#wow wow i love jungwoo
misswoozi · 2 years
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fadedncity · 1 year
give me the greenlight
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wc: 19.0k…y'all i genuinely don't know how
pairing: mark x fem!reader
cw: smut, street racing au, childhood friends to lovers, non idol au, college au, lil angst, fluff, mention of other idols, slight allusions to a toxic ex, alcohol consumption, use of marijuana, mark's lowkey a big flirt, switch!mark, switch!reader, auralism, thigh riding, dirty talk, pet names, praising, teasing, marking, fingering, semi public sex, car sex, oral sex (giving/receiving), exhibitionism (barely), multiple orgasms, protected sex, aftercare, way more plot than i expected, lmk if i missed anything
[9:16 PM] FRIDAY
"Come on. The cops are gonna bust it before we even get there!" Summer stomped her heels like a whiny child.
"You know these things never start on time, we will be fine," you said, coming down the stairs.
"You could always go ahead of us and we'll meet you there," Nyla said, checking herself in the mirror, "Oh wait, you can't drive," she deadpanned.
"Only temporarily," Summer rolled her eyes.
"Only until your suspension is lifted," you reminded.
"One of you could let me borrow a car. It's only an issue if I get caught." Summer says matter of factly, like either of you would side with her.
"That is the issue, sweetie, you did get caught." Nyla pats Summer's cheek.
Summer crossed her arms, again acting like a moody toddler.
"Let's go," you grabbed your keys off the table, "Thought you didn't wanna be late." You said to Summer, heading out the door.
With an annoyed huff, Summer gathered her things and followed you and Nyla out the door.
The three of you got into your car, the gentle purr of the engine coming to life once you put the key in the ignition, sending vibrations through the entire vehicle. Music filtered through the speakers as you pulled out of your spot and took off down the street.
"Hyuck said to make sure you turn your lights off when you're coming up," Summer relayed a message she received from Haechan once you were halfway there.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," you waved off.
You turned off your headlights once you neared the exit, moving offroad. You carefully drove into the woods on unpaved ground, heading deeper into the darkness as the distant streetlights weren't doing anything to assist your sight anymore. 
"I always hate this part," Nyla says from the passenger seat.
"Gotta make sure we don't get caught if any cops are hiding around here." You said.
"I know, but it always feels like the beginning of a horror movie. And you know the hot ones always die first," Nyla pouted.
You found the opening in the fence, worn down from being driven over so many times, and pulled into the abandoned army base, finally able to cut your lights back on.
The sound of music playing and tires screeching on the pavement could already be heard from the runway the meet was on, and you were still a few hangars away.
You slow down once you reach the crowd taking over the runway. People move out of the way as you cruise down the road, looking for a spot to park.
"Ain't that Johnny over there," Summer pointed from the backseat.
"I'd recognize that giant beanstalk anywhere," you say before honking your horn, startling the Aquarius and getting his attention.
"Wow, the princess actually graces us with her presence on this lovely night," Johnny curtsies, and you scoff.
"Just move out the way before I run your ass over." you tell him.
You backed your car into the spot next to Johnny, and your friends practically jumped out of the vehicle before you could put it in park. You hadn't even closed your door when Johnny embraced you in a tight hug. 
"Jesus, John, gonna crack a rib," you gasp.
"Feels like we don't see you at these things anymore," He let you go.
"Come on, it hasn't been that long. I was here like a few weeks ago."
"For like 20 minutes. You left before you could even see me smoke Jungwoo," he crossed his arms over his chest.
You remember that night. You had totally forgotten the assignment you had due at 11:59 and raced back home to turn it in on time.
"Shit. That's my bad. You know it's just stuff with the garage and school and…stuff," you trail off.
"Yeah, I get it," Johnny slung his arm around you, "You're doing good though, kiddo," you both started following behind Nyla and Summer as they wandered off.
"How do you figure?"
"Made it further than me. I had already dropped out by this point," Johnny said, sharing a laugh.
The music came from every direction with people displaying their boosted sound systems out of their trunks. All cars of different makes and models lined the sides of the track. The ones not focusing on the races were too busy gawking at the expensive modifications under the hoods of those showing them off.
"Last chance. Winner take all," you instantly recognize Chenle's voice over the rest of the clamor.
You watch Summer reach into her bag, giving Chenle an indescribable amount, looking proud of herself.
"Who're you betting on?" Johnny asks her. 
"Yeri, duh," she answered. 
"You sure that was a good choice?" he teases.
"Obviously. Hyuck ain't got shit on her." 
"Yeah, alright," Johnny rolled his eyes, taking a bit of offense himself.
"Where is Haechan, by the way? He's up next," Jeno says.
"Over there talking to Jaemin," Chenle nodded to the opposite side of the runway where Jaemin's car was parked.
You spotted the back of Haechan's head, speaking to Jaemin through the window of his car, probably checking the police scanner and making sure you're all still in the clear, no doubt. Then your eyes land on the guy standing next to him, recognizing his silhouette.
"Oh my god, is that-" Summer starts.
"Mark Lee?" you will your vision to focus from this distance to see clearer. "Mark's back in town and no one said anything?" you hit Johnny's arm.
"You would know if you were here." Chenle shrugged.
"I'm sorry, who is Mark?" Nyla asks.
Everyone turned and looked at Nyla.
"Mark Lee? How do you not know Mark?" Summer says, showing Nyla his Instagram.
"How did you pull that up so fast?" Renjun asks.
"Holy shit, he's good," Nyla says, impressed, and you already know Summer pulled up one of the videos of him racing.
"Better be. I taught him." Johnny smiles like a proud father. "We all go way back," he says, "Ain't that right?" Johnny nudges your arm.
Way back. 
Way back when you used to spend hours at the garage with your father after school and only knew Johnny as your father's best and favorite (unconfirmed) employee. And Mark was some boy from your high school that you didn't even know until you went to your first dig.
Way back doesn't even feel that far away anymore now seeing him. It almost feels exactly like the night you met after you snuck out to the first car meet.
"If your father knew you were here, he would lose his shit. If he found out I let you drive, he would have my head. You are not getting into any car—getting behind any wheel tonight under any circumstances. Do you understand?" Johnny said. 
"Aht, I mean it," he said, shooting you down before changing the subject, "You know Mark, right?" Johnny asked. 
"No, I don't know Mark." 
"Well, this is Mark," Johnny said, yanking the boy out of a conversation to introduce the both of you. "You mind keeping each other company, and make sure she stays out of..everything," Johnny not so quietly muttered to Mark. "I'm up next, so be good while I'm gone," Johnny patted your head before he hopped in his car, leaving the two of you alone. 
"I can't image he's much less of a jackass at work." Mark joked. 
"He definitely isn't. I don't think it's something he can turn off," you laughed before you looked over at him, "How'd you know I'm from the garage?" you asked. 
"Johnny said you might be here tonight. He talks about you all the time, like a little sister he's never had," Mark tells you. 
"Oh really? What else has he said?" 
"You're one hell of a driver."
"Come on, it's starting," Summer pulling on your arm, tore you out of your thoughts, and you realize Mark's no longer in your sight, having lost him in the crowd.
People gather on either side of the runway, cheering as Haechan's electric blue supra pulled up next to Yeri's lavender-wrapped GT-R at the spray-painted line that served as the starting and finish line.
Chenle stood in front of them, looking at both drivers. He raised his arms, both drivers reviving up their cars. Haechan burns out his tires, kicking up smoke behind his car before Chenle drops his arms, and both speed off past him down the road.
Through all the commotion, you spotted Mark again, and before you could even think about it, you were already weaving your way through the crowd to get to him.
"So you thought you could just come back to town and not say anything to anybody?" you say, getting his attention.
Mark's eyes light up, no longer concerned with the race upon seeing you.
"I just got in yesterday, but heard you were gonna be here tonight. So I thought I'd surprise you."
"Consider me surprised."
You take the time to notice everything about him, the things that have changed and the things that haven't. Like his hair, no longer dark with the typical schoolboy cut. It's now grown out and blonde—that was as much as you could tell from the beanie it was all tucked underneath. But nothing about his face is much different than how you remember it. Still the same soft eyes you can get yourself lost in and the sweet smile that used to bring one to your face.
"So who's your money on?" Mark asks you.
"You know I'm not throwing anything unless I really got something to lose," you say, "But if I did put my money on one of them it would definitely be Yeri. She's winning this."
"Yeah, she's a good driver but don't you know what Haechan has under his hood?"
"Yeah, but it's no match for what's under Yeri's. And I would know. I put it all together myself," you smiled proudly.
You heard the cars approaching, closing in on the finishing line. From this distance, it's hard to tell who's winning, but you aren't as eager as the rest of the crowd cheering on either side to see who would make it to the end first.
The cars blurred past you, wind whipping behind them, blowing your hair out of place a bit as you turned to Mark.
"Now would you look at that," you smiled as Yeri was announced as the winner, "I know it's been a while Mark, but the last thing you should forget is that I'm always right."
"Trust, there isn't anything about you I could forget," Mark says before excusing himself to provide Haechan with moral support.
You don't know why fluttering kicks up in your stomach at his words, and you can't fight the smirk that stretches across your face as you watch him walk away. But you try to ignore it and go to congratulate Yeri on her win.
[10:32 PM] 
"Okay but like I almost had her," Haechan continues to explain. 
You hadn't been listening to Haechan, finding yourself too entranced with looking at Mark talking to Jungwoo and Yuqi a few feet away from you; you didn't even notice Nyla approaching.
"So like were you two a thing?" Nyla asks, startling you.
"What? Me and Mark?" you furrow your brows, "No, no, we were just friends."
"You were close?" she asks.
"Yeah, I guess you could say that." you tell her.
"This one yours?" Mark asks, getting your attention.
"I'm standing next to it, aren't I?" you reply, running your hand over the top of your car.
"And as good as you look doing it, I just wonder if you're still as good at driving it as I remember."
"You think I lost my touch while you were away?" you push yourself away from your car, shortening the distance between the both of you.
Mark shrugs, "You tell me," he smirks.
"You know I'm more show than tell," the corners of your lips turn up.
"Is anybody else seeing this?" Nyla looks around, asking.
"Like old times?" you smile.
"Just like old times," he replies.
"For how much?" you ask.
"Let's just settle with $200 for now, nothing too serious."
"Afraid I'd clean you straight out?" you teased, "Fine by me."
Everyone's now tuned into the exchange between the two of you, a mix of reactions to what was going on with you and Mark.
"Oh shit, this is gonna be good," Haechan slid off the hood of his car, engaging in the action.
"Are they really doing this right now?" Renjun asks.
"You best believe they are. Time to make a profit—Place your bets now!" Yangyang began yelling into the crowd as you and Mark started your cars.
"You two ready?" Ten asks, standing in front of your vehicles at the starting line.
"Unless Mark's having second thoughts," you look over at Mark in his car.
Mark smirked, "Are you?"
"Hell no," you revved up your engine.
With Ten's signal, your foot hovers over the gas pedal. Bringing his hands down, you and Mark take off down the runway.
You're instantly transported back to the summer nights you and Mark spent driving around abandoned warehouses and garages.
You remember staying out for hours—most times til the sun came up, trying to perfect drifting. The amounts of tires you blew out and dents you inflicted on the car you had then led the two of you to spend your days in your father's garage, repairing the damage.
You prepare yourself for the turn coming up on the track that had been carved out. It's almost as if you and Mark move in perfect sync as you shift your gears. Your tires glide on the concrete, smoothly drifting your car around the corner, a bit of smoke trailing behind you from the burning rubber.
With as fast as you were both going, you should've expected the race to end as soon as it started. And when you both drove over the finish line, it was almost hard to tell who won. But you had Mark by a fender.
"I see you have forgot I always win too," You say to Mark as Ten hands you the money, "But that's the first real race I've had in a while, so thank you for that."
"If you're really that appreciative then how about we go again," Mark offers.
"I don't wanna take anymore of your money, Mark," you say teasingly.
He rolls his eyes before leaning out of his car, "If you really don't, how about if I win, you let me take you out."
It was the last thing you expected to hear come out of Mark's mouth. You would almost describe his demeanor as cocky, but you've seen cocky, and the confidence has never looked so good on someone.
Who is this man, and what has he done with the Mark Lee you knew? 
But you weren't going to back down just because your heartbeat picks up, and you know it's not just from the adrenaline.
"How about when I win?" you ask.
He pauses, thinking for a second before saying, "You get my car."
Your eyes light up at the proposition, "Have fun walking home tonight, Markie," you laugh.
"Bitch, if you don't let him win," Summer says, coming up to your window.
"There's no way in hell I'm doing that. Do you see that car?" you say.
"Do you see that man? He wants to take me out, who am I to put a question mark where the universe placed a period?" Nyla says, looking at Mark while he talks to Haechan.
"Look, if there are no hard feelings after I give that car a few adjustments, maybe a new paint job, and Mark still wants to take me out, he can," you shrugged.
"Trust me, he'll want to. He's been eyeing you all night." Summer hits your arm.
"Shut up, he has not," you swat her away.
"Excuse me, ladies, but if you don't mind, my man Mark has a date to win," Haechan says, making it clear who he was rooting for.
"Yeah, keep on wishing, Hyuck," Summer yelled back, "You better fucking win now." she tells you.
It was Jeno this time who stood between both cars raising his arms, giving you and Mark the signal to get set. With a nod, Jeno drops his arms, and your car accelerates, taking off, Mark right there beside you. Your entire focus was on the road ahead of you, not even Mark, who would steal glances at you from time to time.
You start getting some distance between your cars, already thinking about the new rims you'd order. But all that flies out the window when you spot a cat in the road ahead of you.
You had two choices; stop or swerve into the muddy ditch to your left, as any third option would leave someone getting hurt, so you didn't even consider it. Slamming on the breaks, you come to a quick stop as the cat stands in front of your car.
"Motherfucker," you muttered under your breath.
As Mark passed you, you swore you could've heard his laugh in the wind.
You swerved around the cat, applying heavy weight to the gas, getting back into your lane, and catching back up with Mark once you approached the turn. By the time you reached the top end, you were only about an inch away from pulling ahead of Mark's car.
You heard the distorted whirls of screams filter in through your windows as you both drove over the line, everyone cheering for the winner.
"Fuck," you whined.
You really wanted that Evo.
"Did you actually let him win?" Summer asks, stunned.
"Fuck no. There was a cat on the runway, I didn't wanna hit it," you say, slamming your door shut.
"Are you serious?" Renjun asks with a laugh.
"How the fuck else would there be a way to explain how I lost?" you say.
"You wanted to let him wi-" Johnny's cut off by Mark's hand over his mouth.
"It's true, I saw it run across," Mark attests, "But still if rules are rules and winning is winning..." he shrugs with a smile.
"You got lucky, Mark. Don't let it go to your head too much," you cross your arms over your chest.
"May be a little too late for that," Mark says, eyeing you up and down.
"Jesus, were they always like this?" Nyla asks, handing Johnny the money she placed on you.
"I have no idea where the fuck any of this came from. What am I even watching right now?" Johnny says, taking the cash.
"Hey! Did you bet against me?" you ask Johnny.
"Sorry, kid. It's just business," Johnny yells back, counting the money.
"Fucking traitor," you grumble.
Then you hear the static coming from the coms (walkie-talkies, but the boys say it's immature and insist on saying coms instead), Jisung relaying something to Chenle.
"Oh shit," Chenle said, "Cops! Cops are coming!" he yelled.
Everything stopped, and everyone scattered like roaches when the lights came on.
People were running in all different directions, jumping into anything on wheels to get away. You got into your car, searching the crowd for Nyla and Summer because you weren't gonna leave without them if they arrived with you. But you caught them getting into Jaehyun's car, so you drove away.
You heard the sirens getting closer, watching the red and blue lights flash in your rearview as you made your getaway from the old army base. Only you and a few others had the same idea of using the same way you came in to get out since the cops were coming from the main entrance, trying to round everyone up. Or at least the ones that weren't fast enough.
You cut off your headlights, driving through the woods to get to the highway, when you heard your phone vibrating in your cup holder before answering it.
"You guys okay?" you ask Nyla.
"Yeah, pretty sure everyone made it out. Where are you?" Nyla asks.
"On my way to the garage to drop the car. Then I'm going over to Johnny's."
"Alright, we'll see you there."
"Alright." you hung up.
[12:26 AM] SATURDAY 
As you walked up to Johnny's street, you could already see the partying had continued as if it was never interrupted.
Cars were double parked, taking up the entire street in front of the house. People were scattered all over the lawn, still carrying on as if you all didn't just have to run for your lives to end up here. You could already hear the music from inside Johnny's house as you walked up the front steps.
"You know, the whole point of coming over here is to lay low and not attract the attention of the cops right back to us again." you say to Johnny, finding him first on the front porch.
"It'll be fine, none of the neighbors are gonna complain," Johnny says without an ounce of worry on his face as he rolls a joint.
Before you walk into the house, you stop and ask Johnny again, "You really bet against me?"
"Look, it's not that I think he's the better racer," Johnny pauses to wet the ends of the papers with his tongue, "But you weren't gonna pass up a chance to let him take you out," he teases.
Johnny begins laughing as you hit his arm, "I told you it was the fucking cat."
You leave Johnny, still laughing, on the porch, entering the house. Making your way through the crowded hallway, you reach the kitchen, finding Nyla, Summer, and Jaehyun along with Goeun.
"Finally, what took you so long? Almost hit another cat on your way over?" Summer asks, sipping on her drink.
"Haha, very fucking funny," you spit, flipping her off.
"Here, calm down, and take this," Johnny hands you the lit joint.
"Where do you even think the cat came from? Was it alone? What if it was a mother and she had a litter? Oh my god no, we have to go back and find it," Goeun asks, making it very clear she's already a few shots in.
Now if someone brings that cat up one more time…
"Can we please just stop talking about the cat," you sigh, taking one last drag.
Passing off the joint to Jaehyun, your mind was already growing hazy, your body feeling less weighed down, and you wandered out of the kitchen. You spot Jaemin and Jeno in the backyard smoking with Yuqi, Mingi, and Doyeon. Yuqi lifts the joint toward you, offering before you tell her you're good for now. You were then drawn to the living room when you heard Haechan's voice going back and forth with another's.
"Dude, stop running me over!" Haechan complained.
"Stop getting in my way!" Sunwoo yelled back.
The two boys had planted themselves in front of the TV, quickly moving their fingers over the controls in their hands as they played GTA. Aside from the ones entertained by Hyuck and Sunwoo playing, the living room was packed with others dancing, drinking, and smoking, so you didn't even attempt to make your way through.
You spun on your heels and continued to meander around the house. But you were stopped in your tracks when you were approached by Mark.
"Peace offering?" Mark hands you a drink.
"You know I'm not actually mad about losing, Mark. At least not to you," you take the cup from him, sipping the contents as he leans against the walls next to you.
"Does that mean, if I would've just asked you instead; a date or my car, you would've chosen-"
"Your car, definitely," you say, "Mark, you're cute and all but your car...That's like a wet dream on wheels," you tell him, and he bursts into laughter. 
"You think I'm cute?" he asks, raising a brow at you.
It registers that that is what you said to him, even without realizing it. But it's not like it's a lie, so you don't deny it.
"I do." Always have. "And fortunately, you still have your car. So where do you plan on taking me in it?"
"I'm not telling you that."
You scoff, "Why not?"
"It's a surprise."
"I hate surprises." you whine.
"You didn't seem to hate me surprising you tonight."
"That's different."
"You'll like this one," Mark tells you.
"What if you're wrong and I hate it?"
"You won't." Mark wasn't going to crack, depriving you of the information.
"Fine. But when I imagine you've planned out the most extravagant date of the century, and it doesn't meet my expectations and turns out the be the worst date of my life, I will never let you live it down, Mark Lee," you say.
He laughed at your dramatics, "I'll take that chance."
"Can I at least know when to expect this to happen?" you ask.
"Are you free tomorrow?"
"I can be."
"Perfect. I'll pick you up at 6."
"Who gets dinner at 6. We aren't seniors, Mark."
"Who said I was just taking you dinner?" he tilts his head. 
"You've only been here about 36 hours and I've only known you're back for three of them, how could you have possibly planned something already?"
"Just gotta trust me," he says, lifting his cup to lips, "And wear something nice. Not too nice. But nice."
"Wow, Mark, that is so helpful." 
"I do what I can," he smiles at you rolling your eyes. 
Mark only breaks eye contact when he feels the intruding gaze of another.
"Okay, I don't know if it's just me, but why does Leo look like he wants to hit me with his car."
Ignoring any subtleties, you turn to find exactly what Mark was talking about. Across the room, you see Leo leaning against a wall, drinking his beer, and glaring at you and Mark. 
You scoff and wave it off, "It's nothing. He's just trying that big bad intimidating ex-boyfriend shit. Thinks it's actually gonna work and bring me right back into his arms," you sip your drink.
"No way you dated him," Mark stares at you, jaw dropped, "Jesus, I leave and you suddenly lose your taste in men."
"Shut up," you shove him with a laugh.
A soft smile comes to your face as you find yourself getting lost in Mark's eyes. That was until you were interrupted by someone calling your name to get your attention.
Mark could feel his posture correcting itself as Yeonjun approached the corner you both occupied, you with open arms.
Yeonjun was another ex of yours. But you only dated for a couple months in high school before ending things on good terms, agreeing to just stay friends.
"Should've known if there was gonna be one person to actually get you out there on the track, it would be Mark," Yeonjun says, "What's up, man," he greets Mark.
"Hey, man," Mark nods.
It's not like Mark had anything against the man. They were pretty well acquainted through you and the other mutual friends he shared with Yeonjun. But it was the little prick of a feeling some may describe as a bit of jealousy Mark gets when he sees Yeonjun with you sometimes. Especially now, considering how close you and Yeonjun were before, Mark can only imagine what it's like now, and he's suddenly regretting all the time he's missed.
"Yeah, since he's not a little bitch and can actually give me a race worth my while," you tease Yeonjun, putting a smile on Mark's face.
"Oh, I know you're not grouping me in with the rest of them," Yeonjun pointed over his shoulder, "fell for the trap last time, and it cost me a Camaro."
"Don't worry. You know she's been in good hands," you say.
"Yeah. And you wasted no time with a new paint job, I see," Yeonjun crossed his arms over his chest.
"It was very much needed. I don't know what it is with you guys and that horrendous orange," you scrunch your face.
"So pink was the obvious answer?" Yeonjun asks.
"It's fuchsia, actually. And yes, it was," you nod, making both of them laugh. 
Your exchange with Yeonjun is cut short when he hears Wooyoung calling him from the other room. 
"I'll catch you guys later. Good seeing you, Mark," Yeonjun nods at Mark as he leaves, Mark doing the same.
"So, let me get this straight; you raced me in a car you already won from Yeonjun, trying to win mine," Mark crosses his arms.
"First, you offered up your car. Second, I've never had a Mitsubishi," You say.
"Good thing I won then," he laughs, and you shoot him a death glare. "Thought there were no hard feelings," he responds to your expression.
"Don't start poking the bear, Lee."
[3:37 AM]
You and Mark barely separated from one another all night, the two of you now sitting in the backyard, still smoking the joint Jaemin left for you two to finish.
"You okay over there?" Mark's voice breaks the peaceful silence and brings you back to reality. You look over at Mark, and your face splits into a smile before you burst into laughter.
"What?" Mark starts laughing along with you.
"Nothing. Sorry I'm just.." you couldn't find the words to even describe what's going on in your head right now, "incredibly high," you sigh.
Mark continues laughing with you, soothing the embarrassment you feel prick up your spine. 
"I missed this. And I missed you," Mark says.
"Me too," you smile, "All I could think about the whole night was how much it felt like the first time we met."
"Oh, you mean the same night Johnny almost got bagged?" Mark starts laughing uncontrollably as the memory comes back.
"Yes," you begin laughing as well.
"Do you remember the panic on his face when he was running," he manages to say between gasps for air. 
"I've never seen Johnny so scared," you say, your lungs begging for oxygen as you continue to laugh.
"I heard my name, you two talking about me?" Johnny steps out onto the deck.
"Yeah, and that first meet I went to when I saved your ass from the cops," you say.
Johnny scoffed, "What are you talking about?"
"Dude, how could you not remember?" Mark asks, "It was right after you raced Changkyun and you were busy talking to Yves and Jun when the cops showed up." he says.
"But good thing you left the keys in the car and since Mark was too busy freaking out, someone had to do something," you add.
"Alright, I was not freaking out," Mark says.
"It was a mild freak out," you say to him.
"Huh," Johnny nods, looking as if he's going through the archives of his memory, "I very vaguely remember that happening," Johnny says as he lights another joint.
"Maybe if you didn't smoke so much you'd remember," you mutter, sipping your water.
"I know you're not talking," Johnny pointed at you with the spliff between his lips.
"Sungchan's passed out on the front lawn," Haechan comes outside to tell Johnny.
"Okay, find Jeno or Jae and move him upstairs," Johnny says.
"Jeno already left and no one's seen Jaehyun in a while," Haechan says.
"Shit," Johnny sighs, taking a drag, "Mark, come on," he hits Mark's shoulder.
"Now how'd I get dragged into this?" Mark asks.
"Man, just come help us get him upstairs," Johnny tells Mark. With an annoyed grumble, Mark gets up, and you laugh as Mark follows the other two back into the house.
You only went back inside to refill your cup with more water when you bumped into Yeonjun again.
"Hey, you're still here." Yeonjun says.
"Yeah," you answer with a lazy smile.
He laughs at your hazy state, "You good?"
"I'm great," you reply.
Yeonjun smiles, "Well we're about to head out. Do you need a ride home?"
You only had two choices; either walk home or crash here at Johnny's. But now Yeonjun's presenting you with this third choice, and it definitely is tempting.
But Mark.
"I'm good," you nod.
"Okay, I'll see you later."
"I'll see you," you wave as Yeonjun runs off to catch up with the rest of his friends, getting into Hwiyoung's car.
This is when you finally notice how much things have calmed down. The cars lining the streets were no longer taking up the whole block. Now, the house was cleared out of mostly everyone, save for the ones who were crashing there for the night. 
"Are you heading out?" Mark asks, coming down the stairs.
"I mean, I probably should. I'm exhausted and I've got to rest up for this big date we have tomorrow," you say.
"You're not driving, right?"
"Of course not. I'm not too far."
"I'll take you."
"Mark, you are not driving either," you say, knowing he's also been drinking and smoking.
"I know. I'm walking you," Mark says, "Let me go grab my phone," he brushes past you and back out to the backyard.
"Hey," you heard from someone else coming down the stairs.
You furrow your brows at your roommate, "You're actually still here? Where have you been all night?" You ask Nyla.
"You know…around," she answered.
It was then you noticed Nyla wearing a shirt she didn't leave the house in, but you don't say anything about it at the moment.
"You ready to go?" Mark asks you.
"Wait, you're leaving?" Nyla asks.
"Yup," you answer.
"Do you want me to go with you?" she asks.
"Do you want to go with me?" you ask her.
Before she can answer, Jaehyun comes down the stairs buttoning up a shirt he wasn't wearing before, smirking at your best friend as he walks past to the kitchen.
Nyla looked internally conflicted, so you made the decision for her. "You can stay. Mark's gonna walk me home."
"Mark, you're an angel," Nyla grabs his face. "I love you. Text me when you're home," she says to you, kissing your cheek.
"You better be using protection. I'm too young to be an auntie," you say sternly to her.
"You'd be one hot auntie, though," she winks over her shoulder before disappearing into the kitchen.
"You sure would be," Mark mumbles as he leans against the doorframe.
"Mark, don't start with me," you glare at him as you walk out of the house.
"What do you mean?" he asks, following you.
"The Mark Lee I knew couldn't flirt to save his life. But now, you keep saying things like that and with you looking like this," you sighed, "It makes things confusing."
"How?" he asks.
"Cause you're Mark."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
You don't know how you're supposed to answer him. "I'm not telling you."
"Well, do you want me to stop?"
You took a second to answer, "No."
For a few minutes, you only walked in comfortable silence before you broke it. "So how long are you staying?" you ask.
"Don't know yet. My brother's wedding is next month so I came back to help with preparations and stuff. But I don't know, might stick around for a while after."
You gasp, "Oh my god, your brother's getting married?? No fucking way, congrats to him."
"Thanks, I'll pass it along," he smiled.
"I bet your mom's excited."
"Yeah, and fortunately for me, it's got her too preoccupied to be any way worried about my dating life," he says. "She still asks me about you, you know. Says she misses you."
"Aw, I miss her too," you pout.
Okay, so maybe you downplayed how close you really were.
From the moment you met, it didn't take much for you to become friends. Once you had realized you went to the same school and were even in some of the same classes, you grew close. Mark introduced you to all his friends, who then became your friends and vice versa. Any time he got word of a meet happening, you were always the first person he texted, saying he was already on his way to come get you. Mark would walk with you after school to your father's garage and let you teach him a few things about fixing up and modifying cars. Your families were both fond of the relationship the two of you had; Mark's inviting you to dinner almost every week, and yours never minding having Mark over for breakfast Saturday mornings.
As you turned down your street, you were then reminded of Mark's last night here. After his going away party, he walked you home just like this for the last time before he left.
"I've missed you too, Mark. Really," you tell him once you reach your house.
You hug him, and he wraps his arms around you. Hugging him now is much different than the last time you had. You had cried into his shirt, squeezing him so tight you didn't want to let him go. And a part of you wished you didn't. But at least letting go this time doesn't hurt as much as it did the last.
"Goodnight, Mark."
"Goodnight," he says.
"I'll be seeing you," you say, making your way up to the door.
"You'll be seeing me," he reassures, waiting for you to enter your house before walking back to Johnny's.
"Can I get a time check?" you ask.
"Almost quarter to 6," Summer answers.
You started cursing under your breath, rushing to apply your mascara.
"Wow, I've never seen you like this?" Nyla says.
"Like what?" you ask, never taking your eyes away from the mirror.
"Nervous to go on a date with a boy," she says teasingly.
"First, I'm not nervous," you point the mascara wand at her, "Second, he's not just some boy," you turn back to your reflection.
You heard your phone vibrate with a notification and looked at the text from Mark.
[5:49 PM] mark:  omw to come get you 
Fuck. And you weren't even dressed yet.
"Shit—okay, maybe I am a little nervous," you left your vanity and threw off your robe to slip into your dress.
"You really like him, don't you?" Nyla asks.
"You don't know the half of it," Summer interjects.
"What is that supposed to mean?" you ask, struggling to zip your dress.
"Bitch, are you for real right now?" Summer deadpans, helping you with the dress, "You were so unbelievably head over heels for him in high school."
"I was not," you defended.
"You and Mark seem to be the only ones who didn't know that," she zips you up.
You couldn't think of anything to say to that, but thankfully you didn't have to anymore once your phone started ringing.
"I'm outside," Mark's voice filters through the speaker.
"Fuck," you mutter, "Okay, sorry, I'm almost ready," you tell him.
"No worries, I'll still be here."
You hung up and ran around your room, looking through your closet and frantically throwing things out of the way to find your shoes. 
"I literally just saw them. Where the fuck are they?" you say to yourself.
"You mean these?" Nyla pulls the heels from under your bed.
"Thank you," you grab the shoes and slip them on.
"Damn, you look real good," Summer compliments as you finish putting on your jewelry.
"Do I really?" you ask, making sure your hair is sitting just how you want it.
"Hell yeah," Nyla agreed.
"Okay," you take a deep breath, smoothing out the silk draped over your body before leaving your room.
"Have fun!" Nyla yelled after you.
You step out of your house to find Mark leaning against a black Porsche you recognize as one of Jaehyun's instead of his signature red Mitsubishi Evolution. You would be disappointed if he didn't look so good standing next to the car.
Mark pushed himself away from the car when he saw you coming down the steps, completely in awe. Meanwhile, you were just focused on not tripping and stumbling down onto your face.
"Hi," you walk up to him. 
"Hi," he seemed speechless, "You look…shit. I mean, not like that—You just look beautiful."
"Thank you, Mark," you grin, "You're looking pretty fine yourself."
"You know, I try," he smooths out his jacket, "Shall we?" he opens the passenger door for you.
You smile as you step toward the car, Mark taking your hand, helping you in before closing the door and rushing over to the driver's side.
Once you've clicked yourself in with the seatbelt, you look up to see Mark staring at you. "What?"
"Nothing," he clears his throat, pulling off.
You tried not to get too lost in looking at Mark, staring out the window instead, trying to figure out where he was taking you. But then you feel his hand brush against yours when he reaches for the gear lever. You couldn't help it, letting your eyes wander over to him. Curtains of blonde hair hung slightly over his eyes as they were focused on the road. Your eyes drift down to the material perfectly tailored to his broad shoulders, taking note of the color he chose to wear, a deep shade of blue, one of your favorite colors.
