#wooden carpenter near me
connectinterior · 2 years
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jazzyoranges · 11 months
Princess Treatment
Tara Carpenter x fem!reader
Request: can u write about tara being clingy to the reader. it's like tara wont let go of reader, she follows wherever the reader goes
Words: 1k
Warnings(?): some talks of Tara’s past trauma, honestly it’s just fluff idk what to tell you
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“Tara, the love of my life, you can’t come with me to work”
“Why not?” Tara groans, wrapping her arms around your waist in a grip that rivaled a gorilla
“Baby, they hired me. Not me and my girlfriend”
“Being a barista surely can’t be that difficult!“ The younger Carpenter only holds onto you even tighter
“How about this. You can sit in the cafe and watch me work while you finish your studying” You offer, pressing a kiss to her forehead while holding her face in your hands
“Well I can’t study while I’m busy staring at you, babe”
“Would you rather me leave you here?”
“Studying at a coffee shop it is” Tara beams, and you can’t help but roll your eyes with a smile on your face
Work was normal. Nothing out of the ordinary other than Tara not being able to keep her eyes off you, which, you send her multiple glares to do her homework. Honestly, you didn’t really mind how clingy Tara was. You knew what the smaller Carpenter has been through
Coming to the conclusion your girlfriend refused to ever leave your side was due to past trauma, you quickly decided there was no harm in making Tara feel better. “Happy wife, happy life” as they say
So Tara stayed. She stayed until her eyes were heavy. Tara stayed with you until the shop was about to close, and your boss gave you a questioning look and a raised eyebrow. You shrug in response, moving to wake up your sleepy girlfriend
Tara’s eyes flutter open, and you can feel your heart melt at how fucking adorable she is. You could never be able to understand how anyone would willingly try to put her in harms way. A single look from her sent your heart spiraling
A small yawn comes from the brunette’s mouth, making her eyes crinkle just the way you liked
“C’mon, Tar, it’s time to go home” You whisper, trying your best to not wake her too much. You’ve already packed Tara’s school things in her bag by the time she’s awake
Tara does her little grabby hands towards you, and you can hear your coworkers snort at your little interaction. You give them the finger before putting on Tara’s backpack, and also somehow putting on Tara. Her legs wrap around your waist while her arms around your neck. Being close to you was one of Tara’s favorite things
Even in her sleepy and blissed out state the younger Carpenter smiles into your shoulder, inhaling your scent. Tara always associated you with safety. You were there when she cried, smiled, cried some more, and now you were here carrying her to your car like the angel she was. Princess treatment, if you will
But you were okay with being Tara’s knight in shining armor, princess charming, or whatever the hell she wanted. But right now Tara wanted to sleep in your arms. Her brain threatened sleep, but she didn’t want you to be carrying her around like a rag doll. Like she wasn’t already one to begin with
Tara couldn’t recall the night if she tried to. First she was studying with half-lidded eyes, the next she was being carried to your car, and now here she was tucked under your blanket with one of your clean shirts on her body and nothing else but underwear
The bathroom light was turned on in the hallway, and Tara wanted nothing more than to be in your arms again. She missed you quite a lot in her sleep
Against her body’s will, Tara trudged to the bathroom. The wooden floors were cold under her feet, but they were a small price to pay to see you. She could hear your electric toothbrush spin as she neared
Some of the wooden planks squeaked as Tara walked, so you weren’t surprised when she opened up the rest of the door and wrapped her arms around your torso. You spit out your toothpaste, and quickly rinsed out your mouth to start your skincare
“You weren’t in bed, (Y/n/n)…” The younger Carpenter mumbles sleepily
“I’m sorry, Tar. I had to finish up cleaning around the house and my schoolwork”
“It s’okay, I just missed you” Tara yawns
“How about you go back to bed? I’ll be done in a few minutes”
“Mmm… I wanna stay here with you.”
“You’re tired, love. Go to sleep for me?” You try to convince her with a kiss, but it only seems to drive her closer into your back. You sigh in defeat, and Tara knows she’s won when you focus on your skincare again
Tara sways behind you a little, holding onto your stomach like you’ll fly away if she doesn’t. Tara wants to keep you all to herself. She was greedy like that
Tara thinks a few minutes pass? She’s too tired to keep track. Your girlfriend may as well be asleep when you’re finished in the bathroom. You turn off the light, still in Tara’s embrace, and turn around so she’s no longer facing your back
“Wish you were in bed, yet?” You whisper
“No, cause you’re here…” Your girlfriend mumbles again. You’d probably never be able to get over how cute she could be without knowing it. Unfortunately, Tara doesn’t show any signs of moving and you know exactly what she wants
Hooking your arms under her knees, you easily hoist you girlfriend up and onto the bathroom counter. Tara gives you a quick kiss before she nuzzles into the crook of your neck as you carry her for the second time tonight
If Tara made you carry her until the ends of the earth, then so be it. Sore arms were worth it if you got to see your girlfriend smile. You gently place Tara on the bed, yet her arms still wrap around your neck like a tiny koala. A very tiny koala
You have to manually remove her hands from your neck, and you can hear her huff in frustration. You’re quick to make it better by cuddling her, your front to her back. Tara falls asleep again with you on her mind
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honorarysimp · 3 months
2: Coffee is the Answer to Everything
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This is the single thought that goes through your mind as you exit the hotel early the next morning. Showered, dressed in a fresh set of clothes, and a freshly brewed cup of coffee in hand. You take a deep breath of the crisp morning air, savoring the feeling of waking up rested and ready to start the day.
Looking around, you realize the town isn’t as gothic horror as the late night arrival had made it seem. The buildings in town are fairly nice and well together, the houses could use a bit of external love and maintenance but clearly lived in.
With a purposeful stride, you headed towards the sheriff's station, which was a short walk away down the empty streets.
Perk of a small town.
As you approach, you do noticed the town does seem slightly ominous in the pale light of the early morning, or maybe it’s just the lack of towns people wandering about.
You step into the sheriff's station, footsteps echoing off the linoleum floor.
An officer who’d been sat at her desk stands, setting the folder in her hands down on the wooden top and makes her way over.
As she approaches, she seems to radiate authority and a cautious nature. Her gaze is steely and her expression was one of guarded skepticism.
"Can I help you?" she asks in a brisk tone, her eyes roaming over you with an assessing look.
“I’m the Private Investigator hired and sent out here to help with-“
“Right. The city slicker” she cuts you off, dark brown eyes cutting into your soul.
You only hum, not necessarily offended. This isn’t your first time with small town folk, they’re the careful type with strangers, even more so after some of their people have gone missing.
“The sheriff around?” You ask, she doesn’t immediately offer a response as she turns to head back to her desk.
“Did he at least leave anything for me to go over?” You try again, sipping your coffee to hope it helps with the slight cotton mouth you have. It doesn’t.
“He’s out with a few other deputies doing another sweep of the woods, should be back soon” she says as she grabs a few files off her desk, turning to you expectantly.
She definitely is the “all-business no play” type, so you quickly walk over to accept the files from her.
But as you reach for them, she pulls them just out of your grasp, “these don’t leave this building, understand?”
You narrow your eyes, squaring your shoulders “look officer-“ you glance down to her nametag stitched into her uniform, “Carpenter. I’m not a goddamn rookie alright? I’m here for the same reason you are, we don’t have to be friends, we just have to find your people.”
Her eyes narrow, top lip twitching as if she’s going to rebuttal. Instead she cools her expression and shoves the files into your chest, making you stumble a step back and let out a surprised grunt.
“Don’t talk to me like you know me, you wanna help? Go back where you came from.”
And with that, she heads off further into the station. You take in a slow, calming breath, jaw muscle twitching as you clench your teeth and exhale.
With no guidance and no one to talk to, you head for one of the more empty desks and set yourself up.
You shuffle through the stack of files, flipping through them quickly to get a sense of the information contained within. The reports were detailed and thorough, listing each victim's name, age, occupation, and the last known sighting of each individual before they disappeared.
As you go over the files, you can’t help but feel a sense of unease. The town's history was steeped in superstition and folklore, and the disappearances fit the unpredictable pattern of those stories a little too well.
It might be damn near impossible to convince these people of a logical explanation, if and when one is found.
You pause as you notice a name appearing repeatedly in the files: Ghostface.
It was the name of a local urban legend, a specter that supposedly haunted the town and was blamed for the disappearances.
The name sent a chill down your spine. You’d heard of the legend before taking the case, of course, but seeing the name in every single report made it feel a little uncomfortably possible. In theory.
So focused on reading the reports, you fail to notice the front door opening and someone entering. It wasn't until a voice spoke up that your attention is pulled away from studying them.
"You aren't my sister," the voice said, making you turn your head to see a woman standing in the doorway “is Sam here?”
She’s pretty. Unfairly pretty. She has to be young, mid 20’s if anything, her hair a neat tangle of brown curls that framed her sharp facial features. She assess you almost exactly how the officer from earlier had, her arms crossed tightly over her chest as she stared at you with a look of wariness mixed with curiosity.
You smoothly collect yourself, set the files down on the desk and stand, addressing her with a smile “no I definitely am not, I’m Private Investigator (Y/N)-“
“I didn’t ask, what I did ask was if Sam is here” she cuts you off, and that’s when you realize she also has the same dark brown eyes as the officer from earlier. Now that you’re actually taking a second to observe rather than gawk, you see the similarities.
“She’s in the back” you say as you jut your thumb over your shoulder, she offers nothing and walks right past you.
You watch her go, tongue clicking against the top of your mouth “I definitely see the resemblance.”
Once she’s gone, you sit back at the desk and resume going through the files. Memorizing the locations, going through all the records of every person missing and how they could be connected.
A bit of time passes when your stomach growls, you sigh and rub your eyes as you sit back in your chair, taking a peak at the time on your phone. Damn, noon already?
You hear footsteps behind you, making your ears perk as you hone in on it. Lighter footsteps, an unprompted smile tugs at your lips as your gaze goes up to the ceiling.
“So you’re our saving grace then huh? Big city hot shot?”
You hum as she approaches, head tilting to the left as she leans back against the side of the desk, arms crossed yet again. At least this time her expression seems to be a bit more open, curious if anything.
“It’s always a team effort” you say as you stretch your arms over your head, back popping and making you hum in approval.
She looks at you incredulously, “you, a Detective who’s investigating a multiple missing persons case, aren’t a lone wolf?”
You scoff, not bothering to correct her as your arm drapes over the back of the chair and the other resting on top of the desk, angling your body towards her.
“How stereotypical of you.”
“Me? Please, I’m sure you’re already picking me apart with your own assumptions” she says as she pushes herself off the desk, casually making her way around the front of it.
Again you turn and face forward once more, arms crossing, “unfortunately for you, that’s my job” you say easily, but the look she gives you makes something in you stir.
She lays her palms flat on the desk in front of you, looking down at you with those piercing eyes that seem to read through your carefully constructed exterior.
“Why is it unfortunate?” she questions, head tilting slightly.
You purse your lips, eyes trailing down her arms and back up to her face, “what’s your name.”
The corners of her mouth quirk, but she doesn’t answer. Instead she wraps her knuckles to the top of the desk and then pushes away from it once more, pointing a finger at you.
“My sister is right, you should get lost. Haven’t you heard? The Boogeyman is on the loose” she makes a point of dramatically making jazz hands, turning away from you and heads for the front door.
“Another cliché, telling me to go knowing I won’t” you call after her, and again she says nothing.
But she does offer one last glance at you over her shoulder, a half smile displayed across her face before she slips out the door.
You find yourself staring at the now closed door, a sliver of curiosity picks at the back of your brain but you ignore it.
Just as you look back down at the files, the door opens again, only this time when you look up your expression instantly shifts to something serious.
A man, if his badge and stature didn’t tell me enough of who he is, walks in followed by two deputies that hurry past and further into the station.
“You must be the Detective” the man says, reaching up to take the hat off the top of his head, offering a nod to you, “I’m Sheriff Riley.”
You stand, flattening down your shirt and walking over to him, “pleasure” you return the nod and accept a quick but firm handshake from him “and I’m a Private Investigator, sir, not a Detective.”
He makes a face, “it’s the same thing” he says with a tilt of his head side to side, “I’m gonna assume you’ve brushed up on the files I left you, let me show you what we’ve got so far on the guy we believe responsible.”
As he gestures for you to follow him in the direction all his officers had gone to, you can’t help but mutter “it’s not the same thing.”
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pinkthrone445 · 10 months
~I need a favor~ Part 2
Part 1
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Pairing:Brienne of tarth x Reader
Warnlings : (+18) None I think.
