handful0fteeth · 3 days
i was made for lovin' you, baby
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chapter 2 of my Funny How Love Is series. read chapter 1 here summary: following the success of your first date, you and Steve catch a movie together. or, at least, that's the plan - before Steve discovers you've shown up to the date with no panties.
pairings: steve harrington x fem!reader
warnings: smut, minors DNI, (light) exhibitionism, dirty talk (a lot of it), steve harrington has a big ole monsterc*ck, tooth rotting fluff, multiple orgasms
words: 16.3k
Miraculously, you survive.
Not without a thorough verbal lashing, but that was to be expected. The moment you walk through your front door, you’re bombarded with questions, and your outfit is fussed with – you don’t think you’ve ever experienced more blind panic in your life than when you have to snatch your skirt out of your mother’s prying hands before you accidentally flash her. 
She yells. A lot. You endure it only because the fearful tremor of her voice makes your stomach churn with guilt. You're silent when she demands to know what was so goddamned important you couldn’t bother to pick up a phone to call home, because you can’t very well tell her the actual reason, that you were pretty preoccupied with your longtime crush sucking your soul out of your pussy and so time just sort of…slipped away.
After forty-five minutes, your mother finally quiets and slumps into her recliner, exhausted. You are sent upstairs with a, “If you ever scare me like that again, I will chain you to the foundation of this house. Do you understand me?” You promise you’ll never be out this late without a courtesy call back home explaining your absence, and she waves you away, satisfied for the moment. 
You jump in the shower, not because you’re eager to wash Steve’s lingering scent off your skin, but because you’re uncomfortably sticky from the slick smeared between your thighs and the sweat cooling beneath your clothes. Your body is pleasantly warm, even without the water cascading over it, and remnants of that dreamlike serenity you experienced while straddling Steve’s lap swirls around your brain like mist. It enables your thoughts to wander as you scrub shampoo into your scalp.
You imagine Steve in here with you, hair slicked out of his face and soap lingering on his skin, bending down to kiss you while his hands roam the expanse of your body. You didn’t see him naked tonight, but God, you want to. It’s so easy to picture droplets of water clinging to the thatch of dark hair between his hips, and easier still to envision yourself following the thin trail above it with your tongue as you sink to your knees. 
 After a while, you aren’t even focused on getting clean anymore. You’re just tilted against the slippery tile wall, hands dancing idly over your wet skin as you lose yourself in your fantasies. You forget the amount of attention your pussy’s been shown tonight until you absently reach down to massage your clit, and the ache that bounces up into your stomach makes you hiss through your clenched teeth. Okay, you think, twisting the faucet off and peeling back the shower curtain. Definitely no more of that tonight.
Exhaustion hits the moment you cross the threshold into your bedroom. You toss your towel over the back of a chair and dive beneath your covers, resolving to call Kelsey in the morning and rub in her face just how proficient Steve Harrington is at eating pussy. 
It seems like you’ve just shut your eyes when your mother’s voice rouses you from slumber. You can barely make out the vague syllables of your name as you pry one open and holler back, “Yeah?”
“You have a phone call!”
“Tell Kelsey I’ll be there in a second!” You sit up slowly, scrubbing your eyes and swinging your legs over the side of the bed. There’s no helping the low groan that slips past your lips as you stand. You’re sore – your thighs burn with every step you take to grab a robe off the back of your door, and your jaw clicks as you loose a yawn.
“It’s not Kelsey!” Mom shouts. “It’s that Harrington boy you went out with last night!”
That was fast. Delicious memories from the night before flood your brain, and your cheeks burn as you knot the belt on your robe and burst into the hallway. You descend the steps two at a time, and in your haste, you nearly tackle your mother as you rip the phone from her.
“Ow, Jesus! Bent my goddamn fingers back, Y/N!” she snaps, shaking out her hand and retreating to the living room with a sour look on her face.
You mouth a silent apology at her back before inhaling deeply through your nose and rolling your shoulders. There isn’t time to practice your best “nonchalant” voice, so you hope for the best as you bring the phone’s receiver to your lips.
“Hello?” Your voice cracks. Of course it does. 
Steve doesn’t seem to notice, thank God. “Good morning, beautiful. How’d you sleep?” 
You tangle your fingers within the curls of the phone cord and lean against the wall, butterflies fluttering their wings against the inside of your ribcage. That smooth, carefree confidence drips from his voice like honey, and you can’t even see him, but you know he’s smiling, so the corners of your mouth twitch upward in return.
“Wonderfully. You?”
“Like a baby. I was just about to head off to work, but I wanted to call to check in about last night, make sure you were…yanno, still okay with everything.”
“I’m still very, very okay, Steve,” you promise. You scan the kitchen and poke your head around the wall to peer into the living room, ensuring your mother isn’t secretly eavesdropping. She’s taking sips of coffee between glances at her magazine and the morning news, but you still lower your voice and turn your face tighter toward the phone when you respond.
“I think the evidence of how okay I am is staining your backseat.”
Steve chuckles, and you bite your bottom lip as your face flushes. 
“Good point,” he says. “I also was wondering if, maybe, possibly…you were free again tonight?”
You’re sure you'd spit your heart onto the floor if it bounced harder into your throat. Is he asking you out again? Two days in a row? You knot the phone cord so tightly around your fist that the flesh starts to go white.
“Oh, yeah, absolutely, I’m free,” you say, forcing yourself to sound normal and not like an overexcited middle schooler. “Did you, uh, have something in mind?”
“Well, I get off work early tonight, so if you’re interested…I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie?”
“Yes!” you exclaim. You catch your mother giving you an odd look over the lip of her mug before you turn your back to her. “Y-Yeah, absolutely, I’d love to catch a movie.”
“Sweet. I’ll be done at five. I can pick you up after?”
“I’ll just meet you,” you counter, “Family Video’s not that far from my house.”
“You sure?”
It’s not that you don’t want Steve to pick you up – it’s moreso that you know your mother will want to talk to him, and you aren’t ready to subject him to her well-intentioned interrogations just yet, not when she’s likely still a little hot about your late arrival last night. 
“Alright, you’ll meet me at five, then,” Steve concedes.
“Sounds like a plan. Mind telling me what we’re seeing?”
“Back to the Future.”
You furrow your brow a bit. You thought everyone in Hawkins had seen that movie by now since it came out three months ago, and had assumed it’d already trickled out of the theaters in favor of being burned onto DVDs.
“I didn’t peg you as a sci-fi nerd,” you admonish playfully, and Steve huffs in amusement.
“I tried to watch it when it first came out but, uh…well, I had stuff going on that night, and then Starcourt burnt down….” He trails off, but you nod and suck your teeth in acknowledgment. 
You remember the news about the mall burning down the morning after it happened – the police surmised a couple of dumb kids snuck into the building after it had closed and decided it would be a good idea to set off fireworks on the Fourth. Your mother shook her head at the newspaper that day, steaming mug abandoned on the table in front of her and hand pressed mournfully to her mouth. You’d snuck a peek over her shoulder, and Detective Jim Hopper had stared reproachfully back at you, beneath a headline announcing his untimely demise as a hero. His and Heather Holloway’s names were the only ones you’d really recognized in the expansive list of casualties, and you weren’t even close to Heather. You’d had one meaningless conversation with her during one of her shifts at the pool because Kelsey mentioned a band she was traveling to see, and Heather overheard and announced her plans to go to that very same concert – one in Indianapolis, in August. Needless to say, Kelsey was the only one who made that trip.
The second-only movie theater in Hawkins burned with Starcourt, and now all that’s left is The Hawk downtown, in all its crumbling, dusty glory.
“Yeah, I guess scooping ice cream waits for no man, huh?” you ask slyly. You’d never gone to Scoops Ahoy when it existed, mainly because you didn’t trust yourself to not sound like a stuttering idiot if you tried to order from Steve, but you’d never deny yourself the indulgent glances you’d steal from across the food court at him. He was the only man you’d ever seen make sailor shorts and a dixie-cup hat look sexy.
“Hey, I was doin’ much more than scooping ice cream.”
“Oh? Like what?”
“Just, yanno…helping some friends with some…stuff.”
You snort.
“Important stuff,” he adds, and you nod.
“Is there any other kind?”
“None that I know of. See you in a few hours?”
“Definitely,” you say.
“Awesome. I gotta go, I have to pick up my friend so we can carpool. I’ll see you later, baby.”
The line clicks dead, and you’re left standing against the wall, wrapped up in the phone cord and blushing bright scarlet as the dial tone groans at you. 
If Steve never uses your real name again and exclusively calls you “baby” forever, you’ll die a happy woman. You spin around to disentangle yourself and slam the receiver back down on the hook, clasping the front of your robe shut as you hurry back up the stairs.
“I’m going out again tonight!” you call over your shoulder. “With Steve!”
“And what will happen if you’re out past curfew again without calling home?” your mother yells back. You roll your eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, chain me to the foundation, I heard you!”
“Just checking! Oh, and Y/N?”
You pause in your bedroom doorway, robe already halfway shucked off. “Yes?”
“When do I get to meet this Harrington boy?”
“Oh, uh, you know…!” You shut your door quickly.
You have too many clothes.
You come to this conclusion as you’re standing naked in front of your closet, half of its contents belched out into a pile on the floor, hair and makeup already over an hour old. You’ve never thought so hard about what to put on your body in your entire life. The cold air dribbling through your cracked window suggests that you wear pants. But you hate all the clean options in your drawers, so maybe a skirt with some leggings? But then what do you wear on top – something dressy, casual, or a little bit of both? 
You blow out a harsh puff of air and flop unceremoniously to the floor, landing on your ass with a thud. Maybe you’ll just go naked. That’ll go off without a hitch, right?
Ultimately, you build your outfit around a plaid skirt you haven’t worn since the previous year's winter. It’s snug on your hips, almost too snug, and as you bend to slip some plain white Keds on, you feel the waistline dig into the soft skin of your belly. The feeling isn’t unbearable, and the skirt makes your ass look stellar, so you decide it’ll be worth the discomfort and the slight waddle you must walk with. Only after you’ve shrugged a denim jacket over a well-loved Heart t-shirt and have your hand on the doorknob to leave do you consider something: your panties.
They’re cute and simple, and you’re sure Steve would praise your choice of undergarment even if they were beige granny panties, but…wouldn’t he be far more surprised if he hiked your skirt up and found no panties at all? You bite your lip.
Well…if last night is anything to go by, he’d just steal these panties, too, right? And then you’d be down two pairs, and you aren’t made of money. You can’t just replace the pairs he tucks away as memorabilia continuously, can you? It’s a smarter, more fiscally responsible decision to go commando, you reason.
Stomach flipping and cheeks burning red hot, you shimmy your underwear down your legs and kick them toward the hamper in the corner of the room. 
You can’t pry your thoughts away from the breeze tickling between your thighs the entire walk to Family Video. 
You’d intended to drive the family car here, but your mother was already clutching the keys and shrugging her jacket on as you plodded down the stairs, citing that she’d had plans to meet some girlfriends for a drink, so you’d have to figure out different transportation. You were only sort of pouty about it, but mostly very brave – if you consider loudly complaining at your mother’s back that she must hate you and want you to get kidnapped as she scurried out the front door as “brave,” that is. Luckily, Family Video is a relatively brief walk if you navigate the forest behind your neighborhood as opposed to trying to follow the main road through town.
Before last night, you had never even considered going anywhere without panties – it seemed like a thing women only did in pornos. But now, here you are, out and about in the middle of the woods, pussy completely exposed beneath a skirt that’s barely long enough to cover the swell of your ass. It’s…oddly invigorating. And far more arousing than you would’ve imagined. 
The autumnal chill of October seeps through your jacket, sending chills up and down your bare legs, and you wrap the sides tighter around your waist to preserve what little warmth you still have. A few older couples, folks out for an evening walk, you gather, eye you up and down in confusion – or pity – as you shiver past them, and you can’t help but be a little envious of their thick woolen coats and long knitted pants. But the thought of Steve realizing you’ve shown up for your date without panties, and his eyes darkening with arousal as he hitches your legs up to your chest, hot breath ghosting over your exposed flesh as he gazes at you in the way that makes you feel like the single most desirable thing on the planet…
It’s more than worth being a little chilly.
The dark green exterior of the Family Video is almost entirely blocked by a swarm of patrons when you reach the parking lot. You should’ve expected this, seeing as the weekend has just begun, but the sight makes you swallow hard and self-consciously smooth a hand over the front of your skirt. A majority of the clientele for the evening seems to be rowdy teenage boys who raucously mill about the parking lot, some smoking cigarettes, others performing tricks on their skateboards. Shit.
You take a deep, steadying breath and lift your chin as you cut through the drifting crowds filtering in and out of the store. You tuck your hands behind your back as you walk, trying to appear casual as you slide them down over your butt and pin the fabric of your skirt in place. A giggling teenage girl blows a pink bubble with her gum as she holds the door open for you, and you flash her a thankful smile. 
The air in the store is warm and a little stuffy, the smell of dust, candy, and stale popcorn hanging like fog between the doorway and the checkout counter. People amble around, most chattering with friends as they bemusedly pick up DVDs and scan the front and back covers for something that piques their interest. An unsupervised little girl shrieks as she darts past you, clenching The Care Bears Movie against her chest as she begs her mom to buy it. 
A lithe, busy-looking girl paces behind the counter, wearing a green vest with Family Video emblazoned in bright orange lettering on the lapel. Her hair is a dirty, warm blonde and curls softly just beneath her chin, and her angular features are pinched together in apparent dismay as she worries a chipped blue thumbnail between her teeth. You progress toward her slowly, tapping on the counter’s surface to gain her attention. Despite what you thought was a markedly careful and delicate approach, the girl almost flings herself over the counter’s edge, gasping and exclaiming in surprise.
“Sorry! Sorry, um, hi, I’m Y/N, I’m supposed to be meeting Steve here?” you say hurriedly, and the girl blinks her round blue eyes at you. Silence falls gracelessly between the two of you, and you’re sure it only lasts a few seconds, but it feels like an eternity lapses in the seconds the girl’s unblinking gaze is fixed on your face. 
It’s…a little unnerving, you’ll admit. 
She squints, like she’s trying to glean more information from the nervous smile you’ve pasted on your lips, then snaps her fingers and points in your direction as a sudden realization dawns on her.
“I sat on your underwear!” she announces, loud enough for a father and young child to turn their heads and stare at you both in confusion. If you weren’t trying to conceal your ass from what feels like the entirety of Hawkins right now, you’d bury your face in your hands. The girl, to her credit, instantly realizes her mistake (and her volume) and claps a hand over her mouth.
“I am so sorry,” she says, voice muffled from behind her multi-ringed fingers. “That was…I meant…”
She sticks a hand out before her, offering you an apologetic smile along with the handshake. “I’m Robin. Steve’s told me a lot about you.”
Ohhhh. Robin. She was a key character in many of the stories Steve told you last night, and from the way he described her, her frenetic energy suddenly makes a lot more sense. You return her smile and shake her hand, but Robin doesn’t let go immediately. Instead, she grips you tight while waving your interlocked arms up and down repeatedly as she talks, almost like she’s unaware she’s doing it.
“I wasn’t, like, seeking out your underwear or anything, by the way. I just, like – well, Steve and I drove to work together this morning, and when I sat down, I felt something weird bunched up under me, and I was like, ‘Huh, wonder what that is,’ so I pulled it out and lo and behold,” she mouths the word “panties” silently, laughing a bit awkwardly around it, “and I was like ‘Woah! What the hell!’ and then Steve told me to put them down, and I was like, ‘Whose are these?’ and then he told me about your date and….” She trails off and lets go of your hand once she recognizes she’s been flapping it for about thirty seconds. 
“Sorry. I…talk a lot,” she says sheepishly, but you just laugh and shake your head. 
“It’s alright. It’s nice to meet you, too, by the way.”
She grins so wide you worry it’ll split her slim face right down the middle. “So, Steve told me you guys have a second date tonight?” she asks.
You nod. “Yep! We’re gonna go see Back to the Future.”
“Ohh, I remember that movie! Michael J. Fox wants to, like, bang his mom, right?”
You giggle and shrug. “Something like that, yeah. Do you know where Steve is, by the way?”
Robin nods and slides out from behind the counter. “Yep, I’ll go grab him. Be right back!”
She flits off, disappearing behind rows of DVDs and throngs of idle customers. You turn, keeping your back pointed at the counter for safety, and lean against it. Oddly, you feel compelled to greet people when they walk in since you’re standing right at the front; you get a few curious looks thrown your way as you wave and welcome people inside the store, clearly not in uniform and rather done up for a supposed Family Video employee.
A minute passes, and while you don’t see Steve emerge with Robin, you certainly hear him.
A display of chocolate bars flies off the counter behind you, clattering to the floor with a loud, metallic clang that makes everyone stop what they’re doing and look. Candy spills across the floor, and Steve stoops to the ground to collect the fallen sweets and discarded metal rack, mumbling apologies at startled customers all the while. He cradles the chocolate in his arms and lets the rack dangle off one crooked finger as he straightens and smiles at you.
“Smooth move, dingus,” Robin teases, patting Steve’s shoulder and resuming her post behind the counter. He shoots her a look and swings the display rack back on the counter. He sloppily dumps the bars next to it before wiping his palms on his jeans and stepping closer to you. 
He’s sporting the same Family Video vest as Robin, a slightly baggy yellow sweatshirt, and blue jeans. The yellow makes the greenish flecks in his eyes pop, and the moles along his cheeks stand out even brighter. Once again, Steve Harrington is the most beautiful boy you’ve ever seen, and he doesn’t even have to try.
“You look gorgeous,” he murmurs. A hand slides around your waist and rests on the small of your back, pressing you close enough that he can stamp a chaste kiss on your cheek. His lips are warm against your chilled skin, and after a moment, he pulls back with a concerned look.
“Jesus, you’re freezing. Did you walk here?”
“Oh, yeah, uh. Mom had to take the car to a thing, so….” You shrug, trying to appear apathetic, but a shiver slithers up your spine as the front door swings open and a gust of frigid air nips at your heels. Steve hugs you closer, fingers squeezing and sliding up your hip and waist to warm you up.
“Next time, just call me. I’ll gladly pick you up so you don’t have to freeze your cute little ass off,” he mumbles against the shell of your ear. Before you can reply – not that you had anything remotely intelligent to say anyway – he turns both of your bodies so they’re angled at Robin.
“You two have been introduced, right?”
“Yep. I told her all of your embarrassing secrets before I went and got you,” Robin says flatly, shuffling candy bars in her hands like playing cards and slotting them into their original spaces on the display.
“Awesome, that means I’ll have plenty of time to tell her all of yours in the car,” Steve retorts. Robin rolls her eyes and holds a chocolate bar above her head threateningly.
“I am not afraid to use this.”
“You couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.”
Steve yanks you to the right as the bar soars past your head, pinwheeling onto the floor and almost knocking against the ankles of two teenage girls by the front door. They both look up sourly, lips pursed, eyebrows furrowed in displeasure, and Robin squeaks out an apology before they strut away.
“Good one,” Steve taunts, slipping his work vest off and dropping it on the counter behind him in a heap. Robin swipes it away with narrowed eyes, chastising Steve about not being his mother as she folds the fabric into a neat, green square. He slings an arm over your shoulder and starts to guide you out of the store, calling out to Robin over his shoulder.
“Don’t forget to lock the front door when you leave!”
“One time, Steve. It was one time!”
The drive to the theater is a pleasant blur of conversation. 
The smell of Steve’s cologne envelops you the second the passenger-side door shuts, woody and sweet and perfectly him. As you toss your purse into the backseat, you find yourself staring intently at the upholstery. It doesn’t appear that your previous escapades have actually maimed the leather.
At one point, as Steve talks about a particularly belligerent customer he had to deal with earlier in the day, he reaches over and rests his hand on your thigh. It’s not an insinuation or expectation – he hardly even applies pressure, just idly rubs his pinky back and forth over your skin while he continues his story. His ministrations do slightly disturb the hem of your skirt, but he doesn’t seem to notice. 
You entertain the idea of just guiding his fingers between your legs, allowing him to feel you entirely, letting him play with your cunt while he drives, but just as you’ve built up the necessary courage, the car is pulling into the parking lot behind The Hawk. 
He squeezes your leg before hopping out of the car, and you’ve barely gathered your purse strings in your fist before he swings your door open for you and extends a hand down to help you out.
“Madame,” he says, bowing his head slightly. You giggle and take his hand.
“Why, thank you, kind sir,” you say, and as you step onto the cracked asphalt below, Steve shuts the door and crowds you up against the side of his car. 
His lips are instantly on yours, warm, soft, and hungry, and you can’t help but sigh against his mouth. You didn’t know how addictive kissing Steve Harrington would be until you went without it; now that you’re here, you’re tempted to forego the movie entirely so you don’t have to stop making out with him. He nudges his knee between your legs, and you tense up involuntarily, inhaling sharply through your nose. You feel him start to pull away, having noticed your apparent hesitance, but you remedy that quickly by bringing a hand up to tangle in the hair at the base of his neck and locking your right ankle around his calf. You lick at his lips, and he parts them readily, excitedly. He tastes minty, something you weren’t expecting but aren’t displeased with.
“You smell good,” Steve mumbles, kissing a trail down your neck and tugging the collar of your shirt to one side so he can better access the skin beneath. He hums approvingly before latching onto a pre-existing hickey, suckling and nipping at his handiwork. 
“If you do that, they’re never gonna go away,” you breathe. He chuckles.
“Good. They look so pretty on you.” His hands glide down your waist and settle on your hips, kneading circles into your flesh and pulling you flush against his body. You notice how comfortably you fit together, like pieces of a puzzle clicking into place for the first time. When he straightens, you find yourself tilting your head to meet his eyes.
“You have the softest mouth,” he says quietly, raising his hand and ghosting it along your jaw. His curled pointer finger settles beneath your chin, and his thumb presses into the center of your lower lip. “I could kiss you all day.”
“We’d miss the movie,” you warn, words slurred slightly by the presence of his thumb. You have to admit, though, that spending an entire day holed up with Steve, doing nothing but making out and allowing his hands to roam wherever they pleased on your body sounds like heaven on earth. He smiles at you, that perfect crooked smile, and gives you one last peck on the lips before stepping back.
“Better get a move on, then,” he says, sweeping his arm out and moving to the side. Cold air rushes to fill the space his body occupied a moment ago, and you shiver. You smooth the front of your skirt with one hand and slot the other inside his, keeping in step as you both navigate the alleyway next to the theater.
Empty cardboard boxes loom above your head, stacked haphazardly and tilted into the walkway. Puddles of opaque liquid splash beneath your shoes as you walk through them. A rumor Kelsey whispered to you ages ago floats to the forefront of your mind.
“Hey…didn’t Jonathan Byers kick your ass back here a few years ago?” you ask. The corner of Steve’s mouth twitches. Then, he smacks his lips and walks ahead, tugging on your arm and dragging you through the alley.
“So, what size popcorn did you want? I was thinking we’d get a large to share!”
Your sneakers stick noisily to the floor as you and Steve slither through the narrow rows of the mostly empty theater. You’re clutching the large Coke you’re going to share and the box of Sour Patch Kids Steve insisted upon while he’s balancing the unnecessarily massive bucket of popcorn on the tips of his fingers. You eye it cautiously, ready to leap to catch it if it pitches forward.
The seats you’ve picked in the top middle row, away from what little crowd is scattered about the theater, creak as you sit down, and the decrepit padding sags under your weight. You’ve missed the previews but are just in time to watch Marty McFly hitching a ride on the back of a truck to get to school. You pass Steve his candy and take a sip of your drink as he settles in and sticks the popcorn bucket between his knees.
“So, what’s happening?” Steve whispers, leaning down to your ear.
“Hardly anything yet. He’s on his way to school from Doc Brown’s house.”
“He who? And who’s Doc Brown?”
“He is Michael J. Fox,” you murmur, pointing at Marty as Principal Strickland berates him. “Doc Brown is Christopher Lloyd, the crazy scientist.”
“Ohh. Wait, isn’t he the One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest guy?”
You lean back in your seat enough to give Steve an incredulous look.
“You’ve seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest?”
He shrugs, ripping the cardboard lip of the Sour Patch box open and spilling a few multi-colored gummies into his palm. “Robin and I have movie nights every Sunday. She chooses artsy shit on her turns. My last pick was Gremlins. You should come this weekend, but I can’t promise she’ll give up her turn for you. She’s suuuuper anal about that stuff.”
You smile and relax into his side. “As long as she’s cool with me bringing hot chips, she can pick whatever she wants.” This date isn’t over yet, and he’s already talking about seeing you again. If it weren’t the least cool thing you could do right now, you’d squeal over it.
Steve silently holds a blue Sour Patch beneath your nose as an offer, pinched between thumb and forefinger. You take it, gently pulling with your front teeth, and before he can retract his hand, you surge forward. Your tongue laps at the sticky sugar left over on the pads of his fingers, and in the flickering light of the film, you catch Steve staring at you, surprised. 
He bites the inside of his cheek when you draw his thumb inside your mouth and give a tentative suck. His gaze darkens as you blink up at him through your eyelashes, feigning innocence. As you start to pull away, he presses a finger beneath your chin and hooks his thumb downward against the backs of your bottom teeth, locking you in place. He leans toward you, mouth so close to your cheek that you feel the rumble of his voice across your heating skin.
“Do you really think it’s smart to tease me like that in public, baby?”
It is by the grace of God you don’t moan in the middle of the theater. 
You shift in your seat, trying to discreetly cross one leg over the other to squeeze your thighs together. His tone, the unrelenting grip on your jaw, and the change in his body language make you want to challenge him. You want to nod in agreement, to meet his gaze defiantly, do something that’ll make his eyes flash. But someone a few rows down from you loudly clears their throat, and Steve’s eyes dart toward the noise. 
You bite back the disappointed whine that builds in your throat as Steve slowly pulls his thumb from your mouth, eyeing the thin string of glittering saliva that keeps it briefly connected to your bottom lip before snapping. A beat passes where you both stare at each other, your lips barely parted, ready to welcome anything Steve deigns to slide past them again, but he rests that hand in his lap instead. 
“Watch the movie,” he murmurs, smirking at your open-mouthed and dazed expression.
Yeah, like that’s possible.
You swallow hard, uncrossing your legs and squirming. He hasn’t even done anything, not really, but your pussy is throbbing right now, and you’re genuinely concerned you’re going to start leaking all over the cushion below your ass. The potential embarrassment of standing up and discovering the shiny wet spot, a definitive indication of your arousal, thrills as much as it fills you with dread.
Steve seems to get absorbed into the movie rather quickly, mindlessly alternating between popping gummies and kernels of popcorn in his mouth, but your brain is buzzing, making it impossible to focus. When Steve places the popcorn bucket in the empty seat next to him, you can’t help yourself – you glance down at his empty lap, staring at his dick through his jeans like a fucking pervert. You gnaw the edges of your fingers, which doesn’t come close to sating the desire to have anything of Steve’s back inside your mouth..
The 1950s version of Marty’s father has just knocked Biff Tannen unconscious when Steve leans over the armrest between you again, and his voice is light with amusement when he asks, “What’s got you squirming so much?”
You breathe out sharply through your nose.
“I thought you wanted us to watch the movie,” you snark. Steve’s smile widens.
“I told you to watch the movie,” he corrects. His elbow nudges into your side slightly as he bends toward you. “But it seems like you’re havin’ a hard time with that. I’m just curious as to why.”
“You know why.”
“Mmm, no, I don’t.” Smug motherfucker.
Your hands rest on your thighs, clenching and unclenching as you contemplate your next move. He watches you intently, eyes roaming from your undoubtedly flushed face to where your hands are fidgeting in your lap. 
You won’t tell him why you can’t sit still – you’ll show him.
Wordlessly, you slide your fingers down the sleeve of his sweatshirt until you’re grasping his hand and guiding it toward your skirt. His fingers are cold as they brush against the soft, warm flesh of your inner thighs, and you grin as a gasp flutters past his lips.
“Fuck,” he growls. He pulls his hand back, and before you can whine at the loss, he adjusts himself in his seat so he’s angled toward you and reaches between your legs with his other hand, the one that offers better leverage. You duck your face into the crook of his neck as his two fingers slide up the length of your slit, collecting the slick that’s puddled near your hole and smearing it up your lips. You can’t part your legs any further, or you’ll rip your skirt right up the seam, but that doesn’t stop you from trying. You whimper softly as Steve crowds you up against the back of your seat. 
“I can’t believe you went out with no panties on,” he breathes raggedly. That same fervent, desperate arousal he displayed last night while nose-deep in your pussy bleeds into his voice, making it husky as it washes over your ear, and you shiver. 
Steve dips the tips of his fingers inside you, a groan stifled against the back of his teeth, and you suck in a breath. Is he really going to finger you here, in the theater? You’re not exactly sure what you were expecting, but knowing that anyone could turn around and see you both right now makes you simultaneously nervous and stupidly horny.
“God, you’re already so wet,” Steve rasps, fingers nudging deeper inside of you. “Have you been thinking about this the whole movie? Teasing me ‘til I played with your pussy?”
