#wof soar
manyminded · 7 months
chameleon au where he’s a rain/sky hybrid. you agree. reblog
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3zethe3zr · 2 years
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Art Blocks been kicking my aboslute ass lately so have some silly sketches of me trying to work out how i want different wof characters to look
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Brazen Bull
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(More old art)
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mothpawbs · 7 months
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i wear my scary mask when i'm afraid i don't belong you can't read my brain until it's off, not coming off
what if chameleon... but inscryption. basically.
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confusedlittleguy · 9 months
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back again with these (changing it up slightly)
first prev next
cant believe this is only part nine 😭
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scrollwyrm · 4 months
Chameleon post
My current headcanons:
He learned to read and write from a travelling MudWing scroll salesman called Bog, who was kind enough to share some helpful tips. He was a poet, and taught Chameleon everything he could. Then he learned who Chameleon was, so Chameleon killed him to cover up his tracks, assuming his identity.
Whatever tribe he becomes, there’s still a little bit of RainWing in there. Cirrus has purple-tinted scales. Shapeshifter has green eyes and curved horns. Soar has a barely-noticeable curl in his tail, and is more agile than a normal SkyWing. Bog has a small set of non-functional fangs that he passes off as MudWing tusks.
Peril and Sky both have near-unnoticeable RainWing traits. I know, I know. Impossible and non-canon. Peril’s scales change slightly, from a dull copper when really calm or sleeping, to bright fiery copper when angry, to deep reddish copper when excited or happy. It can barely even be seen but I like to think it’s there. Sky has tiny RainWing fangs that don’t work.
Cirrus was inspired by Hailstorm, with his large build, quiet demeanour and uptight attitude. If Cirrus lived in the Ice Kingdom, he’d probably be another lofty IceWing noble with an inflated sense of their own importance.
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javatello · 2 years
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Some wof designs I did recently 💪
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lynxz-wof-designs · 1 year
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yo I completed Peril’s family
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dead-end-draws · 7 months
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Tribe Banner concept art:
Folks seemed to enjoy my WOF WIPS, so here’s more concept art for y’all! My favorite thing about WOF is the potential for world building. I thought it’d be cool to see a tribe emblem represented on a banner/flag of sorts:
Read below for some of the thought process / headcannons behind the design choices: 👇
Skywing Banner:
Skywings pride themselves on 3 things; treasure, fire, & their enormous, soaring wingspan which steals the sky.
As such, portrayed on the banner, the fabric (often made with dyed cow or goat leathers) resembles draped dragon wings. Two Skywings embrace a goblet, which is spewing golden fire.
The banner is often held aloft with iron or gold poles, signifying to other tribes their wealth and pride.
Mudwing banner:
These banners are fashioned with leather hides from cow or crocodile skin, held aloft with bamboo, and painted with a Talon-print & Reed crest.
The talonprint symbolizes community and the strength of Mudwing sibling bonds. The reed border unifies all Mudwings regardless of their relationship to home; the swamp. Bigwings are often seen carrying these into battle, signifing their status and making it easier for a sib to locate them in the flurry of a fight.
Sandwing Banner:
Sandwing flags are made with camel skins and dyed cactus leather.
A crest shows a Sandwing coiled around a beaming sun, a reminder that despite the revered 3 moons, Sandwings are born to thrive in sunlight.
The fabric is cut in a way to mimic the swooping dunes of Sandwing territory. And the poles of the flags are equally intricate, with scorpion tails and golden ropes which frame the banner.
These flags make prominent appearances in parades, festivals, and markets, and even miniature version are often displayed in homes or as tapestries/carpets.
Seawing banner:
These banners are often seen displayed in royal quarters or councils, or above land to mark territory.
A nautilus shell crest on front echoes the swirl-pattern associated with royal Seawings: The banner’s borders resemble waves and a dragon swimming beneath their surface.
These are crafted with rich materials, strung with seashells, pearls, silver dollars, and deep oceanic color fabric. There is severe penalty for Seawings found plucking treasure from the banners, as they are a direct symbol of royalty.
