#would not.... they kinda just go uhh well it uhhh [stumbles over what you already know; has no more ideas]
cornflowercanine · 3 years
talking abt questioning classpect (namely class) stuff a whole lot ヽ (^•ω•^)ノ w/o quirk cause im testing that today
so i know 101% for sure that im a heart player i have no doubts about it i fit nearly every description and trait given for them and ive been sure about this for fucking ever lol, aside from the 'teehee heart player romants and shipy :)' cause my me aro and romance repulsed xoxo <3 but thats obvious second off i try not to bring Obviously Not Classpect-y things into classpecty shit like people saying heart players loooove shipping specifically on basis of the leijons when dirk is Not, or that mages are inherently sad sacks of shit that hate everything bc of sollux when meulin is just a normal fucking person. or like, sylphs of heart only identifying as so when they just have trauma/a personality, or knights being "knights" when they are also just traumatized or depressed or whatever. Some classpecters will count trauma and Issues You Have as a part of your classpect journey and shit bc its an interesting way to conceptualize and in some cases grasp your... everything, but 1 it just makes me really fucking sad to go 'haha i do [blatant symptom of abuse] bc im [classpect] :)' and its easier for Me to keep that seperate, and also bc it is just not helpful for me and how i use classpects to go oh yeah literally everything you are and have and do etc is your classpect
but, i relate to mages in that i Know shit and a lot of my motivations both in general and behind specific things is to Know More Shit, and i?? guess???? i have suffered bc of/at the hands of/whatever my aspect????????? but i have no fucking clue what ppl mean when they talk about this, probably because it varies aspect-by-aspect XD but i don't relate to it in that i am not a sad sack of shit (heavily sollux-influenced analysis of mage as a class but a really, REALLY common one, so) and i love my aspect to bits and pieces and shreds and i WANT it to be a huge part of my life, i don't know wtf ppl mean when they say like, acting For your aspect or being its puppet sorta?????? i figure is another aspect-by-aspect thing but its real hard to grasp XD and i Do impact others and things not... like, a lot of witch things go oh you just completely turn this shit upside down and completely break its rules, and what i do is more subtle, ex i prefer to backseat a Little (not completely just a little) when it comes to 'leadership' in groups (but i am unspokenly made the leader a lot fsr?), but no matter where i am or what i do i have some level of influence and impact in the group anyway
but i relate to witches in :3 a lot of their thematic stuff teehee (i know its mostly just sburb and wholly fictional stuff that doesnt matter for irl people but coincidences are fun :3) and in that i do technically break rules wrt my aspect (ex i am invested in attraction and relationships and affection and all that, but only non-romantically, which kinda goes against the heart/love/etc = romance), and control/manipulation/changing/insert other witch-y verb here is kinda my Point for Knowing Shit as previously discussed, a lot of mage things imply mages learn shit and then leave it at that and just stew in it. i dont!!!! im learning shit so i can understand ppl better so i can mess with stuff better. i dont know how to explain that last bit but trust me dude. i also relate to it in that <3 i do everything for me and what I think is good i am not doing shit specifically to help others either induvidually or at large and if it does thats bc it happens to line up with what i thought was the best idea, ex. some jerk is in a group im in and i do things to slowly kick them out and it turns out everybody else wanted them gone too i DONT relate to it in that, [points at above thing about oh witches just completely turn their aspect upside down], and also 'they change aspect' is really, really, really fucking vague
ultimately i think one of my keywords wrt class would be Influence? or at least keyword for external stuff. whether i'm outright calculatedly going okay [knows thing] so if i do this thing it'll nudge this person in the direction i want them to go (which feels witchy), or if i'm just. -starts using neopronouns- -every time i enter a new group at least one person starts using neopronouns when they hadnt questioned/done so before-. -becomes openly aspec- -suddenly all my friends are questioning aspecs-. -ive been thinking about/knowing a specific topic pertaining heart-y shit- -people around me start parroting bits and pieces of it or they start questioning (if it had to do with gender/sexuality) and just start Thinking About It A Lot, Too- -the whole 'people inadvertantly assigning me leader or leader-ish in any group regardless of what i do' thing- etc theres. a lot of examples of this. (and this feels magey) internal shit is a diff story depending on what you do and dont include with classpect shit (life journey stuff? 'they start out this but later grow to be more this' etc, relationships with others, etc) but it's bc of the..... POWER FEELS LIKE A REALLY LAME AND EXAGGERATIVE WORD TO USE BUT IDK WHAT ELSE SO, power over and/or regarding my aspect here that makes me think i am probably absolutely definetely an active class
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rogerstoast · 4 years
Pizza Delivery Boy // Roger Taylor x female reader
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Summary: reader is staying in for the night, and orders a pizza. both reader and roger are left stumbling at the door when they are both hungry for more than just a pizza.
Request: @comehereroger this girl literally gave me the idea I love her! Thank her for this!
Warnings: Fluff, flirting, a bit of smut, kinda dirty.
You plopped down on the couch after a stressful week of tests and finals, prepared to sleep and do absolutely nothing this winter break. All you wanted more than anything was to relax and take in your surroundings. But the loud grumble erupting from your stomach said otherwise. It’s about dinner time anyways, but you were too lazy to get up and actually have to cook something. Nonetheless, you reached over to grab the phone resting on your coffee table, ready to order a pizza for one on your night in.
“Rocky’s pizza! What can I get ya?” A voice answered on the phone.
“Can I get an extra large cheese pizza? With some muchrooms, and uhh... extra sausage?” You ordered, mouth already watering at the thought of your dinner.
“Sure thing. Anything else?”
“That’s it.”
“Your total is $10.75. Pick up or delivery ma’am?”
“Delivery please!” Pff, like you were going to pick up a pizza three blocks away. The thought of having to get up from the couch to eventually answer the door was tiring enough.
*25 minutes later*
You sat all cuddled in on your couch, a soft tune playing on the record player throughout the apartment, as you switched between channels finding something to watch. All of sudden, you hear a knock at the door.
Pizza time baby.
Groaning in response, you slowly got up from the couch and trotted to the door. You unlock the door, and open it. Holy—well hello there, you thought. He must be new, never seen him before.
“Pizza delivery, for uhhh,” he squinted his eyes at the receipt, “y/n?” He asked in a soft, deep voice. His hair was blond and wavy, almost made you want to run your fingers through it. And the way the tight red T-shirt perfectly fit his toned body almost made you weak at the knees. But what killed you the most was the smile he shot at you once your eyes met each other’s. Those god damn eyes. Shit, snap out of it y/n.
You stumbled over your words, “uhh yeah that’s me.” You smiled back. Fuck, I can’t just give him the money, you thought. Screw it, it’s Friday, what’ve I got to lose?
“extra sausage right?” Really y/n?! Did you seriously just fucking ask that? Idiot.
He chuckled and blushed a bit, “I think so. Would you like to check?” *sir?? excuse you?* “You know, to see that they got the order right?” He asked, opening the box.
And they sure did, extra large sausage too.
You nervously chuckled, trying to keep your cool. “H-how much do I owe you?” You asked.
He leaned against the doorframe as your proximity to each other minimized by a couple inches. “I don’t think it really matters love, it’s on me.” He said, shooting another smirk your way as his looked up and down your body, subtly taking you in.
Ah Fuck.
“A-are you sure? You don’t have to, really—“
“No no no, it’s fine honestly. Don’t worry about it love.” He insisted. “I’m Roger, by the way.”
Roger. Good name. Quick y/n, uh, be sexy!
“Say, Roger. I don’t know if I’ll be able to eat this whole thing by myself,” you smirk up at him with a mischievous look in your eyes, “do you maybe wanna come inside and help me, finish it?” Dang, I am on fire tonight.
He leaned in a bit closer, one arm resting on the frame while the other held the pizza. Yet, whatever cologne we was wearing overpowered the smell of the food, and began to captivate you even more.
“Oh love, I thought you’d never ask,” he nearly growled at you, your faces merely inches apart as his eyes flicked down to your lips a few times.
“Oh yeah?” You smirked up at him, biting your lip.
“Yeah.” He looked down at your lips and licked his own. Message received.
“Why don’t you come inside then?” You ask a bit more seductively, placing your hand over his arm that carries the pizza, signaling to pull him in.
Within in seconds, he pushed himself in, throwing the pizza on the nearest table, pushing you against the door as it slammed shut. He pushed his lips against yours in a slow yet passionate kiss, as his hands traveled down to your waist, lightly squeezing your sides. In response, you threw your arms around his neck, tangling one of your hands through his soft hair. You deepened the kiss, as he slid a hand down to your ass and gave it a quick squeeze. As you let a slight moan escape, he swiped his tongue over your bottom lip begging for entrance. You let him in to explore your mouth, as you did the same with his. Tongues intertwining, fighting for dominance. You let him overtake you, you couldn’t help how good he tasted. He smiled against your lips, letting out slight moans all while letting his hands travel below your ass even more.
“Up.” He grunted against your already swollen lips. You didn’t hesitate to listen, jumping up and wrapping both your legs around his toned torso.
You continued your heated make out session, cupping his jaw to bring his face closer to yours if that was even possible. He pushed you up more against the door, until you felt something poking against your lower abdomen.
You broke apart momentarily, “bedrooms down the hall.” In response he placed his soft lips back onto yours, smiling as he began to trail his wet kisses down your neck. All the while racing the two of you to the bedroom.
He slammed the door open, and threw you on the bed, hovering his body over yours. Continuing to suck on your neck and the soft spot right below your ear, you were reaching down, and begging working with his belt. Roger lifted his shirt off, then yours each in a swift motion. He looked down shortly to admire the beauty that lay before him. You smirked up at him as his eyes took you all in.
“You do this often?” You asked in the heat of the moment.
“It’s only my first day on the job, you do the math.” He laughed lightly, reattaching his lips to yours.
His hands squeezed your hips, massaging and rubbing your sides all over. It felt so good, you were almost convinced this moment wasn’t real. You roamed your hands up his back, slightly digging your nails in it leaving red marks all over. until they were back in his hair. You lightly tugged at it, moans escaping his mouth as he brought his face to burrow into your neck, sucking and bitting your smooth skin. Roger reached one of his hands up to cup your covered breast, massaging it, still planting a wide display of hickies all over your chest.
“Rog, feels so good,” you moaned out. He reached back and unhooked your bra easily, like a fucking pro. Who is this man?
Roger fed off of your desire for more, as he reached down, prepared to rub his fingers where you were in desperate need of some friction. Just as fingers began to peel back the soaking wet, thin lining covering your entrance, something just HAD to go wrong.
*ring ring* *ring ring*
“What Roger. What is it?” You ask, confused as to why he just stopped.
Roger groans in annoyance, kissing you on the lips quickly before getting off you and stumbling to put his pants back on. It was his boss calling him in for another order he needed to deliver.
“I forgot I actually have to work,” he laughed to himself, “I’m sorry love i have to go, wouldn’t want to get fired on the first day for being late.”
Although you were merely disappointed that the two of you were unable to finish, he was in a way total stranger, who also had to do his job.
“It’s alright Rog. Maybe next time we can finish what we’ve started here tonight?” You asked, pulling the sheets up to cover your chest.
Roger had his shirt half way over his head till he froze. “Next time?” He mumbled through the fabric.
You chuckled and threw on the robe from the side of your bed. “Yes, next time. I really want to see you again Roger.”
Roger now was fully clothed and walked towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist as you placed your hands on his arms. He looked down at you and smiled. He saw something in you. He was thrilled that you wanted to see him again, because he wanted to see you again too.
“Yeah, id like that.” He hummed in response.
You beamed up at him. You were still in a bit of a shock and what was about to go down between the two of you. Two complete strangers who don’t know a thing about each other. Literally in your bed about to fuck because of a fucking pizza. Damn that extra large sausage.
As you walked him to your door, he left a passionate kiss on your lips. Except he didn’t stop. He was still craving for your touch. After all, neither of you got to finish. You opened the door and pushed him out a bit, breaking the kiss.
“Oh come on!” He complained with that stupid smirk across his face.
“Maybe next time pizza boy.”
“That next time better be tomorrow night because if you—“
You rolled your eyes laughing to yourself as you slammed the door in his face. If only he knew how hungry you were for tomorrow nights dinner. Maybe even hungry enough to call for another pizza in an hour. Or even better, just a good old extra large sausage.
Lmk what you think :)
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xbananaleensyo · 5 years
“I love you” call
Ship: Ohmtoonz
Warnings: mentions of alcohol/drinking
Words: 3,755
Summary: Ohm loved Cartoonz but he doesn’t know. One day, however, Ohm gets drunk and tries to call a certain someone. Aka Ohm is a fluffy, loving drunk and doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut.
A/N: Hey guys! This is my first fic I’ve ever made and I’m pretty proud of it : ) So, thank you for reading it and I really appreciate any likes/reblogs/comments! Have a nice day, yo.
              Ohm wasn’t much of a drinker. It just wasn’t something he did much. Sure, he had the occasional glass of wine at dinner parties and the mandatory swig of beer during the Super Bowl but that was all for show. He never really indulged too far into it. He felt, at most, slightly warm from the minimal consumption and can’t remember the last time he truly was drunk. But it seemed tonight was different.
              Ohm tipped the bartender and sipped at the bottle of beer he just ordered. He scanned the ballroom, spotting the couple of the night instantly. It wasn’t hard to find them, their presence radiated happiness, true love flush on their cheeks and gentle stares. Ohm couldn’t help the throbbing sensation in his chest. It was accompanied by a slow southern drawl and cheeky grin that tended to occupy his mind, especially in moments like these. He looked at the newly-wedded couple and wanted it, wanted what they had so badly instead of this longing ache. Ohm sighed, loosening the tie on his neck, before taking a gulp of his drink and joining his peers in another round of shots.
              “Bye! Thank you for bringing me home, dude! I appreciate you and your service.” Ohm yelled back at the uber before shutting the door and walking the steps to his front porch. He searched his pocket for his keys, reminding himself out loud that he needed to give his driver 5 stars and a good review. She was a nice woman, entertaining Ohm’s drunk rambles during the late night drive. He was suddenly glad he decided to carpool to the wedding venue that morning because, based on the slight stumbles up his yard, he can assess that he was in no way, shape, or form able to drive himself home, Heck, he couldn’t even find the right keys to his door.
              “There you are!” Ohm cooed, giggling as he slotted in the key to let him in. Right when he walked through the door, he was greeted with excited paws batting at his ankles and welcoming yips. Ohm was beaming at the sight.
              “Tiny! You’re such a good boy! I love you so much.” He said while carefully kneeling and cuddling the pup.
              “I’m very drunk, Tiny. So we can’t—we can’t play a lot. But just wanted to let you know that I love you and you’re the best.” Ohm sent Tiny back to his doggy bed after one last pat on his back. He decided that it probably wasn’t a good idea to let Tiny sleep in the bed with him tonight. Ohm closed his bedroom door and plopped on his mattress, somehow taking off his shoes and dress pants on the way. He should sleep he thinks but the alcohol was still running hyper in his veins causing him to feel energized and elated and fuzzy. He felt so goddamn warm, honestly. Like he was so happy and wanted to share the happiness with everyone else. And he should. There was so many good people in his life that deserved it and when was the last time he told them how much he loved them? Not enough! He concluded, already taking out his phone out of his vest pocket. He silently thanked technology for having fingerprint recognition.
    Ohm went to twitter first, sending out a quick appreciation post to his fans and followers. Then, to his discord, giving out short but meaningful messages to as many streamer and YouTube friends he can think of. Next, it was his contact list on his phone where he kept the closer people in his life. These were the ones he was gonna spoil with love. Ohm sighed with satisfaction when he hit send on Delirious’ text, stacked with paragraphs on how much he helped him over the years. He went back to his list, finally stumbling on the contact that made his heart burst:
Toonzy <3
              Ohm’s thumbs froze over the screen, not quite sure how to start the text. There was just so many things he loved about Cartoonz—which ones should he say first? Can written text even convey all the things he wanted to say? Can he even type all the love he had for him? Perhaps, he should call him instead.
