#would it have given them a helpful prize for future life on the island or just a 'congrats you did it!' message
goldshootingstars · 1 year
You know, Badboyhalo brought up a good question today. What would have happened if they hadn't failed the pressure plate puzzle at the start of QSMP after they got out of the train?
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thewildomega · 3 years
Star in the Sand Ch. 21
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"Again! Again!" Luffy Cheered.
Humming you thought for a moment before looking to him. "You stabbed yourself under the eye to show Shanks that you had what it took to be a pirate." you told him and heard him laugh loudly while Bon Clay gasped. 
"Do Zoro next." 
"No." the swordsman grunted.
"So in this world you grew up in we are all some characters in a book?" Nami asked in disbelief. 
Nodding you sipped at the fruit smoothie Sanji had made you. 
"Yea and I'm the main character." Luffy boasted with a large smile. 
"That means you already knows how everything is going to go." Ussop said.
"Well not exactly, the story wasn't done yet and I wasn't caught up." 
"How far were you then? How much of our 'story' have you seen?" Zoro asked. 
"I've only read up until a little after you get to the New World." 
"Then you could tell us and..."
"No!" Luffy spoke up, his voice firm. "I don't want to know what our future holds, I want it to be a adventure." 
Looking to him you grinned softly and gave a nod, silently promising not to say a word. 
"Interesting. Would you perhaps mind answering some questions for me about your world later Y/n?" Robin asked. 
"Not at all." you told her before quickly moving to cover a yawn. 
Grinning at the pregnant woman Robin stood. "Come Y/n I'll show you to your bed. I've heard pregnancy can make a woman quite fatigue." 
Shaking your head you went to object but Nami stood up and smiled as well. "Not to mention the hell you went through, I'm sure your whooped. We've still got a ways to go so you might as well sleep while we go." 
"Yes Y/n you need some proper sleep, let's try to get those dark circles faded a bit before you are reunited with Mr. Zero." Bentham spoke. 
Grinning you stood. "Thank you. Sanji I can clean up if..."
"Don't even think about it." the cook spoke. "A sweet princess like you needs her sleep so go on and when you wake up I'll have another healthy snack ready." 
Smiling up at the blond you thanked him again and then Luffy before following Robin towards the rooms, hearing Bon wish you a goodnight. Getting to the girl's room you looked over the room enough to get a sense of it but not so much as to seem nosey. There was Nami and Robin's beds on one side but you saw another bed had been made up as well, it looked different than the others but none less comfy. 
"Here you are, I believe Franky outdid himself given the time." Robin smiled. 
Blinking you looked to the bed with actual blankets and pillows, feeling tears prickle your eyes again. "It looks perfect." you said in a quiet voice. "I really don't know how to thank you all... I wish there was something I could do or something I could give you." 
Humming the brunet tilted her head a bit. "You and Crocodile are quite different from each other."
"So everyone tells me." you grinned, your fingers moving to your locket at hearing your soulmate's name. 
"If I may ask, what is it in your locket? I've noticed every time someone mentions his name your fingers move to it out of reflex it would seem." 
Looking down to the gold locket you grinned and moved to open it  and turn it to her a bit as she stepped forward. "I know it's not a real picture but it's all I have." 
Grinning at the sketch of her old boss she chuckled softly. "I think it is wonderful, did you draw it?" she asked and saw the woman nod. "You are very talented." 
Looking down some you grinned a little, "Thank you." 
"I'll leave you to rest now. If you need anything just let one of us know." 
Watching the woman leave you sighed and moved into the bed. Curling up you opened the locket again and looked at the sketch of Crocodile. "I love you Croc." you whispered. Kissing the small picture you closed the locket back and curled up, your hand instinctively moving over your stomach as your eyes closed. Having your belly full for the first time in months mixed with the warmth of the soft bed, it took no time at all for you to fall into a deep sleep.
"Hey! Hey! Come on don't be dead wake up." 
Hearing the male voice you gasped and quickly started coughing up water. Feeling someone help turn you over and gently pat your back as you coughed you looked up and saw Franky there. 
"There you go. You scared me there for a second." he said with a chuckle. "Hey I got Y/n, she's okay!" he yelled down to Robin and Nami. 
"Thank you." you told the cyborg as he helped you stand up on the large coral. You had completely forgot about how they entered Fishman Island and were fast asleep when the water suddenly swept into the ship. Attempting to swim out you quickly got disoriented and started to loose air. You must have passed out but lucky for you Franky was there to save you. 
"Don't mention it." 
"Y/n are you alright?" Nami asked as she and Robin moved over to you.
"I wonder where the others are?"
"I'm sure they are safe." i 
"So what now?"
Listening to them all talk you heard them mention going to do their own things and licked your lips as they turned to you.
"What do you want to do Y/n?" Nami asked. 
"I don't think it would be wise for me to go into the city. I've just escaped from prison and well with Big Mom claiming the island I don't want to be spotted by anyone working for her." you told them.
"Why? What's one of the four emperors got against you?"
"I'm well she's my grandmother." 
"Big Mom is your Grandmother?!" 
Nodding you looked down and then back up. "Yes. I've never met her but I know she doesn't like me... in fact I'm fairly certain she wants me dead."  
"But you're her grandchild why would she want her own family dead." Franky asked.
"I've been told I was not approved to be born, my father, her son, went behind her back and married my mother. When she found out they had me she killed them and tried to kill me but I was sent to that other world. Now I think she sees me as proof of a mutiny so the only way to fix it is to kill me." 
"But you're pregnant." Nami said with wide eyes. 
"She was going to kill me when I was a baby I don't think she would care if I was pregnant." you shrugged. 
"How about you come with me then Y/n, I plan to stay out of the city so no one will see you." Robin suggested.
Nodding you gave her a smile. "Thank you." 
"Alright it's settled then. I'll see if I can track down the others." Nami said and with a wave everyone was off. 
Walking with Robin towards the Poneglyph you answered any question she had about your world. You truly didn't mind, Robin was easy to talk to and after being alone in that prison cell for so long it was nice to have company again. It also helped that she knew your dear Croc more than the others and she seemed to enjoy the idea of the two of you being with one another.
"Does Crocodile know you are pregnant with his child?" 
Shocked by her sudden question that wasn't about your world you blinked and subconsciously moved a hand to your womb where that small bump now was. "Yes or rather he did before I was taken. We had just found out the night before." 
Humming she rose her chin. "How is it you plan on finding him once we get to the new world? Do you know where he is?"
Shaking your head you sighed, "No. Before I was taken we were in the New World, sailing from one island to the next. I don't know if he is still doing that or not but I'm hoping this will lead me to him." you spoke, opening your locket and carefully removing his picture to show her the compass underneath. When her eyes went a bit wide however and her brows rose you furrowed your own. "What? What is it?" you asked, glancing down to the compass yourself. 
"Is that a... May I see it please?" 
Licking your lips you removed your most prized position and handed it over to her. She said nothing as she examined it for a moment but when she handed it back you saw the slight grin on her face. Slipping it back on you looked to her for answers.
"I've never seen one in real life but I've heard about them, Heart Compasses. From what I have read they have all thought to be destroyed hundreds of years ago but that is clearly one. The stories say that they will lead the wearer to their destined love no matter where in the world the other is. Many have been killed to be the next owner of the compass, some even charged people to use them. That will definitely lead you to him if it is one but I would keep it hidden for the time being." 
Nodding you tucked the locket back into your shirt. Looking forward you gave a small smile. "I'll leave you to it then." 
Following the woman's eyes she smiled at the Poneglyph before looking back to her travel mate. "Stay close." 
While waiting for Robin to read and think about the Poneglyph you thought about the conversation the two of you had had. You knew what would happen as soon as you got to the New World and knew there wouldn't be much time for Luffy and the others to take you off to find Crocodile, not if they were to keep to their own story. Biting your lip you sighed, there had to be another way. You hadn't gotten much further than Fishman island in the manga but you at least knew where the next destination was. If you could somehow get a letter to Croc maybe he could meet you there. From what you had read News Coos could be paid to deliver private letters but still you would have to be smart about it. The last thing you needed was the World Government getting their hands on your letter. Think.
By the time You and Robin had gotten back to the Sunny you saw most of the crew there as well, all except for Usspo, Brook, Bon and Zoro but you knew they were at the palace. As the plan was decided you looked to Luffy when he turned to you. 
"Y/n I think you should stay on the ship when we get there. I don't want baby gator to get hurt." 
"Y/n, Firelocks Y/n? Daughter of Vincent Charlotte?"
Nodding to Luffy you saw Jinbe looking to you and grinned at him. "Hello Jinbe, it's nice to meet you." 
"I saw you in the paper months ago. I pained me to know that Vincent's daughter had been imprisoned. I knew your father very well, he was a good man, the only level headed Charlotte I've ever met."
"So I've come to understand." you chuckled softly. 
"Come on we don't have time for this now, you two can talk later." Nami spoke.
Getting aboard the Sunny you took a deep breath, time for the battle. Arriving at the center of the fight you stood on the deck like Luffy had told you to. Although the plan had been to try and keep you and your baby safe some of the fishmen and slaves quickly tried to get aboard the ship and then you didn't really have much choice but to fight.
"Give it up girly, you're surrounded."
Kicking one of the barrels towards him you managed to knock him down and grabbed the broom that had been leaning up against the mast. Swinging it through the air you smacked the nearest fishman in the head with it. Shoving them from the ship and taking out as much as you could your pitiful weapon soon broke and you heard them laughing. Looking up as they formed a semi-circle around you you swallowed hard but before any of them could attack they were being cut down. 
"If you are going to fight pick a better weapon." Zoro spoke. 
Snapping your eyes to the swordsman you saw him jumping back down to the ground and took a deep breath. Looking around at all the fallen people on the deck you caught sight of something and raised your chin. Grabbing the spear you gripped it tightly as you heard more enemies making their way onto the ship. It wasn't your father's but maybe Katakuri would be right. Seeing the fishmen come charging at you you took your stance. You hoped he was. 
By the time the fight was over you were ready to collapse. Watching as Jinbe donated blood to Luffy you grinned and leaned against the railing of the ship, closing your eyes for a moment. 
"Y/n are you alright?" Nami asked as her and Bon came rushing onto the ship. Looking over all the bodies and then to the small woman she feared she may be hurt but relaxed when the woman lifted her head and looked to them with tired eyes and nodded. 
"You took out all of these people? By yourself?!" Bentham gawked. 
Humming you looked back to Nami, "I broke your broom, sorry." 
"Forget the broom I'm just glad you're alright." Nami laughed. 
Sitting on one of the massive fish between Jinbe and Robin you smile softly at the huge celebration going on around you. Listening as Jinbe speaks to you about your father you sighed. "I would have loved to meet him... and my mother." 
Humming Jinbe places his hand on the woman's shoulder. "They would be very proud of the woman you have become Y/n." Seeing her grin a little and look down he noticed her hand absent mindfully stroking her lower stomach and blinked. "Pardon my forwardness but I must ask. I heard Luffy mention something before the battle about you staying on board the ship so that a 'baby gator' wouldn't get hurt. Tell me Y/n are you with child?"
Looking up at the fishman you nodded. "Yes." 
Knitting his brows he hummed again. "I saw on your wanted poster that you were also affiliated with Crocodile." 
Knowing what he was getting at you sighed and gave a bittersweet grin, "Yes, he is my soulmate."
"I see and is he..."
"He's the father yes." Answering all of Jinbe's questions you saw him shut his eyes and shake his head when you told him about being imprisoned in Impale Down. 
"The fact that you were able to continue carrying your child through all of that shows how determined and strong you truly are, much like Vincent. Crocodile and I do not see eye to eye in the slightest but if he cares for you and your child then I give you my blessing in finding him. I wish I could tell you where to start your search but alas I have not heard anything of him since the war."
"He is good at going undetected." you huffed. There was a bit of silence for a moment as you glanced to the party below, seeing Brook had joined in on the music. Thinking you looked back to Jinbe. "Jinbe, there wouldn't happen to be a way to send a letter directly to him would there?"
Swallowing his drink he glanced back down to the woman. "News Coos can be paid off to deliver private letters yes but they are often looked over by Marines should the Coo cross their path. If they were to find it and see it was addressed to someone as famous and wanted as Crocodile then they would no doubt follow the Coo to his location."
Biting your lip you nodded, "But say I could think of a code of sorts, something that only we would know..."
"Then yes it is possible." Seeing her thinking he raised his chin. "If you get the letter written then I will pay for the letter to be sent."
Snapping your eyes back up you shook your head, "I don't have anything to pay you back with or..."
"I want nothing in return. Vincent was a friend of mine and I will do whatever I can to help his child be with her family again."
Swallowing you blinked away the tears threatening to fall and smiled at him. "Thank you Jinbe, truly." 
Smiling he asked the fish you were on to carry you down further and helped you into the part of the palace that had air in it. Asking someone to bring you paper and a pen so you could write your letter while the rest of the crew took time away from the party. Sitting on the floor you leaned back against the wall with your knees pulled up and the pad of paper on your lap. Looking at the blank paper you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. This was it. Be smart. Think. Opening your eyes as it came to you you started writing your letter to your lost love. 
Sealing the envelope you walked over to Jinbe when you noticed he and the others were done talking. 
"You have it ready then?" he asked and saw her nod. "Very well. I will send it now. I hope it finds it's way. 
"Thank you Jinbe." 
Standing aboard the ship beside Bon you watched as Luffy and everyone ese said goodbye, a soft smile on your face. Giggling a little when Sanji and Zoro went at it you heard Bon call your name and looked up to him. 
"I heard Jinbe got your letter to Mr. Zero sent off." he said and saw her nod. 
"Yes I hope it makes it's way to him." 
Seeing her yet again holding onto her locket he smiled. "You will be with him again soon Y/n.... and you too little one." he spoke, bending over to speak to her tiny baby bump.
Smiling you looked down as Bon spoke to your belly, telling the unborn baby how adorable he or she was going to be but how they had to smile more than their father. 
"Ah yes before I forget. For you Ms. Y/n, I along with the rest of fishman island would like to offer you a pregnancy gift. Jinbe spoke to me about your current situation and I would like to thank you for offering your help even in your delicate state.  I hear it is customary in humans to give gifts while expecting and so I hope this is acceptable." Neptune spoke in his deep voice. 
Looking up to the king you were a little taken back when he held out his hand, a tiny wrapped box sitting in his palm. Blinking you looked up to him and saw him smiling behind his mustache and gave a smile back, bowing your head as you slowly reached out to take the gift. Seeing the royal family as well as everyone else watching you you licked your lips and opened the box to see a metal box inside decorated with a mermaid and other sea life. It looked to be made of silver and as you flipped the small latch on it and opened it you heard a soft tune start playing. It was a music box. Smiling you looked up to the King. "It's beautiful. Thank you." 
"Hey I want one of those." Luffy grumbled. 
"You're not pregnant!" Nami scolded, smacking the captain in the head.
Listening to the soft melody play out you bit your lip and looked up the huge merman again. "Thank you so very much."
"Of course."
Giving Jinbe a smile and a bow of your head as you left you took a deep breath as Luffy gave the order to set sail. Placing a hand on your belly you closed your eyes, praying to whatever higher power that would listen, asking them to reunite your family again. 
Sitting at his desk the room was silent except for the sound of the scratching of his pen on the paper. Adjusting the cigar in his mouth he breathed out a puff of smoke around the rolled tobacco. Thankfully there wasn't much else to do as far as this deal went and if everything went according to plan he would make a large amount of money on it. Reading over what he had just wrote he was startled by a sudden tapping at the office window. Sitting up he turned his head some and looked to see a news coo perched on the trim outside. "I've already got a paper today." he told it and turned back to his work. Not a moment later did it tap it's beak on the glass again. Sighing he turned to it. "I don't want one." he grunted. When it still didn't fly off he stood and moved over to open the window. "I'm not buying anoth..." Before he could finish his sentence the thing was pulling out a envelop from his bag and holding it out to him. Just starring at it for sometime he heard the thing make a noise and reached out to take it. Looking over the blank envelope that was sealed shut he saw no name on the front and knit his brows. Lifting his eyes to the bird he took out some money and gave it to it, watching it fly off before closing the window and moving to sit back at his desk. 
The wax seal was made in blue wax and he didn't recognize it. It didn't even have his name on the front of it or a senders. Breaking the seal he cautiously looked inside but saw nothing but a piece of paper, a letter. Pulling it out he flipped it open and knit his brows tightly at the first words. 
Child of Storm, 
Just what the hell was this? Child of storm, the meaning of his name, thunder and lightning. Rayden. Biting down on his cigar he looked to the next line. 
I pray this letter finds you. There is so much I wish I could say but I was told to keep it short so let's play a game.  Here are the instructions, Open '80's Playlist. First letter of each song. Ready? Go. 
His lip twitched for a moment and while he normally would have thought this was some sort of trick he quickly and slightly clumsy yanked open his desk drawer and grabbed his darling's phone. Typing in the passcode he swiped across the screen to her music and went to the playlist she had named. Snapping his eyes back to the letter he saw numbers. Song numbers? Maybe. 
#78, #99, #63....
Okay, 78. Number 78. Scrolling down he got to the song title. Purple Rain. First letter. Grabbing his pen he wrote the letter P down. Next number, 99. Under Pressure, U. On and on he went, scrolling to the song number listed. No one like you, N. Kickstart my Heart, k. 
Finishing the list he looked down at what it was he had wrote. 'Punk Hazzard' Punk Hazzard, the island Vegapunk had been using. He knew it was inhabitable now from the explosion. Unfolding the rest of the paper he looked to the bottom and felt his cigar fall from his lips. 
Until we are together again, Starlight.
Y/n. His star. She had made it out. How? Shaking his head he stood so fast his chair fell backwards. Shoving her phone in his pocket he folded her letter and grabbed his coat. Hurrying from the room he pulled out his den den and called Daz.
"Yes s..." 
"Ready the ship, we are leaving. Now."  was all he said before hanging up. He didn't even bother packing a bag. His soulmate was waiting for him and he wouldn't keep her waiting. 
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writethehousedown · 4 years
And The Livin's Easy, Chapter Six (Multi) - Zyan
a/n: SHE’S HERE! i’m sorry for the wait, but she’s here. :D god, i’m already getting emotional. another fic comes to an end. i hope you’ve enjoyed the ride! i’ll try to have the seventh chapter out by the weekend. a million thanks to frey for putting up with me, and the jankie candle gc for screaming at me to finish this! love you guys. 💕
“Y’know, second place isn’t all that bad,” Scarlet comments, taking a spoonful of ice cream. Yvie hums in response, sipping on her watermelon smoothie.
It’s been a few hours since the competition ended, and Yvie managed to get second place, with Jaida winning the competition. They were sitting at the beach, sprawled in Scarlet’s blanket, eating ice cream as they watched the sunset.
“At least I got a trophy,” Yvie says, reaching for the small second place plastic trophy she’d been given and chuckling slightly. It’s not what she wanted, but at least she made it to the top three. It bruises her pride a little, though, since she won last year. But there’s always the next summer.
“And, as a consolation prize, you get a dinner with me and the finest burritos on the whole island,” Scarlet adds with a wink. Yvie laughs wholeheartedly, it sure sounds like a good plan.
“That sounds even better than the first place prize,” Yvie says earnestly, and Scarlet coos. She’s never been particularly cheesy, but she just can’t help it when she’s around Scarlet. The girl wears her heart on her sleeve and doesn’t hesitate to make cheesy jokes and comments; she’s sickeningly sweet, and Yvie tries her best to reciprocate those feelings.
Yvie looks at Scarlet — really looks at her, taking in her red hair glowing under the dying Sun, her porcelain-like skin, and pouty lips. She doesn’t think she’s seen someone this gorgeous before, and Yvie’s travelled all around the world following her passion.
She notices an ice cream stain in the corner of Scarlet’s mouth, so she brings her thumb to clean it, catching Scarlet’s attention in the process.
“You got something here…” she mumbles absent-mindedly, pulling her thumb away. “There.”
Scarlet musters a thank you, touching where Yvie’s thumb was just moments ago, and suddenly there’s a cheeky smile blooming in her face.
“Y’know, you got something on your face too,” she says, leaning in closer to Yvie’s face, and before Yvie can say anything, Scarlet steals a kiss from her.
It’s quick, but it’s tender, and it makes Yvie melt.
“There,” Scarlet chirps, barely withdrawing her lips.
Yvie hums thoughtfully, knitting her brows in a frown.
“I think now you got something on your face, here.” Yvie closes the distance between them again, and she can feel Scarlet smile against the kiss. This time, it’s slower, much more careful and soft; it makes butterflies fly in Yvie’s stomach, and it reminds her of when she was younger and kissed girls behind the bleachers.
At the back of her brain, Yvie knows it’ll be hard to say goodbye to Scarlet once their time together is over, but she doesn’t want to think much about it, so instead she cups Scarlet’s face and pulls her even closer.
Vanessa feels herself spiraling with anxiety.
Kameron couldn’t make it to the competition, but she blew up her phone with encouraging texts and promises of endless kisses and orgasms once they see each other again. A part of Vanessa can’t wait to be back between her arms and pepper her face with kisses, telling her about how much fun she’s had during these weeks and how much she’s missed her.
The other part, however, feels absolutely guilty whenever she remembers Brooke knows about them now, when she thinks of how she’s probably ruined their relationship and regrets ever asking Kameron out.
But, as Crystal said, she’s no one’s property, and she’s free to date whoever she wants, even if it just happens to be her ex’s cousin. They’re free women.
They’re getting together to celebrate Jaida later tonight at April’s hotel room. She knows Brooke will be there, so she takes a vow and decides she’ll talk to her about this and set things straight. They’re grown adults; they should know how to communicate.
Though her bravery goes out the window the moment Crystal declares she’s not coming.
