#wordsdear writes
sniperofmyheart · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Piece Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Monkey D. Luffy/Usopp Characters: Monkey D Luffy, Usopp (One Piece), Kuro (One Piece) Summary:
A valentine's day fic. Luffy dangles from a tree and should be stopped at all costs. Set near the start of the Syrup Village arc. Huge thanks to @uozlulu for giving it a read over.
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canadiansamm · 7 years
10. “And that’s how I ended up standing naked on the Brooklyn Bridge on Christmas Eve.” for Yuri and Victor
I haven’t done any fics here yet! But since you asked, I shall oblige, my lovely AN friend. It’s not amazing work, but it’s okay.
“And that’s how I ended up standing naked on the Brooklyn Bridge on Christmas Eve.”
Yuuri stared in absolute horror at his phone screen. Viktor simply grinned back, his cheeks flushed even in the darkness of his hotel room. Yuuri couldn’t believe how absolutely ridiculous his fiancé was. 
“And you just… Took Chris’ dare. No second thoughts.”
“Of course!” Viktor’s accent was even thicker than usual and his eyes were almost fever bright. “It was Chris!”
And that was the issue. Yuuri dropped his face back into his own hotel pillows and exhaled. Chris and Viktor fed off each other’s horrible ideas especially with Yuuri or Yuri there. Usually at least one of them could distract the exuberant Russian. 
“Yuuri, where’d you go?” 
Yuuri cringed at how long Viktor drew out his name. HIs pitch was high and whiny and it grated on Yuuri’s ears. Maybe, if he was lucky, some God would take pity on him and just blow up his phone. Viktor would take at least ten minutes to remember he had a hotel phone. At least then Yuuri could take a moment and breath without wanting to smack the love of his life upside the head. 
Instead, Yuuri lifted his head and came back into the phone camera range. “Yuuri!”
“Viktor, it’s getting late. Perhaps you should go to bed, sleep off the drink.” And not spend any more time with Chris. 
“But Yuuri,” he drew out his name again. 
“No buts Viktor. You have training tomorrow.” Poor Yakov might actually pop a blood vessel. There was a second of quiet before Viktor pouted. He snuggled deeper into his blankets and shook his head. Yuuri sighed. “Why not?”
“It’s hard to sleep without you.”
This time Yuuri went quiet. Something warm settled in his chest and he couldn’t help the shy little smile that curled the corners of his lips. And this was why Yuuri never blew up his phone. Or smacked his fiancé upside the head. Viktor might be a bit of an idiot sometimes, made bad decisions, whined when he was drunk, but Viktor loved Yuuri.
“If you promise to go the bed, and actually sleep, I’ll stay on video till you fall asleep.”
The pleased smile that lit up Viktor’s face made the last hour of video call worth it.
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fact--check · 7 years
Currently writing:
One Piece - Luffy/Usopp, smut, enthusiastic consent, post-timeskip
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strawhatjinbe-blog · 7 years
✨Thank you✨
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//I’m still not sure what I’m doing but i’m so glad other people have faith I do. I’m wiggling around, I’m so happy to be here and the support is very appreciated. It’s only been a month or so, so I’m shocked and amased but I feel i’ve come a long way. So thank you for your continued support
✨ To say thank you, I’d like to hold a raffel for a bust painting of any op character and a runner up will get a traditional piece.
Llike/reblog/reply to enter and I’ll close this on the 1st ✨
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^^ examples. closes 12am gmt 1/9/17
@psychotehfox  @miss-anya-segamonsaga​  @chaoflaka​   @wordsdear​   @drbonezy​  @rsanders22​    @stone-emperor​   @gummi-monkey​  I see you guys in my notifications all the time and your support is well loved, I read your tags and comments and dang it means a lot to me @ask-zoro-1996 This here meme was my first follower :’) I can’t believe how early you got to that party, your a good egg bro, a pure bean amigo. @ask-offduty-borsalino We’ve not talked much but you seem chill and you came up as one of my biggest fans C: thank you for sticking around. @ask-sir-crocodile I see you, you loyal, I appreciate you… lmao but you’ve been here from day one and your content always makes me laugh. You too, are a very good egg @ask-marine-mitsu​  you are like my cheerleader, always keeping me possitive, blessed egg C:        @ask-lieutenant-wendy​ From the start you’ve been supportive and friendly and helped me feel less scared of interacting with people. A very, good egg.
@asktblog​ my meme lord, my man, my dude… your shenanigans give me life, never forgetti OT3 and assless chaps.     @ask-captain-kid​ ✨ I’m still learning and the more support feedback I get the better my art, writing, characterization and consistency will be. You all mean so much to me, not just for support but also for the laughs and seeing how many people love my fav is just really rad. He’s a big boy and sometimes people dislike bigger characters just because they aren’t ‘pretty’ so yeah your all goals af ✨
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uozlulu · 7 years
@wordsdear replied to your post “@wordsdear replied to your post “@wordsdear replied to your post:...”
one day I will write it. I have a list of fics I need to get to lol
My list of fics I’ve not finished keeps growing. I know the feeling 
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justira · 7 years
Rules: List the first lines of your last 15 stories. See if there are any patterns. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
@petite-neko tagged me, and I have never been tagged for anything before in my life. But, uh, sure, let’s do this!
I definitely do not know 10 writers on tumblr because I am very terrible at doing The Tumblrs and also I mostly talk to artists on here? But why not, let’s tag my partner in crime @sevdrag; @wordsdear, who I know writes; and @kaizokunohime, who doesn’t write prose but does write story ideas/prompts, and I’d like to see how those do with this meme.
I have no idea what is meant by “first lines” here? The first sentence? The first block of text until whitespace? idek, I tried to keep it reasonable. This is in reverse chrono order, so first story is most recent.
