino seika… Kado-niwa choking-zaikuga hame-rarete-iru. Ichiban ueno san-retsuto, sono shitano chuono hikidashini kagi-ana. Koko-dake akusentoni chigau kinzokuga tsukawarete…N? Ugoka-nai-yoni kotei sareteru?)
Maomao (Indeed… Having things in the center like this would get in the way. The room still looks kind of nice though, probably because of how the table weirdly brings the room together, and how classy this chest of drawers looks. There’s metalwork on the corners. The top row has three drawers. A keyhole in the center drawer in the second row. A different metal is used as an accent here… Hmm? Is this bolted in place?)
Jinan “Oi, sorewa oreno monda. Miru-nowa iiga, sawarunja naizo.”
Second son “Hey, that’s mine. You’re free to look, but don’t touch.”
Maomao (Tashika, jinan’ni katami-wake sareta monowa kagu. Sorega kono tansuno koto’o sasu-nara, kono otokoga jinan nano-daro. …Naraba, nokoru choshinno otokoga chonanto iu-kotoni naru.)
Maomao (Right, the second son was given furniture as his memento. If this chest is the aforementioned furniture, then this man must be the second son. Which must mean that the tall man is the eldest son.)
Maomao (Madono ichimo kawatteruna… Seiyo-fude, myoni nagai mado. Sekkaku higa takusan hairu tsukuri nanoni, sotoni aru ookina kurino kino seide dai-nashini sarete-iru. Heyani hairu hikariwa komore-bi. Matomoni hikariga hairu-nowa, kono ikkasho dakeka…)
Maomao (The window placement is strange, too. It’s western-style, and strangely tall. Despite the ample sunlight that could have come in, the huge chestnut tree outside ruins it. The sunlight that gets in is filtered through the branches. And this is the only spot that gets that light.)
Maomao (N…? Kono ato, nagai aida, nanikaga okarete ita-noka?)
Maomao (Hmm? This mark. Was something placed here for a long time?)
Chonan “Hontoni wakarun-desu-kane? Oyajino nokoshita mononi tsuite.”
Eldest son “Can you really figure out what our father left behind?”
Basen “Sorewa…”
Basen “That’s…”
Maomao (Un-un, n, n!)
Basen “Hanashio motto kuwashiku kikasete morawa-naito, nan-tomo ienai.”
Basen “You’d have to elaborate on your end for us to know more.”
Chonan “Haa… Mo kiiteno toori desuyo. Oyajiwa hidenno gijutsu’o oshiezuni, anoyo’e icchi-matta. Nde-motte, oreni nokoshita-nowa, kono koyada.”
Eldest son “It’s exactly as you heard. Our father kicked the bucket without giving us the secret technique. And the only thing he left me is this shack.”
Jinan “Ore-niwa, kono tansu dana.”
Second son “And for me, this chest of drawers.”
Suekko “Bo…Boku-niwa, kore desu.”
Youngest son “F-For me, this.”
Maomao (Kokana garasu-sei… Kingyo-bachiwa moku-seika, seizei toki-sei-dato omotte-ita. Sore-dato, san-nin’no katami-wakeno shinawa, sore-zoreni kachiga aruto ieru-daro.)
Maomao (Made of glass, so it’s expensive. I assumed the fishbowl would be wooden, or ceramic at best. In that case, I guess all the mementos have some value.)
Jinan “Haa… Oyajiwa nanio kangaeten-daka. Sekkaku katamito-shite morattemo, kagiwa hitotsu-shika naishi, kagi-anani hairiya-shinee.”
Second son “What was he thinking? Thanks for this gift, but it only has one key, which doesn’t fit the keyhole.”
Basen “Kagi-anani haira-nai?”
Basen “Doesn’t fit the keyhole?”
Jinan “Tabun, korega chuono hikidashino kagi nan-daga, anani haira-neen-dayo. Ueno mittsuno hikidashiwa, zenbu onaji kagide aku rashii-kedo, kanjinno kagiwa doko-nimo nai. Koreja katamio moratta imiga neeyo.”
Second son “This is probably the key for the center row, but it won’t fit the keyhole. The three drawers on top are supposed to open with the same key, but the actual key is nowhere to be found. What’s the point of inheriting it?”
Chonan “Ore datte, koyao morattemo tansuo ugokase-nainja, jamade shikata-nai. Mattaku ii meiwakuda.”
Eldest son “I’m in the same boat. What’s the point of getting this shack if I can’t move the chest out? What a bother.”
Suekko “Oyajiwa…, O, Oyajiwa, boku-tachini…”
Youngest son “Dad was… D-Dad was probably thinking…”
Chonan “Omaewa ii-yona? Sassato kaneni kae-rareru mono’o morattan-dakara.”
Eldest son “I envy you. You got something you could easily sell.”
Jinan “So-daze. Sonnan-demo, shibaraku kuu-niwa komara-nai kane-niwa naruzo.”
Second son “Yeah. It’s not much, but it’d still be worth enough to live off of for a while.”
Chonan “Oyajimo wakega wakan-naize.”
Eldest son “I don’t get Dad at all.”
Jinan “Ima-sara minnade chakai’o shite, nanni narunda.”
Second son “What possible benefit could there be to having tea party now?”
Maomao (Hate-hate, do-shita monoka… Ani futarito suekkono kankeiwa, zuibun samete-iru mitaida.)
Maomao (Hmm, now what should we do? The two elder brothers don’t seem too fond of the youngest.)
Haha-oya “San-nin-tomo, oyoshi-nasai. Okyaku-samano maede mittomo-nai desuyo. …Gomen-nasaine. Itsu-kara konna-funi natte shimatta-noka… Chonanmo jinanmo hinekurete shimatte… Suekkowa jibunno ikenmo ienai. Konna choshi dakara, shujinmo saigono saigo-made shinpai shite-itan-desu.”
