#would you believe me if I told you this was Roblox
abbyflowertale · 2 years
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slauterhause · 5 months
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Since that's settled
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hyuckswoman · 5 months
“hey lol” you heard a voice speak. removing your headphones you turned around to face who ever was talking to you and- wait
“mark?” you asked curious as to why the man was even speaking to you. you had hoped that he would avoid you since you made him uncomfortable and could not figure out why on earth he’d be talking to you let alone standing next to you.
“yea, sorry to disturb i just wanted to apologize for jaemin’s behavior yesterday, i don’t know specifically what he told you but it’s jaemin so whatever i imagine won’t be half as awkward as the actual thing” he starts rambling while tugging on the end of his sleeve, he’s feeling awkward.
you looked at him puzzled for a second, if you made him feel so awkward why was he here? he was starting to make you feel awkward too
“oh no don’t worry it’s fine, i’m glad you came to see me so that i could properly apologize for my behavior, i’m really sorry about making you feel uncomfortable” you start chuckling a bit hoping to loosen up the atmosphere
you can tell he’s about to deny your statement so before he even gets the chance to open his mouth you speak again
“jaemin told me you felt uncomfortable, i would too honestly, like i said i’m really sorry about my behavior hopefully we can move past it?” you ask
please say yes-
“guysssss hiiiiiiiii” your friend jaemin enters the conversation, where did he even come from?? you can see mark letting out a sigh of relief upon seeing his friend
“hi nice to meet you, i’m jisung” you hear and see that jaemin had dragged brought one of his friends along with him
“it’s nice to meet you as well, i’m y/n” you smile a bit
mark and jaemin way too into the conversation they just started
you hear jisung angrily sigh and shoot him a questioning brow
“none of my friends have watched the five nights at freddys movie, i have no one to debrief with” jisung says mumbling the last part as he realizes how his words might make him seem like a loser
“dude oh my god i loved the movie so much, especially josh hutcherson like that is one fine man” you say as jisung smiles, finally finding someone to debrief with
“yea and so- wait- when did jaemin and mark go?? did they seriously leave without me??” jisung looks around as none of his friends are near him anymore
“oh my god i’m going to be late for class, I can’t believe we spent so long talking” you say
“right, I’m usually super introverted but you’re nice, can i have your number?” jisung asks, then realizing how his question might have come across as
“NOT to ask you out i just mean- wait not like you’re not pretty or i could never ask you out i just asked because the conversation was nice and none of my friends like this kind of stuff but you seem to and you’re friends with jaemin so i’m assuming you’re nice and from our conversation i could picture us being friends” he rambles waving his hands slight blush on his cheeks from the awkwardness (that only he felt) of the situation
“it’s okay!! no problem haha i understood, and yea here’s my number! i really gotta go to class tho so byee” you say waving to him as you headed on your way to your next class
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5. new roblox friend
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the-oblivious-writer · 7 months
Carpenter Sisters Headcanons
Sam Carpenter & Tara Carpenter
Notes: Just some headcanons of my favorite sisters (aka my beloveds). Wanted to give you something since I've been pretty inactive this month partly due to the Christmas special I'm planning (which is coming soon) I also just love Sam & Tara sm, they will forever live on no matter what
Sam Carpenter
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We should all already know this but, Sam is all the above when it comes to Tara. Big sister? Check. Dad? Check. Mom? Check, check, check
Makes Tara carry around a bunch of self-defense weapons like a taser, pepper spray etc
Texts like an old man. She doesn't know a whole bunch of "text lingo" so Tara uses that to her advantage. She'd text you "Kys" thinking it meant "keep yourself safe" because that's what Tara told her. She definitely uses these emojis: 😂 🙂
Is completely lost when it comes to "slang terms" and abbreviations. Tara: "You ate that Sam." Sam: "Ate what? I'm not even eating." Tara's laughed/made fun of her for it while Sam remains confused
Hates being called Samantha. It reminds her of how her mother would scold and ridicule her. When Tara started calling her Sammy, she couldn't be any happier with the given nickname
Never got Tara's love for Horror growing up, but tried to understand for her. In her opinion, it's illogical how most of the characters act, but Tara likes it so she doesn't mind giving it another try
Definitely introverted. She's more outgoing with people she's comfortable with; Tara, Mindy, Chad. Growing up, she never socialized a lot
Will always set everybody else's plate before her own
The Core Four have game nights and it can get... intense. Let's just say on multiple occasions (whether that was Tara buying her out during monopoly or Chad and Mindy giving her yet another +4 in Uno) she has been extremely close to flipping the table
Could laugh to the point where she's gasping for air, I can imagine her and the Core Four just wheezing over the dumbest things
Definitely had "the world doesn't understand me so I cope by blasting music very loudly in my room, not gaf who I piss off" phase. One of the songs she would blast was Creep by Radiohead (canon event. I can't interfere.)
Tara Carpenter
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Could sleep anywhere, and always sleeping any chance she gets. I'd say she's a night person, and hates being woken up so early in the morning. And I can imagine she's a sleep talker too
Growing up she had a favorite stuffed animal she carried around everywhere with her and refused to sleep without it
She was a thumbsucker growing up, which she was teased for
Never learned how to ride a bike
She's always hated needles. Whenever she was forced to get a shot when she was younger, she refused to take it without Sam being in the room with her. Sam would let Tara squeeze her hand as tightly as she needed to
Cannot drive for shit. I just know this woman is a bad driver, Sam and the others just hold on to dear life and cross their fingers when Tara gets into the driver's seat
Her car is a complete mess, like you'll just find the randomist stuff in there. There's probably no limit to what you could find if you just try hard enough
She wakes up in the weirdest positions and thinks, "How tf did this even happen-"
Bullies kids on roblox (I don't make the rules)
If someone messes with Sam, they better count their days
She can get soo competitive. If she's winning, you'll know. Can get cocky when celebrating, chanting and everything
Her, Chad, and Mindy would put together one of those "performances" when they were little in order to convince Sam to let them stay up late or have a sleep over. Sam said yes every time
Tara's a shark defender. She believes they're extremely misunderstood creatures
A/N: I need a Sam & Tara for Christmas
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inssluv · 10 days
ਏਓ ˓ DETAILS — 𑁥౿ !⠀
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— ୨୧ ! 𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 : Little actions of the Jujutsu Kaisen characters that I think they would do with you.
— ୨୧ ! 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 : itadori yuji, Megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, inumaki toge, takuma Ino.
— ୨୧ ! 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 : none.
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𝗬𝗨𝗝𝗜 𝗜𝗧𝗔𝗗𝗢𝗥𝗜 - keep you company: it is known that itadori is very companionable with everyone, willing to do anything if it means to make someone smile and feel good, so, in fact, he is in all his moods when he proposes all the time to accompany you everywhere. Will you go to the park? He'll go with you. Will you take a nap? He loves naps. Will you go to the doctor? At six o'clock in the morning he will be at your door to accompany you in the tedious waiting for the consultation. Walking and you are his two favorite things to do, and he's a firm believer that everything is fun if it's with the right person. So don't be afraid to ask him to accompany you to a boring children's birthday party, he really will be there.
"Hey, hey, what are you doing?" - The pink-haired man said on the other end of the phone line, you could already notice his smile as soon as he started the call.
"Well... I'm about to go take a nap, how about you?"
"I WANT TO TOO. CAN I GO?" -he exclaimed excitedly, almost shouting on the other end of the phone.
"Yuji, I'm literally in my pajamas." -you replied with laughter, finding his love for mundane things funny.
"Great, I will be too. WAIT FOR ME THERE I'M GOING" -he crooned happily, and before you could answer, the call cut off.
It only took five minutes to hear the knocking on your door.
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𝗜𝗡𝗨𝗠𝗔𝗞𝗜 𝗧𝗢𝗚𝗘 - playing video games: due to his limit in talking, conversations are not the favorite pastime in your relationship, he prefers the comfort of silence while the two of you share something not so risky, and what better than a game of games? It is not surprising for anyone the little toge's addiction to all kinds of games, especially those with great variety as he tends to get bored quickly, so, you were not surprised when at two in the morning you got directly an invitation to a game room in roblox, you didn't even have to see who it was about to know that user @atun_tunayo was indeed your boyfriend at late hours again in a little game, inviting you to follow his questionable habits.
