#woo! collaboration!
myplasticadversary · 4 months
So I've been thinking about 1974 in my Plastic Ono Band universe, and I think what I've settled on is John and Yoko still separate and she puts out Approximately Infinite Universe and meanwhile John is antsy about recommitting to Paul without her but manages to get talked into briefly joining Wings to play lead guitar for recording Band On The Run, long as he can bring his girlfriend May. #9 Dream replaces Mamunia (which is released as a B-side to Helen Wheels) and Let Me Roll It breaks out into the Beef Jerky jam as an outro.
But I've been trying to decide, if John is on the album does that mean he goes with them to Lagos or does he wait till they come back for overdubs? I feel like with all the crazy shit that happened on that trip like the robbery and Paul's heart attack and getting antagonized by Fela Kuti (who had a point let's be real) John would believe that's all somehow due to his presence being a curse despite it having nothing to do with him and afterward be even more compelled to self-isolate, that is if he would decide to go in the first place.
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bubblegeon · 2 years
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Our Christmas Throughout the long night Will only make happy laughter, Our shining day will be remembered together.
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july-19th-club · 2 years
case three is VERY busy and like, a lot for an early episode, but it's also good that it's an early episode i think, like it has a lot of what makes the show work and also some stuff that doesn't work about it. i do think sometimes there's this intense whiplash between very dark scenes and concepts and bright sparkly music and goofy interactions, and i would prefer it settle into one or the other. like this is a funny episode at times! the office romance stuff is slowly building. but it's also like rapid-fire hitting Issues from all sides, sometimes successfully and sometimes not, like getting into the fact that the protagonist isn't going to be good at communicating with or empathizing with other autistic folks just because she is (and given that her support needs are so much smaller than the clients, winds up messing things up a couple times in pretty much the same ways as her neurotypical coworkers); the old classmate of jun-ho's who runs into him and young-woo, sees how jittery she gets when a jackhammer goes off nearby and assumes he's doing charity work with her and jun-ho spends the rest of the episode agonizing over how rude and condescending this woman was and wanting to apologize but not knowing whether it would be overstepping; the fact that her dad still doesn't quite get her despite loving her and that he's sometimes resentful of being a single father on a restaurant income and not feeling appreciated the way he wants to be by his daughter; the fact that the client's father is so, so much worse - favored his elder son to the point of ignoring his mental health struggles, not noticing when he was getting suicidally overwhelmed and depressed from his med school workload, and being willing to let his surviving son go to jail rather than let his suicide become public knowledge; the incredibly horrible experience of being witness to several of your siblings' suicide attempts until one day he actually succeeds, and you don't get there in time and you're in the middle of a meltdown and you break his ribs trying to give him cpr and you can't explain any of it to anyone because it is all still so overwhelming and chaotic for you emotionally and because you are a bigger guy and so very very visibly disabled people automatically assume violence of you, even people like the protagonist who should be able to relate, and then a week later a bunch of lawyers are doing a very dedicated rendition of the pengsoo song for you, which is nice and all, and you wouldn't say no to a repeat performance, but like, you still saw your brother hang himself and your parents think you did it
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dippedanddripped · 1 year
The Dreamers’ Way | Dr. Woo
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coupsnim · 2 years
sick today so I’m finally watching the third episode of divorce attorney shin and they mentioned seventeen
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arlana-likes-to-write · 4 months
Happily Never After
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Part 2 of Holiday Compromise
Summary: With your company expanding and dealing with your parents trying to get a hold of you, your plan to purpose to Wanda has been put on hold.
Note: Their will be MAJOR spoilers in the warnings.
Warnings: implied sex, nudity and non sexual nudity, drinking, stalking, threatening message, kidnapping, reader is a simp for Wanda and the boys, Vision is a decent man, talk of past trauma.
Word Count: 9.7k
"Have you asked her yet?" You looked up from your computer to see Natasha enter the conference room. Her arms were filled with her travel mug, breakfast, and laptop. She sighed when everything was out of her hands. She opened the brown paper bag, pulled out a breakfast sandwich, and handed it to you. You thanked her with a smile, but her question caught up with you.
"If I asked her to marry me, wouldn't you be the first to know?" You opened your food and took a bit, moaning at the taste. "That was stupid," it was a little muffled from the bagel in your mouth. Your comment received a quick slap to the back of your head. "Ouch," you whine, mouth full of food. You slapped her back, and she was quick to attack.
"Children," Yelena warned as she entered the room, followed by Shuri and Bucky. "Enough," Natasha mumbled something you missed in Russian and angrily sipped on her coffee. You laughed at her dramatic behavior and felt a little bad for Yelena. The blonde had to deal with you and Natasha as kids. Nine times out of ten, it ended up in a fight. "Can I see the ring?"
You smiled, took it out of your pocket, and slipped it across the table for the blonde to see. You bought it two days after the vacation with the family of three while Wanda was at work and the twins were at Vision's. It was a three-diamond ring from Tiffany's. The stones were pear-shaped. The ring was simple but flashy. You wanted to woo her. That was three months ago, and it was almost May.
Once Yelena was done, she handed it to Shuri. "I'm surprised you haven't lost it," Shuri teased and gave it to Bucky.
"Not a bad ring boss," he tossed it back to you and caught it. But Shuri is right," he said, taking his usual spot by the door. "You better pop the question before you lose it, or she finds it." Your team laughed.
"Why are you all picking on me?" You groaned. "I can fire all of you." Natasha chuckled.
"Please, your name is on the building, but everyone knows we run this company," you said, flipping the redhead off.
"Right, just remember I sign your checks each week," you deadpanned. "Let's go over any last-minute changes and questions we want to ask them." Your team was meeting with Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, and Bruce Banner of Stark Industries. When the holidays were over, an email from Pepper was in your inbox looking to form a business deal and collaborate with you. It was a dream come true to work with the Starks, and you wanted everything to go smoothly, which is one of the reasons why the ring was still with you and not on Wanda's finger. You were busy; if this meeting went well, you would be even busier.
You loved your job—making high-tech wearable devices like smartwatches, fitness trackers, and smart clothing. But at the end of the meeting, you were hoping to create a new line with Stark's AI system—FRIDAY. Wanda was supportive through it all, making you love her even more. She would ensure you were eating, drinking enough water, and spending time away from your desk. All of her actions made the ring feel heavier each day.
A gentle knock on your home office's door pulled you away from your paperwork. Much needed to be done since the deal was made with Stark Industries. It was Wanda, wearing one of your button-up shirts, and the sleeves were pushed up to her elbows. You were pretty sure she was speaking, but the only thought in your head was how good she looked. The shirt was barely long enough to cover her red underwear. Her bare feet closed the distance between you and her. Carefully, she maneuvered onto your desk and sat down on the space. She could have ruined months of work, but it wouldn't have mattered to you. "Darling," she cupped your face in both her hands. "I was talking."
"And I wasn't listening," you admitted and grabbed her right foot, digging your thumb in the soul as you kissed her ankle. "I was thinking how beautiful you are, but how sexy it would be for my bite marks to cover your thighs," you bite down on the inside of her thigh. A hiss turned into a quiet moan left your girlfriend's lip. "Tell me what you were saying, baby."
"The boys are finally asleep," you continued your assault, littering her thighs with hickies. "Maybe," a quiet moan left her lips so she wouldn't wake the twins. "Extreme ice cream sundaes on a school night was not a good idea," you smirked. That was your idea, wanting to celebrate the deal with them.
"I'm sorry," you stood up slowly, undoing the shirt's buttons. Groaning when you saw she wasn't wearing a bra. "Tell me how to make it up to you," you loved the goosebumps that covered her skin. She was so sensitive, you loved it. When she didn't respond, you kissed her cheek and down the column of her throat. A sharp bite sent her hands to grip your hair. "Tell me, baby, I won't ask again."
"I need," her voice shook. You could feel heat radiating off her skin. "I need you to make me cum." It was the consent you needed. You pulled her hips to the edge of your desk and knelt between her lips. The paperwork that the team required tomorrow was no longer important. All you wanted -no, all you needed was to make your woman cum. Over and over again.
You splashed the cold water on your face to clean off the face wash. You were trying to be quiet as Wanda was asleep in bed. She tried to stay up with you as you finished the rest of your work, but it was a battle you knew she wouldn't win. She fell asleep on the couch, and once you were done, you carried her to bed and got ready. You were exhausted. Your work was terrific and essential, but some days, it felt like your brain was melting and dripping out of your nose. Sighing, you pulled back the covers and were about to join your sleeping girlfriend until your phone rang. You quickly silenced it, jumping at the sound. Luckily, Wanda remained asleep. "Fucking hell," you whispered and looked at the caller ID.
It was a number you hadn't seen in a long time—three years, to be exact—your father. You felt frozen; all you could do was watch the call and go to voicemail. "Sweetheart," Wanda's voice brought you back to reality. Are you coming back to bed?"
"Yeah," you said, silencing your phone and plugging it back into the charger. When you lay down, Wanda immediately placed her head on your chest.
"What's wrong?" Her accent was always deeper when she was tired. You thought it was cute. "Your heart is racing." Dammit. You hated how much your family affected you.
"It's because I'm in the presence of a goddess," she pinched your side and moved to rest her chin on your chest. You seemed to get lost in the green of her eyes. "I'm okay, baby. Just got a lot on my mind at work." She squinted her eyes at you.
"We are a team, remember?" You smiled and nodded.
"I remember," she kissed you softly and placed her head in the crook of your neck. "Sleep, baby. I promise I'm okay."
There was only one knock on your door before it opened to reveal your secretary, Sarah. "You have a visitor," you glanced at the clock. It was around lunch, and Wanda texted you this morning to say she wanted to spend it with you. You waved her in and focused on the phone call with Tony.
"Look, all I'm saying is we could partner with Odinson and Laufeyson and cut the cost of materials. It's a win-win" It was innovative thinking, and expanding both companies with New Asgard would be amazing. You watched Wanda walk, still in her uniform and a food bag. “Brunnhilde owes me a favor. She could set up the meeting," your girlfriend sat in front of your desk. You put up one finger to tell her you were almost done. She nodded and pulled out the food she brought.
"Yeah, it's a smart idea," you glanced at your calendar. The twin's birthday was marked on it, and it was coming soon. You made a mental note to order their birthday presents so they would arrive on time. "See if you can do it in a few weeks. I'm a little swamped at the moment." you chuckled.
