tjkleens · 1 year
For sale on the bay. Link takes you to it.
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riverotterrustics · 2 years
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Wood spirit I carved from Cedar.
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lookingforyoumaybe · 5 months
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robertjbanach · 2 years
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Mark carving a Wood Spirit... #florida #woodspirit #woodart #carving (at Chassahowitzka River Campground) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChiXWFaLU69/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pastafossa · 1 month
Started on a woodspirit windchime made of driftwood! I'm going to carve a bunch of wood spirits into multiple pieces of driftwood, then hang them with bells and glass beads frok a larger piece of driftwood!
Here's what I got done today carving into the first branch:
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mooooonnnzz · 1 year
i saw that ur requests are open and I JUST NEED SOME KIRI FICS OR I WILL DIE so i was wondering if u could write something about her x f!na'vi!reader, where they're childhood best friends but the reader confesses that she likes her but kiri is in denial with her own feelings and then some other na'vi start to show interest in the reader and kiri gets all jealous and realize that, in fact, she's in love with her? idk if this make sense english is not my first language sorry </3
I won't say (I'm in love) // Kiri x Fem!Navi!Reader
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❀ You confess to Kiri how you feel and she freaks out
♡ Content: angst/comfort fic <3 kiri is in DENIALLLL!! lo’ak and neteyam are her therapist (run kiri) THIS IS PROOFREADD YAYY
♡ Word Count: it’s 1k BUT ROUNDED UP it’s 2k LMFAO
♡ Quick Note: FIRST KIRI REQUEST AHHHHHH i literally saw your request and immediately started writing AND NEVER STOPPED ALTHOUGH, i changed up it up a little bit instead of kiri getting jealous. neteyam and lo'ak somewhat help her out to realize her feelings for reader I HOPE THAT'S OKAY i was struggling on the jealousy part and i got the idea of neteyam and lo'ak helping her so I RAN WITH IT BUT HERES UR LONG AWAITED KIRI FIC had fun writing it ALSO REQUEST R STILL OPEN (still would love to see sum lo'ak and kiri fics CUZ THERES NOT ENOUGH OF THEM, but don't be shy to send a request for neteyam also) ANYWAYS ON W THE FIC
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You smiled, looking down on the large faint path that you and Kiri engraved in the dirt when you and her were little. It was done so neither of you would get lost on your way to your hideout. The place where you and her could forget about all your worries and enjoy each other’s company without any disturbances. You’ve followed the trail so many times that getting lost is the least of your worries. You could close your eyes right here and follow the path with no issue. While walking, you came across a tall familiar tree. You smiled upon seeing the old tree, countless memories were made on it. For instance, when you and Kiri were younger, you and her would always climb up the tree and just hang upside down, talking about whatever came into your childish minds. You still do it with Kiri from time to time, but not as much as you two did when you were little. This also was where you uncovered the brewing feelings for Kiri that have been sitting dormant inside you. She was resting her back on the tree, the wind fluttered through her hair.
Her eyes were closed and there was a wispy smile on her face. She looked so at peace, so calm that you just stood there–admiring your best friend. She held so much beauty and grace, you were confused on how you didn’t notice it before. She was just gorgeous and you knew you were falling for her when she grabbed your hand out of the blue one time, her thumb unknowingly caressing your hand. You were internally freaking out over the small action, heart practically beating out of your chest and your stomach was filled with butterflies. You couldn’t even focus on what Kiri was saying to you because your attention was stuck on how you and Kiri’s hands slotted perfectly together. Almost like your hand was made to hold hers. Your crush on her had grown stronger from there on. Now, you couldn’t even look at Kiri without having your heart run a whole marathon. You tried not being too obvious with your feelings but even Lo’ak had noticed your not so subtle crush on her. Giving one last look at the tree, you parted ways and continued following the now faint path. You were drawing close to the flower field where Kiri would rest. Your stomach began to twist into knots from the growing anxiety. You were going to confess to her and tell her how you feel. You could only hope she felt the same way about you. 