"@atun_tunayo has invited you to his private server on Adopt Me."
"atun_tunayo: hey"
"atun_tunayo: get in the game"
"atun_tunayo: we're going to fight with little kids"
"atun_tunayo: one just told me that I'm playing with my ass"
"atun_tunayo: I'll hack his account"
"atun_tunayo: haha"
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𝗠𝗘𝗚𝗨𝗠𝗜 𝗙𝗨𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗨𝗥𝗢 - listening to music: Megumi is a being who is always content with little, or at least, he finds relaxation in the little things, like music. He loves music and you, so he also loves listening to music with you. If your tastes are too different, he will have no problem to intersperse in his playlist a song of your favorites next to one of his, in fact, you two have a shared Spotify playlist, where you add your most recent tastes so that the other is aware and connect even from afar.
They almost never talk in those moments, usually occupying their headphones in the middle of class to silence the annoying voice of gojo and instead, enjoy a quiet melody, or also when they are lying down for a little nap appreciating the tinkling of the softest songs, simply neither of them can live without music, let alone one without the other.
But you should be careful with your song choices, you don't want to start with the wrong one and ruin the mood of the day, do you?
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𝗡𝗢𝗕𝗔𝗥𝗔 𝗞𝗨𝗚𝗜𝗦𝗔𝗞𝗜 - shopping: it is known that she LOVES shopping, so if she does it naturally with recurrence, doing it with you is even a million times better. She will simply drag you to the flashiest fashionable clothing stores and make you try on clothes you might not even like. But seeing her proud and excited expression you know your heart wouldn't resist saying no to the girl with the short hair. Well, according to you, at first, you thought it was just so she would force you to carry her bags, but when she started asking you with genuine interest your opinions about the clothes, asking you if such a dress looked nice on her, or if you wanted a new garment that she offered to pay for, you realized that in reality, she just wanted to share her favorite thing with you.
"Do you think this looks genuinely nice?" - She asked doubtfully as she walked out of the fitting room, wearing a summery orange dress.
"Yep, it matches your hair" - you said with a chuckle as you saw her with her usual expression of displeasure at the world.
"You say? I don't like it" - she said rolling her eyes as she looked at herself in the mirror, her tone just as arrogant.
But then she looked at your loving expression, almost as if it was too obvious that you loved her and the sharp words melted on her tongue.
"Well, maybe it's not so bad." - you both ended up buying that dress.
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𝗜𝗡𝗢 𝗧𝗔𝗞𝗨𝗠𝗔 - teaches you to dance: Ino loves to dance, loves to go out in the street and just be a free person, enjoying the essence of being himself and expressing himself with the things he loves, and he loves you, so he didn't hesitate to try to include you in his big bubble of fascination with his vocations. At first it was just watching him dance, finding him and a couple of his friends in the corner of the Jujutsu school dancing hip-hop freely and expressively, but soon it turned into you trying it too.
You were a bit clumsy to tell the truth, and hip hop wasn't the smoothest genre to start learning to dance either, but with him it was certainly fun in the course of learning.
Little touches here and there unconscious or not, placing his hands on your waist as he helped you opt for a specific position, or his eyes looking at you from under the hem of his black cap as you tried to imitate his steps while there was a choreography.
"Come on, come on, it's not that hard!" – he exclaimed in that familiar tone, playing the know-it-all just because you were moving like a worm with cardiac arrest.
"Just move more fluidly, it'll be easier that way" – he advised with a laugh.
"It's not that easy, Takuma." – You said with a frown, earning a look of feigned innocence from the boy.
"I know, but I also know you can do it." – he assured you with a smile.
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──────── ⵌ No copying or anything like that and I think I translated it like an ass.
──────── ⵌ I added Ino because my husband is undervalued, love my husband.
──────── ⵌ Then I will do part two with the MEENNSDS.
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skz-haneul · 2 months
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A is for : *talking to stay on bubble* and i can’t believe i forgot i live with 3 smelly ratty gym bros, oh yeah and hyune (context because she can say the most wildest things sometimes: she came home to rest and saw the mess 3racha made with their shoes)
B is for : *pointing at bang chan* beep beep beep person who needs sleep detected beep beep tackle him with pillows (real)
C is for : *comparing butts with han* can’t relate, my bum is the size of jupiter (she got rich problems)
D is for : *on live cooking with lee know* did you just say 127, puku puku pow po- … i couldn’t help myself im sorry (same tbf)
E is for : *trying to convince felix to play games together after sneaking into the cuties dorm at 12* esteemed companion shall we partake in a rendezvous of ludic engagement within the realm of digital entertainment (why is she fancy all of a sudden)
F is for : *dancing to whip nae nae* forget break your legs, i just broke my back (sometimes she acts like she fought in ww1)
G is for : *telling a joke* guys, what did the chicken say when it saw something amazing, daebak-bak-bak (i laughed more at the silence than the joke)
H is for : *playing games with seungmin* hey there buster, no more mr nice guy (and now she’s an american bully???)
I is for : * listening to asap by stayc with her headphones on but everyone else can hear it* i will ‘asap 내 반쪽 아니 완전 copy’ till the day i die (i think she likes asap)
J is for : *caught by talker insulting changbin after he died in a 2 player obby on roblox* just kidding. i would never call anyone a worthless flop of a human, im too hot for that (dayum girl (you are hot tho))
K is for : *greeting staff as she walks in the room* konichiwa my despacito burrito (miss worldwide fr)
L is for : *during an interview talking about her biggest pet peeves* losing should have never been invented because i do not take it very well (i sadly relate to this a lil too much)
M is for : *in an interview* my whole life has felt like a fever dream tbh (icl I burst out laughing)
N is for : *after getting a really packed schedule* news flash: im bombing the jyp building (not without me)
O is for : *game of hide and seek* opps at the end of my block (yungneulta back at it again)
P is for : *during a game of dodgeball* please stop throwing the balls at my beautiful face (the way felix tried to aim harder)
Q is for : *out with hyunjin* questionable face you got on there but ok (context again: she went to the bathroom in a restaurant and then half her burger was gone)
R is for : *english school with skz* right, 77+33=100, stay with me now, because the government- (i don’t think they’re passing)
S is for : *trying on corsets* snyatched qween *throwing poses faster than lightning* (nothing but facts)
T is for : *seungmin launching a pillow at her head* that is not very slay queen, period bestie of you seungmin (what is up with her dictionary)
U is for : *boiling eggs…* umm, minho, yknow when you told me to boil eggs, i may have burnt the water… again (the only thing i have to say is how?)
V is for : *a seagull stole her chips she was eating* vile, disgusting, yucky seagulls are the disgrace of all birds that can fly, them absolute fatties (she was buggin for the rest of that skz-codeq)
W is for : *randomly, out of the blue*why is life not getting funky anymore? (my exact question)
X is for : *on live* x-(7+95)=y“ please, abeg, go find changbin (she loves maths)
Y is for : *english school with skz pt.2* yes so the climax of the quintessential elements of the rainbow create the lyrical description of the factitous colours (like i said before, they’re all failing)
Z is for : *on skz-talker* zero amount of people called me sexy today… im sooo frickin pissed (not the white chicks reference)
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𓍼 ⊹ ˚. ᝢ TAGLIST
@mynameisnotlaura ⤼ @alixnsuperstxr ⤼ @shaylaxo ⤼ @ziipzeepzop-eez
𓍼 ⊹ ˚. ᝢ NOTES
went to sleep at 4am
𓍼 ⊹ ˚. ᝢ GOD LOVES YOU 💕
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metrorobot · 2 months
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would u believe me if i told you these were drawn in roblox
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danderling · 14 days
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Would you believe me if I told you this was my roblox avatar
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superkirbylover · 1 day
kinda a stupid question so i would understand not answering it but what was your assigned birth gender?
