#wow rant
chewingdirt · 2 months
dealing with the sudden unstoppable urge to write a crackfic where plunderstorm is a canon pirate gathering that flynn convinces shaw to attend “for fun” and they fight over who steers the parrot and are so caught up in the serene beauty of the arathi highlands and then shaw suddenly gets all serious and says “what is that?” as he squints off toward something in the distance.
it’s a level 8 vulpera named DeepInU69 out for blood soaring over the hill in a fire tornado and barreling straight toward them is what it is.
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what-is-my-aesthetic · 3 months
Note to self: people who dip out of my content are a blessing in disguise. I cannot and DO NOT want to please everyone.
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sunnysunnatko · 27 days
Okay but one thing that bothers me is that NO ONE did any analysis or a deeper dive into Kindergarten (2). Like, everyone was so hyped that Kindergarten had a continuation, but then, all the youtubers have done are the most dumbed down, stupid-opinion filled game play. No one actually cared enough to do something like an analysis. Of course, there isnt really something deep to analyze, but you can definetly find something. All the of the people 'hyped' for Kindergarten just did gameplays, like they dont actually care, or want to care. They didnt bother to dive into the game, which is such shame ☹️
The slight analyzation of Kindergarten was done by Matpat, and theyre more like theories, not 100 hour yt essays /hj
BUT!!!! If anyone actually knows a Kindergarten essay/analyzation/whatever, which isnt filled with dumb theories and opinions, and actually makes sense, please tell me!!
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riveth34d · 7 months
WoW's character customization annoys the fuck out of me entirely because of blizzard's token switch from "Male/Female" to "Body Type 1/Body Type 2." An act so blatantly shallow and corporate in its attempt to market towards an LGBTQ+ audience that it's see through even to the blind.
I wouldn't care really if there were actual body type options, if you could play an androgynous character, if it meant anything to the lore, if it held any weight beyond "oh this big lumbering green skinned hulk with a massive beard is just body type 1 and this sexy green lady who's mildly muscular are is just body type 2 of the same race"
Blizzard's design philosophy with the races of Warcraft has been so hostile to any identity outside of a gender binary and they clearly have little interest in experimenting or exploring options outside of "hulking monster" and "human with a different sin tone."
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happy-hokkyokugitsune · 9 months
searching for the animal our kid likes:
Me: what the fuck, this is maddening!
Partner A: What?
Me: Do I need to start a website for animals that kids like that aren't as popular? Cause this is bullshit.
Partner P: *clears throat* soooo rarepairs?
Me: 😐
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worrynoodle · 2 months
I made you a gift!
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It's a cheesy bumpersticker style nudge to STOP SENDING NEIL GAIMAN
- fan therories about season 2/3
- your own theories about season 2/3
- other people's theories about season 2/3 (ESPECIALLY WITHOUT PERMISSION)
- your wants for season three
- things you don't want for season three (other people might want that!)
He has repeatedly asked not to bring these things to him. And even though his answers can be funny it can get him into legal trouble if what ends up in the show is similar to fan art/fics/creations
Please! Stop!
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Feel free to spread these around I'm so tired of the second hand embarrassment
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rainbowsuitcase · 4 months
So much BTS lore feels like fanfiction and I can't get over it
Two of the members hated each other at first. They argued a lot and one time, they threw folded clothes at each other and the member who folded them had to come scold them. And now they keep reminding everyone how long they've known each other for. They wrote a song together where they said that "respect is a higher tier than love" and then called each other "my respect."
The smartest member of the group (one the previous two morons btw) didn't know how to tie his shoelaces until highschool. He doesn't eat seafood because he loves crabs. He's a literal geniues and he's so clumsy and such a dork (and I relate so deeply). And that body, guys, I'm telling you. This whole guy was made by a fanfic author.
Their company was near bankrupcy when they debuted. One of the members, who was getting offers from so many other companies, joined this one because he admired another member who was already a part of it. When these two met for the first time, member two was only wearing underwear and member one said "wow, thighs."
Another member came to an audition, not to audition himself but to support a friend. He was the only person from that audition round to get in. The friend did not.
Another member, who was studying to be an actor, was street cast on a bus.
One of them lost confidence and tried to leave before the debut, but another convinced him to come back, because they "needed him."
The whole industry hated them when they debuted and now they're arguably the best kpop group worldwide. (Arguably, read: argue with the wall)
(Add your own pls, I want to make a collection from this)
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Happy inchidentiversary to all who celebrate 🥰🥰🥰
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grozen · 7 months
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the fire around me
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falloutnewnobody · 1 month
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how van buren joshua graham looks at you after ruining your reputation with all of the in game tribes, insulting every neutral npc within a 15 mile radius, and giving you negative luck within the first five seconds of joining your party
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pikahlua · 8 months
Uh oh, it's sleepy grumpy Pika. Y'all know what that means, right?
It means I have no filter for my opinions.
If you're dissatisfied with the way Katsuki's bullying of Izuku is handled in MHA because you expected him to be confronted by someone else about it in some way, it's probably because you are unaware of the difference between bullying and attitudes towards it in Japan versus in your country of origin. I believe everyone would benefit from researching bullying in Japan. They do NOT view it the same way the west does, y'all.
And I guarantee when you learn about it, you're gonna find some stuff that makes you uncomfortable and horrified, because it's gonna take a while for you to get enough information to give context to a lot of the history and attitudes you'll find. AND EVEN THEN, EVEN WHEN YOU HAVE THAT CONTEXT, you're still definitely not going to like it.
However, with any luck, you'll see how MHA's portrayal of Katsuki's bullying is shockingly sympathetic and heartwarming to many people. It's because, from the perspective of a Japanese audience, Izuku was not targeted and bullied by Katsuki in the way we're used to seeing such situations portrayed in the west. Izuku was bullied by everyone. His classmates, his teachers, the pro heroes he encountered, and society in general ALL participated in the bullying of Izuku, because societal pressures to conform in Japan are MASSIVE, and that can often manifest as one form of bullying or another.