“M-Maybe,” you whimper. “I didn’t…have a concrete plan…oh, fuck–”
Steve claps his free hand over your mouth before you can loose the moan bubbling up your throat, snickering as his two fingers slide inside you. They curl as he drags them almost entirely out of your hole, leaving only the tips inside before slowly stuffing you full again. He keeps this devastatingly slow pace, fucking his fingers in so deep you ache, only to leave you mostly empty, again and again. You pant and whine against his palm, hips bucking off the seat to try and make him go faster, God, you need him to fuck you properly, but he won’t be swayed.
“You should see yourself right now,” he says against your ear. His fingers still inside you, the tips rubbing against your g-spot so that despite the people around you, you’re confident you’ll scream in frustration if he doesn’t start fucking you the way you want, the way you need. “Your cunt is drooling all over the seat, baby.”
He removes his hand from between your thighs, smirking at how you fuss and strain in an attempt to coax him back inside you. He frees your mouth, but only briefly, as his slick-soaked digits push past your lips the second you open them to protest. They don’t stop, either, sliding across your tongue and toward the back of your throat. He presses down, nearly activating your gag reflex. 
Steve watches hungrily as you hollow your cheeks and suck on his fingers, swirling your tongue over and between them to clean what remains of your slick off. The subtle way he shifts his weight catches your attention, and your gaze drifts down to his lap again.
He’s hard, you can tell, even with the inconsistent light the movie affords you. 
Embarrassingly, your mouth floods with saliva at the thought of kneeling on the sticky theater floor and swallowing Steve Harrington’s cock while the people around you innocently watch Back to the Future.
“Please,” you mewl once Steve pulls his fingers from your mouth. He hums inquisitively, tracing your bottom lip with the pad of his thumb.
You straighten and push yourself into Steve’s space, crushing your mouths together as you reach into his lap and stroke the bulge in his jeans. A shudder ripples through his body as your fingers squeeze and rub insistently, and it only spurs you on. You deftly unhook the button on his pants and drag the zipper down as Steve explores your mouth with his tongue, hands curling around your jaw and holding you in place.
“You gonna stroke my cock in front of all these people, baby?” Steve chides playfully, nipping your bottom lip. 
“If you’ll let me.” 
He seems a bit taken aback by your answer, enough to where his mouth hovers above yours, and his dark eyes blink open. Steve examines your face, almost as if he’s trying to discern if you’re serious or just so mind-bogglingly horny that you’ll agree to anything.
You sink your hand beneath the waistband of his boxers and grasp his cock, too eager to let the cogs finish turning in his head. His flesh is burning hot to the touch, and as you swipe your thumb over the swollen, thick head, you smear a pearl of precum down his shaft. 
The sound he makes once he captures your lips in a kiss again is sinful.
If it weren’t for the armrest, you’re sure he’d be pulling you into his lap right about now. Steve’s breath comes in shallow bursts as you stroke him, slow and deliberate, mimicking the pace at which he fingered you. He reaches for you, wrenching your shirt from where it’s tucked into your skirt and sliding a hand up your stomach. When he cups that hand around your breast, you gasp, and he swallows the sound greedily before pushing your bra down and out of the way.
Two things happen just as Steve brings his other hand down between your legs again: lightning crashes into the clocktower on the screen, and someone unleashes a sustained, phlegmy round of coughing. 
Steve jerks back from you, panting, pink high on his cheeks and his hair dangling in his face. He looks around, tongue darting out to wet his red, swollen lips. After a moment, he laughs and leans back, closing a hand over the one you still have jammed down his pants.
“Why’d you stop?” you ask.
“'Cause if I don’t, I’m gonna fuck your brains out in front of all these people,” he admits, eyes shining mischievously. 
“That doesn’t sound too bad,” you purr, squeezing the base of his cock. He twitches but gently wraps his fingers around your wrist, guiding it out of his underwear. 
“You say that until Chief Powell locks us both up for public indecency,” he laughs. “Do you wanna come back to my place, baby? It’s a lot more comfortable and…private.”
You start nodding before he’s even got the whole sentence out. He smiles, popping a quick kiss on the tip of your nose before reclining in his seat to tuck his dick away and do his pants back up. You have to do a bit of awkward twisting and shuffling to get your bra back into place without accidentally flashing the whole room, and Steve grabs your hand before carefully leading you down the steps and toward the theater door.
“So, uh, just in case I don’t get to see it ‘til it comes out on DVD,” he whispers over his shoulder, “how’s the movie end?”
“Uh, Marty hooks his mom and dad back up, and they all end up better off in the future. His dad’s some hotshot author and makes Biff chauffeur him everywhere.”
“Good for George!”
“Oh, and Doc lives.”
Steve stops cold, holding the door halfway open before turning to face you with a puzzled expression.
“Wait, what, how’d he-”
“Steve, do you wanna stand here talking about it, or do you wanna go have sex?” you ask, patting his chest and urging him out the door.
“Right, right, sorry, just – tell me later!”
Steve’s mouth finds yours the moment his front door shuts behind the both of you.
His hand slides behind your head, partially to tangle in your hair and keep you where he wants, but also so you don’t smack it against the wall as he pins you there. A few picture frames dotted along the entryway rattle from the force, and the sound stirs a thought.
“Wait, Steve, your parents…” Your protest is weak and breathless, swallowed by a gasp as Steve kisses a trail down your neck and laves his tongue over a healing hickey. 
“Not home,” he breathes.
“Are you sure?”
“They never are,” he murmurs into your skin. 
Paranoia still flickers dimly in the back of your mind, so you crack your eyes open to look around. The oak floors beneath you gleam as if freshly polished, and the cream walls you’re pressed against are stippled with a few small pieces of geometric art. There’s a side table just beyond Steve’s back, shiny and black and dimly illuminated by a single lamp, and while you don’t spot the glint of anyone’s keys on it right away, you still aren’t convinced that means no one’s home. Stairs are crushed against the furthest wall, thick ivory fabric carpeting each step, flowing upstairs into a rectangle of darkness on the top landing.
Steve sinks his teeth into the flesh above your pulse point, ripping your attention away from the decor. You moan louder than you intended and tip your head further to the side to give him better access.
“Such a little fuckin’ tease,” Steve growls against your throat. His fingers clench, tugging your hair by the root. The pain stings sweetly across your scalp, and you suck in a breath. “You have no fucking idea how much self-control it took to not bend you over in that theater, Y/N, Jesus Christ.”
You whimper, snaking your hands up under the back of his sweatshirt. He radiates heat, and the sensation of his smooth, unblemished skin beneath your fingers makes you want to scratch grooves into it. You won’t, not yet – you don’t have a read quite yet on how much pain Steve likes intermingled with his pleasure, if any. 
His free hand glides down your thigh before hitching itself behind your knee, and you gasp as Steve hikes your leg up and over his hip, leaving you suddenly exposed. Steve’s warm, solid body swiftly replaces the cool air that tickles between your thighs as he presses himself flush against you, his bulge straining against your bare pussy in a way that makes you shiver.
“God, I could fuck you right here,” he breathes, and you’re grateful for his iron grip because, without it, your buckling knees would’ve sent you straight to the floor. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, baby. Y’know how bad I wanted to drag you back inside my car last night? Keep you all to myself?”
“Fuck, Steve,” you whine, voice muffled against his soft, sweet-smelling hair. Arousal sinks itself between your hips like lead, hot and insistent, and you grind against Steve’s denim-clad cock desperately. You’ll let him fuck you anywhere he likes – against the wall, on the floor, bent over the railing of the stairs. A perverse thrill rushes through you at the thought, and you’re about to open your mouth to beg Steve for just that when he releases his grip on your hair and leg. 
By the time you realize what’s happening, Steve’s knees have already hit the dark blue rug below you, and his fingers are squeezing your skirt over your hips. He tilts your lower half away from the wall, toward his face, by grabbing a greedy handful of your ass and pulling; you stumble a little and have to tangle both hands in his hair to keep from falling over his shoulder. He peppers kisses along your inner thigh, turning his face into the soft, malleable flesh, and you see the flash of his teeth before you feel them, nipping the juncture where your pelvis and leg meet. 
“Let’s see if I still remember our lesson,” he murmurs, a sound that vibrates up into your core and shakes a moan from your lips. His voice, though faint between your legs, is dark and strained, as if he’s barely holding himself back from ravaging you right where you stand. You don’t know how to verbalize quite yet that you want, more than anything, for Steve to just fucking take you already. You worry the wicked thoughts swirling around in your head right now, tapping their claws against your skull and whispering encouragement to you, will freak him out if you dump all of them on him at once.
Steve’s tongue flattens against your cunt, and the noise he makes as he licks up to your clit makes you shudder. He crushes you closer to him, so close you can feel the tip of his nose bumping between your folds as he gets right to work eating your pussy with the fervor of a starving man. 
“Still so fucking wet,” he mumbles. He pulls away, just far enough to spread you open with two fingers, and teases the tips around the rim of your hole. You whimper, hips bucking involuntarily, your grip tightening in Steve’s hair to keep yourself steady. His dark eyes flicker to your face; his swollen pupils eclipse the color in his irises, leaving them almost black in the dim light of the entryway. 
“You want my fingers, baby?” he asks. You nod, breathless.
“Yes, what?” He traces around your twitching entrance, gaze unwaveringly intense. You swallow hard and swear you see the corner of his mouth tic amusedly when he catches how your throat bobs with the effort.
“Yes, please, Steve,” you offer, and he sucks his teeth in admonishment. 
“C’mon, pretty girl, I thought you learned how to beg for me properly last night,” he chastises, and your stomach flips. The high, squeaky sound that ekes out of your mouth is wholly unintentional, but how the fuck are you supposed to be quiet when he’s talking like that, looking at you like that, touching you like that?
“P-Please, please, Steve, I need your fingers inside me, please,” you mewl, and Steve makes a satisfied noise low in his throat. He places an approving kiss right above your clit, and if the thought of falling directly on top of him wasn’t mortifying, you’re sure you’d collapse.
“Do you wanna take my cock tonight baby?” he asks. He pushes his two fingers inside you just as your mouth drops open to answer, and you suck in a breath sharply as they curl and brush over that spot inside you. 
“God, fuck, yes, I do, please. I want your cock,” you babble.
“Are you sure? You’re not too sore?” It’s a sincere question. Truthfully, you are still sore – not terribly, not the way you were in the shower last night, but the ache pulsing in your muscles as Steve slowly, so fucking slowly, draws his fingers in and out of your pussy, is inescapable. Admittedly, though, it doesn’t discourage your arousal even one bit – you want him to fuck you until you can’t walk, to have that dull pain twinge throughout your body for days as a reminder. 
And considering how big he is, you don’t think that’ll be hard to accomplish.
“No, I’m okay, not too sore,” you assure him. 
“Yeah? You’ll let me know if it hurts too much, won’t you, pretty girl?” 
You nod, breath hitching as the pads of his fingers rub gentle circles over your g-spot. “I can take it, Steve.”
He smiles, sweet and innocent, his sunshine yellow sweatshirt rumpled and perfect hair ruffled across his forehead. He kisses your thigh again and pulls his fingers almost all the way out.
“You’ll need to take more than two fingers if you wanna fit my cock inside you,” he says simply, and plunges three fingers inside you up to the knuckle while latching his mouth over your clit.
The only reason you don’t scream is because all the oxygen has been sucked from your lungs. 
Steve drives his fingers home again and again, spreading them apart inside you while his tongue swirls over your throbbing clit. Your fingers claw at the smooth wall behind you, desperate for anything that might aid you in remaining upright, and when you can’t find it and the tremoring in your thighs threatens to overtake you, you thrust your hands into Steve’s hair, pushing it away from his face. It gives you an unencumbered view of his dark, thick eyelashes fluttering over his cheekbones as he focuses on your slit and the faint flush hueing his tanned skin. 
When your head falls back against the wall, and you moan, high and desperate, you unthinkingly ball your hands into fists. The strands of Steve’s hair go taut in your grip, and just as you’re about to whisper an apology, he groans into you. 
“Harder,” he says, breathless, a gleaming string of saliva tenuously connecting his bottom lip to your cunt. 
“Wha…” You’re borderline delirious from pleasure, which makes forming an intelligible sentence very difficult. Sensing this, Steve lifts the hand not buried knuckles deep inside you and rests it over yours, squeezing gently.
“Pull harder, baby.” 
You swallow hard. His eyes are wide open now, staring directly at your face, bright and blazing. When you oblige him, clench your fingers and tug at the root of Steve’s hair with both hands, hard enough to make his head tip back, his lids flicker, and a smirk sprawls across his reddened lips. The gasp that passes through them clenches your stomach, and his approval inspires you to pull his head back further.
“Fuck,” he growls. 
“That feel nice?” you ask, and Steve nods as best he can. He looks fucking divine like this; slick lips parted to allow shallow breaths, gazing up at you like you’re the only person in the universe who matters. You wonder if he’ll ever let you take the reins, if he’d let you pluck him apart, piece by piece, just as he’s done to you, only to paste him back together at your leisure.
The thought makes you shiver, and you gush a bit around his fingers.
He’s broken free of your grasp just as quickly as he invited it, however, and when he dives back into your cunt, he’s abandoned all pretense. He laps at your clit with long, flat strokes of his tongue and purposefully thrusts his three fingers against your g-spot, curling them tight and pumping so fast you can see the veins twitching in his bicep. Your pussy makes wet, obscene sounds as he fucks into it, and the embarrassment that tinges the edge of your arousal at that fact brings you closer to orgasm than you were expecting.
“S-Steve, Steve, God, fuck, I’m gonna cum, please, I wanna cum,” you blurt out, and he hums affirmatively. Without warning, you feel the tip of his pinky finger nudging against your hole.
“Cum for me,” he says – rather, he demands it of you. “Cum on my fingers if you wanna earn my cock, baby.”
Earn it. That thought, and the sweet, burning stretch of his four fingers inside your spasming pussy send you tumbling over the edge. You scream so loud you worry any neighbor Steve has will think he’s trying to kill you. In all fairness, he may be – you cum so hard that once your scream fizzles out, it’s impossible to draw in an adequate breath, so you’re just left paralyzed, choking on your own tongue, trembling on Steve’s deft fingers and mouth.
He milks it for as long as he can, chuckling against your folds when you finally gather the wherewithal to whine and push weakly at his forehead after your pleasure ripens into pain. When he pulls his fingers out, all four shimmer with slick, and it takes you a beat to realize your thighs are warm and wet from your orgasm, all the way down to your knees. The small puddle of your own cum that’s collected between your shoes glistens mockingly up at you. 
“Okay…you have to at least let me clean that up,” you pant, jutting your chin toward your mess. Steve laughs and sucks a kiss into one of the few unblemished areas of your inner thigh you have left.
“It’ll dry, don’t worry about it. You can clean this for me, though.”
Steve reaches up and presses all four fingers into your mouth. You moan, a wholly compulsory sound, but obediently twirl your tongue over the digits, doing precisely as he asked and cleaning your cum from his skin. As you do, Steve murmurs praise into your flesh between featherlight kisses, trailing them across both thighs and either side of your hips as he raises himself higher on his knees. 
“Good girl,” he purrs, retrieving his fingers from your mouth. You’re about to thank him when he presses you flush against the wall again. You find yourself upside down before you can ask what he’s doing.
Steve has hoisted you up and over his shoulder, not unlike a literal sack of potatoes, and you’re now completely inverted, blood rushing to your head but enjoying an eyeful of Steve’s ass in his jeans. The fabric of your skirt is still bunched up around your hips, leaving your bare ass fully exposed, and you reflexively reach back to cover it as Steve darts up the staircase. Your body bounces on the rounded edge of his shoulder, which digs a bit unpleasantly into the soft pouch of your stomach, but you find yourself giggling uncontrollably all the same. His strength impresses and arouses you all over again.
“Sorry, baby, I just don’t fully trust you to walk all the way to my room on those shaky legs,” Steve says, mirth belying his apology. You’d like to argue, but he isn’t wrong. Even as they dangle uselessly across Steve’s torso, your thighs tremble. At this rate, you would’ve been lucky if they cooperated enough to let you crawl after Steve to his bedroom.
Before you can entertain that thought, you’re flying through the air. The springs of Steve’s bed shriek as you land atop it in a heap, making you wonder if they always squeak like that. 
“Sorry about the mess,” Steve says, arms crossed over his torso and hands gripping the hem of his sweatshirt. You look around – aside from a few crumpled pieces of paper on a desk and a moderate pile of rumpled clothes in one corner, the room is spotless. The walls and curtains are matching shades of plaid, and more oak furniture crowds the corners. You take a deep breath, expecting Steve’s cologne to waft sweetly up your nose, but instead, you inhale the scent of dust. There isn’t much here to denote that the room belongs to a college-aged man, let alone that he spends any meaningful amount of time in it. It looks more like a well-used guest room, aside from the forest green sleeve of Steve’s varsity jacket peeking out from the cracked closet door and a singular framed picture on his desk. The features of the two figures are bathed in shadow, but you can tell by the exaggerated swoop of hair on the taller one that it’s Steve with…someone.
It makes you sad, Steve’s room.
You sit on your knees and shuffle toward him as he peels off his shirt, laying your hands over his to stop him.
“Let me,” you whisper. 
He pauses, a sliver of smooth skin visible through the gap he’s made in his clothes, and you catch a glimpse of his happy trail just above his belt buckle. One hand drifts downward, and your fingers press tentatively into that thatch of hair. Steve’s stomach is a hard wall of muscle protected by soft flesh that pudges out around your fingertips slightly, and the way he tenses beneath your touch doesn’t escape your notice. His eyes glitter in the room's dim light, flickering over your face, searching. 
“Please?” you add, and he smiles.
He drops both arms to his sides, allowing you to slide your palms along his waist and lift the sweatshirt from his body. Dark, coarse hair swirls across his chest, dipping between his pectorals in a thin line before reappearing above the waistband of his jeans; beneath the sparse edges of his body hair, you’re able to pick out dozens of freckles and beauty marks dappled along the lean, tan expanse of his torso. The sleeves of his sweatshirt flip inside out and cling to his wrists as you tug the last of it off, and you both giggle when the neckline snags on the tip of his nose before snapping over his forehead. 
You sit back on your haunches, hands hovering above his body, unsure of where to settle first. He’s so fucking pretty, you want to touch everywhere at once, from the broad line of his shoulders to the divots along his pelvis.
You don’t have long to think about it. Steve slips both hands behind your knees and pulls; your back hits the bed in a squeal of springs and a whoosh of air, and as your thighs spread instinctively, the riiiiip of your skirt splitting clean up the seams catches his attention.
“Oh, shit. Sorry,” Steve chuckles, pinching a jagged flap of fabric between his fingers. It’s unsalvageable, but you can’t bring yourself to care. You squeeze what remains of the waistband down your hips and drop the scraps off the edge of his bed, giggling.
“You’re gonna owe me a whole new wardrobe at this rate,” you say, and Steve presses an apologetic kiss to the bridge of your nose.
“I’ll get you the best a Family Video salary can buy,” he promises. Then, two fingers are buried inside of you to the knuckles, and any witty retort you had loaded up for him dissipates on the breath that hisses out through your teeth.
“Fucking – oh, my God,” you groan, stretching out the last word as Steve plunges his fingers in and out of your cunt. He tilts his hand slightly so that he’s brushing up against your g-spot every time, and you would be embarrassed about the pathetic little whimpers tumbling from your lips if you had the wherewithal for shame at this juncture. Your back arches, driving your head into the pillow, but Steve’s free hand tangles itself in your hair and forces you into a semi-sitting position.
“I want you to watch, baby,” he murmurs. “Watch how you take me.” 
“Please, Steve, more, please, I can take it,” you pant, eyelashes fluttering as you watch Steve’s glistening fingers vanish and reappear rhythmically. He laughs against the shell of your ear before kissing your temple.
“I know you can take more of my fingers, pretty girl. I watched you do that,” he coos, voice rife with singsongy condescension. “Unless that’s not what you mean.”
“You know that’s not what I mean,” you whine, and you don’t think you’ve ever sounded so petulant in your entire life. Steve’s fingers still, and he makes a quizzical Hm? sound high in his throat before deliberately dragging tight, fast circles around your g-spot. The veins in his forearm pulse and bulge with the effort, and he’s gone and sucked all the air out of your lungs, so you can’t even answer him when he says, “Then use your words and tell me what you need.”
For a few seconds, your brain goes blank. Pleasure thrums through every nerve in your body until your skin is prickling with heat, gooseflesh rising on your thighs despite the sweat beading at your hairline, and the realization that you’re already close again cracks through your skull like lightning. You grab Steve’s wrist, though you’re torn on if you want to push him away or pull him in deeper. It’s too much, it’s far too much and yet it’s not nearly enough at the same time because it’s not his cock, and you need his cock, so finally, you draw in a shallow breath, swallow what little saliva remains in your mouth, and you tell him.
“I need your cock, please, Steve. I need your fucking cock so badly, please just give it to me.”
“That’s my girl.”
Steve crawls between your legs, aptly slipping his belt out of his jeans and whipping it to the other end of the room. As he strips his pants off – you bite back a laugh, watching him struggle to rip his foot out of one of the legs – you sit forward slightly and peel off your Heart T-shirt. Fresh air cools your flushed skin while you reach behind yourself, awkwardly attempting to unclasp your bra and still look sexy, a feat you don’t think has ever been accomplished.
“I got it,” Steve says, and as he presses himself against you, head hanging over your shoulder and fingers adeptly unhooking the tiny metal hoops, something hot and hard rubs between your legs. You look down and realize he’s already stripped himself of his briefs, and once your bra falls away, discarded alongside your shirt, you see the flushed length of his cock bobbing slightly between his hips. 
Your mouth fills with saliva. It’s like you can still taste him, heady and salty and perfect, on the back of your tongue, and for a moment, you want to beg him to fill your throat over and over again. 
“God, you’re fucking perfect,” Steve murmurs, lips trailing down the side of your neck, then your collarbone, before both hands rise to cup your now bare tits, and his mouth glides along your heated flesh. When he closes it around a nipple and laves his tongue around it in slow circles, you arch your back, moaning with abandon; Steve inches closer, the head of his cock nudging more insistently against your cunt. He repeats his ministrations on the other nipple, hands kneading and squeezing the pliant skin of your chest gently until you’re whining and bucking against him.
“You ready, baby?” he purrs. He lifts his eyes to yours, pupils blown so wide and black within his dark irises that it’s like staring into twin pools of ink. You open your mouth to respond just as Steve grips himself by the base of his cock and grinds the shaft against your soaked slit, up and down, up and down, grazing your clit with every stroke. If you weren’t so smitten by him, you’d fucking kill him.
Growling, you plunge both hands into his hair, tugging hard at the locks by his temples as you did before, and Steve’s shocked gasp skitters across your face. 
“Fuck me before I lose my goddamned mind,” you pant, voice much less authoritative than you’d like it to be. You compensate by jerking Steve’s head back, punctuating your demand, and he laughs. 
“If you insist.”
Both of your wrists are swept up in one of his hands and pinned above your head so fast you don’t have time to react. The head of his cock presses against your hole, thick and hot. Despite his thorough prep work, you can tell this will still be quite the stretch. You hitch your legs up over his hips as he prods further, keening and squirming as your pussy struggles to accommodate the sheer girth of him – it fucking burns, but the pain doesn’t discourage you in the slightest. Still, you can’t help the pitiful mewls that fall from your lips, nor the way your body thrashes against Steve’s iron grip.
“I know, baby, I know,” he coos, voice rough with arousal. “You can take it. I know you can. Just relax. Does it hurt?”
“Do you need me to stop?”
“Fuck no, please don’t stop,” you plead, and Steve huffs out a laugh. 
When the head finally pops inside you, you reflexively bear down on it and release a broken moan through gritted teeth, and Steve’s low groan reverberates through your body. “So fucking tight, fuck baby,” he moans, and just as your lips part to beg him to keep going, he thrusts in another inch. Steve pushes inside of you slowly and steadily, sucking air through his teeth and screwing his eyes shut so tight you wonder if he’s consciously keeping himself from cumming already.
Then – he pulls out.
Fuck it. You’re gonna kill him and kill him slowly.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” he wheezes, scrambling off the bed and leaving you with a spasming, achingly empty hole and questions on your tongue. The low lighting doesn’t afford you much clarity on what Steve is doing. Under normal circumstances, you’d probably find the way he’s frenziedly flitting about the room, naked as the day he was born, funny, but you are legs akimbo on his bed, alone, with nary an explanation as to why he pulled his dick out of you in the first place.
It dawns on you when he finds what he’s looking for and kneels on the bed again, and the slim plastic wrapper in his hand gleams in the lamplight.
“I completely forgot,” he says, smiling bashfully as he frees the condom from its wrapper and rolls it down over his flushed cock. You can’t help it – you’re disappointed he’s not gonna be fucking you raw tonight. You understand why he can’t, why you can’t let him, of course, and if you’d had your wits about you, you’d have reminded him about it yourself. But still. 
Steve kisses your forehead as he lines himself up with your cunt again, and this time, he doesn’t make you beg at all – he thrusts almost half his length inside of you in one go, and you forget all about the condom for the moment.
“Fuck, fuck, yes, Steve!” You twist his sheets up into your fists, shocked you don’t tear a hole clean through the fabric, and your mouth hangs open as Steve bullies his cock deeper inside you. Pleasure rumbles through him, something you feel rather than hear at first because he leans over you, one hand supporting the small of your back, lifting you partially off the bed, and presses your bodies together. He plants wet kisses along the side of your neck and down your chest, breath washing over your skin as he pants raggedly. 
“You have no idea how hard it was to not just fuck you raw, baby,” he murmurs. A shiver ripples down your back and you moan, the sound swinging high and cracking in your throat because that is maybe the hottest thing he could have said in this moment. 
“I would’ve let you,” you admit, the words slipping from your mouth without much thought given to them, and perhaps you’d be embarrassed at your stark honesty, or how desperate you sound if Steve didn’t groan so deliciously in your ear afterward and start snapping his hips forward faster.
“Yeah, baby?” he asks, breathless. With every thrust, he buries himself just a bit deeper inside you, and the ever-increasing fullness makes it hard to think, let alone maintain any sort of filter on your words. It still burns just that little bit, enough to remind you that you’ve never had anything – or anyone – this big inside of you before, and it just makes this sweeter. 
“God, yes, absolutely,” you huff, because it’s true – you’d never admit it to him, would never tell a single soul or even pen it in the margins of your diary, but you have spent more than one sleepless night in your life with your hand jammed down the front of your underwear, fantasizing about Steve Harrington filling your pussy with load after load until his cum dribbled steadily out of your thoroughly used hole. You’d always flush with embarrassment afterward, when the warm glow of your orgasm had faded and you had to deal with your soaked sheets before they went cold under your ass, mostly because, at that point, you’d hardly said five words to the guy. 
Steve adjusts his grip, hands sliding from your back to behind both knees before he pushes them toward your chest. When he bucks against you next, it’s all you can do not to scream. He can get so fucking deep at this angle, with your hips tilted up and Steve looming over you, and you’re positively flabbergasted when you look down between your bodies and realize he hasn’t even pushed his entire length inside of you yet. You’re brimming with him, entirely full, you don’t think you could take another inch, but still you whine and look up at him through your lashes.
“Deeper,” you plead, weakly gripping his elbows for purchase. “P-Please, deeper…more…”
 He chuckles, a low sound that rolls like thunder through your body and makes gooseflesh prickle across your skin, and when he pushes a sweat-damp clump of hair from his eyes, you realize just how bright they are. The way they flash at you, coupled with the sheen of sweat glistening off his pinked cheeks and the parting of his red, swollen lips to allow passage for his heaving breaths makes you wish you had a camera. You’d live in this moment forever if you could, Steve pounding you into the mattress and gazing at you like this, like you’re the only thing in the world he cares about.
“You’re fuckin’ twitching around me, baby, are you gonna cum already?” he asks, and the question drops you back into your body at once, though you weren’t aware you’d been floating out of it in the first place. He’s right – without having even acknowledged your clit the entire time Steve’s had his cock inside of you, you’re teetering on the edge of an orgasm, your cunt fluttering sporadically around his length. You open your mouth to reply, but no sound beyond gasping breath comes out, and this is apparently greatly amusing to Steve.
“Oh, you are, aren’t you? My pretty girl’s gonna cum all over my cock and I’ve barely even started, huh?” 
His words are like a crank winding an invisible cord that stretches from your core to your clit, one that has already been pulled so taut that you don’t think it’ll withstand his mouth much longer. You want to cum so fucking badly, but you also don’t want to be finished yet, and before you can verbalize any of that to Steve, he’s bearing down on you and pushing your thighs even further back. You’re not sure how you manage it, because you could’ve sworn you were not this flexible before tonight, but Steve forces your legs almost flush against your shoulders and slots both arms behind your knees, so you can’t close them even if you wanted to; he crowds against you, the full weight of his body now accompanying each thrust as he obliges your earlier request and sinks deeper into your drooling pussy than you thought possible.