again you don't have to answer if you don wanna i was just curious
nah i don't mind at all! hope you don't mind i elaborate a little too
i'm AFAB (assigned female at birth). despite this, i never really identified with being feminine. my mom was like this too; both of us can be described as tomboys. we have moments where we do like being feminine and present as such, but for the most part we're neutral or masculine. in my case, though, i definitely leaned more masculine.
i'm sure i've told this story a thousand times, but i like telling it: when i was on scratch (and later, roblox), people often didn't realize what my gender was. my mic quality was poor and i was at the ripe age of 11, where boys and girls would sound really similar still. people would hear my voice, and either refer to me with "he" or "she." i used to correct people on this, but because of how common it was, i stopped. i wasn't sure why, but i thought it was funny that people were confused on my gender. hell, i laughed when i first called with scratchU8 and BenDaMan (now known as nebita) on skype. nebita thought i sounded like a boy, and scratchU8 admitted the same. it's a time i look back fondly on. this trend continued with future friends, and while i corrected them, part of me wish i hadn't. so, a year later i told my friends a few things: don't call me a queen, don't call me ma'am or any feminine terms. basically, treat me like a boy in everything but call me a girl if needed. my friends did their best to do that. they would sometimes say they forgot i was a girl because of how i acted, and i would say sometimes i wish i was a boy.
i don't remember when, but i believe when i was... 16, i was starting to hear about other identities outside of being transgender. i heard of being trans when i was 12, though knew little of it. all i know is it meant if you are trans, it means you were once a girl and now a boy and vice versa. when i started to hear about other things, like nonbinary and etc, i tilted my head. there was a classmate at my school who said they were genderfluid the previous year, but i was unfortunately caught in the anti-sjw youtube era so i thought it was just a ploy to go "ha!! you assumed my gender!!"
i looked up these alternate genders, and i remembered the genderfluid classmate and looked up genderfluid, reading about it. and when i read that it could mean that someone felt like they were a boy, a girl, neither or both at the same time, a switch clicked in my head. "yeah!!" i thought, "this is how i feel!!" i didn't dislike being a girl and certainly didn't desire bottom surgery (or top surgery at the time), but i liked being perceived as masculine. i regretted when i corrected fans of mine on my gender because it would mean one less person using he/him or they/them. i hated being seen as a girly person, but i didn't loathe my womanhood. it's why i felt neutral being called a woman and "ma'am" but felt more connection with being called a man and "guy."
that day, i put she/he/they on my bios. and it hasn't left since
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davekat-sucks · 1 month
I saw your post on twitter about someone going by ciphernomics and how that artist made fun of or misgendered someone with "Xhe/Xer" pronouns. I have not been terminally online in a very long time. I missed the memo where this was a thing. If you told me that was a derogatory way to refer to people going by they/them I would believe you. Maybe it's a good thing I stayed away from fandom for a hot minute because I would be canceled so fast, sniped in fact!
For the best to have been ignorant and away from it, yeah. I thought he was raising red flags already for just hosting and making stuff for ROBLOX, but that's just me.
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elendsessor · 22 days
I really love reading people's hcs, especially if it's abtmy special interests. so i was wondering if you have any from the real world (y'know; sheffield, o'brien, real argilla and others ((I'M VERY NORMAL ABT O'BRIEN ">:D
it mostly comes down to sheff and o’brien since everyone else has like next to no complete info or are uber similar to their ai counterparts but i have a few!! sorry if this isn’t the longest list.
spoilers gang
-i mentioned in a previous post greg being a dog trainer but i also see him as doing a thing i see a lot of people at my local dog park do, being using the river as a way to train dogs to swim and retrieve things underwater. there’s also dog walkers who specialize in handling big off leash groups!!! just saying there has to be a reason his name is lupa and i will make up every reason possible as to why sob sob
-that or he has experience as a farmhand. i believe he’s a country boy mostly bc of my experience when i worked at a doggy daycare (there were a ton of people who had hunting dogs or some country adjacent fit i don’t even live in the south how are so many of them like this it must be some sort of requirement)
-bro would own an anatolian shepherd or three. fred was quite literally raised by wolves,,,, and by that i mean dogs meant to fight off wolves and bears (maybe he also has a malamute i mean close enough)
-fred is a roblox and fortnite kid
-if roland counts in this regard he gives me moe szyslak vibes so i do think he shares a lot of traits with him jdgnfsgnoyfgjh
-there was this one time @goatwithaplan made a post about atma avatars as animals and because of it i can’t see roland without thinking of bovines or goats or rams. he would have a pet goat.
(if you can’t tell animals are on the brain right now i’m sorry aaa)
-low key dating adil i can’t believe i remembered his name
-real argilla’s hair isn’t actually blonde.
-she also reminds me of sharpay evans from high school musical so i pretend she’s her.
-sheff is obsessed with true crime and medical shows. probably also would get a kick out of terrifier 1 and 2
-the weird cringe relationship with o’brien is real. they both hate one another for different reasons but god be damned they also have reasons to love one another. they never go on any real dates or say they’re boyfriends they just occasionally fuck.
-sheff flirts a lot. with everyone his age. nobody is safe. not even if you’re married.
-i have like. a nsfw one i’m too afraid to share (i don’t like getting nsfw) but there’s no fucking way sheff isn’t into particular somethings and absolutely annoys o’brien with them (both are consenting i swear)
-o’brien had a growth spurt in his sophomore year of high school. every bit of casual clothing he has is from around that time. maybe he forgets to actually replace them or maybe he doesn’t care.
-sheff has no fashion sense whatsoever and is a cringefail loser
-he has two pet rats who may or may not be named after a certain famous pair of cartoon rats
-constantly goes to shady bars because he would be that guy
-he gets told to shut up constantly. he refuses to. in fact, this makes him worse.
going back to the high school musical mention every weekend someone working on the god project hosts a movie night and yet at least once a month someone asks to watch high school musical 2 or some other dcom
-nobody likes margot. somehow sheffield is better liked. at least he has ✨“personality”✨ (if being an annoying twink counts)
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Idk if i sent you this request because memories shit but,
Do you know tc2? Typical colors 2, its the roblox and i was wondering if you could draw any of the funny tc2 mercs- *autism eyes*
never sent this to me yet ^_^
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[i.d.: a digital drawing of the typical colors 2 cast in a group ensemble, in yellow (neutral colour) uniform. from left to right: flanker, trooper, arsonist, annihilator, brute, mechanic, doctor, marksman, agent. /end i.d.]
some sketches + headcanons below read more, lower quality than my usual but blehhh :P
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[i.d.: two sketches. agent, her hand on flanker's shoulder with a distant expression: "Bravo… son." flanker, pulling a face: "What." agent: "She hasn't told you yet?"
agent kisses flanker's mom, captioned: "new stepmom." /end i.d.]
these characters are so young, what do you mean 18-25 age range between flanker and agent?? scary, i have not drawn someone under age thirty (if not forty!) in a while
agent may not be flankers mom but thats not stopping her from traveling to new york for reasons other than business :P
well ! off to visit your mother !
flankers mom design is roughly based off his unused female design
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[i.d.: three sketches. marksman, pointing to his scarred eye: "This eye? Gone. Plain can't see out of it." he holds his rifle scope to the scarred eye: "Anyways."
doctor bundles up his coat to staunch mechanic's wound. mechanic ogles doctor's exposed stocky build, captioned "oh wow muscles."
arsonist (captioned "AAC board user"): "Dominated. Scrub." /end i.d.]
i read the domination line. i see others making fun of marksman for being blind. his eye is scarred?? he cannot see out his eye????? the one he puts up to his scope??????
you know i actually played tc2 . for research purposes . and wow mechanics voice is very piercing(?) especially when you play doctor (compare to the softer spoken arsonist and doctor) so its very easy to have him on the mind
i think its good to subvert expectations when you can, soft intellectual doctor with a muscular build thats largely obscured by his clothing
i actually think of the doctor as with russian heritage if only because of his older voice lines :)
is arsonist a robot??? i saw word going around but didnt see anything necessarily canon about it? is this head canon or canon?