"I've been telling you, kid. You need to delegate and hire some interns," you rolled your eyes and pulled the phone away from your ear, sending a playful glare to Wanda as the billionaire went on a tangent. It's fair. It was on your to-do list. Wanda giggled.
"Tony, I love you and hear you," you cut him off. "But my girl is here and I want to have lunch with her. Can we table this for another time?" You liked the blush that covered Wanda's cheeks. The man laughed.
"Enjoy, kid. Remember, don't do anything I wouldn't do, which isn't saying a lot," you chuckled. The billionaire was insane, but he was also a great business partner.
"Bye, Stark," you hung up before he could say anything else. "Sorry, I think the man likes to hear himself talk." You opened the sandwich she brought for you.
"It's fine," Wanda smiled. "How's your day been?" So you told her about your day; the endless amount of meetings and phone calls was taking a toll on you. She suggested taking another short vacation, just you and her. "It would have to be after the twin's birthday. You know that is coming up, right?"
"How could I forget? It's marked in my calendar." You showed her your calendar. You wrote it in red and circled it so it would stand out, and you wouldn't forget.
"I have something to ask you," you hated her tone and the way she played with the rings on her finger. "It's on behalf of the boys." It made you feel a little better.
"Baby," you reached for her hand and squeezed it. "You can ask me anything."
"The boys want to have their birthday party at their father's house," that made sense. His house was bigger; he had a yard and a pool. It was the perfect spot for a middle school birthday party. You figured this was about spending their birthday on a different day. "They want you to come to the party," you dropped her hand in shock. They wanted you to attend a party at your current girlfriend's ex-husband's house with his girlfriend. Fuck no. Hell no. "I know it's a lot, and you do not need to make a decision now. I told them it may make you uncomfortable?"
"Does Vision know they want me there?" Wanda sighed.
"He does and," you gave her a look to continue. "He was okay with it as long as you are." You blinked at her a few times, mouth opened slightly.
"Come again. That man has not liked me from day 1." You weren't looking for his approval, but you wanted things to be civil. Unfortunately, he was the twin's father. Wanda took your hand.
"I think he's starting to realize you aren't going anywhere," Damn straight. You were here to stay. "It helps that the boys like you, and we may have had our differences, but he loves them." That you knew was true. A small part of you, the younger you, was jealous that Wanda and Vision could still be parents to the twins through their divorce. Their main priority was Billy and Tommy, unlike your parents, who prioritized themselves.
"I'll think about it," if they wanted you there, then you could consider it, but God, it would be awkward. You hated awkward situations.
"Thank you," she helped you clean up and walked her to your office door. "Are you staying late?" You nodded. She brought her fingers to your temple and rubbed them. You moaned and fell into her. Her laugh made you feel lighter. "Don't stay too late, okay? You need sleep."
"I know. I'll text you when I'm done," you kissed her softly. "I love you." It was such a simple three-letter word, but it made your heart soar every time. You wondered if you said it enough.
"I love you too, sweetheart. Please take care of yourself," she said, fixing the collar of your shirt. "The boys and I need you," you said, cupping her cheeks and brushing your nose against hers.
"I need you too. Always."
It was late. So stupidly late that you were annoyed with yourself that you couldn't keep your promise to Wanda. There was one thing left to do on your to-do list. All you had to do was sign the contract Pepper sent over and send it back. However, your mind was so focused on what Wanda asked you that the words blurred today. So you opened a bottle of whiskey and poured yourself a glass. Soft jazz music played from the record player that Melina got you. "What the hell are you still doing here?" Natasha opened and closed your door. "Don't you have a woman keeping your bed warm?"
"I guess I could ask you the same thing," you said, grabbing an extra glass and filling it. "Instead of a woman, it's more like two strong and muscular men," she said, taking the full glass you offered.
"Are you jealous?" you cringed. Dating and sleeping with men were not your thing. "Come on, tell Mama Nat all of your troubles and how she can help," she sat down on your couch and flopped on the spot next to her.
"You can never say that in my presence. Keep that in the bedroom," the redhead threw her head back in a laugh.
"Come on, boss, what's going on?' You joined her on the couch with the bottle and your glass."
"My mind is all over the place. With the deal with Starks, Wanda asked me something, and-" You took a sip of your drink, stopping yourself from telling her about the phone call from your father.
"What happened between you and Wanda?" You sighed.
"The twin's birthday is coming up. No, you can not get them anything," she pouted in protest. "I'm still apologizing for the Christmas mess," she shrugged. "The party is at Vision's house, and they want me to go."
"Oh," Natasha let out a slow breath. "Shit," you laughed, finished your drink, and poured yourself another one. "So, do the boys want you there or Wanda?"
"The boys asked Wanda to ask me," you simplified. The redhead nodded. She was biting the inside of her cheek and moving the liquor in her glass.
"So you go," she shrugged. Your jaw dropped. Was she serious? She knew you hated awkward situations; you avoided them like the plague. "Look, it's huge. The boys want you there. It speaks volumes that they want you there to celebrate with them. You go for them."
"You make it sound so easy," you groaned, throwing your head back.
"Because it is," she flicked you on your cheek. "The twins love you. Everyone sees it. It's no surprise they want you there. Besides, if Vision gets on your nerves, throw him in the pool," she tried to hide her smile in her glass. "He uncanny acts like a robot; it may short-circuit his motherboard or something." You laughed hard. It made your stomach begin to hurt. The red joined in, and you fell against each other. Natasha always knew how to make you feel better. You were grateful for her.
Your phone ringing caught the laughter between you and your friend. "It's probably the misuses," you fished the phone out of your pocket as Natasha picked up the two dirty glasses. It was not Wanda. Oh, how you wished it was. "Who is it?" You forgot Natasha was still in your office. She ripped the phone out of your hand when you refused to answer. That snapped you out of it. "Your fucking mother. What the fuck does that cunt want?"
"I don't know because I didn't answer it," you deadpanned. She ignored the call and threw it on the couch next to you. You caught it before it bounced off.
"How long has seen been trying to reach you?" Her green eyes turned stormy, and you felt yourself shrink under her intense stare. It was impossible to lie to her. You used to joke that she was a Russian spy in her past life.
"Not long," you mumbled. "My father called me a few days ago. It's the first time she's called me," she huffed and threw her arms up, then on her hips.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because it's not that big of a deal," your phone beeped, and you saw she left a voicemail. "Nat, you know how they are. They call when they need money. I ignore them, and when they find the money through someone else, they stop calling. It's the same way every time."
"I'm calling Melina."
"No!" You said suddenly and stood up. She raised an eyebrow at you with her phone in her hand. "I do not need the Russian mob going after my deadbeat parents. It will blow over."
"My parents aren't in the mob," you weren't 100% sure you believed her. Alexei had tattoos that would make any criminal go running. But she placed her phone back in her pocket. "I don't like this." You knew she wouldn't. It was another reason why you didn't tell her. She was very protective over you when it came to your parents. She had to mend a lot of the broken pieces caused by them.
"I know," you stood up, walked over to her, and placed your hands on her arms. "But they can't hurt me anymore." Natasha sighed, pinching the bridge of her noise.
"Promise me you will not give them anything. They don't deserve it," you nodded. "And promise me, if you don't feel safe, you call Maria or Melina." You nodded again. "I need to hear you say it."
"I promise." You knew they wouldn't intentionally hurt you, but to ease her nerves, you made the promise. Natasha pulled you into a hug, and you slumped against her. You felt safe. You felt like everything was going to be okay."
"Now, where are you off to?" Sarah asked when you stepped out of your office.
"I'm going to surprise Wanda at work," you smiled. "Can you transfer all calls to my personal? Oh! Do you want anything? I know you like their Ruben." She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, and get me a slice of their cheesecake." Now that was a brilliant idea. She reached for her purse.
"If you hand me money, so help me, woman, I will slap you," she threw a piece of paper at you. Before you could retaliate, your phone rang. You stuck your tongue at her and answered it. "Hey, Wands, I was about to come see you."
"Actually," your smile dropped, and you stepped away from Sarah. "I need a favor." You hated how fast your heart started to beat. "Tommy and Billy have a half day that Vision and I forgot about. Can you pick them up? Vision will get them from you when he can."
"Of course. Jeez, you almost gave me a heart attack," she laughed. "I'll leave right now. I love you. See you tonight?" You questioned.
"Yes, and I love you too," you smiled and hung up. You faced Sarah.
"Duty calls," you gave her a salute. "I'll get you food whenever the boys want to go." Sarah laughed with a wave of her hand.
"Enjoy your time with them. We'll hold down the fort here."
Picking up the twins was always a walk in the park since your name was on the approved pickup list. The only annoying thing was the receptionist, who liked to flirt with you. You clarified that you were seeing someone, but she didn't care. The twins loved to tease you over it, much to Wanda's dismay.
You brought them to The Western Flavor for lunch. "Okay, we need to establish some rules," you said as they opened their menus. "Real food first, then desserts or your mother may break up with me." Billy laughed.
"It would take a lot for Mom to leave you."
"Yeah, I think you are stuck with us." You were more than okay with that. As you decided what to order, the twins updated you on all the school gossip. You forgot how crazy it was to be in middle school. Once the waitress brought your food, you noticed a change in their behavior. "Alright," you took a sip of your drink. "What's going on? Why are you acting weird?"
"Puberty," Tommy answered. You glared at them both. Billy rolled his eyes.
"Has Mom asked you about our birthday party?" Shit. Wanda asked you three days ago; the party was in a week.
"She did," you answered slowly.
"And?" Billy asked.
"Boys-," you sighed.
"Please, we really want you there," Tommy pleaded. "You are the only adult who will play with us in the pool." You laughed at that. He wasn't wrong. The weather was in that weird phase of not spring but winter. You looked at the weather for next week, and it was supposed to be in the mid-70s to early 80s.
"Plus, we asked Dad, and he said it was fine." Billy took a French fry from your plate. "Well, we didn't ask Tiffany, but it's not her house, so her opinion doesn't matter." Tommy nodded along with his brother. The twins' clear dislike of their father's girlfriend made you snort, which caused them to laugh at you.
"Okay, fine, I'll go," they cheered, and you couldn't help but smile at how excited they were. "However, if I find myself in one awkward encounter with him, I will use you two as my decoy."
"Aye, aye, captain," Tommy said.
"Sir, yes, sir," you rolled your eyes and threw your straw wrapper at them. They discussed everything that was going to happen at their party. You made a mental note to ask Wanda how you could help. You groaned when your phone started to ring. The boys laughed at your displeasure. Glancing at it, you saw it was your mother. They could not take a hint. You silenced the ringer and focused on figuring out what milkshake you wanted.