1. Acclimating
[One Piece — Law/Luffy, Law & Strawhats — E, 31.3K ]
Law probably should have seen this coming. It wasn't his splintered self-worth that made him avoid things like this (and what business of anyone's was it, anyway, if he lived for Cora-san's memory? He'd been living on borrowed time for over a decade, and every step he'd taken since then had drawn him closer to a confrontation he expected (hoped) he wouldn't survive). But his utter lack of interest in making himself likable because there was nothing much to like certainly helped cut down on complications. Or, it usually did. The standard rules did not seem to apply to Strawhat. Black Leg had warned him, although, all things considered, that shouldn't have been necessary. 
2. A Slow and Vicious Hemorrhage
[BBC Sherlock / Hannibal Movies — Holmes/Watson — M, 5.5K, WIP]
The air gets heavier, down here, cooler and tinged with inescapable subterranean damp. John breathes it in, steadily; it doesn't particularly unnerve him. It reeks of institution and he's had practice enough with those. It's not calming, precisely, but it's familiar. It's all familiar. It's all fine.
It is.
His hand tightens on the two case files. It doesn't stop the tremor, but he rubs his thumb across the labels, the rough reality of them, already thoroughly ragged from the flicks and scrapes and polishing and various pointless attritions of dozens of fingers, despite the very recent dates stamped on both of them. Two dates, two names. Neither name belongs to Sherlock Holmes.
3. Swimming Lessons
[Final Fantasy X — Auron/Braska/Jecht — T, 1K ]
Auron sputtered as Jecht dunked him under the water again. He came up for air, gasping, to hear Braska rebuke Jecht. "Jecht, he can't swim." Braska's tone was just this side of sharp, showing that Jecht was testing his patience; good, as he had surely tested Auron's. Auron clawed his hair out of his face where it had escaped his tail. Jecht was already too far away to shove. Braska floated over to him, touched his shoulder. "Are you all right?"
4. This Stolen Interstice
[Dragon Age: Origins — Duncan/Teagan — M, 8K]
The Grey Warden came during the harvest. The field Teagan was working was cradled in one of Rainesfere's rolling valleys; trees rose high on all sides, crowning the surrounding hills and wind-murmuring to each other as the harvesters worked. The air was thick with dust and chaff and the smell of fallen leaves, just edging into cold. That hint of crispness settled pleasantly on Teagan's skin as he worked amidst the slice and whisper of sickles and threshing, the barking of dogs weaving through the rhythmic sounds — no laughing children, not during the harvest, as all but babes were put to work at some task or another. He found one such child suddenly in his path — Rogher's youngest. Deliah? That must be it.
"What is it, Deliah?" Teagan wiped his brow as he stood, stretched his back.
"There's a man to see you," the girl mumbled, shy before her bann. "Mama says he's a Grey Warden."
The words spilled a chill down his back, much harsher than the gentle bite in the air. Darkspawn, here?
5. The Storm That Sweeps So Quiet
[Final Fantasy Tactics — Alma/Tietra — T, 1.2K]
Alma's spine aches. She has been bowed over this tome for entirely too long. Study is normally a pleasure, particularly the histories or the great tales of the Church, but this day she set aside to get through an endless dissertation on courtly graces. Studious as Alma may normally be, her heart is not in this. Today, the floor is distractingly hard beneath her folded skirts, even with the spare cushion. Her bodice itches unreasonably. Behind her, Tietra's quiet breathing and quieter warmth brush down Alma's back; she had persuaded her friend to take the window seat and regrets it not one bit, discomfort or no. It's not Tietra's fault that Lord Haverell's text drones so. Outside, the sunshine drips between tumultuous clouds; the air is heavy and moist, and the clouds tower high. It is not a day for study, not at all.
She runs her finger down the rich vellum of the page and listens to its smooth whisper. Behind her, she hears Tietra shift, the soft sigh of fabric and the rougher-edged rasp of pages rubbing together. Well, if Tietra feels it too...
6. So let it out and let it in
[Supernatural — Castiel & Mary, Castiel & Dean, Castiel & Sam — G, 5.1K]
"Jay Bird Family Special," the waitress announces, clear and cheery above the lunchtime clinks and conversation buzzing through the diner. She tips Mary a wink. Mary grins back as Heather sets the giant platter in front of her, gently intercepting baby Dean's hand going straight for the steak. "Your man running late?"
"Course not!" John pops up behind Heather. He's breathless under a thin sheen of sweat, his face all smiles and engine grease, and Mary could not want to touch that handsome curve of jaw more.
Instead, she puts a mild growl of threat in her voice, not even trying to cover the laughter crowding up alongside it. "If you think you're getting those paws anywhere near my food or my son—"
7.  And Under Sky, the Shelter
[Final Fantasy Tactics — Ramza & Rapha, Marach, Mustadio, Agrias  — G, 1.4K]
The hill cups gently around a lee; pebbles gather in the shadow where the wind abandoned them, making for a stony bed, but it will serve well enough for their purposes. Ramza, at least, is tired enough to collapse where he stands. He watches Agrias survey the site and thinks dully about what to do if it does not meet her standards of defensibility. It is well that she nods in approval, as he had not managed to think of any alternatives. The weariness runs too deep in his bones, leeching at thought, at care. It frightens him, distantly. So many have ceased to care, it seems. He rouses himself with a shake that feels like trying to shift mountains.
Tired to numbness or no, camp must be made, the birds cared for. The birds and — his teeth tug at his lip as his glance lands on Rapha and Marach, hovering at the edges of the group — the people. The tasks have been long apportioned, but in their ever growing and shrinking company, they reassign the routine often enough. It is just that he is too tired tonight to think on it.
8. There the Bones of Us May Lie
[Final Fantasy XII — Ashe/Balthier — T, 2.5K]
The hollow starlight sinks into ashen softness before her as she boards the Strahl; the hungry roar of the Cataract is hushed, made muted and metallic. It is like sinking into water, reversed. The quiet is the same, the sense of distance, but as she ascends there is no persistent buoyancy, no insistent upward press. Weight seems to sink down on her instead, settling deeper about her shoulders like a mantle.
It's familiar.
The silence of the ship eats her sigh, giving back nothing. And that, too is familiar — comforting, even, to have no wraiths answering those unmeant nighttime summons. The Occuria's illusion of Rasler is shattered, and Vaan isn't here to haunt her either, sleeping below with the others; Ashe is alone if not exactly unfettered. It is beyond her, just now, to judge whether that is better, and that is, in any case, irrelevant. There is little point in dwelling on it, now.
