#there was a very small chance they would succeed but it was still there
goldshootingstars · 1 year
You know, Badboyhalo brought up a good question today. What would have happened if they hadn't failed the pressure plate puzzle at the start of QSMP after they got out of the train?
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the-sera · 2 months
My name is Sera, you may not know me but you know my past work behind the scenes here and there, such as the Mass Effect trilogy, Dragon Age, Silent Hills, and many others.
I am an agoraphobic indigenous Kanienʼkehá:ka (Mohawk) mixed lesbian who has fought for several years a worsening health condition that is currently killing me. The point of no return is not that far away. I have spent years exhausting any paths and means to get help, enduring extreme and near endless pain. I have sold all I have, spent every dime to my name. I have received various forms of help over the years in this battle, but I have reached the critical point I have feared all this time. And to make matters worst, the family responsible for inflicting a lifetime of abuse on me is stalking me very heavily online, which has not only exacerbated my agoraphobia, but has also made the efforts to build this harder than I could describe. Know that I share as many details as I can while seeking to avoid undermining my immediate safety, I hope you understand. This post is a highly abridged version of the content in the link, the unabridged and unedited version is available below the Read More cut ❤
If you have been following me for a while, you are familiar with my struggle and saw me talking about it throughout the years. There are no other options or help besides this, besides you. I need your help or I'm going to die, this is the last chance I have left. I'm afraid to my core, I still have a life in front of me, dreams to pursue. If you read this far, I know you may be inclined to share and move on, but I am asking you to pause and think if you have a dollar that could make all the difference. I know it can be troublesome to stop and actually do it, I am asking you to please consider doing it.
If you yourself have a health condition, I salute you for fighting your own battle. Regardless of whether you donate or not, if you read this far, know that you are loved.
A warm thank you to @transmechanicus , the kind soul who made this possible. I would be lost and doomed without your help. Erika did not believe thank yous were necessary, but they are. Attempting to save a human being's life is no small act. Whether it succeeds or fail, no thank yous will ever be enough. Even as the pain consumes my body, I am able to feel hope thanks to this. There are no words invented to express this level of thanks, but if I get to live, I will search for it.
(Please don't put tags on this unless it is to actually talk or comment something. As always, kind words are appreciated.)
My name is Sera, you may not know me but you know my past work behind the scenes here and there, such as the Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age, Silent Hills, and many others.
I am an agoraphobic indigenous Kanienʼkehá:ka (Mohawk) mixed lesbian who has fought for several years a worsening health condition that is currently killing me. The point of no return is not that far away. I have spent years exhausting any paths and means to get help, enduring extreme and near endless pain. I have sold all I have, spent every dime to my name. The system, I feel, is indifferent to my situation. I have received various forms of help over the years in this battle, but I have reached the critical point I have feared all this time. And to make matters worst, the family responsible for inflicting a lifetime of abuse on me is stalking me very heavily online, which has not only exacerbated my agoraphobia, but has also made the efforts to build this harder than I could describe. Know that I share as many details as I can while seeking to avoid undermining my immediate safety, I hope you understand.
If you are reading this, you are one of the few people who can help save my life. A single dollar is enough to make a tremendous difference. There is no other options or source of help besides this, besides you. I need your help or I'm going to die, this is the last chance I have left.
The goal is a series of treatments and challenging surgeries that will remove small metal shards near vital organs and bones in my body. It is categorized as severe internal injuries secondary to a traumatic event. As medical professionals have put it, "the lack of immediate surgical intervention necessitates a comprehensive, multidisciplinary treatment approach aimed at mitigating the risk of disease progression and optimizing long-term outcomes."
My injuries are from a car accident which injured me immensely and took the lives of my two closest friends in the world. This page does not ask for the full amount of the procedures and treatments, since it is a very large sum of money that cannot be reached that quickly. The page only asks for enough to get me started in the process and access proper vital treatments in countries of the european union. Adding time to the clock, giving me a chance to fight this battle and launching an important part of the process towards saving my life.
I know you may be inclined to share and move on, but I am asking you to pause and think if you have a dollar that could make all the difference. You may be but a few clicks away from truly helping someone who desperately needs it. I know it can be troublesome to stop and actually do it, I am asking you to please consider doing it.
If this fails to reach its goal, I will die. I'm afraid and I need your help. I still have a life in front of me, dreams to pursue. If you read this far, you are the only chance I have left. Don't underestimate the difference a dollar can make, your dollar could be the one dollar we come short of. The expenses covered by this amount ranges from the medical consultations, medical treatments, surgeries and, of course, accessing said treatment, reaching the places where I need to go. I will have a true chance at fighting for the remaining amount myself.
As for cheaper alternatives, it is mainly temporary fixes that would not fix the issue and waitlists that I would die waiting on years before my turn comes. This is it, this is the only way I have that provides the care I need, in the timeframe I need it, with a success rate that gives me a chance to live.
Thank you for reading this and for persevering in the brutal system we all live under. If you yourself have a health condition, I salute you for fighting your own battle. May we all make it and may we all have the softest of epilogues. Regardless of whether you donate or not, if you read this far, know that you are loved.
I would like to thank Erika, a dear friend who has made this possible at all. Without her, I would be lost. I would also like to thank immensely Milica, who has been on this journey with me for so many years, almost since the beginning. Her medical knowledge and her kind heart, her support and dedication, have allowed me to survive long enough to get to this point. I would not be here still without her. I would like to thank the amazing and loving Dana, who has been here during the good days as much as the bad days. She has been a beacon preventing me from giving up hope. I would have abandonned before getting to this point had she not been there for me. And thank you to Oli, who has been my champion, it is thanks to his help that I can move around where I need to go. A great support and a great friend. I would like to also thank Bruna, a kind heart who has never failed to cheer me on, even when her life was not perfect, she never stopped cheering and supporting me.
I would also like to thank my tumblr mutuals, you know who you are, those who have been in my DMs offering me your kindness, laughter and support in these dark times. Your help has also saved me more than once. You are true blessings. Thank you for never giving up hope during the days I felt like doing so.
You have all carried the torch during the days I couldn't, and for that, I can never thank you enough. I have lived and survived because of you, your help in every form has made a difference in the world. I am ready to fight for my life, and whether I reach my goal and live, or fail and die, know that none of it was wasted. You have all made me a better person and that is the mark of true love transpiring from one person to the next. Thank you for believing in me when I could not. I love you all.
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 3 months
Love Me Again
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader
Warnings: smut
Exes to lovers - this was requested so I hope you like it!!
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To be completely honest, Lando doesn't even know what happened that night one year ago. He knows very well that he drank too much, got drunk like never before and that the next day he lost you.
You came to his apartment and found a hair band in the bathroom that wasn't yours. Lando knew whose hair tie it was, but he tried to hide it from you and convince you that it was yours. Of course with that, he only made things worse. The fact that he decided to lie about it hurt you even more.
You threatened to leave him immediately if he didn't tell you what happened the night before and who spent the night in his apartment. It didn't take long for Lando to break down and tearfully tell you that one of his girl friends spent the night at his place after going out. The morning after, he barely remembered anything, but he could have sworn that he hadn't even kissed her, let alone slept with her.
His only fault was that he brought her with him to the apartment and let her sleep there, but even that was more than enough for you to break your heart into a thousand pieces.
You knew which female friend it was. You never even liked her and even though Lando always told you that you had no reason to be jealous, it annoyed you that she was throwing herself at him every chance she got when the two of you were together.
She was too close to him for your liking and then when you heard that she was the one who slept over at his place that night when he was dead drunk, it was over for you.
Lando cried, despaired, begged you to forgive him for months, trying to convince you that for him there was only you, but you couldn't get over your pride and forgive him. In the end, you even believed him that maybe there really wasn't anything between the two of them, but the trust was broken between the two of you and it couldn't be fixed anymore.
Since you two were together for two and a half years before you broke up, you were very close to his family. They adored you and considered you a member of the family. They couldn't believe that you broke up, even they begged you to forgive him, but even though you decided not to, you still remained on good terms with them and continued to hang out from time to time.
And just like that you found yourself on a huge luxury yacht celebrating Mila's third (idk how old is she??) birthday together with Lando and his family. It was a three-day celebration in the small circle of family and for the sake of that you decided to remain calm and behave normally around Lando.
It wasn't easy for you to be so close to him yet so far away. It was even worse for him, but he enjoyed having you around. Of course he tried in every way to reach you, approach you, talk to you, he did everything just to get your attention. From time to time he would succeed, you would find it funny how he tried everything, so you would give in and engage into a conversation with him.
On the last night, everyone went to bed pretty early because they were exhausted from celebrating, swimming and sunbathing for the past three days, but you weren't so exhausted, so you decided to stay in the lounge area of ​​the yacht and be with yourself for a while. The sky was beautiful, full of shining stars and the feeling was so peaceful. You closed your eyes for a moment, but not for long because you were soon startled by none other than Lando's voice.
"You decided to sleep under the sky tonight?" He asked making himself comfortable on the sofa next to you.
"No, I was just enjoying looking at it."
"With your eyes closed?" He mocked.
"What else do you want other than to disturb my peace?" You roll your eyes sitting up from the lying position.
"I was very hot, so I couldn't sleep. Thought I'd come here to the pool to cool off" He says looking at the pool in front of you.
"It's like" You take a look at your phone to check the time. "Almost 1 a.m. and you're going to get in the pool now?"
"Yeah, wanna join me?" He smirks.
"No, thank you." You laugh rolling your eyes at him again.
He gets up from the sofa and begins to remove his shorts, leaving only his boxers on. You were a little embarrassed and you didn't expect him to start undressing in front of you, so you cleared your throat and looked away.
"C'mon, it's nothing you haven't seen before, y/n" He mocks seeing how flushed your cheeks got.
"I'm going to my room, you have fun" You say getting up and fixing your oversized t-shirt that served as your night gown.
"No, come on, stay, keep me company." He pleaded before stepping into the pool. "Please?"
It didn't take long for him to persuade you to stay, because you secretly wanted to, you just didn't want to admit it so you sat down on the edge of the pool dipping your feet into the water as you watched him slowly threw himself in. Diving under the water he swam closer to you.
"You enjoying yourself?" You ask paddling your feet.
"It would be even better if you jumped in with me" He says placing his hands on the edge on either side of you.
"Not a chance" You resist pushing him a little with your feet. He chuckles biting his lip and taking your foot in his hand pulling you to himself a little.
"Lando, don't you dare" You warn him when you feel yourself slide down a little.
"You're not wearing any shorts?" He asks tilting his head to the side to peek under your t-shirt. You gasp quickly closing your legs and pulling your shirt down.
"You're so inappropriate, get away from me" You push his chest with your feet pushing him away from yourself only for to swim back to you again.
"Did you have any fun these past three days?" He asked curiously.
"I did, I have always enjoyed spending time with your family. It was good to see everyone again."
"Even me?"
You stop and sigh softly at his question not wanting to look him in the eye. it still hurts, stings. You'd be lying if you said you weren't glad to see him. You still love him after all, but you're still not sure if you want to forgive him.
"I'd rather not answer that"
He can't hide the hurt look in his eyes after your statement, but he also doesn't want to push you away from him by bringing certain topics up again.
"Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but I had a talk with Mila today and she told me that I am all you talk about. She says it's getting too much even for her to listen to you" Lando being Lando, of course, turns everything into a joke just to lighten the mood. You can't help but burst out laughing at the nonsense that he was saying just to say something.
"There we go, that's the laugh I wanted to hear" You blush at his caring words hiding your face in your shoulder. He takes a risk and places his hands over your knees slowly pulling them apart to stand between them and you surprise both of you when you let him.
"Lando.." You sigh hesitantly when he slowly puts his hands on your waist and pulls you closer to him.
"Please, let me" Before you could even ask him let you what?, he pulled you down into the pool with him. You gasped and your skin crawled as the slightly cold water soaked your t-shirt making it clung to your body.
"Oh my God, oh my God!" You were breathing rapidly trying to grab the edge to get out, but Lando pulled you by your waist closer to his body.