Your mind goes blissfully blank. The tether in your belly snaps, and you start cumming so hard on Steve’s cock that you can’t even manage a scream – your mouth opens, a perfectly rounded O as your eyes screw themselves shut, and your back arches off his bed, your orgasm igniting every nerve in your body until you’re little more than a writhing live wire. It’s intense – that’s the only word you have for it, understatement of the century though it may be. You clench so tight around Steve that you’re shocked you don’t force him out of you, and he just keeps fucking you through it.
“That’s it, baby,” he croons, swiping the hair from your face with one hand and holding you in place. “That’s it, good girl, keep cumming for me, fuck, I can feel you soaking my cock–” 
“Steve, fuck, fuck, God, don’t stop, please,” you wheeze, your pleasure ebbing just enough for you to draw a small breath and find your voice again. You reach up, fingers shaking before settling in his hair, and tug the locks at the nape of his neck as your body trembles uncontrollably. Though he does moan in that way you’re rapidly becoming addicted to as you pull his hair, he slows his pace to a devastatingly slow grind and releases your legs. They flop uselessly down onto the bed, tingling with pins and needles, and you whimper pitifully as Steve takes this moment to sit up on his heels.
“I’m not going anywhere, baby, it’s okay,” he assures you, resting both hands on your aching hips and kneading small circles into the soft flesh with his thumbs. “I’m here.”
“Did you…?” You glance down at where your bodies are still joined, and Steve snorts.
“Almost. That’s why I had to stop for a sec. You just feel too fucking good.”
You can’t help the smug grin that creeps across your lips. You’re tempted to rock against him anyway, or perhaps even knock him backward and ride him until he can’t take it anymore, but your leaden limbs forbid you from making any significant strides toward either option. Steve pants above you, hands slowly migrating up the squishy expanse of your stomach, past your breasts, and finally landing on either side of your jaw before he licks his lips and bends toward you. He kisses you, chaste and gentle, a featherlight brush of his mouth against yours, and his thumbs press somewhat insistently at your temples.
“You’re crying,” he informs you, and again, it’s Steve’s observation that brings you back to your body – the sides of your face are wet, and if you turn your head at all, you can feel your damp hair sliding around on the pillow. “Are you okay?”
“Mmhmm…very, very okay,” you purr. “Jus’ felt good, that’s all…”
If your orgasm was like a firework shooting off and exploding inside of you, the afterglow you’re nestled in is like a warm bath, with every inch of you buzzing pleasantly in sluggish pleasure. Steve kisses you again, trailing his lips up past your cheekbone so he can plant them square in the middle of your sweaty forehead. The juxtaposition of this tenderness, the capacity he has to be so gentle with you after he just had you bent in half and seemed hellbent on fucking you through the bed, makes your stomach flutter with the kind of girlish giddiness only Steve can bring out of you. 
“Do you want me to keep going?” he asks. His cock throbs inside of you, but when he pulls back far enough to flash you that sweet, lopsided smile of his you know he’d roll off in a heartbeat if you asked him to. But you do not want him to do that, not even slightly, so you find the strength to lift your thighs and wrap them around his hips before you nod, grinning dopily, and say, “Please keep fucking me, Steve.”
His mouth is on yours before you’re finished saying his name. His movements have slowed, from the glide of his tongue past your lips to the roll of his hips, and he greedily swallows the keening whines that bubble up from your throat as his cock drags along your oversensitive walls. Your breath hitches every time he pushes himself as deep as he can go, something he makes a note of with a laugh and a playful nip to your bottom lip.
“You like being full of my cock, huh, beautiful?” he murmurs, ducking his head. He’s seemingly decided you need more hickeys, as evidenced by the way he starts sucking on a patch of flesh just beneath your ear like he’s trying to draw blood from the thumping veins below. 
“S-So much, yeah.”
“Yeah? That’s not even all of it, baby.”
“It’s not?” you whine, incredulous, and Steve snickers against your skin, shaking his head. 
“No, but I think it’d hurt if I tried to fit it all inside of you,” he says, and there’s something sharp in his voice – something mocking. 
“You don’t know that,” you huff, and Steve hums against your throat. 
He takes one of your hands in his, guiding it toward where he’s buried inside you, and says, “Feel that? Feel how nice and full you are now?”
You nod. Steve drops your hand. “Now feel how much of me is still left,” he says.
You do, fingers twitching along the length that remains outside of you, and you’re shocked. There must be at least two inches that Steve has yet to stuff you with, or perhaps that he physically can’t stuff you with, and while you want so badly for him to just shove the rest of it inside, you consider he may be right. His thick cockhead pulses where it’s resting inside your pussy, nestled against the very back of you; any deeper, he’d certainly hit your cervix, something you’ve experienced before with other (clumsy, inconsiderate, douchey) partners and would very much so like to never experience again. Still, your pride weathers this slight blow, and you compensate by wrapping your fingers around the bit of Steve’s cock that you can’t accommodate.
“Fuck,” he moans, drawing the word out nice and long as you start to jerk him off. He lifts his head from your throat, mouth curling into a shocked smile as he rocks his hips into your fist and, consequently, your cunt. “That’s…fuck, that’s really hot, Y/N.”
“Yeah?” Your voice is breathy, and pleasure sparks anew throughout your core. You have to twist your wrist at a slightly odd angle to get a grip on him with both of your bodies in the way, and your fingers keep slipping in the ample lubrication your pussy supplies, so it’s perhaps the clumsiest handjob you’ve ever given, but Steve doesn’t seem to care. He thrusts into you messily, brows pinched and swollen mouth dropped open as he chases his peak inside you, and your free hand raises to cup the side of his face.
“Cum in me,” you whisper, and the broken sound that tumbles from Steve’s lips spurs you on. You push back against him and bear down on his cock at the same time you squeeze your fist, the rubber rim of the condom skidding beneath your fingers. He slumps forward, pressing his cheek into your palm, hands shooting out to catch himself before he falls headlong into your chest. Sweat beads at his hairline and trickles down the long column of his throat before pooling in the hollow at the base, and the sight is so tempting you sit up and lave your tongue over his salty skin. 
“Cum in me,” you say again, “please, Steve. I need it, please, please.” 
“God-fucking-dammit,” he growls, his hips stuttering, chest heaving, and not a second later, he’s cumming. You can’t feel his load inside you – a fact that inspires a non-zero amount of disappointment that hasn’t abated since the second he slid the condom on – but watching him cum is enough to make that disappointment vanish. He goes silent for a beat as his peak overwhelms him, but when his cock starts to pulse inside your cunt and within your loose fist, fresh moans rip themselves from his throat, and you are so fucking thankful that Steve Harrington is not afraid to be loud for you. His body tenses and shudders as he pumps into you erratically. 
Just as you think he’s finished, and you’ve begun to take your cramping hand back, Steve stops you. He’s panting, gasping for air like he’s just finished a marathon, and his eyes are positively sparkling. He places your hand back on your pussy, and when you don’t move, he nods his head.
“Make yourself cum for me again,” he says simply, and it’s all you can do not to balk at him.
“But you just–”
“Don’t care. You can give me one more, baby.” 
Of all the things you’ve done tonight – in the last 48 hours, really – touching yourself in full view of Steve is the thing that makes you blush the deepest. You swallow thickly, fingers hesitating over your admittedly swollen clit, and Steve chuckles. He’s not as hard as he was moments ago, and you can feel him softening the longer he remains inside you, but that doesn’t stop him from jerking his hips forward harder in encouragement.
“C’mon, you’re gonna give me one more,” he insists. “Touch that pretty pussy for me, show me how you do it when you’re all by yourself.”
Well, when he says it like that.
You suck your bottom lip between your teeth and make quick work of your clit, rubbing circles around the throbbing bud as Steve fucks you fast and sloppy. You really didn’t think you had it in you at first, but once again, your body seems to have an endless capacity for orgasms when you’re around Steve – the coil in your belly winds itself quickly this time, burning blood-hot between your hips and readying itself to snap faster than you’ve ever experienced before. A wicked thought crosses your mind then, one that involves Steve testing just how quickly he can make you cum, and how many times he can replicate that speed, and you resolve to bring it up to him at a later date as your pussy spasms and Steve moans above you.
“Fuck yes, I can feel you getting close, that’s it,” he babbles, breathy laughter carrying his reassurance, and with one last well-placed thrust, you’re cumming on his cock again. God help you, there’s a splash, and wet heat soaks between your fingers as Steve fucks you through your orgasm, audibly impressed with how much you cum this time.
“Good fucking girl, I knew you had it in you. Shoulda put a towel down.”
You’d shush him if you had any air in your lungs. 
He pulls out and delicately unwinds your trembling thighs from his hips, beaming at you the whole time he peels the condom off his dick and disposes of it in a small wastebasket. When he returns to the bed, he scoops you up and rolls you over, placing himself in the wet spot you’ve created and dragging you on top of him so all you can feel is his solid warmth. He peppers kisses along your dampened hairline and gently strokes both hands up and down the length of your spine, pausing above the swell of your ass to knead his fingers into your heated flesh a few times. Your hearts are pounding, and for a moment, you swear they beat in sync. You tell yourself it must be the post-orgasm endorphin drop making the world a little rosier than it truly is.
“I’m so proud of you, pretty girl,” Steve murmurs, pressing his lips to your forehead and tilting your face toward his. His cheeks still have an adorable flush to them, and his hair is slicked away from his face with sweat. You note the twin moles stamped on the left side of his face, right on the apple of his cheek, and surge forward on your elbow to capture them in a kiss. 
“You feel okay?” he asks. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
You shake your head. “Not at all. I kinda wanted you to, but–”
Motherfuck. You and your big mouth. 
“Uh…” Steve stares at you, eyes bright and curious, and the corner of his mouth flirts with a grin. He looks…intrigued? You don’t know why that’s so shocking, considering you’ve yanked on his hair like they were a horse’s reins multiple times tonight and he nearly melted in your hands, but you blush all the same under his gaze and chew your bottom lip.
“We can definitely talk about that,” he says, and his voice is surprisingly soft given the mischievous look on his handsome face. 
“Well, I mean, kinda depends on what you mean by “hurt” you,” he adds, raising two fingers to twitch around the word “hurt.” “D’you mean, like, get a lil’ rough with you, or…like, stick you with a cattle prod?”
“Cattle prod,” you deadpan, and in the beat of silence that follows, genuine fear flashes across Steve’s face. You snort, smacking him lightly in the center of his chest, and his abdominal muscles relax noticeably beneath you. 
“That doesn’t mean I didn’t thoroughly enjoy everything that you just did, by the way,” you clarify, flattening your palm between his pecs and idly mussing his chest hair. “‘Cause I did. I just…like it a little rougher, sometimes, too.”
“I can do rougher,” Steve asserts, pinching a lock of your hair between thumb and forefinger and delicately tucking it behind your ear. Your belly flutters at the prospect, and though you already have suggestions bubbling up your throat, your tongue feels too thick in your mouth to adequately communicate any of them. In fact, the more Steve caresses your body, the heavier you feel, and it’s only after his face begins to blur that you realize that your eyelids are drooping.
“Tired?” he laughs as you blink a few times.
“Mmm,” you mumble, noncommittal, even as your head comes down to nuzzle into his neck and your thoughts go fuzzy at the edges. “Can’t sleep…curfew…”
“I’ll wake you up,” he promises. “Just nap, baby, it’s okay. I got you.”
You grumble again, a piss-poor argument that Steve does not heed. Instead, he drags his fingers through the hair on the side of your head, careful not to snag on any tangles, his touch so light it makes you shiver. It is impossible to ignore the pull of unconsciousness when someone is playing with your hair, that’s just an objective fact, and so you sigh, limbs loosening and body going slack on top of Steve’s as he lulls you deeper into darkness.
Turns out, Steve’s sweatpants fit you.
Well, maybe “fit” is being generous – you had to knot the drawstrings as tight as they would go to keep the waistband above your hips, and it still slings well below the curve of your pelvis if you don’t bunch the front up in your fist and manually hold it up. They’re also comically long, and you’ve had to cuff the legs three times over just to make sure you don’t trip over the fabric that otherwise puddles around your feet.
The heater purrs as it drools warmth into the interior of Steve’s car, a welcome reprieve from the freezing October air that presses against the windows. They’re fogged, and you absently draw little doodles on the misty glass with one finger. Queen’s second self-titled album plays faintly, a throbbing bassline and Freddie Mercury’s crooning vocals filling the narrow space between you and Steve.
“I didn’t peg you as a Queen guy,” you say, gesturing in the direction of his cassette deck, your hand interlocked with his and beside the gear shift. He scoffs.
“You kidding? I love Queen,” he says emphatically and takes his hand off the steering wheel for a moment to spin the volume dial. As he does, the song changes, bleeding seamlessly into the next one; Freddie’s voice reaches its peak just as a few bright notes are plunked on a piano, and a beat is thudded out on the drums. Steve sings along, loudly, and though you can tell he’s not being serious about it, his voice is smooth and clear. You’re so enamored by the sight of him that the lyrics don’t register right away, not until he leans into your space, eyes pinned fastidiously to the darkened road ahead, and sings at you.
“Funny how love is everywhere, just look and see.”
They’re just words, not even Steve’s words, but your cheeks color nonetheless.
“Funny how love is anywhere you’re bound to be.” His gaze flickers from the road for a moment, one singular moment, and he looks right at you. Your belly flips, and the heat in your face burns all the way down your neck. If it were anyone else, literally any other human being on the planet, you’d be tucking and rolling out of the car the moment they started serenading you, even as a joke – but this is Steve, and he’s smiling so wide, and he’s fucking harmonizing with Freddie Mercury, and he shakes your intertwined hands to the beat as he does it, so you’re content to sit here and let him give you a rendition of the entire rest of the album if he wants to. 
You definitely don’t get hung up on the fact that he looked you in the eye while he sang about love. Nope. Not at all.
The song peters out just as Steve pulls up to your house, and he checks his watch as he puts the car in park, nodding at the glowing numbers proudly.
“Back, and with five minutes to spare this time,” he announces.
“I’ll have to tip you for the excellent service,” you tease.
“I accept cash, credit, or a kiss on the lips,” Steve shoots back, already dragging you toward him and leaning his body over the gear shift. You giggle, and he swallows the sound, pressing his warm mouth against yours so tenderly you’d hardly believe the filth it’s capable of if you weren’t a firsthand witness.
He helps you shrug your jacket on before you step out of the car, and the chill of the night gusts against you so intently you can’t help but shudder. You stoop down as he rolls the passenger side window down for you, just as you had the night before.
“You comin’ to movie night on Sunday?” he asks.
“Wouldn’t miss it. D’you think Robin will let me pick if it’s my first time? And I ask her so nicely?”
“I think you’d have a better shot at winning the lottery and getting struck by lightning on the same day,” Steve estimates, “but I can check. Who knows, maybe she’ll be feeling generous.”
“Tell her I’ll bring extra hot chips if she is.”
Steve laughs, and both hands come up to cup the sides of your face. He kisses you again, and this time it’s slower, languid, a purposeful prolonging of your departure. You gladly accept it, and again, there’s a pang in your stomach, a desperate want to hop back in the car with him and not let the night end. When he pulls away from you, playfully nipping your bottom lip, Steve murmurs something against your lips that makes you feel like Earth has stopped spinning.
“D’you wanna be my girlfriend, Y/N?”
The innocence, the painful earnestness of the question strikes you, makes the breath catch in your throat, and Steve’s eyes glitter with starlight as he looks up at you. “It’s probably kinda silly, considering…well, considering, but, I mean, I wanted to…yanno, ask, formally…I know it’s only been two dates, but, I just, I really like you, and I wanna keep doing this, seeing you, and I wanna be the only one seeing you –”
“Like there could be anyone else,” you breathe, and this time it’s your own words that shock you. You could see the whirlwind beginning in his head, the anxious avalanche of words to defend himself from potential humiliation, so you just blurted that out because, well, duh, of course there isn’t anyone else you’d want to be with. You knew that from the second he picked you up with flowers in his hand last night.
He perks visibly. “Is that a yes?”
“Of course, it’s a yes.” 
You hear the door whoosh open, slam shut, and gravel crunching underfoot before you register that Steve has gotten out of the car and is rounding on you. When he grabs you, one hand supporting the small of your back, the other plunging into your hair, and dips you backward to plant a kiss on your mouth, you try your damndest not to focus on the fact that not only is he not wearing shoes, but his socks are mismatched – one white tube sock, one black with green swirls. You mostly succeed, and you think the giggle that tickles against his lips passes as one of shock. 
As he tips you upright, something out of the corner of your eye catches your attention. A light is flickering from your house, and as you squint against it, you realize it’s not the flicker of an old bulb fizzling out. It’s measured, a steady pattern, and the reason for this is quickly made apparent as the dark shape of your mother floats in front of the curtains. She’s flicking the porch light on and off, signaling for you to hurry it up, and you’re torn on whether you wanna die right on the spot, or march up the driveway and throttle her.
“That’s my cue,” you sigh, but when you turn to look at Steve, there’s something odd about his expression. He’s fixated on the light, which casts scattered shadows across the angles of his face, and his eyes are sort of…glazed. There’s a faraway look to them, as though he’s gone somewhere in his head that you can’t reach.
“Steve?” You thump his chest once, not too hard, and he inhales sharply through his nose. He blinks a few times before shaking his head, like he’s physically shucking whatever unpleasantness was burdening him off, and just like that, he’s himself again.
“I’ll pick you up Sunday afternoon,” he says, kissing you one last time on the forehead before allowing you to step out of his embrace. You want to ask what that was, where he went just now, why his eyes keep flitting almost nervously between you and your porch light – perhaps the threat of your mother scares him that much? – but you don’t have time. You both part from each other slowly, him walking backward toward his car, you retreating up your driveway.
“I’ll pick something good!” you holler, and Steve nods.
“See you then, baby.” 
You’re backing up against the front steps of your house as Steve disappears into his front seat, and the sound of your front door opening is muted by the revv of his engine.
“Right on time,” your mother says from behind you, shadow obstructing the yellowy light that spills onto the porch. You look over your shoulder at her, eyes narrowed.
“You know, I’m legally an adult,” you point out, “I shouldn’t have a curfew.”
“He’s got a nice car,” Mom says, craning her neck to look around you and tucking the fuzzy blue halves of her robe tighter against her body. “Does he drive like a maniac?”
“Yes, he’s like Dale Earnhardt but worse,” you snark, eyes glued to the glittering shell of Steve’s BMW as it curves down the street and into the yawning mouth of the night.
He does have a nice car…your boyfriend has a nice car. The word is like helium, lifting you off the ground and floating you inside the house.
“Wait…weren’t you wearing a skirt when you left?” Mom asks as you glide past her. “Where did you get those sweats from?”
taglist: @celestialwaavelength , @bornslippys , @silky-luxe , @pettydonuts , @littlered000 . interact with this post if you'd like to be added to my taglist!
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miinatozakiii · 2 days
sunshine girl
danielle marsh x fem!reader ; fluff
synopsis: you are not a morning person and danielle is an everything person—after working with her you start to like mornings a little more, or maybe just her.
wc: 13.6k
warnings: grumpy x sunshine kinda?? ; reader is hyein's cousin ; soobin from txt and rest of nwjns mentioned ; pining and slowburn, like.. slooowburn ; sooo much fluff like soooooo much… ; loool anything else i didn't mention? ; barely proofread
a/n: fell in love w dani, caved, wrote... dreamy sigh... dani…
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there is no universe or alternate reality with a twisted, psycho version of that you enjoys mornings. 
there is no way that you’d deliberately get out of bed just to hear the birds chirping and get up to open the curtains or whatever it is that morning people do to enjoy the grueling hours of 7 - 11am. 
do people actually do this? get up at 7am willingly without benefitting from it? the only reason you’re up is because you need that paycheck to keep you going. the image of the little envelope with your name on it and what you’ve earned renders you awake, at least awake enough to get yourself in the shower, dressed up, and ready to go for opening – you’ve never opened, and even worse, you’ve never met any of the staff that opened either. they can’t be worse than the closers, can they?
as you look in the mirror of your car, it’s palpable that the morning air hates you. your eyes are a little puffy, slight eyebags are visible, and your blinking is slower. you’ve got to get through this, it’s the only way to fit work into your schedule since your classes are all later in the day. 
when you arrive, there’s already someone in your unassigned but basically assigned parking spot – you frown as you back up into a different place. 
after you shift your car to park and check the time, realizing you only have five minutes left before you need to clock in for a six-hour shift, you close your eyes and let your body go limp against the seat. 
danielle’s head perks up when she hears the door opening. she halts her wiping of the coffee maker, then turns to see an unfamiliar face – a grin automatically finds its way to her lips.
“hi! you must be y/n?” it’s eight in the morning, you’re barely functioning, and you’re already hit with an overly enthusiastic, excited ray of sunshine; you can’t take the energy, not at this hour.
“yeah.” you respond bluntly, danielle isn’t really phased with the lack of energy that’s being thrown back. “you are?”
she answers with hands clasped together, “danielle! but my friends call me dani.” 
you’re not calling her dani, you aren’t her friend, and she’s just your coworker. 
you walk behind the counter and put your bag inside the cabinet, then grab your apron and put it on. when you turn to the side, you’re met with a shorter woman, her curious eyes, the beauty marks on her face, and a big smile. she puts her hand out and you shake it hesitantly. 
“it’s nice to meet you y/n! have you ever worked mornings?”
“no,” you mumble, unlinking your hands. “only closing shifts.”
“ahh, must be different? i’ll get you situated. i’m excited to work with you!” she says, then walks past you towards the door to the kitchen. she pauses before explaining, “the employees in the back take care of all the pastries other than the croissants and cookies, so we make them over here. i’m going to grab the premade dough and whatnot, you stay here– oh! and could you wipe down the machine? and then just run water for the espresso machine to get the pucks ready.”
you nod at her and she smiles again. you rub your eyes as she leaves your sight, fighting the urge to take a power nap on the counter.
the whole morning you’re in charge of drinks right until it hits two in the afternoon. luckily, you’re more fond of being stuck in your corner where the espresso machine is rather than taking orders and socializing with the customers – you wouldn’t be able to greet them as enthusiastically as danielle does with each and every one of them.
you don’t know how she does it.
there's another guy—soobin—who comes in an hour after you. he's a little older, quieter, but all smiles and talkative when it comes to danielle. even as you make drinks and keep to yourself, you can tell danielle's energy is contagious. hearing her and soobin chat freely as they restock pastries and bread makes you wonder if your mornings can be as bearable. if they can do it, maybe you can too.
soobin leaves an hour later than you and danielle, waving to both of you as you two walk out the bakery. 
you fish for your keys and start to walk towards your car, but then your head turns when you hear your name called out. turning around, you spot danielle waving to you, which urges you to stop in your place.
“hey y/n, i just wanted to say that it was nice working with you! i’m looking forward to more shifts with you, have a great rest of your day alright?”
paused in place, you struggle to form words, but you manage to respond a little bluntly, “thanks, i’ll see you tomorrow.”
“bye the way!” she plays with her fingers, “you’re super pretty.” 
caught by surprise, you pause for a moment, clutching the strap of your bag a little tighter as your ears start to warm.
“thank you.”
danielle grins again, and oddly enough, you really like how warm and smiley she is. she's like a beam of sunlight turned into a person. she waves once more before walking in the opposite direction, leaving you replaying the whole interaction in your head the rest of the way to your car.
a small smile finds its way to your lips as you sit in your seat, strangely enough.
minji is scribbling in her sketchbook when her roommate walks in, looking a little more giddy than usual.
“dani, hey.” minji greets her, smiling when she does. “how was work?”
“great!” danielle beams, right before plopping down next to her roommate on the couch. “there’s a new member – well, she’s not new, but she just switched to working mornings. today was her first shift with soobin and i, and she’s really good at making the drinks, better than when yeosang was on drink duty.”
“that’s great to hear dani.” minji responds, watching her roommate relax against the cushion. “new coworker seems nice.”
“yeah but,” danielle frowns a little, “she’s not that talkative. she has a tough shell, i really want to know her! she’s really pretty too, like gorgeous, stunning– wow.”
minji quirks a brow. “gorgeous?”
“yes! like, wow, i was taken aback. she looked tired too, but i’ve been tired and i’ve never looked that effortlessly wonderful. i mean, she was making drinks most of the time so she never faced me much. even then, the side of her face is nice and she’s just great to look at.” 
danielles roommate narrows her eyes at her. “right.”
the next morning you’re downing two shots of espresso like it’s vodka. danielle watches the whole thing with concern etched into her brow.
“are you okay y/n?” danielle questions, “espresso is strong, how do you do it?”
you nod at her and mumble, “it’s fine.” before you continue to clean the counter, not turning to face her. she frowns at you; danielle will get through that shell. 
soobin is in half an hour later, grinning at danielle as he puts his apron on and saying “hi” to you as well. you respond with a forced smile before plopping the last batch of cookies in the small oven on the counter. 
as soon as soobin is done taking the first few customers, leaving you to finish their drinks, danielle pulls him by the sleeve away from you.
“dani? what is it–”
“let’s go bag the pastries, come.”
“um, okay?” he walks over towards the shelves with her, putting on some gloves before asking, “why are you being so strange?”
“i want to get closer with y/n.” she says with a pout. 
“is that all?” soobin questions her–and this strange behavior. “i think she’s just timid.”
“you were timid too, but it took two hours into the shift for us to start talking about hedgehogs.”
“well, i like hedgehogs. you have to find out something you two like.”
danielle sighs defeatedly. “she barely responds to me unless it’s work-related!”
“you’ve got to give her time, people are different. she’s probably not a morning person? and maybe she sees this as just her job, maybe she doesn’t want to interact with others.”
danielle watches you from where her and soobin are after hearing you call out the name of the order. you hand it over to the elderly woman, who thanks you warmly and it earns a small, genuine smile from you. danielle finds your smile lovely, especially the small dimples on your cheeks that form. 
“you’re going to help me out, okay? we have to warm up to her.”
soobin sighs before bagging a cream bun. “okay.”
it’s painfully slow for a few minutes, so you walk out from behind the counter to fix up the pastries that the various customers have disordered. 
danielle follows and you jump when you turn to see her beaming at you. “hi!”
“danielle,” you tighten your jaw. “hi.”
“it’s slow on wednesday mornings, most people are already at work.”
“i figured.” you reply as you close the packaging for the rice doughnut.
“so, how are you this morning?”
“i’m fine, um, how are you?”
danielle smiles; the conversation is flowing in the tiniest bit, but still, it’s something. “just tired, i had a lot of work to do because one of my professors loves to assign things last minute, i stayed up quite late. are you in college too? i kind of guessed that we’re around the same age.”
“i just started my second year.” you answer.
she jumps a tiny bit to show the excitement over a commonality, you think it’s adorable.
“really? me too! what are you studying?”
“english and creative writing–” you cut yourself off when you catch a mother and her daughter in the corner of your eye, shutting down the conversation immediately when they start to walk towards the register. 
you throw a small smile at them and greet them warmly before tak ingtheir orders. danielle huffs, but she’s shining again once she’s realized that your shell has chipped just barely.
you don’t work fridays or the weekend, danielle has already been aware of that after checking the schedule. it would be weird in the eyes of, well, many people, but she checks everyones schedule just in case any mishaps occur, danielle is considerate beyond measure.
she’s attentive and notices many things – she’s like that with everyone, but you? you’re different.
sure, she’s attentive to the way soobin stumbles over the small bump under the door to the kitchen each time he has to grab something from the back, how he jumps each time the phone rings, and how often he bags the pastries backwards. with you, however, she notices a lot, she learns. 
two weeks after you two start working together, danielle has managed to learn three things about you.
one: you laugh whenever soobin slips up – or really any little mishap that happens with him (which occurs often) – but you always try to conceal your amusement. two: as soon as noon hits, you’re much more awake, which is when danielle sparks more conversation with you. and three: you both go to the same university, and you don’t know this, but she figured that out before you even told her after catching you in the dining hall from afar.
it’s not easy to miss something – or someone – that stands out so boldly, especially if it’s your charming visuals.
her job used to be something that she’d get done and enjoy while it lasted, but now that you’re thrown into the mix, a new challenge and person is clouding her mind throughout her days. she’s so tuned in to everything about you, for some strange reason. and one afternoon, the rare moment she loses focus – attention slipping away in the heat of a rush – danielle bumps into you, spilling a small cup of hot coffee all over your hand. 
you gasp loudly, clutching your hand and biting down on your teeth as tears start to form. “fuck–”
“y/n!” danielle almost yelps, earning the attention from the customers in the shop. “oh my gosh–” she places the cup on the counter before grabbing your wrist and running it under cold water. somehow, her holding your wrist seems to burn more. “i’m so so sorry, y/n are you okay? i’m so–”
you shake your head and push her hand away from your wrist, wiping away the small tear in the corner of your eye. “it’s fine, it was an accident. you should go help soobin out, there’s a long line.”
she can’t tell if you’re mad at her, it breaks her heart. the tone of your voice is always so hard to decipher, and as much as she wants to stay there and help you out – probably with another string of apologies – you have a point, she should do her job, but you’re burnt. danielle is much more worried about you rather than making money in the moment.
but still, your look and tone sends danielle back to the register, and before she tends to the customer, she looks back at you, pouting a little.
as soon as you reach the door to the drivers side of your car, you feel a tap on your shoulder. 
turning around, you’re met with danielle.