"Who was that?" Billy asked.
"No one important," you answered and stole a look at the twins. They were staring at each other. It reminded you of Wanda's look when she didn't believe the story the boys tried to spin. It was a little uncanny how similar the look was. "It was my mother. We don't have the best relationships?"
"Is that why you spend holidays with us instead of your mom and dad?" Billy asked with a slight tilt of his head.
"Yes, before you guys, I would celebrate them with my coworkers or Natasha and Yelena." You spent a lot of Christmas and Thanksgiving at the Russian household. The last holiday you spent with your parents was when you were 11.
"Why don't you like them?" Tommy questioned.
"You don't have to answer that," Billy quickly added, glaring at his brother. You smiled. Kids were curious by nature, but it was okay. Besides, you've spoken about your relationship with your parents in therapy. It was easier.
"My parents divorced when I was around your age, but unlike your parents, they don't care about me," Billy frowned at your confession. "So they only call me when they need money or something from me."
"Parents shouldn't do that," you agreed with Billy, but sometimes, that wasn't the case. The waitress came by to collect your plates and asked if you wanted dessert. The twins wanted a milkshake, and you got a fudge sundae. She left with your order.
"Tiffany says that about mom," Tommy said. "That she is just with you for the money."
"Tommy," his brother hissed, slapping his brother under the table. So it was supposed to be a secret. You wanted to have a few words with Tiffany.
"You know that's not true, right?" They nodded.
"Trust me, we know," Billy said. "If mom were with you for the money, we wouldn't still live in our small apartment." You laughed, shaking your head.
"I don't like Tiffany," Tommy cringed, twitching his nose like Wanda when she said or tasted something she didn't like.
"Tommy!" Billy said again.
"What? Stop trying to be all high and mighty. You don't like her either," you smiled as Billy slumped in the booth.
"Your secret is safe with me," you promised.
"She's just so-" Billy groaned, unable to find the right words. "There is something about her we don't like." The waitress brought you the desserts.
"Maybe because she's dating your dad," you suggested and ate a spoonful of ice cream. It was weird; you liked the feeling of the brain freeze. Tommy shook his head.
"You are dating our mom, and we like you," he said. It was always nice to hear that. Anyway, what are you getting us for our birthday?" You laughed. You loved these boys so much.
"Pop a squat, boys," you told them when you entered your office after you dropped off Sarah's food. "Your dad will pick you up when he's done with work. So homework than video games."
"Awe, come on," Tommy whined. "Aren't you supposed to be the fun parent?" Parent. He called you the fun parent. It was so strange how that single word could fill you with butterflies.
"Homework while I do my job, then we can play Mario Kart," you compromised. They seemed content, and they got to work on your couch. You figured you had 45 minutes to tack your to-do list. So you followed their lead and got to work. You were 15 minutes off, and 30 minutes later, they were standing in front of your desk with their homework done. You glared at the boys and ignored the smiles on their faces.
"You promised," Billy said. Sighing, you reorganized the papers on your desk.
"Come on, boys. It's time for me to kick your butts in Mario Kart." They cheered and followed you to the conference room. You kept a few game consoles set up in there. So you set up the game and began to play.
You loved this time with the boys. When you first started dating Wanda, you were worried about the twins not liking you. They were a little standoffish, but you bonded with them over video games.
You were gifted an early copy of "Edge of Vengeance: Retribution," the second game in the franchise, by the developers. The first one was okay but not your favorite. So when you were at dinner with Wanda and the boys, you overheard the twins talking about it. You gifted it to them the next day. The smile on their face was something that would stick with you forever.
"No fair!" Tommy wined and dropped the controller onto the table. "You have to be cheating." You crossed the finish line, once again in first place.
"I'm sorry, little man, I'm just better than you," you teased and dusted off your shoulders. Billy laughed. He gave up trying to beat you a few rounds ago. You laughed as the door opened. It was Sarah.
"Their father is here," she told you. You nodded and paused the game.
"Alright. Grab your stuff," they put their controllers away without asking them.
"I almost beat you in the race before the last one," Tommy said. You stood between them as you walked to the elevator and into the lobby. "It was so unfair you used that shortcut." You smiled.
"Then you should have said we couldn't use short cuts," you said as the door closed and descended. "It's your fault." Billy laughed.
"She's got you there,"
"You are supposed to be on my side, jerk," Tommy lunged for this brother, but you grabbed his backpack and pulled him back.
"Enough," you told him. "The last thing I need is for you to break the elevator." The doors opened, and you walked out with your arms around your shoulders. "You'll get me one day, buddy; just don't give up." You found Vision as soon as you entered the lobby. Dressed in a suit and his arms crossed, he seemed a little out of place.
"Hi, Dad," Billy walked over to him and hugged him.
"Hello, boys. Did you have fun?"
"We did!" Tommy smiled. "Y/n, let us play Mario Kart." Their father looked at you.
"I made sure they did their homework first," you weren't completely useless when it came to kids.
"Thank you for picking them up. It slipped our minds."
"It's no big deal," you told him and shrugged. "I know my schedule is more flexible, so whenever you guys need me to pick them up, I can," he nodded.
"Dad, dad," Tommy pulled on Vision's arm. "She said she'll come to our birthday party."
"If that's okay," you added on quickly. "I don't want to intrude." The man must have given himself whiplash on how fast he looked at you and his son.
"You won't be," he said, even though his voice sounded strained. "You are always welcome." Your jaw almost dropped. What was happening right now? "Come on, boys. Let's get out of her hair. You can be quite a handful," he teased and ruffled their hair. The boys said goodbye, and you waved after them, unable to find any words after that bizarre encounter with your girlfriend's ex-husband.
"Are you okay, boss?" Bucky asked, walking over to you from his post.
"I think I need a drink after that," the veteran laughed.
"You are so dramatic," he said. You stuck your tongue at him and walked back to the elevator. After a few more hours of work, you will be home with Wanda. ï»żï»ż
"Smells good," you smiled over your shoulder as Wanda entered the kitchen after her shower. Once Wanda's shift ended, you met her at the diner and drove you back to your house. While she showered away the day, you started on dinner. "Do you need help?" You shook your head.
"If you want to pick a wine to go with this, go right ahead," you had a pretty impressive wine collection and knew Wanda loved pairing a bottle with whatever dish. When she quit the diner, you would push her to culinary school. Once you placed the food, you carried the plates to the table, and Wanda brought the wine. She thanked you for cooking with a kiss. You spoke about nothing and everything. She caught you up on the latest drama at the diner and you gave her updates on work. Most of the time, you ate in a comfortable silence. It was one of your favorite things. There was no need to talk and fill the silence.
"So," you sipped on the wine. "I talked to the twins about their party." She nodded slowly and poured more wine from the bottle into her glass. "I will be going," you watched the relief wash over her. "If you wanted me to go so bad, you should have said so," you chuckled.
"I didn't want to put you in a situation you weren't comfortable in. I can deal with Vision. I don't like Tiffany," her nose scrunched in disgust. You laughed. Mother like son.
"What do you need help with?"
"Nothing," you glared at her. "I'm serious," she laughed. "Vision hired a catering service so I don't have to cook, and he rented extra chairs and tables from a party company. I may decorate the backyard, but everything is taken care of," your eyebrows went to your hairline. "I was shocked too, but all you have to do is show up," she stood up and picked up the dirty plates. "And look hot while you swim." You laughed and joined her in the kitchen. She was rinsing the dishes and placing them in the dishwasher. You wrapped your arms around her waist.
"Are you ready for all the horny moms to eye fuck me the entire time?" Your girlfriend tensed up. You chuckled and pushed her hair out of the way to attack her neck with your lips. "Don't worry, baby. I only have eyes for you," you moved your hand underneath her shirt and felt goosebumps that appeared on her skin. "So sensitive," you teased. She dropped the plate in the sink and spun around quickly. Her lips attached to yours.
"You are mind," she mumbled against your lips. You picked her up with your hands underneath her things. The dishes could wait a little longer.
"When are you going to be home? I miss you." You chuckled. "What? Can I not miss my girlfriend leaving me alone in a cold bed."
"That bed is not cold because you like the house at 79 degrees," your girlfriend huffed. "Not even an even number when you know I hate odds," the woman had the audacity to laugh at you. "I miss you too, by the way. You know I'd rather be there with you than here."
"I know," she sighed. "How much longer are you going to be?" You looked at the stack of mail on your desk Sarah brought in before she left.
"30 minutes, an hour tops," you answered and pinched the bridge of your nose. "I have a headache," you whined.
"Drink some water and wear your glasses," you groaned. "I'll try to stay up and wait for you."
"Don't worry about it, baby," you leaned back in your chair. You need your sleep. I'll try not to wake you when I get home." Wanda was pulling a double shift tomorrow, and the ring on your desk seemed to tease you.
"I love you, sweetheart," you smiled at Wanda's sleepy voice.
"I love you too, baby," you said as you hung up and picked up the jewelry box. You were so busy. Thor and Loki agreed to work with you and Stark Industries, so that meant more paperwork, deadlines, and headaches for you. You wanted to get as much done before the birthday party as possible before the short weekend getaway you and Wanda planned.
You didn't have enough brainpower to plan a proposal. You wanted to involve the boys, but that's all you had figured out.
Sighing, you put the box down and picked up the stack of mail. A lot of it was junk, a few letters from organizations thanking you for your donations and a magazine subscription you don't remember signing up for. However, an envelope caught your attention. There was no return address and no postage mark as if someone had just dropped the letter off. Carefully, you opened it up and pulled out the letter.
Your stomach dropped immediately. The letter was created by cutting out maginze letters and gluing them together. It was something you saw out of an actual crime show. It read: 'Pay us what you owe, or they will get it.' A snake wrapped around your heart. It was difficult for you to breathe. You ran your hands over your face. As your hands shook, you picked up your phone and called an old friend.
"Why do I smell trouble?" Maria answered on the second ring. "Do I need to bail you and Natasha out of jail again?" You could have laughed if bile wasn't forming in your throat.
"Maria, I need you to come to my office," you said. "It's an emergency." Could she hear the shake in your voice? Fuck, your heart was pounding against your ribs. You were going to have a panic attack. "Ria, I need you."
"Shit," you heard movement on her side. "I'll be right there. Do I need to stay on the phone with you?"
"No," you said. "I'll be fine. Just hurry, please."