“Gigi asked me out before the competition, and I said yes, because I clearly didn’t know Jaida would win. I’m sorry, Vanj, I can’t cancel it,” she says, sounding truly apologetic as she puts on her lipstick. “Listen, it’s just a little reunion, like that night at the beach. Just try to keep your cool, don’t drink much. and ignore Brooke to the best of your abilities. I believe in you, girl, as long as they don’t play ‘Tusa’ you’ll be fine.” Crystal dismisses it with a wave of her hand, putting down the lipstick.
Vanessa groans, rubbing her eyelids as she flops into the couch in Crystal’s room.
“Glass, I can’t do that and you know it. I have to talk with Brooke Lynn and put an end to this petty shit. Kameron wants me to meet her side of the family and I ain’t about to stand awkward family reunions with Brooke,” Vanessa rants, and Crystal turns her attention to her, cocking one skeptical brow.
“D’you think you’ll be able to do that without ending up screaming at each other?” Crystal inquires, staring intently at Vanessa. She knows her friend like the back of her hand, and it’s a known fact that a petty Vanessa mixed with alcohol can’t end up well. Least of all if her ex is in the same room.
Vanessa takes a deep breath and nods, “I think it’s time I woman up and talk to her like an adult, ‘cause this beef seems like something straight outta some shit rom-com.”
“You love rom-coms, though,” Crystal points out, making Vanessa roll her eyes.
“Well, yeah, but this ain’t ‘The Notebook’. I’m not gonna abandon Kameron for Brooke so we can kiss in the rain,” she replies matter-of-factly, and though Crystal wants to make a witty comment, she desists from it. She sounds dead serious.
She smiles softly, going towards the couch and sitting beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“I’m proud of you, Vanj,” she says earnestly, and Vanessa smiles at her.
“Thanks, Glass. Now, you better get your shit together for that date, ‘cause between the two of us, you’re the one that’s living her Notebook fantasy,” Vanessa jokes, making Crystal laugh loudly as a blush creeps on her cheeks.
Gigi is waiting for her outside of Sal’s, wearing a baby blue dress ending above the knee with cloud prints on it and white flats, her auburn hair pulled into a ponytail; a smile breaks onto Crystal’s face, not only because she looks as pretty as always, but also because it seems like Gigi remembered her comment about finding her cute when she’s smaller than her.
They lock eyes when Crystal is near enough and Gigi smiles sweetly at her, standing on her tiptoes to give her a quick kiss.
“How long have you been waiting for me?” Crystal asks, lacing her hand with Gigi’s and guiding her inside.
“Not long; my friend Jan has a date too, I just dropped her off at her girl’s hotel,” Gigi comments innocently, and Crystal hums to let her know she’s listening as she fetches for a table.
They finally find one, near the bar that’s still closed, and settle themselves. Soon a waiter comes by, but because Crystal is already familiar with the entire menu, she places her order on the spot, while Gigi studies the card for a moment.
“You really weren’t lying when you said you know this place by heart,” Gigi giggles, looking back and forth between the menu and Crystal.
Crystal smiles giddily, wondering if she should babble about how this place has endless memories from her childhood and teenage years, holding a special place in her heart, with its menu and staff and Sal himself. She usually doesn’t give too much of herself away to girls she’s never going to see again, but Gigi feels special for some reason. As if she isn’t just a simple summer fling.
So she tells her about the first time she came there without getting into the details, when she was just eight and her gay awakening came in the form of a nice woman that caught her staring at her surfboard and offered to teach her.
Gigi laughs, quipping with her own stories about how she got into fashion — the old Barbie movies seemed to take a great part of the blame, along with making her have a short lived ballet phase.
They share stories, jokes, and dreams for their future, and it’s a whole lot more of what Crystal would give away to someone that’s going to be a stranger in a few weeks, a vague memory as years go by and her face fades from her mind. But the fact Gigi doesn’t think twice before telling her her personal things pushes Crystal to be a bit more open too.
Perhaps this is why she’s becoming a tad too attached to Gigi; none of the girls she’d spent previous summers with cared for her, let alone opened up to her. They would just shoot her messages detailing at which bar or club they would be, or what was their room number.
None of them came to see her at a competition, or texted her weird memes they’d found, sent her videos of weird shit their roommates did during the day, stayed up until the wee hours of the morning texting her or stayed longer after sex.
Gigi is special, and maybe Crystal feels so strongly about her because she hasn’t been on a proper date in a long time, or met someone with whom she just clicked, but it goes without a say that it’ll hurt when they have to part ways.
Though right now, she tries to push that to the back of her brain and act as if they both are there — and the summer is endless and they have a whole life ahead of them.
“How long do you think it’ll take until some shit goes down between Vanessa and Brooke?” Monique asks her girlfriend nonchalantly, as she nudges on her drink. Monét laughs, trying to keep it down not to draw attention to them.
There’s definitely some tension in the room, especially between Brooke and Vanessa, that glance at each other when they think no one’s looking. They’re in opposite corners of the room, with Brooke talking with Plastique, who has a smile plastered on her face at all times despite the situation, and Vanessa staying mostly by April’s side, though she drifts to talk with Jaida and the girl she brought —Jan, apparently— from time to time.
Yvie is floating around, striking a conversation with everyone and trying not to interrupt whatever Brooke and Plastique have going on.
Monét and Monique just stay out of the drama, watching everything go down as they snicker and sip on their drinks.
“Three more vodka sodas; give or take a strawberry daiquiri, and you’ll have Vanessa asking for the aux cord to play ‘Tusa’,” Monét replies after quickly scanning the room. Monique laughs in that dorky way that makes Monét’s heart flutter, and she smiles.
“I don’t know, ‘Nét, Crystal’s not here. You know Vanessa doesn’t like strawberry daiquiris unless they’re prepared by her,” Monique adds, thoughtfully. Monét hums in agreement, taking a long sip from her drink.
“Well, whatever happens, happens,” Monét declares with a shrug as Monique snuggles to her side, holding her drink in one hand and her phone in the other.
Before she can say anything, Monique snaps a picture of her as she sips her drink and smiles cheekily at her, planting a kiss on her cheek when she protests.
“Stop complaining, you look cute!” She insists, but Monét rolls her eyes playfully. To Monique, she would look cute freshly woken up, with her hair a complete mess and her face scrunched up in a frown as she takes in the light of the room. Monét finds it adorable and delusional at the same time.
“Of course you say that, you’re my girlfriend. You’re contractually obligated to find me cute,” she jokes, flipping her short hair over her shoulder and earning a playful slap in the arm from Monique.
“Oh, shut up, miss ‘I’ve been pining for you for the last two years and I’ve decided to tell you over fucking Zoom’,” Monique quips back with a shit-eating grin. Monét immediately gets flustered, looking away in embarrassment. It had been almost a year since then, and Monique still likes to rub that in her face whenever she gets the chance.
At that moment, Monét thought it was a good idea — she was spending the summer with her family in Saint Lucia, and Monique was constantly babbling about this girl she’d met during the competition, who ultimately ended up ghosting her. Monét’d been planning to confess her feelings to her, but ultimately they were crashed the moment Monique went on a rant on how girls always left her hanging and she felt like utter shit.
It had been an awkward couple of seconds until Monique admitted she always found her attractive and to hit her up once she was back in New York City.
Several dates later, and there they were, being the bane of their friends existence whenever they got cheesy.
Monique leaves a soft kiss on Monét’s lips as she goes back to snuggling against her, taking another sip from her drink.
They are too wrapped up in their bubble to notice Vanessa is now talking with Brooke, while Plastique absentmindedly sipps on her drink and Jaida and her date are trying to distract her. April is just sitting in the other side of the room, a drink in her hand, as she chats with Yvie, and they steal not-so-subtle glances at the pair.
Monique drags Monét towards Jaida and Plastique, because she’ll be damned if she misses out the drama.
“What’d we miss? We looked away just for a moment!” Monique dramatizes, trying to be subtle. Jaida rolls her eyes playfully.
“They’re trying to be goddamn adults, that’s what they’re doing,” she replies, making Jan giggle.
“At least they’re trying. My friends, Jackie and Nicky, think we don’t know there’s something going on between them, or was going on, at least. They get all weird when we mention it,” Jan babbles, slurring ever so slightly. “I wonder what’re they doing. They stayed at the house with Brita, but Brita apparently has a family dinner or something. I hope they get their shit together,” she continues, and Jaida subtly takes her drink away.
“We’ll keep our fingers crossed for them too,” Monét offers, stealing a glance at Brooke and Vanessa.
Jackie finds it horribly convenient that she and Nicky are all alone at the house after all the jokes they had to endure during these weeks.
Of course Gigi and Jan have dates tonight, and of-fucking-course Brita is also out. That leaves just the two of them. All alone in the house, and alone together for the first time in a long while.
Jackie tries not to let the memories of their last time being just the two of them get to her, because they’re on good terms now, right? Things get awkward sometimes, when they’re at the club or some bar or at whatever social gathering that includes alcohol, and Nicky goes after girls with brown wavy hair and glasses that look just an itty bitty bit like Jackie, after she’s had more than a few drinks.
Or when they’re studying together and Jackie hums along the lines of Aya Nakamura’s songs, Nicky’s favorite French singer, and the irony isn’t lost on Jackie how Nicky used to dedicate her the same songs she hums under her breath.
Or when they have sleepovers and Nicky goes to sleep on the complete opposite side of the room, and the memories flood Jackie’s mind. Of lazy mornings, sleepy kisses, and having breakfast in bed despite Jackie’s protests. “You’re going to make a mess and I’m gonna be the one that’ll have to clean up,” she used to say, and Nicky would just shut her up with a kiss and a promise of not doing it again, only to repeat the process the next time she stayed the night.
Sometimes the memories got a little too overwhelming, and in consequence she pushes Nicky away, avoids her in real life and social media, until her old feelings die out again and she can live in peace.
But now that she’s drowning in feelings she thought were buried and memories that make her heart skip several beats, there’s no way of escaping Nicky without making her suspicious.
“How do you fancy pizza from two nights ago for dinner?” Nicky calls out from the kitchen as Jackie sits uneasy in the living room couch, trying to focus on whatever garbage reality show is on. She flicks a few channels again before taking a deep breath and answering.
“Isn’t it pineapple pizza? No, thank you, I prefer cooking,” Jackie tries to sound witty as she replies, vaguely looking at Nicky, who’s perched at the kitchen’s door frame, looking at her intently, before she turns her attention back to the TV.
“That’s a good idea, though. I think there are enough spices to do some shawarma, and there’s some chicken left from when we tried to do chicken tacos,” Nicky trails off, going back into the kitchen. Jackie finally pulls herself off the couch to follow her, worried about Brita’s kitchen.
“Didn’t you burn an egg the other day?” She asks, slightly concerned as she watches Nicky stand on her tiptoes to reach the top shelve.
“I mean, yes, but that was Gigi’s fault! She distracted me,” she complains with a whine. Jackie chuckles softly, coming closer to her.
“Oh, really? How so?” She inquires, trying to sound amused.
“Um, well, she was making some dirty jokes, like she always is,” Nicky explains, her voice coming off as more airy and trembling than it usually is.
Jackie tenses, biting the inside of her cheek. She understands without the need of asking more questions.
“Ah,” she musters, shifting her weight from one foot from another. Nicky lets an excited squeal once she fetches all the spices from the shelve. “Do you want to, uh, do you want help maybe? Just to make sure you don’t burn down the house,” Jackie offers, stumbling with the words a little.
Nicky looks at her over her shoulder. “If you want to.” She shrugs, turning around, perching herself on the counter.
Jackie licks her lips, trying to keep her cool. “Alright.”
She tries their best to stay focused at the task at hand, taking over for the most part and instructing Nicky how much spice to sprinkle or how to cut the chicken, and it’s generally chill; there’s not as much tension as Jackie would’ve expected, but her breath still hitches in her throat when their hands occasionally brush or when either Nicky or her have to perch themselves against the counter so the other can cross the narrow space in the kitchen to get something.
Their proximity makes Jackie clench her jaw, the tips of her fingers itching to reach for Nicky’s face and capture her lips in a long overdue kiss and—
She shouldn’t be thinking about this.
She shouldn’t be thinking of Nicky like that.
Before she notices, they’re ready to fry the spiced chicken, and Jackie is rummaging through the bottom shelves to find a frying pan they can use.
“Nicks, do you remember where Brita said—” She leaves her sentence unfinished, as she turns around just when Nicky was trying to make her way to the end of the counter, so now they’re pressed against each other, face to face.
Nicky looks absolutely flustered, cheeks growing pink with each second that passes. She clears her throat before speaking, not moving an inch.
“What Brita said about what?” She inquires in the same breathy tone as before, and Jackie’s stomach twitches.
“About the frying pans. I’m trying to find one, but, uh, there’s- there’s nothing there,” Jackie manages to stammer out. The scent of Nicky’s perfume is intoxicating, it fills her nostrils and it makes her knees go weak. But she stays firmly put where she is.
Nicky cocks one of her perfectly painted eyebrows, a small smirk appearing on her face as she reaches for something behind Jackie in the counter, their faces being now closer than ever.
“It was right behind you, chérie; I told you I left it there, but you didn’t listen to me, it seems,” Nicky nonchalantly says, shamelessly staring at Jackie’s lips. Her breath is hot against her skin, and Jackie finds herself lost in Nicky’s piercing gaze.
Jackie knows too damn well that the slightest move would cause their lips to brush, and then it’d be game over for her.
She wants to move away, but she’s glued to her position for some unholy reason, just staring at Nicky wordlessly as her breath becomes ragged.
Then, Nicky aims to close the distance between their mouths.
And Jackie turns her face away, with Nicky’s kiss landing on her cheek instead.
There’s an awkward silence as Nicky steps back, seeming absolutely mortified.
“I said, ‘Don’t kiss me until you get your shit together.’ and I stand by that. Don’t make things harder than they already are, Nicky,” Jackie speaks calmly, almost somber. Her skin burns in the spot where Nicky’s lips had been just moments ago, and the tears already start prickling in her eyes.
She can’t believe Nicky could be this cruel.
“Merde, Jackie, I didn’t mean- I wasn’t trying-” Nicky struggles to get a coherent sentence out, and Jackie is already pulling away from her, their closeness too much to bear. “Jackie, listen,” she pleads, and Jackie forces herself to meet Nicky’s gaze.
She seems truly sorry.
“I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean- well, I did mean to kiss you. I’ve missed you in every single fucking aspect, but I missed your lips the most. God, how couldn’t I?” Nicky rambles, and Jackie just listens in silence, with her heart pounding against her ribcage so hard she’s sure Nicky can hear it. “And- and I know the reason we broke up is because you couldn’t tolerate my indecisiveness anymore, and I’m sorry. I really am. But do you know why I tried to kiss you?”
Jackie squints, shaking her head no. She can taste the words in her tongue, wants so badly to hear Nicky say them.
Nicky takes a few steps, still standing at a respectable distance, but all Jackie wants to do is push her closer.
“Because I know now, Jackie,” she declares, leaning in closer. Jackie inhales sharply. “It’s you. It’s always been you. All it took for me to realize was you ditching me, and I understand if you don’t-” Nicky leaves her sentence unfinished thanks to Jackie cupping her face and clashing their lips together.
It feels as if the last time they kissed was years ago, and Jackie thought for the longest time she had forgotten the taste of Nicky’s lips; but they’re still soft, with a hint of strawberry thanks to the chapstick Nicky often uses.
The kiss is anything but soft, and it resembles how much they had missed each other during all this time. Nicky places her hands on Jackie’s waist and pins her against the wall, and Jackie’s hands soon find their way into Nicky’s hair, softly caressing it.
God, she’d missed this terribly.
Nicky starts to pepper kisses all over Jackie’s face, making her giggle.
“Habibi, this is nice and all, but I think we’re forgetting dinner,” Jackie chuckles, smiling bashfully. Nicky kisses her more tenderly, taking her time, and Jackie is gone.
“I think I wanna eat something else now,” Nicky says nonchalantly.
13 notes · View notes
precuredaily · 4 years
Precure Day 188
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 39 - “Terror! Despariah Appears!” Date watched: 17 May 2020 Original air date: 11 November 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5RTfmuM Transformation Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/6k6SzS0 Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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Shall we dance?
I’m not going to beat around the bush, the title and thumbnail tell the whole story. Despariah fights the Precures in this episode for the first time. It’s intense and really shows how strong both sides are.
The Plot
It’s a quiet day at Natts House. The store is closed, and therefore the girls aren’t helping at the shop, and there’s also no school. Milk comments that it’s on quiet days like this that major events happen, but Coco dismisses her as being too paranoid. Just then, Nozomi bursts into the shop, exclaiming that she found a Pinky, and wants Coco and Nuts to come with her to catch it, so they join her. However, the Pinky is nowhere to be found now. Since it’s a nice pre-winter day, Coco suggests they enjoy being outside and go wander around town. Nuts tries to leave them alone to make it a proper date but Coco is afraid of getting too close to Nozomi, so he drags Nuts along.
Over in Nightmare HQ, Bunbee is crunching some numbers on his own in the otherwise empty boardroom, as it is apparently Nightmare’s day off as well. Suddenly a very frazzled Kawarino appears and asks Bunbee if he’s seen Despariah, which he denies. Kawarino frets since Despariah almost never leaves her office. Meanwhile, on a street, a mysterious hooded figure is seen...
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you do not get a prize for figuring out their identity
Karen, apparently having nothing better to do, decides to pop into Natts House to pay a visit. She’s surprised when everyone is gone except for Milk, who complains that she’s lonely, so Karen decides to stay and keep her friend company. Similarly, Urara pays a visit to Fleuriste Natsuki where she admits to RIn that she’s bored and goads her into suggesting they also drop by Natts House.
While all this is happening, Coco, Nozomi, and Nuts are palling around town, with Coco at one point defending Nozomi against a nosy photographer. They find a large tree and decide to climb it, while from far away the hooded figure sees the tree and decides to approach it as well. The view from the tree causes Coco and Nuts to reminisce about life in the Palmier Kingdom, when they got up to some mischief and landed in trouble. Coco thinks it was fun, while Nuts recalls it less fondly. The hooded figure approaches the tree, but at this point they’ve already left, and Nuts once again tries to leave the party against Coco’s protests. Coco admits his fear to Nuts: if he gets close to Nozomi, then both of them will hurt more once they have restored the Palmier Kingdom and have to return home. However, Nuts points out that Coco has always been the type to live by his own rules, and takes his leave. Nuts runs into Komachi on a park bench, working on her novel, and decides to leave her to her devices, but she’s happier being with him and decides to accompany him back to Natts House.
Nozomi and Coco’s not-a-date continues through the park where they admire the fall colors, but Coco still feels guilty about deepening their relationship and proposes they head back to Natts House. On the street, the hooded figure finally catches up with them and reveals herself to be.... Despariah! (nobody could have seen that coming.) Nuts picks up on her presence and dispatches all the other girls.
Nozomi transforms to fight Despariah, but rather than fight directly, Despariah summons an army of shadow figures while she targets Coco. She reads his mind and infers that he has conflicting desires to revive his kingdom and stay with Nozomi, and she tells him neither of these will happen as she tries to whittle away his hope and drive him to despair. However, Dream flies in between Coco and Despariah, beaming at her friend before turning her gaze on the enemy with eyes that have not lost hope.
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now kiss
Nozomi’s friends show up and transform into Precure as well. Nuts is surprised to see Despariah in the flesh, and Milk is not happy that her premonition came so true. Rouge, Lemonade, and Mint battle the shadows but they just recover from any damage. Aqua realizes that separating them from the ground destroys them and shouts this advice to her teammates. They tackle the shadows while Dream faces Despariah, who is intent on bringing her to despair. Dream attacks with Crystal Shoot, but Despariah just absorbs it and continues trying to talk her opponent into depression. It’s futile, though, as Coco encourages Nozomi to keep pressing on because the good times they’ve had will stay in her heart forever, and she says that she’ll never regret her memories with him. Essentially they are each other’s hope. Despariah questions the point of fighting for the dream of another, and the other cures chime in that helping other people builds understanding and powerful bonds. The surge of encouragement causes Dream’s Pinky Catch to glow bright with the light of hope, and it badly burns Despariah. She tries again to beat them down with threats of the world ending and their dreams being crushed, but they won’t be deterred, saying that fighting their hardest is the best thing they can do, and with Milk’s help they perform Five Explosion against Despariah. However, she summons a huge shadow to take the attack, and she awes at the power of hope before disappearing back to Nightmare. As she sits in her office, she looks at her shriveled hand and realizes she can’t match their power of hope until she obtains the Dream Collet and becomes immortal, so she orders Kawarino to redouble his efforts.
Nozomi, Rin, Urara, Komachi, Karen, Coco, Nuts, and Milk all take a moment to reflect on what just happened, but the girls have a surprisingly positive outlook. They managed to hurt Despariah and drive her away, after all, she’s not so tough. As they head back to Natts House, Coco tells Nuts that he’s decided to live in the moment and treasure his time with Nozomi, rather than worrying about what may happen in the future, and the episode closes on a filtered still image of them all walking down the road.
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The Analysis
I’m glad they’re exploring Coco’s hesitancy to bond with Nozomi, because it seemed like they weren’t giving it its due earlier in the show. They touched on it in the movie, and here it is again, Coco is afraid to take the next steps in their relationship because he knows that soon, he’ll have to go back to the Pamier Kingdom and never see her again. It’s a good dilemma, do you invest in a relationship and enjoy the time you have, or do you keep your distance and reduce the heartbreak once you have to leave? There’s no right answer..... but it is kind of undercut by the insinuation that Coco has never had a problem sneaking out before. I wish they had explored this idea sooner in the series, maybe around episode 26 when they were on the island would have been a good time to first bring this up, and then they could have explored it a little further in subsequent episodes, with each new pinky they catch making him worry about the reality that he’ll have to part from her. From Nozomi’s point of view, she just seems to enjoy the company and doesn’t really seem to realize yet that making his dream come true will mean saying goodbye, at least not until the Christmas episode. I wish I could say this disconnect creates an interesting dynamic between the two of them, but Nozomi doesn’t notice that he’s troubled, so there’s no conflict. On the other hand, Nozomi’s unambiguous support for Coco in contrast to his internal conflict of interests is what keeps him from giving into Despariah’s scheme, and that cannot be understated.
