#works by charmingkuroo <3
sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
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synopsis: michael afton had never been one for romantic emotions. but a new classmate in school shows him otherwise. since he’s new at this kind of thing, he tends to try to fluster her whenever he can. how unfortunate that she catches him bullying his brother in the park one day
characters featured: y/n-chan! michael, c.c, and michael’s shitty friends
warnings/things to know: female!reader. angst. fluff. reader is sort of like the caring mom friend.
part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4
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Your mother had thought this was a good idea at first. After all, once two parents divorce, it’s common for one of them to decide to move to a whole new location. You just didn’t expect her to take you with her. Stupid court. You badly wanted to stay with your father instead. Oh well. The most you can do is try to enjoy the new area.
School was.. tolerable. Sure, that’s the word. You could remember everybody in the halls staring at you. It was a small town, so it wasn’t common for them to get a new student in the middle of the semester even.
“Good morning class, we have a new student today. Please welcome y/n l/n. I expect you all to be kind and respectful towards her.”
Your eyes trailed over your fellow classmates. But they only stopped on one person. He was unsurprisingly staring back at you. But the way his eyes looked at you was indeed surprising. He was wearing some fox mask. That intrigued you. You wondered why he chose to wear a fox mask of all things. And.. did it have an eyepatch on it? You gave a small chuckle that no one seemed to catch but the boy. His cheeks heated up before turning away. Your laughter was so pretty. Something he had never heard before, not even from his mother or sister.
“You can take a seat next to Michael. Michael, raise your hand.” The teacher smiled at you.
You turned your head to meet the boy’s eyes again but he looked annoyed this time. He popped his pink bubblegum before lazily lifting his hand.
“Michael! No gum in class, this is the 6th time I’ve had to tell you this morning.” The teacher’s voice tuned out as you walked towards the empty desk next to ‘Micheal.’
“And this is the 6th time I’ve had to tell you this morning that I don’t care.” Laughter erupted in the room.
You set your backpack down and turned towards Michael again. His eyes met yours before he panicked and winked at you. Your face heated up and you turned towards the teacher again. This boy was going to be the death of you.
“Alright class. Today is short day and we get out at 12:15pm, in case you don’t remember. Since it’s 1-6 periods today and we only have 35 minutes of class, I’m going to put up a video about the industrial revolution. I don’t expect notes but I hope you pay attention.”
He turned the lights off and a video went on the board from the projector. Whispered voices went around the room in small conversations as the teacher turned in his chair and pulled his phone out.
Michael turned towards you and tapped your shoulder lightly. You turned and lifted an eyebrow subtly.
“Hey, I’m Michael Afton. It’s nice to meet such a beautiful woman.” He pulled out a paper rose and handed it to you.
Your eyes widened. The class had just started and he already made a paper rose?! Or did he have it in case he met someone he wanted to give it to? You slowly took the rose and Michael noticed your distress.
“Oh, I made it in art class this morning. It was an assignment to make something creative out of paper. I got an A.”
You chuckled and nodded before holding the flower close to your chest. No one had ever given you a gift after just meeting. You brought a hand over to him with a small smile.
“I’m y/n l/n. It’s nice to meet you as well, Afton.”
His heart almost jumped out of his chest. Did you just..? Michael hardly liked his last name, considering it reminded him of who his father was. But hearing you say it, made him suddenly like it.
• • •
From that day, Michael knew he wanted to win your heart. He had never been good at this kind of thing so obviously, he was a little stuck on how he should get you to like him back. He didn’t exactly have a father who could help or a father at home who cared and he was too shy to ask his mom for help. So could you really blame him for trying to win your heart though watching romantic animes?
“Good morning, darling.” His smile pointed at you as you shut your locker.
Now flustered, you gave him a small wave as a greeting before he casually caught it in his hand and gave your knuckles a sweet kiss.
“M-Michael!” You freaked out.
This was new, Michael usually just called you darling. He never kissed your knuckles so lovingly before. Last night his father had taken his siblings to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaria to fix an animatronic. Which meant Michael had the tv to himself. Which also meant: romantic anime watching for new ideas to win your adoring heart.
“You look beautiful today, I love your outfit. It’s inspired by Wendy from South Park, right?” He chuckled.
Your cheeks heated up but you gave him a chuckle in return.
“Was it that obvious? I was trying to be subtle. No one else had noticed.”
“Yea cause it’s stupid.” A voice behind Michael laughed as an insult.
Your smile flattered and Michael growled angrily before turning around.
“Don’t talk to her like that, Jack. She looks fucking gorgeous.” Michael menacingly glared.
Jack chuckled once more before flicking the brete on your head off.
“Oops.” He whispered with a smirk.
You sighed and picked it back up. Your eyes landed on Jack when you got back up.
You flicked the Freddy mask off of his own head, “Oops.” You whispered back before waking away.
“Whoa, feisty. You really know how to pick them, huh Mike.” Jeremy, Michael’s other friend, laughed at your action.
Michael scoffed before tripping Jack on the floor and running after you.
You turned at hearing Michael’s footsteps behind you. He gave you a frown before pulling out a paper rose that he meant to give you earlier.
“I’m sorry about my stupid friends, my love.”
You smiled softly and accepted the rose before leaning in and kissing his cheek. His face immediately turned red.
“Get some new friends, honey. You deserve better.”
• • •
“Remember to come home early today. Your new telescope arrived today.” Your mother’s voice reminded you through the phone as you walked through the park.
“Yes, mother. I’ll be home early.” You rolled your eyes.
If it seemed like you were ungrateful to your mother, your mother honestly deserved it. The reason your parents divorced was because she had cheated on your father. And the new telescope that she mentioned? Your father sent it over as a gift since there would be a pretty star show tonight. You hung up the phone before walking towards the end of the park again with your bag full of new cosplay ideas for South Park.
“Please, just leave me alone!” A child’s voice distracted you.
Your head shot up. The yelling/begging continued. You quickly turned to it’s direction. If a child was being hurt, you were definitely going to do something about it. The child’s voice got louder the closer that you got. Finally, you caught sight of a small child cowering on the grass with four older boys towering over him.
“GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM!” You yelled out without thinking.
You quickly ran to the child and bent down, checking the sweet child’s face.
“You’ll be okay, honey. Can you calm down for me?” You held his crying face in your hands, trying o reassure him.
He slowly nodded and attached himself to your body, hugging you tightly as if you were his mother. You kissed the small boy’s forehead and looked up to meet those beautiful blue eyes that usually fill your heart with such warmth.
“Michael?!” Your eyes widened.
He turned to the side with hatred in his eyes. Was he.. bullying a literal child?
“Y-You know my big brother?” The little boy asked.
Now that definitely angered you even more.
“What the fuck is wrong with you.” Your voice was filled with such venom, Michael had never hear you speak such a way to anyone before.
“This is your little brother? And you were hurting him?!” You yelled out, lifting yourself and the boy in your arms up.
“You wouldn’t understand.” Michael whispered, not wanting to meet your eyes.
You scoffed, “You’re right, I wouldn’t understand.”
“I.. I hope this doesn’t affect the way that you see me.” Michael whispered even quieter, a tear on his waterline threatening to fall.
He was used to someone yelling at him. Hell, it happened every single time that he was at home. but having you yell at him for his actions.. hurt even more than his father’s insults ever will.
Your glare filled with more hatred.
“I can’t believe I fell in love with someone like you.” You whispered.
“I would never date a bully.”
His tears fell the moment he heard your words.
Your footsteps began to softly fade away, the small boy still being carried in your arms.
• • •
“Kind lady, where are we going?” The boy asked.
“I was actually on my way to go get ice cream before I found you,” you booped his nose, “do you wanna join me?”
He giggled at your booping action and lifted his arms up excitedly, “Yea! Let’s get ice cream.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your name, honey?” You asked, setting the boy down as he grabbed a hold of your hand to hold.
The boy frowned before looking down at the concrete floor, “Dad calls me C.C, so does my sister. Michael just calls me crybaby.”
You gritted your teeth hearing that Michael called him crybaby, “Does C.C stand for something?”
C.C slowly nodded his head,
“It stands for.. Crying Child.”
Your eyes widened upon hearing his response. You didn’t expect that as his answer. You thought maybe it was a cool short nickname to represent his first name and his middle name. You frowned and gave his hand a tight squeeze.
“How about we give you a name? Would you like that?” You asked him as you neared the ice cream parlor.
C.C turned towards you with curious eyes. Nobody had decided to give him an actual name. He assumed C.C was as good as it was going to get for him.
“You can name me. I don’t mind.. uh?”
“Y/n.” You smiled.
“I would love to be given a name by you, y/n.” He gave a toothy smile.
“Well then, let’s see.” You whispered to yourself as you thought of a good first name for a boy.
“How about... Evan?”
“Evan?” C.C gave a curious expression.
“It’s a really nice name. You look like an Evan as well.”
“Evan Afton,” He thought to himself, “Alright then! Evan it is.”
“Oh! There’s the ice cream shop! Come on, y/n! Before the line gets too big.” He excitedly pulled your arm behind him as he ran towards the shop.
You giggled, happily running after him.
“Right behind you,
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
Everything back but you is so good!! Are you planning on making a part 2?? If not that’s perfectly fine, I was just curious but I absolutely loved it!!
The Reason I Smile
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Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Genre: fluff, a bit of angst between Bakugou and the reader
warnings/things to know: non-binary!reader. supportive&protective!shoto. cheater!bakugou. shoto is the reader’s cousin.
inspired by: smile by avril lavigne & miss independent by ne-yo
Pt.2 of “Everything Back But You: Bakugou x Reader”
(a/n): I wasn’t planning on making a part two actually, this was mostly made for @johnnysactualgf :) but it was also made because of how cute the idea sounded of y/n ending up with Izuku. Honestly, this was pretty horrible now that I reread it but I’m working on something so I’m so sorry T-T
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“AND TEAM Y/N/IZUKU FOR THE WIN!” They yelled as Midoriya ran into the dormitory, y/n on his shoulders.
“Damn it,” Momo sighed, “It’s fine. We’ll get them next time, honey.” She smiled softly at Todoroki.
His cheeks turned a light pink and he turned his head, “Y-Yea, next time.”
Both Momo and Y/n jumped off of both Midoriya and Todoroki’s shoulders, colliding into each other.
“Pfft- sorry, Momo. It was nice going to the movies with you guys. Thanks for the invitation.” Y/n smiled.
Momo gave a little smirk, “No problem. Shoto and I should be turning in,” she pulled a little on Todoroki’s shirt, signaling to leave them alone for a while.
“I don’t mind staying out here. Y/n needs my company.” He wrapped his arms protectively around his cousin.
Momo glared and quickly grabbed her boyfriend’s arms, “Midoriya is here. They have enough protection.”
She began dragging him away towards the dorms.
“Y/N, BE CAREFUL!” Todoroki yelled as he and Momo rounded near the corner.
