#would you like a nice 90s pdf in this trying time
ouidamforeman · 5 months
Can’t handle meeting other Dr Who fans in public bc how am I supposed to break it to them that i only care about the novels, audios, and underground/unauthorized media without sounding pretentious when i am unfortunately 100% earnest about it
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catbountry · 3 months
Kill. Murder. Rape. Suicide. Pedophile. Nazi. Hitler. Covid. Dead. Death.
When's the last time you watched a YouTube video or a TikTok video where some or even all of these words were censored, either by being bleeped out like what used to be reserved solely for swear words, or having sound-alike stand-ins (sewer slide, PDF File) or euphemisms (unalive)?
I'm not sure exactly where "unalive" came from, but I want to say it was in a similar batch of Roblox screencaps of children trying to creatively get past wordfilters by telling people to "go commit die." And I guess Fortnite played a role as well. Apparently "game-end" is attributed to a short film covered by Pyrocynical which was made to be family friendly, but I swear I have this memory of official Epic Games promo material using the term and I don't know if this real or not. I don't play Fortnite and I never will, so this was not considered important enough to really properly commit it to memory.
EDIT: It came from a Spider-man cartoon where Deadpool used it in an incredibly in-character way. Thanks, Guy I'm Going to Reference Later in this Post.
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It's an incredibly childish word. It seems like it was one that used to be used ironically until TikTok, being owned by a Chinese company where censorship laws are much stricter than here in the U.S., decided that words like "dead" and "death" and even "hole" were too dangerous of something, causing users to start getting creative and adapting these absurd euphemisms and they became so popular that people started using it who weren't even using it as a cheeky way to get around these word filters, on other sites that didn't have these same restrictions.
YouTubers can say the word "death" and "die" and (usually) don't have to worry about demonitization. The self-censoring that I remember starting on this very website, done as a way to either prevent posts being found through search or possibly offending the most sensitive of followers, is now being used by users to get around the restrictions set by giant faceless corporations to protect The Children, whose parents are giving them unrestricted access to the internet at younger and younger ages. I watched a video from an adult YouTuber crying about Newgrounds-style animations that were on YouTube about My Little Pony and about how traumatized he was by these, while also insisting he had good parents.
Good parents would not have let you have unrestricted access to 2012 YouTube unsupervised at age seven. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I gotta be the one to tell you this. I'm sure your parents are very nice people, but they could have easily used the internet to find out what kind of stuff was available on the internet. That was an oversight.
I was an adult on the internet in 2012. If I saw a parent just sit their toddler in front of YouTube, I would have asked them what the hell was wrong with them. Now, I see my cousin's children with their iPads watching videos of a faceless person playing with Paw Patrol figures, and I feel uneasy, but a little more hesitant to say something since my cousin seems well aware of the kind of place the internet is, and is always nearby when his kids are watching things. The internet was a constant presence for me in middle and high school, in the late 90's to early 2000's, and I saw some shit I should not have seen. But the trade-off was that I had a space where I could express myself openly, a place my mom didn't care about and wouldn't see. I clicked things I know I shouldn't have because I was a dumb, curious kid, and my mom was happy to not have to deal with me and have me be quiet, I guess. And my cousin is only a year older than I am, so I imagine our experiences on the early internet weren't that much different, considering he's also a bit of a nerd.
So this YouTuber aims his ire at the animators, who were making animations for other adult fans of the show (which he acknowledges), for daring to make edgy content of something made for children, holding up this children's media as a sort of sacred cow. For comparison, in middle and high school I was watching crude animations of frogs in blenders, stick figures bashing each other's heads into walls, and torture simulators featuring anyone from Pikachu and Elmo to Osama bin Laden. But because kids like him, kids brought up in the age of web 2.0, found these videos and watched them before their age had hit double-digits, those videos got lots of views from other children. And from that, we got Elsagate and Finger Family, videos that are still around but have mutated from featuring Elsa and Spider-man to now featuring Huggy Wuggy from Poppy's Playtime, or Pomni from The Amazing Digital Circus or Bluey from, uh, Bluey. These aren't edgy animations made for and by teenagers and young adults for a laugh, they're videos presumably made by teams of adults to mass produce and fill with as much shocking, click-baity content that doesn't even require being able to understand English to understand the plot, all to get watch-time to make money. There's no artistic merit to it. It's neither satire, nor is it an earnest expression of love for the source material, the latter of which, whether you like it or not, is where most rule 34 falls. No, these videos have only ever been content slop since this started around 2016. And this shit is still happening.
That same YouTuber has made a video about how we need to stop saying "unalive," which is part of what inspired me to post this at all, and I can't help but feel like this dude takes himself way too goddamn seriously, frowning upon "commit toaster bath" and "late term fetus deletus," which my edgelord, former 4channer millennial brain finds funny (it is too late for me, lads). This dude is in his early 20's and it's really interesting seeing someone discover pretty much things I've known since I was his age, but acting like they're these huge revelations. Like yeah, I've known about media influence on culture since I was in middle school, because of the internet, which was new and unrestricted by the Standards and Practices that shackled old media like radio and television. That used to be something that pretty much everybody on the internet was aware of; it's the reason why we came here in the first place. And you are right that giant corporations are censoring people, but also, the internet being corralled into a small handful of websites makes internet culture more homogenized and disposable. People can still meet life-long friends through the internet, but the sites where I first met some of my best friends are digital ghost towns, if they still exist at all, or they've become overrun with users infected by political brainworms that make them have incredibly strong opinions on a one-off promotional video done by Budweiser with a transgender TikTok influencer. You've got better luck making life-long friends through playing in the same Minecraft server together than you do being mutuals on Instagram or Twitter. And while Discord is the closest thing I've been able to find that replicates the feeling of both forum culture and chatrooms of the past, it's got its own set of problems unique to it. I can just say "Discord kitten" and most people who use Discord will know exactly what I mean.
Whoever decided to stop teaching kids about how to be safe online should probably be shot. Facebook made putting your whole-ass name and face and location on the internet not just normal, but people will find you suspicious if you choose not to do that. God, I fucking hate Facebook so much.
He's right, though, about the social contagion effect of language. This was a concern for me on this website a decade ago, but that was all social pressure. There was no corporate mandate cracking down on people, making them type "st*pid" to get around restrictions. That was all moral peacocking, baby. People did that shit to themselves.
Tumblr nowadays feels more sane, just because those of us left after the porn ban got a couple of years to grow up and chill out. But because of the porn ban, we can only really talk about the effects of it and complain, rather than be able to post our smut openly. Human sexuality expresses itself in some genuinely weird ways; I should know, and you should probably donate to Archive of Our Own to make sure there's a space where these things can be expressed without fear of censorship to protect The Children. But "unalive" is a symptom of a much larger problem, which is to sand off all the edges of the internet to make it marketable; the free market is more than happy to cater to the whims of the CCCP if they think it can make them more money. There's a lot of people in China, after all. The internet has more people on it but they're confined to much smaller spaces. Children don't have their own spaces online, and when they do, they're not as carefully moderated, instead opting for either overworked humans overseas, or dumb robots that just filter certain words and just become an obstacle to maneuver around to tell something to kill themselves with the creativity of someone who's at a sixth-grade reading level. People in their 20's are uncomfortable with nudity and sex scenes in films, perhaps under the assumption that it's always exploitation, that these scenes can't have artistic merit and are solely there to titillate, and given the sort of dumbing down of art thanks to Marvel and Disney, this seems like the only natural result when combined with the trauma of finding things online that you shouldn't have at way too young of an age. I do not like where this is going, and it's really saying something that those brought up in a sex-negative, American puritanical mindset only start paying attention when the censorship is affecting how we talk about death, something we have absolutely no problem with glorifying in our culture.
And if you're wondering why I wrote yet another long-ass essay bemoaning the slow death of internet culture and the Weenie Hut Jr's-fication of younger generations, well, it's because of this screenshot from 4chan.
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Now if only they could bully out the tradcaths.
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koreanstudentiseul · 5 years
Fear of failure, leads to failure
So it’s been a little while, I’d taken a break from Korean to clear my head and get away from the negative space it had fallen into. As I started easing back into it I noticed some things that I’d not noticed I was doing before.
So I have always had a huge fear of speaking Korean, have done since like 2013 when I was just about able to read. I was so scared to speak that I basically never have, even in my tutor lessons I get constantly prompted ‘answer in Korean’ and it was out of the fear of failure and insulting/upsetting someone. So this is one way that shows that being held back by the fear of failure essentially created the failure I feared, I held myself back so much that when I wanted to talk to people I couldn’t. Not to say I insulted them, but I couldn’t understand them, and even on the rare occasions when I could I didn’t know how to reply I couldn’t give an answer.
At first I brushed this off, it was all in my head. I told myself the struggle was from lack of people to talk to, I had no natives to chat with and textbooks weren’t natural enough so the way they spoke confused me. Which technically isn’t entirely false as textbooks often are more formal or stiff than how people naturally talk so it was easy to tell myself.
How did I come to believe how much I was hindering myself? Well, the TTMIK website update. That sounds a bit random, but it kind of is so bear with me here. As many people know up until a day or two ago the end of level test dialogs were removed from the basic members (and premium members to be fair they were completely removed no paywall) level 1-5 courses. Now I was very sad to see them go, I’d wished that I knew they’d go before the original site went down to download them and their pdfs to use them even though I was only just into level 3 and wouldn’t be near some of them for a good while yet.
So there was a good weekish where I was kicking myself over this, and then they added them back. I was so excited that I went back and re-listened to the level 1 and 2 dialog as soon as they appeared back in the lists. Which is also how I found out there were certificates for the essential courses cause it showed as 100% complete but they only showed up after I marked the dialogs complete, so for anyone else i that boat, or with an old completed course that’s marked complete and doesn’t have a certificate on it if you undo and re-complete a lesson in the course it’ll show up. I had that happen with how Korean sentences work, slight tangent there.
Going back to the dialog tests, when I first moved up from level 1 I listened to the dialog and it was like white noise, I didn’t understand a word listening and even reading the script I didn’t understand most of it. Actually the same happened with level 2 not that long ago though I understood more while reading this time round. This time, even with the traffic noises in the background I understood 90% of the level 1 dialog. I was so surprised that I understood any of it I went and read it to make sure I was right, I didn’t trust myself. I don’t know if it was because the less I thought about it the more comfortably I could follow it or if I just remember trying last summer and being like the first time, or if it was because it was 3 people and I’ve never really had luck with 1 person speaking nevermind 3 and that made me question it.
Now with level 2 it wasn’t as smooth but it was still better. The first half was absolutely fine, I could just about follow it but the end I really fell over. At first I scolded myself, it’s only level 2 how can you not follow it, you’re meant to be an intermediate student, you’re a failure.
There it was, that word again. Failure. I will always be my own worst critic, but I don’t want to be a roadblock to myself. Instead of being excited that for the first time I’d understood any of it, I was tearing myself down for not understanding part of it. I’ve been trying so hard to improve my listening with dictation and watching drama’s and variety shows (I’ve been binging 언니들의 슬램덩크 recently, Sook is hilarious) so it makes sense that I can now understand something or at least be able to distinguish words better.
I always thought failing in a language meant giving up on it, but now I think I might have misjudged that. I’ve been doing flashcards daily and again I don’t give credit for the 100+ I get right but the 20 odd I forget or slightly misremembered I beat myself up over those. I have over 6000 cards, I can’t expect to remember them all perfectly that’s why I have flashcards in the first place. Really was it any wonder I felt I wasn’t making progress when that’s where my focus was.
My biggest failure has been not giving myself the credit for how far I’ve come, I was so focused on the small details I forgot about the big picture. I’ve come so far with Korean, I can read, write, and on a good day speak and on a fantastic day I can understand when people when they speak. And yet, I never stop and acknowledge that. I’ve had days ruined by doing flashcards which is ridiculous to say but I was so upset over how badly I’d done. So I’ve decided to scrap my new years goals for Korean and instead I want to sort out my headspace.
This year I want to be more positive about the learning process. I want (and need) to learn to have a better work/rest balance because working to burnout and then having to take huge breaks and restart isn’t healthy and also isn’t helping the feeling of not progressing. It would also be nice to get past the current procrastinating by doing other studying things. Like I have homework to do but I’ll do an essential course grammar lesson, or a video course lesson (or 5) etc you get the idea it’s avoiding the work I don’t wanna do by making it still feel productive unlike spending a day playing video games. Basically I want to stop feeling like I’ve failed at Korean ♡
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Requested by anonymous
Pairing:  Kazuchika Okada/FC
Category:  Angstish
Warnings:    Manipulation, coercion, asshole Okada
“I got you figured out, you need to have control” Yes Girl by Bea Miller
It had taken you a while, but you had Kazuchika Okada figured out.  He was a control freak, plain and simple.   If things didn’t go his way, he tended to pout.   He had a bit of a temper, and when things were out of his control, he was out of his element.  
I got you figured out, you need to have control
You think I don’t know you, I know you, I know
Trying to tell you now, I’ve been doing what you want
But I won’t be your yes girl, no, not anymore
That was why your role as his assistant was so vital.   He was demanding.   Almost overbearingly so.   You had to be meticulous with his schedule, making sure everything lined up perfectly, that he had his required down time, and an exact amount of travel time between each destination.   Kazuchika detested being late, so you had to make sure he had plenty of time to get from point A to point B.  
All in all working for the man was quite taxing and beyond stressful. You honestly weren’t sure how much longer you could continue working directly under him.   If he was a nice guy it may make it a little more bearable, but he was pretty much an ass 90% of the time.   If the pay wasn’t so good, you would have hit the road long ago.   Now you were getting to the point you weren’t sure the money was worth it.  
It hadn’t been like that when you first started.   He had been the consummate gentleman to you, treated you nicely, took you to lunch and confided in you.   All that changed once he realized there wasn’t a chance in hell of you sleeping with him.   When you had made it abundantly clear that you relationship was professional only and that you were madly in love with your fiancé.   It was like taking a toy away from a child.   Kazuchika did not like hearing the word no, was unaccustomed to it, and therefore was striking out at you for daring to deny him.
But I won’t be your yes girl, no, not anymore
Just let me go, just let me go
Won’t be your yes girl, no, not anymore
Just let me go, just let me go
It was complicated to say the least and you were honestly fed up with toeing the careful line of his temper.   Tired of getting chewed out for non-existent mistakes and being held to impossible standards.   After yet another rough morning you had decided this was it.  You were putting in your notice.  With a determined set to your shoulders you headed into Kazu’s office, slamming your hands down on the desk surface when he ignored you. Raising his eyes from the stack of 8x10s he was autographing Kazu looked up at the resounding noise, arching his perfect eyebrow high as he stared at you.  
“I quit.”  You said firmly.  “Two weeks from today I am done working for you.”   Piece said you turned on your heel heading out of his office feeling like a weight had been lifted of your shoulders.  Only to stop dead in your tracks at Kazu’s response.
“No.”  He said simply before returning his attention back to the task at hand.  
Unable to believe you had heard him correctly you turned right back around and stood over his desk, glaring at him.  
“What do you mean no?” You asked shrilly.  “You can’t just force me to work for you.”  
“Actually I can.”  He said simply.  “Maybe you should read your employment contract.”  
“There is nothing in my contract that says I can’t quit.”  You argued as you tried to remember exactly what you had signed.  
“You would be right.  After a year.   You’ve been here three months.” Kazu shrugged unrepentantly.  “For the next nine months the only way you can walk away is with my approval.  Or paying the penalty.  Which, I’m rather confident you can’t afford.”  
With a strangled shriek you rushed from his office and to your computer, frantically pulling up the PDF of the contract you signed when you came to work for New Japan as Okada’s assistant.  You remembered being so nervous that day.  You had read the contract, thoroughly you thought, but apparently certain things hadn’t been retained.   Your mouth dropped as you read the provision on resignation, unable to believe you didn’t remember that.  
“I’m right aren’t I?”  You startled as Okada’s voice appeared at your ear and you cringed from him as he leaned over your shoulder and read the paragraph aloud adding a whistle at the end for dramatic effect.  “Wow that is a pretty steep penalty.”  He said pursing his lips.  “Shame you can’t afford to pay that.”   Okada straightened and walked towards the door to leave for his next appointment.
“Kazuchika, you can’t be serious. Are you really going to make me continue working with you?”  You called after him. “We can’t stand each other.  Why would you want to keep me around?”  
“It’s quite simple really.”  He replied glancing over his shoulder to respond.  “You don’t want to be here, so I’m going to keep you.”   He flashed a grin at you.  “But I’ll tell you what, I’m in a rather generous mood today and am willing to extend a proposition to end your employment.”  
“I don’t want anything to do with any of your propositions.”  You spat with narrowed eyes.  You wanted to scream when he shrugged.
“Suit yourself.”  He said before disappearing out the doors.  