interpreted them as an aac user (and a human), i think it would work well with the nature of voice lines in games
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[i.d.: two sketches. agent and doctor are glaring at each other and quoting their domination lines for one another. agent, holding a gun to doctor's chest : "Vulnerable. Weak. Easy." doctor, bent over to be glaring up at her: "You're annoying, you're weak, and you're an absolute failure."
brute, talking, captioned: "my friend, infodumping about motorbikes" marksman, smiling at him, captioned: "me, knowing it's my turn to infodump about fishing next"
mechanic has his hand on the flanker's shoulder: "Well son back in my day--" flanker cuts him off, looking skeptical: "My MOM is older than you???" /end i.d.]
i think trying to build off team fortress dynamics for typical colors isnt my thing :( cmon we gotta take these characters by the horns and make our own dynamics and characterizations i believe in us!!!
personally think doctor and agent have something going on . they hate each other they kill each other they kiss with tongue . they have funny domination lines .
mechanic using "son" is funny, this guy cannot be older than agent and yall know shes only 20-25
what do you mean he has a phd. flanker told him that a more useful education for mechanic was in political science, that was absolutely brutal to read
also finding him following engineer team fortress (a texan) in tonal inflection and slang as a western usamerican (not texan) funny . yeeaboo :)
i think the oldest characters would be like . brute and marksman in their 30s . maybe doctor too
i think brute and marksman could get along :) they contrast in a way that i think would play off nicely, someone who is outgoing and upbeat drawing someone more reserved out of their shell
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alixlives · 1 year
June 30th, 2022, 10:30PM.
On June 30th, 2022, at 10:30PM I felt my heart shatter into pieces. Thousands, millions of pieces.
On the night of June 30th, 2022, I was on call with friends on discord. We were playing roblox for hours, practically screaming of laughter at our own antics, jokes, and from them being able to hear what was happening on the DTQK stream I had on the TV. And then admist the laughing and joking, we all paused upon a post notification from Technoblade, the video titled “so long nerds”.
All of us stopped and dropped anything, and when we couldnt watch the video for us all to hear and listen, I decided i would turn on subtitles and read out everything. I opened the video, turned on subtitles and played it. I couldnt hear it because I was still on the call, reading out the words from Technoblade’s father to my friends.
I will never forget that night, how I felt my heart skip of beat and my breathing start to feel heavy when I read out “If you are watching this, I am dead.” The way I began to shake, my voice wavering as I held back sobs so I could read. I read out everything, and when it was done, I broke down sobbing and left soon after I started so my friends wouldn’t hear . I didn’t believe it— thought it was some sick joke. But it was true.
I went outside to my dad— I was having a panic attack, my mom was asleep and my sister was pissed at me for trying to go to her for comfort, my dad was all I had. I went out to the deck, I saw my dad and when I walked up to him he immediately grew concerned, and I told him what happened.
After having a conversation with my dad about everything, he brought me back inside and to the couch where I had been laughing and joking with friends not even an hour prior. My dad got me water, made sure I was breathing alright and basically that I was okay. He didn’t fully understand why I was so upset, I could tell, but that didn’t seem to matter to him. All he cared about was making sure I was okay. He checked on me the next day.
It is now June 30th, 2023, 10:30PM. 365 days, a year after the so long nerds video was posted. I didn’t know him personally, no, but I still mourn. And so so millions of others alongside me. I still miss him, we still miss him. We still love him, and see how he paints the skies with beautiful sunsets and sunrises.
Rest In Peace Technoblade. Fuck cancer.
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Genuinely all of the main cast are my favorite characters. Though I do have to admit that I've also grown quite fond of the dummies and the floor masters over time.
...I imagine this answer isn't very satisfying so I'll tell you why I like each character but it's also 2:30 am for me and I'm very sleepy so this isn't a serious analysis or anything just pure feelings.
Warning incoherent ramblings and bad English
Sara: imagine being the strongest person in a death game and a group of people unanimously decide that you're their leader that will lead them to survival and there's also that one guy who hates you and wants you dead and also you're 17. I could never. I think Sara is a really cool protagonist honestly amd I also have a soft spot for caharcerts who are so very serious and powerful but also so silly..... I love Sara she's such a good character..... I love Sara..
Joe: ngl it was love from first sight. I love the 'happy go lucky best friend' archetype and he's so deeply caring and kind (and he can be pretty smart and a quick thinker too when the situation calls for it) and just.... ooghh im gonna cry
Keiji: weird guy relatable in the way he hates himself so much and is so convinced of being a bad person that he acts like one.
Kanna: Kanna!! Hi Kanna!! Haaaiii Kanna :333 she wears a bucket and acts like any 14 year old dragged in a death game would. She's very deeply trusting in contrast to Shin and it's sort of one of the biggest things about her character and I'm just :((( Kanna my dear precious baby girl.... Also do u ever think about how Kannas first trial was evaluating trust and Kugie trusted Kanna enough to let her use the key but Kanna couldn't save her and then she tells Sara to kill her and trust in Shin. Do u ever think about that. I just made that up its 3 am idk if this makes sense.
Q-taro: great character AND the fattest ass in the death game.
Shin: one of the best antagonists I've ever seen. Nankidai literally went 'what if the most reoccurring antagonist is Just Some Guy who is weak and kind and timid and is only an antagonist because he was told that he's doomed by the narrative' and it's AWSOME.
Reko: she's the normal one of the group if I'm being completely honest. I love her. I really enjoy that we see her in several different lights: the Reko who is kind to the weak (Sara's POV), the Reko who is harsh to the strong (Mishima's POV in YTTS), and the Reko before Alice's case, who is more abrasive and cold to everyone.
Nao: what can I say, I love my wife. She's grown A LOT during the events of the game and then DIED in a very sad way... Very tragic. Also I love that when bad stuff happens to her she thinks 'ok how can I incorporate this in my art' (how she wants to sketch the insects from the 'fly swatter' attraction and her fondness events in YTTS) very relatable tbh.
Kai: he has done nothing wrong ever and he's also very relatable.
Gin: WHO put him in a death game. He should be playing roblox not witnessing the horrors. He would call me a homophobic slur and I would forgive him.
Mishima: I genuinely believe he's actually the most powerful character in the game. Have you SEEN how easily he figured out that Shin was lying to him in YTTS and made him actually open up and befriend him instead. The only reason that his survival percentage isn't very high is because he puts others before himself and maybe in some simulations he died because of a trap involving trying not to smoke idk. I also LOVE his cartoonish mannerisms. I like to imagine he's very animated.
Alice: I would hate this guy irl and that's why I like him. He's so intense in everything it's hard to not find it enjoyable or at least entertaining. And then you find out that he's also actually pretty kind and protective of his loved ones and deeply sad and has a very tragic and complex backstory and it's the guy who says 'yikes!'.
...ok I won't write about the dummies and floor masters but I hope you were at least mildly entertained reading this. I have a lot more to say about every character and why I think they're all great but I'll need more time and energy for that
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
My bad habits lead to you pt. 5
Sequel to We lie awake in love and fear
From a prompt by @lilacmermaid25:
5 times Ted returns from Kansas for a wedding, one time he returns 'just because'.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Here we go... nearly at the end now. Sorry in advance for the cliffhanger! 😘
Chapter 5
Colin and Michael - New Year's Day 2025
Date: 31st November 2024
Subject: Stuff
Hello Henry,
Thanks for your email, I hope you've recovered from Thanksgiving? How's the TIE Fighter coming along? You'll have to send me a photo next time. I was thinking of getting a Millenium Falcon for Christmas but I'm not sure your mum would want it taking up her house! Maybe I can get one and you can keep it here. I'm sorry to hear about your dad and Marie, you were right - he didn't tell me. I hope he's OK, he told me what you said when you came over last time. He wants to be close to you, and I can't blame him - you're so much fun to hang out with! Next time you visit we'll have to plan some days out - as long as you don't mind me tagging along?
Speak to you soon!
With warm regards, Rebecca
(Hi Michelle, of course I don't mind, it's lovely to hear from both of you. I sometimes wonder what might have happened if Ted hadn't been so stubborn in keeping his UK and Kansas lives so separate. Take care, R)
Date: 7th December 2024
Subject: Christmas 
Hey Becca (can I call you that? Dad does so…?),
I hope you're ready for Christmas? I can't wait to visit again, I hope I can get dad to agree to take me in the spring. It would be so cool to have a Millenium Falcon! But it is huge, mom said it could live at yours and we can build it together when I visit. I asked mom whether I could visit more but she said it's up to my dad. 
