#world building rambles
halichor · 3 days
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"Who will heed your pleas to escape this nightmare, when your goddess lies in deep slumber, still lost in her dream?"
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steelthroat · 2 months
Cybertron, but the surface and the buildings are shaped like bismuth crystals...
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Look at how pretty it is please!!!!!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Broken Roofs and Fixed Perspectives
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#xue yang#xiao xingchen#Lots of cut content notes on this one. Lets all have a moment of silence for all the cut A-Qing's in each perspective.#particularly ripped and buff 'Daozhang Defender 'A-Qing (her perspective)#funny but poor layout#XY also had a red arrow pointed at him in his own POV that said 'just troubled' but it made the panel too cluttered.#He does see himself as troubled and uses that to justify his actions#but I also think there is room for him to not really know exactly how to feel about himself in this situation#Yi-city is such a fantastic tragedy for so many reasons and you will bear witness to me rambling about it in the tags as this arc continues#Helping a blind man fix a roof? A manipulative act of building trust or genuine display of wanting to collaberate?#XY and A-qing have experience of the cruelty of the world where as xxc has blind (haha) faith that kindness prevails#These three simultaneous know each other more than the other's think and *yet* completely miss the mark.#the stories they tell in the blizzard (and the reactions they have) so perfectly display who these characters are#Both xxc and xy tell stories about unfair cruelty. To xxc it is others who's suffering is highlighted. XY highlight's his own.#A-qing understands xue yang more that she wants to admit. She predicts the twists in xy's story and empathizes with the hurt and anger#A-qing is also taking advantage of xxc! She is also lying to survive!#Though shes mostly benign in her intentions. She really did vibe check the rank stank on XY's soul on the spot#Alas...no one listens to teen girls....
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gorgynei · 6 months
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do u think they take their hormone replacement potions together. i do
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
Once I was scrolling thru naruto fics and saw the tag "buisnessman!Kakashi" and all I could think about was Kakashi being a child businessman, owning all the konoha adults at doing business while wearing an oversized suit and tie. That idea is so fucking funny to me.
#obito: that kakashi! hes always showing me up by getting better deals than me >:-(#also just the idea of lil child Kakashi showing up at a business meeting and sealing the deal with an outline written in adorablly childish#handwriting. written in crayon lol#call this the naruto businessman au#every ninja is a business person and it exactly parallels canon. that is my dream#sealed inside naruto is the partial spirit of the ultimate buisnessman but its too powerful and everyones afraid#fucking hashirama's face on the wall as the company founder lmao rip madara: fuck this company ur brother embarrassed my brother so bad#at deal making that he died. im gonna tear it all down. face me hashirama! deal for deal. ill become the ultimate businessman ill control#the world and put an end to all this business!#oh got its so weird like the founders waterpark au that i also keep deep in my heart#anyway this is weird wtf am i doing. procrastinating and its like almost 11 i should keep writing or go to sleep lol#but wait: 10 years ago the spirit of a ferral businessman was unleashed upon this building. there was no stopping him. his charisma was#unmatched. his expense reports! his terrible otherworldly expense reports! he was too efficient! he fired half the staff! the spirit of#that buisnessman is sealed inside of u naruto. thats why theyre so afraid of u. and then cut to naruto in an oversized buisness suit#looking shocked. aw iruka as a daycare working. cute#anyway this is fucking dystopian lol#unrelated#naruto ramblings
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morganmnemonic · 4 months
rewatching World Trigger. I forgot how gay it was. Osamu straight up says "hey Yuma. I know that we've only known you for like five days, but I can't help but notice that you aren't doing anything with your life right now. Mind if I borrow it for a bit?"
And then Yuma responds with "while its true that we've only know each other for like five days, your kind yet stubborn nature has compelled me. Sure. Why not? From this moment on my life is yours to do whatever you want with. One condition, though. You have to be my boss" and then throughout the story he occasionally makes these little remarks like "I'd do anything my captain (osamu) asked me to."
Like bro what? I really don't think that Osamu fully realizes the weight of the loyalty he somehow managed to earn from Yuma. I don't think he could realize it. From his perspective he cringefailed his way into b rank while Yuma did all the work. "And now Yuma would kill or die for me" is just not a conclusion that would ever occur to Osamu based on the avaliable evidence.
And like, what's going on here from Yuma's perspective? I get that he was a man on the brink when the story started, pursuing a sincerely suicidal plan, and then said plan failed and he was left with absolutely nothing, but I still feel like there has to be more going on here. He decided that he would follow Osamu through hell and back the very same minute that Osamu asked anything of him at all.
It's like, combat is all Yuma has ever known. He doesn't see any future for himself at all, but he especially can't imagine a peaceful one. But he's not a bad kid. He doesn't go out of his way to hurt people. Osamu has proven to be a pretty decent person, willing to sacrifice himself to save the lives of relative strangers. Maybe, the way Yuma sees it, yeah he's a weapon, but if he follows Osamu at least he'll be a weapon pointed in the right direction. He'll fight because it's all he knows how to do, but osamu would only ever ask him to fight for worthy causes. Y'know?