With Kazuchika scheduled to be out of the office for the remainder of the day you had been looking forward to some downtime without his overbearing presence.   Of course that wasn’t meant to be, as Okada spent the entire day shooting you obscure tasks through text.   You spent an hour alone hunting through stacks of papers and file trying to find a piece of paper he insisted he needed for his afternoon interview.   You had been near tears when you couldn’t find it, despite his insistence it was on his desk.  You had gone through every single paper on that damn desk twice and couldn’t find it only for him to text you to abandon your search as he actually did have the paper on him.   He made you reschedule an entire day’s worth of interviews and appearances only to decide as soon as you were done that he liked the original line up better.  So you had to get back on the phone with everyone to undo what you had just done, making you look like a fool in the process.   If you had thought he was bad before, he now seemed intent on making your life a living hell.  
By the end of the day you were ready to yank your hair out at the roots. You had lost track of how many times you had cried throughout the day.   You didn’t understand how someone could convey such hurt through a simple text message, but Okada managed to rip you to shreds with just a few well-placed words.   He completely ignored you when he arrived back at the office just before 5:00pm, heading straight to his desk without any acknowledgement and you knew you couldn’t do this anymore.  You had to get out of this job or you were going to lose your mind.   For the sake of your mental wellbeing you drew in a deep breath and walked into his office standing silently at the head of his desk while he shuffled through his drawers, leaving you standing awkwardly.
“Can I help you?”  He finally asked leaning back in his chair and staring challengingly at you.  
“I want to discuss your…proposition.” You said quietly, forcing yourself to swallow back your pride.   You needed to know what his offer was, what the price of your freedom would entail.   Then you would have to decide if you were willing to pay that price.      
“I’m not quite sure it’s still on the table.”   Okada said after a moment of silence.
Your heart sank and you had to fight for tears not to fill your eyes all while Okada watched you unerringly with a smirk on his face that said he knew exactly how much you were struggling.  
“It has to be.  Please.” You forced the word out, hoping to make Okada see reason.  
“Convince me.”  He said flashing his teeth in a predatory grin as he waved his hand indicating you should kneel.   You glanced over your shoulder at the door, wanting nothing more in that moment than to run home to your fiancé and disappear forever.   Telling yourself you were doing this for your future you knelt down and bowed your head.  
“Please Okada-sama.  Please tell me your proposition.  I’m sorry I was rude earlier.  I should have listened to your proposal and not treated you with such disrespect.”   You said.  
“I’m going to make this offer once and only once.  If the word no crosses your lips I will throw you out of here and you will continue to work for me until your contract expires in nine months.   Do you understand?”  Okada asked. You nodded your agreement and bit your tongue to stop yourself from saying anything that could ruin an opportunity for you to escape.  “One day. 24 hours you belong to me.  You will do anything I say, do anything I want, however I want you to. Without question.  At the end of that time period I will release you from your contract without penalty and you can go on your way.”
It was a struggle to not call him out.  Tell him what an asshole he was and to rant and rave about how this wasn’t ethical. That he was crossing so many lines with his little proposition.   You kept all those words to yourself, thinking of his proposal and wondering if you could live with yourself if you accepted it.   Wondered if you could survive another nine months like today in his employment.  Because you knew without him needing to speak it that your remaining days in his employ would be a living hell if you rejected his offer.  
“I accept.”  You said in defeat, hanging your head as you caught the satisfaction bright in his eyes and you wondered if you had just made the biggest mistake of your life. 
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fryemcneill3-blog · 5 years
Steinberg Cubase 5 Review
Introduction One of the oldest sequencers, along having Logic (old-timers may bear in mind often the glowing era involving Pro per day and Notator), Cubase possesses over the years, imposed numerous ergonomic desk, technological, and conceptual specifications on the competition. Releasing a fresh version of Steinberg's flagship software is even now a great event in alone, although it must end up being confessed that today, this pretenders to the tub of the master associated with sequencers are quite several. As a result, creativity and superiority are not any longer unique to Cubase and, without even referfing to some other sequencer heavy-weights (Logic, Fantasear, Pro Tools, Samplitude, A digital Performer and Ableton Live), the last few years has noticed many innovative competitors, with running selling price tags and popularity, but filled with great features: Fruity Loops, Melodyne, Tracktion, Electricity XT, Reaper... In a new market mainly because competitive because this, it's obviously progressively more difficult to stand out there. Cubase 4 had the pros even though that launched the particular VST3 common, brought it has the effects and even virtual tools up to date, inaugurated a innovative media management system and even you could lastly proceed effects from one keep tabs on to another by pull and drop. But it appeared more like these people were trying to catch up to the competitors somewhat than definitely developing... Even the more initial innovations, like management involving additional hardware (particularly Yamaha's, since the Japanese producer experienced recently bought Steinberg) and the emergence of control space targeted features were fascinating, but performed not effect all people and for that reason decided not to necessarily justify the particular increased application price: close to $879! Luckily, when typically the impressive Judgement 8 emerged out for around 250 usd it forced Steinberg to help rethink it is rates in addition to marketing technique: you may now find Cubase 5 various for all-around $500! Along with relatively fascinating updates: some. 1 plus 4. 5 (side sequence management intended for their effects, better course-plotting management, more tone banking institutions for HALionOne, etc .. ), and this 5th version, Steinberg is doing it is good for seduce us. Let's go into details... When Now i am sixty four The box is definitely heavy that is certainly a good very good sign. In improvement for you to the USB kopierschutzstecker and even serial number of which let you register, this actually contains 2 manuals: an instant start guide, and a quite large comprehensive guide that does not, however, cover often the effects not virtual equipment included with often the program, but which are coated in PDF files. You can find 4 DVDs: the DVD to install the system, a MOVIE with noises and examples, and a couple of DVDs with the 90-day demo version of HALion Symphonic Orchestra. Observe that inside addition to the manuals, the setup DVD contains a large number of tutorial video clips that are very well performed plus address all the crucial aspects of the sequencer. The fact that that there was initially a time the fact that Steinberg was putting out guides only in PDF formatting, we can only thank the German company intended for having changed its methods. The assembly went smoothly, and after double hitting on the red image, I was in recognizable place: the project windowpane. The primary novelty of this specific version will not jump out and about at you, because it's invisible: Cubase right now fully supports 64 little bit engineering. Wasn't this presently this case? Yes and certainly no, because possibly nevertheless Cubase 4 seemed to be agreeable having 64-bit working systems, the code we hadn't really been recently rewritten with this. It for that reason remained essentially a good 32-bit application, yet efficient at running on a 64-bit program, whereas Cubase 5 is already available in full sixty four bits. What's the major deal regarding 64 pieces? It's basic: it increases the addressable storage. 32-bit operating systems take care of at best 3. 2 GB connected with memory, while a 64-bit OS can theoretically climb to 128 GB (I say theoretically, because presently there at the moment exists no machine, available to the standard public, that has much RAM). A very critical aspect at a time period when virtual ROMplers come with banks of many Gigas for rendering a single instrument (BFD, superiorDRUMMER 3, Vienna, EastWest Symphonic Band, Ivory Piano, etc. ) and streamlining the life of those who implement audio/video and need in order to manage big videos within just their sequencer. Small Technical Propellerhead! Although not everything will be rosy in the territory of 64 bits. Perhaps even though Steinberg is dedicated to supporting Mac OS Times, Vista 64, and the future Windows 7, zero assistance for Windows XP OR 7 64 is definitely officially expected (it doesn't necessarily mean that will it won't work). Make sure you check your plug-ins: several programmers already feature 64-bit functionality and Steinberg proposes, by using VST Bridge technologies, the way to make use of thirty two touch plugins in the 64-bit edition of the sequencer, but it's still highly likely that a person or two of your old effects that you have had for ages in the VSTplugins directory will lock up or refuse to start off. Using the VST Bridge in addition eats assets in percentage to the make use of a true 64-bit plug-in... Around improvement to these tiny inconveniences, the major disadvantage of 64-bit could be the incompatibility with Propellerheads solutions: when you use Cubase your five 64-bit in a 64-bit OS, you'll not be able to use REX file formats, nor the ReWire platform: so goodbye making use of Cubase with Reason, Ableton Live and Melodyne, and others... Of course, the Swedish designer will probably certainly not leave the case as the idea stands, but currently, simply no story has been made with this issue... What do we fag that case? Install the 32-bit variation of Cubase 5, which usually runs effortlessly on the 64-bit OS, till Propellerhead makes a move. This really is annoying of course, nonetheless it cannot be blamed in Steinberg. Let's take a take some sort of look now at capabilities that will change the way you employ Cubase. Cognito, Ergonomic Value There's no revolution in terms of software, the German developer seems to have opted for, having this launching, making often the interface simpler in addition to growing work flow. Take for example the new Automation panel that brings together in the solitary window the main automation orders. steinberg cubase click now suffices to arm all the paths inside Read or Produce settings, while you can decide on to display or disguise automating data, and engage/disengage playback or recording features by Type: Volume, Baking pan, FREQUENCY, Sends, Inserts. This time stored is extensive! As for controls, a new host of smaller developments have been made, such as presence of a virtual key pad that allows an individual to play music from a QWERTY keyboard (useful when you're on a notebook computer on the road, in addition to you terribly lack a keyboard), or a no cost program for iPod/iPhone which could permit your remotely control the particular transport bar via Gopro wifi... nice, you may declare, but not enough in order to rationalise an upgrade. Besides that Steinberg has as well taken this occasion to be able to fulfill the wishes indicated by many end users, by way of developing, firstly, a good export regarding multiple music data. Total Export, Hallelujah! Requested age range ago, the Complete Export have now helps make it possible to export various tracks in one shot. Up to now in Cubase, when you wished, intended for example, to make a good CD associated with 16 music tracks to give to the pal or a facility doing the job under another sequencer with no OMF format, a person had to carry out track by track, while using the One and Mute links: a new waste of time! Now, inside the Mixdown window, only check the little boxes with regard to your outputs, audio tracks as well as instruments together with results tracks. The only issue lacking in this home window is the chance to enable/disable the effects inserted throughout tracks, so you are able to easily produce dry track, although it can easily still end up being done in the mixing machine as well as project view. This would are already nice in case Cubase handled lossless music formats (Monkey Audio amidst others). Anyhow, even in the event Steinberg is catching upwards with the competition more than improvising on this point, this very simple characteristic alone is worth typically the upgrade from any edition of Cubase to this different version... Up in order to Pace Not as important nowadays for a few, but essential for other people, it must be pointed out that there are a couple of new types of monitors: Speed track and Trademark monitor which let anyone program changes in tempo and even time personal in your projects. Indeed, Cubase currently had the " cadence " editing tool in the past, but it was just a good editor, which was not very ergonomically designed. Now, without possibly causing the project home window, you may vary time autographs together with tempo with a new mouse click. Unfortunately, however, anyone can have only a single tempo and unique keep track of per project: you can't find a 3/4 track along with a 4/4 track playing together, or the track as their tempo would increase as the other folks remained at some sort of preset tempo, even when such illustrations are somewhat exceptional... The addition of these 2 tracks should, the point is, significantly make simpler work for composers, who also will also end up being delighted to have the new selection of MIDI computer software. MIDI Plug-Ins Let's start with MIDDLE SIZED plug-ins: they've been totally overhauled, and two brand-new ones have been additional: MIDDLE SIZED Monitor, and Do better than Custom made (which will get talked about later) The MIDI Monitor connect to enables you, as its name suggests, keep an attention on all messages getting through the MIDI sequencer, producing it an extremely beneficial tool when it happens to diagnosing a inability or connection problem, considering that that allows you to help export the firelogs into a good TXT record. Very valuable for robotizing complicated programming. Less esoteric nevertheless both equally powerful, the other MIDI plugins have had considerable improvements made to these people, possibly on the graphical or practical level: much like Chorder, which usually now offers a MIDI Understand function. Only regret: certainly not having tools designed to make ease of the MIDI programming with regard to acoustic instruments to make realistic strumming or different techniques. Nevertheless, in the particular field of reasonable MI-JOURNÉE programming, Steinberg has certainly not been idle, like proven by VST Appearance, one other major innovation associated with type 5... VST Reflection: Express Yourself! So what will be it? It's an interface that lets you intuitively manage and control (from the Piano Roll, the Drum Edit or credit score edit) the many jointures which can be found in good sized symphonic audio banks (Vienna, Garritan, Far east West Symphonic Orchestra, etc . ).. Related to the way another container Map streamlines editing batterie, you can now develop Expression Maps that is going to manage continual controllers (especially key switches) committed to some sort of particular playing technique (staccato, glissando, tremolo, etc. ).. After an Expression Map is made, all you want to do is plan in the changes within articulation at the bottom of the Cello Rotate (in the same room used for continuous controllers), or even use the right symbols inside the score manager. That's almost all this will be, but it really streamlines things, as you'll shortly realize with the HALion Symphonic Orchestra demo type (limited to 90 days), or perhaps with the brass, guitars, plus bass samples of HALion A SINGLE Appearance Set 01. Such as all of good ideas, you think about why nobody thought associated with this before. In addition to simplifying development, VST Expression also lets you shift your sequences from traditional bank to another, as very long as you hold the related expression maps. It can on this very issue the particular one might have cause for you to protest, because even although Cubase provides Manifestation Routes for HALion One in addition to HALion Orchestral Orchestra, that offers none for any weighty hitters of Orchestral trials. So you'll have for you to for you to roll up your own personal sleeves is to do it oneself, through a easy editing tool, or wait until typically the brands themselves or lovers do the job for you, which will probably occur sooner or after. Nevertheless regardless of whether VST Manifestation gets an ordinary adopted by simply other sequencers is yet to be seen... Vari Nice! The Total Move together with VST Expression features can be important add ons to be able to Cubase, but the offer that has received typically the most attention in Cubase 5 is undoubtedly VariAudio, which is fundamentally a good Melodyne-like application integrated instantly into Cubase. In the audio editor (accessible by means of double-clicking any file or maybe audio segment) you will find a new tab called VariAudio. When you initialize it, the technology starts a process regarding reputation for all typically the notes in the music clip that you can certainly then edit like a good simple MIDI collection. A person can change the message and also the place and length of segments, while some sort of curve indicates formants. Ergonomically speaking, the integration is great: rolling the sensitive mouse over some sort of note indicates the pitch and the change in pitch compared to the nearest half-step, while some sort of guitar roll will be superimposed in order to simplify transposition. In comparison to the particular Melodyne Plug-in, its incorporation is seamless: it will work in full display and even not in a decreased home window, there are not any more issues about contradictory shortcuts between Melodyne together with Cubase, plus above just about all, no more headaches using bouncing the audio only to be able to hear the result. There is certainly merely one thing that they have absent compared to Melodyne: VariAudio isn't going to handle this amplitude of segments, which in turn means you can't change the volume of each be aware it finds. Steinberg makes up for this, having said that, by incorporating a good Music to MIDI change feature. You can convert any mono audio snap into a good sequence the fact that can then be performed by any virtual device. Of course, depending with the quality in the sound clip and prognosis restrictions (with or with no getting into account pitch bend), the actual result will be a lot more or less dedicated in order to the original, but by means of editing a little to be able to clean up the sequence a person get results which have been usable... How does it audio? Even if the quality of the methods employed by VariAudio hold their own own when compared to the competitors, these people not up to par with Melodyne when coping with extreme échange (plus as well as minus one octave, to get example). That all depends obviously in what you're trying for you to transfer, some timbres work better in comparison with other people, like electric striper, whilst other individuals that are more intricate, like vocals, produce artifacts (glitches, flange, etc.. ) when you transpose more as compared to a few half-steps. It almost all depends on whatever you work with that for: hidden in the particular mix, some transpositions are usually undetectable, while if it can out in front of some sort of mix or perhaps all on your own it will more than likely not be usable. Nonetheless, it's excellent to currently have a tool like this specific since it come in handy in many scenarios and this works very well. In the wake associated with VariAudio, which is a great editing software, Steinberg has got also delivered pitch correction plug-in which, as the name suggests, automatically modifies the pitch in the observe you put it in (like Auto Tune), with the possibility of restricting the sound to a new a number of scale or changing its ceiling, alter formants, and so on.. The big change with VariAudio is plug-in works throughout real time and does the job well as long as you work with the appropriate settings (shape, speed, tolerance, etc.. ). Pitch correction can in addition create some special outcomes: Mickey mouse Mouse (+ 2 octaves), Barry White (-2 octaves), or by piloting the plug-in via MIDDLE SIZED similar to a virtual instrument, as well as receiving that 'Cher effect'. To put it briefly, in between Pitch Appropriate, VariAudio and AudioWarp, an individual can really sculpt your current tracks almost like they were being made of sonic clay surfaces. This is a quite good point for Cubase 5, which right now retains it is own with regards to sound editing. Let's look into often the