"We're here," Marks says, and you snap out of it, looking around to see where he's brought you. Mark exits the car first and comes to open your door for you.
"Mark, you didn't."
"I did," Mark smiled, "Put this on," he handed you a lanyard reading VIP.
"Where the fuck did you get these?" you ask.
He ignores your question and holds his hand out for you instead, "Come on."
You slide your hand into his and follow him toward the entrance.
As Mark leads you to your seats, you realize you're not in the packed sections with the rest of the screaming fans. But instead where most executives, family members of racers, and people with enough money to buy their way into this section were. Your eyes were as wide as continental tires as you sat down. 
"Mark…" now it was your turn to be speechless.
"Does this meet your expectations?" he asks as you look around in awe.
"No," you say, "Definitely surpassed them."
The crowd erupted into cheers as the drivers walked out to their cars.
"Oh my god," you gasp, "It's him."
Kim Jongin, or as he's famously known, Kai, walks out. He brightly smiles at the fans screaming his name and waves into the audience. You're too starstruck to move. And even think your heart has stopped beating when Kai looks in your direction.
"Mark! You made it," Kai walks over to you and Mark.
"Told you I would, man," Mark greets Kai, "I also said I would introduce you to one of the best street racers I know."
Kai looks at you, his smile never faltering as he extends his hand to shake yours.
"Holy shit," is all you can say as you shake his hand, "I'm like a huge fan," you tell Kai.
"So I've been told. I've also heard you put up some serious game out on the track," Kai says before one of his crew members calls him to his car. "I gotta run, but how about you guys stick around after the race and come down to the pit."
You're certain your jaw's already on the floor, in complete disbelief that this is happening right now.
"Yeah, for sure," Mark says.
Kai waves at you one last time before running off to the track, putting on his helmet, and jumping into his car. Once you were out of your trance, you hit Mark's arm.
"Ow!" Mark rubbed his bicep.
"Since when the fuck do you know Kai?" you ask.
"Since Kevin was just getting into the NIRA circuit. I went to one of the digs with him and that was where I met Kai."
You've been following Kai's career practically since it started back when you were a high school freshman. You probably even watched the exact meet Mark was talking about. 
"And you've just been sitting on this piece of information, waiting for what to tell me?"
"For this." Mark answers.
"I can't believe you," you mutter, turning away from him. 
[8:32 PM] 
As Kai tended to the post-race press, you and Mark waited for the first-place winner in the pit. You were busy drooling over what was under the hood of Kai's car while Mark conversed with Shohei, a pit crew member.
"So what do you think?" Kai reappears, asking you.
"I think if I was out there on the track, I'd have a reason to be scared," you say, "An FR9 engine, a nos wet fogger system, and forged pistons," you only list off the components you can see from just taking one look, impressing the racer.
"You really do know your shit," Kai smiles, "I like her," he says to Mark.
"Yeah, me too," Mark smiled at you.
"Wanna take her for a lap?" Kai asks you.
"Me?" you point to yourself, "In this?" then to the car.
"Why not?" Kai shrugs, handing you a helmet.
"She isn't exactly dressed for-" another crew member, Eunseok, started.
But you kick off your heels and grab the helmet, making sure your dress doesn't hike up your legs too high as you slide through the window to get into the race car.
"Man, she's got this," Mark reassures Eunseok as Kai gets in the car with you.
"You good in there?" you hear Mark's voice from inside the helmet.
"You know I'm more than good," you reply.
"And don't I know that for damn sure," you hear the smirk in his voice, "But I've talked you up to pretty much everyone here, so don't embarrass me," he says light-heartedly.
Your barefoot steps on the gas and a smile splits your face as you burn out the tires before accelerating. The wind whipped against your skin as you picked up speed. You felt like you were flying as Kai hysterically egged you on from the passenger seat.
Mark could hear your laughter through the com piece in your helmet, telling you're having the time of your life with the way you round the track. The car roared around the corners, and you felt the G-forces pushing you back into the seat. At the end of the lap, you pulled the car back into the pit, taking the helmet off to catch your breath.
"Now that's what I call driving!" Kai exclaimed as he got out of the car from the passenger side window.
You pulled yourself out of the seat and exited through the window. Mark was right there to help you even though he knew you didn't really need his assistance. You feel Mark's arm around your waist, the other the under your thighs, helping you out of the vehicle and letting you hold onto him to put your shoes back on.
"Between that and everything else I've been told, you better hold onto her, Mark."
"I don't think there's any other choice. She's stuck with me," Mark grabs your hand, "We should probably start leaving now before we're late." Mark says to you, looking at his watch.
"It was good seeing you again, and it truly was an honor to meet you," Kai bowed as he took your hand and kissed your knuckles.
"The honor was all mine. And you know, if you ever need a tune-up, or tires changed or even a buff, my garage always has its door opened for you," you smile.
"I'll keep that in mind," Kai nods with a smile.
"What are we even getting paid for, then?" Seunghan raised his arms.
Once back in the car, Mark weaved through the traffic of spectators leaving the stadium to get on the highway. You didn't notice Mark still holding your hand, only driving with one hand so his fingers could stay intertwined with yours until you reached the restaurant.
[9:41 PM]
"It was just so crazy. To feel that much power in the grips of my hands." you continued. You couldn't help but talk through the entirety of dinner, recounting the events of the night; Mark not minding one bit.
Mark slides his hand closer to yours across the table, taking your hand in his.
You trail off, suddenly losing focus while looking at Mark. Even in the dim candlelight of the restaurant, you can see how Mark's eyes hold the stars as he looks at you.
"You don't have to stop," Mark says, "I like listening to you," he rubs his thumb over the back of your hand.
"And I just like looking at you," you say, "Still think I'm going to wake up from this dream at any moment."
"You dream about me often?" Mark asks teasingly, leaning on the table.
"Oh, Markie," you lean closer too, "You really don't know the half of it, huh?"
"Why don't you tell me then?" Mark says, his eyes falling down to your lips.
"I'd rather show you," you say before kissing him.
You were never one to really be for public displays of affection, but with Mark, here and now, it just felt right.
"I've wanted to do that ever since sophomore year," you tell him once you pull away.
"Deadass?" Mark asks, raising his brows.
You laugh at his stunned expression, "Deadass, Mark."
"So Renjun was right," he mumbles to himself.
"About what?"
"You having a crush on me in high school."
"Seems like you were the only one who didn't know," you shrug.
"Well, don't act like you didn't know I had one on you too," Mark says, and your brows raise, "Wait, really? You didn't know?" he asks.
"Of course, I didn't Mark. How was I supposed to?"
"I don't know. But I mean, it was pretty obvious," Mark says, and you scoff.
You could pretty much say the same to him. 
"God, I'm such an idiot," Mark shakes his head, and you laugh, squeezing his hand. 
"My idiot," you kiss him again.
[11:56 PM]
With the night coming to an end, you feel a slight pang of sorrow as Mark nears your house.
Mark's hand holding yours, squeezes lightly, bringing you out of your thoughts once he's parked on your street. He kissed the back of your hand before exiting the car, opening your door, and helping you out. 
You slide his jacket off your shoulders and hand it back to Mark for him to toss into the backseat.
"So," Mark starts.
"So," you take a step closer to him.
"You can truthfully tell me if it really was the worst date of your life," he said with a smile.
You roll your eyes, "Maybe it wasn't."
"Damn, it does feel good being right."
"The night isn't over. There's still time for my answer to change."
"How much time?"
You look at your phone, "Two minutes and 30 seconds."
Mark was the one to initiate the kiss this time. He placed his hands on your hips and pulled you flush against his body. You allow Mark's tongue to slip into your mouth, and he hums at the taste of your lipgloss mixed with the wine you drank. Mark pulls away so you can both catch your breath, and you rest your forehead against his.
"Well, this has officially been the best date I've been on," you smile.
He lifts your chin, getting you to look at him, and kisses you one last time.
"Goodnight," he says.
"Goodnight, Mark," you begin to walk up your front steps.
"Wait," Mark stops you, "This isn't gonna be a one time thing is it?"
"Do you want it to be?" you ask.
"Okay. You'll be seeing me, Mark."
"I'm counting on it."
Walking up to your door, you see the movement of the curtains in the window and shake your head as you put in your key. As expected, the moment you enter your house, you're met with Nyla and Summer waiting for you.
"Date must've gone well," Summer says.
"What makes you say so?" you ask.
"That was pretty intense between you two out on the steps, and you're still grinning like an idiot," Nyla tells you.
"I am not," you deny with said grin still plastered on your face.
[1:34 PM] MONDAY
Mark steps onto the front porch, joining the rest who were outside. He finds you among them in Johnny's driveway, working on Jungwoo's car.
"Whatcha doing?" Mark asks, approaching you.
"Jungwoo says it doesn't sound right so I'm trying to adjust the cylinders and change the air pressure intake," you say.
You might as well have been wearing an expensive white dress and standing at an altar with the way Mark's looking at you. Mark watches as you carefully maneuver your way around the engine, sure not to interfere with anything valuable.
"Try that," you tell Jungwoo, who was sitting behind the wheel.
Jungwoo started his car and revved up the engine a few times, the loud roar sounding like music to your ears. You smile, satisfied, and close the hood of the car.
"You are an angel, you know that," Jungwoo says, appreciatively kissing your cheek before wandering off.
"Yeah, I know," you smile, turning to Mark, "Hi."
"Hi." you notice Mark lick his lips as he eyes you.
"Nothing. That was just kinda hot," Mark tells you.
"Yeah? All this sweat and grease really doing it for you?" you joke, wiping your hands with a rag.
"You're definitely doing it for me," Mark says, pulling you toward him by your waist.
Mark kisses you, and you practically melt against his lips. You have to fight the urge to run your fingers through his hair, waiting until you properly wash your hands. You circle your arms around his neck instead, but things don't get too heated as your phone starts ringing.
"You mind?" you ask Mark. He hands you your phone, and you step away to take the call. 
"Everything okay?" Mark asks as you return to him.
"Yeah," you tell him before turning to everyone in the front yard, "So, how many of you love me enough to come swing by the garage with me?" you sweetly smile at your friends.
You aren't given a direct answer, but they all move from their spots and start getting into their cars, Mark following you to yours and riding with you.
. . .
You knew signing for the delivery wouldn't have taken long, but no one seemed to be in a rush to leave as they all busied themselves around the autobody shop. 
"Damn I really have missed this place," Mark says, looking around with a soft smile. 
"You know you've been equally missed," you tell him.
"Say it ain't so. Mark Lee, is that you?" you hear your dad's voice behind you.
"Yes, sir," Mark extends his arm to shake your dad's hand.
You try to continue focusing on the paperwork in front of you as the two exchange small talk before your dad mentions having Mark over for dinner.
"Oh, I couldn't impose-" Mark started.
"It wasn't imposing before, and it still isn't now," your dad says, "Your mom would love to have him over for dinner," he says to you.
"She would," you agree.
"Great, come over next Wednesday," he tells Mark before Soojin pulls your dad away to deal with a customer.
"Come with me," you round the desk and take Mark's hand. 
Mark follows your lead through the shop as you take him to where some of your friends congregated around Shotaro's station. 
"Hey, Taro. You busy?" you ask, getting his attention.
"Not really," Shotaro says. 
"Mark, this is Shotaro. Shotaro, this is Mark." you introduce them.
The Sagittarius' eyes widen as he extends his hand to Mark, "Holy shit, I've seen you race. You're like a god."
"Wow, thank-" Mark begins.
"Alright, I wouldn't say all that," you say.
"Have you seen him drive?" Shotaro asks.
"Of course, he's the only person that can keep up with me. But he usually never beats me over that line," you say with half a smirk.
Shotaro's brows furrow, "Wait, you race?"
Having only been working here a few months, you don't blame Shotaro for not knowing.
"I don't as much as I used to," you say.
"This isn't the first time I've heard this. Why is that?" Mark asks.
You shrug. "I don't know. I guess between school and helping manage this place I kinda lost my enthusiasm about it," you look down at the spare tire on the ground, softly kicking it, suddenly feeling everyone's eyes on you, "And it kinda just wasn't the same without you."
Mark looks as if he's endeared by what you've said. But you clear your throat and quickly change the subject.
"But anyway, how did the dry system hold up?" You ask Shotaro.
"Pretty good. Better than my last one," Shotaro tells you, lifting the hood of his car.
"Holy shit, where did you find these parts?" Mark asks as a few of you gather around the automobile. 
"Only knew one place to find them. So I had them imported from Yokohama," Shotaro says.
"Shotaro, you're definitely riding with us to race wars," Hendery says. 
"You guys are going too?" Shotaro asks.
"Yeah. Actually, speaking of, how many of us are going to race wars?" Jaehyun asks.
You and Mark used to talk about going to race wars all the time but never got the chance to when you were in high school because your parents would never let you. And by the time you were able to go, Mark wasn't there to be with you, so it just didn't have the same feeling without him.
"Pretty sure all of us here. Probably the rest of the others, too," Jeno says.
"Mark, you're coming?" Jisung asks.
"When is it?" Mark asks.
"It's supposed to be the beginning of next month, but the exact date and location haven't been posted yet. I'll let you know once I find out," Jaemin says.
"Okay," Mark nods, "As long as it doesn't interfere with my brother's wedding, I'll go."
"You could always not go?" Chenle jokes.
"Dude, he's my brother, and I'm the best man."
Everyone now turns their attention to Mark.
"What the fuck? Since when?" Ten asks.
"Since I found out my brother was engaged," Mark answers.
"So you just don't tell anyone shit around here anymore?" you joke.
Mark playfully rolls his eyes, poking his cheek with his tongue.
God, why is he so hot. 
You curl your arms around his, "Mark, you have to come. We've always wanted to go together," you pout.
"I know, I know," Mark holds your hand, "If I can, I will. I promise."
That was good enough for you for now.
"Hello?" you answer the phone.
"You still at the garage?" Mark asks.
"Yeah, but I'm about to leave in a few minutes."
"Wanna come over to my place? Watch a movie and maybe drink this bottle of wine I have sitting in front of me."
"I'll need to go home and shower first. I'm all sweaty and greasy," you say.
"I don't really mind. Sweat, grease, and all."
"Well, I do. So I'll be over in an hour."
Mark kisses his teeth, "Fine."
[8:02 PM] 
Pulling up to Mark's house, you don't know why you expected it to be any different than how you remember it. But it was the same color and layout and even still had the dent in the garage door from when Yuta accidentally backed into it.
Mark answers the door wearing an old t-shirt, shorts, and glasses. Those goddamn glasses. 
"Hi," Mark smiles at you.
"Hi," you step into the house, allowing Mark to pull you in for a kiss. "You miss me or something?" you ask.
"Guess you can say that."
Slipping off your shoes and jacket, you follow Mark into the living room.
"Your parents here?" you ask.
"Nah, they went with my brother to meet the future in-laws," Mark answers. "You want a glass?" he points to the wine bottle sitting on the table.
"Yes, please," you sigh, collapsing onto the couch.
"Long day?"
"Yeah, but it's nothing I'm not used to." you take the wineglass he hands you.
Mark listens to you go on about your day after he asks, only briefly interrupted when he goes to answer the door for the delivery of the food you didn't even know he ordered. After eating your fill of pizza, you continue to watch the movie. You notice how much closer you are now than when you first arrived. You went from sitting right next to Mark to being seated between his legs, your back against his chest.
"Now, I gotta ask, who's your favorite?"
"Spider-man? Garfield for sure. I love the other two but The Amazing Spider-Man has a special place in my heart," you hold your hand over your chest.
"You were supposed to say me," Mark grumbles, rolling his eyes.
You laugh, turning to him, "Mark, you only dressed up once senior year, and that's cause you lost a bet."
"But you can't say I don't make a good Peter Parker," he says.
"Only if I can be your MJ," you joke.
Mark closes the space between you, softly pressing his lips to yours. Having seen No Way Home enough times opening weekend, you didn't mind Mark distracting you from the rest of the movie. You reposition yourself to straddle him and bring your lips back to his. The hands Mark has on your hips move down to cup your ass. Then you start laughing.
"Sorry, did I overstep?" Mark asks, moving his hands away.
"No, you didn't. It's just..nothing, sorry," you apologize. 
You start kissing him, cupping his face before you feel his two hands on your ass again, unable to stop the giggles bubbling in your throat.
"What?" Mark can't help but laugh now. 
"I'm sorry. I just can't stop thinking about your hands on my ass."
"What's so funny about that?" he asks.
"Nothing. It's just, I can't believe my best friend, Mark Lee, is kissing me with his hands on my ass," you cover your eyes, trying to explain. You shake your head, trying not to overthink this too much. "I swear I'm not laughing at you. I'm just nervous, I guess."
"What for?"
"Because it's you," you say, peaking at him through your fingers.
"I make you that nervous, baby?" Mark pulls your hands away from your face with a crooked smile. 
Is he trying to make you spontaneously combust?? 
"Maybe," you answer.
"Think I can do something to change that," he says, "Come here," he juts his chin toward you, signaling you to kiss him.
You let all thoughts fade away as you leaned into Mark. You grab the sides of his face, pressing your lips to him.
Mark keeps his hands off you until he can practically feel the desperation in your body, letting your hands roam all over him.
Feeling Mark's hands slide up your thighs to your ass made you softly moan into his mouth as he pressed you into his groin.
"Mark…" you breathe shakily.
"You need something?"
"Yeah, you."
You could hear your heart banging against your chest like a drum as you followed Mark up the stairs to his room, your hand in his.
Entering his room, you can see it hasn't changed much either. The same posters are still on the walls, his guitar sitting in its designated corner by his bed, and the small piles of clothes scattered over the floor. You didn't have the chance to get a good look at much else as Mark's lips were back on yours once he closed the door.
The backs of your legs hit the edge of his bed before you fall down onto it. Mark looks down at you lying on his bed, tongue darting out to wet his dry lips, taking his glasses off, and tossing them onto the bed. Mark grabs one of your legs, making space between them for himself, bringing his lips back to yours. Once he starts kissing your neck, you know you're already done for. 
"Mark, please," you arch into his touch.
"What, baby?"
"Touch me."
"I am touching you," he smirks, nipping at your jaw.
"God, since when were you such a fucking tease," you say, making him laugh.
"You mean here?" he asks, cupping your sex.
"Mhm," you tug your teeth between your teeth, nodding.
Mark looks into your eyes as he undoes the string of your sweatpants, making sure this is okay. When you don't tell him to stop, Mark slips his hand into your pants, pressing his fingers to the damp cotton, still acting as a barrier, keeping you from what you want.
"You this wet for me, princess?"
You shutter at his use of the pet name, "Yes."
"Mmm," he hums, watching your body react to the smallest of his touches. Mark then pulls your underwear to the side and teases your silt with his middle finger. Your jaw drops, silently moaning when you feel one of his fingers breach your walls. 
"Damn, baby, you're soaking for me," Mark smirks against your navel, moving your shirt out of his way as he kisses his way up your stomach.
"Mark, don't say things like that," you whine.
"Cause it's turning me on even more," you roll your hips into his hand.
"That doesn't sound like a reason to stop to me," he stopped kissing your skin once he reached your sternum, "Do you want me to stop?"
"Good. I'm only getting started," Mark pulls his hand away.
Before you could even protest, Mark's tugging your sweats down your legs, your panties along with them, getting you to lift your hips so he could throw them to the floor. You watch Mark lower himself to his knees on the floor before the bed, directing each of your legs over his shoulders. He softly kisses your inner thighs, nipping your sensitive skin between his teeth.
Mark pulls you closer to his face, looking up at you with eyes blown wide with lust. You try to keep your composure when Mark's tongue licks a fat stripe up your slit. Mark moans at the taste of you, and holds your legs apart as he buries his head between your thighs. Your small whimpers gradually grow into cries of Mark's name as he brings his fingers back to your core, slowly sinking two digits into your pussy.
"Fuck, that feels so good," you comb your fingers through his hair as he catches your clit between his lips.
Your back arches into the air, and you tug harshly on his roots, making him groan into your pussy. Mark's middle and ring finger curl against your velvety walls, moving in a come hither motion once he finds your sweet spot. Between the movements of his head and his fingers pumping in and out of you, you can feel the coil in your stomach tighten.
"Mark.." you sharply moan, "P-Please, don't stop," you beg.
Mark could feel his shorts growing uncomfortably tight the more he heard you moan and felt your pussy flutter around his fingers.
"You wanna cum for me, pretty girl?"
"Yes, Mark, please."
If your eyes didn't flutter shut, you would've caught the smirk on his face before he attacked your clit with his tongue.
At this point, you're no longer able to form full sentences. Mark's mouth makes you lose your senses and every coherent thought you have.
Mark's fingers dig into the plush of your thighs, keeping you from squirming too much as he eats you out like a man feasting after days of starving. 
"Oh my god!" your eyes roll back, "M'gonna cum," you warn through a whimper.
Mark never let up. The pace of his fingers picking up and his tongue flicking against your sensitive bundle of nerves had your toes curling. Your legs closed around his head once your orgasm hit you. Your cries and trembling legs went unnoticed by Mark as he was too enamored with the feeling and taste of you in his mouth.
"Mark, Mark, Mark," you whine, softly pushing his head away.
You open your eyes to find Mark with his fingers in his mouth, licking your slick off them. Even through your fatigue, seeing him with messy hair from you pulling on it and his face glistening with your juices reignited your insatiable desire for him.
"You okay?"
"Okay? Am I okay?" you raise a brow, "Mark, I can't remember the last time someone made me cum like that from just going down on me," you throw your arm over your eyes, still coming down from your high.
"I'm glad to be of service, then," he moves your arm away, kissing you.
You tangle your fingers in his hair, moaning around his tongue when it clashes with your own, tasting yourself on his lips.
You flip Mark onto the bed without breaking the kiss, and he rests his hands on your thighs, roughly kneading your flesh. You hum, feeling his hard clothed cock resting between your folds, Mark grabbing your ass to get you to roll your hips into his, letting a sound that closely resembles a whine climb up his throat.
Mark chases after your lips when you pull away, opening his eyes to see you admiring him.
"You're so pretty, Mark," you say, softly brushing his hair out of his eyes, and you swear you heard a whimper slip from his swollen lips.
Mark blushes, turning away from you so you don't notice. But you do. You grab his jaw, making him look at you, and pull him close enough, your lips to ghost over his.
"My pretty boy," you kiss his lips.
His cock stirs beneath you as you kiss your way down his neck. You tug on the collar of his shirt, getting Mark to pull it over his head, throwing it to the floor next to your clothes. You run your hand down his toned chest, a light trail of hair on his lower stomach disappearing into his shorts.
"Can I?" you ask, hooking your finger in the waistband of his shorts.
"Yeah," Mark nods.
Once his pants are off, you're both left in only one piece of clothing; his boxers and your shirt.
You kneel between his legs while Mark sits back on his hands, just watching you. Resting your hand on his leg, you softly squeeze his thigh before slowly sliding over to the bulge in his underwear. Palming the outline of his heavy cock has Mark tilting his head back, but not too much so he can still watch you as you waste no more time and release his dick from its confinements.
Your eyes widen, and the corners of your lips twitch, seeing his cock spring free, lightly slapping against his lower stomach. Precum dribbles from his slit and your mouth practically waters. You wrap your fingers around his length, smearing the beads of precum with your thumb. His cock twitches in your grasp, a raspy groan falling from his lips and shooting straight to your core.
"Mark, please tell me you have a condom somewhere in this house," you look at him through your lashes.
"Second drawer," he nods to his nightstand.
"Were you stocking up for this?" you ask, finding the industrial-sized box.
"No," Mark laughs, "Donghyuck 'gifted' that to me after our first date."
"Now, why would he do that?" you ask, straddling his thigh.
You already know your friend can have a perverted way of thinking, but you wanted to hear Mark's reasoning.
"Cause I couldn't stop talking about you in that fucking dress," he grips your waist, "Let's just say it was a lot harder to keep my gentlemanly manners than I thought it would be that night."
"As much as I appreciated the consideration," you say, "I wore that dress hoping you would've taken it off me," you lean into his ear.
"Fuck me," Mark groans under his breath and digs his fingers into your hips.
You grin, kissing him. Since you're distracted, Mark snatches the condom from your hand and pushes you onto your back. He sits back on his haunches, brushing his hair out of his eyes, and tears the package with his teeth before rolling the latex on and pumping his cock in his hands a few times.
Laying there with your hair splayed out on the pillows, your bottom lip between your teeth, and your thighs desperately itching to rub together at the sight of the man before you, Mark slowly begins losing his grip on any sort of restraint he has left. Mark wraps his arms under your thighs, pulling your hips closer to his. You can feel yourself growing wetter by the second as Mark keeps his eyes locked with yours, rubbing the tip of his cock between your folds. 
"Mark, please," your voice was barely above a whisper, yet Mark still heard the traces of desperation. 
The blunt head of his cock presses against your slit before being enveloped by your slick pussy. He takes his time easing into you as your walls open up for him.
"Oh, god—Mark," you choke out, feeling the way you have to adjust to his size.
"I know, I know, baby," Mark coos, "It's okay. Just relax for me," he soothed his hand up and down your leg.
You nod, and Mark starts kissing your neck. Your eyes flutter shut, your head tipping back to give him more access to mark up the side of your throat. As Mark sinks his teeth into your skin and can feel how incredibly wet you become, your pussy practically sucking him the rest of the way in.
"How're you doing, princess?" Mark kisses his way back up your neck. 
"Fuck, Mark, you feel so big," you roll your head back onto his pillow. Mark smiles, peppering your face with kisses while whispering sweet praises. 
"Let's just take it slow then, okay," he says, slowly drawing his hips back.
The feeling of his cock dragging against your walls as he slowly left your heat, only to fill you up again, had your eyes rolling back. 
"I feel so…you make me feel so—Full," you stumble over your words, moaning. 
The chuckle that leaves his lips leads a new wave of arousal to flood through your body and clench around him.
"And you're doing so good for me," he kisses your jaw. Mark continues slowly moving his hips, using deep sensual strokes to fuck you. Now fully submerged in pleasure, you beg Mark for more.
Mark grabs your leg hooked around his hip and begins picking up his rhythm. Bringing his eyes down to where your bodies were connected, he watches his dick disappear between your folds. Mark's shallow pants slowly transition into broken whimpers. You're just barely holding on, and Mark continues coaxing you closer to the edge.
"You're making me feel so good, Mark," you tell him.
Mark tries to conceal his noises, burying his head in your neck, but you disapprove. 
"Come on, Markie," you direct his face to look at you, "I wanna hear you, pretty boy," you grin, running your thumb along his bottom lip.
"Fuck~" he whines.
"Don't stop, baby, m'so close," you say.
"M-Me too—fuck, you feel so good," his voice fluctuates.
"S'all for you, pretty boy," you tell him, and you almost cum from his whimpers alone.
"God, stop calling me that," Mark pants, screwing his eyes shut.
"Why?" you smirk, bringing your fingers beneath his chin to make him look at you.
Damp strands of blonde hair hung in his face as he opened his lust-filled eyes, "I won't be able to last any longer," he answers.
"You gonna cum for me, Mark?" you roll your hips into his, making him deeply groan.
Mark holds your jaw with one hand, keeping intimate eye contact as he repeatedly thrusts into you. He runs his thumb along your bottom lip before pushing his finger into your mouth, and you eagerly accept.
"Not until you cum for me first," he says, sliding his thumb out of your mouth and bringing it to your clit.
"Oh—fuck, Mark, please," you cry.
Mark lowers himself to kiss you, muffling both of your sweet noises.
You frantically search for something to grab onto, finding Mark's shoulders first as you cum. Your pussy clamps around his cock, sending Mark into his own orgasm. Soft, breathy moans fill your ears as Mark's hips stutter, and he fills the condom with his cum.
"Holy shit," he drops his head to your shoulder.
You softly run your fingers through the strands of his sweaty hair as he kisses your damp skin. Pressing his lips to the side of your neck, Mark finds your lips meeting in a lazy kiss.
"Wait here," he tells you, the huskiness of his voice sending a shiver down your spine.
You whimper as he slips his cock out of the pulsating warmth of your pussy, leaving you clenching around nothing.
After tossing the condom into the trash and slipping his boxers back on, you watch Mark shuffle out of the room. He returns with a wet cloth, pulling your legs apart and wiping away the stickiness clinging to your folds.
"Are you okay?" Mark asks. 
"You're very quiet," he lays down next to you. 
"I'm thinking," you say, turning in his direction. 
"You," you answer, "There's no going back after this, Mark."
"Are you okay with that?"
"Am I?" you smile, "I'm not saying that cause I regret this, Mark. I'm saying this as a warning cause it'll be harder for you to get rid of me now," you wrap your arms around him and kiss his cheek. 
Mark laughs, resting his hands on your lower back. "I can't image I would ever want to anyway," he kisses you.
"No one even knew Yuta was back in town until today, how did so many people find out?" Summer says as your car nears the entrance to the parking garage.
It had taken you nearly ten minutes to move up in the line of cars that had formed. You're just glad you got here when you did, considering that the line was now streaming down the street.
Since Yuta had sent out the location at practically the last minute, you weren't expecting the dig to have this big of a turnout. You don't even know how Yuta set it up, but since the renovations to the parking garage weren't nearly finished yet, it was closed off from the rest of the public. Which meant for you, it was the perfect place for races to be conducted without having to worry about any civilians.
You finally reach the barrier gate where Yunho and Changbin are standing post.
"Hey, Sunny," Changbin says to Summer.
"Hi, Binnie," she sweetly smiles as she hands him the money for the entry fee, "I'll see you in there?" she asks.
"Yeah," Changbin smiles, "You're good to go, y/n." he nods to you.
"Okay, what the fuck was that?" Nyla asks Summer as you start following the cars down to the underground level.
"What?" Summer asks.
"You and Binnie?" You raise your brows, "When did that start?"
"It's nothing. We're just friends."
You and Nyla share a glance in your rearview mirror. "Sure, whatever you say," Nyla drops it.
Just as you reach the bottom level, you see Haechan driving in the opposite direction, and you roll down your window to talk to him. 
"Where are you guys going, we just got here?" you ask Haechan.
"Damien called Jaemin out," Hyuck tells you, "Come on," he waves at you to follow him.  
You tail Haechan's car up to the third level and easily find a few more of your friends, or rather their cars, knowing they're somewhere close by. Parking between Jungwoo and Xiaojun's cars, you gravitate toward the cluster of your friends, spotting a mop of silky jet-black hair among them.  
"Yuta!" you walk up with open arms to be embraced in a hug.
"I know I was only gone for two weeks but seems like I've missed a lot anyway," Yuta says, "So, where is lover boy Mark?"
"He's on his way," you say. 
"I can't believe it took all these years for you two to finally get together," he teased.
"I'm starting to get tired of hearing this," you roll your eyes playfully. 
"Well, it's true. You two were so ridiculously down bad for one another," Yuta teases, and you lightly hit his arm.
More people begin filling in as they anticipate the race about to go down. Jaemin's car sits at the starting point, along with Damien's. Now the only thing you're left waiting for is Johnny, Yangyang, Hendery, and Jaehyun to set up their positions around the so-called track.
"Fuck this," your impatience gets the best of you, and you snatch the walkie-talkie from Chenle's back pocket, "Are we ready?" you ask.
"Track's all clear, we're good to go," Johnny responds to you. 
Once you have confirmation from all five groups, you take the lead and stand in front of the cars. 
"You guys already know the rules. It's five levels from here to the top. Whoever makes it there first, wins," you clarify, "Ready?" you ask Jaemin and Damien. 
They both nod and you motion for them to inch their cars up just a bit so their bumpers line up exactly. You raise your hands, and the crowd begins cheering as both cars rev up. You drop your arms, and you're engulfed in the smoke their burnouts left behind as the cars whipped past you. As everyone else runs for the elevator and stairs to get to the rooftop before Jaemin and Damien do, there's only one person not moving along with the herds of people, walking toward you instead.
"You're probably the hottest race marshal I've ever seen," Mark says as you turn on your heels, almost crashing right into him.
"Mark," your face splits into a smile, cupping his face and kissing his lips.
"Miss me, baby?" he asks with a chuckle.
"Yeah, pretty boy," you tease.
Mark kisses you again, firmly keeping one hand on your lower back.
"Hey! Y'all can suck faces later, but get your asses in here now!" Summer yells from the elevator. 
Remembering the race, you grab Mark's hand, run into the elevator, and head for the top floor. 
Since Yangyang and Jaehyun were exclusively live-streaming the entire race for people to watch from the different levels they were on, everyone's eyes were glued to their phones, waiting for Jaemin and Damien to reach the top. You all watch from Jisung's phone as Jaemin takes the lead once he passes Ten on the sixth floor, drifting the turn up to the seventh, and you smile proudly since you had been the one who taught him how to in the first place.