Anyway. The point is that Yuma accepted helping Osamu as his new purpose in life after knowing him for less than a week, and that's A Lot, no matter how you look at it.
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i haven’t been very active on here bc i’ve been drawing other ~non house related things~ but i really want to so my asks are open for requests or if anyone just wants to say hello :) !
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riant-draws · 24 days
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~squeeze the child~
go read Leaving Only Rust Behind by @clubsheartsspades!! stellar fic, casually rereading it for the third time
not my best work, but decent for barely ever drawing scugs and cranking this out in an afternoon
god i love my new markers they're my best friends
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
I just noticed, in your HHStargazers AU no one has pupils - except for Alastor and, if she's canon, Carmilla. Does that mean slit pupils are a sign of a demon in disguise?
Good eye! 👈👈👀 (Pun unintended.) Though I don't really plan for this trait to be repeatedly shared amongst the disguised demons. Mostly to not limit my designs to an obvious tell. But the slit pupils were indeed intentional flaws I added in for those two in particular. Because according to MY headcanon, both angels and demons are beings beyond human comprehension. Thus, it's only to be expected that even when they TRY to fit in, they'll be unable to keep EVERY aspect of their uncanny nature concealed. At best, they're imperfect imitations of what "normal" should be. It just so happens that in my AU, angels have a much easier time concealing most of their little quirks and oddities away than the sinners for my own reasons and as for WHY no one ever grew suspicious of the eye thing, it's because Charlie's curiosity could be easily curved. While for Lucius to point this out, he'll have to admit that he's been staring at Alastor's eyes a lot whenever he gets close enough to drown in the depths of his gaze and- EHEM!!! Which he's NEVER done, mind you! AhahaHAH- What slit pupils??? Never noticed those before. Nuh-uh. NO siree. NOPE! Lucius is normally so, SO normal about Alastors VERY much normal eyes in a TOTALLY normal amount of normal. A-ANYWAAAYS!!! Lucius would also be a hypocrite if he was bothered by them considering his own occupation and the people he's usually surrounded by (yet to be revealed). As for the other humans, Alastor doesn't care enough about their opinions for it to be a threat to him and people often just avoid the guy unnerving them with his creepy ass stare. So it's all good! Hope you like these bonus fun facts! 'Cause I have a feeling I left you with just as much questions as answers, but that's the fun of an ongoing story, yeah? Stay tuned~! 😉✨️ -Bubbly💙
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Sometimes I think about what Zhongli and Venti's friendship must have been like, when canon implied that it was always Venti who would visit, Venti who would leave his nation to check on the other, and... Venti who left for centuries on end to sleep.
Yet, Mondstadt does not have the stories of the Anemo and Geo Archon coming together and drinking wine and watching performances. Liyue speaks of their alliance, of the time Barbatos broke a vase, and of their history. And I wouldn't say their friendship was one-sided, but it seems imbalanced in a way that makes sense for their responsibilities at the time. Morax was a very hands-on, active archon while Barbatos is practically the patron saint of traveling.
Does Mondstadt know that her god befriended the other archons, that he was responsible for building connections between the divine? They scoff at Venti's ballads of swapping out the Tsaritsa's scepter and talking shit about the Pyro Archon, do they know that he is mentioned frequently in other nations, that everyone else calls him absent to his people but present in some way or another in the anemo element and yet tells folklore about his visits in their nation ?
ah, I'm just thinking out loud again
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tare-anime · 8 months
I notice that Endo always slips in subtle hints of sxf world building whenever he make an Eden kids focused chapter.
In the latest chapter 88, he slips in rumours:
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We have a "King Willy the second" and "Queen of enemy nation".
It makes me think that there might be kingdoms in the land of Ostania, or in adjacent lands nearby Ostania. Perhaps this kingdoms already gone, or maybe there're still exist?
This really brings back a theory regarding Anya as the descendants of an extinc kingdom, due to her hair color, and her ability to speak "ancient language"
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Even though, the "ancient language" can also means Anya overhears the lab scientist listing all terminologies in latin words.
Another example.
Back then, at chp. 42, he slips in
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Pastry of knowledge. With a big picture of Apple. An Appe of knowledge. In Eden Academy.
Apple. Knowledge. Eden.
A reference to bible, in which someone in Eden might know a forbidden information, in corelation with Handler Sylvia's teaching to Twilight: knowledge is a very dangerous weapon.
A fact that there is a space race in the sxf world
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Or a fact that Mr. Green knows a secret code for Ostanian people who deflect to the West
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So as much as I really enjoy chapters where Endo shows us kids acting like kids (with all their dramatic antics); which emphazise Twilight and Yor's resolution to stay in the shadow in order to maintain peace so that these kids can always enjoy their time being kids; I will always squints my eyes for these clues. 🤣🤣
I love Endo and his way of storytelling.
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minecraftbookshelf · 11 months
One of the fun worldbuilding things I’ve been doing is figuring out how the different species life cycles work.
