#woes of having opinions online
gojowifie · 2 months
Disclaimer: THIS is a personal opinion of mine so attack me all you want, I’m just going to block you anyways so try it 😏
So like yesterday I was talking to a friend about the current state of fanfics online and we fell down a rabbit hole that basically led to one conclusion: YALL HAVE PORN ADDICTIONS!!! Now woah, woah hold your horses before you point your pitchforks at me, hear me out. Reading smut every single day isn’t normal, like I’m so sorry to be the one to tell yall this but it’s not normal, like I don’t know. It’s the same way with watching porn every single day, it’s not normal. People tend to think it’s okay because they’re reading it, but that doesn’t make it any better. I know some of yall get off to it and look that’s okay but like when it becomes a daily thing…. I don’t know…. Me personally I don’t get off to smut, I mean I appreciate a smut here and there specifically with an actual plot in the fanfic, but yeah I’m not getting off to it everyday or at all for that matter.
He put his cock in her, he slammed into her, he spat in her mouth, blah, blah, blah it’s all the same thinggg. Even when they like change the au into an office setting, college setting or whatever, it’s still SOO BORINGGG. Some people don’t even do that they just jump right to the sex like damn girl, what happened to hello? How are you?
Now am I shaming you all for liking smut….no, but I am pointing out the fact that many of you potentially probably have porn addictions. Now do I care that many of you may have porn addictions ehh, no but at the same time yeah because I wish yall would write something else other than Gojo, Geto, Eren, Nanami, Toji or whoever the fuck dicking Y/n down on a random ass Saturday night. I really do miss the golden era of fanfics back when Wattpad didn’t have ads. We used to be so great…..💔
Also I’m just salty I can’t find fanfics that I like, woe is me
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waspgrave · 5 months
saw someone on twitter telling people that they don't care about victims when it comes to fictional fandom stuff they enjoy and i gotta be real with you guys.... As an Honorary Victim who also got caught up in that level of discourse once upon a time, I could not care less about what people make barbies do in their spare time. And it is amazing what it does for the mental health. Like I don't care at all. It doesn't matter to me. I'm in my 20s with so many other problems in life to care about. I'm already exhausted. It might be common decency to make an effort, but it's actually not someone else's job to care about my personal woes and triggers and it's not my job to interview them on theirs. I can just block them or the tag if it gets bad enough to actually bother me.
Please try to unshackle your mind and actually be helpful and offer help people in the real world instead of telling ppl online to kill themselves bc of... fiction??? You clearly have passion, time, and energy but don't use it to do anything actually helpful beyond making sure your followers know you have what should be obvious irl morally correct opinions about things that aren't real on the website you're able to freely and easily block people and topics on? Even after living that life for a time, it is simply Bizarre to me now.
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cupidastrology · 8 months
Pluto ♇ in Aquarius transit through the 12 Houses 🪢📿
Please do not repost or copy.
Associate this post with where Pluto ♇ is moving in Aquarius ♒︎ through your birth chart.
Notes: The house it is transiting through is important to understand in order to know how this transit will affect you directly.
1st house - appearance becomes a highlight to the mind, the way you perceive yourself in mind to your environment makes a grand change. you may want to focus more on the influence you have on your socials, or simply drop it all together.
2nd house - your emotions take on a new desire involving luxury and the state of how you feel about yourself in mind. your self esteem and the way you express yourself becomes a highlight, creating may become beneficial to input details into your new lifestyle.
3rd house - your thoughts start to gather themselves, but not without having to think closely about the associations you communicate with, and the resources you gain knowledge from. reading, writing, and getting into subjects of fact or fiction overtake you.
4th house - the home makes massive changes to how you have seen it in mind; a different course of change in how you see yourself with the subject of family may haunt you. it may be important to start envisioning the life you want outside of the home.
5th house - personal achievement and woes become a big deal in this area, focusing on what creates happiness or attracts creativity into your life will be constant. you may start reading, watching, or searching for new ways of mental stimulation involving the arts.
6th house - you may experience the ups and downs of potential; health or work events, which may require you to dedicate much more time to your mental state, what you choose to intake into your body, and how you choose to be influenced in everyday life. detachment from social media is highlighted here.
7th house - love is handled not only by manifestation but also by obsession. we see a great desire to engage with another, but the close associations you create will not be easy to break. very important deals and contracts to be signed, consideration is constantly recommended.
8th house - long distance connections are broken, or become closer than ever before. a focus on how you make money starts to grow, and new steps may be required in order for you to make even more than what youre comfortable with currently. a need to make or break in life will be important, mainly when it comes to releasing.
9th house - the way you see yourself in this world is heavily important, but to get out of your comfort zone will be next level. you may discover new forms of spiritual belief, break away from what you used to truly desire in mind, and seek out new ventures that many have surrounded their own opinions by. its time to stop caring about what others believe.
10th house - you may start to focus on what happens outside of the beliefs you have been trained to understand; birthing a new self along with a strong path in your life is beneficial here. to understand and research into the evolution or growth of social media may have an impact on you, wanting to make something universal from inside yourself.
11th house - connections and travel buddies become more prominent into your life, to get involved with others in ways where you feel that you're in one space with them is highlighted here. you may start to crave new associations and events to visit in your neighborhood or living location.
12th house - the importance to holding your own is a big deal with this transit; you will seek out ways of handling your own independence. looking into between the lines of what it means to stay involved with others, with a location, or with what has held you back in life may influence you to search for your own meaning in life. detaching completely from online media, and looking into old methods of living may be a curiousity
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ghostlygoose · 7 months
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(2019 vs 2024)
never really felt confident enough to post a timeline but this month marks four years and posting it now feels like a two for one combo
The rest of this is venting, I'm not really adding anything new. For sure feels weird celebrating it, in light of literally everything, but if I hadn't made that first appointment four years ago I honestly don't know if I would have made it this far. I'm glad I did it. That being said, fuck the fact that celebrating something like this on the Queer™️ site about expressing yourself is a privilege apparently.
I see transphobia in every online social platform I've interacted with. Seriously wish that was an exaggeration. Feel kinda dumb for thinking this place has been, or could have possibly been, an exception.
Seeing what can happen to trans women for speaking out about the discrimination we face is fucking bleak. Feels unfair getting to celebrate on a platform like this when Predstrogen, girls like her, and transmisogyny affected people at large aren't allowed to.