I love that Nozomi and Coco’s strong feelings of trust, confidence, and support for each other forms a bond of hope that Despariah can’t break. Nozomi is the Pretty Cure of hope after all, she’s the one who’s able to find room for positivity in any situation, a reason to stay motivated, and this is going to become more important as we approach the finale. Her confidence is boundless but she does need Coco’s support, which was well-demonstrated in episode 24. Nozomi can push forward because she wants to make Coco’s dream come true, and Coco keeps going because she’s the one who saved him when he was at his lowest point, and she continues to fight for his sake. No matter what Despariah says, Nozomi doesn’t despair because Coco is her light at the end of the tunnel, and she’ll also protect him from the same fate. It’s so good.
Despariah is wonderful as a villain. First of all, she’s physically imposing, towering over a normal person, and she has an unconventional body shape. She has exaggerated hourglass curves and extremely broad shoulders with long arms. Rather than looking sexy, she appears intimidating, and her expressionless mask and giant hair spikes make her more scary. Sure, it’s not the first time we’ve seen her, but it’s the first time that the Precures have seen her aside from a monitor when they were in Nightmare HQ. Seeing her in the flesh, squaring off against the heroines, it puts her in a new light. She is stronger than her subordinates, as one would expect, and true to her name, she is very good at getting into your head and causing you to despair. Every word out of her mouth is meant to crush your dreams and sap your hope away, and she’s also able to summon an army of resilient shadow monsters that will keep regenerating until separated from the ground, which is cool. She was able to block and absorb Cure Dream’s attacks, which is a feat none of the other villains have accomplished. Given that her attack strategy was to let her shadows do the grunt work while she tried to talk Dream and Coco into despair, there’s not a good metric of how physically strong she is, but clearly she can hold her own better than most of her subordinates. I thought it was clever how she was able to conjure a giant shadow monster to tank the Dream Attack for her, making her the first villain to survive the team finisher. Clearly though, she knows her limits, and it’s obvious that their power of hope is only going to grow, which is why she feels the need to obtain the Dream Collet and drag them into despair so they no longer bother her. All in all I’m just jazzed about a villain that relies on emotional manipulation rather than brute force or even tricks to achieve their goals.
I think the setup for the episode is pretty good. It’s the closest Nozomi and Coco ever get to a proper date, and there’s a couple really sweet moments during the day where you get to see small, simple gestures of affection. My favorite is when Nozomi, Coco, and Nuts are sitting at a cafe, and a magazine photographer asks to take a picture of the two hot men, but tells Nozomi to step aside for a moment. Coco gets indignant and walks away with Nozomi, upset that the woman said she was “in the way,” which is rude to Nozomi, and of course she’s super important to him. Nozomi wasn’t particularly bothered by it, but she smiles to herself when he explains how he was defending her.
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Nuts gets a similar moment like this, as all the women in the park ogle him until he walks over to Komachi and they disperse. Beyond that, I appreciate his scene with Komachi, because it shows his soft side and gives her a tender moment of her own. When she explains she’s working on her novel, he says he’ll leave her alone, and she acts a little upset at him leaving so suddenly, before hastily covering her mouth out of embarrassment about her little outburst. I make it sound mean but it’s cute.
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The way the four girls wind up together is a tad contrived but I only found it annoying because no sooner have they all congregated at Natts House before they have to run out and fight Despariah. Just one more shot of them all hanging out together in between Komachi’s arrival and Nuts detecting Despariah’s presence would have helped the episode. Aside from that, I appreciate that everyone’s idea of a good time is just hanging out at Natts House even on their day off.
The last thing I want to focus on is the art in this episode. There’s a lot of still frames with a soft focus filter over them.
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Their main purpose is to conserve the animation budget for the fight with Despariah, but they are aesthetically nice on their own as well. They enhance the carefree mood and imply the passage of time, and for Nozomi and Coco’s closeups they give us a moment to pause and see how happy they are in each other’s company that wouldn’t hit the same if these shots had to be continuously animated, however limited. It’s a nice artistic touch.
There is a lot of middling to poor quality art in this episode, though. That’s not unusual, it’s late in the series and they’re saving their remaining budget for the finale run, so quality control isn’t the top priority. That doesn’t change the fact that there’s a lot of vacant faces and slightly off-model characters scattered throughout the episode. There’s very little shading on people’s faces and expressivism is limited to close-ups. I wish this episode, as a big episode, could have had a bit more care put into it. I would gladly sacrifice episodes 40 and 42 to this end, but it is what it is. Despite some dodgy art it’s a solid episode about hope and hard decisions.
Next time on Precure Daily: the girls finally get to the bottom of the principal’s true identity. Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 1 kettei!
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esoanem · 3 years
“That’s all I want – to walk away from the sea and find some peace”
Major Content Notes:
Blood: Singleton’s bloody body is seen
Disfigurement: there is a brief shot of a severely disfigured man in the dark, seemingly from tertiary syphilis. It’s played for a jump scare
Wikipedia Synopsis
After Captain Flint reveals Singleton as the thief in front of his crew, he has Gates convince Billy, who knows the truth about his captain, that this is for the good of the crew. Meanwhile, Silver and Max are forced to hide in the brothel when they put themselves in danger as Captain Vane and his partners, Jack Rackham and Anne Bonny, are determined to get a hold of the missing page in the hunt for the Spanish galleon, Urca de Lima. Also, Eleanor is given an ultimatum by Max and has to decide between wealth or love.
So, the last episode put all the pieces on the board, and this episode sets them into motion so let’s dive into it. As before, below the cut are the timestamps of any scenes requiring any of the major content notes, and then the summary 
All timestamps are from the “Complete Collection” DVDs which includes a Starz logo at the start, as well as a recap. Depending on your source, timestamps may vary a little, which is why I’ve included the timestamp for the opening titles. Timestamps are only given for the start and end of scenes featuring any particularly warning-worthy content
00:57: opening titles
05:57-07:50: Singleton’s bloody body is seen, two pirates urinate on the body
37:14-44:04: a hooded man is turned around, revealing his severely disfigured face, likely as a result of tertiary syphilis. It is a brief shot (42:37-42:40 ), in low light, and is used as a jump scare
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Eleanor wakes up next to Max. She knows the Scarborough arrived yesterday, but not about the attempted arrest of her father. She goes to the balcony and wonders aloud if the arrival of the Scarborough means the end of their way of life, that the military will return and close down trade, installing her father as governor. Max suggests that that wouldn’t be so bad, that Eleanor could buy the brothel, and they could run it together, as well as commenting that soon she won’t need to worry what Mr Noonan (the proprietor) thinks. Mr Scott calls Eleanor down, but, as she goes to get dressed, Max calls her back to be instead
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The crew on the Walrus are already celebrating as if they’d captured the Urca de Lima, as Dufresne tries to persuade them not to spend money they haven’t yet earned. Billy is still in shock, and shows Gates the blank page, wondering if he did the right thing as Flint calls them into the cabin. Randall unnerves Silver by commenting to him in particular that “we don’t like thieves. You shouldn’t steal. That’s what happens”, glancing back to Singleton’s bloody body which is propped against a beam having been pelted with vegetable scraps. As two pirates go to his body to piss on it, Randall reiterates that “you mustn’t steal”. One of the pirates next to Randall (below middle) defends him saying Singleton wasn’t a thief and starts to get up to stop the two pissing on Singleton, when his friend (below right) warns him not to do anything now
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Flint tells Billy & Gates that he knows the schedule is still around, because of the feather, proving someone had come back to read the log and work out what it was they actually had, and therefore, somebody on the ship at that moment is the thief. Gates points out that none of their men would have known to look for the schedule, and as he starts saying that the men from the prize were all searched he realises that Silver wasn’t, and that being found in the armoury standing over a dead body he claimed was a suicide is quite suspicious
They leave the cabin to get hold of Silver, but move slowly to avoid arousing the suspicions of the rest of the crew, but Silver, already on edge tries to disembark onto a longboat. He’s informed by Dufresne that they disembark by seniority, at which point, wanting to avoid capture, he jumps off the boat with a big belly flop, before swimming to the longboat which he is helped into. The crew laugh that he “must really want to get laid”
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Mr Scott tuts at Eleanor for coming down late. As she comes down, she pays the Madame for Max and notices her cleaning up bruises on one of the prostitutes. She’s told it was the crew of the Ranger (Charles Vane’s ship) & that Mr Noonan won’t do anything because they paid well. Mr Scott also tells Eleanor it was a bad decision to punch Vane, that it accomplished nothing, and that she can no longer afford to provoke his temper
“Eleanor, you can never forget who these men are. They are not our friends, they are not our subjects, they want your father’s business, that is the only reason we do not find their knives at our throats”
Rackham gets 5000 pesos in pearls to buy the schedule, leaving the Ranger with little in the way of reserves. Vane walks in with Anne and tries to dissuade Jack, pointing out that he has no proof the page is genuine, and for such a big price, the seller has every reason to lie. Jack says that the crew will be unlikely to see Vane’s side, as he hasn’t been able to present an opportunity to them for some time, since his falling out with Eleanor
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Silver comes ashore and, seeing Flint, Gates, & Billy close behind in another longboat asks several people on the beach for directions, all to different places. When Gates lands and asks where Silver went, they all give different answers
Max is giving a client a handjob. He wants to have sex, but Eleanor pays for Max to only sleep with her. Just as he’s about to cum, Silver bursts in, and refuses to leave, leading the customer storming off. When he tells Max that Flint is on to him she worries that he will soon come after her, saying “when a man is being fucked, he wants to know whose cock is in him”. They decide they need to do the deal immediately, and sail for Port Royal that night although he wonders if there is something else keeping Max in Nassau
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A new captain (James Bridge of the Demeter) has arrived at Eleanor’s warehouse, and he is disappointed to be met by a woman rather than Richard Guthrie. When she tells him she’s his daughter, he dismisses both her and Mr Scott making a racist remark. Eleanor blows past it, explaining her terms. Not liking that she’d take 50%, he walks away only to be met by Charles Vane who strongly implies that, if he doesn’t accept her terms, he (Vane) will steal the Demeter’s cargo and sell it to Eleanor anyway. When Bridge finds out who Vane is, he agrees to Eleanor’s terms. making another racist remark about Mr Scott
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Vane and Eleanor get down to business in her office. He sits hunched, spinning a coin anxiously, his body language is completely different from every other time we’ve seen him. He nervously asks for her to start giving him information on potential prizes again, saying he believes her decision not to give him such information is personal, but that things are better when they’re on the same side. Eleanor rails against him for the poor discipline of his crew, saying that they cause twice as much damage as they bring in, and as he encourages it, he’s a poor investment, and that he has just last night interfered with her own plans killing one of Flint’s crew to try and depose him
"From where I sit, you coming in here means one of two things: either you’re under the illusion that with Flint gone I have no choice but to give you what you want, or you think that because you and I used to fuck, you can cross me without any consequences. I’m not sure which of the two is more stupid”
As he leaves, Eleanor walks out into the tavern as Flint arrives, still captain, shocking Vane
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Billy finds Gates watching Frasier, the appraiser (below left), trying to explain to would-be forger (below right) why his forgery is worthless. He points out that if Silver sells he’ll need to pay to get off the island and, not wanting to arouse suspicions, will need the money to be easily portable e.g. in jewels like pearls, rathe than gold, and so, the appraiser will be called for. Billy wonders if Flint is going too far, and tells Gates what he said about needing a king
The appraiser gets called away to the brothel, and Billy & Gates see him enter a room guarded by Anne Bonny. He inspects the pearls whilst Silver watches from Idelle’s room next door through a peephole 
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Flint tells Eleanor about her father’s attempted arrest and, when she & Mr Scott are extremely concerned about their future (this likely meaning they won’t be able to sell their goods), he begins “let me tell you a story, about a Spaniard named Vasquez”
As Frasier seals the pouch of pearls, and the exchange is fixed at the wrecks after sundown, Vane bursts in, having now heard the story that Singleton stole the page and is now dead. He recognises Max as Eleanor’s new girlfriend, and aggressively accuses her of lying. As Max protests that Singleton isn’t the seller he shoves her against the wall. Silver, still watching asks Idelle (below left) for a weapon, suggesting several items that might be improvised as one, and is surprised when she just hands him a machete
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Jack realises that she isn’t lying, Flint is
“She isn’t lying Charles, Flint is. He lost the page.
So what does he do?
He bluffs.
He makes Singleton the thief, and kills him to prevent counterargument, putting a tidy end to his mutiny in the process, and hopes he can recover it before anyone’s the wiser.
What is it Charles? Are we to believe that Singleton, whilst conspiring with you to depose Flint was using this whore to try and bilk your crew out of its money?
Say what you want about Singleton, but he was neither that clever nor that dumb.”
Vane still doesn’t believe Max and lifts her off her feet by her neck. As he does so, Max tries to signal to Silver, but Jack spots this, sneaks up to the peephole and stabs it. He runs round to the next door room which is now empty, but returns with a few drops of blood on his knife saying that, unless Singleton has risen from the grave to eavesdrop, this proves she wasn’t lying about Singleton not being the seller. Vane tells Max that if she’s lying she’ll answer to him, then storms off, leaving her gasping for breath on the floor
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Flint has finished telling Eleanor & Mr Scott his story. When he dismisses her concerns about how heavily armed the ship is - a floating castle - she asks, why does he need her help, why not just take the money and run?
“What’s coming our way can’t be outrun, but with the money I strip from the hull, we could add 50 guns to the fort, build ships to defend our shores and train new men to sail them, work the land, grow crops, and raise cattle. Then whoever arrives on our shores first, be it England or Spain will be in for a most unwelcome surprise - a nation of thieves”
Mr Scott laughs at this
“If there’s to be a war, that would be Whitehall’s choice. I’d settle for a pardon, title on lands, and a governor that I could trust, and so would most of the men out there. They’re not animals, Mr Scott; they’re men starved of hope. Give that back to them, who’s to say what could happen”
And Eleanor asks why do this, and why in Nassau to which Flint responds
“Odysseus, on this journey home to Ithaca was visited by a ghost. The ghost tells him that once he reaches his home, once he slays all his enemies, and sets his house in order, he must do one last thing before he can rest. The ghost tells him to pick up an oar, and walk inland, and keep walking until somebody mistakes that oar for a shovel. For that would be the place that no man had ever been troubled by the sea. And that’s where he’d find peace. In the end that’s all I want – to walk away from the sea and find some peace”
Then Gates comes in, tells them they know where Silver is, and that he’s selling through a prostitute. At this, Eleanor seems concerned, presumably for Max
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Eleanor goes to the brothel, finding Idelle putting ointment on Max’s injuries as Mr Noon (above centre) complains that “she nearly got herself killed by captain Vane”. Once alone, Max lets Eleanor know she’s about to make a lot of money, but Eleanor interrupts, demanding the schedule. They fight about it, Eleanor calls Nassau “all I have” (which Max takes great offence to, saying she loves her, and that “this place, it is just sand, it cannot love you back”. Gates, Flint, & Billy open the door, and Max realises she has little choice
“I want her to say it. I want her to say that she would sit there and watch as you beat the answer out of me to save this place”
Eleanor stands wordlessly, until Max tells them where the exchange will happen (the wrecks after sundown) and is left alone, crying & betrayed
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Jack & vane are on the rocks near the wrecks. It is dark and they’re carrying a torch. We see several fires and, whilst Jack seems afraid, he tells us “there’s nothing in there but opium addicts, lunatics, and men who thought themselves too good to wear a condom” (condoms having become popular in the 18th century)
Silver hides among the rocks, but sends one of the men to Vane for the pearls. Vane shouts for Silver to come out and, when he doesn’t, kills the messenger, again shouting for Silver to come out. Silver sends another man out, who briefly glances at the dead body, before asking for the pearls. At this point, Billy drops down in the distance and shoots at Silver who runs off
Billy chases after Silver, as Jack & Vane try to find him, and Flint moves to cut him off. By hiding in a hollow, Silver escapes Billy and emerges by one of the fires. Putting on a blanket to blend in with the men around it (who appear to be in a stupor), takes the page out to read it, and commits it to memory.
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Jack sneaks up to one of the fires and turns one of the men in blankets round. Instead of Silver, it is a severely disfigured man, apparently suffering from tertiary syphilis. This is treated as a jump scare and, as Jack stumbles back, he falls into the water, scattering the pearls, before we see him come back up for air
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Flint catches Silver, who reveals that he burnt the page after memorising it, and so Flint cannot hurt him. Meanwhile Vane realises he’s lost him and gives up the chase
Max has decided to leave and, though Idelle tries to persuade her that with Mr Noonan & Eleanor’s men on guard Vane can’t hurt her. Max agrees, but says she still needs to go and, with Idelle distracting them, sneaks out, but is spotted by Anne who follows her
Billy & Gates bring Silver into Eleanor’s tavern where they keep him, with them watching guard, against Mr Scott’s disapproval
We a celebration on the beach. Men are dancing around a fire, there is music, and people stripping off to have sex in the water. Flint rides away inland, to a cottage, where a respectably dressed woman, Mrs Barlow (below) playing a harpsichord welcomes him, she tells him to take off his boots and that she’ll boil some water as he collapses against the door exhausted
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hedwigstalons · 4 years
The Tracy Prize - part 19
A boring afternoon at work led to the creation of Claire, the rather grumpy and tech-phobic chemist.  I never expected the little fic she spawned to run to over 25k words.  I may also dig her out in future as there were other scenes that didn’t really fit this story.
 Thank you to everyone that came along for the ride.  Each like, reblog and comment was very much appreciated. @willow-salix thank you for digging me out of several plot holes.  And thanks to @gumnut-logic for opening the door and welcoming me in to this fandom, I probably wouldn’t have attempting writing Virg if it wasn’t you.
  So now…the final part.
Here are the earlier parts for those that want to go back to the beginning: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18
Claire sat on a bench in the locker room near the hangers, wrestling with a rust coloured boot.  After a determined tug her foot popped around the bend in the heel and she was able to close the seals around her calf.  
The synthetic fuel had been cleared for field testing.  She knew Virgil was already in the cockpit of Thunderbird Two, waiting for her to suit up.  She didn’t want to keep him waiting.  She was looking forward to spending some time with the engineer.
She wondered how her life had managed to take such a surprising change in direction. Just a few short months ago International Rescue was just a name that appeared in news reports.  Anonymous heroes who swooped to the rescue.  Now it meant a houseful of people who risked their lives on a daily basis to help whoever made the call.  People that she was proud to call her friends.  Her thoughts lingered on one particular operative that she wished was more than just a friend.
As she adjusted the prototype uniform she reflected on exactly how this particular development had come about.
It had been a difficult day for all of them.  One of those days when the tension in the villa thrummed like an over tightened guitar string.  One of those rare days when Scott had announced he was out of his depth and called for outside assistance over the comms.  He had made an error and needed help dealing with the fallout, both literally and figuratively.  It had fallen to Claire to guide him through the process of decontamination from the material that coated himself and his body cam, obscuring Claire’s view of the tools and substances at his disposal.  That coating had turned out to be lithium hydride, a tricky substance that had the tendency to spontaneously ignite in humid air.  It was a tense time as she talked the First Responder through the clean up procedures, all the while hoping he wasn’t about to catch fire.
When Scott had finally made it home some 20 hours later he looked distinctly older than when he had set out.  He had announced that perhaps there would be times when it would be useful to take the chemist out in the field to try and avoid these situations occurring in the first place.  Claire had been inclined to agree with him; if Scott had paused and consulted her before charging into the factory he would never have got coated in the volatile substance in the first place.
What followed was a whirlwind of sketches, concept design and finally the prototype uniform.  
A uniform that was currently highlighting its flaws and would definitely need a redesign.
She would gladly have gone on the test flight in her usual clothes but Scott has insisted that, since she had a uniform, she should wear it when going off-island on International Rescue business.