Gender: mostly fluff.
Summary:Returning from a big battle, your friend Brienne has news that will change both of your lives forever, your relationship and your lifes.
It had been a few days since Brienne brought the baby home, several days in which the blonde had not left your side or your house, days in which she spent thanking you for your help whenever the opportunity presented itself. Every day that passed, the more you learned about life and the less you slept, the baby was a big responsibility and had strong lungs to cry and scream whenever something didn't agree with his standards.
It was a little tricky to manage the work and care of the baby, but when you went out to work or buy stuff, Brienne stayed behind to take care of him. The only problem was that when you got home, it was a complete chaos, the baby was probably asleep, but there were toys and clothes everywhere, some splashes of food, milk or water that you would have to clean up in the morning, and Brienne was full of stains that you didn't want to know where those came from.
However, that night when you arrived it was different, the house was clean, tidy, and quiet. The only light that illuminated the place was the brightness of the moon that came in when you opened the door, not a single candle was lit. Worried you took a knife from your bag, you knew how to use it thanks to Brienne teaching you, so you could defend yourself. You walked to where you usually let the baby sleep, but he wasn't there either, there were only his blankets. You kept looking around the house until it occurred to you to look at the cozy chair you had by the window, there was Brienne with the little baby asleep and lying on her chest. The blonde looked absently out the window, she conveyed a peace and tranquility that you had never seen in her before, she looked so happy and calm that you didn't want to interrupt the moment. You carefully lowered your knife letting out a sigh of relief that you didn't know you were holding, your friend smiled and turned to look at you, it was obvious that your presence could not go unnoticed by the trained knight
-"Good evening, how was work?"- She whispered very calmly to avoid waking up the little boy who was sleeping on her
-"It was good... I managed to bring more milk from the kitchen at work, the good quality kind so it doesn't give the baby diarrhea"-You also whispered and stood in front of them-"You want me to take him to his blankets?"
-"No, it won't be necessary anymore, I brought a gift" -she said, pointing with her head to a beautiful and delicate wooden crib-"we can place it wherever you like, preferably near your bed in case he wakes up at night or drowns... You like it?" - she smiled seeing how you inspected the crib, it was a great job of a craftsman carpenter, something that would surely be very expensive
-"Did you pay for this? It's beautiful but it's sure to be very expensive..."-You looked at her in surprise and she laughed softly
-"I had it made by a carpenter who owed me a favor after having saved her family... She even made us a wooden rocking chair for the baby, so we can put him to sleep..."-The blonde commented looking at you with a relaxed smile, you were surprised to see her so peacefully and so committed to the baby.
-"It's really a beautiful job, thank you for bringing it..."-you whispered and she handed you the baby carefully, smiling you laid him on your chest and smelled the scent of his little head instantly relaxing, you hadn't realized how much you missed him and how important he was to you until you held him in your arms again after a long day. Even though you hadn't seen him for just a couple of hours, your arms had felt empty at not having him. Delicately you caressed his little back and saw how he smiled asleep and relaxed and snuggled more into your chest making tender little noises. When you looked up, you saw how Brienne was watching you affectionately, smiling like a fool, you laughed and raised an eyebrow-"What?"- Your voice brought the blonde back to reality, she cleared her throat shaking her head
-"Nothing... I'll go put the crib next to your bed"-she whispered blushing and lifted the crib marking the muscles of her arms, leaving you and the baby alone in the dining room.
After a few minutes, when everything was settled, you put the baby on the crib carefully and covered him, relieved he didn't wake up. Brienne must have been playing with him for a long time if he was so deeply asleep. When you started to change your clothes, the blonde was about to retire to go to sleep in the living room, but you took her hand and stopped her, your friend blushed when she saw that you were in your underwear
-"Don't you want to sleep here in my bed? It's more comfortable than blankets on the living room floor and I know you're tired after taking care of the baby all day..."- You whispered a little embarrassedly and saw the doubt in her eyes thinking an objection, but before she could say anything, you interrupted her again-"I don't want to sleep alone, and if I fall into a deep sleep I'm afraid I won't hear the baby if he wakes up... Please..."-You pleaded in a whisper and she sighed nodding
-"Okay..."-she agreed. After the two of you put on your pajamas and went to bed you tried to sleep but couldn't, sleep had left your tired body. Instead, your head had begun to reproduce everything your life had changed in those few weeks since the baby arrived
-"Bri... Are you awake?"-You whispered and the blonde babbled tired but awake-"You know, I was thinking maybe it's time for us to give him a name... If it's going to be our family we can't keep calling him baby or little one, he needs a proper name"-You spoke in a whisper and turned on the bed coming face to face with the blonde who was looking at you with a sleepy smile
-"I think it's a great idea, have you thought of any name?"-she asked curiously
-"Gisli..."-You barely whispered
-"Why?" - she asked
-"'Cause it means ray of sunshine, and you are the sun, the sun that brought this little sunshine home and into my life..."-You whispered and she stared at you - "if you think it's silly we can choose another one..."
-"I love it, it's a very beautiful reason for choosing it... It's cute... Like the baby and like you" - she whispered and kissed the tip of your nose making you giggle and blush. In what little light there was, you could barely make out any shape, but you could feel the heat her body radiated so close to yours, the only thing you could make out was the reflection of the moonlight on Brienne's hair. The moment you shared was very intimate, the whole last weeks you had spent together had been intimate. The two of you were very close, her breathing was very near to your lips, so much so that if you leaned in just a little you were sure you could kiss her. She and you had kissed before on a night when the two were drunk and made embarrassing decisions, but this was different, you were both very aware of what was going on. Slowly you grabbed her hand, Brianne's lips brushed against yours, as if some sudden movement would break the magical bubble you were in, where no matter what life she led, you could be together, where you could truly be a couple, a family, where anything was possible. You didn't know who closed the distance, you or her, but finally your lips connected with hers letting out a big sigh of happiness, it was as if every cell in your body woke up one by one just to think about her, to feel hee. Your hands grabbed her cheeks and she took your hips, gently tickling you under her touch. Your body began to rise in temperature and all you wanted was to be closer to her, for your body and soul to become one with her, not necessarily sexually, but in every sense of the word, to be hers and for her to be yours, for the two of you to give yourself to each other without fear of the future and without any restrictions. To get closer to her, you wrapped your leg around her hip while still kissing her and she held your thigh possessively, making you gasp from the force with which she was holding you. Her leg slipped between yours, brushing her thigh at your crotch which made you feel hotter and more restless, letting out a soft moan on her lips . You had no idea where that could go, but no fantasy was fulfilled that night as the baby cried while still asleep, dreaming about something, breaking the moment and bringing you two back to reality. Your breathing was ragged and so was hers, neither of you knew what to say or do. After checking that everything was okay with the baby, you went back to bed and the blonde was turning her back to you, compared to the heat that her body radiated minutes before, now a shiver ran through your body because of the distance you felt from her
-"Brienne..."-You whispered but she ignored you—"do you want to talk or..."-You insisted, but she interrupted you
-"It's too late, we have to sleep. Good night" - She replied curtly and you sighed turning and hugging yourself to keep warm, trying to relax a little so you could stop overthinking and sleep even a little.
The next morning when you woke up, it was still very early but Brienne wasn't in bed and the baby wasn't in his crib either which made you sigh sadly, you could still feel the ghost of her kisses on your lips and the rejection when she realized what she was doing. Without much desire, you got up and walked to the dining room where you found the two of them sitting while the blonde fed the little one, you couldn't help but stare at her, she looked and felt very good at your house and next to you, as if she belonged there with you, but you also knew that if you talked to her about that and about what had happened the night before, if it didn't end well, it could make everything very complicated, not only because of the friendship you had but because now you were taking care of a child together. You sighed, running your hands over your face watching as she gently patted the baby's back to get the gas out, the little boy laughed every time a small burp came out of him
-"Good morning Brienne... Can we talk please?" - You spoke determined to put an end to the insertitude that was in your head, Brienne carefully left the baby in a blanket with a stuffed animal you had made for him
-"No good conversation ever started with that phrase" - she joked as if to make you laugh but it didn't work - "look, If this is for the baby or me being to much at your house, I'll try to make things easier for you or take him with me a few nights... Anything that you want... You have done so much for him that I can't ask you anything else..."-She whispered a little embarrassedly and you sighed
-"It's not for him, it's for us, for what happened last night... The kiss, the electricity, the connection... I know I didn't imagine that feeling..."-You replied and this time it was her turn to sigh
-"We've had this conversation before... You know no matter how many feelings we have for each other, we can't be together, I don't want to hurt you..." - she said, avoiding your gaze
-"But you hurt me anyways, that's what you don't get it... Being with you feels good and this house feels like a home when you're with me, I'd rather have nothing but having you and the baby, than having all the riches in the world, because if I have you two, I have everything I need. I know you're afraid to do this because you're scared of the future, because you don't want to make me suffer if you get hurt in battle and don't come back. But I suffer more every time you're with me putting up a wall to keep your distance from me, I suffer more in those moments, than when I have to wait for you to come back from the battles... I suffer anyway waiting for you whether we are a couple or not, because even if we are nothing, I still love you and for me you are everything...I'll suffer more if I don't have you, than if you're mine and I have to wait for you to come back"-Brienne looked at you in surprise as she listened to you
-"You what?" - she asked
-"I said you like it or not, that I love you...I love you both and our little and unconventional family, because that's what we are, a family, even if you don't admit it"-You said more confidently and she smiled at you making you a little uncomfortable for not understanding why she was smiling - "Why are you smiling?"
-"Because you love me..."-she replied in a mocking tone
-"Look, if you're going to laugh at me for what I said, I'll get you out of the house and I won't let you in even if you're freezi..."-You said with a frown but the blonde grabbed your waist tightly and pulled you closer to her by sticking you close to her body, causing a small cry of surprise to come out of your mouth. Brienne was still smiling and caressed your cheek looking into your eyes, making you blush a little from the intensity of her gaze
-"I love you too... A lot... I love you, the baby, and our little unconventional family... And I'm terrified of hurting you if I ever get wounded in battle and I can't come back... But I'm more afraid that if I try to avoid a relationship with you, someone else will come and take this little piece of heaven away from me... So scared or not, I want to be with you if you'll let me... I want to be with you and the baby, I want our little ray of sunshine to grow up with both of us... "-she gently kissed your lips smiling, making you smile too-" I'm yours, and if you let me, I want you to be mine..."
-"I wanna be yours"- You whispered and hid in her chest, taking advantage of the warmth while she hugged you. The little baby, seeing how the two of you were together without including him, started screaming making you laugh. Carefully you picked him up and hugged him, putting him between you and Brienne, the little one curled up in your chest and frowned at Brienne-"I think you're already late, you'll have to fight for my love with him"-You whispered laughing and the blonde started tickling the baby making him laugh a lot
-"It will be a tickling fight until someone gives up, the winner will stay with you and your love, everything is allowed"-She said jokingly and the baby took advantage of the blonde's closeness and grabbed her golden curls with great strength, pulling them roughly-"Okey Okey, I give up"- the blonde said and you carefully opened the baby's hand to let go of her hair and she breathed a sigh of relief - "Cheater"- She muttered looking at the baby
-"You said everything was allowed" - you laughed and she pouted at you, carefully you gave her a little kiss on her lips-"You don't have to fight, there's enough of me for you both..."-Brienne smiled hugging and kissing your foreheads, her heart full of love and happiness with her little perfect family.