These milestones mean a lot to us. Feeling safe enough to express our joy about these milestones means a lot to us. Depriving us of expressing this joy because of your feelings about our backgrounds, occupations, your opinions of us as people, or even just the fact that we are trans is fucking deplorable. I do not feel safe tagging my stuff with that cute little trans pride flag. Cus, y'know, transphobia shows up on my dash with that tag. People scan that tag to look for people to harass. And recent, and not so recent, events proves staff doesn't care as long as that tag is cute and colored like our flag so they can keep calling this the queerest site or whatever.
So thanks for tarnishing genuine joy for what I can only assume is a lot of us. fuck your stupid car, woe happy trans women be upon ye, be better for trans people or stop wasting our time, shoulda known what you were signing up for loser @photomatt
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wraithdance · 21 days
Hi, I’m the “woe is me” anon. I’m going to refer to myself as that because it’s super annoying to me that I came off that way and I am actively cringing.
Anyway, thank you so much for writing back to me with your thoughts and opinions. I really appreciate your perspective.
With the music thing, I 1000% understand where you’re coming from. There are a lot of renditions (idk if that’s the correct word so I apologize if that’s the case) of songs that were sung by African men and women when they were slaves. I do listen to that music sometimes because I just think it’s really powerful and meaningful, but I do it respectfully because of the history & of course out of respect for the artists.
When I said I have a hard time interacting with those communities, I didn’t mean it like “they don’t like me so I don’t like them.” I meant that I have seen so many people post in their bios that straight, white people aren’t welcome, so I tend to just stay away when I see any writing or art that’s from a poc or someone who is in the lgbtq community, even if I don’t see the artist specifically say that. I’ve just started to kind of assume they wouldn’t appreciate my interactions, which is not fair of me to assume and I acknowledge that.
With the blocking thing, of course I respect it when I get blocked. I’m a big advocate of using that feature myself, but because I’m old and getting blocked used to be a “fuck you,” I still have a moment of :( when it happens, especially when I realize it was avoidable if I would have read their bio and seen that they didn’t want me there in the first place. It makes me feel awful because I crossed a boundary by not looking at their profile before liking their post. Again, that is not on them, that is on me and I would never ever want to make anyone uncomfortable intentionally.
I had the privilege of growing up in a pretty diverse area, so race wasn’t something I really paid attention to until I got older, which I think is the case for a lot of white people which is a whole other issue that needs to be addressed.
So when I started seeing things like “no straight white people are welcome,” it shook me a bit because I had never seen that before. I’m absolutely not saying they shouldn’t do that. If that’s what makes them comfortable, by all means, and I respect it, but I do hold the opinion that it causes division and is hurtful, which I think that might be the point for some people, and that’s okay too.
I really rambled, good lord. And I really fucking hope I’m not coming off as some ignorant white asshole, because I actively try to educate myself on these things.
Hi so respectfully I’m going to answer this last ask on the subject then I won’t respond anymore. I do think you want to learn but I want to set a hard boundary now and going forward.
I don’t enjoy facilitating talks on anti racism because it’s exhausting and I don’t like having to step so far outside of myself to try and teach a concept in depth that I only learned because I have to survive in a world not for me. It’s just very emotionally draining for me personally. Compiling stuff like the directory is one thing because I’m centering other marginalized people and it’s for my own use as well.
There’s excellent educators out there and amazing books that can help you gain clarity/understanding on what the disconnect is. I am just a bitch that likes being silly online and I’m not emotionally equipped or being paid like they are to handle topics like this. I hope you can understand my stance 💖
Further thoughts below.
On your own, I’d really like you to figure out what about negro spirituals is something you enjoy listening to. Because I didn’t blink when you said you liked rap but seeing that part of this ask threw me absolutely off. I’m southern and black American so negro spirituals have a very specific and weighty meaning to me. *I* don’t even listen to them like that because I feel such utter sadness and pain remembering the passed down stories my grandparents/family told me about being from the south and those that were enslaved. It feels so very dystopian to hear someone listens to it casually and I’m not sure if I’m misinterpreting that part and if I am, I’m sorry.
I’m glad you realized you were making assumptions, the only thing you can do going forward is take care to not write others off before they’ve even said anything.
The rest of your ask is a contradiction tbh and I’m going to rip the bandaid off because like I said previously there are people who would be a lot less careful about responding to this kind of thing. It’s not divisive for the marginalized to want to protect their selves and their spaces. Point blank period.
I would entertain the ‘we need to all get along’ logic if we were far more advanced as a society on topics of race and discrimination, but we aren’t. By centering how you feel about not being allowed to interact and how hurt you are you’re redirecting the conversation from the WHY.
Why do these random people you come across on the internet feel so strongly about white/straight people that they don’t want to risk dealing with a white/straight person online?
If you didn’t come up with at least 3 relevant events against the lgbt/poc community after you read that then there’s a problem. You’ve said it yourself the last thing you want to do is come off as woe is me but the prioritization of how you feel first is going to trip you up from learning/understanding hard concepts like this that you didn’t grow up learning.
Like I said I don’t want to facilitate these conversations, I’ve done so for years in a career setting and I don’t have it in me anymore. What I can do, is give you some resources to look up if you feel inclined, just come back and say ‘hey I’d really like those links/books’ and I’ll give them to you without another word.
Otherwise if that’s not something you want to do then you’re good. Thank you for asking in the first place, I think that’s a good first step.
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avelera · 2 years
Whenever I see those posts that say your ancestors would be so amazed at you for having easy access to spices, and food, and all the technological wonders of our day, and so proud of you for your education, I always appreciate them for how they remind people to not only appreciate the wonders of our time but also to see them as the result of so much work by our ancestors to get us here. Even the societal woes we deal with today are often the unintended consequences of the goals of our ancestors to make the world better for their descendants, or are consequences that were impossible to predict back when the goal was to solve problems like starvation, exposure, or scarcity.
H O W E V E R, because I'm also the ultimate anti-nostalgia history pedant, I always get stuck on these anecdotes thinking, "Ok, but what would they be HORRIFIED about? What would they denounce us for? What would they look at and simply not understand how it's gone so very wrong? What would be dystopian for our ancestors?"
In my opinion? The precipitous decline of religion as central to daily life.