Claire gave up trying to get the zip on her back done up.  She picked up the helmet and rebreather kit that turned her uniform into a grade two certified hazmat suit and headed towards the hangers.
Virgil looked up from his pre-flight systems checks as Claire entered the cockpit. Technically he could have taken this test flight alone but he thought the chemist ought to get the chance to experience the result of her hard work first hand.  
If he was being completely honest he found himself seeking out opportunities to spend time alone with Claire.  He pushed those thoughts out of his mind.  Claire was dedicated to her work.  She seemed to enjoy his company but had given no indications that she was interested in him being anything more than a friend.  She was a professional to the core.
“I hope we won’t be needing those” he said, indicating the helmet and rebreather in her hands.
“You and me both, but Scott said to keep all the parts to hand.”
Virgil knew the sense in that.  You never knew what could happen when out on a mission and it paid to be prepared. His own helmet was close at hand.
“So how does it feel?  Does everything fit?”
His eyes raked up and down the petite form, currently clad in the ruddy tones that marked her out as one half of International Rescue’s scientific division. Of course it fitted perfectly. The full body scans taken as part of her medical had ensured that the garment was perfectly sculpted to her form.
He forced his eyes back to her face, hoping she hadn’t noticed his lingering gaze.
“Well the material is a little stiff.  I think the polymer coating is reducing its flexibility.  It also takes far too long to get on.  The biggest problem though is this.”
She spun around revealing the triangle of bare flesh at the top of her back.  
“If the main fastening stays at the back I’m going to have to get changed into uniform en-route so one of you others can buddy check my seals.  I just can’t reach it right.  Please can you finish doing me up?”
Virgil felt a lump form in his throat.
Claire held her ponytail out of the way so Virgil could finish closing the zip without snagging her hair.  A firm hand then ran slowly up her spine from base to neck, sealing shut the protective flap that covered the zip.  Claire’s body tingled in response.  Her mind wandered, imagining those same strong hands reversing the action later and freeing her from her uniform.  She gave herself a mental shake.  This was Virgil.  A colleague. It was…inappropriate.
Virgil returned to the pilot’s seat while Claire took the co-pilot’s side that was normally occupied by Gordon.  
This would be her first time being piloted by Virgil but not her first time flying in Thunderbird Two.  That first trip was tainted with bad memories.  Her first flight had been spent in worried silence.  Gordon at the controls.  Virgil in the med bay, out cold from the dart she had been responsible for shooting. She was still haunted by visions of Virgil crashing to the floor of the conference centre, the dart stuck in his chest.
The atmosphere in the cockpit today was excited rather then worried, but still serious.
The ability to control the Thunderbirds remotely meant that several test ignitions had been trailed but this would be the first true flight using the new fuel. The chance to test if reality lived up to expectations.
Virgil opened the comms link to both island control and Thunderbird Five.
“Pre-flight checks complete.  Everything responding as expected.  Thunderbird Two is ready for take off.”
“I’ll be keeping a running watch on your systems readouts and I’ll keep comms open,” John responded, his hologram floating above the control console.  “Stick to you pre-programmed route I’ve sent you. I’ve alerted the GDF that you are on manoeuvres so we can expect a call from Aunt Val later.”
“Why are the GDF involved?” Claire asked.
“Just common courtesy.  We give the GDF a rough flight plan and they alert any military operational in the area. It saves any cases of mistaken identity. We don’t want Two shot down again.” John replied.
Claire looked alarmed.
“That only happened the once, Johnny.”  Virgil had still never truly forgiven the US Navy for crippling his beautiful ‘bird.
“Yeah, well that was once too many.”
Scott’s voice cut in.  “If you two have quite finished…”
The rock wall disguising the hangar entrance lowered as Scott activated the mechanism from inside the villa.
Virgil taxied his Thunderbird out on to the launch pad.  The pad tilted upwards and the view from the cockpit changed from one of sea to one of sky.
Virgil directed power towards the thrusters.
An intense roar filled the cockpit.  Vibrations built up in intensity.  The mighty craft slid forwards and took to the skies.
“Thunderbird Two is go.”
Virgil concentrated intently on the flight.  He had spent so many hours flying Thunderbird Two that he was fully attuned to her quirks and moods.  He felt each difference in response and behaviour without the need to check the instruments for confirmation.  The engine pitch was slightly lower.  The vibrations slightly stronger.  He tried a few turns and altitude adjustments and was pleased to see that Two responded just as well as before.
It was time to test her for speed.
Virgil eased the throttle forwards.  Scott’s voice came over the comms, reading out their velocity in increments.
“6,000 kilometres per hour.”
“6,500 kilometres per hour.”
“7,000 kilometres per hour.  Approaching previous top speed.”
Virgil continued to push the throttle.  He could feel that Two had more to give.
“8,000 kilometres per hour.”
“9,000 kilometres per hour.”
As each increment was read out the tone became excited.
“10,000 kilometres per hour.”
Claire looked across at Virgil.  A huge grin was plastered across his face at the raw power under his control.  It was as if Two was singing to him.  She hummed as he pushed the throttle to the maximum.
“!0,200 kilometre per hour” he whooped.  “Maximum throttle reached.  Easing off now and returning to base.”
“FAB Virgil.  See you back home soon.”
The pure delight Virgil was experiencing was evident.  He practically bounced as he guided the craft back over the Pacific Ocean. Their island home was soon visible again.
Virgil switched to VTOLs and brought them in to land.
The two occupants of the cockpit grinned at each other, their eyes shining.  They were buoyed by the thrill of success.
Harnesses were released.
Claire found herself enveloped in one of Virgil’s bear hugs.  The air nearly crushed out of her body by his exuberance, her body held firmly against his chest.  She found herself returning the hug, wrapping her arms around his waist, burying herself in those powerful muscles.
“You did it!  You actually did it!”
Virgil was still riding the high of emotion.  Claire’s feet lifted off the floor in the engineer’s delight.  When she was placed back down she felt a kiss planted on the top of her head.
The pair of them both stilled and stiffened as the action registered.  
Claire looked up to meet warm brown eyes that looked ashamed, scared…hopeful?
Virgil cursed his lack of self-control.  In that one unguarded moment he had risked everything.  Claire had changed a lot since coming to the island but she could still be prickly on occasion.  Her flares of temper were becoming less frequent; there was more laughter, more enjoyment in being part of a team, but she had never invited him to cross this line.
Virgil braced himself for the backlash.
The backlash never came.
Their eyes remained locked.  Neither let go of the other.  Arms continued to encircle bodies pressed close together.
Claire found herself sinking into those chestnut depths.
Lips tentatively met, at first hesitant with the fear of rejection, then pressed more firmly as each explored the object of their secret desires.  Neither wanted to that moment to end.  Blue pressed against rust, the colour the only way of distinguishing the entwined bodies.
When they finally broke apart, eyes bright and cheeks flushed, Claire reflected that she might not have got the research grant but she had surely won the greatest Tracy prize of all.
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ashknife · 4 years
The Mushroom Girl (1st Draft)
Well, it’s about time to bring some writing over. I will do this slowly as I have time. Most of these will need extensive work done.
This piece features Sophie Rose Beauchene, the daughter of a successful book publisher. What she wants in life is not what her parents want for her.
Sophie tore through her wardrobe. She had many fine dresses. Some were made with lace, some made of fine silk, and others simply works of master tailoring. For a special occasion such as today, they may as well have been sackcloth. Clad only in underwear, she pulled out different tops and bottoms and modeled them in the mirror. She discovered many combinations for future engagements, but nothing worked as she wanted. The one outfit she needed was nowhere to be found, and everything else was far too formal and pricey. She finally found a pair of slacks and a shirt with soft pink and white stripes. It looked like leisurewear for afternoon tea. It was the best she could do. She sighed like a drunk war veteran.
“Mademoiselle?” came a knock at the door.
“What?” she called out.
“Are you dressed yet? It’s been two hours. Your breakfast is cold.”
“I’m almost ready, Francine,” she said.
“Very good. I will inform your mother. She is getting impatient,” Francine reported.
Sophie sighed again. There would be another lecture for wasting her time. She couldn’t help it if she didn’t have all she needed to make a good impression. Those impressions were important. They led to opportunities. Her father was very careful to teach her that. Even at age ten, it wasn’t too early to start making those good impressions. So what if it took hours to get this right? It was time well-spent. Only, she couldn’t find the right outfit for their visitor, so the time was wasted anyway. She could already imagine Madame Beauchene’s lady-like irritation rolling out of her mouth. Sophie punched the wardrobe with a childish grunt.
She was halfway into a follow-up kick when something in the back dislodged and fell to the wardrobe’s floor. She made a little skeptical squeal as she reached for the tardy garment. This was it. This is what she was searching for. She grabbed the pink-striped shirt and modeled it with the newfound pair of overalls. Perfect! With this, she would be ready for mushroom hunting at a moment’s notice. Given the new mushroom section in the estate garden and the varieties of fungi growing around the mansion grounds, surely there would be an opportunity to do a hunt with their guest, the brilliant Dr. Mario Girvin, mycologist.
Within minutes, she emerged from her room in her preferred outfit with her maroon hair hastily brushed. She grazed over her cold breakfast like a starved horse, going for the fruits, pastries, anything that was already in small pieces. She smothered a neatly folded napkin with her face, threw it back on the tray with an overly ceremonious show of grace and refinement, and ran down the hall still chewing on a strawberry.
Madame Beauchene stood dutifully outside the study. Her elegant, professional dress suggested a different sort of meeting than Sophie expected. Adding to this hunch was a large scowl dominating her powdered face.
“Sophie!” she hissed. “Look at you! Francine…”
The maid, who was standing nearby, promptly produced a handkerchief. Madame Beauchene yanked it into her possession, licked it, and scrubbed her daughter’s face while Francine brushed crumbs off.
“Seriously, daughter, you could have spent time last night worrying over your clothes. Now we have to spend even more time making you presentable.” Sophie’s scalp tingled as long fingernails corrected her rushed hair job.
“And…” Madame Beauchene started before taking a second, hard look at Sophie’s attire. “Actually, never mind. You actually showed some forethought for once. Maybe you are starting to grow up. I’d rather you get those rags dirty.”
“Good morning, mother,” Sophie said as she rolled her eyes. Then she yelped as Madame Beauchene boxed her ear.
“Don’t talk back to me, young lady. This business will be your empire one day, sooner than you think. You will learn to act properly.”
“Yes, mother. Sorry, mother,” she mumbled.
A weathered, well-tanned old man in a white suit emerged from the foyer stairs down the hall with the assistance of Jacques, the butler. The man wore a clean straw hat and leaned on a white cane in his right hand as he walked. He used the cane as if it were a part of his body. His limp was barely noticeable. He wore the joyful little smile of a life well-lived, and his eyes were full of that same life. His joy grew just a bit brighter as he approached the ladies.
“Madame Beauchene, it is good to see you, mon amie,” he said with open arms.
Madame threw the handkerchief behind her, which Francine expertly caught and hit. The lady opened her arms and gathered the old man in a polite hug.
“Good morning, Dr. Girvin,” she said a bit brighter than normal. “I hope your trip was pleasant.”
“Yes, Madame, the Lostani mountains are always a beautiful sight. And this must be your daughter?” he indicated toward Sophie with his free hand.
“Yes, this is Sophie,” she said. Sophie curtsied the best she could in her overalls and extended her visibly shaking hand.
“I am Sophie Rose Beauchene. I am pleased to meet you, Dr. Girvin,” she said with all the awkward nervousness she couldn’t hide. Dr. Girvin laughed, knelt in front of Sophie, and clasped his hands around hers.
“I am pleased to meet you, too, Sophie. Now, there’s no need for nerves. We are already good friends here, yes? In fact, I can already see you’re already dressed for the main event.” His eyes grew a little brighter in anticipation of his little hunt. Sophie couldn’t help but return his smile.
“Until then, here’s a specimen you don’t get to see around here often.” He let go of her hand. In her palm was a mushroom picked from the eastern islands.
“Lentinula edodes!” she breathed. “I’ve always wanted to get that in my collection! Thank you! Thank you!”
“Go put that in your...collection,” Madame Beauchene said as she valiantly hid her disgust. “Dr. Girvin and your father need to discuss business.”
“Yes, mother,” Sophie said as she purposefully walked a normal pace back to her room. She closed the door behind her gingerly before sprinting to the spare closet and throwing that door open.
Inside were shelves of several varieties of edible mushrooms. To each side were carefully dried and preserved samples of other mushrooms, many of which bore notes of faraway places where Sophie was allowed to travel. She knelt and retrieved a sample bag and a card from a box of supplies. She carefully wrote the name and species of the shiitake mushroom on the card, placed it in the bag, and pinned the bag to a free spot on the wall. She then grabbed a small straw basket with holes woven into it, placed the mushrooms in it, and hung it up near an open window to dry them out.
She surveyed the mansion grounds outside the window recalling every place where she could find fungus. The good doctor would surely know of even more places where she could discover more samples. There was something weird, alien, about fungi that tantalized her imagination. They grew like plants and spread like diseases. There was something animalistic about their behavior. If only she could grow up faster and run away to some school that would teach her more, maybe she could even find uses that would satisfy even her father’s business.
“Mademoiselle,” Francine said as she knocked at the door.
“Coming!” Sophie said as she jumped, nearly knocking over her new prize. She held up her hands and bowed slightly in supplication to the angry mushroom spirits inhabiting the basket before leaving.
Sophie carefully crawled under the mansion, flashlight in one hand, and basket in the other. The mushroom hunt two years ago with Dr. Girvin was educational. Her collection of samples expanded twofold within a month after that hunt, and she learned many ways to keep samples as well as grow more of her own. She grew past collecting just anything she could find. She was now on the hunt for rare species.
She learned through one of Dr. Girvin’s books that truffles grew underground under different circumstances, though they were difficult to find without a sensitive sense of smell. For months, she crawled through the surrounding forest and under all the buildings on the mansion grounds, but she had yet to find one. Today, however, would be different. Jaques received new garden tools recently, and Sophie was sure he would not miss his old rusty hand trowel. She could finally properly dig for her treasure. Madame Beauchene would be thrilled her nails wouldn’t be so caked with dirt.
She made several small holes near wooden supports that went into the ground, but nothing came up. More random holes dotted the open ground, also with no luck. Perhaps she needed to dig more than a few inches. Something in her said making holes like that near the house supports might not be a good idea, but perhaps some deep holes in the forest might yield something. Maybe that was the ticket. She started to crawl her way out, but then she suddenly stopped.
She could feel it. It was a faint twinge, a slight buzz of the mind. The ground in front of her held something. Beads of sweat formed all over, and she shivered from the sudden chill. Something was definitely there. She grabbed the trowel and dug quickly. The buzzing grew a little stronger. She slowed down a bit, hoping not to accidentally slaughter whatever specimen she found. About half a foot down, she found it. A silver mushroom the size of a baseball. It crackled with blue sparks every so often. She held it up to her face, eyes wide and mouth agape. The buzzing turned into tingling. Faintly, she could see webs of blue lines darting this way and that, pulsing with some energy. Most of them converged onto this one mushroom.
Her heartbeat quickened. Her breathing came close to hyperventilation. She let out shy bursts of laughter, not sure if she should laugh freely, cry, or remain silent in dire reverence of the event. Slowly, laughter won out as she battled to keep her hands still.
“T-t-t-tuber m-magicae!” she half-shouted in between bouts of laughter. She stumbled upon the diamond of mushrooms, one of if not the rarest breed of fungi on Paradigm. Fungus infused with the power of the leylines. Just touching it was a gift. In history, Sophie would be known as the fifth human to see actual leylines, just like the Jotunn. She found a magic truffle, and the mushroom she found was worth more than twice the combined wealth and assets of the Beauchene Publishing Company.
Just then, she grew still and silent. She looked all around her, searching for suspicious onlookers. After several tense minutes, she gently hugged the truffle, gave it a slight peck, dusted off  the bottom of it the best she could, and took a tiny bite of it. The flavor was incredibly pungent, like a strong cheese. When she swallowed it, her body suffered a major jolt as if she had been shocked. She went blind for a few moments. When her vision returned, she could see the leylines in addition to her normal vision, only they were now a faint white.
She giggled as she put the mushroom into a sample bag. Not many get to try rare mushrooms like that. She needed to show Monsieur Beauchene what she found. He would be thrilled to hold such a priceless treasure.
Monsieur Beauchene was busy supervising a crew making renovations to the mansion gardens. He didn’t bother looking up from his plans as he instructed her to walk as her noisy footfalls approached him.
“Hello, dear,” he said absent-mindedly.
“Father! You have to see this!”
He looked up and nearly choked on his air. Sophie stood before him in her overalls covered in dirt and mud holding the mushroom to his face. From the look on his face, she may as well have presented him with a dropping from his dog.
“Sophie, what are you doing?” he demanded. “I have told you over and over again not to go out digging like that. It’s unhealthy, unladylike, and you are certainly a target for kidnapping for our enemies!”
“But, it’s a magic truffle!”
“Magic truffle? Now you’re having delusions of grandeur! I am certainly making the right decisions today, that’s for sure.” He yanked the mushroom out of her hands, crushed it, and threw it to the side, which his dog, a little toy poodle, chased after. Then, in one swift motion, he brought that hand back across her face with a loud smack.
It took a few moments for Sophie to register her surroundings again. Her body tingled again, now with fear. She was painfully aware of the sting on her cheek and the man in front of her. The din of the garden crew seemed to be extra clarified as they continued to work.
“That horrid closet of yours is cleaned out and now holds proper clothing. That mushroom display here is also gone,” he said.
“But what abo--” she started.
“He’s dead. Passed away last night in his sleep. He won’t be viewing it any longer, and we don’t need that display anymore, anyway. We have a strong relationship with his university publishing their books.”
The toy poodle made a high-pitched screech. Both looked down to see it convulse violently before dying next to the remains of the mushroom, its last meal.
His face nearly blood red, Monsieur Beauchene grabbed Sophie’s shirt and pulled her to him.
“You. Will. Give. Up. Your. Foolish. FANTASIES.” Each word came with a slap across her face, after which he threw her to the ground. “Starting tomorrow, you will begin studies in business and trade. You will be too busy to deal with such low brow interests best left to peasants and low-lives.”
He left the gardens as he called for Francine. A tense argument followed that ended with a clear, “You’re fired!”
Sophie slowly started picking herself up. A hand behind her grabbed the back of her shirt, speeding the process and leading her to her bathroom. Madame Beauchene lectured Sophie along the way about the ways of proper women. Upon reaching their destination, the mother threw the child into the bathroom, slammed the door shut, and demanded she be rid of her filth within the hour, or there would be further consequences.
Angry hands dove into the warm, sudsy water and pulled out a saucepan. Sophie gritted her teeth as she scrubbed the remnants of old soup off of it, and then she smashed it into the sink full of pots awaiting a rinse. Even being eight years ago, the memory felt no less raw. She cursed under her breath as she punished the soap off the pots through hot tears. Though she could barely see the sink before her, the faint white leylines let her see what she was doing. It was a hard but useful skill she taught herself.
The bell jingled as the front door of Le Petit Fleur flew open. She quickly wiped her tears and composed herself.
“I’ll be with you in a moment,” she said quietly.
Behind her, what sounded like a wooden crate landed on the counter.
“I found these at the market today,” came Alex’s voice.
“What?” she asked as she turned around. On the counter was a case full of lentinula edodes. Her stomach churned a bit, not sure if she was happy to see these or not.
“Shiitake,” Alex said. “Fresh from the eastern islands. I think you said one time that you liked making a soup out of them.”
Bless this boy, he remembered something, and without an argument. That seemed odd in itself.
“But, why?” she asked.
Alex concentrated really hard before he answered.
“Because you’re our, uh, petty champ, uh, pigeon?” he said.
Sophie mouthed the words quizzically as the heat built up inside her again.
“Get out,” she blasted with a commanding finger pointing the way. Alex did not waste time following those orders, though he looked perplexed at what was going on. Sophie chunked mugs out the door after him, which smashed furiously onto the street. She then grabbed the case of shiitake mushrooms with criminal intent.
“Petty champ pigeon, huh?” she said as she contemplated what to do with the offending mushrooms. “I’ll show you something petty, you little sh--”
She froze and looked down at the mushrooms. Petty? Petty? Little? Petit? Champ pigeons? She put the case down as she mouthed the words again, over and over. She then snorted and doubled over in laughter. She fell onto her butt, and for ten minutes, she wallowed in her newfound mirth. When she could finally breathe and compose herself, she climbed back up, wiped her tears again, and finished the dishes so she could clean the mushrooms.
Later that evening, Alex quietly came in with his unit and hid behind a menu. The others noticed but said nothing, figuring it was more of the same as they talked about the day’s classes. Sophie took their table, as she normally did, got their round of drinks, and as she was about to leave, she knelt beside Alex.
“Je suis ton petit champignon, oui?” she whispered in his ear. She could feel the heat of his face as he tried not to laugh at himself.
“Lo siento,” he replied. “I can’t pronounce Vigntian.”
“T’adore,” she said, patting his head as she went to fill their orders.
Tonight, they would get the best soup in the house. More tears came. If only she could serve Monsieur and Madame Beauchene the same.
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techmomma · 4 years
Stormport: Salvage Opportunity
Stormport’s salvage teams are the... “celebrity” isn’t the right word, but perhaps most prominent group in Stormport, regardless of overall importance or necessity. These are teams of eccentric, daring, and resourceful individuals who are willing to leave the safety and civilization of Stormport for the unpredictable wilds to bring back resources, goods, and things of historical, cultural, or technological significance—and occasionally, install technology to make future expansion of Stormport safer. The Salvage Team is the job that the kids want to become and the grown-ups know better than to take it.
