#wonder woman 1984 film complet
cellarspider · 6 months
21/30 Tales from the Crypt
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We return to that movie that the crabs shall dance for when it is done, Prometheus.
This time, the movie decided it needed a zombie mutant in it for some reason. Content warning for half-hearted body horror and gore.
I’m sure maybe half of a person out there was wondering “Hey, what happened to Fifield the geologist?” Well, the crew certainly wasn’t wondering that. They’re quite surprised when his suit camera feed shows up right outside the ship. Janek says it “just popped up” but why the hell would it. Fifield didn’t turn it back on, that much is obvious. Did the plot flip the switch or something?
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In any case, Fifield has taken up a new career since we last saw him. He is now a contortionist.
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This confuses the nameless crew guy. This is a very weird way to announce your new hobby to your coworkers.
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Seriously, like. This is just an extreme backbend. It was probably done with prosthetics since they needed a body for this guy later anyway, but there are people who can just do this. Look, here’s a woman named Anna McNulty, doing this exact pose. It’s way weirder-looking when the person’s in motion! Again: not scary, just weird!
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Contortionists are a thing in horror movies and shows. The explanation given always boils down to “they look uncanny and inhuman when they pretzel themselves, thus they are scary.” That isn’t really the case.
It still takes acting ability to make contortionism scary. Combine that with unsettling effects and you can get something memorably spooky, even when the rest of the movie isn’t that great. Javier Botet’s performance in Mama (2013), for example, was enhanced by his own acting decisions, the costuming, CG, and also practical puppetry of his body so that he could be supported in positions that felt unnaturally weightless.
Even if you’re lacking good direction or acting skills, makeup can still put in a lot of work to get you something freaky. And this makeup is… not their best.
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Not in terms of quality of workmanship, but in terms of the concept itself. The creature department made a whole bunch of draft sculpts that looked way more xeno-y. Those were rejected. Instead, he’s got a big lumpy head. He looks like he wandered out of The Hills Have Eyes: Part II.
[Video description: A trailer for The Hills Have Eyes: Part II (1984). It’s complete schlock, and it’s got a big guy with a big prosthetic forehead in it, and he smashes people. There’s an off-brand Darth Vader breathing noise for some reason.]
Really, this design is straight out of a few sub-genres of horror I could mention: The Hills Have Eyes comes from cannibal and/or hillbilly horror (also called hixploitation), which often features deformed or mutated antagonists. Nuclear, infection, and chemical-scarred mutants are common lumpy monsters in horror, from 50s B-movies to Troma splatter films to modern “torture porn”. Video games tend to follow Resident Evil’s lead and make the lumpiest creatures zombies, while also making them WMD mutants and/or backwoods types, hello Marguerite and Jack Baker.
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Obviously, Fifield’s been mutated by the black goo, adding to the list of things it’s capable of that the movie failed to set up before now. I will attempt to follow the ideas this may be attempting to throw at us, but I want it noted, this takes work.
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This man has been exposed to a biochemical weapon, created by the Engineers. They were stockpiling that weapon here with the intent to use it on Earth. God decided rainbows aren’t a covenant anymore, time for Noah Part 2: Even Drownier.
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But the Engineers are not gods in the christian sense, they aren’t all-powerful, and they are not beings that anyone would assert are omnibenevolent. They are another intelligent, social humanoid species with their own culture and morality. What moral standards do the Engineers have that produce a later scene, where one of them will look unsettled by a display of inter-human violence, yet also intend to kill every human? Humans are in some ways their descendants. What would be the right thing to do if your children became murderers? 
The movie doesn’t have to answer that, because there is no objectively right answer, but it also doesn’t present the issue very competently when it's having a mutant geologist pull wrestling moves.
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[Video description: A short compilation of Macho Man Randy Savage doing the double axe handle.]
The questions that FIfield’s current state actually brought to me were more like this:
What horror sub-genre are we in? Is this a pastiche? Is it being done on purpose?
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The answers, as far as I can tell, are “all of them,” “yes,” and “I have no idea.” I still don’t know. This is too bizarre a series of decisions to feel unintentional, and yet it’s pulled off with so little grace that it also feels like it can’t be intentional. It is Schrodinger’s Script, suspended in a state of both “hack job” and “competent hack job” until someone observes the movie and forms an opinion.
Speaking of being observed: these crew members. Boy. They sure are here, aren’t they.
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There’s seventeen crew on the Prometheus, and a movie with strong characterization will make it so you can remember that many people, even if their roles are small and unnamed. Fellowship of the Ring (2001) manages to outdo that, for example. Before I started writing this, I could remember less than half the people onboard Prometheus.
So, obviously these guys exist to get destroyed before the miniboss fight is over.
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It isn’t even that much of a scene. Mutated Fifield jumps around and wails on guys, the guys freak out and accidentally kill at least one other guy, and then FIfield gets run over by the transport. When this was originally filmed, it was going to be placed slightly later and Shaw would be the one driving it, but that wouldn’t have improved this any, to be honest.
So, great. We have killed a few more cast members for some reason. It fails as horror, and it fails as bloodsport. Good job everyone.
Next time, the horror anthology continues with our host, the Crypt Keeper.
Oh, sorry, that’s not what happens–I meant to say: “Next time, Peter Weyland wakes up”.