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People being kept out of the Duplay house compilation
…It was necessary, in order to reach the eminent guest deigning to inhabit this humble little hole of a place, to pass through a long alley flanked with planks stacked there, the owner's stock-in-trade. This alley led to a little yard from seven to eight feet square, likewise full of planks. A little wooden staircase led to a room on the first floor. Prior to ascending it we perceived in the yard the daughter of the carpenter Duplay, the owner of the house. This girl allowed no one to take her place in ministering to Robespierre's needs. As women of this class in those days freely espoused the political ideas then prevalent, and as in her case they were of a most pronounced nature, Danton had surnamed Cornelie Copeau "the Cornelia who is not the mother of the Gracchi." Cornelie seemed to be finishing spreading linen to dry in the yard; in her hand were a pair of striped cotton stockings, in fashion at the time, and which were certainly similar to those we daily saw encasing the legs of Robespierre on his visits to the Convention. Opposite her sat Mother Duplay between a pail and a saladbasket, busily engaged in picking salad herbs. Two men in military garb, standing close to her in a respectful attitude, seemed to be taking part in the duties of the household, obligingly picking herbs, in order to be free to chat more unrestrainedly under the shelter of this familiar occupation. These two men, since famous in their respective positions, were, the one General Danican, who since then, on the 13th Vendemiaire, became impressed with the idea that he was a Royalist, and who perhaps still retains the belief because he is one of England's pensioners; the other was General, later on Marshal, Brune. Freron and I told Cornelie Copeau that we had called to see Robespierre. She began by informing us that he was not in the house, then asked whether he was expecting our visit. Fréron, who was familiar with the premises, advanced towards the staircase, while Mother Duplay shook her head in a negative fashion at her daughter. Both generals, smilingly enjoying what was passing through the two women's minds, told us plainly by their looks that he was at home, and to the women that he was not. Cornelie Copeau, on seeing that Freron, persisting in his purpose, had his foot on the third step, placed herself in front of him, exclaiming: ”Well, then, I will apprise him of your presence," and, tripping upstairs, she again called out, "It’s Fréron and his friend, whose name I do not know." Fréron thereupon said, "It’s Barras and Freron," as if announcing himself, entering the while Robespierre's room, the door of which had been opened by Cornelie Copeau, we following her closely.  Memoirs of Barras: member of the Directorate (1899) page 167-169, regarding a meeting he and Fréron tried to have with Robespierre following their return from Marseilles in March 1794.
Very little time before the cathostraphy where Camille Desmoulins was victim, Joseph Planche, the humanist, the old rhetorics professor at the Bourbon college, who was strongly tied to him, met him in the hooks around Rue de Tournon. Camille was concerned, and told him: ”I’m lost. I went to see Robespierre, and he refused to see me.” Historie de Robespierre et du coup d’état du 9 thermidor (1865) by Ernest Hame. According to J.M Thompson’s Robespierre (1935), Hamel obtained this anecdote from a friend of a friend of the mentioned Planche.
”…Try to see Maximilien, [said Charlotte Robespierre], you will be content; he was very glad that our younger brother saw you at Melun. On this occasion he spoke with interest of the exercises of your pupils and of the attention you had in entrusting him with presiding over them. I won’t introduce you to him, I would not succeed; I even advise you not to speak to him about me. You will be told he is out, don't believe it, insist on your visit.” The Robespierre family was housed on rue Saint-Honoré, near the Assomption chapel, the sister and younger brother at the front, the older brother at the back of the courtyard. Gaillard went to Maximilien’s apartment; a young man, looking at him with the most insolent air, said to him, barely having opened the door: “The representative isn’t home…” “He may not be there for those who come to talk to him about business, but that is not my doing; I will talk to him about his family that I know a lot, you have seen me come out of his sister's apartment who is involved in state affairs no more than I am... Bring my name to the representative, he will receive me, I’m sure of it.” The fellow did not dare refuse to carry a paper on which Gaillard had taken care to indicate himself in such a way as to be recognized, he immediately came back and gave the visitor his paper saying: “The representative does not know you,” and the door was violently slammed shut!… . The insolence of this brazen man whom Gaillard knew to be the secretary of Robespierre, son of Duplay, to whom the sister attributed the excesses of his brother, the sorrow he felt at losing the hope of saving the judges of Melun and to ensure his personal rest, all these thoughts made him very angry; he calls the young man a liar, insolent, he accuses him of deceiving Robespierre and of increasing the number of his enemies every day, all this in the loudest voice with the intention of being heard by Maximilien and lure him to one of the windows where, surely, he would have recognized him. New disappointment, no one appears and Gaillard goes back to tell Mlle Robespierre about his misadventure. “I prepared you for it, she told him. ”No one can approach my brother unless he is a friend of those Duplays, with whom we are lodging; these wretches have neither intelligence nor education, explain to me their ascendancy over Maximilien. […]” La Révolution, la Terreur, le Directoire 1791-1799: d’après les mémoires de Gaillard (1908) page 264-265. This anecdote gets described as taking place somewhere in May 1794.
4 prairial, year 2 of the French Republic, one and indivisible Nine o’clock in the evening a young girl presented herself at the house of citizen Duplaix [sic], asking to see Robespierre and saying that she had been looking for him for three hours. At the response made by citoyenne Duplaix [sic], the eldest daughter, that Robespierre wasn’t there, this young woman said that it was very surprising he was not at his house and showed a lot of impertinence and humor by saying that he was a public official and made to respond to all those who could come to his house; these threats obliged us to take her to the Committee of General Security. Signed: Chatelet. Note written by an agent May 23 1794. The ”young girl” in question is Cécile Renault. Cited in Histoire du tribunal révolutionnaire de Paris: avec le journal de ses actes (1881) by Henri Wallon, volume 4, page 5.
Those whom fate did not lead to the Duplay family presume that it was enough to be introduced to them to see Robespierre: they are wrong; I appeal to the testimony of all his former friends; not one could reach him: the entrance to his residence, similar to Tartarus, was constantly guarded by Cerberians who overshadowed everything... You, whom terror has compressed for so long, have you understood it well? No: to feel its full weight, compelling circumstances would often have had to drag you into its temple, where the sinister look of a Chalabre was sometimes equivalent to a death sentence; where once suspected your loss was sworn, which you accelerated even by no longer going there.  À Maximilien Robespierre aux Enfers (1794) by Paul-Auguste Taschereau-Fargues, page 11.
A young and pretty person aged 17 to 18, accompanied by her aunt, arrives one morning, by carriage, at Robespierre's door, to ask for her father's liberation. These two women speak to Mother Duplay, who they ask if Robespierre is avaliable. “No,” this she-cat replies abruptly. This initial reception intimidated the young person so much that, without daring to open her mouth, she sadly returned to her carriage. As she was about to climb into it, she said to herself that the way in which she had been received was perhaps the result of a lack of formality towards this woman whom, due to her dirty and disgusting attire, she took for the servant of the house. She therefore returns, the 25 livres assignat in hand, to try to make the female dragon yield. Femme Duplay eagerly runs to meet her, and, grabbing her by the arm, says to her: “Now that you are alone, you can go up. Citizen Robespierre really likes young people your age.” This innocent girl got so disturbed that she immediately went back to her aunt, whom she told, completely frightened, about her adventure. Notes et souvenirs de Courtois de l’Aube, député à la Convention nationale, cited in La Révolution française: revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (1887), volume 12, page 929-930.
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Summary: As our girls are roadtripping back home during a break Dani decides to take Sammi on a little hike to a lookout. Written for the ever so talented @ofthecaravel
Pairings: Sammi Kiszka X Dani Wagner **girl van fleet!! 💕
Warnings: a little smooching, some swearing, that’s about it!
Word count: 1.7k
“Who’s your hall pass?” Sammi questioned as she and Dani made their way up the steep hillside trail covered in rocks and leaves crushed into tiny pieces from the hundreds of feet that had come stepping here before them.
“Dunno” Dani responded, focused more on finding this turn off from the trail to the look out so that they could check it out and get back to the car before the others came looking for them rather than answering her friends silly questions.
“Come on” Sammi pushed, kicking a rock over in Dani’s direction with her flip flop. “You can’t tell me there aren’t any girls you find attractive”.
You… Dani quickly thought to herself. Of course she found Sammi attractive, a lot of people did boys and girls alike, but instead of admitting it Dani just blurted out “fine, Sabrina Carpenter”.
”S-Sabrina who?!” Sammi scoffed, crossing her arms across her chest in a pout. She was supposed to say me.
“She’s a… nevermind” Dani abandoned her explanation when she looked back and saw the annoyed look on Sammi’s face. “Hey, I think this is it!” Just a foot away from them was a rotted sign barely standing on two wooden posts next to an overgrown pathway further into the brush that surrounded them.
“Guess this isn’t a very popular place” Dani commented as she pushed some low hanging branches out of the way to try and get a better look.
“Either that or someone was murdered down there and no one wants to go anymore” Sammi added, debating on giving up and going back. She wasn’t even really interested in the look out anyways, she was just tired of sitting in the cramped up backseat of the car, and wanted to walk with her friend for a while. It's not like she was really dressed for a hike through the woods on the side of the highway in her tiny shorts and tank top. She didn’t even have a bra on, not that she ever really wore one, and her under boobs were starting to get sticky with sweat.
“Why do you have to make everything so morbid? Come on, it shouldn’t be much further”.
Sammi rolled her eyes but followed Dani into the creepy opening in the trees. Hopefully if anyone did jump out of the bushes and try to attack Dani would protect them both.
After just a couple more minutes of walking, the trail did finally break way to a small stony clearing, a ledge that dropped off into a valley below. “Careful where you step”. Dani reached out and offered her hand, guiding Sammi closer to the edge safely so she could get a better look, her boots a much better footwear choice to find stable ground to stand on. “I can’t believe there’s not a guard rail or anything. No wonder this place is practically closed off”.
“So someone did die here” Sammi squawked, clinging onto Dani as she peered over and down the nearly thirty foot drop to the bottom. “I told you”.
“Oh right, I forgot Sammi knows everything” Dani sighed, taking a step back so they were at a more comfortable distance.
“I do not” Sammi argued, furrowing her perfectly manicured brows.
Dani wasn’t sure why she was bringing this up now, it didn’t make sense to start something right before getting back into a car with someone for the rest of a nearly nine hour road trip up the Midwest. Or better yet when standing near the edge of a cliff, but she spoke what was on her mind anyways. “Sometimes you kind of act like you do”.
Sammi’s shoulders dropped, her heart sinking in her chest a little at the thought of her best friend being upset with her. Am I annoying? Is that why she doesn’t like me like that? The twins always said she was annoying, but that’s because she was the youngest sibling and it was her birthright to bother the shit out of her older sisters. Dani though… that was another story.
“Is that a problem?” She meekly questioned, ashamed to even have to ask.
“No! It’s not!” Dani tried to quickly take it back, already feeling like a total bitch for having said something. It wasn’t even that big of a deal but somehow she had managed to make herself look bad and hurt her friends feelings at the same time. “I’m sorry, just forget I said anything, okay?”
Dani reached forward and wrapped her arms around Sammi’s shoulders, their skin sticky with the late August humidity practically making them glue together.
“I really don’t, you know?” Sammi spoke up, fighting the urge to nuzzle her face into Dani’s chest. “I don’t know everything” she continued when Dani looked down at her in question, “I don’t even know the most important thing”.
“What’s that?” Dani moved to tuck a strand of Sammi’s hair that had blown with the slight breeze from the valley and tuck it behind her ear.
“I don’t know how you really feel about me”.
There it was. Out in the open finally after years of being together, forming a band together and touring the world, but never quite actually being together the way Sammi wanted to. Maybe now she could change things?
“How I really feel about you? Is that even a question?” Dani giggled, her hands sliding down the back of Sammi’s tank top to come to rest at her hips instead.
Sammi pouted her lips, this wasn’t a laughing matter to her. “Yes. It is. I need to know if you like me or not”.
“Does this answer your question?” Dani placed a finger under her chin, tilting it slightly upwards as she leaned down and connected their lips. Sammi tasted like lipgloss and the sour skittles she wouldn’t share after the last rest stop they visited, but Dani didn’t mind anymore because now she was getting a little taste of her very own.
Excitement brimmed from Sammi’s eyes when Dani pulled away, “So you do like me?”
“I always did, silly” Danni smiled, her own cheeks flushed a beautiful shade of rose.
Sammi smiled coyly back, “And you think I’m pretty?”
“Of course I do! Who doesn’t think you’re pretty? I’d like to have a few words with them”.
“Prettier than Selena Carper?”
“Sabrina Carpenter?” Dani snorted, “yes, you’re prettier than her too”.
“Well you could’ve said something sooner, would have saved us this hike up here”.
“I was going to say something sooner” Dani revealed, “I was going to say something a month ago, and then last week, and then this morning before we started this trip, but I could never bring myself to gather the courage. So when I saw there was a look out up here I knew I needed to bring you and get over my fears”.
Sammi wrapped her hands around Dani’s neck and pulled herself up into another quick but heartfelt kiss. “Well I’m glad you beat your fears, but I’m still scared of heights. Let’s get out of here”.
Dani held Sammi’s hand firmly in her grip as they made their way back through the brush, trying not to get tangled or hitched on any of the branches they passed. Usually going downhill would be a lot easier, but in this case Sammi found it difficult to keep up.
“How far from the car are we? If it’s much further then I think you might have to carr-” Sammi was suddenly cut off when one of her flip flops broke, the toe post tearing from the sole and sending Sammi down to the dirt.