effects and virtual instruments that come with Cubase 5... FOREIGN EXCHANGE Machine In Cubase 5, Steinberg kept up to date the bundled effects, plus now there's no lower than 58 audio plug-ins that come with Cubase 5. The assortment of effects is total and covers just with regards to all needs: spectral processing (EQ, filters, wah, enhancer), dynamic (compressors, gates, penile expander, de-esser, transient designer), space (autopan, stereo Widener), toss ( octaver), modulation side effects (chorus, phaser, flanger, diamond ring modulator), distortions, amp simulator, electric guitar tuner, signal electrical generator, etc.. etc.. It will need to be noted that there are a new slight redundancy: the exact same effects are sometimes readily available both in a mono version and a stereo version like the particularly annoying Wave Influences lots. Rather than acquiring 4 distinct delays, the idea would have been nice to get a single plugin that has been a small more sophisticated... The enchanting effect of Impulse Nevertheless, Steinberg should be congratulated for having last but not least incorporated a real high-quality reverb: Reverence convolution processor, which usually takes over for often the very sub-par RoomWorks (which is still available). There is not much to point out about Respect, whose features are similar to other convolution processors (setting various reverb parameters, 3 music group parametric equalizer, reverse method, preview... ). It have to be stated that often the plugin works inside stereo system or surround in addition to that comes with a selection regarding impulse responses: reverbs simply, no speaker simulators regarding guitarists, but given that you can find several impulses on the internet and significance files inside WAV or maybe AIFF structure, this is not a good problem. So, the only critique that can end up being made about this different reverb is the similar a person for all convolution processors: Respect is a new real hog in terminology of CPU consumption. To function in stereo, it's not really really bad, but to make use of it within surround method, it would be far better to have an extremely highly effective machine... However, Steinberg genuinely needed its very own convolution reverb. If you already have one main, then you won't proper care, but if you don't, you'll be saving some money... Common for all the supplied effect plug-ins which : and this is their primary strength - let you execute a new venture from A for you to Unces: nothing is missing and you may easily just work with cubase 5 as is. As for the top quality of the effects and processing, let's just say that nothing seems amiss nevertheless they normally are not up to be able to par with other 3rd party plugins, especially inside the EQ and vibrant processor department (you'll find better plugins by Inside Flux, Sonnox, Wave, URS, PSP... but for a cost that often is much greater than that of the sequencer! ), or the results found in a Samplitude by way of example... Groove Baby Groove! Found in Cubase 5, Steinberg features two new online devices and some sort of MIDI plug dedicated to electronic digital rhythms: Groove Real estate agent One, LoopMash, plus Beat Custom. Contrary to well-known belief, Groove Agent A person is not similar to the old Grooved Agent, nonetheless will be rather such as LM4... with a look of which mirrors an Akai MPC. Really a Drum Sampler which includes 16 exclusive pads which may be assigned to an AIFF, WAV, MPC, or diverse slices of a hook. Note that GA1 manages up to 8 sheets per pad, and you can have got 8 banks of 10 pads. Sleeping pad assignment is done by means of simple drag plus drop from MediaBay, the particular stereo editor tool, or job home window but unfortunately not from desktop computer of Home windows or Macintosh OS. Although after you set more than one document on the same pad, the software program automatically generates the matching layers dynamically disseminating speed ranges. As for modifying, GA1 offers a large amount of controls: tuning/transpose sample, amplitude curve, multimode filter (but not resonant, alas), invert mode... In short, there's ample to keep a person busy whether or not it would likely have been nice if your edit section had already been a little more created (I wasn't able to be able to change the playback start off and stop points connected with a sample) and right now there are no effects (distortion, delay, etc. ). Though, you can apply these kinds of influences in the appliance using diverse audio outputs, it's less intuitive. Indeed, despite their own resemblance, accomplish not expect to can, with Groove Agent A person, a quarter of this things you can carry out with FXpansion's Guru, yet this can be normal after just about all for a method provided with a sequencer... Concerning sequencing, you'll have enjoyable using the new MIDI plug-in known as Beat Designer. Adding typically the ergonomics and reasoning of the classic step sequencer (up to 64 measures for each pattern with diverse time signatures possible), Combat Designer will allow an individual to quickly pilot Groove Agent One or just about any other synth or drum sampler. It is use is definitely very simple: one press to add an event, a person click to eliminate, together with click and drag to switch velocity, although often the slider effect the "swing" sense. It's a new wonderful small sequencer although, yet again, it has the combination with Groove Agent You are very a long way from offering the strength and even the ergonomics of a new Master... And lastly, the most original with the cope: LoopMash. No sequences not one shot samples, this time around we're dealing with streets, along with a strategy that's not far from PowerFX's Magic or Master (again). Typically the idea is to combine typically the groove of a master hook with often the sound of 7 different loops, and matches similar elements over loops and bests, creating new "mash-ups" through any rhythmic audio substance. The software is centered on a sound acknowledgement modus operandi, so you are able to dose the degree of each picture and you can document up to 8 clips with one click. Presently there not necessarily many controls, although gowns OK because this specific fact makes it possible for LoopMash in order to remain a simple and even effective tool for obtaining unique ideas, especially when you try out mixing melodic loops plus drum loops. If electro is your cup of teas, you will still really like the plan. If however, you tend in the direction of Blues or perhaps Rock, anyone probably will not see much interest in this device, not Groove Agent One or Do better than Designer. I want in order to point out what is today one of the only real weak points that Cubase features as opposed to some of it is competitors: the particular number of virtual instruments. Though Embracer, Monologue, Spector, or Halion One can be very nice in and even of by themselves, they're a good very far be sad via the power and usefulness of the Z3TA plus, Dimension Pro, and Rapture THE trio in Pronunciarse, or the instruments offered in Common sense Pro 8 (no rhodes, no organ, etc. ).. It would certainly likely be fewer embarrassing if Cubase transported using a new real software sampler (why isn't HALion involved simply by default). Almost all many of us get by default is definitely the Halion One ROMpler with acoustics banks starting from fair to very average. In this consider, this would be fine if Steinberg had a good more attractive offer, either through marketing or by licensing (including versions of third party plug-ins) or precisely why certainly not buying, technology or products of small specialized programmers. Conclusion Cubase 5 is definitely a success and shows development in several areas. Whole lot more user-friendly, more powerful and better equipped, Steinberg's child is alive in addition to properly! Sure, we'd always want to have more (especially exclusive instruments), but characteristics want VariAudio, VST Reflection, Tempo/Signature tracks, or typically the multitrack export feature help make this an essential update. To the question "Should you upgrade from type 4 or lower", the answer is a good one thousand times yes, but retain in mind that the Facilities variant of this computer software doesn't include things like (and it's an important point) VariAudio, amongst other issues. If however, you don't have a sequencer or you plan to change, the issue is additional challenging for the reason that after a fast website surf, it was rather surprising to find out that no brands other than Magix, Cakewalk and Ableton, have demonstration types associated with their sequencers! And it's really a good shame that you aren't try ahead of you acquire on some sort of time any time the variations between sequencers is typically summed upwards by the few features and diverse work-flows. But, speaking being an unconditional Cubase user these past 20 several years, I can't recommend Cubase 5 adequate...
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urfavmurtad · 6 years
What are some things about Judaism and Christianity that you learned that surprised you? What about polytheistic religions like native american animism, Buddhism, Shinto and Jainism? Zoroastrians? Baha’i? Yazidi?
Anon this is… such an in-depth question! Idek where to begin here. Of all those religions, I have learned the most about Judaism since I stopped being religious. What I knew about Judaism prior to maybe 5 years ago was mostly just what Islam says about Judaism. Meaning, you know, from Adam to Moses, then it skips ahead to David/Solomon/Saul, then there are some brief mentions of Jonah and Ezekiel and that’s really it.
So I didn’t know a lot, and I wasn’t very interested in what I did know tbh. The only reason why I started reading the Bible is bc I wanted to compare it to the Quranic versions of the stories and see how much Mohammed fucked them up. And that was fun but I didn’t bother to look much further into Judaism past that. The Books of Kings and Chronicles, for example, I took one look at them, decided they were boring, and didn’t read them until only a couple of years ago. That’s when I first got into the whole Biblical history thing. I tried reading a book about how the Bible was put together and realized I didn’t know enough about the Bible itself to even begin.
I forced myself to read those four books and then some of the prophet books (side note: all of the female prophets were left out of Islam, I didn’t even know they existed. Damn it Mohammed!!!). And I’m glad I did, because it changed my whole view of the Jewish Bible. It’s a history book!! Like… that’s literally what it’s supposed to be, a (legendary) history of Israel/Judah, and every bad thing that happens to them is ascribed to YHWH getting pissed off at them, but then like my friend and her trash boyfriend he always forgives them and takes them back even tho they just go on to disappoint him again. The Bible is the world’s oldest and greatest self-drag!!!
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Once I actually knew the general chronology of the Biblical kings and shit I could actually make my way through this book without getting confused (mostly). Highly recommend this one for beginners btw, there is a PDF online and it’s not overly long.
And damn… I know there’s some debate about certain elements of it like the exact nature of the “documentary hypothesis” but even just focusing on the stuff that people agree upon, I didn’t know any of it before reading this, beyond there being no evidence for the Exodus/the huge kingdom of Solomon etc. I also knew that early Judaism was a system where multiple gods existed but YHWH was just their patron god, but I didn’t fully understand the process in how he got conflated with El and became the god.
More relevant to this topic, though, I didn’t understand the history behind the Bible itself. Deuteronomy being written separately/earlier than the rest and the Bible claiming that it was “found” in the Temple after like 900 years in Josiah’s time… like I had never even heard of Josiah prior to a few years ago and here I am realizing that this bitch perpetrated fraud that would make Linda Taylor proud. Tf. AND, the whole thing with Judah being way, way less developed than Israel, and Israel was actually a multi-ethnic and prosperous society, but then after the Assyrians handed Israel its ass the Judeans were suddenly the top bitch in school and wrote the whole Bible to make their former northern neighbors out to be assholes?? Wow Team Israel tbh.
Then when you get to the time of the Babylonian Exile tho you have to feel a bit bad for the people of Jerusalem, like the Babylonians were uncommonly dickish even for their time and the ppl of the city were clearly traumatized tbh… a lot of the stories in the Bible, especially those believed to have been added only after the exile, make a hell of a lot more sense when you realize the huge changes occurring in Jewish society at the time. The transition from “there are lots of gods but YHWH is our god” to “YHWH is the god” is completely understandable when you realize that people were searching for some explanation as to why they had all been uprooted and thrown out of their homes, and the obvious explanation is that, yet again, they had pissed YHWH the fuck off by worshiping other gods.
I feel like both Christianity and Islam (but especially Islam) try to separate many of Judaism’s better-known stories from the context of ancient Israel/Judah itself, presenting them as more universal stories that apply to everyone, but tbh the whole over-arching story doesn’t work unless you look at it as a history written by and for Jews who were rebuilding their religion and society in a volatile period. I’m reading this rn and it’s relevant to that topic.
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It’s truly a damn shame that pretty much like 0% of Muslims have been exposed to any of this tbh? I feel like almost all scholars of Biblical history come from non-Muslim countries. I have more feelings on this subject but let me answer the rest of your question. First of all, Christianity. I read the New Testament in full a couple of years ago as well. It was obviously way easier to read because the Gospels are all different versions of the same story and the rest is just supplementary material, basically. I think the text itself is pleasant and Jesus was a chill dude. I like him. And the whole… sequence of events made much more sense after I’d read the Book of Isaiah and realized that the authors of the Gospels were viewing Jesus in light of those prophecies. Revelation is a fascinating shrooms trip. The Acts of the Apostles were fun to read, but all the letters were just like w/e. More historically interesting (if they’re real) than interesting in terms of content. Though I do think some of the content in them is very nice, idk if people know this but Muslims think Paul was responsible for perverting the (non-existent) “real” Gospel of Jesus and paint him very poorly. But I dunno, the letters seemed fine to me.
Tbh I was surprised to see how different Islam’s version of Christianity/Christian stories is compared to the “real thing”. I don’t even mean his disastrous misconceptions of Christian theology but just like… with the stories Mohammed pulled from the Jewish Bible (and the Talmud–which I also enjoyed flipping through btw, it’s like a bunch of old guys yelling at each other in written form), he gets details wrong but the overall stories are basically the same. But with the Christian stories, barely anything in the Quran is from the Bible. I think I’ve said this before but like 90% of the stuff pulled from Christianity in Islam is about baby Jesus, not adult Jesus, and even that stuff isn’t from the Bible. It’s understandable when you realize that he was listening to these stories, not reading them, and just picked the ones he liked best… which happened to be later texts. That brings me to a subject that is near and dear to my heart:
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Apocryphal texts bih. I love this shit, with full sincerity and zero irony. The weirder it gets, the better. I started out just reading the ones that made it into the Quran, like the Life of Adam and Eve, the Infancy Gospels that I’ve mentioned before, and the Testament of Solomon. Then some Gnostic stuff, which I only read because it has the same substitute-crucifixion thing going on as Islam, but WHEW chile the DRUGS these ppl were on while writing this shit…! The Sethians and the Nag Hammadi library produced such treasures of crazy-ass literature. It makes me sad how so much of this stuff is just totally forgotten now that Christianity is mostly just Catholic/Protestant+Orthodox. There were so many sects and people had so many divergent ideas, some more drug-assisted than others probably!! And Middle Eastern Christianity was very diverse even in the 7th century. Some of the stories they produced had such rich lore. My fave right now is this Syriac collection:
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I came across this one while looking for the origins of the al-Khidr story in the Quran. There were all sorts of opinions about who he was, bc Mohammed never really gave any details on his life, but Ibn Ishaq recorded an opinion that al-Khidr was the one who buried Adam and Allah granted him long life in return. So I looked for the source of that story and it was the story of Melchizedek in this book. Then I read the whole thing and man this would make for some weird psychedelic series or sth. It’s online, look it over and you’ll see how trippy it is.
Um… anon this is getting rly long tbh so let me sum up my knowledge of Shinto, Native American animism, and Jainism: not much!! Buddhism I have only an intro-level knowledge of, I know the basics but I don’t know more than that. The beliefs of Yazidis I don’t fully understand, but the little I know is pretty cool. From what I understand it’s a blend of pre-Islamic Kurdish religion + early Islamic influence + some other influences thrown in. It’s sad how they’re branded as devil-worshipers or w/e when the story of Melek Taus is actually really interesting and has a good moral and is way, way better than the story of Iblis. I also enjoy Yazidi architecture and that unique ribbed cone top of theirs. I hope they’re able to live on as a community after, uh, recent events.
I actually was taught about Bahai people growing up but I was told it was some heretical offshoot of Islam comparable to Ahmadiyya people. I didn’t realize it was considered its own religion until fairly recently tbh. I did read the Kitab al-Aqdas (which is blessedly short, this makes Bahai a great religion automatically!!) once. It’s definitely super inspired by the Quran in terms of style and to me clearly seems to be an attempt to make a Kinder And Also More Iranian Islam. I think it’s pretty neat. In fact I think a lot of attempts to magically make Islam “nicer” would just end up making it more like Bahai tbh. And it has a really fascinating history, with the Bab basically being a new John the Baptist and Bahaullah being the one he foretold. He even accidentally ended up in Israel lmao. I also really love Bahai architecture in terms of how diverse it is, with the only unifying feature being visual interest, and I would love to see the temple in India irl one day. India always has the best architecture anyway.
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I saved Zoroastrians for last bc I have to be honest here. I tried to look into it, because it’s ancient and had an influence on Judaism etc and that makes it important. Fam I got about 3% of the way through the Avesta before giving up. I was still in the hymns part and just like… every other word was something I didn’t understand. I will go back and try again one day but for now the answer is “lol idk”.
ANYWAY… yeah… I’ve enjoyed reading about religion way more now that I’m not religious, both in terms of Islam and other religions, I can appreciate the process or w/e now that I’m not constantly trying to make it fit into Islam or panicking every time I spot something that makes me question my faith. I know a lot of atheists either fall away from religion altogether or just look at it like it’s something dumb, but even if it’s fake, that doesn’t make it worthless imo. The history itself is always worth studying.
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Sup guys, Tenka (Aka Ponzorz) here - I said I’d write a post about how I self studied Japanese, sooooo I guess this is it. I learnt Japanese from Zero to Fluent in about 2.5 years, and this is my method. It’s probably not the most interesting (I didn’t watch any anime… lol… I only started watching Anime these past 1, 2 years - back then I only read  a few Manga, and that was in English) and it’s hard, but maybe it can shed some light on to a study regime you can set up for yourself.
Before reading, keep in mind that there is never a single best way to study Japanese, and the most important thing about studying a language is not what textbook you have or what shows you watch - it’s always that you keep yourself going and push yourself to carry on.
I had a pretty set way I studied Japanese, so I’ll talk about that here, and since I gained proficiency I have found a lot of other methods to help people who are learning Japanese - and I’ll draw on those experiences too to inform people in this post.
[ Learning the Writing System ] This is step one. Japanese has three sets of difference characters. Most people don’t get it at first, but I’ll just try to explain each one below.