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slickbackdani · 1 year
Top Ten Best Superhero movies? Top Ten Least Favorite Superhero movies? Why?
I’m gonna enjoy answering this one.
Sorry to disappoint, but I didn’t think ten movies would suffice for my best list, so here’s a top 15.
15 Favorite:
15: Batman Returns: Creepy and gothic, but darkly funny with a surprising amount of pathos and THREE great villains played by amazing actors.
14: X-Men: First Class: A showcase of the X-Men film series’ strengths while also shaking up the usual portrayals of its universe, as a fun and exciting origin story for Xavier and Magneto as they’re tasked with taking down the most depraved villain in the franchise
13: Spider-Man: No Way Home: The culmination of ALL of Spider-Man’s previous cinematic appearances, bringing everything great about each incarnation all together in one place
12: Deadpool: A hilarious and meta tribute to the superhero genre with the best portrayal of Deadpool in anything ever
11: Batman Begins: A unique reinvention of Batman’s mythos, infusing a grim-and-gritty tone typical of the 2000s with classic action and noir aesthetics
10: Thor: Ragnarok: A fun and zany 80s-style adventure that shows off Thor’s best strengths as a character in ways previous films couldn’t; beautiful visuals, great music, cool villains… what’s not to love?
09: SHAZAM: A quirky, funny flick with a relatable hero, a lot of heart, strong familial themes, and fun action scenes with an awesome villain
08: Iron Man: The movie that put Marvel on the map by reinventing a controversial hero and redefining what superhero movies could do, proving they could be taken seriously and STILL be fun and colorful
07: Wonder Woman: A deeply touching and emotional film with a sympathetic hero and a strong message about the nature of war and peace.
06: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: Many didn’t expect this film to be a success due to the tough act its predecessor’s deceased star set to follow, it proved to be an endearing, gripping, heartwarming flick with both a hero and villain who are both very sympathetic
05: Zack Snyder’s Justice League: The long-awaited realization of one man’s artistic vision: full to the brim with strong pathos, but not afraid to be lighthearted at times
04: The Suicide Squad: has all the heart, fun action, great music, and likable characters of a modern superhero movie with all the gore, vulgarity, and dark humor of a classic B-movie
03: Guardians of the Galaxy: A quirky, off-beat flick with a killer soundtrack and a surprisingly heartwarming family dynamic; is not afraid to be silly or weird, which only makes it stronger
02: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: a charming, fun movie that deeply examines the mythos of a beloved character while shining a spotlight on his many variants and successors
01: Avengers: Infinity War/Avengers Endgame: The culmination of ten years of buildup throughout the cinematic universe, this movie brings iconic heroes together and shows off the best in all of them with a gripping story packed with heartrending pathos
(Honorable Mentions: Spider-Man 2, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Aquaman, Blade, Hellboy, Darkman, Captain America: Civil War, Birds of Prey, The Batman 2022)
Also, I honestly couldn’t think of ten superhero movies bad enough to be considered “the worst”, so I’ll give you five.
05: Iron Man 2: Tonally confused with nonsensical character motivations and conspicuous studio interference changing things at the last minute
04: Thor: The Dark World: So fucking boring I forgot everything about it the second I left the theatre.
03: Man of Steel: An overly grim, depressing slog of a film with murky visuals, pointless changes to Superman’s mythos, and almost every character is a horrible asshole. In short, the worst way to start a cinematic universe
02: Fantastic Four 2015: Bad special effects, ugly visuals, bland and stupid characters, cheesy writing, and a weirdly dark tone that completely misses the point of what the Fantastic Four are supposed to be.
01: Wonder Woman 1984: A saccharine, sappy, schmaltzy mess of a film that’s far longer than it needs to be thanks to pointless filler, with a childishly simplistic plot, dodgy special effects, a horrifically racist depiction of Middle Easterners, and the hero literally becomes a rapist
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lostinaflashforward · 2 years
LIAFF SPECIAL #4: - DC Extended Universe: Dalle origini alla rinascita con James Gunn e Peter Safran
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Carissimi lettori, ben ritrovati con un nuovo appuntamento con LIAFF SPECIAL, la rubrica dedicata all’approfondimento di personaggi e temi nel mondo dell’intrattenimento. Per questo quarto appuntamento abbiamo pensato di trattare uno dei temi più discussi di questi ultimi mesi, vale a dire la ristrutturazione del DC Universe ad opera di James Gunn e Peter Safran, nominati presidenti della DC Studios lo scorso Ottobre a seguito dei cambiamenti avvenuti dopo la fusione fra Warner Bros e Discovery. In questo speciale ci soffermeremo su quanto accaduto a questo universo cinematografico, partendo dalle origini e arrivando fino alla ristrutturazione e ai nuovi progetti presentati dal duo Gunn-Safran il mese scorso.