Part survivalist, part sleuth, joining the Salvage Team as a Salvo is mostly through recommendations and vouching. There is no formal sign-up process besides knocking on the Salvage Team’s door and asking to join. Give your case and referrals, and they’ll decide to take you and and let you apprentice with them, or tell you to go pick a safer job.
In training, Salvage Teams learn how to survive, first and foremost. “Graduation” from basic training often involves being put in a patch of woods and being left alone for a week to see how well you fare. From there, individuals train for an OS, Occupational Specialty. These range from intelligence gathering, the sciences, medicine, combat, communication, archiving and history, further survivalism, botany, and so forth. These aren’t so much classes so much as taking an existing skillset and making it stronger. An individual talented in botany before joining the Salvo Team would continue to expand their knowledge on the subject where possible. Those who don’t have a particular skillset often find one at this point.
During apprenticeship and training, Salvos will experience what is almost always their first interactions with the mainland. Trainees will be shuttled by ferry to a small base maintained by a skeleton crew on the mainland, where they will learn rules of engagement and how to truly survive off of the island. These short trips become longer over time, remaining within the relative safety of the base and able to quickly sail away to Stormport in the event something goes wrong.
Eventually, all birds must spread their wings, and trainees will be given their proving mission, accompanying a group of long-time Salvos on a longer mission past the base and into the Wilds. Ideally, this is only done with one Trainee at a time, but may include multiple if the time and circumstances are favorable (or there’s a time crunch). If this mission is successful, they are given the designation of a full Salvo, and their advanced training is complete. 
A Salvo Operation starts as a ferry ride to the mainland base, where supplies and resources will be checked and last plans are made before the true start of the expedition. Salvo Operations typically have a “mission” or main goal to accomplish, but salvos will still attempt to bring back anything of worth for Stormport. 
There are a surprising number of things salvos consider important to find (and a surprising number they don’t care about). Books, particularly resource, informational, maps, and non-fiction are some of the highest priority objects to bring back; sometimes the ferryship will return with an entire load of only books. Gasoline/Petrol, while an important resource heavily fought over in the early days of the outbreak, is all but useless now. No refineries have made new gasoline in years, and gasoline has a shelf-life of under a year. Car parts, however, are more highly prized. Food, in addition, is mostly an ignored item. Nearly all of it will be bad at this point--save for twinkies, probably. (Leetle joke.) Seeds, however, are very valuable. Computers too, whether operational or not, are highly prized as containers of technology that can help Stormport’s engineers keep their own systems and intranet working. Or at the very least, if operational, provide helpful information. (And porn. A lot of porn. Look a lot of people died before they could wipe their harddrives.) 
These trips also serve another purpose: there is almost always a surveyor on the team, who uses the trip as an opportunity to map out the areas for future use by Stormport and potentially point to yet more resources. 
Salvo Teams are units never less than four and never more than ten, and no one is ever without a partner (don’t be without your battle buddy, man). Salvo Teams typically do not explore for more than two week stretches (never use more than 2/3rds of your supplies); longer stretches must be approved by higher authorities for decent reasons. Salvo Teams once operated longer, but tragedies in the past have left Stormport afraid of losing too many. 
Salvos are one of Stormport’s few links to the wild and dangerous world outside their island. They are a link, too, into the history of their people and their persons, some of whom are still old enough to pray for any glimpse of information about their lives before the outbreak. Or even, by some small, glittering hope in the dark, for some bit of information for relatives they never saw again and faces becoming blurrier with every year. 
The Salvos, while they face danger and death every day, are the way Stormport remembers the human element of the Wilds, almost forgotten on their safe, protected island. 
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nightmare-circus · 4 years
Serica | Reaction 4/4 | Ode to…
When: Second motive, when their surroundings were not these ephemeral islands but a quiet village. In the midst of suffocating fear, after she had committed to holing up in her room, before he had come to stay with her.
Where: On their mirrors. Due to aforementioned self-isolation.
Who: One conspiracy theorist, one nurse. Just friends, for now.
( > seriously though i dont want to find you dead )
> then don’t go looking
( > how could i not? )
IX. Yamamoto, Deacon
Was it her fault, for trying to make concrete plans for the future?
( “Deacon Yamamoto, I will do everything in my power to make sure you and I can leave here, that I will find you and bring you home and we’ll spend days just sitting on the couch watching terrible sitcoms, riding on the subway gossiping about tourists, walking through the park hand in hand…“ )
No, that was stupid. 
Serica may have been a woman who believed in more than the average person, trusted in platitudes and jinxes where others would scoff, but even in the midst of the unthinkable she was dimly aware this wasn’t her fault. It wasn’t his fault. It was…. someone else. Someone else’s fault.
A someone else who she needed to find. But, she found herself once again incapable of meaningfully investigating. Not this time for exaggerated pain and weakness, but of a pure inability to move forward both physically and psychologically.
She’s done this before. She had just forced herself to shallowly rationalize and pack away the deaths of Miles, Juniper, Tatsuya, Elise. One more couldn’t be bad. She was great at compartmentalization wasn’t she? She was able to laugh and have drinks hours after poisoning a man, she was able to pretend to be a victim when only half an hour before she had killed one Danny Ostergard with her two hands. If she approached this from a distance, with the veneer of a woman who had nothing to do with the dead man before her, with the objectivity of a woman who simply was trying to figure out what was going on… she could do this, right?
Let’s begin.
How does she even begin to explain Deacon Yamamoto?
(Ah… he’d probably like that reference, wouldn’t he?)
u/BoysBBUGS ||  u/aviary23
Head mod of Fanatical Ravings of the Disappeared, he(?) had a lot of theories that she didn’t necessarily subscribe to, but saw his contributions interesting to pick at. Ships passing through the night on the world wide web ocean.
IX. The Hermit || XI. Justice
A neighbor of a neighbor, though she hadn’t seen him around much. Does he keep to himself? Why the mask?
Cockroach & Serica
A riot of a man, able to make her laugh to hysterics at their first meeting. Supposedly 32 years old, supposedly unable to bath for fear of chemicals, supposedly with child with a man he had just met. Willing to have himself come off as incredibly unreasonable in public. Despite all this, clearly intelligent, clearly possessed a mind that had a voracious appetite for information and was wonderful to bounce theories on. An asset, despite it all.
( “I’m Serica by the way!” )
“They gave me the name Cockroach. Fucking COCKROACH Ser. What kinda joke is this shit?”
“I have a dumb fucking gift and Cockroach might as well be my real name since I doubt I’ll ever hear my original one ever again.”
Roach & Riccy
Slippery in every way, but not so unreasonable as he seemed. Logic was a great way to combat him, and any answer often had to be weaseled with either heavy theorizing (her specialty) or with a tango with some off the cuff roleplaying (decidedly not her specialty). She wouldn’t be so cocky to say that he changed his habits for her but… she thinks she had a hand in convincing him. He really wasn’t so bad, if you gave him a chance, and he’d surprised her more than once with acts of care and thoughtfulness.
Dee & ██
A friend for sure, and one who seemed to have a genuine loyalty. No qualms at seeing her drop a stun gun in front of him, no reservations when she admitted tentatively that she slept with a knife, no judgements when she casually brought up murder once more. Morals in the traditional sense didn’t seem to shackle him, which was very convenient to incorporating him into her tentative plans. 26, not 32. A New Yorker, as well though rather than any borough, his car was his home. Given his life he had become a stranger to hugs, to positive affection, but once he had a taste he was hungry for more. For all his mock lovers and public swooning, he was dense to actual subtle flirting.
( “My middle name. Aka, no risk of harming me if a faelien hears it. ██.” )
“I don’t have a middle name. I’d tell you if I did, swear. You can call me Dee though. It’s a part of my first name and you already know the first letter of it when I fucked up that one time. So Dee is a pretty good substitute then, yeah?”
Deacon & ███
Incredibly cute. A true newcomer to being hit on, to being told he’s handsome, to being kissed, to being in a relationship. A strong backbone even as she herself wavered in the days leading up to the decisive moment. Determined, stating possibilities as if they were facts and refusing to acknowledge her agonizing over the worst case scenario. Through everything, an unwavering support, a hand on her back, a shoulder to lean on. A good singer of lullabies, in her opinion.
( “███. My name is ███.” )
Deacon Yamamoto & ███ ██ █
Did not hold himself in the same concern he showed her. Makes a fuss in the public chat about the wrongs done to him but brushes off the severity when questioned by his own girlfriend. Still a liar, still a master of faking a smile. 
( “I won’t remember much but i’ll know your name, your, that you helped me so much in escaping that, that you mean the World to me–” she’s just babbling “I probably will believe myself if, if I actually try to find your information or maybe your drivers license– maybe if I put you in as a missing person or– But oh no will you believe me? What if I just show up at your car and you just think I’m a scam artist or–” )
“My license plate is HGO789. Deacon Yamamoto. I’ll believe you. I’ll always believe you.”
( “…█. My last name is… █.” )
███ ██ █
There once was a man upon whom was foisted a change. Upon his rise to a breathing dream, he was stripped of his taste and stripped of subsequent limits. Immune not only to the aches of poison but the salve of saccharin, the burn of capsaicin. To match with his steel stomach was his mercurial tongue, not gifted but cultivated carefully. Silvery and poisonous with every other word, it was at the command of a mind that paralleled in fluidity. It was as if he was a maestro, and his instrument of choice was a dictionary, phrases and scenarios slung with such rapidity that all who listened were on guard for constant whiplash.
So, it meant something when words became actions.
Anyone can say anything. He especially was able to say anything, a master class perjurer of the highest degree. The sun was about to peek through the sky at any moment, he was a Staten Island woman in an unhappy marriage trying to hook up her hair dresser with her son, he was fine, he was going to be okay, he was going to get out of here–
There is a difference, between telling someone that you will take consideration for the situation, and spending precious currency to fit yourself with a weapon.
There is a difference, between telling someone that you will help them, protect them, and taking the extra mile to pull down the mattress of a woman who’s waking hell of a gift would not let her climb up the steps otherwise.
There is a difference, between telling someone that you want them to live and helping them plan and execute the death of another person.
There is a difference, between telling someone that you want to live and…
(She was failing miserably in this task).
No one who looked at his body, at the stagnant ichor dripping out of his head, could understand the potential for warmth like she would. His fingers combing through her hair, pulling out loose tangles and tucking locks behind her ear so she could look at him unfettered. A grin, not sharp and pulled taught, but gently reassuring, murmuring soothing phrases to ease her anxious hands. Irises, bright not with the promise of information to unravel but with unbridled emotion that made his eyes crinkle, a devoted gaze meant for one.
One person, who stood here alone.
“And it’s not like I need it, yanno? I kinda wasted my life away before all of this. Not sure if I want it back.”
"I won’t die. Not yet at least. I have some things that need getting done." 
“I mean I’m not gonna let myself die after I break a leg like some racehorse. I wanna be useful, not a damn trigger happy martyr. ” He had snorted. “I’ll still make a valiant effort to get out of here Rics. But if it comes down to me and you? Well.” He had shrugged. “As a consolation prize I will say, you do make me wanna become someone worth living again.”
"I was impliiiied my dear, of course I’m making it out of here with you. What would the point be otherwise. I was trying to make it seem all badass and broody, adding a technicality to it all would’ve been underwhelming.”
“You’re going to be stuck with me until the end of times.”
“You’re getting out of- we’re getting out of here. You were wonderful.”
“Yes I know. I will. I’m going to get out. With you.”
“Of course, █. We can live a life worth living together out there.”
“It’s going to be alright █.”
“I love you █, please. Trust me, things are gonna be fine.”
“One day at a time.”
One day at a time, she had repeated.
One day at a time, she repeats, staring at his face, flesh frozen in the way that only a cadaver could. She’d never forget the first time she had touched a dead body, and was forced to confront the jarring dissonance, the coldness, the stiffness, the pallor of the skin that had been warm, soft, pliable, just hours before. Only a child, forced to confront the concept of lives ending for the first time. Since then she had seen more than her fair share, from work, from this place, before her very eyes.
Joints creak and echo through her body as she moves, finally. To fold her knees under herself, sit at his side, hand hovering indefinitely, torn between not having to face that final moment of confirmation and wanting to just hold him once more. Before she would have to be torn from him for hours, before they returned from a useless trial and his body would be gone, before she’d have to trudge to their caravan, who’s emptiness would threaten to collapse on her.
“There is nothing worse than not knowing.”
( “No, there’s nothing worse than not living.” )
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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You ever lost something in your life? Like a prized possession? Or a great opportunity that would’ve changed your life forever? Or even a loved one? I know I did, I lost all three of those! (mostly the third option). I had some nice treasures of mine that might’ve been misplaced, a lot of situations where I could’ve come out victorious and happy and even met some really nice people throughout my life only to lose them and never see them again. It’s sad. (sigh) That’s life, you love, you lost and it repeats. We must enjoy it while we can and if we do end up losing it, we still have our memories to look back on it and learn from our mistakes. Besides, we can still look forward to the new joys we’ll experience in life and if we’re lucky, we can keep it! Have our heroes learned to do that? Check it out!
Battle of the Miraculous
*Part 1:Heart Hunter-For the longest time, this was titled as “Loveater”, but now it’s just Heart Hunter....I don’t know why, maybe cuz of the copyright, I was just naming what was accurate. Anyways, it’s the Bourgeois’s anniversary and Gabe deliberately upsets the two by getting them into an argument over his present which is a type of “Get-Along sweater” and them becoming a giant Pac Man akuma that shoots/eats love cuz they seem to lack it between each other. They looked pretty stupid, I had a better image in my mind. I mean, it was built up to be this badass like villain that could destroy love and that got us all concerned for the love square and yet, w-we got a two-faced video game parody baddie! It’s a juvenile show, whattaya gonna do? Another thing is why the f*ck was Mayura in this! I thought Hawk Moth deliberately made it clear in “Ladybug”, which came after this, that she had to stop cuz it was worsening Nats health! (throws hands in the air) He doesn’t care, I give up with this guy, why the f*ck would I believe him!? HE’S MAD AND DESPERATE! F*ck Gabe/Hawk Moth! During that time, we see some nice moments of Lukanette, Adrigami and some Adrigaminette! We also see things we were dying for such as Marinette with her hair down (spoiled by “Cat Blanc” unfortunately) and Master Fu as Jade F*cking Turtle! Hallelujah! So they were savin’ that up for this finale huh, well, it’s about f*cking time! :P. This also marked as the death of the love square since Adrien/Cat Noir has finally learned to move on from Ladybug and pursue Kagami/Ryuko and Marinette/Ladybug considering the same for Adrien. Now you would think that since it’s the Bourgeois family akumatized, it would be the appropriate opportunity for Chloe to be given back her miraculous already, but she’s ignored yet again and this was the last straw for her. This can go about two ways: A.Ladybug refused to have Queen Bee cuz either she was exposed or she couldn’t stand her nagging her about giving her a miraculous or B.She chose Ryuko instead, despite her being exposed as well, either cuz she really needed her power to stop the villain or cuz she was trying to c*ckblock Adrigami (possibly the latter). The end I could relate to on Marinette breaking down over her full plate of responsibilities (and accidentally letting Hawk Moth know that Master Fu was the guardian when she forgot to detransform to meet up with him cuz she had a lot on her mind) cuz I’ve been through the same thing where I had to put up a tough front after making a huge mistake only to be unable to bottle it up for long and just burst into tears and have to be comforted by a loved one. It’s not easy and it doesn’t feel so good and you’re gonna need support to let it all out and let people know how you really feel.
*Part 2:Miracle Queen-I had an entirely different look for Miracle Queen in my head, but the canon look for her was basically what you can call as “Malibu Stacy with new hat”....yeah....just like that....Lame. Hawk Moth manipulates her anger at being constantly denied the bee miraculous and it’s what akumatizes her willingly as her third villainess form. Since she was forced to give up her superhero duties, she went with the idea of “If I can’t be a superhero, then there will be no superheroes!” and uses her hornet army to brainwash everyone in Paris and have all the members of Team Miraculous (minus the dynamic duo and Bunnyx) to expose themselves. (sigh) Well, guess we won’t be seeing them anymore in the show.......I think. The thing about it is, we need to remember that Chloe having a miraculous didn’t make her a better person like Marinette/Ladybug hoped, it made her worse! Everything she did as Queen Bee was mostly to help benefit herself. Unless she starts learning to think of others before herself, she’s banished from Team Miraculous! At last, we saw Dragonbug and Snake Noir in their combined Kwamies and I gotta say, Snake Noir was an improvement from Aspik, least in this case he had his own power to help save the day with the snake miraculous instead of just the snake. Much better! Now in the end, Master Fu passed on his guardianship to Ladybug and by doing so erased his memory of the miraculous duties to keep them a secret and what made Hawk Moth give up when it got too much for him to handle. Ha! Ha! Loser! Farewell, Fu! You will be missed, Thank you! It’s implied in the end that Adrigami and Lukanette just might be canon now that the heroes have moved on, but it’s probably for their future character developements until the true ship becomes endgame *cough*theicecreamstheclue*cough*.
My final thoughts on this ep before the whole season here, after what Cat Noir learned in the previous ep, “Ladybug”, he finally got the hint that there was no future between him and his lady (which he also stopped calling her!) and that he should settle for what he can get. Marinette however, was reluctant to move on from Adrien as she’s still insecure about herself, but did so so she won’t interfere between Adrigami and make herself look bad for trying to seperate them (Pssst, it’s not permanent so you can calm down). It might be good for them though, they did a good job saving the day without all that love distracting them. Maybe they’ll be more competent than ever! Ryuko had come back! My friend was right! Lol! Here I thought she wasn’t gonna return! But is it serious now along with every other hero that’s been exposed!? (they’re on the poster for Season 4! (shrugs)). What we learned from Master Fu was when you pass on your guardianship, you lose your memories of what was related to it for safety reasons! Whoa! Now that it’s passed onto Marinette/Ladybug, does this mean she’s gonna suffer the same thing when she passes it on! That’s tearjerker worthy! :’(. Oh boy! As if balancing her social/love/school life and her superhero duties weren’t bad enough, she’s now the new guardian of the Miracule Box! Poor thing. Here come the headaches! Kinda feel bad for Chloe. Sure she was manipulated by Hawk Moth over her ignored hero duties by her own idol constantly, but she still willingly took the bait, after she refused the other time!, and now she renounced her worship of Ladybug and hates her as much as Lila does! How will this go next season? Well, rumor has it she’s getting akumatized yet again! (is this a seasonal running gag for her?). We are getting a new Queen Bee and I know damn well Chloes gonna hate that. However, maybe that means she’ll finally get that redemption arc the fans have been praying for? Fingers crossed. Gabe fixed the peacock miraculous though cuz he now has the deciphered notes Nat stole from Master Fu! Now he’ll be stronger than ever with Mayura! Don! Don! Don! This has been yet another “interesting” season. We got some answers, we got some questions still left answered and we got some new questions we need answers to! Let’s recap on went on:Lila is back and is finally a reoccurring character (only when we need the plot to be drivin’) and she’s gone to the dark side working both for Gabriel and Hawk Moth, we saw Thomas Astruc in animated form and the original concept work of “What-Could’ve-Been” for the show which is now a show-within-a-show using the “Ladybug PV”, we saw new villains and the new beings, sentimonsters, by Mayura and how they’re created/destroyed and some returning villains that came back stronger, new heroes from the miraculouses the fans predicted, Chloe was forced to retire as Queen Bee cuz her identity was exposed and now she too went to the dark side, we almost got the love square complete a few times before the reset button was pushed, we learned the history of Master Fu’s big mistake, Marinette and Kagami became friends, there’s gonna be a new Hawk Moth in the future! We finally saw the long awaited Cat Blanc that was major! and even (disappointedly) Felix (sadly no “Bridgette”) and much more. News from the next season, Luka and Kagami will be akumatized again, we’ll get new heroes, Kwamies, outfits and powers, we might still get the Halloween and Chinese Legend specials (Oh God! Please do!), there will be an episode with the the “OMG” factor as “Cat Blanc” and a new location called Swan Island! Sweet! Can’t wait! See you guys in the Fall when Season 4 comes out! I’ll be back with new ladybug frames for the reviews and gifs! Good-bye for now dear Miraculers!
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cuthie · 4 years
Omru: Mushy Talk
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  Omru had never been to the island of Pandaria before his invitation to the Soju Slam. There was a currency prize for the winner of the drinking competition, as well as some neat raffle prizes. There he had bartered with some pleasant vendors, and had met some of the Alliance races he had yet to see with his own eyes. Worgen, Humans, Void Elves and even a gnome! It had been unfortunate that he misunderstood the rules of the game, however. Om had been under the impression that this would be a test of constitution. Who could drink the nastiest most vile liquid without throwing up? Living in the wastelands of Vol’dun, Om did not have sensitive taste buds. He had been confident entering his drinking bracket, but uh…
  He wasn’t the first to fall down drunk, but he had lost his lunch. Twice. Still, the experience had been worth it. He had met so many people, heard so many stories, and was eager to explore more of the peaceful paradise the bear folks called home. Just, not that night. No, he had to sleep off the booze, first.
