#woman owned vineyard
Cowhorn Supper Club
Cowhorn Vineyard and Garden, Applegate Valley’s Demeter-certified Biodynamic vineyard and farm, announces the launch of its Supper Club.
Highly Curated Experience to Feature Cowhorn Wines Paired with Culinary Creations from Cowhorn’s Chef Tim Payne Cowhorn Vineyard and Garden, Applegate Valley’s Demeter-certified Biodynamic vineyard and farm, announces the launch of its Supper Club. The unique experience will showcase a refined selection of Cowhorn’s wines thoughtfully paired with elevated dishes featuring farm-fresh ingredients…
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boxboxlewis · 4 months
Daniel finds out about Max’s divorce from a Google alert.
“FORMER F1 CHAMPION NEWLY SINGLE, SEEN HITTING THE BARS IN MONACO.” Journalistic excellence from the Daily Mail, as always. But when actual newspapers start reporting on it, Daniel decides to reach out. He texts Max a cat meme. Subtext: sorry about your failed relationship, also I know you like cats. Max texts back Are you trying to cheer me up, and then 😂. It’s unclear if he’s 😂 at the cat or the notion of Daniel attempting to comfort. While Daniel is trying to figure this out a third text comes in. Stop reading stupid shit by dumb assholes who don’t know anything.
Nah it’s all good, I can’t read, Daniel replies. He hesitates, and then adds I am like. Sorry about stuff with kelly or whatever though.
Max thumbs-up reacts the message, and doesn’t reply.
Daniel figures Max’ll probably just start dating another exquisitely beautiful, exquisitely groomed woman with a disconcerting resemblance to his own mother. They’re ten a penny in Monaco, where Max still for some reason lives. 
He’s not prepared for the next tranche of articles his Google Alert brings him. “MAX VERSTAPPEN SEEN LEAVING GAY BAR.” “VERSTAPPEN REFUSES TO ADDRESS RUMOURS.” “VETTEL COMES TO VERSTAPPEN’S DEFENCE: ‘HE HAS A RIGHT TO A PRIVATE LIFE.’” Like… people go to gay bars sometimes, even if they’re straight. But do straight people let Seb Vettel defend their honour in the media?
Daniel opens his text thread with Max and types Hey, are you. You know. 
He deletes it, obviously. He’s got a lot going on in his own life. Brand ambassadorships out the ass, his film production company, his vineyard. He sends Max another dumb meme and calls it good. Max is just doing Max stuff. It’s some belated F1 champion rumspringa, probably, because when he was an actual teenager he was psychotically focussed on racing. He’ll settle down soon enough.
Daniel really isn’t expecting him to announce live on Dutch television that he has a boyfriend. The clip is in Dutch, obviously, but someone has added English captions, and Daniel watches over and over again. RIP his YouTube algorithm. It’s some daytime talk show, the kind of thing Max hates, the kind of thing he’d never do unless someone was twisting his arm about it. The host asks all sickly sweet if there’s a special someone in Max’s life. Max says, “Well yes of course there is my boyfriend.” The “of course” in Dutch sounds like naturally. Naturally, naturally. “And my family I am very close to, as well.” The camera dwells with voyeuristic glee on the talkshow host’s face as she tries and fails to pick her expression up from the floor. “Your boyfriend?” she manages. Max nods, impatient. Daniel rewinds the clip. Your boyfriend? Your boyfriend? Your boyfriend?
Daniel decides to visit Monaco. Not because of Max. It’s summer and the swing of the season is funnelling him that way, that’s all, towards the parties and the glittering people dancing on yachts, getting high, bright and beautiful, living that good life. He doesn’t have an apartment there anymore, but Max does, because Max never left: still has his custom penthouse with its views of the harbour. Unless—it’s a weird thought—unless Kelly kept it in the divorce. But when he texts Max to invite himself to stay, Max doesn’t mention anything about a new address. 
Max also doesn’t sound, like, super enthused, but that’s just how he is. It’s his natural Dutchness, most likely. Fine you can come then. You are lucky I don’t have plans is probably just the Dutch way of saying “Yeah sounds great, looking forward to reconnecting.” You are very annoying is probably how people from the Netherlands express affection. Daniel texts back Love you too my brother 🤘🤘
He gets his hair touched up before he goes, a little bit of tattooing at the roots in the front. He does a spray tan, and gets his face dermaplaned (not in that order). You can’t go to Monaco and not look good, that's all.
It always feels kind of weird, flying into Nice in a non-F1 context, first class instead of private, but Daniel fits, still: gets asked for his autograph at the airport, and then on the concourse, and when he stops to put petrol in his rental car (a sweet little Porsche, nice). He tosses his keys to the valet at Max’s building and the valet goggles. That’s right, baby: twelve-time Grand Prix winner Daniel Ricciardo is in town. Daniel winks and the valet turns gratifyingly mauve.
Max, when Daniel pushes into his apartment, is less enthusiastic. “Daniel. I really do not know why you’ve come.”
Daniel ignores him in favour of crouching down, trying to pet Jimmy or Sassy. “Hey, little guy,” he croons. “Or girl. What’s up? Do you remember Uncle Danny? Am I in town to show your daddy a good time? Yeah I am! That’s right. That’s right.” Jimmy or Sassy scowls at him and swipes with one needle-tipped paw. All right, drama queen. Daniel stands back up and grins at Max. “I mean, mostly I wanted to meet your boyfriend,” he says, for some reason. What the fuck, Ricciardo. He keeps grinning, styles it out. “Gotta give him the old shovel speech, right?”
Max is doing the blank-eyed stare Daniel remembers so well from their racing days. It’s wildly disconcerting coming from this Max, who looks. Different, that’s all. He’s thick, still fit and well-muscled but heavy with it now, t-shirt stretched over the layer of hard fat covering his abdomen, face softer. He’s a bear of a man, he could—he could do lots of things, obviously. It’s fine. It’s just that part of Daniel still expects him to be the gawky teenager Daniel loomed over.
Max says, “What do you want to say to my boyfriend about shovels,” and for a bewildering moment Daniel has no idea what he’s talking about. 
“Oh, no, it’s like—it’s a saying, or whatever, when someone starts dating someone. I mean, usually dads say it, I guess, but like—the idea is if he mistreats you I’ll…” Daniel trails off as he realises he’s not actually sure what “shovel speech” means. “Uh, hit him with a shovel? Or I guess potentially, like, use it to bury his corpse. Whiiiich is a joke! Not actually going to bury anyone.” No, weird comment, Daniel’s not actually going to bury anyone t-shirt is raising a lot of questions et cetera. Hastily, he adds “As long as he behaves!” and then stands there mentally kicking himself while Jimmy/Sassy yowls soulfully near his ankles. He's never like this, he never loses control of a conversation like this. It's agonising.
Max stares at him for a long moment, and then cracks up. “Daniel, you are still so weird,” he says. It sounds kind of affectionate. 
“You know it, baby,” Daniel says. “So, where’s the boyf?
Max’s cheeks go a little red, it looks like. Maybe Daniel’s imagining it. “Ricardo is at the gym,” he says.
Daniel has to have misheard that. “Sorry, what’s this dude’s name?”
“Ricardo,” Max says grumpily. “My boyfriend.”
“Right, yeah, of course.” Once again Daniel decides, against his better judgement, to style it out. “Uh, is he Australian, by any chance? And devastatingly charismatic?”
Max sighs, as if Daniel is being really annoying. “He is from Melbourne. And yeah, he is okay I think. Maybe you won’t like him though, because you like always to be the funniest one. Come on, I will show you to your guest room.”
Daniel manages a casual-sounding, “Haha, you got me.” They’re walking through the apartment, now, Max leading the way. For a moment Daniel just watches the sunburned back of his neck.
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rippersz · 4 months
𝙰𝚕𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚊 𝙳𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚞 + 𝙻𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚊 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚜 𝙰𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜 (𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜) (SLIGHTLY NSFW):
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They are busy busy business ladies. Alcina runs the Dimitrescu Vineyard and often encounters all of the complexities that come with owning a company, while Larissa runs Nevermore and deals with her own pile of tasks each day. They’re fiercely independent like that, but even the strongest, tallest, most intelligent businesswomen have to find solace somewhere. In this case, it’s found in each other… and in you.
ʚ♡ɞ Larissa’s top two love languages are Gift Giving and Quality Time. Physical Touch is a close third. She hates not spending time with both of you and does whatever she can to free up her schedule. It’s difficult, but she manages because you two are worth it. And date nights, vacations, even little trips to town are the things that keep her happy and smiling. She’s always the first to suggest you all go somewhere, and even if you or Alcina are especially tired, you fall prey to her big glittering blue eyes. As soon as her face falls and she starts to pout, Alcina makes a show of covering your eyes and her own with her hands.
“Oh draga (darling in Romanian) don’t look now. She’ll tempt us. Drag us off to Hell. She’s utterly insatiable.” And you’ll giggle while Larissa’s expression falls sharp and her eyebrow ticks up. “Hell? You don’t think I’m an angel?” And Alcina can only roll her eyes before pushing you off to grab your jersey while she swipes an arm around Larissa’s waist and brings her into a kiss. “You are an angel. Sometimes.” “And other times?” They both grin. “The most wicked devil I know.”
Her gifts are also always from the heart. Very sentimental, like a well-written card, or a niche thing from the Jericho antique shop that she thinks you’d like. For Alcina, it could be a very ornate wine opener, and for you it could be an old broach or a locket big enough to put a picture of your family in.
ʚ♡ɞ Alcina’s top two love languages are Gift Giving and Physical Touch. Acts of Service is a close third. The truth is, she has a lot of money. A lot. Like a lot. And she is eager to show it off and spoil you two. Now Larissa is just as proud a woman, and enjoys her freedom and independence to pick out her own wardrobe, but Alcina can’t help herself. Larissa returned home one time and Alcina instantly rushed in to wrap a beautiful Parisian fur coat around her shoulders. It was the perfect size, the perfect length. Larissa wears it every winter, even if she told Alcina that she didn’t have to. It came with matching gloves, but Larissa slips those onto your hands so you two can match when you go out together. And as for yourself, her special little darling, she’ll seek out the things you’ve mentioned (even in very brief passing) that you liked. Oh that cute little trinket you saw in an Instagram advertisement? Suddenly it’s on the kitchen island waiting for you with a little note from ‘Yours, ~ A. D.’ - She signs her initials like that every time. You and Larissa keep them in a hidden box. It’s nearly full.
And I don’t think it really comes as a surprise when I say Alcina is a big admirer of physical touch with her loved ones. She is fiercely protective and vain, so she adores showing you off as the two women on her arm, but if someone stares for a little two long, her gaze burns her through sunglasses. The bright gold always startles normies. So this usually means she walks in the middle of you two whenever you’re out, with both of you on each arm. But if Larissa’s the one who is treating you all, she walks in the middle and struts around proudly.
ʚ♡ɞ You wanted to do it one time, just to see what it was like, and you looked like a young woman with your lesbian mothers. It was very embarrassing. They teased you HEAVILY. Every shop you went into, it was always “Oh what about this sweetheart? Do you want this for your room? Right next to your diploma?” Or “Oh this frame would be perfect. We could put it with your school pictures love, what do you think?” - You got so frustrated and flustered that you walked right off and it took them 5 minutes to realize you had literally walked away further down the street. Alcina scented you out and came to find you in a perfume store, trying to hide your smell. When they got there, you glared until they agreed they’d never do it again (but sometimes it slips in when they’re feeling wicked).
ʚ♡ɞ Now of course that does lead to power dynamics- which are very much a thing in this relationship. When it comes to Alcina Dimitrescu’s involvement, there will always be power dynamics. She is very not normal about her control issues, but that’s okay. You love her anyway. And Larissa learns to accept that it is both a blessing and a curse. She has to spend a lot of her own days in control, but it’s not necessarily by choice all the time. Before you two, she was very lonely and had to compensate with work, but now that she is with you, she has the opportunity to relinquish some of the control and responsibility that comes with the job. Thank goodness Alcina is all too eager to pick up the slack.
ʚ♡ɞ In terms of personality dominance, those two definitely take the cake. It is, to an extent, a good cop bad cop dynamic, but they do agree on a lot of things. Like they agree you’re adorable. And beautiful and handsome. And that they want you. In many more ways than one. And also they agree that giving you your privacy is just as important as having their own. The last thing they want to do, especially Alcina, is to infantilize you. In the beginning, Larissa had to sit Alcina down for a very difficult discussion to explain her own behavior to herself. She pointed out that Alcina sort of suffocated you a bit, which was true. She was quite controlling—always wanting to be by your side, always preparing you for the worst. CLEARLY she has some trauma, but you get through it. Alcina is eternally grateful that Larissa felt confident enough to speak to her. Past partners have been forced into submissive silence by their own fear because Alcina is such a strong force of a woman. She is very loving, but can be harsh.
ʚ♡ɞ Larissa, on the other hand, is a doting lover. She texts your group chat every free second she gets. Sends you a picture of her meal in the privacy of her office to thank you for making lunch. You always respond with hearts or suggest the three of you call while you go about your lunch hour. She suggested you three try syncing up the time so you could see each other and spend a bit more time together - seeing as you all get home rather late sometimes. Alcina joins the call a bit later but greets you with warm hellos and asks how her “Sweet girls” are doing. Larissa is also the type to buy flowers. She adores them. Some people think it’s silly because they’ll just die if not taken care of, but she doesn’t think so. She comes home with bouquets in hand to make up for a stressful week or a particular stretch of time in which you three can’t see each other often. If Alcina goes away on a business trip, she’ll welcome her back with black roses and so many red kisses that the poor woman almost falls over. If you’re stumbling through the door at midnight after a long day doing whatever it is you do (I’m thinking business analyst or perhaps even owning your own shop), then she waits up and gives you a little single rainbow rose still in the plastic because she knows you like the novelty of it. Oh and kisses too of course.