(By the way, I don't just mean the things we think of as dystopian in our society. Ancestors who lived in a world with child labor and slavery aren't going to be horrified by the woes of modern capitalism the way young online people today hope they would be, or if they are, it might be for reasons you'd never think of, like how few people are self-employed, though of course, everything is subjective based on the demographic of the historical person we're imagining. Honestly, one of the things they might find horrifying is the speed of our communication, and how we're always at the beck and call of others because of the cell phone in our pocket pounding us with messages and notifications all day without rest, but I digress.)
Now, I only speak to my own experience here, and I live in a part of the US with the highest level of atheism, and consider myself an atheist by any standard that matters and so I mostly see this as a good thing even as I try to see through my ancestor's eyes as to why it wouldn't be to them, but I have to say the one thing that I never see these rapturous posts about how we are the envy of our ancestors mention is religion.
Even relatively devout Christians today (Anglosphere, Western, etc, I don't speak for the world) who go to church every Sundays are practically heathens by Medieval standards, where society was built around attending church multiple times per day, including at midnight. Where being pious and devout was considered a desirable virtues in a marriageable woman. Where the church was the center of the town and the center of public life. Where the Pope could excommunicate a king and cause a revolt from that king's people with that leverage, because excommunicating the king meant excommunicating the whole country and the people went ballistic at the fact they were doomed to Hell (supposedly) because of their ruler's choices. A society where men traveled to the Holy Land because their souls were guaranteed salvation if they did and because they devoutly believed in that cause, and who would walk on their knees an equal number of steps to that journey if they could not make it for real.
I can't help but think these ancestors would look at secular life, even with all its technological wonders and marvels of health and convenience and think, "Was it worth it? If they're all bound for Hell as a result?" and for many the answer might actually be no!
Anyway, it's just a thought exercise. One I engage with whenever I hear a sweeping argument that seems to have no counter to it, that of course things are always getting better with time. There are no doubt many, many things our ancestors took for granted that we'd find amazing too, or that they'd look at with us and see as a huge step down compared to their life. On the other hand, one also can't understate how huge it is that we've basically eliminated child mortality, at least in the US, compared to only a century ago, or that huge societal famines are basically nonexistent (even if nutrition is another matter). There's plenty to recommend us, but there are also values I think that get lost in this discussion that as we travel further from them, become almost alien to us.
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kinopioa · 20 days
It's fascinating seeing people go "I miss the wild west era of the internet" and then learn they were born in 2003
Like fuck off. By the time you're 6 it was dead. The cutoff is around 06/7, and even that's debateable to have ended earlier
If we're being brutally honest-
1993-1998: True Wild West. Not much could happen due to limited tech, but it was completely unmonitored. I'm honestly surprised to find archives of old chats on Google
1998: The Coppa act is established, further taking effect in 2000. This made people aware that kids can access the internet. Teens barely gave a shit, though it made corporations more aware of them, and how to consider them for a market. It also unfortunately promoted age fraud to access barred login sites
1999-2005/6: User oriented era. This is when a lot of custom sites, blogs, and forums popped up, as well as many image hosting sites that are sadly defunct now. Google being a popular search engine further encouraged discovering these user made sites. Contrary to popular belief, user sites were mostly made and "moderated" by edgy kids and teens, so you WILL see the opinion of a 14yr old. Incidentally, due to domains being expensive, a lot of these teen made forums and personal sites died extremely fast, ignoring raids, doxxing, and flamewars
Video sharing while possible also was really crappy for quality...except for
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User created flash games and anims enabled a massive spread of content. Newgrounds was a popular hosting spot. Shame Flash died
Outside that, we least we got bbphp as a solid forum template be popularized after many other ones died. For those less tech savvy, in 2003
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We got social media. This was the main goto till smartphones and Twitter got popularized after 2006, and still was going strong until mid 2010s. Despite older netiquette of being encouraged to not post anything indentifiable about yourself, many users expressed themselves with music tastes and eventual personal blogs
2005/6: YouTube is released, as well as Dailymotion. Bootlegged Newgrounds anims popped up for uploads, but also shared tv show clips
Fun thing, before mid 2010s, users can only upload at max 15min of video
Similarly around 2005, Reddit similarly sparked up. More modern image hosting sites spurred around 2007/8
But regardless, the public internet already changed massively after 2000. Web 2.0 was already a term from 1999 that described the change, with it being redefined for it occuring around 2004. I think one thing not noticed, the development of this tech mostly happened in the UK, due to general smaller population and faster telocommunication services compared to the US at the time. This similar impacted the type of audience that used this
I see people longing for a freer internet, and I agree online corporate control is shitty. But the dretches of humanity has severely stunted user diversity and interest, same with over prioritizing skill over general good collaboration and behavior. The modern tech bro absolutely not giving a shit for the userbase or societal problems and being very selfish can unfortunately be traced here. Same for rsmpant political misinformation being unmoderated, and early 90s fandom woes still having a negative impact on some franchises
I see dumbass self censoring like "unalive" on sites, and it's not even enforced. It's just stupid assumption that advertisors care so much
Which brings the question, why are we trying to heavily get into monetizing expression? I genuinely feel Ytube enabling users to do so is exactly why user content got obnoxious after 2013 when it got popular. Unfortunately it's way too late to undo that. Many rely on the monetizing
Though I find it funny when people ignore just...making their own site to bypass the censorship. bbphp again is open source, and there are many other online web creation tools. I can't even say the rise of tech illiteracy is why, tech illiterate people aren't the ones complaining of sites crapping out
Anyway, if you miss pre algorithm search engines results leading to you finding random shit, try this;
Unfortunately the reducing of child safe sites is another convo
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thebunniesgrim · 9 months
I'm gonna talk about blizto again (its negative and my opinion)  
In my last Blizto post (shameless plug. Also, I was kinda right about Fizz forgiving him. I'm a prophet ) I listed why I didn’t like blizto but now... 
I feel no sympathy towards Blizto  
Is it just me?   
Frankly I feel nothing towards him  
(you know I visibly frown when he shows up screen sometimes and I have to like catch myself like hey he's the main character dumb dumb he’s going to be on screen lol)  
Now this could because bilzto isn't my type of character you know? When I was younger, I always avoided mean characters or main characters I've always picked side characters or other side main Characters over the main important character for instance I never liked Steven from Steven Universe, but I liked Garnet and Peridot. I hated Twilight (mlp) as kid and don’t get younger me started when she became a princess, I was so unhappy. I wanted Rarity or Fluttershy to become a princess not her. I never cared for Bloom from Winx's club, but I did like Aisha and Stella.  