You can hear the tires screeching and the deep resonance of the engines making their way up each floor. Hitting one last turn and perfectly timing his gear shift, Jaemin drifts his car up the ramp. The cheers of the crowd were deafening as everyone celebrated Jaemin's win, even himself, with a few victory donuts.
You would've been right there alongside everyone else, congratulating Jaemin on his win if Mark hadn't used this chance while everyone was distracted and not paying attention to either of you.
Your back meets a concrete wall with a soft thud while Mark's lips attack yours.
"What's with you, Markie?" You ask.
A low groan rumbles in his chest, "You're just so…fucking beautiful."
"Thank you, baby," you kiss his nose.
"Hey, Mark!" someone calls him, "How about you lay off your girl for a bit and let us see if you're still the big shot you thought you were in high school," Sean says.
You turn to Sean with your brows raised. The only thing holding you back from wiping that snarky grin off his face is Mark's arm still wrapped around you.
Mark's entire demeanor was calm as he nodded at Sean, "Alright. Me and you, right now," Mark says.
You follow Mark back down to the ground floor to get his car, riding with him. He holds your hand the entire drive back up to the third level, where spectators had already lined the pathway, expecting the next race.
"Do I really need to wish you luck?" you ask Mark as you look over at Sean overconfidently revving up his engine.
"I know I can take him. But I'd still appreciate it from you."
"Baby, you got this," you kiss his lips.
Mark watches as you sit back and lift your hips, reaching under your skirt to pull your panties down your legs. You hand the bunched-up lace to Mark, leaning over to his ear. "But just hold onto these just in case. Your good luck charm," you smirk.
Mark chuckles as he shoves your underwear into his pocket, looking over at you with a smile playing on his lips. "You just wait until I can get you alone," Mark pulls you in for one last kiss before you get out of his car.
You join everyone else on the sidelines as Yuta riles the crowd up. Mark looks over at you and winks. Yuta raises his arms, and Sean dramatically burns out his tires while Mark comfortably sits back in his seat. With him looking so relaxed, settling into his element behind the wheel makes heat pool in your lower stomach. Subtly pressing your thighs together, you begin to regret handing over your underwear, feeling the warmth between your legs.
"Go!" Yuta yells, and both cars take off. Summer grabs your hand, leading you to the elevator to head back up to the top floor.
As you all wait for Mark and Sean's cars to near the final level, the door to the stairwell swings open, and Nyla trudges through, making her way over to you all.
"Why're you out of breath?" Jeno asks, receiving a glare from Nyla.
"Jae and I were on the fourth floor, and those steps.." she gasps, "are no joke." Once she finally catches her breath, Nyla tells you, "I left my bag in your car, I need your keys."
You reach into your skirt pocket and pluck out your keys, handing them to Nyla before she heads for the elevator. Turning your attention back to the race, you recognize the sound of Mark's engine, and you smile as his car drifts up the ramp, beating Sean. Mark's tires screech against the pavement before he takes his foot off the gas and gets out of his car. The crowd rushes Mark, celebrating his win, you along with them.
"I told you you had him," you say to Mark.
"I'll say it was your good luck charm that secured it," he smirked.
But all the celebrating is cut short when you see people running before you hear the sirens making their way up the levels of the garage, and Mark instinctively grabs your hand.
"And I think that's our cue," Renjun grabs his drink and gets into Jeno's car.
It's hard to tell which direction the sirens are coming from as the sound bounces off every surface in the open space.
"Get in," Mark says to you, Summer, and Jisung.
You trust Nyla enough with your car to not even be concerned about it and jump into the passenger seat. Mark wastes no time shifting into drive once you're all inside and starts looking for an escape route. He avoids the exit everyone else was trying to leave from as a traffic jam starts building up, and people honking their horns isn't helping to get things moving.
"Is that Chenle?" you hear Summer ask from the backseat. You then turn your head to see the blue and red lights shadowing Chenle's silhouette as he runs toward Mark's car.
"Dude, come on!" Jisung yells to Chenle, opening the door.
Chenle dives head-first into the back seat, throwing himself across Summer and Jisung's laps.
"Go, go, go!" Chenle exclaims. Mark presses his foot on the gas and begins speeding away.
Finally finding a clear exit, Mark floors it before yanking his e-break as a police car turns the corner. You hear the cops' megaphone telling Mark to stop driving and for all of you to get out of the vehicle.
"Mark," you call him warily.
"I know," he shifts gears, "Hold on," he says, reversing the car, looking through the rear windshield over his shoulder, and putting his hand behind the headrest of your seat.
Mark expertly drives his car backward, turning the wheel with one hand, and the police continue to chase after you before Mark reaches another exit. Ending up back on the city streets, you lose the police tail, and you feel a sigh of relief throughout the entire car.
"Yeah I'm with her, Mark, Chenle, and Jisung," you hear Summer say. "Ningning's with Nyla and they have your car," she tells you as she's on the phone.
"Thank god. Tell them to bring it to Johnny's."
"They're already on their way."
Mark's car drives up to Johnny's house around the same time everyone else arrives. Just like always, the party goes on as if nothing had happened. Summer, Jisung, and Chenle get out of the car, Chenle already retelling the events of what just happened to Yangyang and Haechan when they meet in the front yard.
You and Mark don't get out yet, the two of you just silently holding each other's gaze. Mark had one hand lazily thrown over the wheel, sitting back in his seat as he eyed you.
"Mark, get out of the car," you tell him.
"Why?" Mark asks.
"Between the way you just handled that and the way you're looking at me right now, I can't promise I can hold myself back any longer."
Mark's eyes drift down from your face, tugging his lip between his teeth. The corners of his lips curl up as he takes his car out of park. Mark pulls his car into Johnny's garage, and the party fades into a dull hum once the door shuts. You and Mark are now alone, only in the presence of the other dormant vehicles in the garage. 
Mark turns his car off, and you push yourself out of your seat, leaning over the console to kiss him. Mark's hand blindly fumbles with the seat adjuster to move his seat back and allow you to climb into his lap. 
"What's gotten into you?" Mark asks, smiling against your lips. 
"You," you card your fingers through the soft blonde curls, "Mark, you're just so..hot," you roll your hips into his. Mark's hands slide up your thighs, slipping under your skirt. You can already feel the wetness dripping onto Mark's jeans, the rough material deliciously dragging against your clit. You moan around Mark's tongue, and he grips your body tighter. You accidentally lean against the wheel, hitting the horn, startling yourself and Mark.
Mark laughs along with you, "Backseat?"
"Backseat," you nod before climbing into the back of his car.
Now with more room, you grab Mark and comfortably settle in his lap. You feel the bulge in his jeans against your inner thigh and roll your hips into his. Mark's head falls back against the window, and you take the opportunity to kiss his neck. Mark's eyes flutter shut as you cradle the back of his head and sink your teeth into his skin. The moan that falls from his lips causes you to get wetter.
"Yeah, baby?"
"Can I?" you ask, slipping your hand between your bodies and palming him through his pants.
You slide out of his lap and quickly undo the button of his jeans. You waste no time trying to get his clothes off and just pull his cock out of his underwear, your mouth already salivating.
"Oh, Mark," you clench your thighs together, "You're so pretty."
His breathing becomes shallow as he says, "Thank you."
"You're welcome, baby," you kiss the tip of his cock before kitten-licking the drips of precum leaking down his shaft.
Mark sharply gasps, and the grin on your face grows bigger. You let spit dribble out of your mouth and onto his dick to assist your hand, jerking him. You wrap your lips around the sensitive tip, slowly sucking him into your mouth. Mark softly groans, placing his hand on your head. He brushes your hair out of the way so he can see your face.
"My god, look at you," he swipes a string of spit hanging from your lips when you come up for air. You playfully bite his thumb before taking his cock back into your mouth.
Hearing Mark's heavy breathing slowly turn into breathy whimpers encourages you to take more of him down your throat. You feel one of Mark's hands sliding down your back, flipping your skirt over your ass. He dips a finger into your pussy, humming approvingly when he feels how wet you are.
You are grateful his windows were tinted well past the legal limit just in case someone drunkenly stumbled into the garage.
"You get this wet from just sucking my dick, princess?" Mark smirks as he plays with your folds. "Such a dirty dirty girl," he calls you, making you moan around his cock and clench around his fingers. You lose focus and drop your head to his thigh.
"Mark," you whine as he curls his two fingers against your soft walls.
"Come on, baby," he strokes your head, "You're doing so good for me."
You slide his cock back into your mouth upon his words, swirling your tongue around the tip. Mark rests his head against the foggy window and utters soft praises between moans.
You smile, "You sound so pretty for me, Mark,"
"Feels so good," he tells you.
"Gonna cum for me, pretty boy?"
You ignore the burn in your arm and pump his cock faster in your hand. "Cum for me, Mark. I know you want to."
"I do, I do—fuck—I do," his voice cracks.
Your name mixed with his moans, had you dripping down your thighs. You bob your head to the same rhythm as your hand. Mark's thighs twitch, and he bucks his hips against your face. You feel the warmth filling your mouth as Mark cums. Waiting until you feel his cock soften against your tongue, you pull yourself off him and swallow his cum.
"Fuck," he sighs, "You're so good to me."
"Anything for my pretty boy," you kiss him.
Mark grabs the back of your neck, deepening the kiss. He pushes his tongue past your lips, tasting the lingering saltiness in your mouth. Mark pulls you back on top of him to straddle his thigh. You start grinding your hips against his denim-clad leg.
"As much as I like having you beneath me I think I like seeing you on top of me more," Mark says, looking up at you. "That feel good, princess?" he asks, purposely flexing his thigh.
"Yes," you whimper.
"You that desperate, you gotta fuck yourself on my thigh like this?"
"For you, yes," you tell him.
Mark cups your ass beginning to direct your movements as he holds eye contact with you. You can't take it anymore and bury your head in his neck. "What's wrong, baby?"
"I'm gonna cum," you mumble against his throat.
"Already?" he teases. Mark pulls your face out of the crook of his neck. "Let me see your pretty face when you cum for me."
"Mark," you grab onto his shoulders.
"Yeah, sweetheart? Say my name."
"Mark, please."
You throw your head back, squeezing your eyes shut and digging your manicured nails into Mark's skin.
"That's it, baby. That's my good girl," he rubs his hands up your thighs, and you continue to ride out your high.
You slump against Mark's body, and he holds you close, rubbing his hand up and down your back.
"That was so hot." Mark says.
You smile into the kiss, "The things you do to me, Mark Lee."
You hear a knock on the door, and Mark rolls down the window just a crack to see who it is.
"Yes?" you say to Johnny, standing outside the car.
"In my garage? Really?" Johnny placed his hands on his hips like a disappointed father.
"It's my car," Mark says.
"In my garage."
"Jesus, here he goes."
"We'll be out in a sec." you say to Johnny before rolling the window back up.
"I'm not finished with you yet," Mark says as he buttons up his jeans.
"Neither am I," You grab his hand as you exit the garage and head toward the house, "And I mean…Johnny does have four other spare bedrooms," you say, and Mark smirks at you, following you into the house.
"Are you sure you like it?" Mark asks you for what seems like the fifth time tonight.
"Mark, why would I lie to you?" you ask.
"I don't know, you just seemed to love the blonde so much," he says, running his fingers through his silky dark hair.
Knowing Mark was planning on dying his hair back before his brother's wedding and seeing how his roots started to grow, you should've expected the change sooner rather than later. But still, you were surprised when he showed up at your parent's house for dinner, and you answered the door to find the brunette instead of the blonde you were expecting.
"Yeah, but you're still pretty, babe," you comb your fingers through his hair, making him lean into your touch.
"Thank you," he sheepishly smiles, lowering his head, attempting to hide the blush from the others rather than you. "So, I have a question for you," Mark says.
"What is it?" you ask.
"How would you like to-"
"Race wars date and location just dropped," Jaemin announces, standing from his seat.
With all of you sitting around the living room, you all wait for Jaemin to tell you.
"Well, are you gonna tell us?" Jeno asks impatiently.
"Not with that attitude," Jaemin scoffs. He clears his throat as if he's making an official announcement, stating the location before saying the date, "It starts next Friday-"
"Next Friday? Like the Friday after this one?" Mark asks.
"That is…what next Friday means?" Jaemin says.
"Mark, no," you start.
"I'm sorry," Mark looks at you apologetically.
"Wait, what?" Nyla asks.
"My brother's wedding is next Friday."
"Couldn't you just come afterwards?" Johnny asks.
"Not with that long ass drive. I know I'm good, but I'm not that good."
You were wracking your brain for every possible scenario you can come up with so that Mark would be able to go with you.
"I don't know if I'm the only one thinking this but why can't you just come down Saturday?" Chenle asks.
"I mean he could, but they changed the rule with check-in to keep too many locals from taking up space. So check-in is only available Friday. He wouldn't be able to race." Yangyang says.
"What's so wrong with that?" Summer asks.
"It's his first race wars. You really think he'd want to sit on the sidelines with you all weekend?" Renjun asks.
"Now, you listen, Huang-" Summer starts.
The bickering among your friends continued as you sit quietly, still thinking.
"What if I went with you?" you ask.
"To my brother's wedding?" Mark questions.
"I'm not trying to forcefully invite myself. But if I go with you, you and I can do that drive. We'd get there pretty late but I'm pretty sure if I talk to Taeyong I can work something out."
"You wouldn't be inviting yourself since I was just about to invite you myself."
"Really? You were gonna ask me to come as your date?" you ask, endeared.
"Well I was gonna ask you to come as my girlfriend—I mean technically you'd still be my date, but my date as my girlfriend-"
You hear nothing else after girlfriend. His girlfriend. Mark's girlfriend.
"Mark, are you kidding me?" you ask, genuinely in disbelief.
You grab Mark's shirt and kiss him. That definitely got everyone quiet.
"Woah, woah, what did we just miss?" Haechan asks.
"I'm taking your answer as a yes," Mark says to you.
"Yes, Mark. I will come to your brother's wedding as your girlfriend," you can't help the grin stretching across your face as you say it. You then move your legs out of his lap and turn to the rest of the group. "Alright, so here's what's going to happen," you start explaining your plan to everyone.
[7:21 AM] (next) FRIDAY
"Sunny, let's go!" Nyla yells from the front door.
"I'm coming," Summer replies, dragging her oversized suitcase down the steps behind her.
Following her down the stairs, you meet the rest of your friends outside. You make sure you've packed everything you'd need for the weekend in your car before you hand your keys over to Sungchan.
"Sungchan, do you understand how much I'm trusting you right now. This is my baby," you tell him.
"Yes, I know. I promise I'll be careful with her," Sungchan nods.
You watch as Shotaro helps the younger boy hook your car up to the rig connected to the back of Sungchan's vehicle.
"Kun just called me before he boarded his flight, and said the house is ready for us. And we should really get a move on if we don't wanna hit traffic," Hendery says.
"Though I do appreciate Kun letting us use the vacation house, why isn't he going?" Goeun asks.
"He's flying out to Shanghai to meet up with Winwin. He said the car scene out there is some next level shit," Yangyang says.
"So what I'm hearing is we're making a trip to China soon," Summer says.
"Can we get to this race wars first?"
"We'll see you and Mark later tonight?" Nyla asks before she gets into Jaehyun's car. You confirm with a nod. "Have fun." she tells you.
"You too. But not too much without us," you say.
"No promises," Jaehyun playfully winks at you before driving away.
[1:19 PM]
As your Uber pulls up to the venue, you feel the smile rushing to your face when you see Mark outside waiting for you. He opens your door and holds his hand out for you.
"Wow, baby, you look…damn," he licks his lips as he stands back to get a full view of you.
"Mark, knock it off," you laugh.
Mark excitedly squeezes your hand as he walks you inside, his body seemingly buzzing.
"Babe, you okay?" you ask Mark.
"Yeah, I'm just excited to introduce you to everyone."
"We basically grew up together, Mark. Haven't I been introduced to practically everyone."
"Yeah, but not as my girlfriend," he grins.
You both made your rounds for a bit, Mark proudly showing you off to everyone before he got called away when all the groomsmen were needed for pictures, leaving you to wander over to the bar.
"I see all this secret pining has finally come to an end," you hear a voice from someone at the bar beside you. Seeing the cousin of the bride wasn't surprising, but you're still happy to see him after all these years.
"It was about time, wasn't it," you say to Doyoung.
"I'll say. It was exhausting watching you two be in love and not say anything to each other," Doyoung says.
"In love? Okay, now you're over-exaggerating," you roll your eyes, sipping your drink.
"Seulgi, back me up on this," Doyoung calls his friend.
"On what?" Seugli asks sipping on her drink, turning to you two.
"This one and Mark being so obviously in love since high school."
Seugli turns to you and starts laughing, "Oh, you're serious?" he stops laughing, "Well he's right."
"Seugli, you're not supposed to take his side!" you cross your arms over your chest.
"Sorry, kid."
Once it was time for the ceremony to start, the wedding coordinator ushered everyone to their seats. Before the groom came out, Mark walked down the aisle along with the maid of honor. 
"You ready for that to be you next?" Doyoung asks Seugli as the bride walks out . 
"Am I," she smiled at her girlfriend, who stood along with the rest of the bridesmaids. 
"I'm sorry did I miss something?" you ask. 
"Oh right, I'm engaged, by the way," Seugli says nonchalantly as music for the bride starts playing. 
"What the fuck?" you try to whisper, "Oh my god, since when?"
"Since last month," she answers. 
You don't have time to celebrate the news anymore, with Doyoung shushing the two of you as the groom and bride start their vows. 
The last time you attended a wedding was before you could even drive, so you barely remember what happened, but you can count you weren't as emotional at the last one. It may also have to do with your proximity to the couple, almost feeling as if you were watching your own brother get married. You try to keep your composure as the bride continues on her vows. 
"There's nothing in my life I regret since it had all led me to you. I knew I loved you from the second we met. You've seen my at my bests and worsts. You know about all the good, the bad, the ugly, the dirty, yet you still accept and love me as I am. All the days I've spent with you, laughing, crying, smiling, yelling and there's not a single one I would take back or change-"
You can't stop the tears welling up in your eyes. You didn't really think the bride's vows would tug at your heartstrings the way they did, and all you can think about is Mark. Your eyes find his already looking at you.
As the tears fall, you give him a small smile before mouthing, "I love you," to him.
Mark tries to fight the smile coming to his face, not wanting to draw attention to himself before he mouths back, "I love you too."
You hadn't even realized the tears were streaming down your face until Doyoung handed you a tissue.
"Thank you," you whisper. 
"It's just so beautiful, isn't it?" Seugli asks, also crying and pulling out her own tissues.
[5:57 PM]
Between dancing and socializing at the reception, while waiting for the cake to be cut, you and Mark ended up leaving later than you originally planned.
By the time you were in Mark's car and on the road, the sun had started to set. Mark had one hand on the wheel while you had the other in your lap, fiddling with his fingers. You look over at him, your chest filling with warmth as you take in the way the pink and orange hues contour his features.
"You know I meant what I said before," you break the silence.
"I know," he kisses the back of your hand, "I just didn't expect you'd say it first."
"Why's that?"
"Because I know how guarded you can be with your feelings sometimes," he explains, "But still, I've been in love with you since I was 16—It's kinda crazy actually, I didn't realize it until I was already on my flight to Korea."
You ignore the tears pricking your eyes as you lean closer to Mark, peppering his face with kisses.
"I love you, Mark Lee."
You wake up with the sun shining on your face. You turn over, searching for the warmth of Mark's body. Considering how tired you both were, practically collapsing onto the bed when you two finally arrive some time after two this morning, you're surprised to not find Mark still sleeping beside you, his side of the bed empty.
"Mark?" you call him without opening your eyes.
"Yeah?" you hear him reply.
"Where are you?" you ask, eyes still closed.
"I'm right here, baby," you hear his voice a lot closer as the mattress sinks under his weight.
You feel his lips on yours. Still half asleep, your reaction was delayed before you kissed him back.
"This early in the morning, Mark?" you ask with a lazy smile.
"As hard as it was to stop myself yesterday, I also have a feeling we'll be pretty busy all weekend, so I'll take every chance I get." he says.
You laugh as his nose ghost over your throat, sending goosebumps all over your skin. Mark slips his hand under the shirt of his you were wearing and cups your breast in his hand. You arch into his touch, nibbling on his bottom lip. Your head sinks into the pillows when Mark rolls the pad of his thumb over your perky nipple. Mark doesn't take his eyes away from your face as he takes one of your nipples into his mouth.
Your hand finds his hair, and your fingers curl around the messy dark locks as he swirls his tongue around your areola. He gently tugs your nipple between his teeth, and you roll your hips against his thigh between your legs. 
"Mark..." you finally open your eyes to look at your boyfriend.
"Can I?" he asks, toying with the hem of your panties. 
"Please," you nod. 
Mark pulls your underwear down your legs and grips your thighs as he comfortably settles on his stomach. He guides your legs over his shoulder while leaving a trail of kisses and small bites up your thighs. Mark runs the tip of his tongue along your slit, humming when your juices land on his tastebuds. 
"Oh my god, Mark," your nails lightly scratch his scalp. 
He moans back at you in response, the vibrations from his mouth sending a jolt of pleasure up your spine. Your eyes screw shut, and you bite your lips so hard you're afraid you've drawn blood. You try with everything in your body to stay quiet. But with Mark messily eating you out, languidly moving his skilled tongue against your walls, you can't even stay still, let alone be quiet. 
"Please, baby, don't stop," you tell him. 
Before you even register the knock on your door, Summer enters your room, and your entire body freezes. 
"Hey-Where's Mark?"
You glance at Mark under the covers between your thighs, out of sight, and he smirks. You try to hide your reaction as he teasingly kitten-licks your clit. You squeeze your thighs around his head and quickly rush out an answer for Summer. 
"He went to go refill his tank before we go out today," you say. 
"Oh, okay. Well, breakfast is ready in ten, then we're all leaving around 11. Cool?"
You nod. "Yeah, yeah. We'll be ready by then."
Once Summer leaves, you barely have time to be relieved with Mark picking up like he never really stopped, making you cum on his tongue. 
"Fuck, Mark," you squirm, letting your orgasm wash over you. Mark continues lapping at your folds until he's satisfied. Coming from under the covers, Mark wipes the lower half of his face with the back of his hand. 
"What the fuck was that?" you ask, breathless. 
"You told me not to stop," he grins, and you roll your eyes, "You can't even act like you hate me 'cause I know you love me," he kisses you. 
"I'm beginning to rethink that decision," you tease. 
[2:24 PM]
Having been out in the sun practically all day watching races and even taking a few rides yourself, you decided to give your car and yourself a break from the sun. You parked under one of the canopies Johnny set up and took a seat on your hood. Coming back from watching Chenle race Ningning, you spot the top of Mark's head through the crowd, beginning to make his way over to you.
The look on his face can only be compared to that of a kid in a candy store. You love watching the way his eyes light up talking about the race, rambling on and on, you not minding one bit.
"So, is this everything you hoped it'd be?" you ask Mark.
He nods, subtly parting your legs to stand between them. "And so much more," he kisses you.
"Hey!" someone yells, grabbing everyone's attention, "how about you and me," Leo calls Mark out.
"Alright, how much?" Mark asks.
"No money," Leo smiles before turning to you, "I win, I get to take you out."
"As fucking if," you slide off the hood of your car, Mark instinctively wrapping his arm around you before you can get too far, some of the others coming to your defense as well. "You already had your chance and fucked that up. What makes you think I'll willingly put myself through that again? You wanna try and make yourself feel better by racing him, it'll be for two grand take it or leave it," you say to Leo.
"So he can have a shot at winning a date through a race but I can't?" Leo asks.
"Because he didn't try to win me over like I'm just a pink slip, and he doesn't have an ego bigger than an eighteen-wheeler."
"Fine. You're on, Mark," Leo nods at your boyfriend, "But we'll see if you'll feel the same when I beat him across the line," Leo smirks at you, and you scoff.
Spectators gather on either side of the runway, cheering for either racer as their cars pull up to the starting line. You had been suspiciously eyeing Leo the entire time he sat in his car with that stupid grin on his face.
"What's wrong?" Mark asks you.
"I don't doubt that you can beat him. But I don't trust he won't try anything," You say before walking up to Taeyong while Sean talks to him. "I'm riding with Mark," you tell Taeyong.
"What? You can't," Sean crossed his arms.
"There aren't any rules against it," Taeyong says.
"And how exactly do you think that'll help your little boyfriend? It can throw off his equilibrium and slow him down," Sean tries looking down his nose at you.
"Which is why you're gonna get your ass in that passenger's seat and ride with your little bestie over there," you point to Leo's car, "I mean, it's not like you haven't already gotten your own front row experience losing to my little boyfriend," you tilt your head. Sean grumbles before he walks over to Leo's car, and you get into Mark's.
"We're really doing this?" Mark asks.
"Ride or die, remember?" you hold out your hand.
Mark smiles, finishing the quote as he takes your hand, "Ride or die."
a/n: i’m telling y’all ever since ay-yo, mark has been living in my head rent free—currently the owner of a few properties, if you will. this is the longest thing i’ve ever written and tbh it would’ve been longer if there wasn’t a text block limit so i did the best with what i had 😭 and like i said before all my knowledge about cars is based off the fast and furious movies so…thank you so much for reading!! feedback is appreciated <33 tag list <33: @chardonnayyyy @aliceinwhateverland @itzz-me-duh @nctevia @sirens-dreams @pieddpiperr @yujuvly @scarletsknight
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yoonmeowzz · 2 years
nct 127 ! being domestic
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contents: nct 127 members x gn!reader, fluff, slice of life, established relationship, non idol au, use of pet names (babe, darling)
warnings: mentions of food (taeil and taeyong)
a/n: i've been thinking A LOT about johnny and mark and this kind of stuff so... yeah
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having breakfast with taeil is definitely the most precious moment of the day. he's still sleepy and clingy so expect having his arms wrapped around you and his nose buried on your neck as you try to serve him a cup of water. just when he feels his stomach growling for food he would detach his body from yours to make toasts with butter and jam, or even just butter and some sugar cause he's lazy today. however he would remind you how good you look in the morning and how much he loves you.
"i can't believe you really wake up like that, y/n"
"like what?"
"like... wow"
    ⠀ ⠀⠀
even if people don't believe him, he's 6ft tall, so obviously he can reach every high place in the house. he enjoys seeing you trying to get things from the highest shelves but when you decide to give up and look for him, without saying a word he gets up and helps you getting what you wanted. he then feels his chest filled with this warm feeling he can’t explain, he just loves to help you, be there for you when you need him. he usually stays in the kitchen while you’re cooking, even if you told him to rest, just to get things for you.
“johnny…” he looked up from his phone and immediately went to take the bowl you needed.
“there you go, babe”
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taeyong appreciates every second he spends with you but late night talking is definitely his favorite thing to do with you. some days, he takes some snacks and drinks sneakily from the kitchen before going back to his room, where you are waiting for him with a smile. however, most of the time it’s just you and him hugging each other or simply lying next to each other while you talk about whatever crosses your mind.
“did you know that there was a greek stuttering orator? he’d practice hard every day to be able to speak in public without stuttering.”
“stop, y/n, i’m gonna get emotional”
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on lazy days when neither of you have enough energy to do anything, he asks you to spend the day in bed. you accept without a doubt. y’all just cuddle for a while, maybe he takes a little nap while you’re on your phone. but his favorite part is lying down on your tummy and having your hands playing with his hair. he LOVES the feeling of your fingers massaging his scalp, gently twisting each hair strand. eventually he falls asleep to your slow breathing as the only background noise and once he wakes up he’s all clingy and lovely.
“did i already told you how much i love you?”
“you did, yuta, and i love you too. so much”
“i love you more, darling”
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activities with doyoung are always aesthetically pleasant, so cute coffee dates at home with homemade coffee are something usual now. he takes his time making your coffee look great so you can take pictures to remember this sweet moments with him when you’re away. after having your cups ready y’all just cuddle on the couch covered in cozy blankets and watch a movie or talk about nothing in particular.
“you said you wanted to try caramel macchiato so i tried to make it. if it tastes bad i can give you my cup”
“thank you so much, doyoung”
    ⠀ ⠀⠀
this man’s music taste is immaculate. you usually spend your lazy time together listening to music together while cuddling on his bed. you’re lying on top of him, your head resting on his chest as you listen to his calm heartbeat and flash by cigarettes after sex at the background. with his hands stroking your back slowly up and down you start dozing off, his arms secured around you.
“sleep tight, y/n” you hear him whisper over the music before finally falling asleep.
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he’s kinda a clean freak so you try to keep things neat. however, he doesn’t mind if you leave the living room or bathroom messy cause he prefers cleaning together on weekends since he has lots of fun spending time with you, no matter what y’all are doing. if you’re tiding your shared bedroom he’s going to try on every piece of clothing he finds. sooner or later, your cleaning session becomes a fashion runway.
“check this hoodie, y/n!! do i look good?”
“you look amazing!!”
    ⠀ ⠀⠀
messy hair mark, wearing his glasses and pajamas should be illegal cause he’s going to be the death of me. when he’s not busy he likes to spend his mornings with you, especially playing the guitar for you. you’re both sitting on his bed, he just plays some accords until you decide what song you want him to play. it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t know that particular song, he’d learn it for you. and when he starts singing ever so softly… i’m combusting
“i just wanna live in this moment forever…”
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when he’s free from work he spends his time playing video games. but there’s something about playing mario kart with you that feels different. it may sound stupid, but competing with you or making silly bets like “the loser has to give the winner a kiss” is something really intimate and special for him. he usually is very competitive, but this time he doesn’t mind losing, having you by his side is already a win.
“if you win the tournament i’ll do everything you ask me for a week”
“and if i lose?” you raised an eyebrow.
“you have to love me forever”
    ⠀ ⠀⠀
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 2 months
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[1:18 pm]
(cw: a child, parent!au)
a/n: art was found on Pinterest but all credit for all cuteness goes to annalaura_art on ig
Dad!Jungwoo blew his nose for what felt like the hundredth time today. The tiny trash can beside the bed had already been filled up, the bedside table covered with used cups, empty bottles of water, medicines, and wrappers. He was tired. Yes, his body felt fatigued, his eyes felt heavy, his ears were blocked, and his throat tickled if he spoke louder than a whisper, but he could handle that!
What he missed was his family. He missed cuddling you in bed, falling asleep next to you, your daughter sneaking into the bed with you both to sleep, playing with her, and spending phlegm-free time with the both of you. All the little things had gone away a day or two after his cold symptoms had become worst, on his own insistence, which he now regretted.
The bed had never felt colder, he'd never felt so lonely with his family just a few yards away. His days were passed breathing through his mouth, watching the TV in the room with droopy eyes. He drank the tea you placed on the nightstand and sipped the soups.
Today was another one of those days. Instead of your usual soft knock and sympathetic eyes, Jungwoo heard a softer knock paired with, "go ahead, baby. Be careful."
He turned to look at the door waiting to see what was coming. He felt his heart melt as his daughter walked in holding a tray that was almost heavier than she was. She took slow, cautious steps, everything on the tray shaking with every tiny shuffle she took.
Most of her tiny face was covered with a mask, tiny hands covered by plastic gloves, and she was wearing her doctor costume. He took the tray from her as she smiled behind the mask, "I made you lunch Appa! You got tea, soup, crackers, and fruit. I did it by myself!"
Jungwoo glanced up at you to see is she was right, to which you silently shook your head. There was no way you would let your 4 year old handle cutting up fruit or handle hot liquids. She cut up the fruits with a plastic knife and put the crackers on the plate.
"Wow, my love. Thank you baby," he whispered as loud as he could. She climbed up the bed, crawling over his legs and he could have cried at how much he missed her bony knees digging into his shins.
While you moved around the room and cleaned up, his daughter sat beside him and pulled her play doctor toys and began "checking his vitals." Her play stethoscope was pressed to his chest while he ate, she took the blood pressure on his wrist, checked his ears, and when he went to take a sip of the tea, she shoved a play thermometer in his mouth which made him choke.
"Happy face, you're all better! Take your medicine!" She cheered, grabbing at the pills on the tray to hold them out to Jungwoo.
He took them from her hand, popping them into his mouth one at a time, "all done, thank you Doctor Baby."
She rolled her eyes, "not a baby, Appa."
He laughed, coughing a little when the tickle returned, "oh, I'm so sorry, my big girl."
You returned to the room, watching as she scrambled off the bed in 4 year old panic, "are you feeling better yet? Your daughter is a crazier sleeper than you."
Jungwoo felt his heart melt all over again. After he'd kicked you out, you'd taken to sharing your daughter's bed with the girl who more often that not woke up hanging off the bed head first.
He held your hand, " just want to get through the night without coughing. I really don't want either of you to get sick from me."
You pat his hand, intertwining his fingers with yours as your daughter came running back. She placed a bandaid on his nose and then gave him a picture. A picture with people with long legs, small bodies and huge heads. Her writing was at the top, covered by a rainbow.