ʚ♡ɞ That being said, you’re sort of the morally grey cop in the cop dynamic. Rarely do any of you do something to truly piss each other off or upset each other, but it does happen. If you somehow upset Alcina, Larissa sits you down for a chat while Alcina rants in the background. Alci is very passionate and does have a temper, but for all of her bluster and bark, a quick “Alcina, sit” from Larissa has her growling, rubbing her temples, and taking a seat in the living room with you two. From that point on, it’s only a matter of discussion. Alcina has a habit of keeping her feelings to herself until she blows up, but Larissa is very preemptive. She KNOWS such habits amongst you all could possibly ruin your relationship, so she tries her hardest to keep the peace. You and Alcina argue, but Larissa talks you through it until the calm is restored.
ʚ♡ɞ If they piss you off or upset you, you have a very difficult time talking to them about it. You’re a soft-hearted person for them and the last thing you want is to cause a rift, but if you don’t come to them about it first, they WILL find out. Your two lovers are extremely intelligent and very observant. Alcina can tell something is off by the slightest falter in your beating heart and Larissa can tell something is off if you speak a single word in a different tone. To them, you are an open book. And they know that they’re intimidating at times. Larissa is a sweetheart, yes, but her irritation is brutal. And Alcina is… Alcina. So it can be (understandably) quite hard. That’s why you’ve taken to texting them before they get home, asking them to chat in the living room or the bedroom. And if not that, then you speak to them separately. You go to their offices, sit and sort it out as best you can, and then the three of you regroup later. It’s the healthiest option…… but it doesn’t always work. You can get very insecure being with these two literal otherworldly women, so sometimes you just shut down instead. Hide within your thoughts and occupy yourself until you can’t anymore. It happened once where you were so upset and anxious that you stayed at your office and fell asleep. Larissa and Alcina were shit scared. They went searching for you there of course, and Alcina carried you to the car before Larissa drove you three home. It was a stressful experience but after you all talked it out in the morning, you promised to try and be more open - but only if they did the same.
ʚ♡ɞ HOWEVER, if you two somehow manage to piss off or upset Larissa Weems, it is Hell for you both. All three of you have a distinct bond that can’t be broken even with the sharpest of scissors. You’re all linked in some individual way, and it’s lovely, but it also means that you’re very soft on each other. And you and Alcina have a silent understanding that although Larissa can take care of herself, she is also highly deserving of all of the protection and love you give her. Meaning you don’t want to add to her stress. But when you do—she is a slow simmering ball of emotions. She may be loud at Nevermore when faced with Wednesday, but when it comes to her lovers, she just gets a bit disappointed. And that is something you and Alcina can’t handle. So when that happens, and she isn’t the one to put it back together or demand you all sit down and talk, that means you and Alci have to do the heavy lifting. So you do. Alcina pours glasses of wine, you put on some music, and the three of you sit in silence either working on your laptops or indulging in some hobbies until Larissa finally speaks up. She just needs to be in your presence, to recognize your quiet understanding that something is wrong, before she really gets into it. And after that, you of course make it a point to never repeat whatever it is you did to make her upset. And Alcina pulls her into her arms while you hug her from the back because you know Larissa appreciates the attention, the affection, and the warmth. Then you kiss. A lot. A lot a lot. Smooch smooch smooch muah muah muah.
ʚ♡ɞ When you call Larissa, she answers with a “Hello, darling” because she always checks the caller ID before picking up.
ʚ♡ɞ When you call Alcina, she answers with an “Alcina speaking.” because she never checks the caller ID before picking up.
ʚ♡ɞ You and Larissa called her once in the past and she answered with her usual, hard-toned greeting. When you and Larissa mocked her with a high-pitched “aLciNa sPeaKing”, she hung up and blocked your number for five minutes. Sometimes, you’re still tempted to do it.
ʚ♡ɞ You steal their perfumes and shampoos. One time, Alcina used Larissa’s conditioner and ever since, Larissa asks her if she should order two bottles of her hair care instead of one. Alcina just rolls her eyes and reaches out to grab her. Larissa goes scurrying away, letting out a yelp and a laugh. 
When they cuddle you and smell their products, they only grin and pull you closer. They want you to share their things. And also you’re just too lazy to keep your own stocked.
ʚ♡ɞ Your kisses with Larissa, just you two, are sweet and slow. They last a long time and usually lead to wandering hands and a lot of lipstick marks. Larissa happily leaves marks and hickies on you, but the three of you understand that she can’t have the same. If someone at her job saw that, they’d probably complain. But below the clothes, she’s painted to high heaven. Alcina does, after all, have a very voracious appetite. She spends a lot of time kissing and marking because it soothes the dragon in her. And Larissa is just the same when it comes to you specifically. The marks never take to Alcina’s skin, so Rissa usually uses her teeth and tries to leave marks anyway. But on you, she takes full advantage. Teases you with hickies and bites until you’re begging her to move. To treat you. It’s unfortunate then that she’s just so busy and has to return to work and absolutely must leave you high and dry until you’re nearly crawling all over her when she returns home later.
ʚ♡ɞ Alcina’s kisses, on the other hand, are always mean and rough. She pushes your faces together, grabs your hair, clutches your jaw in one large hand. She’s eager to overpower - it’s just in her nature. And she’s not scared to lean down and reach you, pull you up into her arms, and shove you against a wall. She uses her teeth to nip, and her tongue to fill your mouth and take you completely. Safe to say, she never leaves her kisses without you stumbling away–breathless and smiley. And there’s no escaping her until she’s done with you. Never ever. You will only push away from her when she wants you to. And you rarely want to of course, but when you’re busy and late to a meeting, you’re under a time crunch.
ʚ♡ɞ Larissa and Alcina kissing, though… whew. Dear god, whew. Dear LORD, whew. Larissa’s hands go sliding around Alcina’s waist and she has to lean up on the tips of her toes to meet Alcina halfway. And when they get there, they smile first before kissing roughly. Alcina knows not to put her hands in Larissa’s perfect hair, so she settles for gripping the back of her neck and pulling her close. Close close close until Larissa lets out a squeak and Alcina has to lean and pick her up bridal-style so they both don’t go tumbling to the ground. It doesn’t happen often, but when she does, Larissa can only giggle giddy and happy. She doesn’t often feel petite and girlish, but Alcina has a way of making her feel like a woman worth caring for. You do too, of course, but it’s different. Not any less or any better, just different. And they kiss until they both run out of breath and Larissa pushes Alcina away. The taller woman grumbles and steals another kiss before they finally go their separate ways.
ʚ♡ɞ There’s so much more to this little poly relationship. From kinks to flaws to business work and all that. Let me know if you wanna see more <3
I love them :3 Yes I doooooo - Rip x
Tags: @oddball21 @kaymariesworld @bloommushroom @readingtheentrails @thegoddamnfeels @theonefairygodmother @theflashesoflove @sweetderacine @opalthefrog @gwensfreak @shyladyfan @erablaise-blog @bellatrixsbrat @sunnyanon @emilynissangtr @lex13cm @sugipla @hasthebaconinhispants @deongocrazy @nocteangelus15 @eveymay @one-pining-queer @azu-zu @niceminipotato @hopelessly-sapphic @barbarasstar @enchantressb @syrenacrainn @im-a-carnivorous-plant @willowshadenox @aemilia19 @ladylarissaweems @scarlettssub @ladysdraga @willisnotmental @gela123 @h-doodles @zillahofviolets-bayolet @weemssapphic @the-bearr @amateurwritescm
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wintfleur · 2 months
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au masterlist - everything for the AU is under #🍂 ͡ ꒱ Juliette Leclerc
NAME Juliette Celeste Leclerc
BIRTHDAY November 15TH 1999
ZODIAC Scorpio
SEXUALITY bisexual
BIRTHPLACE Monte Carlo, Monaco
PIERCINGS 1 in each ear, bellybutton
TATTOOS she has this one on her lower back, and this one on her left arm. She wants to get more!
LANGUAGES 100% French, 100% English, 100% Korean, 36% Spanish.
PROFESSION f1 driver
TEAM Red Bull Racing
DEBUT Australia 2019
TRAINER Gabriel Guerrero
ASSISTANT Beatrice Roux
Juliette drove for Mercedes in her rookie year, she got four wins and 326 points . . . fans of course were not happy that a female was dominating her rookie year, so of course a nasty rumor was created. The rumor that spread like hot fire was that Juliette was having an inappropriate relationship with Toto Wolff.
Which was false, Toto was like a father figure to Juliette but the fans didn’t care, booing her and trending hate for her on Twitter.
Juliette drove for Redbull for the next season, and is still driving for Redbull.
Juliette is known for being one of the most influential drivers on the grid, for the range of her career.
Juliette has dropped a few albums, some singles and ep’s, she’s a model, an ambassador for Gucci, and she has a YouTube channel with over 10 million subscribers, where she posts all different kinds of content, she’s walked on runways.
The interviewers love her (besides a few) a lot of fans say she’s like seb with how she has the habit of flirting with the female interviewers.
She is quite the flirt, confident with herself
She’s a party girl, in a club or an a yacht, she loves her parties !!
A lot of people assume she’s a bitch because of her resting face, her confidence and the way she doesn’t take any shit, but she’s genuinely a sweetheart.
Besides Lewis she is the driver that has the most celebrity friends
No one is surviving eye contact with her, in the words of lando “she has a really strong gaze, very alluring — like a siren yeah”
The amount of dating rumors lando and Juliette have is insane, but they are simply just best friends !!!
She loves pomegranates and cherries, could eat them forever
She loves swimming, she loves visiting tropical places
Everyone swears she’s a mermaid/siren for her love of the water
She has stated many times that her favorite sport besides f1 is hockey.
She has been seen coming to many hockey games, even having many friends that are hockey players. (Auston Matthews, Trevor Zegras, Cole caufield and more)
She loves baking
She owns several houses all over the world
She is a major passenger princess
She hates coffee
She definitely loves going out and partying, but she also loves staying in.
She was such a daddy’s girl
She talks to her mom every single day
She loves and I mean loves running
No matter how hungover she is, she’s always having her morning run.
She loves and I mean loves horses !!
Her dream is to retire, buy her own ranch and just get a ton of horses to take care of and love, maybe her own vineyard.
Her most prized possession is her yacht . . . That’s crazy to say omg.
She has kept all of her relationships a secret!
She loves doing collaborations
A character she’s most like is Blair waldorf
She doesn’t have a favorite color
She’s a very strong woman, but sometimes things really get to her and she just needs space.
She has a bad habit of distancing herself from others when she’s hurt or upset
She’s been to 3 met galas
She will kick anyone’s ass in golf
‘The princess of Monaco’
She is very open about her crush on leighton meester
She’s a switch
She has a great relationship with everyone on the grid !
Her and Pierre have a love hate relationship
She has such a flirty personality, she loves making people flustered.
She’s a fantastic driver, and won’t let anyone tell her different just because she’s a girl.
She has said her grid son is ollie bearman
Yuki loves her sm! They are such a underrated duo
She loves hockey, but she’s a terrible skater
She hates drive to survive, they like to make her and max look like the villain.
She secretly can’t stand one driver on the grid.
She loves sleep sm
She’s genuinely such a family girl
She was the trouble maker of her family
She hates cold feet
Her brother’s friends have always had a crush on her and she loved teasing them about it.
She keeps her music taste a secret from the public
Lewis will always have her back no matter what, she’s his grid kid.
The public goes crazy for post race Juliette
She loves her team, she’s extremely close to all of them !!
She alternates from black to red hair a lot, but her hair is very healthy !!!
Doesn’t go anywhere without a pair of sunglasses
Macaroons are the way to her heart 
A lot of people get surprised by how friendly she is
She loves game of thrones
She is not a lightweight
Is a really good dancer !! Did ballet for a long time
Low waisted pants are her best friend.
The only one who can rock Jorts
Always has red or black nails
She’s a silver girly
Her nicknames are, Julie and lettie.
Has a private Instagram ‘@/lettiesworld’
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°. — taglist ( @cixrosie @toasttt11 @lovings4turn )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( so this is the introduction to juliette !! I really hope you guys like her, omg I’m so excited for this AU !!! I didn’t mention Mat and Quinn because they will have their own profile !!! Oh I’m so excited, please let me know what you guys think !!! )
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msschemmenti · 8 months
Are You Jealous?
Chessy x Reader
prompt: jealous chessy :)
a/n: i rewatched parent trap recently and the craziest plotline in that movie was martin and chessy being lovers. both of them were clearly gay.
a/n: sorry this took so long lol unedited and probably pretty bad
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“I’d love to see you tonight.” Y/n smiled down the phone. It’d been about a week since she and Chessy had seen each other and with the house to herself, Chessy was going to take advantage.
“Well Nick and the girls are going camping for the weekend, if you’re up for a drive out to the vineyard?” Chessy asked hopefully.
“I think I can swing that. What time should I be there?”
“Everyone should be gone by 5. So anytime after should be good.” Chessy grinned.
“I’ll be there by 5:30. SHould I bring anything?” 
“Just yourself. I’ll make us some dinner and we can crack open something from the cellar to go with.”
“Sounds divine. I’ll call before I head out. See you soon.” Y/n smiled down the phone and waited for Chessy’s reply.
“Can’t wait.”