              “Hi Toonzy!” Ohm greeted excitedly right after the ringer broke. There was silence on the other line though before another voice spoke up.
              “Uhh Ohm? This is Delirious?” Ohm mentally slapped himself, wondering how in the world he messed that one up. But looking at the blurry name on his screen, he can confirm he was, in fact, talking to Delirious. Oh well.
              “Oh…oh! Delirio~ Sorry, I tried calling Toonzy. I wanted to tell him some things.” Ohm thought for a second. Even if it was an accident, he shouldn’t let this call go to waste, right?
              “But-but, wait, don’t hang up yet Delirious! I wanna let you know some nice things too. Because, because lemme tell ya. You, you, are a wonderful man and I’m glad you’re in my life. I love you and…and you deserve all the love!” Ohm heard Delirious’ happy laughter on the other end, pleased that the other enjoyed his declaration.
              “Awww, thanks Ohm. I know, I saw the text messages. Love you too man, really, and I appreciate ya but are you uhhh are you drunk?”
              “Nooo I’m not drunk. I’m really drunk.” He answered, extending the ‘really’ for extra effect. He laughed at his own joke. “There was a wedding Delirio~ my…my sister’s. And it was beautiful! There was decorations and cake and good food and dancing and an open bar…” Ohm chuckled again, remembering the open bar quite well. An amazing add-on to an already amazing wedding.
              “My sister has incredible taste, Del. It, it was nature-themed! There was lots of flowers and leaves. Trees. And…and it made me realize I want a wedding like that…” And at that moment, Ohm made a mistake. He couldn’t stop his rambling, his mouth wanting to say everything on his mind. His feelings were going a completely different direction now and he felt tears starting to collect in his eyes. “But I don’t think I can! I definitely can’t.”
              Delirious seemed surprised by the mood change. He scrambled to find his words before speaking. “Ohm ca—calm down! I’m sure, I’m sure you’ll have a beau-ti-ful wedding with nice flowers and gifts and food! Don’t cry please!” Ohm shook his head even though he knew Delirious couldn’t see him.
              “Nooo you don’t understand Jon! I’m gay!” Ohm cried out, trying to make a point through his fuzzy mind. But it seemed Delirious wasn’t having it.
              “Uhhh Ohm, we know that already? You told us that like…like last year? And we fully support you and that doesn’t fucking mean, at all, that you can’t have a—”
              “No, no listen. You don’t understand. Jon, I’m gay gay. Like…like I’m gay for someone. But I don’t think he’s gay gay for me? Delirious, Cartoonz doesn’t feel the same way, huh?” he felt the ache in his heart again, letting a few tears slide down his cheeks.
              “Car-cartoonz?” Delirious sputtered. Ohm gave a long sigh.
              “Yeah…Toonzy. He’s funny and genuine and attractive and just gets me, ya know? I just wanna kiss him all the time and cuddle him and…and go on dates with him and touch him and fu—”
              “Jesus Christ.” Delirious breath. “You can’t just…just…hold on. Can you hold on? Hold on a sec, Ohm.” Then Delirious was gone. There was a lot of shuffling and mumbling in the background that he couldn’t understand. But before he could figure out what was going on, Delirious was back.
              “Okay, can you say that again, Ohm?”
              “I wanna fuck Cartoonz!” He declared, hearing more shuffling along with a sharp gasp and ‘not like that!’ protests coming from Del. Maybe, that wasn’t the exact phrase he was looking for. “No, no wait…make love with Cartoonz. Yeah, that. I love Luke. But not like…I love you Delirious but I’m uhhh in love with Luke. For a long time now. He’s, he’s amazing~ And I love spending time with him. But he doesn’t love me…why would he love me…? His insecurities were starting to leak out. Because it’s true. Why would Luke ever like him in a way that was more than a friend?
              “For fucksakes why…look, Ohm, I have a good feeling that Luke loves you back. You’re a great guy, don’t be so down on yourself. He’ll be lucky to have you.”
              Ohm shifted his weight to the side, his voice quieter than before. “How do you know that?”
              “I just have a very, very strong feeling.”
              “But why would he—”
              “Ryan, just please trust me here, okay?” Delirious pleads. He jumps at the sudden name-drop. Jonathon never calls him by his real name. He also never sounded so conclusive before.
              “Okay Jon, I’ll try.” He yawns, finally starting to feel the night catch up with him. But he can’t sleep yet.
              “You should probably go to sleep, man.”
              “But Toonzy…I gotta call…” he yawns again.
              “Tomorrow dude. Better if you’re sober and n-not about to pass out.”
              “But…Yeah…true…I’m sleepy.” Ryan starts to close his eyes as he says those words. He tries to relax through the spinning in his head. It feels like a whole minute has passed of him breathing into the mic and he assumes Delirious already left the call.
              “Good night, Ohm…”
              He barely hears the quiet murmur at the end. Ohm’s interest piqued as it sounds kinda off. It was huskier. Deeper. Ohm almost forgot who he was talking to. But it wasn’t enough to break the tiredness that was closing in on him. Ohm’s body starts to slack, he vaguely feels the thump of his phone as it falls on the bed. His thoughts float in his head, drunk, but specifically drunk on Cartoonz. Memories of hefty laughs, long beards, and southern accents filled his mind before finally settling into sleep.
               The morning after sucked. Ohm groans, finally remembering this being a big reason why he didn’t drink much. This part is utter crap.
              “I hate myself. I fucking hate myself.” Ohm mumbles, covering his arm over his eyes. He forgot to pull his blinds so the sunlight he usually loved to greet was glaring at his mistakes. His head throbbed, noting that he was still in his dress shirt, suit jacket half-on but was pantless somehow. His mouth was dry and tasted like alcohol and regrets. Suddenly, he heard Tiny bark in the livingroom signifying that there was someone in the house. But before Ohm can process if he was getting robbed or not, his gut fails him and he rushes himself to the bathroom.
              “Ohm? You okay in there, bud?” Ohm hears through the knocking on his door and his loud heaving sounds. He recognizes the voice to be Cartoonz and is glad that he decided to give him that extra key.
              “Yeah, I’m just, shit—” another round rises up his throat. Ohm is gripping the toilet bowl for dear life as whatever contents start spilling through. He doesn’t notice Cartoonz next to him until he feels hands on his shoulder, massaging his back sympathetically.
              “Goddamn Ohm, you got absolutely fucked up. I didn’t know you had it in you.”
              “Well, nothing is in me now…” Ohm says weakly. Grabbing a towel to wipe off the excess residue off his mouth. He leans on his bathtub, relieved that he can finally breathe. Cartoonz hands him a water bottle which he gladly used to gargle his mouth with before taking two big gulps.
              “So, what brings you here, Toonzy?” Ohm asks. Though he’s not complaining that he did show up, Ohm knows Luke isn’t the type of guy to come in unannounced.
              “Jonathon texted me this morning. Said your dumb hungover ass needed some assistance, probably. Just think of me as your Alcohol Poisoning Rescue Squad.” He patted the bag he was carrying to capitalize his status. That was probably how he got the water so fast.
              “Now come here, child, and lets get you all cleaned up!” Cartoonz hollered, helping him get up and escorting him to the sink.
              Ohm just rolled his eyes. “We’re practically the same age, Cartoonz.” But Cartoonz ignored him, opting to the kitchen to probably make food. Ohm looked at himself in the mirror, hissing at his reflection. He felt like shit and looked like shit. That was great. He got to work, brushing his teeth and taking a quick shower to scrub off the grime of last night. Once he was washed and changed into fresh clothes, he felt a lot better than before.
              “Pedialyte?” Ohm questioned as he entered the diningroom to find a plate of scrambled eggs waiting for him as well as some pills, a glass of water, and a bottle of Pedialyte.
              “Yeah. Del’s recommendation. I don’t drink much so I can’t say but Del swore by that stuff when he did. Oh, here’s your coffee too, by the way.” Cartoonz places a hot mug beside him, the familiar smell wafting through the air. “Made it how you like it too: disgustingly sweet and undrinkable.” He wrinkles his nose at the thought.
              “No, you’re just a barbarian and drink it straight black. What sane person drinks it straight black?” Ohm retorts, blowing at his drink to cool it down. He will fight for his sweet-tasting coffee to the death.
              “Agree to disagree.” Cartoonz huffs, settling in the chair next to him with his own plate and cup. They ate their food in comfortable silence. Cartoonz hummed and scrolled through his phone while Ohm picked at his eggs. He tried to recall what he did last night, memories of bouquets and shots filled his mind. Then he got home (somehow) and wobbled to his bed. He texted people, he thinks, and he hopes to god that it was nothing too embarrassing. And then he remembers he was talking to someone…didn’t he call Delirious?
              Ohm dropped his fork in realization. He did. He admitted his crush to Delirious. And Delirious sent Cartoonz over here. What in the heck…
              “You okay there, Ohm?” Cartoonz asked. Ohm didn’t realize he was staring at him. He picked up his fork and cleared his throat.
              “Yeah, I’m fine Toonzy. Just thinking through this headache, no worries.” Despite the reassurance, Cartoonz arches his eyebrow.
              “Are you sure…? I mean, there’s just something that’s been bugging me and I really should ask.” Cartoonz sighs, setting his phone down on the table. “Ryan, you don’t usually drink, especially get wasted, is there something wrong? And don’t tell me that ‘it was a wedding’ shit. ‘Cause we’ve been to plenty of parties before and you never had more than a bottle or two. You even told me it just wasn’t your scene. You can tell me if there’s something wrong.”
              Ohm couldn’t help his stomach fluttering a bit at Cartoonz’s concern. Any delicate attention Luke gave him made it flutter and this time, despite being hungover, made no difference. Of course, Luke was the one to spot the slight intention of his actions. That his night of binge drinking wasn’t just from the atmosphere of celebration. Luke knew him well, Luke could read him. Another reason why he was so in love with the damn guy.
              Ohm groaned, wondering how he was gonna tell the truth but not at the same time. He wasn’t gonna lie but he was also not gonna confess. Sober him was still unsure about Delirious�� observation last night. He wanted to trust him but he needed time to think about it, digest it, and besides, he didn’t feel well enough to try anyways.
              “No? Yes? I-I don’t know Cartoonz. I guess, I just got carried away and lost it.” Ohm sighs, pushing his hair back and leaning back on his chair. “The first drink was out of courtesy. The second drink was with peers. The third drink was because of the YouTube algorithm and the rest after that was…” Ohm closed his eyes, thinking about the pain in his chest at the wedding, a pain that was too familiar in his life. “…was my stupidness, honestly. I was being stupid. I love my sister, Toonz, don’t get me wrong. I’m happy for her and her husband. I cried at the ceremony. But…but she’s my younger sister, Toonz. By a good chunk too and, I don’t know. I couldn’t help but feel so jealous and, and lonely and—” wanting you. Ohm shook his head, feeling a wave of nausea when doing so, pushing it down along with his heartbroken feelings. It was hard being so in love when he knew he wasn’t suppose to be. He wanted what his sister had at that moment, to love who his heart desired freely. But he was too much of a coward and so drank way more than he should’ve to forget the fact.
              “I have a good feeling that Luke loves you back.” Delirious’ voice echoes in his mind. But that’s impossible.
              Suddenly, Ohm’s hands are being grabbed and placed on Luke’s lap. His eyes are sad looking at Ohm’s but they weren’t filled with pity like Ohm expected. They were filled with something soft that he couldn’t pin point.
              “I’m so sorry, Ohm. I wish you didn’t feel that way. But I get it. I fucking get that feeling. You have no idea. And it sucks. I even thought I was just going to live with the feeling, get use to it. Just for the sake of it.” Cartoonz’s thumb started rubbing the side of his hand, obviously nervous about the next thing he was about to say. He brought their hands closer so they laid on the base of Cartoonz’s chest. Ohm was a little surprised by the gesture. He could feel the man’s rapid pulse beating under his palms. “But that changed, I think. I hope it changed. I feel like I have a chance now when a little drunk bunny called last night…” Cartoonz smirked at Ohm’s confused look while he ransacked his memories. He didn’t call him and just didn’t remember, did he?
              “What do you mean by…”
              “…while I was in a certain idiot’s livingroom…”
              “No. He didn’t. He—”
              “…and was put on speaker phone…”
              “I’m gonna fucking kill him.” Ohm proposed, feeling the vibration of Cartoonz’s chuckle. His face was hot from embarrassment and shame. But soon was hot from something else.
              “I love you too, Ryan. So fucking much it’s ridiculous. I thought I was saving our friendship by not telling you. I didn’t think we could be more than that and, god, I’m really hoping that what you said last night wasn’t just some drunken dare. Because I don’t think I can handle it if it was just some joke.”
              Ohm shakes his head and pulls his hands back along with Luke’s. He presses Luke’s knuckles against his lips, letting it linger before speaking.
              “I meant every word of it. There’s no joke. I’ll even say it again sober: I’m in love with you Luke for who knows how long and…I want the chance to show you that.”
              Ohm couldn’t believe this was happening. It was surreal how fast it happened, how random it was. He couldn’t breathe but at the same time his lungs never felt so free. He wrapped himself around Luke’s neck, leaning in closer to kiss the lips he’s only dreamt about, but when said man pushes him away with a grin on his face, Ohm couldn’t help but question what was going on.
              “Look, Ohm, I love you and all and god do I want you, but I just watched you throw up buckets of puke a second ago. I am NOT kissing you right now.”
              “But, but I brushed and rinsed Toonzy! Twice!” Ohm pouted, crossing his arms at the rejection.
              “Nope, still disgusting. Not happening.” He patted Ohm’s head.
              “That’s rude, Toonzy. That was like the perfect fanfic moment, I’ll have you know.” Cartoonz just shrugged.
              “What about take me on a date and then we’ll see about the kissing.”
              “Oh. There’ll definitely be kissing.” Ohm said, lowering his voice so it was smooth as velvet. Ohm hummed in success when he caught Cartoonz biting his lip.
              “Okay, Ohm, can you stop being a creep and eat your goddamn eggs.” Ohm reached out, however, not wanting the moment to end just yet.
              “Wait, what time are you free? To take you out, I mean.”
              “Does tomorrow sound fine? I have to do some recording with Del in the morning but I can catch dinner.” Ohm scanned his schedule in his head, happy he was due to record in the afternoon.
              “That’s perfect.”
              “You’re perfect.” Cartoonz said, giving a quick peck on his forehead. Ohm sighed into the kiss, leaning his head on his shoulder to try to engulf himself in Cartooonz’s embrace. He wanted as much of him as he can get. He needed to catch up somehow.
              “You know, I can’t be mad at Delirious if this is the result. I know his intentions were good and he knew we just needed a catalyst but I still want to kinda punch him in the face, ya know? Maybe just the shoulder. But only just a tiny little bit.”
              “Oh, I’m way ahead of you. No one breaks your trust on my watch.” Cartoonz takes out his phone to show him a picture of a sleeping Delirious. In it, Delirious seems to be cuddling an owl-shaped Teddy Bear that Ohm recognizes as the birthday gift Vanoss gave to him a couple years back. Ohm notices that the picture was from a message thread between Cartoonz and Vanoss himself with a caption that said: He sleeps like this every night. Take this as you will.
              Ohm cracks up, shaking his head in disbelief. “That’s amazing but savage. They’re both going to have a heart attack. You’re unbelievable.”
              “But you love me.” Cartoonz says, lacing their fingers together.
              “Yes, I do. And you love me?”
              “Yes, I absolutely do.”
