secondbeatsongs · 11 months
trick or treat :3
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a merry halloween to you! you get soft matte purple fabric paint!
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jacksonthereaper · 9 months
🥳HAPPY 2024🥳
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Thank you all for the kind words on the last post, this past year has been kicking my ass with school, family, emotions, etc. but hopefully 2024 will be a new start for me and i'll manage to (at least somewhat) turn things around mental health-wise. Thanks to everyone who stuck with me and helped me out through these tough times. I appreciate you all. I really do 😊😊
I have two big announcements regarding future projects:
First, about the Daily Bestiary: I'm just gonna be straightforward here, cause real talk, i've lost pretty much all interest in mythology and folklore, i tried to reignite that passion but after pretty much half a year of having it as an interest, it's just not something i'm into anymore. This is all essentially to say that Daily Bestiary is pretty much dead. I'm thinking of maybe having people send on their own posts and submitting them for me to post (with credit given of course) but that's just an idea for now.
My current interests are general fiction (particularly manga and anime), fantasy and sci fi, as well as character creation and world-building. With this, i've been working on the basis for a fantasy/sci-fi story i've been putting together for a while now. And that story is called:
Wonderbound will center around three teenagers living in NYC: 15 year old Eddie McKlee, 16 year old Akio Murasawa (born and raised in Japan, later moved to the states) and 15 year old Marta da Costa (born and raised in Brazil before later moving to New York). They discover and end up traveling to another planet known as Golfraeym, a magical planet filled with strange creatures, fantastical landscapes and colorful people. They now must spend their every day switching between their regular school life during the day and their duties with the Nozh Ved'my, a division of the legendary organization known as Svyataya Sila, in Golfraeym during the night
On this journey they will discover different planets with their species, cultures, languages and learn the great secrets of a universe full of mystery and wonder
From here on out i'll mostly be sharing details about Wonderbound through not just written posts, but also asks you guys send. There's a lot of stuff that still needs more time in the hoven but feel free to ask away and i'll answer you to the best of my abilities
So ye i hope you're interested in what Wonderbound has to offer and feel free to ask me anything abt, i've been working p hard to put this world together so i hope you are all as interested in hearing about Wonderbound as much as i am in creating it
Have a good one! ✌️
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na-bird-of-the-day · 11 months
trick or treat!!! i'll take one birb pls :>
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One roseate tern for you!
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hi frank! hope your day is going swimmingly 💚 it seems like people love to ask you questions these days, and im nothing if not a bandwagoner, so here's mine: what's your biggest hope for the future?
Hmm, this is a tricky question, but I'll say "a future where people are so used to automation that the fears and complaints about it are confined to a small minority, because the overwhelming majority can see the benefits on their own."
This is just a best-case (and most-optimistic) scenario I can think of. I don't actually think it's likely, as there are so many more people who lose out from automation than those who benefit from it, and few of the people who lose out are really going to change their minds when the inevitable automation arrives.
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professorsparklepants · 11 months
trick or treat :D
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bbluejoseph · 11 months
trick or treat!! 🖤🧡
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You Get: tootsie roll pops! :)
ID: three individually wrapped tootsie roll pops on a white background. the flavors are cherry, orange, and grape. End ID.
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possum-tooth · 11 months
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!! have an opossum :3
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dasloddl · 1 year
awww thank you… honestly if I manage to do that at least once, my time spent on this weird webbed site has its worth <3
emoji ask
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leverage-ot3 · 1 year
for your ask meme: 4, 19, 32 ^-^
4. Your favorite fandom-in-law?
oh geez! I feel like I’ve thought of this but it’s escaped my brain! maybe black sails? I watched part of it but lost interest, but also think it was an iconic and monumental piece of media
19. Favorite season?
I have specific things I love about all seasons, but my top one is summer. I like being able to explore in nature and find swimming holes and experience summer thunder storms 🥺
32. What order do you use water and toothpaste when brushing teeth?
Water then toothpaste
here’s the ask post! ask me things!
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re-decorate · 1 year
if you're still doing handwriting asks, how about your favourite word? either to write or say or w/e
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this is the first that came to mind! it’s been my title on my main blog for as long as i can remember. i love it bc it’s so dramatic. so i used a purple pen to add to the drama lol
send me a question/word/phrase to write out!
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secondbeatsongs · 10 months
33 pls 💚
xD your song is Willy's Wonderland by emoi!
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jacksonthereaper · 7 months
Wonderbound: How things are changing
Hey y'all! Howzitgoin? So i decided to make this post to explain the many changes that have been made since my initial post regarding the series. To put it simply: The current outline i have for Wonderbound is quite different from my initial pitch back in December.
The planet of Golfraeym will no longer exist, and the switching from school life to magic life aspect will no longer be a thing. Instead, the series will take place in the distant future, somewhere around 2045, and there is an organization that gathers and trains strong people together that Eddie, Akio and Marta will be part of, and there is a much, MUCH bigger focus on the sci fi aspects in terms of world-building (there's still plenty of fantasy stuff, but the setting itself is mostly sci-fi).
Other than that, everything else is mostly the same, characters, races, power system, etc. I hope that you all will enjoy this new, more refined and well thought out outline i have for Wonderbound, and i hope you look forward to exploring this world with me.
Have a good one!
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semiotomatics · 1 year
hey fam
well :/
didn't want it to come to this, but here we are
here's the situation: i've been out of work for two weeks (so far) bc of my rapidly deteriorating mental health, which i finally, finally have worked up the courage to seek treatment for. i'm expecting to be out of work for at least another couple weeks while i adjust to my meds, and all of that time is. unpaid. i'm applying for short-term disability rn but a) that's not gonna cover all my lost wages and b) it's not gonna come through for a while, and in the meantime i have uhhhhh bills to pay. also a kitty to feed. also a me.
if anyone is able to throw a few bucks my way it would be incredibly appreciated. any little bit helps, seriously. and if not, that's okay too! absolutely no pressure at all. but things are getting pretty dire and i'm trying to be better at asking for and accepting help when i need it, so. yeah.
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melxncholyman · 11 months
tag 9 people to know better
tagged by @saintmercymorn thank you 💜💜
3 ships: jannik/hubi, gideon/harrow, tyler/josh
first ship: probably percy/annabeth from pjo
last song: paris is burning by st vincent
last movie: barbie
currently reading: the bloody chamber by angela carter
currently watching: nothing
currently consuming: hot kettle-boiled water (panacea of chinese traditional beliefs lmao)
currently craving: something warm and sweet like apple pie
tagging @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky, @wonderbound, @dnthedncer, @dasloddl if u guys want to!
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cinematics06 · 10 months
Alright, 15 followers on this blog. Nice job everyone. Thanks for supporting me and my blog for over a month by now. Like to thank all my followers here with accessible blogs. <3
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Thanks to:
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possum-tooth · 1 year
for the music ask: 5, 13, 16, 23 ^-^
5. which song always puts a smile on your face? feels so good by the wrecks!!
13. do you have a favorite genre or dabble in it all? um probably pop 🤐 but i sorta like a lot of different stuff!
16. tell us the name of a song that most people probably don’t know but you absolutely adore. they/them by atlas!!! being on The Transgender Site im sure some ppl know it but it has a special place in my heart <33
23. how did you discover your favorite artist? hrm idk! i wouldnt say i have an absolute favorite but we'll go with the wrecks bc i cannot shut up ab them, but my friend noah introduced me to them Forever ago and ive just been in love ever since!
musical bait asks
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