“Are you alright!” Dani quickly bent down to help pick her up, seeing first the gash torn through her knee and then the sad mangled sandal realizing it was the cause of the fall.
“Yeah I’m fine” Sammi replied, standing up and leaning on a tree so she could inspect the damage. “It’s totally broken, what am I gonna do?”
“Here let me see, I might be able to fix it for now”. Dani reached up and pulled her hair loose from the pony tail she’d had it in, then took the sandal and held it between her knees. She pushed the toe post back through the hole and wrapped the black elastic around it a few times before handing it back.
Sammi tried it on, definitely wouldn’t be a permanent solution but it would have to do for now. “Thanks, though I was looking forward to you actually having to carry me back”.
“You wish” Dani teased, “that’s what you get for wearing those fuckass flip flops all the time”.
“Hey! These are my favorite flops! You bought them for me…”
Dani gave them a double take, then she remembered. It was when they were in Mexico, Sammi wanted to go down to the beach but all she had packed for the trip was a pair of boots. Dani stopped at a gift shop and bought the only pair that was in her size and she’d been wearing them ever since.
“Well, I guess I’ll have to buy you a new pair then. What else are girlfriends for?”
Sammi’s eyes widened at the word, girlfriends, it felt good to finally be able to call her that, and even better to be able to take her hand again as they finished the rest of the hike.
“Hey! Did you two find the lookout?” Joselyn hollered when they finally re-emerged..
As soon as Joselyn and Janie got one good look at them though, Sammi with her scuffed up knees and Dani with her hair now a curly frizzy mess, they knew something was up.
“What did you guys fuck in the trees or somethin’”? Janie yelled next, making the younger two's faces burn bright red.
“No! I fell!” Sammi exclaimed, taking off her broken flip flop and launching it in her sister's direction.
“Right, and Dani was there to pick you up!” She continued, running around to the drivers side and jumping in before Sammi could reach her.
“Come on ladies!” Joselyn asserted her dominance as the eldest to get them to calm down. “We’ve wasted enough time already, time to hit the road!”
There were a few grumbles as they all climbed back into the car headed home, but silence ultimately fell when the car started back up and the tires scraped against the gravel to pull back onto the highway.
“So,” Joselyn began once they were a few minutes out, “are you two sharing lipgloss now or did Dani finally make her move?”
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spikeisawesome456 · 2 months
So, I'm proud today to say that I am now, very really and totally not exaggeratedly, a master carpenter. 😏
Ha. JK, obviously. But! I was able to fix two broken drawers in my room, one of which has been broken for well over five years, maybe closer to ten!
Basically, the bottom drawer of my dresser, where I hold my T-shirts, has been broken for almost as long as I can remember owning the dresser. Like, I honestly don't recall a time it wasn't broken, though I don't think it always was. Regardless, the drawer had been sagging down to the ground for years, but since it was near the floor it never fell out. I always just figured that it was broken forever and that I'd have no hope of fixing it, since I'm not really into carpentry or woodworking or anything, and just lived with it. It wasn't getting in my way, so it wasn't a problem.
But then, a month or so ago, the drawer under my bed that held my pajamas broke, and it's been kind of annoying, creaking and making me fear it's going to completely break off. Still, I figured it was just... broken for good, something I'd have to deal with and hope it didn't get worse.
However! I recently built two thin dressers for my room, since the plastic drawers I used to have for storage were breaking and I didn't have enough space for everything I own anyway. At first, building them seemed impossible, but once I got into the groove, I realized it... wasn't that hard?? And I actually was pretty good at it??? I'd also built a large metal storage container for my outdoor art studio on my patio a few months before that, and had had a similar experience, where it was hard at first but once I realized what I was doing (and stopped having my brother help me...), it was actually kinda easy.
So, today when I saw my broken pajama drawer, I randomly wondered if maybe I... could fix it? So I took it off, saw that it wasn't attached to the metal slide-y thingy at the bottom (I don't know what it's called, it's the thing that lets the drawer slide in and out, ha), and I tried to reattach it. And... it worked?? It took a couple tries, and I was afraid that it was broken for good when it didn't work at first, but I kept trying, and it just... worked????
With the PJ drawer fixed, I then turned to my T-shirt drawer, and was like... could I possibly fix this, too??? I thought surely not, since it's been broken for legit YEARS. Since I was a teen, easily. I've lived with it broken for so long it was almost a feature of my dresser, really. But I was curious, so I took the drawer out of the dresser to assess.
And it was clearly more damaged than my PJ drawer. It had a wooden slide-y thingy, and the part that was supposed to be attached to the dresser was, uh. Not attached anymore and was on the drawer itself. I saw that the two screws that had initially held the wooden slide-y thingy on the dresser were still at the bottom of the dresser, under where the drawer had been, so I set about taking the slide-y thing and reattaching it to the dresser itself. And then I tried putting the drawer back in.
Which... did not work. The drawer refused to go back on and it was just... not working right. It was actually leaning to the ground more than it had been before, which was frustrating, and I was annoyed with myself for making something that hadn't been a problem worse by trying to "fix" it. But now here I was, with this new problem, and I had to try to fix it at least to the previous level of broken, or else I'd go nuts.
So, I kept trying. I even got on the ground and used my phone flashlight to try and see what I was doing to get the drawer reattached properly to the slide-y thingy. And, guess what?
It worked. I now have a properly working dresser drawer for the first time in literally YEARS. I thought it was broken for good and just... never even thought to try and fix it. It legit never occurred to me before today that that was a thing I could even do. I'm not a carpenter. I don't build things or fix things. I make art and things, yes, but that's a different process entirely. And, quite honestly, I rarely make my art "properly," I just do things my own way and hope for the best.
But I had built a few things, and I realized that hey, maybe I can build and fix things. Maybe... maybe that is a thing I can do? And now I have two fixed drawers, something I never thought I'd have again, not without getting outside help.
I know this was ridiculously long for something very simple. But this really impacted me. I thought these drawers were just... broken for good. That I was helpless to do anything to fix them, because I'm "not someone who fixes furniture." I let myself deal with a broken t-shirt drawer for YEARS because I just... never thought I could fix it. And yet I did. On a whim when putting away my laundry, growing annoyed with the broken PJ drawer.
So. I guess the moral is... just because something seems broken for good, and you don't think you have the skills needed to fix it, doesn't make it true. Sometimes you just need to try, and trust that you can do something to fix something that has broken. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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soulofapatrick · 2 years
Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy - Tommy Miller x Reader
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Summary: All it took was you being clumsy for you and Tommy to give into your mutual want for each other 
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: Blood; injury; smut (p in v); oral (male receiving) 
The stables are needing to be redone so we don’t have any more escape acts from some of the more feisty horses and that means going to the small barn full of scrap wood and metals. Today is the day our damn escape artist and my horse - Indiana - gets his door replaces which means finding a piece of wood big enough or a few planks of wood. I’d ask Tommy or Joel to help me but they seem preoccupied at the moment with coming back from todays patrol and reporting to Maria about their findings. 
There’s a piece that is just the perfect size and it’s thick enough to stand firm against Indiana’s tendency to kick at his door. It seems easy enough to pull out, getting a grip on the top I’m pulling but it won’t budge so I change my grip to the two sides and yank as hard as I can. There’s a creak and a groan and then wood and metal are flying straight for me. 
“Motherfucking bastard, bitch, cunt, ow shit fuck crap!” I think I use every profanity in the book, sitting up and tasting metallic blood as well as feeling the warm liquid sliding down my face. It’s slipping down my left arm too where I must have caught it on some metal as half the piles came crashing down around me. Man, these gashes are gonna leave a nasty scar but at least I’ll get to look so badass! I have to heave myself to my feet, feeling a little unsteady but the wooden board I need is free and next to me so wiping the blood from my mouth I’m heaving the board over my back and heading out the barn, trying not to stumble. 
“Hey Y/N, let me help you with that… WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?” Tommy’s practically shrieking when he takes the heavy board from me, letting it fall to the ground when he catches sight of my face. He’s gripping my chin between his thumb and forefinger, turning my face to the side slightly so he can assess the damage, fingers trailing over the cut and coming back red and shiny, “What the fuck happened?” He growls out, eyes narrowing and searching the area for the perpetrator which would be me. 
“I needed the board for Indiana’s stable door but it was lodged in the pile,” I nod my head back to the barn full of scraps and his face darkens even more when he understands as he’s always told me to come to him or Joel for help no matter what with things like this as they’re the carpenters not me but he also knows that I am extremely stubborn. Steeling him with a glare and a pout I go to move around him to pick the wood back up but he grips my arm tight, “I need to sort Indiana-“ 
“Joel, replace Y/N’s horse’s stable door please and tell Maria she needs to have the barn of scraps organised so no more injuries happen.” Tommy snaps at his older brother who just nods and picks up the wood with ease, walking off and letting Tommy drag me in the opposite direction to the stables. He’s got a strong grip on my wrist and I could escape his grip if I want to but I’m not gonna go our of my way to make him angrier than he already is. Tommy is a patient person but if get hurt, even the smallest thing like a sprained ankle, it’s like I’m suddenly on deaths door and no-one can come near me, even Ellie. He’s possessive and I’m not gonna deny it’s fucking hot but it can be very frustrating as he has never made a move on me and he’s never like this when anyone else close to him gets injured so what the fuck is he wanting from me? 
Tommy’s house is warm compared to the snowy weather outside, causing me to shiver and he sends a worried glance back at me as he leads me upstairs and sits me on his oh so familiar bed. He gives me a pointed look of ‘stay right there’ before disappearing and coming back moments later with a damp cloth and some plasters. They’re not the small ones but the giant ones that he’s gonna have to just stick to my forehead. It’s gonna look like I’m wearing a pad on my forehead I swear to god but I’m not gonna tell him no when his cognac eyes are filled with worry and concern as well as guilt. As if he could have done something to prevent me from hurting myself… Me? The person who can trip over the flattest of surfaces and who has only survived out of pure luck and having people with me who are coordinated and can save my dumbass self. 
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” He coos when he begins dabbing the warm cloth against the open wounds, stinging and I can’t stop myself jerking away but his other hand comes to hold the back of my head, “I know it hurts baby girl, I know. I’m sorry.” There’s a strain to voice as if it's hurting him more than me so I just grip his arm that’s holding my head still, trying not to dig my nails into the sun kissed skin and squeezing my eyes shut so I don’t have to see the pained expression on is face as he cleans the blood off, trying to be as gentle as he can as if I’m something delicate when pain is kind of a normal with my clumsiness. 
Soon enough the warm cloth is gone and so is Tommy’s hand holding my head, the giant plaster being pressed to my forehead and lips covering it before I can protest about how big the plaster is. Tommy’s eyes are soft and warm when I drag my open, his hands holding mine and the calloused pad of his thumbs are brushing over my knuckles. It drives me crazy how bipolar this all is, one moment he’s possessive and the next soft like this and I just want to slap some sense into him as he can’t have both without having me. He doesn’t have me. Not yet. 
He pulls a hand from mine, drawing a sharp gasp from me when it moves to settle on my cheek, thumb rubbing over my cheekbone and an expression on his face I haven’t seen before. It seems like nervousness and longing wrapped into one as his hand slides down until he’s firmly gripping my jaw and his thumb is brushing over my already bruised lips. I don’t know what comes over me but I’m parting my lips and darting my tongue out to taste the saltiness of the pad of his thumb, a broken sound escaping his throat. We’re stuck, just staring at each other neither wanting to move first but both of us wanting the same thing it seems. His gaze dips down to my parted lips where his thumb is still sat between them and he swallows thickly, my eyes being stuck to the way his adams apple bobs and his freckles are illuminated by the sunlight pouring in through the window. 
Finally, my hands move from my lap and he follows them intently, letting me push him back so he’s laying on his bed and his hands fly to my hips when I straddle him. My name falls from his lips when I slowly unbutton his shirt to run my hands all over his muscular and defined chest, drinking in the sight of the sun kissed skin and the freckles I have dreamt about for months. My nails leave light trails of red in their wake and his eyes are slipping shut, the softest sound passing his lips as I lean over him and press a kiss to the column of his neck. His hands stay on my hips, letting me do exactly what I want, only tightening enough to bruise when I bite at his neck before licking over it soothingly. I do it again, this time sucking a hickey into the soft skin just under his jaw, eliciting the most beautiful sound from him I have ever heard. He mewls when I ghost my lips over his without actually kissing him and my hips roll down to feel how hard he is underneath me and it takes everything in me to keep the pace slow. I want to savour this all, not sure if it’ll be a one time thing or not. If it is I want to remember every quiver of breath, every moan and the feel of him writhing beneath me for more. 