"I'll be right there. Do your breathing exercises for me, okay? You're no use to me if you pass out," she managed to make you chuckle.
"Thanks, Ria. I'll see you soon," she hung up. You stood up and walked away from your desk. You needed to get away from that letter. So you paced—5 steps one way, turn around 5 steps the other way, and repeat and repeat. It helped lessen the tension in your chest, and you began to breathe normally. It was going to be okay. You kept repeating that mantra in your head.
You opened the door before Maria could knock. "I heard you," you answered your unasked question.
"If you didn't sound so flustered on the phone, I'd joke about how creepy that is," she got you to smile. "Alright, what is it?" You waved her over to your desk and pointed to the letter. She put gloves on and picked it up. She read it over a few times. "Has anyone else touched this?" You shook your head.
"I was the only one to touch the letter, but Sarah may have touched the envelope." She nodded and placed the letter in an evidence bag.
"Okay, your fingerprints should still be in the system, so we can cross-reference yours on the letter," you rolled your eyes.
"You get arrested once, and it's all anybody talks about." The agent smirked.
"If I remember correctly, it was four times, and Fury was the first one to arrest you." You smiled and sat down on the couch.
"How's the big man? Still causing you headaches." Maria sat beside you, throwing her feet on the small table.
"Always. He misses you. Had to handcuff him to his chair when I told him you called and needed something." Now, that would have been a sight. You missed the man, too. There was a part of your childhood where you rebelled; not even Natasha's family could ring you in. It was a desperate attempt to get your parent's attention. Instead of getting their attention, you got the attention of Nick Fury. The man arrested you for breaking into an abandoned building and vandalism. You liked tagging buildings when you were younger. Since it was your first offense, you were sentenced to community service, which Fury oversaw.
He saw something in you that not a lot of people did. A young girl who was looking for someone to believe in. So when his agents brought you in three more times, he kept it off your record and became a mentor to you. If it wasn't for him and Natasha's family, you would not be the CEO of your own company. You owed them a lot.
"So, who do you owe money to?" You gasped at the accusation. "Look, you know I have to ask and look at every angel." You knew that but still it hurt.
"I don't own anybody anything," your headache was coming back full force.
"When was the last time you spoke to your parents?" You sighed, crossing your arms.
"3 years ago, almost 4. It was about the boat incident on Oneida." Maria nodded. "They've been calling me the past week, but I've ignored them."
"I will get a judge to sign off on your phone records and security camera. Hopefully, we can catch who dropped this off," she placed her hand on the back of your neck and squeezed it. "We'll figure out who did this," she promised. "It could also be a competitor. The deal you made with Stark has made headline news. Do you want me to assign agents to Wanda and the boys?" You shook your head.
"I don't want to worry them. I'll," you sighed and rubbed your hands across your face. I'll talk to them about it." She nodded, and you rested your head on her shoulder. Maria was similar to you. Her home life was not ideal, and it seemed Fury had the tendency to adopt strays and keep them underneath his wing. Unfortunately, she had to bail you and Natasha out of trouble every once in a while.
"How long have you been here?" She softly asked. You closed your eyes.
"I got in around 9," you answered. It would have been earlier, but Wanda held you hostage in bed, and it was very hard to say no to sleepy Wanda.
"You realize it's 11:30, right?" you groaned and nodded. "Go home, bean," she said. "Go home to Wanda and the boys. We'll take care of everything." You believed her. She was the deputy director and the leader of an impressive team. You trusted her with your life.
When you closed the door to your house, you felt the weight on your shoulders leave. It felt easier to breathe. You threw your bag on the couch, took off your shoes, and made sure to set the house alarm. Walking to your room, you checked on the boys, who were fast asleep. Good. You kept walking and found Wanda fast asleep. Her hair framed around her head. The blankets were pulled up to her chin. The sight made you smile, and you stripped out of your clothes and climbed into bed beside her. Usually, you would shower and change into pajamas, but you wanted to be in the safety of your shared bed.
Trying to avoid waking her, you pulled back the covers and laid yourself next to Wanda. Your head in the crock of her neck, inhaling her sent. She smelt of lavender and soothed your throbbing headache. On instinct, she wrapped her arms around you. Most nights you held her, you loved the feeling of her in your arms. Sometimes you needed to be held. "My baby," she mumbled, still clearly asleep. You smiled and kissed her shoulder.
"Yours, my love," you whispered. "Yours now and forever." You weren't going to let anyone hurt your family.
Oh, you were going to throw up. You desperately wanted to arrive with Wanda, but a video call with Tony, Shuri, and Thor was scheduled, and you could not reschedule it. The party officially started in two hours, but you wanted to show up early and help. Pumping yourself up, you knocked on the door with your free hand. The presents for the twins were in one hand, and your swimsuit, change of clothes, and a bottle of wine were in your backpack. The door opened. "Y/n," Vision said. Was he smiling at you?
"Vision," you forced a smile of your own.
"You're here!" You heard the thundering footsteps of the twins racing towards you.
"I'll take these," he took the presents right before Billy and Tommy threw themselves at you. "They've been on a sugar rush all morning." The man looked fondly at his sons, who were crushing you. Damn, where are they always this strong? They may break a rib. "Alright, boys," Vision chuckled. "Let her breathe." What the fuck was happening? Did you walk into a different timeline? Billy let go of you first, but Tommy kept hugging you.
"Happy birthday, boys," you ruffled Tommy's hair. "Are you excited for the party?"
"Yes!" Tommy said. "Let's go swimming." He grabbed onto your hand and began to drag you to the pool.
"Tommy," the boy froze at his father's tone. "You promised to help Tiffany in the kitchen. Go help her with your brother, then you can go in the pool." Tommy groaned and headed towards the kitchen, dragging his feet behind him. Billy rolled his eyes and followed his brother. Vision sighed. "They may send me to an early grave," There was a smile on his face.
"Oh, I can take these back," you reached for the presents, but he shook his head.
"I can take these to the table. Wanda is outside," you stared at the man as he left you in the entryway. You shook your head and walked over to the back door. Vision was right. Wanda was putting together a banner. Her back was to you. Quietly, you opened the door and walked over to her. She jumped when you wrapped your arms around her waist. The smell of her perfume helped you relax. Soon she relaxed in your arms.
"Hi baby," you whispered and kissed her cheek.
"How was the meeting?" She asked as she worked on the banner. You sighed.
"It was okay," you threw your bag in a chair and began to help her. "I think Thor has more energy than Tony." Wanda chuckled. You continued to place the letters together to spell 'Happy Birthday' in silence. Until a question was burning on your lips. You glanced at the house. "Is Vision okay?" You asked slowly. "He's acting strange, like Tommy hit him in the back of the head with a football." A smile slowly crept onto Wanda's face.
"No," she laughed. "He's been in a good mood since I got here," she shrugged. "I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth." You narrowed your eyes at the house. Something strange was happening here.
You hated to admit how much fun the party was. You spent a lot of your time being dragged around by the twins and involved in whatever game they wanted to play. They somehow convinced their father to play a game of chicken with you in the pool. You learned that the man would do anything to make his boys smile. It was annoyingly adorable.
The only issue you had was Tiffany. She cornered you in the kitchen when you made another pitcher of lemonade. Well, corned was a strong word, but she was interrogating you about your work and family.
Besides that, you enjoyed spending time with Wanda and meeting the parents of the twins' friends. It felt like you were part of the family. You sang Happy Birthday, ate cake, watched them open presents, and cuddled with Wanda while you watched Tommy and Billy run around with their friends.
Once the party was over and the last guest left, you grabbed a trash can and began picking up the backyard. It wasn't long till Vision joined. You held open the bag for him as he picked up bottles that missed the trash can. "You made their day by coming," he said, breaking the silence. I think they'll be talking about it all year." You stared at him, eyes squinting. Did I say something?"
"Vision, what the fuck is going on?" He seemed startled by your sudden outburst. "This is the most you've spoken to me since Wanda and I started dating." The man sighed. He walked over to the cooler and opened it. Returning to you, he handed you a beer. You watched him open it and offer you the bottle. You hit yours against his and opened it. You've never seen this man drink before. You really were in a weird timeline.
"I did not like you when you first started dating Wanda," you chuckled. Everyone with eyes knew that. "It was mostly my fault our marriage fell apart. I became complacent and did not realize what I had, and then she was gone." You frowned. Vision took another sip from the bottle. "And Billy and Tommy loved you. On my weekends, they would not stop talking about you." You understand now.
"I'm not here to steal your family, Vision," the man sighed.
"Well, I know that now," he said. "Billy helped me realize how unfair I was treating you. You always thought that boy was wise beyond his years. "So I am sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me." You weren't one to hold grudges, especially when the person was open and vulnerable with you.
"Water under the bridge, Vis," you said. "But thank you for being honest with me." He smiled and began to take down the remaining tables. Since it was a day full of confessions, you had one of your own. You took a sip of your beer. "I have a hypothetical question," he glanced at you while he laid the table on the grass. "How difficult is getting an Order of Protection in New York?" The man froze. "Hypothetically," you said again. Vision was a lawyer and part of the team for the district attorney. If anyone knew the process, it would be him.
"Am I that bad?" He joked. You rolled your eyes and mumbled, 'Jackass.' He chuckled and sipped his beer. "Hypothetically speaking, it can be filed in a criminal case or family court. Would this hypothetical order of protection be against a family member?" You crossed your arms.
"Hypothetically, yes," he sighed, watching his eyes look you up and down.
"Then hypothetically, you would need to file a petition that tells the judge and respondent what you would want," you nodded and took a step forward. "This hypothetical order of protection," you rolled your eyes. "Are Wanda and my sons in danger?"
"No," he gave you a look that he wasn't convinced. "No," you repeated. "Nothing will happen to them. I promise."
"Have you spoken to Wanda about this hypothetical order of protection?" You looked at the house and saw Wanda trying to get the twins to help clean up and put their toys away. She caught you staring, and she waved, but you saw the question in her gaze; 'Are you okay?' You nodded and waved back.
"I have not," he hummed.
"A little advice," you looked back at the man. "Tell her. She hates being lied to. She rather know the truth no matter how bad it is," you knew that. Sighing, you rang your hand through your hair. You felt his hand on your shoulder. "You are good for her."
"Thanks, Vis," you smiled. He nodded and began the original task of cleaning up. You finished your beer and threw the empty bottle in the trash. You placed your hands on your hips and looked around the backyard. Today was good. You hated to ruin it with your family bullshit.