Nightwing Banner:
These banners emphasize the Nightwings’ relationship to the moon, their source of power and praise. The material, a contrast of white stitching against purple velvet showcases moonlight and night, black scales against stars, magic and mystery.
They are seen decorated with 3 moons at the top and a centered dragon reaching up into the night sky.
These banners were often used during the war as secret code by spies to deliver to other tribes. Prophecy scrolls often came attached, delivering cryptic messages or secrets in the night. These banners all helped add to the secrecy of the Dragonet Prophecy, and kept tribes on their toes around Nightwings.
Rainwing banner:
Rainwing banners are not used for battle purposes like other tribes, most are mere decoration, location indicators, and have no unified design.
However, It is said back when Rainwings left the rainforest to trade pre-war, this particular banner design was often raised above Rainwing merchant tables, and showcases the coiled tail of a Rainwing with leaves, vines, and other sights from the rainforest adorning a bamboo pole. Bright color combinations accentuated the flag to entice curious customers.
Now, only one tattered version of the original Rainwing banner remains, displayed proudly in Queen Glory’s quarters, a reminder that building the Rainwings’ community is their most important goal.
Icewing Banner:
These banners reflect the same standards Icewings hold themselves to.
Like a visual of the rankings themselves, each banner is cut perfectly from an Icewing’s trained, serrated claws to resemble icicles, and crafted with fine blue stitching.
Flags are often held aloft with perfectly polished narwhal horn or bone, and can be inlaid with sapphires or diamond.
Icewing soldiers are often gifted these during ceremonies, and perform training exercises with the flags to test their stance/attentiveness. The crest showcases the swift sharpness of ice through a flying dragon, and a snowflake toward the bottom reminding Icewings that even minuscule snowflakes, small things, should be perfect in form.
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puzzled-pegasus · 6 months
Flight related WoF tribe hcs
Most RainWings don't actually know how to take flight from the ground, having been in the trees their whole lives. They also tend to dip and swerve and find it difficult to fly in a straight line even in open sky, because they're so used to having branches to weave and glide through. Glory is an exception and has a very unique flight pattern, being a RainWing who was raised apart from other RainWings.
NightWings fly silently like an owl.
SkyWings can soar and circle for long periods of time because their wings are just so dang big. They are the most well adapted dragons to high altitudes as well and can fly higher than other dragons for longer periods. They can also fly upside down.
HiveWings dart and buzz and hover. They sound kinda like a helicopter. It takes a lot of energy so they need to eat a lot of sugar.
SandWings can also soar for pretty long periods, they naturally try not to flap their wings very often to conserve energy. Some of them tend to tilt their wings up and wobble on the wind like a vulture.
SeaWings take the longest of the Pyrrhian tribes to learn how to fly, due to lack of necessity from living in the water.
All dragons need to take a bit of a running start in order to take off.
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sinusoidaldysfunction · 6 months
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Soar. Contender for wof's worsts dad.
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minkydinks · 1 year
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HiveWings in my headcanon of WoF are small (yet brawny) carnivorous dragons that largely resemble insects in the order Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, ants, etc.)
They are the smallest dragon tribe, with the average adult HiveWing standing just as tall as the smallest adult SandWing (i.e Sunny). But don't let their size fool you — with six sets of sharp claws and a stinger that can pierce in between the thickest of scales, they're a force to be reckoned with, especially in numbers. Any dragon afraid of needles would think HiveWings are their worst nightmare.
While all HiveWings have a stinger, not all HiveWings have the same potency of venom. Very rarely, some HiveWings are capable of dishing out lethal doses, while most can only nauseate or disable the subject of their stings.
Despite being much more muscular than SilkWings, they are incredibly quick and light on their talons. Their hind legs are specialized for quick takeoff, being able to spring into the air in the blink of an eye. Their two sets of forearms are ideal for grasping and holding prey, and their extra set of eyes are capable of detecting even the most precise of movements through body heat.