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slackingsatan · 5 years
Hi!! So I can see Nico spoiling the FUCK out of Levi. So an AU were Nico isn’t under Link, he’s a super super super successful&rich, and he just loves to spoil his little bean.
So here some notes.
RichBoi!Nico AU
- In this timeline, Nico took another career path and became successor of some family business.
- His company is one of the benefactors of Grey-Sloan and other hospitals, especially hospitals that encourage medical advances and breakthroughs. Having a different career path doesn’t mean that his passion for medicine died.
- He visits Grey-Sloan and there he met Dr. Levi Schmitt, a surgical intern. Levi thought he was some patient’s relative and he escorted Nico to the waiting area.
- Levi is a clueless tiny bean about who he is. Taryn and Dahlia kinda recognized him. Casey knows about him because Nico’s company is a medical tech company. Casey would be the reason Levi would know about how big Nico’s empire and name is.
- Yeah teenie tiny Levi so clueless about the fact that every equipment of Grey-Sloan has Kim written all over it, and he doesn’t know AT ALL
How they first meet
“U-Uh sir there’s a waiting area for relatives and family members.” A young looking nerdy doctor said.
Wait, is he talking to me? Nico thought with confusion.
“I’m not really a-”
“I’ll escort you there.” The young looking doctor interrupted Nico’s explanation.
He doesn’t know me? It’s the first time that happened to Nico, that a doctor doesn’t know who he is. Every hospital he’s ever visited would recognize him. He’s like the Elon Musk of medical technology. He thought that no doctor in this world would not know of his name. He build an empire of medical tech and paved way to future medicine after all.
Nico followed the young clueless doctor, but with a bit of a distance between them in order to examine this rare specimen.
Light blue scrubs at Grey-Sloan? Must be an intern. He thought, still confused since even interns still know who Nico Kim is.
The young doctor opened a door towards the waiting area. He then gestured a ‘come-here’ hand gesture.
That’s cute. Nico thought and smirks while approaching the young looking doctor towards the waiting area. Come to think of it, he looks cute too.
“O-Okay. A doctor will come here and update you.” The young looking doctor broke the silence.
He still thinks I’m a patient relative. Nico giggled a little bit.
“I’ll be going now.”
The young doctor was about to go.
“What’s your name?” Nico asked, not going to miss a chance to know this cute little child doctor.
“Dr. Levi Schmitt.” Levi replied. “But everybody calls me glas- y’know what.. it’s just Dr. Schmitt.”
There’s a huge amount of trauma at the pit so Dr. Schmitt had to leave. If only there’s a bit of time to ask his number, Nico would have done that. He thought about it and Levi’s his type of guy he would date. Cute, nerdy, and sweet.
Next time I’ll ask him out.
“Thank god you’re here, Mr. Kim.” A doctor said and relieved that she found Nico at last. “My name Dr. Miranda Bailey, Chief of Surgery, and I’ll be touring you.” Dr. Bailey said enthusiastically.
“Hi, and please, lead the way.” Nico said politely.
How they met, 2nd time
Levi drank with his friends at Joe’s after a long ortho session with Dr. Link.
“I’ve never done ortho before!” Levi exclaimed and sighed. He’s venting his stress out.
“Are we playing never have I ever?” Taryn said sarcastically. “Okay, never have I ever dropped my glasses at an open abdomen.”
Dahlia laughed so hard that she almost slipped her drink.
“ha Ha haarr.” Levi laughed sarcastically. Annoyed, he thought two can play that game. “Well how’s the secret crush at Dr. Grey.”
“Ooooh. Who wouldn’t though? But in a non-romantic way of course.” Dahlia said.
“Wow!” Taryn shocked at the foul move, and recovered quickly. “For the record, hear her talk about Christina Yang and tell me if you think she’s straight.”
They laughed and tell stories about how their day went. Casey was still on shift, so he’ll join next time.
Levi’s going to order another drink when a tall handsome man brushed a cold beer bottle towards his hands. It’s the patient relative that he escorted before.
“Rough day?” Tall handsome man said. “You need a drink.”
“T-thanks.” Levi replied and confused with the kind gesture. “B-but here I can pay-” He’s about to reach for his wallet when Mr. Handsome stopped him.
“No need. You owe me a drink next time.”
“Okay.” Levi replied and still confused. Wow he’s hunky, and ripped, and chiseled, like a model. Like a roman stature. Geez, what am I thinking?
Mesmerized, Levi asked for the tall handsome man patient relative’s name.
“It’s Nico.” Nico responded. “By the way, I’m not a relative of a patient.. just so we’re clear, I was checking medical equipment.”
“What? But you’re wearing a suit.. aand uh” Levi’s more confused and now embarrassed since he escorted him away and thought he was some patient’s relative. “I’m sorry.”
Nico was wearing a suit on that day. He doesn’t look like IT or tech support. Levi thought. Now, he’s wearing a smart casual outfit. Stylish techy tall handsome tall venti guy. Interesting.
Nico’s phone rang.
“It’s okay. Have to go. Remember you owe me a drink.”
Nico left to answer a call. Taryn and Dahlia went to Levi.
“So that’s a date?” Taryn smiled and giggled.
“N-no it-s nott a date” Levi got all flustered and in denial.
“Trust me it’s a date. He asked you out for drinks.”
“He looks familiar.” Dahlia added.
“He sure does, we only saw a glimpse of him so i dunno.” Taryn shrugged.
“He works as IT or something.” Levi explained. “He was checking medical equipments and I thought he was a patient’s relative so I escorted him towards the waiting room. And now I owe him a drink. Nothing more.”
Dahlia and Taryn laughed.
“How can you have mistaken him for a relative?” Taryn asked after laughing.
Dahlia laughed harder.
“Pheww haah wa-wait.” Dahlia took a breather. “Anyways, it looks like you’ve hit a jackpot!”
“I told you, it. Is. Not. A. Date.” Levi’s still not convinced, but deep inside he’s excited about it.
“Whatever floats your boat.” Taryn said.
“… Whatever makes you sleep at night.” Dahlia added.
And they drank again, because tomorrow it’s back to work.
Let’s skip to when they’re together and Nico spoils him hard on one of their dates
It’s been a while since they’ve seen each other. Levi was busy with fellowship and Nico’s managing his business. They treasure the times that they could meet, and then hope for those times to happen.
They have a day for themselves, at last. Nico planned an extravagant date. He doesn’t really mind to spend money for Levi.
The night before their date, Nico waited for Levi’s shift to end inside his sportscar. Levi’s shift ended. They talked about what happened to them over the past few days, even though they always talk through phone or chat.
“… and I was about to c-cut thee .. the..”
Tired, he slept midsentence when he was telling a story about his recent patient.
Cute. Nico thought and drove the sleeping bean to his house. He had planned the night as well. There was a scheduled full body massage and jacuzzi in case Levi wanted to splash the stress away as well.
Levi felt relaxed and happy because he’s spending time with Nico. Tonight is relaxation… and another kind of stress relief IYKWIM. Tomorrow is the real date.
Levi wanted to sneak and make breakfast for Nico, but Nico’s hired chef had already made breakfast. Breakfast is served on a long table full of Levi’s favorite foods. He was surprised with the enormous amount of food. But Levi wanted to cook for both of them, not that he was against letting other people cook their food. It was supposed to be their time. And he wanted to show Nico how much he loves him too.
“Ohh… Uh.. Hi.” Levi greeted the people inside the kitchen and the dining area.
“Good morning, sir!” The personal chef greeted the tiny bean and proceeds to introduce the dishes. Nico went down a minute later.
“Good morning, hun.” Nico said and kisses Levi. “Let’s eat.”
“Good morning.” Levi replied, smiled and then asked. “Isn’t this a bit too much?”
“Too much? Don’t you worry and just eat.”
I really wanted to cook breakfast. Levi thought, and then dismissed it since it’s their time and no negative thoughts.
Next, Nico and Levi went to shop clothes. Levi insisted not to since he has a lot of clothes already but Nico wants Levi to have new nice things.
“Try everything on him.” Nico said calmly, but like in an order.
“Yes, sir.” The staff replied. Levi looks amazing on everything, and he almost thought that Nico would buy the whole damn store (he bought half of the store.)
Next, for their lunch, there’s a reservation on one of those fancy restaurants that it cost a fortune for just a glass of water.
“Uhhh are you sure this is okay?” Levi said, because those prices can kill a middle class man.
Nico chuckled. He remembered this scenario when Levi hasn’t realized who he is.
— Flashback—
Nico invited Levi to dinner, and Levi is surprised that it’s in a fancy restaurant.
“Uhh Nico we can’t afford this.” Levi said while computing what he has to order.
“It’s my treat, anyways.” Nico said, and he touched Levi’s hand above the table for reassurance.
“Y’know that I’m just a surgical intern right? And idk you work like IT or Tech…. these prices are just… wow… we can just bail…” Levi whispered.
Actually, I’m the President of KMS Corporation (Kim Medical System Corp.)
“Trust me I got this.” Nico reassured.
–end of Flashback—
Levi seems a bit troubled, and Nico have noticed it. They stumbled across some sort of arcade shop. Levi wanted to try it and Nico was persuaded easily. Nico wanted to win him the big teddy bear on top of the shelf, it cost like 30000 tickets. One of the fastest way to gain tickets is a shooting game. Nico went and bought tons of tokens to try the shooting game with Levi. It turns out that Levi is good at these types of games. Levi won like 70% of their shared tickets. Nico saw Levi’s genuine smile and laugh for the first time today.
“You didn’t enjoy today didn’t you?” Nico said.
“W-What? Can’t you see I’m enjoying it? We can actually collect 30000 tickets! Or even more than that!” Levi replied, excited to get some prices.
“I mean like when we ate breakfast and when we shopped you clothes. Also, when we had lunch. If something’s bothering you, tell me.”
“It’s not that I didn’t enjoy it. It’s just that I’m not used to having fancy things, or like a fancy lifestyle… I actually wanted to make you breakfast this morning…. I want to show you how much I love you, too.” Levi explained, and then touched Nico’s fingertips with his own.
“You wanted to make me breakfast?”
“Y-Yeah.. I’m actually good at cooking, FYI!”
“How about dinner?”
“Oh absolutely! B-But maybe you have plans, I don’t want to interfere.”
Adorable! I want to squeeze him like a tiny teddy bear! Nico thought.
“No worries, let’s go with your plan. Let’s go grocery shopping.”
Nico cancelled like this ferris wheel dinner where for each loop at the ferris wheel, there will be new servings. He didn’t let Levi know, he wants him to not worry about such things. They went grocery shopping together, picking up ingredients. Levi’s going to cook German cuisines and then Nico will teach him about Korean cuisines as well. So the bought enough for both German and Korean food.
It might not be the most romantic and fancy dinner they’ve had, but it’s the moment that has value more than its financial worth.
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chubbyooo · 5 years
Blurred Lines: Cursed Past Chapter 39 - Horned Rancors
back for another Gacen chapter and oh boy it’s a longone
Gacen and Ash arrive at the Horned Rancors base and are surprised by the changes
Gacen frowned as he began to fly towards the old Horned Rancors base, there was so much traffic, he could see all sorts of ships coming and going from the station. It was much larger than he remembered but most of all it seemed so commercialised he looked to Ash who seemed unfazed by all this.
He brought the ship into the open hanger landing the ship with a delicate thud, he turned to Ash “I’ll be honest things seem a little different since last time I was here” Ash nodded looking out the viewport at the bustling hanger bay
She raised her eyebrow “different good or different bad?” she gestured to one of the many weapons on her person, she really was a walking armoury.
Gacen thought about the question for a couple seconds “uhhh I dunno yet, it definitely seems safer though” Ash seemed satisfied with that answer as Gacen stumbled towards the landing ramp, he was still pretty hammered but this was when he did his best work. Gacen teetered as he made his way down the landing ramp, he could see a Nautolan shuffling towards him looking flustered
As he arrived Gacen tried to stand up straight “uh ah um hello sir we uh don’t appear to have you or your ship on our flight records for today” Gacen frowned what flight records this was still a criminal organisation right
Gacen wobbled catching himself on the landing ramp “do I need to be last time I was here I didn’t need that” the Nautolan nodded frowning at him
He stuttered “well ah you must have not been here for a while this place is a spaceport and has been for a while” Gacen frowned they better still own this place this place was a hot commodity at least he thought it was.
Gacen glanced to Ash who was silent “well uh who’s in charge here then” Gacen looked around at the busy hanger it certainly seemed more legit and less dingy or whatever
The Nautolan looked at his datapad “uh well that would be Vlugo Deys I can’t think wh-” before the Nautolan could finish he was interupted
Gacen snapped his fingers “that’s his name ohhhh yeah I remember now he was a big guy, uh zabrak super friendly ah he was great” he looked to Ash proud of himself, Ash’s expression didn’t change however and after a few seconds of awkward silence he turned back to the Nautolan “tell him the voidhound wants to see him it should clear things up” the Nautolan didn’t seem to believe him but still messed with the datapad for a second. 
A look of surprise crossed his face and he looked back to Gacen “I uh have been asked to escort you um sir” Gacen grinned people still knew him that felt good. The Nautolan began leading them through the spaceport, it was surprising to see the halls of a once secret hideout covered in franchises, neon signs everywhere and so many people it made Gacen’s head spin
Gacen turned to Ash “I am freaking out right now this is wild” Ash frowned at him confused 
She cocked her head at him “what do you mean?” Gacen could tell Ash was already scoping out every danger around them, must be hard to turn that sort of thing off.
Gacen rubbed his neck awkwardly “I dunno last time I was here it was a super secret hideout for one of our gangs and now it’s so uh docile” Ash nodded rubbing her chin
“well it’s been five years Gacen things and people change” she had a point he was never expecting it to be the same
Gacen screwed up his face “yeah I know but changing this much, it’s like I’m at a mandatory republic gathering” Ash gave him a stern frown, they had been at plenty of those gatherings together and 9/10 times Gacen had embarrassed her or Risha, it was really the republics fault for making it open bar.
They made their way to a lift where the Nautolan gestured for them to get in, once in Ash turned to Gacen “so what if this is a trap” Gacen let out a jovial sigh 
He put an arm on Ash’s shoulder “man you really don’t trust anyone” Ash’s expression stayed stern
“Gacen on my first proper assignment my entire squad betrayed me I have pretty good reason” oof she had a good point there he couldn’t exactly argue with that
Gacen conceded answering her question “well in that situation I have plan A” Ash looked at him expectantly “by which I mean plan Ash cause regardless of the dangerous situation we get in to you are still gonna kick their ass” Ash couldn’t help but smile 
She lightly punched his shoulder “damn right” Gacen flinched back a little rubbing the surprisingly large pain in his arm wow she was strong. 
After a few minutes the lift opened and they were met with a large lavish chamber filled with expensive rugs, in the middle Gacen saw the form of Vlugo the pale stocky zabrak wearing very expensive clothes, looking admittedly older but still energetic as his face broke into a large smile. He clapped his hands roaring with laughter “Gacen fucking Zandar you son of a bantha” as Gacen approached Vlugo pulled him into a hug “where the hell have you been” Gacen laughed happy to see his old friend even if he hadn’t really remembered him, the fact he wasn’t trying to kill him was a big plus.
Gacen laughed to himself “well that’s a long story but the basic jist is that prison sucks and don’t be noble” he let go of Vlugo, Gacen felt weird seeing someone from before Zakuul but it did feel kinda nice.
Vlugo gestured for them to sit down “words to live by I’d say” Gacen laughed as Vlugo turned his attention to Ash “and who is this lovely lady” Gacen gritted his teeth as he saw Ash’s face twitch
Gacen stammered “uhh this is uh Ash and she will uh probably kill you if you call her lovely or lady again” Ash’s eyes narrowed nodding
Vlugo’s stepped back wide eyed “I uhh I uhhh noted” he sat down opposite them hands clasped together “She reminds me of Akavi” Gacen laughed maybe a bit more friendly “now not to insult you but given what I know about you you’re not just here to see your old pal” man was he that obvious he had to work on keeping up with people first Amy now Vlugo.