"I am tired," Wanda slumped on the couch, not bothering to take off her shoes. You smiled, dropped your bag, and toed off your sneakers. Sitting by her feet, you unclipped her heels and dropped them to the floor. You massaged her calves and thighs. She groaned and flipped onto her back, letting her hair down from the ponytail braid.
"You did good, mama," you whispered. "A successful party if I say so." Wanda climbed onto your lap, her hands behind your head, playing with the hair. It was relaxing, and you felt your eyes closed.
"What were you and Vision talking about?" Your eyes snapped open, and you cringed.
"Can you not say your ex-husband's name while on my lap and the less-than-PG thoughts running through my head?" She laughed and rested her head in the crook of your neck. You ran her hand down her back, and she slumped against you. "I wanted some legal advice regarding my parents." The mention of your parents caused your girlfriend to tense up. She leaned back to look at you.
"Why ask Vision and not your lawyer?" Well, your lawyer was Melina, and you did not want to tell her what was happening. For the company, it was Carol. You learned very early on that mixing business and personal was messy.
"Because I was just looking for advice," she narrowed her eyes at you. "They've been calling me a lot."
"Why didn't you tell me?" You hated her tone. It made you feel like you were in trouble. You winced.
"They do this all the time when they want money," you said, feeling major deja vu when you were having a similar conversation with Natasha. You laid her down on the couch and hovered above her. "And I didn't want to worry you," Wanda sighed.
"What do you tell me all the time?" It was your turn to sigh.
"We are a team," you mumbled, kissed her cheek, and rested your forehead against hers. "I'm sorry."
"Are you okay?" Her eyes filled with worry and concern. You nodded. It was the truth. You were okay. "Is there anything else?"
"No," you said right away. The lie felt bitter on your tongue. She put her arms around your back and pulled you closer. When she first did this, you worried you would crush her. But she loved having you close. It was a physical reminder that you were hers, and she was yours. You kissed her shoulder. This was perfect. The little bubble of peace you both created was everything to you. You wouldn't change it for the world.
"Wanda," she looked up from her notepad while she took her table's order. It was her manager, while another server was walking over to her. "It's your son's school," Wanda's heart plummeted. She apologized to her table and walked to her manager's office.
"Hello," she said once she was alone.
"Hi Wanda, it's Amanda." Oh, Wanda knew who she was. It was the receptionist who kept flirting with you. "Billy and Tommy haven't gotten picked up yet. We tried calling Vision, but it went right to voice mail."
"They are still at school," Wanda said slowly as if Amanda spoke a foreign language.
"Yes, ma'am. They are in the office, perfectly safe. Will you be in to pick them up, or will you send in someone else?" Wanda didn't miss her flirtatious tone but she was so stuck on the fact her sons weren't picked up from school on the day you said you would do it.
"I'll be right there," she told her and hung up before Amanda could respond. What was going on?
When she frantically walked into the building, Wanda knew her boys were behind her. Bucky raised a questioning eyebrow but buzzed her through. It was rather comical when she ran right into Natasha. The collision caused the redhead to drop all her papers. "Wands, where is the fire?" She chuckled. "Isn't this how you fell in love with the boss? I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I'm spoken for." The memory always brought a smile to her face, but it tugged at her heart. Wanda and the boys helped pick up the papers. "Wait, I thought it was Y/n's day to pick up the little gremlins." She winked at the boys.
"It was, and clearly she didn't," Wanda handed her the papers she had picked up. So where is she?" Wanda hoped you forgot—that you got dragged into another meeting. Natasha's green eyes said something different. Her green eyes flickered to the trio in front of her and then to Bucky, who joined the group.
"She left about 45 minutes ago," she looked at Bucky, who nodded to confirm her story.
"Her phone is going right to voicemail," Billy added. Wanda watched your best friend's eyes turn stormy.
"Nat, what's wrong?" Natasha let out a shaky breath.
"Why don't we take the boys to the conference room?" she smiled. "I think the switch is still hooked up." The twins cheered and walked towards the conference room, leading the way. Natasha pulled out her phone and began to follow her sons, but Wanda stopped her.
"Who are you calling?" She glanced at the twins, who Bucky was now following.
"Maria Hill. She's-"
"An agent over at SHIELD," you spent one drunken night recanting all your stories with the agent and the red head. At the time it was funny but hearing Natasha say the agent's name made Wanda realize something terrible was happening. "Nat, what's going on?"
"I don't know," she put the phone to her ear. "But Maria will be our best bet." Oh, darling, what have you gotten yourself into?
It was the pain radiating from your neck and the side of your head that woke you up. Black dots covered your Vision, and you blinked a few times for them to disappear. You were bound to the chair in a room you didn't recognize. You yanked at the restraints, but they weren't moving. "I'd save your strength," the voice came from the corner of the room. You knew that voice.
"Tiffany," your throat was so dry. "What the fuck?" Vision's girlfriend walked out of the corner. She looked different from the party. Her hair was pinned up in a bun. No hair seemed to be out of place. Instead of her dress at the party, she wore black slacks and a red body suit. You remembered her face was dolled up with makeup, not bare. She gripped your chin and forced your head back. You winced. "What are you doing?" You hated how much your voice shook.
"How good is your Greek mythology?" Was she speaking with an accent? It felt like there was cotton in your eyes. "What is the mythological creature that is a serpent with nine heads?" You racked your brain for the answer. "Come on, sweetheart. Do you need another hint?" You tried to swallow, but you couldn't. Fuck, you needed water. "If you cut the head off two more, grow it back." It clicked. Tiffany smiled. "Say it."
"H-HYDRA," you whispered.
"Say it louder," she demanded, nails dug into your skin.
"HYDRA," you said. She dropped her hand, and your head fell forward. "What do you want with me?" You kept your head down.
"In due time, darling. Rest. The real fun will begin soon."
Don't worry Part 3 will be out next week :D
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leth-writes · 1 month
yandere Homelander x influencer reader
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Warnings: as always, my blog is 18+. Discussions of stalking and kidnapping.
Homelander x social media influencer youtuber reader
He HATES social media. He doesn’t really get it, and he doesn’t really use it, so he views it as some worthless fad for people below him. 
Yet, Vought wants to do a collaboration with you and him, mainly as a way to revive his image and give him a way in with the younger audiences who primarily connect with supes via social media. He does everything possible to get out of it, to no success. 
He first meets you in the main Seven meeting room. You’re standing by the windows, staring out, and the glowing sunlight hits you just right, like a fuzzy halo surrounding you.
With that, he’s gone. He’s in love.
I’m picturing you as a non-supe, and this is probably the second biggest issue for him. He already views social media influencers as vain and vapid, but a non-supe? He thinks you’re so far below him you’re practically indistinguishable from the everyday workers at Vought, the dime-a-dozen interns whose lives mean nothing to him. 
You’re different, however. You mean something to someone, to him. He can’t imagine you turning him down.
When the filming’s done, a simple Q&A, he asks to see you alone. The other workers race out of the room as quickly as possible, knowing how terrifying Homelander can truly be, and they aren’t risking their lives for you.
Once again, your silhouette is shadowed by the harsh, glowing studio lights, giving you a radiant aura. 
You turn him down.
He thinks, for a second, he heard you wrong, but no, you’ve just turned down THE Homelander. Do you know who he is, how many people would kill to have your position?
Thus begins the stalking period. He’s trying to collect as much information as possible to properly woo you, even if he struggles to understand why you rejected him. 
He’s using his supervision and superhearing to listen to every conversation, every tv show, to see every vulnerable moment. This only makes him more enamored with you. 
Finally, one day, he swoops down as you’re going about your nightly routine and just
 brings you back to his apartment. Vought ignores it; you’ve boosted his image, they don’t care what happens to you beyond that.
Don’t even try to escape. You’re stuck, and you’re going to be a traditional stay-at-home partner. He’s strict like that.
If anyone would like me to continue, just let me know!
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kaluxsims · 3 months
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Because everyone loves when skirt goes spinny, I've had @dizzyrobinsims' Cute AF Skirt Outfit on my secret Convert Someday list since it came out last year. When I started thinking about what I'd do for Pride CC this year, it was the first thing that came to mind. The name is a little confusing, when it's converted. The skirt's name is "Cute AF", as in "as fuck", not Adult Female. I've taken the top off (woo!) and converted it for TM-AM and TF-AF.
...and that's not all! @letomills has converted it for a bunch of bodyshapes! A Pride collaboration! 🏳‍🌈🎉
My conversions are set as Everyday only and paired with both SP24Skater sneakers and SP15MoschBoots. Both shoe options were originally converted 4t2 by @mdpthatsme, then edited and recolored by me. Comes in all 36 of Dizzy's original textures, with coordinating shoes.
Adults of both frames have fat and preg morphs, teens have fat morphs only. Repo versions are linked to AM.
Note: Because I wanted to keep the fuller shape, this skirt works best with fitted or cropped tops. Longer shirts will probably clip.
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Sneakers Repo: SFS or MediaFire
Sneakers Standalone: SFS or MediaFire
Credits: @dizzyrobinsims for TS4 skirt mesh and textures, @mdpthatsme for 4t2 sneakers and boots, AND @picknmixsims for the Repo Wizard program (I finally tried it - it's SO MUCH FASTER)
Boots Repo: SFS or MediaFire
Boots Standalone: SFS or MediaFire
And special thanks to @letomills for a fun collaboration!
Look for one more Pride CC post from me before the month is over. I hope everyone's having a joyful, safe, renewing, and inspiring Pride!