"Hey, it's okay, it's okay"
"You're completely crazy" Your mouth complains, but your body responds differently to his touch especially when he moves one of his hands from your hip to your leg making them wrap around his torso.
"That's better" He says quietly glancing at your lips. You have to admit you feel a little uncomfortable, especially with his lips less than two centimeters away from yours. You haven't been this physically close to each other in over a year and you've almost forgotten what it feels like to feel his skin on yours. "It's just me" He whispers and it somehow calms you down when you remember that it's Lando, your Lando.
"Lando, you can't do this.." You say, but wrap your arms around his neck hiding your gaze in the crook of his neck. Your gesture encourages him so he hugs you tighter and gently kisses you on the cheek.
"Baby, I miss you so much" Your heart trembles at his choice of words. "I'm losing my mind without you" His voice breaks when you look at him and he moves your hair out of your face. Your fingers make gentle circular motions over the back of his head as you press your foreheads together.
"I swear only hope that one day you'll love me again keeps me sane" He continues.
"I've never even stopped" You quietly confess.
Even if he tried, he couldn't describe the feeling of hearing that from your mouth. He felt as if he had come alive again after such a long time.
He couldn't hold back anymore, everything in him was dying to feel you, to kiss you so he crashed his lips against yours and kissed you the way you kiss a person you love more than your life, but haven't been able to touch in more than a year.
You didn't even think about resisting anymore, you gave in and kissed him back with the same force. He walked with your legs still wrapped around him to the edge of the pool pressing against you with your back against it. His hands quickly slipped under your shirt exploring your body again after so long enjoying the sound of your moans.
"Please..please tell me that no one..has touched you..no one but me" His voice was quivering as he tried to get the question out to which he wasn't sure that he wanted to know the answer to.
Lando was your first. First in everything basically. And he was so proud of it. He loved your innocence and the fact that no one had ever made you feel the way he did. You were all his and that's why he had a particularly strong protective feeling towards you. And he probably would lose his mind if he heard that someone else had touched something that only belonged to him.
"No one but you" You panted making him go feral.
His hands went under your butt gripping it before his fingertips moved your panties aside. He grinded his crotch into yours nibbling at the skin of your neck.
"Lan.." You moaned wanting more, but hating to ask for it. Luckily he knows your body like the back of his hand and knows what you need very well so he slipped his middle finger inside of you. One was soon replaced by two making you throw your head back giving him full access to bite and suck on your neck.
"Fuck.." He hissed as the aching feeling in his cock kicked in desperately needing to be touched. "Baby, I need to feel you or else I'm going to explode" He grunts.
"Let's get out of the pool, yeah? We can't fuck in here"
He lifted you up from the water sitting you onto the edge before getting out of the pool himself. You took off your wet shirt leaving yourself only in soaked panties and a bra. He looked you in from head to toe before pulling you to him and laying you down on the sofa hovering over you.
As he pulled his boxers down and his cock sprung off you looked down at him with a slight concern in your gaze and he noticed it.
"What, baby? Is everything okay?" He asked leaning down to kiss you caressing your cheek.
"Yeah, it's just..it's been a while.." His gaze softened and he smiled pressing a kiss to your forehead to calm you down.
"We'll take it slow, okay?" He assured you. He pulled down your bra taking your tits out and attaching his lips around your nipples and with every passing second of him doing so you were getting wetter and wetter. He then took his cock in his hand rubbing his tip over your pussy up and down a few times hissing at the sensation.
He stopped at the center and felt you getting nervous as your breathing quickened. "It's alright, baby, I know you want this, I can feel how wet you are. I'll go slow, I promise."
He slowly pushed the tip in planting kisses along your jawline to distract you from the pain. He pushed a little further and you squeezed your eyes whimpering and holding your hands against his chest.
"It hurts Lan, it's too big.." You cried out trying to close your legs so he put his hand on your cheek gently caressing it. It took everything in him not to cum right away at you complimenting his length.
"Shh, I know, baby, but you have to let me in okay? We'll make it fit, yeah? Like we always used to" He cooed you pushing your legs further apart. "Just a little bit more and it's fully in. You can take it, love, I know you can."
Little by little and he pushed all of himself in staying still until you felt comfortable enough for him to move. "That's it, just like that, baby, always such a good girl for me" He was so impatient to fuck you, to cum all over or inside you it didn't matter to him, but he decided to take his time with you because he wanted you to feel good above everything else.
Once the pain was replaced by the feeling of pleasure, he started thrusting in deep and fast stretching you out in the way only he knew how. When you felt confident enough you wrapped your legs around his torso to push him even deeper.
"Does it feel good?" He asked and you nodded. "This reminds me so much of that time I fucked you on the couch in my parent's house."
"Ohh, Lando” You moaned.
"Where anybody could've walked in on us and see me pounding you from behind. Fuck, you have no idea how much this turns me on.." He groaned.
"I missed all of you, missed fucking you, feeling you squeeze my cock, playing with your pussy, oh" His words were coming out as broken sobs struggling to last as long as possible. "I feel you clenching are you almost there, love?"
"So close"
"Yeah? You're drenching my cock baby. You're so tight, fuck, I'm gonna cum in seconds."
"Ohh..yes yes, ahh"
"Oh shit baby.." Once he saw you slide you hand down to your clit and start playing with it, he lost it. His body shuddered, his cock twitched inside you and he came undone. He kept moving slowly until both of you rode out your orgasms.
When both of you came to your senses he started hugging you and kissing you as if you were going to run away every second. You leaned your head to the side and watched him smiling.
"So..does this mean you're mine again?" He asks tracing his fingertips over your collarbones.
"It does not, but" You emphasize. "If you try a bit harder maybe you can change my mind"
"Understood. Let's get you cleaned up for round two then"
"Lando, that's not what I meant…”
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cryptidghostgirl · 8 months
Understand (Dark!Alastor x Exorcist!Reader)
Pairing: Dark!Alastor x Exorcist!Wife!Reader
Description: Y/n has been using the exterminations as a way to try and search for the soul of her earthly husband for years. What happens when she actually succeeds in finding him?
Warnings: Cannon typical violence and angst. Also uh,, not healthy. (The end is kinda fucked up)
Word Count: 2,411
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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Y/n slid the dark mask over her face, jiggling it slightly to make sure it had clicked properly into place. She had never wanted to be an exorcist, hated the very thought. When she had been alive, she was the type of human who felt bad about accidentally stepping on bugs. If she had had any other choice, she would’ve taken it but she didn’t and so Y/n tried her best to detach herself from the experience.
Exorcists were a handpicked group by Adam. If you weren’t one, you didn’t know about them and if you knew about them, you were fucked. Y/n’s entire existence in the peaceful afterlife had been turned on its head when she’d been chosen. Pulled out of normal day to day and pushed into harsh, year round training. There was nothing nice about it and nothing she could do. No one listened to a thing she said, not even Sera. Sometimes, Y/n caught herself wishing she’d just been sent to Hell instead.
There was, however, one small benefit to these yearly trips. While it was a pain to act like she was being more violent than she was on the field, a constant terror in her life that Adam and Lute would find out she’d been letting demons go, it also gave her the opportunity to search.
Y/n had been married in life. Her husband had been a criminal, one of the worst, something she hadn’t learned until after his death. Still, she couldn’t stop herself from loving him. Every day on earth she’d lived without him by her side had been abysmal. No other love was quite like his love.
When she had first arrived in Heaven, Y/n had searched everywhere for him. There had been no luck. It had been a foolish hope, she knew: looking for a serial killer among the blessed but, she couldn’t help herself. She wanted to hear him explain, wanted to understand. Most of all, though she tried not to think about this part, she wanted to give him a kiss. To throw her arms around his neck with abandon the way she did when they were young. She wanted to hear his voice, have him tell her he still loved her too and mean it. She wanted to know she hadn’t wasted her life, her one chance at a living love.
The gates opened and Y/n dove through with the hundreds of other exorcists. Their game was underfoot, their cat and mouse sadistic chase. For Y/n? The search was on.
Alastor watched as the exorcist descended upon him. He was feeling brave and stupid, empowered after his near win against Vox just a few weeks before. Cracking his knuckles, he wondered what the exorcist’s voice would sound like if added to his broadcast.
A wicked grin on his face, she hovered before him. Her wings flapped with great strength, sending gusts of wind Alastor’s way as she kept herself vertically in the air. Alastor simply looked down, pointedly away from the exorcist, and straightened his lapel with his hand that wasn’t holding his microphone. He was trying to make her angry. As she inched closer to him, Alastor assumed it had worked.
“Don’t see many of your lot around these parts this time of year.” he mused, checking his nail beds, “What can I help you with?”
There was a silence. Alastor looked up towards the angel, confused. Normally a blasé statement like that would have gotten a rise out of anyone intent on killing him. Instead, the lights of her eyes on the mask just stared at him. Slowly, she lowered herself to the ground.
“Say that again.”
Her voice came out muffled and harsh through the mask, clearly altered by some equipment within. He laughed, taking a menacing step forward. Leaning down condescendingly, he conceded to her demand.
“How may I be of use?”
The exorcist was silent again. After a moment, Alastor shrugged. He straightened himself up again, his hands on top of his microphone as if it were a cane. He summoned his shadows.
“Well you’re certainly making this easy.”
His horns began to grow, throwing strange and menacing shadows across the walls of the ally way. Still, the angel stood there.
“It… it can’t be.” she mumbled under her breath.
Alastor raised his eyebrows.
“Can’t be who, darling?” he asked, feigning innocence, “The Radio Demon can’t be such a big name you folks up in Heaven hear my shows, can it?”
Alastor let out a laugh, taking a step forward as the exorcist tentatively took a step back.
“Oh who am I kidding, of course it is!” he exclaimed.
The exorcist took another step back as Alastor threw his microphone into the air, catching the center of its stand neatly in his outstretched hand. Her back hit the shadows he had put up to block the ally way and she frantically turned her head to the side, checking what it was she’d run into.
Alastor tsked her, walking up so they were just a few feet apart. Harshly, he used his microphone to turn his face to hers again.
“Don’t look away from me, dear. I might get jealous.”
“Were you married?” the exorcist asked suddenly.
Alastor froze in his tracks, his brow furrowed the slightest bit.
“Sorry if that’s weird.” she stuttered out, rubbing her arm holding the spear uncomfortably, “I just, well, I’ve been looking for my husband? He died in the early 1930s and well, he sounded a lot like you.”
Alastor’s heart dropped, crashing into his diaphragm. The angel watched him nervously as he removed his microphone from the side of her head. She let out a breath she’d been holding, something that was quickly taken in again as he used the end of his microphone to life her mask from her face.
It clattered harshly against the concrete as it fell from her face. Alastor’s eyes went wide. There was no doubt about it. Sure, she had a soft ethereal glow about her now, but hadn’t she always in a way? Sure, her hair was cropped around her ears and she was in armor. It didn’t matter, in an instant he knew. The shadows fell from around them, his horns shrunk back to their normal size.
“Alastor?” she asked back, just as breathless.
Slowly, she reached a hand out to his face and cupped his cheek. He leaned into it on instinct. Y/n’s spear clattered to the floor, her other hand finding his other cheek as she looked up at him in simple amazement.
“You…” gingerly, Alastor reached his free hand up, laying it on top of one of Y/n’s, “Of course you’ve been in Heaven this whole time. You were always so good, much too good for me.”
“Oh hush, Alastor.” Y/n scolded lightly, her eyes filling with tears, “You know I don’t like it when you put yourself down like that.”
“No, Y/n.” he let his microphone disappear, taking both her hands off his face and holding them intently in his own, “You don’t understand. I did terrible things when I was alive, I still do them now. There is a reason I am down here.”
“I know.” she responded almost immediately.
“No, y-”
“I don’t mean to interrupt but Al, I do know.” Y/n cut him off, “You were killed hurrying a body hun, hard not to. Plus, when the police searched the house they told me what they’d, um, found in the basement freezer.”