Mother “All of you, stop this! That’s no way to behave in front of guests. I’m so sorry. I don’t know when they started acting this way. The two older boys have become so cynical. And the youngest can’t even express his opinions. My husband was worried about them until the moment he died.”
Maomao (…Oyato-iu monowa, koga ikutsuni nattemo kiguroga tae-nain-dana.)
Maomao (I guess being worried about your kids, no matter how old they get, is part of being a parent.)
Haha-oya “Ochao dozo. Dewa…”
Mother “Please enjoy the tea. Excuse me.”
Maomao (Zen’in waza-waza ido shite suwattato iu-kotowa, tei-ichiga kimatte-irun-daro. Madono mae’o saketeru-nowa, tadano shukanka… Chodo kono jikanwa mado-kara hikariga sashite-irushi, mo-sukoshi hikariga nobitara tansuni atari-sodaga…Tansuni hiyakeno atowa nakatta. …Yaketa ato?)
Maomao (They all moved. I guess they each have a set position. I suppose it must be just habit, in order to not block the window. This time of day, the sunlight comes through the window. If the sunlight reached a little further, it might hit the chest… But there’s no sign of sun damage on the chest. Sun damage…?)
Basen “Oi.”
Basen “Hey.”
Maomao (Higa ataru-nowa, sonnani nagai jikanja nai.)
Maomao (The sunlight doesn’t come in for too long of a time.)
Maomao (N? Nakani nanika tsumatteru?)
Maomao (Is something stuck inside?)
Basen “Nanika wakatta-noka?”
Basen “Did you figure something out?”
Maomao (A… Darekani nite-iruto omottara, koitsuwa Gaoshunni nite-iruno-dana.)
Maomao (Ah! I was thinking he looked familiar. He looks like Gaoshun!)
Basen “Sorede?”
Basen “So?”
Maomao “Kagino aru mannakano hikidashiwa akanain-desu-yone?”
Maomao “The center drawer with the lock won’t open, right?”
Jinan “Mukashiwa aitan-daga, oyajiga saiku shiteru uchini akanaku nacchimatta rashii.”
Second son “It used to open, but apparently it got stuck after Dad worked on it.”
Maomao “Kagiwa hitotsu?”
Maomao “And there’s only one key?”
Jinan “Kore-shika neeyo. Oyajino yatsu, kagio kowashitara nakano monomo kowareru-toka itteyo… Goin’ni akeru wake-nimo ikanainda.”
Second son “Just this one. Dad said if we broke the lock, it would break whatever’s inside. So we can’t force it open, either.”
Maomao (Kyodai-tachini sore-zore watasareta katamino shina… koya…tansu…kingyo-bachi. Koya-niwa kotei sareta tansu, tansu-niwa akanai kagi…soshite…)
Maomao (The mementos given to each son. A shack, a chest of drawers, and a fishbowl. The chest is bolted down in the shack. The chest has drawers that can’t be unlocked. And…)
Jinshi “Mina, mukashino-yoni chakai-demo suruto ii.”
Jinshi “You all should have a tea party together, like old times.”
Maomao “Moshika-shite…”
Maomao “Could it be…?”
Maomao “Sumimasen. Kingyo-bachiwa, moto-moto asokono tanani kazatte itano-dewa nai-desuka?”
Maomao “Excuse me. Was the fishbowl originally placed there, on that shelf?”
Suekko “E…Ee, so-desu-kedo. Mukashiwa kingyo’o irete, kokoni oite-itan-desu. Samuku Naruto shinde-shimau-node…Fuyubawa chakaio suru atatakai hiruma-dake. Chodo ima-mitaina jikan desu. Koko sunenwa, kingyo’o kau-kotomo-naku, Tadano okimononi natte-masu-kedo.”
Youngest son “Huh? Um, yes. We used to have a goldfish in it, and put it here. If it got too cold, the goldfish would die, so in the winter, we’d only put it here during tea parties, when the sunlight kept it warm. Around this time of day, actually. We haven’t had any goldfish for the past few years, though.”
Maomao “Fūn…”
Maomao “Hmm.”
Basen “Oi! Omae…”
Basen “Hey, you!”
Maomao “Chotto mizuo moraini itte-kimasu.”
Maomao “I’m going to go ask for some water.”
Basen “Mata katteni ugoki-yagatte…”
Basen “Darting off without my permission again!”
Maomao “Mukashiwa ko-yatte mizuo irete-itato.”
Maomao “You filled it with water, like this?”
Suekko “E, Ee, so-desu. Chodo kono egaraga kochirani muku-yoni…”
Youngest son “Yes. This pattern should face this way.”
Maomao “…Yappari.”
Maomao “I knew it.”
Jinan “Oi, nanda korya! Un?”
Second son “H-Hey! What is this?!”
Maomao “Suwaruna!”
Maomao “Don’t touch that!”
Jinan “Hi!”
Maomao “Sumimasen. Meni hairuto, shitsumei shite shimai-masu. Ato, jama nanode hanarete kudasai. Kagiga akimasen’yo.”
Maomao “I’m sorry. It could blind you if it shined into your eyes. Also, please step back, as you’re blocking it. You won’t be able to unlock it.”
Jinan “N?”
Maomao “Kurino kino kageni haitta-yodesune. Atsui… Soreni myona nioiga suru.”
Maomao “It seems like the chestnut tree is casting a shadow now. It’s hot. Also, there’s a strange smell.”
Jinan “Oi… Nanno imiga arunda?”
Second son “Hey, what’s the meaning of all this?”
Maomao “Dewa, saki-hodono kagide, kono hikidashio akete kudasai.”
Maomao “Now, please unlock this drawer with that key.”
Jinan “Dakara, hairanaitte itteru-daroga!”
Second son “I told you, it doesn’t fit.”
Maomao “Dozo.”
Maomao “Please.”
Jinan “Fun……E, do…do-iu kotoda?”
Second son “Hmph. W-What’s going on?!”
