jenscx · 9 months
i'm sad now, i want my minyn back </3 icb yn fumbled so hard. i too would beg on my knees if i were yn.
- wohan anon
RIGHT anyw minyn will be coming back soon <3
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shuxiii · 10 months
c!minji is so cute... where is my irl c!minji </3 i saw the quote 'i'd like to laugh with you for the rest of my life', it's so c!minii and c!yn coded 🫠
- wohan anon
Ure ill for sharing that quote w me im crhing id like to laugh w u for the rest of my life ure so sick URE SO SICK DO U HEAR ME. Its canon that minji and yn get married and become eos first love (real) STOP URE MAKING ME THINK OF THAT MARRIAGE BOTH CHAPTER WHERE MINJI ADMITTED SHE COULD ONLY SEE HERSELF MARRY YN ONLY IM SO DONE BYE
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spadesolace · 9 months
that was so good 🫠 i love wil!minyn so much😭 they're so cute, i feel so single after reading that🥹 minji being a chanel ambassador and a med student is so insanely hot, i love smart and successful people. i just know they'll have the best life tgt ❤️‍🩹
- wohan anon
i probably caused a few of you to panic in the last part (mya told me that it was evil)
i love wil!minyn so much that i can't let it go but i think it's time for them to take a break and i'm glad you guys love it
wil!minyn in that fic are actually around 22-24
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yashuworld · 1 month
Woh-wohan - Fruits in Javanese & English
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ouakka · 4 years
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دراسة حديثة: مرضى كورونا الذين عولجوا باستخدام هيدروكسي كلوروكوين معرضون لخطر الوفاة
أفادت دراسة جديدة نُشرت اليوم الجمعة في مجلة The Lancet أن مرضى Covid-19 الذين عولجوا في المستشفى باستخدام هيدروكسي كلوروكوين، كان لديهم خطر أعلى للوفاة مقارنة بمن لم يتناولوه.
وفقا للدراسة التي جرت على أكثر من 96 ألف مريض من 670 مستشفى في 6 قارات إن المرضى الذين تناولوا الدواء أو الكلوروكين ، الذي يستمد منه هيدروكسي كلوروكوين، كانوا أكثر عرضة للإصابة بتوترات غير منتظمة في القلب.
قام باحثون في كلية الطب بجامعة هارفارد ومستشفى بريجهام للنساء والمؤسسات الأخرى بدراسة 96,032 مريضاً تم إدخالهم إلى المستشفى مع Covid-19 في الفترة ما بين 20 ديسمبر و 14 أبريل.
ووجدت الدراسة  إن 14888 مريضًا عولجوا باستخدام هيدروكسي كلوروكوين أو الكلوروكين ، إما بمفردهم أو بالاشتراك مع عقار الماكروليد وهو من نوع المضادات الحيوية، وببقية 81144 مريضا كانوا في المجموعة الضابطة.
توفي ما يقرب من 10700 مريض في المستشفى خلال الفترة الزمنية.
ووجدت الدراسة أنه بعد الأخذ في الاعتبار عوامل متعددة ، بما في ذلك العمر والعرق والجنس والظروف الصحية الأساسية ، كانت هناك زيادة بنسبة 34 ٪ في ��طر الوفاة للمرضى الذين تناولوا هيدروكسي كلوروكوين وزيادة بنسبة 137 ٪ في خطر عالي للإصابة باضطراب نظم القلب.
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kendineyazar · 5 years
Yeni korona virüs günlerce enfeksiyon belirtisi göstermeyebilir. Bu durumda enfekte olup olmadığını nasıl anlarsınız:
Ateş ve/veya öksürük şikayeti ile hastaneye gittiğiniz zaman, akciğerler genellikle % 50 fibrozdur ve artık maalesef çok geçtir!
TAYVANLI uzmanlar, her sabah yapabileceğimiz basit bir öz kontrol öneriyorlar:
Derin bir nefes alın ve nefesinizi 10 saniyeden fazla tutun. Öksürme, rahatsızlık, tıkanıklık veya gerginlik vb. olmadan durabilirseniz, akciğerlerinizde fibroz olmadığını ve temelde enfeksiyon olmadığını gösterir.
Şüphelendiğiniz veya kritik zamanlarda, her sabah temiz hava bulunan bir ortamda kendi kendine bunu kontrol edin!
COVID-19 vakalarını tedavi eden Japon doktorlar tarafından MÜKEMMEL TAVSİYE:
Herkes ağzının ve boğazının nemli olmasını sağlamalı, asla KURU olmamalıdır. En az 15 dakikada birkaç yudum su için. NEDEN? Virüs ağzınıza girse bile ... içme suyu veya diğer sıvılar onları yemek borunuzdan ve mideye yönlendirir. Karın içinde mide asidiniz tüm virüsü öldürecektir. Eğer düzenli olarak yeterince su içmezseniz, virüs nefes borunuza ve oradan da AKCİĞERinizin içine girebilir. Bu çok tehlikelidir.