Y/n chuckled before setting themselves down on the couch. They pat the seat next to them while looking at Midoriya.
“Come on, honey. The night’s still young.” They reassured him.
He smiled softly before walking over and taking a seat next to them. Y/n sighed before laying into Midoriya’s side.
“It’s been a long day, hasn’t it.” They whispered.
Midoriya lifted his arm and wrapped it around y/n’s shoulder, “It has.”
“You have a nice smile,” y/n gave a small chuckle before getting comfortable.
Midoriya smiled once more before humming, “It’s been a while since everything has felt this right.”
Y/n chuckled before their eyes slowly started to close, “Thank you, Izuku. You’re wonderful.”
Midoriya began to get tired too, cuddling into y/n while wrapping both of his arms around them.
“I’m so proud of you, y/n,” Midoriya whispered, “So independent… that’s why I love you.”
His eyes finally closed and the two began to sleep in each other’s arms, exhausted of the whole day.
Momo peaked out from the corner, cooing at how cute they were. She quickly tiptoed over and put a blue blanket over them, Todoroki following behind her with crossed arms and a glare.
“I don’t like this.” He whispered.
Momo looked over at him and smacked his arm.
“Hey!” Todoroki complained.
“Y/n’s happy. And Midoriya seems to actually care about them. Can’t you at least be supportive of them? It feels like just yesterday that Bakugou broke their heart when it was literally two months ago.” Momo put her hand on her hip like a mother disappointed in her kid for their bad behavior.
Todoroki sighed before looking over at y/n’s sleeping figure, “I know. Of course I’m happy for them. It’s just the fear of Midoriya maybe hurting them like Bakugou did.”
Momo sighed before coming over and wrapping her arms around her boyfriend, “I know, baby. It’s normal for you to be overprotective. But y/n can handle themselves. Remember how they handled Bakugou and Uraraka? They’re much stronger with their self esteem than you think.”
Todoroki smiled before kissing her cheek. He ruffled her cute black hair as she smiled at him.
“Let’s head to bed, my love.” Todoroki sighed.
“Oh wait!” She pulled her phone out and took a picture.
“Now we can head to bed.” She had a happy expression on her beautiful face as she grabbed Todoroki’s hand and dragged him towards the dorms.
• • •
“Morning everybody.” Momo yawned as she walked into the living room the next morning.
“Shh!” Mina shushed her.
“What’s going on?” Todoroki asked trailing behind Momo as he wrapped his arms around her.
“Midoriya and Y/n are cuddling! And considering there’s a blanket on them, it means they slept here together.” Jirou smirked, clearly proud of her best friend moving on.
The door to the building opened and in came Bakugou with a hatred expression. The room went quiet and Momo quickly turned along with Todoroki, wondering how he would react towards the scene.
Bakugou stopped in his tracks when he saw y/n laying in.. Midoriya’s arms?
“What the hell?” He whispered angrily.
A cute yawn was heard and everyone turned towards the couple on the couch. Y/n was getting up from Midoriya’s arms and stretched their body before looking at everyone else in the room.
“Good.. morning?” They whispered softly as to not wake up Midoriya.
“We need an explanation, young lady!” Jirou exclaimed towards y/n with an excited look.
“Yea,” Bakugou chimed in, y/n turned towards him with an annoyed expression, “You two a thing now?”
“That’s not-”
Midoriya sat up and rubbed his eyes before yawning, he turned towards the scene with a cute smile, “Morning everyone!”
“Morning y/n.” He wrapped his arms around them, hugging them softly.
“Morning sleepy head.” Y/n chuckled, holding onto Midoriya’s arms.
“So what are you two? Are you dating now?” Mina excitedly asked.
Both of y/n and Midoriya’s cheeks heated up. They let go of each other before looking away. Midoriya nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
“Friends. They’re friends. Don’t force anything and all of you go get ready. We have a field trip this morning, why’d you all forget?” Aizawa chimed in with an annoyed sigh.
“Oh, right! Come on, honey.” Momo exclaimed pulling Todoroki with her.
Once everyone had left the room, the two sighed with relief and looked over at Aizawa.
“Thank you so much, Mr. Aizawa.” Y/n smiled.
“Don’t thank me and go get ready, kid. I was being serious. It’s 7:15am, field trip starts at 8:00am.” He began to walk out of the dorms with a small smile.
“Damn it, he’s right.”
“Hurry before we’re late, Izuku!” Y/n quickly got up, pulling him with them.
• • •
Their field trip was a small relaxing one to the zoo. Aizawa thought that a fun field trip would do them some good since they’ve been working hard. When they arrived, Aizawa let them know that they could split off into groups and gave an exact time of when they had to be back.
When it was almost time to go back home, Y/n and Midoriya walked with each other over to their last exhibit, smiling happily at how cool the animals were. In the corner of a building, Momo and Todoroki stayed hidden with Momo having a smirk on her face and Todoroki had an angry expression.
“Operation first kiss at the zoo for y/n and Midoriya before we leave the damn zoo is now starting.” Momo spoke into a walkie talkie.
Todoroki raised an eyebrow, “Yea, next time let me pick the mission name.”
Momo rolled her eyes playfully, “Todomomo are near the sharks. We’ll ascend soon, get into places.”
“What are you talking about? There aren’t any sharks here. I didn’t see any.”
“Shoto! They’re code names! The sharks are y/n and Midoriya because of how strong they are. Now shush and follow me.” She grabbed onto his wrist and slowly walked to another building.
“Today was great. I haven’t been to the zoo since I was a little kid.” Midoriya looked around with a happy expression.
“Me neither. I forgot how much I loved the zoo.” Y/n smiled as well.
Midoriya blushed a light red before slowly moving his hand down, trying to make an attempt to hold theirs. Finally, he grabbed a hold of their hand and softly rubbed their knuckles.
“Stay near, okay? Wouldn’t want anyone to mistake you for an adorable animal and lock you up.” Midoriya chuckled nervously.
“W-Wait!! That’s not what I meant! I’m not calling you an animal, I just!” He quickly panicked when he realized his words.
Y/n chuckled and gave a nice smile, “Smooth, Romeo.” They gave his hand a squeeze before looking back over at the exhibit.
Momo squealed and happily spoke into her walkie talkie again, “Guys! Great news, Midoriya made a move and is now holding y/n’s hand. I repeat, OUR MIDORIYA HAS CONFIDENCE!”
Squeals could be heard on the other end of the walkie talkie. Momo pretended to shed a tear with a overexcited expression. Todoroki grumbled angrily at the scene before moving a step forward. Momo quickly noticed and jumped onto his back, trying to stop him from ruining the scene.
“Honey, honey please. I’ll make you cold soba tonight. Don’t ruin it!” She begged him.
He sighed and nodded softly, accepting the brutal defeat of delicious cold soba and his gorgeous girlfriend. Momo looked over at the scene once more of y/n and Midoriya before sighing lovingly.
“Those two really were made for each other, huh.”
Midoriya turn to look at them again, blushing at how adorable y/n truly was. Eventually, they noticed the staring and turned towards Midoriya with a confused expression.
“Is something wrong?” They asked, touching their face softly.
He nodded before slowly starting to lean in. Y/n’s eyes widened when they noticed what he was doing. Finally, he kissed them softly.
“He didn’t even need our help,” Momo proudly stated, “I’m so proud of him.”
“I’m gonna kill him when we get back!” Todoroki exclaimed with his arms crossed.
Momo sighed and took a hold of her boyfriend’s hand, “Come on, you overprotective cutie. It’s almost time to head home. Let’s go to the gift shop so I can buy you a cute stuffed panda.”
Todoroki defeatedly sighed as the two started walking away, “That would be nice.”
Midoriya and y/n pulled away with blushing cheeks, both wishing they had the courage to lean back in for another kiss.
“Y/n. I’ve always had feelings for you.” Midoriya stated, looking away as his cheeks heated up once again.
“Please.. allow me to have the opportunity to love you like no one else ever has.” He finally said.
Y/n’s cheeks heated up once more. They softly nodded as they set their hand on his cheek, “Looks like I’ve won the heart of our future number one pro hero.” They chuckled.
Bakugou stared with wide eyes, hoping what he heard and saw wasn’t true. But he watched as the two leaned in for another kiss. Maybe had he not done what he did
He’d be the one making y/n happy right now.
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
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synopsis: in which a beautiful kitten has been trapped in a single home for a long time. And she’s finally realized there’s no escape
genre: angst
warnings/things to know: female!reader, isolation, yandere kuroo au, kidnapping, panic attacks, threats
inspired by the movie: Do Not Reply
word count: 1025
a/n: this is my entry for @atzuums ‘s wonderful 1k collab event! Congrats honey <3
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One brush...
Two brush...
Three brush...
He smiled at the mirror, staring into those beautiful (e/c) eyes that he claimed to love so much. You gave him your practiced smile back. His eyes light up and he began brushing your hair again.
“How was your day, honey?” He finally asked you.
You hesitated, stopping your shaking legs from moving again.
“It was very productive, Tetsurou. According to the schedule you gave me for this week, I was allowed to have an hour of garden walking today.” You explained.
It took some time but finally, you had gotten used to easily talk to him without seeming scared. You promised yourself you would never show him fear ever again. Not after last time..
“How lovely, kitten. Did you have fun?” He finally put the brush down and grabbed some hair cream, spreading it over his hands.
“... I did.”
“Did anybody see you?”
“No Tetsurou. I made sure to stay hidden when a neighbor came out of their backyard.”
Kuroo gave a small smile before rubbing the hair cream smoothly on your head, making sure your hair stayed healthy looking.
“Good girl, kitten. Did you do anything else today?”
“I did not. After my hour of garden walking, I went back inside the house and made a bit of salad for dinner.”
He stopped. His eyes seemed to scan over your features.
Was he.. checking for any lies again?
Your heart began to beat faster. Kuroo only did this when he suspected you of lying. He would go to any length just to make sure his kitten would never leave his side. You wondered when your tears had given up. Was it after the first month of being isolated there? Or was it the first year? How.. how long has it been?
Your eyes dropped for a second before coming back up to meet Kuroo’s frightening stare. His eyes looked so angry yet his expression remained calm. You could never feel comfortable around him, no matter how long it’s been.
“My sweet kitten, don’t you love me?” The word seemed to slip off of his tongue so easily, as if he really thought you would love him by now.
“Of course I do, Tetsurou. What makes you think that I don’t?”
This time, his expression turned annoyed. The sound of a clank made contact with the mirror drawer as he threw a ring on top of it. Your heart pounded faster when you realized who’s ring this was. How.. how did he find your ring? You hid it so perfectly well inside of your... does... does Kuroo search your underwear drawer now?
“Tetsurou, honey. Were you going through.. my underwear?” You asked uneasy.
“That is besides the point.”
You shook once more. His voice sent shivers down your spine when he used his threatening tone.
“That ring,” he began as he grabbed it once more, inspecting It’s subtle features, “I didn’t give it to you. And I know it isn’t yours because.. you didn’t have anything on you except your phone when I first brought you home.”