Speaking of eyes, HiveWings have the largest eyes in proportion to their bodies of any dragon tribe. They have acute eyesight and are capable of spotting movement from up to two miles away, even in the dark.
HiveWings are the only dragon tribe that are capable of hovering at a single coordinate, whereas other dragons must soar in circles around the same location.
HiveWing jaws are capable of splitting wide open (think Hyperendocrine Giganotosaurus from The Isle albeit to a lesser degree). Nobody likes watching a HiveWing eat, because they have a strange tendency to swallow things straight up, rather than chew.
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tazzymcclazzy · 11 months
chameleon wof is so silly with his shapes theyre like his ocs. and its obvious whos his favorites. the nightwing got a name like "shapeshifter" and superhuman strength, soar got to be scarlet's ally. then there is Bog. there is Bog. he is a MudWing named Bog
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gremalkinn · 26 days
CrawlWings (OPEN WOF Fantribe)
CrawlWings are a Pantalan tribe, found most commonly in the North-Western mountains of Pantala. They are most notable for their impressive size, heavily plated armor and multiple legs. They do have wings, though they are mainly vestigial, and used for soaring short distances across caverns (some variants of CrawlWing do not have wings, and may have even more extra legs in its place).
They do not have an established monarchy, and instead live in nomadic family groups led by a ‘mother.’ They are often stereotyped as mindless and aggressive, and most dragons find ‘Crawlers’ appearance strange and frightening. Despite this, CrawlWings are actually quite good natured- it’s only when provoked that they’ll even think about a fight.
CrawlWings are free for anyone to make!
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By the far the biggest of the dragon tribes, both in height and length. CrawlWings have long segmented bodies covered in impenetrable armored plating, and have three sets of main eyes on their head, with almost a hundred more along the side of their body. These eyes that trail down their neck to their tail tip act more like a ‘peripheral view’ to the CrawlWing- they can’t actively see their surroundings with these eyes, but can sense movement with them. To the average dragon, these eyes just look like odd dots. Their main set of eyes have a second opaque eyelid which protects the eyes from dirt while digging.
CrawlWings have five sets of arms, along with pincer-like appendages below their head for holding prey or bringing food into their mouth.
Their scales and eyes can be almost any color, though most commonly include deep reds, browns, blacks and vibrantly colored scale trim that come in shades of yellow, pink, or orange.
Not only this, but Crawlers are capable of bioluminescence. Though not as strong as a SeaWing’s phosphorescent scales, these faint patterns along their shells come in a multitude of colors and are used to communicate long distance across caverns in total darkness or recognize each other.
As for their tails, they are long and club-like, and end in a pair of talon-like pincers. CrawlWings use their tails to carry belongings, hatchlings, or even write, and it's not uncommon to see them hanging from cavern ceilings by their tail.
CrawlWings that consume mostly metal will have more of a metallic armor, while CrawlWings that eat rare jewels and ores may develop crystalline growths on their armored plating. Elderly Crawlers often have very bulky and overgrown armored plates, like a weatherbeaten rock face.
With their armored plating, CrawlWings have very little sense of touch, which they make up for with thin antennae along their back, neck, tail, and around their head. Antennae grow out in a variety of ways, some CrawlWings may grow antennae from their snout like some kind of beard or mustache, others might sprout from their eyebrows, or simply along their jaw. These antennae are incredibly sensitive, and if they are not carefully taken care of, can become damaged and cause a lot of pain
Unlike most dragon tribes, CrawlWings ears are slits beneath the gap in their head and neck plating that allow them to take in sound.
Baby CrawlWings (or Grubs) have very soft scales and often don’t develop a full plate of armor until they’re around 4 or 5.
