#wof marsh
flawseer · 8 months
Jade Mountain Academy students
#5 - Mudwing chapter
This entry might feel a bit less diversified than the ones before it. These are two sets of siblings who shared their respective clutch, so there are a lot of physical elements that are shared between them (I try to keep siblings from the same clutch relatively similar-looking, see Winter and Icicle in part 2). I hope these Mudwings still look different enough. I also gave them light-colored jaws because Clay had it on the cover of his book and I think Mudwings look cute like that. It helps their faces stand out in the graphic novel style.
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Jade
Color - Burnt umber red
Relatives - Clay (brother), Sora (sister), Marsh (brother)
Clawmate(s) - Turtle (Seawing)
Favorite subject - Anatomy
Least fav. subject - History
Physical characteristics - curly horns; scar across snout; smallish stature, wiry with well-defined musculature
Other characteristics - socially outgoing and confident; mediative/soothing personality, eager to resolve conflicts
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Gold
Color - Caramel brown
Relatives - Clay (brother), Umber (brother), Marsh (brother)
Clawmate(s) - Icicle (Icewing)
Favorite subject - Anatomy
Least fav. subject - History
Physical characteristics - curly horns; average size with well-defined musculature; slightly darker and broader than her brother Marsh (do not confuse)
Other characteristics - socially withdrawn (keep monitoring for now, suggest counseling if no improvement); appears to be suffering from post-traumatic stress (was approached, insists she is fine); avoidant behavior around Icewing and Seawing students (keep monitoring, discuss with staff how to approach); left academy grounds for a day without giving notice, claims to have needed to "clear [her] head", no further questioning at Clay's request (monitor future behavior, ask siblings to keep an eye on her)
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Silver
Color - Sepia brown
Relatives - Newt (brother)
Clawmate(s) - Fearless (Nightwing)
Favorite subject - Literacy
Least fav. subject - Science
Physical characteristics - horns with feathered edges; light neck scales; stature broad, heavyset, with well-defined musculature
Other characteristics - good work ethic, very motivated; bit of a temper; very argumentative (try to channel into constructive outlets)
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Copper
Color - Tawny brown
Relatives - Clay (brother), Umber (brother), Sora (sister)
Clawmate(s) - Coconut (Rainwing)
Favorite subject - Anatomy
Least fav. subject - Exercise
Physical characteristics - curly horns; average size with well-defined musculature; slightly narrower frame and lighter color than his sister Sora (do not confuse)
Other characteristics - fidgety, difficulty sitting still, habitually touches his talons; socially anxious (suggest relaxation seminar, maybe counseling); Bigwings reported allergy to walnuts; concerned about "ghosts" (suggest assembly to put persistent Stonemover rumor to rest for good)
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Quartz
Color - Moss green
Relatives - Sepia (sister)
Clawmate(s) - Ermine (Icewing)
Favorite subject - Cultural Exchange
Least fav. subject - Exercise
Physical characteristics - horns with feathered edges; light neck scales; smallish stature with average build
Other characteristics - appears to enjoy preparing and sharing food (unobjectionable, but suggest seminar on allergy awareness); occasionally belligerent, anger-management issues (suggest counseling); clawmate reported incident of untoward aggression (suggest monitoring, counseling)
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3zethe3zr · 1 year
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These Seven Make Me Insane In The Membrane
Design notes:
- Mudwing genetics go wild, leaving siblings very varied in appearance
- Clay has red eyes, indicating his fireproof status
- Due to how he was raised, clay is also the thinnest of the seven(malnutrition) and has poorly cared for tusks
- They all have inherited some form of their mother's red markings and have freckled shoulders and backs of wings
- Umber is the runt of the litter and is smallest
- Crane was the tallest, that mantle has now been passed down to Marsh
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mognamon · 1 year
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clawmates marx and cocknut
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lykos-attic · 7 months
Coming out of my cave to post art on here again
I'm trying ( heavy emphasis on trying 😭 ) to make designs for every arc 1 WoF character, and since mudwings are the easiest tribe for me to draw I started with clay and his siblings
Their shapes and stuff make sense in my head and have reasonings but I can't put them into words rghHHgdgGGRRRghhgfh
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For Clay I wanted to make him simple, going along with him not thinking that he's anything special and not fit for the prophecy. He's still brighter than his sibs though, and has the brightest colored scales before his underbelly. (Do those have a name?? )
For Sora I wanted her kinda deer-like, with softer/less bold edges than the others. She has a scar in the same place Crane's death wound was.
For Umber I just stuck pretty closely to the canon design, adding some splotches and giving him a different shape than the others.