Did this manic actually think you thought of this place as home?
You began to subtly play with bottom of your pink dress. It was a dress that was an exact copy of a doll’s clothing that was kept in your room. You’ve began to notice that. Kuroo always wanted to see you all dolled up in a perfect manner.
“This is my ring.” You reassured him, taking the ring from his hands as you slipped it on. Small blush painted your precious face when you finally put the ring that he gave you on.
You were not lying.
This ring did in fact belong to you but.. it was a gift. Earlier, you had told Kuroo that you hid from his neighbor. But in fact, you used that hour of garden walking to see Akaashi Keji, Kuroo’s neighbor, to plan out your escape once more.
“No, it’s not.” Kuroo gave a cheeky laugh.
You weren’t going to win this fight. Please just back down. Say that you found it in the garden. Or maybe in Kuroo’s office. Anything but that it was a gift. Or it would cost Akaashi his life.
“I found it in—”
His loud voice boomed over the walls of the pink decorated room. Your heart pounded once more.
Finally, Kuroo threw a bag onto the mirror drawer.
The bag itself contained.. black hair.
Similar to Akaashi’s hair.
Your heart pounded.
“Tetsurou?” You questioned, your voice heavy.
"He's dead, y/n. Now tell me," kuroo pouted, wrapping his arms around you as he laid his head on your right shoulder, “Did you want to replace my love with someone else’s?”
The tears began to slowly fall. A smile now placed on Kuroo’s beaming face. He hadn’t seen you cry in a while. It was rather—refreshing for him. Your expression was blank as you stared off into the mirror. Your dolled up self staring back at you.
“Akaashi didn’t do anything to you.” Your voice was so breathless, a whisper so small. Your heart began to hurt itself as the tears fell faster.
Kuroo laughed, finding your statement incredibly funny as he released you from his hug, “He didn’t do anything? Keep telling yourself that, kitten.”
You finally began to realize your final fate.
There was no way out.
Kuroo was going to keep you to himself for the rest of your life.
And no matter who you talked to, what you did, or what your plans were..
This house would forever be your prison.
Akaashi was now dead. Somebody you had grown to love. Somebody who could finally make you happy after the years of your self esteem decreasing and trauma being implanted into you.
Akaashi was gone.
And it was your fault.
"Akaashi... I love you." You whispered, your hand still wearing the beautiful ring your could’ve been lover gifted you as your heart finally gave into you panic attack.. fainting as the last face you saw
Was Kuroo’s hatred expression burning into your mind permanently.
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
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Mammon’s Team
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synopsis: tired of his brothers looking down on him, Mammon starts his own club called “Principal’s Advisory.” Similar to the ASB of the school, his club helps out the school and events. A situation happens where a competitive school steals Luke and both ASB & Principal’s Advisory try to come up with plans to get him back. This event truly tested Mammon’s ability to care for someone
genre: mostly angst. a bit of fluff between the relationship that Mammon has with the people in his club
things to know: fem!reader. horrible Lucifer. reader is a demon that attends the school, they’re a good friend of Mammon’s and was incredibly happy when he mentioned his club
inspired by: Penguins of Madagascar (the scene where the north wind and the penguins make plans to get Private back)
masterlist <3
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Both pairs of binoculars looked over the guarding students, walking around making sure that things were running smoothly for their plan.
“Satan,” Lucifer’s whispered voice came on his headset, “What do you see?”
Satan rolled his eyes, annoyed with his brother’s voice before pressing onto the head piece, “My count is 30 hostiles.”
“31.” Y/n corrected.
Satan looked over at her with an eyebrow raised.
“Just because those two are fighting, doesn’t mean they count as one, you idiot.” She explained, pointing over towards the two students pushing each other to the ground.
“Why you little-” Satan glared.
“Watch your tone and language, Satan.” Simeon glared at him.
“Y/n, Simeon, calm down.” Mammon sighed before taking the pair of binoculars from her.
He looked through them sadly, “Poor Luke.”
“Alone, helpless in the belly of that beast.”
“We’ve faced some long odds before, Mammon. But these look like the longest and the oddest.” Y/n chimed into his statement.
“If we’re gonna pull this off, we’ll need a diversion.” Simeon chimed in as well.
‘Deactivating school camouflage.’
“Sh! Will you be quiet?!” Lucifer angrily whispered.
“Listen, Lucifer.” Mammon began.
“Leviathan!” Lucifer turned towards him and activated the camouflage again.
“You were supposed to lock them in the ASB room!”
“Don’t you hologram me!” Mammon yelled, turning it off again.
“I tried but y/n’s an expert otaku, Lucifer! And I tried using otaku strategies. So it’s otakually useless!” Levi complained, shaking his hands in Lucifer’s face.
Lucifer growled and slapped his hand on his forehead.
“All right, brother. If you won’t work with us, you better work for us,” Mammon demanded, “Our plan requires a diversion.”
“I give the orders around here. As much as it pains me, I need you to act as OUR diversion for OUR operation, understood?”
“Hell no, this is OUR plan. And it requires YOU to cause a diversion.”
“You idiots!” Satan exclaimed, hitting both of his brothers on the heads.
“Why don’t we take a vote instead of you both acting as if we’ll just go with whatever either of you want.”
“That’s a great idea, Satan. Stop yelling at each other. It’s starting to give me a headache.” Beel complained, setting his weapon down beside Levi.
“Fine. But only because Beel’s getting a headache.” Mammon walked over to the sand.
He grabbed a stick before starting to draw the boat in the sand as a visual.
“First, we need to dih-vert the students in the front away from the ship so we have enough time to get in. Once we manage to do that, we’ll have access to the inside and be able to stop Dave before he can go forward with his plan. Because we don’t know much about how many students he has, we’ll need to improvise on some of our actions inside. The plan effects all of the people that Dave kidnapped, not only Luke. We have to progress with caution and destroy Dave’s machine before he has the chance to ruin other schools.”
Mammon got back up, proud of his plan while Y/n and Simeon cheerfully clapped in the back.
“That was great, Mammon. I really like your plan.” Simeon complimented him.
“I agree! You always have the best plans.” Y/n gushed.
The others looked bored before Lucifer laughed.
“You couldn’t even come up with a real plan?”
“The hell is that supposed to mean?” Mammon asked with a glare.
“Beel, dim the lights. Levi, glasses.”
Beel smashed the fire, causing it to quickly die out while Levi threw three pairs of glasses towards Y/n, Simeon, and Mammon. Lucifer threw a piece of metal on the floor after putting his own glasses on. The little metal then turned on, creating a digital force field around the two groups.
“My apologies. Had to rush a bit. The schematic’s a little crude.” Lucifer embarrassingly rubbed his neck.
“Where is that music coming from?” Mammon whispered, adventure music playing around the force field as Levi smirked happily at his idea of it.
“Alright! At 2150, Mammon, Y/n, and Simeon die-vert the students away from their posts.” He pulled a digital building from the plan and enlarged it.
“At 2200, Levi breaches the hull with a swarm of self-guided nano-charges.” A digital Levi threw the bombs at the door of the building.
“I call them wet kabooms.” Levi proudly announced with stars in his eyes.
“Don’t call them that, Levi.” Lucifer sighed.
“They’re my bombs. I call them what I want.” Levi rolled his eyes.
“At 2202, knock knock,” Lucifer started up again.
“Who’s there?” Beel joined in, adoring the digitalized versions of them breaking through the building.
“RAD’s ASB.” Lucifer smirked.
“RAD’s ASB who?” Beel continued.
“RAD’s ASB who doesn’t have time for knock knock jokes because we’re too busy, taking down Dave.”
The digital plan began to show the other steps of the plan.
“At 2209, mission accomplished.” The digital plan showed Lucifer walking away from an explosion with Dave being dragged behind him.
“See that? There’s a huge explosion and I just keep on walking.”
The piece of metal closed itself up and Lucifer picked it up with ease.
“Woohoo! Way to go, Lucifer.” Levi cheered, obviously proud of the plan they made.
“That’s RAD’s ASB, sucker!”
Satan rolled his eyes before softly clapping.
Beel happily smiled, clapping as well, “Nicely done.”
Mammon glared angrily, “Oh please, your plan requires immediate attention towards your post! Dave would get you the minute you go up to him just assuming that you can catch him that easily!”
“Oh. And you, you… you certainly know a good plan — I mean, your operation in the human realm allowed Dave to escape with.. your boy.” Lucifer was obviously trying to strike a nerve.
Mammon’s eyes widened. His expression turned to one filled with sadness and distress.
“I’ve never lost a member of my team. It must feel.. awful.” Lucifer sarcastically frowned.
“Can’t imagine the guilt, the regret, the feeling that, uh, I don’t know, that… it should have been you.” He crossed his arms, a stern expression on his face as if he needed to be right in this situation.
Mammon turned away and looked towards the school. An image of Luke in distress made him feel so horrible.
“…All for Principal’s Advisory’s plan?” Satan broke the silence.
Y/n and Simeon quickly raised their hands, angry at the fact that Lucifer would even try to upset his younger brother the way that he did.
“…All for ASB’s plan?”
Satan, Levi, Beel, and Lucifer all put their hands up. Mammon slowly put his hand up as well, shocking even his big brother.
“His…his is better.” Mammon whispered, his voice filled with such sadness.
“What?” Y/n’s eyes widened, she couldn’t believe Mammon would ever agree to such a ridiculous plan.
Simeon’s eyes widened as well, “Mammon?”
Mammon held in his tears, his pained expression still painted clearly on his face, “..I’m sorry, guys, but I can’t lead you this time.”
“But,” Y/n slowly walked forward, “We’re a team, and… and you’re our Mammon, Mammon.”
“We don’t… we don’t need these guys.” Simeon tried to convince him as well.
“No, Simeon and Y/n, but Luke does.”
“I think… this time we leave it to the professionals.”
“But, Mammon!—” Mammon quickly grabbed y/n’s wrists, making her pained expression turn even sadder.
“It’s settled,” Mammon quickly replied, “We take our orders from Lucifer now.”
“Mammon, please!—” Simeon tried as well.
“That’s an order, Simeon!”
Simeon slowly nodded before standing by y/n’s side again. He grabbed her left hand, giving it a little squeeze to make her feel better. Mammon turned away and walked closer to the edge of the hill.
He sighed sadly, “All right, Lucifer… what’s the diversion?”
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
where you get to see the exciting lives of our wonderful actors in “my train partner”!
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Morning Schedule
↳ YouTube Description: Morning lovelies! It’s your favorite person, y/n! Follow me and Kuroo on our morning routine for the show “my train partner”! We promise you’ll have fun ;) Well, maybe-
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“Good morningggggggggg!!!!” The camera showed Y/n’s excited face, she looked ready for the day.
A pillow was thrown over at the back of her head.
“Y/nnnn, shut up. I’m tired.” A muffled voice came from the bed, black hair coming from the blanket.