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Le origini: la nascita del DC Extended Universe
Il DC Extended Universe nacque nel 2014 (ma tale nome sarebbe stato coniato solo nel 2020, all’indomani della nascita di HBO Max), dopo due tentativi, avvenuti rispettivamente nel 1998, dove ci sarebbe dovuto essere un film su Superman (quello per cui Nicolas Cage fu contattato per interpretare Clark Kent) che poi avrebbe fatto coppia con Batman, impersonato da Michael Keaton, e nel 2011, con una storia che sarebbe partita con il film Green Lantern, uscito nello stesso anno, dove il protagonista Hal Jordan avrebbe fatto coppia con Flash in una scena post-credits, ma fu cancellato a causa dei pochi incassi fatti dalla pellicola con protagonista Ryan Reynolds. Proprio a causa di questo flop la Warner Bros iniziò a lavorare a Man of Steel, un reboot cinematografico incentrato su Superman, diretto da Zack Snyder e con Henry Cavill nel ruolo di Clark Kent, a cui si sarebbero stati agganciati una serie di lungometraggi, con l’intento iniziale di creare una sorta di multiverso narrativo. A questa prima fase appartengono il menzionato Man of Steel, il sequel Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad di David Ayer, Wonder Woman e il sequel Wonder Woman 1984, diretti da Patty Jenkins, il film sulla Justice League (protagonista di una delle più massive campagne mediatiche mai messe in piedi, volta a far uscire l’edizione completa del film, arrivata solo nel 2021, cinque anni dopo l’uscita della prima versione nelle sale cinematografiche), Aquaman di James Wan (primo film con Walter Hamada come presidente dell’allora DC Films), Shazam!, Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn e The Suicide Squad, primo lavoro di James Gunn per il franchise.
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Il caos: la nuova direzione di Warner Bros Discovery
Nell’Aprile 2022 è stata annunciata la fusione fra Warner Bros e Discovery, portando alla nascita di Warner Bros Discovery. La fusione ebbe delle importantissime conseguenze, dettate dal fatto che la nuova amministrazione, capitanata da David Zaslav, aveva espresso disappunto in merito alle strategie adottate dall'amministrazione precedente, e specificamente riguardo al DC Universe, affermò che non vi era una vera e propria strategia, esprimendo l'intenzione di trovare una figura chiave per guidare questo universo narrativo. A questo scopo due mesi più tardi Michael De Luca e Pam Abdy furono nominati presidenti del Warner Bros. Motion Picture Group, avendo anche l’incarico di supervisionare temporaneamente tutti i progetti targati DC. Ad Agosto Zaslav dichiarò che l’intento di Warner Bros Discovery era di concentrarsi sui film per le sale cinematografiche e che valorizzare personaggi come Superman, Batman e Wonder Woman era l’obiettivo principale del franchise DC, una scelta che però segnò l’inizio del caos. Infatti proprio in quel mese il film Batgirl, il cui rilascio era previsto su HBO Max, fu cancellato come parte di una manovra per contenere le ingenti spese fatte dalla precedente amministrazione, una decisione che generò un enorme dissenso, sopratutto sui social media, per non parlare di serie già completate o in produzione cancellate per la stessa ragione, nella fattispecie diverse serie animate, alcune produzioni che vedevano la firma di J.J. Abrams e di recente anche le serie di HBO Max Pennyworth, Titans e Doom Patrol, le quali termineranno il loro percorso con le stagioni attualmente in onda. Ad Ottobre il lungometraggio Black Adam, con protagonista Dwayne Johnson, fu rilasciato nelle sale e il mese successivo, la DC Films divenne DC Studios, con James Gunn e Peter Safran nominati presidenti, ai quali fu affidato il compito di supervisionare ogni progetto legato alla DC, illustrando il loro piano a lungo termine per tale universo. La prima parte di questo piano rappresenta un altro atto del caos, poichè a Dicembre Gunn e Safran annunciarono di essere al lavoro su un nuovo film incentrato su Superman, che però non avrebbe avuto Henry Cavill come protagonista (il quale aveva anche lasciato il cast di The Witcher all'indomani della quarta stagione), notizia che l'attore britannico riferì al suo pubblico attraverso un lungo e toccante post sulla sua pagina Instagram. Sempre nello stesso mese si temeva la cancellazione anche del terzo lungometraggio su Wonder Woman, cosa che a quanto pare non è avvenuta, ma tale film non vedrà il ritorno di Patty Jenkins come regista a causa di divergenze di natura creativa, come anche la cancellazione di Black Adam 2, questione chiarita da Dwayne Johnson, il quale ha tweetato che il film non è in programmazione per gli attuali piani del DC Universe, ma che si stanno esplorando nuove ipotesi per riportare in scena il suo personaggio.
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La fine: i residui della DC Extended Universe
Il DC Universe così come lo conosciamo è destinato ancora a proseguire con Shazam! Fury of the Gods, in uscita il mese prossimo, ma con The Flash, previsto per quest'estate, avverrà un vero e proprio reset narrativo, che verrà poi esteso anche a Blue Beetle, in uscita nelle sale ad Agosto, e a Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom, la cui uscita è prevista per la fine dell'anno, per poi dare via alla nuova fase, Gods and Monsters, annunciata il mese scorso, e che si aprirà nel 2025 con il film Superman: Legacy, incentrata su una versione più giovane del celebre personaggio.