Katsuki's bullying is just the one that the story chooses to flesh out. It's the one that Horikoshi develops. Katsuki is the bully that changes his own perspective first and drastically, the one who realizes the greatness in Izuku and accepts that and comes to his side long before the rest of society can catch up. It is largely understood by the Japanese audience that Katsuki in middle school didn't seek Izuku out and follow him home every day to beat him up; Katsuki mostly ignored Izuku until Izuku would do something to remind Katsuki of his insecurities, and so he would lash out. And no one else at let's say Izuku's middle school would understand the true reason why Katsuki would lash out because what he does resembles what all of Izuku's bullies do to him: pressure him to conform. Pre-One For All Izuku stands out as different and constantly tries to rise above his position to become something society decrees he cannot be. Therefore, a significant part of Japanese society will generally approve of attempts to make him conform, even when some of those attempts are harsh and cruel and unreasonable and reactionary. MHA presents a caricature of that in the form of Izuku's middle school.
The fact that Katsuki identifies this toxic behavior in himself later in the story and decides to actively do something to change it IS the radical part. It's the piece that fits into the themes of MHA. It highlights a generally-accepted behavior in society that maybe society should rethink. It's asking for society to reconsider how it pressures people to conform, that sometimes nonconformity is good or at least should be tolerated to some degree. That's why Katsuki's story focuses so much on how his old behavior stems from fear. From the perspective of a "properly-functioning" collectivist society, pressure to conform should be done for the good of everyone in the society, not out of fear and misunderstanding. Katsuki's character arc provides one potential map for others in society to see the light and get to where he does.
And that's to say nothing of how Japan's versions of confrontation or retribution often look different from how they do in the west, that many of the forms of confrontation some people in the western fandom cry out for with regards to Katsuki sound absurd to an audience in the know. The karmic punishments Katsuki endures throughout the story are often overlooked by western readers, and is it any surprise? That readers from some societies--societies that laud nonconformity, tolerate counterculture, openly criticize the systems that be, preach about individual freedom and responsibility and justice and fairness, and watch and make movies and TV shows and other media about how victims of bullies achieve their righteous revenge--often miss how MHA doles out subtle, divine, poetic, karmic consequences for Katsuki's actions? That such readers often don't feel satisfied by MHA's dramatic ironies which serve more to guide Katsuki in a harmonious, productive direction rather than vindictively punish him and rest on its laurels as it laughs at his deserved misfortune? I don't blame anyone for feeling unsatisfied when their own societies have built up their expectations in such ways, but I do hope to draw your attention to it.
Now, does that mean you have to like and accept the Japanese attitudes about bullying? That you have to agree with the framing of pressure to conform as beneficial and productive? That, if you're triggered by the lack of overt condemnation of bullying in the story, you still have to like MHA? That, if you have personal traumatic experiences with Japan's bullying situation, you should shut up about it and accept that it's a good thing? No! In fact, I personally would hope that you don't! I think everyone should always have their perspectives on ANYTHING challenged so they can rethink and improve them, and Japan's attitude towards bullying is no exception! (And MHA actually does that in its own way!)
(And even saying that, I will always acknowledge that my perspective and opinions on this issue are heavily colored by my own experiences in life and the society in which I grew up and the ideas to which I've been exposed. This is and always will be my bias.)
But the question of what's the correct take on bullying is an entirely different beast. The question at hand here is about understanding the story and its characters as presented in MHA. If you don't come at this with a basic acknowledgement of how Katsuki's story reads to a Japanese audience in-context, you're going to be upset about what you see (which is a reasonable reaction). But I think if you're going to read a story, it's only due courtesy to understand the context surrounding its creation before you try to hold it to far-removed, foreign standards. There's a reason literature classes go over the history and context surrounding the older works they study. MHA is a Japanese story written for a Japanese audience. To focus on how it does not adhere to the typical western narrative of a bully's character arc is to miss the point entirely. If you are reading the story outside of Japan in a language other than Japanese, it is being translated so that you can read a Japanese story, not a story from your own culture. It's rude and self-defeating to expect stories from other cultures to suddenly cater to your own.
TL;DR Understanding the social context that informs bullying in MHA just might actually make the story more comprehensible and enjoyable for anyone who dares to learn about it, what do you have to lose?
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chewingdirt · 2 months
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some pre-edited fairshaw bickering from chapter 3 of one way or another that i had to share because i cannot contain my love for these two
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got-the-dreams · 16 days
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Bro is literally me while listening to music
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
It really bugs me that there are so many HCs about steve getting into eddie's interests but almost none about eddie making an effort to get into steve's interests. If you don't think that boy would be so in love to drop all his prejudices about balls and laundry baskets to enjoy a game with steve, you're dead wrong. Sure, watching the sweaty players is a bonus, but he also makes a genuine effort to understand the rules of the game, and he loves listening to steve excitedly explain the tactics to him. As soon as he actually understands what's happening, he totally gets into it. Also, he would never look down on steve's taste in music. Sure he loves metal, but he isn't pretentious about it and he loves to branch out. They completely go nuts about abba together that's a fact. Their love is NOT a one way street alright. They like that both of them are into different things, and they also enjoy learning about each other's interests up to a certain point. Steve's not gonna play d&d and eddie's not gonna play basketball and they like it that way, but they both do love to learn about each other's passions
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borzoilover69 · 2 months
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Height headcanons.
Honestly as far as significant height differences go im on the tamer side significant height differences are crazy man.
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growinguparo · 5 months
edit: hang on i'm remaking this post to add a correction
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