#woods of plenty
woodsofplenty · 10 months
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It was a romantic moment.
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bellsartworks · 11 months
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It’s funny to me because of my webcomic
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therain-lover · 6 months
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Do not blink. Do not think to hard. Do not wake up (wake up). You do not know what you are, (you have forgotten) you do not want to know. (Keep dreaming)
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Very cagey about showing skin (he may or may not remember what his face looks like…), which could feasibly be described as porcelain or paper-like. His fingertips are permanently stained with redstone.
Bdubs swears the angel features are new… but as far as anyone can really remember, he’s always looked like that. 👀
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Set post-game. Thea Dekarios wakes from her trance to smell pancakes and investigates. SFW.
Based on this art.
When Thea Dekarios ended her trance, the first thing she noticed was a very distinct smell.
While she knew Gale was an excellent cook (as good as Mum, and that’s saying a lot), she did not know how utterly delicious his pancakes were. When she asked about the recipe, he mentioned it was a secret Dekarios family recipe. And winked. I’m a Dekarios now, so tell me what makes those pancakes so damn good. She tried as quietly as possible to sneak down the stairs and into the kitchen without alerting him, but a particularly squeaky floorboard made her husband aware of her presence.
“Good morning, my darling girl!” he said happily, flipping a pancake with every bit of flair she had come to expect from Gale. To say that he was a changed man was a gross understatement. For the first time in his life, he’s truly happy and at ease with himself. He loves teaching. He…loves. So much. “How did you rest?”
Leaning against the doorway into the kitchen, she smiled. “Good. I relived the night we told each other how we felt, and before you ask, it was just as lovely the second time around.”
He barked a laugh. “Well thank gods for that, eh? That was such a magical night, my love. Sometimes I can scarce believe that we found each other in the first place…and that by some miracle we are married and making a life together here in Waterdeep.” His attention went back to the pancakes. “I made you chocolate chip, sweetness. They’ll be done in a moment or two. And coffee,” a mage hand appeared and began to pour her a cup. “Will be done in a second.”
Thea shook her head, still smiling, and sat down at the table. The mage hand brought her the coffee in her favorite mug. It has me in my cat wildshape painted on it. “So much doting this morning, Mr. Dekarios. Have I done anything to deserve it?” She teased, the corners of her mouth quirking into a grin. “Or will I be doing anything to deserve it in the future?”
He flipped the pancakes onto a plate. “Mrs. Dekarios, you should know by now that the answers to those questions are ‘yes’ and ‘yes.’ And this,” He turned towards her, a look of merriment on his face, pulling at his robe slightly to expose a hairy leg to his upper thigh, making her squeal with laughter. “is only a taste of your reward.” As he laughed (the most wonderful sound in the world), he brought her plate of chocolate chip pancakes to her with a bow. “My lady’s breakfast. Hot and fresh.”
“So, like you then, love?” Hot. Fresh. All mine as I’m all his. She wrinkled her nose and giggled as she sliced into the first pancake. Oh fuck me, these smell amazing.
He rolled his eyes playfully, pouring three large globs of batter on the griddle. “I’m in too good a mood to protest this time, dearest. I’ll simply take your word for it that I am, indeed, hot and fresh. Speaking of which, I did take a shower, so by that logic, I am fresh at the very least—”
“Yes, my love?”
She brought the first forkful of pancakes to her mouth. “You’re the hottest and freshest man in my life, now please come here and give me a kiss.”
His eyes widened, and he rushed towards her. Cupping her face in his hands, he gently kissed her lips. Perfect. He’s perfect. “Forgive me. I was too taken in by you. You see, darling, you’re somehow more beautiful when you wake from your trance…” He shook his head, kissing her once more. “Pancake duty calls. Don’t want them to burn.” He hurried back to the griddle and hummed a song Thea recognized from their wedding.
As she lifted the first forkful of pancakes to her lips, she sighed happily.
It was worth it.
All the pain.
All the misery.
Having to share my head with a damn tadpole.
It was worth it for this.
“Sometimes the little things are worth more than kingdoms.”
My darling Gale was absolutely right.
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forestofsprites · 1 year
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orpheusilver · 2 months
can i be critical of black sails' writing for a second. for a show thats typically very very good at creating depth for even minor characters, 90% of the black characters are super fucking shallow
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nopizzaaftermidnight · 3 months
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gromky · 18 days
melancholy right in the midst of feeling okay is so brutal. I’m trying to feel more optimistic about the future but the thought of waking up every single day for the next however many years or decades I live has me tweaked. like i don’t want to do that. I will but i dont want to
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I love when people from the suburbs move out into the wooded country because they’ll be out at like 1am recording themselves like “guys…. i just heard something fucking scawy guys” hearing screaming laughing creatures or someone being “murdered”and it’s always just a fox
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My old arch-nemesis, we meet again ("it's all about the sex" academia)
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woodsofplenty · 6 months
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Happy Thanksgiving from all of us, once again, at the Gluskin residence!
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bellsartworks · 1 year
Here’s a Tiktok of art I did for my Twitter webcomic
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triptychofvoids · 2 months
what kind of music you like listening to? could be directed either to you or the doc (or both!!)
my favorite genre of music is.. whatever i like listening to. i just like music a lot!!
if youre wanting a more specific answer than that, then i really like classical, swing and big band, and mid-century modern lounge and jazz!! bossa nova also maybe. i also like listening film scores and the occasional opera.
we also somehow happen to be in the year 2024 at the moment so maybe youre wondering about some newer genres? well all of the above is still very true! but i also like electroswing, most kinds of rock, early 2000s rave and edm.. most kinds of edm or electronic actually, and this tends to cover a wide variety of genres but i also like listening to video game soundtracks.
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strqyr · 2 months
if they're gonna stick to this map, then it really must suck for all those vale citizens living in the residential area; one of the closest areas to beacon while also being surrounded by two rivers with not many bridges in sight. like, if vale didn't already evacuate the nearby areas immediately after the fall, that's a proper bottleneck waiting to happen, cos where are they going to go? towards beacon and the grimm? is there even a way out there, or does the cliffside block it out completely?
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charmwasjess · 2 months
It's not even noon and I've already gotten my "that's enough internet for you" warning from my partner
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mushtoons · 6 months
oh btw we first found out what a system was because of y’all and like that eventually ended up with us going like “oh fuck am i a system.” woo. i think thats kinda fun for some reason. idk. :)
oh neat! we're glad we're helping people :3
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