9. Best Hand
[Ace Attorney — Apollo & Trucy, Phoenix — G, 0.5K]
Apollo eyed the backs of Mr. Wright's cards. Wright kept them low, hands resting easy and relaxed on the table — Trucy was just the opposite, her fan of cards held up in front of her face, casting conspiratorial glances over the top. Hiding her smile. Trucy had something; Apollo'd figured that much out. Not as good as his own hand, though, he was sure of it.
(Now if only...)
He looked back at Wright. Nothing to see. Nothing to sense; bracelet quiet and loose on his wrist. (Damn! It's not just that he used Trucy for the games, he's impossible to read anyway!) Apollo resisted gritting his teeth.
10. Eclipse
[Final Fantasy IV — Kain/Cecil, Kain/Rosa, Cecil/Rosa, Kain/Cecil/Rosa — G, 1.5K]
In the old forgotten passageways beneath Baron Castle the walls exhale ghosts like vaporous winter breath: a fine spice on a hunt for treasure, harmless old haunts that feather around them as they creep down the halls with their stolen torch, their voices a nervous-laughing titter of echoes.
When the revenant comes Kain's blood freezes and he sees the panicked bloom of Rosa's untutored magic, shielding them; Kain's lips parting in awe and breathlessness as they flee.
But as they tumble back down the halls, to light and safety and a likely spanking, it is Cecil who clutches his hand.
11. Where Memory Rests
[Thief: Deadly Shadows — Garrett, The Shalebridge Cradle — G, 2.3K]
Thick exhales of steam crowd the night air, damp on your skin, as you make your way through the noise and shadows of the City. Grit has gathered close to the walls where you walk, giving the soft sound of your steps a rougher edge. Your fingers trail where a gas arrow once crystallized: a pipe carrying hot air hisses quietly at the leak. Magic lies thick in the air since the Final Glyph, dispersed and unformed. You can feel it in your hand. It washes across the red new scar like warm breath, like the air trickling from the pipe. The elemental crystals form faster, now, and someone harvested this one before you.
It doesn't matter. You have other things on your mind tonight.
And besides, you can always get it back.
12. the silent fulcrum in the interstice
[Kingdom Hearts — Kairi & Riku & Sora, Kairi & Namin�� — G, 1.2K]
It begins with her hands: she plunges them into the place where earth meets sea meets sky. The light falls fragile across the grains, soft contrast to their coarse texture against her palms, her bare knees. The damp sand is heavy in her palms and something stirs in her as she pauses, hands suspended, full of infinite possibilities: This is how worlds are created, she thinks. Memories, falling like sand, like stars, like snow (where does she remember snow from?); she pauses, hands suspended, full of infinite worlds.
She can't remember the last time she did this, or maybe she never stopped: this is where she sat and stitched together a star, a promise; this is where she stood and watched the horizon and waited, or tried to remember what she was waiting for. The sand is heavy in her hands, and she wonders if this is any different, or if it is all reconstruction and remembering.
This is how worlds are created, and she sinks her fingers into the sand.
13. Same As It Never Was (cowritten with @sevdrag)
[Final Fantasy VIII — Rinoa/Squall, Laguna/Squall, Quistis/Rinoa, Kiros/Laguna, Quistis/Rinoa/Squall — E, 72K, WIP]
“I’m sorry, Commander, sir,” the waiter said over Squall's shoulder, “but we don’t have that particular vintage — our sincere apologies. Can I recommend another bottle — on the house, of course?”
Squall tried not to grit his teeth— too hard, anyway, because they were already grinding a little at the waiter’s placating, admiring, sorry-to-your-famous-personage-please-be-kind tone. He glanced up. Rinoa was smiling at him, that smile of hers that carried beaming wattage like a Thundaga to the chest, and even though it still made his heart skip a beat he could read in it what neither of them was saying: her hesitation playing across her face, the tense strain of her smile even as his own lips quirked back in response.
“Not a problem,” he said, aware that his voice was gruff and sounded irritated; maybe everyone would assume he was aggravated about the wine.
14. Coward Heart
[Final Fantasy X — Auron & Braska & JechtI — G, 3.6K]
The caves cast light back at them, fractured reflections and the rock's own native glow: the water was still and star-littered, pinpricks of light beneath a surface so motionless that Auron could barely tell where water ended and the pressing dark of the caverns began. All the light should have illumed the air, but the icy breath of the place seemed nearly solid, swallowing the light before it could reveal more than it hid. Auron had drawn his sword long ago, its rasp loud and echo-inhaled. Even the fiends glowed, here, great gelid flans with galaxies glittering inside them, dissolving into pyreflies like gentle novas.
Auron's gaze slid to Braska. In the gloaming, Braska's eyes seemed wide and white, his robes silver-edged black, all the careful distinctions of colour — red, for mourning; purple, for hope; blue, for seas and skies — lost in the half-light. Jecht was a suffocated flame beside him, the leaping fish on his sarong like the empty spaces between licks of fire as he shrugged off the wool-lined jacket Braska had finally convinced him to wear.
15. Disconnect
[Final Fantasy VIII / Kingdom Hearts — Maleficent & Squall — G, 3.7K]
He opens his eyes to the sight of water falling up. The spray coats his face, his clothes— he tries to sit up and make sure Lionheart is dry in its sheath and realizes that everything, everywhere, hurts.
He makes it to his feet, checks on Lionheart. The gunblade survived the trip, maybe in better shape than Squall had. He flexes his hands, staring at them. They still feel numb. (Did it hurt you like this? Your magic?) His spells are gone, eaten up by the trip from Traverse Town. He hadn't counted on this exhaustion. (Yeah, and Cid had said it was impossible and called me an idiot. Whatever.)
It doesn't matter. He heaves himself away from the rocks he'd been leaning on, and starts climbing.
Analysis, I guess?
Okay well the immediate thing I notice is that I used the word "interstice" twice in this set of titles and that's just mortifying.