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txttletale · 1 year
Do you have recs for combatless rpgs? sorry if someones asked this ! im getting into ttrpgs now and its just pretty hard to find anything non combat focused ?
i recommended wanderhome (melancholy animal roadtrip), dream askew (queer postapocalyptic survival), microscope (collaborative worldbuilding), and crescent moon (kids learning and growing in a fantasy land) in resposne to an ask earlier today. other great rpgs that aren't combat focused include:
chuubo's marvelous wish-granting engine: i'll level with you, if you're just getting into rpgs this one might be A Lot because it's quite mechanically complex. but it's a beautiful game about having ghibliesque coming-of-age adventures in a surreal dreamy world.
nobilis is by the same person (jenna moran, a genuine game design pioneer and genius) -- it's about being godlets, the living embodiments of concepts from the concrete to the abstract. you might find yourself fighting in this game, but it's unlikely to look anything like 'combat'.
brindlewood bay, which is about being elderly women investigating murders.
pasiĂłn de las pasiones, a pbta (powered by the apocalypse) game about doing ridiculous romance drama shit based on telenovelas
monsterhearts, about teenaged monsters having weird drama and exploring their sexuality. think buffy or twilight, but queerer
pigsmoke, about being professors at a college of magic and competing to see who can publish the best paper (yes, really)
the girlfriend of my girlfriend is my friend, about... i mean i think the title makes it pretty clear! being gay and poly and kinda broke
it's been a long, long, time, about two people who used to date, their relationship, their lives after it, and their reunion
sagas of the icelanders, about being viking settlers in iceland during the saga period and playing out quasimythical dramas
hieronymous, about being a bunch of sinners making your way across hieronymous bosch's garden of earthly delights
thousand year old vampire, a solo journalling game about being a vampire and living through long stretches of history
blow up hamlet, where your table performs hamlet while changing the plot and improvising new plot beats at semi-random
slugblaster, about being rowdy teens hoverboarding through interdimensional rifts in the spirit of 90s teen movies
woo! that's a fuckin' lot of ttrpgs, but i wanted to give a lot of suggestions because i think it's so important for people getting into the hobby to understand the breadth of games out there and how far from the popular image created by D&D they can go! there are two-player and GM-less and even one-player games on this list. you can do anything! the world of rpgs is so fucking wide and beautiful. good luck and i hope you find something that speaks to you!
(oh, also, my game, most trusted advisors -- about being the untrustworthy privy council to a dipshit king and falling over each other's nested dipshit schemes -- has no combat in it. just saying!)
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spidybaby · 1 year
hey can i get one with Pablo, where he reacts to his gf after winning at the vmas? thanks
Our Song
Summary: Gavi surprise you after your win at the vmas ✚
Warnings: cursing.
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"I'm so nervous." You say biting your nail. The car is in the queue for the carpet.
"Princesa, don't worry about it. You're going to rock it."
"I don't even think I'm going to win."
"I think that just being there, able to have a platform to share your amazing art, is already a win, babe."
"So you think my art is amazing." You say, joking with him. "Thank you, mi amor"
"Hey, Y/n, we're almost there." Your manager announced. That was the signal for you to say your goodbyes to him.
"Mi amor, I have to go." You pout, not wanting to say goodbye.
"Break a leg, or I don't know. But I love you so much." He laughs, making a ducky face, sending a kiss.
"Te quiero." (I love you) you say, sending him a kiss and telling him to go to sleep.
You take two deep breaths, touching your wrist where the silver bracelet is. The little "P6" in honor of your boyfriend, a gift he made you on your anniversary.
"Ready?" They ask you. You nod.
The screams of the people waiting to see the artists are the only sounds you can hear. The flashes hit you and the camera crew focusing on your arrival. You wave your hands to the public. Making them yell your name.
Your manager pushes you lightly to the way of the carpet. The theme was pink, pink carpet, and pink awards.
You pose for the cameras, smiling at them. Most of the time, all they say is "look over here." Or "on your left." Like if they're Steve Rogers. But this time, the fans screaming are overpowering their voices.
You walk over to the interview spot. Your manager set you up for one only because you didn't feel like doing more than that.
"Hello, hello, so happy to see you." The blonde reporter says. She's one of the nicest people you have ever met in the media. "Oh God, you look amazing tonight. Tell me who you are wearing?"
"Hello to you too." You laugh. "Well, I'm wearing Versace. Donatella and I designed this look for our new collaboration."
"It's amazing, you look like a shining star."
"Thank you."
"Now tell me, you're nominated to five awards, and in all categories, you have amazing competition. How do you think you're going to do tonight?"
"Well, if I'm honest with you, I'll be surprised if I even win something. But as my boyfriend says, I'm lucky to be able to be here, I'm lucky to be able to share my art and have amazing fans who support me all the way."
"Talking about boyfriends, you're here alone."
"Not every fairytale has a present prince." You joke, making her laugh. "He's working, but he made sure to send his good luck wishes to me before the ceremony."
"We love a supportive partner. Thank you for your time, hope you win and have a nice time."
You say goodbye, making your way to the crowd. Tonight, you were seated next to the one and only Taylor Swift. A little starstruck, if you may say.
The ceremony was nice, you danced, you jumped, and you also lost four of five categories. But you knew the awards didn't make you less or more of a good singer.
The last one was Song of the Year. A very hard category to catch. You were in the same category as Selena, Olivia, Taylor.
"Okay, let's calm down a little bit." Nicki says, about to announce the last category. "So, do we wanna know the winner?" The crowd explotes in screams.
Nicki yells the name of the winner, and you are zoned out. But when Ice Spice and Taylor hugged you, you went back to reality.
"You did it." Taylor shouts, getting up and clapping for you.
"Get your ass up, go get your award, girlie." Ice says, pulling you up from your seat.
You walk over to the stage, Nicki hugged you and told you how happy she was for you. You stand in front of the mic with your legs shaken from the adrenaline of the moment.
"Umm, I'm a little shocked, so let me breathe. Woo." You say, laughing and making the crowd laugh with you. "Okay, thank you so much to my family. You guys are one of my biggest supporters to my manager. I love you for believing in me. To you guys for streaming the song, for sharing it, for making it a trend on tik tok." You laugh again.
You took a breath, feeling so out of air. "And to my Pablo, because I know you're watching this instead of sleeping. My love, you're the inspiration of this song. You're the one who listened to this song first. I love you. This is our song, bebé."
You wave the crowd a goodbye, sending a kiss to the camera. On the backstage Karol G hugged you, she was next on the stage.
After the awards you took a flight back to Europe, your world tour Europe leg was beginning in three weeks and you wanted to leave early to adapt to the time zone and also to spend some time with Pablo.
During the flight you watched a game, it was good. After the game, Pablo had an interview. They asked him about you winning and you giving him special thanks.
"Hombre, Pablo. Your girlfriend recently won an award and she thank you. We know you're private about your relationship, but we want to tell you that we love how supportive you two are with each other."
He smirked, thinking about your thank you speech. "Si, bueno somos privados pero yo siempre la apoyo en todo y siempre lo haré. Ella es increíble y la quiero." (Yeah, well, we are private, but I can totally support her and always will. She's amazing, and I love her)
"Thank you, and congratulations about the win."
You snap a picture of the interview, send it to him, thanking him for his words, updating him about you almost landing in Barcelona.
When you actually land, you didn't expect Pablo to be waiting with a big flower bouquet, smiling at you.
You rush down the plane stair, throwing yourself at your him. Legs locked around his waist and lips on his.
"Mi super estrella." He kisses your cheek. (My superstar) he walks with you in his arms, dropping you into the car.
He walks to your manager, taking your bags and saying goodbye to your crew. You did the same, waving them from the car.
"Let's go home, estrellita." He kisses your hand.
The drive home he was telling you about the game. You thank him about the things he said.
"You deserve that and more, mi amor." he says, parking in front of his house. "I have something for you inside."
"Pablo, we say no surprises, you know I don't need anything. The flowers were enough, mi amor."
"I didn't say anything." He laughs, opening the door for you and helping you with your bags. "Go to the kitchen, I know you're hungry."
You indeed were very hungry. So you walked inside and straight to he kitchen. You were surprised to see your family, Pablo's family, and your friends all there.
They all yelled from excitement, and your friends run to hug you. You were still shocked by surprise with the breakfast surprise he pulled.
"Enough, Enough. Let me hug my baby." You mother says. She hugs you, saying how proud she is and how happy she is to spend these days with you, same with the rest of your family.
"Let's eat. She needs some food." Pablo says, kissing your cheek. "Please, serve yourselves."
"Thank you, Pablito." You returned the kiss on his cheeks, buring your face on the crock of his neck.
You wanted to eat everything, there was a lot of fruit, a banquet of other type of food and even a cake.
"The cake has the lyrics of our song." You jump excited. "That's so fucking cute."
"Language." You mom jokes.
Belen and Pablo got close to you once everyone was seated at their places.
"Estamos tan orgullosos de ti, preciosa." (We are so proud of you, precious)
Pablo hugs you, saying how much they love for you to be with Pablo and how amazing the song was.
"We got you a little something." Belen says, giving you a velvet box. "This is also Aurora's. She couldn't be here because of school but she sends you all the love."
"Thank you, I love you guys really much."
You saved the box in your pocket, wanting to see it in private.
You take a seat next to Pablo, who was talking with your mother about football. "But yes, it's been crazy, with the Champions coming up."
Everything was dreamy. You had the boy, the love, and the support. You had everything you ever wished for.
"I want to propose a toast." Pablo announced, getting up from his seat. "Por mi super estrella, ella nos ha compartido su arte y yo sé que todos aquí le hemos demostrado amor y apoyo" He grabs your hand, squishing it. "Congratulations, my love." (To my superstar, she shared all her art with us, and I know that every one of us had shared love and support with her, and I know that this award is important to her.)
You felt so loved, with the most important people in your life giving you all the support. You already won. An award makes no difference.
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Liked by pablogavi, taylorswift, aurorapaezg and 2,373,490 others
yourusername so thankful with this blessing. Thank you to all of you who voted for me ❀ also enjoy this little dump of my last few days
pablogavi â€ïžđŸ˜›
aurorapaezg love you, hermanita 💖
selenagomez you're a shining star ✚
icespice it's giving cunt đŸ«¶đŸ»
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bubblegeon · 2 years
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💌  Lee Sujeong, former main vocalist of the group Lovelyz, and now solo artist under Woollim Entertainment, will release her first Christmas season song this December. “Miracle of Christmas” is a duet with Lee Woo, and will be released on December 19, 2022.
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fic-heaven · 4 months
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But you belong to me. (Graves x reader)
He was so annoying... And yet you craved his annoyance.
(graves never betrayed the 141 in here)
A whistle startles you when you were returning from the city to Alejandro's base, said man gives you a knowing look with a very noticeable hint of annoyance before he scapes with Rudy and you flip him the bird for leaving you behind to deal with-
"Lookin' good, gorgeous. I like tha' dress. It suits." Graves.
"Nice eye, American boy. Who are you? The fashion police? Here to admire my wardrobe?" You ask still a little confused as to how he spawned right next to you. Jesus, you'll have to burn this dress later... And apologize to Ale, he was the one who gifted it to you when he helped you pick something to impress a certain someone.
"Could be." Graves winks following your hurried steps with a small trot.
"Not with that haircut you ain'."