Being as capable diggers as they are, CrawlWings have discovered a strange red ore hidden deep in the earth, which when eaten and incorporated into their armored plating, gives the CrawlWing the ability to shift into other creatures. While shifting into other creatures, the transformed CrawlWing is notable by their red eyes, and most even have the red ore jutting out of them no matter what they shapeshift into (for example, a CrawlWing transformed into a squirrel might have red rock sticking out of it like armor)
CrawlWings are omnivores, but mostly prefer to scrounge for moss and other greens instead of wasting energy hunting. Most notable of all, CrawlWings are known to eat rock and other metals by breaking them down with their specialized venom, which is then converted into their armored plating.
CrawlWings eat by tearing their food into tiny chunks with their teeth or swallowing it whole. They don’t have much need for cooking, as they can eat almost anything without a problem
CrawlWing claws are very strong and semi-retractable, evolved for digging, climbing, and running fast. They aren’t particularly dexterous with their talons, which is why they use their wings, head pincers and tail for more precise work, such as writing. As their name suggests, CrawlWings can use their many limbs and sharp claws to scale walls. These multiple legs also allow CrawlWings to move their bulky body more quickly. They are capable of running extremely fast in short bursts, much like a cheetah, while moving their long body in an S motion. They are not stamina hunters though- being the size they are, they require a lot of energy. As such, CrawlWings prefer stealth, and often perch on ceilings before dropping down on their prey and ambushing from above. While their sense of touch, smell and hearing are quite weak, CrawlWings can sense even the smallest vibrations with their antennae, which can be helpful when trying to find weak spots in rock or finding relatives within cramped tunnels.
CrawlWings secrete a venom from their mouth and head stingers which allow them to break down rock and ore while digging. Their armor is extremely strong, and invincible to most attacks, such as fire, claws and even RainWing venom (their armor being mostly inorganic). However, their armor is not entirely immune to their own venom, and although fights between CrawlWings are EXTREMELY rare, their venom can be used against each other
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A CrawlWing with its bioluminescent glow
Most CrawlWings believe in a mysterious entity known as The Great Mother. The Great Mother is said to be a hybrid of every dragon tribe, and that she has an eye for every tribe. She represents harmony and all the tribes' connections. Because of this, CrawlWings see hybrids as harbingers of peace and good tidings. It is also believed the three moons are the eyes of a great CrawlWing encircling the earth entirely.
The other dragon tribes see CrawlWings not even as ‘an enemy tribe’, but as beasts.
When it comes to their relationship with the other dragon tribes, ‘Crawlers’ are often outcast or mistreated wherever they go, forced to live in the shadows for fear of being hunted or treated as beasts.
Simply put, they are seen as brutish, primitive and naturally aggressive, far less intelligent than the ‘real dragons’.
Many CrawlWings are advocating for peace between the tribes and aiding in ending wars (wether as a mercenary or a diplomat).
It’s common for other dragons to hunt CrawlWings for their specialized shells as armor and venom for military purposes (weakening enemy armor or carving out holes in the sides of castles to make stealth/assassination missions easier)
Despite their fearsome appearance, CrawlWing’s highly value protecting those that aren’t as big or strong, and to assist those who need it most. CrawlWing’s believe it is their job to protect others, even to their own detriment.
When a relative dies, it’s customary for one to wear their shell as armor so that they may continue to provide protection even after death.
CrawlWing’s are notably good parents, and although not as ‘technologically advanced’ as the other tribes, they are extremely neat. CrawlWing’s often hatch in clutches of at least four, but a CrawlWing can lay up to 20 eggs at a time. Parents carry the eggs with their head pincers, (carefully) in their mouth, with their tail, or slung across their back while they travel.
It is not uncommon for CrawlWing dragonets to have multiple parents
Hybrids of CrawlWings and other tribes are EXTREMELY rare, but not impossible. Mainly because other tribes fear them
CrawlWing’s have a specialized language (similar to morse code) that they use to communicate through tunnels- made up of a series of taps, clicks and thumps that only other CrawlWing’s can pick up on with their antennae
Most CrawlWing names are based on the old language (essentially, a lot of Latin). Old language names usually center around peace/connection (Pax, Otium, Harmonia, Concordia) and it's common for followers of the Great Mother to have names like this. Other common names have to do with dirt/rocks (Boulder, Shale, Ore, Digger, Terra, Stone, Gravel) or more musical sounding/onomatopoeia names to reflect how they communicate through rock (Click, Snap, Clink, Chink, Crack, Thump, Thunk). It’s not uncommon for a CrawlWing to have multiple names, or take on the names of respected loved ones.