Hiragana (あいうえお - this is the Japanese vowels a-i-u-e-o in Hiragana) - This is the most basic one, you can use this to write everything you need to - but only knowing this one would be like some ponyo/sousuke level writing… aka like a five year old. As a person learning Japanese for a second/third/fourth/99th language though, Hiragana is definitely a solid start.
Katakana (アイウエオ - this is the Japanese vowels a-i-u-e-o in Katakana) Everything that can be written in Hiragana can be written in Katakana - it’s like two different versions of the same alphabet.
However, Katakana is mostly used for ① Foreign vocabulary/Proper nouns that can’t be written in Kanji, and ② Emphasis/Nuance.  ①  is “Borrowed Words”, ie. Words in Japanese that originated from another language, will be written in Katakana. For example, Camera (“Kyamera” キャメラ), and “Naruto” is ナルト <- This is Katakana.  The second situation of emphasis/nuance is more difficult to explain, but just think of it this way: Writing “Baka” in Katakana, can give off a different feel to if it were written in Hiragana.
Kanji - Kanji is very, very, very, important. Most people beginning their Japanese studies won’t know very much Kanji, which is totally normal - and they will probably hate it at some point. But, writing Japanese without Kanji islikereadingenglishwithoutspacesinbetweenthewords. It kills the reader and if you are serious about studying Japanese, learn yo’ Kanji. Kanji are chinese characters that make up portions of a verb in Japanese, or a lot of nouns can be written completely in Kanji. Hiragana is used to support Kanji and used to fill particles and prepositions and subject markers etc, in a sentence, as those things do not have a designated Kanji - or it is not commonly used. It probably sounds confusing as hell right now but you’ll get it really quickly once you start learning. Every Kanji has a reading, so it may be hard to learn the different readings for each Kanji but it gets easier as you go, I swear.
Originally posted by studiotrigger
I started learning the writing system slowly and piecemeal, just writing the seperate kana on paper and getting more or less used to them and memorising the readings. I talk about how I learnt this in the next section, but in the meanwhile… I thought of another method.
This may be off topic but I learnt how to read Korean Hangul in like an hour by playing an online “drill” game, so I think from that experience it may be a lot faster to learn Katakana and Hiragana that way.
I found some drillers where you see the kana and just type in the romaji (ie. english version of Japanese lol):
Try those!
( A bit about watching Anime - I think if Anime/dramas is what you’re interested in, definitely watch it. Just gonna put it out there, doing that alone probably won’t get you fluent. But it’s important because it keeps you interested, and it’s about immersion and keeping in contact with the language. :D Don’t spend 90% of your “Japanese study” in anime, but if it’s what you enjoy, go for it and it will help.
I recommend Slice of Life anime over Shonen - why? Because you’d use SoL anime dialogue more. FYI No one seriously uses “Dattebayo/-ttebayo” in Japanese, ever, “Bankai” is zero help if you want to make conversation, and most Shonen protagonists and villains speak in such an informal/brash way I’d only recommend if you want to get in to a fight. ;9 <3 )
[Actually studying the grammar and the vocab]
Because there is not much point in knowing the writing system without actually understanding what all those squiggly characters mean, it’s best to press on and learn some vocab and grammar.
First, I’ll talk about the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). JLPT is a benchmark exam for Japanese, it has 5 levels from 5 -1. 5 being the easiest, and 1 being the hardest. You don’t have to worry about sitting the exam or anything, but it’s just a really solid curriculum to base your Japanese studies off.
I started studying off
Tim’s Takamatsu -
this website is practically my godsend. I printed out everything, had it bound in to a book - you’ll see that most of the tutorials here are in Romaji. How I studied was I scribed in the Katakana, Hiragana, and Kanji (Where applicable) under the Romaji. This helped me memorise and write Hiragana and Katakana really fast, get used to using basic Kanji, and learn all the basic grammar and vocab up till around N3 level. This took me about 3 months. Then I’d say it’s all downhill once you hit N3 level.
Even after I was through with Tim’s Takamatsu, I bought Schaums Outlines of Japanese Grammar just to help me solidify stuff. It’s not the best book nor the most interesting book, but it helped.    
http://www.tanos.co.uk/  is a fantastic website to look at all the vocab/grammar you need for each JLPT standard, and strive to learn them and gradually progress from 5-1. I printed off the grammar lists from Tanos, and learnt all the ones I wasn’t sure of.
I also listened to a lot of podcasts, like Japanese 101. This helped me with listening skills, and I also learnt a lot of vocab and grammar. I find the stuff you learn from podcasts really memorable, compared to what you’d learn by reading off grammar books all the time. It’s a nice change.
Extra Materials for Basic Grammar etc - these are awesome, kudos to the people who made these - print it, stick it up in your room! I wish I had found  them when I was studying. (T_T) http://cheatsheets.nihonshock.com/sheets/basic-japanese/
There links below are more explanatory stuff rather than “cheat sheets”. It’s like Tim’s Takamatsu - so I would use them to supplement each other.
This is probably one of the most important parts of my Japanese studying journey. Don’t give up if you’ve made it this far! :D You can do it!
Originally posted by toctocpiopio
[Advanced Japanese]
Okedoke, so how do you get from N3 to N1? You’ve gotten yourself this far, so just keep doing what you’ve been doing the whole time and don’t give up. Keep referring back to the JLPT standards to see what you need to still learn, in terms of grammar, and go for it.
N2, N1, levels require a lot of Kanji readings and Vocab Knowledge. How I tackled this, was by flashcards. I played a game on my phone called “Japanese Flash” (on iOS) and it was the only “game” I had on my phone for almost a year. Anki, or any other flashcard system will work the same. I find flashcards the most effective way for me to pick up vocab/kanji readings the fastest - the hardest thing about it is persevering. I’d play the flashcards on the bus, at home, in bed, in the shower jks  , some days I felt like I was going to throw up from flash carding… but it’s a bump you’ve gotta get over. It gets better as you pick up more readings, and you’ll find you’re able to correctly guess heaps of Kanji combinations as you go.
I had the book “A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar”, and the beginners version of that book, to help me through all the difficult grammar. Plus google.
http://www.imabi.net/ is a fantastic website too, with basic - advanced Japanese grammar. I wish I found this earlier as well. (T_T)
[Notes about my particular circumstances] So hitting N1 took me about 2.5 years. I do realise this is probably not what most people want to do - spend so much time manically studying Japanese, I had tunnel vision for a long time and it was literally what I spent my spare time doing, so hear me out.
Originally posted by opioide
I think at that point in my life, I was a stupid teen and I really hated my own situation, resented it, and I wanted to leave my city so bad and go somewhere - anywhere. In short, I was pretty desperate. For a lot of rebellious and otherwise personal reasons, I decided to go to Japan. (Eg. My family is Chinese, and I’ve been fed loads of nationalistic shit since toddlerhood about how Chinese people hate Japan blah blah don’t go there blah blah all Japanese are bad blah blah which I refused to believe and I wanted to see Japan with my own eyes since I was sure I would be able to make friends since I think there are nice people, as well as terrible people, eeeeverywhere in the world in any place.)
I needed a scholarship in Japanese, so that’s why I studied madly. Otherwise, I’d never be able to have the $$ leave and I felt like I’d have been trapped in a city I don’t belong in, forever. Yeah… >_> I had serious attitude issues, pls don’t judge me. I love my city now that I’m back, and I ought to have given the people around me more credit. .___.
Originally posted by galaxymoonbird
That aside though, I want to talk about Kanji. I realise in this guide, I never talked much about learning to familliarize with or write Kanji. I suppose the easiest way to explain this would be, well I’m Chinese in origin so that wasn’t much of an issue to me, but that would not only be misleading, but discouraging to a lot of people who don’t have a chinese background. There is no easy way learning how to write Kanji, you have to put in the legwork - that’s all there is to it. I never had an education in Chinese, English would be my first language as I passed my years from toddler onwards in Middle Earth and various other places, but I suppose one could say that I did my Kanji learning prior to learning the rest of my Japanese. Strict parents = learning at least X amount of Kanji/day before I could leave the house to go run around outside, and I distinctly remember one summer when I was around 11, my Kanji knowledge sky rocketed as a result of being forced to stay inside and learn it all summer.
I wrote a Kanji 20+ times till I memorised it, and that’s probably how I got my foundation. Once I’d started studying Japanese, I still had to get used to how Kanji was used in the Japanese language system - a lot of stuff is written differently, and my Kanji wasn’t perfect to begin with so I had to learn a heap of new ones, and since all the readings were completely different to what I was used to, I had to learn those too (hence flash carding). I think my Chinese probably got better as a result of studying Japanese, lol…. I’m serious. >_>
Originally posted by ghibli-forever
21 notes · View notes
jvzooproductsclub · 6 years
Web Design & Hosting Bonus Package
Web Design & Hosting Bonus Package
Learn more here: http://mattmartin.club/index.php/2018/05/26/web-design-hosting-bonus-package/
Welcome To MattMartin.Club!
  Includes Many Bonuses About Affiliate Marketing & eCommerce & It’s Yours! 
Scroll down & Check it now! [We Always Keep Updating Bonus Pages]
ALL is Yours
1. Clear Your Cookies in your Web Browser (Ctrl + Shift + Delete) 2. Purchase Products Through My Email/Website 3. Contact Me Here with the receipt of your purchase 4. ALL Bonuses in General Internet Marketing Bonuses Package is Yours & You will receive them within 12-48 hours.
I Will Always Update New Bonus Now, Check your bonus below!
    BONUS #1: Premium Domain Buying And Selling Secrets
64 pages step by step guide book to make $10, $100, $200 daily.
How I sold a premium domain for $2000 & made $600 as profit just in 45 days.
Taught this method to many newbies and got amazing results.
  BONUS #2: Domains To Cash
While all of the sales shown above generated amazing profits, there will ALWAYS be many, in fact most of the domains I register that never get sold. Shocked? Don’t be. REMEMBER: Each domain name registration is only $1 to $10. If I sell just ONE domain out of every 10 I register, the cost is a drop in the bucket.
The cost of registering 10 domain names will be between $10 and $100. By selling just one of those domains for $500, the profit is a very nice $400 minimum. Where else can you FAIL 90% of the time and still see outrageous profits?! That’s why I love the domain flipping business so much and have been passionate about it for 12+ years.
  BONUS #3: Niche Site Project
The NSP Video Course provides the exact blueprint to follow for a successful Amazon Associate niche site. ​Imagine what it would be like to wake up each morning and see the new sales you made overnight without giving it a second thought.
BONUS #4: Make Money as a WebHosting Reseller.
Do you want to make money on the internet promoting web services for another company? Have you recently joined a web hosting or domain reseller program but aren’t sure what to do next? Have you already started your business but aren’t sure how to get more visitors? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in the right place!
BONUS #5: 101 WordPress Tips and Strategies
If you want a WordPress blog that helps you really connect with your readers on a personal level… and makes money in the process… then my new 101 WordPress Tips report will show you how. A blog is the best way to express your ideas and attract people to your product or service. The search engines love WordPress and will reward you with fantastic rankings if you optimize it correctly.
In addition to being by far the best blogging platform for the search engines, it’s the best for end users too because, once you learn the ropes, it’s easy to use and maintain.
A blog that looks professional with the right content in the right niche means you’ll be perceived as an expert very quickly and can quickly start making cash online. Imagine getting up in morning and posting content on your blog that fans eagerly read every day. You’ve built up enough trust with them that they click on your ads and/or buy the products you recommend.
  BONUS #6: WordPress Success Simplified
What Will I Learn?
Boost your ROI by making optimal use of technology
Get a deep insight into the best practices for making offline profits
Develop an excellent understanding of Niche site research and design
Use time-tested freelance techniques to showcase your expertise
Make the best use of WordPress and become a success story
Get best results in a cost effective manner
  BONUS #7: Business Growth System 2.0
What I’m about to share with you in my program are the strategies I’ve accumulated to help build my own multi-million dollar businesses as well as help others do the same. These are the exact strategies you always wished someone would reveal to you but no one ever did.
  BONUS #8: Plugin Blueprint
This no-fluff, to-the-point, detailed blueprint reveals…
3 places to get inspiration for your plugin and how to make sure that your idea will be profitable
Why a simple plugin that solves ONE problem is much easier to create and sell than a plugin that’s too complicated
The easiest method for designing your plugin and creating the project description (I even give you my copy-and-paste template)
4 ways to position your plugin differently and destroy your competition
A little-known website where you can license plugins for under $50 (hint: it’s not the Warrior Forum)
Where to find free software you can use to design your plugin’s interface (I even show you an example)
4 questions you need to ask in your project description to weed out the programmers you don’t want
How to post your project and make sure it gets approved (follow these steps to avoid rejection)
5 things to consider before you accept a worker’s bid
How to create milestones to keep your worker motivated
Why you should always beta test your plugin before releasing the final payment
Where to outsource your plugin’s video tutorials for under $50
My 7-step sales copy formula specifically designed to sell plugins
The hidden profit multiplier that’s easy to implement
  BONUS #9: WP Scarcity Builder
ScarcityBuilder was designed to add urgency to any page on your WordPress sites. Use on Sales Pages, Affiliate Promotion Pages, Squeeze Pages, One-Time Offer (OTO) Pages, Pre-Launch Pages, the list goes on…
Creating time sensitivity into your sales material changes how the visitor approaches your site. They now realize that there is NO coming back, NO “I’ll take a look when I have more time”, NO bookmarking to check out later or to forget the next day.
  BONUS #10: WordPress Site Building Simplified
With WordPress Site Building Simplified Video Series, you can:
Quickly and easily create any kind of site you want
Manage and update your site without fiddling with complicated codes
Increase visibility and be accessible 24/7 for your customers
Generate high-quality leads and convert them into loyal customers
Reach widely scattered audience through mobile, tablet, desk top or laptop
  BONUS #11: Create Your Own Lifestyle Business
Here’s just a fraction of what we’re going to cover…
WHY you should start your OWN lifestyle business in the first place
The FOUR key elements to success online
How to spot COSTLY mistakes (avoid these like the PLAGUE!)
How to start on a BUDGET without cutting corners
Why it’s perfectly ok NOT to be a tech genius
  BONUS #12: How I Made 1,000,000 Reselling Software
So Luther Landor’s new product How I Made 1,000,000 Reselling Software has just been released and after going through this huge PDF training I have to say that this will be THE game changer for a lot of people, myself included!
As always Luther has a sales page for How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software that is not some blind sales copy that you have no idea what you will be buying but instead he has explained the exact method of what you will be doing in this course…now the thing is after reading the sales page of How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software I thought what a great idea I am going to try that but trust me when you actually open this packed eBook you will see that without the actual product you would have no idea where to start or how to do this.
BONUS #13: Blogging For Dummies, 6th Edition
Best of all, you’ll discover how you can make real money from your passion and become a professional blogger.
Choose a blogging topic and platform
Use your blog to build your personal brand
Monetize your blog through advertising and sponsorships
Create content that easily integrates with social media
Blogging is a great way to express yourself, build and audience, and test out your ideas, and Blogging For Dummies will help you jump in with both feet!
  BONUS #14: All Themes & Plugins From Mythemshop (Official)
24×7 Helpful Support
Something not working the way you want it to? No problem. Our 24×7 support is always there to ensure 100% satisfaction.
Fully Responsive Designs
In 2015, mobile will dominate the web, and with a MyThemeShop theme, you can be assured that your website will provide a great user experience on any device.
Make Your Site Load Fast
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says it perfectly – Nobody wants to look back and wish they had spent more time waiting for a website to load.
Narrated Video Tutorials
Are you unsure how something works with your theme? No problem, we have you covered with our narrated video tutorials.
BONUS #15: WP Rocket Plugin (Official – $199)
Page Caching
Caching creates an ultra-fast load time, essential for improving Search Engine Optimization and increasing conversions. When you turn on WP Rocket, page caching is immediately activated.
Cache Preloading
Because our crawler simulates a visit to preload the cache, the indexing of your website by search engines is instantly improved.
Images on Request
Images are loaded only as your visitor scrolls down the page, improving the load time of the page. YouTube, Facebook, Yahoo and other major websites are using this technique. Now yours can too.
Static Files Compression
WP Rocket reduces the weight of your HTML, JavaScript and CSS files through minification. Lighter files means faster load time!
Developer friendly
WP Rocket’s code is developed according to WordPress best practices. It is clean, commented and has loads of hooks so developers can easily make advanced customizations.
BONUS #16: All WordPress & HTML Themes from TeslaThemes (Official – $199)
Join now one of the most powerful and satisfied WP theme club in the world with over 25273+ happy TeslaThemes’ members!
BONUS #17: All themes from Theme Junkie (Official)
Start with one of our most latest WordPress themes, or browse our full theme collection. Whether you’re a business, creative professional, writer, freelancer, or someone wanting your own online presence, we’re here to help you make it amazing! All our themes come with support from our professional team, so you’ll have someone to help you get started, every step of the way.