"You'll realize ma' hair won't matter much once I get to take off that pretty dress of yours and show ya what I've got in store."
You scoff and chuckle astonished. The Shadow commander never seemed to give up on his constant flirts, getting bolder and bolder with the passing time. Your banters with Graves have been quite frequent and very, very awkward. As much as you try to light them up with your wit, he screws it all with his broken humour and poor flirts which ends up in you feeling uncomfortable and your sass levels to increase but it never seemed to scare him off, it only tempted him further. You see, when you all were forced to collaborate with Shadow Company to track the missiles and Hassan in Las Almas you didn't think much of it, you'd stick to your thing and that was it. But the bad side of being and feeling attractive is that sometimes instead of gaining the attention of your crush, you'd end up having Phillip Graves licking your ass every opportunity he got seemingly enchanted with everything you pulled when you were trying to flirt with another different man.
That man being Soap frickin' Mactavish, the oblivious Scotchman. You could strip naked right in front of him tying your waist in a little bow like a wrapped gift and he'd pay more attention to the bow than your bare body. That sexy fool...
"I ain't got no time for this, dear. I'm tired. Mommy needs her beauty nap before we head to El Sin Nombre's mansion or wherever the hell he's hiding later tonight."
"I could accompany you. You know, warm the covers for ya before we-"
"I'll pass. But thanks! Ask Soap if he'd be interested in doing so instead, yes?" You smile to later grimace before going to the barracks leaving Graves behind laughing bitterly. How the hell could you make him take you seriously? That man had less brain than a sack of potatoes.
Perhaps you also had less brain than a sack of potatoes.
There was a very noticeable shift in the air when you went working solo with Soap at Diego's mansion. And it begun after you two bantered with one another and your team had finally managed to trap Valeria. Soap was characteristically oblivious of your flirting, and there was one certain pick-up line you said that was so clear of your intentions it made Valeria, who was handcuffed to the other side of the Heli scoff in disbelief, the other men chuckled lowly amused by your bold flirt.
For the first time in all the months you spent trying and failing at wooing Johnny, you felt pure embarrassment. Suddenly your team's laughs felt like they were mocking you, Soap seemed to be playing oblivious on purpose probably irritated by your futile attempts, and the weight of Graves' eyes made you shiver a bit, now you understood Phillip all those times he spent trying to court you only to end up being the butt of the joke.
Ghost was quick to notice your discomfort and with an authoritative bark he shut the other men up quickly before he gave you a knowing look you returned with a tight-lipped smile and a single nod. You all were quiet then, which took you by surprise because normally Graves wouldn't waste a minute trying to shift the attention you gave Soap to him, but this time he stayed quiet stealing a glance or two you way from Valeria's side, as if the blonde was giving you time to digest the discomfort and finally realize that perhaps Soap simply wasn't interested in you.
And fuck did it sting.
During the interrogation you remained professional trying to move on from the previous very awkward situation. Alejandro's temper tantrum and Phillip's sass helped you focus on the tied woman you were all supposed to squeeze information out of, the embarrassment was still burning your insides so you didn't comment much leaving the boys to their thing.
Soon enough, when the interrogation finished, you were approached by an smiling Phillip. He was content with how fast the interrogation had gone but you could feel his worry in the way he softly called out to you.
"You have a way with words." You said casually trying to halt him from making the question that almost fell from his lips. He obviously came to ask if you were okay and you weren't ready to answer that because frankly you didn't know for certain. Graves' fingers graced your forearm, you were wearing short sleeves at that moment so the gentle touch made your skin erupt in goosebumps, his face was sickenly soft as if he was approaching a wounded kitten until he broke it with a crocked smile and a little chuckle.
"Made her talk real quick. I'm an expert when it comes to interrogations, but that's only one of many skills as you'll come to know."
"Maybe she wanted to get it over with so she wouldn't catch more of your smelly breath." You picked on him with a playful smile of your own pinching his arm back before you crossed your arms on your chest.
"Were you jealous I was standing so close?" He bit stepping a little closer, both hands now tucked under his vest giving you this seductive look you were so familiar with.
"Should I? After all, I know you'll come right to me whenever you're done playing." Graves' brows quirked a bit in surprise. You were teasing him back, this was new.
But... Were you doing it because Soap had let you down yet again and you wanted to use him as a way of revenge trying to make your crush jealous?
Phillip moved his head to the side spotting Ghost roughly yanking Soap by the arm and walking away with him while bombarding his eardrum with whispered snarls, men stalking to the opposite hall you two were in. Phillip then looked back at you, your eyes were still on him, amusement written all over them. Now that Soap has left the scene would you drop the act if he pressed you a bit?
Graves launched forwards, his arms trapping you against the wall with a type of dominance that could only belong to a possessive commander. The huff you let out when your back hit the wall and the way your eyes widened in surprise as your palms shot to his chest so he wouldn't crush you made the blonde's smirk widen.
"You look adorable denying my advances, teasing me by staring at other men and fluttering those gorgeous lashes pretending you are not into me, (y/n). Lucky you, I'm not dumb." He whispers, his voice a growl of clear desire.
"What-..." Your voice failed you intoxicated by the delicious smell of Graves' minty breath. It seems you were in the wrong.
"I've got a darn good taste in women. Do you?"
He left you perplexed then. His back was to you when you were able to break out of your stupor. Graves just questioned your taste in men, what a joke.
But was he right, though?
The next time Graves tried to pull a move on you, Ghost, Soap, him and you were detonating a missile in the middle of the gulf of Mexico, the turbulent waters showed some mercy on Alejandro and the other shadows when they evacuated the zone of impact, the gigantic missile blew the oil rig and with it, one of Hassan's deathly weapons of mass destruction.
You couldn't remember how it went exactly, but in an instant Ghost was behaving strangely, taking the mercenary by the shoulder and guiding him somewhere else as Johnny approached your side near the big window that overlooked the chaos.
"I've seen plenty of explosions. But never like this one..." The Scott said softly under his breath like he was contemplating an spectacle of beautiful fireworks.
Somehow you weren't in the right mind and you simply hummed feeling distracted as hell. You'd excuse it as if you were simply worried about Alejandro and the other shadows but the truth was clear when your eyes went from Soap to Phillip. The last interaction you had with the commander had made your brain explode with a thousand new thoughts and none of them were about Soap.
The blonde was shaking Ghost's hand eagerly with a delighted face, he seemed satisfied with how the mission went. These Americans and their love for explosions...
"Y' alright, lass?" Soap called startling you.
"Sorry, what was the question-?"
Johnny brushed his mohawk back with a charming chuckle, you smiled at the sound of his sweet laugh but... You still felt very distracted. It was when Graves' blue eyes met yours from Ghost's shoulder that you felt something warm on your stomach before the tall Brit blocked both your line of view.
"Say, what if we all go find the others? I wanna see if Ale shat himself during the explosion, poor man must have lost a few more inches of hairline with the stress." The men laughed at this bumping fists and patting shoulders with one another, a short celebration for the successful mission. General Sheppard congratulated all of you individually in the comms and after thanking the general, Graves walked up to you while all of you were walking to the boats, Soap pressed to your side hugging your waist with one heavy arm as he looked at Graves as if whatever he was about to say was also directed to him. Normally you'd silently fangirl on the spot but right now the Sargeant's touch felt slightly suffocating. As usual, Graves never showed any care for Johnny's presence when it came to bantering and flirting with you.
"Nicely done, sarge. Next time we work together, remind me to send ya an application, you'd look great in black."
"You offering me a spot at your company, mister Graves?"
"More like a spot right by my side. I could use a very loyal shadow watchin' my back. Y'never know, right?"
"I think you have plenty of those under your command." You smirked waving a hand around you three, some Shadows who passed by chirped a "yep yep!" Instantly making Graves puff up his chest with pride, your sassy smirk melted into a sweet smile at his reaction. You knew Phillip was faker than Price's favorite Nike's, but the love he had for his Shadows was clearly real and honest.
Was his attraction to you just as honest? You asked yourself.
The American replied to you instantly making Soap stiffen. "You'd make a great Shadow, love. You'll never change ma' mind on that."
"And what makes you think I'd be so loyal to you, Ken doll?" You teased. Johnny was baffled on the spot but knew better than to say shit.
The way Phillip looks at you says it all. The bastard knows he lives rent free in your head, and sadly you just realized this now, just when Soap seemed to be reciprocating your advances you stuttered. Grey eyes under dark brows faded in your mind, orbes changing to a color blue under dark blonde brows. The weight of the American's eyes felt more intoxicating than Soap's.
"Yeah, we gotta go. Lt will lose his shit if we keep him waitin' any longer, right (y/n)?" Soap said in warning patting your shoulder.
But he was met by your silence, your eyes were firmly planted on Graves' as if leveling him, he didn't waver either. The bastard only broke eye contact to shoot Soap a smug look, he then turned back and joined a small group of shadows who awaited him on his boat but not before winking your way.
Fucking Graves...
You all left after Hassan. Trying to corner the rat on the spot before he blew the whole country to the ground was hard, specially when Phillip aided you with a bunch of shadows seeking to trap general Shepard and luckily press charges of his traitorous intentions when he forced the commander to order his men to betray you.
You had missed Graves for the whole mission and it was taking a toll on your senses making you clumsy and risky. You suffered many close-calls until Hassan attacked Gaz, Soap, Price and you along with some of your men and neutralizing the little group of shadows you had left working by your side, the Iranian had wounded the captain and you while poor Garrick did his best to pull all of you out of harm's way. Soap went after him and not so long after you all received Ghost's call that Hassan was dead.
"Hurrah." You huffed out drinking your tequila in one gulp. The whole gang was tired to their bones and weakly cheered drinking their own glasses. But then out of nowhere a voice you all knew too well broke your comfortable silence.
"He-hey!! Look at the gang enjoying a celebratory drink after a job well-done!"
None of you said a word, too exhausted to even look at the approaching commander who cheerfully perched himself near your stool.
"I'll let ya have this round under ma' count and forgive ya for not inviting me this once but only because I'm in a pretty good mood."
The captain sighed. "Shepard?"
"Laswell's dealing with the preparations. Soon enough that ol' bastard won't bug us no more."
That seemed to take a huge weight on all your shoulders, your team's faces changed in an instant, they seemed much more relaxed than before.
"Now there's only one thing to deal with." You heard Graves whisper behind your ear.
"The day you get more annoying I'll shove my knives so far up your ass you'll be shittin' blades for weeks." Maybe it sounded more rude than you intended but right now you couldn't indulge him on his charming shit.