Tommy’s hands leave my skin when I move off his hips to his knees so I can slowly unbuckle his belt, leaving hot and open mouthed kisses along the waistband of his jeans as I pop the button open and pull the zipper down. He’s watching me between half lidded eyes, mouth parted when I yank his jeans and boxers down to his knees in one smooth motion and his hard dick smacks me. My mouth waters at the sheer size and thickness of him, the angry head weeping precum that I lick up, smirking a little when he jolts. His hands grip the sheets as I suck the head past my lips, tongue dipping into the slit teasingly before pulling away completely, drawing a sound of pure anguish from his pretty lips. A protest dying in his throat when I climb off of him and the bed when he sees what I’m doing. 
I’m hastily unbuttoning my own jeans, yanking them down my legs and off along with my underwear before I’m climbing back onto his lap. One of his hands find its place on my hips while the other trails lightly up the inside of my thighs, collecting my arousal on two fingers. His eyes are on my face when he moves those fingers through my soaking folds, a smirk sliding onto his kissable lips when he finds my clit and I practically double over at the sudden pleasure. I want to let him have his cocky way with me but… but not right now. Right now I want to ride him until I’m seeing stars and he’s a writhing mess below me. I’m smacking his hand away, unable to stop the moan when he brings his fingers to his lips and sucks them clean. He’s getting to cocky and confident so in one smooth motion I grab the base of his dick and slip the head past my folds. He lets out a choked sound, nails digging into my hips as he aids my decent, both of us letting out sounds when he bottoms out. My thighs are shaking already and I’m gripping his wrists tightly as I adjust to the intrusion, feeling like he’s tearing me apart but it’s a delicious pain that has my eyes almost rolling into the back of my head. 
“Baby girl.” He sounds so wrecked already, a light sheen of sweat over his skin, those addictive curls pressed against his forehead and the sight of him alone has me rocking my hips slowly, grinding into him. My hands fly to his shoulders to stabilise myself, finding a slow and steady rhythm that has him brushing against that spongy spot inside me and I try to hold back any sounds but he moves a hand to my jaw. He’s drawing me down so my chest is pressed to his, lips a hairs breadth apart as he chokes out, “Please, let me hear you.” Before he crashes out lips together in a messy and heated kiss. The hand on my hip moves around my waist to hold me still as he begins to pound into me like there’s no tomorrow and I can’t stop the sounds he swallows into the kiss. 
“T-Tommy.” His name is chanted until it’s all I know and can think of, feeling that familiar crest of pleasure about to snap as my thighs tremble and my nails dig in even harder. 
“That’s it baby girl, cum for me darlin’” He coaxes and that crest crashes like a wave and my mind is blanking, Tommy name the only coherent thing falling from my lips as my walls grip around him tightly and my legs clamp. He continues his brutal pace until his hips begin to stutter and he’s suddenly pulling out and spilling his seed between us, mostly on my chest with a guttural moan and my name, “Fuck me baby girl…” He pants, helping me lay next to him and leaning over the side of the bed to grab the discarded damp cloth. He cleans us both up before leaning over me, caressing my cheek softly, “Tell me that wasn’t just a one time thing?” 
“I don’t want it to be a one time thing.” I shake my head, face heating up and suddenly feeling shy until his lips capture mine in a soft and loving kiss, knowing he feels the same way for me. We finally stopped dancing around each other and all it took was my clumsy ass to get hurt. 
TAGS: Tag List Form
@princessmk21 @iraot @gemimawrites @zynbsblog​​ @twopercentmilk @urnewghostfriend @sonhee-a @dizzyforyou-blog @grooveandshit @reyas-world @canpillowscry @jell0buss-37 @androgynousgaz @not-a-unique-snowflake89 @certifiedhunter @miya-park​ @emmulus22​ @mediocrewallflow3r​ @certifiedhunter​ @alexis-doggy-76 @itsmoonchik​ @kalllistos​ @thesapphirequeen​ @randomhoex​ 
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shallyne · 1 year
Feysand Week Day 6: Mates
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Accidentally in Love
Day six! Based in one of my Feysand AU posts. @officialfeysandweek2023 please ignore inconsistencies and just vibe OK thx love y'all
Words: 3,056
TW: none
Feyre likes her life as a witch. She's living in a cute cottage and makes potions, her best friend is visiting her all the time. But one day, her friend accidentally sips from her love potion and Feyre has to keep an eye on him
It was a sunny spring day, there was a slight breeze of wind fluttering through the windows, ruffling Feyre's hair as she happily added the last ingredient to her love potion. It had taken her quite some time to find the berries, especially at this time of year but there was also a big demand for Feyre's infamous love potion. It also satisfied her to no end that the potion ended up being pink, it attracted buyers.
Feyre remembered when she was small, it was frowned upon in her village to ask for payment in return for her gifts but why shouldn't she? A farmer took payment, so did carpenters, cobblers, blacksmiths, seamstresses and clothiers. Everyone took payment for their work. Feyre had to make a living somehow. She was born as a witch so she would damn well use that, it would be stupid otherwise. She had left her town shortly after she reached her majority, never looked back and never once missed her village since then. She now lived in a forest on the outskirts of a town called Velaris. That place was enchanting in itself, the atmosphere was incredible and Feyre finally had the feeling of arriving at home. Although she didn't like wandering into the city. The people were nice but the crowds could get overwhelming for her.
She stirred her potion one more time before she rested the wooden spoon on the pot's handle and checked her recipe. Feyre was sure that she made everything right but she just made sure. As she did, there was one knock on her door and then her best friend walked into her cottage as if he owned the space. "There you are!" Rhys exclaimed, "I've been looking everywhere for you."
Feyre snorted, her eyes still trained on her cookbook. It was a book she had written herself, potions she had crafted herself carefully over the years. "What do you mean everywhere? I must say, I'm disappointed, Rhysand. You, as my best friend, should know me better. If you are looking for me, you know my home is the first place to look."
He huffed amused, his steps nearing until he stood right beside her, "For how many people are you cooking? Were you awaiting me?" and before she could stop him, he had taken the wooden spoon and downed a whole spoonful of her love potion.
"No!" she said, ripping the spoon out of his hand. "That's - that's a love potion!"
Rhys's eyebrows shot up. A mild reaction for what she just told him. "Since when do you make potions in the morning? You always make them in the evening!"
"Don't blame me for being so stupid to eat something in a witch's cottage without asking!" She countered.
Rhys smiled, "Touché."
He took the wooden spoon again, that Feyre was close to breaking in her steel grip, and put it on the counter. She sighed, "You're right, I usually make my potions in the evenings but my love potions are so high on demand that I had to track down the ingredients and make them in an instant." she sighed and looked at Rhys, "Do you feel something?"
He went rigid, his eyes slightly widening but shook his head. "I feel the same."
Feyre smiled at him, not feeling the smile at all, and lied, "It wasn't really cooking yet, it probably didn't work." she sighed. "Are you going back to the city?"
"I wanted to spend time with you," he said, "But I'll plan to get back sometime today."
Feyre got her satchel and packed two love potions and a healing potion that she made earlier, "I have a customer in Velaris and I'd like to visit Mor. Will you accompany me?" Feyre threw over her cape. Rhys stepped forward and helped her with the clasp. Their eyes met when she looked up, his eyes twinkling with unconditional affection. "It would be an honor, Feyre darling."
If Feyre wouldn't have known that this is how they always interact, she would have thought it was the love potion speaking. It wasn't, he is his usual self. They are best friends, nothing more.
They kept eye contact for a few more moments until Feyre averted her eyes and walked to the door. "Well then, come. I don't have the whole day."
"Why are you in such a rush?" Rhys asked. "Are you in some shadowy business? If you don't deliver the potions at the agreed time, will you be hunted down by an assassin? Will you have to change your name and vanish?" he chuckled.
When he caught up to her, Feyre pushed him, which made him laugh harder. He kept joking around as they followed the path to Velaris and by the time they reached the city, Feyre's stomach hurt from laughing.
They reached a narrow house in the palace of hoof and leaf, on the ground level was a little shop and the two upper levels were living quarters. The exchange went quickly and smoothly, especially after they stopped eyeing Rhys. Either it was his beauty or the surprise that the High Lord had accompanied her, maybe both. She didn't care.
They slowly walked to the other side of the Sidra, nearing Rhys's townhouse in comfortable silence. Some of the people greeted Rhys, some waved. They didn't pay much attention to Feyre, which didn't bother her. She drank in the city around, the mountains that surrounded the city, the flat-topped mountains of red stone, where Feyre was sure she saw windows built inside. That must be the House of Wind Rhys and Mor told her about. When they crossed the bridge, Feyre marveled at the sapphire water of the Sidra and the little ships she could see in the distance. Feyre also marveled at the white marble, sandstone and red stone buildings all throughout the city, the restaurants where many different, delicious smells drifted over. Feyre couldn't believe she was so rarely here, and when she was, she hadn't paid attention to much. It was unlike her to not pay attention but the thought of getting overwhelmed held her back but now, with Rhysand at her side, she felt safe enough to do so. Maybe someday she'd ask him to show her the Rainbow. Maybe someday she'd paint again.
Rhys opened a wrought iron gate, leading up to a townhouse. She knew that Rhys wasn't living in a castle like other High Lords, the simplicity of it all still surprised her.
"Make yourself comfortable, I'll get Mor." he told her when they stood in the foyer. Feyre looked around as he took the stairs, two steps at the time. Two paintings she painted a hundred years ago hung in the wood-paneled walls. She hadn't painted since she left the spring court, breaking off her engagement with the High Lord of spring and looking for refuge in the night court. She hadn't taken much, but she took three paintings and gifted them to Rhys as a thank you for taking her in. She couldn't see the third anywhere. Maybe he didn't like it and threw it away.
A few minutes went by and she could hear Rhys and Mor whispering upstairs, she couldn't make out what they were saying, though.
"Feyre!" a familiar voice squeaked behind her. She whirled around, looking at the blonde stop the stairs, who vanished into black smoke and then reappeared before Feyre, barreling into her.
"Mor!" Feyre said excitedly, wrapping her arms around her friend. "I missed you so much!"
"These last few weeks were crazy busy, I'm sorry I couldn't visit you." she put her hands on Feyre's shoulder and looked at her face. "Come with me, we have so much to catch up on! I also have an important question for you." she told Feyre as she pulled her to the double doors leading into the garden. They sat down on a little table, Mor smiling brightly at her. Mor's hair was put up in a ponytail, her clothes simple. Wide pants and a thin, blue sweater.
"What's your question?" Feyre asked curiously, pulling off her cape.
"Okay, I have a friend who…it's exciting, actually, he found his mate!" Mor said, her smile spreading wider, a smile so bright that Feyre couldn't but smile, too. Mates were rare, so this was amazing. "Although, he doesn't know if she's into him, either. And he asked me about you, about your love potion, to be exact."
Feyre nodded to signal her to keep going.
"If they would take a love potion, would it change anything about their bond? He doesn't want to ruin any chance of them getting together but having a bond is an unusual situation."
Feyre thought about it for a moment, her head resting on her hand. She shook her head, "The potion shouldn't change anything about their bond. It was created to mimic a mating bond but a real bond is always stronger than a potion. No potion in this world override or take away a bond like this. He should be careful though, no matter who takes the potion, there shouldn't be any other person around. The potion works for the first person you see after you take that potion and if there is a real bond in play, it could potentially get dangerous for every person involved."
Mor's eyes went wide, "How so?"
"The "fake" bond is strong in itself, you feel extremely protective and obsessive over your mate, especially in this initial period. If you found your mate, you usually want to claim them and these feelings are even stronger in a real bond. So if there is a third party who wants to claim someone's mate…" Feyre drifted off but Mor nodded knowingly. If everything went to shit, it could end in death.
It was quiet between them for a few minutes until Mor's face lit up again, "What about you? What's been going on in your life?"
Feyre looked back to the door, making sure Rhys wouldn't hear. Mor looked confused, so Feyre told her, "Rhys accidentally took my love potion." Mor sat up surprised and Feyre fell into an explanation about what happened not even two hours ago.
"Wow." Mor said. "So he'll fall in love with you now?" something twinkled in her eyes that Feyre chose to ignore. She held her cup of tea that Cerridwen brought out while Feyre explained the situation to Mor. "That's it, he doesn't act any different than usual! I was watching him the whole time, he's normal. Normal Rhys. But it can't be my potion. My potion works. So why didn't it work on Rhys?"