“did you need something?” you ask her, tilting your head.
“no, i just wanted to apologize for burning your hand, i’m so sorry.” 
you shake your head. “it’s alright, it was a mistake.” 
“yes, but still, can i make it up to you with coffee or pastries?”
“danielle,” you catch yourself and danielle by surprise when a small giggle slips out. you clear your throat before continuing, “we work at a bakery, i can always treat myself to both of those without charge.”
“well, i really want to make it up to you.”
“you’re really sweet, but it’s alright.” you catch your coworker off guard with the sudden compliment, there’s a small flush that spreads across her cheeks. “besides, my hand feels better.” you show her your hand, putting it out in front of her, it’s still red and swollen. “it’ll heal more. i’ll see you tomorrow, alright? get home safe danielle.”
danielle can’t really respond to you after that, you’re already waving to her once more before heading to your car. she watches you glance down at your hand, gently holding it as you do so. the guilt in her starts to grow even more.
hanni watches danielle storm into the house, rub her face with both hands, and plop onto the couch like she’s just gotten rejected by someone as if she were in some type of romance drama. 
“dani? what is up with you–”
“i’m a terrible person! my coworker probably hates me– i’ve been trying to warm up to her these past two weeks and then i go and burn her!”
hanni’s eyes widen, her brows raise, and her jaw drops. “you burned your coworker?”
with tired eyes and a bedhead, minji appears from the hall in an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. she groans as she runs a hand through her hair, squinting her eyes. “what’s with all the noise? i’m trying to nap…”
“dani burned her coworker.”
minji’s a little more awake now, tilting her head. “the really pretty one?”
“yes!” danielle groans into the cushion, the bottom of her palms covering her eyes as she lies there defeatedly. when she takes her hands off her face, she opens her eyes to see minji and hanni hovering over as they stand, awaiting an explanation. “i’m a terrible person.”
hanni moves danielles legs over so that she can sit on the couch, putting her legs on her lap as the younger woman loses it. minji sits on the opposite end, putting her legs over on hanni’s lap as well and resting her head against a pillow.
“okay well why are you a terrible person?”
“i spilled hot coffee all over my coworker’s hand! gosh, i tried to apologize and everything, i even offered to compensate for the damage and she declined! y/n has to hate me…”
hanni looks over at minji to pout, then looks back at danielle. “hey, it was a mistake. what did she say?”
“well, she was really normal about it as if i didn’t just burn her hand, she brushed it off like it was nothing. i offered to have coffee with her or share some pastries but then she giggled and was all like ‘you’re really sweet but it’s okay’ and i don’t know, what if burning her hand makes her talk to me less and she hates me forever and–”
“dani.” minji butts in, making the younger one quiet down. “you made her laugh and she said you’re really sweet.”
“and?” minji groans, sitting up on her elbows now. “dani, she said you’re really sweet. why wouldn’t she want to talk to you?”
“because i burned her? or maybe i’m annoying and talk too much but i really can’t help it-”
hanni puts a finger to danielles lips, dramatically shushing her. minji laughs at the action before hanni butts in, “dani, first of all; you’re not annoying. second; you’re literally the greatest person ever and i love you and if you ever stopped talking so much i’d have to i don’t know, die?”
minji snorts. “the hell?”
“what i’m saying is no one could ever hate you and honestly if she does; she’s not worth your time. plus, you shouldn’t waste your energy on someone who doesn’t appreciate you. you’re wonderful bro.” danielle’s eyes soften as she looks at hanni, and minji’s bottom lip protrudes from how sweet her words are. hanni sits danielle upright and puts both hands on her shoulders. “how about this: minji and i go visit you at work tomorrow and we’ll be the judge of your coworker.”
“you’d do that for me?”
hanni nods. “yes, but also please hook us up with some free pastries and drinks because i have to do a wrap around on this whole lecture so let's see it as an exchange, but also i love you dani and don’t want you losing your mind over this woman.”
“and i’ll be the judge of whether or not your coworker is as gorgeous as you think.” minji adds teasingly.
danielle smiles from ear to ear, making a small little noise as she pounces on hanni and hugs her like she’s her savior. minji laughs at the sight, smiling as well. 
you park near your cousin’s highschool, you always pick her up after opening shifts since the time aligns perfectly. you send a text to your cousin to let her know you’re there and your burnt hand sits on the wheel, so you take a few moments to examine it as you wait for a response.. 
minutes pass before your cousin arrives, knocking on the window and grinning at you, breaking you out of your small daydream.
“hi y/n, sorry i came so late, my teacher was being an ass.”
“language hyein.” you scoff, knowing damn well you curse like it’s your second language. hyein gets into the passengers seat and steals your phone, putting on a song as you start to drive again. “anyway, how was school?”
“oh god, it was so draining today. i swear my physics teacher wants me dead.”
“this is why you don’t take physics as a sophomore.”
“well someone won’t help me.” hyein rolls her eyes playfully, making you giggle. “anyway, school was just school. how was work?”
“it was alright, i kinda– well, my coworker spilled coffee on me. burned my hand a little but it’s not too bad.”
“the tall one? soobin? or was it the pretty one, your little work crush?” she raises her brows knowingly, smirking. 
hyein is one of very few people who you let loose around. despite your age gap, she’s your cousin, and your favorite one too. ever since you moved to live with her and her parents for school, you’ve gotten closer, spending hours rambling and practically getting glued to by the hip. she knew everything about you and what you felt.
she knew how you felt about your morning shifts; you coming home with a smile on your face after work was different. you dreaded work and the people you worked with for closing, all some stupid braindead men that you had to order around half the time. danielle and soobin were far from that. the duo eased your worries and actually did their job relatively well, you were able to do what you loved – stay stuck in the corner making all of the drinks – without worrying about the bakery. it was a breeze, you loved teh switch to mornings other than waking up at a time that has you quiet, moody, and only functioning after at least two shots of espresso.
hyein also knew about the interest you had in your new coworker danielle. you’ve never rambled about someone this much, calling her sweet, lovely, nice – not to mention the whole tangent regarding her eyes and pretty smile. hyein watched you chastise yourself for being so distant and avoidant because of your moods in the morning, comforting you for not being able to form decent bonds and friendships because of how early you had to get up.
you grip the wheel a little tighter. “danielle, it was an accident though.”
hyein eyes you. “so the pretty one.”
“her name is danielle.”
“point proven! you don’t just recognize your coworkers by how attractive they are you know…” hyein teases, “sometimes you talk about her and i wonder if my older cousin can finally be a normal person that’s capable of having a crush on someone.”
you keep your eyes on the road, but use your right hand to push her head playfully and ruffle her hair, earning a whine. 
“just because i think someone is pretty does not mean i like them. you’re so young, you don’t know shit about crushes and romance.”
“stop cursing.” hyein warns. the light turns red and you step on the break, then turn to look at her with raised brows. hyein laughs and cocks her head, giving you stupid puppy eyes. “i know when someone likes someone, or at least when they start to. you think she’s pretty but in a way that sounds like you’re an admirer.”
“you tell me you can’t talk to her and look at her sometimes? y/n im sixteen, but im also not new to having crushes, ive been there. you like her.”
“do you want to walk home?”
hyein pouts, crossing her arms and making you laugh in the process. “youre no fun.”
“whatever.” you mumble.
when the two of you get home, hyein steals your keys to open the door to the house. she gets in first, obviously eager to do whatever it is that she’s up to after school — probably calling her friends or laying in bed.
you walk over to the kitchen and run your burnt hand under cold water, clenching your teeth slightly when you feel the stinging. 
in the drawer near you, there’s the first aid kit, over the counter tablets, and other health related items. you rummage through to find the burn relief cream, leaning against the countertop as you twist the cap open. you squeeze out a line of the cream that extends down to the base of your pointer finger, then you begin to rub your reddened skin. 
your thoughts drift to the moment of when you burned yourself—well, when danielle burned you. she had this look in her eyes, so pure and so regretful that it made you feel bad. 
she was so sweet with the offer, she’s ways so lovely. she’s honestly adorable. the way the words rushed out of her, the small pout on her lips and the fact that she offered to make it up to you. every nerve in your body wanted to accept the offer, but danielle shouldn’t have to pay or spend time on something to make things up to someone like you. it was a mistake after all. 
then your thoughts drift elsewhere, from the whole burnt-hand incident and then to the person who burned you–to danielle. she’s bubbly in the mornings and although you used to hate that, her smile and greetings started to wake you up a little more. the crinkle of her brow every time she catches you downing shots of espresso always makes you suppress a laugh, the expression is so adorable and she’s just so—
“stupid hyein,” you sigh to yourself.
youve been absentmindedly rubbing the burn-relief cream in the same spot for almost a minute, all because of your coworker taking over your thoughts. you begin to rub the rest of your hand and add another dot of cream to the lower area of your hand.
hyein’s called you out multiple times for having an alleged crush on your coworker, but you’ve always dismissed it. however, the words she’s said to you before ring in your head in the moment. you crease your brows and purse your lips subconsciously.
“maybe you can’t talk to her because you’re attracted to her and not because it’s 8 in the morning.” hyein shrugs, looking at you as you sit lazily on the couch. she’s lecturing you after another ramble about your day, the mere mention of danielle prompting her to quote on quote ‘educate you’ on what love is. “you talked to your friends perfectly during morning classes from what you’ve told me, maybe you’re just all shy and blushy and—“
you smack the palm of your hand on your forehead to stop yourself from thinking of that memory of you and your cousin.
“i don’t have a crush on danielle… what is she thinking?” you mumble to yourself. you halt your actions after the realization that you’ve just talked to yourself hits. you press a hand to your cheeks, feeling a weird warmth from your skin, making you shake your head and groan. “i can talk to her fine… just fine.”
“morning!” danielle beams as she catches you walking in. you manage to shoot a small smile, danielle likes that you’ve been giving her more of those.
you put your bag in the cabinet, then put on your apron. without turning to face her, you start to speak, “danielle?”
she almost jumps, not expecting you to even interact with her. maybe you needed help with something? or a question regarding the new breakfast pastries.
“y/n, did you need something?”
you shake your head. “no, i just, um— how are you this morning?”
danielle pauses, you turn to meet her eyes and blink as you wait for an answer. your coworker short circuits momentarily before stumbling over her words as she responds, “oh, i’m— i’m great! tired of course, you know with school and all. thank you for asking y/n.”
“did you get enough sleep?” danielle looks at you after you ask that, wondering where all of this friendliness is coming from. she’s not against it though, maybe you’re just awake this morning.
“i tried to get as much as i could.” she says, then smiles. “is your hand okay?”
“it’s fine. i put ointment on it and it’s like nothing happened.” you assure.
without any warning, you disappear into the back, probably looking for dough to bake. danielle is still stuck in her place, blinking a few times before she runs the espresso machine. she wonders for a moment, furrowing her brow at the rare interaction that you started. but then, she’s grinning to herself just thinking about it all.
danielle wonders: maybe you don’t hate her, maybe her roommates were right. 
you hear a bundle of voices, three to be exact.  when you look up from the steam wand, you’re met with three women that all look your age—they all probably go to your university, or maybe the other one that’s also close by.
one of them walks up to the register, soobin greets them, but their attention seems to be on you for a bit.
“hi, is danielle here?” one asks. 
soobin nods, still looking at the screen of the register. “yeah, she’s in the back. did you need her?”
“we’re really close with her, could you grab her?”
soobin nods again, humming in response before he walks over to the door leading to the back. 
you continue to make the cappuccino that an older lady ordered a few minutes ago, creating a small lavender looking design with the steamed milk and pushing it out on the counter. 
“for park!” you call out, the lady comes up to the counter in seconds and smiles at you. she pats your shoulder and it makes your heart warm knowing she’s happy with it.
the three girls from before, they continue to eye you from the register until danielle is back, and when she returns, she starts squealing at the sight of them.
“you guys really came!” danielle beams, immediately reaching over to hug them as best as she can with the counter in the way. “what pastries did you all want? oh! i can also grab you drinks.”
the one with bangs nods, then orders for all of them. “mmm i’ll have an iced vanilla latte, minji wants a hot tea and haerin just wants a cookie and iced tea. you know she’s out early today? oh my god, as soon as we heard we scooped her up immediately-“
the rest of their conversation doesn’t process in your head as you start with the drinks. you had just put the puck in the machine, twisted it in place and started to pull the espresso before you feel a tap on your shoulder.
danielle meets your eyes and you feel yourself soften up a bit. 
she tugs on the cloth covering your shoulder just a bit before she speaks. “hey.”
“can i introduce you to my roommates and our friend? you wouldn’t mind? would you?”
“oh, no— but i’m kind of… making one of their drinks right now.”
“oh, sorry— wait what?  i was going to make them—“
“well since they’re you’re friends i think they’d appreciate their drinks out earlier. and it’s okay, don’t be sorry danielle. i’ll do whatever if it’s not busy and when i’m done.” you swear you see a little more pink on her cheeks than usual, stronger than the blush she wears—you could be wrong.
“right, yeah, do your job!”
you stifle a giggle and purse your lips to conceal your smile, ultimately failing. danielle’s tone and mood are contagious sometimes.
(all the time.)
when you’re finished with the drinks — danielle had lingered nearby here and there as you made them — you placed them on the little counter for danielle to pick up. she had smiled at you, mouthed a “thank you,” and rushed over to sit down with her friends. 
it wasn’t busy at all, the only other customers in the bakery had been a corporate man that soobin was tending to. the man bought a loaf of milk bread and ordered a brewed coffee, soobin could handle all of that. he will handle all of that.
danielle sits with her friends at the table, giggling as she does so and looking as happy as ever. there’s a weird flutter in your stomach, like someone poking you there from the inside and it’s not that it hurts, it’s just odd. 
pretending to busy yourself is something you’re really good at doing, and plus, it’s a great way to excuse your glances toward danielle as she talks to her friends. she’s really smiley and giddy, it’s the cutest thing ever.
a few minutes pass and you’re still bagging some items, daydreaming as you do so. 
(danielle seemed to pop up here and there, strangely enough.
here and there turned into her being the star of the dreams.)
you’re in your own world until a faint “hey y/n!” is muttered into your ear, making you jump and almost elbow your pretty coworker.
“did i startle you? i’m so sorry—“ danielle starts, but you’re quick to cut her off as soon as she begins to apologize. 
“no, no. sorry i was in my own world.”
“i get that.” she chuckles, “hey, most of the things are bagged–i was wondering if you’d like to meet my friends? soobin is cashiering and he should be fine since it’s not too busy so…?”
you take a quick glance and look over at her friends who are looking at the two of you eagerly. the one with bangs has this smirk on her face, making you hesitate.
“please? i don’t know why but–” danielle lies, she knows why. “um, they want to meet you.”
you pause and honestly think of declining until danielle shoots her bottom lip out a bit. in no time you’re biting the inside of your cheek before responding with a nod, and you’re so grateful because she’s grabbing your hand—two fingers of yours—and leading you over to the small table near the windows.
danielle is gripping your pointer and middle finger lightly, but it feels like she has a hold on you as a whole. your body is all warm and fuzzy and your mind is hazy and her skin is really soft and nice and—
“this is y/n!” she introduces, letting go of your fingers. “y/n, these are my roommates hanni minji, and this is haerin.”
“nice to meet you all.” you greet softly with a small smile. they all stare and you feel yourself shrinking under all the pairs of eyes. you poke the inside of your cheek with your tongue before clearing your throat. “are the drinks alright?”
minji scans your face, eyes tracing each and every feature before her gaze softens. she nods at you and responds, “they’re great, wonderful.”
you nod at her and grin again, looking down at the table to avoid any eye contact. 
hanni chuckles. “yeah this latte is actually amazing, danielle’s made me lattes before but they’ve never been this good.”
“y/n is really good at making the drinks, practically keeping the bakery in business. i bet our boss is happy with you in the mornings.” danielle completely ignores hanni’s teasing and adds to the praise, making you wave your hand and shake your head.
“ah, no, no. i mean i can only make drinks but danielle is really good at every aspect of her job, she’s wonderful with customers.”
“oh stop–”
“no, you are.” you look up to make eye contact with her, then look over to soobin, who’s brewing another batch of coffee. “soobin is great, but he’s really clumsy sometimes and it’s kind of funny catching him stumbling over words. you’re a natural.”
“you’re so sweet.” danielle mutters in awe before  lips turn up even more, her cheeks flush slightly and her friends all look at each other with smirks on their faces. 
“i um, i try–”
you hear the door opening and two pairs of very familiar voices make you turn immediately. turning around, you see your cousin and her best friend in a group with three others you just barely recognize. danielle spots this as well, she starts to stand before you pause her in the act.
“danielle, i got it.”
“it’s a big group y/n.” she continues to stand up, but when you place your hand on her arm lightly it’s like you’ve frozen her in place. minji and hanni immediately give each other knowing looks, and haerin observes the whole ordeal intensely. 
“it’s my cousin and her friends, you should stay and hangout with your friends. besides, you haven’t had a break today, relax.” your hand slides down to her forearm without any thought. despite the small action, danielle is flustered by it.
“you sure?”
“positive,” you affirm, then look at all her friends. “it was nice meeting you all.”
the group watches you walk over behind the counter, and as soon as you’re at a distance where they can talk without you hearing anything, danielle’s friends – minji and hanni for the most part – go ham on her.
“oh yeah she’s gorgeous.” minji chimes in, shrugging it off like you’re not the prettiest person danielle has seen. “you were right.”
just gorgeous? 
“yeah she’s really pretty dani. and also, she doesn’t hate you, there’s no way.” hanni says as she munches on a croissant, earning a punch to the arm from minji. hanni whines, croissant still in her mouth, “hey! what was that for?”
“finish chewing before you talk! you’re so gross…” 
“you didn’t have to hit me!” hanni groans, nudging minji with her shoulder.
haerin rolls her eyes at the two before taking a sip from her iced tea, watching danielle glance at you. haerin has known danielle for a while, the last time she had been like this was forever ago, this admiration can’t be something that’s purely platonic, not with those dilated pupils and puppy eyes. 
and you, you’re no different either. haerin watches you glance over to make eye contact with danielle, eyes softening and your teeth showing as you smile at her the moment you meet each others features. 
while minji and hanni continue to bicker, haerin continues observing. danielle is making it look like she’s invested in the bickering – which, she very much is; it’s always entertaining when the two argue over stupid things – but her mind is somewhere else.  
“haerin?” danielle turns her head and hums in response.
haerin blinks. “you like her.”
minji and hanni stop bickering, their presence enhancing the shiver down her spine.
“no, no. i just think she’s really interesting, i couldn’t possibly–”
haerin shakes her head, putting a hand up. “you look at her like she’s… like there’s a halo around her head.”
“i–” danielle turns to glance at you again. you’re laughing with one of the girls, she assumes it’s your cousin that you mentioned. you flick the younger girl’s forehead and she groans, which earns the most pure, natural laugh and smile she’s ever seen on your face. you’re cute, especially when all of your teeth are showing as you laugh. when you make eye contact with your coworker again through waterlined eyes, your lips purse into a closed smile.
danielle is blushing, her cheeks burn, and the vulnerability is displayed right in front of her friends. she tries to laugh it off, but hanni’s jaw drops and she throws a hand over her mouth.
“oh my god.”
minji starts to chuckle. “she has a point, danielle. whether you know it or not, it makes sense.”
“i barely know anything about her, you can’t be serious.” danielle rolls her eyes and pouts. “even if i did, it’d be impossible to even do anything remotely romantic. she’s like stone.
“she was literally everything but stone from what i saw earlier.” haerin comments. “danielle, it’s okay to have a crush on someone, you know?”
hanni hums in agreement. “yup, and you really need to stop that flirting you do with us every ten seconds because it’s grueling and if you’re going to flirt, flirt with someone you actually want because everytime you say anything remotely flirtatious ten years of my life get taken away.”
minji snorts and danielle can’t help but do so as well. “wooow, my flirting is very wonderful thank you.” she crosses her arms and looks over at you again. “and what if y/n doesn’t like my flirting?”
“nah,” hanni sips on her drink. “you called her a good barista or whatever and i saw her like, malfunction for two seconds. she was blushing a little.”
“well she wears blush so–”
“dani, can you–” hanni facepalms. “just, shhh. she doesn’t hate you and you know what, you can build off of that.”
haerin shrugs before taking a few more sips of her tea. “yeah, she’s pretty and smiles at you sweetly. it’s not impossible.”
danielle takes one more look at you, you’re still chatting with your cousin and her friend seems to be joined in the conversation as well. the rest of the group of teenagers have left, so the place is pretty empty. you smile here and there as you clean the counter and wipe the machine, occasionally looking at the two girls who converse with each other.
“okay dani, i love you but i also need to get this lecture noted and also oh my god i have a report due tomorrow and–”
 hanni feels a finger to her lips, similar to how she shushed danielle the night before, but now it’s reversed. minji snorts and haerin laughs before danielle assures, “go, go. i’ll see you later and bring extra snacks hanni.” 
the group begins to clear the table, dismissing danielles efforts to leave it be so she can take care of it. they all bring their silverware and dishes to the little trays near the trash before walking over to the exit, each girl hugging danielle before they all leave the bakery.
when danielle turns around, she spots you still conversing with the girls, but tending to the daily housekeeping simultaneously. you look up and catch her in your eye again, displaying a small, toothy smirk at her.
danielle chuckles to herself, making you do the same even as she moves over to package pastries.
today is your offday, so you’d usually wake up two hours later than you usually do for work. but when your phone rings around the same time you’d arrive at work, you groggily reach over to squint your eyes at the screen, reading the contact name that is calling you at this time in the morning:
incoming call: danielle
“does she know im not working? shouldn’t she be off today too…” you mumble to yourself before picking up and putting your phone on speaker. “hello?”
“y/n, hi, did i wake you up? you sound tired, ah, i’m sorry.”
feeling bad, you lie to her. “no, i’ve been awake for a bit now. is everything alright?”
“i just wanted to ask, um, how far do you live from work?”
“less than ten minutes, why do you ask?”
“i’m sorry if this is a big favor but i’m supposed to cover for soobin today since he’s sick. i walked to work since i live a fifteen minute walk away, not too far, but i forgot the keys and it’s storming really badly…”
you’re a little more awake now after hearing the light rumble of thunder coming from outside, it urges you to rub your eyes. “danielle, are you safe from the storm right now?”
“i mean, i’m standing under the little roof thing near the entrance. water can’t get me from here.”
“jesus,” you mutter to yourself, then jump at the next sharp thundering sound that comes after. “i’ll be there soon, okay? i’ll pick you up and you can just give me the directions to your place. be careful, i’m on my way.”
“thank you so much, im sorry again–”
“no, no. it’s fine, i’ll be there, see you.”
before she can respond, you hang up on her, running to the bathroom to splash water on your face and fix your disheveled bedhead up. then, you run towards the entrance of your house and grab your keys that hang on the hook near the door, slide your slides on, and quickly run out.
it’s storming hard, and you’ve already gotten a clue on how bad since you had been pretty drenched from simply walking to your car. 
you speed through the neighborhood and into the main road to get to the bakery faster. desperately looking through the windshield for your coworker, you spot her near the entrance just as she said, then drive up as close as you can.
rolling down your window, a bit of water gets on your face, hair, and the top of your shirt – but it doesn’t stop you from yelling, “get in!”
in a few seconds, danielle is in the passenger seat, her hair visibly damp but not too wet. she runs a hand through it, and it feels like your heart just skipped a beat. her hair is wavy now, more than usual, quite curly. was it always like this? her hair looks beautiful, framing her face perfectly, strands sticking to her skin from the raindrops—like elements of a painting coming together to create something breathtaking.
“sorry, i would’ve asked my roommates but they had some important stuff for their classes and whatnot so they left earlier this morning. i also didn’t want to wake minji up, i know her lectures are pretty bad.”
how thoughtful of her. 
shaking your head, you respond, “it’s fine, i just don’t want you getting sick. i’m glad you called.”
“u-uh, i mean, yeah. i’m still not the best at opening and you’re pretty much the best at everything so… soobin and i need you in the mornings. i know im off today but whoever is working this morning probably needs you.”
“aw, that’s so sweet of you.” danielle’s smile grows and grows as she notices everything about you in the moment: your hair is messy, you have some old, loose t-shirt on with some poorly scribbled figure of… you? then, a small giggle leaves her lips once she notices the dog prints on your pajama pants. 
your blush grows deeper with each passing second. “i um, didn’t have time to change. do you want to type your address in my phone or…?”
“you look so cute y/n.” it slips out of danielles lips, but she’s able to play it off well with the little tilt of her head and a sly smirk. it works wonders on you. “i like your shirt and pants.”
you cough to ease your nerves, then shift the stick of your decade-old, hand-me-down five seat toyota to ‘drive.’
“my cousin made it for me when i was still in highschool a while ago. sorry, that’s not important.” you facepalm yourself mentally. danielle thinks this little story is very important, but you cut yourself off.  “do you just want to tell me the directions?”
adorable, danielle almost says out loud. 
“yeah, turn left at the stop.” 
danielle spends the rest of the time staring out the car and gazing out to see the rain that pours down from above. you’re stiff in your seat the whole time, especially when she does that little thing where she glances at you with those pretty eyes occasionally. it’s a simple look and yet you’re flustered beyond words.
you reach an apartment complex and drive as close as you can to the entrance. she gets out and mutters a haste “i’ll be quick” before leaving you alone with a racing heart and flushed face.
when she returns, there’s an umbrella in her hands and the keys to the bakery. once she gets in, you start to drive back.
“is your hair naturally like that?” you ask. 
“ah,” she moves a hand to her hair to run her fingers through, though not without a little struggle. “i straighten it usually, it’s easier to maintain. the rain must’ve made it a little curly again huh?”
“i think your hair is beautiful like that, really.” you admit, eyes stuck on the road. “you look good with any hairstyle.”
“why thank you! i could say that for you as well.”
you scoff playfully, shaking your head as you turn into the bakery parking lot. “right, like my half-awake head is even the tiniest bit alluring.”
she winks at you, leaning in just a bit closer. “i think it enhances the natural allure, no?”
words get stuck in your throat, danielle laughs, and then she waves at you as she gets out the car. the rain has stopped just in time for her to clock in and a little beam of light hits her in the best way possible. you can’t help but stare at her in awe. 
“thank you for keeping me from getting drenched, you’re the sweetest.”
“yeah, i mean, you’re kind of the pillar. our boss isn’t ever here, you’re practically the boss no?”
“you’re too charming, i’ll see you in a few days?”
your mouth opens but nothing comes out for a moment, not until a bright idea pops up in your head.
“i can take you home after work, don’t want you walking in these conditions.”
“y/n,” she starts, looking confused. “it stopped raining.”
“it’s whatever, you know what– i can drive you to work in the mornings.”
“oh, you really don’t have to. isn’t the gas money quite–”
“no, no. i’ll give you a call or text next week, it’s nothing. see you danielle.”
little did you know, this would turn into a routine–the small gesture of picking up danielle instead of letting her walk in the mornings.
sure, she got a little less cardio, but she managed to crack that shell open just enough to glimpse what was inside. and everything hidden by your reserved demeanor was everything that made her heart flutter and more. each feature and curve of your face, beautifully highlighted by the soft glow of the café lamps captivated her beyond measure. but what she loved most was your personality—every word, every gesture. it captivated her in ways she hadn’t expected, and she found herself falling deeper with each passing moment.
you were caring, sweet, and had lots to share. there was never a dull moment with you the moment she figured out how to get you to talk a little more.
as for you, mornings weren't dreadful anymore. you started waking up earlier than usual just to make it to danielle's on time. you liked this new routine—seeing danielle first thing in the morning, sharing a coffee with her, chatting while the pastries baked. the smell of fresh coffee and baking bread filled the air, making the workspace warm and inviting. just being in her presence was the perfect start to your day. her laughter and smiles made everything brighter, transforming mundane, tiring mornings into something special.
and what kind of cousin would you be if you hadn’t told hyein everything like the two of you usually do. hyein is on the other side of the couch starting at you smile as you ramble about this routine you’ve fallen into with heart eyes and a wide grin.
“i mean, i haven’t ever liked mornings since her.” you begin, your fingers starting to fiddle with one another. “and oh my god she keeps flirting with me! it’s actually terrible. do you know how hard it is to stay normal when she’s calling me what, a fucking angel first thing in the morning? and it doesn’t help that she’s literally gorgeous, i mean you’ve seen her; she’s straight out of a dream.”
hyein groans as she sits up. “well if you’re so in love, quit complaining to me, you’ve been like this since the month started.”
you sit up as well, furrowing your brows. “what?”
“just ask her out already! it’s clear she’s into you.”
“i think she’s just flirty though.”
“old and stupid oh, you piss me off.” hyein throws a pillow at you, making you yell ‘hey!’ before throwing it back at her face. she laughs before clinging the pillow close. “but really, at least a ‘friend’ date or something… it would bring you two closer. those morning rides aren’t going to lead to anything more than what you already have, probably. plus, soobin and actually working gets in the way of your little lovey-dovey stuff.”
you look at her, biting your lip as you ponder.
hyein is right, hell, she always is. for a child, she’s pretty good with giving advice and an even better listener. she’s your best friend and favorite relative all in one, it would be somewhat betraying to not take the advice.