"My good you are sweet. Mind if I call ya sugar pop? Or perhaps pumpkin is more fittin', what do ya think, love?"
"You can call me whatever you want but do not call me later for dinner."
"Even if that implies my infamous Texan-style ribs? I'll even serve em' with sweet potatoes. Have y' ever had sweet 'tatoes, pumpkin?"
Your brows could have very well reached your hairline, eyes wide in surprise, you pursed your lips and tilted your head slightly at the idea of trying such dish. After what happened with Hassan, the plan of eating a whole pig with the commander sounded too good to refuse.
"Are they just like normal potatoes but sweet?"
"I'll take that as a yes!" Graves laughs soundly pointing a finger to your very expressive face.
You groan rubbing one eye with your open palm. "Fine, fine. But only for dinner. Don't get too excited."
"Sure, love. One meal and I'll drive ya home like a gentleman."
"Youuuuu got it."
One fucking hour later at Graves' provisional apartment. He had pinned you under him on his comfy couch as the TV lowly played a mix of soothing music from YouTube that Graves had prepared for the occasion.
"Fuck you taste so sweet..."
"Maybe's cuz you didn't let me wash my mouth after the whole-ass dinosaur of a pig we has just eaten."
"The bbq sauce and the sweet potatoes are one thing, your tongue is just fucking addictive. Worse than nicotine I might add..." He sensually said before nipping your chin gently eager to attack your lips once again.
The way Graves kisses your mouth as if he was a man starved steals your breath away, his hot muscle swipes every corner of your mouth turning sloppy and if it wasn't because of how hot this man was and how amazing he has been treating you for this whole night, you'd say gross. And yet you look up at him, how his blue irises twinkle with desire, his reddened lips shine with all the saliva he was able to steal from you, and you feel so content. Like this was meant to be.
You broke the kiss panting, both hands pushing his chest back slightly to catch your breath from how sticky he has gotten ever since the first small peck.
"Fucking hell, Lip... You kiss like a middle schooler."
"Keep that up. You have no idea how hard you make me with your insults, woman..."
"Lil' bit of a masochist ain't ya?"
"Only for you, pumpkin..."
Yes, you do have good taste in men.
"When your ma and I first met she was obsessed with me."
"Obsessed!? I was after another totally different guy!"
Your son laughed baffled at this new information shaking his head in disbelief making his dirty blonde hair sparkle under the rays of sunlight from the nearby window. With ten years of age, little Dominic was asking for more and more stories about how you and your husband met, eager to brag in class about the cool adventures you two shared with him. It was tradition. Every third of January Graves and you would sit Dom at the couch to grace him with a new cool story of the old days and reminisce on how you two met before your mother in law would pick him up so you two could celebrate your wedding anniversary.
"Ma', you have a funny taste in men."
This pearl from your son made Phillip spit out his lemonade staining your brand new carpet, you bursted out laughing from your spot of the couch, your legs spread to the side where your husband previously massaged your feet with one hand and supported his glass with the other. Said glass was carefully placed on the table as he cursed lowly at the freshly stained carpet.
"Oh you have no idea, little one..."
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queenlua · 2 months
ok, this Kevin Woo guy is the most fantastic chad i've heard of in a while:
The journalist who exposed Lambda School wasn't a journalist by trade. Vincent Woo was a successful entrepreneur best known for CoderPad, a collaborative coding website used extensively in programming job interviews. After he sold CoderPad for millions of dollars, he focused on the public interest, such as housing activism.
Woo's work on CoderPad gave him expert insight into the programming job market, and in 2019, Austen's outrageous hiring numbers set off red flags. Whenever pressed for more details on his outrageous claims, Austen said a full report was coming soon, but six months would pass without any updates.
Woo obtained an investment memo Lambda School sent out to Y Combinator titled, "Human Capital: The Last Unoptimized Asset Class." In it, they disclose, “We’re at roughly 50% placement for cohorts that are 6 months graduated,” contradicting the very front page of their website.
Where did the 86% on their homepage come from? In 2018, Lambda School submitted a single report about 72 graduates to CIRR. CIRR is an organization formed by the boot camp industry following the boot camp crackdown of the 2010s, to cleanup their image. Bootcamps are supposed to submit their hiring stats every six months, in one standard format, to prevent underhanded boot camps from fudging the numbers. In two years, Lambda School had produced nothing beyond that single, small report.
Woo reached out to Sabrina Baez, Lambda School's former Director of Career Readiness. Baez oversaw job placement in those early days, and Austen had reprimanded her for low hiring rates. She told Woo that probably only 50% to 60% of graduates found jobs.
Finally, Woo obtained private communications with investors revealing the quiet deals with hedge funds. This flew in the face of their marketing's, "We don’t get paid until you do," and Austen's now-deleted tweet, “We never, ever get paid upfront for ISAs.”
With all the damning evidence, the story was ready. Most reporters would now email their subjects for comment, but Woo elevated the story to performance art. He asked Austen for a recorded interview, without revealing its nature. Austen, lulled into a false sense of security by tech press puff pieces, agreed. What followed was the most riveting hour of tech journalism I've ever heard.
Austen: "Our goal right now, is that if a student is endorsed, call it graduation, that we place 80% within 120 days."
Woo: "Why did you tell investors 50?"
Austen: "What
 I don't know
 what communication you're referring to."
The interview went downhill from there, as Austen scrambled to invent excuses.
bonus: check out this dude's hilariously understated linkedin:
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(also, the whole article's worth a read. i'd been following the Lambda School saga for a while but there's a bunch of new fuckery here that even i didn't know about. smh)
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zeusmachina · 2 months
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Forgot I didn't post it here but here's the final ref sheet for my Arcane fan character, Jaan. I love her a lot, she deserves real pure love (or to be locked away).
₊‧âșđ“‡Œă…€đ“‚‚ă…€Ëšă…€â—Œ ✧⋆
JAAN ⋆ Moodboard
Jaan was a former herbalist in her early thirties working between Piltover and Zaun but who saw her social situation gradually deteriorate when Silco took over the city below. The patients discovered that Jaan was from Zaun and turned their backs on her due to lack of trust and began to spread numerous rumors about her. Her reputation preceding her, her shop was closed and the young apothecary found herself forced to find refuge in the slums of her hometown. Easier said than done, the young woman suffered various forms of violence and treatment that completely broke her. She will then make the desperate choice to join Babette's brothel. The latter welcomed her with kindness despite Zaun's critical situation. Then began Jaan's harsh journey as a prostitute. Several years have passed and Jaan is now one of the most prized courtesans in the house, even bringing some important clients from Piltover. She assists Babette by collecting various compromising informations from all sides and sometimes ruining the lives of the citizens from above and below. Her objective is simple: Make Silco and its collaborators pay for where she is now.
₊‧âș Character traits
The former herbalist has changed a lot during these difficult years although she still retains strengths from her past. She has a way with words and has always known how to get out of complex situations thanks to her physical and social charms (and maybe her knowledges in plants, drugs and poisons helped a bit). She is someone who has always been very attentive, which allowed her to best advise patients when she was still working in her pharmacy. Today she listens to the problems of her clients, some lost, others unfaithful or simply megalomaniacs. Despite her attentive ear and her sensitivity to the journey of others, she does not seem to want to share what she feels and seems pretty stolid about her past, her present and her future plans. Jaan no longer trusts anyone and could easily betray those who get in the way.
₊‧âș Infos dump
Jaan has no preferences, she woos anyone who piques her interests.
 Between the loss of her shop and the return through Zaun and its twists and turns, the young woman quickly fell into drugs. Her abilities as a pharmacist allow her to improvise her own mixtures with few resources. She has never touched shimmer.
She always seems to have a cigarette in her hand (often held at the end of a cigarette holder).
She knows how to dance and do a bit of pole dancing.
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octoberautumnbox · 10 months
Welcome to the Autumn Box!
Hi! I'm octoberautumnbox, or just box for short 📩
This blog is an 18+ KPop NSFW blog, meaning that any minors are unwelcome, and that anyone who dislikes the type of content to be found here should simply click away.
Asks are open, questions and thoughts very welcome! Drop one by and I'll get to it as soon as I can. No promises though, as I can be very busy in real life as well as selective in what I answer.
General rules:
18+ only. Kinda weird to be into anyone younger than that tbh, but nevertheless if you are then you should leave.
Be respectful. There's absolutely no reason you shouldn't be a decent human being on here or anywhere else.
People who violate the rules will be blocked. I swear I won't miss you.
One Shots:
The Orange-Tinted Sunset - Kiss of Life Belle & Male Reader
The Sultry and Pervy Soda in Apartment 307 - tripleS Seo Dahyun & Male Reader (ft. Kep1er Seo Youngeun)
Win Trading - fromis_9 Lee Nagyung & Male Reader
Off*IZ: Like It Like I Love It - Soloist Jo Yuri & Male Reader, part of the Off*IZ Hours Collaboration
One Heck of a Joyride - woo!ah! Nana & Male Reader, collaboration with @leafostuff
Best Job Ever - Kep1er Kang Yeseo & Named Male Reader, Named Female Reader
The Cute and Caring Noona from Apartment 424 - Kep1er Choi Yujin & Male Reader
Aquamarine - Soloist Lee Chaeyeon & Male Reader
I Got All I Need - Le Sserafim Kim Chaewon (ft. Soloist Jo Yuri)
Enjoy - Soloist Jo Yuri & Male Reader
Discordant Waltz:
Pt. 1 Juicy Juicy - Oh Sieun (Soloist Jo Yuri) & Male Reader
Pt. 2 Friday - ICE Oh Rosi (Soloist Jo Yuri) & Male Reader
Pt. 3 Adrenaline (Alternate Ver.) - Oh Sieun (Soloist Jo Yuri) & Male Reader
A Little Goes a Long Way - fromis_9 Roh Jisun & members
fromis_9 as your girlfriend - fromis_9 members & Male Reader
You Got This - woo!ah! Wooyeon & Male Reader
Fly in the Night Trip - Soloist Jo Yuri & Male Reader
fromis_9 smut
Jo Yuri smut
Kim Minju smut
hey guess what im into these days (+ reblogs)
Have a Yuri!
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pizzarink · 28 days
Let’s try this again.. WHITEBOARDFOX!! WOO
Will be surrounded by Pizza Tower and Sugary Spire!
@ghostlysage tagging you since i know you’ve been wanting to do a wb ^^
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