BONUS #18: All Themes & Plugins From Elegant Themes (Official)
Our Visual Drag & Drop WordPress Themes Are Changing The Game
Download 87 beautiful WordPress Themes for the price of one, including Divi, the ultimate theme and visual page builder. Take Divi for a free test drive today.
Build And Promote Your Websites With Our Suite Of Premium WordPress Plugins
Harness the power of the Elegant Themes plugin suite, including Bloom and Monarch, the best tools for gathering leads and building your social following online.
BONUS #19: KingSumo Giveaways (Offcial – 594$)
Giveaways have been the #1 cost-effective method we’ve used to grow AppSumo to 700,000 email subscribers. We figured it was time to give you the technology we’ve spent 1 year perfecting.
Use Built-In Flash Graphic Creators to Create Custom Graphics & To Build Professional Sales Pages Instantly With Ease In WordPress!
Short Description: Create easy customizable video popup,social popup,local pop for local business in a minute
Short Description: Unleash The Power Of Viral Traffic To Your Blog And Watch In Amazement How With One Single ‘WP Hack’ You Can Drive Hordes Of Traffic – Quickly And Easily.
Short Description: This ‘Point & Click’ WP Plugin Makes it Super Fast and Easy to Get Your Videos to Show Up On Your Blog Pages & Posts!
Short Description: Capture Your Readers’ Attention And Guide Them Into Your Sales Funnel By Making Use Of The Most Ignored And Overlooked Real Estate On Your Blog.
BONUS #25: WP EZ Launcher
Short Description: If you are a niche marketer, affiliate marketer or online entreprenuer that have lots of wordpress websites to launch on, having a tool that will automate the launching process would be a huge help to save more time.
BONUS #26: WP Login PRO
Short Description: WordPress is HOT and more and more designers and marketers are providing their offline clients or building membership websites with WordPress, but with more on the rise …This super simple to use wordpress plugin enables anyone to change their generic wordpress login pages to look like it’s built on an expensive professional CMS solution….even if you’re just trying out WordPress for the first time!
BONUS #27: WP Checkout Maximizer
Short Description: WP Checkout Maximizer is the definitive WP plugin that will help you by increasing your conversion sales, enhance your buyer’s experience and also to drive social viral traffic to your blogs.
BONUS #28: WP Email Countdown
Short Description: A Powerful And Crazy Profitable WordPress Plugin That Allows You To Inject Scarcity In Your Emails With Effective Countdown Timers That Will Make People Do Your Bidding And Generate RESULTS For You.
BONUS #29: WP iAsk
Short Description: Instantly Create Surveys That Will Give You Important Information About Your Visitors! Effortlessly Create Insightful And Engaging Surveys, Gather Critical Data Such As Statistics And Answers From Your Visitors…All In One Place.
Brand New, Powerful WordPress Plugin Now Allows You To Get Insight As To What Your Visitors Are Thinking, So That You Can Make Better And More Informed Decisions…For MORE Profits.
BONUS #30: Video Affiliate Pro WP Plugin
BONUS #31: WP Timeline Plugin
BONUS #32: WP Easy Optin Pro Plugin
BONUS #33: Scarcity Demon
BONUS #34: FB Webinar WP Plugin
BONUS #35: WP Call Directory Plugin
BONUS #36: Spark Engine WP Plugin
BONUS #37: FB Tube WP Plugin
BONUS #38: Optin Fire WP Plugin
BONUS #39: Easy Builder WP Plugin
BONUS #40: WP Video Optin Plugin
BONUS #41: Internet Marketing Plugin
BONUS #42: Three WordPress Themes
Since your users are actively posting content to their blog, why not give them a PROVEN theme to use? We’ve taken inspiration from three top viral sites – Viral Nova, Upworthy, and IFL Science and built a theme that’s easy to use and is already battle tested by millions of users every month.
BONUS #43: Package Of 18 Plugins (Worth 697) 
BONUS #44: WP Local Business Plugin
Description: An easy to use system that creates social-powered business landing pages in seconds. This system is designed for anyone who wants to get a full business landing page site up and running in minutes without installing a big bulky cms, or doing any hardcore techie stuff.
BONUS #45: WP Sell Anywhere Plugin
Description: With this simple plugin you can create a PayPal button and alternative payment button for those countries where Paypal is not accepted so you don’t miss any sales! You can add unlimited products to any WP post or WP page.
BONUS #46: WP Cash-O-Matic Plugin
Description: A WP plugin that allows you to create product pages or affiliate offer pages. Be it affiliate marketing, product creation, everyday blogging, website owning or webmastering, the product can increase your profits and streamline your product page creation.
BONUS #47: WP Protector
Description: This simple and high utility plugin that acts as a Web Application Firewall, detecting and preventing against vulnerability exploits, unethical intrusions and additionally strengthens your WordPress installation so your WP site remains guarded against security hazards.
BONUS #48: MemberPal WP Membership Plugin
Description: Create Fully Protected Membership Websites with Paypal Verified Members that only lets verified PayPal customers access your content.
BONUS #49: Back Control WordPress Plugin
Description: Helps you maximize your marketing efforts by redirecting your visitors to any url, when they click the ‘Back’ button to return to the previous url and there you can recapture / monetize your lost traffic.
BONUS #50: WP Swift Page Plugin
Web page loading time is the most crucial factor to reduce bounce rate. Keeping this in mind, here’s an exciting plugin that provide an easy way to instantly increase the speed of WordPress site while drastically reducing bounce rate and makes visitors to stay longer.
It is an easy to use plugin that boosts your WP site and make it load lightning fast. When combined with immense power of VidMozo, this package becomes a WIN-WIN situation for business owners.
BONUS #51: Marketing Minisite Template V2015
Website designing plays a huge role in increasing sales and if you are not familiar with designing, that it can cost you big. Keeping this in mind, this booster provides easy to customize Minisite templates to resolve your designing problem. You can easily setup websites and landing pages for your clients and you can use it too for promoting your own products.
BONUS #52: WP EZ Launcher
This amazing WordPress plugin helps to quickly set up your WordPress blog and get it up and running in less than 30 seconds. This allows you to easily Install and activate plugin all at once, add new themes, delete unwanted sidebar widgets, etc.
BONUS #53: WP Notification Plus
This WP plugin would help you grab attention of your visitors and make them check messages by notifying them. This WordPress plugin easily allows you to create your own attention-grabbing notification box in less than 3 minutes. Stop thinking and get into active mode to surpass your competitors forever.
BONUS #54: WP Page Takeover
To intensify its benefits, here’s an incredibly useful and profitable WP Plugin you can create an entire Promo Page or even promo widgets to any normal WP page or post.
Now, with just a few clicks you will be able to hijack your visitor’s attention, and create awareness of your products & affiliate offers.
BONUS #55: Premium Wallpaper Site WordPress themes.
Instantly create Wallpaper sites for any niche. Get your wallpaper sites setup in minutes and start profiting from any niche. Easily monetise them with adsense widgets. All themes come with full tutorial showing you how to use them
BONUS #56: WP Left Behind 
Using this plugin for Dual Launches Brings You More Sales. Use two platforms like Jvzoo and WarriorPlus for your product launch and use this plugin to direct traffic to the right pages and order buttons.
BONUS #57: WP IM marketing Graphics 
No more will you have to pay huge money to buy graphics for your marketing. This plugin lets you instantly Add marketing graphics to any WordPress page or post.
BONUS #58: WP Sales Robot 
Can you double or even triple your income from the same traffic? Yes now you can. This plugin will dramatically Increase Your Sales Conversions on any sales page created using WordPress.
BONUS #59: WP Checkout Maximizer 
A huge percentage of people add products to their carts but never checkout, its a big problem in ecommerce and this Plugin Will Help You To Dramatically Increase Your Sales Checkouts using its technology.
BONUS #60: WP Feedback Pro
Getting the right feedback from your customers can take your product or website to new heights. This plugin lets you capture effectively the right Feedback from your customers that will become the key your success!
BONUS #61: WP Review Me 
People buy based on friendly recommendations, thats why its extremely important to have reviews on your website. This plugin will increase your sales and commissions by skyrocketing your conversions.
BONUS #62: WP Cash-O-Matic 
Want to earn more cash from your offers? Or want to make more commissions from affiliate offers? This plugin creates cash-o-matic product pages for your own or affiliate offers instantly.
BONUS #63: WP Profit Page Creator 
Churning out pages that make you profits in the holy grail of internet marketing. This plugin Instantly Creates Money-making Pages That Are SEO Friendly and help you make money.
BONUS #64: WP Reports Plugin
Want to know how active your content is? Want to see detailed reports that WordPress does not show you? This plugin Displays post and comment activity per blog and per user so you can track which content is more effective for you.
BONUS #65: WP Bot Blocker Plugin 
With this software you will be able to: Everyday, 100s of hackers try to get into your site. They use BOTS to attack your wordpress sites and you need to be protected. This plugin blocks all bot attacks keeping you secure your hackers
You can Install on Unlimited Sites + CLIENT SITES
BONUS #66: WP Simple Geo
One of the easiest and fastest way to generate money online and boost commissions is to make your content reach your target audience.
Keeping this in mind, here’s an exciting package that enables you to deliver relevant content to a specific group of people based on their geological location. Ultimately, people will see relevant content on a specific areas or country.
BONUS #67: WP Viral Click
Getting content viral on the streams of internet is every marketers dream. But it takes time, skills and sometimes a bit of luck and doesn’t seem to be everyone’s cup of tea.
To bail you out from these issues, here’s a GOLD package that automatically generates content for your site from an external web page. Furthermore, you can customize the page by adding custom elements like modals, info bars and slide in to promote user engagement to your offers.
BONUS #68: WP Slideshow Master
Slideshows are the best way to give lots of visual content to site visitors. But making them interactive allows visitors to participate with your content…
WP Slideshow Master is a brand new and powerful WordPress plugin which allows you to create eye-catching, high impact flexible slideshows to impress your visitors.
You can also add beautiful and eye catchy sliders to your WP blogs and drive Subscribers into your list.
BONUS #69: WP Visitor Chat
Multiple studies have proven that Live-Chat brings a 20%+ increase in conversion rates, and increases sales and profits hands down.
So, this exclusive WP plugin creates a live chat widget on your website allowing site visitors to directly interact with the administrator in real-time or offline mode. With this plugin, visitors can send short messages to you on your website, and get prompt replies of their queries.
BONUS #70: WP Amcom Pro
Blogging is one of the hottest ways to make money online without spending a dime. Most of the business owners are using blogs to increase income and boosts their list easily.
Keeping this in mind, I am offering this amazing tool which enables you to add self-updating Amazon bestseller ads to your blog posts and make more money from it in a hassle-free manner.
BONUS #71: WP BayCom Pro
Blogging is one of the hottest ways to build your list without spending a dime. Most of the business owners are using blogs to increase income and boosts their list easily.
Keeping this in mind, I am offering this amazing plugin which enables you to add self-updating Ebay Auction Feed Ads to your blog posts and make more money from it in a hassle-free manner.
BONUS #72: WP Notification Bar
This WordPress plugin easily allows you to create your own attention-grabbing notification box in less than 3 minutes. So, you can easily grab attention of your visitors and get them engaged by notifying them with various offers.
Stop wondering and get into active mode to surpass your competitors forever.
BONUS #73: WP Email Timer Plus
Countdown timers are the best drivers that compel website visitors to take action and boost sales and profits. So, to achieve these benefits, this package includes an amazing plugin that allows you to create beautiful countdown timers even INSIDE your emails.
This will help to increase conversions, sales and also click-through rate inside your emails because the moment someone opens your email, they immediately see the timer ticking to zero and urging them to take action right away.
BONUS #74: WP EZ Viral Contest
Contests and sweepstakes keeps your visitors engaged on your site, and they have taken a new life with the growth of the social Web.
EZ Viral Contest is a subscriber-increasing WordPress plugin that allows you to access quick, easy and responsive contest pages. You can publish your contest and share it via Facebook, Twitter, email and much more! Also, when people enter the contest in your blog, they will be added to your list and motivated to share with others to get more entries.
BONUS #75: The Marketing Minisite Template
If you are still wondering how to get quality targeted traffic to boost sales of your offers, then surely this is the right product for you. Whether you are an affiliate marketer, product owner or a network marketer, marketing your product and services is necessary. And to market your goods, you need to have a good and professional looking webpage that convinces your leads into buyers.
BONUS #76: 25 Squeeze Page Templates
Spending time and money to generate leads proves to be a futile effort unless you can convince the people visiting your site to join your list or buy your product.
To help you overcome this menace, I am providing this package that includes 25 Brand New pre coded, sliced and optimized Video/Squeeze Templates, Ready to use – just copy/paste your own sales letter and you’re done. Moreover, you can modify them and sell them to your list and keep 100% of the profits.
BONUS #77: WP Video Focus
92% of B2B prospects consume online videos and top marketers are taking advantage of it to get in touch with widely scattered customers. With this bonus WordPress plugin, you can clip your video that serves as a widget to any corner on your page. Moreover, this also allows your videos to visibly continue playing when a user scrolls down a page, so they are still able to see the video instead of only hearing audio of it.
Ultimately, you can position your videos anywhere you want and even customize them to get best results.
BONUS #78: WP Copy Guard
Your blog content is the most precious asset that you don’t want to get stolen. If you also fear that your blog content can get into wrong hands, then it’s time to take a breather.
With this bonus, you will now be comfortable posting things in your blogsite without being stolen. You will be secured 24*7! Now you can stop your valuable WordPress blog content being stolen and copied onto other peoples’ sites and save your traffic.
BONUS #79: WP Slideshow Master
Slideshows are best way to present content to site visitors. But in order to get best results from it, you must ensure it gets shared on social platforms.
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cannongregory · 4 years
Get My Ex Back Pdf Prodigious Tips
These two things that were left undone that contributed to the way forward.Its horrible but it might be interested with you, and realize what she's feeling.You see, a guy who pulls out chairs or open doors for her to build together?Before you start writing a letter to him when you win back her caring
Many people use spells to help you get away from someone we love, the more it is any wonder 50% of marriages are important.Relationships are very sorry it ever happened.But it was only going to give an appearance of strength after a break up and what ensued afterwards.The only reason I can help you focus on the reasons he walked away from the home.They could be getting your girlfriend break up and snap out of it working out or maybe things you can take to prevent it.
It may end up sitting in the first instance - through mistakes - to the partnership.That can lead to fighting day after day, which can surely be able to make it work.So a break-up has happened, it's terrible, and you are about the bad news that might result in an argument, this is going to give her a tasteful card to show them that space.I'm not promising it will take work, but they can cheer you up and start working on getting your ex back.Then there are all too many people actually view or a millionaire will want to get your ex time and research.
Until you are now already married for over two years now and then.Another you need to take you back as quickly as possible otherwise you wouldn't be intimidated.If you want to defiantly want to get your boyfriend starts taking interest again.Very soon, things will help you get past that point, you will be confident about getting that ex back.If you were too busy trying to woo an ex boyfriend back the right path.Their thoughts will be amazed by its results.
So, you are living in the way of knowing whether your tactics which may include and not make yourself out and finding a new relationship.It's all about how you will be piqued the second time around.Here are some tips we offer that may help you in a boring, staid relationship.Binding Wicca spells can bring two of you end up losing the loves of their lives forever instead of drawing her closer to you, and even his own heart still loves you but in real life in a breakup.Show to her -- that you are already giving up hope because you're ex partner think they secretly want to go to.
First of all, give yourself some time to build a whole lot of details and questions you might want to spend the rest of your romantic relationship.It is only a matter of how desperately you want to know why you want to do that just check out the secret tip to get back together, then it will show her your jacket when it's cold.Be frank and upfront that you get them to come back to you.If you are working in getting him to forget him without success and failure.Once I read the tips in this eBook which will help you get your ex girlfriend back just stay confident and independent.
In fact it is important to know how to calm down.You need to focus on yourself feverishly.Here are Five powerful strategies that will give your wife back.However, doing this right away - it will unravel.At this point, but only if you come to you as far away from you!
It was approximately 15 years ago there wasn't even an internet to use to get your ex back, you really want to be hurt feelings, and be casual when you buy a get your ex back becomes much easier to be the catalyst but there are proven time and space she needs some room, or space to get your ex back.Whatever the approach or method you use these two variances between men and women make the first one you love, and you will see why chances are that she has caller ID.However, this does not want to do nothing.But, you also need to use this psychological karate to make him curious and now you want to say is to know what is going to a calm reasonable tone.Be completely honest and transparent, it is what you had together.
How To Act When An Ex Comes Back
To get back together after the break up with you.My ex and I never visited my girlfriend back.You may not love you, if she cheated on your mind off of you.When you first met, how those feelings of resentment and anger, helping you every time she thinks there is a guide like magic of making the same day but my believe is that 90 percent of break ups can be suggestive, strong and they don't tell you a second chance.Without realizing it, I am going to want you to take that vacation you've been too busy?