*Technical Difficulties :)*
Y/n set the camera on a desk, it was pointing towards her as she gave a satisfied look and a happy pose.
“Hey, are you done? We have to be at set soon.” She turned her head towards the closed bathroom door.
“Why are you even here,” Kuroo sighed behind the door, “I would’ve gotten up myself.”
“You know damn right, that’s not true.” Y/n laughed.
Kuroo walked out with a towel wrapped around only his waist.
Y/n’s eyes widened and her face turned bright red.
“What?” He asked tiredly, putting his hand through his hair.
She pointed over towards the camera and Kuroo turned towards its direction. His eyes widening as well.
*Technical Difficulties :)*
“This is a really bad YouTube video.” Y/n sighed.
They were in the car now and Kuroo was driving, y/n sitting in the passenger seat with a disappointing expression.
“That’s your own fault.” He laughed, ruffling Y/n’s hair.
Y/n glared back over at him, “I had my hair done this morning for our scenes. Now Jasmine has to do my hair and makeup, because you even smudged my makeup this morning!”
“Okay, that definitely was your fault. You fell onto me.”
“Who the hell makes breakfast while they’re wet and freshly out of the shower?!” Y/n argued.
“I do! Your face came in contact with my chest, that was on you. You even got makeup on my chest. Who the hell does that?!”
“Oh well you know what-”
Muffled voices started to yell at each other before they both turned over to the camera.
“DO YOU MIND?!” They both yelled into the lens. Kuroo put his hand over the camera and y/n’s hand reached to turn it off.
*Technical Difficulties :)*
“Alright. That’s it. I’ve moved on. Kuroo is gone guys, thank god. This is Jasmine. Jasmine honey, say hi.” Y/n turned the camera back on, she was sitting in a makeup chair and a woman was softly brushing her hair.
“Hey guys, I’m y/n’s makeup and hair assistant.” Jasmine smiled softly as she waved at the camera.
“And I don’t have much time until scenes start soon. Montage moment!” Y/n gasped at the idea.
Quick moments of Jasmine doing y/n’s hair and makeup started playing. Her hair was done up in a ponytail, a tight one if you asked y/n.
Next was her makeup. Since this the entire show was literally mostly based on a train, y/n’s makeup was entirely natural looking. The kind of makeup half of high school girls would wear to school.
“Boom, that just happened!” Y/n yelled excitedly as the montage stopped.
She stood behind a set with people running around and getting things ready.
“And this is the main set stage,” she showed the fake train and train station, “honestly, I love this train.”
“Of course you do, we had to bond with it.” Kuroo came into view, eating a carrot.
Y/n smirked before grabbing a cookie from the snack table and biting it. Kuroo glared, taking another bite of his carrot.
“Oh wow, how delicious. I feel bad for anyone who can’t eat- WAIT KUROO, IM SORRY!” The camera fell to the floor; y/n’s feet were seen running away with Kuroo chasing right behind her.
*Technical Difficulties :)*
The camera turned back on, y/n looked tired as she drank big gulps of her water.
“Alright, okay,” She took a deep breath before setting the camera down on a table that seemed to be in her dressing room, she sat down in front of it before setting her water bottle down.
“For those of you who obviously don’t understand what just happened, I’ll explain.” She gave a little laugh.
“When Kuroo and I first auditioned, the creators mentioned that we needed to bond with the set? I don’t even know,” she laughed again, “Anyways. Basically what they had us do was sleep overnight in the train for about a week before we started shooting scenes. They said it had to become our home, we had to feel ‘attached’ to the train. So basically bond with it.”
The door to the dressing room opened and y/n turned to check. Kuroo gave a little wave before closing the door. He came over and sat next to her, biting his carrot once more with an annoyed expression.
“Oh!” Y/n exclaimed, “And about Kuroo chasing me. He’s on a strict diet so that he doesn’t gain more pounds since he’s supposed to play an athlete. Which means, he can’t eat sweets. That’s why I teased him with the cookie.” She brought out a cupcake and bit into it with a smirk.
Kuroo sighed and turned towards the camera, “It’s stupid, honestly. ‘Athletes are supposed to be skinny’,” he said in a mocking voice, “Oh please, bitch. Talk about being a bias bitch when it comes to stereotypes and body shaming.” He took another bite of his carrot.
“However, the carrots are making his blind dumbass improve. He mostly uses his glasses for reading now.” Y/n gave a little clap.
Kuroo gave her an annoyed expression, “I hate you.”
“Aw bubba,” she pouted before laughing, “No, you don’t.”
His face flushed a bit of light pink before turning away from her eyes with a glare. A knock came on the dressing room, making the two turn towards it.
“Hey guys, you’re needed on set. We’re gonna start shooting the next episode soon.” A producer announced to them behind the door.
“Alright, thank you!” Both Kuroo and y/n yelled back.
They both turned towards the camera and gave a little wave.
“Bye lovelies! See you next time and we hope you enjoyed the first episode of My Train Partner.” Y/n gave a little kiss before getting up and exiting the dressing room.
Kuroo got close to the camera and winked with a small whisper, “Bye kittens.”
“Kuroo! Hurry the hell up!” Y/n yelled from behind the dressing room doors.
“I’ll be right there!” He yelled back.
He turned back towards the camera before waving goodbye, “We love you all.”
“ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, IM GO-” The video shut off and a little outro started playing.
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Vlog’s Chapter || Series Masterlist || Next Chapter
~ Little Facts ~
Y/n wakes Kuroo up in the morning. If she didn’t, he’d never get his plans done
They aren’t in a relationship! Or at least, that’s what they tell interviewers ;)
When Kuroo gets out of the shower, he starts making himself breakfast rather than getting changed first
Kuroo’s strict diet consists of only fruits and vegetables. That’s it. Manz can’t even eat chips or meat
Y/n isn’t on a diet. She doesn’t play an athlete in the show and since she’s already gorgeous, they don’t think she should change anything about herself
Bonding with the fake train and train station was actually real. Y/n and Kuroo took a lot of pictures and posted it a lot on their social medias. And the bonding surprisingly worked?? They both really enjoy being around the train now and hang out inside of the train a lot 
taglist: open
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tiktok of the vlog: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8j7RtSK/
explanation for tiktok: happened the night before the events in this vlog took place. They were bored and fans suggested making Tiktoks
taglist: @milkteeboba @boosyboo9206 @fandomsgotmefucked
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
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my train partner — kuroo tetsurou x reader au
synopsis: running late after extra volleyball practice, kuroo catches the last train ride home. His watch beeps at exactly 10pm as he steps on the train with a satisfied sigh. He notices there’s only one other person on the train. Quickly, Kuroo realizes there’s something wrong with his train partner
genre: fluff. angst. betrayal. written + smau
warnings/things to know: fem!reader. sort of canon!kuroo. strong language. inappropriate topics/mentions.
taglist: open
schedule: schedule change: (every Monday @ 4pm pdt)
status: on-hold (only for a bit while a new project is being done)
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ⓘ *Profiles have been added*
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Season One (✿◠‿◠)
chapter 1: extra volleyball practice? this late?
chapter 2: you’re.. back?
chapter 3: I made a friend
chapter 4: I remember…
chapter 5: I’ve seen you somewhere
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Extra Content (vlogs/bts with the cast of “my train partner”):
i. morning schedule ft. y/n & kuroo
ii. going on a “date” together ft. y/n & kuroo
iii. meeting our new co-stars ft. y/n, kuroo, kenma, & alisa
iv. grocery shoppinggg ft. y/n, kuroo, kenma, and alisa
v. going to Santa Monica ft. kenma & y/n
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* be respectful of the character’s choices/decisions. after all, we can’t all be smart ;) *
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
Killing For You
a haikyuu x reader
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synopsis: People have gone missing in your high school lately, and it seems to be the most annoying ones. Although you didn’t like them, you didn’t want them dead either. Determined to find the killer yourself, you’d never know the murderer is where you’ve never been looking
genre/warnings/things to know: non-binary!reader. yandere!au. angst, a lot of angst. while it does say haikyuu x reader, it has crossovers of other anime’s as well such as my hero academia.
status: *on hold until further notice due to new project*
schedule: *unknown*
taglist: (open)
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|| Y/n’s Mains ||
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Season One (✿◠‿◠)
chapter 1: did you hear..?
chapter 2: I’m worried
chapter 3: school dance
more chapters coming soon...
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extra content (vlogs/bts with the cast of killing for you:
i. empty classrooms
ii. interviews
iii. vlog of our daily routine ft. y/n & kuroo
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
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{ 3:32 AM }
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Sometimes all I think about is you
Why in the living hell are you awake? You have things to do in the morning. Right.. you have things to do in the morning. What were those things again? It seems as if you can barely remember anything nowadays.
How long have you been in this bed?
When was the last time you brushed your hair?
Have you eaten at all lately?
Your head was filled with constant distractions. Anything to keep you awake, right? It seems your body refuses to let you sleep. The cold sheets didn’t help either.
When was the last time you changed them?
Late nights in the middle of June
You were so tired. Tired both physically and mentally. Your eyes wanted to close but there was a force telling them to keep you awake.
Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today.
Your ears began to hurt you horribly as the constant thoughts piled up.
Heat waves been fakin’ me out
The left side of the bed was usually dipped. Why isn’t it dipped anymore? How come the rain and the lightening decided to join you in your distress tonight?
Your tears began piling up. Jeez, were you really crying because your body wouldn’t let you sleep?
Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today.
There it was again. Those stupid thoughts. What did you have to do in the morning that was so important?
Your phone beeped and you looked to the side where your drawer was with your phone connected to the charger.
A picture frame stood proud behind your phone with the darkness covering the photo as you grabbed your phone to check the notification.
‘Reminder: Pick up Tetsurou’s family members from the airport today at 9am.’
Right, that’s something you had to do in the morning.
Why did you have to do that exactly?
Another notification went off. You grabbed your phone once again, causing the picture frame to move into the light.
A beautiful photo of you and Kuroo at a picnic together stood proudly along with the picture frame.
‘Kenma: I know you’re awake. Go to bed, y/n. I know that you’re upset. But staying awake late at night isn’t something that Kuroo would’ve liked to know. Don’t you think so? He’d want you to remember your memories together, not ruin your health.’
Can’t make you happier now
And suddenly the realization that your boyfriend of three years was dead finally hit in.
His funeral was in the morning.
You had to pick up his family.
Kenma has been worrying about you lately.
And you’re awake.
Thinking about how much you miss him.
And the constant stupid thoughts going around your mind reminding you of a hurtful experience.
Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today. Things to do today.
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Fun Fact: This is based on a dreamnotfound (Dream x George) tiktok that I found:
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
chapter two: you’re.. back?
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“…KENMA! Go to bed! I saw you walk through the kitchen right now. I bet Kuroo’s sleeping right now. Follow his footsteps.” Chiyo’s voice could be heard through the phone.