Kiri was laying in the middle of the grassy field, the woodspirits floating above her. Some floated down and laid on her limbs, swaying softly with the wind. Kiri looked so peaceful, which was a rare sight to see. She had told you many times before on how she feels like she doesn’t belong, how she feels out of place but whenever she connects to the world around her, when she connects to Ewya she feels like she’s one with herself, one with nature and every living being on Pandora. You never really understood what she meant, but what you did understand is that whenever she let herself loose and feel everything that was around her, from the air everyone breathes to the ground everyone steps in, she connects with it and shuts off. You never minded when she became lost in her own world because it was a free pass to stare at her and take in her beauty. You sat right next to Kiri, burning the smile that was displayed on her face to memory. How could someone look so perfect? You failed to realize her eyes fluttering open.
She shuffled around, blinking a few times before letting out a sigh. Stretching out her tired limbs, she sat up from the floor. The woodspirits that surrounded rose up from her, bidding their goodbyes by kissing Kiri on the face with their tendrils. She felt your lingering gaze on your face, looking over to you she smiled. “When did you get here?” She asked, voice thick with sleep. Your ears fluttered, face warming up. You loved hearing Kiri’s sleepy voice. “Just now, I didn’t want to disturb you so I–” 
“--You stared at me?” She had just woken up not too long ago and she’s already teasing you. “Yeah, I was staring.” You looked down in embarrassment. Kiri quietly giggled, hiding her smile behind her hand. “I wasn’t expecting you to give in so easily.” She said, sharing a few laughs to herself before placing her hand back down. Her fingers lightly brush against yours and your heart skips a beat. You suddenly remember the reason why you came all the way over here. Taking in a deep breath, you looked at Kiri. You didn’t even prepare yourself, you had no idea how you were going to do this. 
“Kiri,” Your heart pounded against your ribcage and your gut was filled with unease. Her ears twitch. Curiosity glinting in her eyes over the sudden shift in your mood. “I have something to tell you.” You say. 
She doesn't respond, but the look in her eyes is urging you on to continue. You closed your eyes and built up the remaining confidence you have left because what could go wrong? You and Kiri have been through everything together, confessing your crush on her won’t ruin what you and her have. If anything, if she doesn’t feel the same way, you and her can forget that his whole ordeal happened and move on. 
You took a deep breath and clenched your hands together. It’s now or never. 
“I like you.” 
Kiri blinked in surprise. 
“You like me?” She repeats, utterly dumbfounded with what you had just confessed to her. 
You nod your head slowly, unsure with where this is going to go. The anxiety in your gut began to rage and the growing silence isn’t helping. Kiri bites down on the inside of her cheek, shamefully looking away. “I’m sorry.” She says, her voice small and weak. “I don’t feel the same way.” 
You feel everything around you freeze. The sounds of the leaves rustling in the background became a loud static and the trees started to blur together. Tears started to form in your eyes. Even if you tried anticipating the rejection, even if you tried softening the blow by thinking of the positives. Being rejected by the person you love hurts. You don’t get the time to say anything more after that because Kiri excuses herself, and with nothing else to do. You watch as her figure becomes more than a mere blob from the tears that clouded your vision. 
“And you left her there?” Lo’ak said with an over exaggerated gasp, his hand coming to cover his agape mouth. “You’re annoying.” Kiri sighed out, pushing Lo’ak away from her. “How could I not gasp? What you did was so messed up.” Lo’ak shook his head, dropping his hand back down to his lap. “I know! I panicked.” Kiri frowned, dragging her hands down her face. She had been feeling guilty all day for leaving you alone like that. Your crestfallen face would forever be imprinted in her head. Neteyam slid right next to Kiri, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her in a side hug. Usually, Kiri would push Neteyam away, whining about how she wanted to be left alone. But right now, she doesn’t want to be left alone. Her emotions were too much for her right now that if she were to be alone, she would spiral. “Did you run away because you knew you didn’t feel the same? Or because you did feel the same, you were just afraid to admit them?” Neteyam asked. Lo’ak rose a brow at Neteyam.