“well, what if she’s taken?”
“oh my god…” your cousin throws her head onto the cushion of the couch. “she calls you pretty and flirts with you – girl, of course she’s single.”
“okay but… i don’t know.”
“well i know that you’re stupid as hell.”
“just check her instagram or something? people with significant others always post something.”
you fall silent, biting your lip again before looking at her with an apologetic feeling in your eye. “i don’t have anything but her number…”
“oh y/n, that’s not a problem at all.” hyein rolls her eyes and scoots up next to you, leaning against your shoulder as you peer over to watch what she’s doing. she holds the phone up to your face to unlock it and taps on the intagram icon, immediately clicking  on the search bar. “do you know her last name?”
“um, it starts with an m i think?”
“you don’t know her last name?”
“why would i know this?”
“do you have an app for your schedules or anything? oh my god, you’re seriously getting on my nerves… i can’t believe you managed to even have a girlfriend for that one year–”
you cringe at the mention of your history with women. “okay don’t mention that please… and fuck her, she was terrible to me.” you frown.
“sorry,” hyein know’s she’s hit a little spot, knowing your past with much detail, then continues. “anyway, let’s just search her up and…” she types in ‘d-a-n-i-e-l-l-e’ into the search and a few accounts pop up. she looks at the small profile pictures displayed and the first one makes her click her tongue. “found it!”
her page is pretty just from the first glance–you two haven’t even looked at any of the posts or highlights either. danielle’s profile picture is jus ther with a beanie over her head and looking at the camera with her pretty eyes and god you almost melt right then and there because no model could top her visuals. 
you reach over to scroll through her posts; she has thirteen in total, and a few catch your eye. one post, in particular, stands out: a single photo of her posing in front of a mirror, wearing a crop top that shows off her slim figure and a denim jacket hanging loosely off one shoulder. she looks absolutely stunning. as you stare at the image, lips slightly parted in awe, hyein looks over and sees your intense gaze. before you can react, you're interrupted by a playful pinch to your cheek.
“you’re so down bad.”
“i’m not!” you scoff, taking the phone out from her hands and scrolling yourself. 
there are photos of her with friends, snapshots of mesmerizing views (though none as captivating as her), pictures with her family, beach scenes, dogs, and several selfies—you find yourself lingering on those a bit longer. her entire page perfectly matches her energy; it's cute and vibrant. as you scroll, hyein catches you smiling to yourself, lost in the charm of danielle’s online presence.
one of her more recent posts, posted about three months ago, catches your eye. it’s her and haerin posing together with haerin’s face being cupped by danielle’s hand as they pose. the caption has your heart sinking a bit (a lot).
“beautiful, gorgeous, and lovely birthday girl💋👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 i love you lots sweetie”
hyein catches the whole thing live, watching your small smile turn into pursed lips. “that doesn’t mean anything y/n, friends can be like that.”
“they’re pretty close…” you swipe to see a picture of danielle’s nose nuzzled into haerin’s cheek and frown. “she’s taken.”
your heart sinks even more just looking at the picture longer, urging hyein to snatch your phone out of your hands and click on the mentioned tags. she finds haerin’s account – it’s public, thankfully – and roams around as you sit there defeatedly.
it’s not looking the best so far, not when hyein clicks on a post with danielle and her group of friends, and after hyein swipes to the next photo she’s met with danielle and haerin hugging each other, cheeks pressed together as they pose for the photo. you catch a glimpse before your head falls over on hyein’s shoulder like you’ve just come back from an unsuccessful war.
“it’s over.”
“y/n, lift your head up! i pose with my friends like this too… maybe she’s touchy.”
“not with me.” you pout. hyein flicks your forehead. “hey!”
“stupid,” she says. “maybe it’s because she likes you and is wary of boundaries. from what i’m seeing, you should initiate.”
“i can’t possibly do that.”
“you’re literally a liar.” she spits out. “as soon as your friends initiate something you’re clinging like a koala, even with me you’re like that.”
you fall over onto the couch, giving up and looking up at the ceiling; your life isn’t over because your really adorable, amazing, lively, vibrant, cute, helpful, captivating, adorable coworker is taken. 
(it’s over.)
hyein allows you to sulk for a moment before widening her eyes and gasping, “wait, i literally know haerin.”
“you do?”
“kind of. i just checked her account on my phone and a lot of people i know follow her, she’s that pretty upperclassman everyone likes. there’s no way she’s dating danielle, like, i have proof.”
sitting up immediately, you crunch your brows. “are you serious?”
“yeah. my friend is friends with her, she’s very much single and i don’t think she wants to mingle.”
“holy shit, you’re serious?”
“language~” hyein teases. “yes, i’m not trying to feed your delusions by the way–i don’t support homewrecking.”
you practically pouce at hyein and tackle her into a loving, grateful hug. she squeaks at the contact, but warms up into the hug. 
“i love you forever, i’ll buy you lunch and treat you to pastries and anything and–”
“it’s fiiinneee.” hyein pulls away and chuckles at you. “i just want to help you out and be happy. and after seeing danielle… she’s really adorable and you’re so giddy for her so she must be wonderful.”
“she is.”
“yeah, all you do is run your mouth about her.”
a laugh is shared between the two of you before hyein reaches for the remote to turn on the tv. you go back to your phone, clicking on danielle’s profile to stalk her again, lingering on posts of herself. you feel your cheeks burning and somehow the little glare your cousin gives you despite her not being in your vision or peripheral.
you’ve been reluctant on asking danielle out, even if it’s a simple ‘hangout’ or ‘friend date.’ she’s effortlessly charming as always with each interaction, even getting bold and watching you from over your shoulder at times – everything she does makes your heart beat and beat and beat.
danielle’s been equally flustered and enamored by how open you’ve been with her. the two of you have cracked jokes and shared small stories during the quiet moments with soobin, but danielle especially enjoys you just by yourself. there’s something much more tender about you when it’s just the two of you. you’re physically more touchy wth danielle, and she can’t really tell if it’s on purpose or you’re just touchy like that. you often shove her playfully in conversations, and when you both lean against the counter, you somehow manage to move over ever so slightly so that your arms are touching. 
your coworker has been attentive to all of this, unsure of whether this is just how you are and she’s overthinking things, or this being something more–maybe a sign that maybe you’re into her just a bit.
none of you question it really, and besides, danielles just as touchy. she sometimes leans her head on your shoulder – but very, very briefly – when something is amusing, and sometimes her hands find their way to your hair to fix it, or maybe even to your forearm just because. 
soobin is a bystander, the poor guy thinks it’s just how girls are and is completely oblivious that the two of you are fighting the thick tension in the air.
the last coffee beans were grinded, so you tap on soobin’s shoulder and tell him that you’re going to the back to grab more. he nods at you and sends you that pursed grin, you place a hand on his shoulder and thank him.
when you reach the small closet, you find danielle in the room as well, rummaging for packaging and more boxes for the pastries and desserts. she’s oblivious to your presence until you knock flicker the light on and off once, making her squeal and jump from surprise. your coworker turns around and hits the rack unknowingly, when she sees you, she starts to calm down.
“y/n! you scared me!”
you laugh. “sorry, i just needed some–”
above danielle, you spot a bag of coffee beans—at least three pounds heavy—starting to tip. before it can fall, you move without hesitation. you rush over, reaching out and getting on your tiptoes to catch it with one hand just in time.
a sigh of relief leaves your lips, but you catch your breath again as soon as you look back down.
danielle is close. her face is a few inches apart from you and your hand is still up to hold the coffee beans, making the moment much more intimate and nerve-racking than it actually is. she looks at you intensely, her lips parting before her eyes dart down to your lips. 
“y/n,” she almost whispers.
you gulp and look down at her lips, then away, putting your arm down and grabbing the coffee beans with you as you do so. your faces are closer now and you feel your heartbeat rapidly pounding against your chest, threatening to break through. danielle still stares at the features presented to her, pupils dilating.
you break the tension, looking away and stepping back, holding the coffee beans to your chest almost like you’re hugging them. your eyes dart around the room nervously, your cheeks burn like they’re steak being put onto a hot iron skillet, and you gulp one last time.
“the um, t-the beans… they almost fell on you.”
“i’m um, i need to uh– yeah, there’s no more grinds and i need to make a latte…”
“right.” danielle starts to smirk, looking at the aftermath on your face. “you do that then. oh, and by the way.”
she steps forward to push hair out your face and behind your ear, her fingers graze against the back of it. “your ears are red–and warm.”
“oh, um, maybe.” you mumble softly. danielle giggles at you before you leave the room, 
the two of you don’t speak on the incident the rest of the shift since danielle can tell you’re flustered and she’s also really good at keeping a conversation going. plus, work is in the way at times, so doing your job saves you.
after you two clock out for the day, both of you walk to your car and danielle watches you closely before looking out the window again. you feel a shiver down your spine as you get out the parking spot and the grip on the wheel is tighter the whole way to her apartment complex.
you park in front of the entrance, danielle unbuckles her seatbelt and says, “thanks for the ride.”
“it’s no problem.”
“i’ll see you tomorrow.”
your coworker narrows her eyes at you, looking at you questionably as if she were expecting something different. she puts her hand on yours, smiles, then gets out the car. 
she starts to walk towards the entrance, and as she walks through the door you huff.
“i can’t be like this, fuck me. another lecture from hyein would kill me.” you groan.
you grab your keys, unbuckle your seatbelt, and get out the car as soon as possible. you sprint towards the entrance and look around for danielle, catching a glimpse of her walking towards the stairs, so you follow after her.
she’s already up a flight somehow right when you reach the bottom of the stairwell, you catch her hair just barely and shout up at her,
“danielle!” she looks down to see you breathing a little heavier than normal. “wait!”
“y/n? what are you doing here?”
“i– wait there.” you call out before running up the stairs. danielle doesn’t listen and starts to walk down as well, which leads to you running into her when you clash halfway, accidentally bumping her. “s-sorry.” 
“you’re out of breath.”
inhaling quickly, you nod. “a bit.”
danielle laughs. “why did you run after me?”
“i was um, i was wondering…” you poke the inside of your cheek with your tongue, struggling to make eye contact with her. “are you um, well, fuck, sorry– okay, um.”
“take your time.” she teases.
you giggle before looking into her eyes and composing yourself. “do you want to hangout outside of work sometime? i really… like working with you and talking and yeah all of it, but work kind of limits a lot.”
she looks at you with a growing blush fostering her cheeks. one good look at you–messy hair tucked behind your ears, the baby tee hugging you, your flushed face from running, the adorable look you give her as you wait for an answer – danielle nods and her teeth show as she smiles at you.
“i would love that.”
“really?” you ask, eyes widening. you shake your head and laugh to yourself before asking, “when is good for you?”
“i’m not doing anything right now, are you?”
“i need to pick my cousin up soon but that’s it.”
“okay! you should go pick up your cousin and we can head downtown?”
“oh, now? today?” you say in disbelief; danielle hasn’t given you a chance to plan or mentally prepare for this. you’re already winded, but this is like a tornado picking you up and throwing you over to another continent. “i mean, yes, that’s perfect, yeah.”
“pick me up later then, that alright?”
“i’ll text you when hyein– er, when i drop my cousin off.”
“perfect, i’ll see you then?”
“yes, mhm.”
you’ve never driven so fast, nor have you gotten ready so quickly. your cousin gripped the door handle tightly as you sped fifteen miles over the limit in a neighborhood, glancing at your concentrated, flushed face.
usually, hyein is the one rushing home after school since it makes her homesick. but today, the unexpected sight of you bursting into the house, darting to your room, and emerging five minutes later with a denim jacket, jeans, and makeup on left her wide-eyed.
hyein’s laying on the couch when she catches you fixing your hair in the mirror, clenching your jaw and taking a deep breath.
“what’s up with you.”
“i dropped her home and asked her to hangout and then i was like ‘oh okay when?’ and she’s basically saying that now, today, like later. i have to pick her up like right now– wait, do i look good? too much? too little? is it–”
“you look fine y/n, very pretty. i think danielle will appreciate it.”
“you sure?”
hyein sighs and stands up, you’re a little taller then her, so she has to tilt her head up just barely to fix your hair and pat down your jacket. 
“stop stressing, it’s just a hangout, no? you didn’t say it was a date did you?”
“i mean no, but–”
“okay so stop stressing and go pick her up!” hyein rolls her eyes at you. “you’ll do great kid.”
“who are you calling kid?” 
“blah blah blah, go get out the house.”
you look at her defeatedly, brows curled up and a pout played on your lips. hyein simply laughs at you before you grab your keys, tote bag, and head out the door.
you reach her apartment complex and spot her outside, waiting while engrossed in her phone. danielle jumps when a car honks at her, but then she sees you in the driver’s seat. a smile spreads across her face, and she runs over to you, her excitement palpable.
danielle gets in the passengers seat. “hello again.”
“downtown? are we going to metro or are you going to park there.”
“it’s a surprise,” you smirk mischieviously before starting to drive. danielle giggles and trusts your little ‘surprise.’
the car ride is filled with laughter as you two sing along to your favorite songs. despite having slightly different music tastes, there are many songs that you both enjoy and can belt out together until you find a good spot to park in the city.
danielle waits for you as you pay for parking, looking out at the social city and lovely views. but one view is lovelier than the city, lovelier than everything really. her lips turn up when she looks at you pressing the button and grabbing the ticket that’s dispensed out. 
you fix your hair. “okay, before we go to the surprise did you want to check out the stores?”
“i don’t go downtown too often, so i don’t know what’s good.”
“me neither,” you shrug, then look around. “the city is big, we can surely find something we both like. i hope you like exploring.”
“if it’s with you, then why wouldn’t i like exploring?”
you're caught off guard by the compliment, opting for a chuckle to hide how it makes your heart run a marathon and your tummy twist and turn.
three hours pass but you swear it’s only been thirty minutes. 
the two of you walked everywhere, exploring small cafes, charming clothing stores, and vintage record shops. danielle made sure to take as many pictures of you as possible, insisting on "capturing the moment" and telling you that you're "adorable." her reasons made you giggle nervously, each compliment warming your heart.
you hold onto danielle’s bag of clothes and trinkets she had bought – you practically had to fight her to simply hold the bag – as you lead her down an alleyway. she’s following you mindlessly, not questioning your sudden change in plans since it must be part of your oh-so-lovely surprise.
“i’ve had a lovely time with you, we should spend time together outside of work much more often.” she says softly, turning to look at you and smile. she’s glowing. 
it's five in the evening, and the sun is beginning to set, golden rays seeping through the little cracks in the alleyway. each beam enhances her already striking features. her eyes shine when they catch the light, turning her brown eyes into a mesmerizing gold. the wind tousles her curly hair, making her even more beautiful with each stray strand. the way her teeth peek out when her smile widens makes your knees weak—you could stare at her for hours.
she snaps you out your trance. “y/n, can i ask you something?”
“yeah, what is it?”
“did you not like me when we first met?” 
you two continue to walk, but you’ve fallen silent. looking down at the ground, you shake your head and turn to look at her again.
“no, no that’s not it.” you shake your hands in defense. “i’m just… not a morning person, and very cautious.”
she giggles, “what?”
“when i did closing, all my coworkers were terrible. it was a nightmare despite being awake at the time, you know? and it’s different waking up so early for me, i’m not a morning person in any way.”
“i’m aware.” danielle interjects, making you roll your eyes and shove her with your shoulder playfully. 
you look around the area, clicking your tongue as everything starts to become recognizable. grabbing her hand, you find a little exit and lead her to a small area overlooking a part of the city near the river. it’s beautiful, and danielle is mesmerized by the view.
from where you both stand, you watch her mouth fall open, her hand almost covering it. she sighs in awe, taking in the scene—the buildings with some windows lit and others dark, the flowers in full bloom, and the trees with vibrant leaves.
“y/n, was this the surprise?”
you start to walk ahead, then turn around and motion with your head for her to follow. she watches you sit down on a rock that luckily has space for two people. she sits down next to you, watching as you prop yourself up with both hands behind your back.
you both sit in comfortable silence, the golden hues of the sunset reflecting off the river and casting a warm glow over everything. danielle’s eyes dart from the view to you, her smile never fading. you catch her gaze and smile back, feeling a sense of peace and contentment. the moment feels perfect–it is perfect.
“this is the surprise, and also kind of my apology for being an ass to you the first few weeks of working.”
danielle admires the side of your face as you watch the view, the sun hitting you beautifully, tracing each feature she adores the most.
“i’m not a morning person, and i guess i was stubborn and always pissy. i didn’t want to talk a lot because i was scared of you and soobin – mostly you – being terrible like the closing staff.” you meet her eyes with your own. “but you’re far from that.”
she does that thing where her eyes soften and her lips form something between a pout and a smile, much like the time she talked about a puppy she ran into on the street. but now, the emotion of adoration and awe is much more intense. her gaze seems to hold a deeper meaning, reflecting the beauty of the moment and the bond you share. 
“y/n, you’re so…” she covers her face with a hand, concealing her blush. “you’re wonderful.”
“i just wanted to share a view i really like with you, since i appreciate you a lot, you know? and we’ve been getting close so… i just… yeah.”
avoiding her look, you turn to watch the view again. yeah, you’d much rather be staring at her while she admires the view, but you can’t possibly do that when the sun is exposing your crimson cheeks.
“can i take a picture of you?” she asks, pulling out her phone. “you’re just so gorgeous right now, i really want to have something to look back on later.”
look back on you? you?
“yeah, sure.” you respond bashfully.
she holds her phone up, then looks at you, grins, and says, “cheese!”
you chuckle and shoot her a lovely, toothy, beaming smile. “cheese!”
the two of you alternate between talking and admiring the view for another two hours until the sun starts to set. by then, danielle has ended up close to you, your arms touching purposefully.
as you walk back to your car, a gust of wind brushes past and danielle shivers. she's only wearing a cropped t-shirt and sweatpants, which isn’t ideal for the cooler night. without a second thought, you slip off your jacket and drape it over her shoulders, grinning.
“thank you, y/n,” she says, looking up at you through her eyelashes. “you’re not cold?” 
you shake your head, the warmth from the evening and the moment enough to keep you comfortable. “nope, i’m good,” you reply, enjoying the way she pulls your jacket closer around herself. it looks even better on her.
“i have a longsleeve on, and i don’t want you getting sick dani.”
her eyes widen and she gasps. “oh my god.”
“you called me dani!”
you ‘tsk’ at her and shake your head, but smile to yourself. “yeah and?”
“you never ever call me that.”
“well i’m very fond of you now so… dani it is.”
both of you continue on to the car, enjoying each others presence while lingering close.
you reach her apartment complex and somehow those five – almost six – hours seemed like they weren’t enough. the last thing you wanted was the night to end, but here you are, parked in front of the entrance.
danielle hesitates in her seat, not wanting the night to end either. “hey, just to clarify…”
“did you… was this a date?” 
you melt. “at first i just wanted to hangout with you, but as soon as you got into my car when i picked you up i really wanted it to be. what did you think it was?”
she relaxes into the seat and lets out a sigh of relief. “oh thank god. you were so adorable and cute the whole time and the thought of this just being coworkers– no, friends, hanging out was dreadful.”
“well then, it was definitely a date.”
she hums before silence follows. you two sit there smiling like idiots at each other, the air filled with excitement and adoration.
“i’ll see you at work tomorrow?” danielle says it like it’s a question, but it’s guaranteed unless something deadly catches you by surprise. even then, you’d still make an effort to see danielle.
“yeah. i’ll pick you up too.”
“great,” danielle mumbles. without any warning, she quickly reaches over, placing a hand on the back of your neck and pressing her lips to your cheek. her eyes close, and you freeze in place as she hides herself by pressing her nose into your skin. “i really, really enjoyed everything. i like you so, so much.”
her voice sends a shiver down your spine, and the feeling is heightened when she kisses your cheek again, lingering before she pulls away.
she winks at you before waving. “have a good night, y/n. sleep well.”
your mouth is agape, and you can’t even move. you sit there, watching her walk back to her apartment complex. she looks back once more to wave and smile again. you’re flushed, your heart racing faster than any f1 car. you realize you’re the happiest you’ve been in ages.
danielle squeals as she enters the apartment, making minji and hanni – who are playing some card game – jump and yelp themselves.
“what the hell man?” hanni yells.
“oh my god it was a date.”
“well obviously.” minji responds, watching danielle flop onto the couch. “she ran for you just to ask to hangout, i don’t even do that for you guys.”
“maybe because you secretly hate us.”
“hanni shut up you’re no better.”
danielle kicks her feet, smiling like a little kid and sighing dreamily. minji and hanni give each other a glance, then shrug at each other. 
“she took me to this wonderful view and oh my god it was beautiful but not as beautiful as her like oh my god and talking to her is so fun and natural and she’s so sweet and–”
minji cuts her off, noticing the jacket she has on. “is the denim hers?”
“yes.” danielle says smittenly, she’s lovestruck. “and i kissed her cheek just now.”
“oh wooow maybe your flirting can get you places.” 
danielle grabs a pillow and throws it at hanni, making the trio all laugh together. 
work is normal the next day—well, for the most part. it's just much more annoying since the two of you can’t be hopelessly in love in front of soobin and all the customers. after all, it’s a professional setting.
you can’t help but steal glances at her whenever you get the chance, especially when she’s taking orders. she’s so sweet and friendly with everyone, and it only makes you fall for her even more. if hyein were here, she’d probably roll her eyes and pretend to gag at how hopelessly in love you are.
danielle catches you staring after she’s finished putting a customers croissant in their bag, smirking at you knowingly. 
“hey, do your job!”
“oh shut up…”
she laughs before grabbing your wrist, dragging you to the door to the back. she looks over to soobin, who’s cleaning the counters, and shouts, “we’ll be back! i need y/n to help reach something for me.”
he shoots a thumbs up before starting to wipe again. danielle leads you back to the storage room giggling, then closes the door to leave you two alone.
“hey, we’re still on the clock.” you warn.
“i know, i know.” danielle starts to wrap her arms around your neck, pulling you closer. “i wanted to do something i didn’t get to last night.”
you clench your jaw. “right.”
“mhm.” she says, staring at your lips. 
you couldn’t resist any longer. with a surge of giddy excitement, you close the distance between you and danielle, eagerly cupping her face in your hands. as your lips meet hers, they are just as soft and inviting as you had imagined, yet the reality surpasses any expectation. 
she pulls away first to mumble against your lips, “you’re lovely.”
“you’re even better.”
danielle closes the distance, you both smile against each other and savor the short amount of time you both have in the storage closet. kissing her is everything, she’s just perfect.
time seems to stand still as you both melt into the kiss, a tender warmth spreading through every inch of your being. it’s as if the world around you fades away, leaving only the sensation of her warmth, the taste of her lips, and the intoxicating feeling of being so close to someone you adore.
when she starts to cup your cheeks, you conclude that maybe mornings aren’t so bad–definitely not if danielle is in the mix.
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f1-jay · 1 day
Hi, I have a request for Jenson if that's alright. You said that you struggle with plot because you don't know what people want, so this is going to be super detailed but add or taking away whatever you want from the plot.
Jenson has been dating a younger woman (reader) for a while now and everything is going great, they're even talking about going public! And then her ex starts trying to get in contact with her. He's been calling or texting or dm'ing her every day and finally one day Jenson gets tired of it. She's in the shower, he's studying what he needs to study for commentating (idk how that works lol) and her phone just keeps going off. He of course, knows her password as she does his and opens up her phone and goes to his messages. The messages are things like 'I know you miss me so stop playing hard to get' and 'You'll never find another guy like me' and Jenson gets so fed up with it that he decides to bite the bullet and post the hard launch already. They had already agreed on a series of photos and short video's they would post. He posts them all, tagging her and the ex-boyfriend and the caption is 'She's taken, buddy'. And then she comes out of the bathroom, and he freaks out, thinking she's gonna be pissed at him but she finds in really hot insted.
Mine - Jenson Button
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Pairing: Jenson Button x Younger reader
Summary: read request
Warnings: nothing
Words 0.8k
Note: Thank you very much for sending a request
You and Jenson had managed to have a pretty private relationship from the beginning. Eight perfect months before the rumours started, to be honest, you were both surprised that it remained private for such a long period. Neither of you minded that much, as you had talked about going public and planning what photos you would post on Instagram.
Unfortunately for you, the rumours meant your ex tried to get back in contact with you by messaging, calling, and on social media, but to no success. You two didn't necessarily end on bad terms, but you didn't care to talk to him. He was persistent, but you were stubborn. You didn't bother telling Jenson about it at first; he'd stop soon, right?
Four days later, you're sitting on the couch, enjoying each other's company. Your phone rings again, and you hit the decline button, letting out an annoyed sigh.
"You okay?" Jenson looks up from his phone and over to you. You hum in agreement at him. "That sounded believable" He says with sarcasm. Now you look at him.
"It's nothing. Promise" "Wow, I can't believe I'm dating a liar..." He says it overdramatically as he slowly shakes his head and clicks his tongue. A mix of laughter and scoff comes from you.
"It's just Broc; see, nothing to worry about." You shrug it off while Jenson's eyebrows knit together.
"Broc? like your ex, Broc?" You nod. "Why is he calling? Just block him."
"He'll stop soon; it doesn't matter. I know he's an ex, but we do get along. If he starts to say anything that makes me uncomfortable, then I'll block him; trust me." That's all it takes for Jenson to stop talking about it because he does trust you.
Overnight, a month-old photo comes out that confirms your relationship: you and Jenson sharing a kiss while holding hands. The communication from Brocs starts to become more intense, and so do the words, but you don't keep your promise to Jenson. Something about the messages and the change in attitude made you want to see what else he would say.
You had gone in for a shower just before Broc started another rant over text. Jenson sits at the desk, going over some information for the upcoming GP, and ignores the noise from your phone, assuming it's just a friend. The constant message tones then turn into a ringtone, so he gets up to see what all the fuss is about. He isn't thrilled when he sees that it's Broc, and he considers just blocking him for you. Another message comes through: 'You really think he loves you? You're just a worthless slut'. That is enough for Jenson to unlock your phone and go into his messages. What he sees pisses him off, and he decides that he wants to send him a public message.
Jenson picks up his phone and puts those preselected photos into a post, making you officially public.
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JensonButton: She's happily taken, @/Broc
User1: Iconic
User2: The text!?! She's so real for that
User3: I literally screamed
JensonButton: So did she
User4: Ain't no way he tagged her ex 😦
User5: Isn't she only like 22? That's half his age 🤢
User6: Acting like you wouldn't if you got the chance
You get out of the shower and start to dry off when you hear your notification tone going wild. You unlock the door and poke your head out, questioning what's going on. Jenson just handed you your phone with a smile. You see the post and look at him with a slightly open jaw.
"What's this? I know we said we would, but I thought we meant together." You say, looking through the photos.
"I saw the messages that he was sending you, so I sent one back." He scrolls down, so you can read the caption. Your jaw opens a little wider. "I also blocked him for you since that 'trust me' obviously wasn't reliable."
"Oh, Mr. Button, you are very attractive when you're jealous." You place a hand on his chest, which he removes right away with a strong grasp on your wrist.
"Uh, uh, don't even try it. What happened to blocking him when he went too far?" He says as he looks down at you with a serious look. You pout and flutter your eyelashes a couple times.
"Are you going to punish me?" A fake sad look is etched on your face. "Please, sir, don't. I'm sorry" You say, obviously wanting him to do something. Jenson can't help the smirk that appears on his lips.
"This is what you wanted, isn't it?" The small smile that you try to hold back gives him the answer. "Fucking brat" he mumbles through his teeth. He pulls you towards the bed with his hold on your wrist, sitting down and pulling you over his lap. He was thankful that you hadn't gotten dressed yet. Your wrists are then pulled behind your back, and he holds them there with one hand, and his other hand comes down hard on your ass. 
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kurooh · 16 hours
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⊹₊˚. he thinks the rush and risk of a quickie with you is the best feeling ever.
⟡ feat. timeskip! miya atsumu, bokuto kōtarō, iwaizumi hajime, kuroo tetsurō.
⟡ warnings: 18+ content (mdni), f! reader, creampies, oral sex [m&f], cum swallowing, wall sex, public sex & exhibitionism, degradation, fingering, squirting, sex against a window, not proofread !!
⟡ xoxo, juno: my heart goes out to the neglected haikyuu fans on my blog. this is for you <3
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“tsumu,” you pant, head falling back into the lockers behind you with a small thud that’s unheard over the sound of skin against skin.
you’re balancing on one jelly-like leg, back pressed into the lockers, the other leg hanging on his arm, toes curling. “oh, right there, tsumu, please,” a breathy whimper leaves your parted lips, and he angles his hips slightly, snapping his cock into you harder. each thrust punches the air out of your lungs, and atsumu knows he won’t be able to last much longer if you keep clenching like this, your pretty face scrunched with pleasure from him.