Mor took a sip of her tea, shrugging. "Are you sure he's not any different?"
"No! Absolutely not. The very same." Feyre said, frustrated. There was something she didn't see, but what? When she expressed this to Mor, she only smiled. Irritating Feyre even more.
"You should stay the next few days, to keep a watch on my cousin. You can have my room, it's directly beside Rhys's. I'll take Azriel’s in the meantime, he's sleeping at the House of Wind." Mor nodded satisfied at her suggestion.
"I think you're right!" Feyre said, "I should keep an eye on him."
And that's what they did. Feyre was there for a week, spending time with Rhys, Mor and Cassian.
On day one, Rhys and Feyre went back to her cottage to put her love potions in little vials to store them and take them back to Velaris.
On day two, Feyre and Mor lounged on the House of Wind, where Rhys had flown Feyre. They sunbathed and watched the boys during training. She had pushed all her thoughts away that sneaked in, focusing on Rhys's behavior.
On day three they went to a restaurant, Sevendas. Feyre and Cassian had talked for a while on their way there, until Rhys interjected with his own opinions and squeezed between Feyre and Cassian.
On day four, Rhys and Feyre were pretty much alone. She hadn't left his side, steadily keeping an eye on his behavior. All the time. Rhys didn't seem to mind, he even invited her to a game of chess. He won the first two rounds, Feyre won the third.
On day five, Rhys had to go to Windhaven but when he arrived at the townhouse late in the evening, they sat on the rooftop together and watched the stars. His behavior was still the same.
On day six, Feyre tried to make herself Omelette. It only half burned, which was victory enough. When she offered Rhys the half that wasn't burned, he evaded her, panic written in his eyes. Feyre scoffed when he was gone. She wasn't that bad of a cook.
On day seven, Mor dragged Feyre shopping. Feyre tried to deny her offer but she insisted, telling Feyre she had to get out of the house for a day. Feyre could only think about Rhys, what if his behavior changes that day when she wasn't there?
It didn't.
When day eight arrived, there was a change. Not in Rhys, but in Feyre. They all went to Rita's, Feyre sat in the booth nursing her drink while Cassian and Mor vanished on the dancefloor somewhere. Rhys was at the bar, talking to a stunning female. A weird seizing in her chest made it hard to breathe as the pounding in her ear got louder and louder. When Rhys leaned forward, Feyre's grip on her glass was so strong she Feared it would break. Abruptly standing up, she almost lost balance in the high heels that Mor had lent her. She pulled down the sparkling, black mini dress and walked over to Rhys. She felt the eyes of a few other patrons on her but she didn't care. "Rhys," she said, her voice straining. He turned to her, eyebrows raised in question. Feyre ignored the other female. "We need to talk." she said, grabbing his arm and pulling him to a big metal door. They ended up in a dark side street, only one lamp above the door lighting a small spot up.
"What is it?" he asked.
Feyre stepped back, getting a little distance between them. She loosened her fist and balled them again, over and over, not sure what to say.
She looked at him, in his mesmerizing, violet eyes. What would she tell him? She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.
"Why did you pull me away?" Rhys asked. It didn't sound like a question. No, it did, but it didn't sound like he wanted the answer. It sounded more like a question she should ask herself.
He stepped closer. Breathing became harder.
"Were you jealous, Feyre?" he asked, tilting his head slightly, a lock of his raven hair falling in his face. Feyre looked away from his face, letting her eyes wander down. He was wearing a black button up, the sleeves rolled up to his elbow, showing his powerful muscled forearms. Was she even breathing anymore?
"No." she looked up again, Rhys was so close.
"Alright," he said, his eyes still trained on her. "So it won't bother you of I get back inside now, picking up the delightful conversation I just head with that lovely-"
"No!" she spit out, grabbing his arms.
"You're mine!" she said. Yelled. Whispered. She didn't know but they both heard, the word echoing between them. Mine. Mine. Mine. But there was another whisper, getting louder with every heartbeat. Mate. Mate. Mate. Mine. Mine. Mine.
Rhys's nostrils flared, as if he could hear it, too. Feyre's eyes went wide, checking her mental shield that he taught her to keep up when she came here. They weren't up, he heard every single thought. Feyre could have screamed them down the bond as well, it wouldn't make a difference. Bond. Bond? The mating bond.
"The– the mating bond." Feyre said. "That's why my potion didn't work."
"No," Rhys said, surprising Feyre. "The potion didn't work because I was already deeply, irrevocably in love with you." Feyre's breath hitched. "I have been since I found you at the night court border, asking for refuge. Since I saw you, hungry and frozen and still having so much fight in you."
"Did you know about the mating bond?"
He leaned against the door, sighing, "Only later. Remember when I showed you the cottage? You were so excited, telling me it's perfect. Already planning how to pay me back,"
Feyre smiled, "You told me it's a gift from a friend."
Rhys chuckled, "I did. When you were all settled in, I left but I turned around one more time to look at you. I saw you skimming through a notebook, smiling. You looked so content, happy. That's when the bond snapped. You just started to heal from your time in the spring court, I couldn't burden you with this. Then, as you healed, we became closer and the thought that you could reject me felt like someone stabbed me in the heart, so I settled to be your best friend. I couldn't risk this Feyre. I couldn't risk you." his eyes were silver lined when he met hers. "I love you but– but I understand if you don't love me back. If you don't want this bond. I can live with it–"
"Oh Rhysand, shut up!" Feyre said, wiping a tear away. "I love you, too, you idiot! More than anything in this whole, damned world." she hiccuped, "I'd be honored to be your mate, Rhys."
Something snapped inside Rhys as he jumped forward and tugged her close. One arm wrapped around her waist, one hand held her head in place and crashed his mouth into hers. It was explosions, it was fireworks, it was like the last puzzle piece sliding into place. Feyre wrapped her arms around his neck, keeping him close, melting into his touch.
She pulled back, just a bit, for a moment to ask him, "Would you show me the Rainbow?"
"I'd show you the whole world if you'd want that," he said out of breath.
Feyre giggled, "The Rainbow does it for now."
Rhys smiled and Feyre kissed him again, not letting him go. He was hers and she was his. The beginning and end.
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Feysand Taglist:
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @edgyellie @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader
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sablegear0 · 1 year
Sable vs the Carpenter Bees (Part 1?)
(Tentatively labeling as "part 1" because I expect I will post updates eventually)
So, yesterday I had my first encounter with carpenter bees. For those unfamiliar; they're the size of a bumblebee and look similar, but rather than living in underground nests, they tend to burrow into dead wood to lay their eggs. Note that this can and often does include any unfinished lumber or exposed wooden parts of a house. They're also very territorial. It's worth mentioning that only the males get territorial, and only in late summer, and that male carpenter bees cannot sting. However, they do make every attempt to get up in the business of any perceived intruder to chase them off, other bees included.
And also myself included, obviously.
It has been a long time since I've been chased by bees or wasps. Not since I was a child have I feared my stripèd flying neighbours. But yesterday was something different.
I think the main problem was I was mowing the lawn. See, our property is fairly small so I only have a reel mower, one of those old-fashioned push-mowers that isn't powered at all. It works great for me because I don't mind the workout and it's way quieter than its gas- or electric-powered peers. But it does tend to stir up the bugs, I think partly because it's so quiet. It just makes a metallic rasping noise as it spins, which is enough noise (and motion) to startle bugs but not enough to drive them away. The first carpenter bee buzzed me as I was finishing up with the mower and starting to put it away. I ducked inside my shed and that seemed to put me out of range.
The next came to harass me when I tried to harvest some of my garden veggies. I haven't posted any garden updates this year but things are looking relatively lush, and I'm pretty pleased with it. So I go to clip some peas down and who should reappear but a carpenter bee. Now, when I'm outside doing just about anything, I wear a newsie cap, sunglasses, and my big ol' headphones. This means that the only exposed skin on my head is my cheeks, nose, jaw, and neck.
And that bumbly bastard went straight for the side of my neck like a freaking vampire.
He tried to get in behind my headphones (or into the loop of my bun?) for some reason, and Monkey Brain did NOT like that one bit. I actually freaked out, dodged/ran away, swatted at the damn thing, and ran back inside. We did this twice, as I made a second attempt shortly after. There was also a fair deal of shouting and verbal threats issued. As if it could understand me. But it did make me feel better to state aloud that I wasn't above killing the bugger if need be. I did lay a solid smack on one with my hat, which grounded but did not kill it (as it flew off shortly after).
But of course, Looney Tunes style, this meant war.
Except I had no intention of killing the little bastards. See, while they were being bastards, they didn't know any better. They're just defending what they see as their territory from the big noisy animal that chops up the plants they like. I don't begrudge them, and I do still want them around as pollinators. But not being able to get to my own garden is unacceptable. So I got to thinking, what could I do to keep myself safe without killing them?
Some quick googling suggested that if I was able to find their nest holes (BIG if), dabbing some citrus or almond oil near the hole for a few days would persuade them to abandon the nest. They also apparently do not like noise (duh), so constant music or wind-chimes were suggested as a pest control measure. I honestly was a little surprised by the wind chimes thing but it gives a lot more context beyond aesthetics as to why people might have them. Who'd'a thunk.
So I have my information for longer-term solutions but nothing that would work today because I really wanted to get out there and harvest those peas. I ponder a trip to the nearby dollar store to pick wind chimes and perhaps a bug net, intending to catch and detain the little bastards while I work, then release them after I was done.
Then my Brother-In-Law comes downstairs and I chat with him about the situation and what I'm thinking of doing. And here's where things get interesting. He's in the Reserves, so he mentions he has some bug-netting in his kit. He goes and grabs a mosquito-net head cover for me to borrow. It's meant to fit over an army helmet so it fits nicely over my cap, and would probably go over my headphones too if I wanted. My head and neck suitably armoured, I head back outside.
By this point it's been maybe 20 mins since I was last outside. And the bees are nowhere to be found. Not even seen at a distance, just gone. Go figure. Realistically all I probably needed to do was leave and wait for them to calm down. Still, I like to think the netting helped, as behind the green mesh I was no longer skin-coloured (except for my arms but those were not a target) so I was less perceptible as a threat. Whatever the case, I was able to harvest my veggies in peace.
Later that day, the lads (my partner, BIL, and a couple friends) were hanging out on the patio and I half-expected to hear they had been harassed as well. But they were smoking, and I can only assume bees of any type don't particularly care for smoke, so they weren't bothered either.
Anyway, there's no moral to the story other than maybe I should wait a bit after mowing to do any other gardening, to let the bugs calm back down. I might go hunt down a nice set of wind chimes and the bug netting helmet is remaining by the back door. At least until I can find the carpenter bastards' nests in the... hoo boy, the huge amount of unfinished wood in my back yard, and stink them out with essential oils.
More updates (and garden updates) probably to follow.
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years
MAG 120 Relisten
(a-mag-a-day people: I fucked up the tag on yesterday's post T_T If you still want to take a look at it, click here: MAG 119 Relisten)
Activity on my first listen: cutting apples.
There is static as soon as the statement starts.
"Desperate, he tries to throw the apple at his observer, but it is too late." Actually, have you tried throwing something really hard in a dream, or punching very hard? It's frustratingly not possible, it feels like you're moving underwater.
Hm, the static has died down a bit at some time, probably so it can audibly rise again at "It hurts."
Hm, it rises again to well audible background static when he leaves the MAG 65 dream and ventures on to those he cannot access anymore.
"The rain is still there, though it is empty. The long and desolate road, slick with the downpour; a police car’s lights flashing over the unmoving van. The doors are open, and the too-familiar statues stand either side of the well-worn wooden box. He looks around, his eyes scanning this forever road and the clouds of iron gray, looking for her, but she is not there." Daisy's dream is still here. Yet Leitner or Gerry, who are clearly dead, never come up. Daisy alive! (Hm, on second thought, we don’t know if Leitner would have come up at all since one, he died before Jon could go to sleep and two, he had read A Disappearance, maybe he would have never come up at all, even if he lived.)
Okay, so I think the static’s phasing in and out. Almost no static at Daisy's dream, though very strong at "I Am For You".
"There is nowhere in this universe that it would not blot out the sky." Just 40 more episodes!
"More than anything, the Archivist wants to look away, to turn his eye from her gentle sadness, from the disappointment in what she sees in him." Ouch...
ELIAS: "Hello, Inspector. Martin. I’m, uh, sorry to hear about Tim –" MARTIN: "Don’t." ELIAS: "And Daisy, I suppose –" MARTIN: "Don’t. You. Dare." ELIAS: "I suppose it’s some consolation Basira made it out. And John. More or less." I mean, they are vital for the audience to know what happened, but I love this little bits of information casually coming up in a conversation for us to fill in the blanks.