Decent mix of fandoms! 14 fandoms counting crossovers, although 8 were Final Fantasy of some kind.
I counted 6 past tense intros (though one of those fics switches to present tense halfway through, which is 15K words past the opening lines), and 9 present tense ones. That's a 2:3 ratio of past to present, and I actually had never realized I wrote in present tense this much. In the grand scheme of fiction writing, past tense is heavily more common so I guess this sample puts me in the... minority? I find present tense more immediate. I rarely actively CONSIDER which tense to use, I just start writing in whatever FEELS right for the idea. The first story where I actively considered tense was "Acclimating", the most recent story on here. Whoops >.>
Also I don't tend to open with dialogue. For short fics (less than 10K) I tend to write mostly in order, and I find writing dialogue difficult, so I tend to kind of "settle in" with a story by writing description first, and only after I'm properly settled try some dialogue. There were only 4 stories with dialogue in the opening lines here, and only 2 that actually had dialogue as the first thing in the story.
Fewer em dashes than I expected, as I know I overuse those. But not, apparently, in the opening lines. I wait until the reader is settled in/committed before pulling that shit on them.
I seem to vary between starting in the middle of things vs. doing a bit of setup. I couldn't really pin numbers to this one, as it's a bit more nebulous. For example the very first sentence of "This Stolen Interstice" (that word again, shoot me now) is in medias res, but then I back up to a bit of scene-setting. So who even knows!
Anyway, this was a fun exercise!
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cipherpolfiles · 7 years
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Incoming extra-long Follower Appreciation and reply post!
I may need to start doing these biweekly (in this case, every two weeks), truth to be told. The amount of attention this blog is getting is a lot more than I had anticipated.
First of all, I want to welcome all the new followers. I also want to thank the people who have been following this blog for quite a while, some of you have even been here from the very beginning, for all their support.
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I’m going to take this chance to inform you that this blog has just reached the 252 followers (it’s 255 right now, but I don’t have the time to screencap it all over again). Never, not even in my wildest dreams, had I imagined I’d reach so many; in fact, I was expecting to reach 50 at the very most. Sadly, right now I have no time to host another raffle/giveaway to celebrate the 200 follower milestone, but once things have calmed down a bit and I’ve been able to finish all the prizes from the previous one, I’ll do some other thing for you, guys, maybe during summer.
On another note, those 5 drafts you see there include some essays/analyses: an analysis about Tamago, which is actually one of the prizes for the 100 follower milestone giveaway and I have permission from the person who requested it to wait until the current arc is done, so the analysis can be wrapped up properly. On Charlotte Pudding, about how Pudding was evil and lying throughout the entire arc - I was working on this when Oda unveiled the truth about her, so after that I just lost my drive to keep writing it and it’s kind of just sitting there -; an unnamed one about the giants we’ve seen so far and their connection to Norse culture and other sources - on which I’ve been working for quite a while before the entire prince Loki of Elbaf reveal, mind you -; Creating Impel Down, an essay on the (possible) sources used to create the great underwater prison and its dwellers and Family & Loyalty. Edward ’Whitebeard’ Newgate Vs. Charlotte ‘Big Mom’ Linlin, a comparison between Whitebeard’s and Big Mom’s differing views and postures regarding the concept of family.
Anyway, back to the subject at hand. My eternal gratitude goes not only to my followers, but to everyone who has followed this blog or liked and/or reblogged any of its contents, your sweet comments and tags make all the effort well worth it! You’re all incredible, guys!
Now, let’s give an answer to all the tags and comments you’ve left on my posts during this last month, shall we?
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post & this other one:
Please, read the screenshot below because I’m not going to discuss this subject again (I’ll answer all the tags/comments I’ve gotten for it so far, but I won’t answer any new ones nor I’m going to talk about this subject ever again). It’s what’s written at the bottom of the post in the first link and the second one leads to that “other post of mine” that’s mentioned below.
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I’m rather nonplused about the reception for this post, because people only seem to pay attention to those four dreadful words (Sanji has brown eyes) instead of the actual point of the post, which was the parallel/joke about Sanji being like Little Red Riding Hood. All that seemed to fly over nearly everyone’s heads despite it having two big images, a huge title and a sentence dedicated to it, plus a joking comment about just how gaudy the golden wristlets are.
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@huevodandy Preach! (this is technically from another post related to this one, but I want everyone to see this).
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@penumbrazxs​ That’s what we’ll all do, but you know, the manga purists are probably going to be bothering people over it, so better make it clear for everyone. We were talking about the manga cover on that post, so they’re brown. Manga = brown; anime = blue. Choose whatever you like most, people, just like with Law and Robin. I, myself, prefer them blue. Thanks for your input :)
@bee-kun I know, I know. I was surprised and confused as well.
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@writesailingdreams Truer words were never spoken. Skin and eye colour diversity is certainly a job Toei does better than Oda. Also, don’t worry about it; they were mostly people who meant well. The problem is that when you receive loads of the same thing one after the other, it gets annoying. I must confess I like blue-eyed Robin better; she seems, don’t know, more myterious, more... alluring somehow. Not that there’s anything wrong with brown eyes nor saying that they can’t look mysterious and/or alluring, because they can be as hypnotising/mesmerising as any other hue.
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@namibean Thanks for the reblog and your input. I must say I’d always pictured his eyes as blue, even before they started colouring them in the anime, so it was quite a shocker to see those brown eyes. Also, I laughed at the “cheese and rice” tag, I’d never heard that expression before. Thanks for teaching me something new, even if it wasn’t your intention :)
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@lucy-heartflawless Go check the coloured manga if you want; I left a link to the officially coloured manga at Kissmanga on the first post linked on the title of this particular section (if you’re interested but can’t find it, just drop me a line), but I must tell you that I already checked the Punk Hazard incident and Nami!Sanji’s (Sanji in Nami’s body) eyes are still brownish.