Like, humans are humans
Seafolk(mostly) hatch from eggs directly into a sort of toddler/older toddler stage. They have full mobility and gross motor skills and quite a few fine motor skills. Most species begin language acquisition while still in the egg, which is why it’s so important that they are cared for and spoken too in that stage (see: why Joel is kind of concerned that his new wife is maybe a little bit either crazy or possessed by a cursed artifact because she spends so much time sneaking away to go talk to and cuddle a vaguely glowing orb)
From there they usually grow very rapidly, reaching physical maturity in about half the amount of time it takes a human (this timeline does not apply to demi(?)-gods, who might, for example, be the equivalent of a pre-teen for a few hundred years at a time, to use a totally random example that has no bearing on the actual story at all 😇)
A lot of seafolk species don’t stop growing either, even after they reach maturity, growing larger and larger as they age. At all stages most Seafolk tend to both be fully capable of independent function and survival, while preferring to remain within a community and work together.
Most of these also apply to the Swamp Inhabitants, other than like, the witches.
And some more reptilian hybrid species or mollusk hybrid species.
Elves I took some inspiration from deer and combined it with Tolkein. Elves have very long childhoods, but their children are rarely seen, since they are fairly secluded for the first 60-70 years or so. During this time they do not tend to be very active and are quiet and mostly cling to their parents. They have a safe space, usually their room or a specific place in the family home and they Do Not leave that space. They are incredibly reliant on their parents during this time. Finding an unattended elvish child is a sign that something is Deeply Wrong. (Don’t think about smol bb Scott finding refuge in snowbanks nothing to see here :) )
After this stage they hit the development approximating puberty for humans (and it does have some of the same facets) and begin growing their antlers. Then they will begin to venture out of the home and into the greater world. This is also when ideally they begin socializing and engaging in the cooperative play and work. They tend to be very high energy and are usually raised extremely communally at this point, basically corralled together and passed from adult to adult in supervision shifts. It’s a stage that is entirely about building bonds with their peers and the adults around them. (Unless of course they never actually had a true safe space during their early development and so were never psychologically prepared for this stage and don’t deal with it by isolating :) )
That stage passes relatively quickly, lasting only 20 years or so and ending usually between the 90-100 year mark at which point their antlers mature beyond prongs and they are considered adults. (But like, baby adults. College kids. You don’t rate adulty-adult until you’re at least 150, which is usually also the age where courtships begin happening.)
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floorpancakes · 3 months
ok but im rly into the idea of till having a new era that brings the light back to his eyes and drives him forward if he gets to escape the arena. idk where he'd go from there but i want to see ivans sacrifice both haunt him and drive him to actually live his damn life after being the captured bird refusing freedom cause of mizi. once he knows she's alive with the resistance he might be able to actually experience other things and widen his world and if that happens and he puts his personal sense of rebellion towards the human cause OR settles into finding some other way to feel fulfilment that isn't a single person that could be deeply fascinating to me i think
#alien stage#ramble#idk#till alien stage#as an xxxholic fan i want to see caged birds fly and all the fear and loss and grit and progress that comes with it#till era would be so fucking fun#especially when characters r built arnd one person or one goal or something you want to see them find new things to suffer or thrive abt (?)#random inconsequential thought imagine till hooking up with hyunas besties and they become a resistance throuple#idk i just want till to experience the wider world as the one that was the most restrained by his heart AND literally#cause even compared to the other anakt kids he suffered so much in those damn buildings and labs#i wanna see him freed and what that means for ivans legacy as the person who was unseen but someone who both contributed to and desperately#tried to stop his pain and confinement no matter what#honestly the thing i wanna see most rn off the top of my head is#till coming to terms with what he knows and sees about ivan now#no matter how he feels about it i think ivan wont be forgotten that easily#i want to know whats going thru tills head rn immediately in this moment#cause this snapped him in some way and he is acutely aware of things he didnt even notice before#while handling the mizi desth thing#that he assumed was happening#if he is assumedly saved i want to see the explosion that is knowung mizi is alive#knowing ivan is dead and how ivan felt#and knowing he has a way out of the cage#because its a triple whammy#i want to see his brain exploding in real time thinking abt all these things#and what sort of person the revelations will make him become#also i want to see mizi and till have like an actual conversation cause itd be a wildcard especially right now
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smilesrobotlover · 3 months
Some worldbuilding stuff I enjoy playing with:
The highest honor a man can have in Hyrule besides royalty or the hero is to be knighted. There are soldiers but they are simply soldiers. Knights on the other hand are blessed by the queen herself, and are knighted typically because they match the qualities of a hero: strong spirit, unwavering courage, and so on. The knights of Hyrule are the strongest fighters and defend the castle if it’s attacked.
The highest honor a woman can have in Hyrule is the status of a maiden. Maidens are blessed by the queen as well and typically match the qualities of the princess with the goddess’s bloods in her veins: wise and powerful with divine magic. Though their magic is not as strong as the princess/Queen’s, together, they are significantly powerful and can help in defense of the castle.
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natashadewinter · 4 months
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the archon human and the people she couldn’t save
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