#wow I really got motivation to get through my ask box today
blueesnow · 3 months
(3/6) Hyuga Yamato's Private Story [Utapri Live Emotion]
Ch 1: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 6 with Yamato)
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-Waterfront Park- Haruka: (I did bought a running clothes for now but I wonder if this one's okay…hm? There's a crowd over there…) Yamato: If it's around this size then I can just jump over this vaulting box in one go! Here we go… Haruka: (It was actually Yamato-san! That attraction… don't tell me it was actually a broadcasting program) Yamato: Oh, now it's basket huh. I just have to throw it right through that ring, right. Yamato: I can do whatever kind of shooting that I wanted? Well then…! Yamato: I've decided to go with a dunk shoot. Next is a bouldering, huh. Oh well, come right at me! Haruka: (Wow… that was so amazing! He already reached the goal just by in the blink of an eye…!) Yamato: …And with that, the stage is cleared! Your support gave me lots of power. Thanks. Yamato: I'm amazing, huh. You all too, if you want to become strong just like me, then it might be good for you to go and start a training. Yamato: If you're serious about it, then 100 push ups, 100 squats, and a 10 km of running might do. Yamato: But don't overdo it 'kay. Always aim for the best within yourself. Got it! - Haruka: …Yamato-san. You've done a pretty good job. Congratulations for clearing all of the stage! Yamato: Nanami? What, you saw all of that. Haruka: Yes. I actually know the producer of this program so I was just about to go and say hello to them. Yamato: Is that so…hm? That bag that you were holding, isn't that from the sports shop that I usually went to?
Ch 2: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 11 with Yamato)
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-Waterfront Park- Yamato: That shop sells a lot of things so it's fun just looking around it. So, what did you buy? Haruka: I haven't been doing much exercise lately, so I bought a running clothes. It's this one… Yamato: … This… you said it was a running clothes, right? Haruka: Eh? Um, yeah… Is it weird? Yamato: Rather than weird… I think you got it wrong. This one is not suits for running. Yamato: If you're going for a run, it's better to choose one with a material that can absorbs sweats more easily and dries quickly. Haruka: I see. The more you know… Yamato: The training equipment that you choose depends on what kind of training you wanted to do. Yamato: If you use one that suits your goal then your performance will surely risen. Yamato: Also don't forget to drink water too. Squeeze bottle are quite handy. They're light and easy to use. Haruka: I didn't even think that far ahead… As expected of Yamato-san, you're very knowledgeable! Yamato: I'm the strongest after all. No one can ever defeat me when it comes to training. Haruka: Yes…! Seeing Yamato-san's performance today got me motivated. Haruka: As Yamato-san had mentioned, I will try my best to do a 10-kilometer run as well! Yamato: …Ha? No, wait. Are you for real…?
Ch 3: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 21 with Yamato)
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-Waterfront Park- Haruka: That's right, I also wanted to try to follow Yamato-san's example and do my best at exercising too! Yamato: Although training is indeed important, your job was composing music, right? I think it's better if you were to try with something much more lighter. Haruka: Oh…you're right… I got my head up in the clouds, it's so embarrassing. Yamato: Looks like you're really up for it. If that's the case then I could help coaching you. Haruka: Eh…! But Yamato-san, you're busy as it is, I don't think I can ask you to do that much… Yamato: It's not that much of a big deal. I mean, I also help my other members too. Yamato: And besides, if a beginner like you were to start without knowing anything, you'll only get injured. Don't take too lightly of training. Haruka: (That's true, it might be really helpful if I could get Yamato-san to teach me…) (choices) <Then…I'll take you up on your offer.> Haruka: Then…I'll take you up on your offer. Please let me learn a lot from you! Yamato: Of course, you can count on me. Once I accept it, I'll take responsibility for it until the very end. Yamato: First of all, we need to start with the equipment. Besides the running outfit, it's also good to have shoes, towel and a sports bag. My recommendation will be… <I'm in your care!> Haruka: Well then, I really appreciate it to be in your care! Yamato: Ain't that a good answer? It's good to speak in a louder voice. It will get you fired up and help strengthening your abs. Yamato: I'm sure that you can do much more better. I'll teach you how make your voice come out from the bottom of your stomach. (back to story) Yamato: Oh… Wait, I don't think we need to go that far. Am I bothering you, by any chance…? Haruka: That's not true…! For the sake of being healthy, I would like to learn more about it. Yamato: True, if your body's not strong enough, then you won't be able to put any energy in your job. …Well then, leave it to me. Yamato: I'm not going to go easy on you. I will be training you with a menu specially designed for you.