“fuck, babe— ughhh, yer so pretty like this..” he buries his face in your neck, the pace of his hips becoming unsteady and erratic as he gets closer and closer to coming undone inside you. in the not so far distance, you hear talking and laughing, but ignore it.
your pussy throbs, gummy walls sucking him deep, and he groans out your name, pressing you harder into the lockers. “mmmh, ‘m gonna cum, where d’ya—”
“inside, want it in me,” you cut him off with a whiny plea, “want it dripping out while i watch the game.”
your hand races to press into the small of his back, in an attempt to make sure he doesn’t pull away or out. with a grumble of your name that makes his chest shake, he cums inside of you, just as a door opens nearby.
“tsumu,” you whisper in a panic when he doesn’t make any move to pull out after a few seconds, effectively plugging you full of his cum, “we have to get dressed for your game, y-your friends—”
“nah,” atsumu huffs, staring at your flexing pussy; his cum drips from you, slipping down your thighs mesmerizingly. he practically has hearts in his eyes looking up and down your body.
“i think we’re a little early, kiyoomi,” hinata’s bright voice is suddenly a few rows of lockers away.
“prep before a game is most important,” sakusa replies sternly, “practice and a shower before always guarantees a win, shōyo.”
atsumu’s already in his shorts, helping you pull on an msby jersey, stamped with his number on the back. his cum drips from your cunt as you quickly move past his teammates with a wave, mumbling a dumb excuse as you race out the door.
“atsumu,” sakusa pulls on his mask almost immediately, his guard up. “surely you noticed your girlfriend wearing the jersey backwards.”
“you’re gonna win, kou, i promise,” you interrupt your boyfriend’s enthusiastic and nervous rambling, lips trailing over his inner thighs.
“i-i know, but this game is important!” he emphasizes, swallowing thickly as your fingers hook into the waistband of his shorts and boxers. the clothing slides down his thighs, settling at his knees, and you inch closer to his cock — rock hard, hot to the touch, tip sticky with precum.
bokuto chokes out a hushed groan, tangling his fingers in your hair and cupping the back of your head the second you take him into your mouth. he helps you take his entire length into your mouth, spurring you on with his whines and mumbled curses.
“b-baby, fuck, you’re so perfect, ughhh—”
you choke when you finally make it all the way down to his base, your nose practically touching the coarse hair covering his pelvis. eager hands begin to guide you up and down, his tip hitting the back of your throat as you move. bokuto gasps out a string of hazy apologies when he heard you gag particularly hard, but he doesn’t stop— instead, he cups the back of your head firmly and fucks up into your mouth, the movement of his hips sloppy.
“y-you wan’ me to win, right?” his head drops back, the creaky sounds of the locker room bench growing louder beneath him. with your one of your hands positioned on the wood for support, you feel the bench shaking hard.
you nod, your eyes moving from his abs up to his scrunched face; he’s biting down on his bottom lip, worrying it between his teeth, his golden eyes half lidded and teary.
it’s almost filthy, the way bokuto rises off the bench, pushing you away from him before cupping the back of your head— he draws his hips back, leaving his tip in your mouth, then slams all the way inside.
tears spring to your eyes at the force, and you only move closer to him to allow him to use your mouth, or his ‘good luck charm’ before games.
“hahhh, that’s right, take it just like that,” bokuto grunts, “god, you’re gonna make me cum.”
heat rushes through your body and pools in your pelvis, wetting your panties at his words; his well muscled chest, gleaming with sweat, rises and falls rapidly as he pants. as his orgasm approaches, his thighs and abs tense as he buries himself deep in your throat, pulling you close to his pelvis.
his cock thickens on your tongue, throbbing as he finally fills up your throat with his cum; still sensitive, he whimpers as you swallow around him. slowly, bokuto pulls out of your mouth, his cock still hard.
he quickly pulls up his shorts, tugs you to your feet, and gives you a tight hug. “i’m gonna win today, and it’s all cause of you!” he mumbles excitedly into your neck.
“sounds good, kou,” you laugh, rubbing his back. “after the game, meet me back in the locker room, ‘kay?”
“mmmh, princess— loosen up a little for me, can barely move,” hajime hisses into your ear, spreading your thighs a little wider with his free hand. he curls his fingers inside you, prodding at your sweet spot and stretching out your tight pussy with their girth.
your nails press crescents into his strong shoulders through his shirt as you hold him for support in humping yourself onto his fingers. “t-thank you, haji, i needed this, ah!” your voice cracks when he starts to scissor his fingers in and out of you at an unforgiving pace.
“‘course, baby..” he leans in for a chaste kiss, his olive eyes closing as his lips touch yours.
despite being a hardass with his team, shouting and sometimes even swearing at them, hajime would always be gentle and loving with you all the time. often, you are his outlet when it comes to letting off steam — either through soft or rougher sex.
although he’s disciplined and strong willed, he always melts when you cling to him, eyes shining as you take his hand in yours, guiding him inside your shorts to feel your damp panties. “need you, haji,” was all you’d said earlier, and then he had you on his lap with his big fingers buried in your cunt, the two of you tucked away beneath the bleachers of the gym, right before practice starts. hajime always has time for you.
“o-oh, hajime!” you cry, pushing your face into his chest, feeling the muscle beneath his fitted shirt, “i’m c-cumming, ‘m—”
your hips jerk backwards, his fingers slipping out of you, and your face burns as you squirt all over his lap, his hands, and yourself. a sharp gasp leaves you when you realize you’ve soaked him and his clothes, right before practice.
“h-hajime, i’m so sorry, i—”
he cuts you off by grabbing your chin firmly, tugging you to look at him. “don’t be, babygirl,” he lets you go and slowly starts to slide you off his lap, gesturing for you to stand up.
“i just wanted to make you cum, it’s okay, i still have some time to change,” he murmurs, getting on his knees and wasting the changing time; his tongue slides over your wet inner thighs, and he starts to lick up your cum.
your hands tangle in his dark hair, and you pull him closer to your dripping pussy, eyes rolling back when he presses a wet kiss to your clit.
“wow, couldn’t even wait till my lunch break, huh? w-what—shit, so tight—a slut.”
kuroo’s words are shaky, grunted out from above you as he fucks you, bent over with your palms pressed against the window. the glass is smeared with the combination of perspiration and your scented lotion that makes him go insane, the one that has him grabbing you all over.
“harder, tetsu..” you whisper, toes curling in your socks; your short skirt is flipped up, panties wet and pulled to the side. he’s supposed to be leaving his office for a meeting in the next 5 minutes, but when you showed up all pretty and flashed him just a little, he couldn’t resist.
the door wasn’t even closed, and here he was pushing his cock inside you and sliding his large hands under your shirt to grab at your tits.
“you like me fuckin’ you with the door open, right in front of the window, hm? fucking you just like a whore, baby.”
your puffy cunt clenches hard around his cock, and your head falls forward with a needy mewl, drinking in the sight of kuroo’s balls smacking into your clit, his cock pounding in and out of you.
“oh?” he slaps your ass, drawing a whimper from your lips that has him gritting his teeth and tossing his head back, “you like being called a whore, don’t you? you like me using your—ughhh, fuck!—s-slutty pussy like this, yeah?”
“yes, tetsu, god yes,” you keen, hands sliding down the glass as your eyes roll back and your back arches for him, “don’t stop don’t stop, please—”
you hope kuroo will be able to cum before his assistant comes by to remind him of the meeting that’s only a few minutes away — you hear her pushing away from her desk to come to his office, and you can’t find it in yourself to care or be any quieter.
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bubblebisk · 20 hours
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Come out Baby
What happens when you get bratty with your boyfriend and lash out? Obviously he's gotta remind you who's allowed to hit who.
Disclaimer: this is in no way me trying to promote hitting ur partners especially without consent and if they don't have a kink for it. Also this isn't proof read sorry I'll fix it later.⭐
Tags: spanking, slapping, spitting, heavy degradation, gn!reader × bangchan, no protection (please don't do that wear a condom) , face fuckin, choking, edging, ruined orgasms, etc.
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12:34 a.m, that's the time your phone shows you when you've reached the door of your apartment. You honestly didn't mean to stay out late but, how could you not when there were so many fun things to do and buy? Of course your wallet is a little salty and your feet hurt but a little adventure never necessarily hurts you.
You carefully open the door in hopes to not wake up your boyfriend who's been spending the week with you. You both have a weekly routine where you spend the week at his house and he spends the week at your apartment and from there on it alternates. As you push open the door you see the lights are off and breathe and sigh of relief.
Aren't you so naive. You toe your shoes off and leave your bags by the door before heading to the kitchen for a cup of water. It doesn't take long for you to be hydrated enough to decide to get ready for the night and sleep. You hightail to the bathroom and freshen up deciding to forgo your clothes since you and your boyfriend sleep separately anyways. Upon finishing ur shower you feel a migraine coming on not a big one, but on enough to make you feel slightly irritated and even more desperate to get in bed.
As you reach the bedroom and open it you see your boy friend up on his phone doing whatever it is he's doing.
"Chan?" You call out to him clearly confused as to why he's awake.
"So you've finally decided to come back? Or did you remember that you had someone waiting for you and home?" His eyes are still on his phone as he speaks to you in a condescending way.
"One look at me when you're talking to me and two why does it matter what time I get home? It's my apartment. It's not like I'm at your house where I have to follow your every demand." You're fed up why? You're not sure but, your migraine has definitely given you an attitude you wouldn't dear give your beloved Channie at all..until now at least.
You watch as he shuts the phone off before getting up and off the bed to come towards you.
"it matters when you've been out all day and you don't even call or return my texts. Apologies for being worried about you because last time I checked the only time you have self awareness and self preservation is when you're not being a ba-"
You cut him off with a slap to the face. Not hard enough to turn his face but, enough to shock both you and him at the same time.
"I..I-I sorry I didn't me-" you try to stutter out your apology before he shut you up.
You watch as he takes a deep breath before speaking. "You have 10 seconds to run away and hide somewhere before I fuck you up." The way he says in a calm manner is absolutely terrifying and you stand there frozen.
Things don't register until he's hit the second number. That's when you decide to leave the room.
You have very few options right now, the living room, kitchen, bathroom, and guest room.
By four you've made a decision and ran to the spare room to hide in the closet.
Once in the closet you're left alone with your adrenaline. Of course you're scared but also extremely turned on.
You and Chan have talked about things like this in the past but never acted on it in fear of hurting the other.
7 is the number you both are on as you count with him but mentally in your head. Between ur legs has become unbearable and you're aching for release.
The counting stopped. You're on edge as you hear him make his little remarks to lure you out or to scare you even more. Honestly it's hard to tell when you feel like prey being hunted.
"Come out baby I just wanna talk." after that sentence you hear a cupboard slam close assuming that he was in the kitchen.
"Aren't you cold darling? You weren't wearing anything when you chose to be a rude bitch and slap me. I was only caring for you." You tighten your legs together in hopes that some friction would bring you relief. The both of you had talked about heavier more disrespectful degradation and dirty talk, finding out that you both liked a bit more than usual.
As the thought ends you hear the door of the spare room open.
"C'mon baby, I know you're a bit dizzy but I didn't expect you to be so dumb" he rips open the door to the closest you're hiding in before grabbing you by the hand and dragging you back to the room you both share. He pushes you to your knees so that you're eye level with his sweat pants pants.
You stare at his bulge lustfully before feeling his hand snake behind your head and pushing you into it.
"See something you like baby?" You look up to him and meet his eyes before nodding at him. He tanks your head back before pulling his pants down to show his cock off. It's fuckin huge. No matter how many times you stare at it, suck it, or take it, it's always fuckin huge.
He takes a hold of it before slapping it on your face and spewing degrading comments. "I can't believe I got slapped by a common whore" he huffs "Honestly look at you. You turn cock dumb the moment I even show it off."
You moan at his words knowing it's true.
"suck" he states and you stare at him dazed and a little bit behind.
"What do I have to fuckin hand feed you? Suck." His words finally register to you and you go in to start licking his swollen leaking tip. Suddenly your face feels warm and you're looking to your left? You readjust your vision and see that his hand is in the position of the aftermath of slapping someone.
"I said suck not lick." He stares down at you with a scowl and for a moment you feel bad.
You take him into your mouth and start bobbing your head finding a rhythm as he groans. He then fists your hair before starting to fuck your face roughly.
He lets out a groan as his head is flung back with eyes rolling in pleasure, "Fuck baby your mouth feels so fuckin good. So wet and tight", he pulls you off his cock before manhandling you up right and pushing you on the bed. "Now I think it's time for the baby's punishment don't you think?" It's a rhetorical question, not one you're meant to answer but, you nod your head anyways while watching his lips curve into a sinister smirk.
To be continued....
Part 2
also should I make a tag list?
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Guilty as Sin? — Chapter Nine
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pairing: professor!javier peña x f!reader
rating: series is 18+ only, minors DNI, professor/student dynamic, the gurls (Steve and Javi) are catty in this one but Steve deserves it, Javi has a filthy mouth, we get him to beg, unprotected piv, oral (m!rec), secret relationship/age difference mention, angst at the end but it's resolved
word count: 5.6k
series masterlist
Something was burning. 
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The smell hit you in your sleep, causing you to stir awake with a sour face. You looked over at Javi’s side of the bed, but it was empty. You rushed to your feet, grabbing Javi’s robe and hastily wrapping yourself in it as you rushed to the bedroom door. You expected the apartment to be engulfed in flames from the foul, bitter smell, but were greeted with a far more amusing sight when you whipped the door open. 
Running around the kitchen with the urgency of a contestant on a cooking show, Javi and Steve tried their best to air out the smoke coming from the stove. 
“What the hell happened?” you asked, pinching your nose. Javi’s wide eyes met yours, a frown already etched onto his face. 
“We were trying to surprise you,” he said, almost bashfully. “But Steve took his eyes off the bacon—“
“I wasn’t in charge of the goddamn bacon,” Steve interjected. “I was in charge of the pancakes and look—“ He gestured to the stack of golden brown pancakes on the kitchen island. “Perfect.”
“I told you to watch it while I—“
“The hell you did—“
“I know I did,” Javi replied, rubbing his eyes as he walked over to where you stood in the doorway of the bedroom. He dropped his hands to your face, cradling your jaw as he leaned in for a gentle peck. “Sorry for the rude awakening, cariño.”
You smiled, tugging him closer by the belt loops of his jeans just to kiss him again. “S’okay.”
“We could go out to eat,” he mumbled against your lips. 
“We can’t,” you sighed, tilting your head back to look into his eyes. “Or did you forget about the whole secret relationship thing?”
“No, smartass.” He gave your ass a small tap. “I was thinking we could get something on the road.”
You raised a brow. “The road?” 
“Yeah, Steve wants to go visit my dad,” he said, suddenly looking shy. “Thought you could come along and…meet him, I guess.”
“You…want me to meet your dad?” you asked, stifling your shock. 
“Yeah, I mean…if you want,” he said, shrugging. “I want you to meet him, but not if it’s too much or too soon for you.”
“No,” you said, lifting a hand to rest against his chest, his heartbeat wild beneath your palm. “I want to, as long as your dad doesn’t mind?”
“He’s kind of been asking to meet you for a while now,” Javi said, biting his lip. 
“You told him about me?” 
“Yeah,” he smiled. “After our weekend together.”
“Javier Peña,” you crooned, running your hand over his heart. “A softie underneath it all.”
“For you,” he said, lifting your hand to his lips. “So is that a yes?”
“Mmhm,” you hummed. “Just need to go home and shower first.” 
“I’ll drive you,” he said. “Just let me help Steve destroy the evidence of his failure first.”
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 After battling Steve for the passenger seat, the three of you headed out for Laredo. Javier stopped at his favorite burrito place and got the three of you breakfast for the road with the condition that Steve doesn’t, in Javi’s words, eat like a fucking animal in the backseat.
The two of them carried on like siblings, bickering and teasing one another with a playful undertone that showed the deep-rooted fondness underneath all that masculinity. You stayed relatively silent, enjoying their chatter while you finished a paper for Dr. Brown’s class that was due at the end of the week. Javi’s hand made itself at home on your knee, his thumb brushing soothing strokes against the ribbed fabric that sent a throbbing ache between your legs. He seemed clueless to the fact that all it took for you to want him was a single glance, that all it took for you to need him was one simple, innocuous touch. The fucking menace had no clue just how badly your body craved his, and if he did, he certainly refused to show you any mercy. 
When you stopped at a gas station in a small town off the highway you were offered a moment of alone time with Javier as Steve went inside to “handle business” in the restroom—you didn’t ask him to elaborate. 
“How’s the paper coming?” Javi’s head was tilted back against the headrest, the hand that was on your knee now resting against the back of your seat. 
You shut your laptop and set it on the dashboard before tugging Javier over the center console for a kiss. You held onto the curve of his jaw, your thumbs stroking over stubble as he parted his lips to move with yours, a dark rumble slipping straight from his mouth into yours. You let out a soft whine at the sound that only spurred Javi on, one hand coming to rest on your hip with a needy squeeze. 
“Need you so bad,” you confessed, nibbling on his bottom lip. Javier’s hand slid from your hip to the apex of your thighs, a soft sigh slipping from his lips as he let his palm cover your heated core. “Take me into the bathroom and fuck me, Jav.” 
“Jesus,” he groaned, letting you get your fill of him as you trailed your kisses down the line of his neck to his thumping pulse. “Not enough time to make you come, hermosa.” 
“I don’t care,” you said. “I just want to feel you.”
Javier let his head fall back against the headrest as your hand wandered up his thigh to cup him through his jeans. “Baby, shit—“
The backseat door opened, abruptly ending the heated moment. You both straightened yourselves in your seats as Steve climbed in with a bag of snacks in hand. 
“Got y’all some water,” he said, handing the cold bottles to both of you. “Since you’re so goddamn thirsty for each other.” 
“You saw that?” you laughed, covering your face with your hands. Javi pried them away with a smirk, bringing them up to his lips to kiss your knuckles. 
“This could be you if you, I don’t know, talked to your wife?” he said, shooting a glance back at Steve. “Jealous ass.”
“Just wait,” Steve said. “Eventually it’ll all wear off and then you’ll be flyin’ out to Florida to sleep on my couch.”
“I prefer my bed and the woman keeping it warm,” Javi said, lacing your fingers together as he pulled out of the parking lot. “And unlike you, I don’t let pride get in the way of that.”
“Javi,” you said, giving him a lighthearted scolding. “Don’t need to kick him while he’s down.”
“He’s kicking me while I’m up,” he argued with a smile. “Besides, Steve could use some tough love.”
“I’m right here, jackass,” Steve said. “And this argument ain’t my issue. Connie needs to understand that I’m allowed to make my own decisions about my career.”
“And she’s allowed to divorce your ass for not taking her and Olivia into consideration.”
“Who’s Olivia?” you asked, turning in your seat to look at Steve. You watched as his look of pride shifted to one of guilt. 
“It’s his three year old,” Javi said. “Who he left at home all because he doesn’t want to own up to his shit.”
“Jav, you’re treadin’ on thin ice,” Steve warned. “Keep my daughter outta this.”
“She’s affected by this, you fucking idiot,” Javi said, refusing to back down. “I don’t give a shit if you’re pissed at me. Whatever it takes to get you back to your family so you can keep them, I’ll do it.” 
“And what the fuck do you know about family, Javi?” Steve asked, his tone so calm it was unnerving. “Hm? All those years fuckin’ prostitutes teach you a lot about the family dynamic?”
Javier shook his head, his jaw clenching as he watched the road. You wanted to turn around and tell Steve to shut the fuck up, even if only for your own comfort. It wasn’t as though Javi had kept his past a secret—he’d told you all about the activities he got up to during the DEA and you didn’t judge him for it or the women he slept with—but the thought of Javier fucking someone else always soured your stomach to the point of genuine nausea. 
“I’ll drop the subject, Steve,” Javi said, his tone flat and sharp at the same time. “But you’re the one that’s going to have to deal with the consequences of your actions, not me. Try to put the blame on me, try to discredit me to my girlfriend, do whatever you think you have to do to feel better about putting yourself above your family. But when Connie and Olivia decide they’re done with you, don’t come to me asking why I wasn’t there. I’m here now, telling you to own up to your shit. Do it or don't.”
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The rest of the ride was silent and tense. You busied yourself with your paper, Javi busied himself with focusing on the road, his hands tight on the steering wheel, and Steve busied himself with sulking in the back seat. 
It wasn’t until the three of you arrived at Javi’s dad’s ranch that the air between them lightened. 
Javi kept close to your side, his hand wrapped around yours as he walked you up the gravel path to the front porch of his father’s two-story farmhouse. 
“You nervous?” he asked in a whisper as he led you up the steps of the front porch. 
“A little,” you admitted, glancing back at Steve who was smoking a cigarette by the car. “You alright? Things seemed a little tense back there.”
“That’s just us,” he said, raising his hand to the front door and knocking. “Steve needs to hear the truth from someone. I don’t really give a shit if he hates me, just as long as he makes shit right with his family.”
“I don’t know what I’d do if we got into a fight and you just left,” you said, shaking your head. “I probably wouldn’t let you come back. Especially if we had a kid to worry about.”
“That’s not my style,” he said, lifting a hand up to lovingly pinch your chin. “I meant what I said. I like my bed and I love having you in it. I’m not going to fuck that up for anything.”
“Because you love me,” you mused, stepping closer. 
“Mmhm,” he smiled, wrapping an arm around the small of your back to pull you into his side. “First woman I ever loved.” 
“Shut up,” you laughed, giving his chest a playful swat. 
“I’m dead serious,” he said, leaning down to brush his nose against yours. “You’re the only woman who’s had me this way. Try and remember that the next time Steve brings up my past.”
“The next time he brings up your past, I’ll just remind him that I don’t view those women as competition,” you said, pecking his lips. “They all taught you different shit. In fact, remind me to send a thank you card to the woman who taught you how to eat—“
“Mijo,” an older, rougher, voice with a slightly heavier accent than Javier interrupted the filth you were about to say, causing you to turn towards the man with a wide eyed look of embarrassment. 
“Pops,” Javi greeted, chuckling at your expression as he let you go to pull his father in for a hug. 
“Chucho!” Steve called as he stomped his cigarette out into the dirt. “How the hell are ya, old man?” 
“I’ll deal with you in a minute,” he said, fixing his attention on you. “You must be the woman my son won’t shut up about.”
You gave Javi a smile, squeezing his hand. “I hope so, Mr. Peña, otherwise he’ll be in trouble.”
His father laughed, extending his hand. “Call me Chucho, mija.”
You nodded, letting him go off down the stairs to Steve with a finger wagging. “That wife of yours should kick your ass.” 
Javi let out a deep breath, relief washing over his face. “I haven’t brought anyone home since I was a teenager. Thought I was gonna pass out for a second.”
You laughed, hugging his arm. “Your dad’s cool.”
“Until you piss him off,” he added. “But I can’t imagine you’ll ever see that side of him. Now, Steve on the other hand…”
“He doesn’t like Steve?” you asked, furrowing your brows. 
“He likes him, but he’s big on family,” Javi explained. “And right now, Steve’s being a dick to his family.”
“Well, since they’re busy, why don’t you take me on a little tour?” you asked, biting your lip as you nudged your head towards the open front door. “Show me your old bedroom and all that.”
“Do you want to see my bedroom, or do you want to see my bed?” Javi asked, lowering his voice in a way that made you throb with need. 
“Like you’d actually fuck me with your dad and Steve here,” you whispered, licking your lips as you stared at his. So tempting, so full, so capable of making you feel good. God, you hoped he wasn’t bluffing. 
“Is that a challenge, cariño?” he rasped, brushing his lips over yours. You slid your hands up to his chest, anchoring yourself with your hands gripping the leather labels of his jacket. “I love a challenge.” 
“Javi,” you sighed, forcing your head to turn towards the men still locked into their passionate conversation. “Don’t play with me right now, I must be ovulating or something. I’m…needy.”
“Me too,” he husked, bringing his lips to the hinge of your jaw. Your breath hitched as he placed an open mouthed kiss there before skimming his teeth along the line of your neck, punctuating it with a lovebite. 
“Your dad’s twenty feet away,” you whispered, swatting at his chest. 
“He can’t see anything this far even if he was paying attention,” he mumbled, lathing his tongue over where he’d nipped at your sensitive skin. 
“Take me somewhere else,” you managed, half up in the clouds from the feeling of Javi’s lips on your skin. “Say we’re going to pick up lunch or something.”
“And then what?” he asked, pulling back to look at you with lust glazed eyes. 
“Then I want you to fuck me in the backseat of your car,” you said, gathering what remained of your wits. “I’m sure you know a backroad or two where we won’t get caught.”
Javier grinned, nodding his head before lacing your fingers together. He walked you down the porch steps, your feet crunching over the gravel as the two of you reached where Steve and Chucho stood talking. “Pops, we’re gonna go grab some lunch to bring back.”
“Mmhm,” Chucho hummed, a smile tugging at his lips as he looked down at your joined hands. “Take your time. I’m going to take Steve out to the field and put him to work with the cows.”
“I didn’t agree t’all that,” Steve said, holding his hands up. 
“Well, your wife didn’t agree to you re-signing, but you had no problem doing that.”
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Javier’s hand never left the inside of your thigh as he drove you through a seemingly never ending labyrinth of dirt roads before finding a spot nestled in a line of trees, not a soul around for acres. 
“Get back there,” he ordered as he climbed out of the car. You bit your lip, scrambling to undo your seatbelt so that you could climb over the center console into the backseat. Javier opened the door on his side and slid in beside you, his hands already reaching for your face as you swung your leg over his lap to straddle him. He laid his head back against the head rest, studying you as you sat breathless and needy on top of him. “So fucking beautiful.”
“I need you so bad,” you whined, reaching for his belt to undo it. Javier sat back in his seat to give you more room, both of you watching as you took him out of his jeans and gave him a long, languid stroke. “Look at you…” You licked your lips as a droplet of his arousal spilled down his head and onto your fist. “You need me, Javi? Hm? Want me to sit on it?”
Javier groaned, his hands flexing on your thighs as you continued to stroke him slowly, his cock twitching in your palm with each pass. “Baby, fuck.”
“That’s not a yes,” you purred, cunt throbbing at the sight of him coming undone over your teasing. 
“Yes, baby,” he panted, his eyes lifting to meet yours. “Sit on my dick, cariño.”
“Ask nicely,” you said, leaning forward to ghost your lips over his. 
“Please,” he begged, filling the gap between you with a kiss to your jaw. “Want to watch you ride me out here in the open.”
You let out a sigh, tipping your head back to give him better access to your neck as you tilted your hips forward to grind your clothed center against his bare cock. “Feels so good, Javi.”
“Yeah?” he murmured beneath your ear. “You wanna come like this first? Get that pussy nice and wet for me?”
“Fuck,” you whined, resting your head on his shoulder as your rocked your hips, angling your clit to brush against the ridge of his tip with every thrust forward. 
“Just like that,” he murmured, hands settled on your hips to guide your rhythm. “Use me, baby. Doing so fucking good.” 
The only sounds to be heard beyond the birdsong in the distance were your breathy moans and Javi’s deliciously filthy praise in your ear as you chased your orgasm. Your hands gripped the top of the seat behind Javi’s head for leverage as your movements grew erratic and uncontrolled, your high within arms reach. 
“Come on, hermosa,” he breathed, his lips brushing against your ear. “So close, baby. Just keep going.”
“Javi,” you whined as your climax took hold, turning you into a crumpled mess of ecstasy on his lap. Javier held you tight, kissing your temple as you recovered. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful when you come,” he rasped, his hands sliding down the small of your back to slip underneath the band of your leggings, grabbing the globes of your ass to pull you closer. “Can you feel how hard you make me, cariño? I’m always like this around you. During class, when we pass each other on campus, when you’re in my living room building Legos with me at all hours of the night, when I bring you home to meet my fucking dad—you’re driving me crazy and I don’t want it to stop for a single fucking minute.” 
With furrowed brows and a pounding heart, you pulled him close, crashing your lips against his in response to his filthy confession. Pulling away breathless and dizzy, you lifted your hand to his face, dragging your thumb over his stubble. “I love you, Javier.” 
“I love you,” he murmured, turning his face to kiss the inside of your palm. “But if I’m not inside you in the next thirty seconds, I think I might die.” 
You laughed, sliding off his lap to tug your leggings and underwear down to your knees while he shoved his jeans down to his ankles and took his angry, leaking cock in his fist. You couldn’t help but let out a soft hum at the sight of him stroking himself, bathed in mid-afternoon sunlight that pooled in from over the treeline. “You’re a sight, Dr. Peña.” 
Javier grinned, his dimple emerging as he watched you climb back onto his lap, this time facing away from him. He let out a soft hiss as you wrapped your hand around his cock, dragging it across your wet seam. 
“I want to hear you beg again,” you demanded, your eyes locking with his over your shoulder. “Beg me to sit on your dick, Javi.”
Javier looked to be in agony, his eyes squeezing shut and head rolling back against the seat while his palms squeezed the soft flesh of your hips. “Please, baby.”
“Please what?” 
“Please sit on my dick, baby,” he managed, his voice teetering on a whimper as you slipped the very tip of him in and out of your slippery entrance. 