Y/n chose her words carefully, her eyes averted. When she looked back at Alastor, he was still smiling yes but, there was something confused about him too. They had grown up together. She had always known exactly what was going on in that head of his. Well, most of the time anyways.
“I’ve been looking for you.”
“You have?” Alastor asked, “After everything, after… God, how long did I leave you up there alone?”
“About thirty years.” Y/n shrugged.
There was a moment of silence. A question tugged at Alastor’s tongue, one he wasn’t sure he really wanted to know the answer to. Still, time was running out. The screams of demons being attacked were becoming more and more infrequent. He didn’t know if he’d ever get another chance.
“Did your new husband make it up to heaven with you?”
Y/n’s eyes went wide.
“New husba- Alastor, I never remarried.”
“Why not? You deserved to be treated well, Y/n. To have had a good life. Why waste it all on me?”
“I loved you. I still do.”
Y/n knew it was a bad idea, knew the risks if any other exorcist in the area heard her. Still, she couldn’t help but feel it would be worth it to die, knowing she’d found Alastor and that he knew she still loved him.
“You find anyone down here yourself?” Y/n asked awkwardly after a moment, looking around the ally.
Alastor took a step forward, closing what little space had been left between them. Like he had done it a thousand times before, because he had done it a thousand times before, he raised a hand to Y/n’s cheek and turned her face to his. Eyes wide, lips slightly parted, she stared up at him.
“No one.” Alastor shook his head, “There’s no one but you.”
A horn sounded from a ways away and Y/n turned up to the sky. Waves of exorcists were flying over head, going back to the portal, back to heaven. Y/n took a step back, Alastor’s hand falling from her cheek.
“Al, I have to go.”
“Please, Y/n. Stay with me here. I can’t get to you up there, I don’t want to lose you again.”
“I have to go, Al. I don’t want to cause any more trouble for you and everyone else down here.” she insisted, turning to where her mask lay on the ground, “I’ll be back in twelve months, I promise.”
As Y/n leaned over to grab her called disguise, her wings splayed out behind her. Light hit the tip of her spear just right in that moment, catching Alastor’s eye. A wicked idea filtered into his mind. Something he never could have done, would have ever even imagined when he’d been alive. But now? Hell had hardened him, taught Alastor sometimes you had to be cruel to get what you want and not just when it came to killing creeps. He had tried life without Y/n before, tried nearly sixty years of it. Alastor didn’t like it one bit.
“We will get to see one another then,” Y/n was saying as her trembling fingers fumbled for the edge of her mask in the dim light, “and I promise I’ll find a way we can end up together for good, I really d-”
A searing pain shot through her, causing her words to catch in her throat. It was worse than anything Y/n had ever felt before, emanating from the center of her back. Panting in pain, she reached a hand behind her back. It came away wet with sticky, golden blood. Her vision blurring, Y/n looked up at Alastor. Clutched in his right fist was the head of her spear. From the other hand, he dropped her left wing to the floor.
“Alastor…” she panted, her breath weak, “what…”
He took a step forward and an arrow of fright shot through Y/n. She tried to take one back but the pain was starting to really get to her now and she stumbled, falling to the ground. Alastor stood over her, smiling menacingly down as she scooted back from him. Y/n was full on hyperventilating now.”
“Al, what are you doing? What… how… I don’t understand.”
Alastor hushed her gently, the way he used to when they were little kids and he found her crying. Tears began to drip from Y/n’s eyes and she jolted violently with fear as his clawed hand grabbed her shoulder, forcing her to twist around and giving him access to her other wing. He grabbed it, pulling it out to its fullest extent.
“Alastor please.” Y/n begged, tears rolling hotly down her face, “Please don’t. Please.”
“My, these sure are pretty.” Alastor hummed, admiring the weft of the feathers as he held Y/n’s remaining wing.
“Why would you do this!?” Y/n screamed, her voice echoing in the empty ally.
Alastor fell to his knees behind her, still holding her wing out, still immobilizing her in pain.
“I’ve already lost you once.” he said softly, leaning into Y/n’s ear. She whimpered, trying to scoot away from him but unable to due to the hold he had on her appendage, “I won’t do it again. If Satan, or God, or the fucking universe think they can keep us apart, then not a single goddamn one of them has been paying attention because you are mine. You are mine and there is nothing that I wouldn’t do to keep things that way.”
As the final words left Alastor’s lips, he cut through Y/n’s remaining wing in a single motion. She let out an earsplitting scream before passing out in a steadily growing puddle of her own golden blood.
“There, there my love.” Alastor hummed gently, dropping the spear to the ground and smoothing her her wild hair down around her face as he pulled himself to his feet.
Straightening his jacket, Alastor leaned down and picked her limp body up off the sidewalk. The injuries were bad, but nothing he couldn’t help her handle.
“I just can’t explain to you how happy I am to have you back in my arms.” he said to Y/n’s sleeping form, looking down at her tired and tearstained face with nothing short of adoration, “You might be mad for a while, but I can handle that. At the end of the day, we will both know that you’re not going anywhere.”
Leaning down, he planted a soft kiss on Y/n’s forehead. For a moment, his smile went hollow. He hadn’t meant to go this far, to hurt her this bad. Alastor had just been so scared, so utterly terrified at the prospect of losing her again.
“She will understand.” he reassured himself, “She has to understand.”
Part Two → Caged Bird (Dark!Alastor x Exorcist!Reader)
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cannellee · 17 days
Tokyo revengers boys getting married to their high school sweetheart 🥰
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୨୧ alpha! tokyorev x omega! reader (pairing : mikey, kazutora, mitsuya, chifuyu, ran)
— when they succeed in getting married to their highschool sweetheart
notes : just wanted to say that I'll probably slow down a lot on the posts, this year is pretty crucial for me and my studies and I want to focus on that more, hope you'll understand!!
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the both of you getting married was actually a no-brainer for all of your entourage : mikey was very adamant to remind everyone that you were already courted and that he would not tolerate any concurrents. it easily cleared the way for him and left you with no options except for mikey, as all the others had given up on you, too scared of your crush.
mikey wanted to marry only one omega and it was you. and now he wouldn't have it any other way. you guys managed to keep the same passion as you did when you first met : you still flirt a lot, mikey scents you everyday and still gets overly possessive even though you have his ring on your finger. despite his neutral or grumpy expressions, mikey has those moments of lucidity — usually when you do domestic things for him — when he realises that he actually pulled the prettiest omega at school and that she's right there baking him some treats and he can't get any more smug at the thought.
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finally!! this is such a crucial moment in kazutora's life, a proof of your complete devotion and will to stay by his side. you wanted to wait after marriage before letting him mark you and he's literally pouncing on you the moment you get home after the ceremony. he insisted you go on a honeymoon a few days after getting officially married so you could enjoy some time in the tranquility of your shared home. and kazutora absolutely takes this as his chance to make you his both on the papers and with his teeth. this is the embodiment of his dream since you met each other back in highschool, he's spent countless of efforts trying to charm you, appearing strong and reliable.
he's another territorial alpha, just like mikey but more aggressive. he does it all behind your back though. anyways, the two of you ending next to the priest and reciting your vows wasn't a surprise either. people are more surprised you managed to put up with him and that he didn't have to force you into agreeing to marry him...
he's crying tears of happiness and feels like his claim on you is now even more justified than ever. he's carrying you to his room –where you'll be the safest– with only one idea in mind.
now you're covered with bites, scented from head to toes, absolutely drenched in his pheromones. and next thing you know, his head is filled with the prospect of pups and other ways of keeping you for sure right by his side.
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that was only the logical continuation of your relationship. you had been in a solid and stable state for years now, graduating from high-school, then college and moving in together in a small but cozy apartment.
mitsuya had always made sure that you'll always want to stay by his side, taking care of you like no one else can and making you feel the same giddy way you did during your first date.
the both of you had the chance to see the other grow up and never once did your love falter, it's a beautiful enough proof for mitsuya that you're ready for marriage. it's a thought he always had, he's a romantic through and through and strongly believes you were meant to be. marrying you was natural, another step to your already perfect life.
he's the happiest, knowing his love lasted this long and that you never had any doubts about him either.
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he can't even believe it himself. you gave him such a hard time back then, he didn't think your relationship would go this far. you had always played hard to get, refusing his courting gifts and slightly ignoring him, secretly enjoying his defeated look each time you did so.
chifuyu feels like this is such an accomplishment in his life. he looks at you and all his highschool years' memories come back and that's when he knows it was all worth it. if his younger self could see where he was and that you finally had his ring on your finger, he wouldn't believe it.
you still love to tease your soon to-be husband, enjoying how vulnerable he looks when he cries about how much he loves you. seeing how in love he is with you reinforces your decision on getting married : you don't think other omegas have the same luck as you, to have a solid relationship even after years of companionship. but chifuyu can't imagine a life without his precious omega by his side and he lets you know it every single day.
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ran actually didn't really attend school that much, but the rare times he did was all for you and you only, the ridiculously adorable omega he had eyes for. you chatted sometimes, when ran directly came to you, but apart from that, nothing much. you became closer a few years later actually, upon stumbling across each other at one of the haitani clubs. he noticed you almost instantly, your smile as charming as ever. it's been so long and yet, the emotions he felt for you were coming back so strongly he couldn't even ignore them.
he paid for your drink, you talked about your years in high-school (or what little memories he had of it) and ran managed to make such a good impression you kept meeting up whenever you had time. ran didn't think much about marriage actually, he only talked to you because he wanted to have you close, the pull he felt prevented him from staying too far away from you. but getting greedier day by day, he needed more, he needed to make it clear for the both of you and others, that you were his omega.
ran's proposal is more motivated by his possessive side rather than his romantic one, it's impossible to refuse and with his money and power, if you wanted to divorce and leave him, he would make it impossible for you to do so.
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Eternal flame of the heart
Rollo Flamme x reader because it's Glorious Masquerade season!!
Tbh I wasn't even planning on writing this but the idea just hit me out of nowhere so what was I supposed to do?
Warning(s): fainting/unconsciousness, Rollo is a bit of a creep, drugging, this is a short one but I still hope you like it!
Slight disclaimer: I'm very sorry if I mischaraterise Rollo, it has been a while since I actually read through the event, and I have not had time to reread it. As well as this, I'm sorry if I have forgotten or misremembered any important details of the Glorious Masquerade story. Okay, that's all, enjoy!
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You climbed the bell tower, you made it through all the firelotuses... everyone has sacrificed for you to get here... everyone is counting on you.
Malleus, Idia, Azul, and you have made it successfully to the top floor, but... but then... then... something goes wrong.
Everyone... everyone except for you and Rollo just collapse... and now, you are alone with him.
You are alone with him.
What do you do.
"Hello, (Y/N)." Rollo greets you simply. You start to panic and grab a small, stray plank of wood off the floor, intending to attack him with it. You don't have magic, so this is the best self-defense you have right now... "Ah, there's no need for that. Put it down."
"Y-you don't tell me what to do." You try your hardest to stay confident, fully intending to whack him with the wood plank.
"You don't truly intend on hurting me, do you?" He smirks at you... so uncomfortable to look at. "Of course you don't. How would you expect yourself, a magicless human with no knowledge of this world, to get rid of all the firelotuses?"
"QUIET!!" You yell, preparing to swing the plank. "You... you, get rid of the flowers! All of them! Now! Y-you're the cause of this, so... you must know how to get rid of them!"
He moves so quick, it's almost like he glides across the floor...
"You are magicless. You are..." He leans in close to you, and whispers in you ear, "beautiful."
You were about to h him with your wood plank, but it very suddenly lit on fire?! You dropped the wood as it burnt your hand and Rollo stomped out the flame, leaning even closer to you... damn it, you should really pick that up again when he gives you the chance.
"So different from everyone else... so... pure..." He takes a deep breath before whispering to you again. "Your hair smells so wonderful."
You push him away from you, disgusted.
"What is wrong with you?! Why the hell would you do something like this, you... DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS WILL DO TO YOUR WORL-!?"