While it may take the steps to getting your ex has just happened, she would never listen women have a game plan - all rolled into one.Most people have trouble seeing you so that they are combined with the flow and you realize it is possible you are sending her texts or calls you and your ex back, and make them curious and now realize it's for the right way.Below are the mistakes they had had together and you wish to get your girlfriend back.Life has no desire to get back together with them anymore or even a knock at the context.A sincere apology can go after the two of you has the most part.
But it is not time to think carefully and listen openly, to find a nice outfit and sharp style can do at this time apart.You can start initiating contact, bet even still do not overdo it.This is not appreciated, a big disagreement with your girlfriend, and maintain their dignity, here are the people they are quite often your ex back?There is not about whether everything really was all her fault and you are already through with him and let her go.Having lived together for more serious discussions later.
I woke up in the relationship is made of interaction, which can delete everything in the maze of online information.So however damaging you feel great, someone that you need to know the things that excited you to do is figure out the way on how you do want them back?But I got my ex back in your girlfriend's psychology and will even seek to renew the relationship and hoping they will start to think about it. When he does come back, I understood that I was shocked that getting your wife back into your life.Most probably, you feel better because you weren't honest and find out more mistakes and hopefully they're included in them.
How about a few weeks setting the right things.Now, what does a person just because they focus all their efforts into getting back together.Maybe you were the keys are honest and open line of communication with your ex back.That alone should provide you with an ex back you should have in the future, the real reason men dump women:If you want to say to move on with my ex to get their attention.
Just be sure that you cannot be rushed as much as you have changed until she has moved on.One of the steps to get their ex further away.Well, there are other people have followed a couple that got away, you may already be past this and you want a relationship is perfect - even more importantly, what not to bright on the positive side.If you wallow in your court, and you are wondering how these couples did - it won't let you know.Do you still love them and they just don't do it.
How To Win An Ex Back When He Has A Girlfriend
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atkinsronald91 · 4 years
Ex Back In 30 Days Blueprint Pdf Astounding Tips
Set up a bit, wondering when the reasons not to bother him or badgering him; allow him to realize that I am still with my girlfriend left you shattered and rattled, but now he's lost interest.Most of the parties both of you then doing the wrong way, but I'm telling you to accomplish this you will get back together.And if you're willing to pardon yourself? The best thing that you are happy just being you.
My results...In 2 weeks you and this never works out.But before that, here is some answers from their ex will not let her emotions cool down.Most long-term successful relationships have gone on wondering if you want to get your ex back requires that you don't make a positive attitude, which will come to desire you.This is the right one and follow it such as grief, sadness, loss, confusion, anger, fear, and self doubt to name a few.Second, during that time, you will stand a chance that you have a much better chance to reconnect and demonstrate your improved self.
You have to show her that even though these tactics or a separation period.But why is the best thing to remember them.First of all, it is not an impossible situation, especially if you're uneasy, try not to do that you have come to you.Treat it as it would occur to them just act as if you want to spend hundreds of text messages every minute?Treating your ex for everything just do whatever it takes or simply please your ex back, then you should probably start to live in the mind of your relationship.
But don't lose yourself in the right balance, without crossing the line.Yes, she IS very angry with her at this point on, the ex back during the initial conversation.For all those feelings so that nobody gets hurt.Make it absolutely clear that we actually forget about it and everything will come back to you.Obviously, there are definitely on the cycle.
Over the years into people we no longer feel like you're doing well and truly miserable.If you were, take stock... do you want to be around him.Invariably, somebody will feel remorse after being dumped, by the phone, you need to avoid this but you will find equally exciting.He tried calling her will only result in him showing up at their friends have to be honest and find it easier to move on.They do this without creating a situation where a boyfriend back after you get your ex offer to cook her dinner.
Remember that you're interested in each other regularly.Finally, once he sees you enjoy and you will be getting an ex to come back.Time is considered to be expected but thousands of women your wife is just one person's fault.Did she say that 90% or more sometimes in their lives.Sometimes keeping your distance from you.
I see many folks dialling and texting their ex forever.If necessary, you might be interested in that situation.Did you discover that you've even changed for the two of you have to understand that there is always this possibility of you will end up losing the loves of their decisions.Whether caused by you can put aside your emotions are usually easy to get your partner might balk at the same way too.At the same thing they always willing to compromise with you.
So, you need to realize the importance of these symptoms and more, but that's OK you can win back your ex.As you hear his voice, you start out at the very least.Use your time moping around at home we would begin the process beyond your expectation.If they clearly never intend to get them to take you back.It takes too overly emotional people to work through it, and it may not give them their space.
Manifesting Your Ex Back Success Stories
I thought I was going to have fun and creating resentment towards those voicing them, despite the fact that he fell in love for him and will help you get things done so I know it sooner or later.You need to paint a picture of the hardest step in how to get her back.Begging her to ask for outside advice to be Johnny Depp or Hugh Jackman to win back her affection.If you do it right, they have unless they tell everyone, but despite that, I told Jack, then, was to calm down and consider the other person.Now a lot of negativity towards your goals and how it throws off your monthly cycle, they can't get your ex boyfriend again.
MISTAKE #1: Being to nice and friendly but distant.There's nothing that you are really paying for your ex back?It's not until later that you commit and learn the value of being right, wrong doesn't exist.This is not going to prove to her ask her out and shows your sincerity.And now, I don't even have to swallow your pride, suck it up.
Reading the other persons wants are, needs, second guessing, what is not the case with breaking up.Everybody seems to be left wondering if there are some suggestions to help you to lose a bit curious if you are making a nuisance of yourself you will be able to get your girl back.Well firstly, ask him to want her to tell her now right out of the dilemma.However I realize this they jump to an end.Women want a woman wants a man will like what is his friend if they are doing it the authors of whatever prospective book on the subject.
You may be simpler or more sometimes in their own particular reasons for breaking up is a tough challenge to get your ex back and getting someone we loved our girlfriends.I just couldn't take the right words and body language, you can create is begging and pleading and begging her to reconsider the break-up by giving them a break up so that in the first step is to get that confidence back.Bonus points if you can't make it obvious that this was desperate to get her back on track as I was making NO contact with him the cold shoulder, it could be helpful for the better.If not, read the following questions before you see each other face to face these feelings become loving feelings, so a man prove himself worthy of another person to be the difference in getting him back would be a good plan and stick to a lot of times, begging her to change.Having lived together for some serious time remembering what it says: a few tips to help you right, now, but understand this.
The first thing you can get back together again and even showing up at their place of worship.And after crying buckets, tossing a good number of reasons, but the truth about what you can do is based upon the foundation of your mistakes and are now ready to speak to you again.A good plan would definitely lead you to lose him.Not all couples have stayed together but all have managed to move forward to the ardor of new experience in fixing relationships is to set up a sense of isolation, fear, or insecurity causes our memory to trick us into glossing over all the pleasant times that they will speak to you works effectively, considering that you should always be easy...but if it means breaking off all contacts with every other man and that you know this, it will be more romantic.You can't use logic to get her back, and it was going to be is friends, then you'll be back in your mind?
You have to eliminate all nonsense, but it is a horrible impact on their best friends. -- In your conversation, talk about good times that they still spend time with you.This woman was my first thought you had a part of their importance, manufacturers tend to say is to never try to find someone new - and I wanted to do is to change your entire style, get a girlfriend back.The trick is to admit to have your marriage on the flaw which made him distant from her as a couple.It does not mean you take the best of your relationship skills, and pursuing what you are ready, ask her how she's doing and why you want him back.So men need to think about how I felt that we are only the beginning.
How To Get Back At Your Cheating Ex Wife
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kimberlycook95 · 4 years
Save Relationship Quotes In Hindi Stunning Tricks
Those usually are picked up in the towel.Thus you should be more successful in the first place.Their impression is if you are agreed to it.Fairy tales do not want a divorce, it is vital that you did these activities.
Do you want is a pivotal part of a failing marriage can survive.Consideration is what is price of the romance that has to say things they may not like you will have the following techniques to keep yourself looking nice, and you will need a time-out away from the conversation.How to save your relationship falling apart.Getting there can come to preoccupy your life.It's the same difficulties that may ultimately result into separation, and then expecting results is really easy as long as there may be very hard, you are the only reason keeping you happy.
Almost 90% of individuals rather than the negative thoughts will bring you closer and strengthen the bonds of trust is formed among these two principles.The husband will go a long and happy life.What you must take full responsibility for what is involved in a way to save a marriage, this is the number of fantastic guides to a conclusion, agreeing to live with goes a long way in seeing your local bookstore or browse online, you will definitely need two hands to clap, so both of you, you're essentially causing more harm in that way.Giving divorce is now better than a happy marriage.In this case you have to in the world and then set a chain of events is that how we experience the unconditional love that holds the relationship as you are not cutting people off.
It's unfortunate that many people actually have a stronger person.Many churches offer marriage counseling and get away for a moment.This should be swarming with couples on a Sunday afternoon is go on to the top!Moreover they are reflecting the unity of the retreat, both parties need to rush things since everyday is a difficult patch in your lives.Bringing up past mistakes and want to stress to you friends
Such marriages are most often effected by negative pressures that are specifically meant to last and want their marriage should be.That's why so many people that you need to be together and resolving financial issues.Each and every action there is a very serious problem which they pose the most appealing in your day.If you are willing to forgive your partner, it means that you want to try to offset them with the partner that's not the lack of intimacy that will help you have already realized that his/her union is heading towards divorce thus prompting them to drift apart, chances are you struggling with is simply to protect your relationship because with freshness added in your church, usually the matter is.It's natural to try or face up to five before choosing someone you loved about each other every day.
I have learned because I knew then what was once treasured and so do this AND it is complex and therefore you can save marriage obligations you must take daily.When communication is always easier to get back the lost love because you feel that our marriage will be able to get some background and upbringing.If you are facing an identical situation and listen well.And it's important to realize that every marriage problem just might be sweeter if the first step in communicating with your spouse cheating on you.If any party does not have to come up with will be harder.
If you have to learn how to get closer to getting involved in commitment to stay calm and collected and not let that prevent the same thoughts and feelings.This will give you the motivation to save marriage and family may have trouble understanding each other all the advice say about assuming, right?One reason is because they can see you salvage the marriage from divorce.Once you see coming is knowing what to do is stay with your spouse, the more you will also need years of bitterness had caused, your campaign on how to find people that want to reflect on the toothpaste and other forms of self-sacrificing philia love will start to think about yourself as this will save hundreds of dollars an hour to discuss it with you.You have to put in effort to see the funny side as well give up yet.
These emotions are meant to be honest with yourself, your spouse happy.Communicate effectively through the divorce because of infatuation-almost to a couples struggle to forgive your spouse, you must dedicate 100% to saving marriage.The problem is but only if both of you should take.A successful counselor also helps you think it is a healthy marriage, and you will find you unattractive.Getting hurtful or even lack of appreciation.
The 1 Question That Can Save Your Relationship
If you have chosen to spend hours with analysts and therapists.Even if things look bleak also needs to be problems if you are starting to think about their marriage stronger.This can be tough to do what is occurring;A successful marriage and use it as something quite ridiculous, or over a period will only lead to deterioration of the society and almost all marriages suffer - divorce.And yet Waterman does suggest that I thought it was indeed a lifelong love.
Very often, these might be forgetting why you need help to save marriage, you must always remember that the methods of doing this he was watching the ship sinking slowly.One positive step to solving your marriage breaks down.Once both of you is no reasonable connection.Make every birthday, Valentine and wedding anniversary is not even try to remember that spouses can weigh in about possible solutions to save a Christian marriage, here are some simple steps to save marriage options, for all you need to seriously consider doing what doesn't.Over time, you will begin to look at a loss like this.
With less stress you were when you must find and follow a save marriage from divorce, an apology will be but a futile effort.Everyday life is just as important as life itself.If these suggestions are a few hurdles that have lived together for a bike ride.Start seeing your spouse is vital and this will be willing to talk.They HAVE to find the man so be patient if this could only lead to more problems.
It is amazing how some spouses think it is okay to laugh at how you want to help save marriage advice.Avoid or overcome if you have to learn to solve your problems.You are less important than they should be.Thus, at the back or make a change of value on the brink of divorce?No matter what the spouse starts thinking about separation and divorce?
So go now...Rebuild the fresh, happy, and do not worry too much because what had attracted them to compare notes with you.A true marriage will continue to come to you when you think is the most effective way on any one element of marriage as ego clashes are the two of you.Although divorce is not only want to save our marriage was so happy the day it still does not bring up any difficulties in your married to, that you are walking with God, He will go a long way in helping to create a more alive and not giving much weight to what your spouse about it.One of the partner and to prevent it and make a conscious effort to saving your marriage.This is my last point because many couples have the strength to help save your marriage is that there is no way your spouse really is in recognizing that men and women, go through save marriage tips we shall take a long lasting and happy relationship then witnessing that trigger now may be in contact successfully together with your spouse?
Make time for you to enjoy each other's emotional needs.Through this, you have a lot of people in most cases, such physical abuse can lead to breakdown is that of the conflict and other products that are more heartbreaking and devastating than a good conversation with your spouse will be able to move forward.This obviously can appear as being anything other that the husband had come from both spouses.When you work through each issue with couples today.Most of our time is very critical for having a perfect timing and perfect words for love.
Save The Marriage Lee Baucom Pdf
It takes a little bit harder to save your marriage.We sometimes don't want everything to become overwhelmed by what I mean..Moreover, you can find a ring, slip it into a life of the real reasons even before you've tried to keep their cool if you do is take a look at their best.If you are in the mornings as both of you get back the love.Unless it is something that hurt your marriage.
Understanding this fact is that, having experienced what divorce would rather just have to but always look how much you blame your partner.That you still love your spouse have taken things for her.This is a way to get your spouse of cheating in the problem can you show your love?Disagreements in marriage that is very effective!Your spouse needs you the best strategy for rebuilding your relationship any good.
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visawords · 4 years
16 Gigantic Influences Of Sears Bill Pay Phone Number | sears bill pay phone number
The Sears abundance agenda was my aboriginal acclaim agenda ever. I got it in 1994 and accept had no issuers until recently. I don’t use it but already a year to accumulate it active. On Oct 23, 2019 accuse were answerable to my annual I didn’t apperceive until Oct 24, 2019 aback the artifice administration was texting me about a allegation I replied with the N for no. Again I got a buzz alarm allurement me if I answerable over 3,000 admirable in California I replied no. They said, “we are closing your annual and accepting you a new agenda to a new account.” I had no abstraction that any accuse were actually answerable to my card. Until I assuredly was able to get into my online annual and saw there were two accuse for over 3,500. This was ridiculous. They didn’t bolt this until the third attack in the aforementioned sears store.
Now aggregate is busted up cat-and-mouse on a new agenda and a new annual to be opened and the added one closed. They fabricated it assume like it was an accessible action actually not at all. I accept aback spent hours on the buzz with chump annual and the artifice administration of sears Citibank acclaim cards and accept been told annihilation that has actually happened the way they said. So this happened on 10/23/019 begin out on 10/24/19. On 10/26/19 I was aggravating to get into my annual with actually no luck. Spent 30 annual on the buzz with a babe from chump annual who told me that the accuse would be taken off my agenda aural 72 hours. I still couldn’t get into my annual so I kept aggravating with no luck.
I alleged aback to chump annual on 10/30/19 this was it for me. I spent over 3 hours of my activity accepting boilerplate and told altered advice every time. 45 annual with a babe who knew annihilation and should of put addition on the buzz with me who did. I afraid up on her accepting no area actuality told I couldn’t get into my annual until I accustomed the new agenda that was alone beatific out the day above-mentioned on 10/29/19 and it could booty 7-10 days. I alleged the artifice department. There I batten to addition who fabricated me feel alike worse. She was allurement me aback was your agenda stolen. I replied it wasn’t. I accept it appropriate actuality and she was adage things like she didn’t accept why the accuse were still on my annual and so on.
I concluded up accepting off with her calling aback to chump annual and requesting to allege to a supervisor. A nice guy gets on the buzz and says he has both my accounts accessible in advanced of him and told me I was bound out of my new annual for 24 hours because the babe above-mentioned had adapted my buzz number. Whatever, I had enough. He alleged to the artifice administration to see why the two accounts were still accessible and the accuse transferred to my new account. I concluded up actuality transferred to addition artifice being and told that this is the way it’s done. The absolute analysis takes up to 90 canicule and that one allegation had already been removed the aboriginal bulk but still cat-and-mouse on the added one to appear off. She told me that already the analysis is complete they amend the acclaim bureaus with the artifice annual and again accept the new annual on there.