Maomao “Moshika-shite ochichi-uewa hinketsuya fukutsu-nado’o kuri-kaeshite imasen deshitaka?”
Maomao “Did your father happen to suffer from persistent anemia and stomachaches?”
Suekko “Hai, so-desuga…”
Youngest son “Yes, that’s correct.”
Maomao “Hokani, hakikeya kiutsu-nadomo…”
Maomao “Nausea and depression, as well?”
Suekko “Ari-mashita.”
Youngest son “Those, too.”
Maomao “Watashiwa cyokin-zaikuni tsuite yoku shiri-masenga, koko-dewa handamo tsukatte-iruno-deshoka?”
Maomao “I don’t know much about metalwork, but do you use solder in this workshop?”
Suekko “Ee, tsukatte-masu.”
Youngest son “Yes, we do.”
Basen “Do-iu kotoda?”
Basen “What does that mean?”
Maomao “Watashiwa tada, ‘minade mukashito onaji-yoni chakai’o shiro’to-iu yuigonni shitagatta dake desu.”
Maomao “I just followed the instruction from the will, to have a tea party like you used to.”
Maomao “Kagino igata desune… Kata-kara nuitemo yoroshii deshoka?”
Maomao “A mold for a key. May I remove it from the mold?”
Jinan “N, aa.”
Second son “S-Sure.”
Maomao (Mada sukoshi atatakai…Soreni yawarakai. Kagi-anani tsumatte-ita kinzokuga netsude tokete, sono shitano katani nagarete katamattano-daro.)
Maomao (It’s still warm, and soft. The metal stuck in the keyhole must have melted from the heat, and flowed into the mold below it before hardening.)
Jinan “O…A, aitazo.”
Second son “It’s open!”
Chonan “Nakamiwa?”
Eldest son “What’s inside?”
Jinan “Na…Nanda korya?”
Second son “What is this?!”
Maomao (Kono aomi-gakatta kesshowa…genkan-sakini kazararete-ita-monoto onaji mitaida.)
Maomao (This bluish crystal seems to be the same kind as the one near the entrance.)
Jinan “Chikusho! Naniga minna naka-yoku dayo. Kekkyoku oyajino saigono itazurani furi-mawasarete owari kayo!”
Second son “Dammit! What does he mean, get along? We all just got played by his final prank!”
Chonan “Yatte-rannee.”
Eldest son “What a bother!”
Suekko “Namarito, suzu?”
Youngest son “Lead and tin,,,?”
Maomao (Wazawa mite nusume-toka, shokunin-katagino kyaku-jinga mukashi ittetana… Soreo mani ukete, oyajiga totte-kita yakuso’o miyo-mimanede senjite, chudokuo okoshite…)
Maomao (I knew a grumpy craftsman of a customer who said techniques should be seen and stolen. I took that seriously and tried to make my own medicine based on what I saw my dad do. I ended up poisoning myself, and,,,)
Ruomen “Mazuwa kiki-nasai.”
Luomen “You should ask first.”
Maomao (To sato-sareta-kotomo aru. Osoraku, shinda chichi-oyano ito’o rikai dekita-nowa suekko-dake daro. Handawa, su-shuruino kinzoku’o maze-awaseru kotode, honrai kokode tokeru ondo-yori hikui ondode tokeruto iu. Mittsuno katamarino uchi futatsuwa, namari to suzu. Soshite, mo hitotsuno katamario awaseru kotode, atarashii kinzokuga dekiruto sureba, do-daro? Shikamo, kingyo-bachide shuyaku shita hikarino netsu-towa-ie, sashite atatta jikanwa nagaku nakatta. Sore-dake, tokeru ondoga hikuito iu-kotoda. Ookisaga chigau hikidashiwa, haigono hiritsuni kankei shite-iruno-kamo shirenaiga… Kore-ijo, kuchio dasu hitsuyowa nai.)
Maomao (That was the lesson he taught me. It seems like the youngest son was the only one who understood his dead father’s intent. I’ve heard that, by mixing several different types of metals together, solder melts at a temperature lower than that of the individual metals originally. Of the three chunks, two were lead and tin. Those and whatever this third thing is might mix to create a new metal. Also, the light was concentrated by the fishbowl, but it wasn’t heated for very long. The melting point must be very low. The differently-sized drawers might represent the ratio at which the metals should be mixed, but I don’t need to comment on that.)
Chonan “Naniga yuigonda! Ikuzo.”
Eldest son “What kind of will is this? Let’s go.”
Jinan “Oyajini kitai-shite son shitaze.”
Second son “What a waste of time.”
Suekko “A… Matteyo Niisan!”
Youngest son “Wait, guys!”
Jinan “A?”
Suekko “Itazura nankaja nai.”
Youngest son “It’s not a prank.”
Chonan “Dattara nan-datten-dayo?”
Eldest son “What is it, then?!”
Suekko “Yappari oyajiwa, boku-tachi kyodaini naka-yoku shite hoshikute, yuigon’o nokoshitanda. Dakara, bokuwa…korekaramo niisan-tachito isshoni yatte ikitai!”
Youngest son “Dad really did leave a will to make the three of us get along again! So I want the three of us to continue working together!”
Chonan “Fu, isshoni? Ore-tachito? …Warawa-senna. Omaewa, ore-tachi-towa chigau.”
Eldest son “Together? The three of us? What a joke. You’re different from us.”
Jinan “Sainono aru omaewa, oyajini tokubetsuni kawai-garareteta-karana.”
Second son “You have talent. Dad actually cared about you, and only you.”
Suekko “E… Sonna koto nai! Oyajiwa niisan-tachino koto’o shinrai shite-ita! Itsumo bokuni itte-tanda… Chan-niisanwa itsumo reiseide, komakana sagyomo itsumo sekiakuni konasu. Misuga nai-kara nandatte makase-rarerutte. Tsū-niisanwa hitono kokoro’o tsukamu-noga umai. Dareto-semo uchitoke-rareru-nowa, niisanno hokoreru saino datte. Oyajiwa, boku-tachi kyodaino koto’o onaji-yoni mite-ita. Sukunaku-tomo, bokuwa so omou.”