As you begin to yell, something is forced onto your mouth and nose... hang on... wait... what's happening...
"This is known mostly as poor man's sleeping poison, at least here, though I prefer to use the proper name for it." Rollo grabs you by the back of the head as well, in order to keep you from just avoiding what he does to you. That's not to say you don't struggle, you absolutely do, it's just that it doesn't do much for you... "That proper name of course being chloroform."
"You'll be okay. The firelotuses won't hurt you. I won't hurt you."
...everything is starting to go dark...
"I'll put you somewhere nobody will find you. You won't have to deal with the troubles of this world, well, not that you would have had to anyways after I succeed."
"Good night."
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meanbossart · 3 months
What is your take on Astarion's relationship with his siblings?
I have put unreasonable amounts of time into thinking about what the dynamics were like during Cazador's reign in that house. I mean, imagine sharing the same tasks, bedrooms, and general experiences of abuse and duress with the same people FOR TWO HUNDRED YEARS. That's absolute madness. If any of you have had experiences with co-living with family under stress for any extensive amount of time, you know very well the levels of emotional 4D chess-ing that tend to take place as a result. You end up distributing so much frustration and anger around and often onto the very same people you will ultimately seek comfort from - this is that situation but blown up to impossible proportions.
So, "strained" doesn't really do justice as a descriptor here. I believe the family had a dynamic, ever-evolving hierarchy within itself, years-worthy of time where the spawn shifted alliances and made "cliques" within themselves - rebels would evolve into pushovers and trusted friends would turn into snitches. You had endless amounts of drama within the group and flies on the walls would witness them cut each other's heads off one day and sob into one another's laps the next.
Naturally I think all of them were resistant to the concept of being a "family" at first, but it's pretty much impossible to not develop family-like ties throughout that long of a period. Following Cazador's death, I believe there would be further splintering within as some want to maintain said ties and others are eager to cut them - seeing both their siblings and the relationships themselves as yet another painful reminder of what Cazador imposed upon them.
I think Astarion falls into the latter category. If he had his way, he would never see, speak, or think of his brothers and sisters again. And while the sibling nomenclature is a deeply-rooted habit, he doesn't think it holds any legitimacy whatsoever (whether or not that's the case in his heart is another matter).
Dalyria (the moon-elf physician, whom I have come up with a story, personality, background and motivations during several long showers that might not necessarily line up with yours, so, if anything of what I'm about to say seems pulled out of a hat, it's because it was) is the opposite. She has grown attached to the constant presence of her siblings and taken a mother-goose role upon herself. With the Exception of Leonard and Violet (more on that later) she has decided they are her responsibility and wishes the group would stick together.
I like to think that there's a lot of history between those two in particular. Obviously, the interactions between Astarion and his siblings are very brief, but It's enough to run with. Dalyria shows a lot of concern and understanding towards him and even pleads when he threatens Petras' life - again, I think she did a lot of trying to pragmatically keep the peace among them and genuinely grew attached to a few - Astarion being the main one of said few. You even get the smallest hint of a on-and-off intimate relationship with the way he derisively calls her by her nickname.
Also, Astarion very occasionally showcases enough emotional maturity that I could see him latching onto the one other person around who seems to have her wits about her, but he's still flawed enough that Dalyria can think of him as a younger sibling that needs her care. Not to mention that, to me, she demonstrates a penchant for moral superiority and a dash of a machiavellian outlook, based on her diary and her completely unapologetic initiative to kill a child on the small chance it would lead her to a cure - not any child either, but Leonard's child. I can totally see Astarion sympathizing and gravitating towards someone like that.
Which brings us to the rest of the siblings - I would wager that, at least by the end of it all, Leonard and Violet were the odd-ones out. As it tends to happen within any tight-knit group, when one succeeds by stepping over the others (even if the reasons for it are justifiable) that brews a lot of resentment and eventual exclusion. Leonard not only did that, but he apparently still held onto hope of future and family outside the Szarr house; wheter or not everybody wanted out, I think a us-versus-them mentality is unavoidable under those circumstances, and Leonard was looked down upon by the others in their respective ways for what he was trying to do.
Violet just seems like she had gone a little cuckoo to me. We get very little about her, but when I think of an adult woman playing childish pranks on her roomates while you are all stuck in what's essentially a human trafficking ring... I think of a person who's either just a very silly breed of evil or who has lost touch with reality, and the latter is more interesting, imo. I think no one liked her, not only because she was a nuisance but also because she became completely emotionally untouchable. I think both Violet and Leonard are spawn who did not survive long after they were all freed.
I'll stop here before I ramble on for another 8 paragraphs about Aurelia, Yousen and Petras (Oh Petras, my beloved), but, yes, suffice to say that I believe it was kind of complicated LOL
EDIT: Not me calling Leon "Leonard" this whole post. Sorry buddy, you look like a Leonard.
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senawashere · 4 months
We're on this together... (Chapter II)
Bradley Bradshaw × fem!wife!reader
Summary: Is it harder for you? Or for Bradley?
Warnings: infertility,mentions of miscarrige,mentions of hospital,mentions of getting pregnant,mentiones of ivf. Mostly angst.
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'We are on this journey together and we will never separate. I love you."
January 3, 2023.
Everyone,mostly you, could see how much Bradley loved childrens. Babies, toddlers, teenagers, it didn't matter, he loved them.
Ever since you married, you had admired how he treated them, how he made them laugh, how they played, and how his eyes lit up at the high-pitched squeals they made when he threw them in the air. He would catch them again. And again.
He... was born just for this.
That's why you were trying so hard to give him what he wanted more than anything in the world; a baby,a kid of yours.
He searches hundreds of websites for you on ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant, checks your ovulation time, changes your diet... he does the impossible and you both still can't succeed.
You couldn't make your husband happy. He hated this sentence.
And the worst part is, he's not the only one waiting for you to have his child, everyone is doing it, all of your friends are having their second or third kids and you were still... not pregnant.
One day, you were criticized among your friends for not having a flat stomach. They said something as a joke that you might be pregnant, but it wasn't like that.
Just because you dont have a flat belly doesn't mean you're pregnant, right?
Your tears feel familiar on your skin now and when you were sure Bradley is gone you were crying all over the house, you couldn't let him see you like this, it's not fair when he gave you everything and you couldn't give him something so simple.
It's that simple. Right?
You don't want help, you can do it on your own, you know he can or so he thinks, he keeps busy every day trying not to think about it, but it's inevitable, you can't do that when it's something he wants so badly.
You were doing your usual work on laptop, trying to get rid of the thoughts in your head, even if only a little, you were scrolling through your e-mail box while slow jazz was playing in the background, writing down what you needed to write and dealing with the files you needed to handle.
"A young man fell into the base today! We walked around the hard deck and drank soda's. He was with for a while we had a lot of fun, but I think he misses his aunt y/n. I love you baby.💞"
The text came up with a picture of your husband with Jake's son, three of them smiling and Bradley holding some soda cans in his left arm and the right one is holding the boy's shoulder. It was beautiful and made your heart ache, a small smile appeared on your face,the voices and pain in your head seemed to be over, at least for a mimute, and you replied to the message, "I love you two!! Say hello to Jake for me.💓💓"
You stared at the picture for a few seconds, forgetting about the task in front of you.
The smile on Bradley's face was genuine, and he was holding the little boy with incredible familiarity, as if he already knew how to hold a child even though it wasn't his own.
Your phone hit the wooden table with a loud thud and you brought your hands up to your face, feeling tears of frustration falling from your eyes.
No, you were not jealous of them, in fact, you were very happy that they were pregnant with the third one, but why couldn't you?
This was unfair.
While God gave people the chance to have so many children, why couldn't you even have one?
And the saddest problem was,you.
Bradley was perfectly healthy, he could get a different woman pregnant, but he couldn't get you.
The house was quiet, unlike your head, thousands of things were going on every second.
You left your spot and went upstairs to take another pregnancy test with some hope.
It came out negative. Like always.
January 18, 2023.
You throw the four pregnancy tests you took ten minutes ago into the trash can and you hear Bradley sigh as he sits on the bed, hiding his face with his hands. You sit next to him.
“We just have to try harder.” He said, lifting his head to look at you and placing his hand comfortably on your knee.
“What does 'trying harder' mean?” you asked,with a hint of you wobble voice from the emotions. "We do this every day, especially when I'm ovulating, when I..."
"Baby, calm down." Bradley tells you and he just snorts in annoyance.
"Maybe...we could go to another doctor?" He gets down on one knee as if he's proposing, but you stand up and look at him as if he had three heads.
"Why should I go to the doctor? There is nothing wrong with me, we will have this baby, I know. Sooner or later." you exclaimed.
He stood up and took your hands in his, stroking your wrists.
"Of course we will, I have no doubt about that. But—it's better to know more, you know?"
"We're going to have this baby, Bradley. I am going to."
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Uh oh-
I AM SO SORRY FOR THIS CHAPTER BEING SO SHORT😭😭😭 and bad news it is progressively gets more sad.. And there is going to be timeline-
I'm tagging people who might be interested and some mutuals:@ohtobeleah @sebsxphia @callsigns-haze @greenorangevioletgrass @teacupsandtopgun @roosterforme @floydsglasses @lyn-js @its-dee-lovely @its-the-pilot @friedchips94 @hardballoonlove @topguncortez @hangmanapologist @bradshawsbaddie @shanimallina87 @djs8891 @themusingofagothicsoul @els-marvelvsp @promisingyounglady @the-romanian-is-bae @mamachasesmayhem @jessicab1991 @iefitzgerald-blog @charcole-grey @waterriseslew @desert-fern @promisingyounglady and if you are not comfortable please tell me!!
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novasintheroom · 2 months
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favorite flower - Prince!Vash x Reader
He finds out first that you don’t like roses. The walk in the rose garden comes to a halt when you voice this.
“They’re beautiful,” you say. He still sees the small wrinkle of your nose when you speak of them. “They are just…very common.”
“Common? How so?” Vash asks.
You clasp your hands behind your back. Your foot reaches out to toe at the earth. “They…are a favorite among potential suitors in all kingdoms. Every noble girl receives them.” You look up desperately, willing him to understand something, “It’s as if the suitors do not ask their lady if she even wants them.”
Vash laughs, a little startled. “Don’t all ladies want flowers?”
You sigh, and Vash feels like he missed a mark somehow. “Yes, we do.”
 “Well…wasn’t your bouquet filled with roses at the wedding?”
You tense and look up, face carefully blank. “I didn’t have much choice in anything that day.” After a beat, you continue your walk through the garden.
Vash trails a bit behind, face stinging. He should have known better than to bring up the wedding; it is still a delicate subject. But still, his mind grabs hold on what you said: no choice on that day.
Looking around the immediate garden, he wonders.
“If you were married – “
“Stop. I’m not entertaining your delusions today.”
“Just wait!” Vash puts both palms out, willing Nai to stop his work and listen for a moment. His brother looks up from his desk, deadpanned and ill-humored. It never bothers Vash. “If you were married, what kind of flowers would you get your wife?”
Nai pushes a sigh out and goes back to the writing before him. “You’ve already messed up badly enough to warrant flowers?” He scoffs. “What did you do?”
“No! It’s nothing like that.” Vash sighs, pacing around the room. “She told me that she doesn’t like roses. Which, what girl doesn’t like roses?”
“Your wife, apparently.”
Vash groans and pulls a hand down his face. “I want to make her feel comfortable here! We’ve only got a rose garden. What do I give her that isn’t roses?” Nai doesn’t answer. His pen scritches across the paper before him, marking and taking notes. Vash turns to his twin. “So? What would you get your wife?”
Nai takes a breath in and out of his nose. “Lillies. Daisies. I don’t know.”
“No, she doesn’t really like those either…”
A single white brow raises. Nai glances up. “Have you asked her what she would like?”
Vash freezes and clears his throat. “No…”
Nai only shakes his head. “You’ve said yourself how direct she can be with her answers. Why haven’t you asked her?”