"It's for you! It says get better, Appa!" She smiled from her spot at his side.
His brows furrowed slightly as he read the writing. 'git badr aqqa' he read, "wow, my love. It's beautiful. Thank you."
"Ok, all better. Let's go play," she demanded, pulling his hand from yours to tug him to stand.
You pouted, "actually! Someone is ready for a nap, let's go Missy. Tell Appa bye and let's go."
"Play later, ok? Bye Appa." Jungwoo swears he feels his heart break a little when he's left alone again, until he realizes your daughter successfully snuck in her favorite stuffed animal again.
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neopuppy · 9 months
someone bringing up that blast from the past alpha princes jaemin&jeno drabble…. now i’m over here thinking about that jungwoo&jeno hybrid and veterinarian!yn fic we got a tiny taste of 🚬🤏
that was on my old side blog, I’ll post it here for funsies💚
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“Two of them? Why are they together if they aren’t related?” You question sorting through two clipboards laid out before you. Files for golden retriever and samoyed hybrids stare back at you.
Jeno Lee: 21, born April 23rd. Healthy pure bred samoyed hybrid. Found pan-handling near the beach with Jungwoo Kim. Displays codependency with the golden retriever hybrid.
Jungwoo Kim: 23, born February 19th. Healthy pure bred retriever hybrid. Displays manipulative tactics to get what he wants. Has run away from numerous shelters multiple times.
“Well, the samoyed does whatever the older one tells him to do. It’s like they’ve imprinted on each other. They’re not mates though, and have shown no sign of mating. The samoyed has not rut yet.” Your colleague taps over their sexual history. Jungwoo apparently spending many of his days working in and out of hybrid brothels. “Says he did it so they could survive. He’s a bit promiscuous if you ask me, be careful with that one.”
“Hybrids past 18 years don’t do well. What are we supposed to do with them? Especially two?” You step forward taking a closer look inside the glass revealing the two young boys sharing a bed. Both still in a sleep disoriented state with giant messy fluffy hair covering their ears. The blonde one must be Jungwoo, you think. Following his fingers skimming through the black ball of fur rested on his stomach. The other face mostly hidden still half asleep.
“Adorable right?” With a nudge into your side your assistant nods ahead. “But you’re right- it’s been five months now. They’re both a bit too old to be marketable unfortunately. We’ve had a few customers interested in Jeno, but as noted he seems attached to the retriever.”
As if he could hear you, Jungwoo’s head snaps locking eyes with you through the window. Hand protectively stilling upon the samoyed’s neck. He’s even more breath-taking front on. Sharp mystic eyes blink slowly observing you in return. Mouth puffier than usual after hours of napping.
“Is it.. safe to go inside?” You asks reaching for your lab coat. Both were healthy after all, no history with going rabid in their files.
“Physically? Of course.” Your assistant acknowledges almost sarcastically. A smirk pulling at her lip with a pointed stare to your chest. “But for your heart? You who just got dumpe-..”
“I get it.” You sigh, with hands held up. “I’m not new to cute puppy hybrids. I think I can handle a couple of dogs.”
Without allowing to draw the conversation back to your personal love life mishaps you unlock the door leading into the hybrids quarters. Jungwoo stiffens with a straightened up back, the younger puppy against him muffling in dismay.
Slowly approaching you smile familiar with the nature of hybrids. At times allowing them to scent over your wrist if they were too anxious. The retriever’s eyes dart around, pulling the smaller against him to sit up as well. Whispering something that sounds like- ‘one of the coats is here.’
Glancing up hazily the samoyed spots you, abruptly jerking up wiping his drooled over lips. They stare up cautiously, as if in unison their eyes bounce over your coat.
“Ah, not a fan of the vet are you?” You come to a halt a few feet away from the bed. Clasping your hands with a reassuring nod, you reach for your collar to remove the garment. “I come in peace, no poking and prodding today. Promise.”
The samoyed perks up immediately, shifting position to his knees breaking into a heart shattering smile. Eyes disappearing even more under the mess of hair covering his forehead. His teeth are sharp, small, features giving away his hybrid side. Tail swoshing around in excitement behind him.
“Wow, you’re really pretty!” He squeaks out nearly jumping forward. The older hybrid placing a large hand over his shoulder to keep him in place.
“Jeno..” he warns. Eyes slitting into an icy glare in your direction. “Then what are you doing here? Looks like another psychoanalysis to me. I’ll keep it short for you- no one is going to adopt us no matter how many tricks you teach us.”
Taking a seat at the end of the small bed and giving the room a once over, you note only one bed. It’s no wonder the hybrids bond had not changed since entering the clinic.
“I’ve seen your files, I wanted to introduce myself.” You calmly let them know. The samoyeds smile lights up again. Repeating your name slowly, throwing in another comment of how a pretty name was only fitting.
“You two have been here quite some time, haven’t you?” Solemnly the two agree, faces falling mournfully, trapped with nowhere to go. Both lacking any real training and life experience, unable to fend for themselves in this world; having to accept the lowest form of hybrid work: selling their bodies to survive.
“What if we start you both on some basic education? Enough to at least get you on your feet.” You try to sound encouraging, earning wary looks from the two.
“Can’t teach an old dog new tricks right?” Jungwoo offers, scratching the side of his neck as a blush rises up his cheek. “They want to boot us from the clinic or something?”
“Not necessarily..” you sigh taking them both in. Knowing the next steps would end up in turning them both into experiments. Breeding dogs to see what new hybrids the government could concoct for selfish needs. Hybrids often abused beyond acts of pleasure. Used for warfare or violent entertainment to bet on. “…but..”
“I’d rather live on the street. We’re scum to you humans anyway.” Jungwoo interrupts. Jeno huffing in annoyance at his side over how cold it gets, mumbling that he refuses to go back to that life.
“That is not true.” You protests, cooling yourself before continuing. Knowing better than to argue with a hybrid. “It wouldn’t hurt to try something different. Better than losing the little human rights you have?”
Jeno tugs at Jungwoo’s sleeve with pleading eyes. The older hybrids cheeks puff out rolling his in return.
“Fine, we’ll work on learning or whatever.” Jungwoo says, pausing in thought. You’re just about ready to celebrate in clap before he continues- “but only if you teach us.”
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Jungwoo huffs struck with boredom, blowing his shaggy bangs away. Ears fluffing up looking around for entertainment, ending on you napping on the couch. His back straightens, slowly crawling over on his knees. You were fast asleep after a long day at the hybrid clinic. You worked so hard, exhausting yourself physically and mentally dealing with abused hybrid’s day in and day out.
His fingers trail up your calve curiously, head tilting pondering if you’d changed into anything else under your robe after you’d showered. Washing away the days scent of many hybrid’s the minute you came home. Knowing how sensitive Jungwoo could be to unfamiliar breeds.
He reaches up higher, lifting a flap of your thick dark robe, jolting in surprise when the drowsy half awake puppy shows up behind you. “What are you doing?”
Jeno questions mid-yawn, thumbs rubbing his puffy sleepy eyes, having just woke up from a nap. All he did was nap when you were at work, such a lazy pup. Jungwoo drops the fabric of your robe, scooting back like he just got caught doing something he shouldn’t have been doing.
“I..nothing…I…” Jungwoo scatters, eyes shifting around buying time with an excuse.
Jeno sets down next to him, flicking his twitching ear. He sighs, dropping his chin to the older pups shoulder. “You’re such a bad liar.”
“I wasn’t lying.” Jungwoo shoves him off. Refocusing on your peaceful rested face. Annoyed Jeno ruined his chances to wake you up in such a stress relieving way. He contemplates for a second, licking his lips eyeing your exposed inner thighs. “Jeno..”
The younger yawns again, brows raising releasing a sound of ‘mmph?’ In response. Jungwoo breaks into a smile, nudging his shoulder.
“You want to see something? I think you’ll really like it.” Jungwoo’s eyes glint in excitement. Finally achieving some form if entertainment, he taps Jeno’s chin, nodding forward in the direction of your laying figure.
“What..” Jeno’s expression turns worried following Jungwoo’s movements. He reaches for the hem of your robe again, opening the flaps to reveal your bare core. Thighs slightly parted enough to clearly see your folds leading down to a tight puckered hole. Jungwoo sucks in a breath of air gazing between your legs, fingers snapping in Jeno’s face.
“Come closer.” Jungwoo orders, pulling Jeno near by his shoulder. The younger’s eyes widen, mouth falling apart, gazing at your most private area.
“We shouldn’t be…doing this..” he swallows, forcing his eyes to lower. A flush of heat rushing to his cheeks picking up the sweet scent emitting from between your thighs.
Jeno often snuck into your room once you’d left for work. Spilling your unwashed clothes from your hamper, sniffing and rolling around coating in your aroma. Whimpering into pairs of underwear leaving behind your most prominent scent. It slammed into him like a truck whenever you’d workout and let him hug around your waist. Cherishing each mixture of flavors whenever alone, daring to steal a pair of your underwear to drape over his cock; writhing and groaning, fucking the fabric trapped in his fisted palm.
“Should you be jerking off into the same pair of dirty stolen panties every night?” Jungwoo taunts, lip lifting in smirk. Jeno falters, mouth opening and shutting flabbergasted. He leans in to the younger’s black furry ear, whispering- “She let’s me touch her pussy all the time. She loves it, cries and begs for more. I know she’d love it if you gave her a kiss, right there.”
Jeno’s eyes nearly burst from his skull, gazing past Jungwoo’s pointed finger aimed between your legs. Large hand covering his shoulder gently nudging him forward. He gulps, shivering nervously, allowing himself to shift closer. Jungwoo reaches for your thigh to softly pull you open further. Both puppies gaze in awe as your folds open up, hole parting, shining enticingly.
Jungwoo settles next to the couch, hand splayed across your inner thigh. He looks up at Jeno seated between your legs, hands wringing nervously, chewing on his lip with an anxious bounce.
“She’s really going to love you if you kiss her right there.” Jungwoo comforts him, reaching closer to tap your clit. A muffled ‘mmh’ releases above as you stir and adjust your shoulders. Deep sleep from such a tiring day holding you captive. “Don’t you want her to love you Jeno?”
The puppy lights up, nodding eagerly. Always seeking praise, attention, pets and extra love. He sinks forward taking in a deep inhale of your scent, eyes shooting open as it travels up his brain. Horny puppy hormones shooting straight to his dick, awakening the feral dog he keeps at bay. His mouth drops, kissing your clit tenderly. Brows furrowed together in pain, cock fattening up between his legs. The dizzying scent pours from your entrance all the more as his lips brush around your sensitive nerves, drawing the pup into a deeper cloud of haze.
“Keep doing that puppy, she likes that.” Jungwoo encourages him. Tongue dragging up your thigh, nibbling soft bites along the way.
Jeno grunts, tongue lapping between your folds like a thirsty animal. Thirsting for more of your taste, seeping down his throat like the best thing he’s ever had. His grunts and ferocious ministrations grow louder and faster. Lips wrapping around your clit with an extra harsh suck.
Your eyes fly open in moan, back arching up chasing his mouth. Jungwoo bites down on your hip roughly, smiling as you look down and find them attacking your lower half. Bewilderment encases your slowly processing half-awake thoughts, spotting the cute ears belonging to your innocent pup between your thighs.
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smileyerim · 1 year
episode one: champagne problems
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summer of love: an interactive nct series
Welcome to Villa Rosa, the home for this summer’s hottest singles to come together to compete to find their true love. Through a series of compatibility competitions and tempting newcomers joining the mix, our couples will be put to the test to evaluate if they really belong together. Join us in the summer of love, where anything could happen. (reality show concept based off of perfect match)
chapter content:
(bold indicates a major pairing with the reader in this chapter)
the boys: mark lee, jung jaehyun, na jaemin, lee haechan, kim jungwoo, kim doyoung (the host)
the girls: model!reader, huh yunjin, karina, shin ryujin
genre: fluff, sorta angsty
word count: 9.9k
warnings: love triangle, adults drinking, dialogue about sex, dialogue about heartbreak, SHIT MOVES FAAAAST (comes with the territory tbh), visual and personality comparisons between all the boys (this is a major theme, so if it offends you please don’t read further)
net tags: @kflixnet @k-labels
for information on the full series, check out the series masterlist linked below the title!
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“On my cue.” The producer dressed in black says next to you. You give him a nod and a smile before quickly readjusting your bikini top for the millionth time today.
Your nerves are starting to build in an exciting way, you swipe your sweaty palms on your sheer wrap that’s covering truly nothing on your body.
My reality television debut, you ponder the event as you stand silently. You can hear the roar of laughter and the telltale squeal of a girl that just got cheekily flirted with from down the hallway. You will join the bunch next.
“Go.” The producer says and you let out a final sigh before strutting with as much confidence and power that you can muster down the hallway. The only noise is your heels clicking the marble, the group outside clearly having been told to anticipate your arrival.
The moment you spot the group, they all erupt in enthusiastic hellos, even earning you a wolf whistle from a tall man in tropical print shorts. You’re the second girl here, with only two more to follow after you. There’s three boys already waiting. The one girl, Karina, runs up to you first, complimenting your outfit and makeup. You’re too smart to fall for it, knowing that she’s only doing so to scope you out quickly. Hell, you’ll be doing the same thing once more girls join in.
This is a competition, after all.
“Wow, it’s lovely to meet you.” A shorter guy with a sexy undercut approaches you with a shy side hug. He’s handsome and youthful, you note.
Your eyes meet once you exchange names. Mark, he had said. His name doesn’t match how sexy he is, but you bite your tongue on telling him that. He’s staring pretty intensely into your eyes and you feel locked in, but you remind yourself of the circumstance you’re in and hesitantly break away to meet the other guys.
They all greet you with hugs, but none of them leave an impression quite like Mark does. You learn that the man who gave you a wolf whistle is a tall man named Jungwoo. He interests you right off the bat, but the moment you’re done saying hello he’s back to talking to Karina.
He seems to be hitching his wagon early, so you do the same and travel back over to Mark’s side.
“Can I get you a drink?” He says, hand already reaching for the champagne bottle in the ice bucket. You laugh at his initiative, finding him quite endearing and nod your head yes.
“Where are you from?” He says as he fills the flute with with the bubbles.
“Take a guess,” you tease him with a smile on your face, leaning your elbows onto the high top table between you two. Your cleavage is certainly on display, an intentional move on your part.
“Aw, dude, don’t do that to me!” He whines cutely with animated eyes. You laugh again and answer him.
“Fine, fine. I’m from New York. Well, not originally but that’s where I live now.” You answer him as he hands you your flute. You want to tease him again for his heavy pour, but you bite your tongue.
“Oh, cool! I’m from Toronto originally but I’ve been living in Seoul for a few years to work on music.” You nod, eye being caught by the producers shushing you all in anticipation of a new person.
It’s a girl dressed in a neon green bikini, and Jungwoo graces her with the same wolf whistle he did for you. You mentally note his affinity for pulling the same moves on different women and join Karina in greeting her with over the top enthusiasm.
She introduces herself as Ryujin. You observe Mark give her the same awkward side hug that he did you, but just as quickly as he’s greeting her he’s back at your side. You smile, noting his apparent loyalty to you already.
“So, what do you do?” Mark asks you. You typically hate small talk, but appreciate that he’s keeping the conversation PG unlike the group adjacent to you two.
(“What’s your body count?” A loud, young guy asks Ryujin, and she gasps, slapping his shoulder in an obvious flirt.)
“I’m a stylist. I do freelance work for magazines and things like that.” You explain, and it’s cute how he pretends to find it interesting.
“Rate my outfit then.” He asks with a smirk. You take the opportunity to scan his body down to the shorts he’s wearing, but letting your eyes linger on his toned skin. He’s not muscular by any means, potentially skinny even, but the muscle definition that he does have suits him well.
You smile, about to answer them when Ryujin approaches the table again, “Care to pour me a drink, Mark?” She says and you smile politely at her as he sends you a quick glance before reaching for the bottle.
Ouch, but you get it. There’s a lot of people to get to know here, and Mark is currently only one of three guys. There’s still two more to arrive, and if Mark is the only one that’s interesting to her from the selection then so be it.
Thankfully, Mark doesn’t allow you to third wheel for long as he includes you in the conversation quickly.
“Y/N is from New York, too!” Mark exclaims and you smile in her direction to nod in confirmation. You have to remind yourself to stay calm as you speak to them. Two more boys are coming, and loyalties are as strong as tissue paper in the wind on shows like these.
You have to remember to stay focused and open minded. Thankfully, Mark and Ryujin are both exciting conversationalists so you’re able to stay engaged in the conversation until the producers quiet you all down again.
Ryujin leans over to whisper in your ear, “Do you think it’s a girl or a guy?” She asks excitedly. You giggle at her and shrug, squinting your eyes to attempt to spot the next figure through the palm tree leaves blocking a clear view of the door.
It’s a girl this time wearing a cut out one piece. It’s in a deep fuchsia to compliment her skin tone and light brown hair and you nearly gasp at her beauty once she smiles excitedly as she approaches.
She’s the last in and for good reason, she’s gorgeous. You’re the first to move in to introduce yourself.
“Hello, beautiful!” You announce and pull her into a hug. It’s a little difficult as she’s significantly taller than you, but you manage. She smiles genuinely as she returns your compliment, nearly forcing a blush on your cheeks. Her name is Yunjin, she shares with the girls.
Just like before, Mark gives her a side hug. It’s much more awkward and surely embarrassing on his part as she’s slightly taller than him with the help of her stilettos.
In fact, the only person tall enough for Yunjin is Jungwoo, so they quickly begin chatting, leaving you to Mark and Ryujin.
“Where’s the rest of the eye candy, huh?” Ryujin jokes and knocks your shoulder softly.
Ah, you think, she’s not into Mark. You smile at the realization and stare him right in the eye when you jokingly respond.
“Shit, I don’t know. It’s getting a little boring.” You challenge him silently and he raises one eyebrow while maintaining eye contact with you. You say nothing, only breaking the eye contact to bring your champagne flute back to your lips.
You had planned to play the field a bit more, but the pickings are slim with 4 girls and 3 boys so far, and Mark is far more interesting than Jungwoo and Haechan.
That is, until the producers quiet you once more to introduce the last 2 attendees. Ryujin perks up, standing on her tippy toes and leaning her body to try and sneak a glance. You’re hopeful for her sake, these are the last two guys who will be joining you for quite some time. For you, though, you feel as if you could hold your own with Mark, but the inkling curiosity still strikes as you wait for the last two boys.
Your jaw drops once you spot them. You have to blink your eyes once to clear your vision to absorb every detail.
Two men with bodies to die for and faces that seem painted by God himself emerge from the entrance.
One of them is a certified pretty boy, you can say that much, with his big eyes and charming smile. His blonde hair is styled perfectly and if he couldn’t get any hotter, he goofily greets the group with a squeal and wide arms. He seems young, but in all fairness most of the guys here are, too. He begins by greeting the table adjacent to yours, naturally so as they reacted just as enthusiastically as he had.
The other boy, though, is making a beeline for your table.
Wait, not just your table. He’s making his way towards you.
His lipped smile grows as he approaches slowly, dimples peeking out in his cheeks. You’re enraptured by his visuals immediately, meeting his eyes as he walks up to wrap both arms around you in a hug.
It takes you by surprise, but just as quickly as it’s begun it’s ended.
“My name is Jaehyun.” He introduces himself after he lets go, sticking his hand out for you to shake. You giggle and tilt your head at his hand, finding it odd that he’s choosing to give you a handshake after he’s already hugged you, but he’s so hot that you barely can think.
You shake his hand back, noting how big his is compared to yours as you give him your name.
“Mm,” he hums in satisfaction, “pretty name for a pretty girl.” he winks down at you and you genuinely giggle at that, turning your head bashfully to look at the ice bucket in the center of your table.
It’s nothing spectacular to look at, unlike Jaehyun, but it’s the ending the moment needed so he could go and make his rounds.
You watch him as he approaches the other table of people. He doesn’t give any other girls the same encapsulating hug that he gave you, it’s intentional and you know it. He makes it all the more obvious as he catches your eye after side hugging the two girls, clearly watching for your reaction.
Unsure of how you feel about the silent message, you turn back to Mark and Ryujin who have now begun talking about the villa.
“I’m really excited to see what the bedroom situation will be like.” You chime in, and Mark enthusiastically agrees and steps closer to you. He isn’t showing any signs that the greeting with Jaehyun irked him, which you find unbelievably sexy of him.
“I bet the bathroom is plush.” A voice from behind you says and you jump, turning to see Jaehyun cheekily smile down at you.
“You did that on purpose!” You hit his shoulder and he just laughs and stands in the empty spot opposite to Mark at the high top.
He shrugs, smirking, “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. You’ll just have to get to know me better to see.” He flirts and you smile back.
“I guess so.” You trail off, returning your attention to Mark and Ryujin. Now Mark is showing his true feelings, but only slightly with his attentive eyes already on you when you look at him.
He was watching you and Jaehyun. Interesting.
“Alright, lovers! How’re we feeling?” A voice over a megaphone startles you once more to steal your attention.
Your brain short circuits as you’re slightly star struck by the host in view. Doyoung, a jazz singer known for meeting his wife on the Bachelor, stands proudly on a small stage before you as the group whoops and hollers. You were warned that he’d be here, but seeing him in person makes it all the more real.
“Let me be the first to say welcome to the Summer of Love villa!” He lowers the megaphone this time, much to your gratitude, and you applaud with the rest.
“You’re all here because you have one thing in common— you’re too hot to be single!” The group erupts in laughter at that and Jaehyun sneakily leans in to your side to whisper,
“Especially you.”
You blush and turn your gaze back to Doyoung, doing your best to keep your cool. It’s already hot outside, but you feel yourself warming up a few extra degrees at his forwardness.
“Hey, you’ll have enough time to flirt later.” Doyoung teases Jaehyun and points his finger, and Jaehyun brings his arms up in surrender much to the amusement of the others. You blush even harder, staring straight ahead at Doyoung. Looking at either Jaehyun or Mark could be dangerous for you right now.
“You also all share another attribute, you all want something real.” Doyoung says and the crowd nods in agreement. Admittedly, you had no idea that was a part of the criteria to join the show, but you nod along with them anyways. It’s true, you suppose.
“To create an environment for real connections, at the end of each week you will pair up with another person here to dedicate your attention towards.”
“As you know, though, not all that glitters is gold. To put your relationships to the test, each week a new man or woman will join you here to search for their own perfect pair.” The group oohs and feigns shock. That, at least, you know is an act as you were told about the scope of the show before you even signed on.
“At the end of each coupling, anyone without a match will leave here alone. As you’ve already noticed, there’s four girls and five guys. So gentlemen, be aware that one of you will be the first to go home.” You glance around the group, looking for any obvious pairings forming already. There are none, which excites you. It’s open season, and there’s five cute guys here all needing to find a girl for tonight.
“To really bring up the heat in the summer of love, our first coupling will be tonight.” You gasp at that announcement, looking over to Mark and Jaehyun who are both already looking at you. Your palms begin sweating again.
“Now, are you ready to begin the Summer Of Love?” Doyoung says, speaking into the megaphone again. The group erupts in cheers, although you’re sure the rest of the group is feeling the same anxiety that you are.
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After Doyoung released the group to go inside and explore the villa, the producers instruct you to gather by gender to discuss the others. The girls have gathered, much to your gratitude, at the infinity pool at the edge of the property. The heat is oppressive, so you stand near the edge of the pool where Yunjin has her feet dipped.
“He’s pretty cute and was flirting with me really hard,” Yunjin shares, “but Jaemin is really cute too and much more my type.”
You nod adding, “Jungwoo is from the same city as you, though.”
She pouts in consideration before nodding herself.
“Good point. I don’t know who I’m most interested in, then. Karina you go.” Yunjin passes the torch with a fake frustrated sigh. You laugh at her antics, scrunching your nose and directing your attention to the blonde lounging out on the tanning chair.
She looks as if she’s posing with the way her arms and legs are positioned, but you can’t blame her. The producers constantly meddling and the right black band around your waist make it impossible to forget that you’re on camera.
“I don’t know, honestly. Jaemin is cute, but we look too similar.” You and Yunjin share a look of confusion before she giggles in realization.
“Wait, because you’re both tall, hot blondes?” Yunjin giggles and Karina swipes the sunglasses off of her face.
“Well, yeah!” She says like it’s obvious and the three of you erupt in laughter at her statement.
“I’m not too sure that any of that matters.” Ryujin reassures her, to which you vocalize your agreement.
“Whatever. What I’m most interested in is Y/N’s thoughts.” Karina eyes you with a smirk and you look down at your intertwined hands leaning on the pool’s edge as the girls excitedly agree with her and urge you to speak up.
When you take too long to answer, Yunjin kicks your side and Ryujin tacks on to your other, smiling at you in anticipation.
“Okay, fine!” You cave in and the girls lean in, Karina moving to lay on her stomach backwards on the chair to be closer to you all.
“I honestly don’t know what to think.” You say with honesty. You truly do not know who you are more interested in.
“Oh, come on, Jaehyun had you blushing like a little schoolgirl!” Yunjin teases to attempt to get a confession out of you. Before you can say anything else, though, Ryujin pipes up.
“Yes, but did you see her and Mark? She was obviously feeling him, too.” You groan, head falling into your hands in embarrassment.
“Haechan wouldn’t stop checking her out either…” Karina adds.
“Oh, Jaemin too!” Yunjin piles on and you cringe at yourself. You had known about Mark and Jaehyun, but Haechan and Jaemin too?
You’ll admit, you’ve always known that you’re beautiful, but this is a whole new level of attention.
“There’s no way.” You say with your head still hidden.
“Damn, girl, you’re popular.” Ryujin says next to you and you roll your eyes.
“Helpful.” You snark at her and she wraps a sympathetic arm around you to pull you in to a fake hug.
“Champagne problems.” She coos and pets your hair teasingly, to which you playfully wiggle her off of you. The girls laugh and you sigh, settling down a bit to give them a true answer.
“It’s still early days, so I don’t know yet. I like that Mark is boyish, but Jaehyun is really charming.”
“Really charming.” Ryujin adds and you nod at her.
“Yeah, sure, he had me blushing, but cockiness can be disguised by confidence and I don’t know if that’s a risk I want to take.” The girls nod in understanding, and before Ryujin can share her answer, a voice booms out from the house.
“Round up!” An unfamiliar voice calls, most likely another producer, and you roll your eyes at the intrusion. It’s going to be hard to get used to.
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The boys are the last to arrive to the patio where you’re sat with the girls. The cameras are blocking a clear view, but you can see Jaehyun and Mark chatting away as they approach. You smile, thankful that the competition over you didn’t place any walls between them.
“This seat taken?” Mark says and you smile, shaking your head no to allow him to sit on the loveseat with you. There’s barely enough room for you both, not that you’re complaining. To make more room, Mark leans his arm on the back of the loveseat and pulls you back to lean into his chest a bit.
Under other circumstances you’d push him off, but time moves quickly in the villa, especially for the boys who risk going home after tonight. Plus, you really really want to be here against him right now, so you’ll take the justifications.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, is sitting next to Jungwoo on the sofa. You know that the only girl that he spoke to earlier was you, but you’re still surprised to see him single.
“Are you ready for your first challenge?” Doyoung says once he’s found his spot standing before you all. You all cheer in response, and once Mark’s done clapping, his free hand finds your knee. You blush even deeper, the butterflies in your belly erupting at the contact.
“In your first challenge, we will put your discernment abilities to the test in a game of first impressions.” The crowd oohs, Mark included, but you wait and listen.
“Each of you will be faced with real secrets about other people in this villa. You will then have to match the secret with the person that you think it belongs to.” You gulp, adjusting nervously. You didn’t know that this would come up so early in the show.
“You ok?” Mark whispers in your ear which startles you, but you quickly nod with a curt smile. He’s going to find out soon anyways.
“The person who guesses the most secrets correctly will be rewarded with a date with any other person of their choosing.” You’d have it in you to be excited along with the rest of the group if you weren’t so nervous.
You seriously weren’t expecting it to come up, not so soon at least. Not without you sharing it first. You feel as if the rug has been ripped out from underneath you, as if your story is no longer your own.
“Ladies first, Yunjin.” Doyoung calls her up dismiss her to the selection room. She gasps and shoots up quickly, blowing you all kisses goodbye as she retreats. The producers have instructed you all to stay silent to avoid cheating, so all you can do is sit with your thoughts as Mark’s thumb slowly rubs circles into your knee. It’s a comforting move, one that you’re needing quite a bit right now.
If you weren’t so preoccupied with your own thoughts, you’d notice Jaehyun staring daggers into Mark’s hand on your leg. You don’t, though, but Mark certainly does.
Mark had picked up on what was going on during the introductions earlier, but his fears were made real when Jaehyun expressed his interest in you to the guys as they all sat in the bedroom earlier that day. Mark felt small in that moment when faced with the reality of his competition, but he did his best to not let it get to him.
The mindset shift worked in his favor, clearly, as you were now here sitting with him, not Jaehyun.
All of the girls had left and returned by the time it was your turn. You sighed once your name was called, using Mark’s leg as a rest to help you up. Unlike the others, you don’t give any dramatic or cute goodbyes and simply walk to the room.
It’s exactly as you expected with the white walls lit up by LED lights displaying a wave of sunset colors. In the center of the room is a large touchscreen table currently displaying five photos and five digital envelopes to open.
You sigh as you approach, expressing your nerves to the camera up above the table. Hesitantly, you tap the first envelope to spark an animation of it opening to reveal the first secret.
Lost his virginity during seven minutes in heaven.
You scoff a laughter, shaking your head and clicking on the next. You want all of your options before you make pairings.
Said “I love you” 4 days in
You cringe at that one, but move on quickly so as to not embarrass the boy this secret belongs to.
Said the wrong name during sex.
You roll your eyes at that one. It’s clear what type of show the producers are trying to make. Too bad your secret doesn’t fit into the mold. You tap the next.
Got left at the altar.
Your heart drops to your stomach when you read that one. You tap on the card a few times to see if it’s real, and it is. You pause for a few seconds, but will yourself to move on. You’re wasting too much time.
Has moved in with 4 out of 5 of his past girlfriends.
With all the secrets revealed, you take a deep breath and laugh to yourself.
“These boys are such a mess.” You say half to yourself, half to the camera.
Your first instinct is to match Haechan with “said the wrong name during sex”, so you do just that.
Your eye is caught on “has moved in with 4 out of 5 past girlfriends” as another easy match. Jaehyun, obviously. Not only does he have the charisma to make 4 girls fall in love with him, he’s also the oldest boy which makes for more time in adulthood than the rest.
“Lost his virginity during seven minutes in heaven” is given to Jungwoo.
Purposefully avoiding the most intense secret, you pair Mark with “Said ‘I love you’ after four days”.
By default, you match Jaemin with “Got left at the altar.” You know your guess is wrong, but you’re not attracted to the idea of winning. If you win you then have to choose, which is the last thing you want to do right now.
Once you return happily to the waiting crew, you swap glances with Yunjin who has to look away quickly before bursting into giggles. Clearly, she found the challenge to be more amusing than you had.
The boys are called up next, and you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t bounce your leg in anxiety when both Mark and Jaehyun left and returned respectively. Neither of them seem affected, so they clearly didn’t match you correctly.
“Results are in.” Doyoung emerges and you all burst in scandalous “ooh”‘s.
“Before we reveal the true answers, we must crown our winner.” Doyoung announces and the group leans in in excited anticipation.
“Jungwoo, you have won our first challenge.” Doyoung can barely finish his sentence over the loud cheers of the group congratulating him. He celebrates himself, but ends his celebration by grabbing Yunjin’s hand and kissing the back. She giggles bashfully and smiles ahead of her.
Well, you think, that’s that. With a proud smile for your new friend.
“Do you all want to know the true matches?” Doyoung eggs you all on, earning exasperated ‘yes’’s from the group.
Uh oh, here we go.
The boys go first, much to the excitement of the girls, you included. First, Doyoung reveals your score as a 1, much to your disappointment. Mark laughs at you and offers you a comforting shoulder pat which you accept happily. Whatever you have to do to get him to keep touching you, you think.
The rest of the girls didn’t do much better, with Karina scoring the highest at a pathetic 2.
Doyoung first reveals that Jungwoo is the one who has moved in with four girlfriends before. The group, although surprised, aren’t too shocked by the news. He even earned a few remarks of how that fits him. All that you care about, though, is that Jaehyun could now be any of the other four secrets.
Next Jaemin is exposed for having said the wrong name during sex, which earns him a chorus of boos that he humbly accepts with his head hung low. It’s all in lighthearted fun, though, as laughter soon follows and excited requests for the story. Jaemin declines to your collective dissatisfaction, and Doyoung moves on.
The only answer you got correct was Mark, expectedly. Oddly enough, though, what you found cringey in the selection room is now endearing when paired with the boy sitting next to you. He buries his head in embarrassment at the teasing coo’s of the group, groaning through his smile.