Gacen cleared his throat “yeah sorry I am here for a reason but first what in the force changed around here? it’s all commercial” Vlugo laughed looking at the expensive items around him
Vlugo rubbed his chin “well a couple years ago we noticed a lot of ships coming through this route result of a new charted hyperlane and many of them needed somewhere to refuel. So we thought we’d oblige considering they had plenty of money” Gacen did think the new hyperlane was perfect to get here quickly. ”and well we made like twice what we made as a gang so we talked to Risha about it and we decided to turn it into a spaceport of course with you guys getting a cut” Gacen grinned Risha was always the opportunist he would’ve totally done the same.
Gacen clapped “that is awesome man trust Rish to take advantage of that sort of thing” Vlugo nodded suddenly his face turning serious
He looked away for a second “how are you and her Gacen is it all ok? She didn’t want to talk about you when I last saw her” Gacen sighed slipping out of his nostalgic moment and remembering his situation he couldn’t imagine what she’d been through he just hoped she hadn’t given up on him.
Gacen’s tone got much more serious “I uh still haven’t seen her” Vlugo nodded solemnly “that’s actually why I’m here, she was last seen here right?” Vlugo pondered the question for a few seconds.
Gacen glanced to Ash for a second, she was still silent he could see her analysing the guy man she really couldn’t turn it off. Vlugo looked back to them “uh yeah I guess so I saw her maybe three maybe four years ago, she said she’d take a ship and dump the old one, that was it she was acting kinda weird kinda jumpy” that explained why he found the ship at a dump and it added up no doubt Dubrillion had definitely gotten more intense with their searching. Gacen still remembered when he read that King Acta-whatever had levelled 6 cities to suppress the rebellion that guy seriously had no chill. 
Gacen refocussed on the matter at hand “did she tell you anything else like where she was going? or who with if anyone?” Vlugo sighed shaking his head. No no no no no there had to be something anything what about those records he looked at Vlugo intensely “you keep ship comings and goings on record right? we could check those” Vlugo frowned 
He looked at Gacen concerned “I uh I guess maybe they could have something I can give you access as long as you have supervision” ok that’s something the lead wasn’t dead phew
Gacen nodded frantically “yeah yeah sure that’s perfect” he caught himself letting out a breath he looked like a lunatic he had to calm down.
Vlugo shrugged off the moment messing with his datapad “ok lift should take you there, it was great to see you Gacen I hope you find what you’re looking for” he put a hand on Gacen’s shoulder, Gacen smiled at him and after a few seconds Gacen and Ash made their way back into the lift.
Gacen caught his breath before turning to Ash “do you still think this is a trap?” Ash gave a thoughtful look
“it’s still yet to be seen” Gacen nodded she may be paranoid but at least paranoia would equal safety. Ash turned back to Gacen “you ok?” ugh he didn’t want to answer that 
Gacen sighed “I dunno I just want this to lead somewhere” he felt a hand on his shoulder as Ash gave a smile good thing she put up with him he’d get nowhere without her help, he still didn’t understand why she put up with him. The elevator was silent for a few seconds before it arrived in a small room overhanging a large hanger, a short rodian turned around to face them
The rodian cleared his throat “I uh was told you want to look through our records on a day about three years ago” Gacen nodded he looked to the screen which already had a day inputed, good old Vlugo remembering the day if he restarted his crime syndicate that guy would be his first hire. 
Gacen peered over the console “Ok uh look for departures on one of your ships by uh human females is that possible?” the rodian nodded putting some data into the console and in a few seconds a long list of hangers came up, wow this place is huge now.
The rodian frowned looking at the different logs “I uh sir there seems to be a problem” Gacen frowned but as he looked closer at the data on the console he saw all the information for each hanger was mysteriously redacted. Gacen let out a long sigh clenching his fists “Of course” trust Risha to redact not only her own information but the information of everyone with her description, he took a few deep breaths how the hell was he supposed to find her if she kept doing this shit. There was a long tense moment of silence then Gacen had a realisation “ok you know what scratch that last thing search for male mon cal all other details the same” Ash frowned at him
“last time I checked your spouse was not a fish” Gacen couldn’t help but chuckle, he really hoped that doofus was still with Risha
He smiled at Ash “yeah but in my crew I had a incredibly loyal mon cal friend” Ash’s face flashed with realisation “and I’m willing to bet he would help Risha honestly just so he had some structure in his life” the rodian began putting in the details 
Ash frowned “this is the guy who’s always praising you right?” Gacen nodded that was definitely one of the reasons they got on “as if you needed your ego stroked any more” Gacen took a sarcastic gasp before looking back to the console
The rodian spoke up “here we go two results one in hanger A22 and one in” he paused frowning “G31 I uh I don’t think we have a G31 it should end at 30″ Gacen frowned that didn’t sound right 
Ash folded her arms “if there’s no G31 who noted it down” that was a good point this could totally be something
The rodian stammered back “It’s uh an automated system it doesn’t make mistakes but it says there’s a male mon cal and the other information is redacted” Gacen sharply gasped and began to choke.
After a brief coughing fit he spoke up again “we have to find this hanger NOW” Ash nodded at him in agreement
The rodian quickly interjected “well I can get it up for you in a second but there’s a little more information” Gacen gestured to the rodian in a spit it out motion “well ah it says that the ship was a MC-18 light freighter and they headed down the hyperlane to the outer rim the one that leads to Dantooine”
Gacen’s eyes widened this really was a lead “ok show us where hanger 30 is and we’ll work from there”
Ash frowned at him “I don’t understand what’s so important about Dantooine?” Gacen smiled at her it made sense she didn’t know he only knew due to Risha
“Dantooine is very close to Dubrillion she’s hiding in plain sight, well probably not that plain but like near Dubrillion” Gacen paused he may be jumping to conclusions here “maybe I mean either that or they jumped somewhere else”
The rodian gestured to the screen “ok this is where the hanger is, the lift is programmed to take you close” Gacen gave the rodian a smile and headed back into the lift
Gacen shuffled agitated, Ash turned to him arms folded “dude calm down it’s just a theory lets get some proof before you lose your mind” Gacen nodded trying to take some deep breaths 
“i uh yeah sorry I know I’m jumping to conclusions but you gotta admit that whole things fishy” Gacen couldn’t help but smile at his accidental fish pun, Ash gave him a piercing glare. He could always count on Risha to be super careful but he could also count on Guss to be the opposite. He quickly realised he was jumping to conclusions again and tried to put it to the back of his mind, the lift arrived and Gacen scurried out making his way to Hanger 30. It was at the end of the corridor with 29 opposite Gacen looked at the end of the corridor studying it, Ash caught up a few seconds later not nearly as out of breath as Gacen was.
Ash looked from him to the wall “you think it’s a fake wall don’t you” Gacen nodded very intently
He rubbed the back of his neck “well maybe like a bit of it” he walked up close to the wall staring at it for a few seconds before trying to slam into it. To his disappointment it didn’t budge and his arm also really hurt, he saw Ash let out a long sigh heading up to the wall and knocking on different parts of it. She moved along the wall and stopped at the left side suddenly kicking at the wall, Gacen watched as the wall flew back out of his vision Ash turned to him with a cocky smile. “yeah I know you’re awesome I’m a klutz let’s move on” Gacen sulked walking through the passage, he could see what looked like a large hanger on the other end of the tunnel. 
Ash stopped him before they reached the other side “it could be trapped let me go first” Gacen nodded that was fair. Ash slowly made her way in Gacen was trying very hard to contain himself this may be it the lead they needed finally a solid direction. Ash moved forward but no traps were triggered she then gestured to him to come forward and he quickly made his way into the hanger, it was empty which made sense but he could see a thick layer of dust this place hadn’t been touched in a while. There were walkways and girders though this seemed like a legit hanger
Ash coughed to herself looking around “so where are we going to get the proof in this empty hanger, I mean a secret hanger is good evidence that something is up but it’s still not proof” Gacen looked to the corner of the room spying a camera 
he pointed up to it with a grin “cameras baby they have an internal memory we’re gonna get that boi sliced” Ash nodded pleased with the plan. Gacen rubbed his chin “now we just need to work out how to get to it”
Without a word Ash sprinted off towards the wall, Gacen watched as she jumped using her momentum to scale the wall and grab a beam about a third of the way up the wall. God she was acrobatic he thought as she pulled herself up grabbing onto the bottom of a walkway then flipping onto the top of it, he couldn’t even climb out of bed sometimes how did she do that. Gacen watched wide eyed as the walkway began to shake and fall as Ash ran up it jumping and grabbing onto a small pylon on the roof, she swung back and forth before releasing herself springing over to the edge of the room where she seemingly caught her foot in some grove that kept her from falling. Gacen watched as she ripped the camera out the wall she then let her foot free and began free falling, she fell for a few seconds before grabbing onto the now fallen walkway to slow her down and then dropped to the floor like it was nothing. Ash walked back over to Gacen with the camera in hand frowning while massaging her wrist.
She threw the camera in Gacen’s direction “I think I injured my wrist a little” Gacen caught the camera still unsure of how any of that happened.
Gacen collected himself remembering the plan “awesome let’s go get this camera sliced”...
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He loves me, he loves me not (2/2)
Part 1 | Part 1 on ao3 | Part 2 on ao3 | Master list
Authors note: Heeyyyy! So uhhh,,,, hi? I am so so so sorry this took me so long to write (it’s been like a month ;-;) i have meant to write it! i just haven’t had the inspiration, but uhh, here it is ahha. I appologise if its not as good as you might hope for, or like if it wasn’t what you were expecting but i can’t really do much about that ahha ^-^” anyways, ill shut up now, i hope you enjoy :)
Summary: Virgil isnt sure of Roman’s love anymore, so he turns to a daisy, to find out the traditional way.
Pairing(s): Prinxiety
Warnings: crying at the start, a previous crying breakdown, some disbelieveing thoughts (let me know to add any more if you want me to)
Words: 3365
everything: @novagalaxy4real @tree4life25 @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms @say-no-to-this-but-its-laurens @magicmapleleaf @moxiety--sanders101 @vrexemi @theresneverenoughfandoms @virgilssweaterpaws
for this fic: @patchworkofstars @lizaelsparrow  @lucifer-in-my-head @patton-loves-coloring @mourning-gorey @hanramz-the-fander @deathbyvenusftw @darude-sanderstorm @theonebornoffire  @sanders-sides-posts @low-key-aesthetic @tellmehowtoexist @monikastec  @dionebacchus @ravenclawicecream @ocotopushugs @alurea-actually @author-trash @aishabbg @iguanathegirl @alexander-from-britan​ @candiukas​ @everyfandomeverlove​ @its-me-dealwithit​
Strolling into the living room, the prince looked around.
“Hello!” He announced grandly when he saw Patton and Logan both there.
“Salutations.” Logan greeted, not looking up from his book.
“Hello Roman!” Patton added cheerily.
Roman walked a little further into the room, still looking around.
“Have either of you seen Virgil anywhere by any chance?” He asked the two other sides.
Patton shook his head.
“I can’t say I have…” He thought for a second. “Now that I think about it, I haven’t really seen him all afternoon actually…. Have you seen him Logan?”
The addressed side shook his head. “No, I haven’t.” He turned back to Roman. “Have you checked to see if he is in his room yet?”
“Aha! Thank you my logical friend!”
And with that, Roman marched off towards the darker side’s room. He could tell which room belonged to the emo due to it not being his first time there and also because the door was the darkest in colour out of them all, being a strong black colour.
He strode up to the door.
“Virgil?” He knocked thrice on the door. “You in there?”
He was met with silence.
Again he knocked.
“Virgil?” He called. “Virgil my love, are you there?”
Again, silence.
“I’m going to come in okay?” Roman asked and then waited a second or two before he turned the handle and opened the door.
At seeing the side in his room – while at his bed – Roman relaxed a little.
“There you are, I haven’t seen you all day, neither had Logan or Patton.” He began to speak. “We were kinda worried... I’m so sorry I’ve been so busy as of late, and I know we haven’t had much time lately to do anything together, so I was just wondering if-” He stopped. “Hey are you okay?”
He only then noticed how Virgil was sleeping in an awkward looking position at the side of his bed, how there were petals around Virgil’s feet, how Virgil’s face, while asleep, looked to be tear stained.
Roman rushed to the other’s side.
“Hey, Virgil? Hey, are you okay?” He put a gentle hand on the other’s back, which seemed as to bring him out of his sleep.
Someone was speaking to Virgil, but he wasn’t sure who as of yet. Maybe if he ignored them they’d leave him alone. He wasn’t in the mood to be dealing with people at that moment.
They were speaking to him now, a hand was on his back. It sounded an awful lot like Roman. Maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him again, making it seem like Roman cared when Virgil knew the actual truth.
Slowly, he started to open his eyes, he was facing away from whom ever was in his room with him, and so he was not able to see who it was.
“Hey, you there?” The person asked him. It was almost scary how much the person sounded like Roman, unless…
He slowly turned and came face to face with, none other than Roman himself.
“There you are.”
He looked, worried. Why was he worried? What was there to worry about?  Why was Roman even there in the first place? Virgil already knew the truth, so why was he here?
“Wh- Why-” Virgil stuttered, confused.
“Are you okay my love?” Roman asked, gently, slightly confused as to why Virgil was confused and also wanting to find out what was ailing his love so he could make it better.
“W- What are you doing here?”
The question confused Roman. Why wouldn’t he be here?
“I was worried about you and came to see how you were. You haven’t been out of here practically all day…” Roman said clearly and carefully stroked circles into the other’s back. To his surprise, Virgil seemed to shrink away from it almost.
“I’m- I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me.” Why was Roman still here?
“Why ever would I not worry about you, my thundercloud?”
Virgil’s thoughts clouded his mind again, wincing ever so slightly at the nickname. “Just go away.” He pushed at Roman. At his confused look, Virgil pushed again. “Go on. Just go. You probably have better things to be doing anyways…”
While Roman would admit he had been away quite a lot that past week or so, he didn’t think it deserved this kind of reaction. Why was Virgil being so hostile all of a sudden? Did Roman do something wrong?
“Listen I get it already. I understand. Just go…” Virgil turned away from Roman. “I already know the answer…” he muttered the last part to himself, solemnly looking down at the stalk and flower petals that lay around his feet.
“Understand what? What do you know the answer to? I can’t understand you if you talk in riddles.” Roman was very confused at this point. “Please, just talk to me, tell me what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling..?”
The darker side paused for a moment and then turned back to Roman, tearful eyes staring into Roman’s.
“Why don’t you- you tell me what you’re feeling…” He paused and looked away again. “Or… what you’re not feeling that is…”
This took Roman aback a bit.
“What do you mean? Speak clearly, I can’t understand all these riddles.” Roman huffed, getting slightly annoyed but not wanting it to show.
Virgil picked up the flower stem, increasing Roman’s confusion.
“It’s okay… you don’t need to hide it anymore… I already know.” A few tears slipped down the side of his face as he held the flower stem weakly between his fingers.
“Virgil...” He paused, looking confusedly at the flower stem Virgil was twiddling. “I have no clue what you’re talking about. Please explain, I deeply confused about what you’re talking about. Actually, I’m also quite confused about why there are flower petals around you, care to explain that too?”
Virgil looked up into Roman’s eyes, searching for something. He sighed, seemingly not finding what he was looking for in Roman’s expression.
“I know… i-I know that you don’t-” he took a breath, almost to steady himself and prepare for what he was going to say.
“I know you don’t love me anymore.”
Roman still in shock and confusion. How could he-? Why would he-? Huh?