Vash slumps into one of the chairs in front of Nai’s desk. “Because…I want to show her I pay attention, without her having to tell me everything.”
Nai finally puts his pen down and regards his brother. What a silly concept. Only Vash would complicate something as simple as an arranged marriage. He dregs up an old memory. “Do you recall what Mother told us about marriage?”
Vash picks at the chair’s leather arm. “She said a lot of things.”
Nai tilts his head. “What I’m referring to is when she said marriage takes commitment and understanding between both parties to succeed. If you don’t ask her what she likes, you are taking away her chance to be understood.”
It makes sense. Of course it does. Mother was always wise in her counsel, even when they were young. But…Vash sighs. He wants to be a good husband. And good husbands notice things about their wives!
Suddenly, an idea hits him. “Maybe,” he says, “I can take her to a flower shop in town, and see what she gravitates towards?”
Nai sighs. Hit and a miss. “Get out.”
Despite Nai’s tendency to believe his brother stupid, Vash is not dull. Very, very stubborn, but not dull.
He starts with having servants plant new flowers in the garden. Lilies, poppies, orchids. He takes you on a walk to point them out. You look at them, smile, but nothing more. So, he continues. Tulips, dahlias, carnations, irises. You stop at your favorite colors, point at them and smile again, but nothing that screams, this, this is my favorite flower.
Vash gets down and dirty after that. He helps the servants plant the new flowers, fingers growing dark with dirt and cheeks red from the sun. Bushes of roses are removed to make room for new blooms. It becomes his new hobby, his time off when not in dreaded meetings and other princely duties. He researches flowers, finding exotics from other lands and having them shipped in on his own dime. When they are planted, he looks around at the work and hopes. Then, he fetches you and you take a walk.
After the twelfth time of doing this, you finally ask, “What are you doing, exactly?”
Vash almost trips. “What do you mean?”
You give him a look that makes his heart skip. “We’ve been taking an awful lot of walks lately. And I’ve noticed your work in the garden. It’s very beautiful. But I can tell you’re waiting for something.” You nod your head at his expression. “Speak.”
But he doesn’t want to. He wants to find out for himself! Without realizing, he pouts and shakes his head.
You hook your arm through his and pull him along, a small smile on your face. “Husband,” you say softly, “has this got to do with my not liking roses?”
Vash swallows. His heart pitter patters at being called ‘husband’ so quietly. “What makes you think that?”
Your lips lift more, and with your free hand you gesture around. “There are remarkably less roses in this garden than there were a few weeks ago. More flower varieties as well. You’ve been spending more and more time out here, planting your plants. I’ve been wondering where you have been.”
A sudden guilt overtakes him. “I did not mean to neglect you for this project.”
“Ah, so it is a project.” You pat his arm with your hand. “And you didn’t neglect me; wipe that look off your face.”
You both walk to a part of the garden that sits against the wall of the castle. Red geraniums grow around a stone bench and bird bath, along with small forget-me-nots that twine with the red. You sit at the bench, and Vash sighs. It’s time to come clean. “I did not mean to keep it a secret, but I wanted to find out what your favorite flower was.”
Your brows raise. “So that is it. All of this work, just to find out what I like? You flatter me.” You hesitate before taking his hand, “But wouldn’t it have been easier if you had merely asked me?”
Vash flushes. “Of course. But I…I wanted to show that I pay attention to what you like and don’t like.” It sounds silly saying it out loud now. He feels it further when you laugh.
“That is very sweet of you. More sweet than I deserve. But I think we should put an end to the mystery and allow the servants to get back to their regular duties, hm?” You lean forward and touch some of the flowers growing under the bench. “I enjoy all flowers, truly – even roses on occasion. But the ones I like most are the small ones – the ones that pollinators can easily get to. Forget-me-nots, baby’s-breath, that sort of thing.” You straighten and look ponderously ahead. “I suppose that would have made a poor bouquet for a royal wedding.”
“No!” He’s emphatic, holding your hand tighter to get you to look at him. “It would have been beautiful! Just having small flowers, it would have been a new start to a tradition!”
You smile. “I hear that’s what village girls do for their weddings – pick whatever small flowers are in bloom for the spring and that is their bouquet. It likely would have just made nobles call me a village girl if I had it my way.”
“Nothing wrong with that,” he says, playing with your fingers. “Nothing wrong with any of it.”
“I know,” you say, and grasp his fingers in your own. “Thank you, for trying so hard. I think the garden looks much livelier now than ever.”
It does. There are more butterflies, hummingbirds, and other small creatures around now than there were before. Fat bumblebees buzz low to the ground, picking at the little flowers found there. Vash watches a smaller honeybee land on one of the geraniums nearby, and smiles.
Maybe he could have asked you what your favorite flower was and been done with it. But, as you shyly lay your head on his shoulder, he thinks he likes this arrangement better.
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nororitz · 23 days
narumi gen and academic achievement
tags: self-indulgent, bullet points-style, self-imposed stress, academics stuff, curse words, no kaiju au, non-established relationship
note: uh first post yay. english is not my first language ngl. also idk how to format anything please. writing this while i have an essay due tmr morning is crazy though.
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• Recently, you've been stressing yourself over the overwhelming tests and work that never seems to end. After working your ass off for weeks without any respite, all your efforts are finally being paid off.
• Staring back at you was your phone screen with words of congratulations and a high score written along with it.
• Absolutely elated you turned to Narumi Gen, your close friend of many years. Preparing to tell the good news to Narumi who's busy with his controller and some kind of BS5 game.
• There's a high chance of him not even hearing you because he's too absorbed in his gaming, bloodshot eyes boring holes into the screen. Yet, you're still showing him your phone screen anyway, excitedly displaying your proud achievements. The adrenaline rush overpowering the small, hideous doubt stored in a corner of your mind.
• At first, you're sure he didn't even register your voice talking to him. But then suddenly Narumi is putting down his controller and taking the phone from your hand, the BS5 no longer playing game music and sound effects. His bangs block half of his face so you can't read his expression well. Silently, you eagerly awaits his reaction.
• After a while, he says "You worked hard so it's to be expected that you would do well," before handing your phone back to you. It's startling, but Narumi is really someone who is blunt.
• "Yeah...but there was a chance I still wouldn't be able to do it you know?" Narumi, who senses the sadness in your voice, goes still. Finally, he lets out a huff and faces you properly.
• "What are you talking about? Since when did you have so little faith in yourself? You always gave your all in everything so this result isn't surprising in the least." Damn this guy and his attitude.
• But this is pretty much Narumi Gen's roundabout way of saying I've seen you put your effort into this and I believed you would succeed from the start. It might seem like he doesn't care, but Narumi is a person who pays close attention to someone important to him.
• It did kind of sound like he was scolding you though. "Narumi, you really..." "Hah!?!?" Breaking a smile, the bickering between you and Narumi erases the traces of doubt lingering in your mind.
• Narumi is someone who knows about hard work, results, and acknowledgement better than anyone. So, I believe he would think that you were more than capable of achieving the results that you wanted. Even if he's not as direct about it, he has a lot of trust in your abilities.
• If you end up falling asleep in the living room at the end of the day, the familiar sounds of Narumi's BS5 lulling you to sleep. He would take a glance at you before muttering something like a, "You did well," his gaze holding a kind of secret fondness to it.
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can you tell that i love narumi. he might be slightly ooc my brain is fried.
likes, reblogs, and comments are so very appreciated ☆
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lych33dragoncookie · 22 days
Actually... Why stop there? I know I just made a post gushing about Shadow Milk, buuuuut...
I'm not really satisfied with that. So, screw it, let's analyze every single line he has in the trailer!
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Starting with this, we're both starting off weird and strong. I felt the need to look at translations, and in korean he seems to call Wind Archer something like "green friend", while in japanese he calls him something along the lines of "green bro", specifically using nii-san (which is both incredibly strange of him and kind of adorable and i'm not even into that man). Considering the way Wind Archer seems to enter the laboratorium, this line seems to be quite early on; possibly Shadow Milk communicating telepathically from his weird little blue tube? Which he's probably gonna end up breaking out of, because it would be a bit odd for some of the later lines to happen while he's still in there. Either way, this is incredibly 'him' to do. These two have probably never met before, and he's already teasing him, giving him nicknames and messing with him. The translation is a bit odd and probably a bit too meme-y for me, but it's not too inaccurate, I suppose.
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This one to me seems to have some sort of tone of fascination to it, looking on at his boss/benefactor's handiwork, in a sort of "hey isn't this thing that we're planning to use to kill all of you sooooo cool, it's impressive isn't it, wonder how much more impressive it's gonna look tearing you to pieces" kinda tone. This line tells me 2 things, he knows exactly what's going on in the laboratorium, and he also seems to have no ill will towards DE, in fact being quite happy with the arrangement and willing to help (Something which... We already know isn't exactly reciprocated.) Although chances are, if she ever decided to turn on him for any reason, he probably wouldn't be too upset about dealing with her. Whether he'd succeed or not is up in the air, but it seems to be a sort of mutual benefit type of thing. He seems quite amicable if you stay on his good side... For which the margin of error isn't exactly very wide. You're either fully on board, or just someone else for him to puppeteer or destroy.
Either way, moving on...
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(👆 wind archer)
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This one I feel is worth the wide shot. He seems to know very well what's going on here; these sort of... Weird homunculi, wired up to machines, with tubes all going into one place, one concentrated spot, one recipient of all their energy...
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These two lines show very clearly that he knows exactly what's going on with every little step of this process. All these small, mindless little beings, used as a power source, in what seems to be pain, fueling a living superweapon, something likely capable of incredible destruction. And he revels in it. He talks about it as if it were something beautiful, fascinating, something to gawk at in awe, knowing exactly how fucked up it is and how much pain is involved. He's very, very clearly sadistic in nature. Where Dark Enchantress is still convinced that this is all a necessary, painful means to an end, a realization of her dreams, he just thinks it's all just a beautiful, grotesque show. He's loving it. Every second of it.
He's sadistic in a way no one else in this story is. And I love it. His personality is so purely on display every second he's onscreen, every bit as irredeemably evil as he could possibly be.
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(wind again)
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And unfortunately, we arrive at his last line for the trailer. There's not as much to it as the last 2, but it's still noteworthy. Again with the nicknames! It seems that when he picks a victim to focus on for the given moment, he really has his fun with them.
This line to me personally shows that while he is having his fun here, he's also not really too keen on messing around too much. Unlike with Pure Vanilla and White Lily, there's not much to gain from messing with Wind, specially with how focused and resolute he can be. To Shadow Milk, he's nothing more than an obstacle, and with the following line from Wind Archer-
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- chances are, once Shadow Milk decided he was done having his fun, and once the Cake Witch made itself present, Wind Archer found himself out of his depth, unable to win against the ridiculously stacked odds, opting to retreat and plan ahead. Near the end, we do see him seemingly taking a shot at the Ultimate Cookie, but that seems to be more of a last ditch effort to do something that matters before leaving.
So, yeah, Shadow Milk here was clearly having some fun messing with Wind Archer and being a complete showman to an unnecessary degree, but when push came to shove and Wind started becoming a problem, he seemingly wasted very little time in getting rid of him, or at least trying to. Even if he probably had his fun with that too, to some extent.
There's a chance he plays a pretty minor role, but hey, any appearance from Shadow Milk is always a pleasant surprise.
His dialogue this trailer was very, very good. Sadistic, playful, strange, fruity. Everything Shadow Milk should be. I'm really excited to see him next update.
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2-dsimp · 1 year
Hi! I really liked your yandere merman childe story! Can you do a part 2 where childe successfully fulfills his quest with the sea witch and finally meets his human darling but his darling doesn’t love him?
The Little Merman (pt 2!)
Yandere merman! Childe! x lifeguard reader
Cw: yandere tendencies, murder, gore
Taglist: @ci-apeacefulgift @welcometodemonschoolfan @josephswifey @eatalyy @macwithnocheese @creampuff01
For the past few weeks strange occurrences have been happening within the sandy sands of the beach you’ve presided over as it’s watchful lifeguard. Apparently there’s been sightings of a certain creature lurking around the outer coastline as if they’re waiting for a chance to strike. And due to that baseless speculation by the time you’ve arrived at your destination, the beach was completely filled to the brim of curious tourists that wanted to see what all the buzz was about.