Thanks for the Roblox credits! There's a way cool new game on there I want to try!
Love H xoxo
Hey Rebecca, at this point I think Henry’s ready to hop on a plane alone to visit. He misses Richmond so much! I think I'll join him! It's a shame Ted can't understand that it's not just about where he is. I'm guessing you haven't spoken to him recently but he's probably less present a few blocks away than he was 4000 miles away. How can I persuade him that home isn't a place? After what I've heard about/from Marie, I get it now. It's you. Will keep trying, but you know how stubborn he is! Speak soon, Chelle xo
Date: 18th December 2024
Subject: Christmas 
Hi both! 
Did you get the Christmas box OK? Just some things for both of you. The Falcon is safe in my office ready for when you visit! 
You're both welcome to visit whenever you want - without Ted if you wish! 
(Here’s the boring bit for mum! If only you knew the things I suggested to him. Schools for both of you - anything you wanted or needed. I know it was too much to ask of you though. Just as I'd never ask Ted to leave Henry, he'd never ask you to uproot your lives in Kansas. It's not about me, I know this is the sacrifice he believes he needs to make as a parent.)
We had a crazy Christmas party this week - Isaac dressed as Santa again and we somehow managed to get Jamie to dress up as an Elf! I've sent some of the tamer pictures for you, but it did get wild! Nate has got a new Karaoke machine and it gets a bit of a workout every Friday after training. I’m pretty sure it’s just so Roy can go and do some work in peace though and he knows they won’t bother him. I’m going to Leslie’s for Christmas dinner this year, but first I have to go and take some gifts to some families in the community. I’ll pop in and say hello to Mae for you, H - she asks after you all the time! She suggested one of the gifts in your box - I wonder if you can guess which one?!
Love, Becca (of course you can call me Becca, darling. I love it!) xxx
Date: 24th December 2024
Subject: Christmas 
Hi Becca,
Merry Christmas!
Your gift box was way too generous - thank you! Henry loved all of it - especially the dart board! And I'm so grateful for the things you included for me, you really shouldn't have! 
Hen told his dad that we'd been mailing you, I think he was a little surprised! 
I don't think you overstepped by looking into schools etc. It just shows how much you care for Ted - for all of us, really. Things were obviously a bit strained at the time with Jake around. Turns out he wasn’t as great as I thought - always the way!  
Have a great Christmas & hopefully we'll get to see you soon. 
Love, Chelle & H xoxo
Rebecca beamed at her inbox, the month she’d spent exchanging emails with Henry and Michelle had been lovely - her responses had gotten less and less formal and she’d really been able to see Michelle in a new light. Though she hadn’t heard from Ted personally and therefore wasn’t supposed to know about his split with Marie, she was grateful that Henry had told her. It had brought her so much joy to send a huge gift basket over to them for Christmas. She’d laughed hysterically at the thought of Henry and Michelle trawling through the big box with gifts for both of them while Ted looked on utterly bemused. She’d sent a box to him too, a separate one with new LASSO Richmond shirts - she hadn’t taken him off the staff workwear order list so every few months a handful of new training polos arrived for him, she’d taken to sleeping in them. She’d also put a really great picture of the two of them from Keeley and Roy’s wedding where they’d been laughing together in the box along with the snacks she knew he’d come to love which he couldn’t get in the US. She’d had the guru in the IT department burn a CD for her - to their horror - of songs she’d noted that reminded her of Ted. She could picture him driving Henry to school and the Macarena coming on. She’d had a wonderful Christmas dinner with the Higgins’ and members of the team who didn’t have family locally. Since the year when everyone had descended on his house, the event had remained popular and once she’d done her gift deliveries she’d joined them. She’d taken photos of the huge table - the surfboard needed to be used again, selfies with half the team and Julie, and sent them to Ted. She’d video called Keeley, Roy and Jamie who’d had a quiet morning but were expecting Phoebe for a sleepover, she’d caught up with her mother, Sassy and Nora and exchanged messages with Trent. By 10pm she was back home and exhausted. She poured a large glass of wine and took it to her sitting room where she could put her feet up and Netflix on. Her phone buzzed on the arm of the sofa with a call from Ted.
“Hello stranger. Merry Christmas.”
“Hey Becca, Merry Christmas. Sorry it’s been a while.”
“I’ll forgive you. How’s your day going?” She checked her watch, late afternoon for Ted.
“So far so good. Been at Michelle’s with Hen and both of our moms.”
“Hmm… ouch?”
“Something like that. I keep running into Michelle in the kitchen trying to hide from them. Henry keeps dragging us back in so he doesn’t have to handle them alone.”
“Poor boy, you can’t do that to him!”
“Good job someone sent him a heap of lego to keep him busy?”
“If you think that’s a lot of lego, you should see my home office.”
“You didn’t have to, you know?”
“I wanted to. Henry means a lot to me, he deserves to be spoiled.” 
“And Michelle?  I didn’t realise my ex wife and my… you had gotten so close.”
“My you? We’ve made a connection, that’s all. And I remember you said she’d heard about my skincare routine so I thought I’d send some products. One of those luxuries she’d never purchase for herself.”
“At 200 dollars a bottle?”
“Ted, we’re in our forties, I have no intention of looking like my father when I get to 70 and ‘m sure neither does Michelle. We have to take care of ourselves.” He didn’t respond. “Ted, are you mad that your ex wife and son and I are emailing each other?”
“No. Yes. I don’t know. Why does it feel like you’re all conspiring against me?”
“We would never do that. I don’t know what kind of woman you think I am, Ted, but I distinctly recall telling you that I would never influence your choices when it came to Henry. And Henry and Michelle are looking out for you.”
“Some would call it meddling.”
“Some would call it loving you. If you’re going to be a prick, I’m hanging up. It’s Christmas day and You’ve Got Mail is on.”
“I’m sorry, you’re right. Of course Henry isn’t meddling, he’s a kid.”
“He knows more than you give him credit for. He knows his own mind, and he knows when the people he loves aren’t happy.” Silence again. “Are you coming over next week? For the wedding?”
“Of course, I’ve got a streak to maintain.” Rebecca choked on her wine. “In that, I haven’t missed a Richmond wedding yet?”
“Right, that streak. Well Colin is very excitable. Everyone is looking forward to seeing you.”
“I’m surprised they’re not sick of me. Is it me or has there been a lot of weddings since I left?”
“No, there has. Keeley and I were talking about it. They all seem to be happening in very quick succession. I’m ready for a break from them now. But you know us, any excuse for a good party.”
“True.” He mused. "How've you been?"
"Good, I've not long gotten back from Leslie’s. Half the team were there, it was a lovely day. Thierry is awful at charades and Richard brought his new Victoria's Secret model girlfriend."
"Sounds fun, what's she like?"
"Oh she's lovely, she's doing a PHD in mechanical engineering. The modelling is just a side hustle."
"Sounds like the premise for a romcom."
"It does, doesn't it? Suffice to say all of the boys were very enamoured with her. Though I think she's far too smart for them."
"Someone I know is remarkably similar, actually."
"Keeley? That's what I said."
"You, sweetheart."
"Don't be silly."
"Underestimated by anyone and everyone."
"Except you."
"Oh I'm definitely stupid enough to have underestimated you in the past. I try to avoid it now." She heard hushed voices in the background of the call, "hang on a sec." She waited for a minute and her phone beeped with a request to switch to video. She accepted and the screen filled with Ted and Henry. 
"Becca! Merry Christmas!"
"You too! Having fun?"
"Both grandma's are asleep on the sofa. I came to get dad to do some lego."
"You guys had better run then! Can't miss out on lego."
"Have you had a good day?"
"I have, thank you, all the better for seeing you though!"
"Mom says hi, she's starting the book you sent her."