“Dinner was great Chess. Thank you so much.” Y/n smiled around her glass as she sat at the kitchen island watching Chessy move around the kitchen. They’d been dating for about four months and were as smitten as a couple could be. After Meredith, Nick started renting out the vineyard as a wedding venue as a bit of passive income. Y/n’s company had been one of the first to host a ceremony on the grounds. she’d been lost and had somehow driven up the Parker’s driveway and was met with a very beautiful woman waving her hands to stop her. from there their romance only flourished. 
“anything for you honey. after i finish these dishes we can go sit under the stars for a bit?” 
“i’d love to. why don’t i dry do we can start relaxing sooner? i need as much relaxation as i can get with this current bride.” 
“well get your cute butt over here and get to work. the stars won’t wait forever.” chessy grinned, reaching to pull the woman close by the waist. The couple washed in tandem, giggling and stealing kisses as they went. really just enjoying each other's company. Just as they put the last dish away, voices floated through the open floorplan startling the couple apart.
“Chessy, who’s car is that?” Hallie called being the first to enter the house. It wasn’t long before more footsteps were heard and before they knew it they were no longer alone. Now standing face to face with a very intimately domestic scene.
“Uh. Hi guys. What are you doing back so early?” Chessy asked, stepping toward the small family.
“Rain at the campsite so we decided to try again next weekend.” nick shrugged eyeing the guest placing the last of the dried dishes in the cabinet.
“Bummer. I’m sure next weekend will be better. We’ll just be going then.” Chessy answered quickly grabbing Y/n’s elbow in an effort to leave the kitchen. Before she could even move around the island all four members grinned mischievously at the nanny and moved in.
“Wait Chessy, aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend?” Annie asked looking past Chessy and toward Y/n. Chessy fixed them with a withering glare but sighed pulling Y/n forward as she prepared for the embarrassment. 
“Everyone this is Y/n, my friend,” she smiled toward the twins in censorship.
“Y/n, this is Nick Parker. He owns the vineyard. Elizabeth James, and their daughters Annie and Hallie.” 
Y/n smiled, politely extending her hand to shake each member of the family’s hand before stopping briefly at Elizabeth’s. “I know this is a long-shot but you wouldn’t happen to be the Elizabeth James? Like the wedding dress designer Elizabeth James, would you?”
“Guilty,” Elizabeth smiled.
“Oh I love your work. I’m a wedding planner and all the best dresses I’ve seen in the last 12 years have come from you.” Y/n gushed causing Elizabeth’s cheeks to glow in a blush. 
“How sweet, I’m so glad my dresses seem to rank so well.”
“Oh most definitely, I hope you’re still designing by the time I finally have a wedding of my own. I’ve always imagined I’d be in an Elizabeth James original for my special day.”
“I would love that, have you already got ideas? I could roughly sketch you something since we’re all here for the evening.” ELizabeth offered. Y/n took a step around Chessy to follow ELizabeth before turning back to her girlfriend.
“Do you mind Chess?” Y/n asked quietly, knowing that if Chessy said she did, she’d politely decline and hope she got the chance another day.
“No, go ahead, knock yourself out. Just come find me when you’re done.” Chessy smiled, pushing the woman over toward Elizabeth with a smile.
“Great, I can even show you some recent stuff I’ve been thinking about.” Elizabeth grinned, pulling Y/n through the hall toward her work room. As soon as the women disappeared Chessy could feel three pairs of eyes on her.
“Your friend, hm?” Hallie grinned rounding the counter to one side of the nanny.
“How come we’ve never met this friend before?” Annie asked rounding to the other side, effectively caging Chessy between them.
“That’s none of your business. And rain at the campsite? When’d you all become such babies?” Chessy chided, poking the girls in their ribs. They giggled helplessly as the older woman tickled them. “Wanna watch a movie?”
The movie had been on for half an hour and the other women had yet to return. Chessy’s attention had been divided the moment they pressed play. During the quieter parts of the movie, she could hear giggles floating through the halls. Chessy’s eyes wandered from the screen in hopes of catching a glimpse of her girlfriend returning, but she wasn’t rewarded. Both Annie and Hallie had anchored themselves on either side of Chessy, legs stretched to each end of the couch. They’d both been commenting on the film and asking questions and Chessy tried to keep up but after noticing her gaze shift to the hallway for what felt like the 100th time they took to giggling and quietly talking to each other. 
As the credits rolled across the screen, Chessy was finally granted some reprieve from her torture. Elizabeth and Y/n came around the corner arms linked, quietly giggling over a sketchbook. 
“Oh Y/n, you’re just delightful. I can’t believe you’ve done four weddings here and I’m only just meeting you.” Elizabeth shook her head in disbelief.
“My brides are always extremely high maintenance. They make it a bit hard to socialize at all!”
“Well, I’ll have to have you come by my local studio sometime. We just have to get together again.”
“Oh Elizabeth, that’d be great. I’ll have Chessy give you my info and we can connect sometime soon.” Y/n smiled as she placed her hands on Chessy’s head affectionately over the back of the couch.
“I’ll be sure to share that.” Chessy mumbled gazing up at the two of you. Both of their eyes still on the sketchbook. 
“Perfect! Girls, it's getting rather late. Say goodnight.” Elizabeth smiled down at the twins while rubbing her hand over Y/n’s shoulder. The girls obediently wished their goodnights before leaving the room. As they left Y/n caught sight of the time herself. 
“It is a bit late, I should head home. I’ve got a few early meetings. It was lovely meeting you all. Chess, will you walk me out?” Y/n asked, finally meeting the older woman’s gaze. The older woman followed behind Y/n closely and as soon as they were out of sight of the family her hands were resting on her waist. 
They came to a stop outside of Y/n’s car and the younger woman turned to face Chessy, “Well that was fun.” Y/n smiled as Chessy backed her into the car. 
“Well I’m glad someone had fun.” Chessy mumbled wrapping her arms around Y/n’s waist with a pout.
“And what’s that supposed to mean? Did you not have fun tonight?” Y/n frowned as Chessy sighed and dodged her eyes.
“I barely saw you tonight.” Chessy huffed. 
Y/n looked over the nanny’s face with a smile. Seeing the jealousy simmering in her mind. With a grin Y/n splayed her hands across Chessy’s chest and pulled on the collar of her shirt. “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?” 
“What? Pshh, No.” Chessy rolled her eyes. 
“Oh I don’t think that’s true at all.” 
“Well, I think you spent the whole evening with the Elizabeth James.” 
“Chess…” Y/n dragged out, pulling the older woman closer to her.The older woman grumbled but ultimately sighed as the younger woman pinched her cheek. “You know I would’ve stayed if you asked.”
“You seemed so excited. Listen I’m just grumpy the evening didn’t go as planned. I don’t particularly like sharing you.” 
“Well next time, we’ll aim for no interruptions hm?” Y/n smiled sweetly.
“I like the sound of that.” 
“Now give me a kiss so we can say goodnight.”
taglist: @theonefairygodmother , @sleep-deprived-athlete
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anemoelliacia · 8 months
the five times diluc knew he loved you
warnings: female reader, mention of very minor injuries in one part, no warning really needed except for this being super sweet fluff <3 this turned out longer than i expected. I meant it to be a short drabble but-
▶ I recommend listening to the song This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory while reading this chapter. <3
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The first instance was when you wanted to bake him a birthday cake. The moment that started it all. You don't have to cook, or bake, you're not that good at it anyways. You know it, and he knows it. Simply tell Adelinde what you want done and she'd do it. She even offered to help you bake, but you insisted on doing it yourself. Diluc came home to see you in his kitchen, flour all over your dress, and somehow even on your forehead. He watched you from the doorway, as you intently tried getting the icing on the lopsided cake in an even layer, a look on your face that said determination, with the tip of your tongue sticking out, eyes piercing with pure focus. He softly smiles, thinking to himself, "I think I love her."
Secondly, when you patched up his minor wounds after his dark knight hero activities. He had come back home to the winery, and you were in bed patiently waiting for him as you usually stay there on the weekends. He wearily took off his disguise, and you saw a few minor injuries on him– just a few scrapes and cuts. You looked at him concerned, and Diluc could practically feel the worry oozing off you. He insisted he was fine, but you insisted otherwise. You sternly made him sit down so you could clean up his injuries, despite your tone he knew you were not mad, you were just showing care for him– and despite your own discomfort with blood and injuries, you took your time with a gentle, loving hand to properly clean and bandage his wounds. He watched you, seeing the concentration on your worried face, thinking to himself, "I think I love this woman with all my heart."
Thirdly, when he found you picking grapes on a busy day at the winery. He had been stressed lately, the winery was far more busy than usual. He had his own work to attend to, plus now not enough hands on deck to pick the grapes– so he'd have to help with that on top of all his other duties. He had been venting to you about how busy it was, not that he wanted you to help with such hard labour, he just needed an outlet. Later that day, he found you outside in the vineyard without a word said to him about it, one of the staff teaching you how to properly harvest the grapes. He admired you from afar, looking with eyes full of affection as you decided to help around the winery despite not being a staff member. He thinks, "I truly love her." 
Fourthly, when you were in bed together both minding your own. You were sitting beside him reading a thrilling book, and unbeknownst to you he was watching the little reactions on your face. He looked away from you momentarily, only to hear a barely audible gasp escape you. Diluc turned his head back in your direction, only to see a few tears trickling down your cheeks, the book having elicited an emotional response from you. He chuckled quietly, and reached over to the bedside table to grab a clean handkerchief, he handed it to you so you could wipe away your tears. He thought to himself once again, "wow, I really do love her..."
The fifth and final instance that made him realize you're the one was something simple, so domestic and mundane. It happened when you helped him put his hair up one morning when he was too tired to do it himself. You had spent the night, and he hadn't slept well, which was no one's fault, he just had too much on his mind. He could hardly shake the fatigue off, and the half-drank coffee in his hands hadn't kicked in yet. He was exhausted, but the day must still go on. He sat on the edge of the bed sipping his coffee, trying to wake up. You placed a chaste kiss on his forehead, before wordlessly climbing onto the bed behind him with a hair brush, a hair tie and a few hair pins. You carefully and meticulously brushed the tangles from his thick hair, and pulled it up into a high ponytail with a loving touch, gently pinning up a few stray hairs as well. In the back of his mind, there was an ever present thought that you're the one, as this moment tugged on his heart strings. So, "I love you," he finally said, now knowing it to be true.
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▶ if you liked this, check out the other parts linked in my masterlist :) every genshin man i write for is getting their own part.
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fantasy-relax · 4 months
Sweet alpha Dangerous Omega
Part 1 Part 2. Part 3
The maids hurried to finish their tasks to get as far as possible from the room where the lady of the house was with her daughters.
Two of them at least.
"How do you not know where she is?"  Alcina asked, poking her forehead, trying to control her already irritated temper. After dealing with idiots for three days, the only thing she wanted was to listen to dear Bela playing the piano while she drank a glass of wine accompanied by a piece of meat from the prey that her talented Cassandra had hunted specifically for her with her sweet Daniela telling her everything she had done in her absence.
Not this.
"She went out hunting, she was insufferable you know how she gets when her heat season is around the corner, mother." Bela responded with frustration and concern. She was the eldest and had to keep an eye on her sisters. "I thought she would be back before nightfall, I was so busy reviewing the papers about the vineyard that I didn't notice that she hadn't arrived yet."
"I was in the library, I didn't hear her leave or arrive" Daniela knew that her sister could take care of herself but the temperature dropped a lot from morning to afternoon yesterday and Cass tended to lose track of time when she went out hunting.
Both Bela and she tried to call her through the swarm but they got no response, the middle daughter must have been out of range, at least that's what they wanted to think because the other option was too painful to take into account.
(The pain that the cold caused them was horrible, the helplessness and panic of not being able to move, the tiny screams of agony that her swarm felt as they were frozen only to fall into pieces fly by fly, it was inconceivable torture)
"I have already called my uncles and aunt but she is not with them, we planned to go out to look for her , the weather is warmer today" Bela already had her winter clothes on as did Daniela who was also carrying a backpack with Cassandra's clothes, a blanket and a bottle of blood.
Alcina sighed looking at her daughters, she could easily notice the guilt on Bela's face and the anxiety on Daniela's.  Calming her own worry, she arranged the scarves and hoods that Donna had made for them.
"Let's bring your sister back, then she will be grounded for the rest of her immortal life."
Daniela ran as fast as possible, the weather could be warmer but it was still cold enough to hurt her, screaming as loud as possible through their connection she continued looking for the slightest sign of her sister.
While exploring the forest she noticed the corpse of a varcolac covered in wounds and an ax in the neck, lying next to a tree was Cassandra's Sickle along with a couple of her flies;  looking around she noticed more of them.
*I have a trail!*
*Follow it, I'll tell mom and we'll catch up with you*
Praying to God for the well-being of her sister, the redhead followed the path of dead flies as she went further, little by little her hope increased until she could feel the connection, she was alive, Cassandra was alive!
Seeing a cabin in the distance she continued moving forward calling for her sister.
*Are you okay? Cass answer!*
There was no response but she could feel a warmth in her chest indicating that her sister was not only safe but very happy.
Opening the door with more force than she had planned, her eyes witnessed a surprising image, her sadistic older sister sitting on a woman's lap with her arms around the mortal's neck in an intimate embrace.
When her mind finished processing the image she noticed the smell that filled the entire place, Cassandra had started her heat early and for the first time she was sharing it with an alpha and a woman not least.
This was just like the story of one of her books.
A growl brought her out of her thoughts; it seemed that Cass's partner was not happy to be interrupted.  Pushing the brunette off of her lap, the mortal crouched down on her haunches, baring her teeth in warning.
Looking at your naked and scarred body completely, Daniela had to accept that her sister had good taste. Looking at your crotch, she also admired the confidence she had to deal with such a "large" prey.
"Stop ogling her, Dani! And you! Control yourself, she is my sister!"  She rolled her eyes, she forgot how terrible Cass was at sharing.