Lütfen bu mesajı aileniz, arkadaşlarınız ve bu konudan yararlanabilecek herkes ile paylaşın! İnsanların dünyanın her yerinde korona virüsünden kurtulmasına yardım edin.
Bilgilenmeniz için bütün arkadaşlarıma gönderiyorum:
Sınıf arkadaşımın amcası ve yeğeni, yüksek lisans derecesi ile mezun oldu ve Shenzhen Hastanesi'nde çalışıyor. Wuhan’a pnömoni virüsünü incelemek için transfer ediliyor. Beni aradı ve arkadaşlarıma söylememi istedi: Soğuk algınlığınızda burun akıntısı ve balgamınız varsa, yeni bir tür koronavirüs pnömonisi olamazsınız, çünkü koronavirüs pnömonisi burun akıntısı olmayan kuru bir öksürüktür. Bu hastalığı tanımlamanın en basit yoludur. Lütfen arkadaşlarınıza daha fazla tıbbi bilgi sahibi olduğunuzda, tanımlama ve önleme konusunda daha fazla farkındalığa sahip olacaklarını söyleyin. Dekan Referansı
Bu Wuhan virüsü ısıya dayanıklı değildir ve 26-27 derece sıcaklıkta öldürürülür. Bu nedenle, daha fazla sıcak su için. Korunmak için arkadaşlarınıza ve akrabalarınıza daha fazla sıcak su içmelerini söyleyebilirsiniz. Güneş'e çıkın. Son zamanlarda hava soğuk ve sıcak su içmek de çok rahat. Bu bir tedavi değildir ve vücut için iyidir. Ilık su içmek tüm virüsler için etkilidir. Buzlu içmemeye çalışın, unutmayın!
Koronavirüs hakkında doktor tavsiyesi:
1. Oldukça büyük boyuttadır (hücre yaklaşık 400-500nm çapındadır), bu nedenle herhangi bir normal maske (sadece N95 özelliği değil) filtreleyebilmelidir. Bununla birlikte, enfekte olan biri önünüzde hapşırırsa, yere düşmeden ve artık havaya uçmadan önce 3 metre (yaklaşık 10 fit) büyük bir zaman alacaktır.
2. Virüs metal yüzeye düştüğünde en az 12 saat yaşayacaktır. Bu nedenle, herhangi bir metal yüzeyle temas ederseniz, ellerinizi sabunla iyice yıkayın.
3. Virüs 6-12 saat boyunca kumaşta aktif kalabilir. Normal çamaşır deterjanı virüsü öldürmelidir. Günlük yıkama gerektirmeyen kış kıyafetleri için, virüsü öldürmek için güneşin altına koyabilirsiniz.
Coronavirus'un neden olduğu pnömoni belirtileri hakkında:
1. Bu ilk boğaz enfekte olacak, böylece boğaz 3 ila 4 gün sürecek kuru boğaz hissi olacak
2. Daha sonra virüs burun sıvısına karışır ve trakeaya damlar ve akciğerlere girerek pnömoniye neden olur. Bu işlem 5 ila 6 gün sürecektir.
3. Zatürree ile yüksek ateş ve nefes alma güçlüğü gelir. Burun tıkanıklığı normal tür gibi değildir. Suda boğulduğunuzu hissedersiniz. Eğer böyle hissediyorsanız derhal tıbbi yardım almanız önemlidir.
Önleme hakkında:
1. Enfekte olmanın en yaygın yolu halka açık şeylere dokunmaktır, bu yüzden ellerinizi sık sık yıkamanız gerekir. Virüs sadece 5-10 dakika boyunca ellerinizde yaşayabilir, ancak bu 5-10 dakika içinde çok şey olabilir (gözlerinizi ovalayabilir veya burnunuza bilmeden dokunabilirsiniz).
2. Ellerinizi sık sık yıkamanın yanı sıra, hala boğazınızdayken (akciğerlerinize damlamadan önce) mikropları ortadan kaldırmak veya en aza indirmek için Betadine ile Boğaz Gargarası ile gargara yapabilirsiniz.
Çok dikkatli olun ve bol su için.
Alındığı gibi iletildi
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coronavirus removal Laguna Beach
The new coronavirus disease outbreak, initially identified in China, is continuing to grow more than 3 months after it was first detected in December. More than 125,000 people have contracted the virus. Over 4,600 deaths have resulted from the disease. The disease is called COVID-19 and is caused by infection from the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which is one of multiple coronaviruses that can infect humans. https://ozonese.org/
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ka-steve · 5 years
Ünnepek hogy telnek?