And to be fair when I got past my hate boner, I grew to tolerate them, but I’ve never rolled my eyes as much as I do with blizto  
And it’s not like I don’t like mean characters I'm a villain girly all the way I like Loona’s bully in Queen Bee Vicky.
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I like striker, and I also think Stella is the tiniest bit funny (I don’t condone what she does obviously but like you know when she's on screen I'm not bored) when I was obsessed with Danganronpa I loved Byakuya, Nagito, and Kokichi I also liked Celestia, Mondo, Fuyuhiko, Hiyoko, yada yada. When I was over the moon about black butler I love Alois, Claude, William and so on. I love a good mean character  
but that being said
I don’t care about him at all and I like Stolas (sometimes) I feel bad for him (sometimes) but anytime Blizto has his sad woe is me moments (I mean Stolas does this too and I have my grievance with him of course but like this isn't about him lol) like him crying on the couch at the end of Ozzie's, him crying on the couch at the end of Queen Bee, his trip in Truth Seekers, his mom dying, or his sister hating him. My face is bone dry but helluva has never made me cry so...  
I also think that the reason I have a hard time sympathizing with him is because of how blizto (and stolas) never really have a moment where they’re forced to face the consequences of their actions every problem is solved, forgotten or put on the back burners to be solved through text.  
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No, I'm not letting that go screw you >:( 
Stolas literally gets hospitalized and is fine an episode later yeah, no that’s fine. No need to look into that. No need to really sit and let that stew for minute. That’s not important or anything. No need to get Biltzo’s view on this or anything    
It's like that "Sunny meets Twilight" video on YouTube 
“Every villain converted, every problem friendshiped within a half hour. it got so peaceful we were literally making up fake friendship problems just to not go fucking insane”  
Not to mention most of his sad feel bad for me moments are like his own fault. There's self-sabotage and then there's this:  
like him being sad that Barbie doesn’t want him in her life and him being all ‘:(’ and I was like yeah, no shit idiot. She most likely has told him to leave her alone more than once, the rehab nurse said not look for her, didn’t tell you she left rehab, and she was hard to find online obviously she doesn’t want you in her life what’s not clicking smart guy?  
No honestly what did he expect to happen? Her to just well up with tears and hug him? Not to mention she lost her job because of him granted she would have lost it regardless because her plug was a target by IMP but still. That also added salt to the wound.  
Blitzo is like wow my feeling are hurt in ways I could have avoided how could this have happened?  
His whole thing at Ozzie's. he could have just said nothing and let Moxxie get picked on. You know I don’t even know why he stood up for them in the first place. Is that not out of character or him? Like he will take almost any opportunity to shit on moxxie what changed now? and it isn't like a ‘only I can pick on him thing’ he lets Loona make fun of him, let striker, and Millies family pick on him I mean come on he even joins in. What changed that made him want to stick up for the M&Ms? Other than narrative push also he knows Versoiska and Fizzarolli are in Ozzie’s 2 people he hates 2 people he has beef with why are you speaking? He could have saved his little crying session if he didn’t say anything. (This also goes for Queen bee as well. Honestly the whole queen bee problem could have been avoided if blitzo kept his mouth shut)  
Also how did he and stolas even get in? Moxxie had to wait for almost a year or so for seats to Ozzie’s because it’s always booked... also it must cost a little money to go realistically speaking and it's not like Stolas paid or even got them seats because Stolas didn’t even know they were at Ozzie's to being with. This whole episode shouldn’t have even happened from a continuity standpoint because Stolas and Blizto shouldn’t have been able to get into Ozzie's in the first place! Lol
Blitzo when something goes wrong after he literally caused it or could have avoided it by shutting up for 5 minuets:  
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His trip and his mom dying are stuff that aren't completely his fault as mom dying was an accident and his trip was just his inner dialog  
so like 1st of all this mom dying thing didn’t work like Moxxie's did we didn’t get to see a flashback of her being motherly or whatever like we did with Moxxie's mom we saw Moxxie's mom being protective, and caring for him and all that jazz 
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all we know is just that yup that’s a mom and she’s dead now.  :D
Speaking of dead moms. I'm about to get really heartless
Honestly the fact that Blizto made Fizz’s back story about him really irked me. Fizz is like yo, you almost ruined my life and Biltzo is like yeah that’s sad and all, but my mom died :/  
Ok? Like? Fizz lost all his arms, legs, and horns and could have had his whole career as an entertainer ripped from him but yeah, your mommy died so sad  
I understand it was to show his perspective but felt kind of one up-ish, no?  
“I lost my arms and legs in a fire you started”  
“Yeah, but my mom died” –looks around for validation-  
Like yeah apologize for starting the fire but like what does your mom have to do about this? This isn't about her, ok? You nearly killed him! Focused on that babe  
Im sorry but can you imagine you losing your limbs in a freak accident you though was orchestrated by an ex best friend. Then when confronted by it they're like "yeah but my mom died" 
I'm sorry if I sound cruel or whatever but like really?  
This isn't about her. I'm sorry... I don’t know if you’ve noticed but one of us here has robotic attachments to help them function after a fire one of us caused (albeit on accident but I don’t know that yet)  
Yeah, no I was just nearly burned alive and had to endure the feeling of my skin melting off my bones for however long it took for someone to find me and take me to the hospital on my birthday. Go through whatever surgeries, and physical therapy to get better, get robotic attachments so I could still perform and function better, and get use to not having my limbs and coming to terms with my new normal and the fact that my old best friend started this whole thing in the first place (albeit on accident but I don’t know that yet) and didn’t visit me or apologize in 15ish years because of an unknown 3rd party
But yeah, your mom died  
So sorry about that  
What? This isn't about her! Why are you bringing this up? I'm sorry your mom and my limbs can't be here today but what does your mom have to do with my limbs getting seared off? Nothing? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Way to use your mom to soften the blow of you being the literal cause that I am now an amputee (albeit on accident but I don’t know that yet)  
Nice going dude real nice  
like this not the way of the platypus
Other than the fact that imps aren't immune to hell fire in the first place doesn’t make any sense to me but that’s not important at the end of the day now, is it? No, it's not  
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His trip was just eh for me I really didn’t care  
Also why didn’t Barbie show up in blizto’s trip or even a cameo or something? Like I know some people are gonna be like ‘well those were romantic and sexual relationships’ and yeah sure.  