The scream brought you out of your trance, shaking your head you adjusted your pants and grabbed your jacket to cover yourself.  This was your chance.
"I'm going to get suppressants, I'll be right back!"
Running without even putting on your shoes you dodged the intruder who moved out of your way with her hands raised.
"I don't touch anything "
In a hurry you didn't notice the angry growl that the brunette had let out.
Or the symbol that her sister's cloak carried.
"What are you doing here Daniela?!" The brunette complained in annoyance while covering herself with the blanket.
"Looking for my stupid big sister! You almost worried us to death Cass!" The redhead responded exasperatedly.
"As you can see I'm perfectly fine, now go, I'll be back later"
"No way, the temperature is dropping again and this place barely protects you from the cold." Trying to make her point, the youngest gently knocks on the wall, leaving a gap larger than she expected." See! It's falling apart!
The imposing voice of her mother calling her by her full name made her situation clear.
She was in trouble.
Her mother couldn't enter the cabin even while bending over, so she settled for scolding her from outside while Daniela hands her a bottle of blood and her clothes for the cold.
"Do you have any idea what I've been through? You're grounded for life, no hunting, no playing with the maids, no..."
Cassandra could only listen as her freedoms were taken away, while she knew that her mother would not really punish her for life, at least she would keep her word for two months.
"Have I been clear?!"
She nodded resignedly as she dressed.
Bela had entered and frowned as she smelled the particular aroma that filled the cabin.
"Really, Cass? We're worried about you and you were having sex so calmly."
"Having what?!" It seems her mother finally realized what her daughter had been doing.
"My stupid heat came early because a stupid alpha decided that she had right to interfere" Now that she thought about it, her omega was very calm, dissatisfied but a lot calmer than she had been in years.
"Is she a woman and an alpha?"
"Yes! Bela, you should have seen them. Cass was hugging her so sensually while the human grabbed her passionately by the waist."
"Dani shut up!"
"And where is she?"
"She already have took what she wanted all alphas are the same, man or woman only think with their head between their legs"
"Well, Supposedly she ran out to look for suppressants"
"I should stay to cut her into pieces for taking advantage of my little girl, however the temperature is dropping we have to go back to the castle"
"Now Cassandra, don't play more with my patience" her mother said sternly, leading the way.
"Come on Cass, the Lycans are going to be after you soon" the blonde emphasized, letting Daniela go out first and staying behind the brunette.
Swallowing the shame of having to be escorted by her sisters, she headed home, ignoring her omega's complaints about how they were abandoning her alpha without any message.
When her punishment is over, that peasant human will only become her pet, nothing more than that.
She didn't need an alpha or a mate.
Her omega could whine as long as she wanted , she wasn't going to change her mind.
When you arrived with the duke you realized a serious problem.
You forgot the money
"Duke, can you give me some heat suppressants? I'll be back in a moment to pay you, I promise." You were one step away from kneeling.
The duke looked at you with curiosity and then for a moment with surprise, laughing he answered you.
"Here, don't worry about the payment, you can come back later."
"Thank you, I will pay it soon"
You took the medicine and hurried back. When you arrived you noticed the hole in the wall and worried you entered.
There was no one.
Your scent and that of the stranger you saved was all you could smell, there were no signs of fear or aggression. Irritation yes but nothing that seemed violent.
She had simply left with her sister, her parents and her family should have come too.
She left.
Why wasn't she going to leave?
You approached your bed, to the pathetic excuse for a nest that the poor omega had made with your almost non-existent belongings.
You walked towards the pot of food you had made with the meat of the deer you had hunted, it had almost no spices and only a couple of vegetables.
You looked around your small, decrepit and pathetic home.
You knelt on top of your bed where the girl had left her clothes, they were of good quality, soft and resistant.
Why would she stay with you?
Why would she choose you as a mate?
Why were you so stupid to hope?
Without adrenaline to boost you the fatigue and overexertion finally hit you. Not caring about the open door, the dampness of the bed or your bleeding feet you lay down holding her blouse close to your face.
You didn't realize the moment you fell asleep.
Or the tears that fell silently from your eyes.
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lot-of-nothing · 5 months
Can I Call You Rose? (Ch. 1?)
Chessy x Reader
As the new viticulturist (grape-growing expert) at Nick Parker's vineyard, you fall for a certain nanny. (Post-Parent Trap movie I think)
Warnings: SOFT SMUT (with a little plot and romance)
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You wondered if your fingers were going to go numb, or perhaps your heart would just explode first?
You had finally worked up the courage to kiss the auburn-haired beauty mere hours ago and now Chessy’s lips were finally attached to her neck. You had met during your first week as Nick Parker’s head viticulturist. Her warmth was magnetic and you always tried to find reasons to tend to the grapes closest to the house in case you could start a conversation with the nanny. You spent many afternoons together, flirting while she brought you her homemade lemonade or while you walked her around the rows of vines handing her grapes to try. Chessy always seemed to wear a smile when you were near, filling you with butterflies in return. You had been dreaming of this moment since you first met the beautiful woman and now you were filled with pure unfiltered anxiety. 
Chessy’s open mouth kisses to your throat and collarbone were unlike anything you had ever experienced. Were you supposed to crave her as much as you did? There was a fire ignited in the pit of your stomach that hungered for something that felt so forbidden.
As nervous as you were, you wanted more. You needed more. You wanted to feel Chessy’s hands setting every inch of your skin aflame… but the thrum of energy winding through every cell in your being had you wondering if you would have a panic attack or pass out before that could happen. 
“Hon… Hon? Honey!” 
You must have spaced out entirely as Chessy’s voice drew you back to reality. Next thing you knew, Chessy’s hands were now cupping your face, staring intently into your eyes. 
“Hm?” You hummed, your eyes brimming with tears as you felt like you could finally breathe again. You felt incredibly embarrassed that you felt that you couldn’t handle the physical intimacy. It was hard when you were so in love with Chessy and lacked the experience you thought necessary to please her.
“Are you okay, sweetie?” Chessy’s voice was just above a whisper. She was terribly worried that she had pushed the bounds of your relationship too far too soon. Little did she know that it would be your own slip up that would be the culprit of a ‘too much too soon’ relationship. 
“I-I-I…” You quickly stopped herself short, not wanting to make yourself cry.
“It’s okay… Wanna finish our movie, honey?”
You shook your head furiously, determined to push yourself through the anxiety and nerves.
“Honey…” Chessy seemed skeptical, her hands squeezing your cheeks. The extra bit of care Chessy showed was all you needed to lose your head, tears pooling in your eyes and spilling onto your cheeks.
You stared into your hands, trying to explain to Chessy why you were struggling to get through your anxieties. “I just… don’t- I just don’t know how to pleasure a woman…” 
“Tell you what. Come’re…” Chessy cooed, drawing you in so you could sit between the auburn beauty’s legs. From there Chessy gently caressed your arms, speaking in a firm but gentle tone. “I am going to turn on a different show and you are gonna sit right here and enjoy it, okay?”
You sniffled and nodded, reclining back in Chessy’s arms as an attempt at relaxing. A few moments passed of Chessy tapping away on her phone. The audio sounded off before you even comprehended what was playing, “I hope you are nice and wet for me.”
You certainly weren't expecting Chessy to stream a guided masturbation from her phone onto the television. 
Your cheeks flushed a deep red, “Wha-?”
Chessy’s hands fell to your sweatpants, pulling out the band a couple of inches as she spoke, “I want you to just relax. Just do what she tells you to, okay?”
Your hand was shaking as you pushed it into your sweatpants, never having experienced anything like a guided masturbation before. While daunting, it was incredibly hot.
The audio rang over the tv speakers once more, causing butterflies to swirl in your stomach, “Now, why don’t you see how wet you are for me? Slip your fingers in your panties for me.”
As you slipped your fingers in your underwear, you let out a whimper at first contact with your cunt. What else would you be in for with this nanny? What other tricks were hidden up her sleeves to drive you wild? 
Even though all of your building anxiety, you had grown incredibly wet from Chessy’s touch. You rolled your head back onto Chessy’s shoulder, earning a kiss to your temple as you did. Chessy’s voice was gentle in your ear, “You are doing so well, honey.”
The video instructed you once more, telling you to focus on your clit. Considering the pacing of the video, Chessy must have found a video long enough to help you relax, but short enough that she could find more involvement in your pleasure sooner rather than later. 
Doing as you were told, you circled your clit and felt yourself melting back into the auburn beauty’s arms. What you couldn’t see was Chessy’s smile as she felt the tension in your body fade. Her hands wound up your front, working your t-shirt up your torso to access your breasts.
The audio emanated from the tv was filled with the performer's moans, but you were becoming enraptured by the soft, encouraging hums from the woman behind you. Chessy’s hands drifted up and down your stomach, stopping at your breasts to give a gentle squeeze before shifting back down once more. 
“Let me hear you, sweetie…”
You bit your bottom lip and turned your face into Chessy’s neck, unsure if you were ready to be heard. 
Without a response, Chessy hummed disapprovingly, her hand slipping its way into your sweatpants and then underwear in search of your wetness. At the feeling of her fingers mingling with yours in your cunt, you withdrew your hand and dropped it to your side to allow her to take over. You couldn’t keep yourself from softly sighing at the feeling of her gentle fingertips working against your clit. 
“God, you are so wet…” Chessy whined at the way your wetness coated her fingers. 
You bucked your hips up into her hand, desperately wishing for this sensation to last forever. With her arms around you, fingers dancing around your clit, and her hot breath against your neck, your head was spinning. You couldn’t help but moan before blurting your thoughts to Chessy, “You- you’re so beautiful…” 
“Mmm… thank you, honey.” Chessy cooed, her arm winding around your waist to cradle you close as her fingers continued working against you. Your entire being was set aflame by Chessy’s loving embrace and skilled fingers. 
Your breathing rate was growing faster and faster, the coil in your stomach tightening as you grew closer to your orgasm. 
Chessy’s teeth nipped at your earlobe, tenderly nibbling as she added extra pressure as she circled your clit. Her voice came as a soft whisper, forcing warmth to spread across your face. “I can feel you getting close. You are so beautiful when you fall apart like this for me.” 
“Fuck, I love you~” You exhaled, not registering your words while your hands clung to her forearm. 
Sadly, you were too lost in the throes of your eminent orgasm to notice her lack of a response. She only nuzzled you with her cheek and held you tight as your orgasm washed over you.
Your back arched and your hips thrashed, unable to contain yourself. Your eyes squeezed shut and you let out a lengthy moan, trying to enjoy every ounce of the orgasm Chessy guided you through. 
Chessy sighed with a soft smile and withdrew her hand from your pants. She was trying to ignore her own anxiety building from her lack of response to your omission of love. While she felt she loved you as well, it all felt like too much too soon. In years past, she had dove head first into relationships and had only been burned in return. She had no intention of ruining your relationship over the omission of her own feelings. 
“How do you feel?”
“Mmm… good.” With a deep breath, you roll over in her arms, pressing your cheek near the base of her sternum. You tucked your hands under her wide hips and enjoyed the feeling of your bodies pressed together. “How do you feel about me returning the favor?”
Chessy pushed her anxieties deep down, not wanting to ruin a perfect moment. She had been falling for you since you started at the Parker estate. “Maybe in the morning…”
“Are you sure? I would love to-”
There was that word again. It made Chessy’s stomach drop. 
“No. It’s really okay. We could just… finish our movie.”
She seemed curt in her reply. It lacked the typical warmth you always received from her. It made you terribly self conscious until her hands wandered to the skin of your back, drawing loopy circles with one hand while her other turned the tv back to your movie.
“Mmm… you better be careful or I’ll fall asleep.” You murmured, testing the waters of how likely it would be for you to spend the night with the nanny. 
“Whatever shall I do. I would hate for someone so cute to be in my bed when I woke up.” Chessy was being incredibly sarcastic, her hands continuing to scratch your back in lazy loops. 
You allowed your own hands to wander her hips and thighs as a different form of self-soothing. You obsessed over the soft dips of cellulite and the slopes created by the widening of her hips. Her baggy clothing hid the curves you wanted to memorize through all of your senses. 
Chessy’s eyes drifted shut as she pushed herself to enjoy your loving touch. It was hard for her to accept such unadulterated affection, but she desperately wanted to try. It felt so good for her to be wanted and desired, but the vulnerability required for a deep and meaningful relationship lurked in the back of her mind. 
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ravennaortiz · 2 months
Good morning! I would love to request chibs, 16 and 33 💗
Thank you so much!
Good Morning Love! Our handsome Scot is perfect for these prompts! You are more than welcome! Feel free to drop by anytime! As Always my stories are 18+!
P.S I put a little twist on this and I hope you don't mind!
Tag List: @keyweegirlie @hatersaremymotivators @meera10 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @mama-mischief @youngadult9016
16. Your scars are beautiful
33. Are you blushing?
Love the Man, Love the Scars
"What does a lady have to do to get you to buy her a drink?" you asked with a flirty laugh as you sat next to Chibs at the bar. The older man chuckled as he looked down at his whiskey glass in front of him. He had been trying to ignore his ever growing interest in you since he had first met you weeks ago.
He had nothing to offer a beautiful woman like you. Yet he couldn't help but let his eyes follow you around, his heart speed up when he heard your voice or caught the sweet whiff of your perfume.
"Aye, Lassie. I suppose be nothing but a beauty" replied Chibs as he dared to look up at you.
You nodded as a smirk appeared on your face as you put your hand on his knee making him jerk slightly. "I see. So then why haven't you brought me a vineyard yet? Or am I not beautiful?" you teased letting a pout form.