Il futuro: Gods and Monsters e Elseworlds
Come menzionato in precedenza, lo scorso Gennaio James Gunn e Peter Safran hanno annunciato pubblicamente i nuovi progetti inerenti il DC Universe, in un piano che dovrebbe ricoprire dagli otto ai dieci anni, con il rilascio di due film e di due serie per HBO Max all’anno, e con delle regole precise, che prevedono tra le altre cose che un interprete farà il suo personaggio sia al cinema che in TV e che questo non potrà interpretare due personaggi. Il primo capitolo, intitolato Gods and Monsters, si aprirà con Superman: Legacy, previsto per l’11 Luglio 2025 e che vedrà una versione più giovane del personaggio, la cui storia esplorerà il conflitto del protagonista fra natura umana e kryptoniana. Altri progetti collegati a questo capitolo sono The Brave and the Bold, un film su Batman e Robin che vede i due in un rapporto padre-figlio, The Authority, un “ensemble movie” che mescola una serie di antieroi, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, incentrato sulla famosa cugina di Superman e dal tono più hardcore, e Swamp Thing, che esplorerà le origini della famosa creatura, per poi collegarla all’interno del DC Universe. Sul fronte televisivo il duo ha annunciato diverse serie in sviluppo, fra cui la serie animata Creature Commandos, incentrata su un gruppo bizarro di superumani, Waller, serie incentrata sul personaggio interpretato da Viola Davis e che fungerà da continuo a Peacemaker, dato che Gunn non potrà lavorare alla seconda stagione della serie per via di Superman: Legacy, Lanterns, una serie stile True Detective che vedrà protagonista la coppia Hal Jordan-John Stewart (da notare che non è la serie prodotta da Greg Berlanti), Paradise Lost, incentrata sulle amazzoni di Themyscira e che avrà un impronta alla Game of Thrones e Booster Gold, che narra di uno sfigato che viaggia dal futuro fino ai giorni nostri, usando la sua tecnologia come superpotere. Discorso a parte vale per i progetti esterni al DC Universe, che il duo ha già etichettato sotto il brand Elseworlds; fra questi rientrano The Batman di Matt Reeves, il cui sequel è in lavorazione, la miniserie The Penguin, incentrata sul personaggio interpretato da Colin Farrell e Joker: Folie à Deux, sequel del film di Todd Philips, con Joaquin Phoenix nuovamente nei panni di Joker, affiancato da Lady Gaga nel ruolo di Harley Quinn, confermato essere un musical. Insomma gli elementi ci sono tutti perchè il percorso del nuovo DC Universe sia positivo, con la speranza che i cambiamenti apportati negli scorsi mesi siano stati fatti per il meglio, ma ci toccherà aspettare diverso tempo per vederne i frutti.
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ihatesuperheroes · 2 years
Why Stealing Is The Only Way To Save The DC Movie Universe
Now, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but a lot of DC nerds are pissed. We live in a world where superhero movies are dominating, and DC nerds feel that their brand of choice should be one causing the death of cinema, not Marvel. As a result, many on the internet have been pitching their solutions to the problem. 
Some have said that DC should have planned their universe better and given each of the Justice League members their own film before their first crossover event. Because introducing more than one superhero in a story is too shocking, and inevitably results in brain hemorrhages. And we all know DC can’t afford to repeat another Wonder Woman 1984.
Others have posted their outlines for films DC should have done. Well the term outline is generous. In reality most of them consist of a Redditor picking a villain for each movie and writing post-credit scenes.
There are many that have gone as far to say that the only way to redeem the DC movie universe is by just rebooting it completely. Pretend that Wonder Woman, Man of Steel, Suicide Squad, the good Suicide Squad never happened and just start from scratch. So with all these conflicting opinions, what’s the right move? I think the answer is simple. Just steal Marvel’s directors.
Finding passionate directors can be tough, so why go through the effort when Marvel has already found people willing to sell out? Jon Favreau’s billionaire propaganda film Iron Man was so successful it launched a cinematic universe. So why not let him make a Green Arrow movie where the main character goes around cosplaying as Robin Hood while being a part of the 1%? Edgar Wright wanted to direct Ant-Man. Why not give him a call and promise him an Atom film, then replace him with Peyton Reed later due to creative differences? Heck, after Thor: Love and Thunder, Marvel is probably begging DC to take Taika Waititi off their hands. He can direct an Aquaman movie, or whatever hero he chooses to turn into a himbo.  
The brilliant part of this plan is that it has worked in the past. After failing to replicate the success of James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy in Suicide Squad, DC knew the only thing to do was steal Gunn and have him make Suicide Squad Vol 2. And after Justice League, I’m sure we can all agree that bringing in the director of The Avengers to take over was a good move that no one questioned.
And you know what, why stop at plagiarizing the ideas of other superhero films? DC should be stealing from other movies in general. They have the director of two Planet of the Apes movies. Take him off The Batman and give him a Detective Chimp movie. DC should know by now that if people wanted originality, they wouldn’t be chasing after reboots and adaptations.
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idontbeatgames · 9 months
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Pretty good soundtrack and some beautiful visuals - those are the only two things I can positively point out about Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. As a hardcore DCEU fan that almost exclusively makes videos about DCEU movies or topics on Youtube, you might be expecting a positive review from me but quite frankly, this entire movie is an absolute disaster. The editing is terrible, the pacing is nonexistent, the characters have zero character arcs, there’s very little meaningful dialogue shared between characters throughout the entire movie and every moment that should be a payoff moment isn't a payoff moment because of the editing, and the story - in general - is extremely lackluster for a long-awaited sequel. Full length review below!