“You don’t- you don’t have to pretend anymore…” Virgil could feel the tears start to well up again. He would not let himself cry in front of Roman, he would not let his guard down.
Looking at Roman, who was silent and was staring at him, Virgil just took that as more proof for it to be true.
There was silence for a few more moments, Virgil trying his best not to cry.
“So... now you know I know... please leave... I don't- yeah... just please...” Virgil quietly said.
This snapped Roman out of his trance.
“What are you- no of course that’s not- I still-" he tried to quickly correct Virgil.
“Please just leave!” Virgil said more forcefully than he had meant to. Tears now finding their way down the sides of his face.
“Virgil i-” Roman stuttered, trying to get the words out. He took a deep breath and calmed slightly. “Of course I love you Virgil. No matter what I still love you. What on earth would make you think I didn’t? I know I haven’t been around much lately but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you, you idiot.”
Virgil had, however tuned out the rest of what Roman was saying once he’s said the opposite of what he thought.
“You- you l- what-?” he stumbled over his words as he tried to understand what Roman had said.
“But I thought- the flower- you what?”
Roman only rubbed Virgil’s back as he tried to get him to calm down.
After a short while of him not being able to form proper sentences, he seemed to calm down enough to be able to speak properly again.
“The flower told you me you didn’t though…” he spoke slowly, and sounded thoroughly heartbroken.
“Sweetheart, what makes you say that?” the prince questioned softly as to try to not set off another mini breakdown.
Virgil wiped at his eyes with his sleeves which had fallen over his hands and sniffed again. Despite the situation Roman still found it adorable.
“This is going to sound stupid when I say it…” he ducked his head away from facing Roman.
“No it won’t. Trust me. Please tell me…”
Roman sounded so earnest as he asked, and sounded like he genuinely cared…
He sighed.
“You know- you know the thing kids do when they’re young with the flowers…?” Roman began to have an idea about what Virgil might say. The darker side took a breath. “Well… I did it to-” he paused to wipe some more tears away. “To see if you still cared…”
Oh. Roman began to put some of the pieces together.
“Why would you think I wouldn’t still care for you Virgil?” he asked trying to keep his voice from quivering. Was he that bad of a boyfriend? No, now wasn’t the time for self-deprecation, Virgil needed his attention as of the moment, and his attention would be given thus.
“Well I mean… you haven’t really been around much lately… I have barely even seen you in the past week… every time I want to do something you always say you’re busy or some shit like that… it just made me wonder, you know?” he let out a watery laugh as he held back tears again for the umpteenth time that day.
“Oh Virgil…” Roman sighed and help a gentle hand to the others tear stained face and carefully guided it to look back at him once again. “Listen to me when I say this….”
Virgil tried to face away but Roman’s hands held his face firmly, but gently at the same time.
“I love you.” He said firmly. “And nothing will ever change that, trust me on this.”
Virgil stared into Roman’s eyes, looking- no, searching for even the slightest hint of a lie, but finding none. Maybe Roman was in fact telling the truth. Maybe it was Virgil who was wrong. God, why did he have to believe a stupid flower. It would have been so much easier to address the issue in person, face to face. Rather than hiding out in his room, merely hoping for a day when Roman would only just say yes to one of his ideas. Waiting for Roman to tell him the words he told himself in moments of self-doubt, that he didn’t love him. Wishing he could do more to build on the relationship, but having nothing to build from and nowhere to begin.
Roman could almost sense Virgil’s inner monologue, and knew he had to do something to stop him thinking that way, before things got too bad again. Well, they were already bad, he just didn’t want them to get worse per se.
“Virgil,” he continued. “Do you believe me now…?”
Virgil shut his eyes and leaned ever so slightly into Roman’s touch, hand still against his face. He moved his own hand up and put it atop Roman’s, holding the back of his hand while tears slipped down his face yet again. But Roman wasn’t mad, he just gently brushed the tears away with his thumb, being ever careful.
Why was Virgil such an idiot, to believe something as small as a flower. Of course Roman wouldn’t give his feelings up that quickly… he always told Virgil how much he loved him, it was just Virgil who took things in a different direction.
After a few moments of silence, Roman pulled Virgil in for a strong hug. Arms wrapping around him in a protective matter, tucking Virgil’s head underneath his chin and gently pressing kisses to his hair as the other held onto Roman’s sash tightly.
The hug lasted for a good few minutes. Roman whispering reassurances of his love for Virgil, and Virgil’s tears slowly coming to a stop as he managed to hug the prince back.
“Hey Ro…?” came the voice which was now hidden in Roman’s shoulder, sounding broken and raw due to the previous emotions.
“Yes my love?” he responded, stoking the back of Virgil’s head.
“…I love you...” he paused and then continued. “…I’m sorry for being such an idiot and believing such- such a stupid thing…”
“Oh Virge, there is nothing to worry about my dark knight. It wasn’t your fault…” Roman whispered back, holding Virgil a little tighter.
They sat in silence for a few more minutes, calming down from the emotional moment they’d just been through.
“If- if it’s okay for me to ask…” Virgil said, not looking up at Roman, but Roman looked down at him. “…what have you been busy with recently…?”
Roman tensed slightly. Was it ready yet? Should he show Virgil now? I mean, he needed to say where he’s been, but he didn’t want to ruin the surprise for Virgil…
Virgil had felt Roman tense and his mind jumped from bad conclusion to bad conclusion, each worse than the other. What could he have been doing? Nothing bad, right? Roman wouldn’t do that… right?
Roman sighed, he decided that he might as well show Virgil, it was pretty much finished anyways at this point.
“Well…” he started, but Virgil sighed.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to say… I was just wondering that’s all…”
“No no no! That’s not it! It’s not that I don’t want to say, it’s just…” Virgil looked up at Roman slowly, questioningly. “I can’t really explain it, I’d have to show you.” The darker of them looked slightly more confused at this. “So… if you wouldn’t mind… would you let me show you…?”
Virgil nodded and Roman slowly got to his feet, letting Virgil stand up next to him before offering his hand in the right princely manner. With a small smile, Virgil took the hand and let Roman guide him out of his darkened room, through the corridor and into the light of Roman’s room.
They went through to a door in one of the walls in his room.
“What’s that Princey…?” Virgil asked, sceptical of the door.
“Just trust me on this… please?” Roman asked and Virgil nodded, hesitantly.
Roman opened the door and stepped through, lightly dragging Virgil behind him as he made his way into the place through the door. It just looked like a forest to Virgil which was kinda disappointing, but then again, he didn’t really know what he was expecting.
“Where are we going Ro?” Virgil asked as he was dragged into the forest, trusting Roman to lead him somewhere where it wasn’t going to be dangerous.
“Just follow me, we’re nearly there.” Was the reply he got.
That didn’t really answer my question but oh well, Virgil thought to himself.
After about 5 or so minutes of walking through the forest, they came to a halt in a clearing. There wasn’t really much in the area, on one side it had trees, the side he and Roman were standing on, and then on the other side it was just fields of grass, stretched out to what looked like forever and went as far as the eye could see, if not longer. It seemed rather plain in the day sunlight…? Since when had it become day? Virgil could have sworn it was the evening…
“What are we doing here?” Virgil voiced his thoughts after a moment and looked to Roman for answers. “Not that this isn’t nice… it’s just… why are we here?”
Roman smirked and then brought his right hand up and snapped his fingers.
All of a sudden the fields started to transform, flowers popping up all over the place, painting the previously green hills with dots of colour, until it seemed like there was no green left, and all that could be seen was a mosaic of whites, pinks, reds, blues and other colours of flowers.
It was honestly a breath-taking sight, and Virgil had no words to explain it, too shocked to be able to form words.
Roman broke the silence when he spoke up.
“This is… what I’ve been working on recently…” He admitted and turned to Virgil, who was staring out at the open expanse covered by flowers. “…it’s for you…”
This caught Virgil’s attention, head turning around to look at Roman, a surprised expression on his face.
“F-for m-me?” he asked. “But… why…?”
“Well…you haven’t really been the happiest recently, and I wanted to do something to show you how much I appreciate and love you. Unfortunately, it took up a lot of my time and that’s kinda why I was busy… I guess I didn’t really think about what you might think about me being constantly busy, and well… didn’t expect what happened to happen…” he laughed nervously.
“I hope you like it…” he said almost shyly.
“Like it... like it…? Roman I love it…” Virgil said after a breath and then pushed forward into Roman and almost tackle hugged him with the force of impact.
Slightly surprised, it took a moment for him to wrap his arms around Virgil in return.
“Thank you… so much… I love it so much….”
Roman laughed gently. “That only half of it dear.”
“Huh?” Virgil looked up at Roman.
“I can show you this another time, there’s something else I want to show you.” he smiled. “Come lie down over here.”
He led Virgil into the meadow of flowers and away from the trees and they found a spot and lay down in the flowers facing towards the blue, almost cloudless sky. Their fingers intertwined with each other as they laid down holding hands, Virgil relishing in the relaxing atmosphere the sent and feel the flowers gave off.
“Okay.” Roman said as he once again raised his hand towards the sky and snapped his fingers.
This time it was the sky that changed, clouds being whisked away and the light blue fading into the deep blacks and blues that the night brought. Hundreds and thousands of Pinpricks of light appeared against the dark background, making up galaxies and the brightest ones being those of the constellations which were scattered across the sky, in what looked like the right positions in the sky too.
“Woah…” once again, Virgil was lost for words.
How on earth had Roman managed to make all of this? It was mad, but also amazing.
“How did you… no… thank you”
“Hmm?” Roman raised an eyebrow.
“…Thank you… for everything…” Virgil clarified. “Thank you for all of this… for being there for me… for being you…. for loving me…”
“Oh Virgil, my love, that is something you never have to thank me for.” He smiled and then shuffled a little closer to Virgil, who tucked his head into the space between Roman’s head and neck while he laid and stared up at the sky.
Slowly, Virgil moved, and kissed Roman slowly on the lips, surprising the other, who after a second responded. Virgil moved away, and curled into Roman’s side, the other’s arm coming to warm around his side and hold him close as they continued to stargaze.
They both stayed like that for a good while, time not seeming to exist in the moment between them as they laid in the company of one another.
After what seemed like forever, but also no time at all, Roman spoke up.
“Hey Virge?”
“Yea Ro?” the mentioned side turned to face the other ever so slightly.
Roman turned and stared into Virgil’s eyes, who stared back, both of their looks filled with an unspoken promise.
“I love you, my starry night”
“I love you too, my entire universe.”
They huddled a little closer to each other, if that were possible and wordlessly stared up at the sky.
He would be forever thankful and immensely grateful for Roman, and the feelings they shared, and there were only three words that Virgil could think of after all that. Three words which meant the whole world to him.
‘He loves me.’
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
I came up with a random and slightly terrible idea for a prompt. Amy starts dating Shadow to make sonic jealous, and at first Shadow goes along with the idea out of pure spite, but something triggers a "Maria Moment" and he ends up becoming overly protective/attached of her. What do you think? Terrible right? XD
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(x) Please don’t judge, I made this one >x
Oh, so terrible~ just enough so… that it might actually work! :D (that’s a compliment, lol)
With Amy watching Comedy Chimp interview Sonic for a ‘Comedy Ship’ special, Sonic is asked if Amy’s ever dated anyone, “After all, she’s a good looking girl, am I right? Charity-worker, perfect house-keeper, even got a top 80 for ‘can you wield a hammer and still look cute and totally not intimidating?’! What are your comments, Sonic?”
“Well, Chimp. Honestly? There’s not a lot of guys out there looking for someone like Amy. But hey! I guess it’s a little intimidating… that’s why she didn’t make the tippy-top of that chart, you know what I’m saying?” Sonic winks and relaxes with his hands behind his head, making the crowd laugh.
Amy squirms in her seat with anger, “I lost to an Otter and an Koala bear! That’s tough competition!” she threw the remote and started smashing around her house.
When she wore off, she saw something pass her window and quickly looked out it, getting an idea when she saw Shadow talking about something on his communicator.
“Remember, all you have to do is plant one last bomb in any location Sonic may pass through!” Eggman hollered, as Shadow seemed pretty serious about that command.
“Like I said, Doctor. I work on my own terms. Don’t worry about where I place it, only that you have it go off when the time comes.” he turned off the communicator and kept walking when Amy jumped up and in front of his way, smiling from cheek to cheek.
She giggled oddly, as if being shy, and having her hands behind her back, nervously hunched down a bit.
“…Out of my way,… strange… pink.. woman.” he gestured his arm out, trying to get her to move but looking confused on how to address her.
“Amy. And I was just wondering if you’re alone right now..?” She peeked over his shoulders and then chuckled nervously again as she pushed her fingers in on each other. “haha..ha..”
He rose an eyebrow, ‘Did she discover my true plans with Eggman? Is my cover blown?” he held a hand over his communicator and stepped back, “I don’t have times to deal with Sonic’s pathetic friends…” he was about to race off when he felt something grab at his arm and pull him back.
“W-what?” he looked back and saw her clinging to him. “One walk around the town, then you can do whatever you want!”
“One walk?” He was confused, but the directness and weird surprise of it left him unable to fight back as she pulled him into town.
“Promise it won’t be long! It never is to start up rumors…” she grinned mischievously, before giggling randomly as people walked by, and placing her head on Shadow’s shoulder.
He would flinch away before Eggman called again…
“Uhh… hmph.” he pushed Amy away, secretly taking the call on his wrist communicator.
“Shadow! Why are you-? … are you seriously on a date with Amy?” Eggman looked annoyed.
“What? I’m trying to escape her-emm!!” he was cut off by Amy grabbing his face, turning him to her and pointing to her friends.
“They’re here! Okay, act natural!” She put her arm around his waist and his arm over her shoulder, and giggled once again in her silly, nervous way. “This’ll teach him to tell me I’m not wanted!”
“What?! Unhand me! Let me go, you crazy-!”
“Woah, is that..? Shadow?!” Sonic stepped back.
“He’s captured Amy!” Tails cries out, pointing.
“Against her will!” Sticks got on all fours, growling and biting at the air.
“With no understanding of how to properly pull off that move!” Knuckles punched the air, and then posed with the rest of them, ready to fight.
Amy pretended to laugh at something Shadow said, snorting slightly and confusing him more, before walking on her merry way with him being dragged along as he stumbled in his steps.
“Uhhh…” the gang watched in the same amount of confusion as Shadow had portrayed.
“…Was she… happy?”
“Laughing means happiness.” Sticks replied to Tails’s question, getting up and stroking her chin. “Hmm.. Looks kinda like she’s moved on.”
“Aww.. does this mean we can’t trash Amy’s place anymore?” Knuckles leaned down, arms draping over and dangling in front of him, looking like a sad puppy.
“M-moved on!?” Sonic was startled, to say the least, and shook his head and hands, “No, no, no- NO. She’s clearly been… been… brain-washed! Yeah, that’s it!”
He watched as she sat down at Meh Burger with Shadow, trying to feed him as he struggled to get away from her.
“…She… she’s just messing around is all.” Sonic folded his arms, looking away, almost offended.
The gang looked at each other before he threw his arms up, “Stop looking! It’s weird! She’s clearly only going out with my mortal enemy to make me jealous!”
He pouted and peeked out to the two again, as Tails sighed.
“Well, maybe she’ll convert him to our side?”
“Love is a powerful thing. Who knows? They may make some lovely hedgehog babies together.” Sticks shrugged, walking off with Tails.
“You guys! We can’t just let this happen!” Sonic frantically turned to them, gesturing to the two, “She’s clearly being used! He’s using her! Going to break her heart to try and get to me- I-I-I mean us! The team! He’ll be our Yoko!” he gripped his head, clearly desperate for them to help stop this mess.