"That's wonderful, darling. You've still got the rest of the day to have fun, it's nearly bedtime for me." Ted watched back and forth, first surprised by Henry calling her 'Becca', then by her calling him 'darling'. "I'll let you both go, thank you for calling me. It was so lovely to hear you both. Ted, I'll see you in a few days? And H, we'll work on a Spring visit? See you soon my love!" She said with a wink.
"Go choose a lego set, Hen, I'll just say goodbye to Becca." Henry disappeared from view, "A Spring visit?"
"We've got some great days out planned. You should join us." Rebecca said with a smirk.
"You're trouble."
"Only occasionally."
"I'll see you in a few days."
"You will. Goodnight, Ted. Merry Christmas."
"Goodnight, Bec. Merry Christmas."
Ted was due to arrive the day before New Year's eve. Rebecca and Keeley had planned on attending the match late afternoon on New Year's eve and then a low key team celebration to see in 2025. Roy had given strict instructions for everyone to have a tame night, nothing wild or crazy, so that they could all be fresh and ready for Colin's wedding. 
"Come on, Jamie!" Rebecca roared alongside Ted as Jamie received the ball from Dani and found space through the center of the pitch. They were 2-0 down and the second half had just started. They needed three goals in the next 45 minutes to avoid struggling in the second half of the season. He hit the post and Rebecca growled in frustration, the ball bounced back towards Sam who managed to get it under control and take a shot of his own. Nelson Road went crazy as Sam's shot found the goal. Rebecca was on her feet, as were Keeley and Ted. The ball was barely back in play when Dani took a shot of his own to make it 2-2.
"I don't know whether I like watching from up here more, or down by the pitch. I didn't realise how excited you get." He said with a knowing grin. 
"Ted, this is nothing - I thought she was going to run down to the pitch during your last game!" Keeley laughed. The match frustratingly slowed down and Richmond were unable to score again, luckily neither did the other team so they settled with a tie. Beard did some complicated math over dinner at Ola's and tried to come up with the various combinations of final standings until Rebecca took his notebook away with a glare, 
"We are 5 months away from the end of the season. We're only halfway through." She sat back down next to Ted and stashed the book into her bag. Isaac's hand came down to knock on the table. 
"Get the karaoke out - Jamie's gotta sing Britney!" he ordered. 
"You hit the post. Thems the rules bro."
"Nah man, we got the goal!"
"Sammy got the goal. You got the post. Sing for me, pretty boy." Jamie cursed and grumbled while Nate set the machine up. He soon warmed up to his audience and treated them all to a rendition of Toxic - complete with saucy dance moves. 
"It's no Macarena, but that boy can dance." Ted pointed out. 
"One day, I'm sure he'll teach you how to Macarena if it means that much to you." Rebecca soothed. 
"I'd rather learn it from you. Them hips definitely don't lie, honey." They’d hardly left each other's side since he arrived at Nelson Road just in time for the match, they'd also not said a word about Marie. Rebecca could feel the knowledge that he was single coursing through her veins, it both put her on edge and comforted her all at once. It seemed to put more tension between them. Should anything happen, neither of them would be in the wrong this time, but the arrival and departure of both Matthijs and Marie hadn't never really been the issue. They'd just been disguising the original blocker of Ted's move back to Kansas. The karaoke continued despite Roy trying to tame them all. When it became clear that Colin and Michael were also up for a party, no one else had any excuse to leave early. If the grooms wanted to sing karaoke the night before their wedding then the team wouldn't let them down. After much persuasion from Rebecca and Keeley - who'd both worked their way through the Spice Girls back catalogue - Ted was finally on stage. He'd refused to sing alone though so Keeley cued up a duet for him to share with Rebecca. 
Don't go breaking my heart
I couldn't if I tried
Honey if I get restless
Baby you're not that kind
Don't go breaking my heart
You take the weight off of me
Honey when you knock on my door
Ooh, I gave you my key
They bumped hips in time to the music, Rebecca’s arm over his shoulder and a shared microphone between them. Around the room, the team loved every second. 
Woo hoo
Nobody knows it
But when I was down
I was your clown
Woo hoo
Nobody knows it
Right from the start
I gave you my heart
I give you my heart
Rebecca pointed at Ted, singing every word to him. He joined in, laughing and spinning her around. Jamie watched curiously,
"Ey, are they together or what?" He nudged Roy.
"Fuck if I know." 
"I mean, they look like they're together. They act like it. Do ya reckon they've fucked?"
"Course they have." Despite having asked the question, Jamie still nearly fell off his chair in shock. 
"Fuck offffffff! How'd you know?"
"Cos I fuckin' know."
"Keeley told ya dint she?"
"No, she wouldn't tell me anything. I guessed. And I had to go back to our room at Beard's wedding so I overheard them. Scarred me for life."
"Obviously dint scar ya that much, me an Keeley had a great night." He teased. "I can't believe it. I mean, I can, it's just weird to think about."
"Too weird to think about?"
"Too fuckin weird."
"What's weird?" Keeley asked, squeezing between them. 
"Ted and Rebecca fucking."
"That's not weird. That would literally be the hottest thing in the world. I'd combust."
"Hang on, hang on, you've got us… but you wanna watch that?" Jamie asked, affronted. Keeley nodded her head, 
"Duhhh! Anyway, it's nearly midnight so get ready for a snog boys!" Sam managed to wrestle the microphone from Beard and gave them a two minute heads up. He switched the speakers to the radio for the countdown and went back to drag Simi away from the bar where she was lining up row after row of shots. Ted returned to Rebecca after catching up with Nate for a while. 
"So, boss-"
"Not your boss, Ted."
"If you say so. Who ya kissing at midnight? Keeley Jones-Kent? Beardo the Weirdo?"
"Me? You sure about that?"
"I'm not fully convinced, but I don't exactly have long left to find an alternative." Ted turned to face her. 
"You want an alternative? How 'bout Dani?"
"Hmm. Both girlfriends are here."
"You?" She suggested again, an exasperated smile forming. 
"Back to me again, huh? Wow you're really limited on options." In the background, the team were counting down. 
"Oh, I think you might be the best option." She leaned in towards him, 
Six, five, -
"In fact, you're the only option."
Four, three, two, -
She hesitated briefly halfway to a kiss, but of course, he met her in the middle. 
One! Happy New Year!
The noise of their family around them faded into the background as Ted's hand cupped the back of her head and his fingers tangled into her hair. He pulled her closer, sliding along the bench to bridge the gap between them. 
"Happy New Year, Becca." He whispered, resting his forehead against hers. 
"Happy New Year." She went to lean back in to kiss him again, "Will you come back with me tonight?"
"Sure will, sweetheart, if that's what you want?"
The party quickly began to fade with the new year coming in. Colin and Michael left to try and get some rest before the next day. With Leslie, Julie, Trent and the other older members of the group heading out, Rebecca and Ted decided to join them. They all jumped into a selection of waiting Ubers, calling out goodnight, blowing kisses and looking forward to the wedding. No one said a word when Ted got into Rebecca’s cab. She leaned against him in the back seat, her hand on his thigh and his hand tracing patterns down her arm. At her house, he helped her out of her coat and followed her upstairs where he unzipped her dress. She sat on the edge of the bed while he removed her high heels, a hand stroking up her calf. She pulled the dress up and over her head, leaving her in the lingerie set she told him she brought with him in mind. He sat back on his heels with a smile.
"You look beautiful."
"Thank you," she said shyly. "I missed you." She reached out for him. "I've had enough of quick, stolen moments."
"Tell me what you need, baby?"
"I need you to make love to me, Ted." He stood up to remove his clothes while she watched. He blushed, but she pulled him towards her by the waistband of his boxers and kissed a line from one hip to the other. She palmed the hard line in his boxers but he gripped her wrist before she could touch him any more. He pushed her gently back onto the bed, still holding her wrists, and raised them above her head. 
"Keep those hands right there for me, honey."  He muttered against her skin, then he kissed a hot path down her body, his mustache scratching against her stomach and hips. "I just realised the most terrible thing." He said, pulling her lace knickers down. He pulled her thighs apart and dragged her down to the edge of the bed. "I haven't gone down on you since the first time."
"That can't be true." She whined as he licked through her folds. He stopped to reply, making her moan with the loss of contact. 