“I think it’s cute.” You whisper into his hair to attempt to force him out of hiding.
“Really?” His shining eyes meet yours and your heart glows at his hopeful look. You nod with a soft smile on your face before drawing attention back to Doyoung to break the moment. You don’t want to put all your eggs into one basket just yet.
Mark’s secret had distracted you, but now the reality of what’s left has hit you like a ton of bricks.
The only two boys left are Haechan and Jaehyun, two boys who couldn’t be any more different. The only two secrets couldn’t be any more opposite either.
The answer is obvious, right in front of your nose, but you want to make sure before you allow yourself to freak out. You stiffen against Mark’s chest again, and you pray that he doesn’t comment on it.
With sweaty palms, you pretend to be intrigued when Haechan is revealed to have lost his virginity during seven minutes in heaven. You even put on a pretend entertained face when he proudly tells the play by play — entirely unprompted.
The moment Haechan sits down, you allow yourself to stare Jaehyun down. He looks calm, but he can’t possibly be. Not when you know what you know and the entire world is about to, too. He must be feeling exactly as you are.
“That means that our poor Jaehyun here was left at the altar.” Doyoung announces and the crowd falls eerily solemn for a moment to read his response to the announcement.
But he shrugs. He just… shrugs? It lightens the mood enough to let the crowd offer half sincere condolences to him as he pretends as if it’s not a big deal. You’re flabbergasted, choosing to look onward at him blankly until he looks at you. He doesn’t.
The girls are due to be announced next, and you choose acceptance. It’s all coming out anyways.
Firstly, Karina is exposed to have split custody over a dog with her ex. You giggle at her reveal, seeing it as absolutely fitting.
Next, it’s revealed that Ryujin once went on three dates with a guy without knowing his name. That one surprises you, but you can’t say you don’t sympathize.
“Y/N,” Doyoung pauses and the group begins slapping their knees and cushions in a drumroll. All participate except Jaehyun, who just looks on with an odd warmness behind his eyes. You maintain your stare with him for a second or so before Doyoung speaks again.
“was left stranded on her honeymoon.” You sigh, the nerves settling now that your secret has been revealed. You don’t move a muscle until the girls begin to shout out confused exclaims.
“Wait, girl, seriously?” Yunjin asks and you meet her eyes with a sad look that confirms it all.
The girls then shout in unison again, but this time with dumbfounded half-compliments. The only one you catch is Ryujin’s, “He left a girl like you?”
You scoff, laughing a bit and looking at her, “Well, yeah.” with gentle eyes.
You refuse to turn to look at Mark, but you can feel his hand grip your leg tighter from beside you. Still, your head remains forward when Doyoung moves on.
Through the laughter at Yunjin’s secret revealed, you spot another blank face. Jaehyun, and he’s staring right at you.
Once the director calls cut on the cameras brought in specifically for the challenge, Jaehyun is up and making a beeline towards where you’re sitting with Mark.
“Let’s talk.” He says, hand extending out to you to grab.
“Hold on a sec,” Mark says, not letting go of your leg. You meet his eyes for the first time since before your secret was revealed and find nothing but concern on his face.
Great, you think, exactly what I didn’t want.
You look up at Jaehyun and see no panic, confusion, or concern. He looks… neutral.
“I’ll talk to you before the party, okay?” You say to Mark and he sighs, letting go of your leg to allow you to stand. You don’t take Jaehyun’s hand out of respect for Mark.
That is, until you’re out of Mark’s sight.
“Let’s go to the daybed.” Jaehyun says, moving your grasped hands to intertwine your fingers. You smile down at your feet at the gesture.
Once you’re settled, you sitting criss crossed and Jaehyun laying on his side in a relaxed lounge, he breaks the silence.
“Welcome to pathetic losers anonymous, my name is Jaehyun.” He says and urges you with his hand to continue the act. His attempt to lighten the situation makes you smile, a charmed look on your face when you reply, “Hi Jaehyun.” in a drawn out bored voice.
He cracks a genuine smile at that before he continues, “Two years ago my fiancée—ex fiancée— ran away with her ex boyfriend the night before our wedding.”
The gasp you let out at his confession makes you embarrassed, so you quickly apologize for your reaction. He smiles, shaking his head in a graceful dismissal of your apology as he continues, “They got married on April 6th and on April 8th, I accepted the offer to be on this show.” You nod in understanding. He doesn’t break eye contact with you as you look between his two eyes. Is this what you look like? Do you also look this unamused when talking about what happened to you?
“Unfortunately due to shrinking populations during the apocalypse,” you laugh at his joke, lightening the mood just a bit.
“there are only two members of Pathetic Losers Anonymous so participation is mandatory if you want to enjoy the amenities.” You choose to play along to his game once more, but with some snark.
“What amenities?” You ask with sass and he just smirks.
“Well, we have the lounge area,” he says while rubbing his hand on the daybed cushion between you. You nod and let out a false interested tone, urging him on with a smile.
“State of the art soundproofing,” he says while cheekily drawing the sheer curtain closed behind him. You cock your head with a suspicious smile on your face and he continues.
“Last but not least,” he grabs blindly behind the back board of the bed, “the pool!” He throws a chilled water bottle in your direction. You squeal, barely catching the flying object before it hits your face.
He breaks character for a moment to apologize, clearly not indenting to throw the bottle that hard. You can’t stop laughing, even when you meet his half concerned, half amused look.
“You dick.” You tease between giggles and he rolls his eyes playfully, laying back down and grabbing your arm to pull you down with him.
You don’t give in, still feeling the pressure.
“I’m scared for everyone to know.” You admit quietly, drawing meaningless patterns in the condensation that’s collected on the bottle in your hands.
“Duh, that’s why we have the state of the art soundproofing!” He jokes, although he knows exactly what you meant.
You meet his eyes before lying down on your back with your hands folded over your stomach.
“We got into a fight on our wedding night because he—“ you stop, reminding yourself that this is on camera.
“It doesn’t matter what we fought about, but we did.” You finally say and Jaehyun nods from where he’s sitting up on his elbow looking down at you. There’s a considerable ten inches between your bodies, but he feels uncomfortably close still.
“When we landed in Cancun I thought we were fine, but he had booked himself a different hotel.” Jaehyun sits patiently for you to reveal the last part of your story.
“I thought he just wanted some time to cool off, so I let him have it. I thought he would check in on me, or call me, or something but he didn’t for that entire week. I spent my honeymoon alone.” You sigh and close your eyes, refusing to let your emotions bubble.
“When I got to the airport at the end of the trip I found out he had gone home the same day that we got there. He left me all alone in Cancun by myself for a week waiting for him.” You pause once again.
“He put his wedding band and annulment papers into an envelope and slid it under my office door for me to find a week later.” You finish your story, looking over at Jaehyun.
He’s unreadable, which is frustrating, but almost welcomed with how overwhelming your own feelings are.
“When did this happen?” He asks.
“A year ago.”
He sighs, not too sure what to say to you. You can’t blame him, you didn’t know what to say to him either.
After a few more uncomfortable moments, you lift your hand up in a fist leaned slightly towards him.
“We’re even now.” You say, inviting him to fist bump you. He chuckles through his nose and fist bumps you.
You sit there for a few more moments just staring at each other basking in the intimacy.
Then you remember the last time you felt this way and turn your logical brain back on.
“I don’t even know where you live.” You say flatly and he laughs at that.
“I guess you don’t, huh?” He says through a smile and you shake your head with a neutral expression.
“I guess you should since you know everything else.” He says before telling you about how he was born in South Korea but moved to London as a kid. More questions down the line and you discover that he’s a doctor, an optometrist to be exact, and ‘That’s how I know you have pretty eyes, I see them all day long.’
Once you share your own lot of fun facts, you decide it’s finally time to join the group again, much to Jaehyun’s disappointment.
“Can you just promise me that you’ll consider me to couple with tonight?” He asks before you round the corner back to the main living space and back to the group.
You smile and with the assistance of your intertwined hands, elevate to your tippy toes to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek.
It’s all the answers he needed.
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Mark finds you while you’re washing your hands in the plush bathroom.
“Hey, can we talk?” He says with the same concerned eyes as before. You look at him through the mirror and sigh, taking your time turning off the faucet and drying your hands. You turn on your heel to rest your ass against the counter and extend your arms out to Mark, he quickly obliges and steps into your space where you wrap your arms around his shoulders. His hands find your hips easily.
“Can I be honest?” You ask and he nods quickly.
“Of course.”
You pout and shake your head, “I don’t really want to talk about it anymore, if that’s alright.”
Mark’s face falls a bit but he nods in understanding, repeating the same sentiment from before.
“It just worried me and—“ He begins to ramble but you cut him off.
“Mark, I’ve only know you for a day. I want to know your favorite color first before you know all the skeletons in my closet.” You attempt to reason, but he replies quickly,
“Mark,” you drag out his name in a whine and his brain seems to catch up to his mouth as he giggles at himself and apologizes, a faint tint of pink rising on his cheeks.
“Can we go swimming or something?” You ask after a moment of laughter.
He nods with a smile, stepping away from you to allow you to stand.
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The pool is even nicer now that the sun has nearly set, falling behind the house to give you some much needed shade. The sky is a beautiful orange, and in the moments that both you and Mark are still enough, you can hear the rolling waves from the beach.
Mark is an even nicer view from where you are with your head half dipped in the water as you float on your back. He’s looking down at you with those boyish eyes with a soft smile.
“What?” You ask after a long moment of his stare.
He chuckles and shakes his head, “nothing,”
You groan, breaking your float to stand and look up from Mark’s seated position on the thin infinity edge of the pool.
“Mark,” you say bluntly.
“Nothing!” He giggles out a whine, the same pink blush from before sitting on his cheeks.
You don’t let up though, and he just sighs and laughs before admitting, “I was just thinking how I’m really enjoying getting to know you.”
You almost aww at him, your heart melting at the comment. He’s special, you think. Gentle spirited, sweet, and genuine.
“I’m having fun getting to know you, too.”
You hadn’t realized what you said before he asked you, “Does that mean we’re coupling up tonight?”
You can feel your heart wrench at the hope in his voice. You hadn’t decided yet, you couldn’t tell him yes.
“Mark, I just meant… I don’t know what I meant.” You admit and he dejects a little.
“I want to get to know you, but I also want to get to know someone else. I need time to figure out what I’ll decide.” You say finally and he nods in understanding.
“Can I enjoy getting to know you right now, then?” He asks with the same boyish smile from before and you giggle at him, grabbing his arms and tugging as hard as you can to hopefully send him barreling towards the water.
“Amateur.” He playfully scoffs before jumping in himself, grabbing your legs from underwater and quickly flipping you around to pull you in by your waist to his back and hoist you up. Before you knew it, you were midair about to splash into the water below you.
Once you emerge from the warm water, the first sound you hear is Mark’s bellowing cackle in your direction. You find it just as hilarious, but choose to take the game further instead.
“You dick!” You squeal when you jump in his direction, barely grabbing onto his shoulders as you push down with all your weight to attempt to force him underwater.
When he doesn’t budge you exclaim, “Oh, come on!” which makes him laugh out again. In a moment of boldness, he turns around to face you from where you stand unbelievably close.
“I’ll go under if, and only if,” he pauses and you roll your eyes, poking his shoulder to push him back to swivel a bit.
“Dumbass,” you mutter under your breath and his eyes widen as well as his smile.
“Hey, be nice!” He giggles out and you playfully roll your eyes once more, waving him to continue his sentence.
“I’ll go under if you kiss me.”
Your eyes widen in surprise at his boldness, searching for anything but sincerity between his two eyes. You see nothing of the sort, in fact, you see only desire.
Glancing down at his lips once, you find his proposition all the more tempting. When you place your hands back on his shoulders, no push to send him down this time, he takes it as all the sign he needs to grab you by the hips and place his lips on yours.
He’s gentle for a moment, but picks up the pace a bit once he feels you respond. You smile into the kiss, pulling him closer by the neck as he kisses you harder, his hands gripping the skin at your waist roughly. You grab the back of his head when you switch positions and he hums gratefully into the softness of your lips together. It’s passionate, that’s for damn sure, and you’re loving every moment.
When you feel his tongue prod at your lips, you detach from him and stare up at him with a bashful smile. He looks down at you wonderstruck, but his face morphs quickly after into a devious smirk.
The moment that connect the dots between his face and his hands current position on your body, he’s jumping into the air as you squeal, flopping you both down into the water to make do on his side of the deal.
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Thank God for separate dressing rooms. There’s a lot of pressure on you tonight, and both Jaehyun and Mark are distracting as hell. You had read about the crazy time warp you go into when you’re filming a reality show, but you hadn’t believed it until now. Today has felt like a lifetime and it’s not even over yet. On top of that, you still have to break someone’s heart tonight.
You groan at the thought, head thumping down on the table in front of you in frustration. You’ve been doing that a lot recently.
“What did I tell you? Champagne problems.” Ryujin sing songs from her spot at the vanity next to yours.
“My brain can’t work if all you’re doing is telling it that it can’t work!” You exclaim and she laughs sympathetically.
“Well, tell me about it then.” She urges and you huff while you pump your foundation onto the back of your hand.
“Jaehyun is mature, goofy, and confident as all hell. He is also hot as fuck with those cute ass dimples. He’s tall, and he’s got a fucking six pack dude,” she laughs in disbelief and you continue.
“And he gets me, you know?” Ryujin listens with an attentive nod.
“He knows what to say because he gets it. He just… he gets me.” You finish off.
“What about Mark?” She asks and you scoff.
“What not about Mark, you mean? He’s just this precious little thing. He’s genuinely sweet and super open hearted. He’s being nice without even realizing that he’s being nice.” You say finally.
“Wow, girl.” Ryujin says after you have a moment in silence.
“What do I do?” You ask her, genuinely seeking an answer.
“I dunno, flip a coin, I guess.” She suggests and you roll your eyes and let out an exasperated laugh.
You sigh as you return to doing your makeup, you’ll just have to figure this out on your own.
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The party is, as you find out, an open bar with restaurant volume royalty free hip hop music playing from a speaker behind the bar.
“Impressive set up, huh?” Jaehyun says from over your shoulder. He’s cleaned up nicely in an all black outfit, jeans on bottom and a satin dress shirt up top. He’s refreshed his cologne as well, and the warm and woodsy scent is almost as intoxicating as your drink is.
“Get 3 more of these in me and I’ll turn it into Vegas.” You joke and he laughs genuinely, hand coming into contact with the exposed skin of your lower back as he steps closer to you.
“I love this song.” He says as he bounces to the beat. You laugh at his nerdy attempt to mouth the lyrics he most certainly does not know.
“Oh, do you now?” You call him out with a teasing lilt in his voice and he stops dancing.
“No, of course not, does anyone for that matter?” He jokes and you laugh again with a shrug. After a moment he excuses himself to grab his own drink and you promise to hold his spot on your dance card.
You know Mark’s watching you because before Jaehyun came up to you, you were watching him. All you can do is pray that he doesn’t approach you now as you wait for Jaehyun to come back.
You want to see Mark tonight too, but not now. You need to figure your shit out about Jaehyun first.
Thankfully, Mark stays in his place standing with Jungwoo and Yunjin who had just returned from their date with stories to share. Mark’s not mad to see you with Jaehyun. Jealous, maybe, but he understands the process.
“God, you’re seriously the most beautiful girl.” Jaehyun says after he’s by you again, hand coming back to your lower back.
“There’s only four girls here.” You tease and take another sip. He responds by stepping in closer to you with a soft smile on his face. You can feel his palm press into your back to pull you closer. It’s so gentle that you aren’t sure that he even knows that he’s doing it.
“I wasn’t talking about the other girls here.” He says softly and you can feel his whisper breath on your face.
He’s so close he could kiss you right now, but you’re reminded of your audience out near the crowded bar and decide to take a small step back from him. Just enough to kill the moment, but not enough to draw his hands off of you.
He notices your retreat but doesn’t say anything, which you’re grateful for.
The moment is over as soon as it began when the producers usher you all to the same covered patio as earlier in the day. This time, though, you’re sat next to Jaehyun on the sofa. His hands don’t wander like Mark’s do.
“Okay, lovers!” Doyoung shouts out as he walks up to where you’re waiting for him. You applaud entirely out of obligation.
“How was your first day?” He asks and the group whoops and hollers in response. You don’t share the same excitement after your first day. You feel like you need another drink.
“Now, as you all know, at the end of the night, one of you will be leaving the villa.” You want to roll your eyes, he keeps on rubbing it in. You get it.
“You have four hours to couple up and make your way inside.” He says with a nod before walking off. You heave out a sigh when he disappears. You’re annoyed that he brought you all the way over here for such an unnecessary announcement. You have decisions to make, dammit! You’re already completely over this reality TV thing.
“Try not to look so discouraged, Twitter might actually see you as a person.” Jaehyun jokes from beside you, earning him a giggle and a nudge on the shoulder.
“Twitter already knows my deepest darkest secret.” You reply and he hums with a knowing smile.
“Can we get away from here?” He says gesturing to the overwhelming amount of cameras observing you.
They’re everywhere, you’ve discovered, and typically expertly hidden. Regardless of where you go the cameras will follow, but there’s something intimidating about seeing them so explicitly.
“Sure.” You reply and allow him to help you stand, not letting go of your hand once you’re stable.
Jaehyun leads you to the fire pit on the side of the house. It’s not lit, but the edison bulbs strung above your heads make for a cozy environment regardless. You adjacent to one another in the beach chairs set to surround the circle.
Once settled, you lean your head into the palm of your hand as you watch him closely. He’s manspreading in an attractive way, limbs stretched out and loose. His head resting against the back of the chair with his eyes closed tell you that he’s completely relaxed.
One of us should be, you figure.
“I’m really sorry about what happened to you.” He says quietly, eyes open but not looking at you.
You sigh, slouching your shoulders forward a bit, “I’m sorry about what happened to you, too.”
This time he does look over to you with a gentle smile and a look of fondness in his eyes.
“We didn’t deserve that, did we?” He asks, and you hope it’s rhetorical. You answer anyways.
“Not at all.”
He hums, taking a moment to pause and take you all in. After a long quiet moment, he speaks, “I like you.”
A smile spreads across your lips in tandem with the butterflies in your belly rising up your chest to make your heart beat faster.
You pause for a moment, scanning your brain for any reason why this may be wrong, but you find nothing.
“Thank you.” Is all you say and he scoffs out a disbelieving chuckle.
“You’re welcome, I guess… Weirdo.” He teases you with the insult and his over exaggerated side eye. You laugh at his faux offended attitude, a common pattern for you today.
“I want to play fair.” You say, feeling quite swayed.
He shrugs, pout coming onto his face when he protests, “Be a little naughty.”
You gasp and he looks over to you with a flirty smirk on his face, the same that he first approached you with. It makes you blush embarrassingly quickly.
“I will do no such thing!” You exclaim and he laughs at you this time, flirting back easily.
“Yawn, but okay.” He sighs before standing, lifting the chair by the armrests behind his back to sit his chair right next to yours, the arm of his chair nearly overlapping yours.
Once he’s sat again, he grabs your hand and, without breaking eye contact, kisses the back of your hand from where it’s intertwined with his.
You feel far too shy to say anything about the contact, so he speaks again.
“I meant it, though.” He says with a serious look behind his eyes. You’ve had enough of the intensity today, so you detour the conversation.
“Which part? The part where you called me a weirdo, or when you called me boring for not wanting to be, quote, naughty?” By the end of your exaggerated recollection of events, Jaehyun is shaking with laughter from the seat next to you, urging on your own fit of giggles.
It takes a while, but you two finally settle down after your laughter fit. He’s still smiling wide when he shares what he truly meant.
“I like you.”
You gulp, nodding in understanding and looking down at your intertwined hands.
“The only way I’m staying here is if I’m here with you.” He says after a moment of silence. You had figured as much, but it feels even more real once he says it out loud. You aren’t quite sure what to say, you don’t have an answer for him. You’re still deeply invested in Mark, too.
“You don’t need to have an answer for me now, I know you have other stuff going on,” you relax a bit once he sympathetically lifts the pressure off of you.
“There’s no other girl for me here, I’m all in to see where this can go.” He admits and your heart jumps up to your throat. His understanding makes him all the more attractive to you.
“I won’t leave you hanging, that’s all I can promise you.” You say, looking up at him meekly. From how close he’s sitting, you can see the tiniest reflection of the lights above in his dark eyes.
He doesn’t respond verbally, having said all that he could, instead choosing to grab your jaw to pull you closer to him.
You gasp and squint your eyes shut, but nothing happens for a moment. Only once you’re noticed this you begin to feel his lips make gentle contact with your forehead.
Your heart lurches. Fuck.
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Mark greets you with a bear hug once you’re back in the lounge having left Jaehyun at the fire pit.
(“You coming?”
“I’ll wait for you here.”)
“Don’t scare me like that again!” He let’s out into your hair, squeezing you to emphasize his words.
“What did I do?” You whine, acting very poorly to hide that you love the moment.
“I thought you were going to couple up with him.” He admits and the pieces finally fall into place.
He lets you go then to pull back and look at you, his hands on your biceps to keep you in place.
“Thank you for not doing that to me.” He says and you giggle, nodding politely.
“Let’s talk?” You say after a moment and he nods with enthusiasm. It seems as if one couple has already gone to bed as well as a few members of the camera crew.
He leads you further down the path than you thought he would, stopping to sit on the wooden stairs leading down to the beach. It’s dark out, but you can make out his features well still.
“Gonna murder me, Mark?” You joke with a fake uncomfortable laughter and he chuckles and grabs your thigh.
“I like the sound of the ocean.” He answers truthfully without being asked. You nod, resting your head on his shoulder. There’s something about physical intimacy with this boy that you just can’t get enough.
“Tell me about the girl.” You prompt him without much hesitation. You’re not known for being nosy, but something about imagining Mark telling a girl he loves her irks you slightly. So you dig.
He groans, leaning his head to rest on top of yours, “Nah,” he shuts you down.
“Did you mean it at least?” You ask, still not relenting.
“Oh, absolutely.” He affirms and you hum.
“How long ago?” You ask, treading very lightly.
“About a year ago.” He answers. He’s being extremely cautious, which you understand.
“Do you still love her?” You boldly ask and he shakes his head against yours.
“Would I be here with you if I did?”
You scoff out a laugh, “I would hope not!”
He just chuckles in response and leaves a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m really glad I met you.” He says after a quiet moment. You smile, a warm feeling spreading across your chest.
“Stop,” you whine in embarrassment and sit up, turning your back to him and he giggles.
“It’s true!” He exclaims and pulls your shoulder back to face front once more.
“You just,” you hang your head low to try and conceal your blush, “you keep on saying all these sweet things to me.”
He smiles at that, grabbing your chin to make you face up and look at him. His soft eyes shining in the moonlight stare deep into yours.
He kisses you, just a simple peck, but it affects you all the same.
“There’s nobody else here for me.” He says and you’re immediately reminded of how Jaehyun just shared the same sentiment with you only a few minutes ago.
You nod in response. When you first signed up for this show you hadn’t anticipated so much pressure lying on your shoulders.
“I need some time to think.” You say and he nods in agreement and understanding, but there’s a disappointed look in his eye.
“I know.” He smiles at you, and this time you make the first move.
The stubble on his jaw is rough beneath your fingertips when you gently grab him to pull him in for a kiss. It’s gentle, slow, and beautifully intimate. He kisses you on the forehead once you’ve pulled away.
“Do you want me to go?” He asks and the true answer is no, but you know that you need some alone time to make up your mind.
“Want isn’t the word I would use.” You say and he chuckles and nods in understanding.
“I’ll be inside. Come find me once you’re ready.” He says with one final squeeze to your thigh before standing and retreating back indoors.
Once you can no longer hear the sound of his feet on the rickety boardwalk, you heave out a breath, head falling into your hands.
You haven’t been this conflicted since, well, ever, and it’s tearing you apart inside.
Your desire for both is shocking to you, especially how you’ve managed to become so connected to both of them in such a short period of time. It’s devastating to imagine losing either of them. Your mind is perfectly split down the middle for both.
The crashing waves in the distance do little to calm your wild heart. In 30 minutes you’ll need to make your decision and send one of them home.
Who will you choose?
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Ok, your turn!
vote for which boy to couple with!
voting ENDS 7/5
@rum-gone-why @asteriaskingdom @feltednettles
177 notes · View notes
luvhaos · 2 years
the language of flowers | lsm
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pairing: lee seokmin x f! reader genre: flower shop! au (seventeen), tattoo shop! au (nct), rivalry (slightly subverted), fluff, angst, comedy word count: 10.0k summary: you have a big, fat crush on the owner of the flower shop across the street but there are two pretty big problems: you’re pretty certain he has a girlfriend and both of your staff hate each other’s guts. warning(s): cursing, very suggestive content (tipsy almost-sex, sexual references and allusions, etc.), reader has some tattoos, insults and slander between both shops (everyone kind of acts like a jerk to one another), seokmin lifts reader off the ground, unedited   author’s note: wow, this was a doozy! i didn’t expect it to get this long tbh and i definitely should have been working on a paper instead of writing this but seokmin has really been hitting different to me recently, so this was born out of that!  playlist: fallin’ flower by seventeen • call out my name by the weeknd • take a chance on me by niki • tattoos together by lauv • la vie en rose by édith piaf
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You weren’t sure when the whole Neo Tattoos and Piercings versus Fallin’ Flower rivalry happened but what you were a hundred percent sure about was that it started with Donghyuck. You loved him like a little brother but you knew it had something to do with one of the flower shop employees spilling something on Donghyuck one day when he was in a foul mood. And Donghyuck in a bad mood was something none really wanted to deal with.
Or maybe it started when Doyoung made some off-handed comment about how little effort it took to create wedding bouquets versus tattooing and piercing.
Or maybe it was because Yuta and Mark laughed very loudly when one of the flower shop workers, you were pretty sure his name was Hansol, pulled on their push door.
Okay, maybe you weren’t a hundred percent sure how this mess all started.
You did think the owner, Lee Seokmin, was pretty cute though. He had been extremely friendly the first day he had opened his store, coming across the street to introduce himself and you welcomed him to the neighborhood. You even invited him to grab some lunch the next day and that meal together had you smitten, embarrassingly so.
So this supposed ‘rivalry’ between your store really threw a wrench in your plan to ask him out.
“Do you see this shit?” growled Donghyuck as he practically flung the door to your shop open. “They’re opening a cafe in that flower shop!”
“Seriously?” Mark asked, rushing to your storefront to peer out. “Oh, shit, they are!”
“Did you think I was lying?”
“I don’t know, Hyuck, you kind of have a track record for that.”
“Fuck you, Mark Lee, this is why you get no bitches.”
“Fuck you, I do get bitches!”
“Children, children, calm down,” Johnny cooed mockingly. You caught Taeil’s eye and you both rolled your eyes.
“Doyoung, what’s on schedule for today?” you asked and your staff quieted down to listen to Doyoung, one of your receptionists and schedulers along with Jungwoo and Taeil.
“Johnny, Chanyeol’s coming in today to finish his tattoo at ten-thirty. Taeyong, you’ve got two new clients at eleven and at three today; the first one’s not sure what she wants so you’ll have to help her with that. Jaehyun’s got a helix piercing at one, and Yuta has a septum piercing a two, another one twenty minutes later, and then a belly button piercing at four. Mark, you’re shadowing Yuta—”
Yuta cheered a little, lunging at Mark and squeezing him in a hug. You all snickered at the way Mark flailed a little before wrapping his arms around Yuta to return the embrace. “—and Donghyuck, you’re with Johnny today.” Doyoung pointed at you and said, “Soojin’s coming into get a tattoo at eleven today too.”
You grinned at Taeyong and Johnny. “Guess we’ll be working side-by-side today.” They smiled back at you, Johnny opening his mouth to say something but there was a knock at your door and everyone looked up, faces immediately darkening.
Seokmin stood outside, unperturbed by the glares coming his way, and you rolled your eyes at your staff members as you walked over to the door and stepped out. “Hey!”
“Hi!” Seokmin chirped. He jabbed his thumb back at Fallin’ Flower. “We just opened a coffee shop inside so I wanted to bring you something to try. You like an iced latte, right?”
“I can’t believe you remembered,” you said as he handed you an iced latte and a slice of cinnamon coffee cake wrapped in wax paper. “Thanks so much, this was so sweet.” He slipped a single flower in with his gifts.
“What’s this?” you asked, wiggling the flower in your hand.
“A white gardenia,” Seokmin said. “We just got some in today.”
“It’s beautiful, thank you. You’re really too sweet,” you said, feeling your face warm.
He chuckled and you could have sworn his ears were pink. “You deserve it all,” he said.
Someone cleared their throat behind you and you peeked over your shoulder to see Jaehyun leaning against the closed door. Even with his arms crossed, it was clear he was trying to make himself look larger and more intimidating, which was a pretty simple feat for Jaehyun given that he was already both of those things to a lot of people. He frowned and said, “We should get ready for opening.”
Seokmin chuckled, taking a step back from you. “I got it,” he said. “We should get ready to open too.”
“I’ll see you around,” you said. Seokmin nodded and smiled brightly, which had your heart thumping.
Jaehyun snorted and you glared at him. “What is your problem?”
“What’s my problem?” he asked. “You’re fraternizing with the enemy.”
“How is the flower shop an enemy? We don’t even have the same clients.”
Jaehyun huffed and didn’t respond, electing to open the door and let you duck under his arm to go back inside. Yuta scoffed, “Who does he think he is?”
“Right?” Jungwoo grumbled.
“Okay, everyone’s got to lay off them,” you said.
“We’ll back off when they do,” hissed Donghyuck. “That Chan fucker said our shop always looked dirty yesterday.”
“And what’s-his-face… Soonyoung said tattoo artists—”
“I couldn’t care less about what they said,” you said. “I told Jae this outside already — we don’t share the same clients, so there’s no loss of revenue. I know that there have been incidents in the past that have bred some weird hatred but I need you all to be professionals like I know you all are. No more of this today, do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good. We’re opening in five, so everyone should get to their stations and get ready.”
Everyone scuttled off to where they needed to go and you sighed, sitting at your station and setting your coffee and the flower aside. You practically inhaled the coffee cake Seokmin gave you. It was perfect, just the right amount of sweetness without it being overpowering. You took another bite and sipped a bit of your coffee and you finally understood why coffee cake was called coffee cake. The pairing was heavenly.
“You sure he didn’t poison that?” Johnny asked. You gave him an exasperated look and he said, “I’m kidding… mostly.”
He said, “We’re not doing it to cause trouble. We’re just protective of one another and of the shop.”
You ran a hand down your face. “I know, I know. And I’m sure the guys across the street are the same.”
Johnny shrugged and you said, “I just need you guys to tone it down. We can’t have this petty feud hurt business.”
“We’ll be on the best behavior we can be.”
You said, “You realize that that’s not a high bar, right?”
Johnny laughed and Taeil led Chanyeol inside for the first appointment of the day.
Before you knew it, you were sitting on your stool, bent over Soojin’s arm as you did the linework for her new tattoo — the moon with some stars dotted around it. She was talking with you as well as Chanyeol and Johnny at the station beside you. You half-listened to her and Chanyeol talk about a concert they were both at the night before but didn’t know the other was there while you listened to Taeyong patiently talk through the steps of getting a tattoo to his new client.
You rolled your chair over to take a sip of your coffee quickly before resuming Soojin’s tattoo. She asked, “Is that from the new cafe in the flower shop?”
“I was thinking of going over there after my tattoo. Do you like their stuff?”
The shop went eerily quiet with only the buzzing of yours, Taeyong, and Johnny’s tattoo guns making any noise. Yuta and Jaehyun had stopped chatting, and Donghyuck and Mark stopped bickering. You felt your eye twitch. Were they all fucking serious?
“Yeah, I really like it,” you said and you heard a sharp inhale of breath a few feet behind you. “And the owner is lovely.”
Something like a snort came from the corner. You focused only on Soojin and said, “I definitely think you should check it out.”
“I think I will,” she said, “because I’m really jealous of your coffee.”
“You can take a sip if you want?”
“Really? Can I?”
“I’ve injected ink into your skin for hours, Soojin, I’d say we’re good enough friends for you to share a drink.”
She giggled and reached over with the arm that wasn’t getting tattooed to take a sip. “Shit, this is good.”
You hummed in agreement and looked over your shoulder, pointedly glaring at your staff. They immediately went back to what they were doing but the energy in your store definitely dropped. If you had any free hand, you would be massaging your temples in frustration right now.
Soojin’s tattoo took about an hour and she gleefully told you how much she loved it and loved you. You gave her whatever she needed for aftercare and watched as she crossed the street to Fallin’ Flower. Doyoung said, “Still think they’re not competition?”
“No, I don’t because they’re not curbing revenue from us.”