That's it. I don’t have a comeback for that lol  
To be fair a good amount of Helluva boss characters are unsympathetic but there are characters I sympathize with even if said characters that don’t necessarily have a lot to sympathize with like Asmodeus I feel bad that Fizzarolli wakes him up with an air horn sometimes  
The only time I've sympathized with Blizto was when he was getting the shit kicked out of him by Loona and that’s only because the only character, I dislike more than Blizto is Loona  
(a lot of people who are critical of Loona are like “Blizto deserves better” or “Loona doesn’t deserve Bilzto” and honestly, I kinda agree but at the same time it seems like they deserve each other lol)  
Everyone is like complaining that Loona isn't getting lines or any screen time but I'm over here like 
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But yeah, that’s all :) 
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waterolivecoffiyeh · 8 months
Do not support this Artist
Hello. I'm writing this post to remind people to be mindful of who they follow in this social media climate as more news comes out about Palestine. It's important to consider who you follow online, especially when you discover someone you once followed is a truly two-faced person.
If you belong to the following fandoms:
-Smile for Me -Splatoon -Xenoblade Chronicles -Pokemon -NiGHTS into Dreams/NiGHTS Journey of Dreams -Engelbaum
Please be careful and do not support an artist on Tumblr/Twitter/Bluesky named Puppyluver256.
They have reduced the genocide in Palestine to a "religious war" between two Muslim countries. They have also continued to make critically tone-deaf vague posts in response to getting news of Palestine through their social media and had the audacity to post a distasteful rant during Christmas evening as Palestinians were being harmed. You can read her first response about Palestine and see its news here on her blog. Her so-called vague posts are here , here , here and here. (The dates are concise with major news on social media about Palestine). Edit: More of her posts on Palestine at here, here, ,here here, and here. As a former follower, I can say she only did this as an excuse to rant and perform a woe-as-me bait post to garner sympathy and attention because she can't "handle" the guilt of seeing stuff. Yet, she did not have the dignity nor the motivation to learn about even the most basic information about the Palestine genocide before commenting on it in such a tone-deaf manner. This is harmful because it furthers the spread of misinformation.
Her tags are also disgusting as she's focused on "escapism" and believes the news out of Palestine disturbed her peace of mind. Rather than being considerate of her social media life, she chooses to post where she's the true victim. Having the double standard that her peace of mind is more important than being considerate about the censorship of genocide because she "can't" handle it.
Seeing a genocide recorded in screenshots and videos is hard, but it doesn't cost much to be mindful of social media rather than blaming people who are trying to fight the algorithm and censorship.
I've called her out on it due to how disgusted I felt about her rants and her lack of accountability when it comes to cultivating her own social media and minding herself. If she truly didn't want to see such things she could easily disengage by minding her SM life, yet she doesn't. She makes it everyone else's problem and tries to correct other people's behavior while refusing to do anything to change her circumstances.
As of this time, she has not seemed to educate herself on the situation nor apologized for such a tone-deaf take. As someone who has been paying attention to Palestine news and seeing such a response from someone like her, I feel the need to warn people that this person is not someone you want to support, commission, or engage with.
I would hope people in their fandom spaces are mindful of the people they follow. Be they an artist, writer, actor, or anyone else online. Especially if they decide to have these misinformed opinions on social media that contribute to larger problems. Be mindful of who you support.
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weirdestarrow · 10 days
So I thought about what we talked about in my post, and here are some things about the general fandom's interpretation of North Korea that I don't (personally) like... Some of them might fit with the general ~evil NK thing~ but yeah! :3
Sorry if it's a bit messy, its a little bit of word vomit haha.
- Nuke obsession? Just very strange considering that characters like Russia or the USA aren't portrayed as also nuke obsessed as well even though... You know, the number of them they have;
- Angry all the time. It's just strange. Not only that, but also some things that people make him get angry over seem kind of reasonable (hating the country who bombed his own nation to the ground and also strangely a big amount of him in fics and art getting manhandled?);
- Poorly written English to... Denote he is not Anglo. Which a lot of times just comes off as very racist;
- The classic brainwashed by government thing so many countries fall into lol. But knowing how people treat real life N. Koreans as just actors hired by the government to trick the foreihners, it just feels especially dehumanizing with him;
- And if its not that it's "oh I secretly hate my government but they will not let me be happy :'''(". Let countries align with political opinions out of their own free will!;
- "Hermit Kingdom" shit. Is the DPRK kind of isolated from the rest of the world? Yeah. Do you think they'd do that if they didn't have to? Why do we so quickly forget embargos and the whole "the US will topple your government if they can" thing?;
- NK is sometimes depicted as very naive about the outside world, but I personally don't enjoy that characterization much. They treat him like an injured deer who cannot navigate the world by himself, for a lack of better words;
- This is going to be more my own petty grievance but I'm not too big of a fan of "the ussr was the one who took NK's eye". I like the eyepatch thing but like... The USSR and NK had a good relationship it's so unnecessarily made to paint it in as much a horrible light as physically possible;
- In general, people don't really depict him outside of the military man thing or "woe is me stuck in a dictatorship ;(". It does seem as an extension of real world politics were people just don't believe that North Koreans are real breathing human beings with things going on besides their relationship with their country. I made it so that my version of NK really likes literature, even writes a little himself :D.
Honestly I think the way this could be remedied really is looking at sources outside of what the West says and like... Radio Free Asia lmao. You will have to look for the perspective of actual North Koreans. I understand the aversion to seeking their sources, but honestly if you can read a BBC or Washington Post article about NK, you can take a quick glance at like KCNA or Pyongyang Times and judge accordingly.
And, actually media from the DPRK is not that hard to find! There are movies available online, as well as songs and pictures. I do all three, and its very cool stuff :3. I'm very willing to share! ^_^ As always, learn more about the history and culture from a genuinely curious, non-judgemental manner and you will always be able to learn more.
As you can see from my endless yapping, I just really like North Korea and wish people would be less obviously biased when making him (or her or them, depending on the headcanon). Yeah, thank you for your time! :]
Yes this is very good.