Youngest son “T-That’s not true! Dad always trusted you two! He always told me… Chang, you’re always so calm and accurate with any work you do. Dad said he could rely on you for anything, because you don’t make mistakes! Tzu, you’re good at getting to know people. He said you should be proud of your gift, the ability to be friendly with anyone! Dad viewed the three of us equally. At least, that’s what I think.”
Basen “…Shitsurei.”
Basen “Excuse us.”
Suekko “A… Su, Sumimasen.”
Youngest son “Oh, um, sorry.”
Maomao (Chichi-oya… Maa, watashi-niwa kankei-nai kotoda.)
Maomao (Father,,, Well, it’s got nothing to do with me.)
Suekko “Arigato gozai-mashita!”
Youngest son “Thank you.”
Maomao (Dakedo, kore-dakewa tsutaete-oko.”
Maomao (But I should tell him just this one thing.)
Basen “Oi.”
Basen “Hey.”
Maomao “Hana-machino Rokushokanto-iu tanani Ruomento-iu kusushiga imasu. Ijutsuno udemo tashika nanode, nanika taichoga warui-yode areba, tazunete mite kudasai.”
Maomao “There’s an apothecary named Luomen at a brothel called the Verdigris House in the pleasure district. He’s also a skilled physician. If you start to feel unwell, please pay him a visit.”
Suekko “Ha…Hai.”
Youngest brother “Y-Yes.”
Rakan “Senjitsuwa domo… Iya-haya, naka-naka omoshiroi kotoni nattayo. Yahari ano san-kyodai, ichiban dekiru-nowa sueno musuko datta-yodesune.”
Lakan “Thank you for the other day. It turned out quite interestingly. The youngest son truly was the most skilled, after all.”
Jinshi (Gunshi-dono-niwa wakatte-itano-daro…)
Jinshi (This strategist must have known all along.)
Rakan “Ano-ato, suekkoga meki-mekito chikarao mise-dashi-mashitene. Kokeishani natte, kyuteini dasu saikuo atsukauto iwarete imasu. Chonanto jinanwa, konkaino kende shokunin-kara ashio arau kotoni shita-sodesu.”
Lakan “He suddenly started to show that skill of his. They say he’ll take his father’s place and begin selling his metalworks to the palace. The older two sons are no longer going to work as craftsmen.”
Jinshi “N? Sorewa…”
Jinshi “Is that…”
Rakan “Nani, warui-koto-dewa nai-desho. Shinda chichi-oyano omoio kumi-totta…to-demo iimasuka. Chonanwa uriageno kanri. Jinanwa hanrono kaitaku. Sore-zore, betsuno homen-kara kagyo’o sasaeru kotoni shita-sodesu. Maa yosuruni, tekizai-tekishoni ochi-tsuitato iu-koto desuna.”
Lakan “It can’t be all that bad. They took the hint from their dead father, perhaps. The eldest will take care of bookkeeping. The second son will find new clients. They’re both going to help the family from different angles. In other words, they all found their place.”
Jinshi (Yashikide naniga attakawa wakara-nai. Kitto, ano kusushino musumewa shittete damatte-iru-daro.)
Jinshi (I don’t know what happened at the mansion. The apothecary girl must know and is keeping silent.)
Rakan “Saigoni sendaiga tsukutta saikuwa subarashi-katta. Arewa tan’naru kanagu deshitaga, saiguni ano saikuo tsukauto, haeru deshona…”
Lakan “The late metalworker’s works were truly wonderful. It was a simple metal part, but if used on a ritual utensil, it would look fabulous.”
Jinshi “…So-desune.”
Jinshi “Indeed.”
Jinshi (Iyarashii otokoda. Honrai, watashino tachibani saigu-nado kankei-naito wakatte-iru-daroni…)
Jinshi (What an annoying person. He must know, given my position, ritual utensils don’t mean anything to me.)
Jinshi “Naze gunshi-donoga, sonna shokunin…”
Jinshi “I wonder why, master strategist, you brought up―”
Rakan “Iya, nani. Umoreta saino’o sono-mamani shite oku-nowa, mottai-naito omoi-mashite. Ani, ototo-nado kankei nai. Sainoga aru-nara, meo kakete yaru-beki-darotone.”
Lakan “Come now, I just didn’t want to keep good talent buried. Elder or younger brother shouldn’t matter. Those with talent should receive attention.”
Jinshi (Ichiri aru. Rakanwa usan-kusai otoko-daga, hitono saino’o minuku mewa tashikada. Sono saihaini yotte, genzaino chiini nobori-tsumetato ittemo ii.)
Jinshi (He has a point. Lakan may be a shady man, but he definitely can discern talent in people. It can be argued that he used that ability to climb to his current rank.)
Jinshi “…Tokorode, maeno hanashino tsuzukio kikitaino-desuga.”
Jinshi “May I hear the rest of that story from earlier?”
Rakan “Maeno hanashito iimasuto?
Lakan “Which story?”
Jinshi “Izen kiita, gijono hanashi desuyo.”
Jinshi “The one about the courtesan.”
Rakan “Aaaa, gijono kisho-kachio sageru hoho desuka. So-iu kotowa, sono sekaio shiru mononi kiita-hoga hayai.”
Lakan “Ah, yes! The way to decrease the value of a courtesan. You should direct that inquiry to someone who knows that world.”
Jinshi “Na…Nn…”
Rakan “Iya-haya, mo jikan desune. Nagaio suruto, bukani okorareru. A. Aaaa. Korewa heya-tsukino nyokan-tachini-demo agete kudasare. Amasugi-nai, nomi-yasui kuchi desu-kara. Dewa, mata ashita…)
Lakan “Oh goodness, the time! My subordinates would scold me if I stayed any longer. Please give this to your serving maids. It’s a good drink, not too sweet. See you tomorrow.”