“I know, Mom! I just wanted some water. I’ll get to bed right now.” Kenma yelled back with a stressed expression as he closed his bedroom door.
“Kuroo, what the hell?” Kenma whispered through the phone.
“I know! Don’s start lecturing me, I know alright.” Kuroo sighed, quickly walking through the streets with his phone in hand up to his ear.
“You don’t get to decide that. Do you have any idea what time it is?!”
“…10pm?” Kuroo asked hesitantly.
“KENMA!” Chiyo was heard yelling through the phone again.
“Sorry again, Mom! A stupid friend called me when they’re obviously supposed to be sleeping!” Kenma sighed, obviously talking about Kuroo.
“You called me, you liar.” Kuroo argued.
“Oh shut up, you’re lucky I haven’t tried to kill your ass for not only overworking yourself but also going home away too damn late!”
Kuroo rolled his eyes before arriving at the train station. He noticed Sam waiting patiently in the train — this obviously made Kuroo feel bad.
“I’m at the train station. I promise I’ll be home soon, Kenma.”
“You better be, idiot. I swear, I’m gonna start waiting with you to leave once practices finishes at 6pm.” Kenma sighed once more before hanging up the phone.
Kuroo frowned, disappointed in himself for making Kenma so worried. It wasn’t his intention at all. Going home this late was just.. convenient.
“Sam!” Kuroo called out to him.
The conductor quickly looked over and crossed his arms, clearly upset with the young boy.
“I’m here?” He nervously rubbed his neck.
“Get in, Kuroo,” Sam started, “You’re lucky that I’m not Kenma calling you and texting you lectures all of the time.”
“Right, thank you.” He quickly went into the train, sitting in the same seat he had sat in yesterday.
He sighed happily before setting his volleyball equipment down again. His phone beeping once he sat back up.
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“It’s chemistry genius.” A voice laughed above Kuroo.
Kuroo quickly looked up and smiled when he saw y/n standing over his seat.
“You’re..back?” Y/n hesitantly asked, “Do you know how late it is?”
“Look at you little miss, I go home late as well. That’s a bit hypothetical.” He laughed.
Y/n chuckled as well, taking her seat in front of him with a happy sigh.
“That’s true. I didn’t think I’d see you today.”
“I didn’t either. It’s great that you’re here.” He beamed.
“How was practice?” She smiled, happy that someone enjoyed his practice.
“I can’t seem to get my spike right, actually. Though I think it’s because I don’t have a setter with me when I practice after practice.” Kuroo rubbed his neck nervously.
“Alright, come on, then,” y/n got up, grabbing a volleyball from inside their backpack, “I’ll help you practice it for a while.”
Kuroo looked at the volleyball surprised, “You have a volleyball?”
“Alright, I know it’s surprising,” both y/n and kuroo laughed, “But in my freshmen year, I was really into sports for a while and.. I’m pretty good at setting if I say so myself.”
“Oh you think that you are?” Kuroo teased.
“Think fast, jock!” She threw the volleyball at him.
He gasped playfully as he caught the volleyball in his hands, “y/n! How dare you?”
“Oh, you little—” He got up with a smile on his face and chased after y/n to another compartment.
“KUROO, IM SORRY!” She laughed as she ran faster.
• • •
“Ever thought of trying out for the volleyball team?” His whispered voice cut the silence.
They played a few spikes before getting tired out. They laid on the floor of the train, looking up at the ceiling of the train with both of their heads touching each other’s as they sat on the opposite sides.
“I have. I guess I did tryout at some point.” She smiled.
“So how come you aren’t on the team?”
She didn’t reply, but her movements made Kuroo sense that something was wrong.
“You know,” she began, “When I was a little girl. My mother loved to play games with me.”
She smiled and nodded happily, “Her favorite sport.. it was volleyball. We played round after round and every set I did made her so happy. She hoped that someday I would try out for Nekoma’s volleyball team like she did years before.”
“… was?” Kuroo hesitantly asked.
Silence filled the atmosphere. Kuroo sighed, he knew he shouldn’t have asked. It was more than likely a touchy subject.
“My mother.. she passed away recently.”
He sighed once more, he knew it was a touchy subject to have asked. He quickly got up, making y/n rise as well with confusion. He brought her into his arms. He couldn’t imagine what it was like to lose someone so important to you.
“I’m so sorry, y/n.” He whispered, softly ruffling her hair.
She hesitantly hugged back before leaning into his touch, “Don’t worry about it. I.. I lost her to suicide. About a couple of days ago. The volleyball that I have? It belonged to her.”
Kuroo smiled and gave a little laugh, “No wonder the ball said, little lucky.”
“Hey! I could’ve written that.” Y/n laughed through her tears that had started falling.
“The writing looked old and professional. Like someone had written it a long time ago. You were young, y/n. I honestly doubt that you could’ve written it.” He laughed again.
Their laughter quieted down and they enjoyed each other’s presence.
“My mother.. isn’t part of the picture.” Kuroo began.
Y/n softly moved, wondering what he meant.
“My mother divorced my father when I was a little kid. I.. I haven’t seen her since. So it’s just.. me and my father.”
Y/n grip tightened around him, she closed her eyes and let herself feel comfortable with him.
“Thank you.. so much.” She whispered.
“I should be thanking you, you little sleepy head.” He gave a small laugh before ruffling her hair again.
“Sleeping.. doesn’t sound so bad right now.” Her voice trailed off as she leaned more into him.
Eventually, she fell sound asleep in Kuroo’s arms.
He smiled and softly let himself sleep as well.
• • •
“Mommy! Mommy!” A little girl’s voice cheered.
‘What.. the hell?’ Kuroo’s eyes slowly got used to the sun.
He was in a meadow in the back of a house. A little girl ran past him.. a volleyball in her small hands.
“Mommy, look what I found!” The little girl showed her mother the volleyball. Her mother had a bright smile upon seeing it.
“Well look at you, you little treasure seeker,” Her mother laughed, grabbing the volleyball in her hands, “I can’t believe you found my volleyball.”
Kuroo walked closer over to the pair. The little girl.. she looked just like y/n. His eyes widened.
“What’s a volleyball?” The little girl asked.
“Well honey. It’s a sport that’s played with this particular ball. I love the sport so much. It was really fun. I played on a team when I was younger.”
“Ooo! I wanna play just like Mommy did! How do you play, Mommy?” The little girl got up, grabbing the volleyball as she set it perfectly on the air.
Kuroo gasped at the instant talent the little girl had. ‘Seems you were more than good when you were younger, y/n.’
He sat himself on a log as he watched the mother gasp in amazement as well.
“That was wonderful, sweetie! You would be a perfect setter.”
“A setter? Was Mommy a setter?” The girl asked, picking up the volleyball again.
“I was,” she nodded her head, “best setter Nekoma’s volleyball team ever had.”
“Girl power!” The little girl cheered.
“Girl power indeed, my little angel.”
The little girl accidentally let go of the volleyball, making it roll over to where Kuroo sat. He looked up, waiting for the girl to come get it again. He assumed he couldn’t touch it since it was maybe only a dream. The little girl giggled as she ran over at the ball. She stopped when she saw Kuroo, her eyes slowly widening.
“Kuroo..?” Her soft voice quietly whispered.
His own eyes widened. Did he just hear her say..?
“Y/n, honey!,” her mother yelled, “it’s time to go back inside. The weather is acting up. We can play volleyball inside of the playroom.”
Younger y/n picked up the ball hesitantly. Her eyes glued on the man standing before her. Quickly, she began running back over to her house.
“Y-Y/n! Wait!” Kuroo called out.
She turned and looked at him again, before entering the house with the volleyball in her hands.
• • •
Kuroo woke up quickly with his hand reaching out. He rubbed his eyes tiredly before looking down. Y/n was still sleeping peacefully in his lap. He looked over at his phone before grabbing it. Tons of messages and calls laid before it. And all of them.. were from Kenma.
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2:03am..? How long had he and y/n passed out for?!
He quickly tried to wake y/n hug, softly nudging her shoulder.
“Y/n, It’s really late. We should get going. We both need to get home.” He whispered but loud enough for her to hear him.
She tiredly rubbed her eyes before looking up at him, letting her eyes adjust to the train lights.
“Kuroo?” She yawned as she slowly got up.
“Im sorry, train partner. But it’s late, we need to get home.”
She sat up and nodded before getting off of Kuroo so that he himself could get up.
“Here,” he held his hands out, “I’ll pull you up.”
She grabbed a hold of his hands and pulled herself up, smiling at the nice gesture.
“Do you want me to walk you home, maybe? I don’t mind if it means you get home safe.” Kuroo offered as he put on his backpack and grabbed his volleyball equipment.
“No, it’s fine. I don’t live very far.”
He nodded and wrapped his arms around her one last time.
“Thank you for tonight. It’s the most fun I’ve had in a while.” He whispered softly while caressing her hair.
Her face turned a light red and she leaned into his touch. The silence being calm to them.
The train came to a stop and the door opened. He let go of her and gave a small smile and a little wave. He quickly walked out and went over to the conductor compartment.
Sam was sitting there with a magazine in hand.
“Bye Sam! Thanks for the ride!” He quickly said before running off towards the direction of his house.
Y/n walked over to the conductor compartment too, her backpack in hand. She knocked on the train’s door, making Sam look over at her.
“Yes.. y/n?” He asked with a small smile.
“Well played, Sam. Well played.” She chuckled.
“You two looked like you were having fun,” He began, “I’m sorry it has to be this way. I think you picked the wrong boy for this decision. When the job finishes, it’ll hurt you.”
“…. I know that. But I couldn’t pick anyone else.”
“And what’s with you and Jacqueline reminding me of that,” y/n asked with her arms crossed, “I chose to do this.”
“That might be true,” Sam sighed before turning the train back on, “But people who care about you always worry.”
“Jacqueline.. doesn’t care about me.” Y/n hesitantly replied.
“If that’s true,” the train began to move again, “why is she still here trying to help you?”
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~ Little Facts ~
Kenma assumed that Kuroo had gotten home when he did because he walked him to his house. He wasn’t aware that Kuroo sneaked off back to the gym
Y/n’s nickname for Kuroo is “Chemistry Genius.” She remembers that he really enjoyed the subject and was actually really good at it and smart when it came to it
Y/n loved volleyball, growing up with someone who loved the sport as well, fueled the love for it
Y/n’s mother’s name is Alisa actually. Alisa Haiba
That wasn’t a make believe dream created by Kuroo. He was watching y/n’s dream
Kuroo didn’t read all of Kenma’s messages. Especially a single one. I wonder why
Sam and y/n are friends as well. He cares a lot about her and tries to do his what to make sure she doesn’t get in trouble or do something wrong
Jacqueline- f҉j҉d҉j҉a҉ Information Unknown.
taglist: open
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y/n’s tiktok of the chapter: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8AkKsTe/
explanation of the tiktok: sam thought a little walk could do y/n some good. It did and she felt at peace for a while
kuroo’s tiktok of the chapter: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8SdUeSj/
explanation of the tiktok: kenma kept talking about this bird he saw flying over the ocean and how peaceful it must be. so when lunch time came around, kuroo went over to the art room and made a little painting for both his followers and kenma
taglist: @milkteeboba @boosyboo9206 @fandomsgotmefucked @creepykawass @mono-dot-jpeg @omiigad @rintarovibes @tirzamisu @roseestuosity
(if your username is crossed out, it means the system couldn’t find your blog and you should check your settings)
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
chapter one: extra volleyball practice? this late?