Finally, for Reed I just made him clay but duller, and more red. He nearly looks just like clay shape-wise, but is more inward. (I have no idea how to describe this 😭)
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I had the most fun with these guys can u tell
For Marsh I made him more sharp and edgy than the others to go with his anxious personality. His colors are very similar to Clay's, but he has splotches and light colored horns. (I love Marsh, he's underappreciated)
For Pheasant I wanted to base her off of a pheasant. Her markings are similar to those of a ring-necked pheasant, with her reds being the same as Umber's. She originally had green-ish yellow on her to go with her eyes (and also because pheasants have green on them) but I couldn't get it to work. (crying spongebob image) Her shape is more 'elegant' than her sibs. I think her design is my favorite out of all of these.
For Crane I based her lightly off of a crane. (🤯🤯🤯) She shares colors with sora and umber. (Sora because obviously, Umber because I needed his reds 😁) since really all we know about her is that she was protective of her sibs (as literally all of them are) I made her fierce and determined looking. Version without her death wound below
I got more confident in not following the canon designs super closely the more designs I made and it shows 😭😭 I never realized how much variety you can make in mudwings despite them being the 'boring' ones
adding image ID/alt texts tomorrow I needed to post this before I forgor but it's almost 12 and im tired goodnight jasper fans
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justawfulxmenart · 2 years
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Wings of Fire Arc 2, baby!
Art belongs to yours truly.
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oaktrex · 3 months
Bunch of unfinished art and wips! Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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More art under cut :D
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wof-headshots-daily · 2 months
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Day 30- marsh
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I love Pheasant so much, because when you compare her to all of her other siblings it really puts into perspective how fucked up they are. You have:
Clay, who was sold to a secret society before he was even born to be part of this prophecy, and then spent his whole childhood underground with three of the worst possible people to entrust with children. Needless to say, it wasn't the best childhood
Reed, who has an inferiority complex due to always feeling like he wasn't doing all he could to protect his siblings, and thinking that things would be better if he was never in charge to begin with. Plus, he very much blames himself for their sister's death
Crane, who is dead
Sora, who the universe must hate, because she was assigned to be roommates with HER SISTER'S KILLER. She tries to kill her, but ends up accidentally killing two other people, and then has to go on the run because of that
Umber, who joins Sora in being a fugitive
Marsh, who got ditched by the last two and is now alone, which isn't helped by the fact that he's already an anxious wreck
And then there's Pheasant. Just chilling
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donut-box-of-art · 4 months
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my part for the wof gn redraw!! it's page 206 :D og under the cut!
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wof-inbox · 5 months
to Clay, how many dragons do you think you could bearhug at once, live testing could be helpful
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“Sorry Sora… I couldn’t get you in the hug..” -Clay
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brokenflaem123432 · 3 months
Days 15 and 16 of drawing every Wings of Fire character!
Day 15 - Marsh
Day 16 - Crane
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socte-blue · 3 months
I love you coconut from wings of fire I love you coconut from wings of fire I love you coconut from wings of fire I love you coconut from wings of fire I love you coconut from wings of fire I love you coconut from wings of fi-
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wof-pride · 10 months
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Marsh, Agender!
Requested by @ilikemicrowaves
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ninoxwof · 1 year
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Marsh the Mudwing
[Image ID: A drawing of a dull brown dragon named Marsh. He is a mudwing, with small wings, tusk like teeth and a small club tail. He has shorter horns compared to his siblings and he has dappled markings with the colors of a light reddish brown and a cream color like his sister Sora. He also is featured with long white eyelashes. He is standing anxious looking. /.End ID]
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ilikemicrowaves · 9 months
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Furryifies your Marsh
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wings-of-waffles · 8 months
clay's siblings headcanon/rewrite
So the aging system in wings of fire kinda sucks. That's why i like to give all my dragons their equivalent human age when i write with them. The problem with this, is when a character's age is treated inconsistently within the series. This has forced me to resort to an increasingly random series of rewrites and headcanons, starting with this:
Umber, Marsh, and Sora are half-siblings to Clay, Reed, Crane and Pheasant, and are several years younger than the others. This would make them teens, an age that actually makes sense for them to be attending JMA (a middle/high school) while their brother is also actively working there.
The two clutches were merged because of the younger three's clutch being either a) abnormally small right out of the gate or b) killed off by either i) disease or ii) collateral damage from the war when they were younger.
I'm sure there are still continuity problems with it but it's better than the 18 YEAR OLD wanting to pursue a relationship with a 14 YEAR OLD because the author forgot how their own system works and just said "eh they're both teens, right? uhhhhh close enough"
This isn't meant to be hate towards the series/author, I still love this series. However I am very aware of how messy it can get in places because I have devoted so much time to writing and thinking about it.
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