Knuckles yawned, “But that would mean ruining their date, right? That’s a low thing to do, Sonic. Amy’s our friends. If she wants to go off and hang with other dudes at Meh Burger than we have to respect her decision.” He then twitched and held his chest. “Ouch! Was that what I think it was? Ah! Tails! I need ducktape! Fast!” He then booked it to Tails, who also looked down a moment, turning around.
“Hey, that’s right. If Amy goes off with Shadow.. doesn’t that mean we won’t see her anymore?”
As the gang got wild up, Shadow planted the bomb in Meh Burger, under the table as he noticed them coming to approach the two.
“Mind telling me why you insist on making a fool of yourself?”
She giggled nervously again before sobbing and slamming her head to the table. The impact made him worry about the bomb as he sneakily glanced down to check on it.
It wasn’t activated… he let a quiet sound of relief calmly pass his lips.
He then glared back at Amy. “You’re wasting my patience. What’s going on-!”
She plugged his mouth, leaning back up.
He swiped it off, “And stop doing that!”
“I need you to act like you like me!”
They were holding hands now, not on purpose, as Sonic and the gang flinched from a distance.
“They’re already holding hands!” Sticks blurted out.
“They’re moving too fast! This is getting serious!” Tails gripped his head, panic now setting in as they had recently decided to confront Amy about this. “Even me and Zooey haven’t reached that stage! I-I’d be too embarrassed!”
“He must be stopped!” Sonic hollered out, and the team moved faster. “Wait!” Sonic stopped them, “Stealth… be cool guys… be cool…” They straightened up, being casual and speed walking over to them now.
“You’re insufferable! Why would I fancy you?” “You could if you tried! Honest! I’d be a cute girlfriend!” Shadow was pushing her away from him, but Amy was moving more towards him.
The team sped up again, their heads lowering down and Tails spinning his tails as it looked a little… different from their point of view…
More couply.
“Why are you so insistent!? Tell me the truth!” He threw her hands down and she sighed in annoyance, giving up.
“Fine! I wanted to make Sonic jealous!”
“What?” Shadow looked at Sonic’s face, coming quickly over to them, dodging people and stopping for the old monkey man to pass, growing impatience and growling at having to wait.
“Heh. If that’s your goal..” He pulled her closer and leaned his head back to whisper in her ear. “Quick, giggle. Like before.” He needed to get her to lure the team over there way anyway…
She did so since his breath tickled her ear anyway. She covered her face though, hiding the blush as she realized she actually liked that feeling. ‘That's not supposed to happen.’ she thought to herself.
Sonic moved faster, helping the old monkey across the street before continuing to ‘play it cool’ towards the two, but growing more and more aggressive in his steps and his expression.
Shadow smiled, “Closer…” He moved his finger to the communicator for Eggman to receive his signal, waiting for the perfect moment…
“You know, Shadow… I really am grateful you’re playing along with this.” Amy looked away, her hands on her lap. “I mean… It just means…”
She smiled up at him, and his eyes suddenly widened, distracted.
“That you do have a heart, after all!” she tilted her head and his memory of Maria triggered, his eyes shook while her image was replaced over and over with Amy’s.
He flipped the tap, standing up and shaking his head in his cry, “MARRRRIIIAAA!!!” he then kicked the table away and grabbed Amy, jumping away as the table exploded near Sonic and the gang, who guarded and looked up to where Shadow had jumped to a nearby building and then continued on with trees.
“He really is using her!” Tails looked at the bomb, “He was going to explode us all to pieces!”
“Amy!” In worry, Sonic gritted his teeth and ran after her.
Shadow grew protective of Amy, only because his mind was associating her with Maria, having his PTSD kick in, Amy became Maria in his mind. He would shake his head and declare to Sonic, “I’ll never let anyone take her away from me! Not again!”
“Again?” Amy was confused, but after a little chase, she figured out Shadow was having an episode, and helped comfort and calm him through it.
“T..Thank you… but why are you helping me?” He had snapped out of his mental breakdown, clutching his head.
“Hehe, cause you- for a moment anyway before being a bad guy again- totally helped me out with getting Sonic to notice me. But I would have done it regardless, shadow. You really should talk about this more… It may help with your emotions… talking about your feelings..” she put a hand delicately to his back, as he twitched under her kindness.
“Hmph!” he paused a moment, before swiping her hand away from him. “I don’t need your sympathy.” he spat out and took off before Sonic had a chance to catch him.
“Sonic!” Amy stopped him and swung his arm she caught back to her.
“B-but he’s getting away!”
“H-he took you!”
“And!? Well, and now you're here and not… in… his clutches… oh.” Sonic calmed down, looking back and forth to where Shadow went and where she was now.
“What’s the deal, Ames? You know he’s a bad dude! What… are you … y-you into that sort of t-t-thing?” He folded his arms, getting nervous and looking away, shy again.
She giggling into her hand, making him upset cause he’s heard that giggle too much already today.
She then put her face close up to his cheek, “I was just making you sure you realize how it feels to lose me.” She teased and walked to the gang coming up behind them.
“Amy!” they shouted for joy, thinking Sonic had caught up first and saved her.
“I think I’m done with the dating scene for one day.” she grinned, embracing them as they welcomed her back.
Sonic couldn’t help it, he studied the ground before glaring to Shadow’s direction, and then his eyes softened, and he rubbed the back of his head.
“I guess…” he muttered to himself, before losing the tension in his body and looking tenderly towards Amy, “I never knew how that would feel…” he admitted, but only to himself.
With a smile.
Shadow stopped a moment from walking, taking off the communicator that Eggman was shouting out from- wondering what had happened, and accusing Amy of having changed his heart on him.
Shadow looked over his shoulder, seeing Amy so happy with her friends.
He clutched his chest. “…Maria… Forgive me. I seem to still…”
He watched her closer…
“Have weakness…”
He honed in on Amy’s cheery smile… reminding him so much of Maria’s…
(Augh, I kinda want to make Shadow crush on her but that would mean certain doom for keeping this canon lol. -though I think it’s possible for his character… *cough cough*-)
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myjaebutt · 7 years
where flowers bloom (so does love)
[PART 1/2]
Yoongi x Jimin / Taehyung x Jungkook Word Count: 3388 Genre: Fluff  Summary: It’s been 4 months since Yoongi’s moved to Seoul from Daegu. 3 months since he’s first seen Park Jimin and 2 months since he’s mustered up the courage to get his first tattoo (and see a certain pink haired boy up close). Yet it’s only been 1 month since Min Yoongi, 23 years old, music enthusiast and florist by day has realized that he is indeed whipped for a small smiling boy who runs a tattoo shop with his best friend. That his “small” crush on the 21 year old who smiled like all things sweet in the world and had the voice of an angel was indeed not just a “small” crush.
[AO3] [AFF]
[Prompt:  Person A works in a flower shop. Person B works in the tattoo shop next door and does all of Person A’s tattoos. (Bonus if person B has 0 tattoos and is a cinnamon roll type character.]
“Jiminnie! Yoongi hyung’s here. You won’t believe this. He wants another piece!” Taehyung screams towards the back. Yoongi unconsciously steps back. He’s not used to the loud noise.
Taehyung smiles at him sheepishly. “He gets lost in his art sometimes and doesn't hear.”
“Stop lying Tae. You just enjoy screaming too much.” Jimin shakes his head as he walks to the front of the shop.
“I do not appreciate such accusations against my honor.” Taehyung pouts at Jimin and Yoongi can’t help but smile at the action. Taehyung is cute. Like a hyperactive puppy kind of cute.  
Jimin just rolls his eyes and turns to Yoongi. He smiles at him, all big and wide, eyes disappearing into crescents and all that runs through Yoongi’s head is ‘cute.cute.cute. so. freakin. cute.’
Yoongi’s still trying to get over the smile when he realizes that Jimin said something and he flushes as he asks him to repeat himself. Taehyung snickers from his desk and Yoongi takes back what he said about him being cute. Not cute at all.
Jimin laughs, all light and twinkly and Yoongi’s kinda sorta mesmerized. “I said, back so soon hyung.”
“Uhh yeah.” Yoongi mentally slams his face into the nearest wall. Wow, so smooth, great job Min Yoongi. 10/10 would never do again. And the smooth talker of the year award goes to...not you because you can’t even speak.
“Can’t get enough of me I see.” Jimin says with a smile and Yoongi just about passes out.
He came here for a damn tattoo (and to ogle a certain tattoo artist) not to have a damn heart attack.
Taehyung barks out in laughter and Yoongi watches in amazement as Park Jimin turns alarmingly different shades of red.
“I meant like uhh you like you can’t enough of my uhh art. Yeah. My art.” Jimin stumbles over his words, cheeks impossibly red, and looks away to glare at Taehyung.
(Yoongi definitely doesn’t wonder about how far down Jimin’s blush goes. Or if it possibly spread across his chest. Definitely not. That would be uncalled for. Right?)
Instead, Yoongi tries to say ‘But Jimin, you’re definitely art too’.
What he ends up saying though is, “You have nice art.”
As soon as the words are out of his mouth everything goes quiet. Jimin’s staring at him blankly and from the corner of his eyes he can see Taehyung’s mouth open in silent laughter, whole body shaking from the force of it.
Yoongi wishes that at this very moment someone out there would have mercy on his poor unfortunate soul and just end him already. He’s fine with anything. Black hole, self-combustion, mysterious alien abduction. He’s game for anything that could spare him from this embarrassment. Please.
“Umm. Thanks.” Jimin still staring at him kind of blankly, Taehyung's wheezing in his chair from laughing so hard and Yoongi wishes he never moved here from Daegu (but then Jimin smiles at him shyly and Yoongi realizes he’s a fuckin liar).
* * *
“So what will it be this time hyung?” Yoongi watches as Jimin moves easily around the small room, tongue poking out in concentration.
With a smile, he takes out the small folded paper from his back pocket and gets comfortable on the reclining chair next to Jimin’s stool.
“Just this.” He hands it over to Jimin once he sits next to him, gloves snapping loudly in the quietness of the room.
“Hmmm.” The younger boy carefully unfolds the paper and just stares for a minute.
“A daisy?” He finally looks up at Yoongi and Yoongi feels laughter bubble up in his chest at the confused look on the boy's face.
“Yup.” Yoongi raises his left hand and points to the inside of his wrist. “A small daisy right here.”
For a moment Jimin stares at Yoongi, face oddly blank and Yoongi has the urge to run (he’s never been good with attention or anything to do with other people if he was being honest). But just as it’s becoming too much Jimin breaks out into a wide smile, cheeks bunching up adorably.
Yoongi can’t help the smile that spreads across his face at the younger boys reaction (he’s not whipped he swears).
Jimin carefully takes his hand in his own smaller ones, thumb softly caressing the inside of Yoongi’s wrist in such a delicate manner that Yoongi shivers slightly at the sensation.
“This might hurt a little more than the others.” The boy softly smiles up at him and Yoongi can feel himself nod along to the younger boys words, not really digesting what he was actually saying.
With a small laugh, Jimin begins the tattoo and Yoongi barely feels anything. He’s much too busy staring at Jimin to register what’s going on. Jimin concentrating while working on a piece has got to be one of the most beautiful things Yoongi has ever seen.
Maybe that’s why he keeps coming back. (Okay who is he lying to. He definitely comes back to ogle Jimin. Because everything he does is beautiful to Yoongi.)
It’s been 4 months since Yoongi’s moved to Seoul from Daegu. 3 months since he’s first seen Park Jimin and 2 months since he’s mustered up the courage to get his first tattoo (and see a certain pink haired boy up close).
Yet it’s only been 1 month since Min Yoongi, 23 years old, music enthusiast and florist by day has realized that he is indeed whipped for a small smiling boy who runs a tattoo shop with his best friend. That his “small” crush on the 21-year-old who smiled like all things sweet in the world and had the voice of an angel was indeed not just a “small” crush.
* * *
It’s been a slow morning. Monday’s are usually slow but today’s been an especially slow morning. Not a single customer since he opened the shop at 7am and it was nearing noon now. Yoongi doesn’t mind though. He enjoys mornings like this. When he can just flit around the store and tend to the flowers with ease and tender care. Can give them some extra love. His aunt always said that flowers grow best when they’re loved and Yoongi’s seen the difference himself.
It’s when Yoongi’s started working on his fifth bouquet of roses for the bridal shower later this evening when he hears the bells twinkle from the front of the shop. He continues working on the bouquet and let’s whoever entered find their way to him.
People always tend to stop and stare in amazement when they first come in and honestly Yoongi can’t blame them. The way his aunt set up the shop was something magical all right, straight out of a fairytale. Flowers of all shapes and colors neatly placed among small fairy figurines. But what was most unique of all was the many white bird cages of all shapes and sizes hanging from the ceiling intermingling with the vines growing along the walls and ceiling.
The cages had confused Yoongi at first. “Why bird cages in a flower shop?” He’d questioned her after finally gathering the courage (a month after he’d moved).
“Because I always wanted to be free.” Was all she had said to him with a small smile. It wasn’t much but Yoongi had understood her perfectly.
“You always will be.” He clutched her hand to his chest and promised him that night that he would never let this shop fail. He would never let her fail.
Yoongi’s bought out of his reverie when he hears twinkling laughter come from behind the mountain of roses placed directly in the middle of the shop. The laughter sounds oddly familiar and he feels something strange settle in the pit of his stomach. (It kind of feels like fear.)
Just then two figures emerge from behind the roses and Yoongi pales. He has the urge to duck behind the counter and pretend he’s not there. But he knows that’s cowardly (he still wants to do it though) and instead puts down the scissors in his head and waits for the figures to notice him.
The taller of the two boys notices him first and Yoongi almost laughs at his outrageous facial expression, eyes going cross-eyed and mouth open wide.
“Yoongi hyung! What are you doing here?!” Taehyung just about screams and Yoongi involuntarily takes a step back. He’ll never get used to the loudness that is Kim Taehyung.
At the sound of Taehyung’s outburst, the other boy turns to look at Yoongi and this time Yoongi does laugh.
Jimin looks criminally adorable (he’s weak okay, sue him) with his hand on his mouth in shock and eyes open alarmingly big.
After a couple of awkward moments of silence, Yoongi mumbles out, “Ah hello. Welcome to Serendipity Flowers.”
“You work here hyung??!” Taehyung rushes to the counter and Yoongi can’t help but take another step back.
“Uhh yeah.” Once he sees the overactive boy reach too close to the roses Yoongi quickly steps forward, ready to move them out of harm's way.
“Since when?” He leans even closer and Yoongi shuffles the flowers to the side.
“That long and you didn’t tell us?!” Taehyung screeches out, pout on his lips as if Yoongi had committed some sort of horrible crime. (He’s pretty sure he didn’t but you never know with Taehyung.)
“Uhhh…” Yoongi’s at a loss of what to say. He didn’t know he was supposed to tell them. It’s not like they’re friends. Right?
“I thought we were friends.” Well, that answers that.
“Wait. Where’s auntie?” Jimin suddenly steps forward, genuine worry in his eyes and Yoongi falls a little more in love.
“Uhh. She’s taking a while off.” He hates how vague his answer sounds but he’s not ready to tell them the truth, yet.
“Is she okay though?” The pink haired boy’s biting on his lips and Yoongi knows that Jimin’s worried and he hates that he has to lie to him.
“She’s fine. Just needed a little break.” He tries to smile reassuringly but it feels fake even to him.
But thankfully Jimin doesn’t push and nods in understanding.
“Wait. Are you related to auntie?” Suddenly Yoongi has a face full of Taehyung and he has to forcefully push the younger boy away before he slips across the counter and into Yoongi.
“You’re right Tae. I think it’s the eyes.” Now Jimin moves closer, tongue sticking out in concentration as he stares at Yoongi.
The intense stare has Yoongi breaking out into a cold sweat, shivering slightly at the intensity of it. Once he realizes Jimin isn’t going to look away until he has an answer he clears his throat and looks away first.