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Kuroo sighed as he looked over the message Kenma just sent him. It was close to 10pm and Kuroo was running late from after school practice. Okay fine, extra after school practice.
Practice had ended earlier at 6pm. But of course, Kuroo wanted to get a few spikes in.
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He couldn’t answer.
Honestly, Kuroo himself didn’t know either.
Well, I guess he did know.
He didn’t want to be home. That’s all there was to it.
Finally, he arrived at the train station. He quickly made his way over, seeing the train doors about to close.
“NO WAIT!” He yelled, hoping the conductor would listen and wait for him.
“Damn it! This is the last train. Kenma’s gonna kill me if I don’t get home soon.” Kuroo whispered to himself as he ran faster.
By the time he got there, the train doors opened again, giving him enough space to go inside.
He sighed happily, “Thank you!” He yelled, hoping the conductor had heard him.
His watch beeps at exactly 10pm as he steps on the train with a satisfied sigh.
He looked around for seat and noticed there wasn’t anybody on the train.
‘I need to start going home earlier.’
The train started up again and the doors closed. Kuroo quickly went over to a seat and sat down, setting his volleyball gear down as well.
Finally, his eyes landed on a girl sitting in the back of the train, she was staring out the window.
‘Oh, someone else is on the train too. Ha, I wonder if they’re coming home late from practice too.’
The girl turned towards Kuroo’s direction and gave him a little wave.
“You’re staring. Have a little wave. But stop staring.” The girl gave a sarcastic smile.
Kuroo’s face flushed a light red from embarrassment.
“Wait, no! I’msorry, Iwasn’tstaring. Ijustnoticedthere wasanotherpersononthetrain. Ididn’tmeantomakeit seemlikeIwasastalker.” He tried to quickly explain.
The girl laughed, making Kuroo relax a bit, “I’m just joking, calm down.”
She got up and made her way over to sit in front of him. Kuroo noticed she had her backpack on her as well. So maybe she was coming late as well?
“It’s a nice night. Don’t you think?” She asked, turning to look out the window again.
He nodded, “Yea it is. Though it was surprising that it started raining.”
“I know right,” She laughed, “I didn’t think that it would rain so I didn’t bring an umbrella.”
It was silent for a few seconds.
“Where are you coming from? If you don’t mind me asking.” Kuroo broke the small silence.
“From school, actually. I’m in.. an after school club. It’s called Culinary Club.”
His eyes widened, “Why are you coming home so late from Culinary Club? Your parents must be worried.”
She stopped and looked towards the window again with a saddened expression.
“I’m aware. I’ll be home soon. Mom won’t have to worry anymore.”
“What about you, stranger? Your parents must be worried too. Where are you coming from?” She asked this time.
“…Extra volleyball practice. I wanted to get a few more spikes in.” Kuroo admitted.
“Extra volleyball practice? This late?”
“I know, I know. My friend already gave me a lecture.”
She nodded with a smile before turning back towards the window. The train was coming to a stop soon at their destination.
“Nice to meet you, stranger.” She held a hand out, waiting for a hand shake back.
Kuroo hesitantly shook her hand after, “Why are you being so trusting by the way? What if I’m some stalker after all or I try to kill you?”
“You go to Nekoma high. I’ve seen you around school. And come on, you don’t think you look like a threat, right?” She joked.
He gave a chuckle, “I guess that’s true. I’m Kuroo Tetsurou. And you are..?”
The girl gave a small smile before the train stopped at a station. She handed him a white paper before standing up and grabbing her backpack.
“The name’s L/n Y/n.” She whispered before walking out the train.
Kuroo looked down at the little paper in hand.
‘Watch out, Captain. You shouldn’t be so trusting. Though it’s nice to meet a new friend, send me a text. I’ll be waiting :)’
Along with the message was a phone number.
‘How did she..?’
He quickly got up and went out of the train.
But she was gone. No trace of her in sight.
He looked down at the paper once more.
‘How did she write that so fast in the mere seconds that I met her..?’
His phone beeped loudly, making him flinch as he took it out. He didn’t even realize he already had a few messages on it.
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“Hey, Kuroo!” The conductor yelled as he looked out from his compartment.
“It’s almost time for closing. Grab your stuff and head home. You don’t want Chiyo or Kenma to worry.”
Kuroo nodded, going back inside as he grabbed his stuff and then headed out again.
“Thanks, Sam! See you next time.” Kuroo yelled goodbye as he ran out into the rain.
‘SORRY KENMA!’ Kuroo mentally sighed.
• • •
“Seriously?” She asked, “This is who you pick?”
Y/n walked out from the shadow of the station. Nodding her head hesitantly.
“It is. You have no say and can’t have an opinion.”
The other girl sighed, “I’m aware, y/n. I just hope you’re making the right decision.”
“I am, Jacqueline. Stop babying me. We aren’t friends anymore.”
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~ Little Facts ~
Kenma worries a lot about Kuroo. They’ve been friends for a long time so he began to care about him more
Chiyo is Kenma’s mother. Her full name is Chiyo Kozume
Y/n’s in Culinary Club. In fact, she herself started the club and even bought the things needed for the club
Sam, the conductor, is a good friend of Kuroo. After all, Kuroo comes home late, so they keep each other company
Jacqueline- d҉k҉k҉e҉k҉w҉ Information Unknown.
taglist: open
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y/n’s tiktok of the chapter: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8j7usy5/
explanation of y/n’s tiktok: happened before kuroo showed up on the train. She was bored and wanted to have a video of the pretty sunset. Which also means, she’s been on the train for a while. So why’d she tell kuroo that she was barely coming home just like him??
kuroo’s tiktok of the chapter: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8j7fu8H/
explanation of kuroo’s tiktok: his entire account is anonymous because he doesn’t want any fans to be upset of the content that he posts on it. The account is mostly tips and cute aesthetic things that he enjoys
taglist: @milkteeboba @boosyboo9206 @fandomsgotmefucked
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
My Train Partner — Profiles
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Profiles || Series Masterlist || Next
~ Fun Facts ~
Kuroo wanted him and Kenma to have matching cover photos. He liked the idea and thought it was pretty cool
Kenma has a twitch account. He likes playing his games for other people’s entertainment at times. He’s actually doing really well on there
Kenma barely made his account because Kuroo kept begging him to. Most of his followers are from his twitch account but a lot of him are also from the volleyball team (including Hinata)
Kuroo’s fangirls regularly text Kenma and ask him to sell them pictures of Kuroo (talk about desperate)
Y/n really likes trains. They have a favorite one actually. It’s called the Empire Express
Jaqueline: Information Unknown
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
Missing You
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synopsis: if anybody else offered it, you would’ve called them crazy and thrown them out of your house. but alisa was only trying to help, it’s what she’s always done and she’s never been wrong. maybe this time.. you should take her advice without second guessing yourself
inspired by: Jane The Virgin (Season 3, Episode 11)
characters: y/n-chan (our beautiful angel), Bokuto, Alisa, and Kuroo
things to know: non-binary!reader. Kuroo is reader-chan’s older brother. angst. that’s it. good luck :(
masterlist <3
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you couldn’t remember when you last took a shower.
you knew it was disgusting.
you couldn’t remember the last time you had eaten.
you knew it was damaging your health.
you couldn’t remember...
you couldn’t remember anything. Not since he left you and this world altogether.
honestly it felt like just yesterday he was holding you in his arms, telling you how beautiful your children looked. how your children would have the best parents in the world. he looked so cute picking out baby clothes; even though you weren’t pregnant yet. he planned his entire future for you, reminding both of you that your children and you would always be in his number one spot.
if only it happened, huh?
soft tears rolled down y/n’s soft cheeks. the room felt so cold, so lonely without his warm smile. his silly expressions. his adoring gestures. Bokuto Koutarou was truly too good for this world— maybe that’s why he left the world so young.
the curtains opened, allowing the room to get rid of all the darkness. y/n looked up to see alisa opening the curtains with a sad smile.
“morning honey.” alisa sighed, sitting on the edge of y/n’s bed.
y/n shook their head, “he’s not out there, alisa.”
“No.. um, he’s not out there, you’re right.” she didn’t know how to respond but she knew what y/n meant.
“I don’t want to go out there if he won’t be there.”
“do you think he would want that?”
“what?” y/n whispered.
“Bokuto loved you, honey. he thought you were wonderful to the point where he married you and planned to have children with you someday
would he really want to see you like this? setting your life on pause to try to help a failed player?”
“I... no, he wouldn’t.” y/n sighed before wiping their tears a bit.
alisa frowned before something clicked in her head, she turned towards y/n with a better idea, “hey. how about..
listening to his voicemails?”
“Bokuto left you voicemails a lot of the time, right? When you guys lived together?” alisa asked.
y/n nodded their head, they refused to delete them so their mailbox was always full.
alisa got up from their seat, before opening the door to their bedroom, “I’ll be in the living room with Lev and your brother. at least.. consider it”
the door closed.
y/n sighed before sitting up slowly— their legs felt like literal jelly. they picked up the phone, pressed into phone, then onto voicemail
and they raised the phone slowly to their ear.
“Hey hey hey, Baby owl!”
Their breath hitched upon hearing his voice.
“I’m sorry I’m late, I’ll be home in 10 minutes! I stopped to buy an orange. Alright... a dozen oranges,” you could hear the moment his hair went down as a way to show sadness.
“I know what we said about buying street fruit so I’m just preparing you for a lot of oranges.”
“maybe our own children will love street fruit too, it’s actually really delicious,” y/n began to cry again.
“and I already know you’re rolling your eyes!”
a small chuckle came from y/n.
“but it’s my personal opinion and it was a little kid selling oranges, I had to buy them.”
“anyways, I’m almost home. I love you, my baby owl!”
crashes came from the other side of the phone.
y/n’s voice hitched again. they had picked a random voicemail... they didn’t mean to pick the last one ever sent.
“GRAB MY HAND!” Bokuto’s voice...
“MOVE!” Bokuto’s voice yelled before a thud was heard— he had obviously pushed someone away.
the crashes slowed down, y/n’s tears came rolling faster.
“oh my god,” another stranger, “t-that’s Bokuto Koutarou. HE’S GOT A SPOUSE WAITING AT HOME FOR HIM, SAVE HIM BEFORE ITS TOO L-” the voicemail ended there.