“Maybe we should open a cafe,” said Jungwoo.
You snorted, “Who would run it? Mark can’t even cook an egg, much less make a tulip out of crema and steamed milk.”
“Hey!” Mark shouted from the back. “You promised not to bring that up again!”
You heard Johnny ask, “Didn’t Gordon Ramsey respond to the tweet Donghyuck posted about that?”
“You all suck.”
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It was around four in the evening and you were busy shoving chicken lo mein into your mouth with Jaehyun, Johnny, Taeyong, and Donghyuck in the break room when you thought you heard the entrance bell jingle. You had had a bunch of walk-ins throughout the day; seven people looking to get pierced and five wanting tattoos. And one was a hookup from a few nights ago that Jaehyun didn’t call back, which had you all either laughing at Jaehyun or giving him looks while he ushered her outside, his ears bright red.
Taeil opened the break room door and said, “There’s a woman here asking for you.”
“Me?” you asked, putting your takeout container down on a side table.
Johnny snickered, “Is it a hookup you didn’t call back?” Jaehyun threw a wrapped fortune cookie at Johnny’s head with a “Fuck you” accompanying it.
“I don’t think so,” you chuckled, following Taeil to the front of the shop.
The woman was making small talk with Doyoung and Jungwoo, and she brightened up when she saw you. “Hi,” she said, “I’m Yuna and I was wondering if you had time to tattoo me today.”
“We do,” you said. “It’s nice to meet you, Yuna. Do you know what you’re looking for?”
She nodded and pulled out her phone, showing you a photo of the word ‘first’ in elegant script. “A friend of mine recommended you specifically to do it.”
“I’m flattered,” you said. “Is this your first time getting a tattoo?”
She nodded and you said, “I’ll walk you through the process and then we’ll get started.”
You wrote out the stencil, showing it to Yuna, who clapped her hands and said, “It’s perfect!” She chose to place the tattoo on the back of her arm, right above the bone of her elbow. You had her fill out the paperwork and settle up payment, cleaned the area on the back of her left arm, and reaffirmed that it was exactly where she wanted it placed.
The tattoo didn’t take long given that it was just black lettering, no shading or coloring necessary. As you dressed the tattoo and gave her instructions on how to take care of it, you asked, “Can I ask who recommended me to you for tattooing?”
She replied, “Dokyeom did.”
You raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think I know a Dokyeom.”
“Oh!” She said, “Sorry, you probably know him as Seokmin. Dokyeom was his nickname back in high school.”
Something ugly twisted in your gut. “Got it,” you said. “That was very kind of him.”
Yuna nodded and said, “He’s the sweetest.”
“He is.” For some reason, the words felt bitter on your tongue.
“Thanks so much again,” Yuna chirped, giving you a bright smile. You did your best to return it despite the pit in your stomach. You wanted to ask her more about Seokmin and how they knew each other and what they were to one another but were scared, frankly, scared of the answer.
The day flew by with a couple of more walk-ins asking for various piercings and tattoos. When the clock hit eight, Jungwoo flipped the sign on the door from ‘open’ to ‘close.’ Taeyong stood up and stretched his arms above his head, sighing in satisfaction when he heard cracks and pops. Doyoung commented, “That’s how you know you’re getting old.”
Taeyong shot him a glare. “Sleep with one eye open, Doyoung, I know where you live.”
“Oh, I’m so scared.”
“What’s he doing here?” Yuta hissed and you all followed his gaze to the door, where Seokmin stood outside with a vase of flowers. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Johnny move to get the door so you hurried over quickly, opening it first.
“You need anything?”
Seokmin shook his head and held out the vase of flowers to you. “No, but I wanted to thank you for taking good care of Yuna today. She was kind of nervous to get her first tattoo and she told me just how amazing you were with her and how you made her feel so comfortable.”
That ugly feeling reared it head again as you accepted the vase. “Just doing my job.” You glanced at the flowers and asked, “What are these?”
“Yellow lilies,” he replied.
You nodded. “Thanks.” The word came out much more curt than you intended it to be and you caught the flash of surprise go across Seokmin’s face before it melted back into his warm smile.
“Just doing my job,” he parroted back at you. You wanted to give him a nicer smile but the question about just who Yuna was to him and who he was to her were still plaguing your mind. The two of you stood there in an awkward silence — a rare occurrence for someone like Seokmin — before he piped up quietly, “I’ll see you Monday, then.”
“Yeah, see you.” You retreated back into your store and watched as he made his way across the street, back to his. It was only then when you noticed his employees peering out the window and into your store, where you absolutely knew all your guys were glaring from.
You didn’t even have the energy to tell them to knock it off. The vase felt heavy in your hands as you placed it on a side table. You remembered the gardenia Seokmin had given you in the morning and you grabbed it from your station, placing it among the yellow lily bouquet.
Jaehyun nudged you and asked, “Are you going to Jungkook’s on tonight?”
“I honestly totally forgot about that,” you said. Jungkook was a friend of yours and Jaehyun’s from college. He took over his father’s company right after you all graduated so you rarely saw him since he was always so busy. Recently, though, he successfully completed a merger with a different company, and he finally was able to justify a break for himself, which included throwing a party in his uptown penthouse.
You weren’t really sure you were in much of a partying mood right now, though.
Jaehyun said, “I think you should go, we haven’t seen him in a while.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“I can pick you up at around ten,” Jaehyun said, “and we can go over together.”
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It turned out that every one of your college friends going to Jungkook’s party remembered it but you. You got a FaceTime call from Jihyo, who asked what you were wearing and then gasped when you said a t-shirt and jeans. “You cannot do that.”
“Why not? What’s wrong with it?” you asked her, taking a few steps away to show her the full outfit as if it would change her mind.
“How often do you get to be all dressed up?”
You crumbled under her stern gaze and sighed, “Fine, fine. I’ll look in my closet.” You opened it up, rifling through it until you came upon a periwinkle blue halter top and the matching skirt. You couldn’t remember the last time you wore it, maybe to some club in your senior year?
You showed the set to Jihyo, who squealed and nodded emphatically. “I remember that one! You always looked so sexy in it! Plus, it’ll show off your tattoos and I know lots of guys who’ll love that.”
“I’m not trying to get laid at Jungkook’s.”
“You may not be trying but that doesn’t mean you can’t.”
“I’m hanging up now.”
“Wait, wait! Are you coming alone or are you going in with someone?”
“Jaehyun’s coming with me.”
Jihyo wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and you said, “You and I both know it’s not like that.”
“I’m not sure why it isn’t, though, that man is fine.”
You made a face. “I’ve seen Jaehyun take soy sauce shots and drink milk straight from the carton then put it back.”
Jihyo waved you off. “Semantics.”
“I’m hanging up.”
You met Jaehyun in your lobby about fifteen minutes later and he gave you a once over and a whistle. You punched him in the shoulder and he just chuckled, “I haven’t seen you like this since college.”
“Yeah, I know.”
He glanced at you again and said, “Jungkook should throw parties more often.”
“Jeong Jaehyun, do you want to die?”
He just smirked back at you and the two of you got in a cab to Jungkook’s high-rise. You rang the buzzer for Jungkook’s apartment and you weren’t sure who replied and buzzed you up but you had a feeling it was a very, very drunk BamBam.
“Yo!” Jungkook answered the door, dressed in a tight dress shirt and slacks. “You two look great! Thanks for coming!” He dapped Jaehyun up and gave you a tight hug. Then, he gently poked the tattoo on your shoulder ��� a small abstract representation of the moon and the ocean that Taeyong did for a you a couple of months back. “This one new?”
“Not really,” you said. “Got it about six months ago.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened. “Shit, has it really been that long since we’ve seen each other.”
“Time flies,” you said. Jungkook nodded and stepped aside, letting you and Jaehyun cross into his apartment. He was lucky that owned the entire floor because if you were his neighbor and the music was this loud, you’d be issuing a noise complaint right now.
Jungkook showed the two of you to the bar, manned by two shirtless bartenders. Jungkook introduced them as Jimin and Jin, who both agreed to work the party as a favor to Jungkook. Jaehyun ordered a screwdriver while you said you’d take some of Jin’s specialty sangria.
“My favorite friends!” You and Jaehyun watched Dongmin stumble toward you, draping his arms around your shoulders in a hug. You and Jaehyun smiled as you steadied Dongmin; he had never been particularly great at holding his liquor, which meant that Dongmin didn’t often get drunk. It would be endearing to see your normally cool and collected friend red-faced and staggering if you weren’t worried that he was just going to tip over at any moment.
You patted Dongmin on the back and asked, “Are you going to be okay standing up on your own?”
“Totally fine,” he said, giving you a drunken grin. He reached up to squish Jaehyun’s cheeks. “I missed this face.”
Jaehyun gave you a look that screamed “Help me!” but you just smirked at him and said, “You’re doing great, Jae.”
You ignored his protests as you slipped away to find some more of your friends. You located Jihyo and Mina, who were doing rum shots with Taeyang and Hyunjae. “You look even sexier in real life,” Jihyo said. She pointed at you and asked the other three, “Doesn’t Y/n look hot?”
“Definitely,” Hyunjae said. Mina and Taeyang nodded in agreement. Distantly, you heard the buzzer go off again and, again, BamBam took up the task of answering it with a garbled yell. You glanced around the penthouse; you thought everyone was here.
“Who else could be coming?” you asked Jihyo.
“I think Jungkook invited some friends from high school.”
You hummed and took the shot Mina poured for you, setting your cup of sangria down and tilting your head back, gulping the shot down just as Jungkook opened his front door. You choked on your drink as you saw Seokmin walk in with two other Fallin’ Flower workers — Mingyu and Minghao — and Yuna.
Oh, you have got to be kidding. Not only were the two people you really didn’t want to think about here together, but you weren’t in the mood for Jaehyun to get into some altercation with Minghao and Mingyu.
“Give me another shot,” you demanded, turning back to your friends. Taeyang and Hyunjae shared a glance but Hyunjae still poured you some more Bacardi. You relished in the burn of the coconut rum, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. “Excuse me.” You left without another explanation, searching for Jaehyun. You needed to get to him before he saw Seokmin, Mingyu, and Minghao on his own, and you also just wanted to avoid seeing Seokmin and Yuna together.
“Thanks for your help,” Jaehyun deadpanned when you found him near one of the floor to ceiling windows, free of Dongmin.
“Sorry,” you muttered, swiping Jaehyun’s drink from him and taking a sip.
He snatched it back from you and said, “You seem kind of tense right now.”
“Okay, I’m going to tell you something and I need you to not freak the fuck out.”
“Minghao, Seokmin, and Mingyu are here.”
Jaehyun immediately straightened up and his jaw clenched. His eyes scanned the crowd and it was clear when he found them. You grabbed his shoulder to bring his attention back to you. “This is the first time Jungkook’s been able to relax in a while. Please don’t start some inane argument tonight.”
Jaehyun exhaled through his nose and said, “I won’t.”
You nodded but there was still an uneasy feeling in your stomach. You couldn’t tell if it was from the possibility of some blowup between the guys or if it was because of Seokmin and Yuna, who you spotted in a corner together, their heads bent close to one another.
You took in Seokmin’s profile, all the sharp points of his face that were contrary to his gentle personality. He was handsome, undoubtedly so, and it made your heart hurt just a little.
Whatever he and Yuna were talking about, it was intense and passionate and you wondered if it would end in some equally intense kiss. You didn’t want to watch and find out.
“I’m getting another drink,” you announced to Jaehyun. You made your way to the bar station again when you bumped into someone, who just barely avoided spilling their drink on you. “Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“You’re all good,” the man said. He smiled at you, the corner of his mouth dimpling. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Chan.”
“Y/n.” You shook his hand and asked, “How do you know Jungkook?”
“We studied abroad together,” he explained. “What about you?”
“College too,” you replied. “I’m sorry, I feel like he definitely mentioned you before but I can’t remember.”
Chan shook his head good-naturedly. “It’s okay. He’s clearly got a lot of friends to remember.” He motioned with his drink to the apartment and you laughed a little.
“Clearly.” You pointed at his drink. “What do you have?”
He peered inside and swirled his cup a little, both of you watching as the liquid sloshed around inside. “I think it’s a Long Island iced tea but Jungkook just shoved it in my hand when I arrived. I really haven’t drank any.”
“Can I try?”
“Sure.” He handed you the cup and you took a long pull from it, feeling the delicious rush of alcohol to your head.
You pushed it back into Chan’s hand. “It’s good, try some.”
He took a drink and said, “Wow, that is good.” He handed the cup back to you and you took turns drinking from it, the booze making your head feel light and airy.
The music picked up into a slow, seductive song and you grabbed Chan’s arm, setting the drink down on some random surface. “Do you want to dance?”
“Yeah, let’s do it!” You giggled at his enthusiasm and dragged him closer to the middle of the room, where people had started pairing off to grind against one another. You drew Chan closer to you, guiding his hands to your hips. He pressed your back to his chest, resting his chin on your shoulder as you swayed to the beat together. Some hazy voice at the back of your mind told you to look around to see if Seokmin was dancing with Yuna but it quickly disappeared when Chan nuzzled your neck, his hot breath against your skin making you shiver. Your hands slid to rest atop his on your hips and you pressed yourself closer to him.
You whined when you felt his lips finally make contact with the nape of your neck, sending electricity pulsing through you. You flipped in his arms, draping your arms around his shoulders as he wrapped around your waist. You tipped your head up and kissed him, running your hands through his hair as you still moved to the rhythm of the music.
“This is a little forward,” Chan murmured in your ear, low and slow, “and I don’t usually do this and I’m a little buzzed but do you want to get out of here?”
“Yes, please,” you answered breathlessly and you peeled yourself away from him, grabbing his hand and leading him to the door. You shot Jaehyun and Jihyo separate texts to let them know you were leaving with Chan. Jihyo was the first to reply, requesting that you share your location with her. Your fingers fumbled but you eventually sent your location to her. You didn’t read Jaehyun’s reply, too occupied with peppering kisses along Chan’s neck as he ordered an Uber for the two of you.
You stumbled up the stairs of his walk-up, eventually coming to his front door. He unlocked it as quickly as he could and as soon as it closed behind the two of you, he pressed you against it and kissed you again.
As you two made your way languidly down the hall to his bedroom, Seokmin’s face flashed bright in your mind and you started wondering what it would be like kissing him, grating your hips against his, pressing pecks along his elegant neck.
You fell back against Chan’s bed and he hovered of you, hands hot on the bare skin of your waist. You slipped your hands underneath his shirt, feeling the rows of lean muscle. He kissed along your shoulder, pressing a particularly reverent kiss to your tattoo, before continuing a path along your collarbone. He began trailing closer to the chest when you pushed your hand against his shoulder, gently urging him away from you. Chan immediately backed away and asked, “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you said. You took a deep breath. Seokmin’s smiling face appeared in your mind again and there was a knot in your stomach. You said softly, “I’m sorry, I don’t think I can sleep with you.”
Chan said, “No need to apologize for anything.”
You smiled weakly at him. “You’re much nicer than most of the guys I’ve turned down for sex.”
“Well, being nice about that is, like, the bare minimum of being a decent person.” Chan glanced at the clock at his bedside and said, “I’m not totally comfortable letting you go off into the night on your own so you can sleep here and I can sleep on the couch.”
“I’m not kicking you out of your bed, Chan,” you said.
“I’m seriously okay with sleeping on the couch.”
“Chan, it’s your bed. If anything, I can sleep on the couch.”
You said, “We can share your bed.”
Chan raised an eyebrow. “Are you comfortable with that?”
“You just had your tongue in my mouth and we almost had sex,” you said. “I think I can handle sharing a bed.”
Chan barked out a laugh and said, “Got it. Let me get something more comfortable for you.”
Chan climbed out of his bed, staggering a little drunkenly. He righted himself quickly and reached into his drawers, pulling out a t-shirt and basketball shorts for you. He turned around when you changed and clambered into bed next to you when you laid down.
“Can I ask you a question?” he asked.
You hummed in assent and he said, “Do you have any more tattoos? Other than the moon and ocean on your shoulder?”
You nodded, sitting up and reaching over to turn his dim bedside lamp on. “Yeah.” You showed Chan your underarm, where your birthday was written out in Roman numerals. You also lifted your (his) t-shirt and pulled the band of the shorts down slightly to show him your hip, where you had a sprig of lavender.
Chan said, “I’ve always thought about getting one but I keep chickening out.”
“You could drop by my shop some time and we could have a consultation.”
Chan’s eyes widened. “You’re a tattoo artist?”
“Yeah, I even did some of Jungkook’s.”
“That’s wickedly cool.”
You grinned at him. “Thanks.” Your eyelids drooped, either from the alcohol or your own tiredness but it was enough for Chan to reach over you and turn the light off.
“We can talk in the morning if you’re still here,” Chan said. “Let’s go to sleep now, though.”
“Okay. Good night, Chan.”
“Night, Y/n.”
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Your head was throbbing and your mouth was as dry as the desert when you woke up. You heard Chan groan behind you and you guessed he was feeling just as shitty as you were. “I’m never drinking again,” Chan grumbled.
“Never say never,” you replied. “But I’m inclined to agree.”
Chan huffed a laugh and said, “Do you have to get to work this morning?”
“No, the shop’s closed on Sundays.”
He said, “Do you want to go to this new cafe? My friends told me they have good hangover baked goods.”
“Sounds perfect.”
You both struggled to get out of bed and Chan let you use his shower first. He also let you keep his t-shirt and shorts, which you wore over your party set, since wearing it by itself at eleven in the morning was not the vibe. You, unfortunately, did have to wear the party heels you stuffed your feet into because there was simply no way you’d fit into Chan’s shoes.
You insisted on paying for the cab to wherever Chan was taking you, finally getting Chan to agree to let you do so as long as he paid for the food and drinks. When you stepped out of the car, you felt fucking stupid that you didn’t realize where he was taking you.
Fallin’ Flower.
You pursed your lips as he held the door open for you. You didn’t go over to Seokmin’s flower shop as much as he came over to Neo Tattoos and Piercings so you weren’t sure what his staff’s reaction would be to you, their persona non grata, strolling in.
Immediately, your mood soured when you spotted Yuna. Logically, you knew you shouldn’t feel this negatively towards her. If she and Seokmin had a thing, if they were boyfriend and girlfriend, that was none of your business, but you couldn’t help the way your heart sank at the thought.
You wondered if you were doing a bad job of hiding that you didn’t like her because, when you walked in, she looked almost appalled and angry. Mingyu was at the counter and you mentally cursed as Chan and you walked up to it. Mingyu looked up with a broad smile but it swiftly slipped off when he spotted you and Chan. “What are you doing here?” he asked brusquely.
Chan frowned, taken aback. “Excuse me?”
Mingyu’s eyes narrowed at you and he spoke past Chan to you, “You have some fucking nerve.”
You almost rolled your eyes. This fucking feud really was the most obnoxious thing you’ve ever experienced. But you had to set an example for the rest of your staff and friends at the shop and, honestly, your hangover didn’t put you in any mood for this bullshit so you tried your best to ignore Mingyu’s attitude. Chan, however, did not. “Don’t talk to her that way.”
Mingyu’s head snapped towards him. “Are you her boyfriend or something?”
“Mingyu! Do you have—” One of the other workers, Jihoon, came out of the florist part of Fallin’ Flower, freezing when he saw you. His expression immediately became colder and he said, “You’re here.”
Chan scowled. “Is this really how you treat customers? Because if it is—”
“Chan,” you said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll explain later but don’t get worked up over this. I’m fine.”
He looked at you incredulously. “Are you serious?”
“Just stay out of this,” you muttered to him. You turned back to Mingyu and squared your shoulders. Despite Mingyu’s larger frame, you’ve seen how he acted like a golden retriever with Seokmin, so whatever intimidation he was trying to carry out failed miserably. “I’ll take a—”
“You’re still going to order here?”
“I have a right to be here as a paying customer,” you replied tersely. “If you walked into the shop and asked for a piercing or tattoo, we wouldn’t turn you away.”
Mingyu sneered at you and from next to him, Jihoon opened his mouth to say something but they were cut off by two sharp calls of their names. Seokmin rushed out of the flower shop and into the cafe, and you were a little startled by how he looked. His eyes were a little bloodshot and puffy and his shoulders were slumped. Still, he said sternly, “This is not how we treat people here.”
“But—” Mingyu began to protest but Seokmin gave him a warning glare. Seokmin mad was much scarier than you ever envisioned. You couldn’t even fathom what he would look like mad before now.
“Go to the back and cool off. Both of you.” Jihoon and Mingyu left and Seokmin took over the register. “I’m sorry about that, Y/n. What can I get you today?” He gave you a polite smile but it didn’t reach his eyes.
You frowned but gave him your order with Chan giving his own after. Seokmin rang you up and, though you tried to pull out your card first, Chan beat you by tapping his own on the chip reader. “Nice try,” he said, nudging your shoulder. Out of the corner of your eye, it almost looked like Seokmin was queasy. Maybe he was just as hungover as you were.
You shuffled to the pick up area and watched as Joshua and Minghao made your drinks and handed you your food. Minghao’s glare sent an unpleasant shiver down your spine but he didn’t say anything to you.
You didn’t want to stay in Fallin’ Flower any longer than you needed to, so once you got your orders, you suggested that you sit in the small park a few blocks over. As you left, you swore you heard Yuna mutter, “Heartless,” as you passed her but you couldn’t be sure.
You were almost down the street when one of the flower shop workers, Hansol, came running after you. He held out a small bundle of flowers and said breathlessly, “On the house.” He sprinted back into the shop and slammed the door.
You and Chan exchanged equally perplexed looks as you stared at the flowers. You two still continued on your way to the park. You were lucky it was a cloudy day because the sun would have been way too bright for the state you were in. The fresh air helped soothe your raging headache a little and as you settled onto a bench, Chan said, “You said you’d explain what the hell was up with the way they treated you back there.”
You sighed heavily and told Chan all about the rivalry between your stores across the street from one another. He made a face. “That just seems stupid.”
“It is. Seokmin — he was the one who took our orders — and I have tried to get them to cool off but it seems like they just keep inciting one another.”
Chan frowned and said, “They seemed pretty sharp with you even though you’re not the one carrying out this feud business.”
“They’re just hostile to anyone at Neo.”
“I have half a mind to write a bad review about customer service.”
“If you did that, you’d have to write one about my shop too since that’s how my guys act when Fallin’ Flower guys come around.”
Chan gave you a small smile as he sipped his coffee. “Then I won’t.” He looked at the flowers next to you on the bench and said, “Is this part of the feud too?”
“I’m not sure; this is new.”
Chan eyed the flowers and said, “I think those are yellow carnations.”
“You’re a flower expert?”
He blushed a little. “No but my mother’s an avid gardener.”
“Why would they give these to me for free when they obviously don’t like me?” you wondered aloud.
“Maybe they mean something,” Chan suggested. “Flowers all symbolize something.”
You nodded slowly and said, “Maybe. I’ll look this up later, I don’t think I can stomach looking at a screen right now.”
“Same here.”
You and Chan finished your coffee and food and parted ways after exchanging numbers, promising to hang out another time without a) tipsily making out or b) being hungover.
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“I still feel like walking death,” you said to Jaehyun as you started to prepare for the work day. Monday came around much sooner than you wanted, especially given that you were still recovering from Jungkook’s party. “How are you so chirpy?”
Jaehyun shrugged with a smirk. “Better alcohol tolerance?”
“Screw you and your genetics.” You massaged your temples and asked Jungwoo, “What’s on schedule for today?”
You zoned out while Jungwoo read what appointments were made for the day. Blessedly, you only had one appointment on tap and it was much later in the evening, which meant you had a fairly relaxing day even if there were walk-ins.
As everyone dispersed to their stations, you remembered something. The yellow carnations. You were about to whip out your phone when you recalled that Johnny was pretty well-versed in flower symbolism given that he specialized in realistic tattoos, specifically flowers and plants. He was the one who tattooed the lavender sprig on your hip, after all.
“Do you know what yellow carnations symbolize?”
He thought for a second and said, “I can’t remember; I know there was a client who almost got them tattooed but their friend stopped them before she could for some reason. Why?”
You contemplated telling him about the flowers from Hansol but decided against it. It seemed like the flowers couldn’t have any positive connotation to them, which you had already figured, and you didn’t want to fan the flame anymore so you responded, “I’m coming for your brand, Suh.”
He glared playfully at you. “I’ll kill you before you can even try.”
You chuckled and shoved him lightly, earning a laugh from him as well before you both went back to getting ready. You pulled out your phone this time and plugged the flowers into the search bar.
Your stomach dropped when you read the first result.
Yellow carnations: rejection, disdain, and disappointment with someone.
Well, that was certainly a very clear message. And you weren’t super surprised. That doesn’t mean that it didn’t stump you. You understood the disdain part — it was very clear how much Fallin’ Flower employees didn’t like you or the rest of the Neo Tattoos and Piercings crew, but what was up with rejection and disappointment in someone. As far as you knew, you didn’t reject anyone they would care about recently.
What a bunch of weird guys. Still, the flowers were pretty so you put them in a vase with some water and set them up in the window.
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Not that you were keeping track or anything, but you’ve spotted Yuna going into Fallin’ Flower a lot more in the past few days. You tried to push down the ache in your chest when you’d see her enter the shop.
You were fortunate that things had been hectic recently. It seemed like there were a lot of birthdays going on, thus a lot of people coming in for celebratory tattoos and piercings. You didn’t have a lot of time to think about Seokmin and the way he looked when you last saw him nor about the rest of the Fallin’ Flower workers and Yuna in those moments, but it was safe to say that in your free time, you were pretty in your head about all that stuff.
You knew the guys saw your change in demeanor and you appreciated the way they tried to cheer you up. Yuta and Mark began calling each other increasingly ridiculous pet names; your favorite one was Yuta’s ‘my sugar plum spice cake.’ Johnny and Taeyong dragged you into random dance parties in your down time. Doyoung and Jaehyun bought you your favorite treats. Jungwoo and Taeil belted the lyrics to your favorite songs. It made you smile and it warmed your heart just how much your friends wanted to make you happy, but you knew your sadness wouldn’t just go away.
Chan dropped by your store one day with a bouquet of chrysanthemums, telling you that he had looked up what the yellow carnation meant and that he hoped these would be a kinder replacement for them since they represented joy and optimism. You ignored the curious looks from Taeil, Doyoung, and Jungwoo as you placed the chrysanthemums in a vase on their desk.
For some reason, you didn’t want to take the carnation down. It almost felt like giving into the defeat by getting rid of them. You wanted the guys at Fallin’ Flower to look at the bouquet and know that they didn’t scare you one bit.
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It was the end of the day and you just finished tattooing your last client, Chaeyoung, resting up in the break room with Yuta and Jaehyun, when the bell in your shop sounded very loudly, which meant the door was opened with a lot of force. You heard shouting from Taeil, Jungwoo, and Doyoung, catching only a bit of what they were saying. “You’re not allowed back there!” cried Jungwoo.
“Hey!” Doyoung huffed.
Seokmin burst into the room, looking a little panicked. Yuta and Jaehyun immediately stood up and you followed them quickly, placing your hands on both of their chests before they could do anything further. You leveled Seokmin with a firm look and said, “Only employees are allowed back here, Seokmin.”
“I know, I know, I just need to ask you about something.”
“Okay, let’s do it outside then.”
You brushed past Jaehyun and Yuta and followed Seokmin outside, pulling him around the corner so that you were away from prying eyes. “What is it?” you asked.
“The yellow carnations in your window display. Who gave them to you?”
“Hansol from your shop.”
Seokmin’s frown deepened and he sighed, “I was afraid of that.”
“I know what they mean, Seokmin.”
“You do?”
You nodded, staring down at your shoes. He said, “I swear I didn’t ask them to do that.”
“I know,” you mumbled quietly. “I know you wouldn’t do that.”
A tense silence fell over the two of you. You weren’t sure what else to say to him and then Seokmin, almost inaudibly, said, “Those chrysanthemums are nice.”
“Pardon me?”
A little louder. “The chrysanthemums are nice.”
Seokmin crossed his arms and leaned against the outer wall of your shop. “Did your boyfriend give them to you?”
“My what?”
“Your boyfriend,” Seokmin said. “The one you left Jungkook’s party with.”
You stilled. You didn’t even think that Seokmin saw you at Jungkook’s, much less that he saw you leave with Chan. You said slowly, “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“You seemed awfully cozy with him.” Your eyebrows raised at Seokmin’s flippant tone and even he seemed shocked by what came out of his mouth.
Something white hot burned in your chest. Who was he to judge you about anything? “What’s it to you?”
“I didn’t mean to—”
“Save it.” You scowled. “And tell your boys at the shop that they need to do a lot more to scare me off.”
You turned on your heel but Seokmin grabbed your elbow, spinning you around to face him again. “Wait!” he said. “I came here to apologize on behalf of Fallin’ Flower about the yellow carnations.”
“Okay. Is that all?”
“Hey!” Johnny rounded the corner. “What the hell are you doing?” Before you could react, Johnny’s pulling Seokmin away from you and shoving him back.
Seokmin stumbled back a little and put his hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t—”
Johnny pulled himself up to his full height as you saw Mingyu storming across the street.
Oh, great, just what you needed today.
Yuta, Jaehyun, and Donghyuck came around the corner, which seemed to prompt Jeonghan, Soonyoung, and Chan (also known as Dino and not be confused with the Chan you met at Jungkook’s party) to cross the street and join whatever argument Johnny and Mingyu were in.
There were so many voices and so much noise and so much chaos and all you wanted was some fucking peace and quiet to gather your thoughts and calm yourself down. You wanted to run but you knew you were responsible for your staff. Plus, the last thing any of you needed was police being called in for disturbance.
As the voices got louder and louder, you took a deep breath and yelled, “Everyone, shut up!”
All involved parties seemed shocked by your shout. They all turned to you and you dragged a hand over your face, feeling the pent up anger and frustration, not just for the past few days, but from when this ridiculous feud began, start to bubble to the surface. “For once,” you said quietly and steadily, “for once, I just want a day where nobody antagonizes someone else across the street. Clearly, that’s too much to ask from any of you grown men to do. I can’t believe that this fight has been going on for this fucking long over some minor fucking thing that just snowballed into this mess. I’m so sick of listening to everyone bitch and moan about the shop across the street and of being antagonized just for going over to the other side. I’m sure Seokmin is sick of it too.”
You turned towards your employees and said, “We’re closing early today. I’m going to take a long walk and I want you all to stay in the break room and reflect long and hard today. Do I make myself clear?”
Donghyuck weakly protested, “But what about the Fallin’—”
“Seokmin can do whatever he wants with them, I don’t really care.” You tried your best to not think about the way Seokmin flinched at your words. “But as long as you work at Neo Tattoos and Piercings, you’ll do as I say. I’ll ask again: do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You didn’t look at any of them as you brushed past and started off down the street on your long, long walk.
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You walked down to the pier on the other side of the city. You used to come here a lot when you first started Neo Tattoos and Piercings, but you haven’t had a chance to do it in a while. You leaned against one of the guardrails, staring out at the bay. The breeze felt nice on your skin and you breathed in the salty air of the brackish water.
You felt someone stop a few feet away from you and you didn’t even need to look to know it was Seokmin. You side-eyed him and he said, “I swear I didn’t follow you.”
“I know.”
“I’m having my staff members reflect on their actions as well.”
“I’m glad for you.”
“I wasn’t judging you about leaving with someone from Jungkook’s party.”
You rubbed a hand across your face. “I— I know you weren’t. I’m sorry, I think I was just— these past few days have been emotionally draining for me so I guess I lashed out and I apologize for that.”
Seokmin shuffled a little closer to you. You didn’t move away. He said, “I’m sorry as well. About the yellow carnations Hansol gave you. I gave him an earful about it; he’s a good kid, but he was egged on by some of the older guys.”
You snorted. “He looked scared shitless when he handed them to me.”
Seokmin laughed a little. “I can only imagine.”
Seokmin asked, “Do you know what the other flowers meant?”
“What other flowers?”
“The other ones I’ve given you?”
You wracked your brain. “The, uh…”
“The gardenia and the yellow lilies.”
“Right. No, I don’t know what they mean.”
Seokmin replied, “Yellow lilies symbolize thankfulness.” Thank you flowers for tattooing Yuna.
“What does the gardenia mean, then?”
Seokmin was looking anywhere but you. He muttered something but you couldn’t hear it over the churning of the bay water. “Sorry, what did you say?”
Seokmin glanced at you. “Secret love,” he said finally. “It means secret love.”
Secret love.
Your heart stopped.
There was no way Seokmin was confessing feelings for you. You whirled on him, furious. “Are you fucking for real right now?”
Seokmin’s eyes grew giant. “What?”
“You’re seriously confessing a secret love for me while you have a girlfriend?”
“Girlfriend? I don’t have a girlfriend!”