  Morning came and he had the biggest headache he had ever experienced. He felt like shit. Usually he was fine camping, that was his preference. He could pack and unpack all his stuff in minutes, not hours. It was his nomadic way of life, laying his head down wherever he felt like it. That day, he instead checked into a Pandaren inn. His sympathetic hosts had given him herbs and some kind of tea to help in his recovery, but he wasn’t feeling up to his usual self until much later on in the evening.
  As the stars began to emerge, Om slowly stepped out of the small wooden building in a set of plated armor. In his mind he had expected that he might fall over or walk slowly, as if in a bog. In reality, the heavy armor wasn’t entirely uncomfortable. He could feel the added weight on his shoulders and pushing down his paws with each step, but with that came power and a level of security. Omru had been training with monks and soldiers, tauren and orcs alike for months and months before joining the Horde officially. After that he had joined the Sons of Varok in battling minions of the Void. Luft, his best friend, had been the first to take notice of his changing physique. Most Vulpera were scrawny scrappers, light on their feet, but not capable of taking a hit. Omru had been beaten senseless in sparring sessions and battles alike. All the training and ass kickings as well as a steady supply of nutritional food had given him a strength he hadn’t ever known. To borrow a sin’dorei term, he was kind of ripped.
  ‘And watch what happens when I assist. Try it now.’
  The beautiful soft voice of the formless elemental had been a whisper in his large fluffy ears. “Alright, here we go.” Grinning, Omru rushed ahead through a darkening meadow of foreign flowers and the scent of, what was that, honey? Again, he had expected to fall flat on his face, but he was moving so fast, it almost felt like it was nothing at all.
‘See? When we work together, it’s much easier.’
  Omru leapt into the air, a gust of wind lifting his body ten feet off the ground before his black furred paws returned to the grass. This whole thing had been her idea, of course, Luft’s. Omru had taken more than his fair share of hits in the Son’s Northrend battles. He needed better protection, and more importantly, he couldn’t rely on the shadow techniques he had learned from ancient Tortollan scrolls years ago. Stealth and teleportation had become instinctual to the fox. He could just concentrate and poof into nothing. It had saved his bacon more than a few times, but when N'zoth's visions had drawn his group of friends and allies into the shadows? It had done nothing but hurt him. He could hear a deep voice calling to him, and worse, he wanted to follow it. Shifting into the shadows was no longer a liberating trick. It had tugged on something within him, convincing him that there was no hope. For a moment he could only feel despair, until the Sons of Varok had snapped him out of it.
  Ever since then, his abilities had become unreliable. They took more concentration, and worse, seemed to tax his body and mind afterwards. It wasn’t worth it. Some people could handle the Void with expertise. Some could use a little tricky shadow magic here and there and get away with it. Whatever had happened in those visions had left a lasting mark on him, and for better or worse, he was now hanging it up.
  Instead he was going to focus on what he could control. Similar to the monks and warriors of the Horde, he would continue to train, weaponizing his body and mind to compensate for his loss of ‘tricks’. Besides, he still had a full backpack filled with helpful elixirs, potions, explosives and enchanted doodads. And now this armor? He was surprised at how natural it felt, and how proud he was. He felt like a little Hukaga in a way. Hukaga was the leader of the Sons. A mountain of a Tauren in full plated Horde warrior’s armor. Omru had watched him cleave Nerubians, Void monstrosities and spectral wolves alike with fierce swings of his mighty axe. Om would never be that tall, that large, that strong, but that didn’t mean he had to be weak. His time amongst the larger races had proven nothing but beneficial, and with Luft’s elemental magicks assisting him, there was no telling what the future Omru would be capable of.
  As the sun dipped down below the horizon, Omru ran and leapt through the grass. Long furry black tail swishing behind him, he was imagining himself clobbering his enemies left and right. Like Hukaga, like Kee, like Loh. 
‘You’re already pretty great, you know.’
  Omru allowed himself to fall backwards, knowing Luft would catch him before he hit the ground, regardless of the added weight. Softly his body was lowered into the Pandarian grass, his bright orange eyes darting from star to star in the sky. “Thanks. You’re pretty great too. You know?”
  Luft flew up into the sky, only a minor distortion in Om’s vision before becoming completely invisible. There was no looking at Luft, usually. Only feeling her presence and hearing her words. ‘I didn’t think I would feel this way about a mortal again. Well, not again. You’re different.’
Omru stuck out his tongue, “Well, thanks for that. Different, not funny or charming?”
‘Oh you’re definitely both of those at times. Also corny and hopeless with maps. For someone who travels a lot, you’ve got us lost more times than I can count.’
“Tell me more about how great I am, please continue.”
  There was a small pause in movement and sound. A full minute of silence, in which Omru’s gut twisted. Had she left? She hadn’t left his side since Winterspring. “Luft?”
‘I’m here. Just thinking on my words.’
“No need to do that around me. Let’er rip!”
  ‘Okay. Well, a long time ago I was summoned to this realm, this plane, against my wishes. Around twenty summers ago, I suppose. My body as I knew it had been ripped away, lost between planes as a goblin child mettled with rituals far beyond his skill or understanding.’
Omru frowned. It was a rough story, but one he had heard before.
  ‘It took me a year to forgive him, maybe longer. But afterwards we grew closer than I had ever been with any of my own kind. I saw him as my adopted mortal child, in a way. I took care of him. So when I lost him to those Naga…’
The Vulpera could feel the moisture in the air around him swelling, as if it were about to rain.
‘Anyways, I ran away. I don’t know what drew me to you, specifically, other than knowing you had that totem around your neck. But, I’m glad I did. If I’m being too forward, you may tell me.’
  Omru blinked. Too forward? She hadn’t said anything new, but maybe she was just feeling weird about the sensitive topic. He himself had felt pretty shitty at Paz’s passing, but for Luft it had to be like she said. A mother losing her son. “No, you’re not. I’d tell you.”
‘We haven’t been together for long, comparatively, but there’s just something about you Omru. I love your voice, I love your deductive reasoning, your jokes, the faces you make. You’re a great friend to me, and without you to help me cope, I may have never come out of this in one piece. I just wanted you to know how much I care for you. I think, perhaps, I hadn’t said that enough to Pazaz. So. There it is.’
  Omru sat up, one ear flickering as he scented the air with an upturned snout. Something sweet was on the wind. Typical Pandaria, maybe. Exhaling softly, Om scratched at the back of his head, “I think that’s natural. We miss the ones we lose, and so we try to do better to remember how to love the ones we still have. I- Let’s get mushy, we’re already there, right? I love you like family. I’ve never been close to anyone like this before. I’m not saying we should go snog, and I’m not even sure how that would work, heh, but uh.. “
‘I don’t think I’m capable of snogging. Being close to you is good enough for me. I wasn’t saying I’ve developed romantic feelings, that would be obtuse. We’re not compatible in that sense.’
  Om grinned, “You sure you don’t wanna have a romp in the hay sometime?” Wiggling his brow line in a corny gesture, he was unprepared for the great gust that shoved him back down into the grass. His body was then rolled through the meadow over and over, the fur around his face rustling as he laughed, “Alright, uncle, uncle! I was teasing!”
  There was laughter in the shapeless elemental’s voice, ‘Uh huh, be careful what you wish for Omru. What do you mortals say? I could rock your world.’
  As the playful display of power stopped, Omru’s head spun for a brief moment after. “Yeah, I believe it.”  Still grinning, the world around him calmed as he continued, “My family and friends are loved from a distance. I meet people, then see them once every few months, sometimes years. Distance doesn’t sap my love for them, never has never will. But this? You and me? I’ve never stayed with someone this long, and it’s been awesome. You’re my confidant, you’re my best friend, you make me feel safe and strong at the same time. And honestly, it kind of worries me that you might up and leave sometime. I’ve never had that fear before, that idea that I could lose someone. I mean, I would always treasure our time together, our stories, our talks. But-”
‘I feel exactly the same. Like you’re too good to be true, or you’ll discover some great imperfection in me that will turn you away.’
  Omru stood up, stretching under the weight of his new plated armor, “Forever is a long time, but maybe we’ll see it together. I’m glad you found me.”
‘Okay, enough mush. It’s training time.’
And with that, the little Vulpera was launched up in the air as if thrown by a mighty Tauren.
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paladinofthelantern · 4 years
So I made a “Hellblade” AU if anyone’s interested. :)
*Zynbel lusts after Galena because of her beauty and desires her for himself. However, she is already betrothed to his brother, Findan, and he himself is to wed a woman named Abigail. So great is his longing to possess Galena that he sails to the land of the Northmen under some false pretense and offers them Findan and Abigail as slaves. They agree and pay him handsomely.
Zynbel sails with them back to the Orkney Islands where they make camp, warning him that if he does not make good on his promise he will lose his head. Zynbel returns home and waits for night to fall, his loved ones unaware of the darkness that lies inside his heart. As the last rays of the sun disappear he gathers Findan and Abigail, claiming that he needs their aid. They follow him deeper and deeper into the woods.
The Northmen see the group from afar, move into position, and spring upon them from the shadows. Abigail is quickly subdued, but Findan attempts to rescue her. Despite his vailiant efforts he is captured, screaming for Zynbel to run as he struggles to get free. His brother does not need to be told twice and dashes off, leaving his brother and future bride to their fate. When he returns home he is met with the worried faces of his fellows who were awakened by the noise, eager to learn what had caused it.
He tells all that had happened, withholding his part in the plot, of course. A search party is immediately formed, Zynbel supposedly guiding them to where the Northmen attacked. In reality, though, he leads them as far away from the site as possible. They search until dawn breaks, but, as one would expect, can find no trace of Findan or Abigail. Relunctantly they turn back, vowing to try again. But it does no good, for Zynbel deceives them each time.
At last they accept the fact that the two are lost forever. Zynbel, though, is greatly pleased at this turn of events. He will give everyone time to mourn, and then he will ask for the hand of Galena. Unbeknownst to him, she has decided to go in search of her beloved and her future sister-in-law. The young woman waits until all are asleep before she makes her away out of her home, mounts her black mare, and rides off into the night.
Zynbel, awakened by the sound of hoofbeats, climbs out of bed and over to the window where he just catches a glimpse of Galena before she disappears completely. White-hot anger grips his heart. He will not let his prize escape so easily! Zynbel silently exits the house, saddles his own horse, and leaves. Meanwhile the Northmen  arrive in their own land, wasting no time in putting the slaves to work.
And so Findan and Abigail labor under the lash of their new master, Jarl Arvid, receiving little food or rest. Not all the Northmen are without pity, though. Arvid has under him a Thane by the name of Henrik, who is father to a son, Ansgar, and a daughter, Birgitta. They are kind to them, often sneaking them extra portions of food and drink when they are able, as well as talking to them when they are not working. It makes their situation a little more bearable.
The slaves often tell Ansgar and Birgitta tales of their home, which fascinate the brother and sister to no end. They can clearly see how their new friends miss it and this knowledge weighs heavy on their hearts. The time comes when they can bear it no longer, and they decide to help them escape.In secret they make the preparations for the long journey, carefully storing away supplies little by little.
The siblings are careful to be as discreet as they can, for if anyone should find out what they are doing it will mean their deaths. At last the night comes when they are to make their escape. Ansgar, Birgitta, Findan, and Abigail move quietly through the halls of the great longhouse, narrowly avoiding the patrolling guards. Closer and closer they draw to the exit, and it seems they are only a few feet from freedom.
However, things are rarely ever so easy. It happens that a floorboard is loose, which, when Abigail steps upon it, lets out a loud groan. The guardsmen nearby are immediately alerted, causing the group to flee as fast as their legs can carry them. Angry shouts and the clank of metal echo in their ears as they make a mad dash for the main door, barely passing through it in time.
As soon as they reach their horses they mount them, digging their heels into the beasts' sides so hard that they leap forward as if pricked by hot irons. It is not long before they see their pursuers closing in on them. To their horror the band splits off, attempting to surround the fugitives. Findan and the others desperately try to escape their clutches, but, just as it seems that they have succeeded, they are confronted by none other than Henrik.
For a moment their hearts sink in their chests, for they fear that this is the end. To their utter amazement, though, the Thane tells them to head Westward. He and his men will lead the others in the opposite direction. One last farewell is exchanged between the father and his children before they part for good. Away they fly, deeper and deeper into the wilderness, not resting until their steeds have exhausted themselves. No sounds are heard but those made by the various animals that inhabit the wood, as well as their own shaking breaths.
They make camp for the night, daring to light only the smallest of fires for fear that they might attract unwanted attention. Each keeps a careful watch while the others sleep, their eyes straining to see anything unusual in the dark. Fortunately,morning comes without incident and they continue on. They travel for many days until they reach a tiny coastal town, where they pay for a vessel to take them to the Orkney Islands.
The company embarks upon the last leg of their journey, their spirits growing lighter as they realize that they are almost there. On their way the meet Galena, who is overjoyed to find her beloved and her future sister-in-law alive and well, although she is frightened by Ansgar and Birgitta. She only calms down once she learns that they, as well as Henrik and his men, have aided her loved ones in their flight.
Together they finally reach their home, friends and family crying with joy at their return, save for Zynbel, who had given up his search for Galena some time before. Although his lustful heart is delighted to see her again, he is furious that his brother and his betrothed are still alive. Not only that, but they brought Northeners with them. The one comfort left to him is that, as he only met with the Jarl and a few of his guards, they can not recognize him.
The clan is likewise unsettled by their presence and the siblings are summoned to the Hall of their Chieftain, Athol, at once. He listens intently as they tell their story, Findan and Abigail speaking when it is relevant. After much thought he finally announces that, as they can not go back to their own country, they will stay where they are. All of them abide by his ruling, even Zynbel, who thinks Athol an utter and complete fool.
That is not the last they see of a Northener, though. Not too long afterwards a man is spotted on the border of their territory, and, when guards are sent to investigate, is revealed to be Henrik. He is brought before Athol as his children were, revealing to him how he could not bear to be parted from them, especially as they were the only reminder of his wife he had left after her passing some years ago. Thus, he enlisted the aid of those loyal to him in order to escape in secret. The Chieftain is moved by his past actions and affection for his dear ones, granting the Thane leave to live among them.
And so life continues on, the wounds of the past slowly healing as the years go by. In time, Findan, who has become disilluisoned with the gods and renames himself Druth, marries Galena. His friends soon become his family as well. Ansgar joins himself with Druth's sister Eilionoir, while Birgitta weds his brother, Alasdair. Zynbel's own marriage to Abigail brings him little comfort, for he is incensed that their bloodline is now tainted by that of Northmen.
But this is not the end of his troubles. When Galena's gift comes to light he is infuriated that he went through such lengths to obtain a woman so tainted by darkness. The fact that no one else seems to share his views only adds to his rage. Her visons are no blessing from the gods, as some seem to think, but a curse that will only bring destruction upon them. And, when the daughter born to his brother is shown to share her mother's affliction, the bitterness inside of him continues to grow, gnawing away at his very core.
*Druth’s father, Seaghdh, the Chief Druid of their Clan, is Scottish, and their mother, Iona, is Irish. Druth is the eldest child, Alasdair is the second eldest, Zynbel is the third eldest, and Eilionoir is the youngest. 
*Cináed, Athol’s son and successor, and his wife, Gormlaith, are Dillion’s parents.
*Galena's parents, Eoghan and Caoimhe, are good friends with Seaghdh and Iona. When Druth and Galena befriend each other in childhood, they arrange a marriage between them. This was partly for the usual reasons, but moreso because Druth was very accepting of Galena’s “gift”.
*Seaghdh and Iona also arrange marriages for Eilionoir and Alasdair, but their future spouses die before they can be wed.
*Zynbel takes after his paternal great-grandfather, Somerled, and his paternal uncle, Muir, who were both very fervent in their worship of the the gods. 
 *Dillion and Senua are betrothed.
 *Zynbel’s treachery is eventually revealed around the time when Senua enters into adulthood. Although he is initially sentanced to death, his parents plea for his life, and he is instead exiled.
*Abigail eventually marries a man named Arran, who treats her far better than Zynbel ever did, and has children that she and her new husband love with all their hearts. They are considered family by Seaghdh and Iona and are beloved by all their kin. 
*Before Druth’s capture he was very devout in his worship of the gods, particularly Cernunnos. He was especially fond of an amulet bearing his likeness that was given to him by his father. Even after Druth loses his belief in them he still wears the amulet, a fact which irritates Zynbel to no end. 
*Arvid was convinced by Henrik to let Druth keep his amulet when he was captured.
*All of Seaghdh and Iona’s children have some of their own, save for Zynbel.
*Senua is an only child.
*Ansgar and Birgitta warn of an attack by Arvid on the village and the clan is able to prepare for the assault. The Jarl is surprised to find that they are ready for him, but continues regardless. He and his men are eventually defeated and they retreat, anger burning in their hearts at the betrayl of Henrik and his children.
*Arvid’s older brother, Haldor, was orginially meant to be Jarl, but he died in battle. His father, Gunvald, decided to name Arvid his successor, as he did not want any of his four daughters to inherit his title.
*The plague that infects Senua’s clan never happens.
*The ship seen at the end of the game is where Druth and Galena first met. Senua often goes there when she needs to think.
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midnightbluefox · 6 years
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Our Reylo Discord server, The Writing Den, held its first ever fic gift exchange! We are incredibly lucky to have so many talented writers among us to participate in this and make it an amazing experience. Plus, we got tons of new Reylo content to enjoy!
+ fic is mature/explicit
* fic is a WIP/ currently incomplete Just for Tonight by @aknightofwren for @reylo-ology :  Leia departs this life for the next, becoming one with the force. Rey and Ben are the first to notice.
Lights On by @reylo-ology for @reylocalligraphy :  Modern AU, Rey is insecure about her body weight being too heavy and/or Rey and Ben admit their love to each other for the first time.
+ The Life You Always Dreamt Of by @kylotrashforever for @avidvampirehunter :  Ben Solo has always followed his obligations. He is expected to take over his family’s enterprise, Skywalker Steel. He is expected to marry a reputable girl who will make him a fitting wife. He is expected to do as he’s told without question. He had long accepted his fate in this regard, until he met Rey. Her presence in his life was like that of a storm, blowing through his calm existence over the better part of a decade and leaving him wrecked on the other side. She was not his, but if he had his way... she would be.
Paradise Island by @ashtyntaytertot for SaveThePorgs : Ben Solo is a Porg conservationist on the remote pacific island of Ahch To. Only a few hundred Porgs remain on planet earth and Ben is adamant the species WILL. NOT. DIE. OUT. Rey is a poacher, an orphan and poor pacific islander with no, money and zero future. Porg eggs are highly prized on the black market, a rare delicacy. So she steals them from nests so that for at least a while she can eat. But what will happen, when Kylo catches her in the act? As the Clock Winds Down by @reylocalligraphy for Erulisse17 :  Who is Ben Solo, Crait High School’s star point guard, hiding from? And why is he suddenly taking pointers from a random nobody? High school Reylo AU featuring tech nerd Rey (who seems to be the only person Ben listens to) and arrogant but actually soft basketball star Ben.
+ Surf with Me by @j-dryless for @reylorobyn2011 :  Rey and Ben catch some much-needed vacation. Swells, kisses and smut.
+ A Demon is A Girl’s Best Friend by AmberDread for @asongforjonsa :  Rey finds a mysterious box, it seems impossible to open, yet there is something rattling inside it... 
+ Our Disparate, Naive Souls by SaveThePorgs for @reyssolo : Once a year the Smuggler Ben Solo, visits Jakku to trade with junk boss Unkar Plutt. Whilst there he meets the scavenger Rey. Talented and enigmatic, over the years he watches her grow up. But as Rey’s burgeoning connection to the Force grows, can Ben continue the hide the truth of who he is. Or will he help her become who she is meant to be?
+* Beneath the Sea by @asongforjonsa for @lilia-ula :  Rey and Ben meet working at The Royal Treat in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Sparks fly immediately.
+ Taste of Elysium by @lilia-ula for @mallie-3 : Thanks to the presence of a tall, dark and handsome classmate, Rey's Greek Mythology summer course was hotter than hell. She'd given up trying to concentrate, and so had he, drawn by their chemistry into a game of enticement that couldn't last. Weeks of endured longing end in a tryst steeped in the mythical elements of their focus.
+ Raising Hope by @spiegatrixlestrange for @dalzonii :  Ben Solo is a single dad with a crush on his daugher's far too pretty, young and kind nanny. He doesn't have a chance obviously, or at least that' s what he had thought until now.
+ The Prince and the Scavenger  by @reylorobyn2011 for @gopherbroke :  Kylo (or Ben) is the sole heir to the Skywalker Estate. He comes across a hungry young woman, scavenging outside the kitchen for scraps after the staff has gone to bed. Despite his icy treatment to her face when he orders his men to capture her, he has her washed, clothed, and fed. She is unrecognizable when she is next presented to him and is immediately taken with her. + Diet Coke and Mentos by @gopherbroke for @ever-so-reylo :  Alpha Rey Jakku is in charge of a major project at Rebel Enterprises, an architecture firm. Her bosses son, Alpha Kylo Ren is added to the project near the completion, sharing the leader role with Rey and immediately stirs the pot, causing rifts and arguments. Rey is not used to backing down. She also isn't used to the way her body reacts whenever Kylo gets too close. With two top dogs, who is going to be the one coming out on top?
+ Firefighters and Puppies by @kpopandstarwarswhynot for @ashtyntaytertot :  Just because Kylo puts out fire for living, doesn't mean he can't start one.
+ You should see the things we do by @ever-so-reylo for @loveofescapism : “Maybe Ben will come home from his business trip and bend me over the nearest piece of furniture and fuck me hard and fast.” In which they are roommates, and they hate each other until they don't.  