"Ye the most beautiful lass I've ever seen" replied Chibs as he grabbed your hand and squeezed it reassuringly. The softness of it making him wish he could have you in his bed letting your silkiness slide over him .Giving his head a quick shake he spoke again. "Its me who is an ugly mug with these" he stated as he pointed to the scars on his face.
"Stop that" you scolded as you smacked his hand. "Your scars are beautiful. They tell a story of a brave man" you continued as you gently traced one of them.
Chibs felt his cheeks heat up at your words and touch.
"Are you blushing old man?" you inquired noting the reddened tint to his cheeks.
"Its the whiskey" muttered Chibs as he tried to deny his reaction.
"Already blushing and I haven't even gotten to the part about how I want to trace them and him with my tongue" you replied as your free hand slipped to his crotch.
Chibs swallowed hard as he licked his lips. "Maybe we should get out of here so I can hear more about this tracing" .
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johnwickb1tsch · 11 days
A Walk in the Clouds/Don John crossover outline Part 1 ~
Paul Sutton x fem!Reader x Don John triangle
I don't know if I'll ever have the time to properly write this out, so have an outline. 😆 My huge thanks to @scarlettspectra for helping me get this ball rolling 😘😘😘 your ideas are awesome as ever!! And my girl gang @treedaddymcpuffpuff and @sweetwolfcupcake of course!! And and...I did it. I changed Don John to the proper don Juan here, because it was driving me effing crazy so...that's what that's about. 🤣 Warnings: hmm horny teenagers, fear of pregnancy? Parental death. Period correct misogynism.
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-Your family has served the Aragons at Las Nubes vineyard for as long as anyone can remember. They like to say they’re descended from royalty, by way of a son conceived by the King outside the sheets, exiled to the New World, but the truth is you all came to California with the de Anza expedition in 1776 with nothing but the clothes on your backs, some rootstock, and hope for the future. 
-Once upon a time, your families’ land adjoined each other, but years and years ago your ancestors lost everything in a fire, and the Aragóns took you in. They’ve never let you forget it. 
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-Especially not don Juan, the handsome-as-the-Devil head of the family, who has always had his eye on you. He thinks he owns you, like he owns the hundreds of broadacres that surround the compound, the vines and the farm animals and the houses where the workers live too. This is his kingdom, and he rules with exacting expectations. 
-You were a bright young thing, and you were allowed to sit in with Juan and his siblings with their tutors. Your father complained it would give you ideas of wanting to see the world outside of Las Nubes, but your mother insists you be allowed to go. One of nine children, all girls, you had watched your mother literally kill herself having babies and laboring for the Aragóns. She died in childbirth when you were on the cusp of adolescence. Your father does his best and you love him dearly, but he was never the same.
-You’ll always have a soft spot for don Juan, and maybe once you even fancied yourself in love with him. He is what he is, proud, conniving, and cocksure–but you happen to know he has a softer side. The pool is shallow in the insular world of the vineyard, and perhaps its inevitable that you have a teenage fling. On the night of the harvest, a celebration that always borders on a pagan rite when it goes well, he took your virginity in the dark amidst the vines. He could never marry you, of course. That was already arranged, to some lady of good family in Mexico, years in the future. But as your affair goes on and you learn about each other’s bodies, the way curious young people do, he tells you he intends to keep you as his mistress. You’d never want for anything, and you’d bear his children, and work for his household, the way women were meant to in your traditional world that seemed still stuck in the 1800s. As you lay there in his arms, the thought made you want to die. 
-You were so relieved when you bled, a couple of weeks later. That was when you decided you were going to strike out on your own. You find work in San Francisco, first as a maid, then as a typist with a publishing house. You’ve always loved books and you have an affinity for letters. You meet lots of interesting people, although you find even the men of the “counter” culture just want a woman to suck their dicks and wash their socks. Everything is the same, even when it’s different… Maybe you’ll write a book about that someday. 
-You get a letter from Las Nubes. Your father is dying, and you know you have to make the trip back to the vineyard one last time. You slipped out under the cover of darkness when you left, afraid don Juan might physically prevent you from leaving. You're a little afraid to go back–you don’t really know what he’ll do. His temper is a thing of legend at the vineyard, and you know he surely perceived your leaving as a betrayal, even if you were just pursuing your own life choices.
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-A seemingly God sent solution practically falls into your lap, when you meet Sgt Paul Sutton, a newly discharged soldier just home from the War. He is almost too sweet to be true. On the road with a briefcase full of chocolates he doesn’t really seem interested in, his marriage to his wife he barely knew freshly annulled, he doesn’t know what he’ll do next. After he saves you from two creeps on the bus (and getting kicked off himself) you propose he accompanies you back to Las Nubes posing as your husband. Surely don Juan won’t pester a married woman?
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-yeah right!
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-Outwardly, don Juan welcomes you home, but you can tell for the sharp way those obsidian eyes weigh you, that he’s planning something. He so graciously gives the two of you a room in the hacienda, a gift for the newlyweds. You know it’s just so he can more easily keep you under his thumb. Honorable to his toes, Paul insists on sleeping on the floor. When you tease him he tells you bluntly that he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands to himself, in bed with you. You bite your tongue, wanting to tell him that maybe you wouldn’t mind that so much. 
-Your father is bedridden and slowly fading. You do your best to take turns with your siblings caring for him and keeping him comfortable. He likes it when you read to him. Sometimes you even read him things that you wrote, and he smiles and nods without opening his eyes. You don’t tell him you’re the author, but deep down you wonder if maybe he knows anyway. It’s the most validation you’ve ever received from him, since your mother died. 
-At first your family isn’t sure what to make of Paul, appalled that you would marry a gringo, an outsider from your Californio community, without the fanfare or blessing of the Church. But he’s a hard worker, and has a heart of gold, and they start to warm up to him. You find it very amusing, when the old men get Paul drunk and try to teach him Spanish love songs for you (while eating the last of his chocolate). It becomes a game, trying to teach Paul how to pronounce words. He’s hopeless, and you find it endlessly endearing. 
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-He’s so sweet, and handsome, and true. Of course, you start to fall in love with Paul, even though you don’t really want to. He told you he wants a house and a family and a dog. Wholesome things he absolutely earned, after surviving the Hell of the Pacific front. You’re not sure what you want, exactly, except to be free. As time goes on, you’re beginning to understand that maybe true freedom comes at the price of being alone–you’re not sure how to reconcile that. You start to have more sympathy for the choices of the adults around you, understanding the “trap” you always thought they fell into without thought, as simply the way life marches on. That maybe domestic life doesn’t have to be slavery, if you’re laboring out of love rather than just what’s expected of you because of your gender. 
-Or maybe, your nubile young brain is just poisoned by lust and hormones. You don’t trust your own judgment.
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willalove75 · 6 months
Hello, lovely
This is a little different. I was just wondering what you're headcanons are on Lady D?
I love this!! I've been super slacking with my writing so I'm hoping this helps me refocus and get back into it!! I have to say I definitely write her a little differently than some of my headcanons because it's more fun to write her the way I do and because I can but this is what I got!
Lady Dimitrescu is VERY meticulous - about everything. From the way she files the papers for the vineyard, to her record keeping, her staff, she has a system for every little thing and cannot stand when something is out of place.
This is also why she trusts Bela with her business instead of Cassandra or Daniela, especially Daniela😂
She is also very particular about her appearance. Her hair and makeup are always pristine and it's rare for anyone to ever see her with a hair out of place or smudged makeup.
She's definitely vain, maybe a little bit narcissistic.
Because she grew up in nobility she was never able to properly express her feelings since it was always frowned upon. That combined with being absolutely spoiled as a kid she has a very difficult time with being vulnerable and most of her emotions come out as a display of anger.
I don't think she ever wanted children before the cadou (for many reasons but also because it was never possible because she was so sick, carrying children would have certainly been a death sentence for her so it was never really an option) but after the girls came they filled a space in her heart she didn't know existed.
She was WAY more of a tyrant before the girls showed up.
I think part of her resented the way she grew up. I don't think she was ever able to have much of a childhood between being sick all the time and because she was nobility, so when she was raising the girls she showered them with the love and affection she never got and wanted them to be able to play and have fun.
Which is why it makes her sad when she has to lock them up in the castle in the winter because she felt like she was always locked away and hates having to do the same thing to her girls, even if it is for their own protection.
That didn't stop her from trying to instill proper manners and etiquette in them - she did try her best, but Cassandra and Daniela are unruly as hell.
I think she's proud of the dragon inside of her, even though she doesn't let it out. (I usually write her as someone who isn't but I truly think she enjoys the fear she can instill with it).
I also think that transforming is extremely taxing and painful for her which is why Mother Miranda was the only one who ever saw her in that state before Ethan.
Every time a new set of maids comes in she introduces herself and hand-picks which ones will get sent to the dungeon and which ones that will serve in her castle. She's too particular to let just anyone in her domain and around her girls.
She does let Bela shadow her and allows the girls to pick one of the maidens going to the dungeon to play with.
Aside from a personal maid or two, she sends all other maids out of the dining room during meals so she can enjoy spending time with her daughters.
Around the maids and staff she is strict and tough, but fair. But she does her best to not let them see her softer side that she reserves for her daughters. She doesn't want any maid to think for a second she isn't the hardened, stoic woman she wants to be seen as. It's taken decades to build her reputation, she'll be damned to see it dissolve because a maid saw her comfort one of her girls.
I don't write her like this but I do think she takes maidens as pets but they don't last longer than a night or two in her chambers.
Especially if she lets them pleasure her. That's as vulnerable as she will ever let herself be around someone else and being able to see her in that state is such an honor, they pay for it with their lives.
She spends a LOT of time in the opera hall, atelier and library. If she isn't in her study, her chambers or with the girls, she'll be in one of those places.
The girls are NOT allowed in her atelier and she doesn't let maids in there either. It's a sacred room to her and is off-limits to everyone.
At night after a bath and a glass of her Sanguinis Virginis, she's either reading or writing in her diary.
She smokes and drinks more when she's stressed. She may be immortal but the woman still has her vices.
She is FIERCELY protective of those she cares about. Especially her daughters. Although she has gone out of her way to protect her favorite maids in the past - without their knowledge of course.
That's all I got for now!! Hope you all enjoyed!!
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haee-elia · 8 months
spence-tober: day 23 - sommelier
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pairing: sommelier!spencer reid x fem!reader
summary: in which your friend's bachelorette weekend ends with the handsome sommelier's number in your phone
word count: 1896
warnings: alcohol, drinking, a woman (not reader) coming onto spencer
spence-tober masterlist
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Unlike some of the other fellow women in the bachelorette party, you were grateful that your best friend, the bride, decided for a more classy approach for her bachelorette weekend.
Although, really anything would be more classy than renting male strippers in Las Vegas and wearing pink feather boas and fake plastic tiaras and getting hammered.
You had also agreed to take any blame for the complains of the other bridesmaids in the party for planning a chill weekend at a nice wine vineyard so your friend could get off scot free. 
Perhaps it was the bad memories of vodka and tequila in your 20s that turned the both of you off a bachelorette in Vegas, but you were glad to indulge her wishes for a ‘classier’ bachelorette weekend.
It was just this morning that the whole party had taken a small shuttle bus to the vineyard about two hours away and you were glad to see the tension of your friend’s shoulders lessen as she stepped off the bus. The wedding planning had been hectic for her and you were just happy to relieve some of the burden by taking care of most of the bridesmaids dibacles. After all, you were her maid of honor.
Today on the agenda you had planned, you’d all tour around the beautiful vineyard that stretched on for acres and acres and then have a private wine tasting before retiring for the night to your own devices.
The tour had been absolutely stunning. Seeing the grapes on the vines, just rows and rows of crops for the eyes to see. Then you had seen the large wine cellars where it ages and some of the rooms with large machinery where it was processed and actually turned into wine.
You had picked this specific vineyard because it was on the smaller scale and would be a more intimate experience for your small group. The owners, Jennifer Jareau and Will LaMontagne, greeted you as you arrived off your shuttle. They’re not too much older than you despite owning and operating a small scale wine vineyard. 
Your face burned with embarrassment when one of your fellow bridesmaids tried to flirt with Will and was glad when Jennifer didn’t seem too offended by her actions. She was soon warded off with the glimmering of the couple’s matching wedding rings and their adorable 5-year old son who wanted to help show you all to your lodgings. 
Your tour guide, however, was not so lucky to escape the flirtations and comments from the rogue bridesmaid. Poor Spencer Reid, you thought quite often as he guided your group around the vineyard. The one bridesmaid was spurned on with confidence when some of the other girls giggled at her comments which were down right dirty.
How Spencer didn’t turn as red as a tomato when she commented about the sizes of the grapes on the vine and then grabbed them in a very very weird way is beyond you. Because you certainly lit up like a Christmas tree.
After finishing the tour, you were beginning to dread the wine tasting and how adding alcohol to the risque girl would be a good idea. 
Luckily it so far seemed like she was a quiet drunk and instead left to flock to the rest of the bridesmaids’ sides for the majority of the wine tasting.
As your friends chatted over tasting a few glasses of red wine, you veer off over to the bar where Spencer, your tour guide and sommelier, was polishing wine glasses.
You understand why the bridesmaid was trying to get attention. The man was downright beautiful with his chocolate brown eyes and chiseled jawline. His scruff and wild hair only added to the handsomeness of the tall, slender, man.
“Hi,” You say, getting the man’s attention. You can feel your cheeks warming up with second hand embarrassment, “I just wanted to apologize for my friend over there.” 
You point behind yourself to the table where she sits, quietly (thankfully) nursing a glass of red wine. “What she said is completely inappropriate and I understand if you don’t feel comfortable taking care of our group for the rest of our weekend here.”