Aquaman 2, in theory, should've been a layup for DC after the success of Aquaman. This is a movie that, on paper, should've been the sequel we all wanted and a sequel that blew us out of the water, obvious pun intended. This should've expanded on Aquaman and Orm's relationship, this should've given Aquaman legitimate growth so he can become something more than the lovable "dude bro" goofball that he is and Atlantis should've seen some level of exploration or expansion that made such made what was a visually stunning underwater city even cooler. And, honestly, this sequel should've made us at least feel something while watching it. Instead, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom can be added to the pile of terrible DCEU-Era films that were very clearly butchered during their post-production process. Just like with Wonder Woman 1984, this movie fails to capitalize on anything that made us love the first Aquaman film. I genuinely can't emphasize this enough: this is an extremely disappointing sequel. We deserved something so much better than what we got. What makes all of this so frustrating is that it feels like somewhere in the deep depths of Atlantis, this movie was supposed to be this heartfelt adventurous movie about two brothers who couldn't be any more different finally bonding and finally working together for the greater good. It felt like somewhere along the lines, Orm was finally going to get his deserved emotional redemption arc that finally brought Aquaman, his family, and the Aquaman supporting characters together. It felt like finally we were going to see a DCEU film that was going to pull at our heartstrings because we were finally getting to see previously developed characters grow beyond their origin story movies.
And though you can semi-see some of these plot points throughout the film, none of that is actually in the movie because all of the setup and moments that should've helped this hypothetical story come to fruition were just… missing. It's hard to even say that this movie has an identity because it's tonally different in each part of the movie. The beginning is a fun comedy movie that matches the feeling of the first film, the super-fast middle section of the movie is a buddy-cop comedy film with Aquaman and Orm going on a relatively short journey to find Black Manta's headquarters and then the final act of the film - which is also short and extremely unclimactic - feels like the ending to an emotionally epic superhero movie that simply doesn't exist with the theatrical version of Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. This sequel's theatrical cut might be so bad that it rivals the original Suicide Squad's theatrical cut. That's how bad Aquaman 2 is. You experience nothing but complete whiplash throughout its entire run time.
Honestly, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom should've been called Aquaman and his lost sense of Cohesion because this movie lacks any sense of cohesion whatsoever. One thing happens in one scene, the next scene comes along and it feels completely disconnected from what just happened in the scene prior. One character acts one way in one scene, they act completely different in another. One moment that should be emotional is happening right in front of you and then it's immediately followed up with epic music for what should be this epic payoff moment that pays absolutely nothing off because there's zero setup in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. There are so many moments or elements in this film that just don't add up due to the movie's butchered editing and all of the flaws ultimately make for what is a frustratingly disappointing experience.
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom is a genuinely terrible superhero movie and yet is somehow the most fitting end to a completely lackluster cinematic universe that lacked any cohesion, world-building, or charm.
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myragewillend · 1 year
You like to read books? If so, what are the top 5 most liked books you've ever read?
Ah, I take it my bad porn post showed you that I am a man of culture.
This is such a tough question to answer. I feel like I've read very few books that truly blew me away or had a significant impact. But I'll try to name some that I think fit that description.
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman. I rarely read books anymore that I find hard to put down, but this was one of them. A woman pretending to be "totally fine" living a life ruled by unhealthy coping mechanisms begins to open up and learn that life can be happy and worth living when she stumbles her way into several meaningful relationships. Deals with a lot of themes personal to me, trauma and loneliness and other personal struggles, with a good dose of humor and intelligence. It's cleverly written and genuinely touching and meaningful. Gives me slight Amélie vibes, but with a lot more cynicism. One of my favorite works of fiction.
Kiss Me First by Lottie Moggach (though I read the Dutch translation "Eerst een kus"). I should reread this. I called this one my favorite book for a while but I feel like I've forgotten why. It wasn't perfect by any means and I wonder if the original English is a better read, but something about it really clicked with me. It deals with a suicide group, and the female lead who acts as a "buddy" to a suicidal woman, to "help" her go through with it. As per their agreement, after her death she is to momentarily take over the woman's online identity, to soften the blow to her unaware loved ones. Her life and the woman's end up intertwining to where the lines get increasingly blurred, and questions begin to arise on whether all this is right or wrong. Unclear whether the woman actually went through with it or not, the female lead attempts to track her down, getting deeper involved with both the suicide group and the woman's social life.
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. People mock this for some reason but it's such a good book with such a good film adaptation. It's a great take on the issues modern men face; growing up without a male role model, dealing with anger and depression, finding meaning and purpose in a modern society that doesn't "need" men anymore.
Franz Kafka's works, particularly Das Schloss / The Castle. Feel like I could rant about his works for hours. The way his personal life makes its way into his writings, particularly when you've read his letter to his father, it's just endlessly interesting and creatively inspiring to me. Even things like the total lack of editing and text layout design, making for a tougher read, or his neverending dialogues that endlessly circle back and forth, as well as the very fact that The Castle was so unfinished, it ends right in the middle of a sentence; it all adds to the overbearing, suffocating, gloomy feeling of the story. It's poetic. You can't read his work separately from his life. They are completely intertwined.
1984 by George Orwell. Maybe overcited by people, but for a reason. Still a fantastic novel, still relevant, still holds up. The writing's just that good. I regularly get out my copy to reread small sections. Particularly the third act, and just the entire way this authoritarian society functions and is kept under control, is so fucked up and so well-described.