@imadeablogforchitchat, @mellorine91, @torosiken, @sanjilovesbest, @roomshxmbles, @niyaow, @katsunenpiece I seriously nearly cried when I saw you guys were some of the very few people who had reblogged this post but hadn’t focused your (non-generic) tags on the eye colour comment. Thank you. Also, yes, it’s Little Red Riding Hood in Wonderland with some touches of Cinderella and I believe there are high chances of the “Ugly Duckling” (also Sanji) becoming a swan (I’m having a really hard time fighting off my need to write down the so very terrible pun I have in mind concerning this “Ugly Duckling” thing and Sanji’s use of honorifics). Sanji is like the protagonist of every fairy tale ever written, to be honest.
@kurakurapika Yo no he dicho nada de que no me guste la capa. Simplemente me hace gracia que Sanji se ajuste a prácticamente todos los protagonistas de cuentos de hadas: La Cenicienta, Caperucita Roja y sospecho que, antes de que acabe la saga, también El Patito Feo. Lo de los ojos, lo he comprobado en el manga oficial a color como dice ahí arriba y son marrones.
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@nikotehfox I laughed at the nickname; I had come up with Little Red Riding Cook XD
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@dustail I was shocked as well, to say the least. How dare he take blue-eyed ginger dino-man away from us. Luckily, the regular manga is black and white and the anime has blue-eyed Drake, so we still get to see the Drakey we all love XD
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@sirenacalavera Bueno, para gustos están los colores :) Además, según mi incursión en el manga oficial a color, todos los Mugis tienen los ojos marrones (a excepción de Chopper, que no lo he mirado página a página por lo que no lo tengo claro y Brook, que ahora no tiene ojos y cuando los tenía los llevaba ocultos tras las gafas de sol a lo Lennon).
@theshittymarimo Yes, you’re right. I checked the official coloured manga and Sanji’s eyes are brown as well as the rest of the crew’s (exceptions being Chopper - I haven’t checked it page by page so not sure - and Brook - currently he has no eyes and before he always wore those shades of his -).
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post:
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@venomkid-64 That’s got to be one of the best descriptions of Oda I have seen XD
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@iprincezzinuyoukai I concur, but who’s Anne? I don’t recall any characters with that name, except for what Ace’s name was going to be had he been a girl...
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@gg-xx, @welcome-to-sanjis-shitty-kitchen, @eve-mura, @nicefandom, @katsunenpiece​ I know, right? Big Mom wasn’t even pissed at her, but at her twin Lola. Not saying it would have been ok to beat Chiffon had she done anything to piss Mama off, but you get what I mean. That said, I still find Big Mom’s character fascinating even though I hate her.
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@writesailingdreams, @dixxymouri​ I’m curious about those mixed feelings on Capone.
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@yeahnahmate Yes, please. They both need a long therapeutic chat about all the crap they’ve been through because of their respective families.
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post:
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@wordsdear I’m laughing way too hard at this. Something to do with a Drag Queen contest they celebrate during the carnival of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, here in Spain and how they are all presented with the ‘title’ Drag + Name (e.g. Drag Sethlas, the controversial winner of the contest this year).
@katuen, @nicefandom, @adelyslikeop, @katsunenpiece I’m glad to know you guys like the post, find it interesting, think they’re good points and/or that it helped you notice new details about the manga. Thanks for taking the time to leave little comments among the tags :)
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@jiofreed OMG, where do I even begin? I completely agree with you on the Sanji-Ichiji parallel; they seem to be similar yet opposites in many ways. Actually, I’m rather pissed at Sanji’s new backstory; I consider it mostly lazy writing what with the ‘magic‘ drug that only affects Sanji during a pregnancy of four and all. I don’t like the fact that he’s always been Saint Sanji and don’t get me wrong, because I absolutely LOVE Sanji, he’s easily one of the most humane characters in the entire series, that’s why I believe he deserved a less sci-fi, easy-way out bullshit backstory and a more realistic one, instead. The family dynamics and tension are great (not literally, but I hope you get what I mean), but the fact that Sanji is presented as white, pure, good whereas his brothers are completely black, immoral, evil just because of some nonsensical sci-fi crap explanation ruins it for me. I swear, if he pulls some “Sanji will awaken his genetically altered powers and the other three will suddenly be able to feel empathy and be good” crap, I’m going to murder someone. I would have rather had them all be different shades of grey; some leaning more towards a lighter shade and others towards a darker one. Either that or if he were still set on having ‘Saint Sanji’, Oda should have given Sora a separate pregnancy for him like he did with Reiju. Actually, Yonji seems to be the only one who is somewhat greyish to be honest. The way he acts when he’s with Ichiji and Niji is different from the way he acts when he’s with Reiju. Look who’s writing fanfiction now (I’ll probably lose a few followers because of it)  and I’m not even done but I’ll leave it here :)
@hanamatthiwone I completely agree with you; there’s something going on with the Vinsmokes. Something’s not adding up for the time being.
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@upyan I never said anything about his design? In fact, criticism towards the character’s design is nowhere to be found within my post. That said, I LOVE his design.
@detectivebiggs98, @sanjilovesbest I love that corrupt Big Bird and the fact that the news are managed by birds too. This guy is like a reverse Lord Varys, only he uses his ‘little birds’ to spread info rather than to gather intel.
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@chaosconleche No, no. Please, don’t apologise. Even if I do remember they’re called News Coo (I just wanted to write avian workforce to be honest), maybe some people didn’t. So thank you very much for your input.
@wordsdear I want Morgans to be yellow too or maybe white, but Oda will probably colour it hot pink or something like that.
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@jorrmungandr My thoughts exactly when I read the chapter. Word by word.
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@hanamatthiwone Add corrupt in there somewhere and you probably have a very accurate description of Morgans.
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@meiye OMG, that tag. I nearly died of laughter. You just won the most amusing tag of the month.
@katuen, @moonwave55 It is incredible and fantastic. Birds everywhere, indeed.
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@trash-with-pride  I like their designs as well. Also, fair maiden... You mean the who’s actually a procuress and has possibly dozens, hundreds, if not thousands of sex-slaves? Fair maiden, indeed. Bet Caesar contacted her to spend all of Big Mom’s money on women and wine.