My NK is a bit of an introvert. I think he’s interested in geology and volcanology because of Paektu Mountain and that’s something he really loves studying. He’s very gentle and soft spoken and wants to do his best for his people. He cares about them deeply and he would put their wants over his over and over again.
I think he often feels like he is seen as the “extra” Korea that no one likes, but he’s not eager to try and make friends with other countries. I think he also doesn’t like leaving his country cause he’s nervous about being in countries unfriendly to NK, afraid that someone might try and assassinate him to give SK more legitimate claims to his land.
He cares about SK in a weird way, but is also jealous because people like SK and SK got to meet their mother and he didn’t. I think he feels like he was abandoned almost.
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cohandshake · 7 months
I’m aware that this is going to be a horrendously unpopular opinion—which is why I’m doing it on a dead side blog rather than my main
I honestly don’t understand people who listen to artists whose whole shtick is “I’m an awful person and everyone I know leaves me because I use and abuse them”, and then are shocked when the artist turns out to be an awful abusive person. Like, what were you expecting?
I keep seeing all these people saying “well, how was I supposed to know he was bad? How was I supposed to be able to tell?” And then they’re all like “ohhh woe is me, I can’t believe I loved these albums! I’m going to have to get rid of all this stuff I got and completely rearrange my whole life!” Like??? If you liked the songs so much that your whole room is plastered with posters and merch… surely you listened to the lyrics??? At no point was he ever trying to hide the fact he’s like this, it’s all over his songs.
One thing that also gets me, it’s that everyone is now like “if you support or like his stuff you’re a terrible person” and like. That’s valid. But YOU liked his stuff where he made no qualms or effort to hide this, before. Does no one have any kind of critical thought? Like, when you hear the lyrics, you just think “oh yeah, this is a totally normal line” and move on? To say that “oh he tricked all of us into listening and liking his stuff and being a rabid fan”, like you weren’t tricked. The only trick he played was being a “hot guy online” that everyone seemingly collectively decided was great because of that.
or is it being faced with the actuality that’s horrifying? by your own logic, you’re also just as complicit. — this isn’t to say that I don’t understand standing in solidarity with victims that have spoken out, and the purging of his work being part of that. I just think it’s a little hypocritical to get on your high-horses and say everyone is a peace of shit if they don’t immediately disavow his stuff, since the signs have been there from the start.
And this also isn’t to say that I didn’t like his music. I did and I do. In fact, I only know of him BECAUSE of his music (I found him when he was still covering pat the bunny and wingnut dishwashers union). I’ve had no illusions of him being a good guy, and still consumed his work— did I know just what kind of piece of shit he was? No. Maybe because I’ve only known him for his music that makes me so critical of most of the reactions. I didn’t have the chance to be pulled in by a “nice guy act” online like so many people seemingly have.
Speaking of his online personas, it does make me wonder how no one apparently thought he was bad before this? Like I’ve read some fics (not enjoying Minecraft doesn’t mean the fics aren’t good) and people generally and routinely portrayed him as this manipulative, erratic, controlling guy — even when writing him as the good guy, they still always included elements of these personality traits in the work. And now, I see artist after artist discontinuing and deleting works (and if this is what makes them feel better, fair play) saying that “they cant continue writing/drawing his character now they know the truth about him” but at the same time they were always so vocal about “I write about the c! not the cc!” Like if you were truly separating the character from the actor, would so many of you be speaking this way? Looking at the rampant amount of Harry Potter fanfics (not even starting on the manacled debacle), then no — the artist and the work are only connected when it’s live action amateurs.
And also, if you’re THIS distraught over some guy YOU DONT KNOW turning out to be terrible, get some help, that’s not normal i don’t think — or it shouldn’t be, the internet and social media has normalized being strangely attached to strangers and celebrities that you otherwise wouldn’t be.
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aelaer · 1 year
Mental health/personal BS/the woes of experiencing major social anxiety as a loud-mouthed, opinionated extrovert
I shouldn't be unhappy. I have so many things to be thankful for. I'm not going to list them all here because I know there's people who are reading this who are going through troubles with the bottom two sections of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and it makes me feel bad to list my blessings when there's many here who are going through the bottom two issues, and if not the bottom two, then a big chunk of the middle section.
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Thanks, verywellmind.com.
My problem is in the yellow section. The social anxiety still keeps me up at night. I have a strong sense of belonging in the real world, but in the online world, the smallest things just flatten me out and leave me wanting to delete everything I ever made and flee the internet because I'll never belong.
It took me about 3 years of therapy to get over not getting along with an online social group I was with for a year (that, ironically, turned out to be toxic) so it's not a surprise that two months later, I'm still upset with two community members blocking me with me not knowing what I did to upset them. I know there's a liberal "block" mentality on this website, but honestly? As someone who struggles heavily with social anxiety and not knowing if I'm saying things rightly? I detest it. I detest that it's normalized to assume someone's toxic and just block them instead of asking for clarification. I detest that everything is taken at a worst-case-scenario and that you're assumed to be a person of bad faith. I detest that communication -- especially as small a community as Doctor Strange-centric fans -- isn't encouraged.
I detest that I can't apologize for whatever upset them and trying to make it work out, or at least ending the relationship -- no matter how short it was, or how little was exchanged -- with closure. Because I'm a real person too, and when I see many mutuals interacting with people that have cut me off with no warning or ability to communicate, *it hurts*.
I know this is a me problem, that this is a "you take things way too personally" problem. I know that taking people blocking me straight to my heart is completely nonsensical. I know that most online relationships are pretty superficial.
But I wear my heart on my sleeve, and for the last 20 years, for as long as I've been on the internet, every block of an individual without communication or an individual that silently leaves to put their distance between us by unfriending/not communicating *hurts* as if I lost an entire community. And when I see many others in as small of a community as this fandom is on tumblr all communicating with one another and creating a group that I thought I'd be welcomed to, but I am not?
It makes me feel like I'll never belong in any community. I'm too brash. I'm too prickly. No matter that I try to be kind to individuals as people, the fact that I have strong opinions and that I welcome strong opinions will always ostracize me in some capacity.
But I don't want to change me to fit in, either -- I tried that in the past and it didn't work. My anxiety was on the edge 24/7, with me trying to say the right things all the time to just *fit in*.