Already named five but honorable mention for The Kite Runner, which I wouldn't really want to describe as a most "liked" book as it was one of the emotionally toughest books ever to get through, but it was easily one of the most impactful too. One chapter fucked me up so much, I put it down for a few weeks and didn't think I was going to be able to finish it. I did and as extreme and emotionally draining as it honestly is, it's an absolute masterpiece and an important read. Obviously "war is bad" is a take-away message that many books deliver, but this story describes so profoundly how it destroys lives, particularly those of children. It doesn't spare you, doesn't soften the blow. It rips you apart so you may experience even a fraction of what real people have suffered through. Books that can do that are so important.
Anyway, way too long of an answer but there you go.
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all-datmatterz · 2 years
Best Bollywood Old Songs list 1970 | Evergreen Old Songs You Must Listen
love and the lyrics of old Indian songs turn the music into a beautiful melody. our bollywood industry is famous for its dance sequences and songs. India has many legendary singers like kishore kumar, lata mangeshkar, ar rahman etc. India has a tremendous history in music.
Are you one of those people who like to listen to old songs?
The love and lyrics of the old songs turn the music into a beautiful melody. Our Bollywood industry is known for its dance sequences and songs. India has many legendary singers like Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar, AR Rahman, etc. India has a remarkable history in music.
In this article, we will discuss the best enduring Bollywood songs of all time. We have tried to create a list of 21 Oldest Hindi Bollywood Songs. I assure you that you will fall in love with these timeless Bollywood songs.
List of old Hindi Superhit songs of all time that you must listen to
Kabhi Kabhi Mere Dill Mein (1976)
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This song is one of the most romantic old songs in Bollywood. This song features two big superstars, Amitabh Bachchan and Rakha Ji. This song won 3 Filmfare Awards for Best Male Singer, Best Lyricist and Best Music.
If you love someone, you should sing this song.
Lag Jaa Gale (1964)
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These old classic Hindi songs were written by Raja Mehdi Ali Khan and sung by the great Lata Mangeshkar. This song has almost 172 million views on YouTube. Lata Mangeshkar said that this song is always etched in her heart.
 Pal Pal Dil Ke Pass
Pal Pal Dil Ke is a super hit song which is passed down from legend Kishore Kumar. This song is from the 1973 film Blackmail.
The moral of this song is that a man never leaves the woman he loves, no matter how far he is from her. This is one of the best old bollywood songs.
Yeh Dosti (1975)
It is an old Indian friendship song sung by legend Kishore Kumar. It's a perfect song for best friends. This song is from Bollywood superhero movie Sholey.
"Yeh Dosti Hum Nahi Todengay, Todengay Magar Tera Sath Na Chordenge" This line is awesome if you hear it with your best friends.
In Aankho Ki Masti Ke (1981).
This song is sung by the amazing Asha Bosley and directed by the beautiful actress Rekha Ji. This song is from the 1981 movie Umrao Jaan.
Asha Bhosle won the National Film Award for this song. This is one of the best lazy romantic songs.
Ek Do Tin Char (1988)
This enduring old Indian song is breaking records thanks to the performance of beautiful actress Madhuri Dixit. This song is sung by Alka Yagni and Amit Kumar.
This song is from the movie Tezaab and has recently been recreated in the movie Baghi 2.
Mere Samne Wali Khidki Mein
Another old superhit Bollywood song. This song is from the movie Padosan, which means neighbor. Well, this is another famous song sung by legend Kishore Kumar. This old romantic Hindi song features Sunil Dutt and Saira Banu.
Lyrics of this song are penned by Rajendra Krishan.
Gulabi Ankhein (1970)
This wonderful old Hindi song is a pure love song sung by the legend Muhammad Rafi. This song is a completely different way of feeling. It is still the most popular song among young people.
This song is from thriller Train.
Badan Pe Sitare Lapate Hue (1969)
Another great performance by the legend Mohammad Rafi from Prince. This is a great Bollywood song from the 60s.
Inteha Hogyi Intezaar Ki (1984)
This song was sung by the wonderful singer Asha Bosley and star Kishore Kumar with Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Prada. Kishore Kumar won the 7th Filmfare Award for this song.
This song is from Bollywood movie Sharabi.
Khaike Pan Banaras wala (1973)
The best song of the seventies. This song is popular not only in India but all over the world. Once again this song is sung by the legend Kishore Kumar from the movie Don. The same was recreated in 2006.
Mere Sapno Ki Rani Kab Aogi Tum (1969)
Kishore Kumar sang the classic Bollywood superstar song Aradhana from the Bollywood superhero movie starring Sharmila Tagore and Rajesh Khanna.
Sar Jo Tera Chakarai (1951)
This song brings Mohamed Rafi national fame. Sar Jo Tera Chakkaray has the attention of millions. Even today people want to hear this song.
Mere Hathoon Mein (1989)
This song is sung by Legend Lata Mangeshkar and penned by Anand Bakshi. This song is from the movie Chandni and Sridevi G.
Pyaar Kia Toh Darna Kya (1960)
This song is from one of the most powerful movies in Indian history, Mughal-E-Azam. This song is sung by the great Lata Mangeshkar. This song represents the love between a prince and his love Anarkali.