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ramzoozi · 4 years
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Coronavirus removal Irvine
Bring Classroom Learning Home With These Resources
Unfortunately, coronavirus has many families scrambling to help their children through a prolonged time of no faculty and no in-man or woman time with their friends.
As quarantine durations are extended throughout the country, many assets are available online for free that commonly price money to get right of entry to. And human beings are compiling famous homeschooling sources and sharing thoughts for a way to keep our youngsters occupied, glad and calm in the course of the quarantine .coronavirus prevention Irvine
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Free Online Learning Tools and Resources
During the pandemic, you can get admission to many web sites and video publications at no cost. Others may additionally require a subscription, which you could decide if you prefer.
Fun, instructional on-line resources to be had to encompass:
Brain POP is providing unfastened get admission to its academic videos and assessments for the duration of the quarantine
PBS Kids has lots of sports, video games and tips to be had for dad and mom and kids to explore
PBS Learning Media has curated lesson plans, movies, interactives and more for parents and teachers
Scholastic installation a free Learn at Home website for pre-kindergarten to 6th grade or above
Smart Music, an organization that makes music education software, is providing free access to practice tools via June
The Brooklyn Public Library will be live-streaming a digital story hour each weekday
The California Science Center is supplying a library of experiments for kids with Stuck at Home Science
The Cincinnati Zoo is live-streaming the times of a number of its animals via “Home Safari” motion pictures, including information approximately the animals and sports that families can do with youngsters at home coronavirus elimination Irvine
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The Los Angeles Public Library has a list of e-books for kids
Online Curricula for Homeschooling
If you’re looking for something extra based on your kids during a quarantine period, you would possibly bear in mind buying a subscription to a homeschooling curriculum. You’ve got a whole lot of options to choose from that range from easy and open-ended to rather structured.
Busy Toddler
Busy Toddler offers a few loose assets for toddler mastering and sports, along with two whole preschool curricula. They’re providing a steep quarantine discount. These are play-primarily based curricula that can be finished with things you already have around the house.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy gives a loose video library of training on quite a few topics masking kindergarten via early college. They have also created courses and hyperlinks to additional sources, which include sample each day schedules, for parents who are managing school at home all through the quarantine.
Khan Academy Kids is an interactive learning app for younger children a long time 2 through 7 that’s aligned with not unusual middle standards.
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Discovery K12
Discovery K12 is a homeschool platform that offers complete, free online curricula for pre-kindergarten through grade 12 in multiple subjects, like visible and appearing arts and physical education.coronavirus remediation Irvine
Amazing Educational Resources
Amazing Educational Resources hosts a massive spreadsheet with hyperlinks to numerous getting to know assets online, including virtual museum tours, educational apps, loose on-line magazines and more.
Make Time for Fun Activities That Inspire Learning
All studying doesn’t need to be curricula-based. Help children have fun — and still, examine lots  in a coronavirus quarantine period in lots of ways.
Creative Writing
Spark ideas with a writing prompt. Author Kate DiCamillo is providing writing activates each week on YouTube. Keri Smith, who wrote the “Wreck This Journal” series, is posting everyday exploration prompts on her internet site. Illustrator Carson Ellis is supplying these example prompts on Instagram.
Your kids can also practice their writing talents through writing letters. Stay in touch with pals and circle of relatives by encouraging youngsters to write letters to them and mailing them. They can also write poems, make drawings or print out and ship photos. They’ll learn precious writing competencies at the same time as staying socially connected.
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Set Up Arts and Crafts
Amp up arts and crafts time at domestic with the youngsters. The alternatives are endless. Use paper and tape to create homes and towns. Make sock puppets and placed on a puppet show. Make play dough, slime or goop. Try finger portray or pudding painting. The sky’s the limit.
You can also get cunning with cardboard. The opportunities are infinite with cardboard bins. Turn one into a boat, automobile or plane and pretend to journey the world. Make an obstacle course with bins, pillows and furniture. Build a castle out of cardboard boxes or make a puppet stage  the ideas are endless. coronavirus prevention Irvine
Create Sensory Playtime
Try amusing sensory play within the tub or bin the use of shaving cream, bubbles or washable finger paints. Have a toy car wash within the bath or give all of the plastic animals a bath.
Additionally, a plastic tub filled with rice or sand and small toys offers your kids hours of fun digging thru with fingers, sand shovels or spoons to turn up buried treasures.
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Get Cooking Together
Cooking with your children has academic advantages you might not have thought of at first. Your youngsters can examine math (including portioned ingredients) at the same time as you make a nutritious meal from scratch, and you’ll preserve your meal plans moving smoothly. Try baking a new recipe together or an old family favorite.