“Yuna!” you practically shouted. “You’re dating Yuna!”
Seokmin blinked at you three times before saying, “I’m not dating Yuna.”
It was your turn to blink at him. “What?”
Seokmin said, “Yuna’s a good friend of mine but she would never date me.”
“How’s that possible? You’re handsome and kind and generous and—” You stopped yourself, feeling your cheeks heat up.
Seokmin grinned at you, relaxing as he shuffled close enough that your shoulders brushed against one another. “She has a girlfriend, Y/n. She’d sooner date you than me.”
You didn’t expect that. “Oh.” You fiddled with the rings around your fingers. “Then why was she giving me such nasty looks the last time I was in Fallin’ Flower?”
“That… that’s my fault.”
Your eyes narrowed and you shifted away from him. Seokmin quickly added, “I didn’t ask her to do it! I… I just…” He sighed, “When we were at Jungkook’s party, I was supposed to confess to you there and ask you on a date and while I was talking through the plan with Yuna, we saw you and that guy... you know…”
You were pretty sure you were very up-close-and-personal with Chan by then. “Yeah…”
Seokmin flushed a little as he continued, “I… I was so hurt by that that I just started crying and Yuna, Mingyu, Minghao, and I actually left pretty soon after that because I was so upset.”
Your heart cracked. “I’m sorry, Seokmin.”
His face was pink as he waved you off. “You didn’t know. I was just being a baby about it.”
“No, I get it. I was… the past few days have been so hard because I thought you and Yuna were dating.”
Seokmin’s head whipped toward you so fast you were scared he got whiplash. “Really?”
“Does that mean that you like me too.”
You felt a shy smile creep across your face. “Yes, Seokmin, that means I like you too.” You chanced a look at him.
His grin was as bright as the sun and before you knew it, he was wrapping you in his arms and picking you up, spinning. You yelped and gripped his shoulders tight, whining, “Seokmin, put me down! I’m getting dizzy!”
“Sorry, sorry!” He set you down but didn’t let go of you, arms wound around your waist. “I’m just so happy.”
“Me too.” You paused. “So all those times you brought me flowers for the shop, they had some hidden love confession?”
“Well, not all of them.”
“The red tulips?”
“Yeah, those meant ‘true love.’”
“What about the peonies?”
“‘You’re the most beautiful.’”
“The sunflowers?”
“Adoration and pure love.”
Seokmin cut you off, “Can I kiss you?”
“Hell yeah.”
Seokmin pulled you closer and pecked you chastely on the lips. You scoffed playfully at him, “You call that a kiss?”
“Guess I need you to show me how it’s done—”
You dragged him into a passionate kiss and Seokmin’s hands grabbed tightly at your hips. You slid your tongue into his mouth and you swore you heard him whimper when you tugged on his hair. You filed that away for later usage.
You parted with him, delighting in his half-lidded, glazed eyes and his still slightly-parted mouth. “Oh, we’re going to have so much fun together,” you purred, planting a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“Yeah,” he said absent-mindedly. He brought your knuckles to his lips, pressing reverent kisses on each one.
“Can’t wait to break the news to everyone.”
Seokmin groaned, “Don’t remind me. I don’t want to think about them right now.” He buried his face in your neck.
“Don’t worry. Right now, it’s just us.”
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You and Seokmin thought it would be better to actually deal with the rivalry between your shops before revealing that you were dating to them. You stopped about a block away from your respective stores — you pulled him in some alley for another quick make-out session — and you went ahead of him to Neo Tattoos and Piercings.
When you opened the break room door, Donghyuck instantly threw himself at you, wrapping his arms around your legs. “We’re sorry!” he wailed.
“Donghyuck, get off her,” Doyoung scolded.
“We really are sorry though, Y/n,” Mark said, trying to pry Donghyuck off of you.
“We thought we were protecting you and each other,” Johnny said with a sigh. “But we know that it wasn’t the right way to go about it.” He helped Mark peel Donghyuck from you.
“Please accept our humble apology cake,” Taeyong said, motioning to the break room table, where a cute, circular, pastel blue and white cake sat with green lettering: We’re sorry for being immature assholes.
You approached the cake, glancing down at it. “How did you guys even get this done on such short notice?”
“We called Sicheng and his friend, Kun, is a baker and he had this cake available and we just asked him to write that,” explained Yuta.
“Do you like it?” Jungwoo asked.
“What flavor is it?”
“Chocolate with vanilla frosting layers,” Taeil said.
You turned to your staff and said, “You know I hate chocolate with vanilla layers, right?”
Donghyuck cried out, “We’re sorry, Y/n!”
Doyoung grumbled, “I knew we should have gotten a different flavor. Taeyong, this is all your fault.”
“My fault? Jaehyun ordered the cake!”
“Wow, way to just throw me under the bus there.”
“Guys, guys!” You said before they could erupt into further hysteria. “I’m kidding, I actually love chocolate cake with vanilla frosting.”
“You’re evil, you know that?” Johnny said.
“Call it payback,” you said with a small shrug. “Now, let’s dig in.”
As you ate the cake on paper plates and with plastic forks and knives, you said to them, “You know you still have to apologize to the Fallin’ Flower staff, right?”
You felt the wave of dissatisfaction but Taeyong replied before anyone could say anything stupid. “We understand and we will. We also hope that they’ll apologize to us.”
You nodded. “I’m sure Seokmin is seeing to that.”
“Speaking of him,” Yuta said, swallowing his piece of cake, “are you going to tell him how you feel?”
You choked on your cake. “You knew?”
Taeil hummed, “It was kind of obvious,” just as Mark yelped, “What?”
“Did you seriously not know?” Jaehyun asked.
“Mark, I swear you’re so dense,” Johnny said.
“I am not!”
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Your staffs did, begrudgingly, go over to each respective shop and apologize to the other staff. Both you and Seokmin knew the ice wouldn’t thaw overnight so, as a way of trying to quicken the process, you both begged Jungkook to let you use his penthouse to throw a party for your staff under the guise of it being the anniversary of both of your shops. Jungkook, being the good friend that he was, let you on the condition that nothing gets broken.
The party started out a little tense at first, given the long history between your shops and that neither you nor Seokmin told your staffs that the other would be there.
The ice thawed a lot quicker than you expected though. Joshua and Johnny bonded over growing up in America; Hansol, Wonwoo, and Mark traded rap lyrics and favorite musicians; Donghyuck took shots with Soonyoung, Doyoung, Dino, and Taeil; it turned out that Jaehyun and Seungcheol went to the same gym; Jihoon and Taeyong both had a passion for music production; Jeonghan and Yuta had a kindred fondness for pulling pranks on their friends; Jungwoo and Seungkwan became fast friends; and it turned out that you all shared a mutual friend with Jun and Minghao in Sicheng.
As you all sat around at Jungkook’s enormous table, exchanging stories and eating the food you ordered in, Seokmin held your hand under the table. You still hadn’t told your staffs that you were dating yet, even after your conversation with the guys. You wanted to wait until the dust finally settled, which it seemed it had, but before you could say anything, Soonyoung poked Seokmin’s neck. “Dude, is that a hickey?”
Seokmin dropped his fork and his hand flew up to his neck to cover the spot Soonyoung touched. He let go of your hand and grabbed his phone, flipping the camera and tilting his head. Sure enough, there was a small bruise just under his jaw.
Yuta pointed accusingly at you. “That was you, wasn’t it, Y/n?”
“Yeah, that was me.” You leaned your head on Seokmin’s shoulder. “Can you blame me though? I’m just so happy to have my boyfriend with me.”
And like that, the room descended into chaos with people cheering and shouting and whining, “Why didn’t you tell us!”
Seokmin put his phone down and rested his head on top of yours, muttering just loud enough for you to hear, “Who would have thought that we’d ever get here?”
“If you told me we’d all be eating together and that we’d be dating, I would have told you to pinch me.”
“By the way,” Seokmin said, his voice cutting through the din and quelling it, “I have something for you.” He reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out one long-stemmed red rose. “For you.” He handed it to you.
Well, you didn’t need the internet to know what a rose meant.
795 notes · View notes
hugs2doie · 1 year
hi nini ! i love ur works sm <3 it makes me giggle like a school girl (affectionate).. may i request nct 127 texts when you're feeling down/overworked? i just feel like it relates w my situation rn 👻 and please take your time ! keep being amazing and have a nice day ! mwah (and wow u also stan svt,, what a taste)
STOOO THANK U SMM I LOBR U 💔💔 also thank u for specifying the gender in the other ask mwah <3
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nct 127 reaction when you’re feeling down/overworked !
pairing: bf!nct 127 x fem!reader
genre: angst but it gets fluffy fr
warnings: mentions of food/eating, swearing at doyoung’s part
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— taeil
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— johnny
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— taeyong
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— yuta
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— doyoung
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— jaehyun
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— jungwoo
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— mark & haechan
click here !
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HIHI i have a few more asks to answer and im sorry im being slow its just i dont have much motivation 😭 still though, reqs r open !
302 notes · View notes
onyourhyuck · 2 years
OPTIONS. | Kim Jungwoo (M)
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prologue- “If you really want me. Go beg for me, right now. Prove it to me. Words speak louder than actions.” + “Fuck me please, Y/n.”
summary: Jungwoo is heavily into you but you always give him the cold shoulder because you have options.
warnings: switch jungwoo but he is subbing for y/n. Dominate y/n. Mentions of praising and degrading. Hair pulling. Oral male receiving. Hickeys. Titties blowjob. Jungwoo’s down bad for y/n bro.
note- the fic was inspired by Options by Doja Cat.
Another day of Jungwoo eye-fucking you with love hearts in those giant eyes and his grand-charming soft smile at university.
You try your best to ignore this behaviour. In matter of fact you erase it from existence. You’d rather focus on university work that actually has to be done and paid attention to, otherwise your professors might pull a deathbed for you and your endless procrastinating problem you try your best to get rid of. Though that’s another problem for another day.
Right now, your problem is someone called Johnny Suh. Your best friend. He smirks watching your expression fall the moment you saw Jungwoo across the quiet gigantic library where he sat diagonally from where you were sitting alone. Johnny standing to the nearest shelf with a book open in his hands, he closes it with a loud ‘bang’.
Johnny comes forward leaning to your table, teasingly wowing at the boy’s determination. “Now would you look at that. Y/n’s boyfriend came to join her on a little study date.” He pauses, watching your eye twitch when you turned to see him. “How cute.” Johnny sighs, crossing his arms.
You grit your teeth, sneering. “He is not my boyfriend. Secondly if you are here to piss me off you can scram.”
“Whoa what’s got your knickers in a twist this afternoon?” He grins watching the way your eyebrows scrunch and arch like the marriage aisles would, Johnny pushes his index finger on your forehead pushing it away. “Now that looks like sexual frustration to me if i ever seen one.” Johnny points out, causing your stomach to boil and tremble like an soon erupting volcano.
“I am not sexually frustrated.” Y/n replies back lowly, turning the pages on the chemistry textbook.
“Of course you aren’t.” With a hint of sarcasm Johnny spoke before putting the book down and takes a toll on the side before he sat next to you near the table. The muscular biceps flex on the table desk as he whispers. “Hendery is hosting a party at the frat house. You wanna come?” He smirks as you turn your head to look at him with a raise eyebrow.
“Wong Hendery is hosting a party? What’s the occasion.” You question suspiciously and Johnny scoffs. “He’s a party monster. This is nothing compared what he has hosted last year and the year before.”
Just what on earth did Hendery host in the past? It surely sounds like it cost a lot and might’ve got the police involved a few times more than once. You didn’t want to visualise the horrific situation, so you sigh out and give a small nod. Perhaps you need to loosen up. Alcohol might help you. On the plus side Johnny was correct about you; you are sexually frustrated. You need to get laid or at least, makeout with a guy. It’s been a long time since you last fucked with someone…
Your hearts desires over your head was finally swapped over and Johnny saw you agree nonchalantly.
“Alright. I’ll go to the party.”
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The overcrowded population of drunk uni-student adults have barged against Y/n who have dressed perfectly for the occasion with a neatly skinned tight dress. Pushing through it took the strength in you verbally and physically to make it inside the frat house. The Neos have a thing for large parties, each and every one of them. But Hendery was far up the level than the rest of them. The Chinese man tends to be chaotic in his energy therefore he thrives on chaos. He’s hilarious, but he has a knack for over-inviting people to the point you could find the entire university here. It shocks you to know how many people know Hendery and no one seems to hate him. He has the ability to speak to anyone, to befriend anyone, to get on anyones good side no matter what.
It shouldn’t surprise you but it does. You look at the distance of the neos with few girls entertaining them, scanning your eyes hurriedly you meet yours to land on a certain pair of sights on you that have been eyeing you for so long; powerful hungry eyes watching the way your body figure stands to sophisticatedly as well as alluringly, it was as if you stole all the attention he had on whatever until he saw you come in.
Jungwoo. Jungwoo doesn’t know anything besides you now. In his head, in his mind, in his brain and heart; it’s always you.
The boy hovers in your space as he leans on the doorway watching you with mischief in those glinting Iris’ — you look away with a slight air in your voice but nothing came out. “Y/n i didn’t know you were coming.” He said with that sweet calming voice. It makes your heart race all of the sudden. “Johnny invited me.” Y/n tells quickly.
He stands there staring at you with no words. Something about the word ‘Johnny’ ticks him off. Don’t get Jungwoo wrong, he is mates with him. They’re good friends. Brothers even. But when you say someone’s name that isn’t his, it makes his blood boil above the pressure he could ever think to imagine. you watching someone makes him want to stand in your way so they could only see him. It’s no surprise that Jungwoo is this way. He’s laid eyes on you first. He’s crushed on you first. He wishes to be your first too, that you fall in love as much as he loves you. He wants you to confess just like he did to you.
But you’ve rejected. Gave him the cold shoulder and shrug, walked away all over him. Why did this make him want and love you even more though? He never understood why he loves you being an absolute mean bitch to him, he’s addicted to it. If you asked for him to be your punching bag— hell— he’s sure he wouldn’t say no if it’s you asking. Only if it’s you.
“Speaking of Johnny. I need to find him.”
You dismiss yourself from the conversation about to walk away past Jungwoo’s shoulder where he no longer had eye contact with you. You’re supposed to be looking for your best friend— so why, why did a hand stopped you and pulled you on the side somewhere secretively dark where no one could be found but only you and Jungwoo?
The boy pulls you to the corridors between the boys rooms where none of them will be roaming. The neos tends to stick where people are most at. Your back hit the cold painted walls against your bareback with the v-line shaped back dress. His tall figure, much taller than you, hovering against it as his hands on the side were by the wall nearing your face. He had you trapped. He can’t hold back anymore. Something of this situation made you itch in anticipation. Why did those sweet eyes turn dark on him? Where did that simp-of a loving man who wants nothing but to love and shower you with presents go?
His voice changed. His demure changed. Everything is not the same as it once was before.
“Y/n. You have no idea what you do to me.” Jungwoo begins with a hidden rasp to his voice lingering on. He wore the world in his hands as he was speaking each word on his mind without a single thought about it twice. He’s saying whatever comes and goes in that head of his. Your eyes adjust to the darkness with a moonlight shining by the small windows on the side, seeing his eyes go closer as well as his lips. He’s hovering above your red plum mouth, as if he was hesitant still but you knew very well what he wants to do. You stay still closing your eyes as you push a little closer, but not enough to close the gap on your lips. Jungwoo took in your movements carefully, dotting it as a sign for him to close it. Little did you know your body was having a mind of its own, practically screaming Jungwoo’s name to its highest limit. You want him.
Your body wants him. Your heart aches for him. Only your head is unsure and uncertain.
The pair of softness from the lips crashing on yours, the air sucks out of both lungs. Jungwoo groaning by the lips the more reactive you became. You recruited the same amount of passion as him when your eyes closed, when your head shut down from all solutions. You grab on his collar that snuck around his neck. Jungwoo lifting your body up against the walls and groping it by his hands roaming your bare soft back and ass, your legs follow his moves upstairs as he was carrying you now to his bedroom.
You gasp as your body fell with him on the nearest wall inside the bedroom. “Shit.” You murmur as your lips fell apart from his. The boy in front of you having low bangs covering his eyes as he was so lost on the pleasure from you. From what you’re doing. The overwhelming suffocating hot and bothered air got to the both of you and you broke out of the lustful haze.
It’s as if that kiss solved all your problems, all your desires but left you wanting more of him. More from Jungwoo. The boy felt exactly the same and he was willing to give you everything…
But it all comes down to you and your answer to his next question that surely leaves your body trembling at the deposing words you have been putting on hold.
Jungwoo’s swollen pouting lips fall apart with light breathy syllables launching down like nukes. “Y/n, what’s wrong?” His hand travels to cup your face lovingly as your eyes were staring down the floor clearly avoiding to make eye contact.
Once those cold hands touched your burning face by the immense heat— you push them away as you raise your eyes to watch him. Jungwoo’s eyes swung open like a jack o’box toy, falling off the sockets as he was in shock watching you hold his wrist tight so he could no longer touch you. It’s crazy. One minute you’re cold the next you are warm. You’re in for a minute and back away the next . It’s almost like you are conflicted. You’re scared of attachment and to do something this heavily committed to another body scares you.
“Jungwoo.” You tremble his name out like an opening to a dramatic movie scene; you can’t voice your thoughts because everything seems so jumble. The man thickly swallows as he saw your anxious eyes travel around the room and back to the floor. He pulls away from your body as he leans back. You watch his silhouette shadow on the ground lean backwards as you now watch him more comfortably.
“I’m not going to hurt you.” Jungwoo plausibly told. You bite your cheeks. God, is that what you made him think? Is this what you’re coming across as? Even though you might not notice it on you, Jungwoo can see the way you are so uncertain about sleeping with someone. He can tell with the way your nostrils flare at every angle of the foreign situation, it makes your skin prickle underneath your dress. Your ears ring as if it were a bell to break you out of the situation immediately. You don’t trust anyone. You don’t even trust yourself.
It’s not like you’re a virgin. You’re not for godsake’. But that doesn’t mean you had the best scenarios in the past with guys you slept with. They all leave you once you hand your body over. Manipulation tricks fused to get you in their bed all used and then left when the next minute after being done with you. It hurts a lot more than it should’ve.
Your eyes squelch tight closing them with Jungwoo slowly made his way towards your hands interlocking them with his. Pulling you into an embrace as he stroke your head behind with his other free hand. “If you really want me. Go beg for me, right now. Prove it to me. Words speak louder than actions.”
You said to the boy who tug on your hand lifting his face away from the shoulder. He faces you with an incredible excitement but also commitment. Something you haven’t seen in a boy before. What you’re not aware of Jungwoo’s down bad for you. All you have to do is say the words and he will do so. Your hands have him in a physical, mental and spiritual chokehold that no one ever has done to him. He’s at your command, merely your pawn.
“Fuck me please, Y/n.” Jungwoo pleads with his eyes going back when he lands on the bed and you approaching him with a dowering expression that makes his eyes dilate bigger. He doesn’t want to fuck you, to use you, to dominate your body. He wants to be fucked and used by you instead.
He’s only a doll made just for you. Those words left such empowerment to you that you never knew could exist.
The heavenly sight of y/n stuck in between his thighs as he was sitting on the edge of the very king size bed, wet lips splattering across the lengthy manhood, coating to the warm water dribbling by your chin. Jungwoo swore, he lost track of where he was and who the fuck he was in that moment; it’s all he ever fantasied about. The pleasure from the teeth rubbing on the pinkish swelling tip with precum pushing out was enough to craft a smirk on your face. But it wasn’t enough. You want Jungwoo screaming by the end of this— you want people to know how much of a whore he is for you. Only for you.
The sudden warmth embraces his erected large length in between very two squish-able and soft breasts made Jungwoo squeeze his thighs together. Gosh, you are the death of him. The sinful expression on Jungwoo you took a glance at, it filled your stomach with butterflies. How can such an innocent face, a soft boy who you would never expect to be so twisted in more ways than one turn you on in million ways another could not? It’s as if Jungwoo was a sex magnet. He was your sex magnet. Your turn on. The pitiful existence used just for your pleasurable needs. The boy trembled with elbows behind him positioned to hold his posture, though with the way your tits smother his raging cock that was going to release any minute— Jungwoo did not want to come just yet. He does not want to finish yet, he doesn’t want this to end. The wetness of your tongue laying flat on his tip however sent him over the edge. His tip shakes vigorously as it paints your tongue and face in all the white juice. Lips falter apart, a heavens voice comes out of the boy; soft whimpering moans and breathy intake to the lungs echo in the room.
Sweat dripping down on the side of his face. Jungwoo hung his head back with closed. It was as if you sucked all the life out of him. All the energy. Once reopened the eyes, the sight of your chin, lips and tongue covered in his come made him rethink all his decisions: He won’t be letting you go ever again after. Most definitely not. Jungwoo will not let you have anymore options.
You only belong to him. You have many options with him, not anyone else. He would let you fuck anywhere, fuck it, you could fuck with him outside an unhygienic bar and he’d freaking love it. In the kitchen too. Perhaps in the shower? Back seat of the car? Hell, Restaurant too. You both know you got options like this…
“Fuck. Y/n, you like so hot right now.” Jungwoo hollers in excitement when the arm reach from you, fingers gripping behind the blue-ish faded hair as you pull him forward to his lips. Tangling feeling of your tongues together, dancing in carefree sight. His lips were soft and warm, they part ever so slightly allowing your tongue to completely devour him so openly. He submits to you on will and this has left your egotistical complex rise.
“You’re such a whore, Woo.” You murmur past his lips pushing away so suddenly as your palm on his chest pressed him flat on the bed. You crawl on top of him and Jungwoo with widen eyes looks at you helplessly like a prey in danger. He moans at the name you gave him, ‘Woo’, makes him weak on the knees. The way your degrading mouth insults him, god, he is really nothing but a useable toy for you.
You smirk watching him. He is in for a long tiring and dangerous road is in for him tonight.
“Be a good boy for me.” You point out. “And you shall be rewarded by fucking me at the end of it.”
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu! REBLOG THIS FIC. FOLLOW ME FOR MORE IF YOU ENJOY THIS FIC<33
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daydreamingyuta · 1 year
hi hi :)
I love ur writing sm & I was wondering if I could request somethingggg ..
so I was thinking going to a fashion show w/nct127 or them watching y/n on the runway/coming to support.. :)
127 Supporting their Model S/O
A/N: awe literally thank you sm! 🥹 <3 and this was such a cute idea, thank you for sending a request!!
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Doyoung, Jaehyun, & Jungwoo: 
He would sit back and watch you in awe. Like you are all his and he doesn’t know how he got this lucky. Literally whispers a tiny ‘wow’ to himself when you walk out. Definitely gets a sense of pride from seeing his girl up there. Takes lots of pictures so that he can show you just how amazing you are later after the show.
Taeil, Taeyong & Mark: 
He would be so excited that you invited him to go watch you walk on the runway! He’s so proud that you are doing what you have always dreamed of doing and all the hard work it took to get to this point. He would definitely buy you an extra big bouquet of your favorite flowers to give to you after the show to express just how proud of you he is. 
Johnny, Yuta & Haechan: 
He would literally brag to everyone around him that he is dating you and how you are the most stunning person he’s ever met in his life, both inside and out. Like he really wants to make it clear that you are so much more than just a pretty face, because the modeling industry can be so superficial. Also, while your on the runway, you catch a glimpse of him, and you have to try extremely hard not to smile because he’s grinning up at you, like the proud boyfriend he is. 
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saturnznct · 1 year
finding out you’re pregnant | kjw
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➸ request from anon; hi sadie i hope ur having a good day! can i request a scenario where dad!jungwoo and reader find out shes pregnant?(with jaesung!) thank you !🌟
➸ word count; 956 words
➸ jaesang; aged 3
➸ warning(s); infertility, miscarriage mentions, fainting, sickness, hospital
nct masterlist
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Getting pregnant had always seemed like an impossibility. You and Jungwoo had tried for three years, with a multitude of different methods, including IVF, but to no success. Doctors visits and fertility treatments had also amounted to nothing, despite different exams and tests showing that there was no real reason for the infertility, just seemingly bad luck. Eventually, after a long process, you were able to adopt your son, Jaesang.
Jaesang was your everything, the centre of both of your worlds, and you were so unbelievably grateful that the universe had brought your family together.
Once you had decided to adopt and Jaesang was brought home, it was such a relief to not constantly think about conceiving and ovulation. You and Jungwoo decided to stay off of birth control. You could just carry on the same way as you were before, and if you became pregnant, then you became pregnant, and if not, then you still had your beautiful baby boy.
When Jaesang was one, what seemed like the impossible happened. You missed a period, and after a few weeks of putting it off due to a mix of denial and being too busy taking care of Jaesang, you took a pregnancy test, which came back positive. You and Jungwoo were amazed to say the least, terrified but overjoyed. So naturally, you were both absolutely devastated when your baby didn’t have a heartbeat at your first scan. You grieved for quite some time, it was heartbreaking but at the same time, felt like a miracle you were even pregnant in the first place. Jaesang got you both through the darkness, and you and Jungwoo felt your love for your son was reinforced from the experience.
Two years later, and Jaesang was three years old, and still the light of your lives. You had healed, as much as you could possibly, from the miscarriage, you had thrown all of your efforts into raising your son. He was so smart and the most incredible little boy, very sociable and active, keeping you and Jungwoo on your toes. He had just began nursery, and had begun to come home with stories about his new friends and crude paintings of you and your family that now littered your fridge doors.
At the moment, Jungwoo was up to his neck in work, meaning he was often needed at the company and so it was you who was doing the dropping off and picking up. You’d felt off today, a quite dizzy and lightheaded, but you had tried your best to push it away and power through.
‘Mrs Kim!’ Jaesang’s nursery teacher sees you approaching, Jaesang stood by her side holding her hand.
‘Mummy/mommy!’ He exclaims, toddling the short distance to you and into your arms.
‘Hi sweetheart,’ you return his hug, ‘did you have a good day?’
‘Yeah! We played outside!’
‘Oh wow that sounds like so much fun!’
‘Here’s Jaesang’s drawing for today,’ his teacher hands you a piece of paper with various different coloured scribbles on, ‘and here’s a letter with information about the vaccinations for-‘
She continues talking, but suddenly everything feels fuzzy. Black spots fill your vision, and your ears feel as though you’ve just been pushed underwater.
Before you know it, you can feel that you’re laying down, and there is the eerie sound of white noise, and two voices talking quietly. Jaesang and Jungwoo.
‘What happened to mummy/mommy?’ Jaesang asks innocently, sitting on Jungwoo’s lap in a chair beside your hospital bed.
‘Mummy/mommy just needed a little nap,’ Jungwoo explains, ‘but she’ll wake up soon.’
‘Oh,’ JaesangJaesang says, a little deflated at the lack of answers.
’She’s just fine though, Jaesangie. No need to worry.’
Your eyes flutter open to meet Jaesang’s who sits up excitedly at seeing you wake up.
Jungwoo’s head whips around to see you, and Jaesang wriggles out of his arms and to your bedside, pulling himself up onto the hospital bed beside you.
‘Hello sweetheart,’ you accept him into your arms, kissing his forehead, ‘did I give you a fright?’
The little boy nods, snuggling his head into your neck.
‘I’m sorry,’ you rub his back reassuringly, ‘I must have scared you.’
Jaesang becomes quiet, so you turn your attention to Jungwoo.
‘What’s going on?’ ‘What happened to me, Woo?’
Jungwoo briefly glances at Jaesang.
‘Hey, Jaesangie, how about you sit outside with auntie Minah for a few minutes?’ Jungwoo suggests, ‘they have lots of cool toys in the waiting room!’
‘Okay,’ Jaesang is led outside by Jungwoo, who returns minutes later.
‘Your sister’s here?’ you ask.
‘Yeah, I was in a schedule so the school couldn’t get ahold of me, so they went for the next emergency contact.’
‘Sorry to drag you away,’ you sigh, rubbing your eyes with your hands, ‘I don’t know what happened.’
‘It was a boring schedule. And the doctors ran some blood tests while you were out.’
‘What was it? Low blood sugar?’
‘Baby, you’re pregnant again.’
‘They said you’re around six weeks pregnant.’
‘Oh,’ you laugh, ‘that’s- wow.’
‘I know,’ Jungwoo places his hand on your cheek, ‘how are you feeling?’
‘I don’t know. Like i’m still passed out and dreaming. But scared.’
‘I’m scared too,’ Jungwoo admits, ‘I don’t know what I’ll do if we lose another baby. But for now I think we should be hopeful. We have another miracle baby.’
‘We’re so lucky.’
‘I know. And regardless of what happens, we’re going to be okay. And as of now.. we’re going to have another baby. Jaesang will be a big brother.’
Tears prick in your eyes, ‘I love you both so much.’
‘I love both of you too. You’re both everything to me. All of our babies are.’
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fadedncity · 1 year
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wc: 1.8k (teaser)
pairing: mark x fem!reader
cw: street racing au, childhood friends to lovers, mentions of other idols; (full fic) tags: smut, lil angst, alcohol consumption, use of marijuana, teasing, fingering, semi public sex, marking, oral sex (giving/receiving), dirty talk, pet names, praising, multiple orgasms, more to come…
a/n: everyone thank ay-yo mark for finally getting me out of my writers block 😁 p.s. i don’t know shit about cars and only have knowledge based off the fast and furious movies so apologies 😭
[9:16 PM] FRIDAY
"Come on. The cops are gonna bust it before we even get there!" Summer stomped her heels like a whiny child.
"You know these things never start on time, we will be fine," you said, coming down the stairs.
"You could always go ahead of us and we'll meet you there," Nyla said, checking herself in the mirror, "Oh wait, you can't drive," she deadpanned.
"Only temporarily," Summer rolled her eyes.
"Only until your suspension is lifted," you reminded.
"One of you could let me borrow a car. It's only an issue if I get caught." Summer says matter of factly, like either of you would agree with her.
"That is the issue, sweetie, you did get caught." Nyla pats Summer's cheek.
Summer crossed her arms, again acting like a moody toddler.
"Let's go," you grabbed your keys off the table, "Thought you didn't wanna be late." You said to Summer, heading out the door.
With an annoyed huff, Summer gathered her things and followed you and Nyla out the door.
The three of you got into your car, the gentle purr of the engine coming to life once you put the key in the ignition, sending vibrations through the entire vehicle. Music filtered through the speakers as you pulled out of your spot and took off down the street.
"Hyuck said to make sure you turn your lights off when you're coming up," Summer relayed a message she received from Haechan once you were halfway there.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," you waved off.
You turned off your headlights once you neared the exit, moving offroad. You carefully drove into the woods on unpaved ground, heading deeper into the darkness as the distant streetlights weren't doing anything to assist your sight anymore. 
"I always hate this part," Nyla says from the passenger seat.
"Gotta make sure we don't get caught if any cops are hiding around here." You said.
"I know, but it always feels like the beginning of a horror movie. And you know the hot ones always die first," Nyla pouted.
You found the opening in the fence, worn down from being driven over so many times, and pulled into the abandoned army base, finally able to cut your lights back on.
The sound of music playing and tires screeching on the pavement could already be heard from the runway the meet was on, and you were still a few hangars away.
You slow down once you reach the crowd taking over the runway. People move out of the way as you cruise down the road, looking for a spot to park.
"Ain't that Johnny over there," Summer pointed from the backseat.
"I'd recognize that giant beanstalk anywhere," you say before honking your horn, startling the Aquarius and getting his attention.
"Wow, the princess, actually graces us with her presence on this lovely night," Johnny curtsies, and you scoff.
"Just move out the way before I run your ass over." you tell him.
You backed your car into the spot next to Johnny, and your friends practically jumped out of the vehicle before you could put it in park. You hadn't even closed your door when Johnny embraced you in a tight hug. 
"Jesus, John, gonna crack a rib," you gasp.
"Feels like we don't see you at these things anymore," He let you go.
"Come on, it hasn't been that long. I was here a few weeks ago."
"For like 20 minutes. You left before you could even see me smoke Jungwoo," he crossed his arms over his chest.
You remember that night. You had totally forgotten the assignment you had due at 11:59 and raced back home to turn it in on time.
"Shit. That's my bad. You know it's just stuff with the garage and school and…stuff," you trail off.
"Yeah, I get it," Johnny slung his arm around you, "You're doing good though, kiddo," you both started trailing behind Nyla and Summer.
"How do you figure?"
"Made it further than me. I had already dropped out by this point," Johnny said, sharing a laugh.
The music came from every direction with people displaying their boosted sound systems out of their trunks. The ones not focusing on the races were too busy gawking at the expensive modifications under the hoods of those showing them off.
"Last chance. Winner take all," you instantly recognize Chenle's voice over the rest of the clamor.
You watch Summer reach into her bag, giving Chenle an indescribable amount, looking proud of herself.
"Who're you betting on?" Johnny asks her. 