Creating a CrawlWing
-Anyone is free to make a CrawlWing
-creating CrawlWing adopts is totally fine
-i don’t want to limit anyone’s imagination, so don’t be afraid to make that character you have in mind! These were just made for fun, I really wanted to make a centipede dragon
-hybrids are also fine 👍
-current timeline i have in mind for these guys is set where Pyrrhia and Pantala have frequent trade (theres no specific year), but feel free to place a CrawlWing in whatever year. You can put one in cyberpunk 2050 I don’t mind <3
-got any questions? Just ask!
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some-pers0n · 2 months
Y'know somehow after all my years of rewritting WoF scenes for fun, I've never managed to tackle the prologue of TDP. Well, here you go. Blood/gore and character death warning, though you already knew what was gonna happen, huh?
In Hvitur's talons rested the fate of Pyrrhia.
Rain pelted against the IceWing as he flew through the storm, eyes scanning for any signs of shelter; of a place to hide. If he could only make it through the mountain pass he would be safe. The forest and cover of night would keep him hidden from the danger that lurked around.
He kept the egg clutched tightly. It was an unhatched dragon, one from the SkyWing tribe. This was the one night where everything mattered. He had to bring the prophecy to fruition. That was his one task: steal the SkyWing egg, bring it to a safe location, and then spend his years watching over the prophecy dragons. Being a Guardian to them.
Yet, not all of Pyrrhia believed in this prophecy. Some called it a hoax. A false sign of hope for this war to end. Others thought it was doomed from the start, to never be fully realized. However, there were a few who thought of it as an interruption to their plans. They believed it a nuisance. While some sang of peace and dreamed of it coming true, they saw it as nothing more than mad ramblings of harmony.
From the sounds of it, that last group was right behind him.
He glanced back to see three figures soaring only a tail length or two away. Lightning cracked across the sky, illuminating their features. SandWings, with the middle boasting a large, intimidating presence.
She had found him.
"Seize him!" she hissed.
Hvitur tried to fly faster. He wanted to dive, shift upwards, roll to the side, anything. Instead, he flailed as the guards caught up to him in an instant. They swiped their claws at his wings, ripping holes in the membrane.
He let out a roar of pain as he flailed. He attempted to hit them with a blast of frostbreath, but their descent was too fast and too disorienting. The pain from his wings and the falling made his head spin. By the time they hit the ground, he could feel them getting to work holding him in place. He only then noticed them putting a restraint on his snout.
The cool hard earth of the cliff face was what greeted Hvitur. It overlooked a sharp drop, jagged spikes at the bottom. He held the egg still close to his chest. He had to protect it. Pyrrhia's future rested upon him.
But hope dwindled as she drew closer.
The SandWing was large, towering over him. She was covered in a myriad of scars. Burns, slashes, bites, anything. One such scar was a slash mark that trailed from her neck down to her mid-stomach. Her scales were dulled, only a dusty copper red now. Her horns were curved around her head akin to that of a ram's. Her obsidian eyes stared at him with barely contained malice.
"Thought you could use your little ice breath on us, didn't you?" Her forked tongue slithered in and out of her mouth. "A noble tactic, though one easily outwitted. You should've used your spiked tail, or perhaps your serrated claws."
Hvitur merely growled in response. "You are a monster, Princess Burn."
"Queen Burn," she corrected. "I am the true heir to the throne. The eldest and current holder of the crown." Her eyes narrowed. "You talk too bold for a weak, snivelling IceWing." She dragged her barbed tail along the ground, the sound of it scraping against the rocks burrowing into Hvitur's mind.