“You want it, baby?” you purred, thighs shaking from the build-up. Javi groaned, lifting his hips up to press into yours just an inch more than you’d been allowing. 
“I fucking need it,” he rasped, leaning forward to press a kiss against your clothed shoulder. “I need to feel your pussy. So fucking wet. Bet I could just slip right in.”
“Do it,” you urged, leaning forward to hug the back of the driver’s seat, your ass on full display as you turned back to look at him. “Fuck me how you need to, Javi.”
He let out a full whimper that time, taking himself in hand and lining himself up with your cunt before bringing your hips down to meet his lap in a hard slam. You cried out, the sound lost the wind, and held on tight to the leather of the seat as he guided your hips to meet the sharp snap of his thrusts. He let out a low growl at the vulgar squelch of your cunt with each thrust, your arousal only growing with every pass of his head against that deliciously destructive spot inside of you. 
“Listen to that,” he said, silencing your moans with soft shush. You obeyed, biting your lip to quiet yourself as he forced you to listen to the sound of your bodies joining. Your cunt throbbed at the filthy sound, Javi’s soft moans only adding to the jolts of pleasure cascading down your thighs to your toes. 
“Javi, shit,” you whined, reaching down between your thighs to rub some of the tension away. “Fuck, I’m gonna come like this. Don’t you dare fucking stop.”
“Never,” he rasped, doubling his efforts. The sound of his pleasure blended with yours in perfect, sinful harmony, his low groans and growls pairing with your soft cries, the breathy sound of his name slipping free from your lips each time he hit the perfect spot. “Come for me, baby. Come all over my dick. It’s yours, you know that? You can get it as messy as you want. Come all over it, every single day, whenever you want.”
You let out a strangled moan, your eyes clamped shut as you took over the pace, riding him with the sole goal of making him come with you. “Javi, you feel so fucking good, I can’t—“
“Yeah you can,” he urged, leaning forward to press his chest to your back, his hand snaking over your hip to replace yours between your thighs. You shuddered, something between a sob and a moan slipping free as he swirled his fingers over your swollen clit in time with deep, calculated strokes against your favorite spot. “Your thighs are shaking, cariño. Do I make you feel good?”
He knew the answer—he could feel it in the way your cunt squeezed him every time he moved inside of you—but it didn’t stop him from wanting to hear you say it. Just like you couldn’t help but want to hear him beg for you. 
“You make me feel so fucking good,” you moaned, teetering on the edge now. “I—fuck—I’m coming, Javi. Fuck. Please. Come—come inside me.”
“Ah, shit,” he dragged the words out, slowing my hips into a languid bounce as my walls threatened to choke him. “I’m gonna come, baby. Gonna come inside you and fuck it deep.”
Your only response was another cry of his name, your mind lost to bliss as he bounced you over his cock once, twice, before pulling you down to the hilt and filling you with a long string of curses and praise. 
“You fucking own my soul,” he said after a beat, the two of you still locked into place. He smoothed his hands over your hips before gripping them, guiding you into a deep, pleasure-wet grind. “We just stopped and I want to go again.”
You laughed, leaning back against his chest, his arms wrapping around you. “I think you’ll give me a stroke if we go again.” 
“We’ll save it for back home then,” he said, kissing your cheek. “Until then, I think we should probably hurry up and grab food before my dad works Steve to death.”
“He deserves a little punishment for talking to you like that,” you said, climbing off Javi’s lap before pulling your leggings over your hips, careful to keep the mess between your thighs from spilling onto the seat. Javi climbed out of the backseat with a stretch to his lower back, his dick hanging free and proud in the sunlight. You laughed at the sight of him rubbing his lower back without a single worry in the world for his state. “Put that thing away or the birds might confuse it for a worm.”
Javier snorted out a laugh, giving you a look of amused shock. “How dare you.”
“I dare,” you smirked, climbing out of the car to stand in front of him. You kept your eyes locked on his as you lowered to the ground in front of him, your palm wrapped around his half-hard shaft. “Guess it would have to be a big worm.”
“An anaconda.” 
You snorted. “Someone’s confident.”
“And someone likes to tease,” he said, fitting his hand to your chin as you brushed your lips over the head of his cock. “We don’t have time for you to seduce me again.” 
“No, but I want to,” you said, laying out your tongue to lick a stripe up his cock. Javier groaned, watching himself swell in your fist. “Just to clean up my mess.”
“Fuck me,” he cursed, reaching forward to grip the car for stability as you licked him clean, pursing your lips across his shaft before letting him slip between your swollen lips. Javi let out a soft hiss as you took him in as far as you could, sputtering on his length before slowly dragging him out, your fist stroking him as you wiped a tear free from your waterline. He gently pulled himself out of your grasp, guiding you onto your feet so that he could kiss your messy lips like it was the only thing he ever wanted to do. “You’re the love of my life, cariño.”
You smiled into the kiss, combing your fingers through his hair. “You’re just saying that because I just had your dick down my throat.”
Javier pulled back with a stern look. “I’m saying that because it’s true. You’re the love of my life.”
Your lips quivered into a tender smile, your hand cradling his face. “You’re the love of mine, too.”
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Back at the ranch, you found yourself sitting across from Javier’s dad in the dining room, his eyes locked on his plate as he gathered a generous spoonful of refried beans and rice. Javier’s presence was a soothing anchor amidst the nervousness that was your first meal with Javier’s remaining family. Thankfully, between the thrill of Javier’s warm hand on your thigh and Steve’s rambling about his plan for making things right with his wife, you were too distracted to worry about what Chucho might think of you. 
“So I’ll fly out tonight, grab flowers or somethin’ on the way home, and walk in hopin’ for the best,” Steve said, clapping his hands together “Sorted.”
Javier chuckled as he chewed his food, shaking his head while tearing a piece of his tortilla to dip into his beans. “You’re an idiot.” 
“What the hell else am I supposed to do?” 
“You should probably call her and ask if you’re even welcome,” Chucho said, chuckling along with Javier. “She might not want you back.”
“Don’t listen to them,” you interjected with a small laugh. “But yeah, a phone call wouldn’t hurt.”
“I guess I’ll go call her, then,” he said, wiping his face with a napkin before excusing himself from the table. 
Now alone with both Peña’s, it was harder to ignore the fact that his father was sitting in front of you, taking careful glances your way as if he noticed something strange. 
“How old are you, Mija?” he asked, raising a brow at his son. “Javi told me he met you at work. I assume that means you’re a professor, but you look awfully young.”
You turned to Javier, finding him looking everywhere but at you. “I, uh, yeah. I work at the university.”
You shook your head, your tongue going dry under interrogation. “No, just an assistant.”
“Ah,” Chucho nodded, clasping his hands together. “That explains the age thing, then.”
“Yeah,” you chuckled, or rather, you attempted to. Javier’s hand gave your thigh a squeeze, a silent apology for going along with the white lie he’d given his father to cover up the scandalous nature of your relationship, no doubt. Though you knew the lie was likely just because he wanted to avoid the potential judgment and interrogation, the more childish, untrusting, scarred part of you couldn’t help but feel it like a knife to your gut. You selfishly yearned for him to claim you and every part of your relationship, rather than force you to lie to his father’s face about who you were.
Subtly reaching down, you shoved his hand away from your thigh, earning a puppy-eyed glance from him. 
“Excuse me for a minute,” Chucho said, clearing his throat as he stood up from his chair and left the room without further explanation. 
“Cariño,” Javier whispered, turning in his chair to face you as you pushed the remnants of your lunch around your plate, sulking. “Baby, can you look at me?”
You turned your eyes to meet his in an icy glare. 
“I’m aware that there’s a certain amount of lying involved in our relationship, but I didn’t realize that extended to your fucking dad,” you whispered back, the sound as passionate as if you’d shouted. “And you just sat there, letting me figure it the fuck out on my own.”
“I know,” he sighed, letting his eyes shut for a moment. “I panicked, and left you to fend for yourself like a dick. I’m sorry. I just…I told him that lie at the beginning because I wasn’t sure where this was going. God knows I never expected to introduce you to the fucking guy. But I’m sorry. For making you lie to him, for leaving you hanging, for all of it.”
“Does Steve know, at least?” you asked, still not quite won over. 
“No,” Javi said, frowning. “I told him the same thing.”
You scoffed, shaking your head. “It’s hard to not think you’re ashamed of me, or my position in life, or our age gap, or what people might think of you if they knew the real story, you know? Am I just going to have to lie to your dad and best friend forever? What happens when I graduate, or when I pass the bar? Do I just have to hide that from the people closest to you?”
“Cariño, I didn’t think that far ahead,” he admitted, his brows furrowed with guilt. “But you’re right. A part of me will always be a little ashamed that I crossed that line with a student, and that I fell in love with that student in the process. It’s not something a good man would do, and my dad and Steve know that as well as I do. I just…I don’t know. I didn’t want to give them anything else to judge me for. Steve holds my past with women over me every chance he gets, and all my dad sees me as is the man who ran from home, from the fiancé I didn’t love, to find myself.”
You let out a sigh, scooting closer to him to drape your arm over his neck while your hand coaxed his chin up, forcing his eyes to meet yours. “Your job is to tell me about this shit before it blows up like this, alright? Because if you’d just told me that, I would’ve gladly lied to your dad. And sold it better.”
Javier chuckled, turning to muzzle his face into your palm. “Understood.”
“Now tell me you love me,” you ordered, a smile tugging at your lips as he glanced up at you with those irresistibly beautiful brown eyes. 
“I love you,” he said, kissing your palm. “I love you, and I love all of you.”
You rested both hands on his cheeks, guiding his lips to meet yours in a deep, mending kiss. “Promise me we’ll tell them the truth one day.”
“I’ll tell them on our wedding day,” he murmured, kissing you deeper. “How’s that sound?”
You grinned, pulling away from him to look down at your left hand. You held it up, wiggling your bare ring finger at him. “I don’t see a ring, nor do I happen to remember you getting down on one knee.”
“Not yet,” he chuckled, taking that hand in his and bringing it up to his lips so that he could place a lingering kiss on your ring finger. “But one day.”
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unluckiestmember · 21 hours
can I request headcanons of x-men 97 team x reader who is an absolute sweatheart and is just the cutest thing to exist.
Coming right up!
X-Men '97 X Sweetheart! Reader
Characters: Nathan Summers/Cable, Scott Summers/Cyclops, Remy LeBeau/Gambit, Jean Gray, Jubilee, Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto, Morph, Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler, Rogue and Logan/Wolverine.
Warning: Mild Cursing, but overall SFW.
A/N: Can I please get someone to remind me to actually post when I'm supposed to? Anyone? XD
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“Time to get to work, keep up!… You want me to carry you? Heh, say less.”
Oh Nathan, Nathan, Nathan. He tries his best to be as tough and straight to business like his old man. Always a man to try and change the future and fight for the people with a straight face. But as soon as you’re around him, your sunshine energy radiates onto him. You make the freedom fighter have a need to impress you on the field when he’s not showering you in love outside of missions.
What really drew you to him was just how careful you were with his body. How you complimented his eye and stroked his robotic arm with so much care. It has made him really adore the end of the days where particular expeditions took a lot of energy out of you two, resulting in cuddles and sweet nothings. He never understood the whole concept of loving someone like his dad loved his mom, but after meeting you, he finally understood what they had was sacred. What you two had was sacred. Nathan has lost a lot in his life, but he’ll be damned if he loses you.
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“Are you alright?! You’re not hurt, are you? I’m not overexaggerating- I’m worrying the right amount!”
Scott can be a pain in the neck during missions. He’s always one to bark out orders and keep a level head on missions as the leader of the X-Men. And if there’s one order that’s always on the top of his list, it’s making sure you are safe. He’s by all means not an overprotective or possessive lover, but he makes it a daily part of his life to always check on his beloved. Whenever you are just being yourself, you can find him staring at you, taking in your cute energy and reciprocating it with his own cute antics like kissing your cheek or giving you gifts when you least expect it.
Are the team a bit jealous of you having Scott’s favoritism? A bit. But hey, they’d rather someone like you have the best of Scott than the worst. Even if that also includes his defensive nature of you along with his jealous antics. He means well. You know it, sometimes you just have to remind him. Whether it be with a simple talk or a passionate kiss. Face it, you keep the leader of the X-Men grounded.
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“Ah, just the person I was looking for. Is it just me or are you getting more breathtaking every day, mon cher?"
When it comes to you, Remy is bound to flirt twenty four seven just to see that nice shade of pink color on your cute little cheeks. And if he cant succeed in that, he’s bound to have you smitten with his physical hold of your waist or his sincere compliments. He’s quite a charmer, anyone knows that, but with you, he adds another flare to himself; A sweet lover.
Gambit will always make it abundantly clear that you are the cutest person he’s ever met and how he can wager the perfect future with you by his side. Expect this man to shower you with surprise trips away from the mansion, a fresh breakfast almost everyday and a little card show if you are ever upset, because if there’s one thing he hates more than anything, it’s you being upset. You are the only one that can make Gambit so emotional because he just loves you so so much. And if you ever forget, he doesn’t mind reminding his raison de vivre.”
Jean Gray
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“I wish you could see what was in my mind… Maybe then you’d realize how much you mean to me, my love.”
When it comes to Jean, you’ve basically hit the jackpot on one of the most open and loving girlfriends you could ever ask for. You aren’t just a sweetheart, you are her sweetheart. She always touches you like a porcelain doll, staring into your eyes with so much affection of her own and giggling whenever you hug or hold her, prompting her to hold you or hug you back just as tightly. On missions, she is in the zone, but as soon as they are over, she’s heading straight to you to check if you are injured. And if you’re not? Expect this woman to shower you in so many compliments and love that you might just drown from the cuteness.
Jean isn’t just your protector, but also your best friend, always free to try anything you want to try and do what you want to do.Dare she say, you might be the love of her life. Screw being lovers, she wants to be a married couple. But as much as that gets her excited, she’ll take her time for you, because she knows whether it takes her whole life or a single day, she doesn’t mind waiting for the fateful day.
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“That was awesome! Did you see me out there- Did you?! Let me let you in on a secret; That last one was for you~!”
Because of how young she is and her lack of a love life, Jubilee is still pretty new to the whole dating and falling in love thing. But when she met you, she knew she was bound to fall in love with someone so positive and full of life. An embodiment of a firework if she said so herself. She always drags you around town with her to hangout at arcades or spend time in the mall grabbing lunch and doing cute couple things.
She cares about you enough to ask other X-Men members advice on how to treat you or show you how much you mean to her. It honestly impresses and shocks the team how this troublemaker tries her best to make you feel like the luckiest person in the world dating her. If she’s not showing her love for you through domestic activities, then look outside your window at night. You are bound to find Jubilee sending you love with her fireworks bound to make you giggle and smile. Which is always delightful because when you are filled with so much happiness, so is she.
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“What we have is stronger than any magnetic pull I’m capable of. It’s terrifying. But also magnificent.”
If you ever wanted to be treated like royalty, Magneto is the man for you. Erik treats you like you are a precious flower that could be destroyed by the mutant hating world around you. Because of this, he is so careful with you, yet not overbearing. If you want to hang out outside or simply hang out with him, he doesn’t mind as long as no one looks at you the wrong way or touches you with ill intent. Because if they do?… Let’s just say Magneto can do a lot with his powers.
When he’s not making sure you’re safe, he is awestruck at your innocence and your positive outlook on life. At first, he actually found your vision of the world to be immature, untrue and above all stupid. But the more he’s spent time with you, you’ve seem to have melted his cold heart a bit. Does he still think humanity is the scum of the Earth and nothing can change? Yes. But with you by his side, showing him what love, understanding and acceptance can be, maybe, just maybe, he can see where you’re coming from.
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“Why the long face, babe? I can do a mean Magneto impression that’s sure to make you smile… Haha! There’s my love!”
Around people, Morph treats you almost like one of the guys, in a figurative sense. He doesn’t treat you any differently from the rest of his friends and family within the team. But behind closed doors or when you two are alone, all bets are off. He’s melting at your sweet nature and so quick to try to make you laugh, smile or get physical with him. Man, does he love when you get physical with him- He adores it!
But what he really loves is how caring and protecting of him you are. He’s told you about his past, his run in with Mister Sinister and his time away from the team. And no matter how many nightmares or moments of body dysmorphia he experiences, he loves how you are always there to pick up his loose pieces and put him back together with your gentle touch and gentler words. Because of this, he’s always there to return the favor and comfort you as well when you are at your lowest. You are his best friend sorry Logan and his beloved and he wouldn’t want it any other way.
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“Liebe meines Lebens. You never cease to take my breath away.”
Kurt is a pretty romantic person, especially when it comes to you. He showers you endlessly in love, rubbing his nose against yours, showering your face in kisses and becoming putty when you hold him, even if it’s just by his arm! He cherishes moments where the both of you hang out, especially by gardens where he makes cute flower crowns with you. Though just any moments with you are the highlight of his day. On missions, you two synergize perfectly well with the blue mutant complimenting you on your moves and takedowns of foes.
Kurt is an expert at physical touch for a love language, but he’s just as amazing with his words, especially with the nicknames he’s given you. He’ll make sure everyone knows that you are his Schatz, Herz, bessere Hälfte, and of course, Liebe meines Lebens. To you, he’s a lot like a little puppy; Full of energy and always waiting for your attention and affection given to him. The team thinks you two are cute even if they find it a bit annoying that Nightcrawler is always teleporting you two all over the place. It’s not too bad though since the sound of your mixing laughter is enough to make everyone’s hearts soar happily.
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“Hey, Sugar! I missed you so much today! Now come here, I at least want a hug!”
Rogue is super careful of you. You are just too precious to her and she doesn’t want to hurt or break you with her powers. So she makes sure you both have ways of showing one another how much you love each other, especially herself. Outside of soft hugs, she tries her best to give you a hand covered kiss. Though she can be super cheesy and exchange indirect kisses with rocks, feed you while chuckling at how adorably you stare at her like she hung the stars above. She’ll even have you both set up for dinner plans and fly you around in the sky if you ever want to destress from work as a X-Man.
You both have a cute relationship, even if there are moments where Rogue wonders if she deserves you or if she will ever be enough for you due to her destructive powers and the possibility she will never be able to touch you. These revelations have led to emotional nights, but the promise you make to touch her and make her the happiest woman in the world always makes Rogue realize that she is beyond lucky to have you. You make her want to find a way to touch you no matter what. And mark her words, she will.
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“Woah, little pup. I was just gone for a few hours, you act like I went to war or something! Aw, screw it, come here.”
Logan has fallen in love with many men and women during his years of living. But damn has he never met anyone quite like you! When he met you, he thought your whole sweetheart shtick was fake, no offense. He thought it was some trick used to get people to lower their guards around you so you can get the upper hand on them. But when he found out you really were the sweet soul everyone hyped you up to be, he slowly but surely fell for you. He fell for how you spoke to him with such understanding and patience. The way you touched him was with the utmost care when you took care of him and helped him clean blood from your adventures with him that got out of hand.
Logan fights for many people, but for you he will kill anyone that hurts you or makes you cry. Your smile lights up his whole life, your laugh pushes him to be stronger to preserve it and your touch makes him feel alive in a world that always knocks him down. If it’s not the X-Men, Wolverine usually fights for himself and only himself. But now that he has you to lose, he fights for the both of you and a future where you both can live a peaceful life you’re both proud of.
If you got any requests for X-Men '97, Blue Eye Samurai, and or Arcane, send them my way!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay hydrated and have a good day! <3
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bigwishes · 2 days
I'd love to see you gradually turn into a muscle slob. Starting oft you'd be just another gym rat. Sure, maybe you don't shower enough as you should, but you try not to be too unhygenic. But as the days go by, you start showering less, then you start rewearing your sweaty shirts and jockstraps because, hey, it doesn't smell *that* bad. Fast forward a few more days, you're chugging protein shakes like they're water, belching in the gym loud enough fmto be heard over the equipment clanging. And you can't remember the last time you've even seen a stick of deodorant. The other guys at the gym always crinkle their noses as you lift your arms to show off your hairy pits and look on in disgust as you let out another protein-fueled belch, but maybe they just can't handle the scent of a real man.
fuck dude me too, I'd love to be a fucking muscle slob. I've gotten plenty of stories turning into that and I think other writers are getting a lil tired of that request (although if you aren't hit me up haha) but hey, hopefully one day I'll be big and sweaty enough to be a freak like that in real life.
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hearts4golbach · 2 days
could you do johnnie x reader where the reader ‘teases’ johnnie while he’s streaming and it leads to more after his stream? love your work btw 🖤
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
title reference iykyk. kinda short, sorryyy
slight sexting, hair pulling, slapping (ass dw no abuse), use of mama,
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you groaned quietly from Johnnies bed. "How much longer are you going to stream?"
"Not long," he whispered, covering his microphone so no one could hear your conversation. "What's up?"
you moved to sit on your knees while staying in bed. you leaned forward. your cleavage was prominent because of the tank top you were wearing. "cause the more I hear your voice, the more you turn me on."
his face heated up.  he cleared his throat. "I won't take much longer, okay?"
you sighed, "Okay." You got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. you started the shower and got undressed.
you stepped in, the luke warm water hit your back. you grabbed your phone and snapped a photo of you standing in the shower. you sent it to Johnnie.
it took him less than 30 seconds to respond.
johnnie: fuck y/n
you took another photo at a different angle.
you: Come join meee
johnnie: I'm ending the stream right now
johnnie: god, I can't wait to feel you
you: What are you waiting for
he read your message. the door to the bathroom opened not long after. you heard his rings and jewelry clack as they hit the counter.
he hurriedly got into the shower. his hands met your hips as he pulled you closer to him. his hard cock was pressed against your thigh. "hey beautiful."
his raven colored hair had started to get wet. you moved it out of his face. "hey," you whispered before pressing your lips onto his.
Johnnies lips glided with yours passionately as his hands roamed your body. his hands worked their way down to your ass. as he massaged it gently, you let out a quiet moan into his mouth.
he took that opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. your tongue swirled along with his as he pulled you closer.
you hand wandered down his chest before finding his cock. you began to stroke it gently, smiling into the kiss as he whimpered quietly.
he grabbed your waist and switched your positions. he pressed you against the cold, wet tile wall as he continued to kiss you. he kissed down your neck, leaving small hickeys.
he nipped at your jawline. "turn around for me, mama."
you did as he told, turning around and pressing your face against the tile. his hands slid up your lower back before one tangled in your hair. he pulled your head back gently and whispered in your ear. "you look so fucking good like this."
the heat between your legs began to grow. "god," you whimpered. "please, fuck me, Johnnie."
he leaned his body against yours as he aligned his tip with your entrance. "Since you asked so nicely."
he thrusted inside of you with a grunt. your mouth fell open as a low moan came out of your mouth. "so fucking good for me." he breathed out before releasing your hair.
he gripped your hips and began to thrust inside of you. your walls squeezed him tight, making him grunt with each thrust. his hand slapped your ass. the sting made you moan out. it turned you on even more.
you grinded back onto him. "shit," he mumbled as he quickened his pace.
one hand moved to your throat. his fingers wrapped around it tightly, making your moans come out hoarse.
"You can take it, babe." his voice echoed throughout the bathroom. the sound of his hips meeting your ass was rhythmic. "you feel so fucking good." he kissed your shoulder.
"fuck," you choked out as his grip on your neck grew tighter. "you fuck me so good, Johnnie."
"I know." he teased. "only I can fuck you like this."
you hummed an agreement that was cut off by a moan as his thrusts grew quicker. your mouth fell open as you couldn't help but moan out curses and his name.
"you needed my dick so bad," he teased once again, "happy now?"
you nodded your head quickly. "fuck, I could take you all night, Johnnie."
"you just might," he grunted as his cock pistoned in and out of you.
"oh, shit." you whimpered. he leaned over you and bit your shoulder, leaving a dark hickey behind.
his hand moved from your throat to your hair. he pulled your head back, making your back arch. his cock thrusted inside of you deeper, making you scream his name.
"so fucking good, ma." he praised.
"fuck, I'm so c-close." you were breathing heavily in between words.
"you gonna cum on my dick already?" he choked out. "that's so fucking hot." he hissed, his pace relentless.
"yes, yes!" you squeeled. your mouth fell open, and your eyes fluttered shut. ecstasy coursed through your body.
your walls spasmed around his dick as you felt the knot in your stomach about to snap. his grip stayed in your hair while the other was on your hip.
"let go, y/n." he kissed along your neck. "come on, mama."
you squeezed your eyes shut and moaned loudly as you came on his dick. he pulled out and came on your back, which was quickly washed off by the water.
you turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck. you looked into his eyes with a happy smile. "what?" he asked, smiling back.
"nothin'. I love you." you pecked his lips before pulling away and reaching for the shampoo.
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gasolineghuleh · 1 day
Rite There
A short smutty one shot that I wrote after seeing the ghovie. Includes NO spoilers for Rite Here, Rite Now. Try to ignore typos, I wrote it on my phone in the shower.
Copia is a little nervous about the premier, and you calm him down in the best way that only you know how to do-- road head. aka gg's road head kink is showing again.
wc: 2.1k cw: none
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He loves for you to watch him work, both at the concert halls and the film studio, and you're proud to accompany him almost everywhere these days. You glance down at the outfit he had you wear today, marveling at the rich texture of the smooth lace pressed up against your breasts and grinning at the warm golden crescent moon nestled between them. It's certainly unique, there's no doubt about that, but Papa is so expressive about your love of comfort that of course he would design an outfit just for you, catering to your body like no other would ever be able to.
The last couple of days he's been holed up here in your shared bedroom in the Abbey, worried about the premier of the movie and if everything will go well. Just the other night you woke up to him pacing in front of the fireplace, reciting what seemed to be an introduction to the movie. His nerves were palpable, and you quietly slinked back to the large four poster bed that dominated the bedroom, slipping between the covers and pretending to be asleep.
Now, however, Papa is practically bounding from room to room in the Abbey, trying to make sure that everything is where it should be for the movie. You've tried to tell him that no one is going to come into your bedroom or living area, to take a break and calm down-- but it's no use. His anxiety is running the show, and he's just a passenger.
A rapping comes from the oaken double doors, and you open them to let the Ghouls in, Papa oblivious to their presence as he darts in and out of rooms. He skips through the room and blows past the whole pack of Ghouls, saying nothing besides a constant stream of his task list under his breath, as he has been for an hour now. Beneath the mask's bug-eye shaped lenses, Swiss cocks an eyebrow at you and shrugs wordlessly. You hold up both hands, palm upwards: I don't know either. Rain motions to you and then gestures in the direction that Papa went, motioning again to the door.
The intent is clear.
It's time.
"Right, well- Papa?" you call out in a soft and gentle tone, wincing when you hear something get dropped in the next room as you startle Papa out of his motions.
"Is it already- Shit, alright."
"Swiss assured me that there's already a car waiting, and we're expected in the front hall in just a moment. Are you ready?" You shake out your hands, trying to dispel some of your own nerves that have crept up in the past few minutes-- the time for the premier is creeping closer, and now it's starting to sink in exactly what that means.
Papa is a movie star.
He'll have to give a speech.
With a beautiful girl by his side.
You look down once more at the sun nestled between your breasts, admiring the regal flow of blue satin that covers your legs. Papa's gifts are always lavish and beautiful, and this dress is no exception-- small links of silver and gold chains twine along the bodice until they meet with the moon, where they seem to split into the branches of a tree that the moon rests on. Flows of dark royal blue and baby blue gather in folds at your legs, falling freely before spilling on the floor at your heels.
Underneath the baby blue panels is another layer of stark white lace, making the silhouette of your form underneath clear as it's hit with light. Your back is completely bare, just as it was when Papa had whispered into your ear last night, laving gentle, wet kisses down your chest and neck, curling his fingers inside of you to heighten the pleasure even more. Sex is the cure for anxiety when it comes to Papa, and he indulges so often that you're sometimes surprised the man isn't comatose.
After your fifth orgasm of the evening, panting and sweating against Papa's naked chest with his spent cock still nestled inside of you, you managed to open one eye to gaze at him through the haze of your orgasm. The dress was hanging against the door of your wardrobe and the chain had sparkled in the moonlight, drawing your attention. His suit hung beside your dress, limp and cold. The man himself rested under you, his chest rising and falling in even measures. Tomorrow, you would get dressed side by side, and your world would change.
You shake your head slightly, bringing yourself back to the present as Papa skids to a halt in front of you and the Ghouls.
"Car's ready," Swiss says with a smile in his voice, jerking his chin towards the door. "We'll go in the first car and be there a few minutes ahead of you and the lady, and the plan is for us to escort you in as an entourage. The PR people said it'll look good for your image." Beside him Rain is already nodding as he reaches forward, straightening an errant wrinkle in Papa's shoulder filigree.
"Ho-kay then, I suppose this is it, eh?" Papa turns towards you, his face a mixture of anxiety and elation. You link your arm through his with a nod and a comforting smile, looking to Swiss as the Ghoul clears his throat.
"You okay, Pops?" Dew pipes up for the first time behind Swiss' shoulder. Papa just nods and shakes out his hands, nervous energy running along his entire frame. "Alright, well. We're gonna go." Dew jerks his chin over his shoulder towards the door. "See you on the other side." As a unit, the Ghouls clap Papa on the shoulder and turn to leave, exiting the room in much the same fashion that they entered-- all at once, and scrambling to be first.