ELIAS: "There was simply too much to keep watching over. I only have two eyes, after all." Can't imagine how much of a problem a truly omniscient villain would have been. Even if here it's what he wanted anyway.
MARTIN: "Just be, be careful with him, all right, he can see things – put thoughts and – stuff into your head –" POLICE OFFICER: "Like I said: I’ve been briefed. And the situation is being monitored –" OMG, I just remembered! I was just thinking, you can be briefed all you want, but how would you keep someone like this out of your mind. Does anyone know Village of the Damned? (1995 by John Carpenter, based on the 1960s movie) Under weird circumstances, children with psychic powers were born in the eponymous village. Those children were not benevolent, they could make other people do stuff, get into their heads etc. The town doctor though found a way to keep them out of his head by imagining a brick wall and all this thoughts well hidden behind this it.
ELIAS: [ow] "Are those really necessary?" [SOUND OF ELIAS BEING APPARENTLY PUNCHED IN THE STOMACH] ELIAS: [gag, wheeze] I may not be one for revenge. But I take delight if someone does occasionally reap the fruit of their labor.
ELIAS: [wheeze] "Goodbye, Martin." [wheeze] "Be seeing you." Ha! Seeing!
PETER: "To be honest with you, Martin, I didn’t expect to be taking over the place so soon, or in quite such a state of disarray. But I’ll do my best to keep the place afloat." Ha! Afloat! Coming from a sea captain!
PETER: "Well, if you could send Melanie and Basira up to see me, I’d like to introduce myself." First time around I assumed Elias would be at the hospital when speaking of Jon's dreams. But I guess he wouldn't need to be physically near Jon and this line makes it quite clear, that they are in Elias' office.
PETER: "After that, I’ll put through a couple of weeks of paid leave for you all – I think giving everyone some space to try and deal with the loss of Tim and Daisy might do everyone some good." As someone who likes to deal with grief in isolation, I thought "Oh, how very nice of him". But that's not exactly what this is, given it's a Lukas.
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Well! That was fun, wasn't it? I've changed the formatting of the polls, as well as closed down the submissions form (for now). This week will also have 100 polls, the first 14 of which will be posted tomorrow (Sunday the 30th). And.... I think those are the only important things to mention! So without further ado, here is this week's lineup.
Buneary - Pokémon
Anita - West Side Story
Beverly Marsh - IT
Monoma Neito - My Hero Academia
Sister Carpenter - The Silt Verses
Ekko - Arcane
Veronica Sawyer - Heathers (the film)
Bakugo Katsuki - My Hero Academia
Betty Boop - 1920-40s cartoons
Flowey the Flower - Undertale
Akito Shinonome - Project Sekai: Colorful Stage!
Lady - Devil May Cry
Diamond Heart - Magical Warrior Diamond Heart
Emma - Emma
Aion - Show by Rock
Hibana - Fire Force
Klunk - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Kosmo (Space Wolf) - Voltron: Legendary Defender
Evelyn Hugo - The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Antigone Funn - Wooden Overcoats
Oswald Cobblepot - Gotham
Emu Otori - Project Sekai: Colorful Stage!
Toon Patrol - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Felix - Golden Sun
Urotsuki - Yume 2kki
Kano - Kagerou Project
Ayano Tateyama - Kagerou Project
Fin Fin - Fin Fin on Teo the Magic Planet
Gladion - Pokémon Sun and Moon
Dmitri - Fire Emblem 3 Houses
Hippeaux - Animal Crossing
Raymond - Animal Crossing
Crewmate - Among Us
Sara Chidouin - Your Turn To Die
Zhongli - Genshin Impact
Firestar - Warrior Cats
Dovewing - Warrior Cats
Flourette - Answered Prayers
Eleanor Forte - SynthV
Cisqua - Elemental Gelade
Renarin Kholin - The Stormlight Archive
Roy Mustang - Fullmetal Alchemist
Alex Chen - Life is Strange: True Colors
Steffi Frohlich - Kiwi Blitz
Belos/Phillip Wittebane - The Owl House
Dr. Coomer - Half-Life VR but the AI is Self Aware
Olivia - Paper Mario: The Origami King
The Riddler - Batman: the Animated Series
Togata Mirio/Lemillion - My Hero Academia
Mustache Girl - A Hat in Time
Maika Halfwolf - Monstress Comic
Ren Mormorian - Monstress Comic
Shokry - Shubeik Lubeik
Hagga/Teeta Shawqia - Shubeik Lubeik
Wikipe-tan - Wikipedia
Ymir - Attack on Titan
Alicia Copeland - Wierd And Unfortunate Things Are Happening
Wen Kexing - Word of Honor
Garalia Nyamhee - Aura Battler Dunbine
Xena - Xena: Warrior Princess
Nuriko - Fushigi Yuugi
Neko Musume - Gegege no Kitaro
Tillman Henderson - Blaseball
Dr Boris Habit - Smile For Me
Mallow - Super Mario RPG
Vriska Serket - Homestuck
Lussa - The Undrowned Child
Mary - BBC Ghosts
Bagpuss - Bagpuss
Tara Mclay - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Worm - Labyrinth
Lydia Deetz - Beetlejuice
Wander - Wander Over Yonder
Noelle - Deltarune
Momotaros - Kamen Rider Den-O
Scorpion King - Word of Honor
Por - My School President
The Eleventh Doctor - Doctor Who
Dr. Doofenshmirtz - Phineas and Ferb
Perry the Platypus - Phineas and Ferb
Agent P - Phineas and Ferb
Alexa - Xenoblade Chronicles X
Lara Croft - Tomb Raider (Survivor timeline)
Faith Connors - Mirror's edge
Furuta Nimura/Kichimura Washuu/Souta - Tokyo Ghoul: re
John Egbert - Homestuck
Rose Red - Ghost Quartet
Bruce J. Speed - Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari
Elma - Xenoblade Chronicles x
Adam - Lobotomy Corporation
Ianite - Mianite
Five Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy
Willow Park - The Owl House
Black Hat - Villainous
Katalina Alize - Granblue Fantasy
Naomi Armitage - Armitage the Third
Kanade Yoisaki - Project Sekai
Sei Iori - Gundam Build Fighters
Goro Majima - Yakuza/Like A Dragon
Albert Wesker - Resident Evil
Blacknose - Pinepaw and the Forgotten World
Please remember that, based on the results of the poll I put up earlier, Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter may be included. Her spot would be near the very end, on the last day. As I always tag polls with both the character and the media they are from, if she does get in but you would not like to see the poll, the tags will be blockable.
No matter the outcome, please be courteous as possible to one another, and if that is not possible, then please just block and move on.
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VIII. Shed
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Istra looked down. She lifted her foot. There, crushed into half a dozen shards, was the remains of a blue-black scale.
She peered further into the estate. A scattering of similarly shedded scales led across the foyer and down the stairs. She could hear a scratching sound.
She had a pretty good idea of what this was about.
Sure enough, just past the bottom of the stairwell at the wooden post which she, in her abilities as a carpenter, had modified specifically to become a scratching post of sorts, was her Xaela housemate. In addition to his normal pair of deep blue Auri horns, another pair of thick, curved horns sprouted from his head that would put an Archaeodemon to shame. It was those horns he was currently scraping against the post. A fine pile of scale shavings was littered around its base.
“Veles,” she said.
“I know!” he complained. “It’s just…so…bloody itchy!”
Istra reached into the pocket of her work apron and pulled out a long nail file. She flicked it open with the precision of the Aesthetician bringing his scissors to bear. “All right, dragon boy. Collection time.”
“Thank Azim.” Veles abandoned the scratching post and scurried through the archway into the next room, plopping himself down on one of the cushions on the floor. His tail swished. 
“Horns or tail first,” Istra asked, following him.
“Hmm,” she said, in a tone that said I figured as much, and from a nearby shelf she pulled a wooden headrest outfitted with a cushion. The cushion itself was beginning to show signs of wear, but when she pressed her fingers against it, it was still soft and springy.
She set it down behind Veles. As he scooted backwards and settled his head upon it, Istra retrieved a long, shallow basin. She sat down, slid the basin under Veles’s horns, and then checked her own hands and nails. Clean. Not oily. Good.
Istra gently but firmly rested her fingers near the base of Veles’s left horn and brought the nail file to bear. With a scratchy whisper it traveled back and forth, and small, intact scales began to fall into the basin.
Veles sighed happily, closing his eyes. His tail thumped against the carpet. Istra smiled but said nothing, content to work in companionable silence. 
She was about halfway through filing down the molting horn when Veles opened an eye: his purple one, this time.
“What are you going to use this batch for?”
Istra gently sanded loose a scale and squinted at it appraisingly. Dragon scales were typically used as an alchemical reagent, most often boiled down into glue. 
“That depends,” she replied. “Do you want me to experiment with them?” Veles’s scales, as a hereditary mix of dragon and Auri, often had surprising or unusual properties.
Veles grinned, flashing a line of neatly pointed teeth. “That’s always fun.”
“It’s also been some time since I used them in goldsmithing,” Istra said, dropping the scale carefully into the basin. When inlaid with silver or gold, the scales’ luster of swirling blues, blacks, and dark purples were particularly arresting.
Veles’s grin gentled back into a closed-mouth smile. On both his wrist and Istra’s, and on the ears and fingers and ankles of many of their companions, one of his scales was smoothed and polished and set in filigree. The jewelry Istra made with his scales not only served as a symbol of friendship but as a talisman of preservation, for they all had come to believe–for good reason–in its properties of luck, good fortune, and protection.
“Do you think one might work as part of Tataru’s necklace?” Veles asked, hopefully.
“Aye, that it would.” Istra wiped away the powdered residue that had gathered on the file and next worked inside the dip of the horn, smiling. “Let me speak to Mehdjina. I’m only advising on the necklace’s construction, but I’m sure Tataru would be over the moon.”
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rainroses45 · 2 years
Chained by Faith Pt. 1
☾description: Was the hatter truly mad? Or was it a cause of a series of events that caused him to go crazy in the reality of a tarnished dream? This is Bucky x fem reader Wonderland AU
☾a/n: I'm teaming up with my bestie to write this series and let me just say prepare yourselves because in part two its going to get spicy @lovelolaslove
☾song inspiration: September (instrumental)
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This story began with a hatter and raven. Yes  a hatter and a raven indeed. No, not a walrus and carpenter, but a hatter and raven. The hatter and the raven shared many quaint special moments but none like these, oh yes none like these is a certainty. These three memories sparked a flame inside the story book of wonderland, for without these three moments, would the mad hatter truly be mad? 
Oh but in a small cottage covered in whispering vines, sweet poisoned gossip was carried and hung. No else bothered to listen to great vine because who's to tell which one is true and which one is upside down.
You danced around in your home trying to tame your wild hats. They float, they sing, they dance, they cry, all while you hung them out to dry. It was no surprise when a certain someone returned so soon, why it was only 7 hours after noon.
“Oh my sweet, sweet raven, have you already gone mad?” Your eyes twinkled in delight as a sound of tapping, almost rapping was heard at your window leading into your chamber of hats.
Cheerfully dropping the unfinished floating hat, you gracefully waltzed to the lock on the window and gave it a quick tickle causing the poor bronze handle to go laughing backwards, unlocking the translucent mirrors.
Quickly before the tea kettle could whistle its whimsical tune, a raven weaved through the mess of fabrics and missing thimbles. It’s pitch dark eyes stared at you in adoration as you twirled around in lunacy at the heart of your creations.
The raven gently landed near your rocky chair and let out a flat note sink. Then quickly without a dash, the once feathery creature transformed into a tall man with the most enchanting eyes a caterpillar had every seen.
“Only for you my love.” Bucky smooth voice laced through the movements of your dance. His shadow shape shifted back into its second form, black smoke scurried away from his face. His black suit was dirty but it still managed to stay intact throughout the war of cards. Even after days without seeing one another, your boyfriend still managed to always come flying back to you.
“Oh that’s preposterous, you have only nearly dipped inside the rabbit hole of possibilities.” You stated with a toothy grin. You took a few steps towards him as he dusted himself off. He reeked of metal and moss. Bits of paper shaped clubs and diamonds hung from the loose threads of his long sleeve shirt. His fluffy ink black hair was a mess, but was quickly covered up by a purple, checkered stain top hat with little musical notes spinning around it.