“Bro, when did you become so smart?” Neteyam rolled his eyes. “I don’t know.” She truthfully said, ignoring the small dispute that happened between her brothers. She had been battling with herself with her own feelings for you. Late nights she laid in her hammock, thinking about you and how she wished you were right next to her. She began to admire your face and everything about you. She started to think about her favorite moments with you and think about how she would just stare at you and imagine how your lips would feel on hers. She would catch herself imagining a future with you and her heart would skip a beat whenever she’d notice what she was thinking about. You consumed her thoughts and that scared her. She didn’t know what to do so she built up this wall to protect herself from her feelings, but you broke down those walls when you confessed to her.
She realized that her efforts to block her love for you was futile. You felt the same way she did, she didn’t have to hide anymore. She had dreamed of this moment endlessly, where you would confess and she would finally open up about her feelings for you. She swooned over the thoughts about you two sharing a kiss, the kiss exchanging the words you and her never got to say. But there she was, sitting right in front of you. Your heart in your hands as you told her what you had been feeling for a long time. And instead reacting the way she planned to, she panicked. She was too overwhelmed by the sudden emotions she felt that she didn’t know what to do, so she fled. 
“I feel so stupid.” Kiri mumbled. Neteyam rubbed his hand up and down Kiri’s arm, a soothing action he did to her when she was younger. “You are not stupid.” Neteyam said. Kiri didn’t say anything else and wallowed in her self pity. “Why don’t you go tell her how you truly feel?” Kiri’s ears perked up. She had forgotten that she could make amends with you. Sprouting up with newfound vigor, she hugged both of her brothers. “I have not thought about that, thank you Neteyam!” And with that, Kiri took off. Her feet padded against the floor, her heart hammering in her chest. She’s going to tell you how she really feels. She went to the place she knew she’d find you. The tree that held most of you and Kiri’s precious memories. Looking up, she saw your leg dangling off one of the thick branches that sprouted from the tree. She took a deep breath and started making her way up. Hanging her hand over the branch, she pulled herself up and plopped herself right in front of you with ease. She flashed you a smile while you stared in confusion. “I want to apologize,” She says, her hands finding yours and intertwining them together. You blushed at the sudden affection.
 “I’m so sorry for leaving you alone with no explanation on why.” 
You shake your head. “It’s okay, I knew—“ 
“Wait! You didn’t let me finish.” She squeezes your hands before letting go. Her hands cupped your face, her eyes quickly shifting from your lips to your eyes. “I have been wanting to tell you this ever since I heard my Dad say it to my Mom.” You knew what she was going to say. You have heard the loving phrase slip out of Jake’s mouth one too many times, but you would have never thought you would be hearing it come out of Kiri’s mouth. 
She pulls your face closer to hers. Your breath hitches in your throat when you feel her nose brush yours. Her lips are practically touching yours and all you can hear is your loud heartbeat ringing in your ears.
 “I love you.” 
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if you wanna be in my taglist comment or dm me! <3 + my requests are open!
Taglist: @writingsbybirdie @tzurue @lokisblueskin @slaypussypop-21 @niawritesbs @yoluvrz​
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mizumech · 9 months
Day 3: Saplings/Puppies
Hey, it’s mizumech and this is my submission for Day 3 of Treebarkweek! For this work, I used the prompt ‘saplings’ and combined it with Day 7’s ‘death’. The name of this work is ‘stationary nostos’ and it is 1110 words long. I reserve all rights to editing :)
There is a ghost in the heart of Dogwarts. 
By now, Dogwarts is no longer the great nation it once was. It is but a crumbling temple. Flat slabs of stone make some sort of altar, rainwater anointing it in its own sort of way.
