#woo hoo i did it
hebrokein30 · 9 months
for @wincestwednesdays day 3: radio
Müde bin ich, geh zur Ruh'
Dean likes going to bed. It's one of those mundane, boring, humiliating human things but hell. Dean is allowed to enjoy himself with that at least. It's the in between hunt nights he enjoys the most. Where he really can get into it without having to think too much about other things. There's a whole process behind it. When they were children, Dad would make them share a bath and scrub themselves clean (there was a whole lot of water splashing and kicking and screaming involved) and if they were lucky they could watch that new action movie on TV, which Dean looked forward to, and then Sammy'd sit in bed next to him and read from his little children's book and Dean would pretend to be annoyed but would listen to the little lisb in Sam's speech because he still kept losing teeth. That changed over time, and so did the books, becoming first adventure stories and fantasy, which he enjoyed, then Sam developed a taste for fancy artistic stuff, which creeped Dean out (who'd wanna read about someone turning into a giant bug for gods sakes?). When Sam started reading articles about the differences of pest boils in different animal species, Dean'd tell him to fuck off or shut up. It usually worked. After Stanford, Sam developed a habit of keeping the little portable radio on the bedside table and listen to police chatter, anything he might find important. When it wasn't that bad anymore, sometimes he'd find a comedy show station, which he didn't really enjoy but Dean found hilarious and so he kept it on until Dean's laughter faded away into snoring.
Dean turns off the shower with a satisfied sigh. His skin is tingling and raw from the hot water and the excellent pressure, he's smelling nice and clean and that's about the best thing in the world. Well. Almost the best thing. Definitely up there in the top ten anyway. "Drained the pipes yet?" Dean's turning to find Sam standing by the sinks, wiping a mirror with a towel which, oh yeah, did steam up pretty good. "Gotta take care of the pipes Sammy", he says, making his voice sleazy the way Sam hates but secretly loves, Dean knows that. "'S important. Wouldn't want them to rust." Sam rolls his eyes but there's a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "My pipes ain't rusty", Dean finishes, drying his hair with a towel. "No", Sam says, his tone low, "I make sure of that." Dean emerges from the towel and catches Sam's gaze in the mirror, trailing slowly over Dean's naked body. Dean grins. "Hurry up, bitch" he says, and strides out of the bathroom, butt naked. He can do that now, in this place that only belongs to them. He dresses in his room, the softest boxers he could find and nothing else, because Sam is an oven and he doesn't want to die from heat exposure. He gets into bed and sighs at the feeling of his mattress giving into the curves of his body. Best damn thing he ever bought, this mattress, and Sam can roll his eyes at that until they're stuck to the roof of his head. Dean just closes his eyes when Sam strides into the room and makes the mattress dip under his weight. He smells like peppermint and aftershave (the weirdo shaves at night) and so Dean let's himself be pulled into the dip Sam is making. "Scoot over", Sam says and Dean wiggles away a bit, eyes still closed, until Sam is finally lying down and then Dean presses up against him again, his nose burying into the middle of Sam's (very fantastic very comfortable) chest. Sam oofs, but doesn't push him away, and Dean feels him getting comfortable, a hand at Dean's back, keeping him close. Dean hums and feels himself relaxing. The room is cool, but Sam is warm, and the bedsheets smell nice because he bought them and washed them and changed them himself, just this morning. There's a click and the light behind Dean's eyelids turns black. He sighs again, breathing deep. He could fall asleep in the next three seconds he really could. There's just something missing. Sam keeps fumbling around behind Dean's back. Deans just about to open his eyes and see what's going on, when someone starts talking way too loudly into his ear. "But how did they manage to decapitate the victim with--" "Sorry, sorry!", Sam says, and Dean jumps, startled, only lying down because Sam keeps pressing him down into his chest with the hand on his back, stroking clumsily in an attempt to soothe him. "Dude, what the hell?" Dean says, and then "Is that your freaking podcast again?!" "It's the last episode of the season". Dean buries his nose into Sam's ches and groans. "This thing has seasons?!" "Shhhh", Sam says and doesn't dignify Dean with an answer. He has turned down the volume significantly though and curled up around Dean, his nose in Dean's hair, making a cocoon of their bodies. "...what happened, between that afternoon and when the bodies were found strung up over a river?" Dean groans again. "You know, for Christmas I'm gonna get you those headphones you refuse to buy. Or you could get me a nice pair of earplugs. I heard they were good for, you know, silence and sleeping". But Sam only hums, totally relaxed, the bastard. Dean closes his eyes again and tries to get into his sleeping groove. One day Sams little podcasts are gonna give him worse nightmares than the one time Sam read about governmental sleep experiments. Even if its just for the shock value of having this thing played directly into his ear. But the voice behind him is quiet enough to fade into a background murmur, easy enough to ignore, and Sam is still warm and still smells nice and familiar and it's...not so bad. Dean likes going to bed after all. Sam's little nerdy podcasts are just part of the process.