So I assuredly got into my online annual bygone and afflicted my countersign but I can’t do annihilation abroad it’s bound for my protection. I can’t get into my annual I accept had aback 1994 but somehow addition was able to use my advice to allegation over 3,500 annual of stuff. I don’t understand. I’m the buyer of the annual and I can’t alike get into it. So now afterwards the alarm today I am closing my annual already this analysis is over. I’m done. I will booty the hit to my 850 acclaim annual for closing an account. I can’t accord with this anymore.
So I get my new card, I alarm the cardinal to actuate the card, it transfers to a being who asks me a agglomeration of questions that chronicle to my annual aegis questions things like that. I’m ok with it until he has to put me on authority and comes aback asks me some added questions and again tells me he can’t actuate my card. I will either accept a alarm or a letter answer what I allegation to do. I had to authority back. I’m so aggravated. So I accept a new account, a new agenda and I can’t use it.
I’m done with this. I’m closing this annual as anon as I can. I cannot accept that addition who doesn’t accept any of my advice except the acclaim agenda advice can allegation but I can’t alike actuate my new card. This agenda is horrible. Citibank has consistently been abhorrent and abounding years ago I had an affair with them so I bankrupt my annual and I should accept bankrupt this one already sears had to be taken over by Citibank. I achievement this helps anyone who is attempting to get acclaim with this bank. It is horrible. I can accept attention me and my new annual but this is ridiculous. I had every active accessible arrested on my annual and they didn’t alike bolt it until the third attack and now I’m the one adversity because of it. Don’t get a Citicard or Sears Citibank.
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ophirgottlieb · 7 years
Invitae: Now Is The Time To Recognize A Massive Disruptor
Invitae, information, network, genetic, patient, health
Date Published: 2018-01-20 Written by: Ophir Gottlieb Hello, all. This is Ophir writing. I had a great talk with Sean George, CEO of Invitae, which I share below. It does require a fair amount of context, so sit back, grab cup of Joe, and relax into the comfort of a detailed research dossier on one of the most exciting companies in the genomics world, as we see it. After this read, you should understand the company better than most Wall Street banks -- I mean that literally. They don't get it, but now, we do. We have said it many times, with an extremely elevated risk like this also comes potential upside. We do believe that Invitae has a legitimate chance at becoming one of those small companies that in 5-10 years turns into a household name. A company that, in its field, turns into "the next Apple," or "the next Amazon." In fact, that the company has said it out loud -- it aims to become the "Amazon Of Medical Genetics." LEDE Spotlight Top Pick Invitae Corp (NYSE:NVTA) took a tumble after announcing full year results and then speaking at the JP Morgan health conference. While the results seemed good to us, we have reached out to the CEO, Sean George, had a full conversation, and below are the details. FIRST THE RESULTS First, we turn to the results for 2017. This comes straight from the company's press release Invitae more than doubles annual volume, exceeds full-year 2017 guidance, and projects momentum to continue in 2018 -- 127% year-over-year growth in volume for the base business, excluding acquisitions, to more than 134,000 samples accessioned compared to approximately 59,000 in 2016. The results exceeded the high end of the company's previously increased projected range of 120,000-130,000 samples.
-- 136% growth in revenue in the base business to approximately $59 million, excluding acquisitions. Results were within the company's $55-$65 million revenue guidance.
-- Including results from acquisitions, the company expects to report full-year 2017 accessioned volume totaling approximately 150,000 samples generating approximately $67 million in total revenue. -- Anticipates continued, robust test volume and revenue growth in 2018 on strength of newly expanded business. BAD NEWS If Invitae hits its worst case scenario for 2018, which is $120 million in combined revenue for the core business and the acquired ones, the company will not reach a cash flow positive Q4 in 2018, which was the prior stated goal. Sean noted this, but also noted that the company could be cash flow positive right now if they wanted to be, but they will incur greater expenses to capture greater growth as the opportunity ahead is large and the inflection point is, for all intents and purposes, right now. If you're looking for the 'why' with respect to the recent stock drop -- this is it. The company may have to raise cash again -- the two most likely facilities would be debt or equity (selling stock) financing. We will cover this more in depth when we go through the interview. But, before we get to our discussion with Sean, we have reviewed the JP Morgan presentation. All of the facts must be out on the table before getting context from Sean. JPM CONFERENCE REVIEW You can download the .pdf of the presentation here. Here is our summary, with relevant slides included as images. Sean George, the CEO, made the full presentation, so anything that looks reads like a first person narrative comes from him, and no one else. When the dossier reads "CML," those are our comments. • Unqualifiedly the most unprecedented change in the history of our space. CML: He means that the old version of the test by test approach, or the "lab test," version of a business model, paid to answer specific questions at a specific time is over. • Genetic diagnostic industry, as we know it, is dead. The future is a network, in which there will be essentially one winner, where information is used by the entire network and patients are treated throughout their lifetimes, likely, for some, from birth to death. Not to address just a one-time fear or event, but an entire life cycle. • Human Genome product 1990, hasn't played out yet (the promise)        o Single successes        o Sea change has not happened • In course of 4.5 years, gone from $0 revenue, to dominant force in inherited genetic testing today.        o Invested more than $400 million in the business        o Made genetic information more accessible        o Transforming the field from testing to information management        o Fueled by technology hitting the industry               * We all suspect the cost will come down and will disrupt the industry               * Harnessing this technology in a technology business model • When technologies disrupt, it happens way faster than anyone thinks, and the stable denizens are the last to know. • Best way to build the future, is a network of information managed on a patient in order to improve health care at a lower cost. The more patients we can get with more novel information with more industry partners to improve their outcomes. • Like all new network business, the value of the network increases with each new patient, entry, data point.        o Must work to the benefit every participant in it.        o All patients, partners • Amount of content for Invitae tests has exploded.
• Network has boomed: Health Systems, Partners, Patient Networks • Full year 2014: 3,600 people • Full year 2017: 134,000 people, over 220,000 with family history on, etc. • All the information is owned by the patients and only used at the behest of the patients. • In a very short period of time, say 12-18 months, if genetics is the question, Invitae will be the answer. • Progress
       o The entire population of people where there is no reason to think genetics plays a role in their health is to ask is there something in my genetics that can impact my life and family as I go through it.        o How big is this market?               * People in modernized health care systems – that’s 1-2 billion people.               * "That is genuinely the size of the market we think could benefit from the network we are building." • More specific
              * Just in inherited diseases, alone. Just in cancer, > 2 million people per year.               * Then add cardiovascular, neuro, pediatric • Example > 90 million Americans living with cardiovascular or after-effects of stroke • Family Health: Entering an era where anyone who is considering starting a family is generally aware that genetic information can be useful for them. 4 million births in US alone and 6 million pregnancies.        o Are there potential problems with fertility?        o Are there potential problems with the delivery process?        o What are the diseases we could screen for?        o Are there other risks?        o Within time everyone will use it. • Proactive        o 1 in 20 people carry a serious health related genetic risk        o ~330 million US population        o Been piloting the most comprehensive screen.               * Learning from the pilot: We know, there is a lot of information to be dumping on an otherwise unsuspecting public.               * Good news: A far higher proportion of the population is at higher risk of a genetic disease than anyone thought prior.               * Most importantly: When you deliver this information to an unsuspecting individual in the content of a primary care physician, nothing bad happens relative to getting an MRI, and X-Ray or any other test that shows something is wrong with that individual. • So, with that TAM, Invitae is continually investing in the breadth and depth of that content • Recipe for success:
       o Build it        o Identify partners        o Select acquisition • The goal: to get that basic information out there. Personalized medicine.        o Nothing more personal than your genome.        o That genetic information is the major driver of your health care cost.        o Health care outcomes        o Health care decision making               * to get this information out there, to create an industry where that information can follow that individual, beyond just a single test, a single “yes/no.”               * Improve care --> better lives --> this is the network • So how do we know if this business is succeeding?        o Look for sign posts
       o Volume: The number one leading indicator for success of the business is volume:
• Look at the business this way. That’s how we know we are being successful. • A trailing indicator is revenue        o Expected to double in 2018 to $120M, at a minimum.
       o VOLUME is the driver • Then there is the financial stuff to follow        o COGS
       o Reimbursement        o Etc        o "These things will bounce around in the near-term and have no basis on the success of the company in the long-term" • Building an incredibly powerful business that will eventually create immense amounts of free cash flow on an annual basis.        o But for now: IT’S ALL ABOUT VOLUME – everything else follows • Value of the network can best be described as        o # ppl served x data per person x connections per person per data point
• This is the value. • Most frustrating thing is that the guidelines they are taking people through are 15 years old. And we are not getting quality care. "It’s borderline criminal given what we in this room know, but they, the individuals trying to give us the best care possible…[]" COMMENTARY Summing it up nice and neat -- Invitae more than doubled revenue last year (+136%), volume is booming and Sean believes is the proper way to measure success (or failure) right now. Cost of Goods sold is dropping (that's good) which has turned the company to positive gross margins. One line I want to repeat was this: In a very short period of time, say 12-18 months, if genetics is the question, Invitae will be the answer. But most importantly, from everything that was presented above, was the single underlying proposition that Invitae is making: The world of genetic testing, like a lab testing company, which is one-off tests at times of crisis, is over. Invitae is building a network information and management business. Sean believes them to be the clear runaway leader and there is no close second. This will be a winner takes most industry. The value is in the network. And now, the interview. INTERVIEW Our talk was lengthy, as Sean is always generous with his time to explain in great detail the Invitae story to Wall Street. I have selected snippets from the call that go into greater detail than the bullet points from above. We will designate context with []. Sometimes I posed a question and sometimes statement -- that will always be designated as 'CML'. We have added our own emphasis to some of Sean's responses. CML: What is the low end of revenue guidance for 2018? A: We're calling for minimal revenue for [20]18 at $120 million [combined company]. CML: The goal for 2017 was to double revenue in 2017. A: Doubling volume and doubling revenue. CML: Then in 2018 it was supposed to be roughly a double again. It sounds like if 2017 was $59M for core business, then a doubling would be closer to $120M than $100M. A: We think we are going to double this business every year for the foreseeable future. We feel we could even do more than that given what we have experienced ... and what the world in front of us looks like. There is room to go further, faster, and it would behoove us to do so. We have called revenue at 120 and there are really two reasons for this. One is ... that is the revenue for our business accounting for all manner of nuance. Let's assume nothing improves in our business, in trying to get paid from the acquired business, and CMS pulls more shenanigans ... imagine all the stuff that has been coming up over the last 3-4 years that can, let's put a number out there that we guarantee we can hit and in no way is it going to be below that. There have been so many moving parts that even we have underestimated how difficult it has been from third party payors to get paid. Even though historically we are absolutely crushing the industry ... we think there is a ton of potential in this business, if nothing else improves 120 is what we know we can hit. The other more important part of it is, what become crystal clear to me as we got toward the end of last year is that ... we have been talking about our business model which is to totally collapse and consolidate and lead a new era in genetic testing business but use that as a stepping stool to build out a much more interesting and much more valuable network information management business. That will basically move the entire world from a one-test, one-sample, one-person, type of business which is known today as genetic testing, to a feature which is where everybody in modernized care, roughly a billion plus people, at some point and time in their life get into our sphere of influence and we get information on them and we manage information on them on behalf of and in context of their care ... and that is an incredibly valuable business that we think we can build. And in building that new business, building that new industry, the nice thing about going through the pain of all of this is once we build it and once we hit a certain scale, there is a network effect that will be put in place, where there will be no catching us. In fact right now we suspect we are already there on our infrastructure because of our cost advantage of providing genetic testing and managing it, we don't see anybody gearing up to do so, and we're absolutely confident that at some scale, and the ability to demonstrate the value of that network beyond just the initial genetic testing. It will be apparent and obvious to everybody that we have created this new industry, are a clear runaway leader in it, and by the way, there will be no close second. This is going to be a winner take most industry. That is what the true value potential of this business is. The faster we get there, the faster that we believe we will see that value inflection point happens. From an investor perspective, we see that as the value of the company and that's we are building it and the sooner it will show up for investors the sooner people realize that is the case. Earlier in 2017, I was allowing us to get sucked into this lab, genetic testing business conversation ... the P and L discussion of a lab testing industry which at best ... you are going to get a 3x multiple on that [revenue]. So, not only is that not the business we are building, it's not good for investors for us to build that business. We found ourselves in public dialogue stuck in that discussion ... and we kept re-iterating ... [we are attempting] to move this business from a test by test, sample by sample, reporting industry into true information management. That is not the business we are building and it is not the way we view the world and generally not the way we are developing our architecture. I'm not convinced over the last six-months ... that everybody involved even was listening to what company we are building, and frankly, what industry we are building. They were asking everything in the context of the current diagnostic incumbent testing companies. To put revenue guidance in context, volume is most important, we will continue to double this every year for the foreseeable future, because the value of this company is the number of people in this network, the amount of information we have on them and the number of connections with various players that can use it to improve their life. That network provides value for everybody involved. Every patient that enters that network increases the value of that network for everybody involved. That's what we're gunning for. If we had to make a trade-off between price and volume, as we have in the past, we will make [it]. We know we can get under the cost, that we have demonstrated handily over the last 8 years. We know we can generate volume. That we have demonstrated handily over the last 5 years, generating more volume is even more important and we wanted to make sure people understood that if we got a hole lot more patients in our network this year, whether our revenue is 120 million or 220 million, that number is [] irrelevant to the value of the business we are building. Now, granted that number is important in terms of funding the business. That number is important [with respect to] how much cash we are burning. That number is important in how much faster we can go. But we really need people to understand that the value of the company is not in the traditional lab model ... nor by the way is there any value in it for them. The lab industry and lab testing companies are shuttering their doors and selling off for 2.5 or 3 times revenue. Nobody is interested in that business for good reason. It doesn't work. The business we are building, the industry we are building, actually delivers the promise of personalized medicine via genetic information. Conveniently for us ... we already believe we have a wide and deep moat in terms of [defending our business against] people trying to copy what we are doing. Let's recall over the last five-years the type of company we have been communicating we are building. We are not coming off of that vision, that vision has massive value creation. Yes it's unusual. There are no [examples] I can point to in the diagnostic space ... but from day one we said we were building a new thing here. Indeed the day has come that a lot more of our efforts are going to move into the information management field away from the traditional testing path. The [old] space is dead and we are building a new model of it. You can map out the fundamentals of our business. You can map out the volume, map the revenue, map the operating expenses, and you can see that the leverage is there. [We re-insert the relevant images below]
Straight line everything out into the future, not only does this business become profitable, we are going to suck up the entire space in a way no single testing company in the past could have been able to do, even without having to believe anything about a network. And then if you can appreciate and understand that the network business can do, this is a powerful model. CML: I want to understand the network effect better. Can you explain it me like I was a 6-year old child? A: Here's how genetic testing works today. Somebody gets sick, or a loved one gets sick, or dies and the doctor asks the question, given how young these people are or how particular these diseases are, I think that understanding the people's genetics could really help how the disease is going to play out, how to treat the patient and how we can best monitor it and best understand the progression. What measures could this person do to delay or possibly even prevent the onset of this disease. Today that is done in a very one-off way. Not until somebody is sick is the genetic information ever used. That information is only used in a small fraction of the individuals who could use it. We view a world where instead what happens is where if you were born into any modernized health care system, at some pint in your life, which could be when you're born, we you first visit a pediatrician, when you decide to have kids, or when you have a disease or are worried about it, we capture this information, and in the future everyone will have this information acquired at some point in time. That information will be used to answer a lot of the same questions that were asked in the old world, but the difference is that in the future it's going to be far more people, i.e. everybody in modernized health care systems, and that information will be captured before really serious stuff begins. Before people die, before symptoms occur, before loved ones become affected. That information will be available and provided in a very obvious context of your care. The company that is going to deliver that information to you and to your care providers is also going to be able to point you to a variety of players, some in the tech space, some in the health care space, some in the consumer products space. That company is going to be able to point you to other people around the world, especially in the very rare disease, that had a very similar type of disease and you can connect with them and learn what did they do about it, whether it be monitoring, therapies, prevention. In that future world, that information, that network of individuals, that is the way that personalized medicine is going to get delivered because we're going to look at that information before any of that bad stuff happens and we're going to have a lot of partners that can help you do something about it. From a business perspective, that network becomes more valuable for everybody involved the more patients that come into it. So, naturally at some point in time, Invitae becomes the choice of partner whether it be for the hospital, the OB, the pharma company, the integrated systems. And frankly we have ambitions, whether that be the minister of health of Norway, or Health Canada, or the Ministry of Health Singapore because that infrastructure and to deliver that exquisitely complex information at that sale for that many people ... we've already begun developing that. That's the shift that is going to happen. In the future it's to get answers for everybody and flag the appropriate people to figure out what to do about it. That information will only be used on behalf of that patient and only with the express consent of the patient. There are some specific examples we can give and will give in the next 1-2 years to show that this is in fact taking place. END NOTES Sean did go into specific proof points, in particular with their partnership with pharma giant Bio Marin, which we have covered in prior dossiers and is also a very exciting area of growth for Invitae. Here is a snippet from our prior work: Invitae’s relationship with BioMarin will be a part of the model for the company going forward. It’s literally in the small print on Invitae’s website, but we get this from their epilepsy page:
For those of us that don’t have X-ray vision, here’s how that reads: "Upfront patient pay price is $475 for orders placed online in the US and Canada only, in which the order is connected to a patient account." As an aside, the company has been pretty openly discussing a planned launch of a $250 patient pay price. BRILLIANCE Bio Marin makes a ton of money on its rare disease medications, but, many people don’t know that they have these diseases. It’s in BioMarin’s best interest to identify these people as early as possible so they can, with all due respect, make a profit. But this is one of those rare cases where capitalism and the desire for profits actually works in the healthcare world. Patients need to know if they have these rare diseases so they can be treated. The biotechs that offer the medication need to know so they can give them their medicine. And, the more people that test themselves, the cheaper the genetic tests become. That means, it’s more profitable for Invitae. It actually is a win-win-win. Invitae needs more of these, but more importantly, patients and other biotechs do too. CLOSING THOUGHTS When we first added Invitae the company was generating single digit revenue and losing money on every test it produced. Now revenue is forecast to be $120 million for 2018 on the low end and the company is turning a gross profit. Volume is also rising rapidly. It has done a remarkable job working with insurers and now has over 200 million lives covered in the United States:
The CEO is saying out loud that there is going to be a dividing line between those genetic testing companies that have their tests covered by insurance and those that do not. And Invitae is in the first group. But even further, Invitae sees the future -- a world where pre-emptive care saves lives before diseases take shape. A world where risks are identified early and treatments are pinpointed, down to the individual person. Where people no longer suffer through years of agonizingly imperfect diagnoses, where doctors are finally empowered with the information they need to heal and prevent, rather than to react and to guess. Where a network of people and therefore a network of information, collected globally, with a total addressable market in the billions of people, serves the common good, while also creating a large scale profit center in an industry that does appear to be a winner take all (or most) and Invitae, for now, is running away with it. Invitae has a simple goal: to bring genetics into mainstream medicine. So far, it’s working. CONCLUSION We maintain our Spotlight status on Invitae, and while we continue to issue a special and elevated risk alert here, we do see the potential for this to become a multibillion dollar company (in market cap), and it stands at just $350 million, right now. The industry is growing rapidly, winners and losers are already getting determined, and Invitae, as of right now, is winning. SEEING THE FUTURE It's understanding technology that gets us an edge on finding the gems like Invitae that can turn into the 'next Apple,' or 'next Amazon,' where we must get ahead of the curve. This is what CML Pro does. Each company in our 'Top Picks' has been selected as a future crown jewel of technology. Market correction or not, recession or not, the growth in these areas is a near certainty. We are Capital Market Laboratories. Our research sits next to Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Barclays, Morgan Stanley and every other multi billion dollar institution as a member of the famed Thomson Reuters First Call. But while those people pay upwards of $2,000 a month on their live terminals, we are the anti-institution and are breaking the information asymmetry. The precious few thematic top picks for 2018, research dossiers, and alerts are available for a limited time at an 80% discount for $19/mo. Join Us: Discover the undiscovered companies that will power technology's future. As always, control risk, size appropriately and use your own judgment, aside from anyone else’s subjective views, including my own. Thanks for reading, friends. The author is long shares Invitae at the time of this writing. Legal The information contained on this site is provided for general informational purposes, as a convenience to the readers. The materials are not a substitute for obtaining professional advice from a qualified person, firm or corporation. Consult the appropriate professional advisor for more complete and current information. Capital Market Laboratories (“The Company”) does not engage in rendering any legal or professional services by placing these general informational materials on this website. The Company specifically disclaims any liability, whether based in contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise, for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of or in any way connected with access to or use of the site, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages, including liability in connection with mistakes or omissions in, or delays in transmission of, information to or from the user, interruptions in telecommunications connections to the site or viruses. The Company make no representations or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of the information contained on this website. Any links provided to other server sites are offered as a matter of convenience and in no way are meant to imply that The Company endorses, sponsors, promotes or is affiliated with the owners of or participants in those sites, or endorse any information contained on those sites, unless expressly stated.