Jinshi “Haa…”
Gaoshun “Haa…Jinshi-sama.”
Gaoshun “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “N?”
Jinshi “Hmm?”
Gaoshun “Otsukareno tokoro, kyoshuku desuga.”
Gaoshun “I’m sorry to bother you when you’re tired, but…”
Maomao “Oyobi deshoka.”
Maomao “Did you need me?”
Jinshi “Omaewa keshoni kuwashiika?”
Jinshi “Do you know much about makeup?”
Maomao “Haa, maa, hito-tooriwa…”
Maomao “Well, yes, the basics.”
Jinshi “Naraba, oreni kesho’o shite kure-naika?”
Jinshi “In that case, can you do my makeup for me?”
Maomao “Hai?”
Maomao “Huh?”
(Continue to episode 17)
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vixlenxe · 2 years
What loot items do you drop?
Tumblr media
COMMON: Daka’s Bell. This ball joint, used to connect mechanical limbs together, is shaped almost like a bell. Though it may seem dainty, it can be used to carry an unimaginably large amount of energy. If connected to one's arms, then one will lose all feeling in them. And all strength in one's legs will dissipate if such joints are connected to them. Connect this joint to one's skull... Ah, hatred, pain, madness, pride — none of these will be washed away. Most fortunate.
UNCOMMON: Puppet Strings. Tubes that were inserted into the mechanical puppet's back. The colors that flow within them are sometimes dull, & at others, vibrant. The contrast is so great as to be fearful. They provided power to the mechanical puppet, & at the same time served as its strings, controlling it & binding it. Once the support of these tubes is lost, the puppet becomes as weak as a newborn infant, barely able to even move.
RARE: Wide Brimmed Hat. A hat from a far away foreign land, harkening to the days of old culture. Ideal to wear when the weather seems foul, as it’s wide brim protects it’s wearer from rain, snow & sun. The tassels on the side & veil flow easily in the wind, & it jiggles ever so slightly with the presence of bells upon it. Despite it’s age, it’s condition is superb, as if still new. It must have been well cared for indeed.
ULTRA-RARE: Electro Gnosis. The Stolen Gnosis of the Electro Archon, the leader of Inazuma. After creating The Shogun puppet as her vessel, the Archon deemed the Gnosis unnecessary & a possible risk to her rule, so entrusted it with a dear friend, whom later traded for the life of one most valued. The elemental power within this small item is so outstanding, it feels like it shouldn’t be possible. The havoc such a little thing may cause is frightening. You feel like you should not be holding this. It doesn’t feel like it’s yours.
LEGENDARY: Ash Covered Heart. A glass heart, peeking out from a small pile of ashes. It’s is cracked & worn, colored in black & red, beaten & abused, shallowed in grief. It’s barer has seen much. “Once more... I have lost my heart. It hurts.... My skin feels like it’s on fire...” “... Burning me alive... turning me to ash...”
Tagged by - @knightshonour Thankies!!
Tagging - @prettyboywarrior​, @diegesis-x-dolonia​, @inavagrant​, @erabundus​, @mmriesoftvat​, @wcndererr​, @fcreststridcr​, @tetsuwan-atom​, @strykingback​, @frznkingdom​ / @bloodylariat​, @viindicators​, @anomieheld​, @moonxsuncelestials​, @moon-blessed-alchemist​, @xxlordalexanderxx​, @narvvhal​ & BASICALLY ANYONE ELSE
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doritofalls · 2 years
Hi! I’d like to clarify something about your Kiyo sticks around AU 🤗 I really, really like it's ideas and current developments! But what about the reason Kiyo doubted his sister? What trigger would make him think that? If you’ve already specified it somewhere and I’ve overlooked it, I want a post link! 👉👈
i'm so glad you like the idea!! ;v; i always keep track of tags and i've been so appreciative about the positive response the au had with fellow kiyo fans, we all just want better for him;;
you didn't miss anything, i've yet to go into that because it's such a hard nut to crack without losing sight of canon. so still very much workshopping! i'm thinking pacing-wise, it would have to be set during trial 3 (another cracking point?), with his isolation period fleshed out on the sketches following that. it's very interesting because kiyo's behaviour right before his execution seems to imply some sort of awareness of the chance that he is wrong, that he has been wrong. but he already sunk everything he ever had into this twisted line of thinking and there's no going back, there's nothing to go back to. the au largely follows kiyo's friendship with shuichi as seen in the FTE's as canon, and i do think that at least weighs in the scale as something that exists outside of his old life. i also think there's an interesting line of debate to go on with kiyo's odd brand of mysticism, because he seems legitimately upset his seance didn't work. it is definitely a setup, but kiyo also seems to have genuine belief in it, and i think going down on that line to deconstruct his idea of possession could be an option.
then again, while i love kiyo he's. frustrating to write for. he was very deliberately written into such a box that the only moment we see him doubt his sister is at the salt exorcism scene, and even that's only met with utter despair. and that's the thing! i do think kiyo coming to terms with his sister as an overwhelmingly negative presence in his life would crush him. and there's probably gentler ways to achieve that, but i think in the context of the killing game he would need that crushing to develop in any way, shape or form. but that begs the question of his instability and delusions - and yet again, they are extremely vague in canon because they're used as a plot device instead of legitimate characteristics!! i'm just (pops k*daka's head off like a pez dispenser to signal frustration but not like intent to harm)
i think kiyo's disillusionment with his sister will mostly involve him creating some distance (changing his hair and probably a single set of his uniform), avoiding mirrors and reflective surfaces entirely and transferring a lot of attachment to shuichi (especially his idea of servitude and self sacrafice), and probably dealing with that by proxy. i think it would take real work to start recognizing his sisters' actions as anything other than something complex and morally grey that is to be repressed now that it's not idealized, and it wouldn't happen overnight or even through the duration of the killing game. but i do think he'd grow more reasonable about boundaries and his concept of personhood.