Villager belief on the myth of this once-glorious kingdom differs.
Some say a divine woodspirit beheaded the Red King under the full moon.
Some say it was a ritual for power, to gain the blessing of a rabid God.
Some say it was a bandit who unknowingly mugged the king under cover of night.
The truth is…far from that.
But nobody knows what it is.
Sometimes children slip away from their mothers to play in that mist-shrouded castle, and come running back.
A ghost, they cry, he looked at me!
There is a ghost in the heart of Dogwarts, and it becomes harder and harder to deny.
People do still tell the story of the Battles of the Banner, of the king and his loyal hand, bouncing children on their knees as they do.
People whisper that a whimsical tree grows from the blood of the Red King where he died; twisting itself in wait of a new woodspirit to crown him.
“Where was his rider-hand,” grandmothers laugh as the rhyme comes to a close, “Where is your rider?”
“Dead in the sand!”
The children laugh as they are tipped off their laps, because they know they are safe. 
Someone will catch them.
There is a ghost in the heart of Dogwarts, and he despairs in his loneliness.
The descendants of the sand hold onto an axe inscribed with archaic language not their own.
It’s one of their greatest war prizes, a symbol of strength and a beacon of hope and courage. 
Wandering traders tell tales of the snowy north as they offer cacti and live saplings for emeralds, and scoff at the axes of the blacksmith.
They have a better one back home that will aid them should war come to them.
Descendants of the sand know of a huge chasm in the middle of the desert that they will never fill. Although they will never tell as to why, they do say it would be a cruelty to do so. 
Their obelisks are carved with eyes, and the twilight dusk washes them purple.
There is a ghost in the heart of Dogwarts, and there has been for a long time.
It’s not strange, really.
Martyn will never leave the love of his life.
Well, maybe that’s not true.
Dogwarts has never been the one he has loved most.
It would be better to say that he cherishes Dogwarts. He cherishes every stone and every moment he has spent with it.
But this is not Dogwarts.
A lifeless pile of stones does not make up what he remembers so clearly in his mind's eye.
A cracked altar does not constitute the bond he has felt and the life it has given him.
A once-dead farmland that now bristles with new life is closer, but could never compare to the days he spent in the sun with his lover, scattering wheat and planting carrots.
The habitual offerings of poppies and cherry from the villagers hoping to appease the ‘woodspirit’ within will never match up to the mead the kingdom once made and shared.
A tapestry woven of the tale hung on the wall will never, ever be a match for the love of his life.
He mostly hisses at people for fun nowadays; just like the old times.
Killing someone from beyond the grave would be funny, if not impressive.
There is a ghost in the heart of Dogwarts, and he paces the halls every day in search of the king.
They both died in Dogwarts, so how can it be that only he remains?
Martyn wishes on every sunrise and every sunset that it’s not true that Ren is trapped somewhere in the desert waiting for him. 
He’s tried to leave Dogwarts once, only to be pulled back immediately once he reaches the border.
It’s a far cry from the wandering past he used to live.
It’s him and Ren forever. Through thick and thin.
What even is forever?
They’ve been apart for so long. Are they still together?
Are they?
Will they?
His hands have been empty for so long. No warmth to them, no hand to hold. No blood on them, no axe to wield.
With every day, the throne gets colder, and his heart breaks a little more. 
Forever, he thinks, as the sun goes down. 
Forever, he pleads as the stars shine above him.
The Watchers eventually figure out that there is a ghost that dwells in the heart of Dogwarts.
They do much to make him leave.
They tempt him with the promise of the axe returning back to him.
But what is the point of an axe when there is no one to protect, he asks, why should I be content with an axe?
They make a ludicrously pathetic offer of a sapling.
The monopoly is long over, he says, why should I leave my vigil for a mere sapling?
They offer him the enchanting table. pretty much a collector’s relic in this time.