@keropatch He’s more than likely “a piece of shit” like you so eloquently pointed out.
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@fossilfinding, @eleventhhourranger Evil Big Bird for the win! I’m already loving this guy.
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@overlord-flinx First of all, I don’t think you can compare the human-reindeer doctor of a small pirate crew to a corrupt bird who is literally in charge of spreading the news to the entire freaking world or half the world, at the very least. They’re certainly not on the same league influence-wise. Secondly, please show me where it says that’s the reason the Long Ring Long Land animals are so long. As far as I remember, and correct me if I’m wrong, Tonjit explained it was because they had a lot of space to grow longer and taller, not because it was boring. Lastly, it is well known that octopuses or octopodes are often cannibals, so Hachi making and selling takoyaki is not weird at all.
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@luffy-of-spades Wish it were true, but somehow I seriously doubt it.
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@wordsdear With what purpose exactly? I mean, how would that benefit either of them?
@katsunenpiece Not sure which one is the point you’re talking about, but thank you anyways :) Also, I’ve noticed you’ve become quite a regular on my posts as of late, which is good; it tells me I’m doing something right, so thank you for that as well.
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@dyeblow “Ah, yeah. Well, whenever you notice something like that, a wizard did it.” - Xena (Lucy Lawless) The Simpsons. Seriously now, it was probably Daz.
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@lunerblade1996 That’s one so very expensive umbrella then, even for the likes of Sir Crocodile XD
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@hanamatthiwone Well, even in colorspreads/covers/etc. we don’t really get to see the male characters’ eye colour because basically, until we met the Supernovae in Sabaody Arc, Oda didn’t even give them irises, I think (I can’t remember whether Enel had irises drawn as well or not).
@wordsdear That’s because Brook himself would have made a skull joke about it. Yohohohoho!
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@sagelynaive My thoughts exactly, nearly word for word too.
@wordsdear Nah, Luffy doesn’t have the patience nor the acting skills necessary to pose as the priest/minister/officiant.
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@firstmateandcaptain I’m glad you like the idea and Luffy would probably hollow it from the inside... Let’s face it, he would eat the whole damn thing XD
@katsunenpiece & @useless-chan I’d love to see it happen, to be honest. It was the most absurd thing that popped up in my mind while I was reading the chapter. Now I need this to be canon XD Thanks for your respective inputs!
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@huevodandy But wouldn’t that defeat the whole purpose? I mean, Capone wants Luffy to create a distraction so no one pays attention to what he’s doing. If Luffy comes out from within Capone in front of everyone, that would drag Bege himself into the spotlight too.
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@choconanime That’s what I’d like to know.
@katsunenpiece I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this.
@niyaow I’m sorry to hear that blasted option caused you trouble. Tumblr should really get rid of it.
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@torosiken Indeed, but not only the royal family, the clone soldiers are just as bad.
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@fridoline I agree, it’s so very fitting for Niji.
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@strawhatfamily Well, they’re all a bunch of douches, but they still make interesting characters. I’m loving the Vinsmokes so far. I think they’re good people? No. They’re intriguing nonetheless.
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@phonenix Thanks, I’m glad you liked it!
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(Well, this is technically from my last Follower Appreciation post (February 28 - March 1), but since there’s a comment referencing this post I’m going to include it here)
@malfunctioningkitten Thanks a lot for the follow! I’m glad you like the blog.
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post & this other one:
@detectivebiggs98, @niyaow, @katsunenpiece Turns out I was right about him being CC, after all. Also, thank you all for being regulars on my posts. It makes me happy to see I’m at least doing something right when people come back as often as you guys do.
@whatinthechickenballs It got even more interesting now, but yeah, I’m loving the whole Bege/Big Mom = Al Capone/Big Jim thing. Oda even included the poison bullets the real Capone had!
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@huevodandy Looks like CC’s Alola form is called Gastino XD
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@bluegrasscountry Well... Someone should inform Trafalgar Law about the fact that he can’t be the crew’s captain and doctor at the same time, if that’s the case.
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@niyaow Thanks a bunch for the info!
@writesailingdreams I was confused about this as well.
Response to all those who went on a faving spree &/or reblogged something from the One Piece Icon Project:
@greenleavesgreentea, @livinforluffy Thanks for the rebbloging spree and I’m glad you liked my icons enough to reblog them.
@askcp9kaku Thanks a bunch for the faving bout. I’m always glad to see people like the things I do :)
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@askrosetto Thank you so much for the kind words and the faving spree. I really appreciate it and yes, it’s a conspiracy, I’m telling you. I didn’t even notice it looked like a chicken until I was getting the post ready to upload.
@askthelongnosedsniper Thanks for the reblog on the Usopp icon!
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@huevodandy You’re more than welcome, my friend. Now, should I create a Pekoms to go with it? *ponders*
Response to the people who left comments and/or faved this post:
I’m sorry I’m getting back to you guys with this so late OTL
@niyaow Thank you so much!
@jiofreed ¡Muchas gracias! Por cierto, si te sientes más cómoda, puedes hablarme en español, no me importa.
Big thanks to @nicefandom, @huevodandy, @andrewtheamericandude, @lovablestories (aka writesailingdreams), @mad-phlegmatic & @nerentina.
Aaaaaand I think I’m done. God, that was some monster post right there!
As usual, if I forgot anyone it’s more than likely because I didn’t receive a notification about it.
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santoryuuonigiri · 8 years
Eleven Questions
i was tagged by @punkhazardous thank you!!
RULES: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you. 
1. What are your mornings currently like?
i woke up at seven or eight every weekday and have breakfast then go to school.So it’s a bit tiring for me.
2. What’s your favourite thing about your main/favourite fandom?
Well my favourite thing probably would be having lots of people in this fandom. There are great artists, great graphics, great opinions and headcanons. I think i like the creativity of one piece fandom.
3. What’s your least favourite?
The people who refuses to see one piece’s flaws. I mean i love one piece so much, it has taken over my life but even i am aware that one piece has flaws such as transphobia, homophobia, type of woman body etc.