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skellymom · 11 months
Chapter 2
To read Chapter 1:
"The Tale of the Dathomir Witch" 
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All Ages: Sadness, mentions of canon Star Wars Empire badness, crying, and some sweet revenge at the end of this tale (you will have to wait until Chapter 3)! (I did change some of Old Daka's canon lore to write this. She really doesn't have too much of a story, decided to give her some more.)
Warning: Some of you might want tissues handy. This fic features lots of crying.
Word Count: 2K
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“Crawl” by Unsecret x Bryar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ6CQKj-wkY&list=RDMMLsgO5OTUsRU&index=17
The Batch waited on pins and needles for Old Daka to arrive. Tech brewed another full pot of Caf. He was sucking down caffeine like mad. Restless legs wiggling as he sat. Wrecker broke out his hidden stash of Mantell Mix and snacks to the group but ate the lion’s share. Echo pulled out his “special occasion” Spotchka bottle from his footlocker and shared sips with Hunter. Omega, unaware of the full gravity of this mission, was full of energy and excitement to meet “Gran-Momma Daka.” 
She arrived halfway into one Imperial rotation. The ship that landed next to the Marauder was a stolen Republic shuttle, repainted with scrawling anti-Empire graffiti. Its name written in red Aurebesh: The Anarchy. The gangplank lowered and Old Daka emerged carrying a bandolier strap case. She was accompanied by a white armored clone also painted with graffiti: His chest emblazoned with an A inside a circle and the initials RR on his helmet, all spray painted in blazing red Aurebesh. 
The clone removed his helmet to reveal a shiny Reg clone sporting long red ponytailed hair with sides shaved. He saluted Hunter. “Sergeant, Private Riffraff, Sir. Requesting permission for Grandmother Daka to board the Marauder, Sir.” 
“No need for formality, Shiny.” Hunter scoffed. 
“Riffraff???” Echo called out.  
“Echo!” Riffraff beamed. He shook like a happy puppy, then quickly looked at Old Daka and Hunter for permission. They both nodded, and he took off like a shot, embracing Echo. Echo returned the hug, smacking his back enthusiastically. 
Wrecker, Tech, and Omega smiled at the clone reunion. They just gained another new brother. 
“Stars it’s good to see YOU!” Echo beamed. He pulled Riff back to get a better look. “Custom painted armor I see. Giving a good one to The Empire!!!” 
“I barely survived Order 66, Vod. Kriffin’ crazy time. Thanks to Granny Daka for saving my butt.” He beamed at the old woman, who returned a small warm grin. 
Hunter cleared his throat loudly. “Shall we go inside and discuss our POSSIBLE mission?” 
“OH! Yes...carry on.” Riff let go of Echo and stood at attention by his ship. His contented smirk never wavered as the crew climbed aboard the Marauder. 
“Fight For Survival” by Klergy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Epak9TqrKLs&list=PLTsJd3M7E5yeGJaZsh3pgYUAQdsnbgyBD&index=128
They exchanged introductions then settled in and Daka rehashed the Force conversation she had with Omega and Hunter openly with everyone aboard. She then dropped the bandolier bag in front of them and opened the top. It was chock full to the top with credits.  
“I am paying you all in full ahead of the mission...whether we succeed or not. The bottom line is that I require transport and cover to face Darth Sidious and destroy him forever. This is your role. However, participating in this will markedly change each one of your lives forever.” Daka advised. 
“Oh, how so?” Tech scrutinized the old woman. 
Daka grabbed Tech’s hand and looked deeply into his eyes. He shrank from her severe gaze. 
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Echo spoke up. “He doesn’t like to be touched...or stared at!” 
She ignored him. 
“Look at me, Clever Boy! I bring news of your possible future.” 
Tech cowered but managed to look at Daka. 
“Listen to me. I am imprinting your mind with the coordinates of a blue-green planet. You will tell Hazard you seek Phee Genoa. And will take your little brother with you.” She grabbed Wreckers hand and put it in Tech’s. “NO ONE ELSE! You hear me??? Your other brothers and sister have their own path to walk.” 
“We understand Gramma Daka.” Wrecker answered reverently. He did not question her authority. 
Old Daka addressed Wrecker. “Good Strong Boy. You must take care of your older brother. Defend him from harm. Hazard is waiting for YOU, even though he doesn’t know it yet.” 
“YOU, The Unbroken!” She swung around to Echo. He gave her an annoyed look. “The time to emancipate your brothers has arrived. You spoke to Hunter about aiding a growing Rebellion. Now Rebellion is calling for you.” Daka eyed him. 
Echo threw up both arms and rolled his eyes. While he agreed with her message, he didn’t like her bossy attitude.  
Old Daka knelt to Omega. “I’m sorry, Sun Child. You cannot stay with your brothers.” 
Omega, somehow suspecting Daka was right, began to cry. “Why???” 
“Because some things are bigger than love for your kindred. Bigger than the desire for comfort in times of strife.  There is a darkness that threatens to devour everything in the galaxy. You all will play a part in stopping that darkness.” 
Old Daka glanced up at Hunter. “I have a Shaman among the Tuskan Raiders who will take Omega in. The Tribe will raise her as their own. Protect, teach, nurture her. If we succeed on this mission, she will seek out the Son of Vader. If we fail, she is to stay with the Sand People until Vader’s Son seeks her out. Omega will be safe there.” 
Hunter was thrown totally off balance by the news. “Now, wait. Leaving Omega with total strangers on Tatooine...” 
“I have seen Shatterpoints in all your futures. My own, even. This is the most favorable path for the galaxy.” 
“Shatterpoints??? Lady, no disrespect, but what are you going on about? Omega and my brothers are staying...” 