“no... NO!”
alisa, lev, and kuroo all startled by the yelling, quickly went over to y/n’s room before knocking on the door. things were being thrown and sobbing was heard.
kuroo quickly opened the door to see y/n on the ground, sobbing their eyes out before throwing a picture of them and Bokuto against the wall. the glass shattered which resulted in the picture of the couple in the park having a picnic be ripped in half with each person on each side.
“Y/N!” kuroo yelled before wrapping his arms around his sibling.
“NO NO NO!” they thrashed and tried to get out of kuroo’s grasp.
“shh, calm down. I’m right here. everything will be okay.” kuroo whispered, kissing his sibling’s forehead.
“k-kou..” they whispered before calming down, they finally relaxed into their brother’s arms.
“m-mmm.” their eyes closed before they slowly peacefully fainted into Kuroo’s arms.
“were they going to say something?” alisa asked worriedly as they bent down to rub y/n’s tears away.
“missing you. that was what they were going to say. I miss you too, baby owl. So much. I love you.”
his spirit disappeared from the now ripped picture, finally being able to move on to a better place.
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
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y/n’s mains || series masterlist || next
things to know <3
Y/n is actually a fellow childhood friend of Kenma and Kuroo
Y/n’s backstory is sort of similar to Kuroo’s in the sense of both of their parents were divorced when they were young
Alisa and y/n met each other in English class back in freshmen year, they were put as partners and y/n decided to keep her forever
Yachi joined the group during anime club. It was a club that was created by Yachi herself back in freshmen year but nobody showed up :( due to this, alisa and y/n who were passing by, quickly walked into the classroom pretending to be late for the first meeting of the club
Kenma has a little twitch account where he posts from time to time
Currently, the gang are all in Junior year
Ms. Bermudez is their Chemistry teacher T-T
I mentioned this fanfic contains crossovers which is why Midoriya and Bakugou from My Hero Academia are mentioned
Bakugou constantly asks Yachi if she can expel Midoriya from school
Alisa adores Midoriya and thinks he’s really smart. She’s always wanted to be his friend so that’s why she was so glad to find out he was her partner for the chemistry project
Both y/n and Kuroo’s third tweets mention someone named Kelly siding with someone who thinks she’s annoying; for context: y/n got into a fight with someone they thought was a friend and Kelly, instead of wanting to hear what happened, immediately decided that she was on the other person’s side
amelia’s notes:
• oh my god?! I’m finally doing a haikyuu x reader! I’m so happy and excited T-T
• Something I think is worth knowing is that while this is half social media, most of the chapters in this fanfic will be written since y/n does go to school and these murders are happening in real life at their high school
• if you’d like to be part of the taglist, please fill out the form and I’ll gladly add you :)
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
where you get to see the exciting lives of our wonderful actors from “my train partner”!
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Going On a “Date” Together
↳ YouTube Description: We’ve heard your demands and we have accepted a single request! Today, Kuroo and I will be going on a “date” together! But with a little twist ;)
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“You’re pulling! You’re pulling!” Y/n whined as she set the camera on a stand.
Jasmine stood behind y/n, trying to get her ready for tonight’s “date.”
“Sorry honey!” Jasmine sighed, “I just want you to look nice for your date.”
Y/n nodded and sat up, letting Jasmine do her hair again.
“You haven’t even told me by the way, what’s the lucky guy’s name?” Jasmine smirked.
“Oh well you know, he’s really not that great,” y/n rolled her eyes, “he’s pretty annoying.”
“Ah, I knew it. You’re going on a date with a psycho.” Jasmine sighed again before grabbing strands of y/n’s hair again.
The door to the area burst open and Kuroo stood there with his foot out, indicating that he had kicked it open.
“I am not a psycho!” He exclaimed before opening the door larger, a big (f/d: favorite dog breed) came running through.
“NO WAIT KUROO, PLEASE!” Y/n yelled before the (f/d) ran towards her.
Kuroo smirked, putting on some sunglasses before running over and grabbing the camera.
The dog tackled y/n to the ground as Kuroo ran out of the room, “(d/n: dog name), NO!”
“NEVER INSULT A SUPERIOR!” He laughed before running off, the camera flopping around with blurred scenes.
*Technical Difficulties :)*
“Good morning, everybody.” The static stopped and Kuroo was seen standing behind a kitchen counter, a chef’s hat on top of his.
“Today, we’ll be making my famous Kuroo dogs.” He announced with professionalism.
“THAT SOUNDED SO WRONG-” His face turned red and he covered his nose bleed.
*Technical Difficulties :)*
“So first, we’ll need flour because it’s the first thing that I found when I went over to the ingredients.” Kuroo smiled proudly of himself as he set the flour down.
“KUROO, YOU ASSHOLE!” A voice yelled as they ran closer.
His eyes widened and he quickly grabbed a handful of flour before throwing it at y/n as she stopped in front of him.
“Love you too, honey bear!” Kuroo yelled as he grabbed the camera and ran off.
*Technical Difficulties :)*
The camera picked up blurry scenes before showing Kuroo’s face again, he was in the laundry room, but he wasn’t wearing his chef’s outfit anymore. He was wearing an apron.
“Jesus, I can’t believe how dirty all of this got.” He whispered, putting the chef’s outfit inside of the washer.
He turned towards the camera and gave a fake surprised face.
“We’ll look at that, we have an audience.”
“How about I teach you how to-”
“KUROO, I FOUND YOU!” Y/n’s voice came closer with her running distance.
“OH COME ON, I DIDNT EVEN GET TO DO THAT SCENE FOR LONG!” He grabbed the camera again before running off.
*Technical Difficulties :)*
Finally, the two sat at a restaurant set table together. Kuroo holding in a laugh as he took in y/n’s appearance. She was in a red dress, pretty makeup on, and her hair nicely done. But there was one little thing. She had flour all over her entire face-
“You look.. stunning.” Kuroo held in a laugh.
“And you look disgusting.” She crossed her arms with an annoyed look.
“Aw, come on. I barely even know your name and this is how you treat our first date?” He teased with a small smirk.
She stepped on his foot, making him immediately flinch and cry out, “Y/N! THAT HURT!”
“Oh shush, you’ll get over it.”
*Technical Difficulties :)*
“Well the food looks good.” Kuroo licked his lips.
Jasmine came out with two plates of spaghetti before setting it down on their tables, she was holding a notepad and was wearing a waitress outfit.
“Anything else for tonight, lovebirds?”
Kuroo smirked, “Well if I can have anything.” He looked over at y/n, trying to insinuate something.
Her cheeks turned bright red, “That’s it. This date’s over.”
She grabbed the camera, trying to remove the flour again before glaring at Kuroo and putting the spaghetti over his pants.
“Worst date of my life,” y/n sighed as Kuroo freaked out about how hot the sauce was, Jasmine laughed and took pictures of his lifts scene, “Maybe next time, I’ll go on a beach date with someone else.”
She gave a little wink, “Some foreshadowing for you lovelies, bye! We love you!”
“Oh stop crying, you big baby!” She walked over to Kuroo and dropped her plate of spaghetti on him as well.
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Vlog’s Chapter || Series Masterlist || Next Chapter
~ Little Facts ~
This entire video was supposed to be an acting one of Kuroo and y/n not knowing each other on their “date”. Kuroo decided to change that without informing her -.-
Kuroo can actually make food, he’s pretty good at it and he’s the one who made the spaghetti actually, it’s Jasmine and y/n’s favorite dish of his
Y/n’s annoyed of Kuroo -.-
The end of the video was a little foreshadowing for the fourth vlog on the list ;)
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tiktok of the vlog: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8ADgsdd/
explanation of the tiktok: similar to most girl/boy best friends out there, they’re both very tired of people assuming that they’re dating. Although they love each other very much, neither wants a relationship at the moment or thinks they should be together right now in the middle of filming
taglist: @boosyboo9206 @fandomsgotmefucked @mono-dot-jpeg @creepykawass @rintarovibes @omiigad @tirzamisu @roseestuosity @milkteeboba
(if your username is crossed out, it means the system couldn’t find your blog and you should check your settings)
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years
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~ ɴᴏsᴛᴀʟɢɪᴀ ~ : a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.
inspired by: @iblamebill on tiktok
synopsis: an interview during rehearsal brings back memories where Y/n wishes they could see their loved one once more
characters: y/n (aka our beautiful reader), kuroo, and Alisa (aka our gorgeous queen from another mother)
things to know: non-binary!y/n. lots of angst. shitty ass fucking parents. lovable kuroo. kind and understanding alisa. timeskip!kuroo, timeskip!alisa, timeskip!y/n. famous!y/n. famous!alisa.
masterlist <3
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It’s sort of funny really. To have this.. feeling run over you.
Interviewers usually ask me “What’s your favorite memory?” Weird question but, I accept the question and begin to explain.
When I was a high schooler, I was on our school’s dance team. We were basically like cheerleaders but we had routines and during breaks or scheduled times, we would go onto the field and hype the crowd about the game by dancing. Does it sound silly? Thinking about it now, maybe it was. I was the new kid, haha, lucky me, huh. My mother had the bright idea to move across the entire country just so we could move in with her new boyfriend. I joined the dance team as a way to help myself relax, it sounded like a good idea at the time.
But hey, I made a friend! Her name was Alisa. She didn’t have any friends on the dance team either because she was new as well. Man, were we adorable back then. What I’d give to get to meet my best friend all over again.
“Hey, you’re new here, right?” Alisa’s bright voice startled Y/n.
“Hi, yes,” Y/n replied after calming down, “Was it that obvious?”
Alisa chuckled, “No it’s just something I asked everyone. It’s why no one on the dance team will speak to me. They call me the weird asking girl.” She whispered loud enough for Y/n to hear.
“Pfft-!” Y/n laughed, “Nice, well at least you got it right this time.”
Alisa shook her head, “I’m new too. Just started yesterday. My brother is basically the only friend I have and he’s a freshmen while I’m over here being a senior.” She rolled her eyes before setting her water bottle down next to Y/n’s.
“Alright girls, let’s start!” Their instructor walked into the gym, “Next week is our first game, it will be a football one, lucky us. Our routine involves dancing with someone, so partner up and find a lucky girl to dance with for our routine.”
Alisa turned towards Y/n and held a hand out, “Alisa Haiba.”
“Y/n L/n.” They shook her hand.
“Pronouns?” Alisa asked.
Y/n let out a little startled sound, they didn’t expect someone to ask what they identified as since no one ever asked.
“They/Them. I’m non-binary.” Y/n gave a kind smile.
“Great! She/Her, I’m female. However I’ve been considering gender fluid.” Alisa made a face as if to say ‘still in consideration though.’
“Oh that would be so!-”
Both Alisa and Y/n quickly turned startled at the loud booming voice.
“Yes?” They both replied.
“Do I need to separate you two? The game to next week. Let’s get moving!”
“Yes, coach!” Alisa quickly replied before shuffling over to an empty spot on the mat, grabbing Y/n’s wrist to have them follow her.