He smiles at you, gratefully, “It’s okay.” Spencer says shaking his head.
“No,” You reiterate, “It’s really not. I’ll try to keep her away from you and manage her better. That’s really just how she is, but that doesn’t excuse her behavior.” You promise.
He doesn’t comment on your response but instead gives you a smile and puts down the cloth and glass in hand. “Can I get you something to drink?” He asks, gesturing his hand to the wall of wine bottles.
You shake your head, “No, that’s okay. I’m good for now.”
“You’re not a wine drinker?” He inquires curiously.
Shaking your head again, you answer, “I’d just rather stay sober. Make sure everything goes okay tonight and all.” You send him a nervous smile.
This was your first time being the maid of honor for anybody and you just wanted to make sure your friend didn’t have to stress about anything and that she would have a perfect time leading up to her wedding.
“Designated driver?” He guesses.
“More like maid of honor.” You correct lightly.
“Ah,” Spencer says, hands dipping underneath the bar, “So you planned this weekend, then?”
You nod, “Yep! I just wanted to make sure everyone had a fun time.”
Turning your head to glance back to your friend group, your cheeks burn a little in embarrassment when your friend and bride to be wiggles her eyebrows at you and throws you a thumbs up in encouragement.
Thankfully, Spencer was busy mixing up a drink in a smaller tumbler style glass for you and you hope he didn’t see the way your friend was making eyes at the two of you.
“Here, try this,” Spencer says, offering you the drink in his hand. 
The drink is a bit bubbly and has a red tint, but is transparent in color and topped with a small sprig of what you identify to be rosemary.
You take it in your hand, but shoot him an inquistive look. 
“It’s just club soda, cranberry juice, and a splash of lemon juice.” Spencer informs you, keeping his eyes on you as you take a light sip of the drink.
“Hm!” You noise in delight, looking down at the drink. “That’s pretty good. Refreshing.” You describe, “Why do you have so many mixers in a wine bar?” You question, non-accusingly.
Spencer shrugs and goes back to polishing some wine glasses, putting them back on a holding rack when done. “I used to be a bartender before JJ and Will opened the vineyard to tourists. When they book events, I can still work the bar.”
“So you’re friends with the owners?” 
He smiles, like he’s thinking back at precious memories, “Yeah, JJ and I used to work at the same bar. Then they got married and saved enough money to buy a small vineyard. I didn’t want to bartend forever, people get rowdy and wasted every night. So they offered me a job and I took it.”
“That sounds nice.” You comment, then looking back at your friend group again. “But I’m sure you’re still around rowdy drunks every now and then.”
Spencer chuckles at your observation. “Not nearly as often anymore.”
You both laugh a little.
“You know, you didn’t have to apologize for your friend back there.” Spencer tells you, although a grateful expression remains on his face.
You shake your head in disagreement, “No, I did. I booked this weekend and I’m responsible for my group. If I thought I could get her to apologize, I would, but she would likely just flirt with you again. You shouldn’t be subjected to that when you’re just doing your job.”
“Well, thank you.” Spencer says genuinely, “It’s happened more times than you think.”
“Rich wine snobs?” You guess with a knowing smile.
He nods and a grin appears on his face, “Right on the nose. How’d you know?”
“I work in event planning.” You reveal, you take your finger and roam it about the rim of the glass as you talk to Spencer. 
He’s propped up against the bar now done with polishing glasses. He’s leaned up against the tall wooden counter and you also realize you’re leaning forward as well. Spencer’s very tall, as he’s standing against the bar top he still towers over you as you sit on a bar stool talking to him.
As you are reminded of the reason you are at the vineyard, you glance once again back to the table of bridesmaids and see them having fun amongst themselves, mixing different glasses of red wine together.
You feel comfortable enough to leave them to their own devices while you talk to Spencer and feel yourself relax a bit not having to worry about the party of women.
“Oh, did you plan your friend’s wedding as well?” Spencer inquires.
You shake your head back and forth, “No, I usually stick to smaller events. Weddings are way too stressful. I’d rather deal with a rich wine snob over a bride or groomzilla any day.”
“Really?” He asks surprised. 
You nod and confirm, “Yep, you would not believe some of the horror stories I’ve heard.”
The both of you share a laugh and Spencer leans in a little closer, but hesitates at first, unsure of himself. “Do you live in the area?” He asks cautiously.
You look at him with a slightly confused expression on your face, “Sort of. Why?” You answer vaguely.
He bashfully continues on, “If you’re looking for more work, JJ and Will have been looking for someone to handle the event side of the vineyard. They wanna focus on the wine production part.”
“Oh.” You can only find yourself saying.
“We’re a really small team and don’t have a lot of people full time here, but it’s good work and you’d really only have to come in half the time.” Spencer explains a bit more. Then he leans away from you, searching around the bar for a small cocktail napkin.
He pats his pockets until he draws out a pen and scribbles on the small piece of paper napkin, then handing it to you.
“Go ahead and enjoy the rest of your weekend, but, um, if you’re interested you can contact JJ or Will or, uh, me.”
You accept the napkin from him and look at it, intrigued by the offer. Limiting yourself to smaller scale events led to you usually being busy closer to holidays so it was a good offer. You couldn’t promise him anything yet, especially without talking to the owners, but you’d think about it.
“Thanks.” You say simply.
“And,” Spencer adds on, “just so you know, I wouldn’t be averse to getting to know you outside of work and all either.”
His cheeks and the tips of his ears redden as he looks down at the bar top. You steal a glance at his flushed face and then also steel your gaze downwards when he catches you staring. 
Your rowdy friends eagerly and loudly beckon you back to the table and you leave Spencer behind the bar, but not before thumbing delicately at the corner of the napkin with his number on it.
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a/n: this was hard to think of an ending but i hope this classifies as a meet cute? i originally ended this with him asking her out but thought that would be a tad inappropriate when he's supposed to be working so i changed it to be a bit more ambiguous. i have another blurb or hc in mind with this pairing so you might see it again...
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gorgonwrites · 1 year
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bound to you (part 1)
diluc x fem!reader
authors note: hi! im gorgon and this is my first fic :) i am definitely NOT a writer, but i had an idea and i decided i wanted to do it myself >:)) this is turning into a slow burn type of thing i am so sorry haha. i usually like getting right into the thick of things but i just kept writing sos 
wc: 1,864
cw: uuuuuh none for now, no smut in this one! mutual pining, diluc is dumb and is trying to ignore his feelings for reader, fem!reader, arranged marriage trope, diluc learning to be a good husband blah blah 
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It’s been six months since you came to the Dawn Winery. You’ve come to love Mondstadt and you adore the staff who share your home. The only person who was still warming up to you is your cold shouldered husband. Master Diluc wasn’t known to be an affectionate man, and he kept himself busy with business or stayed late at Angels Share. Even though you’d been married for months, you could count on one hand how many times you’d actually spent a moment alone with him. He avoided you, and quite frankly, you avoided him. You knew you’d never get a chance at marrying for love since you were the eldest daughter of a well known Lord in Fontaine. Your marriage was purely political, but you lived an easy life here. The stillness that you experienced most days was a relief compared to the constant partying and being paraded around at events like you were an item to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. You were, however, incredibly lonely. Adelinde tried to remind you that Master Diluc was a very kindhearted person, he just needed time to adjust. 
“It hasn’t been that long since you arrived and married the Master, Lady y/n. Just give him time, he shows his affections in… his own way. You’ll see.” You sighed. Another six months of avoiding each other may drive you mad. You were an independent woman, and not being allowed to lift a finger in your own home was driving you past boredom towards insanity. 
“Do you think I’ll be able to help with the grape harvests soon? Master Diluc will be away on business for at least another month and I’m happy to provide another pair of hands.” You phrased it as a question, but as the Lady of the house Adelinde wasn’t in a position to refuse. She giggled as if you had asked her something rather mischievous.
“I know we could use the help. Besides, you could put that vision of yours to good use and keep everyone cool, I’m sure.” You didn’t get many chances to use your cryo vision anymore, and you jumped excitedly at the thought. Your husband can hardly stand the cold, and you’ve tried to limit how much you use it out of respect for him. He may avoid you, but he hasn’t been unkind. You try to afford him the same treatment, even if it was difficult at times. You were directly going against his wishes by offering to help with any harvesting work out in the hot summer sun, but what your husband doesn’t know won’t hurt him. 
“I’ve got more frozen lemonade, boys!” You yelled out to the men working tirelessly in the vineyard. Adelinde held an umbrella out for you to shield you from the afternoon heat, but you were feeling perfectly cool after using your vision to make a huge batch of frozen drinks for your employees. 
“Thank you, Lady y/n!” Each man said one after another, quickly snatching their drinks from the tray you brought out. You all had been working for hours at this point, your nose and cheeks were tinged pink from the sun. 
“Alright, after this we’ll get back to it. I’ve got a bit of energy left!” you said cheerily. 
“You most certainly will not.” a familiar gruff voice asserted behind you. Your eyes widened before you slowly turned to come face to face with your husband, speechless. He was home more than two weeks early. You stood before him in a thin undershirt and underskirt to combat the heat, sweaty, sticky, and sunburned. Embarrassed, you whispered softly,
“Welcome back, Master Diluc.” You averted your eyes from his gaze, suddenly feeling exposed in your current state. 
“Adelinde, please see y/n to her chambers and have her rest. I’ll help with the remainder of today's harvest.” he spoke as though you weren’t even there, and you were close to snapping. You can’t though, not for everyone to hear. Adelinde began to shuffle you back to the winery, and you chanced a glance back to look at your husband. He had already shrugged his coat off and began unbuttoning his shirt. He looked up to see you staring, and you swore you saw a small smile appear on his face. Surely not, you thought to yourself. And you let Adelinde take you inside to bathe and relax after a long afternoon in the hot sun. 
After your bath you sat alone in your room, wondering whether or not you wanted to find your husband. The harvests of the day had long since ended, and the skies were stained pink and orange as the sun set. You had a perfect view of the vineyard from your window, so you sat to watch the sky as you got lost in thought. You began to mindlessly braid your frizzy curls, and became so engrossed in the thought of your shirtless husband that you didn’t hear a quiet knock at your door. 
“Y/n?” You jolted at the sudden intrusion, only to see the subject of your wandering thoughts in your doorway. You looked away quickly, wanting to hide the flush creeping up to your cheeks. You felt hopelessly exposed again, only donning your summer nightdress. Your husband was a handsome man, you knew that. But you didn’t know him. After six months of marriage you knew nothing about the man in front of you, but you were finally ready to find out. 
“I did knock,” he smiled sheepishly, “I wanted to… see to you being well rested before I retired for the evening.” You furrowed your brow in confusion. This was the first time Diluc had visited your chambers, and he wanted to make sure that you were resting? You quickly changed your mind about getting to know him, and you could feel agitation creeping into your skin. 
“I am very well rested, thank you Master Diluc.” you replied flatly. His expression fell slightly, and you scrambled to find something else to say. 
“I told you not to call me that. I’m your husband, calling me Diluc will suffice.” You scoffed at him in response.
“Some husband, who has hardly spoken to his lonely wife in six months. Hardly even seen her as well! Leaving her to entertain herself day in and day out. I think if I become any more restless I may die from the madness!” You clapped a hand over your mouth as soon as the words left your lips. Wide eyed, you glanced at the man in your doorway once again. He’s nothing but a stranger, you reminded yourself. Even so, you didn’t mean to sound so harsh.
“I apologize,” you immediately whisper, “I didn’t mean for that to sound so unpleasant.” He smiled gently in response. Even if you pushed the limits of what you could do, even with your fiery quips and sarcastic comments, he only ever showed you a softness that no one else witnessed. Maybe you were the one giving him the cold shoulder and hadn’t realized it. You crossed your arms in response to your own thoughts.
“Don’t apologize for saying things I need to hear. I know I’ve been exceptionally busy since you came to Mondstadt. After the harvests are done, I’ll have a bit more freedom to do as I like with my time. I’ll see to it that I spend some of that time with you. Sleep well.” He quickly turned on his heel and was out of your room, leaving you speechless. You couldn’t help but notice your heart pounding, and you clutched your chest in hopes of calming it quickly. The sky was almost dark now, and you watched as crystalflies floated through the vineyard. Your heart had slowed its pounding, and you sat in your window again to go over what your husband just said to you. 
Diluc quickly made his way across the winery to his own chambers and let out a sigh when he closed his door behind him. His heart threatened to beat out of his chest after the short interaction with you, and he couldn’t deny the bulge growing in his trousers after seeing you in your thin nightdress. 
“Damn it.” he breathed. No matter the distance he kept between the two of you, the yearning he felt became clearer and clearer. He wanted you, and badly at that. Kindness flowed out of you like water, your fiery personality was intoxicating, and you were undeniably the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. He resisted growing close to you because he worried about putting you in danger. Anyone close to him could be used as collateral against him, and if anything happened to you his relationship with the Lords in Fontaine would crumble. Is he worried about that, though? Or is he more worried about any harm coming to you? He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, cursing at himself. 
Spending time with you would change nothing. He was sure he could easily entertain you once or twice a week when the Winery’s busy season came to an end. He took a breath and slowly began to undress for the evening. He huffs at the chilly night air flowing in from his open window, kissing his tanned and freckled shoulders. Diluc didn’t like the cold. It reminded him of what his life became after losing his father, and preferred to keep his body and home warm despite how hot it became throughout the summer months in Mondstadt. He thought of your cryo vision, and wondered if your body stayed cool in the same way that his body stayed hot due to his own pyro vision. Do you even like the heat? What was your favorite season? Would you ever tolerate being touched by him? His mind was racing again. Stripped bare aside from his shorts, he flopped onto his bed and dug the heels of his palms into his eyes. 