4. How are you feeling right now?
Tired but good.
5. What’s your favourite season?
Definitely winter.
6. Thoughts on hot chocolate?
well i bought like 15 packets of them yesterday so... i love it 
7. You have the power to eliminate one food from existence. What do you choose?
8. What’s your favourite animal?
9. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go first?
10. What was your first tumblr fandom?
Well, i used to have a blog about the tv series but the first fandom i felt like in a fandom is probably one piece fandom.
11. What was your first tumblr url?
something like eeeaagleee?? i can’t  remember it correctly because it’s been so long.
1.What is your favourite song?
2.How long have you been on tumblr?
3.How many fandoms are you in?
4. What is your favourite food?
5.What is your dream job?
6.What was the name of the last book you have read?
7.What is your favourite movie of all time?
8.How would you describe yourself in three words?
9.What is your zodiac sign?
10.What color is your hair?
11.What is your favourite thing about yourself?
aand i tag @nicefandom @aizoro @borntofindtheonepiece @wordsdear @sleepy-zoro @johnny-tries-to-draw @bartochicken @mercyonfire @all--blue @ii-luffy-ii @erushiii
btw i forgot to say feel free to not answer.
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sniperofmyheart · 7 years
1, and the entirety of karasuno in one closet haha
Here goes nothing this got a little long and this is my first time trying to write a Haikyuu!! fic so I apologize in advance
“I know you’re afraid but we can’t hide in this closet forever.” Daichi looked around at the fearful huddle, it was hard to tell where everyone was since the light switch was outside the closet, something they hadn’t factored into their plan when they had stampeded in.  The storage closet was wall-to-wall teenagers, give or take a few adults. His captive audience seemed intent on studying their shoelaces or the ceiling panels.
Hinata piped up from his position on the floor, breaking the silence, his back leaning against the ball bin
“Are you sure we can’t stay here forever? I have two whole energy bars.”
“I have a banana.” this came from the right side of the ball bin, Daichi took a deep breath
“Tanaka, why do you have a banana”
“They are nutritious” Tanaka said through a mouthful of banana. Noya slapped it out of his hands, the noise echoing through the closet
“Rationing Ryu! Remember in that movie we watched last night? Half the people starved to death before the zombies even got to them. Booooring. We gotta ration that shit”
Somewhere closer to the door Yachi squealed
“Zombies?!?!?!?  Nobody told me there would be zombies! What are zombies weak to, garlic? Wait no, that’s vampires. Brains! I don’t want a zombie to eat my brain! I just finished studying for my English exam. I need it. Is that all high school is, filling your brains for zombies?”
He heard a light tap and he really hoped that was Kiyoko reassuring the poor girl with a friendly pat and not a slap to her senses.
Beside him Suga let out a sigh
“There aren’t any zombies. Only an angry Vice Principal”
“Why am I here?” Tsukishima asked the ceiling
“Hinata knocked the toupee off the Vice Principal again and-“
“Shut up Yamaguchi”
“Sorry Tsukki”
“I mean why am I here. I didn’t knock it off. I am an innocent bystander”
“Tsukki, you did put the wig on a volleyball and say it looked just like him”
Tsukishima snorted, “You gotta admit it was pretty funny”
A soft moaning was coming from the ball bin “I was so close to graduating too. Now I really am going to be the creepy guy who never graduated from high school”
“Get out of the ball bin Asahi.” snapped Daichi
“But it was my spike that bounced off Hinata. I’m going to be in high school till I am 30 for sure”
“It was fun being your coach while it lasted kids”
“Ukai don’t say things like that, you’ll scare the children. Don’t worry team; everything is going to be fine. No one else saw and as long as I get on my knees and apologize, I’m sure it will be fine. We don’t need this-” Takeda-Sensei gestured at the mop that was inserted through the door handles “If I just go out and explain-”
“We are way past that Sensei” Tanaka stared morosely at his phone, its light illuminated his face as if he was about to tell the mother of all horror story
The rest of the team stared at him
“You know how I was recording the serve practice on my phone so we could play it back?”
“Yeah? Wait don’t tell me. Please tell me you just deleted it”
‘So after…you know what happened, I texted my sister, ’cause  you know she graduated a few years ago but this one time the vice dean almost suspended her so she wanted to see the video and I tried sending it to her and” Tanaka was breathing fast the words pouring out faster and faster, maybe not letting him keep the banana had been a bad idea
“Let me guess, she post it online or something?” Tsukishima was ever the optimist as always
“No way, Big Sis would never do that” Noya called out jumping to his feet ready to defend Saeko’s honour
Tanaka waved his hands urgently “No no, nothing like that. Well, kind of like that. My sister didn’t do anything….I did”
“I accidently set it as a story on Facebook so everyone could see it. I meant to just send it to her but I guess my finger slipped and I pressed something else as well. I deleted it as soon as I realized but by then a few minutes had passed ’cause we were busy you know…. hiding and a few people had already seen it by the time I got to it”
For a moment the only sound in the closet was the soft snoring coming from somewhere near the ball bin.
Hinata jumped up
“Well I guess this is my new home. Look, Kageyama is already asleep he has accepted his fate. I guess I’ll just live here for the rest of my life. The phantom of the Karasuno gym. Or there are sixteen of us, what do you call a group of phantoms?”