You pat Papa's arm where it links with yours in a comforting motion and guide him towards the door, clicking it shut softly behind you. The only sounds as the two of you descend the stairs towards the front entry hall of the Abbey is the clicking of your heels on stone and the rustling of fabric against the metal finery. In the lobby waiting is a man in a driver's cap, clearly waiting for the two of you to make your entrance. He bows and holds the door open for you, allowing the two of you to climb in unassisted. The driver slides in silently, starting the engine as you situate your dress over the leather seat beneath you and turning to see that Papa is having a very clear panic attack at the very sudden realization of his situation.
The car glides out onto the paved driveway and merges onto the main road, heading towards downtown. Fluorescent signage passes in a blur and a steady stream of red brake lights stretch out in front of the car; heavy traffic, as expected for a summer evening. An anxious energy suffocates the small space in the backseat, where Papa sits across from you and stares out the window wordlessly. Both of his knees bobbed quickly, bouncing his foot on the plush carpeting.
"My love," you whisper to him, moving forward gently to slide the partition up, closing the two of you off from the driver's sight and hearing. He turns his head and looks into your eyes and smiles apologetically, sinking back into the seat.
"I'm sorry, sorella. This isn't too off-putting, is it?" Concern puckers the smooth lines of Papa's forehead as he leans his body forward to cup your cheeks in his gloved hands, looking into your eyes. "I always have the anxieties about something when it's on the precipice of ending." You reach your hand out, patting his thigh softly and rubbing as you speak,
"We'll do this together, Papa. We're stronger as one and you know that-- our souls are bound in His sight. How can I make you feel better, right here, right now?"
Papa's painted lips part and his eyes widen, staring into yours before dropping down to your lips as you lick them gently. The mood in the car shifts rapidly to the carnal, his pupils dilating as the rhythmic thumping of his heart rushes blood in a southerly direction.
"My Ghuleh." His voice is honeyed, eyes darkening as his gaze slips from your eyes to your lips and then lower, admiring the curve of your breasts that the dress only serves to accentuate. He lifts his hips slightly, scooting lower in the seat of the limousine with only a single furtive glance towards the partition. You take the cue with an ease that only furthers his arousal, watching as you willingly move forward and slip his cock through the zipper opening in his suit pants.
No words have to be exchanged between the two of you as you dip your head forward, wrapping your hand at the base of his cock as you close your mouth over the head, lowering further down. A small noise escapes Papa's lips and he tosses his head back, rolling his hips to buck into your mouth, pressing himself deeper into your throat. Not wanting to stifle his movements, you flatten your tongue along the underside and work the tip of your tongue along the bundle of nerves below the head of his cock.
The soft and gentle gasps and moans that begin to escape Papa's lips inflames you in turn, and you make use of your other hand, sinking your fingers beneath your lace panties and past the velvet skin to your thighs and your already dripping pussy. At Papa's subtle encouragement you slip gently and quietly onto the floor of the limo, making easier eye contact with him as you take him into your throat once more. Your fingers find your clit with practiced ease and you slip it between the V of your index and middle finger. Timing the bobs of your head with the movement of your fingers takes a moment, but there's no complaining around the girth of Papa's cock-- not when you're already drooling around it. As Papa begins to thrust his hips and run his gloved fingers through your hair as a result you time the thrusts with quick flicks of your fingers against your clit, causing your back to arch as you grow closer and closer to orgasm. The limo suddenly accelerates and slams to a halt, startling you and making you gag. Papa either doesn't notice or doesn't care as he pushes your head lower and bucks his hips to bury himself as deep as possible in your throat.
"Take it, mia stella," he gasps quietly as he nears release, and as you press your nose to his pelvis your orgasm rocks through you, causing you to moan, knowing exactly how it makes his cock vibrate. Your thighs shake around your hand and you wobble slightly on the floor, held in place by Papa's hands around your jaw and the back of your head. When his release is over he lets you go, slumping back in the car seat and breathing heavily, eyes closed. You take the chance to pull your hand free of the layers of cloth, tucking his cock gently back into his suit pants as well.
"Come, come," Papa urges, sitting up with a groan and holding his hand out. You take it and allow him to pull you gently back into the seat until you're nestled up against him. His gloved hand slips beneath the panel of your dress at the slit in the left side, finding its way into your wet panties. You spread your legs slightly, tucking them to the side as his middle finger settles into the valley between the lips of your pussy, settling there as if it were at home. In a way, it is. He leans his head onto your shoulder, letting his heavy eyes close as he waits for the final leg of the journey, slipping between wakefulness and sleep.
Looking through the passenger side window reveals a packed theatre block and multiple billboards. Many of the sights you recognize, and many others are new as you've not ventured into this particular strip of film houses before. The sheer amount of people lining the red carpet, however, was not one that was going to make this entrance a particularly unobtrusive one. You shake Papa's shoulder gently and he snorts himself awake, pulling his hand away from you finally and looking out the window. You can see the pink highlight tinging his cheeks even through the white face paint.
"Hey," you say, waiting until his two-toned eyes turn back to yours. "This isn't the end. We have a long way to go together. You know that, rite?"
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mcflymemes · 1 day
PROMPTS FROM BILLIE EILISH'S HIT ME HARD AND SOFT *  assorted lines from the album, some slightly adapted, adjust as necessary
baby, i think you were made for me.
i wish you the best for the rest of your life.
i need to confess, i told you a lie.
you were the love of my life.
i can't fall in love with you.
i see the way you want me.
i gotta be careful, gotta watch what i say.
god, i hope it all goes away.
did i break your heart?
you're just so sweet.
i don't need to breathe when you look at me.
keep it brief.
you seem so paranoid.
if this is how i die, that's all right.
open up the door for me.
i just want you to touch me.
i've never paid this much attention to you, ever.
i want you to stay.
i'll love you 'til the day i die.
i want you to see how you look to me.
you're so full of shit.
if you go, i'm going too.
we should stick together.
did you take my love away from me?
i never did you wrong.
fell in love for the first time with a friend.
it's a good time.
you told me it was war.
if it's forever, it's even better.
i don't know what i'm crying for.
call me when you're there.
i bought you something rare.
it's a craving, not a crush.
people say i look happy.
the old me is still me and maybe the real me.
i think she's pretty.
can you open up the door?
am i acting my age now?
i'll run a shower for you like you want.
if i'm allowed, i'll help you take them off.
bring that over here.
i need to be alone now, i'm taking a break.
am i already on the way out?
when i step off the stage, i'm a bird in a cage.
you said i was your secret.
the internet is hungry for the meanest kind of funny.
do you still cry?
i loved you for so long.
i could eat that girl for lunch.
tastes like she might be the one.
i don't know why i called.
i don't know you at all.
i could never get enough.
you need a seat? i'll volunteer.
i'm interested in more than just being your friend.
do you know how to bend?
when i come back around, will i know what to say?
there's a part of me that recognizes you.
do you feel it, too?
when you told me it was serious, were you serious?
they tell me it's all been a trap.
no, don't say that.
did i waste your time?
i tried to be there for you.
you said you'd never fall in love again because of me.
i love you, don't act so surprised.
things fall apart and time breaks your heart.
i wasn't there, but i know.
you don't need to remind me.
i should put it all behind me, shouldn't i?
did i cross the line?
good things don't last.
life moves so fast.
every time you touch me, i just wonder how she felt.
i know you didn't mean to hurt me, so i kept it to myself.
i'm trying my best to keep you satisfied.
you don't wanna know how alone i've been.
we don't have to fight when it's not worth fighting for.
you don't wanna know what i would've done.
i loved you and i still do.
just wanted passion from you.
it's not my fault, i did what i could.
you made it so hard like i knew you would.
after i left, it was obvious.
we're so glad it's over now.
say you miss me.
don't be afraid of me.
please don't call the cops.
bet i could change your life.
i tried to save you, but i failed.
i hope you'll read it this time.
i left a calling card so they would know that it was me.
i memorized your number.
if something happens to him, you can bet that it was me.
i'd like to mean it when i say i'm over you.
i thought we were the same.
he never learned to sympathize with anyone.
i don't blame you, but i can't change you.
it's over now.
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abiatackerman · 1 day
Frosty night, Warm embraces
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You look at the receptionist with disbelief as she says they have only one free room left in their cottage.
And that contains one bed.
Due to the heavy snowfall, the roads are blocked and a lot of people got stuck midway. Even though Erwin booked two rooms for Levi and you but due to high pressure of the helpless people who got stuck because of the Snowfall, the manager gave one of the rooms to another couple.
"Do something!"
You say to Levi who's standing beside you as always with a blank expression on his face. He has been silent most of the conversation with the receptionist, his expression stoic and uninterested. He glances at you with a slight frown, crossing his arms over his chest.
"And what exactly do you expect me to do?"
He asks, keeping his voice neutral, as if the idea of sharing a room wasn't affecting him at all. You glare at him.
"Who told you to come with me? I was fine on my own. If you wouldn't have come... This problem wouldn't have occurred in the first place. Also that Erwin... 'Let Levi accompany you.' my ass."
You say in an angry tone as you look at the receptionist who's looking at you with horror.
Of course because you're cursing at the commander of the survey corps and yelling at humanity's strongest soldier.
"Watch your tone, doll."
He warns, his voice is low and stern. His expression is slightly amused, but he won't admit it.
"I came with you to make sure you stay out of trouble. And here you are, causing a scene, like always."
"Give me the key."
You say to the receptionist, ignoring Levi.
"I'm so tired. I'll just shower and sleep. At least you guys have warm water in your bathrooms, right?"
The receptionist flinches at your outburst but quickly composes herself.
"Yes, ma'am. We do have warm water."
She says, offering you a sympathetic smile before handing you the key. Taking the key you walk towards the room and as you two are out of the sight of the receptionist, you smack Levi's arm.
"What's your problem? Why did you call me doll in front of that damn receptionist?"
"Because you're a doll. Small, cute, and fragile."
He says nonchalantly, unaffected by the smack of your arm. Though there is an underlying hint of possessiveness in his tone. You take a deep breath to calm yourself.
First of all you had to serve a lot of people today who were hurt due to the fall of the wall of the Trost district. Second, the extreme snowfalls. Third, getting stuck with this arrogant asshole named Levi... You're totally losing your temper.
Though no one can deny the fact that your relationship is different. Like Levi would tease you, insult you but he would even let you hit him too (which no one can imagine) and will call you doll in front of anyone he wants.
Everyone ships you two, but you or Levi never react to those things. Though you both know Levi's whipped over you.
Levi observes your frustration and takes note of your attempts to steady your breathing. His expression is blank but his voice softens.
"You always get so dramatic when you're tired."
You open the door as you throw your bag in the bed and start to pull out your night gown and ignore Levi's statement.
"You're sleeping on the floor."
Levi raises an eyebrow at your declaration, crossing his arms over his chest.
"We're sharing the bed, doll."
Levi says, his tone leaving no room for argument. He's not missing the chance of sleeping in the same bed, together with you.
"I'm going to take a shower."
You say ignoring him, as you get into the bathroom and Levi "Tch"s at your obvious attempt to escape the ongoing debate.
"Don’t take too long. I'll shower too."
He says, his voice carrying through the closed bathroom door.
You come out of the shower after a while with damped hair and in a night gown, shivering. You immediately jump into the bed without looking at Levi and cuddle with the blanket, trying to make yourself warm. Your toes and fingers are cold as ice.
“You look like a damn frozen stick.”
Levi's voice is laced with a hint of playful sarcasm. He shifts closer to you on the bed, his body gently pressing against yours as he notices how cold you are
"Go take a shower. You stink."
You lie, kicking his leg as he hugs you and Levi dodges your kick with ease.
"You're the one who smells like a damn flower shop."
He retorts and stands up, giving you a quick glance before disappearing into the bathroom.
Levi takes a quick shower, the warm water cascades over his tense muscles, easing away the stress of the day. He thinks about you, lying in the bed just outside the bathroom door, wrapped in a blanket and shivering. He quickly dries off and wraps a towel around his waist, walking out of the bathroom. The towel around his waist making him look even more tempting. He looks at you, wrapped in the blankets, still shivering.
Levi walks over to the bed, after wearing a trouser and sits on the bed. He reaches out and gently touches your arm. Your skin is soft and cold.
"You're shivering, doll."
Levi says softly.
"It's just.... Too cold here."
You mumble, shaking. Seeing the shivers racking through your body and your teeth chattering softly he scoots closer to you.
"It's alright, doll."
He whispers, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to him. He nuzzles his face into your hair, breathing in the fresh, floral scent that clinging to you. You gasp but don't protest when he hugs you. He pulls the blanket over you two and you sigh in comfort of his warmth.
"You're safe now. I've got you."
Levi says softly as you press your face against his neck and sigh feeling his manly, strong smell.
"Why your chest... I mean your body is so warm? Is it because you have much more blood than me or because you eat more than me?"
Levi chuckles softly at your question, his hand rubbing gentle circles on your back as he holds you close to his chest.
"It's probably a combination of both. Also, I work out more than you do."
He says, his voice rumbling deep in his chest. He can feel the coldness of your skin slowly fading away as his body heat transfers to you.
"Yeah, right."
You say as you hug him.
"But my cold body isn't making you feel uncomfortable. Weird.
Levi's eyes gleam with amusement as you hugged him tighter. He finds it strangely endearing.
"What's so weird about that? I'm used to your cold body. I've come to expect it."
He jokes, his hand continuing to rub soothing circles on your back.
"You know? You talk a lot when you're with me. Unnecessarily. Also I lied when I said you stink."
You say as I close your eyes and Levi chuckles. He knows that he usually keeps his words to a minimum and speaks only when necessary. But somehow, being around you makes him loosen up a little bit more.
"So, you like how I smell?"
He teases, his voice dripping with cocky confidence making you laugh.
"Shut up."
You mumble as you hug him tighter.
"Well... It's refreshing to see you acting differently around me. More friendly and more comfortable. I'm proud I can make you feel like that."
Levi smiles, his body relaxing as you hug him tighter. He can't deny that he's enjoying this... The two of you cuddled together under the blankets, engaged in a conversation.
"Yeah, yeah. Don't get used to it. I still have a reputation to uphold, doll."
He knows he is different when he is around you. But still... He's the captain of the survey corps.
"Thank you."
Levi looks at you as you mumble, admiring the way your face looks so close to his. You both are laying on the same pillow, your head just beside his. He can feel your breath on his skin.
"What are you thanking me for, doll?"
He whispers, his eyes meeting your gaze. The intimate position of your faces so close together makes his heart skip a beat.
"For warming me up. Idiot."
You chuckle and Levi fakes a scoff. Though his heart is warmed by your simple gratitude.
"Yeah, yeah. That's why I'm here for, doll. To be your personal heater whenever it's cold."
He retorts making you laugh, his hand still rubbing gentle circles on your back under the blankets.
"You know? No matter how annoying you are...."
You say as your eyes soften.
"I don't mind being stuck with you."
Levi lifts his hand and gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, his touch soft and tender.
"Annoying, huh? Is that the only way you can describe me?"
He teases, though he secretly relishes the fact that you don't mind being stuck with him despite his abrasive exterior.
You smile and press a soft kiss on his forehead.
"That's a secret, for now go to sleep. Good night."
Levi's eyes widened slightly when he feels your soft kiss on his forehead. The unexpected gesture of tenderness  catches him off guard and his heart skips a beat.
He wraps his arm around your waist as you roll over, showing him your back. He can feel your back pressed against his chest, and it feels shockingly intimate.
"Good night, doll."
He whispers before closing his eyes, feeling sleep tugging him too.
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crazylittlejester · 2 days
Rating all the surfaces I’ve passed out on (because I’m bored, it’s funny, and one single person enabled me):
Sidewalk: 5/10, cut my face and tore my favorite pair of jeans
Floor (sitting): 3/10, boring as fuck
Floor (standing): 7/10 for the dramatic crashing noise I’m told I make when I hit the ground
Stage: 2/10, well that’s just embarrassing
Escalator: 12/10, no notes, hilarious, story gets better because the people I was with waited until the escalator brought them to the ground where I was, they did Not rush down to help lmfao (also dw no one was in front of me i didn’t knock anyone over)
Bed: 0/10, boring as fuck, at that point that’s just a nap /j
Stairs: 6/10, woke up with my back on the floor, one leg on the stairs, and my hand above my head posed like some painting. Only getting docked points because it fucked up my knees for a week 💔
Shower: -3/10, having to explain to your friends that you’re moving like you have a stick up your ass because you ‘slipped’ and fell in the shower is a humbling fucking experience
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n4nase · 2 days
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ in the heat of the summer u so different from the rest ...
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an: happy summer! .. this is again based on the song summer by brockhampton! perhaps i will insert lyrics, perhaps not.. i was tryna do a summer fling ahhh typa thing here so enjoy lol
was it that you changed him, or he changed for you? ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
themes: lowkey angst, fluff, summer fling, short lived love???,
you slid the door separating the kitchen and the living room open, peeking your head to see toji helping you prepare the food for your picnic. "do you need some help? i just got changed.." you walked over and slid your arms around his waist, as he cut the sandwiches into fours.
"mmm... i got it, i ate one or two already though.."
"fatass!" you snaked your head around his arm to give him a silly smile, unsnaking your arms in order to pack the other items.
it was so hot, his traditional home lacking ac, was it worth the scenery when you had to take a cold shower every 30 minutes?!...
your top fluttered slightly as the old fan blew hot air around the house. you prepared the food carefully, placing it into the cute picnic basket you had convinced him to buy for you because it was just too cute.
you both sighed comfortably. "i love it here with you, you know." you softly said, only able to see his quick glance at you as he carefully prepared your things as you taught.
"me too .." he drifted off, almost like he was regretting what he had said.
but it made sense he would regret.
because he knew you would have to leave soon.
'in the heat of the summer...'
he helped you lay out the outdoor blanket onto the sand. you were drooling at his outfit, theres no way you were able to pull a man such as him.. but here you are. you drilled the umbrella into the sand, kneeling slightly and pushing the sand against the pole securely.
he sat beside you after placing his and your things, placing his hands on your waist as you finish with the umbrella.
"ah toji! the sunscreen is cold!"
he chuckled, lifting your tankini to rub (your sunscreen you had brought in your luggage, but you weren't getting it back, he liked the scent too much..) over your waist and lower back. you twisted your head to admire him and his glow.
"i need to protect your skin mama... can't have you burning up...love this sunscreen, ‘makes u glow more" he said, reassuring you.
you relaxed in your position, reaching to grab your sunhat. this feeling was intimate in the most loving way, each others company being the biggest thing at that moment. it felt good to be with toji, good when you could domesticate the man that most people fear; his traumas displayed on his back; heart hidden deep within him.
'you know that you should be my boy..'
"ill put some on you too, then we can go feel the water too if you aren't too hungry.." there were soft traces of love in your voice,
'in the heat of the summer,'
you held his hand as you ran towards the water, his candid girl. your giggles were intoxicating; the water splashing so satisfyingly as you neared the shore. it was like you temporarily healed him. arms thrown around his neck as you went deeper into the ocean, blabbering to him about how many near-drowning experiences you've had in your life.
'you so different from the rest..'
the way the water glistened onto his abs, the way the sun hit his face..
it made you feel nostalgic.
thats what you thought, as you waved back at him in the midst of the airport crowd.
you two exchanged information-- of course,
but he never heard from you again anyway.
an: this is so unrealistic i let my friend not reply to me for 15 days and i still messaged him like he didn't do that because my life is too boring to be able to ignore someone for over a week so
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swiftieblyth · 3 days
Blyth Family: Baby shower
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Warnings/ fluff, pregnancy
baby’s nickname is Mikey pronounced like Mickey Mouse
You grunted as you stood on your tiptoes, trying to put up a Winnie the Pooh decoration on the wall. You felt a cramp on your hip, and discomfort from the baby. You scrunched your face up and rested it on the wall, hand going to your very large baby bump as you let out a noise of pain.
“Love, what are you doing?” Tom asked, rushing to your side, taking the decoration from you, and putting it down.
You lifted your head up and smiled at him. “I was just hanging up the decoration.”
“Let me do that, love.” Tom ordered, softly putt his hands on your hips, making you hum. “Does that feel good?”
“Yeah. I have a cramp in my hips.”
“Does this help?” He asked, massaging your hips, smiling when you let out a satisfied hum, leaning your head back on his chest. “Yeah? Does it feel that good?”
“It does, Tommy. It feels so good.”
“I’m glad,” he smiled, carefully leading you to the couch. “Come on, you need to sit.”
“Tommy, I’m fine!” You protested, a bit of a whine in your voice, as you waddled to the couch.
“No. The doctor said you need to be getting lots of rest, and we have a big day ahead of us, so you need to rest now. Besides Rach and Josh should be here soon to help, okay?”
“Okay,” you sighed as Tom helped you move to set on the couch. You let out a moan as you plopped on the comfortable cushion.
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” You breathed, hands running on your stomach.
You caught your breath as the baby kicked you rather hard in the ribs. You let out a moan once she stopped kicking your ribs.
“You okay?” Tom asked, lifting your dress to see her movements.
“Yeah,” you sighed, watching her move with a smile on your face. “She just hit my ribs pretty hard.”
Tom gasped as he put his hands on the bump and calmed her down. “Now Miss McKinley that wasn’t very nice of you.”
You smiled as Tom ran his hands over your stomach, calming your daughter’s movements.
“Why would you kick Mummy’s ribs? She’s working so hard and tiring herself out to help you get bigger and stronger before you come in the world, honey. We know you didn’t mean to, but you hurt Mummy. Say sorry for me honey.”
“She is.” You breathed, lacing your fingers with Tom’s as they rested on the bump. “She is going to be such a daddy’s girl.”
“How do you know?”
“Because when ever she hears or feels you she calms down. She listens to you, and when you’re not around she’s antsy. She’s already got you wrapped around her finger, doesn’t she?”
“Well if she looks anything like her Mummy then of course she does.” Tom smiled, kissing the swell of your stomach.
You were sitting on the couch, a plate of Winnie the Pooh themed foods in your hands as you talked and laughed with Rachel, Taylor, Hunter, and some of your other friends.
Tom was standing in the other side of the room talking with Josh, Travis, and Daniel. He had a smile on his face as he watched you talk with your friends, as they all took turns feeling your bump.
“She’s going to be such a great mom,” Josh smiled, clapping a hand on Tom’s back.
“She is.” Tom smiled.
“When is she due again?” Daniel asked.
“June 3rd, ironically the same day part two comes out.”
“She looks like she’s doing good.” Travis let out.
“She is. She just gets really tired easily. The doctors told her she needs lots of rest.” Tom explained, not taking his eyes off you.
“It’s crazy to think that she’s been pregnant the entire time part two has been in the works. I mean it feels like just yesterday you took the day off from filming in the freezing cold to take care of her and making sure her and the baby were okay.”
“Yeah.” Tom agreed. “And here we are now. I got really lucky.”
“Come on, baby.” You smiled, poking the bump trying to get Micky to move. “Don’t be shy, it’s okay. They’re not gonna hurt you.” You smiled as she started to kick and everyone took turns feeling.
After everyone felt her, you looked up and smiled as you might eyes with Tom as the boys made your way over.
“Hi, my love,” he smiled, kissing your head, and taking the free seat on the couch next to you.
“Hi, Tommy,” you smiled, resting your head on his shoulder.
“All right, we’re gonna play some games now.” Tom explained, as Rachel and Josh passed out some cards. “The first one is guess who.”
Everyone got their cards and got ready to play.
“Who was born first?” You read, running a hand over your stomach. You waited till everyone answered correctly saying it was Tom.
“Who cried when they found out?” Tom asked.
“Trick question.” You explain once everyone answered. “We both did. Who told the family about the baby first?”
“We both did.” Tom explained. “Who will take more photos?”
“Definitely Tom,” Rachel answered last.
“Yes!” You replied. “And it’s so annoying. I’ll be looking terrible and he just takes pictures saying I look beautiful.”
“Because you do. You just don’t listen to me.”
Everyone was in aw and how cute the two of you were.
“Who is enjoying the pregnancy?” You asked. Everyone answered and you agreed with them. “Definitely Tom, I can’t wait for her to be out.”
“Today was a good day, don’t you think?” Tom asked, while the two of you were soaking in the tub that night. Not to hot so the baby was okay.
“Yes,” you hummed, as Tom held the bump for a bit. McKinley was sleeping and giving your ribs and bladder a brake from her usual dancing.
“How about tomorrow, we start putting everything in the nursery?”
“Yeah. And the bassinet Uncle Robert gave us in the bedroom.”
“Of course, my love,” Tom smiled, kissing your head. “Whose side do you want it on.
“I don’t know.” Yiu honestly answered, looking up at him. “My motherly instincts want her next to me, but that’s because she’s been inside me for nine months, and I don’t know if I’m ready to be separated from her. But I know you also want her, and I want you to have her too. She’s our baby, not just mine.”
You were full on crying at this point, making Tom’s heart hurt that this is what you’re feeling.
“And I don’t want to keep her all to myself, but what if she needs to be fed, and you need sleep because of an interview or something. And what if you need to go somewhere for a few days to film and she’s not used to be away from you. What if—-“
“Darling,” Tom gently cut in, stopping your spiraling. “Darling, first of all, I am not going anywhere. I’m going to be here with you for the rest of the pregnancy and the birth of our little girl. I’m going to be there with you every day you’re in the hospital, and I’m going to be here helping both of you when you get home. Once the time comes for me to start filming again, then we can worry about it. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get there, not now. And if you want her in your side, I totally understand. You are not keeping her al to your self, it makes since that you want her. However, I will be getting up at night to take care of her so you can sleep okay?”
“Okay. I love you so much!”
“I love you more.” Tom explained, kissing her head. “You and our baby girls.”
“Speaking of, is Lady already asleep?”
“She is, my love. Both of our baby girls are asleep. And you should get some sleep too while Mikey’s asleep.”
Tom helped you get in bed and lay down in a comfortable position. Yiu let out a sigh as he started rubbing your feet.
“Have I mentioned just how much I love you?” You asked in a hushed whisper, trying to to wake up Lady who was asleep next to you.
“Yes.” Tom smiled, kneading his way through your feet. “And I love you more. Now, get some sleep my love.”
tag list here
Tag list: @uglyfish3rman, @welcometounicornworlds, @Melodyoflove99, @Warlike-morning, @melodyoflove99, @Phoward89, @on-plvto,
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miss-daisy04 · 1 hour
nsfw twt links from anons 3 ➞ skz ot8
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authors note: these come from many different anons, but they wouldn't let me post the answers to the other anons so i had to put them on here :( thank you to all the anons that sent in links!
warnings: riding, sucking off, sex, twt links, teasing, public sex, deapthroating, cumming/orgasms/squirting, fingering, mirror sex, breeding kink (not chan this time, surprisingly), sub!skz, gamer!felix, shower sex, oral, tying up, vibrator, cosplay/roleplay, etc.
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chan stroking his cock while thinking about you, only to end up cumming on his black t-shirt.
chan placing you in a somewhat headlock as he pounds into you from behind.
rubbing your hands on bangchan's hard cock through his pants—out in public when you're waiting to be seated at a nice restaurant.
teasing you so your wetness spreads fully on your panties until they can't get any wetter, so minho rubs his dick directly on your pussy (and obviously ends up in you).
lee know topples over you and shoves his dick in your mouth, deepthroating you until you squirt.
minho sitting on top of you to ensure his fingers go fully into you.
(use of the word "slut" in caption!) binnie baby fucking you in front of the counter mirror.
confidently sucking off changbin while he slaps your ass. then he pushes your stray hairs out of your face and plants a small kiss on your forehead.
attempting to take seo changbin's fat cock in your mouth, whole.
hyunjin pounding into you, and when you try to get up he shoves you back down to finish what you started
stroking a fully naked hyunjin until he cums all over his toned abs.
jinnie gently taking your hair in his hands to hold onto it while hitting your g-spot over and over.
having sex with han in the shower at his parent's house so that no one will catch the both of you.
strapping on your fake dick to shove it inside jisung.
hannie who won't stick his cock in you, but rather strokes it on top of your pussy (which ends up with his cumming on your cutesy panties).
gamer!felix letting you suck him off when he's playing his silly computer games
(cosplay/roleplay) felix enjoys your cute little cosplay so he fingers your sweet cunt to show his admiration.
felix making out with and sucking on your clit. his hands travel all around your body to create even more stimulation.
after coming home to you being needy, the only way seungmin can shut you up is to stuff both his fingers and a vibrator in you.
teasing minnie in public with a vibrator to the point where he grasps on your hands and legs to stop.
tying up and edging poor sub!seungmin. he whines like a little dog when receiving his stimulation.
undressing yourself behind jeongin so that you can eventually ride his face.
innie supporting your body weight to eat you out and rip an orgasm (or two) out of you.
jeongin fucking you slow to expectantly fill you up with his children.
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i hope you enjoyed it! if you did, please show admiration of my work by liking/reblogging/sharing/commenting! it really shows me how i am doing as a writer ♡
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