Gods, she’ll lead to my ruin if I’m not careful. He stretched his arms over his head, seeing stars from the pressure of his palms. He smiled. Maybe any ruin you lead him to could be worth it.
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AHHH okay that's it for now sorry there wasn’t much ~flavor~ but i had to set the scene okay. like i said im no writer so feedback is always welcome! im so soft for this man i can hardly stand it LMAO 
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milkywayan · 1 year
As I rewatch all the historical farm docus again (i looove them so this is not a critique of hate but of love), there is something I think I have to point out, especially for people who are not as obsessed with this stuff as I am
They are talking about the british perspective.
Many things they say are correct for their geographical area, but not true for the rest of europe. and i have to say, sometimes they do get stuff about the rest of europe wrong (e.g. Ruth talks about the possibility of a woman having her own business in medieval england, saying that was not the case in the rest of europe, which is factually wrong as we, for example, have sources of women inheriting and running their own business in medieval vienna, and having important positions in guilds)
Also, they also once state that wine was expensive and a luxory, not adding 'in britain' and stating it as a fact, while this is of course not the case for a lot of regions with a lot of vinyards. going with the vienna example again, which is in a basin surrounded by low hills which are covered in vineyards since probably roman times (they still are today). there was even a ban of brewing beer comercially within the city to have people drink wine. it was generally not expensive
they also state people in the medieval times did not wash... which is also wrong. idk about england, i am not an expert, but we have a lot of german sources of paintings showing people in baths (not only nobles), there were loads of communal bath houses in medieval cities that show up in documents and in archaeological finds, there are references in literature (e.g. Parzival from the late 12th century, he is taught that he should wash every time after taking off his armour and he is full body washing himself regularly). They were not as cleanly as we are today, sure, but they knew with dirt came disease, they thought that bad smells carried disease, so why on earth would they not clean themselves?
so yea, i am of course speaking from a different geographical area, i focus on central europe/german sources and idk a lot about britain. but it is important to not just lump 'medieval europe' into one big pot
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katy-l1988 · 4 months
Chapter 1: The Holly Trinity
Hazbin Hotel Fanfic
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In the dawn of the cosmos, the firmament shimmered with the light of divine beings who dwelled in the heavens, their boredom with the monotony of their existence triggering the creation and expansion of the universe as we now know it. Among the heights stood three angels, Sera, Carmilla, and Lucifer, christened by their father as the "Holy Trinity." The three played vital roles, ensuring the proper functioning of both heaven and the universe they were forging.
Sera, with her celestial majesty, was God's first attempt at creating woman. Tall, slender, with eyes capable of reflecting the vastness of the universe, she was a work of art in herself. However, despite her impeccable appearance, she wasn't quite what God was looking for. Sera lacked the capacity to understand and share joys and sorrows, empathy, to be a companion in all aspects of existence. Sera was too distant, too perfect, to fulfill God's purpose. With great sadness, but also with much love, the Father of All decided to appoint her as his delegate, giving her a different purpose than she was originally intended for. She would make his wishes come true, also reducing the workload on her shoulders.
On the fifth day of creation, after bringing life to the creatures of the animal kingdom in the morning, God retired to his workshop with a handful of swan feathers, the eyes of a lynx, and the heart of a lioness. With infinite patience and meticulous dedication, he began assembling these elements one by one, shaping them with his divine power to form a new creation: Carmilla. This angel emerged as a unique and exceptional creation in her own essence. Although she shared certain traits with Sera, she possessed a great capacity to love, and to hate at the same time. That's why he bestowed upon her the gift of creating life.
"Where art I?" she asked fearfully.
"This is my workshop, and thou art my creation," God replied, helping her to her delicate feet. "Thou canst call me Father."
"Father?" The angel observed her wings flutter, analyzed her silver hair, and saw her fingers move in front of her eyes. "What am I exactly?"
"Thou art an angel, my dear. Thou art my vineyard, my garden, my Carmilla." He then helped her walk, fascinated by her elegance. "Come, I want to introduce thee to someone."
God, captivated by what he had created and not wanting to part from her, placed Carmilla alongside Sera to be her support. However, mere hours later, the difference between Sera's serenity and Carmilla's burning passion triggered a latent conflict between them. One, believing herself superior just for being older, wanted to impose her will, while the second was unwilling to obey without a true reason. God chose not to punish them and took another route, deciding to give birth to a new angel, one whose beauty and power would rival even the heavens themselves: Lucifer. He was a free-spirited and dreamy spirit, destined to maintain peace among his sisters, though not among the other angels. While there were those who admired him fervently, like Araziel, there were others who despised him, such as Michael.
God, calm to see that the most important work was done, delegated to Sera and the elders of heaven the task of finishing his great project. With the very dust of the earth, the Elders of Heaven created Adam and Lilith, based on the sketches provided by the King. These new beings, meticulously crafted with love, were presented as the supreme culmination of creation. Adam, molded in the image and likeness of the gods, was imbued with wisdom and strength, while Lilith, equally magnificent, possessed beauty and unparalleled skill. All felt they had fulfilled the expectations of their Lord, but it wasn't long before Lilith decided not to submit to Adam and escaped from Eden. With indomitable determination, she defied the expectations imposed upon her and sought the freedom she fervently desired. Her act of rebellion shook the foundations of paradise and unleashed a conflict that would resonate throughout heaven and earth.
"Dad's design failed," Sera said as the three siblings gathered in the great hall weeks after the event. "She was supposed to stay with Adam. I don't understand."
"Adam is an idiot, who would want to be with him?" Carmilla opined honestly. "He hath no right to rule over her, no one should."
"I agree, Sera," Lucifer intervened with a understanding smile. "After all, love and free will are the foundations of our existence here in heaven."
"But not on earth, brother. Humans are too simple to know what to do with it, and that's why we've set rules," Sera said, looking at herself in the mirror, determined to do what she considered to be God's word. "Lucifer, go for Lilith and bring her back to Eden. She must fulfill her role as the mother of humanity."
"Sera, art thou sure that's the right thing to do?" Lucifer questioned with a doubtful expression on his face as he received the order from his older sister.
"'Tis necessary, or else Dad's dream will be shattered," Sera replied firmly, her voice resonating in the celestial hall.
It was at that precise moment when Lucifer descended into the underworld, finding in Lilith an echo of the passion and rebellion that he so admired in Carmilla. Fascinated by Lilith's freedom and determination, Lucifer was carried away by his feelings, becoming irretrievably attached to that woman of indomitable spirit. Sera, perceiving this as an act of impersonal irreverence, decided to take drastic measures. She took the sketch discarded by her father and created Eve, a figure that reflected her own serenity and obedience. Eve was the embodiment of everything Sera considered right and virtuous, destined to be the perfect counterpart to Lilith. She never imagined it would backfire.
United in their desire to share this emotion, Lucifer and Lilith sought to offer the fruit of knowledge to Adam's new wife, Eve, without understanding the consequences of their actions. In their attempt to open her eyes to the world beyond blind submission, they allowed evil to spread its roots on earth. Sera watched with consternation as events unfolded, as did the other celestial beings, and sent a group of angels to assess the damage. However, the rift proved to be too extensive, and there was no way to close it.
Faced with such a threat, Sera held a trial, which reached the consensus to eradicate those who caused so much chaos. Carmilla, overcome with anguish and desperation, stood in Miguel's way, seeking to stop the bloodshed among their own.
"Move, Carmilla," ordered Miguel.
"I won't. My father wouldn't want this."
"He doesn't deserve his mercy. He destroyed your father's work, our work!"
"Miguel, please. There must be another way to solve this, he's my brother." She thought for a moment, seeing the pain in Carmilla's eyes.
"Just because thou ask, I'll propose changing the punishment to something less severe." Carmilla sighed with relief. "But I warn thee, whatever the new order is, thou'll be responsible for carrying it out."
Miguel stepped back, leaving Carmilla with a lump in her throat. Lucifer, unaware of the crime he was accused of, continued with his life as if nothing had happened, but he felt the gaze of reproach from the other angels. He knew he had made a mistake, but he didn't know how to fix it.
Lucifer walked through the bustling streets of the celestial city, ignoring the murmurs and accusing glances that surrounded him. He knew everyone was aware of what he had done, and the weight of guilt and remorse accompanied him with every step. Finally, he arrived at the home he shared with his sisters, a refuge amidst the turmoil of heaven. Without a word, he made his way to his chamber and lay down on his bed, letting the silence envelop his troubled soul. Tears threatened to surface, but Lucifer forced himself to hold them back. He knew he had made irreparable mistakes, and now he had to face the consequences of his actions. In the stillness of his chamber, he was alone with his thoughts, grappling with his internal conflicts as he plunged into a sea of regret and anguish.
"Wait, Lilith," he thought then, a spark of concern crossing his tormented mind. He knew that whatever punishment he received, she would suffer it too. He couldn't allow his beloved to be harmed, no matter the cost. Quickly, Lucifer stood up, unwilling to waste another second, and sought out his closest friends, Araziel and Zestial, knowing he needed their support. Together, they gathered in the privacy of their home, ready to assess their options and chart a course of action.
Araziel, known for his rebellious spirit and his love for chaos, proposed the idea of recruiting disgruntled angels dissatisfied with the rigid celestial order, those who yearned for change and were willing to follow Lucifer in his quest for justice and freedom. Zestial, with his unwavering loyalty and serene wisdom, vehemently nodded in agreement, backing Araziel's proposal. Together, the three began to devise a plan to recruit followers, preparing to face whatever would come their way.
Several days of hard work and dedication passed, during which they managed to gain the support of a third of heaven, angels who shared their discontent with the established order and longed for radical change. However, someone crucial was still missing, someone whose endorsement was vital for the success of their cause. Lucifer fervently desired to have Carmilla by his side in this struggle, for despite everything, she had always been there for him. He knew the power of his sister and her influence over other angels; she was a commander, second only to Michael.
One afternoon, he approached Carmilla, hoping to convince her to join them in their crusade. However, upon presenting his proposal, he realized that things wouldn't be as easy as he had hoped. Carmilla, far from showing enthusiasm or support, looked at him with a mixture of sadness and determination in her eyes.
"Lucifer, I cannot do it," Carmilla whispered, her voice trembling, feeling the overwhelming weight of responsibility upon her. "If thou risest against heaven, I shall be obliged to face thee. I do not want that, brother, please, do not force me down that path."
"I thought no one gives thee orders. Why dost thou obey now?" Lucifer inquired.
"Because thou art not giving me choices," she replied, tears welling up, on the verge of collapse. "They shall send thee to hell, Lucifer. Thee, and Lilith, and if thou startest this senseless war, also thy friends."
"Then so be it, but I shall not be subdued without a fight."
The battle erupted in heaven once the rebellion began, with the sound of wings unfurling and the clash of swords resonating in the air. Lucifer led, alongside hundreds of angels who had joined his cause, defying the tyranny of Sera and the elders of heaven. On the other hand, Michael, the mightiest of the archangels, rose as the principal defender of the celestial order, supported by legions of faithful angels who fought ferociously, including Carmilla.
The confrontation between Lucifer and Michael was epic, a clash of titans that shook the universe. Both warriors faced each other with fierce determination, each blow and parry resonating with the intensity of a thousand thunders. Despite Lucifer's courage and skill, he was finally overcome by Michael's imposing strength and ability. In the midst of the chaos, Michael lunged at the dreamer with the intention of ending him once and for all, ignoring direct orders. Carmilla, witnessing this, stepped between the two with speed, and the clash of her lance against Michael's body was terrifying. The weapon pierced Michael's chest, and a gut-wrenching scream echoed in the heavens as he fell to the ground, fatally wounded. Quickly, Lucifer seized the lance, feeling the weight of responsibility and anger burning within him.
With a quick and decisive movement, Lucifer turned to Carmilla and said:
"Now 'tis my turn to protect thee." All witnesses blamed Lucifer for that crime.
"Forgive me for not being able to do more."
With Michael's death, Carmilla assumed the role of Commander-in-Chief of the army, and as her first task, she had to finish what Michael started. Out of pity, she sent all the rebels to hell, bidding farewell to her brother with a cold look, unable to show any other emotion. She knew that this was the only way to keep him safe; as long as she was in command of the army, no one would harm him.
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toweroftickles · 7 months
Genshin Impact: Quiet in the Library
(Jean/Lisa Tickling Fic)
This was a request for @artistgirl20 that, like always, took longer than anticipated. ^^;
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**a crash of thunder, overdramatic violin music** "I surrendered my crown for you, Chien! Everything that was mine, I gave to you!" Antoinette stood on the starboard rail of the mighty ship, tears streaming down her cheeks. The stars cried out to her from above, begging "Jump!" Chien faced her, his black locks slick with ocean spray. Frigid were his wolf-like eyes. "You knew what I was...my responsibilities! My family! My duty to my country surpasses any love I have for man!" Antoinette's lip trembled. "...or woman?" she whispered. Their lips crashed together in a tempest of passion and agony, and the thunderous sea waves, for all their sound and fury and majesty, could only stare with jealous eyes at the rapture before them. Oh, that Antoinette could summon their frigid depths to her and cool her trembling loins! The straps of her blouse unbuckled, seemingly on their own. Her back was against the wall. It was happening. And as Chien reached for her, their eyes magnetically locked, she felt a surge of tender embers stirring in her silken -
"Uh, Jean? What are you doing?"
**cymbal crash**
A startled yelp escaped Jean's mouth. The chair rocked and squeaked beneath her, nearly collapsing onto the floor until steadied at the last second. Who was…?!
…oh. Lisa. Duh.