"Yeri, duh," she answered. 
"You sure that was a good choice?" he asks, teasingly.
"Obviously. Hyuck ain't got shit on her." 
"Yeah, alright," Johnny rolled his eyes, taking a bit of offense himself.
"Where is Haechan, by the way? He's up next," Jeno asks.
"Over there talking to Jaemin," Chenle nodded to the opposite side of the runway where Jaemin's car was parked.
You spotted the back of Haechan's head speaking to Jaemin through the window of his car, probably checking the police scanner and making sure you're all still in the clear, no doubt. Then your eyes land on the guy standing next to him, recognizing his silhouette.
"Oh my god, is that-" Summer starts.
"Mark Lee?" you will your vision to focus from this distance to see clearer. "Mark's back in town and no one said anything?" you hit Johnny's arm.
"You would know if you were here." Chenle shrugged.
"I'm sorry, who is Mark?" Nyla asks.
Everyone turned and looked at Nyla.
"Mark Lee? How do you not know Mark?" Summer says, showing Nyla his Instagram.
"How did you pull that up so fast?" Renjun asks.
"Holy shit, he's good," Nyla says impressed, and you already know Summer pulled up one of the videos of him racing.
"Better be. I taught him." Johnny smiles like a proud father. "We all go way back," he says, "Ain't that right?" Johnny nudges your arm.
Way back. 
Way back when you used to spend hours at the garage with your father after school and only knew Johnny as your father's best and favorite (unconfirmed) employee. And Mark was some boy from your high school that you didn't even know until you went to your first car meet.
Way back doesn't even feel that far away anymore now seeing him. It almost feels exactly like the first car meet you snuck out to. When you first met him.
"If your father knew you were here, he would lose his shit. If he found out I let you drive he would have my head. You are not getting into any car—getting behind any wheel tonight under any circumstances. Do you understand?" Johnny said. 
"Aht, I mean it," he said, shooting you down before changing the subject, "You know Mark, right?" he asked. 
"No, I don't know Mark." 
"Well, this is Mark," Johnny said, yanking the boy out of a conversation to introduce the both of you. "You mind keeping each other company, and make sure she stays out of..everything," Johnny not so quietly muttered to Mark. "I'm up next, so be good while I'm gone," Johnny patted your head before he hopped in his car, leaving the two of you alone. 
"I can't image he's much less of a jackass at work." Mark said. 
"He definitely isn't. I don't think it's something he can turn off," you laughed before you looked over at him, "How'd you know I'm from the garage?" you asked. 
"Johnny said you might be here tonight. He talks about you all the time, like a little sister he's never had," Mark tells you. 
"Oh really? What else has he said?" 
"You're one hell of a driver."
"Come on, it's starting," Summer pulling on your arm, tore you out of your thoughts, and you realize Mark's no longer in your sight, having lost him in the crowd.
People gather on either side of the runway, cheering as Haechan's electric blue Supra pulled up next to Yeri's lavender-wrapped GT-R, stopping right before the spray-paint on the pavement that served as the starting and finish line.
Chenle stood between both cars, looking at Haechan and Yeri. He raised his arms, both drivers reviving up their cars, Haechan burning out his tires, kicking up smoke behind his car before Chenle dropped his arms, and they both sped off past him down the road.
Through all the commotion, you spotted Mark again. And before you could even think about it you were already weaving your way through the crowd to get to him.
"So you thought you could just come back to town and not say anything to anybody?" you say, getting his attention.
Mark's eyes light up, no longer concerned with the race upon seeing you.
"I just got in yesterday but heard you were gonna be here tonight. So I thought I'd surprise you."
"Consider me surprised."
You take the time to notice everything about him, the things that have changed and the things that haven't. Like his hair, no longer dark with the typical schoolboy cut. It's now grown out and blonde—that was as much as you could tell from the beanie it was all tucked underneath. But nothing about his face is much different than how you remember it. Still the same soft eyes you can get yourself lost in and the sweet smile that used to bring one to your face.
"So who's your money on?" Mark asks you.
"You know I'm not throwing anything unless I really got something to lose," you say, "But if I did put my money on one of them, it would definitely be Yeri. She's winning this."
"Yeah, she's a good driver but don't you know what Haechan has under his hood?"
"Yeah, but it's no match for what's under Yeri's. And I would know. I put it all together myself," you smiled proudly.
You heard the cars approaching, closing in on the finishing line. From this distance, it's hard to tell who's winning, but you aren't as eager as the rest of the crowd cheering on either side to see who would make it to the end first.
The cars blurred past you, wind whipping behind them, blowing your hair out of place a bit as you turned to Mark.
"Now would you look at that," you smiled as Yeri was announced as the winner, "I know it's been a while Mark, but the last thing you should forget is that I'm always right."
"Trust, there isn't anything about you I could forget," Mark says.
a/n: i’m currently already at 7k but just wanted to know how y’all feel about this so ik whether i should keep going or not so pls lmk! feedback is appreciated <33
edit: currently at 11k and still haven’t gotten to the smut yet…y’all pray for me
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johnnysuhbmarine · 7 months
My Favorite English Line for each NCT Member
Okay, this is something that has been on my mind for a while, but I think I've finally sorted things out enough to finish the complete list, so now I'm sharing it with the world (cause ya know, to the world, nct)
Before we get started: this is my opinion, and not what I'm claiming to be their most iconic or best line (because then we all know what Jaehyun's would be and it has to do with queso), but these are just my favorite lines to listen to because they make me transcend or something.
Also, I did not include solo stuff when compiling this because otherwise, some line from Horizon would beat out every other Jaehyun line and that's too much personal bias to feel like including - I just really love Horizon.
Now, it's time to share my most ambitious project yet:
Johnny: "ice on with no lights on, but you're still shining yeah" (faded in my last song)
you guys, you guys. the way he sings this is crazy. I love Johnny Suh
Taeyong: "multicolored diamonds like the rainbow yeah, yeah, yeah" (regular)
it's just so addicting I don't think you guys understand. especially with his little choreography, it's perfect
Yuta: "baby we go wild. 127 squad" (kick it)
nothing gets me pumped up like how this Yuta line gets me pumped up. it's so good. he's so good!!
Kun: "it was all out of my control but I really want you to know the truth" (on my youth english version)
the way this is sung, I could listen to it on repeat forever. fantastic job, Kun. wish I could give him a pat on the head for this.
Doyoung: "so stay" (promise you)
Doyoung biases don't come at me for my favorite line of his only being two words. Doyoung is my son, I love him with everything in me, and this is so soft and perfect of him that there's no way it couldn't be my favorite. he's the reason this song is so amazing.
Ten: "oh baby, give it to me" (baby don't stop)
yeah this absolutely raises me from the grave it's so aurally pleasing I can't even begin to describe it.
Jaehyun: "it's a cruel game, I cannot lose" (sit down!)
everyone go listen to this song right now I'm not even kidding. this Jaehyun line is so addicting and perfect and hot wow.
WinWin: "we should be together, you should know" (king of hearts)
I have ALWAYS loved this part, so finding my favorite english line for him was pretty easy because wow. what a pre-chorus this man gives us. thank you, WinWin.
Jungwoo: "hey, I see you" (ay-yo)
back to absolutely transcending this line is crazy. very good, Jungwoo. wow.
Mark: "skrrt pull up in the coupe beep beep. girl, I got your lovin' on repeat" (highway to heaven english version)
I actually cannot explain how much I love this line. my mom even listens to this song with me specifically because she also knows how FANTASTIC and addicting this part is.
Xiaojun: "can I be honest? I so hate to be controlled" (take off)
wow. everything about Xiaojun is just wow, including this line.
Hendery: "falling for a stranger, good gracious" (love talk english version)
you guys. you guys. it's the "good gracious." why is it so addicting and perfect? I love Hendery so much I cannot even begin to explain, but this line is surely one of the reasons why because wow. I am asexual, but when Hendery sings this...
Renjun: "I go round and around like a merry-go" (SOS)
again, if I was going for iconic, I would've put his bridge in ISTJ, but this line of his is so perfect and aurally pleasing that I physically couldn't not put it in this list. this one line is the reason I love SOS as much as I do.
Jeno: "you owe me sleep" (broken melodies)
Haechan: "you see my hope was all but gone" (superhuman)
okay this one is a very iconic line but can I be blamed for it also being on my favorites list? no. because this line is the definition of transcendental. everything about it, including Haechan, is perfect.
Jaemin: "shakin’ stirrin’ drinkin’ up" (smoothie)
this Jaemin line is crazy I really don't know what else to tell you. Actually affects every nerve in my body
YangYang: "she's a keeper, but I just can't keep her" (low low)
you guys. you know it's good when I pull out the "you guys" as my only coherent thought at first. YangYang eats here.
Chenle: "guess I finally get back to you" (broken melodies)
is my favorite line for my bias and bias wrecker in NCT Dream both from my favorite NCT Dream song? yes, but the fact that I am in love with how Chenle sings this line has nothing to do with the fact that it feeds into my delusions. I promise.
Jisung: "hate this distance cause I'm just left here singing" (broken melodies)
okay, Jisung isn't my bias nor bias wrecker but my favorite line of his still comes from Broken Melodies because NO ONE sings this part like he does and I have to make sure you all are aware of that. this line was made for Jisung.
Okay that- that's all twenty members. I have no clue what to do with myself now.
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rereisstuff · 1 year
babe could u write smth with doyoung plss?? smth like johnny/hyuck teasing doyoung bc they catght you and doie making out in the 127's dorm pls 🥺
summary: a cute family scenario, we love to see it.
pairing: idol!reader x idol!doyoung.
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“long time no see” Doyoung whispered against your lips as he smirked playfully.
after a long week of schedules you guys could finally be together, that agreement ended in you over Doyoung’s lap while kissing in an almost—aggressive—way.
Doyoung reassured all 127 was gone and your bandmate confirmed it as she stumbled across them in a bar across the one she was in.
that’s why you were going nasty with Doyoung in the couch, your fingers tingled as you caressed his neck, then his chest, undoing his button up shirt.
“i love you” he whispered again as he began to lift up your shirt, to take it off.
his shiny eyes and gummy smile trapped you more, you loved him so much it hurt, so you kissed him harder.
“oh wow this is premium kind of content, i don’t see this kind of action at Dream’s” you heard a voice behind you and in a split second you had eight pair of eyes on you.
you began to panic, you didn’t even knew them formally now they saw you making out in their couch.
“of course not, they’re all kids and they actually respect their collective home” Taeyong said looking at both of you.
“very much losers not kids” Jungwoo threw himself in the couch besides Doyoung and you.
“i think i better leave, let’s met formally later” you grabbed your stuff and after giving Doyoung a quick peck and everyone a slight smile you left.
“oh hyung is getting some!” Haechan started shaking Doyoung’s shoulders.
“he chased us out of the house just to get kissy kissy” Johnny joked as well while attempting to kiss Doyoung’s ear.
“what’s her name? i think i’ve seen her as MC, oh my good my noona an important personality?” Jungwoo clinged to Doyoung’s neck making him whine louder than before.
suddenly Jaehyun clinged to Doyoung as well and suddenly started signing Perfume, like…the romantic parts.
“oh our Doyoung is in love” Yuta pinched his cheek and he just sulked and got up.
“i hate y’all”
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mymoodwriting · 2 years
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Request for Anon (Yandere Alien Jungwoo) 4.5k, yandere, smut, sex dreams, fingering, blow job, hand job, restraints, penetration, double penetration, tentacles, aphrodisiac, drugs, breeding kink
“I’m so glad you’re here.”
    It had taken Jungwoo months of nagging to get you to finally move in with him. He felt it was appropriate after you had crossed that six months mark, especially as everything had been so perfect so far. He had certainly worn you down until you finally agreed, and of course you were both so excited. So maybe you had been holding up cause of your lease, but it was cute to watch him beg. Now that you were moving in you honestly couldn’t believe it. From now on you’d be sleeping in bed with him every night, and you’d have breakfast and dinner together. You couldn’t hide your joy for one minute.
“You’re so cute when you smile.” Jungwoo commented. “Shall we order something to eat?”
“I know a place around here that has your favorite.”
    While Jungwoo ordered some food you decided to lay down on the couch, catching your breath after all that hard work. There were a lot of boxes to unpack, but getting them all in here was good enough for now. After a moment Jungwoo came up and hugged you from behind, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“You wanna take a nap before the food gets here?”
“So you can eat all the good parts first? No way.”
“You don’t trust me?”
“I do, just not when it comes to food.”
“I guess I should start unpacking some boxes while I wait. Or else I might fall asleep on the couch.”
“Fine, but I will be helping.”
“Of course.”
    You weren’t shy or embarrassed about Jungwoo helping you unpack things like your clothes and intimates. He had already seen you naked, and besides, two people were better than one. You had finished rearranging the closet when the food arrived, and you quickly ran out to get it, beating him to it. He complained but still, the two of you sat down to eat.
“Isn’t this nice? The two of us, together at home.”
“You’re gonna make me blush. I’m still processing.”
“I was thinking… since it’s our first night living together… we could… break in the bed?”
“We’ve already done that.”
“But tonight is a special night.”
“Hm… it sounds great, but I have to get up early tomorrow for work. This may be something big for us, but the world’s not gonna stop to let us enjoy it like that.”
“Awe, come on.”
“I need a good night’s sleep. I’m gonna get berated with questions about this tomorrow. Who knows what’ll slip out of my mouth if I’m exhausted.”
“Please, pretty please.”
“Aish, why does my boyfriend have to be so cute.”
“So is that a yes?”
“No. And don’t try to be funny or you’ll be sleeping on the couch.”
“Wow, you’re so mean.”
“But you still love me.”
Jungwoo huffed for a bit. “Yeah, I do.”
    Jungwoo offered to do the dishes while you prepared for bed, wanting you to take your time and get used to the new living accommodations. His shower pressure was certainly better, but it was just nice to know he was nearby in case anything ever happened. He washed up after you, and by the time he got out you were already in bed under the sheets. Jungwoo happily joined you, pulling you into a hug.
“Easy…” You mumbled. “I did warn you…”
“Are cuddles not allowed?”
“Only cuddles…”
“Sleep well, my love.”
    Sleeping well was a major understatement. After a relaxing shower you easily fell asleep, feeling warm in Jungwoo’s embrace. You drifted off, feeling like it would be a peaceful night. At first it was, and then you began to feel a heat between your legs. You still felt like you were dreaming, and given where this was going, you didn’t want to wake up. You rubbed your thighs together, soft whimpers escaping your lips. Soon enough you felt something creeping up your leg, and you knew exactly where it was going.
“Jungwoo… Jungwoo… Jungwoo!”
    You jumped up as your alarm went off, startling you awake. You looked over to see Jungwoo asleep, his back towards you, although he was starting to wake up, slowly looking over at you with one eye open.
“Hm? Are you okay?”
“I… sorry… I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“Your alarm…”
“Ah, right.”
    You reached over and turned off the alarm on your phone, carefully getting out of bed. You washed up and prepared for the day, giving Jungwoo a kiss goodbye before you left.
“Have a good day, my love…”
“I will, now go back to sleep.”
“Love you…”
“Love you too.”
    You went on your morning commute, getting into the office at your usual time. You greeted your coworkers and got settled in, suddenly remembering your dream last night. Maybe you should have slept with him.
“Huh? Oh, good morning, Taeyong.”
“What you zoning out for, way too early for that.”
“Nothing. So, what’s on the agenda for today?”
    You went about your day like normal, no one asking about you having moved in with Jungwoo, which was a relief. They’d probably bring it up eventually. It wasn’t until you were on your way back home that you remembered your dream. It was odd for sure, but sex dreams weren’t uncommon. Maybe you were just so fixated by it because it was your first one, especially having it while sleeping peacefully with Jungwoo for the first time. Even if you two had relations before, you never slept together through the night, always having to get back to your own place to get some proper rest before work.
“Jungwoo, I’m home!”
“Ah, welcome back, my love.”
    Jungwoo rushed over to greet you, picking you up in his arms and spinning you around before peppering your face with kisses.
“Aish, did you miss me that much?”
“Missed you so much more knowing you come home to me now.”
“Did you have a good day at work?’
“It was wonderful, as I knew you’d be here tonight.”
“Well, here I am.”
“Good. I made dinner, and then we can unpack some more.”
“Sounds good.”
    You ate together, Jungwoo happily feeding you from time to time. Once you had full bellies you finished unpacking, and this place really felt like home.
“So, shall we take a shower together?”
“Hm, just a shower?”
“I might wanna do something else.”
“Maybe… we’ll see.”
    This was your first time showering together, his place definitely had the space for it. Jungwoo was so adorable, being gentle as he helped you wash up your hair, and you did his. He enjoyed watching you, seeing you so happy in such a space. He had you stand under the shower head as he massaged your shoulders.
“So… shall my hands move elsewhere.”
“Hm… that sounds nice, but I think I’m too exhausted for late night activities.”
“Awe, I guess the shower is too relaxing.”
“Then let’s get you to bed.”
    Jungwoo helped you out of the shower and wrapped you up in a towel, drying you off. You both got dressed for bed and settled in, Jungwoo pulling you into his arms again. He kissed your head.
“Sweet dreams, my love.”
“Sweet dreams…”
    Maybe your dreams were too sweet. You were lying on your back, splayed out with Jungwoo hugging you, the sheets halfway down your body. It was a cool night, but Jungwoo was keeping you warm, at least to some degree. You were deep in sleep when you felt a tingling sensation coming from your breasts. You let out a content hum, starting to feel good. A heat began growing between your legs, and you let out a whimper. You felt like something was traveling up your body, hands perhaps, and you knew who they belonged to.
“Jungwoo… stop it…”
    You couldn’t bring yourself to fully wake up, liking the feeling too much. He probably didn’t hear you or just continued cause he knew deep down that was what you wanted. The hands kept trailing up your body, a cold wetness starting to come from them, making you shiver.
“Jungwoo… Jungwoo…”
    Your alarm went off, and your eyes shot open. You looked down to see Jungwoo in the same place, and you realized one of his arms was under you, apparently you had slept on it all night. You carefully got out of bed and pulled up the cover for Jungwoo, sneaking off to get ready for work. You came back to kiss him goodbye, finding his mumbles adorable.
“See you later, love.”
“Bye… bye…”
    It was another uneventful, but busy day at work. Taeyong had you running in circles and dealing with so many customers that by lunchtime you were ready to go home.
“So… you and Jungwoo…” Johnny smiled. “How’s living with the boyfriend? Should we expect an announcement soon?”
“Oh please, don’t start.”
“Just curious. Is the happy couple still happy?”
“Very much.”
“Yeah? Broken in the bed yet?”
“Shut up.”
“Come on, we’ve told you about our sexcapades before.”
“Well we haven’t done anything. Busy unpacking and work is driving me crazy, I’m too tired for anything else.”
“That’s all the more reason to have him take care of you.” 
“I mean… I think he has…”
“Nothing, nevermind.”
“No, no, spill, what are you talking about?”
“I just… I think I had a sex dream?”
“Oh, do tell.”
“It wasn’t really anything, just, the last two nights, when I’m sleeping, I feel like someone… like something is happening.”
“Wow, didn’t think Jungwoo was the type.”
“But I’m not sure if he did anything, or they’re just dreams. When I wake up, considering where he is in bed, it doesn’t seem possible.”
“Maybe he’s frustrated and acting out in his sleep. This is the first time he gets to sleep with such a pretty girl.”
“You think?”
“Maybe. Wouldn’t hurt to ask. Although I’ve heard he doesn’t move around in bed.”
“Only one way to find out I guess.”
    You kept Johnny’s words in mind as you made your way home. You announced your arrival and Jungwoo ran over to greet you, another big hug and lots of kisses.
“How was work?”
“Boring but busy. And you?”
“Dragged too much, but I feel better now that you’re here. So how about dinner and TV, your favorite drama starts soon.”
“Sounds perfect.”
    You ate on the couch while the TV was on, cuddling up after eating to finish up the episode. Afterwards you stayed put, cuddling for a while, and you figured now was the time to ask about the last couple nights.
“Have you been sleeping well?”
“Yeah, why? You haven’t?”
“Well… I think I’ve been… having sex dreams…”
“Oh, dreaming about me? How sweet. What am I-”
“Not like that.” You sat up. “I feel like someone is touching me, and like… is that you?”
“What? No, you said you don’t wanna do anything, and I respect that. Maybe you’re the one who wants something.”
“Yeah, well I don’t have the energy for it. I’m gonna go shower and then go to bed.”
“Shall I join you?”
“Maybe next time.”
    You trusted Jungwoo, and given the evidence you had, he definitely wasn’t doing anything. Maybe it was your subconscious begging for something you didn’t have time for at the moment. At this point, two nights in a row, it was getting a bit annoying. Still, you stayed focus on what was to come. You snuggled into the covers and soon enough Jungwoo got in and spooned you, giving you soft kisses.
“Dream of me, okay?”
“I’ll do my best.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too, night.”
    You thought after confronting the situation you’d have a normal night, but that seemed to be the furthest thing from your mind. You slept in Jungwoo’s embrace, using his arm as a pillow, happy and content. You were already warm and comfy, but soon you felt something moving up your leg. It was kinda cold which made you shiver, and before you could think too much of it you felt it between your legs, rubbing back and forth through your panties. You let out a whimper, pulling your legs up a bit. Soon enough you felt something else curling around your breasts and a moan escaped your lips.
“Jungwoo, cut it out…”
“Stop it…”
“Your hands…”
    You opened your eyes, beating your alarm by a few seconds. When you looked over at Jungwoo he was lying on his back, and you noticed your face outline on the arm you had been sleeping on. You shook your head and got out of bed, going to splash some cold water in your face. You had no idea what was going on with you, but right now you didn’t have the time to worry. You got ready and kissed Jungwoo goodbye. Of course Johnny wanted to know what went down with his advice so he got you to join him for lunch again.
“He said he didn’t do anything.”
“Hm, he is a deep sleeper.”
“Or maybe he’s lying.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Three nights in a row? That’s one too many to be a coincidence.”
“Then tell him to sleep on the couch.”
“Just saying. If you think he’s doing something then have him sleep on the couch for one night or something.”
“I don’t think I could do that to him.”
“Then you sleep on the couch.”
“Hm… maybe…”
“Something does seem off with that not gonna lie. Although I wish I had that many sex dreams.”
“Oh, shut up.”
    One of you sleeping on the couch wasn’t a bad idea, but you doubt Jungwoo would like it either way. Still, you needed answers to all this. When you got home Jungwoo greeted you as always, very happy to see you, although he could see that something was on your mind.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen at work?”
“No, nothing like that.”
“Then what’s wrong?”
“I don’t know… I just had another weird dream last night and… I think something is up with me…”
“Another sex dream? And here I thought I was frustrated. Then how about I help you wash away your worries and give you what you want.”
“I’m not sure that will solve the problem.”
“Oh come on, isn’t that what your subconscious is telling you?”
“The fact you’re not worried here is saying a lot.”
“What are you talking about? Sex dreams are normal, and aren’t dreams supposed to tell you something. I can interpret this dream loud and clear.”
“Now I’m really starting to think you’re doing something while I’m asleep.”
“I said I didn’t.” 
“Your attitude says otherwise.”
“I’m worried and you think this is a joke. How can I not suspect you?”
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry. Can we just have dinner and go to bed?”
“I think I’m gonna eat out and stay with a friend tonight.”
“A night away from you should prove whether it’s you or not.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“I am.”
“You’re not leaving.”
“I’ll text you later.”
“I said you’re not leaving!”
    Jungwoo ran over to you and pulled you into his arms. You were startled as he raised his voice, also a bit confused by the hug. Once you regained your senses you started to squirm, trying to break free.
“Jungwoo, let go.”
“You can’t leave.”
“Let go.” You managed to move a bit, but he just wound up hugging you from behind. “Jungwoo, this is childish.”
“It’s not my fault.”
“Then what is it?”
“I couldn’t help it…”
Jungwoo sighed. “I worked so hard to get you here, I can’t just let you leave cause you’re upset with me.”
“You’re staying here.”
    You were suddenly lifted off the ground, Jungwoo carrying you off to the bedroom with ease. You knew he was strong, but this was beyond what you thought. Jungwoo threw you down on the bed, quickly climbing on top of you and pinning you between his thighs.
“Jungwoo, what the fuck!”
    He wasn’t listening to you, and took his shirt off. You weren’t really liking where this was going, but things took an unexpected turn. Jungwoo closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief, and then your eyes went wide. You weren’t sure that what you were seeing was real. Six cyan limbs, or tentacles, sprouted from his back, three on either side. They seemed to stretch before settling down, almost giving the illusion of wings.
“You… you…”
“It feels nice to let them out. I’ve kept them hidden since you moved in, but clearly they’ve been trouble.”
“Your little sex dreams… they have a mind of their own, but I can’t blame them.”
“You’re not… human…”
“No, I just look like one. This planet isn’t bad… but I prefer my home.”
“Then why… why are you…”
“Here? A little vacation and sightseeing, but mostly… I’m looking for a mate.”
“A… a mate?”
“Yup. I saw you and everything just clicked. I knew I had to have you.”
“So… all this time… you just…”
“Oh, no, no, no, I do love you. All that time spent together has been wonderful. And you’re so cute.” Jungwoo leaned down and kissed your cheek. “Which is why I can’t lose you.”
“This isn’t… love… you’re just…”
“Sh. I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long. I’ve been restraining myself as best as I can but… it is mating season for me afterall.”
“Mating… season…”
Jungwoo smiled. “You’ll enjoy it, I promise.”
“Wa… wait!”
    Seeing those tentacles suddenly come to life sent a chill down your spine. Jungwoo let you get your arms free, but he quickly pinned them above your head, his lips moving to yours. He kissed you deeply, and then his lips trailed down to your neck, starting to suck on the exposed skin. While he gave you attention, his tentacles started going elsewhere. One immediately went into your pants, right under your panties and reached your core. It rubbed back and forth, the feeling made you whimper, and you recognized the familiarity of it. The last couple of nights, they started to make sense, even if all this seemed impossible.
    Two other tentacles went under your shirt, pushing your bra up and wrapping around your breasts. They were all wet, but soon enough you began to feel warm. Despite everything your body was responding against your wishes, getting more stimulation than you were used to. That was probably why your head was getting fuzzy, or maybe that was something else. Once you seemed calm enough Jungwoo released his grip, although his tentacles kept your arms pinned as he began to undress you. He started with your pants, getting some help tugging them down, and then slipping you out of your shirt, tossing your bra off to the side.
“You seem happy.”
“When I’m not holding back my pheromones can be quite overwhelming, plus the aphrodisiac my tentacles exude makes things very enjoyable.”
“Sh, just enjoy yourself.”
    Jungwoo gave you a quick kiss, he then went down to your chest, pressing a kiss between your breasts before taking one into his mouth. You let out a moan, losing any sense of self control, slowly but surely. The tentacle between your legs kept teasing you, and then it started swirling around your entrance, making you needy. One of Jungwoo’s hands also dove down there, playing with your clit. You were already so wet with a foreign substance, and before you could wonder about the taste, a tentacle softly pushed into your mouth. It felt like a gummy, and had a sweet cherry taste to it. You were already so lost in your own pleasure you were practically a rag doll.
“Do you feel good?” Jungwoo asked, before seeing what was happening. “Ah, I see someone got greedy. Shall I?”
    You were more focused on gently sucking on the tentacle in your mouth, getting addicted to the taste, although someone wanted a taste too. The tentacle pulled out with a loud pop, giving you a second to breathe before Jungwoo was kissing you. His own lips were already shining, and just gave you a fresh taste of cherry. His hand moved away from your clit, wanting to hold your head and keep you close as his lips devoured you.
“You’re so beautiful.”
    You had sex with Jungwoo before, but not like this. You couldn’t even fathom what it had been like for him, holding all this back. You thought to say something, but the words caught in your throat as you felt a tentacle push into you. They had been teasing for so long you didn’t see it coming, and it slid in so easily, stretching you out softly. A moan escaped your lips instead, and swear your eyes rolled to the back of your head. The tentacle went in as deep as it could, making you feel so incredibly full. You thought you had hit the ceiling until another tentacle started teasing your clit, adding another sensation.
“So fucked out already, love?” Jungwoo chuckled. “You must feel amazing.”
“Ye… yes… fuck…”
“So hot.”
    You were barely getting used to the tentacle buried inside you when it began moving. Not as you thought, back and forth, but swirling around, stretching you out more and more, trying to squeeze more in. Your hands gripped at the bed sheets just as the tentacles holding your arms let go and grabbed your legs, pulling them apart to let the other get deeper.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…”
“I know, baby. We’re getting to the good part.”
    You didn’t really know what he meant by that, but you were focusing more on the attention your body was getting. By now you were practically shining from head to toe, feeling warm and fuzzy all over. Jungwoo’s hand found his way between your legs again, two fingers shoving their way into you alongside the tentacle. He was looking around for something, and when he found it he started working it over. A new wave of pleasure washed over you as he kept hitting your sweet spot, plus the stimulation on your clit, it was too much. The heat that was building was suddenly ablaze and you knew you were seconds away from climaxing. 
    Jungwoo could see it too, stealing a kiss from you as your vision went white. You moaned into his mouth, your whole body shaking with impossible levels of pleasure, your hips shaking and greedily trying to get more. You didn’t even get any relief as you came down, the tentacles and fingers still moving and taking advantage of your sensitive state. Jungwoo reached over to take one of your hands and guide it down to wrap around his cock. You don’t know when he completely undressed, but it didn’t matter. He got your hand into a good rhythm as you pumped his shaft, feeling precum coat your hand and get smeared all over. You knew where this was going, and simply imaging it made you lick your lips.
“Easy love, soon.”
    Whatever he meant by soon wasn’t fast enough but eventually you got what you wanted. You whined as the tentacle slowly pulled out, leaving you empty and needy. Jungwoo pulled your hand away and kissed. Since you were already stretched out it was so easy for Jungwoo to slide in. The tentacle was lovely, but feeling a nice cock inside, and squeezing down on it just hit differently. You moaned, a blissed out expression on your face. There was no way you fully recovered from your first orgasm as Jungwoo was already working a second one out of you. He started of slow, teasing you, before getting into a good rhythm, and getting rough.
“Fuck, Jungwoo… ah, fuck…”
“I got you, I got you. Just get ready for me.”
    You moved your hips in time with Jungwoo, not sure how you had the energy for it, maybe you were just hungry for him. You were stretched out so good, and then you felt the tip of a tentacle teasing at your entrance, wanting to go back in as well. Jungwoo leaned down to kiss you, whispering words of encouragement. He took another shot at your lips as the tentacle pushed its way in, stretching you out way more than you were used to. You whimper, needing a moment to get used to the size, but it felt so good regardless of the pain.
“You’re so fucken hot like this baby.”
“Sh, just take it all in. I know it’s too much for your mind to handle, but I got you.”
    Jungwoo held your gaze, looking at the expressions on your face. He had been looking forward to this so much, and he was enjoying every moment of it. Even as he was reaching his own climax he held your gaze. As he got close all the tentacles got relentless, wanting you both to cum together, and when you squeezed him tightly from reaching your high he spilled his seed into you. He kept pushing into you, wanting his cum to go deeper inside, and stay put to plug you up. You felt so warm inside, wanting to wrap your legs around him, but they were still held apart. All you could do was moan, trying to keep a blurry Jungwoo in your vision.
“I’m gonna take you home…”
    Jungwoo pressed his head against yours, the two of you trying to catch your breath. You were both sticky and covered in a mix of sweat and tentacle shine. In a strange way you felt so loved, more than any normal person could give you. At this point you might actually pass out, especially when Jungwoo started moving again, a wet sound filling your ears.
“You wanna come home with me baby girl?”
“You’ll love it. It’s like this world but better, especially for the little ones.”
    Even in your haze that phrase seemed to pull you to the surface. You squirmed for a moment before your arms were grabbed again, and all the tentacles pulled your limbs taut, keeping you still.
“You… you…” Your eyes glanced down to see Jungwoo and a tentacle buried deep inside you. “I’m… I’m not on anything…”
“I know. I’m glad I didn’t have to worry about that.”
“No… you can’t… you’re not…”
“We don’t just look like humans, but have some other similarities.”
    Jungwoo carefully moved back as the tentacle kept his cum in you. He leaned down and kissed at your belly, another tentacle coming over to gently rub it.
“You’re gonna look so beautiful soon enough.”
“No, no, no! You can’t!”
    You tried to struggle, but you were held still, starting to panic. Jungwoo took you by surprise with a kiss, trying to calm you down. It didn’t do much so a tentacle pushed its way past your lips, the sweet cherry taste already acting like a sedative, the limb itself swirling around in a soft soothing rhythm. Soon enough you were lulled back into a blissful state, vaguely watching Jungwoo pressing more kisses to your belly.
“We have a long night ahead of us.”
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