"Sure is baby, it's been more than a year of quick, stolen moments, remember?" Before she could reply again, his mouth was on her clit and he was pumping two fingers inside her. He had her on the edge almost immediately, knowing exactly where and how she needed him. She came hard, her hands still above her head but frantically gripping the sheets. He didn't let up as she came, he continued to suck and tease her until her thighs clenched around him again. Unable to touch him with her hands, she ground her hips against his mouth, desperate for more contact, more of him. He took his time so he could really see her fall apart, he'd missed being able to drag it out for her - they’d had such little time together. When he released her clit with a pop, she moved her legs and reached to pull him up the bed. "Where d'ya want me, sweetheart?" He asked, hands coveting her body, biting a nipple through her bra. 
"Sit up." He did as she asked, back against the headboard. She straddled his lap and wasted no time in sinking down onto him. 
"Hmm, thought we were taking our time?" He asked, grunting into her collarbone as she settled. She stopped moving, 
"Maybe you were. Shall I go slow?" She teased, bringing his face up to her. She ground her hips so slowly, it was like she'd barely moved at all. They both groaned deeply. She fucked him slowly, languidly, rising and falling onto his cock at an agonising pace. The friction against her clit was exquisite each time she rolled her hips. The tension built until they were both mumbling each other's names and little else. Rebecca captured Ted’s mouth in a filthy kiss, sending them both over the edge as he gripped her hips tightly while he spilled inside her. He held her against him as they caught their breath.
"Fuck, Becca. I love you." They fell asleep together quickly, knowing that for the first time in over a year, they'd also wake up together. Their morning together reminded Rebecca of the morning after their first time - right before Ted had left. Before Matthijs, before Marie. She woke to him spooned around her, hands roaming her body. He pulled her leg back to hook over the back of his knee and open her up to him. His hand snaked across her waist, dipped to guide himself into her and then rolled around her clit until she reached behind her to pull him into a messy kiss. Then in the shower, he’d gotten to his knees while she was trying to wash her hair. In the kitchen, bent over her kitchen table, just as he’d dreamed about. And then finally, on the stairs before they left for the wedding.
Rebecca watched Colin fiddle with his tie again. The young Welshman looked more nervous than she had ever seen. She couldn't hold herself still any longer. She passed Ted her bag and brushed past him. It was only a few steps to the front of the room where she took his hands away from his tie and held them gently. Ted watched her smile at the young man, she talked quietly to him as she released his hands, unknotted and retied the tie. She kissed his cheek, also turned to Isaac alongside him, and held his hand for a second before popping back to her seat.
"Soccer mom." Ted teased. 
"Fuck you."
"Please do. That was very sweet, is he OK?"
"Have you not had enough of me since midnight?" she asked, eyebrows raised. "He's nervous. He'll be fine. The very public declarations of love are the hardest part." Michael appeared in the doorway, appearing far calmer than Colin. 
"There's no such thing as enough of you." He whispered. Once again, Rebecca cried during the ceremony while Ted supplied tissues and held her hand. Once the ceremony was over, the attendees headed toward the bar. Colinand Michael had chosen a lovely boutique hotel in central London for their venue, both families had descended en masse along with seemingly all of Richmond. 
“Someone had a good night.” Keeley said to Rebecca while Ted was at the bar with Roy and Jamie.
“Are we talking about you guys? Because, I would probably pay to watch that.”
“Aww babe! I’d let you watch for free. I meant you though.”
“You’re too kind.”
“You’re glowing. The kind of glow that only comes from about 5 orgasms.”
“Pretty sure it was more like 7 or 8.” Rebecca muttered.
“Fuck me!”
“I’m a bit tired actually, can we reschedule?” 
“I’m not surprised you’re tired! How are you still standing?!” Keeley asked gleefully.
“No idea. Gin and the promise of more?”
“Yeah that’d probably keep me going too. So are you… together? Giving it a go?” Ted was on his way over with Roy and the drinks.
“No idea, haven’t talked yet. Mostly just fucked.” Rebecca managed to admit just before they were in earshot.
“Hi Ted!” Keeley greeted him with a knowing grin. “Get back to Mae’s ok last night?” She asked innocently.
“Hey Keels,” he kissed her cheek, “did you guys have a good night? I stayed at Rebecca’s last night, shared a cab y’know. New Year's Eve, crazy Uber prices and all that.”
“Hmm yeah. I mean, it’s not like you’re both filthy rich or anything. Who needs to spend an extra 30 quid on a taxi, that would just be reckless.” She raised an eyebrow. Rebecca cleared her throat.
“Excuse me, I’m just going to the ladies. Keeley?”
“Nope, I’m good right here thanks babe.” Rebecca hesitated,
“Yep, off you pop.”
“What is it with you two and off you pop?” Ted questioned as Rebecca disappeared from view.
“I’m asking the questions here, pal.” Keeley spun to face him. “What’s going on?” Ted had a caught in the headlights look about him.
“I… don’t know?” Roy stood behind Keeley shaking his head.
“Wrong answer. You’re in for it now.”
“Wrong answer. You’ve got this whole perfect boyfriend vibe going on since you arrived yesterday, loving on her like you two haven’t been torturing each other for over a year. And she told me about last night. Or this morning. Whichever, whatever.”
“Keeley, I-”
“I want to make sure that you’re not going to hurt her. You have no idea how brightly she shines when you’re around - those little infrequent visits and the hot, sneaky sex and then you bugger off back to Kansas and it’s like she’s not sure of herself.”
“She always shines.”
“She does, yes. But when you’re here it’s… honestly it’s something else. And maybe you don’t see it, but when you’re not here there’s a piece missing.”
“Let me guess, the lemon in the gin? The salt in the tequila?”
“Yes! See - you do get it!”
“Beard said something similar. So did Becca, actually. But they were referring to…” he gestured around the room, the team. “All of this. Everyone.”
“It is everyone, don’t get me wrong. But we all have something, someone. I’ve got Roy and Jamie, Leslie’s got Julie, the team are the team. We all pulled each other along when you first left and we got by, but you just don’t see how much harder it is for her. Going home alone every night? She’s the only one with no one.” Ted looked down into his whiskey. “I, we,” she looked around the room, “care too much for her for her to be alone. We care too much for you too.”
“I’ll bear that in mind. Thanks Keeley.”
“I love you , Ted.”
“I love you too, hon. You’re the best.” He put an arm around her.
“Don’t fuckin’ tell her that, she’ll get a big head.” Roy groaned. “She’s already got enough people under her thumb.”
“Including you, baby!” Keeley replied with a wink and a finger gun.
“Oh god, are we telling Keeley how great she is again?” Rebecca rejoined them.
“I’m the best, apparently.” The younger woman beamed.
“Yes you are, darling. I certainly can’t live without you.” The party soon got into full swing, despite hangovers from the previous night. With Keeley’s comments echoing in his mind, Ted focused on Rebecca. Slow dancing with her, joining her with the team and staying by her side. No one questioned it, no one asked what they were to each other. He stayed at her house again that night. He made her a cup of brown water in the morning to take back up to her in bed, eager to get back to her.
“Goodness me! Ted, you nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“Mornin’ Deborah, nice to see you again.”
“Good morning. Nice to see you’re wearing clothes.”
“Yeah well, Rebecca warned me you have a habit of dropping by unannounced. I’ll go and get her.” They spent the day together, went out for dinner with the coaches, their partners, Leslie, Julie and Trent. Rebecca could almost believe that it was real, that this was their life together. She watched as he packed up the small suitcase he’d retrieved from Mae’s after apologising to her for not once sleeping in the bed he’d paid for. She sat cross-legged in the center of the bed wearing one of his coaching t-shirts. He’d found the drawer full and she’d had to come clean about why she had them. 
The following morning, he left her with a kiss at the front door to go to the airport. She managed to wait all of 20 minutes before she was hurriedly dressing and following him out of the door. Habit again saw her purchasing another first class ticket.
“Well this feels a lot like deja vu.” He said, stepping away from the ticket desk. “Another first class ticket? Where for this time?”