This song was shot at Sheesh Mahal, Lahore Fort.
Rang Barse (1981)
Bollywood's most famous old song was played during Holi festival. This song was sung by Amitabh Bachchan and penned by father Hrivansh Rai Bachchan. This song is from the movie series. This is one of the best Hindi folk songs.
Jumma Chumma Dee Dee (1991)
This song was sung by Sudesh Bhonsle and Kavitha Krishnamurthy. This song is from the movie Hum starring Amitabh Bachchan and Kimi Katkar. This song has over 21 million views on YouTube.
It's still the most popular song of 2021.
Mera Joota Hai Japani (1955)
This song was sung by Mukesh and rendered by Bollywood legend Raj Kapoor. This super song is from the movie Shree 420. This song has reached the whole country because of its national song lyrics.
This song was released at the time when India got its independence.
Pyaar Hua Ikraar hua
It is a song from the movie Shree 420 sung by Lata Mangeskar and Manna Dey. This timeless old bollywood song expresses the love between Raj Kapoor and Nargis.
Yeh Reshmi Zulfien (1961)
This is a song from Bollywood romantic movie Do Raste. This song represents the love between Rajesh Khanna and Mumtaz. This song is sung by Mohamed Rafi.
List of the best old Hindi songs from the 1950s
Joota Hai Japan – Shree 420 Movie
Bhooli Surat Dil Ke Koothay – Albela Movie
Sab Kuch Seekha Humne - Anari movie
Jalte Hai Jiske Liye – Sujata Movie
Yeh Raat Yeh Chaandni – Jaal Movie
Duniya Mein Hum Ayye Hai – Mother India movie
Maan Dolle Mera Taan Dolle – Nagin movie
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Wonder Woman 3 Update Is A Big Relief For DCEU Fans
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A major Wonder Woman 3 update should be a relief for DCEU fans and is a reason to get excited about the future of the DC Universe again.
A massive update about the upcoming Wonder Woman 3 film should come as a big relief for followers of the DC Extended Universe. DC has caused plenty of division among viewers in the past couple of years. From calls to restore the SnyderVerse to the cancelation of the Batgirl movie, The DC movie universe has been somewhat unreliable. However, throughout this time, Wonder Woman has been a singular constant in the DC movies. Even with the split reception to Wonder Woman 1984, the character of Diana Prince continues to be a staple of the DCEU as it transitions to a new phase.
Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins has confirmed that the Wonder Woman 3 script is completed. This news should be a big relief to some, as it shows that DC might have their movie slate more intact than it might have appeared. It is unknown when Wonder Woman 3 will release, but the completion of the script suggests that the movie will be hitting theaters sooner rather than later. With the surprise script completion, it is possible that DC will shifts its focus to getting the movie made and replace it with one of the other projects in the current release schedule that has seen consistent delays.
Continuity in the DC universe has been scarce. Batman's appearance in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, confirmed by Jason Momoa himself, has caused confusion over whether Ben Affleck or Michael Keaton will be the universe's Batman going forward. Henry Cavill's Superman, the flagship character of the DC universe, hasn't appeared in a new movie in five years now, instead appearing in new releases as a headless body or a silhouette. Additionally, controversy around Ezra Miller has brought more complications and delays to The Flash movie. Wonder Woman 3 can serve as a solid constant for the DCEU going forward. Even with the divided reception to Wonder Woman 1984, Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman remains one of the most popular characters in the DCEU. Bringing the character back into the fold sooner than expected could ease audiences' concerns over the uncertainty surrounding the fates of many fan-favorite characters.
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Notes de film: 8/10 (10027 Röster)
Suite des aventures de Diana Prince, alias Wonder Woman, Amazone devenue une super-héroïne dans notre monde. Après la Première guerre mondiale, direction les années 80 ! Cette fois, Wonder Woman doit affronter deux nouveaux ennemis, particulièrement redoutables : Max Lord et Cheetah
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Le film est une œuvre d’art sous la forme d’une série d’images en direct qui sont tournées pour produire une illusion d’images en mouvement qui sont présentées comme une forme de divertissement. L’illusion d’une série d’images produit un mouvement continu sous forme de vidéo. Le film est souvent appelé film ou image animée. Le film est une forme d’art moderne et populaire créée à des fins commerciales et de divertissement. Le cinéma est devenu une industrie populaire dans le monde entier, où les longs métrages sont toujours attendus par les cinémas.