Play a Game Together
Bust outboard video games and puzzles to keep kids entertained — and studying. Bring back your own family recreation night, any time of day. Chess, checkers, jigsaw puzzles, cards and board video games can all provide boredom comfort and teach approach and math capabilities.
How to Plan and Structure Your Days at Home
Having an ordinary that you follow each day, even loosely, can help maintain a sense of normalcy and calm for children, who are beneath strain because of the modifications in their lives. Keep to normal wake-up and bedtimes, mealtimes and scheduled screen time. You might additionally want to include chore time, studying time, by myself time and artwork time. coronavirus mitigation Irvine
Also, recall having an everyday social time for video chatting with friends and your own family. This will assist maintain robust connections despite everybody being domestic.
Make sure to consist of physical pastime in each day. Even better if you may be lively outside  fresh air is essential for health and well-being. Go for a walk, hike or motorcycle trip with your children.
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Designate a Space for Learning
If you stay in a small space, all you actually need is a flat floor like a kitchen or eating room desk. But if you have the room, bear in mind putting in a dedicated desk or region at the desk for your youngsters to sit down and paintings. Having one vicinity for getting to know and schoolwork can help them focus.
How to Prioritize Learning During an Extended Break From School
The most vital thing right now's to make certain that kids sense secure and stable of their circle of relatives relationships. There’s a variety of upheaval and strain as children are reduced off from pals and teachers. Make positive to manipulate your own pressure, too, as maintaining yourself wholesome is important to keeping your family healthful,
Sticking to a recurring is the most crucial thing you could do to preserve your kid's mastering. It’s what creates the gap for schoolwork to happen, and it keeps youngsters calmer because they recognize what to anticipate.
At the identical time, mother and father want to be sensible about what they and their youngsters can get achieved each day. After all, pressure and uncertainty can make focusing difficult. coronavirus sanitation Irvine
Teachers are urging students to stay engaged, however additionally to take into account that no person is watching for the identical stage of getting to know that happens in faculty all through this temporary time. Two or 3 hours an afternoon of centered time on learning is lots. Don’t feel like you should schedule six hours of mastering, which might overwhelm kids.
Educators apprehend that mother and father are underneath a number of pressure right now regarding work and circle of relatives income. They don’t anticipate dad and mom to suddenly update teachers. Make positive to generally tend to your youngsters’ emotional well-being, set an affordable time table with an excellent work-to-play ratio and stick to your recurring. We’ll all get through this collectively.
We’re Here to See You Through
To live updated on the state-of-the-art coronavirus news, and for more assist for assisting your kids research at domestic throughout quarantine, go to our coronavirus removal Irvine
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jenscx · 9 months
nooo... minji, no... my minyn 😭 why are they both stupid? im also a petty ass person but im also so much of a simp when i date i could never🧎‍♀️😭
- wohan anon
LOL right i think i made them a lil tew stupid yk and tew petty because if i had kim minji i would never fumble like that
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shuxiii · 9 months
to that last anon, i could not agree more. i dated someone that was born at the end of the year when i was 18 (same year as me, but im a feb baby). and we broke up after a while cuz they were so immature and unwilling to communicate.
- wohan anon
DAMN REALLY its really all about communication and trusts and understanding each other
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spadesolace · 9 months
why are there so many weird anons? 🤨😒 anyway! i just want to say, i love your work, especially the 'what is love' series! idk what you have in store for it, but i saw ur spoilers and i can't be more stoked !
also, may i be wohan anon? 🥹🫶
love my anons, but some just cross the line
thank you, i don’t want to spoil much as it is but what is love really has a special place in my heart
and welcome wohan anon 🫶
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rsdoraser · 4 years
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🔸खतरनाक बीमारी का हो सकता है खात्मा यजुर्वेद अध्याय 5 मन्त्र 32 के अनुसार कबीर परमात्मा पाप के पाप विनाशक हैं। संत रामपाल जी महाराज द्वारा दी गयी सतभक्ति से नियम में रहने से बड़ी से बड़ी बीमारी ठीक हो सकती है । #Who_Is_EarthSavior #savior #christ #bible #god #godisgood #allah #deen #islam #hindu #bhakti #krishna #shree #chanting #dharma #satsang #india #italy #wohan @subhankar.maity.50767 @mr.rajesh.giri.3114935 @sultanansari2570 @m (at Sira Tumkur) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-oev7QFvLr/?igshid=1k51i5gk3usp4
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yioh · 4 years
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sometimes-icecream · 6 years
Well youre in a city of pirates you could probably just take one while theyre asleep down in their quarters or out in the town? Lots of different makes and models to chose from uwu
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“But I miss being human…”
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“Why hello, friend! I think I can bring you a few trinkets, but not now, I have some things I need to do first, but I promise I’ll bring you some, dear.”
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