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The snug little cottage of Jean's imagination came crashing down around her ears, and in its place sprung up cool white plaster walls, columns upon columns of endless books, and a chessboard floor. Once again, she was sitting at one of the long tables in the Knights of Favonius Library, her fantasies interrupted by gubernatorial tedium.
After the surprise subsided, pangs of guilt rippled her brow. Her face buried itself in her palm. She was supposed to be out helping the local populace, not goofing around, but preparing everything for the Weinlesefest always tired her out. Too many business owners to corral, too many casks to brew, too many guards to train, too many windowpanes to decorate...
Blessed Barbatos; she could use a coffee.
"Hee-Hee. You look tired. What are you worried about now?"
"Nothing...nothing!" Jean scrambled to conceal the small purple novella in her lap. "Just brushing up on some vineyard history before I....Hey!"
Just like that the book was out of her hands. Lisa playfully yanked it away from her and began to leaf through the pages before she had a chance to object, much to the former's dismay. The cover's title, embossed in silver letters, read Above The Ebbing Waves, and underneath it was a woodcut illustration of two embracing figures on the edge of a cliff. The bookkeeper grinned broadly.
"Why Jean…sitting here with a romance novel instead of performing your knightly duties?! How saucy!” Lisa, hand on her heart, looked as if she might pretend to swoon. "And after all those lectures about my productivity..."
Jean grimaced. Ugh...That gleeful sarcasm was just killing her. She wasn't gonna hear the end of this one for a while. Embarrassed, she watched Lisa's fingertip trace across the book's inner cover, until it found the small ink stamp peeking out from behind the dog-eared pages.
"And wow...I never thought you'd be the type to keep a book checked out late."
That one stung. It was true...Jean had, knowingly and with malice of forethought, broken a rule. The world was officially ending.
"Right, I...I know! I'm sorry, it's not like that!" she broke out into nervous babbles. "You see, I hadn't quite had enough time to reach the ending, and I thought that if I sat in here and finished it quickly then you might..."
The truth was that she simply didn't want to part with the book's sensual, overwritten cheese. But amidst all of that nervous excuse-making, Lisa merely chuckled. It was almost offensive, how nonchalant she was. In fact, Jean wasn't sure what bothered her more...that she was caught reading spicy love stories on the job, or the fact that Lisa didn't seem to care in the slightest about her despicable crime.
The spellcaster leaned forward on the table, right into Jean's face, putting on her most comforting smile.
"Jean...this library is entrusted to me, is it not?"
"Well...yes, of course it is." Their noses were almost touching.
"Mm-hm. And what's my first rule here?"
Jean immediately sat at attention and spoke like a student taking a quiz. "Seventh Edition Rules section 1: Please be quiet in the library."
She looked up, expecting approval, and saw that Lisa was instead rolling her bright green eyes...with a twinkle of playful affection in them, sure, but rolling nonetheless. (Was that a rhetorical question?) Lisa walked around behind her back, her heels slowly clicking on stone floor.
“Noooo…the first rule in my library is: while you're here, you have to relax.”
Black-gloved hands suddenly clasped Jean's shoulders. She let out a soft gasp. A rubbing sensation spread across her back and her neck.
“Oh....Mmf…now, Lisa…”
“Shhhh. Shh. Just relax.”
Jean shuddered. Lisa's hands felt warm and soft as they massaged her tense muscles into butter.
"You're so high-strung. It's cute, but it's not all that good for you."
She couldn't help but smile at the remark. This felt nice; nicer than she wanted to admit. Spindly velvet claws tip-toed their way down her neck as graceful as a ballerina, smoothing over her capelet and up and down her shoulder blades, until at last they came to rest, right on the lip of her collarbone.
Those long nails…the light touch sent an embarrassed quiver down her body, and she exhaled quickly through her nose. Half-shy and half-elated, she took Lisa's hand, holding it at bay.
“Heh…hey, watch your hands; that tickles…” she sighed.
Uh-oh. Her eyes reflexively dilated. As soon as the words slipped out, Jean knew she’d made a mistake. Lisa's flirtatious chuckle pricked her ears. She could feel that evil "Wicked Witch of the West" grin staring down at her.
“…No. Lisa, don’t.” Her pretty smile, relaxed for the first time all day, twitched conspicuously in the corners. Jean was giggling already, and no finger-wagging authority could hide it.
“Oh, sweetie, you should NOT have told me that.”
The sound of cracking knuckles rang out. Jean tried to hop up, but before she could stand, ten fingers reached down to her waist, held her still in her chair, and skittered all along her belly.
“Mmfff…Mm Hm-Hm! Hmhm! D-hon't do that!" The blonde knight struggled to keep her lips sealed and barricade the soft, sweet sputters with her hand. She didn't hate being tickled, but in public? This was embarrassing!
"You can't giggle in my library, Jean. Rule number 1, seventh edition." Oh, why did Lisa have to tease her so much?
"Hn-Hee! C-come on, cut it out; someone'll seehee us!"
"Then hush."
Those fingers...they were marching like little soldiers all over her torso. They played the drums down her lats, squeezing and plying so gently between every muscle; even her corset couldn’t protect her. She wriggled in her squeaky chair, desperately hoping that the nearby knight (who was in the midst of perusing a book titled The Handmaiden's Swan, and Other Dirty Jokes Overheard in Djafar Tavern) wouldn't meet her gaze. One girl a few tables down did notice the pair, but then quickly turned away with a playful smile. That was the worst part for Jean. Not the tickling...not the jittery nerves inside her tummy...but the possibility that another Mondstater might see this display of affection.
Gossip, you see, was quite the force of nature in this town.
“Ah Hn-Hn! Hn! It t-hickles!”
“Goodness; you’re even more ticklish than I imagined!”
Wait… ‘imagined?’ Had Lisa thought about this before? No, don’t be silly; she wouldn’t, Jean told herself. Why won’t she stop?!
"Hey...you want to see something fun I can do with my detection magic?"
"Lisa, don't you dahahare..." Jean tittered nervously, her snickers dancing on the end of her tongue. Her words resisted, but her tone, her smile, her eyes...those surrendered.
"Hm-Hm...I can find out exactly where you're most ticklish," Lisa purred. "Right........
"D-hon't; dohohon't..." Jean was about to erupt.
Her ribs...the right side, smack in the middle. The lower left side of her smooth tummy…a soft, squeezable handle just above the hipbone.
Both spots felt a sharp pinch. Fingertips dug in and wiggled firmly, kneading into those nerve clusters with skill and aggression, sucking Jean's breath right out of her...
...and that was it. She laughed. She laughed, and no matter how she struggled, she couldn’t stop.
But this was no ordinary tickling. Daggers of crackling static burrowed down through her clothes...Electro magic?!....and kissed her tingly skin in all those innumerable secret places that made her want to squeak. She was lighter than air, practically floating. Her hair stood on end, her arms and legs broke out in chilly goosebumps.
"Ahhh Ha-Ha Ha-Ha Ha-Ha! H-Heh-Heh Ha! *gasp* L-hee...Lisaaaa, Ha-Ha Ha! *gasp* Oh my g-hosh!"
“Oh, here’s a weak spot! And another…and another…”
“Ha-Ha Hee!”
Were any students in the library watching? It no longer mattered. Those thoughts were far away now. All that mattered to Jean was how apple-red her cheeks were glowing, the delirious dreamlike warmth she felt, how much Lisa clearly relished touching her this way, how every playful jab made her want to curl into a little ball on her bedroom floor and yet never escape the arms that nestled her...
She descended from her hazy fog, breathing softly, her cheek flat against the cool wood of the desk. The tickling had stopped, leaving behind little teardrops that hung from her eyelashes and ghostly tingles all over her body.
"Hn......*sigh*....Hn-Hn....Lisa....th-hat's nohot funny...Hn-Hn Hn..."
“Now how does that feel?”
Jean’s pulse steadied. Her breath slowed. She hadn’t noticed at first, but to her surprise, she wasn't worn out. On the contrary: every muscle in her body was alive, coursing with a current of renewed vigor, like pure distilled caffeine had been injected into her bloodstream. Electricity made the hair on the back of her neck buzz.
Better than tea. Better than coffee. Better than…Get your mind out of the gutter, Jean; you’re a knight.
“O-oh....Wow, I…I feel so…energetic!” she gasped.
"Hmm, yes, that's my very special 'Electro-Tickle.' Heh-Heh." Lisa wiggled her fingers devilishly in the air. "Gives you a wonderful little jolt of energy, huh? I just love doing it. You know…some people even seem to really enjoy the process..."
Jean stood and snapped her book shut...uncharacteristically hard.
“Yes, well…*cough* thank you very much for bringing this new skill to my attention. I appreciate the help in getting me back to work. Ahem...Now, um, if you'll excuse me..."
"Hey, wait a minute, where are you...?"
Jean was already halfway across the room and at the front desk. The romance novel clunked inconspicuously into the return drawer. She didn't know why it worked, but her sunny disposition was back. That Lisa...she always knew how to get Jean excited to serve her community again. Just for a brief instant, she looked back.
"See you later tonight?"
Lisa smiled. There's the Jean she knew. "Yep. Tonight."
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***The Next Day***
Knights of Favonius did not seek vengeance. Such dishonorable behavior was beneath the guardian factions of Mondstadt. But there were limits to chivalry, and surely Grand Master Varka would understand. Just this once.
Lisa was somewhere in the library...the witch had been in absentia all morning, but never strayed far from her den. Jean knew that much for sure. She’d catch that lackadaisical librarian shirking chores again and make her pay. It was justice, after all. Up the stairs she traipsed, creeping like a ninja. Nothing out of the ordinary…not at first. A quick scan of the second floor got no results. But then, behind the shelves and against the wall, something caught her eye. There was a small light glowing from beneath a desk…a candle, most likely. Worth investigating.
There, in a quiet back corner, she finally found Lisa, wedged underneath the table and in the midst of a nap, surrounded by a crude box-fort of novels. The witch's head was propped up on a red leather-bound cooking manual. Not much of a pillow. Her chest moved with gentle, placid breaths. Her wide-brimmed hat lay limp on her forehead.
Jean couldn't believe this - sleeping on the floor now? Really? Slacking off was perhaps Lisa's favorite pastime, but this was a whole new level of frivolity. But this time, Jean wasn’t even frustrated. No, it was the perfect opportunity. And even more perfect: a mango-sized lavender pot resting atop the short bookcase nearby, that she herself had left there a few days earlier. Its bouquet of dandelions had only just begun scattering seeds.
She quickly plucked one of the blooming flowers from the dirt and resumed her stealth mission toward Lisa. The lioness crouched low until she was down on all fours, beneath the long desk, eyes level with her prey...still asleep. Her heart was beating fast. Crawling up to the dozing librarian, her left hand closed slowly around Lisa's stilettos, she pulled, and the high heels slid off with a satisfying shuffling sound.
Lisa's feet, like the rest of her, were long and shapely…at least a size 10, her very high arches accentuated by the sheer pearl-grey nylon sheathes they wore. They were pretty, statuesque even, and it made Jean strangely jealous. (She'd always wanted to gift Lisa a really lovely pair of shoes for her birthday, something that her feet would look nice in, perhaps adorned with some petrified Sumeru roses and lacework etching...but never found the right pair, nor the time to custom-craft them.)
Shoving that thought down inside her for the moment, Jean reached out slowly with her fragile flower…quick, make sure she hasn’t stirred…and let its delicate little filaments brush gently against Lisa’s soles.
Tickle tickle tickle.
"DAH; Hnhn-Hnhn Hnhn!!"
At the softest touch of dandelion fuzz, the sorceress snapped awake with a start, and her knees buckled and pulled sharply into her breasts. Her sudden burst of giggles was smooth and husky, like a rich oaky bourbon, melting in Jean’s ears as a drink on the tongue. Jean struggled to grab Lisa’s ankles and hold them still, but the librarian’s big, ticklish feet were already nestled safe underneath her. She sat up, adjusting her honey-cinnamon curls, and giggled some more.
“Good morning to you too, Jeanie…little bit early for that sort of thing, isn’t it?” Her lips flashed a knowing smile.
“*sigh* Lisa, it’s 2:30 in the afternoon.”
Jean then realized that the dandelion was still in her hand, and quickly blew its seeds to freedom out of the side of her mouth. Lisa brushed her hat aside.
"Heheh...Oops. Let's hope nobody came by to return any books today." Immediately she hopped to her feet, making a stop to grab her discarded heels. “What do you need? Anything I can do to help, I’m there.”
Jean almost laughed. It never ceased to amaze her, how quickly her lazy confidant transformed into a buzzing worker bee whenever she was around.
“Good. I don't want to have to write you up again. Now, if you don't mind, there's something I'd like you to do with me, if you aren't too busy with your beauty sleep."
“Oh! Jean, I'm scandalized....I could never forget about our afternoon tea! You woke me up just in time.”
Jean blushed.
“N-no, that’s not it. But...actually, yes, it is about that time, if you're interested. And you do have a list of duties to perform after that. It’s just…well….you see, I’ve got a very full itinerary for the next few days preparing for the festival. And, um…I'm feeling a little bit drained right now, and…”
The Grand Master looked down at her ivory boots. Why couldn’t she get the words out? It wasn’t that embarrassing; it hadn’t been the day prior. But something was holding her back. Was it weird now? Was she making it weird? Her arm reached out into space, grasping for a distraction…any distraction…and began to fiddle with some of the hardcovers on a nearby shelf. That smug smirk of Lisa's was making her nervous.
“…yes? Heheh. Go on, spit it out.”
Whew. Ok. Here it goes.
“I wanted to ask…
…would you please practice that...'Electro-Tickle' technique again?”
For a second, she was worried at what Lisa would think. And then the giggles started.
"I was hoping you'd ask."
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