“Well then why don’t you drown me in your wonders my dear hatter.” His eyes met yours in a flash. Oh how those words made you feel alive! He made you absolutely breathless that the only think you could do was tip your hat in a curtsy. It wasn’t until the clock struck the random number down its hands, that you soon regained your thoughts.
“Not before tea time my lovely Corvus corax.” You bopped your lover’s nose as you skipped towards the wooden door. Unfortunately, before you could sip the sweet liquid, Bucky grabbed your arm pulling you into his chest once more.
“You know i hate it when you call me that.” He said with fake annoyance as he threw his head back, staring at the star decorated celling. It took you over two years before you could collect all the stars you wanted to fill the room with. A smile over took you when you remembered the last trip you had, oh how wonderful it was, oh how wonderful indeed.
“Yes but it brings me joy in seeing you fluster in red.” You got on your tiptoes only to reach his chin; a sinister grin plastered on your face. He looked down at you. His face was merely inches away from yours, you could practically feel his breath blemishing your cheeks.
“Touché,” He smiled back, grabbing your face with utter most delicacy and leaning into your lips. Slowly his lips connected with yours in a loving kiss filled with devotion. His lips were by far the smoothest fabric ever created. Your eyes closed lazy as you enjoyed his soft creases and touches on your face and body. He held you like you were the only white rose in the bush of painted red roses, and you absolutely loved it.
You couldn’t part. You wouldn’t dare to part from his savory lips. If you did, then what would you do next? It was absolutely nerve racking to figure what to do without having his hands on your skin. You would go bonkers without his warm embrace and feathery kisses.
Butterflies swarmed inside your stomach causing a rush of pink to appear on your cheeks. Everything about him made you mad, but in a beautiful way. His hand behind your neck, softly nudging you into him as his tongue danced with yours. You felt like honey; smooth, luscious, golden honey, and he thought you tasted like it too.
Parting was such sweet sorrow when all you wanted was to be filled to the brim with his kisses, but it made it all the better when you saw his pearly whites shine like an upside down crescent moon.
“Oh don’t you just love it,” he sighed heavenly, cradling you in your arms as you stood in the middle of the room. The soft rays of moon blemished your skin with milky glitter.
“Love what?” Bucky pulled you down with him as he sat down on the curvy rocking chair. You made yourself comfortable on his lap as you waited for his response.
“The idea of love,” you raised an eyebrow at his thought. Bucky simply ignored your expression and continued to creases your hands in loving touches. He always loved how soft and small your hands were compared to his.
“Why should I love the idea when I’m already living it?” You countered, even after three years of being together you still were in love as you were on first day you met.
“Because our love is different,” his words caught you off guard.
“How so?” You asked with an open mind, not really sure if he meant it in a positive or negative perspective.
“You my beautiful hatter are full of secrets and madness, while I am created with revenges and passion. We are an unstoppable pair that if ripped apart the world would be set aflame in agony.” Bucky placed a finger underneath your chin, lifting up your graze as you analyze his words. The on beat clanking of your heels on the floor boards soon stopped, for you raised your legs and then laid them across his lap with a mischievous smile.
“Yet our love is the only thing causing the twists of time to keep spinning.” His hand slipped from your face and grabbed your thigh with excitement.
“Ah yes what would the kingdoms do without such a royal flush of passion.” You hit his chest lightly as you laughed at his remark.
“They would act cowardly on the battle field without their omen of death.” Bucky already had a huge ego when it came to his ability to fight, that you truly didn’t want to raise it anymore. He already had a reckless score of events happen during the conflicts. There was no need to encourage more, but oh how you loved to talk about him.
“And they would be weakened in horrendous fashion and dehydration without your presence.” Bucky began to place serval kisses on your face.
“Mine is truly the worst out of the two.” He stopped his action to scoff and roll his eyes.
“Yes of course darling, truly the most awful one out of the two.” You let out a laugh at his reaction which he smiled in reply.
Bucky suddenly felt a feeling of reassurance. You were his soulmate, his princess Lenore in this masquerade of craziness. And oh hearts, you were the one for him and he now felt a little less anxious with the tiny box hidden in polka dot tea pot.
“I love you my raven.” You drew hearts on his arm as you twiddled your feet in glee. He grabbed your face once more, letting your innocent eyes sink into his once dead ones, allowing you to feel the calmness of the night.
“Oh my sweet hatter, I am absolutely mad for you.”
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retromongoose · 2 years
So I did something and idk if it's good or not or if it's even worth continuing but here's my fanfic about the Farmer arriving in Stardew Valley. It might just end like this or I might write more mini chapters I have no idea yet.
Chapter 1 (I guess)
You step down from the rusty village bus and your shoes sink into the gravel and mud of the bus stop. At least you think it's a bus stop, but no signs or seats would indicate it is. Waiting there are two people, a tall man with a moustache and felt cap, he has an air of importance around him that you simply dismiss as arrogance, and a young woman with ginger hair and a fur lined coat. Neither of them notice you and they seem to be in a deep conversation, heads bent low and hurried hushed voices. It's only when the short and temperamental bus driver, whom you only met a mere hour or so ago, gets off and shouts "Oi, Lewis, Robin! Come see who rolled into town!" that they both turn around. The woman, Robin, sees you and instantly lights up, walking towards you with a powerful and assertive stride.
"Oh hello there! Welcome to the Valley, I'm Robin, the town's carpenter, I presume you're the new farmer we've been awaiting?"
You nod and Lewis hurriedly comes and shakes your hand.
"You know, your Grandfather and I used to be quite good friends, shame he passed away, he was a good and hardworking man. He always treated me like his own son and I appreciated that. " he says in a flurry of words. You look up at him and say "Yes, he was a pretty great Grandpa". Lewis smiles sympatheticly and ushers you towards Robin.
"Let Pam get your bags and we'll show you the way to your farm. It's just to the right of this bus stop, so that'll be handy if you've got places to go" Robin laughs as she puts her arm around you. Being from the city, this gesture is strange, but you simply accept that people in the country will have closer bonds. You look behind and see the kind bus driver hoist your luggage onto her shoulder with such ease that you wonder how strong the people in the Valley are. Robin guides you around some blossoming trees until you reach a small wooden gate hidden in a tall hedge. Beyond it is a stretch of land and a small farmhouse. You never thought this would be your life, after all who in their right mind would leave a steady job to be a farmer in the middle of nowhere? Staring at the wonderful trees and the blooming flowers you realise that maybe this is what your path in life should be, and you convince yourself that however hard it may be, giving up will never be an option.
"If you just push that gate a bit it should open, sorry it's so stiff, I'll have Clint take a look at it and maybe he'll supply some iron to make a stronger one" said Robin while staring at the hinges of the gate, "although I suppose I could make a wooden one and just add better hinges, all up to you of course". You grab the gate and push it as hard as you can, it creaks until you hear a sharp crack and it opens. Robin laughs and assures you that's normal.
"Maybe a new gate wouldn't be that bad of an idea" you laugh along as you step onto the gravel path leading to the farm. Trees cover most of the farm, but you catch a glimpse of a shimmering pond in-between the foliage. It glistens and shines like a diamond under a torch, mesmerising you. Seeing the sheer scale of the farm overwhelms you and a flicker of doubt flutters in your stomach, but ignoring it you say "Wow, now I understand why my Grandpa loved this farm so much, it would be the only thing he would ever talk about, especially near his death. He truly loved it". "Yeah, it was his pride and joy. Sadly, Robin and I have other work to get to, and as much as we'd love to stay, the Valley calls. We've left you a present in your farmhouse, by the way. Consider it a helping hand of some sort. And don't forget that Pelican Town is a welcoming place, never fear to make friends. " said Lewis warmly. You shake his hand and thank him before he and Robin walk towards the town centre. Pam is standing by your luggage and looks you up and down, almost as if judging you.
" Just remember that no-one here is perfect, but that everyone will always look out for everyone else. And you, kid, will need a lot of looking out for". She smiles and starts walking away into the sunset, leaving you confused and ever so slightly scared at what's to come. Slowly, you clear your way through the weeds until you reach the door of the farmhouse. Exhausted, you put your luggage down and turn around to look at the farm.
"I don't know Grandpa, what if I won't be as good as you?" you whisper as you stare out into the vast forest.
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mounishamarketing · 1 month
Professional Carpentry Services| Expert Craftsmanship in Dubai
Discover Top-Quality Carpentry Services Near Me in Dubai
In today’s fast-paced world, finding reliable and skilled carpentry services near you can make all the difference in maintaining the beauty and functionality of your living space. Whether you’re looking to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home with custom woodwork, or you need essential repairs, having a trustworthy carpentry service at your fingertips is crucial. In Dubai, where architectural elegance and modern design go hand in hand, the demand for professional carpentry services is ever-growing.
The Importance of Professional Carpentry Services
Carpentry is an art that requires precision, creativity, and technical expertise. From crafting bespoke furniture to installing intricate wood flooring, professional carpenters bring your vision to life. They not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home but also ensure that the structures they create or repair are durable and functional. When you search for “carpentry services near me,” you’re looking for a team that can deliver quality results efficiently and reliably.
Why Choose Local Carpentry Services?
Opting for local carpentry services in Dubai has several advantages. Firstly, local carpenters are familiar with the architectural styles and trends prevalent in the area. They can provide you with design suggestions that complement your home’s existing decor. Additionally, working with a local service provider ensures quicker response times and more personalized service.
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Services Offered by Expert Carpenters Near You
1. Custom Woodwork: Custom woodwork is about creating unique, tailor-made pieces that reflect your personality and style. Whether you want a custom-designed wardrobe, a bespoke dining table, or intricately carved wooden doors, professional carpenters can transform your ideas into reality. The attention to detail and the level of craftsmanship that goes into custom woodwork is unparalleled, ensuring that each piece is a work of art.
2. Wood Flooring Installation: Wood flooring adds warmth and elegance to any space. Professional carpenters provide expert wood flooring installation services, ensuring that your floors are perfectly aligned, smooth, and long-lasting. They can also offer advice on the best types of wood for your specific needs, taking into consideration factors such as durability, maintenance, and aesthetic appeal.
3. Furniture Repairs and Restoration: Over time, even the most well-crafted furniture can show signs of wear and tear. Professional carpenters offer furniture repair and restoration services to bring your old or damaged pieces back to life. Whether it’s a loose joint, a scratched surface, or a broken leg, expert carpenters can restore your furniture to its original condition, preserving its beauty and functionality.
4. Cabinet Making and Installation: Cabinets are an essential part of any home, providing much-needed storage space while also contributing to the overall aesthetic of a room. Whether you need kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, or storage units for your living room, professional carpenters can design, build, and install cabinets that meet your specific needs and match your decor.
5. Outdoor Carpentry: Outdoor carpentry projects, such as building pergolas, decks, and garden furniture, require specialized skills and materials that can withstand the elements. Professional carpenters in Dubai can create durable and stylish outdoor structures that enhance your outdoor living spaces.
Choosing the Right Carpentry Service Near Me
When searching for the best carpentry service near you, there are several factors to consider. These include the company’s reputation, the quality of their previous work, customer reviews, and their ability to meet deadlines and budgets. A trusted carpentry service like Aafiyah Technical Services checks all these boxes, providing you with peace of mind knowing that your project is in good hands.
The Role of Technology in Modern Carpentry
Today’s carpenters have access to advanced tools and technologies that allow them to achieve precision and efficiency like never before. From computer-aided design (CAD) software that helps in planning and visualizing projects to power tools that ensure accuracy and speed, technology plays a crucial role in modern carpentry.
By choosing a service that leverages these modern tools, you ensure that your carpentry project is completed with the highest level of craftsmanship. This blend of traditional skills and modern technology results in beautifully crafted pieces that stand the test of time.
The Environmental Impact of Carpentry
As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, it’s important to consider the sustainability of the materials used in carpentry. Many professional carpentry services in Dubai, including Aafiyah Technical Services, prioritize the use of sustainable wood and eco-friendly materials. This not only reduces the environmental impact but also ensures that the woodwork in your home is free from harmful chemicals and is safe for your family.
Final Thoughts
Whether you need a simple repair, a custom-built piece, or a complete renovation of your wooden fixtures, finding the right “carpentry service near me” is crucial for achieving the desired results. With expert carpenters, you can enhance the beauty, functionality, and value of your home, ensuring that every piece of woodwork is crafted to perfection.
For residents in Dubai, Aafiyah Technical Services offers a wide range of carpentry services tailored to meet your specific needs. With their commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and sustainable practices, they stand out as a top choice for anyone looking for reliable carpentry services near them. Contact them today to transform your living space with exceptional woodwork!
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