“Uhh yeah. I’m her nephew. My mom’s sister.” Yoongi starts organizing the roses again just so he has something to do.
“That’s nice of you to help out hyung.” Jimin smiles at him and Yoongi ducks his head down, pretending to fix a rose just so the other won’t see the blush. His face feels like it's on fire.
“You know…” There’s something in Taehyung’s voice that has Yoongi looking up to stare at the boy warily.
“You know what?” Yoongi has an idea what Taehyung’s gonna say and he just wants this over with already.
“Just didn’t expect you to be florist hyung.” Taehyung’s got this annoying smirk on his face and Yoongi can’t help but sigh.
Yeah, Yoongi knows he doesn’t fit the “role” of a typical florist (what the hell does a typical florist look like even). Not with his piercings and tattoos and the leather jacket that’s practically his second skin. But then again it's not like Yoongi chose to be a florist (even though he makes a damn good one if he says so himself).
He opens his mouth to say something but Jimin’s long (and very exasperated) sigh cuts him off. “Seriously Tae. Seriously.”
Taehyung quirks an eyebrow at Jimin in confusion and Jimin smacks the back of his head. Loud.
“Hey! What was that for?!” He rubs the back of his head and pouts but all Jimin does is roll his eyes at him. Yoongi snickers under his breath.
“We run a tattoo parlor Tae. Neither one of us has tattoos. I don’t think we exactly look like tattooist either you fool.” Jimin crosses his arms and glares down at the other boy who has the decency to look sorry.
“Oh yeah.”
Jimin sighs again and turns to look at Yoongi. “I’m sorry. He’s always this stupid.”
At this Taehyung shrugs and smiles widely and Yoongi shakes his head in amusement. “Don’t worry about it. This wasn’t where I thought I’d be either. But at least the flowers are nice.”
Jimin smiles at that and reaches to pick up a rose and sniffs it gently. “They sure are.”
(Yoongi definitely does not have to stop himself from cooing out loud. Definitely not.)
“Jiminnie our breaks gonna be over soon.” Taehyung says picking up a rose too and Yoongi has to forcefully stop himself from telling him not to. It would be rude. (He still really wants to though especially when he starts twirling the poor flower around at an inhuman pace.)
“Okay.” He delicately places the rose back down in the pile and Yoongi smiles at the action, at the softness of it. (In the corner of his eye he can see Taehyung still twirling the poor rose and he moans at the fate of his flower.)
The pink haired boy looks ready to leave when Taehyung stops him with an arm to his shoulder. “Your flowers loser.”
“Oh.” Suddenly a blush spreads across Jimin’s cheeks and Yoongi almost reaches out to touch his cheeks to see if they’d be as hot as they look. Almost. (Thank god he doesn’t because that would be slightly VERY creepy.)
“Flowers for?” He enquires, grabbing onto the roses in front of him so he doesn’t do something stupid (like squish Park Jimin’s entirely too adorable cheeks).
“Yupppp. Jiminnie here needs some flowers so he can confess to someone VERY special.” Taehyung’s wiggling his eyes suggestively while Jimin’s elbowing him like crazy, trying to stop him. But that obviously doesn't work because Kim Taehyung is a menace.
“A confession?” Taehyung’s nodding his head enthusiastically but Yoongi’s staring at Jimin, waiting for his answer.
When Jimin shyly nods yes, he feels something ugly settle in his stomach. He suddenly feels strangely cold in the humid room and his heart burns with an odd sensation. (He blames it on the coffee.)
“Oh. Okay.” His voice comes out soft and sad even to his own ears and when Jimin looks up at him in surprise Yoongi quickly steps out from behind the counter and avoids eye contact.
“Do you have anything in mind?” He asks, grateful his voice sounds normal again. He starts walking towards the back of the store and the boys follow behind him.
“Umm no. Anything is fine.” Jimin’s voice sounds odd but Yoongi doesn’t turn around to check. He still can’t get the image of Jimin shyly nodding out of his head (or the burning sensation in his own chest).
“Well...any particular colors then?” Yoongi really hates how clipped his voice sounds but the burning in his chest is getting unbearable. (He should really stop drinking coffee.)
“Not really. Whatever looks good to you hyung. I trust you.”
The last three words are spoken in a whisper but have Yoongi’s ears ringing and his heart fluttering. He turns around to see Jimin standing to the side, head down, softly caressing the petals of an amaryllis.  
“Okay. When do you want it?” Yoongi says after a while of watching Jimin. (He’s never been so thankful for Taehyung’s short attention span, the other already on the other side of the room looking at some bird cages.)
“Friday. The evening should be fine.” Jimin looks up at him finally and Yoongi doesn’t have the heart to pretend he wasn’t staring.
“Okay. I’ll bring it over when I come for my appointment.” When Jimin starts blushing under his gaze Yoongi finally turns away and walks to the counter.
“That sounds good. A bouquet like these roses should be fine. How much will it be?” He starts taking out his wallet to pay but Yoongi pushes his hands away.
“It’s fine. This one’s on me.”
When Jimin opens his mouth to protest Yoongi quickly blurts out, “I know you’ve been giving me discounts already Park Jimin. And this sounds like a serious confession. I hope it goes well.” Yoongi forces himself to smile even though he can feel the burning in his chest intensified.
“I hope so too.”
With a goodbye and promises to meet sometime for lunch the two boys leave the shop and Yoongi slumps against the counter.
He definitely doesn’t feel like crying. He definitely doesn’t care that he’ll be making the bouquet for Jimin’s confession to someone else. Definitely not.
Instead, Yoongi resumes making his rose bouquets and promises himself to make the best bouquet he’s ever made for Jimin. Someone as sweet and beautiful as Jimin deserves all the love in the world (even if it doesn’t include him).
* * *
Friday’s are always busy and have Yoongi on the edge but today’s been especially bad. (It definitely does not have anything to do with Jimin’s request.)
First, the delivery for Sunday’s wedding order was late and a sudden request for a last minute bridal shower came and Yoongi being the oversoft marshmallow he was couldn’t say no. So now he was rushing to finish the orders, put away the delivery and take the crazy amount of customers that Friday's somehow always seem to bring.
Just when a customer leaves and Yoongi finally has a second to catch his breath he hears the bell jingle from the moment and he has to catch himself from groaning out loud.
“Looks like you really need my help hyung.” A voice calls out and Yoongi almost cries in relief. Almost. (He definitely tears a little, it's the stress okay.)
“OMG. Jungkook thank god you’re here.”
Jungkook emerges from behind the rose mountain and smiles his signature bunny smile and Yoongi can’t help but smile back.
“You’re lucky you’re my favorite hyung or else I wouldn’t be here at 10am working at a flower shop when I could be finally sleeping.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes at the youngers brattiness but reaches up (he hates that he has to reach up) up to tousle his hair affectionately.
“I know, you brat. Thanks. I’ll treat you to lamb skewers.”
Jungkook’s eyes light up at the mention of lamb skewers and Yoongi laughs at the kids love for lamb skewers.
“Of course you brat. Now get to work. I need all those flowers moved into the greenhouse in the back.” Yoongi points at the mountain of boxes of peonies and carnations with a grimace.
“Got it hyung.” Jungkook easily picks up two boxes with ease and Yoongi hates how much of a muscle pig the younger is. (But not really because it was quite very useful.)
With Jungkook’s help, Yoongi’s able to finally stop freaking out. The delivery is taken care of, and he doesn’t have to rush as much between the orders and customers. Even though Jungkook can’t actually do anything with the flowers at least Yoongi can get him to do all the manual labor and deal with payment.
It’s through this rush that Yoong’s glad that he finished Jimin’s bouquet first thing in the morning. It’s a beautiful mixture of pink camellias, white carnations and pink and white myrtles. They’re soft like Jimin and even if they symbolize more of Yoongi’s feelings than necessary, no one needs to know.
Everything’s going smoothly, yet Yoongi still feels anxious. There’s a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach that he can’t seem to shake off.
It’s almost 2 and they’ve just managed to sneak in a late lunch when Yoongi’s phone rings. The number isn’t one Yoongi recognizes and the feeling in his stomach increases.
“Hello. Is this Min Yoongi?” The professional voice on the line has Yoongi gulping.
“Yes. Who is this?”
“This is Doctor Kim. I’m calling from Seoul Hospital. I’m sorry but you’ll need to come in immediately.”
[A/N - Part 2 will be out soon. What do you guys think?]
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NCT- A Strange Answer || Gang AU- part 6
Group: NCT- all members
Theme: Gang AU
Type: Series- fluff + angst
*Warning- this series will cover some dark themes such as abuse, drugs, and crude language so please read at your own discretion, if these themes make you uncomfortable at all, please do not read this
Plot: Continues from when Taeil and Hansol discover Kun and Winwin eavesdropping on them. After both parties clear the air, we go back to you and Renjun as you two share lunch. But of course, nothing can be normal with Renjun so you greet the last disruptor- Jaehyun. After that then Renjun finally tells you the truth about his parents.
Previous parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
       “What are you two doing here, together?”
Kun looks at Winwin to see if he has an answer but his face is void of emotions except shock. “Uhhh, we could be asking you the same question hyung. What were you two talking about, something about certain secrets slipping out?”
“Listen to me Kun and Winwin, we’re gunna ask for you two to forget everything you just heard. Clearly it wasn’t meant for anyone to hear so please, please just this ever happened,” Hansol begs.
“But what was all that even about? Why do you guys have to worry about Y/N? And how do you know about Y/N?” Winwin asks, turning his head to direct the question to Taeil.
“Uhh, he/she is-”
“Kun? Taeil hyung? Heyyy, what are you guys doing here,” a sweaty Ten huffs as he jogs towards them while removing his headphones.
“Oh god,” Taeil sighs, facepalming himself.
“Oh, am I interrupting something here?” Ten asks as he takes a step back after he notices the two strangers.
“No no, it’s alright. We were just leaving, bye guys,” Hansol says as he grabs Winwin’s hand. He stops for a second to give Kun a look that says ‘don’t forget what I said’ before walking away.
Winwin and Kun just look at each other helplessly, both feeling confused since none of their questions got answered and they were sure they stumbled on something that they shouldn’t forget about, regardless of Hansol’s request.
“So uh, what are you two up to?” Ten tries again.
Taeil lies, “Nothing, we just bumped into some friends. But how was your jog?”
“Oh it was fine, are you two heading home now or you gunna stick around for a while?”
“I’m gunna go home, I have a headache. But I don’t think Kun would mind staying for a while, right?” Taeil asks Kun hurriedly.
Kun shakes his head. “Not at all,” he slings his arm around Ten’s neck and ruffles his slightly damp hair.
“Alrighty then, see you guys later,” Taeil waves.
Kun waves a peace sign and Ten returns the wave, “Byee, hope your headache gets better hyung.”
“Not with you yelling excitedly like that it won’t,” Kun says mockingly, walking away from Taeil, who was already walking away briskly.
“Oh shut up, at least I’m not this soulless kinda person unlike sooomeone I knowww,” Ten drags out.
“I don’t know who you’re referring to because I’m not soulless,” Kun rolls his eyes.
“Ohoo, you are now. Who was that guy?? What really happened because we both know Taeil hyung is a terrible liar.”
“Haha truue. Hmm where to start,” Kun says, stroking his chin. “Well for starters his name is Winwin and yes I know he’s a literal angel so I call dibs.”
“Don’t worry, even if I wanted to date him I couldn’t because I uhhhmmm amalreadydatingsomeone so yea,” Ten says with a smile as he tries to look away from Kun.
“Tennn what the heck dude. Who’s the lucky guy?” Kun wiggles his eyebrows.
“I can’t tell you, I’m sorry. It’s a complicated relationship but I promise when you see him, I’ll tell you. But for now I really can’t say,” Ten explains with his head low.
“Hey it’s alright dude. I understand. Winwin was wearing a black leather jacket, I hope it doesn’t mean what I think it does.”
“UGH, I’m starvinggg!” you groan dramatically as you pick up your order from a sandwich shop you and Renjun stopped at.
Renjun just rolls his eyes, “Ugh, when are you not gunna be hella extra. Like calm yo tits boy/girl, its just food.”
“’It’s just food’??? I am shook asfff. Food is love, food is life. We can’t be friends if you don’t love food more than me,” you say as you find a booth to eat your lunch.
“So you’re telling me to love something more than you?”
“Yea, of course. And speaking of love. You like anyone?” you ask as you take your first bite into your po’boy sandwich.
“No. But I know you have one on Jeno because somebody wanna be staying over at his house and shit,” he says sassily, taking a bite of his own sandwich.
“Um no, excuse me. It’s not like I had much of a say here. I really did just meet him though yet he’s hella nice and takes good care-”
“Renjun?” a honey brown haired guy slurs, swaying a bit.
“Jaehyun hyung? What are you doing here, like this?” Renjun clearly hints at his drunken figure.
“Oh this? It’s just an errday thang. What are you on a little date or somethin?”
“No, can’t I just have a damn meal with my friend in peace?”
“Don’t talk to me like that.” He gives a ferocious look while pointing a finger but it quickly slacks back to his intoxicated look. He moves his finger in your direction and asks, “You’re the punk from yesterday aren’t you?”
“Hey leave him/her outta this. Just leave why don’t you?” Renjun presses his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose with an annoyed look.
“You little-” he Jaehyun hisses as he grabs Renjun by his collar, ready to throw a punch but you push him away from Renjun.
“Hey! Excuse me sir, I’m gunna ask you to leave the shop. Here’s your order now you may leave,” a stocky middle-aged man asserts, handing Jaehyun a plastic bag with a hand on his back leading him towards the door. Jaehyun grumbles something and moves his shoulder away from the man, the action clearly takes a lot out of him since he wobbles towards the floor but catches himself. He huffs once again and just marches out the door, glaring at the owner then at Renjun and finally at you.
“Son, I’m sorry you had to experience that violence in my shop. As an apology, I would like to offer a complimentary meal,” the owner says as he takes off his flat hat and looks down solemnly.
“Sir, its not your fault, you don’t have to do that. Please, he’s just a friend of mine so I’d like to apologize on his behalf,” Renjun says sincerely.
“Alright son, but may I offer a word of advice?” Renjun nods. “You look like a fine, smart lad so for your own good, I suggest leaving those kinda people if you can. I know they may seem fun right now but in the long run, they won’t be doing much good for you or your friendship. So heed my advice son, I would hate to see someone like you end up like one of them. You have so much potential and you really have the rest of your life ahead of you, so live it wisely,” he advices, patting Renjun on the back.
Renjun just looks up at the owner, “Thank you, I’ll do my best to heed your words sir.”
“Haha ok, and the same goes for you too dear,” the owner points at you. You just reply with a nod and a simple smile. “Alrighty then, I’ll let you two get back to your lunch, enjoy,” he says with a smile and one last pat on your’s and Renjun’s shoulder before returning to his spot behind the counter.
You look at Renjun before sipping your lemonade, “I hope you meant what you said to him and that they weren’t just empty words.”
He scoffs. “So much for a simple lunch together,” he mutters to himself.
You pinch his ear, “I heard that. Just hurry up and finish so we can get outta here.”
“So. Your parents, what happened?” you ask softly as you watch children play in the playground. You felt your eyes stinging, you were feeling overwhelmed again. These kiddos were so happy just playing around, enjoying the good life. Even you couldn’t enjoy those simple pleasure as a kid because you were so caught up trying to make sense of your family that falling apart before your eyes.
But you always had Renjun. And his parents. Fuck, you really don’t want to hear what Renjun is gunna say but you want to know what happened to those selfless people who never deprived you of the parental love and guidance you were missing from your own.
Your hand finds its way to Renjun’s and you squeeze it just as you squeeze your eyes shut. Renjun turns and puts his arm around your shoulder and pulls you into a hug.