+* forced out (into you) by @dalzonii for @spiegatrixlestrange : “Alright kids. There’s no other way around it.” Maz paused, her wide beady eyes regarding the pair carefully, face unnervingly too serious. “You two might just have to, well... engage more intimately.” When Rey woke up in Senator Ben Organa’s body, she never thought fixing the problem could feel so good. Only, the Force simply isn’t letting up – and Jedi aren’t supposed to develop feelings for hot-headed, impulsive, politically-inclined men. Or, the force really wants Ben and Rey together and will go to great lengths to achieve this.
+ Other Voices by @reyloandotherfandoms for AmberDread :  Just a random day aboard the Millenium Falcon.
+ Consider...  by @loveofescapism for @kylotrashforever :  Rey Kenobi has a new job as an editor for K Trash Magazine where she has to edit the infamous Ben Solo's work. Things don't get off the best start and they instantly hate each other. The one thing that is making her days worth while is the handsome stranger she keeps bumping into in the elevator and the hungry, dark looks he continues to give her.
Come Home by @reyssolo for @aknightofwren :  Ben Solo enlists in the army to better his future, and the future he dreams of building with his girlfriend Rey. He just hopes he can come back from his deployment in Afghanistan in time for one of the biggest, most important events of his and Rey's lives.
+ Screensaver Sweethearts by @avidvampirehunter for @kpopandstarwarswhynot : When Clyde's new cell phone connects him to a woman halfway around the world, he never expected to fall in love. But, as luck would have it, that's exactly what he did. Reylogan.
Sex on the Beach by @kylohhh for @reyloandotherfandoms :  Rey walks into Ben's world renowned cocktail bar and just wants a beer. Ben sets out to convince her to see the error of her ways.
* Echoes of Memory by Erulisse17 for @kylohhh :  It couldn't be. What are the chances she'd be here? At this college? And yet... When Kylo catches a glimpse of his childhood friend, he has to follow her. To see if it's her. To see if she remembers him. If she's forgiven him. Getting doused in pepper spray was not part of the plan, but it did answer one question. She *definitely* remembered him.
Every single one of these fics was so amazing and well thought out! A huge thanks to everyone who participated, we can’t wait to do the next one! <3
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sunevial · 5 years
A Mermaid’s Deal
Why do I like writing hypothetical scenarios involving my dnd characters? Idk, it’s just fun, I guess.
This hypothetical scene features Megariel Rapidfin, my merfolk rogue, perhaps two or three years into the future from the current campaign.
--- “Hey, is it rude of me to ask where we’re going?” Megariel asked with a slight lift to her voice, straining her ears to hear much of anything through the cloth bag over her head. There was no response, just the continued pounding of boots on stone and the occasional rattling of chains. She sighed internally but kept pace. Not that she had much choice in the matter; the rope secured tightly around her wrists kept her from doing much of anything, and rough hands on both arms made sure she kept moving forward. 
No sight, no real hearing, and restricted movement. 
Not ideal.
But they wanted her alive. That was a start.
A door rattled open, creaking on hinges that even muffled sounded desperately in need of oil. Something cold pressed up against her wrist, snapping the bonds as the bag was unceremoniously yanked over her head. Now blinded by the sudden influx of light, two hands took advantage of her temporary weakness and shoved her into the room. Stumbling over her weary feet, she turned around in time to see a solid oaken door slam shut behind her. A sharp click confirmed she was locked in. 
Megariel pinched her eyebrows together and let out a long sigh. Perfect. Jumped by no less than seven guardsmen when she just wanted something to drink, grabbed with barely even an attempt at a fight, and dragged off to a place where she was pretty sure even The Heart Tree didn’t know. Wonderful start to the evening. Grumbling a little under her breath, she glanced down at her wrists and gingerly started working blood back into her hands.
“My...apologies for the interruption, my dear,” a voice said, low and sweet to the ears. Ever so slowly, Megariel turned to her left, spotting a simple table with two chairs set across from each other. One of the chairs was already occupied by a man, relatively short but well dressed, jacket adorned with golden metals and colorful stripes. He sat proper, shoulders back and head held high, offering a gloved hand to the empty seat. “I do hope my men weren’t too rough with you.”
“Oh no, definitely not, the pins and needles in my hands must be from something else,” she replied, meeting his gaze but remaining where she stood, kneading the sore tendons and muscles at her wrist.
“Please, have a seat. I must insist,” the man said with a charming smile and cold eyes that indicated that this was not a request. 
With cautious but still lively steps, she strode over to the table and plopped down, dusting off her royal blue coat and straightening her hat once she had settled in. Her toes just barely graced the floor, but she sat up as tall as she could in the surprisingly well crafted chair. 
“Ah, that’s better, don’t you think?” the man asked, cocking his head to the side ever so slightly. Despite his proper posture, his movements were with a slowness that comes with the absence of fear. Either a general or the head of intelligence. Probably both. “So, this is the infamous First Mate Meg. I have to say, I’d thought you’d be taller.”
“Everyone says that,” she replied, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair until she was balancing on just two of the legs. 
“An accomplished gem thief turned right hand woman to the most powerful pirate in the seas,” he continued, giving a flippant hand gesture. “Cunning, bold, and slippery as a fish, appropriate given you’re one few merfolk to openly walk on land. Quite the resume you’ve got there.”
She held his gaze, refusing to blink or so much as give a smile to the supposed compliments. “Cut to the chase, what do you want with me?”
“Just as to the point as the rumors say,” the man said with a chuckle, folding his fingers together and planting his elbows on the table. “To business then. Tell me, Miss Meg, have you ever considered using your…rather unique set of skills for more legal endeavors?” 
“I was under the impression that you government types didn’t hire, what was it you guys called me, oh right, ‘low life scum’.”
The man let out a low chuckle. “Well, my dear, things have changed quite a bit since that motley crew of yours has been terrorizing Aeros. Information on anything regarding the S.S Nutmeg is…highly prized, you know. Sure, civilian reports can get us the occasional lead here and there, and magical detection does have its merits…but what better way to know a ship’s secrets than through her crew?”
“So at what point does the floor drop under me and the torture begin?” she replied in deadpan.
Almost amusedly, the man leaned over to rest his chin on his hands. “This is not an interrogation, my dear. This is a job offer,” he said, unfolding his hands and holding one out. “I am General Omaren, the King’s current Head of Intelligence.”
At this, Megariel raised one of her eyebrows. Ever so slowly, she uncrossed her arms and shook the outstretched hand. “You want to hire me as a spy?”
“A double agent, precisely,” he continued, breaking the handshake. With the same deliberate movements, he laced his fingers together and set them on the table. “While your capture would certainly prove…beneficial to our cause, having you amongst the crew would help us more in the long run. 
“A force from the outside unites a people. A force from the inside destroys it beyond repair,” she said in response.
The man nodded in agreement. “So you understand. Your captain has been notorious for sniffing out our agents, so I thought it was time for a…different approach.”
Megariel leaned back a touch further in her chair, mulling her thoughts for a short spell. “What’s in it for me? Cause right now, all I’m hearing is that I wouldn’t be stuck here.”
“You would be compensated, of course, handsomely,” Omaren said, gesturing with a hand. “A full pardon from the king for your service, potentially even a noble title and some land to accompany it.”
She leaned back even further, a slight smirk on her face. “And if I refuse?”
Omaren returned with a smirk of his own, slimey and calculating like that of a venomous water snake. “Unlike other members of your crew, Miss Meg, you have a much longer history of being on the wrong side of the law. There are warrants for your arrest on every island in the archipelago, and coupled with your recent endeavors into piracy…the other option for you is a spot on the gallows,” he replied, his eyes glimmering with an uncaring logic. 
For the first time since she had entered the room, Megariel broke her gaze from the general and let it wander to the dull gray ceiling and walls. Silence stretched between them, only interrupted by the occasional creak of wood or deep breath as the rogue gave thought to the matter at hand. After a rather uncomfortable amount of time, she simply shrugged. “I’ll think about it.”
Omaren simply smiled and rose from his seat, walking around the table with pointed movements before stopping at the door. “You’re a smart one. I’m sure you’ll make the right decision,” he said, swinging the door open and locking it behind him with an audible click. 
As soon as she was alone, Megariel kicked her feet up onto the table, closing her eyes and humming a tune under her breath. She rocked back and forth to the rhythm, listening to the creaks and cracks of the wood under her.
Decisions, decisions… 
Shots and alarms rang through the guard tower as Megariel ran, soft shoed feet pounding on the stone below her. It had been comically easy to pick the lock and almost as easy to locate her confiscated weapons. Now bearing her signature rapier in hand, she took stairs two, three at a time as she fled ever further down. Blindly, she raced down hallways and stairwells, only to turn back at the slightest indication of guard movement. She ran in circles, weaving between decorative suits of armor and storage rooms to no real avail. It wasn’t long before she was forced outside and into a large courtyard, surrounded on all sides by men and women holding much larger weapons at the ready.
“I must say, Miss Meg, that was a quite impressive display,” Omaren said, giving a slow clap to her as he approached from one of the wings of the building. “But what about our little deal?”
“Thought it over, and my answer is go fuck yourself,” Megariel replied, eyeing up the various guards to her left and right and front and back. Ten to one, with crossbows pointing down from the rails above. 
Not great odds.
Omaren laughed, the sound scraping against her ears like a bad nightmare. “And what exactly do you plan on doing now? You, the rogue who refuses to kill?”
Megariel thought for a second, glancing up to the darkening sky. She smiled, taking the rapier in hand and placing it back into its scabbard.
“You’re right, I don’t,” she said with a slight nod upwards. “She does.”
With an enraged roar and a blast of frigid winter air, ice rained down from the sky. Screams erupted from the guards who weren’t frozen on the spot, crossbow bolts firing widely against a target they could see but would be lucky to hit. The clash of claws on steel rang through the courtyard as something large and powerful slammed into the ground, knocking those not paying attention off their feet. A massive tail whipped around, slamming into the remaining men and women left standing until it was just the large silver dragon looming above them all.
“GET. AWAY. FROM MY FIRST MATE,” the dragon growled, her voice bellowing around what little remained of the courtyard. Any guards who could still walk scrambled away from the still standing rogue, staring up in abject terror at the massive winged creature before them.
With a large smile on her face, Megariel strode over to the dragon and swiftly climbed onto her back, hands and feet finding long since remembered holds. The second she was settled in between the dragon’s spines, they were airborne. “Thanks for the lift, Captain.”
“Stop on Aeros Major, they said. Restock supplies, they said. It’ll be a short trip with NO ONE CAPTURED, they said,” Nutmeg seethed under her breath, raining down another swath of ice onto the ruined guards station for good measure before flapping her wings and flying off at breakneck speed into the night sky. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
“I’m fine, Captain. They were more interested in getting me to turn coat than stick me full of holes,” Megariel replied, giving the cold silver scales a reassuring pat.
“That’s, what, the fourth time this year?” the dragon snorted, turning her wings into the wind and towards the north. “What’d they offer you?
“Full pardon, whole heck of a lot of money, a ladyship, and maybe some land,” Megariel said with a shrug, settling back against one of the captain’s spines.
Nutmeg let out a low whistle, an impressive feat for a dragon. “Enough to have you set for life and then some.”
Megariel snorted, giving the dragon another pat. “Oh please, they’d sooner pardon you than honor a promise like that. Not to mention you wouldn’t let me betray you like that.”
“No I wouldn’t,” Nutmeg curtly agreed, slowing her wing flaps as a large ship came into view. There was a long pause as they circled over head and shouts came from the crows nest. The large dragon swung her head around, one large eye looking her over. “Meg…you wouldn’t actually take a deal like that, right?”
Megariel smirked. “Nah. Got everything I could ever want right here, Nutmeg.”
A smile crept across her face. “That’s what I thought.” 
With a quick tuck of her wings, the two of them swooped around the mast until both dragon and rider were level with the ship. Cheers rung out as the other crew members caught eye of them both. As soon as the two of them were close enough to the deck, Megariel jumped from the dragon’s back, landing on the wood with only just the slightest of wobbles. Not long after, she was joined by a woman just a touch taller than her, sporting a spotless white blouse and long brown coat. 
“Seems the imperial court thinks the crew of the S.S Nutmeg Three is up for grabs,” Nutmeg barked, stomping up the steps and to the wheel, coat and hair billowing in the late night wind. “They’re about to learn how wrong they really are. Set course for Aeros Major!”
Megariel smiled and gave a quick salute. “Aye, Captain.”
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thesevenseraphs · 5 years
Bungie Weekly Update - 4/18/19
This week at Bungie, the Revelry has begun.
Everyone’s favorite space grandma has returned to the Tower, and the Revelry is in full swing. Pick up your Reveler's Tonic, then set out to the Verdant Forest and beyond. Arbalest, our first Kinetic Linear Fusion Rifle, is now available to be earned by all players of Destiny 2. You can get the full details on the event in our Revelry event page.
There is one more Revelry reward we haven’t mentioned yet. Bungie Rewards is offering an emblem for eliminating 150 enemies with Super abilities during the Revelry. After you’re done dealing out space magic, claim the Super Celebratory Triumph, and then go to the Bungie Rewards Page to claim your reward!
Story Telling
The Drifter has a lot more to say than “Ding!”
Earlier today, we opened a window into the world of narrative design with a conversation about the stories our writers have been telling this season. If you haven’t watched it yet, here it is again...
Would you like to know more? Some of these same faces represented the team that spins yarn across the solar system in a conversation with Polygon. You can read the full article here.
Iron Islands
It’s time once again for one of Destiny’s oldest traditions, the Iron Banner. Lord Saladin returns to his perch at the top of the Tower next week to hold this battle between Guardians for control of territory.
Iron Banner and Double Valor 
Start: 10 AM PDT on April 23
End: 10 AM PDT on April 30
Iron Burden was an experiment for Season 6. After reviewing community feedback, we are not planning to bring it back in Season 7. You will have this Iron Banner and one more to earn your Wizened Rebuke. And if you really want to showboat, you can use these next two Iron Banners to get 2,500 burdened kills for the “Now You’re Just Showing Off” Triumph. Completing this Triumph will reward the “Heavy as Death” emblem.
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Ghostly Blades
A few weeks ago, we let you know that we had some plans to adjust Spectral Blades in an upcoming update. The Sandbox Team has the details on what changes are in store.
Sandbox Team: As you’re all aware, Spectral Blades has been running amok in the Crucible. Below, you’ll find a brief on our plans to reign it in a bit. The two main issues are the length of the Super, especially combined with Gwisin Vest, and the survivability of the player while it is active. To address this, we have made the following changes to hit those specific issues:
Damage Reduction
Out-of-stealth DR reduced from 60% to 52%
In-stealth DR reduced from 62% to 54.4%
Previously, this Super had the highest damage reduction of all the roaming Supers, either in stealth or not. This change reduces Spectral Blades to have the lowest DR of all the roaming Supers while stealth is not active and to be in line with the low end while stealth is active. With stealth, vision through walls, and fast, shifty movement, this Super ability actually has a lot of built-in survivability. This means a lower DR will demand better planning and positioning to survive for multiple kills, which lines up well with the fantasy of the path. This is also a first step toward trying out a roaming Super with lower damage reduction, so let us know what you think.
Super Duration
Super length out of stealth with no attacking: 17.5 -> 14.5 seconds
Super length in stealth with no attacking: 26.6 -> 23.5 seconds
Light melee cost increased by 50%
Basically, we reduced the duration by 3 seconds overall. We want you to feel like you have time to plan in stealth with the understanding that you need to be deliberate and swift with your strikes. Additionally, we increased the cost of the light melee attack. It may seem like a lot on paper, but previously it was almost nothing. Now you need to think just a little bit before spamming away. We didn’t want to make it cost too much, as it’s the only way to chase people down, but it did need to have at least a small visible cost to make it more of a choice.
Gwisin Vest
We are looking at Gwisin Vest now and playing with some changes. We also want to see how these initial changes go. If we decide to change Gwisin, you will see it in Season 7.
Kilts for Kids
In its eighth year, Seattle Ronald McDonald House is hosting its annual Men in Kilts Kilts for Kids fundraiser! This event is a Bungie favorite, and we are thrilled about the more inclusive rebrand. Help us achieve our $77k goal, and cast your vote for Team Bungie by donating $10 or more. Every $30 donated will pay for a family to stay at the House for one night. Head to the RMHC Donation Page to cast your votes by Friday, May 3 at 5 PM PDT!  
Need a sweeter incentive? Check out these backer rewards for donating to Kilts for Kids!
$50: Receive an exclusive Kilts for Kids 2019 Destiny emblem
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$100: The prize above, plus receive a postcard signed by our K4K team and mailed to you
$250: All prizes above, plus receive a digital print of exclusive art made by Mark Flieg
$500: All prizes above, plus receive a physical print of Mark’s exclusive art
$1,000: All prizes above, plus participate in a Bungie studio visit with you and two guests, dates scheduled quarterly in 2019/2020 and announced separately to donors after the event concludes
All travel and hotel accommodations are the sole responsibility of the donor
Top 50 Donors: Receive a signed PS4 Destiny 2 Collector’s Edition
Ties will be broken by donations received at the earliest date.
*An email will be sent to donors at each prize tier at the end of the event, no later than Wednesday, May 10, with instructions on redeeming each prize
As a reminder, the Gauntlet Tabletop tournament is in full swing! A huge thank you to everyone who has already participated. There’s still plenty of time to support—head to our Gauntlet Team Page.
Missing Eva
The Player Support team is always at your service. They keep a watchful eye over the Help forum and are ready at a moment’s notice to provide information on emerging issues.
This is their report.
Arc Week Emote
Last week, after Update 2.2.1 launched, some players who purchased the Resting Storm Bundle were given the Titan Striker’s Patience emote instead of the Warlock Stormcaller’s Patience emote.We have identified the players who received the wrong emote, and they will receive the correct one in a future update. Players will also receive an in-game message confirming they received the correct emote. 
Breaking the Rules
Eva Levante has invited all players to celebrate life and break a few rules in Destiny 2’s live spring event, the Revelry. Players must complete the introductory milestone offered by Eva Levante before they will be granted access to the Verdant Forest. Players looking for information about participation requirements, gameplay, Triumphs, and more can view our Destiny 2: The Revelry Guide.Players have until the weekly reset on May 7 to claim and complete all Revelry Triumphs.
 Orb Generation and GUITAR Errors
Earlier today, we announced that we were disabling precision kill Orb generation in raids, Gambit and Gambit Prime due to the Orbs causing frequent GUITAR errors, leading to players being removed from those activities. We also disabled this functionality in competitive Crucible. 
Revelry Triumphs and bounties that require Orb generation can still be completed in other activities listed on them. For more information, click here.The Revelry Vital Info and Known IssuesWhile players down their Reveler’s Tonic to jump into the Verdant Forest, they may experience a few issues that we’re investigating:
Eva Levante Missing: We're investigating an issue where Eva Levante doesn't appear for some players in the Tower. Players who can’t find Eva may need to log out and log back in, then try launching into the Annex area instead of the Courtyard.
Virescent Emblem Tracking: We're investigating an issue where the Virescent emblem doesn't track the deepest branch reached during a single run of the Verdant Forest.
Unlocking the Verdant Forest: You need 50 Reveler's Essence to open the Verdant Forest. Players must use the 50 Reveler's Essence by inspecting the Reveler's Tonic and choosing one of the three Good Moods. Players can acquire more Essence by completing various activities in Destiny 2, including public events, strikes, Crucible, Gambit, Escalation Protocol, and forges.
Verdant Light Triumphs and Orbs: For Orbs of Light to count towards the Verdant Light Triumphs, players must get precision kills that generate Orbs while affected by Revelric Light to count toward these Triumphs.
Players can review our Revelry Known Issues section for more known issues and vital information about the Revelry and are encouraged to report other issues to the #Help forum.
Other Known Issues
Ascendant Challenge Lore: We’re investigating an issue where Dreaming City lore isn’t dropping for players who complete Ascendant Challenges.
One Skip Ahead Triumph: Players who are having issues unlocking this Triumph must complete the entire Tier III Reckoning activity from beginning to end.
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps and "Nightmare Fuel" Perk: We’re investigating an issue where this perk doesn’t activate when Hunters use Knife Trick or a Tractor Cannon.
Wizened Rebuke and Collections: We’re investigating an issue where this weapon can’t be obtained from Collections.
Antaeus Wards and Misadventures: We’re investigating issues where players die due to misadventures when wearing these Exotic boots, as well as where projectiles may no longer be deflecting.
Blink Jump: We’re investigating an issue where players may not be able to Blink Jump when invading in Gambit or in other areas around the game.
For more known issues that DPS is tracking, players are encouraged to review our Destiny 2 Known Issues support page. As always, players should report any issues they are experiencing to the #Help forum.
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timemachinesims · 5 years
Sailor Moon Legacy Challenge (Get Famous Rewrite)
Required Packs: City Living, Get to Work, Parenthood, Seasons, Cats and Dogs, Get Famous (Optional: Vampires) (June 2019 Edit - Optional: Island Living) - feel free to adjust if you don’t have these to make something workable.
Unless stated otherwise, assume sim must reach top of their career and complete their aspiration.
Heirs can be selected however the player likes, and don’t have to be biological heirs. Adoption is allowed. You can move the household to different lots throughout challenge. Aging is on. Lifespan normal. Seasons can be whatever, but I like two weeks.
No money or real estate cheats. No unfair mods. Or, you know, do whatever you like and play in a way that’s fun for you. It’s a video game, for pete’s sake.
SUPER BONUS CHALLENGE: have all generations have the SAME CAT who you keep using age-down treats on and refuse to let die
and/or Run a cat legacy while you play - family must always have at least one cat and all cats should be descendants of first cat
Optional Colors: Orange, Red, Yellow