It feels like just yesterday if I’m being honest. She was so kind and respectful. But anyway, we’re getting off track. The day of the game came and it was very successful if I must say myself. I had fun at least. Future games for different sports started becoming fun as well. Especially with Alisa being there. But there came a day when our stupid instructor decided to assign us a football player each. The principal had thought it was a good idea for the dancers and football players to do a dance together. I didn’t know anyone on the football team so of course, I’m already scared. Then came my name.
“And lastly, Y/n L/n with Tetsuro Kuroo.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow, ‘Huh?’
“Alright people, get over to your partners, we’re just going to go over what dance we’ll be doing for next week’s football game.”
A boy with jet black rooster hair came bouncing over to where Y/n was standing in their dance uniform.
“Yo! Y/n! Let’s do this! I’ve seen you dance and honestly, you’re wonderful. To be able to dance like that, pfft- I wish I could.” He began making a weird dancing move, seeming to try to impress them.
‘Right. Tetsuro Kuroo. He sits in front of me in Advanced Chemistry Honors. He’s that loud popular kid you see in your classes that are always friends with the teachers and are disruptive in class. But other than that, Kuroo is one of the smartest people that Y/n knows. And he’s really nice too. And you could call him helpful whenever Y/n is stuck on a chemistry problem.’
“If you don’t know your partner, congratulations, you’re now friends. Introduced yourselves so we can proceed.”
Kuroo turned excitedly towards Y/n, “I’m so glad I got you! I was really hoping I would cause there’s this other girl on your team, I don’t even know her name. But she’s super annoying and she told me she would try to pull strings just to be my dance partner. Creepy, huh?”
It seemed like he could talk forever. And he always assumed I was listening.
I was listening.
He was so interesting. The things he’s seen, the things he liked. Oh and his family. Honestly, I could’ve listened to Kuroo all day talk about chemistry and how and why he was passionate about it. His mother played a big part in his life. It was because of her why he decided to follow her path as a scientist. The football was because it was a sport he and his father enjoyed. It became a daily routine for Kuroo to talk and for me to listen. And I began to notice something.
He was incredibly happy.
Kuroo honestly had a wonderful life. Supportive and loving parents, good grades, a good personality, charisma, he was a great person. And he was always grateful for the things he had and always tried to give back to the ones he loved and the ones who didn’t have much.
I loved to listen to his stories.
They made me feel.. happy. To imagine a life as beautiful as his.
The day came where the football game would arrive and I would have to dance with Kuroo as his partner.
I was afraid.
I thought after that, he wouldn’t want to continue talking to me. I’d have to watch him converse his interesting stories to some other person.
But that didn’t happen.
Kuroo stayed.
And he talked.
And I listened.
My birthday was finally coming up. I was turning 16 and my mother.. had allowed me to have a sleepover. It was the one day I would get some attention from my mother. Eventually, my mother’s new boyfriend had gotten married to her and he was now my stepfather.
He wasn’t very kind.
My mother, my stepfather, and my stepsister had never showed up to any of my games. It was always too inconvenient for them or my stepsister had something better going on. This year however, my birthday had fallen on an away game day. Which meant my ‘parents’ had to come so they could pick up both me and Alisa and then drive us back home for the sleepover. She was my only friend and the other girls on the dance team didn’t really speak to me.
During the game, I seemed to catch myself staring up at the bleachers multiple times. Trying to see if I could spot my mother. Or even at least my stepfather.
I never saw a single one of them that entire night.
By halftime, Kuroo had gotten worried because he could see how upset I was. He tried to cheer me up by saying that maybe somehow I missed them and that I would just catch up on them after the game.
But the end of the game came, people filed out, and it was eventually just Alisa and I.
Thankfully, our coach, which I had learned her name was Mandy, hadn’t left us yet because she wanted to keep us company until we were picked up. When it became clear my ‘parents’ weren’t coming, Ms Mandy loaded us up into her car and drove us back to our school. When we arrived, I tried to call my house over and over and over again.
Nobody would answer the phone.
It wasn’t until an hour later that someone had finally picked up the line. On the other line of the phone, my mother proceeded to tell me that she had overslept because she gave her phone to my stepsister earlier and my stepsister didn’t let my mother know the alarm for my game time had gone off. I then let her know that we were now at our school and she could come pick us up now.
My mother said no.
No? I repeated back to her.
No, she repeated as well. She told me she had to be up early tomorrow for work and that it was almost midnight. My mother had told me, without any hesitation, that she wouldn’t pick me up because her having enough hours of sleep was much more important than her coming to get me and some ‘stupid’ friend. At this point, I asked for my stepfather to come pick us up. It was better than nothing, I suppose.
She told me not to be selfish. That he needed sleep just as much as she did.
Tears prickled on the waterlines of Y/n’s precious face. Someone who was supposed to care, someone who gave literal birth to a child, just said that something else was much more important than them. And this happened all of the time. It never stopped. Their stepsister was more important than their award ceremony. Their stepfather was more important than their back to school night. Their mother’s cigarettes were much more important than having to watch her young child. At this point, Y/n was gripping onto the phone hard.
“I hate you.” Y/n whispered.
“Excuse me?” Their mother snapped on the other line, irritated that this conversation was still happening.
“I.. am a literal human being. You gave birth to a beautiful person. I know because I am that beautiful person. I have fucking feelings,” the tears kept rushing, “It’s my birthday, mom.” They whispered softly with such sadness.
The line went quiet. She knew that they were right. She knew she was a literal piece of shit.
“I am so tired of you. Tired of being less important over two stupid human beings that I didn’t even want in my life!”
“Stacy is not your fucking kid, I AM!”
“Bob isn’t my fucking father, BENJAMIN L/N IS!”
On the other line, a small gasp came from their mother. Y/n hadn’t said their father’s name in years because of how much they missed him.
“I guess dad was right in his letter.”
“You’re a shitty ass person and I wish I never loved you.” Y/n repeated the same words their father had written in letters he kept in case his death neared.
“Don’t expect me home. Not tonight. Not tomorrow. Not ever again.”
At that point, Y/n hung up the phone.
It had already been sprinkling during the game so I was a bit wet. By then, the rain had gotten a bit heavier to the point where I was soaked. Ms Mandy had already left by now, it took a lot of convincing to get her to leave, but she eventually believed me when I said my ‘parents’ were definitely coming to get us. Alisa had went to the locker rooms quickly so she could change and grab her bag that she had left here.
So I sat.
In the cold and wet sidewalk, getting entirely soaked in rain water.
My tears were still coming but I was sobbing now. I couldn’t believe that after all of these years, I stood up to my mother and told her how I felt. And worse, I didn’t even have a place to stay. I heard the door to the office open which meant someone was coming out.
Kuroo stood under the covered building. He had just called his mom earlier to let her know she could come pick him up now since Y/n said that they had a ride coming for them. But when he looked up. He saw them. Sitting on the sidewalk all soaked up in rain water. His eyes widened as he quickly ran over, not caring how soaked he himself got. He took a seat next to Y/n which made them flinch a bit at the sudden contact when Kuroo set his hand on their shoulder.
“Y/n? What are you still doing here? It’s almost midnight and it’s raining. It’s your birthday, you should be at home with Alisa and your family, celebrating.”
By his words alone, Y/n began to cry again. Incredibly worried now, Kuroo brought them into his arms, tightly hugging them as he tried to wipe their tears away.
“What happened, Y/n? What did your parents say?”
During the times that Kuroo and Y/n would hang out, Kuroo wasn’t always the only person talking. He stopped sometimes and would ask Y/n questions.
They talked.
And he listened.
And boy were their parents shitty as hell. He couldn’t even imagine how Y/n had lived up to 16. So he knew that judging by the way Y/n was at their current state; it had to do with their parents.
“My mother refused to pick me up. And.. my response was that she’d no longer see me home at all. So now, I have no place to live or stay and it all happened.. on my birthday.”
I could sense the anger he was feeling. And it was confirmed when his grip got tighter. A couple minutes went by and what Alisa told me after was that she had come out from the locker room and went through the office. And when she saw us, she took a picture, saying I would thank her.
I did thank her.
After a while, a minivan pulled up. A loud horn was heard and Kuroo looked up. I assumed it was his mother or father who had come to pick him up. I was right because he waved over and the honking stopped. He picked me up and put a sweater he had taken off over my body. At that point, Alisa came running over to our side and gave a smile. We walked over to the minivan and Kuroo opened the back door, signaling Alisa and I to go inside. Which we did and Alisa pulled me into her arms when she saw how much I was shivering.
“Hey! You must be Y/n and Alisa. Oh I’ve heard so much about you, Y/n! Kuroo showed me a picture and he kept talking about how nice and kind you were and how pretty-”
“Alright mom! That’s enough.” Blush painted on Kuroo’s face as he got into the car after shutting the back door.
“Oh alright,” She chuckled, “I’m Lily, Kuroo’s mom. It’s your birthday today honey, happy 16th birthday!”
Y/n smiled appreciative. Only three people had said happy birthday to them today; Alisa, Kuroo, and Ms Mandy. Not even their mother had wished them a happy birthday that morning.
“Have you celebrated yet, sweetie?” Lily asked as she began to drive off, “Let’s pass by (favorite/fastfood place)! I heard they started being open 24/7, how wonderful. And we can go get a sheet cake. Kuroo’s father is still awake as well actually, we heard he had won the game with finishing points or something like that. I hardly ever understand anything they say about football-”
Lily Kuroo was exactly like Tetsuro Kuroo. I finally understood where he got it from. Lily enjoyed talking as did her son, they both enjoyed having someone listen to them, they enjoyed science, oh the things I learned that night and the things I did. Lily was so kind and so was Kuroo’s father, Kaito.
By the end of the night, Lily and Kaito’s kindness had become my goal. Their kindness is actually what got me here. Lights above me turned on, revealing the backstage of a tv show.
“I strive to be the kind of influencer who can help people be the best version of themselves. And.. show them there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. There’s no darkness. There’s hope.”
The cameraman smiled before sending a thumps up to the interviewer. The woman smiled nicely before walking to my side again.
“And what happened to your family?” She asked, pity filling her eyes.
“I don’t know actually. After that night, I didn’t speak to my mother and I never wanted to get in touch. Bob and Stacy weren’t even my family so I couldn’t care less.” I replied honestly, I’ve always wanted to be honest with my fans and supporters.
“Y/n! Our scene is coming up. Let’s get going!” Alisa ran over, grabbing Y/n’s wrist before running off.
You’re probably wondering about Kuroo. Or Tetsu actually, a nickname I gave him after that night.
I haven’t seen Tetsu since he left for college. But I’m searching. And I don’t mean to be cocky but.. I’m on a famous tv show, my face is on screens 24/7, why hasn’t Tetsu tried to come back to me?
Has he... moved on?
The sound of the remote came off before he smiled happily. He always loved to see their face and during interviews, their honesty made it even better.
“I miss you. I haven’t moved on.” Kuroo whispered.
“I’ll be waiting here for you..”
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