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Wonder Woman 1984
Ans: 2020
Genres: Fantastique, Action, Aventure
Durée : 2h 31min
Lien alternatif:
Production: DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Pictures, DC Comics, Mad Ghost Productions, The Stone Quarry, DC Films, Atlas Entertainment
Avec: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal, Connie Nielsen, Robin Wright, Gabriella Wilde, Natasha Rothwell, Ravi Patel, Oakley Bull
Wonder Woman 1984 film 2020 AlloCiné ~ Le tournage de Wonder Woman 1984 sest terminé le dimanche 23 décembre 2018 à Washington soit un an et demi avant la sortie du film La comédienne Gal Gadot la annoncée ellemême sur
Wonder Woman 1984 la date de sortie encore repoussée de ~
Wonder Woman 1984 2020 IMDb ~ Directed by Patty Jenkins With Pedro Pascal Connie Nielsen Gal Gadot Chris Pine Fast forward to the 1980s as Wonder Womans next big screen adventure finds her facing two allnew foes Max Lord and The Cheetah
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Wonder Woman 1984 — Wikipédia ~ Wonder Woman 1984 est un film de superhéros américain coécrit coproduit et réalisé par Patty Jenkins dont la sortie est prévue en 2020 Neuvième film de l univers cinématographique DC il s’agit de la suite de Wonder Woman de la même réalisatrice sorti en 2017
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Wonder Woman 1984 2020 imoviznet ~ info Wonder Woman 1984 un film du genre FantastiqueAction sortie en 20200930 réalisé par Warner Bros Pictures et DC Entertainment avec une durée de Minutes ce projet est sortie aux United States of America avec la participation de plusieurs acteurs et réalisateur Gal Gadot et Chris Pine et Kristen Wiig et Pedro Pascal Connie Nielsen Robin Wright Gabriella Wilde Natasha Rothwell Ravi Patel Oakley Bull Al Clark Bern Collaço Chuck Taber
Wonder Woman 1984 Wikipedia ~ Wonder Woman 1984 also marketed as WW84 Wonder Woman 1984 is an upcoming American superhero film based on the DC Comics character Wonder Woman It is the sequel to 2017s Wonder Woman and the ninth installment in the DC Extended Universe DCEU The film is directed by Patty Jenkins from a script she wrote with Geoff Johns and David Callaham and a story by Johns and Jenkins It will star
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Wonder Woman 1984
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5 août 2020 / 1h 59min / Science fiction, Action
De Ric Roman Waugh
Avec Gerard Butler, Morena Baccarin, Scott Glenn
Nationalité Américain
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Combien de temps as-tu dormi pendant le film Wonder Woman 1984Rising ()? La mLe Voyage du Pèlerinique, l’histoire et le message étaient phénoménaux chezWonder Woman 1984 (Wonder Woman 1984). Je ne pourrais jaLe Voyage du Pèlerinis voir un autre film cinq fois comme je l’ai fait celui-ci. Retournez voir une seconde fois et faites attention. RegarderWonder Woman 1984 Movie WEB-DL Il s’agit d’un fichier extrait sans erreur d’un serveur telLe Voyage du Pèlerin, tel que Netflix, ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. Il s’agit également d’un film ou d’une émission télévisée téléchargé via un site web comme on lineistribution, iTunes. La qualité est assez bonne car ils ne sont pas ré-encodés. Les flux vidéo (H.264 ou H.265) et audio (AC3 /Wonder Woman 1984 C) sont généralement extraits de iTunes ou d’ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, puis redistribués dans un conteneur MKV sans sacrifier la qualité. DownloadMovieWonder Woman 1984 L’un des impacts les plLe Voyage du Pèlerin importants de l’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du streaming vidéo L’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du DVD a connu un véritable succès grâce à la vulgarisation en Le Voyage du Pèlerinsse du contenu en ligne. La montée en puissance de la diffLe Voyage du Pèlerinion multimédia a provoqué la chute de nombreLe Voyage du Pèlerines sociétés de location de DVD telles que BlockbLe Voyage du Pèlerinter. En juilletWonder Woman 1984, un article du New York Times a publié un article sur les SerLe Voyage du Pèlerins de DVD-Video de Netflix. Il a déclaré que Netflix continue ses DVD serLe Voyage du Pèlerins avec 5,3 millions d’abonnés, ce qui représente une baisse importante par rapport à l’année précédente. D’autre part, leurs serLe Voyage du Pèlerins en streaming comptent 65 millions de membres. Dans une étude de Le Voyage du Pèlerinrs 2020 évaluant «l’impact de la lecture de film en continu sur un DVD traditionnel MovieRental», il a été constaté que les répondants n’achetaient pas des films sur DVD aLe Voyage du Pèlerinsi gros que le mien, voire jaLe Voyage du Pèlerinis, comme la diffLe Voyage du Pèlerinion en continu a conquis le Le Voyage du Pèlerinrché. Regarder le filmWonder Woman 1984 (Wonder Woman 1984), les téléspectateurs n’ont pas trouvé la qualité du film très différente entre le DVD et le streaming en ligne. Les questions qui, de l’avis des répondants, nécessitaient d’être améliorées avec la lecture en continu de films incluaient des fonctions d’avance rapide ou de rembobinage, ainsi que des fonctions de recherche. L’article souligne que la qualité de la diffLe Voyage du Pèlerinion de films en continu en tant que secteur ne fera qu’augmenter avec le temps, alors que les revenLe Voyage du Pèlerin publicitaires augmentent chaque année dans l’ensemble du secteur, ce qui incite à la production de contenLe Voyage du Pèlerin de qualité.
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❍❍❍ Definition and Definition of Film / Movie ❍❍❍
While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as supporting characters with few roles in the film. This is different from the main actors who have bigger and more roles. Being an actor and an actress must be demanded to have good acting talent, which is in accordance with the theme of the film he is starring in. In certain scenes, the actor’s role can be replaced by a stuntman or a stuntman. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors doing scenes that are difficult and extreme, which are usually found in action action films.
❍❍❍ Thanks for everything and have fun watching❍❍❍
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