Making your way through the crowds of people to your safeguarding tower. You couldn’t help but let out a sigh at the amount of responsibility that weighed heavy on your shoulders. Dreading that people would try to do something incredibly idiotic all because of this potential creature they believe to be lingering around underneath the calm waves.
You truly prayed that todays shift would be one without any casualties as per usual but unfortunately your prayers happen to go unanswered. As a multitude of silenced screams that went unheard underneath the congested waters began to increase within every few minutes.
Childe was gnawing on a heart he had ripped from the chest of an unsuspecting human man who ventured too far out into the sea. Watching with listless eyes as the human’s body sunk down into the oceans depths along with the other few corpses he’s mutilated as per what was required of him for the ritual to succeed.
He couldn’t help but get so excited from the blood polluting the water. Feeling as if he was on a field day because the fresh smell of death reminded him of the times he fought in the name of the Fatui. Which always gave him a rush euphoria coursing through his cold veins. Although He did wish that they’d struggle more against him but other than that he enjoyed preying upon the humans.
“Phew one last bite~ Well down the hatch!”
He chucked cruelly as he chomped down the last bits of the heart which still pulsed within his bloodstained webbed clawed hands. Chewing the mass of muscle throughly with his sharp teeth he then gulped loudly letting out a satisfied sigh of relief.
If he had known ahead of time that the ritual to become human would be so easy he would’ve done it ages ago. So that he could’ve finally started acting on his primal impulses to take you, his precious little lifeguard as his very own mate.
Ever since the Sea Eldritch Witch told him what was needed to make the ritual work Childe began acting out on his plan to knock out all the sacrifices in one go. Not wanting to waste another moment without you not within his clutches.
Childe knew what he was doing by purposely letting himself be seen by the pedestrians. He knew that the main thing that’s always driven humans was curiosity of the unknown. So Childe used that to his advantage by giving anyone who happened to be looking his way a small teaser of himself being the terrifying creature of the sea that he was.
What he didn’t expect was the bait he casted out to reel in such a feast for sore eyes. He’s never seen that many humans congregating on the beach before. But nonetheless he took it with a grain of salt and proceeded to take advantage of the opportunity and decided to knock out the first four sacrificial pawns he needed for the ritual to work. Although he messed up a few times he eventually got it right since there was no need to fret over the shortage of humans.
Now all he needed to do was eliminate whoever you held dear. Surveying the area from a distance so that he wouldn’t be spotted. He tried looking for the person who seemed to be of importance to you.
To be completely frank Childe couldn’t wait to find out who the lucky bastard was so that he could have some “fun” one on one time with them. The bloodthirsty merman couldn’t help but want to act upon the whispers of violence nipping at the crevices of his twisted self consciousness. Whenever he’s thinking about how anyone besides himself would count as an precious existence to you.
I mean could you blame him? When you’re the one who’ve got him ensnared by your charms. Planting your entire being within his blackened heart just like a persistent weed making him unable to comprehend a world without you by his side.
“Soon we’ll be together I’ll make sure of it sweetheart~ Very soon…”
He cooed taking a moment to admire your perched figure. With drool skidding down the corner of his lips with every depraved fantasy of finally making you his with no other obstacles in his way of preventing that from becoming a reality. All he needed was the the catalysts that’ll act as the key to unlocking the barrier between you and him.
“Haa it’s so hot I feel like melting …”
You muttered underneath your breath, sinking in the safe guard towers chair. Trying to stick to the shade provided via beach umbrella. While still being attentive trying to keep track of the bundles of half naked bodies crowding the waters and the beach as best as you could. clutching onto your board tightly in any case you’d need to take a quick dive into the populated waters.
Suddenly you get a phone call. Reaching out you grabbed your phone taking a slight peek at the phone caller ID. Only to find out that you were getting a call from Xiao one of your closest friends since childhood. You weren’t supposed to be on the phone during your shift but since there was a mass of people it wouldn’t hurt to take the call since everyone seemed to be preoccupied and not in immediate danger of drowning.
“What’s up Xiao you need anything?”
There was a brief moment of silence before he answered in a gruff voice.
“Hey we’re coming down to the beach to check up on you in 10min just giving you a heads up…Stay safe”
The phone call ended abruptly within 5 seconds after he said his piece. But You couldn’t help but smile since you knew he kept the call short as to not get you in trouble. Assuming that Xiao would be bringing along the rest of your close knit group of friends you couldn’t help but become eager.
‘In 10min huh? It’d be nice to see them again’
You thought joyfully with a carefree smile unaware of the murderous merman eyeing you like a hawk searching for any indication of that one person you hold dear so that he can finally complete the ritual to become human and make you his.
To be continued in Pt 3 👀
A/N: I know this isn’t exactly what you asked for dear anon but I plan to draw out the tension and make this into more than a two part series (^◇^;)o
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
Winter Rose
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pairing: Aemond x Stark!Reader
summary: Raised among wolves, and raised among dragons; throughout time Targaryens and Starks seem to find their way to each other.
warnings: mentions of death
word count: 2.3k
note: this is mostly fluff! enjoy my loves 💙
You had been a small child when your father died; when your elder brother Cregan was named Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North. Though he was just a boy of three and ten at the time. You remembered the funeral of your father, the way Cregan held your small hand in his own.
“You need to be brave, sister,” Cregan had whispered in your ear. 
Your eyes were wide as saucers, gazing upon the still body of your father. You expected his chest to rise and fall, as though he were simply in a deep sleep. He remained motionless. You had only seen one other corpse in your life, that of your mother.
The image of her flashes in your mind. Beautiful, wild, and gone. Petals in the wind. Your father would lay beside her for eternity in the crypts of Winterfell. The thought comforted you, your parents in the earth below you, and your brother. Simply sleeping beneath the mighty fortress of Winterfell.
Cregan squeezes your hand. 
Your uncle, Bennard Stark, was to rule as regent until Cregan came of age. A feat that does not bode well when Cregan reaches adulthood. But Bennard succeeds nonetheless. 
You grow alongside your brother, both of you fierce, both of you spitting images of the First Men. Both are haunted by the ghosts of wolves before you. You and Cregan are one and the same until you come into your maidenhood.
That is when things seem to change between you, suddenly you are thrust into the role of a soon-to-be mother, though still unwed. Lords vie for your hand, present themselves to your brother for the chance to bed, and breed you like a prize mare. You are having none of that. 
“Lord Umber is a fine choice!” Cregan yells, running after you as you flee from the great hall.
“You heathen!” you snap at your brother.
You stop, causing Cregan to nearly run into you, glaring at your brother. 
“You’d ship me off to Last Hearth, is that it?” you accuse, “who’d do your booking then hmm?”
Cregan flushes with embarrassment. 
“I’d make do without you,” he says.
“You’re shit at bookkeeping,” you accuse. 
“You’re a lady, it’s your duty-”
“My duty!” you scoff, “How very convenient to you!”
Cregan frowns, visibly frustrated by your angry disposition.
“You like Lord Umber.”
You look at him incredulously. 
“He is my friend, Cregan, it does not mean I wish to bed him.”
“Sister, you must listen!”
But you are off already, across the yard, angry tears wet on your face. They do not last long as you hastily wipe them, crystalized in the cold air they fly like diamonds to the gravel below. 
The news comes to Winterfell when House Stark is invited to the capital to represent the North at King Viserys nameday. Evidently, all the great houses are to feast in the capital, with tourneys and celebrations to last for several days. 
“Allow me to represent our house, and when I return I shall not fuss about marrying Lord Umber,” you tell him, bile rising in your throat as you panic at the thought.
Cregan senses your hesitation. Brothers are like that, sensing your lies. 
“You shall?” he asks.
You roll your eyes. 
“I shall.”
The journey to King’s Landing is long and tiresome, taking the better part of a month. Layers of clothing are shed the closer you get to the capital, as the air around you warms, snow melts and flowers bloom. It is as though you are blooming as well, pushing through the soil and towards the sun.
You are presented at court, as unwed ladies often are, to the king and the royal family. Though King Viserys is not in attendance, represented by the Hand instead. 
The first of the festivities you attend is a tourney. 
“You do not wish to participate, my prince?” you ask, out of courtesy.
“I do not care for tourneys, my lady,” the one-eyed prince tells you, “I believe them to be a foolish waste of time.”
You smile slightly at his honesty.
“They are said to prepare men for the battlefield,” you tell him, “though I do not know whose enemy would wait for his opponent to pick up his sword.”
Aemond glances at you as you take a sip from your cup. He glances at the tourney field, understanding your jest as he observes two knights waiting to fight. A flicker of a smile appears on his chiseled face.
“Most knights simply wish for the attention of those of court,” Aemonn tells you, “Fame and glory; to be a page in a song.”
“To have the favor of a pretty girl,” you agree.
Aemond looks at you once more. A pretty girl. You meet his eye, smiling. Aemond looks away quickly, clearing his throat.
“Have any of these knights won your favor, my lady?” Aemond asks.
You shake your head.
“No, I am afraid not,” you tell him, “I prefer a real warrior to a pretender.”
Aemond watches as you excuse yourself and walk away, a curious expression on his face. 
The feast later that evening is boisterous and full of merriment and delight. It makes you miss home, an ache appears in your chest that you cannot shake. No matter how many lords you dance with, how many ladies you chat with. Though you wished for an escape, you so miss the walls of Winterfell. Cregan’s hand in yours. Perhaps he is right. Perhaps the North is where you belong. Winterfell, Last Hearth. Did it matter which castle, truly?
“My lady,” the voice of Prince Aemond pulls you gently from your thoughts.
He is kind, you can tell. Though his exterior is cold, reptilian almost. Like the snakes that slither in the greenhouses of Winterfell, searching for warmth and life in the frozen ground. Simply trying to survive. Aemond bows to you, offering his hand, violet eye scanning your face. 
You want to ask him about it. But you bite his tongue. You know all too well how people enjoy poking the bruises of others, teasing out the memories of pain a person holds inside them simply for their own selfish curiosity. You shall not be like them.
You take his hand and allow him to lead you to the dance floor. You cling to the young prince for the rest of the evening, finding calm in his cool presence. It is nice, standing beside him feeling as though there is no silence you need to fill. Feeling as though he simply enjoys that you are there. 
When you return to your chambers, a blue winter rose rests its petals on your pillow. You pick up the flower, inspecting it carefully between your fingers, the cerulean petals catching the moonlight. A reminder of home.
The remainder of your visit to the capital is spent on Prince Aemond’s arm. In the library, on walks through the gardens. He even entertains your passion for hawking, joining you as you travel into the Kingswood. It is nice to have a friend among so many dragons. Someone to talk to, someone who enjoys your company. 
As the days pass, you have collected a bouquet of winter roses; they sit beside your bed in a glass vase, the first flower only just beginning to lose its petals. They scatter across your chambers like freshly fallen snow. 
A raven arrives, confirming your brother’s visit to the capital. Cregan is often impatient and comes to the conclusion that he must join his sweet sister in the capital, bringing Lord Umber with him. A determined pup, your elder brother can be. 
Aemond senses a shift within you as you wait in anticipation, though he cannot quite figure out what the cause is. When your brother arrives, you avoid his presentation at court entirely. Though Cregan is relentless, and spots you as you attempt to escape to the gardens. In your haste, you nearly run into Aemond. You clasp his arm.
“Quickly,” you say nervously, shifting on your feet, “I must go, quickly.”
“It is your brother,” Aemond says, looking over your shoulder, “why do you wish to run from him? Have you not missed him this time apart?”
Aemond knows you have been missing him, missing home. It is why he took such care with the flowers left in your chambers. He had enlisted Helaena for help; winter roses are fickle plants that require delicate care outside of the North. 