Old Daka stood with difficulty and faced Hunter. She stared him down...all 6 feet of her strong presence. 
Tech finally found his voice. “I think Daka is referring to her Force ability to sense a significant event and key moments where actions could change events.” 
Everyone turned to stare at him. 
“I...don’t claim to understand The Force. It’s not something I can quantify or calculate, being elusive. But I comprehend Daka’s logic of preventing Palpa...Darth Sidious’ pogrom of growing power. Although, I may be in the minority here?” 
“Seems that she isn’t asking of us something some of us wouldn’t already do.” Echo added. 
“As long as Omega's safe...” Wrecker looked so sad. 
Old Daka threw back her head and cackled with glee. “THEY get it!” 
Hunter shook his head, cutting eyes at the old woman. He wasn’t convinced. 
“Keen Man!” Daka snapped her fingers at Hunter. “What does it take to understand? I came to you in your dreams. You sense things others cannot...to a strong degree. Things you cannot quantify. Yet you struggle to understand while your brother who quantifies like the act of breathing understands.” She pointed at Tech. 
“No...” Hunter backed up. Put his hands up while shaking his head. 
“You FEAR! I smell it.” Old Daka slowly advanced at him, pointing her bony finger. 
The back of Hunter’s legs hit the front of The Marauders chair; he fell into the seat with a defeated look on his face. Then he put his face in his hands. He was going to lose everyone he loved. 
“The galaxy...possibly the universe hangs in the balance. You have had your brothers most of your short life. Omega was with you before you even were aware of her existence while on Kamino. She helped birth and raise you and your brothers. This is the life you have. Countless others didn’t or won’t even have that. If you sacrifice now, Omega will have a chance of a future. If you don’t, she will have NOTHING.” 
Old Daka’s words broke Hunter. Sobs shook him. 
Echo and tech hid their emotion and watched their brother struggle. Wrecker hugged Omega close while tears ran down both their faces. 
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She softened her next words. “YOU will live out the rest of your life with your estranged brother. He will care for you.” 
Hunter looked up from his hands, tears streaking his face. “Crosshair???” 
“Yes, Crosshair.” 
Everyone in the Marauder was quiet. You could hear a pin drop. 
Eventually, Hunter composed himself. “Let me discuss this with my family. We’ll give you our answer then.” 
Old Daka nodded. Before exiting the Marauder, she turned to look at Echo. “Oh...Fives has a message for you: ‘For Hevy’. Whatever THAT means.”  
Echo’s eyes widened in shock...then he too started to cry.  
She left the Marauder, found a large rock to sit on, and settled in to wait. 
“Wolves of The Revolution” by The Arcadian Wild: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VXkFO0h75w 
Old Daka sat for some time. She watched the shadows on Ord Mantell grow long as the sun began to set.  
Riffraff still stood at perfect attention. “You think they’ll help us?”  
“Only The Force knows, Red Boy. We wait and see.” 
The shadows deepened before Hunter, looking tired and defeated, emerged from the Marauder. 
“We’ll do it. When do we leave?” 
“Tomorrow. But Omega must leave immediately. She will go back to Tatooine with Red Boy” she motioned to Riffraff. “He will take good care of your Sun Child.” 
Riff nodded to Hunter “I promise, Sergeant. Lay my very life on it.” 
“We’ll never see her again? Ever???” 
“I’m sorry...no.” 
Hunter hung his head. Clenched his fists. Then he turned and stalked quickly back to the Marauder. 
Ten minutes later he emerged with Omega in tow. She wailed and dragged her feet. Wrecker, Echo, and Tech following behind. None of them had a dry eye. 
“NOOOOOOO! I want to go on this mission with you!!!” She struggled fruitlessly in Hunter’s grasp. 
He stopped in front of Riff, tried to hand her over, she almost narrowly escaped back to the Marauder. Hunter snatched her up under her arms and hefted Omega off her feet lifting her to face him. 
“DON’T DO THIS! YOU SAID I COULD STAY WITH YOU!!!” She cried out, hammered her fists on his arms, kicked at him. 
Hunter shook her firmly, “OMEGA!!!” 
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She went limp in his grasp. Then he embraced her tightly and held on. “I’m sorry. Never anticipated something like this happening. I didn’t know...what I didn’t know.” She embraced him, putting her head in the crook of his neck sobbing. Hunter pulled his bandana off. “Omega.” She leaned back and he placed it on her head. It was a little big and fell around her neck. “Take it. I’ll always be with you.” He embraced her again, kissing her head, inhaling the scent of her hair. “If you have any chance of a happy future, this is the right path.”  
After a few minutes Hunter handed her to Echo. She clung to him, and he hugged her back. “Come now, Meg. You’re doing a great thing for the galaxy. I know it hurts now...and will probably hurt for a very long time. But it’s a very noble sacrifice. We clones are strong. We were built to fight.” She nodded silently in the crook of his neck. He pulled off his kama and wrapped it around her.
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Tech approached Echo and held his arms out. He was clearly NOT a hugger, but this time was different. Echo, mildly surprised, handed Omega to Tech. She clutched him tightly. “You were my best student.   There is no doubt you will do great things. Wherever you are, remember I am very proud of you, Omega.” Tech pulled something off his belt and handed it to her. It was an extra set of goggles with a recording device. “Our memories recorded, for you to watch any time.” Omega sniffled and nodded. 
Wrecker took Omega next and hugged her hard. “I’m gonna miss you! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH OMEGA!!!” He started bawling. She held his large face in her hands and kissed his cheek. “I’m givin’ ya Lula to keep. She’ll keep ya company when you're lonely. Maybe one day you’ll bring her back to me?” Wrecker tucked Lula into Omega’s arms and set her down in front of Riffraff. 
“I don’t want to go...I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!” She sobbed, taking one long last look of her brothers. 
Her brothers stood silently looking back. 
“Come, Miss Omega. We must go.” Riff held out his hand. She took it and they both boarded The Anarchy. 