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There may be nothing funnier than Jake getting scared by Billy's "WHAT!?"
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ritzcrackee · 1 month
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"everything alright kristen?"
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non-un-topo · 1 year
could i please get some of nicky and joe dancing please <3?
You certainly can, my friend! <3
I may have accidentally made it a little angsty (and they look like they're not dancing rip but I promise they are)
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ritz-regrezzez · 1 month
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25 days of moodboards day sixteen! (favorite fantasy creature) 
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shima-draws · 7 months
I finally watched The Amazing Digital Circus after seeing all the hype about it (and it's STILL no.1 on trending. Wild) and now I have been struck by the curse of theme song stuck on repeat in brain. Help
...Gangle and Zooble and Kinger too, Ragatha, Jax and there's Kaufmo (woo-hoo!!!) Day after day after day after day after day--
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littlequackerman · 1 year
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu x Reader- Sick Day (fluff)
So this was originally posted on my old account, greenteaandchildrenscreams, but i deleted that account and i wanted to rewrite this now that ive improved my dialogue a bit so here you go. enjoy <3
(warning: swearing)
You groaned as you got out of bed, your headache pounding with every step you took towards your kitchen. You got out your thermometer, stuck the metal tip under your tongue and waited for its results.
"101.4... damn, that sucks... where's the ibuprofen" you thought. You went into your bathroom and took the painkillers with some benadryl (or whatever meds you take when youre sick) and headed back into your room before covering yourself with as many blankets as you could find and falling asleep.
You were awoken hours later by your phone beeping off the hook. You shielded your eyes from its bright light as you checked your messages (the painkillers had helped your headache but fevers are bitches) and saw a bunch of missed calls and texts from your favorite mafia boss.
short king 💓
hey where are you you havent been in class for 2 days teach is worried
Sry i have a fever i feel like shit
i took some meds earlier and took a nap but i still feel crappy
short king 💓
ill be there soon
you dont have to i dont want you to get sick read 4:45 pm
You sighed at his lack of response but quickly fell back asleep.
You were woken up again a short time later by Fuyuhiko banging on your bedroom door. You pushed off the blankets that were still on you (you had kicked most of them off in your sleep) and opened the door. The short blonde was holding a large bowl and a tote bag.
"Fuyu how the hell did you get into my house?"
You let out a small laugh, of course she'd be able to get into your apartment. She did work for a yakuza leader, after all.
"I brought some soup and medicine." Fuyuhiko set the bowl, apparently containing soup, down on your nightstand. "I wasn't sure what you're sick with so I brought a bunch."
You smiled. Although he had a brash and intimidating facade you could definitely see his caring side sometimes. This was one of those times.
"Have ya eaten yet?"
"Dumbass, how the fuck are you gonna get better if you don't eat shit?"
He led you over to your bed. As you sat back down on it he handed you the bowl of soup and a spoon.
"Chicken Noodle. Peko made it."
The soup was delicious, as you had suspected when you heard Peko had made it. You quickly finished off the whole bowl and handed it back to Fuyu.
"Make sure to thank Peko for me. That was delicious." you said as you rearranged the pillows on your bed and laid back down.
Fuyu got out some painkillers and allergy medicine from his bag. You took a dose of both before once again rolling over in preperation for a nap. You saw Fuyuhiko head towards the door and called out to him.
"Fuyu, wait."
He turned. "What, ya need anything else?"
"Yeah. Can you cuddle with me till I fall asleep?"
He turned bright red, but still walked back towards your bed, kicking off his shoes and getting under the covers with you. You wrapped your arms around him and buried your head in his neck.