But this idea that I'll never fully fit in because my brain is just too different, even in a fandom community which usually is open to those with large differences, just continues to make me feel like a freak of nature that will never fully belong, no matter how hard I try.
And I wish that it didn't hurt so damn much every time it happens.
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mulbruk · 10 months
the agony of pronounz: a tale of woe from ludi "mulbruk" tumblruser
i do not like using they pronouns for myself. in the past i tacked them on only bc it felt inevitable that ppl would refuse to call me she, so i gave people a cool little option so they could feel progressive and respectful when they couldnt stomach the thought of me & my fat fucking cock being hashtag girlmode or whateverthefuck. between me being able to more fully embody myself and just... time, i guess, i've dropped the set and i really dislike having it applied to me. that being said i know that they is generally applied to ppl when you dont know their 'nouns (lookie i did it right there did you see) so i try not to get miffed when it happens. more often than not it happens online when ppl don't know me on account of most people in public immediately seeing me and going "that's Girl"/not really internalizing the fun new world of gender dynamics (yes i know it's not new but it's new for Corl Schmebeckerburg who is a 60 year old independent housepainter. you know.)
anyway if i had it my way i wish ppl would default to "it" for me if they weren't sure. i like it way more, and usually if i'm forced to interact with a stranger and my general mood of the situation is "who do you think you are, don't fucking talk to me" i don't want to be called by any pronouns other than it. it feels right! i am a living entity and i have teeth. you will not try to know me. you will not dump powdered sugar on this conversation. for everyone else, and in general? i love using she! i love that the people close to me call me she. i love that people i can generally be friendly and have regular human connections with call me she. rather than "it, or she if we're close" the dynamic feels a lot more like "she, but if you drop the ball and lose my respect within 10 seconds of talking to me don't you fucking dare call me anything but it"
but exhibit a: i hate how she/it reads both visually and vocally and exhibit b: being like "hiiii! call me she/her unless i don't know or particularly care for you; in that case call me it/its!" is not a damn anything. literally who's gonna be like "ohhh my bad. anyway: you're a stupid fucking cunt for your opinions on metallycka and i hope when you die everyone at your funeral is like 'we barely recall who it was' about you."
anyway. business as usual, basically. if you're here you already have the innate she/her pass for me. if not, you would've been blocked well before you had the chance to call me anything else lmao
i dunno what else to post here. did you guys know im a kitty cat meow mwrrrowow
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By: Harry R. Lewis
Published: Jan 8, 2024
Let’s go back to how Harvard’s current crisis began: charges of antisemitism.
Why antisemitism seems to be a problem at Harvard and other universities is one of the still-unanswered questions that precipitated the University’s downward spiral.
But, it surely is not Claudine Gay’s fault. It is not because Harvard admits antisemitic students or hires antisemitic faculty. No one is suggesting there are comparable antisemitism problems in other kinds of institutions — such as hospitals or libraries — so there must be something that uniquely happens in universities.
That something must be the source of our woes.
* * *
Unapologetic antisemitism — whether the incidents are few or numerous — is a college phenomenon because of what we teach, and how our teachings are exploited by malign actors.
The Harvard online course catalog has a search box. Type in “decolonize.” That word — though surely not the only lens through which to view the current relationship between Europe and the rest of the world — is in the titles of seven courses and the descriptions of 18 more.
Try “oppression” and “liberation.” Each is in the descriptions of more than 80 courses. “Social justice” is in over 100. “White supremacy” and “Enlightenment” are neck and neck, both ahead of “scientific revolution” but behind “intersectionality.”
Though word frequency is an imperfect measure and the precise counts are muddied by duplicate numberings and courses at MIT, this experiment supports the suspicion that the Harvard curriculum has become heavily slanted toward recent fashions of the progressive left.
For example, “intersectionality” was almost unattested before the year 2000, while published uses of “decolonize” have more than tripled since then.
Merchants of hate are repurposing these intellectual goods that universities are producing.
When complex social and political histories are oversimplified in our teachings as Manichaean struggles — between oppressed people and their oppressors, the powerless and the powerful, the just and the wicked — a veneer of academic respectability is applied to the ugly old stereotype of Jews as evil but deviously successful people.
While Harvard cannot stop the abuse of our teaching, we, the Harvard faculty, can recognize and work to mitigate these impacts.
The political bias in our faculty is now widely accepted. One solution is to use a kind of affirmative action program for conservative thinkers to change the faculty, but that idea is noxious and misses a crucial point.
Professors should not be carrying their ideologies into the classroom. Our job as teachers of “citizens and citizen-leaders” is not to indoctrinate students, but to prepare them to grapple with all of the ideas they will encounter in the societies they will serve.
Instead, individual faculty might diversify what they teach. Committees and departments could enforce a standard that curricula exhibit intellectual diversity and a variety of agreed-upon topics and techniques.
If done correctly, it would not infringe upon individual academic freedom to allow our faculty colleagues to have a stronger role in shaping each others’ syllabi and curricula. Nor would it be improper for the Board of Overseers — with its elaborate Visiting Committee structure — to weigh in on the evident political biases and ideological vectors in our educational program.
As obvious as this all may sound, it would be a big change from the present.
Over the fifty years I have been on the Harvard faculty, the expectation has evolved that individual Harvard professors are free to teach whatever they wish to whomever they wish. It was once the norm for faculty to rotate through courses of unpredictable size and with stable curricula, but now enrollments are predetermined quite rigorously and even introductory courses may change their reading lists and lecture topics drastically when new professors take charge.
Curricular committees theoretically vet these courses, but not annually, and not for the kinds of political biases that have skewed undergraduate education. The result is to favor the hip, current, and “relevant,” over foundational learning — what instructors personally believe to the exclusion of what students should learn to participate knowledgeably in the world outside our gates.
* * *
The leftward shift of Harvard’s faculty deserves scrutiny. Judicious changes to the hiring and promotion process can thwart intellectual inbreeding — just as the current tenure system, now tired and manipulable, was once an innovative revamp of a system that resulted in ethnic and gender homogeneity. Now is the time to change a system that will take decades to alter the composition of the faculty.
But there is no need to wait for that reform.