“Phantoms right, thanks Tsukishima. Do you think we can get from this closet to Nationals without anyone noticing? Maybe we could have secret games in here! Look we even have a net!” Hinata pointed excitedly at the folded up net that was leaning against the wall. Ennoshita ,who along with Kinoshita and Narita had made their home underneath it, glared at him
“Hinata please, this closet is tiny we can’t play volleyball in here”
“Volleyball?” Kageyama woke up with a jolt rubbing drool from his mouth
“No, we are not playing volleyball right now. We are hiding, god damn it! Which means we need to be quiet!! ”Daichi yelled and immediately slapped his hand over his own mouth. Outside they heard footsteps
“Sir, expelling the whole team might be a bit much”
“They stole my wi-hair piece”
Tsukishima gulped as even without light the rest of the team turned to look at him
“It was an accident. I had the thing on the ball and someone said to run so I just kind of carried it out with me”
“Hinata’s ‘live in the closet’ plan is starting to look pretty feasible.” Ennoshita groaned
“We even have two whole buckets. This one can be number one and this one can be number two” Noya held the two buckets up sporting a grin that illuminated the dim room
Kiyoko stood up “I am not doing my business in a bucket”
Kiyoko said business!” Tanaka and Noya wailed
Kiyoko marched over to the door nodding to Takeda-Sensei as she set her hands on the mop
“Wait Kiyoko, don’t do anything rash!” Daichi moved in front of the door and Kiyoko took her hands off the mop
Daichi continued, “I am sure if we all work together, we can think of something that doesn’t involve pissing in buckets”
“and shitting” Noya added helpfully
“or getting expelled” ignoring Noya Daichi turned hopefully to Suga
“So what is the plan?”
“Tsukishima pass me that”
Wordlessly Tsukishima passed the hairpiece forwards
In the blink of an eye Suga had the door open and with all his strength threw the offending hair piece out of the closet, where it landed on the opposite side of the gym with a splat. Suga slammed the door, placing the mop back in the locking position
“How does that help?” Daichi wondered aloud
Suga grinned at him
“I panicked”
“Okay, let me out guys and I’ll pull the fire alarm. I’ll take the fall” Tanaka stood up and began to make his way to the door only to slow as he noticed his left leg seemed to have a growth on it
The orange growth cried out “Tanaka-senpai you can’t!”
“Do you have a better plan Hinata?”
“What if we hit him with the ball again and make him forget he got hit?”
Takeda groaned clutching his nose, he could feel a headache coming on “I don’t think further assaulting the Vice Principal further is going to help. Concussions don’t work like that”
“So what do you suggest Sensei?” all focus was on him, his time to shine
“The Vice Principal most likely doesn’t know about the video making it online. If we all beg for forgiveness and just not make any outlandish requests for awhile we might make it out okay”
“Nationals is coming up we can’t afford to get distracted. Everyone be on their best behaviour for the next few weeks and maybe this will all blow over” Ukai added
A jolt of inspiration hit Takeda-Sensei “We could all chip in to buy him a new wig, I mean hair piece.”
“Aren’t those really expensive” Hinata asked from his position still clutching Tanaka’s leg
“We have a little bit of surplus right now thanks to Yachi’s donation campaign and we don’t have any practice matches lined up ’cause Nationals is so soon. Subtracting the bus to and from nationals we might be able to manage it. It means no year end party though, no matter what happens at Nationals”
“That’s it, I am pulling the fire alarm” Tanaka tried to move again but Daichi held out a hand to stop him
“If we go down, we go down as a team” and with that Daichi pulled the mop from the door and opened the door. Light streamed in momentarily blinding them
“Here goes nothing”
Karasuno marched forth, to their doom or a brighter future, only wig time will tell which.
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sniperofmyheart · 7 years
I just had the silliest Zosopp idea ever, so when everyone was sad that Vivi didn’t join the crew Zoro was like if you wanted her to join so bad you should of forced her/kidnapped her” and everyone is like Zoro you barbarian. But like imagine if when Usopp was joining the crew when at first he was like I am just going to sail along and meet up with you guys as pirates if Zoro had been like lol no and just picked him up and carried him on board. And like slung Usopp over his shoulder and maybe slapped his ass
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sniperofmyheart · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Piece Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Monkey D. Luffy/Usopp Characters: Usopp (One Piece) Summary:
Usopp's night alone on the Merry after the Usopp/Luffy fight. Based on the head canon that Usopp has sleep issues and cuddling with Luffy helps him sleep
For @novicecomcis
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sniperofmyheart · 7 years
Chapters: 4/5 Fandom: One Piece Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Franky (One Piece), Monkey D. Luffy, Sanji (One Piece), Roronoa Zoro, Nami (One Piece), Tony Tony Chopper, Original Male Character Summary: The Straw Hats start to make their move. Franky does not practice proper submarine safety protocol and may violate the laws of physics in the process. Chopper is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
Thanks to @peppernine for reading it over!!
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sniperofmyheart · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Piece Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates, Usopp (One Piece), Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Sanji (One Piece), Nami (One Piece), Tony Tony Chopper, Franky (One Piece), Nico Robin, Brook (One Piece), Jinbei (One Piece) Additional Tags: this is the most self indulgent thing i have ever written, there is a little bit of angst in this but I promise it is fluff in the purest sense Summary:
The crew reach Raftel. The only thing standing in their way is a simple door but things quickly go haywire
Thank you @peppernine for reading it over!
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sniperofmyheart · 7 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: One Piece Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Monkey D. Luffy/Usopp, Portgas D. Ace/Usopp, if you squint Characters: Roronoa Zoro, Tony Tony Chopper, Monkey D. Luffy, Usopp (One Piece), Portgas D. Ace, Blackleg Sanji, Sabo (One Piece), Franky (One Piece) Summary:
Spoilers for Dressrosa. A certain other brother appears and finds the name God Usopp awfully familiar.
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sniperofmyheart · 7 years
Fan fics idea. Requests the crew want for the Sunny and the stories behind the. Sanji wants a drain in the floor of the kitchen cause of that one time Usopp flooded it when he left the sink running while doing the dishes cause he got distracted by an enemy attack/tag. every single crew member requests a workshop on the deck as like an afterthought with no clear explanation or they scratch it out and write it again
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sniperofmyheart · 7 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: One Piece Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Characters: Monkey D. Luffy, Blackleg Sanji, Roronoa Zoro, Nami (One Piece), Brook (One Piece), Nico Robin, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Franky (One Piece), Tony Tony Chopper, Jinbei (One Piece), jinbe is only mentioned though really, Usopp (One Piece), sir not appearing in this fic besides being talked about Summary:
The Strawhats arrive in Wano, but their welcoming committee isn't thrilled to see them, and someone is missing. Spoilers for Whole Cake Island.
And again maaassivveee thanks to @novicecomcis for reading it over!
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