"Thank you for everything today. I appreciate it." you breathed into the curve of his neck.
"It's nothin, dumbass."
"I still appreciate it..." you trailed off, but not before murmuring "Love you."
Fuyuhiko was startled by your words but still let out a soft "Love you too." before falling asleep himself.
You two would have plenty of time to figure out your feelings when you woke up.
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This isn't what I remembered the Scary Godmother tv special being like:
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lovesickrobotic · 3 hours
Hello friends, I return from the immense and encapsulating void! I will be dusting things off for a while.
I have learned a thing or two about a thing or two and so has the industry since we last spoke... or you read from me! Stuff like RoPE, logit biasing, KV cache compression and Ring Attention exist for transformers now... wow!
...and on my end, in our time apart, I built a few computers, ran some servers, hacked a bit, learned some assembly and stuff, and created a few networks of my own.
Now I can bother you all with even more stupidly tiny details! I have so many ideas!
If anyone wants to bounce them back and forth like volleyballs within a reasonable, private space, I'm erwynne on Discord. You can always contact me there if I'm not here, or for fun. (I lost this account for a while). :-)
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i found another one :3
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Oh! What’s this I’ve dropped here on the ground?
No… it couldn’t be…
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theinfinitedivides · 10 months
me: i would love it if Man Hwi is being a little bitch and f*cking around with Woo Hyul for literally no reason other than he can
also me: but think about it tho. they are both very old vampires (it's been established that Man Hwi is older than at least one of Woo Hyul's friends). they both dress in suits to this day, although Man Hwi skips out on the tie and usually leaves a button or two undone to flout tradition (and possibly piss off Woo Hyul whenever he sees him bc yk. Man Hwi). there's a possibility that he not only stole the gold from the mansion but may have kidnapped In Hae's father (i'm going based off of the shoes and the car and the suspicious house) but somehow he still passes the background checks. every time we have seen him on the hunt he has always fed from men (or tried to at least but was stopped, Mr. Ko i'm looking at you). our first encounter in ep 1 that we were privy to between him and Woo Hyul screamed queer energy (and bloodlust. but mostly the queer energy). iirc he was the vampire during the flashbacks that Woo Hyul scared off in the canyon back in the Joseon era. whenever someone mentions Woo Hyul's name he gets skittish and annoyed. he is hellbent on ruining whatever is left of his life. he will team up with a human who only offers as much info as he needs to to close a deal to do so. what are they not showing us what kind of history do these two really have and why the f*ck is Man Hwi so obsessed with continuing it
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goldenkid · 9 months
rewatching doctor who s7 and every time Clara says something slightly unhinged I clap and cheer so hard
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bywandandsword · 5 months
My gods, as much as I greatly appreciate having access to public transport, this is a royal pain in my ass
The nearest bus stop is in the next town over, a mile away, and with the snow and hills, it takes me about half an hour to walk to it. More if they haven't plowed the sidewalks yet. The buses only come once an hour, and the one I catch comes at 55 after the hour and gets to the school at 30 after the next hour. Which is fine I guess, but it means if I have a 9:00 class, I have to catch the 8:00 bus, so I have to leave the house by 7:30 at least
But today, I had to go get groceries and the only grocery that isn't a gas station near the route is a stop on the way to school and the circle the buses take only goes one way. The bus that leaves campus going toward my stop does so at 45 after the hour, hits my bus station at 55 after, and hits the grocery at 5 after in the next hour. They only come once an hour, so once I finished shopping I had to wait until the bus came again. After the grocery, the bus gets to the school at 30 after, whereupon it becomes the Inbound bus (going towards the city) and you have to get out and wait for the Outbound bus to come back to head towards my stop. Then of course it takes half an hour to walk home, which is how despite getting out of class at 12:50, I didn't get home until ~4:30 as the sun was setting it getting cold enough for my hands and feet to start hurting despite the layers, and if you think I have any energy to do any work after I thawed out, you'd be sorely mistaken
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moonbeam-fox · 6 months
Anyone else watch that escaping twin flames doc on netfl*x? Its short and also pretty awful if you're into that sort of thing.
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blueengland · 8 months
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charareal · 2 years
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* Greetings.
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