The goal is not to give students a choice between courses reflecting different ideologies. Harvard should instead expect instructors to leave their politics at the classroom door and touch both sides of controversial questions, leaving students uncertain where their sympathies lie. Professors should have no more right to exclude from their teaching ideas with which they disagree than students should expect to be shielded from ideas they find disagreeable.
All that is required is for faculty to exhibit some humility about the limits of their own wisdom and embrace the formula for educational improvement voiced by Le Baron R. Briggs, a Harvard dean, more than a century ago: “increased stress on offering what should be taught rather than what the teachers wish to teach.”
Harry R. Lewis ’68 is a Gordon McKay Research Professor of Computer Science. He served as Dean of Harvard College from 1995 to 2003.
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qllie · 1 month
wtf is wrong with this guy he groomed a minor and in his apology he's like "even Kasane Teto won't forgive me for my actions" DUDE YOU COMMITTED & ADMITTED TO A CRIME BE SERIOUS!!!!
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Like it's just disrespectful to put a ridiculous reference into your apology for a crime. These are extremely serious allegations and making such absurdly self-pitying remarks is just awful it's sickening. I mean obviously there was absolutely nothing he could say in his "apology" that could make his actions okay, but this is sickening it's just awful.
The Teto thing is just so tasteless. This isn't about Kasane Teto at all, this is about you GROOMING A CHILD. Like saying "Oh no the fictional singing robot will be disappointed in me" like you should be worried about THE REAL ACTUAL PERSON WHO YOU HURT NOT ABOUT A FICTIONAL CHARACTER'S OPINION OF YOU.
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His apology also completely minimizes what happened. He says that "it's all because of my selfish strong desires that I just went too far..." like no you told someone you knew to be a minor to send you explicit pictures of themself and sent them explicit pictures of yourself as well. That's not simply just "reacting to strong desire" that's GROOMING A CHILD. Like just say that's what you did don't dance around the issue with such vague terms.
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Also this section is just disgusting. It essentially blames all his negative actions with the excuse of "mental illness." Like it's not simply just "mental illness." Like even if he did have some mental illness, you still have control over your actions. He could have deleted his discord server if he really couldn't resist his "strong desire," he could have seeked help, etc etc. He still hurt an EXTREMELY VULNERABLE CHILD no matter what the reason is. No one is feeling any pity for him over this. This just seems like an attempt to deflect blame while including self-indulgent "Oh I'm sooooo terrible I'm soooo bad woe is me." Like just say that YOU did it don't blame "mental illness"!
Honestly it's good that he demonetized his videos and deleted his patron at least. Because yeah he should not be making money off this... Like at least he's gone (hopefully permanently) because so many people who do this type of stuff just deny it and come back....
And the people saying "IDC about the grooming please keep making covers and put your videos back up" are so irritating. Like
The grooming and the covers are actually related? Like he groomed this person using his influence from being a relatively popular UTAU cover artist and having his own discord server. So these things are directly related, so it's necessary that he stops having an online presence so that he stops being able to use his power to groom people.
There are a million other Teto covers, song USTs, etc. Yes obviously every single person has unique covers/tuning/etc, but it's not as if this persons work is completely irreplaceable? Like people saying "I need Kasane Teto" when she's literally the most popular UTAU character (and her SV is one of the most popular voicebanks rn). There's no shortage of Kasane Teto, literally just look up 重音テト on youtube and you'll find a million covers and original songs. There is absolutely no reason you specifically need to listen to a child groomers covers. (Additionally, IIRC he usually covered songs that were pretty popular? So you can probably easily find several Teto covers of those exact songs).
Grooming is actually really serious? This guy took advantage of a minor??? I don't care how good someone's tuning/covers/music are it's not worth supporting them grooming a child!
That kind of attitude bothers me so bad because it's just showing callous disregard to someone who was hurt just for the sake of what??? "TETO'S GROWL GHOST RULE"????
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cinnaminsvga · 4 months
tbf i think the grandma shit started because of my own fault. i think I felt so old compared to everyone that I said i feel like a grandma or something, or even told them to call me grandma in a "just call me grandma" kinda way and it stuck with a few of them haha
you know what, im kind of the opposite, I feel like my writing now is of a worse quality than back then. i think I got too used to writing just for myself so I got lazy and impatient and skipped over adding details and more descriptions and such But for you, I think it would be a good way to see how much you've improved in your personal opinion! Though like I get churro chumps specifically was crack so maybe use something you took more seriously when writing for comparative purposes haha
omg that's me with soonyoung, he's my actual bias even if seungcheol is constantly tackling me and shaking his ass in my face to remind me how much he owns my ass, but anyway, yeah soonyoung is my precious babie. i just want to love and protect him, he's just a poor innocent little soul
also, sorry if these asks are annoying, I never know when to shut up or how to real social cues so feel free to stop responding at any point. i am very aware that I ramble and it's a lot at times
(double also i know this response may seem fast, I just happened to see that you had responded when I came online lol. triple also(I need more vocab) no idea why im still remaining anon when you can probably easily guess my user at this point but im pretending there is a valid reason for clicking anon)
that's interesting to hear you think your writing got worse! well, i can sort of understand that... for me, when i take a break from writing, sometimes it can feel a little difficult to get back into the groove of things... but i get what you mean a little about "writing for yourself." when you have no intention of sharing your work, sometimes specific details aren't necessary when your target audience is, well, yourself.
as for rereading my old stuff... i do actually reread a lot of my stuff, just not the ones from when i was like 16 LOL it's not because i don't wanting to read my "unserious" stories, it's more because i hate cringing at my old stylistic choices. i like to think ive gotten better at adopting writing styles that i think can make my stories flow smoother. but as a teen, i had trouble structuring my stories because i relied heavily on dialogue to move them. which... isn't a very sustainable approach LMAO but yeah churro chumps is still a story i will always cherish, because even after all this time... i do love me some sillay yoongay fanfics :3
i like soonyoung too :D he was my bias prior to seungcheol... it started with jihoon, then soonyoung, then cheol... leading me to accept my fate as a leader line fan lol but tbh ive gotten really into seokmin lately... something about silly guys is getting to me...
and never apologize for rambling :D i ramble a lot too!! im president of yap city, as they say... i was always the kid who got moved around the classroom bc i would NOT shut up, no matter who i got paired up with... oh woe is the mouth that yaps... anyway thanks for sending these in!! its nice to talking to ya anytime!!
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