“I need to say something.” She replied nervously. “I didn’t say it last time, I was too scared. But I can’t let you leave again without saying it. We’ve both ruined potential new relationships because we can’t seem to let go of whatever this is. I need you to know that I love you, Ted. I love you more than anything in the world and I’d do anything if you’d stay. I want-” her voice broke over her tears as she voiced everything she hadn’t said previously. “I want you to come back to me. I want you to come back for me. If it means I spend half a year in Kansas with you, I’d do it. Whatever it takes, I need you to know that I’ll be all in, just say the word. But we can’t keep doing whatever this is. I love you too much to keep stringing this along. I love Henry too much to take you away from him. So we either find a way, or we don’t.” He stepped forwards to hold her as she cried in his arms again. 
Last call for passengers to Paris, France.
“Let me… let me think. Let me talk to Michelle and Henry. God, sweetheart I’d give anything to be selfish right now, but I can’t. I love you, Rebecca. I’ll love you forever, but I need to figure this out first.” She nodded through her tears, her fingers holding onto his until the last moment as he stepped through the gate to his waiting flight.
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A heartwarming reunion
Tw: Saucy spicy Chapter, and I mean ghost pepper sauce not mild curry spicy. Anyway also this is my first time writing a lemon so I'm sorry if this sucks ass. Also if you want a 1st person POV then just mention it in the request.
Bon Appétit and Enjoy. ❤
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Narrative POV
8 year old flashback (you're fifteen)
You vomited as you received a punch in the stomach just after lunch.
Yep. You're being bullied.
You hunched over and fell to your knees but putting your hands on the floor to catch yourself. You were shaking and tears dripping in your half digested bulgogi.
-Pfft, look at you. You're pathetic and weak (okay sindel) I can't believe I'm wasting my time on you. But... Seeing you miserable like this DOES bring me enjoyment. Anyway bring me cola when your finished washing your ugly face.
What does he mean washing-. Oh dear god he pushed your head into your... You know...
You didn't feel like fighting back. Because he's right. You are weak. You didn't feel like doing anything at the moment so you just lied on your side eyes blank of emotion.
Then... this boy came over you. He had short hair black hair and blue eyes. He stretched his hand towards you, waiting for you to grab it.
Your Mom always told you that if someone was nice to you, it probably meant that they want something from you. But in that moment you didn't feel like remembering her piece of advice because you looked miserable and just a little bit of kindness would have the warmest welcome from you.
You hesistantly took his hand as he helped you get up and be in a... Less miserable state. He helped you get over the water fountain and wash your face, without that puke that blurred your eyes you say his face.
He was handsome. Your face heated up as you felt embarrassed for him to see you in this state.
-Hey... Are you feeling okay now?
-Uhm... Yes, thank you very much.
-I'm glad to hear that! My name's Yohan
-My name is (Y/N).
End of 9 year old flashback.
Start of 5 year old flashback.
You came limping to Yohan as you were covered in bruises and beaten up. Your cheeks started to swell you had a broken nose. Most injuries were towards you face. Everyone saw you like this. But no one bothered to help. Man, the passersby effect is real.
You spotted Yohan among the people in the Market. He was chatting with what seems to be a family they all had brown hair and eyes. They were happy. If only it could be like that for you at home. Drained in those thoughts you didn't notice the family rushing over to help you. The mother held you cheek and made you look at her you flinched at the sharp pain you received, they let you in the house and that was the day you encountered Hayan Park. They were very nice. When you sat on the chair while the mother tended to your wounds.
-Who did it?
-You know who did it.
Yohan just clenched his fists. He loved you. Very much but he was weak. How could he protect you if he was weak?
-I'll do something to help! You'll see!
You smiled at his words and gave him a hug while stroking his hair.
-I'm sure you will.
Some weeks later...
Your bullies stopped coming to school in a snap of fingers. Yohan was right after all. When you saw him today he was more confident and had more self-esteem. Today he did the ultimate move and kissed you, not on the cheek or the forehead, but on this lips. Your face was hotter than ever as he bid you goodbye.
•°•End of 5 years old flashback•°•
And that was the last time you saw him. You were coming back late from work as a waitress. You're way over the curfew and you're walking-running towards your appartement in heels. (curse these shoes) you successfully made it to there and you were fiddling with your keys hoping that no one could see you. Before you know it you're tackled down to ground as you oof as if you were a roblox avatar that died. You looked in the eyes of your assailant and you saw red eyes and fangs, it could only mean one thing:
She was a Vampire.
Running or fighting back would be useless knowing that she would easily overpower you. So you clenched your eyes shut and accepted your fate. You then heard a crunching sound and felt  warm blood on your face a clothes. You opened your eyes and saw a tall figure who called your name. You were too much in shock to bother  recognizing them. You fainted after that.
•°•In the early morning•°•
When you woke up you felt... different you looked at your hands and you had sharp nails. When you got up you bit your tongue and it started bleeding but stopped seconds after. This isn't normal at all. You rushed to your bathroom to check your mirror and saw what you became: You had red eyes and sharp canines. You became of vampire. How did this happen?
You slowly walked to the living to see a person you knew well. Sensing that you were there he closed the book he was reading and looked at you. He opened his arms for a hug and braced himself for impact. You ran and hugged him back hooking your legs around his waist. You started remembering all this times you spent together you started tearing up.
-I-I suppose this is the part where you say you missed me and why you suddenly disappeared?
-I'll explain that later
-... Yeah everything feels good right now.
He set you down on the ground. When you had both feet grounded you punched him in the chest with all your might. And since you became a vampire it made him stumble a bit, he's GOD you know? He just cupped your face and made you look at him. You had a sad expression as if you wanted to say "Please don't leave me". He didn't say anything and just kissed you.
Yeah so if you're minor(tbh I don't care if you aren't just don't say your age please) or simply don't like sexual content please scroll further. Thank you~
After a moment he put in some tongue action in the kiss. The last time you kissed him it was just plain simple. And you didn't really kiss anyone else after that. So you went with the flow and simply tried to mimick his actions. You then hooked your arms around this neck and he caressed your hips before undoing the buttons of your shirt. He pulled away as a thin string of saliva connected both of your tongues. He then took your hand and took you to your room where you had a Japanese styled futon. He gently layed you down before straddling your hips (Don't worry he didn't full on sit on it) he undid the buttons of his shirt and thew it to the side. He pulled away and then took off your skirt. He was going to pull on your panties.
-What's wrong do you want me to stop?
-No, it's just... It's been a while since I didn't trim and it's a mess down there...
-It's okay.
You looked away as you felt your underwear slip. You clenched your eyes shut as your heard some clothes shuffling which you could guess means that he took the rest of his clothes. He then inserted his finger in your most intimate part, surprisingly it didn't hurt. It just felt weird.
But then he started trusting them in and out and that's when it started to feel REAL good. So good that you felt the need to express the pleasure it was harboring and started to moan. At this point you didn't really care about what was happening, you just don't wanted him to stop. Unfortunately he did. You opened your eyes and was going to tell him to continue, but you saw that he was spreading your legs he positioned himself between then to settled your legs on his thighs before aiming his rod towards your private. In a sharp thrust he was in you and you forgot to breathe for a moment.
He started to take deep breaths and asked if you were ok to which you responded yes. He thrusted in and out. Slowly before progressively picking up the pace. At one moment he drilling into you like a jackhammer and the whole room was shaking- well, that's how it felt to you. You couldn't stop moaning and he made some grunts here and there. After some minutes or hours you both came to your climax. You both went at it the rest of the day like rabbits.
Okay it's safe to read
You were both exhausted as Yohan was lying between your legs and his head was on your clothed chest, you were sitting against the wall and were gently combing his hair. 
-You've got all night to explain why you disappeared and how and why you turned me into a vampire.
Small Extra!
Detective and Hayan asked for Yohan Seo to a woman who was kneeling on the floor playing with a cat. (Or a dog if you're a dog person). 
-Oh you're asking for Yohan? He's my husband, he went for grocery shopping and should come back at any minute.
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This sucks, I know it and I'm sorry feel free to request. Have a nice day, be nice to the other kids and try not to do bad choices.
With Love, your author
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