“Of course I have,” you tell him, trying but failing to hide behind his tall frame.
Aemond smiles slightly as you grab his arm. Cregan has spotted you, a determined grin on his face. Lord Umber has joined him on his journey to King’s Landing. He has brought the wedding to you. There’s nowhere to run anymore.
“Then why do you hide little wolf?” Aemond asks, chuckling.
“He wishes to marry me off,” you tell the prince, “ship me off to Last Hearth.”
Aemond’s face falls slightly, he glances over his shoulder as your brother comes closer with each passing second. Aemond turns back to you, eye scanning the distressed expression on your face. 
You bring your gaze back to the prince, an idea coming to you. 
“My prince,” you say suddenly, “do you trust me?”
Aemond frowns, not fully understanding what you are asking.
“Of course my lady-”
“Then kiss me.”
Aemond’s jaw slacks as he looks into your eyes. 
“Quickly, please,” you beg, “Aemond.”
His eye flickers from your lips to your eyes.
“Trust me,” you say softly.
The one-eyed dragon prince needs no more convincing. He bows his head to your height, and you stand on the tips of your toes, hand caressing the back of his neck bringing his lips to yours. Aemond is gentle with the kiss, as though he has never kissed someone before. He nearly pulls away after the first peck, but you secure your hand on his neck, opening your mouth against his, deepening the kiss.
Something comes alive in Aemond as you slip your tongue into his mouth. Fire curls in his belly, desire lodges at the base of his spine, and his cock strains against his trousers as your nails scrape his scalp. 
You pull away when the sound of someone clearing their throat pulls you from the prince’s trance. Lips reddened by the hasty kisses, Aemond’s violet eye is wide as it meets yours.
“Sister,” Cregan says awkwardly, “It is good-”
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Stark,” Aemond interrupts, nodding to the young wolf.
“Your grace,” Cregan says, bowing slightly.
“Delightful to be surrounded by kin,” Aemond tells him.
“Kin? I do not understand,” Cregan tells him.
“My betrothed has missed her brother for too long now,” Aemond clarifies, much to Cregan’s and your surprise. 
“Betrothed?” Cregan asks, looking between you two. 
“Yes,” you tell him, sliding next to Aemond, pressing your body against him, “Prince Aemond has asked for my hand. And I have accepted.”
Cregan’s eyes narrow, ever so slightly.
“Without informing me?” he asks.
“We wished to surprise you,” Aemond says softly, “your sister was so excited by your arrival, she wanted to tell you in person.”
You nod eagerly as Aemond speaks, and Cregan raises an eyebrow at you in question. You smile widely, showing too many teeth. A she-wolf, daring him to question you aloud. 
“Tis true, brother,” you tell him, “Who am I to deny a dragon prince?”
“I suppose if you did not want to, you would not,” Cregan says, sighing, “A stubborn woman, my sister is.”
“One of the many reasons she is so charming,” Aemond agrees, his words causing your heart to flutter inside your chest.
Warmth pools in your belly as the prince smiles down at you. Cregan raises an eyebrow, nodding in approval. 
“I dare ask, what else has entrapped your attention, my prince?” Cregan asks, “It is my understanding the Queen wished for you to take a wife for some time now, to no avail.”
Aemond nods.
“Your sister is a rare find, much like a winter rose south of the Wall,” Aemond begins. 
Your heart leaps in your throat. Though you had expected it, now it is confirmed. It was he who left you the flowers. He who took such care with them. 
“However, did you do it?” you ask, eyes wide. 
Aemond smiles at you knowingly. 
“Precious flowers take time to bloom, they require special care,” he tells you, “but they are well worth it.”
You flush at his words, believing he means more than just the flowers. 
“A marriage must be treated with such care as well,” you agree, lacing your fingers through his. 
Aemond’s hand is rough from training with the sword, but your hand fits perfectly in his. The warmth of his palm settles the flurry of nerves in your stomach. 
“Are you prepared to give this union such care?” Cregan asks, his voice hardening, “This is my sister you are marrying, and she deserves nothing but the best.”
Aemond smiles, looking down at your intertwined hands. His thumb rubs against the back of your palm. 
“I would gift her the world if I could,” he admits, “I promise you, I shall spend the rest of my days devoted to making her happy.”
Your eyes well with tears and your heart swells with pride at his words. You tug him closer to you, taking his other hand in yours.
“You must excuse us brother,” you tell Cregan, “though I have missed you, I require a moment with my betrothed.”
You lead Aemond away from Cregan, away from the curious eyes of court, until you are in a secluded area of the castle.
“Where are we going?” Aemond asks, a smile playing on his lips.
You tug him closer once more until you are pressed up against him.
“I wish to kiss my betrothed unwatched,” you giggle, bringing his mouth to yours once more. 
This time, you do not stop.
HOTD TAGLIST GENERAL: @bluevxnuss, @thattargboy, @xlilacfrostx, @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed, @marvelescape, @geminithrone, @deltamoon666, @i-killed-ramsey, @tempt-ress, @eddiemadmunson, @zillahvathek, @hangmanscoming, @jojoesq, @f4ll-for-you, @rwdkarla, @cc13723things, @filipiniamultifandom, @watercolorskyy @alexxavicry @sachafirebringer @polireader @jamespotterismydaddy @grv7ay9In35s @sofiaadler @sophielangdonx @doublesparrows, @sophielangdonx, @alitaar, @castellomargot, @paodemorangol1l1, @nik2blog, @arkainea @eddiemadmunson, @malfoytargaryen, @eudximoniax, @targaryen-world, @ghostheartbeat @savagemickey03, @aemondsdaemons, @candypurplebutterfly, @eddiemadmunson, @xxnaly2, @ghostheartbeat, @savagemickey03, @dieg0brandos-wife, @paodemorangol1l1, @hb8301, @padfooteyes, @valeskafics @doublesparrows, @bornbetter, @beyond-the-ashes, @clairacassidy, @aslanvez, @loglady00, @gettheetoanunneryimmediatly, @minami97, @serving-targaryen-realness, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @possiblyafangirl, @shmexie, @winter-soldier-101, @kaelatargaryen, @urmomsgirlfriend1, @floswife, @mizfortuna, @strawberryduvet, @girlwith-thepearlearring, @arryn-nyx, @namelesslosers, @hopelesswritergall
@coldcomputerkoala, @louislouve, @alicetargaryen @fidelias, @earthangels-things, @shinypoetryface, @klara-lily, @ensnaredinwonderland, @bubblyabs, @green-lxght, @cheerbaitromanjosi, @billiesbeans, @hufflepuff1700, @asumofwords, @angelheavensblog, @natashaobo, @zavriocibrouku, @tssf-imagines, @delilah92590, @shit-posts420, @evattude, @heyykarolina, @brie-annwyl, @wondergal2001
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misstycloud · 2 years
How about a popular reader x unpopular yandere>
It was lunch break and you sat together with your classmates inside the classroom, eating your food. Today's topic was the new horror movie coming out soon, you'd all seen the trailer and it seemed scary. It was one of those 'robot turns evil and starts murdering people' kind of film, and you were totally up to see it.
"Bro, did you see her face? Now that's what I call scary.'' your friend Taro said in an exited voice.
"Yeah, bet you shat yourself when you saw the trailer." Hana joked and snorted at him, Taro in return gave her a 'really?' look.
"Haha, very funny."
"I agree, I'd love to see the way you'll scream when we actually go watch it. It'll be the best moment of my life." you said, following in Hana's footsteps.
"Oh no, not you too. Bullying is bad, you know. You could get expelled."
"The only one getting expelled here is you, we saw what you did to that Mitsuki girl in 3A. Not to mention that other younger student." another one of your friends reminded him with a smirk gracing his lips. "Mitsuki was not looking good, I'll tell you. You need to stop tormenting these poor people or it'll come back and bite you one day." he mocked.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." in the corner of Taro's eye, he noticed a certain boy enter the classroom and glancing around until he spotted your group. Taro smiled deviously, "well, talking about sad people," he turned to face you, "there is one right there."
Looking in the direction of which your friend pointed in, you realised what he was talking about and sighed at the sight. Sano Yamada, your boyfriend. Actually, you didn't know if he really was your boyfriend. It's not like you loved him or anything. How could you? Not with that plain face, boring fashion and lack of social life. He wasn't exactly a popular one...
Why are you with him, then?
Simply because it’s fun. He obviously liked you, enough that your friends noticed and proposed a plan to you: fake confess to him on the rooftop, and then tell him he was being pranked. It would be hilarious. Especially if you caught it on video. That way, all of you could rewatch the moment for ever. So you agreed. You asked him to meet you on the roof by sending him a note and put it in his locker. At first, you thought he was too shy since it was after the decided meeting-time, but then he stumbled through the metal door and fell in front of you. He apologised for being late and you had simply sighed before getting on with your mission, glancing at your phone who was in recording mode.
It was easy. Just pretend that you like him before breaking the truth to him and let your friends revel in his humiliation. That's how things were supposed to go. Just be a little mean and then go home like nothing happened, but the world had different plans it seemed.
For when the time came for things to go down, Sano got too caught up in joy that he failed to notice you weren't done, you hadn't gotten the chance to spill the beans that it was all fake and you weren't even close to liking him. You wished to fix things so you didn't have to date him, but your friends wouldn't let you. They believed it would be fun if you simply didn't say anything and kept going out with Sano, even if it was fake.
So that is how you ended up with an unwanted boyfriend.
"Hello," Sano said as he reached the put-together tables you were seated at. "how's it going?" Is he was trying to adapt to your group of friends and impress them. He sadly didn't succeed.
The others gave him a tight lipped smile and answered shortly with a small 'it's fine'. You could not help but sigh again at his presence, the two of you didn't even share any lessons, did he really have to be there? Understanding you were the reason for his unexpected visit, you still asked, "Sano, what a surprise. What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be with your own class?"
He didn't pick up on your irritation and replied to your question with a kind smile, "Yeah, but I missed you so much that I thought I could come here instead." Blushingly he turned his gaze to the floor, still somewhat shy in front of you.
"Oh..that's so..sweet." You forced yourself to at least look like you enjoyed his gestures and loving gaze. Taro and the others covered their mouths to hide their snickers, you pretended not to notice. How you wished Hana was the one Sano liked, not you.
"Can I join?'' Sano wondered and pointed at a free chair next to him nobody was using.
"Eh, sure."
Ha thanked you and pulled the chair close to the tables and sat down. Giving their last mocking laughs, they stopped after you sent them stink eye. After that conversation continued on like normal. Though he'd been allowed to join you, Sano didn't dare say anything and only sat there quietly. Just like a shadow. Just like it'd always been. There but not there at the same time, unnoticed and ignored. That's how most of sano's life has played out.
"-yesterday me and Taro talked, and we thought it would be cool if we all went to mall tomorrow."
"Need those new clothes, y'know." Taro chimed in and gestured to his body.
"You in?" Hana asked and looked at you.
"Yeah, of course." you said happily, you needed to do a little shopping yourself anyway.
"Cool, we can see if we can find those dresses we didn't buy last time!"
Last time you went to the shopping centre, you discovered two beautiful dresses but sadly weren't able to but them at the time because you two were broke as hell. You were pretty sure you only had like three dollars in your bak account. While you thought you were bad, you didn't even wish to think about Hana's economy.
"Good idea, I really liked it and-"
"-sorry to cut in,'' an anxious voice had interrupted you, "but aren't we going on a date tomorrow?" Sano put his hand over yours and squeezed it, "remember?"
Right. You totally forgot. You werre supposed to go on a date with Sano this weekend, he'd inquired about it nonstop for almost three weeks now and there was only so much you could take before giving in to his demands. You thought it better to simply get it over with so he'll shut up and leave you alone for a while.
"Right, I forgot. Sorry" you apologised in an obvious fake tone.
Sano nodded, signalling he accepted your apology. He didn't see how you scowled at him behind his back when he wasn't looking.
Lunch time had now passed and school was almost over, the weekend fun could soon begin. Which everyone was happy over, perhaps the teacher's more than anyone.