He hesitates.
I can no longer don armour and I have no need for money, Martyn says eventually, what can I do with an enchanting table? 
The Watchers turn away from him.
“Ren,” he murmurs, “could you give me Ren?”
They ruefully shake their heads. One ties a sash of Dogwarts banner around his waist and one pushes a coral crown onto his head.
There, they say, that is your king.
There is a ghost in the heart of Dogwarts, and none could possibly move him.
Villages come and go, and the kingdom’s well water swirls with copper coin tarnish.
Moss grows over the cobblestones and the earth slowly reclaims everything, and saplings pop up and flowers blanket it in the spring.
Go, the Watchers urge him, go. You will never find Ren anyways.
Martyn is stubborn. He will not be moved.
Forever is forever.
It’s not right, they say, it’s not right for a ghost to want to live.
My king lived, and he wanted to die to protect his kingdom, Martyn counters, is that any less right?
They have no answer for him, and so Martyn stays; Guardian of the Blackheart Altar and Hand of the Red King.
There is a ghost in the heart of Dogwarts, and Hand as he once was, he has now become the Heart of it.
Is it so wrong for a ghost to love?
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werebunny-box · 1 year
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This is Donald the wolverine, and he works in human(ish) resources and has for a very long time. He’s friends with Dolores the leaf sheep, who works in the company store in the big office building’s basement, selling frozen lunches and whatnot. Donald, always feeling a bit disconnected from the people around him, was surprised when Dolores started showing genuine interest in his hobbies and what he does in his free time. Thus, they started talking and became good friends, especially when Dolores started telling him about her interest in historical clothing and the two figured out that she could wear some of her outfits to work without worrying about dress code. Eventually their friendship led Dolores to start visiting Donald and his wife Angie regularly (their son is off at college), and encouraged them to pick up their old hobbies - Angie started cross stitching, and Donald started whittling. Now, Dolores has gotten Donald and Angie interested in the world of Renaissance fairs, where she often has a stall to sell her creations. She’s started selling Angie’s stitched charms and Donald’s woodspirits too, and even when the fairs inevitably get rained on, Donald and Angie have gone from complaining in the car to dancing in the mud!
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atwistofsea · 4 years
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The deer and the bow glowing like one only.
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A photography by Irina Dzhul. I just edited it.
Well i saw the image and i thought it would work. I am trying to learn from tutorials and yeah i liked this.
Ps: i don't know how the light works so the ilumination is a little weird.
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tjkleens · 1 year
For sale on ebay. Link takes you to the auction.
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riverotterrustics · 2 years
"Fall" Greenman in White Cedar
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midnight-azeilya · 6 years
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Always loved this ^-^
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misterwillow · 6 years
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Wood God 7x10 He likes birds. : Original #forsale $100 : Support on #Patreon for full size images and see new work early at patreon.com/misterwillow (link in profile) : #art #illustration #misterwillow #penandink #blackandwhite #tree #spirit #pagan #god #woodspirit #bird https://www.instagram.com/p/BqdDEZ6FTt0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ept154jjqlj6
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codyvrosh · 5 years
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Been seeing so many butterflies around lately. 🦋 . . #butterfly #butterflies #art #illustration #woodspirit #motherearth #gaia #fae #watercolor #water #artistsoninstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BwVtzHJFURZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cpm982onee6h
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This little guy was hiding in the handle of this Opinel no7 😂 #opinel #opinelmod #opinelknife #opinelno7 #foldingknife #woodhandle #handcarved #woodcarving #woodspirit #woodspiritcarving #greenman #pocketknife #customknives #etsy #etsysellersofinstagram #etsycanada #madeincanada #highlandhorde #highlandhordeoutdoors (at Middle Sackville, Nova Scotia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzKAcL6BFLf/?igshid=3eq04x4xfx5q
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iplasticdiamond · 6 years
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Day 05 Wood Spirit
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