 Traits: Romantic, Outgoing, Music Lover 

Career: Detective 

 Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
Other: Cursed to never find love -can never have a boyfriend/girlfriend or get married -can’t have any other sims move in with them either, making them a single working parent -master singing skill (if possible, make this what you’re famous for) -reach video gaming level 5 (BONUS: Win a prize at the Ultimate Gaming Test in GeekCon) OPTIONAL BONUS: have to accept all dates asked on, must date as many sims as possible EXTRA EXTRA HARD OPTIONAL BONUS: if you have a risky woohoo mod, no “try for baby” allowed. If you’re accepting all dates, must woohoo on each date, and no birth control allowed.
GENERATION 2: Sailor Moon
Optional Colors: White, Pink, Dark Blue, Magenta 

Traits: Good, Glutton, Childish

 Career: National Leader (Politics Career, Politician Branch)

 Aspiration: Soulmate
Other: A Miracle Romance -Must unlock Sixam through Rocket Science -Must marry an alien
GENERATION 3: Tuxedo Mask
Optional Colors: Black and White Traits: Kleptomaniac, Loves Cats, Family Oriented Career: Veterinarian - Must have a four star clinic and at least one five star review. (Honestly getting a five star clinic is too hard in this game - I won’t make you do that). I’m saving Doctor for Mercury, so that’s why he’s not that.

Aspiration: Super Parent
Other: Looking for the Silver Crystal  -complete the Crystal Collection -Max out the Mischief skill (primarily through stealing)
HINTS AND TIPS (added August 2019): This generation is a really involved one. I think possibly the hardest. So, some things to help: 1) He has to complete the Super Parent aspiration, but that doesn’t mean that has to be the first aspiration he takes. Even if he immediately changes it, if the first aspiration he takes is a Nature aspiration, he’ll get the “collector” bonus trait, which will help him find rare crystals faster.  2) Endless crystals and minerals spawn on the Scientist career lot. He can join the career and just ignore his work and harvest all day. Don’t worry about getting fired, you can just join the job again. Plus, actually playing the career for the career’s sake is Pluto’s job!  3) The game is on normal lifespan, but there is no rule against (for this or any other generation) using a Potion of Youth from the reward store.  4) Take advantage of lot traits to help him gain skills more quickly. “Peace and Quiet” is especially useful for reading parenting or mischief books (do try to get as much mischief as possible through stealing, though. It’s really fun!) 5) Once your vet clinic reaches four stars, you are under no obligation to keep playing the career. You can walk away and never open the clinic again, or even sell it. You have other goals to accomplish! 6) Given how much of Mercury’s generational goals are in childhood, it’s probably best to save having kids (or at least your heir) until you can put your focus there entirely. 
GENERATION 4: Sailor Mercury
Optional Colors: Blue

 Traits: Genius, Bookworm, Unflirty

 Career: Doctor

 Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Other: Studious to a Fault -can never skip school or play hooky -must always do homework AND extra credit work -must always be careful when making school projects -must always “study hard” while at school -always do the studious thing (if applicable) during schoolday text prompts. -Achieve Good Manners and Responsible reward traits. -complete the Whiz Kid childhood aspiration. 
(Their childhood is gonna suck, but they can lighten up once they become a young adult, though they must reach the top of the Doctor career.)
OPTIONAL HARD VERSION: A Perfect child. Just try to get all the good Parenthood traits, maybe all the scout badges. Max out all toddler skills. EVERYTHING. This is an overachieving child. 
GENERATION 5: Sailor Mars

Optional Colors: Red, Purple

 Traits: Self-Assured, Ambitious, Non-Committal 

Career: (not necessarily in this order, but these are the selections) 1. Critic or Style Influencer 2. Business or Social Media, 3. Secret Agent or Astronaut. This sim may not repeat any of the careers of their ancestors. Careers have to get to high enough level to complete aspiration. CAN try to max out final career as a bonus.

Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Other: Hates Men - Cannot talk to men. (I mean, you won’t get punished if you look away for a second and they’ve done some stuff autonomously, or if the game requires it to advance). If the food stall owner or gardener or whoever is a man, this sim can’t talk to them (other sims in household don’t have this restriction).
An exception MAY be made for 1. any male children
2. if heir is a female sim who is going to have kids and you don’t want to just make a beautiful trans lesbian for her to fall in love with (or make HER a trans lesbian) or adopt (or use a same sex pregnancy mod), then an exception may be made for the subsequent heir’s sperm donor (though she may not marry him and after pregnant must end the relationship, and not amicably).
An exception is NOT made for any male parents of the sim, who this sim doesn’t like. This sim may only talk to male parents to fight with them or perform mean/mischievous interactions and may declare their father(s) their enemy.
- max out the wellness skill - make a BFF in their lifetime
GENERATION 6: Sailor Jupiter
Optional Colors: Green, Pink, Floral Patterns 

Traits: Romantic, Foodie, Neat Career: Gardener in the Floral Designer track

 Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Other: Overcoming Rejection, Living in Domestic Bliss - Sim must be rejected on an “Ask to be Boyfriend” or “Propose” interaction, end the relationship, and find new love. - Max out the Baking skill, Cooking skill, and Gourmet Cooking sell baked goods through a stall or vending machine or other retail mechanic - must throw a wedding event when they get married, bake their own cake, and get a gold rating.
GENERATION 7: Sailor Pluto

Optional Colors: Black, Maroon, dark shades

 Traits: Loner, Perfectionist, Gloomy

 Career: Scientist

 Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Other: I Always Wanted To Fight By Your Side - Sim can only make one adult friend, but befriend as many children an animals as desired. - Sim must become BFFs with at least one child (can be their own), companions with at least one cat, and then die from something other than old age. - Child must witness death. This does mean you have to work faster to complete aspirations. Game can be manipulated to cause death (build walls around swimming pools or whatever you would like), but use of cheat codes/mods to induce death is not allowed.
GENERATION 8: Sailor Uranus

Optional Colors: Yellow, Navy 

Traits: Active, Goofball, Bro

 Career: Tech Guru (eSport Gamer)
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Other: Destined Couple - Sim can only have one romance over their life. - Sim must marry their BFF. - Sim must perform at least two romantic interactions with their significant other every day (starting with the dating stage - as soon as they have any kind of commitment).
GENERATION 9: Sailor Neptune

Optional Colors: Teal, Seafoam Green, Blue Traits: Creative, Snob, Art Lover

 Career: Painter (either branch) Aspiration: Musical Genius
Other: Deep Sea Submerge - must have a swimming pool and swim at least once a day - Must max out fishing skill - Must have an aquarium and fill it with sim-caught fish, including at least two rare fish.
SAILOR NEPTURE - ISLAND LIVING EDIT (June 2019 - might edit as I find out more about the pack)
Traits: Replace “Art Lover” with “Child of the Ocean”
Other: Deep Sea Submerge (v2) - must become a mermaid - can only fill hydration need by swimming in the ocean - must max relationship with dolphin 
GENERATION 10: Sailor Saturn
Optional Colors: Purple, Black

 Traits: Squeamish or Vegetarian or Lazy (to replicate her illness), Evil, Cheerful 

Career: Criminal (Oracle Branch) or Master Vampire
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Other: It’s The End Of The World As We Know It
-Go to town killing sims, burning down property, destroying everyone’s happiness. The more bodies the better. The more witnessed death the better. The more damaged property the better. - Sim must repent before they die, and retrait themselves into good (using in-game retraiting potion in the rewards store) - Repair at least one damaged relationship - from full red to full green.
GENERATION 11. BONUS ROUND - Sailor Chibi Moon
Optional Colors: Pink

 Traits: Childish, Geek, Player’s Choice 

Career: Player’s Choice

 Aspiration: Player’s Choice (but might I recommend Successful Lineage or Mansion Baron?)
Other: It’s a bright new future in a brand new world. Make the best world possible from the ashes of the past generation.
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