Her eyes locked onto the odd way Hvitur lay. His wings were over his body and his legs and tailed tucked in. With no hesitation, Burn grabbed hold of his ripped wings and pushed them aside to reveal what was underneath.
"A SkyWing egg..." she muttered. She reached for it.
"No! You can't take it!"
"Make me," she snarled. Despite Hvitur's death grip on it, Burn easily pried him away. She was far stronger than any dragon he had encountered.
"Queen Scarlet's outpost guards had told me of a little thief. I only went after you to add some flavour to my rather boring visit." She looked over the egg in her talons. "I wondered at first why an IceWing of all dragons would steal a SkyWing egg. That my spineless idiot of a sister had a new plan to annoy me. Then, I looked to the moons." She gazed up at the three moons overlooking them. They watched on with quiet apathy to the situation, shining brilliantly.
"The Brightest Night is tomorrow," she continued. "Then it made sense." She quickly raised her barb to his throat, only a claw length away from puncturing his neck. "You're one of those peacemongers, aren't you?"
Hvitur stared at the barb in stunned, shocked silence. His heart was beating rapidly.
"Yes! Yes, I am with them. The Talons of Peace," he sputtered out.
"Yes, yes, whatever name you useless pacifists call yourself." She snorted. "Crying over split blood as if it weren't in our nature to battle. Pathetic. A conflict can never be resolved through discussion. Not this one."
She lowered her barb. "No, this war can only be stopped once the life drains from my sisters' eyes. I refuse to listen to the pleas of dragons who think otherwise. No dragon can tell me when I die or who I bow to."
"Haven't enough dragons died?" Hvitur snapped back. "Twelve years of bloodshed, and for what? Nothing? There'll be only more and more. More lives lost. More families torn apart. More death and destruction, and for what!? For you to rule?"
"Tighten the mouth restraint," she ordered the guard. "Again, crying over split blood. Death and tragedy is what make war. It's what makes those who survive rise above. They're stronger. They overcome and kill any who are weaker. It's only what a dragon does best: kill."
"The dragonets will come no matter what you say! They--" Hvitur was beginning to struggle to speak with the restraint closing tighter.
Burn looked over the egg in her talons. "You say that as though I cannot simply crush this egg." A crooked smile appeared on her face. "Perhaps I could shatter it between my claws. Or, maybe I could stab it with my barb."
"You wouldn't..." Hvitur mustered. Even Princess Burn couldn't hurt a dragonet egg, could she?
That smile twisted into a grin. "Wouldn't that be even more tragic?" she asked. "No 'wings of sky' to save the world. What a sad tale for you worthless little worms. Queen Burn, the ruthless blood-lusting monster, destroying the prophesied egg before it could ever come to fruition." She walked over to the edge of the cliff. "With that, no dragonets came to save Pyrrhia, and she ascended to her rightfully earned throne. Oh, doesn't it tug on the heartstrings?" She held the egg dangerously close to the ledge.
Hvitur looked at her with a wide, panicked expression. He thrashed as she held it over the cliff face. "Please..."
Burn looked him dead in the eyes. She let out a sarcastic, dramatic sigh. "So much for destiny, I suppose." With it, she let the egg slip out of her claws, hurling towards its demise.
"NO!" Hvitur yelled. He tried with all of his might to break away. To lunge at her. To try tearing Burn to shreds for what she did.
"Enough with that!" Burn barked back. She raised her barb, this time stabbing it right through Hvitur's neck. Pain rippled throughout his body as the barb pierced through his scales, going right into his flesh.
He lurched. His mind raced as he tried to process the intense agony. Words failed him. Whatever half-baked insult or threat he could toss at the monstrous SandWing silenced by the blood in his throat.
Burn loomed over the shaking body of the IceWing. She tisked. "This is what you pacifists get." With it, she dragged him closer to the edge, letting his body ragdoll off of the cliff. The barb slipped out of him, and Hvitur fell to his death.
The prophecy was ruined. Pyrrhia was lost.
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