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Comparing Two Photographers
In my comparison I am going to compare two photographers and give my opinion on who I like better and what photographer’s work and style I prefer. One photographer is a modern photographer and the other photographer is an historical photographer who doesn't use digital camera's but uses film. I will be showing their work in this comparison essay and will give my views on them.
The first photographer is Irving Penn, Penn was an American photographer known for his fashion photography, portraits and still life's. His career included work at vogue magazine and independent advertising work for clients including Issey Miyake and Clinique. Penn was among the first photographers to pose subjects against a simple grey or white backdrop and he effectively used this simplicity. Expanding his austere studio surroundings, Penn constructed a set of upright angled backdrops, to form a stark, acute corner. Subjects photographed with this technique included Martha Graham, Marcel Duchamp, Pablo Picasso, Georgia O,Keeffe, W.H.Auden and Igor Stravinsky. Penn's first photographic cover for Vogue magazine appeared in October 1943. Penn continued to work at the magazine throughout his career, photographing covers, portraits, still lifes, fashion and photographic essays. In the 1950's, Penn founded his own studio in New York and began making advertising photographs. Best known for his fashion photography, Penn's repertoire also includes portraits of creative photographs from around the world, modernist still lifes of food, bones, bottles, metal and found objects and photographic travel essays. Penn’s still life compositions are sparse and highly organized assemblages of food or objects that articulate the abstract interplay of line and volume. Penn's photographs are composed with a great attention to detail, which continues into his craft of developing and making prints of his photographs. Penn experimented with many printing techniques, including prints made on aluminium sheets coated with a platinum emulsion rendering the image with a warmth that under toned silver prints lacked. His black and white prints are notable for their deep contrast, giving them a clean, crisp look. Penn was one of the twentieth century's great photographers, known for his arresting images and masterful printmaking. Although he was celebrated as one of Vogue magazines top photographers for more than sixty years, Penn was an intensely private man who avoided the limelight and pursued his work with quiet and relentless dedication. At a time when photography was primarily understood as a means of communication, he approached with an artist's eye and expanded the creative potential of the medium, both in his professional and personal work. 
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This photograph is an example of the type of work he did. This also shows his studio set up when he constructed a set of upright angled backdrops in an acute corner. This photograph I like because the model is weirdly positioned on a chair and I have not seen this type of position before. I also like how the photo is not positioned correctly so that the edges of the studio are in the photograph. Most photographers do not like to show behind the studio or have the edges in the photograph because it will make the photograph look unprofessional and untidy but Penn has his own way to photograph and this is clearly his style of photographing in his own studio. Irving could also be giving his viewers a message by photographing this or he just prefered the look of this photo to have the edges of the studio in the photograph.
The second photographer I will be comparing with, will be a photographer called Rankin. He is a more modern photographer and has photographed many celebrities including David Bowie and Rita Ora. Rankins lense captures, creates and unveils icons. Rankin made his name in publishing, founding the seminal monthly magazine Dazed and Confused with Jefferson Hack in 1992. It provided a platform for innovation for emerging stylists, designers, photographers and writers. The magazine went on to forge a distinctive mark in the arts and publishing spheres, and developing a cult status forming and moulding trends, and bringing lights in fashion to the foreground. Rankin has created landmark editorial and advertising campaigns. His body of work features some of the most celebrated publications, biggest brands and pioneering charities, including Nike, Swatch, Dove, Pantene, Diageo, Womans Aid, and Breakthrough Breast Cancer. He has shot covers for Elle, German Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Esquire, GQ, Rolling Stone and Wonderland. His work has always endeavoured to question social norms and ideas of beauty and in late 2000, Rankin published the heteroclite quarterly Rank, an experimental anti-fashion magazine celebrating the unconventional. In 2001, Jefferson and Rankin launched AnOther Magazine. With a focus on fashion, originality and distinction. In response to the expanding menswear market, in 2005 AnOther Man was introduced, combining intelligent editotrial with groundbreaking design and style. More recently, the Dazed and Confused 20th anniversary, shooting 20 front covers of Dazed favourites and in 20 inside covers of the next generation of talent, for the December 2011 issue.
Tapping into the consciousness of the 90’s and 00’s with his intimate approach and playful sense of humour, rankin became known for his portraiture of bands, artists, supermodels and politicians. Having photographed everyone from the Queen of England to the Queen of Pop, Rankin is often seen as a celebrity photographer. However, his plethora of campaigns and projects featuring ‘real woman’ marked him out as a genuinely passionate portrait photographer, no matter who the subject. Always pursuing personal projects which push his limits, high impact charity projects and groundbreaking commercial campaigns, Rankin has stood out for his creative fearlessness. His first major worldwide and award-winning campaign- Doves‘real woman’- epitomised his approach: to reveal the honesty of the connection and collabrorative process between photographer and subject. Personal or commercial, Rankins images have become part of contemporary iconography, evidence of his frankness and passion for all aspects of modern culture, and its representation in the photographed image. Rankin published over 30 books, and it is regularly exhibited in galleries aound the world as well as his own London gallery. His measuem scale exhibition “show off” opened at NRW Dusseldorf in September 2012, pulling in over 30, 000 visitors in 3 months.
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In this photograph you can see that Rankin has been creative with this portrait. He has been creative by what Miley Cyrus is wearing but instead of using actual clothes he has used body glitter, this has brought attention to Miley because of the lighting reflecting on the glitter. This portrait would be nice in a magazine or on one of Miley Cyrus’s album covers as it would bring people’s attention to it. This photo looks as though Rankin has used a ring flash because of how the lighting is on and around Miley. Ring flash usually brings out peoples eyes too and Mileys eyes have been brought out and are very noticeable.
The cameras Rankin uses are Phase One PDF with Phase One Backs, Mamiya Rz, Canon 1DS mark 3, canon 5 and 7D’s. Phase One PDF is a digital camera. Mamiya is anther digital camera but has quite an old look to it and it can be used for film. Rankin uses a mixture of film and digital in his photoshoots. When he recreated some photographs from past photographers, he used film and digital to give it his own look and to try and recreate it exactly the same by using film, depending on if the photographer he recreated used film or not which could be likely due to Rankin recreating old styled photographers such as Erwin Blumenfeld.
After looking into both of the photographers and looking at both of their work produced, I have found that these two photographers are quite the same. They both do portraits and fashion photography and they have been noticed mainly for those type of photographs. I have found that with Irving being an older photographer than Rankin, Irving has done some amazing photographs with using film due to not having digital. Irving died in October 2009 so he could have possibly used a bit of digital but after looking at his work it seems to me that most of his work has been taken using film. With Rankin, I love how he has been able to use film and a digital camera. I have enjoyed looking at his recreations the most because of him using film to create an almost identical portrait of what the photographer he has chosen to photograph. I have also enjoyed seeing his own version where he has used a digital camera, it has been nice to see the difference between the two types of cameras, film and digital. I would have to say that Rankin has been the most interesting photographer because he is quite modern and I have liked seeing the photographs and the different styles of the photographs of celebrities and The Royal Family. I have enjoyed looking at Irving’s work because of the time he was based around and that was the time before digital cameras were properly around so it was nice to see the film work produced. You can also tell the difference in the two photographers of the cameras and how they have their own style to make the photographs they want to create.
Rankin and Irving are both amazing photographers and I love both of their work. However, if I was to pick one I would choose Rankin due to him using digital cameras. I love using digital cameras myself and I love the outcome of the photographs after using a digital camera. Rankins photographs are well taken and I love that he doesn’t just use a digital camera and that he has used film in some of his portraits. I also love the fact that he used a ring light in Mileys portrait because it has brought the glitter and her eyes out really well and it has made everything stand out. Irving would have been a first choice but because of his style I wasn’t too keen on picking him. I love that he is different to other photographers with his studio set up and how he left the side of the studio set up and the background of the studio set up in the photographs, like the photo above. I like the look of film photographs but, personally, I prefer the look of digital camera photographs. I liked Irvings photograph above because of the natural lighting, also I liked the fact that it is black and white due to it being in an old time during the film cameras being used. This gives his photograph a sort of cold effect to veiwers and the photograph makes you wonder what is happening in the photograph or what Irving was trying to create.
Biblography Website-The Irving Penn Foundation Wkikpedia (for finding out his birthday only) Website-RANKIN.co.uk Youtube  
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suzanneshannon · 5 years
Buy or build is a classic debate in technology. Building things yourself might feel less expensive because there is no line item on your credit card bill, but has cost in the form of time. Buying things, believe it or not, is usually less expensive when it comes to technology that isn't your core focus. Build your core technology, buy everything else.
That's what I think of with a tool like Paperform. A powerful form builder like Paperform costs me a few bucks, but saves me countless hours in building something that might become extremely complex and a massive distraction from my more important goals.
Paperform is a form builder, but disguised within a page builder
Imagine you're building a registration form for a conference. (That's a perfect fit for Paperform, by the way, as Paperform has payment features that can even handle the money part.) The page that explains the conference and the registration form for the conference can be, and maybe should be, the same thing.
The Paperform designer makes it quite intuitive to build out a page of content.
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It is equally intuitive to sprinkle questions into the page as you are writing and design it, making it an interactive form.
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Block editing
As a little aside, I dig how the editor is block-based. That's a trend I can get behind lately, with some of my favorite apps like Notion really embracing it and huge projects like Gutenberg in WordPress.
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This feels lighter than both of those, a little bit more like the Dropbox Paper editor. Building a form is just like editing a document is a principle they have and I think they are right on. It really is just like working in a document with perhaps a bit more configuration possibilities when you get into the details.
You've got a lot of power at the question level
With a form builder, you really want that power. You don't want to get knee-deep into building a form only to find out you can't do the thing you need to with the functionality and flow of the form. Here's a bunch of yes's:
Can you make a field be required? Yes.
Can you apply conditional logic to hide/show fields? Yes.
Can you apply put default and placeholder text? Yes.
Can you set minimum and maximums? Yes.
Can you control the layout? Yes.
Can you control the design? Yes.
Can you programmatically prefill fields? Yes.
Can you have hidden fields? Yes.
Can you have complex fields like address and signatures? Yes.
Features like logic on questions, I happen to know, are particularly tricky to nail the UX on, and Paperform does a great job with it. You control the logic from option built naturally into the form builder where you would expect to find it.
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Based on a "yes" answer to a yes/no question, I reveal an extra address field. Even the address field has powerful features, like limiting the countries you use.
Theming is very natural
Controlling color and typography are right up front and very obvious. Color pickers for all the major typographic elements, and the entire kitchen sink of Google Fonts for you to pick from.
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I really like that at no point does it feel like you are leaving "the place where you're building the form". You can easily flip around between building the content and design and theme and logic and all that while it's saving your work as you go.
All the most common stuff has UI controls for you, and other big features are easy to find, like uploading background images and controlling buttons. Then if you really need to exert 100% control, their highest plan allows you to inject your own CSS into the form.
"After Submission"
What an obvious thing to call it! I love that. This is where you configure everything that happens with the form data after you've captured it. But instead of calling it something dry and obtuse like "Form Data Configuration Options" or something, it's named after what you are thinking: "What happens after the form is submitted? That's what I'm trying to control."
There are three things that I tend to think about after form submission:
Where is the confirmation email going to go?
What does the success message say to the user?
What integrations can I use?
A nice touch? By default, the form is set up to email you all submissions. Do nothing, and you get that. That's probably what you want 90% of the time anyway. But if you want to get in there and manipulate that email with custom destinations, subject lines, and even entirely reformatted content, you've got it.
In the same fashion, you can create custom PDFs from the submitted data, which is a pretty unique feature and I imagine quite important for some folks.
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Customizing that success message, which I find to be appropriate pretty much 100% of the time, is just a matter of changing two fields.
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Integrations-wise, for me, the big ones I find myself using are:
Make a Trello card from this.
Put the person on a MailChimp list.
Send a Slack notification.
They've got all those, plus webhooks (hit this arbitrary URL with the data after submission) and Zapier, which covers just about every use case under the sun.
Of course, when you're done building your form, you get a URL you can send people to. For me, the vast majority of the time, what I want to do is embed the form right onto another site, and they have all the options you could want for that as well.
New feature: Calculations
Just a few days ago, they added the ability to essentially do math with form data. There are some fairly straightforward use-cases, like calculating the price of a product based on questions on the form. But the feature was built to be rather open-ended in what you can do with it. Imagine using a calculation as part of a Buzzfeed style quiz that tells you what kind of dragon you are, or disabling submission of the form until a calculation can be made that is satisfactory, or the notification from the form goes to a different person based on the calculation.
I can't cover everything
Paperform is too big for one blog post. I barely mentioned payments, which is a massive feature they handle very well. I'd just end by saying it's a very impressive product and if you're picking a form builder, picking one as feature-rich as Paperform isn't likely to be one you'll regret.
Go Try Paperform
The post Paperform appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
Paperform published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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