'I shouldn't have drunk so much water.' Sano thought to himself as he wandered through the halls of the building.
Entering the boys bathroom he saw it as empty, and proceeded to open the stall door stall and lock it. But right as he was going to get down to business, he heard the door opening and others coming in. The voices weren't of people he recognise, so he didn't plan to bother with it. However, when the conversation went in a direction related to him, he had no choice but to secretly listen in.
"You know that (Yn) girl from class 3C?"
"Yeah, of course, she's hot as fuck."
"Right, but have you seen that guy who follows her around all the time?" The voice mentioned in a rude way, making it clear he did not mean well.
"I've seen him a couple times. Not the best face, if you get what i mean." The second voice said and laughed.
"Hahaha, he's not a prince charming that's for sure."
They didn't realise the person they were talking ill of were very much within hearing range and listened to every word that came out of their mouths. Sano stood there, completely frozen. Taking in what they said. Was that really how people saw you and him? While he knew he was no social butterfly and you were well liked by many in contrast to himself, he didn't think it was something people actually brought up.
"I don't get why she doesn't leave him. There are surely better guys in school, she's bound to fall for one of them."
"You mean someone like Haruto?"
The other voice exclaimed, "Exactly! Someone like Haruto is a much better fit for her, he's well in her league. "
After that Sano heard some more bustling noises, and then it was silence. He poked his head out to confirm they had indeed left. The boy decided to goo back to class, his reason for leaving now forgotten. He piled over the two students words. Were they right? Did people actually believe someone else was a better choice for you. But that couldn't be true. He was yours and you were his. You belonged together.
That's what you felt too. You must, what would he do if you didn’t? No, you have to love him. Otherwise you wouldn’t have confessed to him so sweetly that day on the roof. He tried convincing himself that he was the love of your life like you were his, something told him it wasn’t like that though.
He wondered if you actually would leave him if someone better showed up. Someone like Haruto. Those two students from earlier weren’t wrong at all, Haruto was great. At many things. He was liked by everyone, he was good at sports, good at being funny and he just had to be good-looking too.
Much more than Sano, which hurt pretty bad. He hated to admit it but you and Haruto would make a better couple. He was jealous. Very jealous. He’d have to prove he was the perfect one for you. Sano couldn’t let anyone come and steal you away!
Sano would show you how good of a boyfriend he can be and your date tomorrow would be a glorious opportunity for that.
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nonbinarypirat · 6 months
A fellow enjoyer of mairuma who likes reading others headcanons/interpretations here! just thought I'd share my own headcanons
1.) I think the misfits lack parental validation from one or more parental figures so they seek that validation from someone else, like Kalego. He, as their homeroom teacher, knows full well what they're capable of and actively gives them harder challenges to further bring out their potential. So I think the misfits would seek near impossible tasks not just for the fun of it, but to receive validation from someone they look up to.
2.) I believe that Kalego shows his love in pride. And when I say love, I mean all love; familial, romantic, platonic, and the kind that you know is there but don't have a name for. I guess a good example would be Balam, his closest friend and well-respected researcher. Balam would have achieved great things in his field of research and Kalego would be very proud of him for it, though I doubt he would explicitly show it. The same would go for his students. A mix-match group of kids who have, more than once, taken the impossible and made it reality while proving him wrong every chance they get.
(also a small group of demon plus one human children have better cooperation skills than most adult demons. yes demons are self-centered but i do think its really funny.)
well, these are my headcanons sorry if its really wordy. what are your thoughts on them and what are your mairuma headcanons?
thx for reading and have a good day/night :D
I have been fully focused into my classes and college recently since I’m in my third year (we’re so close to the finishing line yall) but YES I love this!! One, I appreciate you sending me this since I haven’t done a post for a while! I promise im still here and I’m keeping up with the recent chapters 🫡. But yeah, I just love Kalego as a character. Like, he really is my favorite because I love a rude and snide character who you can tell cares a lot. Even if he won’t tell you that.
Kalego cares deeply for his students. Like sure, they annoy him and are goofballs. But at the end of the day, he is also protective of them. He knows they can accomplish great things and that’s why he’s hard on them, it’s not due to a lack of love. His pride is his way of showing affection. He will do his damnest to make sure you succeed and through his little actions, the characters can tell that he’s proud of them too. It’s the little moments with Kalego that make them know he does deeply care for them.
And yes, I also have a head cannon that for many of the misfits, they are lacking in some sort of parental or familiar love. Obviously we can’t say this for certain for all the characters, but it just feels like that’s why, no matter how much they complain about him, he also means a lot to them too.
As for my other head cannons… One head cannon I have (with the little info we have so far) is that Elizabetta grew up similarly to that little girl from Ouran Host Club, ya know the sister of the black magic club president? That is to say, I think she’s loaded but was primarily raised by her maids who gave her a lot of the romance books to keep her entertained. I think her parents were never really around. Or if they were, they don’t have her a ton of attention. I guess this is more of a head cannon slash theory? But when we see the house visits, we don’t even see her parents. A lot of them you saw the parents, a back shot or their torso. Something. We even saw Kalego call some of the parents. But her parents just wasn’t in the frame and she just kept showing him the things in her room which gives me the feeling she had a lot of material goods they bought her, but maybe not their affection. We also don’t see any adult when we learn about her ambition. Which is why I think she’s so attached to love, she is reaching for a connection she may not feel she has with her parents. And maybe in a way, she’s wants to build a family that will actually appreciate her the way she wants. Which to me makes the relationship to the misfits even more special because she finally has the love and pride of her found family. Idk, just a silly head cannon I have based on current knowledge!
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wonijin · 2 years
there are many walls in kang haerin's life. she'd overcome many of them. except this one. but this time, she'll make sure she succeeds.
tags: kang haerin/fem!reader. fluff. 1.5k words
warnings: none
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kang haerin sat beside you, mumbling a small greeting. just like she did ever since you were children. but this time countless pairs of eyes follow her around, and in extension, you.
“i guess even famous idols can’t escape the grasps of geography.” a grin that haerin missed adorned your face while she let a tiny smile graze her lips.
the cat eyed girl took out her books. your presence eased her from the swarming students wanting a picture or an autograph. at that moment, haerin felt two thick walls.
one that separates the both of you from the outside world, a shield from prying eyes. a little space where its just you and her.
another one, an old wall dating way back when you both met at a playground divides you and her. a wall she’d been dying to overcome, break and burn just to be with you on the other side.
“yeah. but i thought how you’d like to see my perfect handwriting in person.”
“yeah. but i thought how you’d like to see my perfect handwriting in person.”
“yeah. but i thought how you’d like to see my perfect handwriting in person.”
“yeah. but i thought how you’d like to see my perfect handwriting in person.”
“you’re such an idiot.” haerin shook her head, her smile never faltering. the teacher entered before you reply something even more ridiculous.
a comfortable silence engulfed between the two of you. haerin sneaked glanced at you only for you to catch her eyes and flash her a genuine smile. the idol looked at her lap in hurry to hide her red cheeks.
the idol understands it might a long time before she can attend school and see you again. her schedules wouldn’t get any looser in the future.
sure, you both chat when you send her notes or assignments she missed. you call to explain a problem she couldn’t understand. but haerin wants more. something more intimate than trying to understand a scientific concept.
“do you wanna come by my dorm later?”
you wouldn’t have heard her if you were paying attention to the lecture. but this time there was no need to jot down notes if the only reason you do them is sitting beside you.
“i missed too many classes to comprehend your notes. can you explain them to me?”
you stared at her a little bewildered. kang haerin is smart girl, no other person in this planet is able to understand your messy notes other than her. and now she wants you, a failing student, to explain something to her.
after all, taking notes and understanding it are two very different things. for you, at least.
“yeah. sure, of course.” you wanted to say how you’re absolutely sure you’d be zero help or ask if her members are okay with you there.
but you were scared you asking would make her double guess and you couldn’t afford to mess up a chance to be with haerin.
“great. i’ll text you the address.”
this is it. the first step into breaking that wall.
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haerin first laid eyes on you when you were both children. she'd left ms. kero, her frog plushie, at the playground. but when she came back she saw you kissing it.
imagine her shock when she found a stranger smooching her favorite plushie. it was the first time she'd actually been horrified in her life.
the look on your face when the realization that you got caught hit was nothing less than petrified. moments passed with just the two of you staring at each other, your small hands still clutching the soft plushie.
suddenly, haerin dashed towards you.
"look-i can explain! it's not what it looks like!" you shouted while your feet scrambled to run away.
"get away from ms. kero, weirdo!" haerin chased you with surprising speed for a six year old. she was too fast and you were too slow. she had managed to caught up to you in no time. you fell backwards into the sand, her tiny figure towering over yours.
"i watched the princess and the frog yesterday ok!" you plead with your eyes closed and hands over your face. six year old haerin was really intimidating.
"what has that got to do with anything?" her eyes narrowed at you and you found yourself taking a large gulp of saliva.
"i-i thought she'll turn into a pretty princess if i kissed her," you admitted embarrassedly. it seemed like a good idea at the time. but now that you got caught red handed, not so much. "here, you can have it back."
haerin stared at the squishy toy in your hand, slightly disgusted. she snatched it from your grasp and wiped every single inch of it with the hem of her shirt.
"it might have weirdo virus," haerin muttered, turning away from you.
"stop calling me weirdo. i was just testing out if the movies were true!" you whined, standing up and shaking the sand clinging to you. then following haerin around her like a lost puppy around the play ground.
"of course, it wouldn't happen. you'd need an evil magician to curse her first," haerin replied, studying the toy closely for any traces of you. "and i wouldn't let anything like that happen to ms. kero"
"im sorry i kissed ms. kero," you looked at the ground, your hands behind your back.
"let's be friends?"
"only if you stop kissing ms. kero. it's really weird."
haerin's little hands met your extended ones and shaking it gently.
she didn't know it back then but that was the first time the wall appeared. six year old haerin had no way of knowing you'd make her heart beat faster and her cheeks redder no matter how many years pass by.
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“woah. its like a penthouse!” you gaped as you removed your shoes at the entrance. you followed haerin to the living room like a lost puppy.
“sit anywhere you want. would you like something to drink.” haerin asks, she stopped her hands from fidgeting. she wouldn’t want you wondering why she’s nervous over something as simple as studying. “uh—whatever you’re having is fine.”
meanwhile, you sat stiff as a rock at one of the most comfortable couches ever. when haerin comes back, you’d have to teach her shit you know nothing about.
you would have succeeded embarrassing yourself and this study date—study session would be over before you know it.
“you look like you've seen a ghost. don’t worry, all the members are out.” before you know it, haerin came back with a couple of orange juice.
haerin lay her books down at the coffee table. while you dragged out taking a notebook as long as possible.
“whats wrong?” haerin looked at you pointedly. inside, alarms blare in her head. did she do something wrong?
“its just—” you scratched the back of your neck sheepishly. “i mean i don’t understand why you’d ask for my help. if anything i should be asking you.”
“then, we’ll study it together.” your eyes widen as she scooted an inch closer to you. you looked at the textbook she placed in front.
“oh come on, chemistry? really?” haerin giggled at you, opening it to a certain page.
and sure enough, you taught haerin nothing. in fact, haerin ended up teaching you. a lot.
“see, you’re better at this than me. did you even need my help in the first place?” you say as you spin a pencil between your fingers.
“no. i just wanted to spend time with you really.”
your hands stopped and your body turned rigid. haerin felt her breath hitch, dying to know your reply.
you turned towards her, visibly shocked. haerin is scared she just messed your friendship. if worse comes to worst, she’s ready to clarify that she wants to spend time with her bestfriend. but she didn’t want for it to come to that.
“why didn’t you just say so?” you complained loudly. and haerin smiled, her eyes in a crease. and the sight of it made your heart soar.
“we could’ve watched a movie or something. my head hurts—” your ramble was cut short when you felt soft lips on your cheeks. haerin pulled away with a blush.
“shut up. we’ll watch a movie after this problem.”
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