His voice quivers slightly as he mutters, “I’m really sorry Y/N. I should’ve told you sooner, I know how much you love them. I don’t know if I should feel proud or stupid to say that they were arrested for admitting to a crime they didn’t commit. They ‘confessed’ to kidnapping someone, but they took the blame for someone else. Apparently it was to save a close family friend but they never had the chance to tell me why they really did it. Although, I had a lot of time to think about it. And I think they did it because they were missing something in their life. Things really changed when we moved away from you and I guess they never really wanted to admit that they were missing you and were mad for not bringing you with us. They knew what you were going through at home and felt guilty for not being able to save you. You were what they were missing in their lives. So that’s why I think they just took the blame, because they felt guilty for leaving you behind to suffer.”
You just look at him blankly, the feeling of sinking and falling hits you. A tear falls, and your grip on Renjun’s hand falters. You stand up from the bench that you shared with Renjun and say in a low, wispy voice, “I’m gunna go home. If you see Jeno, tell him I’m not coming. And don’t follow me. Please I need some time alone.”
Renjun stands up as well and just gives you a tight a hug, “It’s alright Y/N, I understand. Just please call me when you’re home.”
You nod feebly as he wipes your tear and holds your face, “You know I love you right? There’s no one like you in my life, you really are my brother/sister. It’s not the blood that matters but our bond. If you want me to come over, gimme a call and I’ll be right over ok? Take care Y/N, I love you so much, I hate to see you like this. Go, I’m rambling too much now.”
You hug him one more time and just mutter, “Thank you Junnie. I promise I’ll call.”
“Good, I’ll see you later bro/sis,” he barely chuckles.
You muster a small smile and sniffle, “Shut up, don’t call me that. It’s too cheesy.”
He chuckles as he holds you again and smooths your hair. “Ok, go now before I drag you off with me,”  he sniffles as he wipes away his tear.
You begin to walk away, starting your path to a contemplative night alone but now it doesn’t seem that way since just after passing the other side of the playgroup you see Jeno and Jaemin’s familiar faces engaged in an animated conversation.
—– (While you and Renjun were talking earlier, this was happening on the other side of the playground …)
“Jaemin, is that you?” Jeno asks, coming from behind Jaemin carefully.
Jaemin turns around in confusion and his face softens when he recognizes Jeno. “Yea that would be me, and you’re Jeno right. From the Colorpop ga-”
“Yea I’m from school haha,” Jeno says quickly, trying to cut him off intentionally but just slumps when he sees Jaemin’s disapproving face and cocked up eyebrow. “Ok yea, I know we’re not supposed to be talking because of the whole.. you know. But I mean come on, we’re in the same group for English so we’re gunna have to talk a lot with each other anyways. You seem like a cool person I want to get to know you better.”
“Hmm ok. I kinda figured you weren’t here to talk about solar power. So what do you wanna know about me then?”
“Uhh stuff like your hobbies or interests or somethin. What ever you’re willing to share I guess.”
“Alright then, I like to run and dance a lot. Music is cool too and I like to watch boxing and wrestling matches and some extreme sports on TV whenever I get a chance.”
“Nice, nice. I like music and wrestling too. Hey, tryouts for wrestling are next week, are you gunna come?”
“Nah, I don’t think I could ever make it into the team.”
“Why not? I think you’d be great, you have a good build for it. Come on, it’s always worth a shot and you never know unless you try right?” Jeno asks encouragingly as he pats Jaemin on the shoulder.
“But look at me, it looks like I’m the one who’s been wrestled,” Jaemin says miserably, looking at his shoes.
“Hey man, you can’t control that but you can make a change. And that change might be trying out for wrestling for yourself. You don’t have to be worried about proving something to someone. Do this for yourself Jaemin, work hard so you can learn to defend yourself man. Sitting back and tolerating this isn’t a way to live, stand up for yourself.”
“Yea that’s a good point but-”
“No ‘buts’ or ‘ifs’, do this for yourself. Prove yourself to yourself, your own self-worth and strength dude. Alright, let’s talk about music now. What genres or artists are you into?”
“I enjoy listening to SLCHLD, Rheehab, and other indie artists similar to ‘em.”
“For real dude? I do too! Did you hear their collabs?”
“DUDE, which one though? There’s so many, I love them all but my favorite would have to be ‘call this love’.”
“Sammme! I love the beat, I believe its a sample from Aso-”
Jaemin nods eagerly, “Yup, its called ‘Sun in My Face’. But the lyrics are really good too. Hmm, you’re not as bad as I thought.”
“What do you mean ‘not as bad’? When have I ever been bad?”
“Oops, you weren’t supposed to hear that,” Jaemin says a bit nervously, rubbing the side of his arm, causing Jeno to chuckle.
“You’re not bad yourself Jae,” Jeno says as he leans over to boop his nose softly.
“Jeno… and Jaemin? What are you doing here?” Renjun wonders as he was trying to make his way back home.
Jeno steps away from Jaemin as he straightens himself up, “Oh nothin, I just saw Jaemin as I was-”
“I thought I told you to stay away from him,” Renjun quickly comes up to whisper in Jeno’s ear, grabbing him by his collar lightly to bring Jeno’s ear closer to his mouth.
“Renjun hyung, it’s alright. Really,” Jaemin says, stepping up to separate them. “We were just having a simple conversation-”
“But you know the consequences if John-”
“Yes, I know! But it’s not like he can make me feel any worse,” Jaemin says sadly, looking at his feet again.
“Hey, I don’t know what’s going on so I’m just gunna head back home-” Jeno starts softly, stepping away while gesturing with his thumbs.
“Wait, before you go Y/N wanted me to let you know that he/she is gunna spend some time at his/her own place so he/she won’t staying over with you guys for well, at least not tonight. He/she just really needs some time to him/herself right now, trust me,” Renjun informs.
“Oh, ok,” Jeno says quietly. “Well, I gunna go head home, it’s getting late. I’ll um see you guys around, bye.”
Jaemin waves while Renjun mutters a barely audible bye. They stand in silence for a while, watching Jeno walk home and seeing the sky turn from a rainbow sunset to rapidly rising dusk.
“Why’d you have to do that, huh? Why in front of Jeno? Why’d you have to say anything about Johnny hyung? This was my chance to meet someone who doesn’t know my story. Now he’s just gunna start to pity me like the all the rest. Don’t you dare say anything to Y/N ok, he/she seems like a cool person. I just want people to know me for me, not my story. It’s a dumb story anyway, that’s what got me into this whole mess. If Dongwoo hyung hadn’t died, things would’ve been much different. Sure he didn’t interact with me much, but at least then I wouldn’t have to suffer so much because of him,” Jaemin mumbles miserably to himself.
Renjun holds Jaemin into a tight hug, “Jaemin, I know how much you have to suffer because of your brother’s death but-”
Jaemin wriggles out of Renjun’s grip, “Renjun hyung, stop it. I know what you’re gunna say and I really thank you for always being here for me and standing up for me at home and countless other things. But today you really crossed a line by mentioning Johnny hyung’s name in front of Jeno. You know I don’t care about what Johnny hyung thinks anymore, it’ll always just have the same ending. I just wanted a chance to feel normal, even if it was with Jeno, someone who we’re ‘supposed’ to keep away from. Anyways, let’s just go home hyung. It is getting dark, Hansol hyung will start to worry.”
Jeno starts to walk up the driveway with his hands lazily hanging in his jean pockets, as he thinks about Jaemin and the pleasant conversation they shared. Just as he makes his way towards the front door, it blots open loudly and Taeil bursts through the door angrily, clutching his car keys firmly.
“That damn Johnny boy’s gunna get it from me,” Taeil fumes to himself as he slams his car door shut.
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Part 7
*IM SOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY FOR UPDATING SOO LATE, I promise I wasn’t trying to put this away on purpose, I just got caught up in some stuff its still my summer break man 😭😭
*anyways, I really do hope you enjoyed this part. What do you guys think about all these ‘accidental’ interactions, the truth about Renjun’s parents’ arrest, and finding out about Dongwoo, Jaemin’s older bro? Ooh, who do you guys think Ten is dating, lemme know, I’m rly curious to know hehe.
*also, I didn’t intend to make Taeil come off so angry all the time but I promise you’ll find that out all very soon in the up-coming parts as well as alll the other lil things. But lemme know if you need any clarifications bc ik this series just has toooo many lil secrets u have to pay attention to, so if you have any questions I’m here to help ya out
*here’s a link to the song Jeno and Jaemin were talking about, its very good, I highly recommend it, X
*once again I apologize for the super late delay but better late then never I guess. Anyways I hope you guys are having a great summer, make sure to always stay hydrated, and take a moment to bask in and enjoy all the lil things whenever you can, love ya and see u real soon ✨
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legendofgrump · 7 years
awkwardarin replied to your post “awkwardarin replied to your post “4, 7, 10 you bet your ass I’m...”
*chanting* DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT
You ask, I deliver. Here we gooooo~ (Also I’m going to shame you all I want SO)
As per request, I’ll answer all the asks (that I haven’t already) from the fanfic questions post, but it’s under a read more so I don’t literally kill everyone’s dashes. I’m so sorry in advance
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? I mean, before I even knew what “fandom” meant, I was writing Twilight fanfiction, so I guess that counts. The first one I actively participated in was the Grump one haha
2. What is your latest fandom? Ouran High School Host Club, but again, if you want active participation, then I guess uhhh Night in the Woods?
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? Definitely the Grump fandom!! I’ve met all the best people and 99% of my friends through this blog right here!
4. Answered
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for? Uhh Twilight, Big Time Rush, Total Drama, Game Grumps, technically AntiPoppy but it’s not even close to done and not published
6. Answered
7. Answered
8. Answered
9. What are the best things about your current fandom? I mean, for this fandom, like I said, it’s got all my friends in it. Everyone’s super supportive and there’s tons of opportunities to get involved and create stuff and support other creators! It’s probably one of the nicest communities I’ve been a part of.
10. Answered
11. Who is your current OTP? Currently I’m still heavily thinking about Hikaru and Haruhi from Ouran Host Club so that I guess haha
12. Who is your current OT3? The all time babes are Rubbercommanderbang. Also Raven, Cyborg, and Beast Boy is a ship that @cantolopejeevas made me think about and I love
13. Any NoTPs? Refer to this massive post
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? Hikaru and Kaoru from Ouran, The entirety of the Teen Titans, the monks in Xiaolin Showdown, etc
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love? A n t i P o p p y
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike? I’m more or less indifferent toward Egobang if we’re gonna be real here. I just don’t feel like there’s anything I can add to it at this point.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite? I mean, before I knew what that meant, probably RaiKim from Xiaolin Showdown. And they’re still great, but now I’m a little gayer.
18. What ship have you written the most about? Ironically? Probably Egobang. I wasn’t so cynical about it when I first started haha
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them? Refer to number 16
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? Hmm probably like Septibang? Or CommanderSeptiBang?? Those were two ships I just kinda stumbled upon and was like? Okay I guess we’re doing this now??
Also Mae and Selmers from Night in the Woods. Surprisingly wholesome.
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? I think I mentioned this before, but it was self-insert Twilight fanfic. Honestly I wish I was just as shameless as I was in middle school. Writing Mary Sue self-insert fic where you ship yourself with a main character is fun and satisfying as hell.
22. Is there anything you regret writing? Aforementioned Twilight fanfiction. Though part of me doesn’t because it was my origin story and also, like I said, shameless and for fun.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. Ahh probably either “You Monster,” which is like my best stuff that I’ve put up so far??? or the massive Big Time Rush fanfic I talk so much about just for the sheer size of it :P
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit? You Monster!!!! I’m gonna write a redux soon I promise.
25. What’s your most popular fanfic? ???? According to Archive, it’s You Monster! How nice~
26. Answered
27. Answered
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? Literally anything??? I love all fanart of anything I make??? But I guess You Monster haha
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not? Hahaha no I don’t write enough to warrant having one. And also I literally almost never edit anything I write rip
30. Answered
31. Answered
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you? Depends!! Sometimes music really confuses my brain and makes me unable to think of words, especially if it’s really word-heavy music (which is most of what I listen to). If I’m really struggling, it usually helps to do it in silence so I can focus. But otherwise, I used to make little playlists of instrumental music to listen to, or play premade playlists of like study music or something.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics? I really like writing huuuuge epics/multi-chapters but I’m really bad at finishing things ;--; so most of what gets published are requested one-shots/ficlets (one of which was requested the other day and I’M STILL T R Y I N G I SWEAR)
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic? Oh buddy. It’s over 100K.
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about? Uh I guess? But I’m not particularly stuck to the “required word count” for the different vocab. I usually only write really short things when people request stuff haha. But it’s kinda fun~
36. What’s your favourite genre to write? Probably just straight angst. Angst that develops character, specifically, but angst nonetheless.
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why? Third person. I used to write in first person and for some reason it always seems less?? effective/neat to me? Plus I write very colloquially and I find it easier to do when I can write in third person.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs? Usually canon characters, but if it’s something like Total Drama that depends on constantly changing casts of characters, I’ve definitely made some of my own characters.
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer? Uhhh???? Uhhhh????? Does not compute????
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing? Effectively capturing characters, at least that fit my own standards. And then also the anxiety that comes along with thinking its good enough to waste people’s time with. :’)
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading: I’m not...currently reading any...but I will link to five of my favs.
1. Before and After (Shaddic) --Total Drama (also tw for a lot of HEAVY mental illness/abuse/violence) 2. Wu Xing Shield (DragonNutt) -- Xiaolin Showdown (tw: death) 3. If Lost, Return to Phil (thatsmistertoyou) - Dan and Phil (I don’t remember, I just remember it being really fucking sad) 4. Two Roads Meet (pianodan) - Dan and Phil (tw: suicide) 5. The Vibe and The Vibe 2: 2Fuck2Vibrator (by our very own @cantolopejeevas) (tw: gratuitous smut ;) )
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing: 1. @cantolopejeevas​ / @grumpygamersandvibrantcolors for obvious reasons. they’re just!!! so good!!! at all the types of writing. (hey go commission them) The Ultimate Senpai 2. @i-am-avacado oh boy they angst well! current holder of the angst crown (for nooooow~) honestly writing senpai 3. @devilgate-drive provides the Good Quality Rubbercommanderbang Content and also just generally talented 4. @sweetiefiend writes the cute shit!!! like damn!!!! 5. @autumn-feels so??? talented for her age??? and so deep wtf
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you? I mean, all of my friends for one. And my lovely darling @cantolopejeevas who continues to push me forward and compliments my work all the time. But yeah, all my friends make me wanna get better because they’re all so good and I wanna do that tooooo!!
44.  What ship do you feel needs more attention? AntiPoppy. Please.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic? Fuckin’!!!! Wu Xing Shield, listed above!!! It’s the first fanfic I cried reading!!! And it’s so beautifully written!!! If you like Xiaolin Showdown, I recommend it. Plus, it also took stuff from Xiaolin Chronicles and made it bearable. Bless.
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why? Ahhh You Monster. It’s probably my best one. Even though it needs heavy editing haha.
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why? I mean....Fanfiction.net is where it all began, but I never posted anything on it. I think AO3 is the best for posting fics and keeping track of them. But more people usually see it if I post it on my tumblr. So a mixture of those two?
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not? For the longest time I didn’t because I had major anxiety!!! I was too nervous to leave a comment, no matter what. Plus, I didn’t really make accounts on either ffn or ao3 so I couldn’t have if I wanted to. But now I like leaving tags and stuff on people’s works on tumblr and (if I read more fic) I would leave comments, just because I want people to know they’re doing good work!!
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not? Yeah, I mean, of course! I love seeing comments on all my work, art, writing, or otherwise! It’s just nice to know that someone liked something I made, especially if it’s something I’m self-conscious about like I am with writing. And reblogs help spread it around so it can get more attention, so that’s always helpful!
50. Answered
51. Answered
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