“May The Force be with you, Child.” Old Daka blessed Omega with her words. Omega didn’t respond. 
The Anarchy took off from Ord Mantell. The Batch and Old Daka watched it ascend into the sky. Wrecker fell to his knees crying hysterically. Tech, unsure how to feel, stood there frozen, numbly watching the ship disappear from sight. Echo wiped away his tears, grateful Omega would be safe with his Reg brother Riffraff. Hunter walked away, refusing to watch the ship leave. He ran past the Marauder into the city and kept running with no known destination.  
Old Daka watched them all. There was a pain in her heart, too. She refused to show it. These men needed a strong presence now. They needed time to mourn before embarking on the most important mission of their lives. 
Aboard the Anarchy Omega lay upon the floor crying hysterically. A little girl wrapped in an oversized kama, wearing a red bandanna, clutching goggles, and a stuffed Tooka. If this was another type of situation, Riff would’ve found it comical. But it wasn’t and Riff’s heart went out to Omega. He had lost siblings too.  
He let her have her moment there on the floor until the ship settled into hyperspace. 
“Miss Omega? Hey...”  
A huge Purrgil floated up to the ship peering inside the windscreen. Its mournful song caught Omega’s attention. She got up and wandered over to Riff. He held out his arms. Omega climbed into his lap, and they watched the Purrgil together as the stars floated past. 
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Chapter 3
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butterfly-buck · 1 year
~on the 25th of july, my true love sent to me~
1 vayuda turquoise sliver,
9 vayuda turquoise fragments,
9 vayuda turquoise chunks,
6 vayuda turquoise gemstones,
261 handguards (36 old, 96 kageuchi, 129 famed),
9 teachings of praxis,
63 guides to praxis,
114 philosophies of praxis,
46 perpetual calibers,
419 hero’s wit,
✨7,050,030 MORAAA✨
163 rukkhashava mushshrooms,
18 Daka’s Bells,
3 crowns of insight,
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i’m ready for you. this is a threat.
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i did an art dumppp
dont ask me how long it took to unearth all these old pics
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backlogbooks · 2 years
Weekly Reading Update 7 & 8
Okay I missed last week and have been behind on posts in general (had to delete tumblr from my phone for a couple weeks because social media bad sometimes) but I do wanna do my little reading diary! So I’m back for about ten minutes! 
When we last spoke, I’d just started How to Sell a Haunted House, which I have now finished and what a book! It was absolutely terrifying, and had one of the like. best and also worst visceral horror moments that I’m not going to describe, but if you’ve read the book I’d bet you can guess which scene I’m talking about lol. It really might be my favorite Grady Hendrix book, though--grief and family horror gets me in a special way. I’m moving on to Unwinding Anxiety, which I’ve seen recommended for people with anxiety, so we’ll see if it has any helpful tidbits in it! Very amusing to me that my horror streak is being broken up by a book about anxiety though lmao 
As for my school reading, I’ve done Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson (very cute graphic novel that has gotten me interested in roller derby) and The Girl in the Lake by India Hill Brown. I have kind of mixed feelings about The Girl in the Lake, in terms of the “twist” at the end, but it was overall a good book with some creepy moments and a good message, imo. Also, I just have a soft spot for any creepy middle grade books, as someone who checked out, like, every goosebumps and Mary Downing Hahn book I could get my hands on lol. Next up is a YA: When The Angels Left the Old Country by Sarah Lamb, which has one of the best intro paragraphs, and Hide and Seeker by Daka Hermon (which I may or may not review for class- I can technically only review one middle grade horror for the assignment, so I’m going to choose between The Girl in the Lake and Hide and Seeker). Oh, also, if anyone has YA horror recommendations, send them my way--I may end up reviewing Clown in a Cornfield for the assignment, but I wanna keep my options open, you know? 
Also, I’m so incredibly behind on The Path of Daggers/Wheel Takes Podcast, but idk if I’m going to get a chance to catch up because of grad school :(
Currently Reading: When the Angels Left the Old Country, Unwinding Anxiety, The Path of Daggers, and The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For 
Library books checked out: 13
Posts the last two weeks: tuesday quote, wednesday quote 
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genshinhelper96 · 2 years
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver X3
Rukkhashava Mushrooms X3
Old Handguard X3
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment X3
Perpetual Caliber X2
Rukkhashava Mushrooms X10
Old Handguard X15
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment X6
Perpetual Caliber X4
Rukkhashava Mushrooms X20
Kageuchi Handguard X12
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk X3
Perpetual Caliber X8
Rukkhashava Mushrooms X30
Kageuchi Handguard X18
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk X6
Perpetual Caliber X12
Rukkhashava Mushrooms X45
Famed Handguard X12
Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone X6
Perpetual Caliber X20
Rukkhashava Mushrooms X60
Famed Handguard X24
LEVEL 1-2 (rank ascension 2):
Teachings of Praxis X3
Old Handguard X6
LEVEL 2-3 (rank ascension 3):
Guide to Praxis X2
Kageuchi Handguard X3
LEVEL 3-4 (rank ascension 3):
Guide to Praxis X4
Kageuchi Handguard X4
LEVEL 4-5 (rank ascension 4):
Guide to Praxis X6
Kageuchi Handguard X6
LEVEL 5-6 (rank ascension 4):
Guide to Praxis X9
Kageuchi Handguard X9
LEVEL 6-7 (rank ascension 5):
Philosophies of Praxis X4
Famed Handguard X4
Daka's Bell X1
LEVEL 7-8 (rank ascension 5):
Philosophies of Praxis X6
Famed Hanguard X6
Daka's Bell X1
LEVEL 8-9 (rank ascension 6):
Philosophies of Praxis X12
Famed Handguard X9
Daka's Bell X2
LEVEL 9-10 (rank ascension 6):
Philosophies of Praxis X16
Famed Handguard X12
Daka's Bell X2
Crown of Insight X1
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