Ch 4: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 31 with Yamato)
Ch 5: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 41 with Yamato)
Ch 6: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 51 with Yamato)
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everything-laito · 3 years
Corn im blowing up your box but omg
Lady gaga - Judas (nightcore?) but its Yui feeling shameful abt her love for Laito/and being a sacrifice even though hes an awful person omggg
oh my god I totally forgot nightcore existed despite me having two nightcore phases in my life time QwQ what a 2010s throwback, sheesh im old
Damn what a great song though, god I remember when that song was on the radio, early 2010s pop was banging (esp late 2000s as well) but I digress, Yeah I pretty much agree with you there! Wow Lady Gaga’s an absolute queen (fun fact Joe Biden apparently listens to her a lot lakdsjfalhgsk)
and don’t worry about blowing up my ask box, you’re totally fine! sorry it’s taken me so long to get through them lkasdfh
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Lie For Me (part IV of V) (Part I) (Part II) (Part III)
Pairing - Modern!Ben Solo x Reader
Summary - You haven’t heard anything from Ben Solo, and you can’t figure out why. It takes a run in with Han, a forced doorstep conversation, and a confrontation in a bar for you to get any answers. Once you do, you’re even more confused than you were to start with. 
Word Count - 5.1k
Warnings - Language and a small bit of violence, but that’s it! 
It had been over a week since you had heard from Ben Solo. 
You tried not to let that fact bother you. In fact, you didn’t have time to let it bother you, because you were starting your new job today. 
The job that Ben had helped you get. 
That was unimportant though. You had your dream job, and you weren’t going to mess it up for anything. So it was time to focus and prove how you deserved to be here. You wore your favorite outfit, woke up early to make sure you had enough time to get a coffee, and arrived at the bottom floor with ten minutes to spare. 
“Someone’s trying to make a good impression.” A voice from behind you said. 
You turned around with a smile, happy to see a now familiar face. Vic had joined the company at the same time as you, and the two of you had done all of your training together. You got along rather well, and it reassured you to see him first thing this morning. “I could say the same for you. Are you ready for today?” You asked. 
“Ready as can be. Want to walk up together? I want to see the new office.” He teased you. 
Grinning at him, you nodded. It was a new perk that you enjoyed, having your own office, and you couldn’t deny you were eager to show it off. You led him there, discussing random things in your life until you reached it, unlocking the door and leading him inside. 
“Wow, those are some nice flowers.” He said as he caught sight of the large bouquet sitting in the middle of your desk. Flowers that hadn’t been there the last time you left this room. 
While he explored the rest of your space, you walked over, curious as to where they had come from. When you saw the card that said, “Good luck on your first day.” You assumed that they had to have come from one of your friends, but when you flipped the card over, your stomach plummeted to see the name Ben on the other side. 
This man was really going to ignore you for a week, and then send you flowers for your first day at work and act like nothing was different? A flicker of irritation went through your body, and you placed the card down on your desk. 
Vic called your name, and it took him doing it twice before you heard him. “I’m sorry, what?” 
“I was asking if you wanted to go get drinks after work. Celebrate surviving the first day?” He asked, biting his bottom lip as he waited for your response. 
It would be so easy to say yes. You should say yes. You liked being around him, and you knew that he was good company. There was nothing stopping you.
Except for the damn card sitting on your desk and haunting you. 
“I - uh, can I take a rain check?” You asked, sending him a small smile. “I already have plans tonight with some friends.” It wasn’t a lie . . . but you . . . you couldn’t do it. Besides, if someone saw you with a guy who wasn’t Ben, and the word somehow got around to Ben’s parents who thought you were dating . . . 
Even though the relationship was fake, you liked Han and Leia. You didn’t want them to think any less of you. 
“Sure,” He said, shrugging his shoulders, and to his credit, didn’t seem disappointed at all. “I will be taking you up on that raincheck sometime.” Vic added as he started to back out of your office heading to his own work station. 
“Sounds like a plan.” You said with a smile, waving to him as he closed the door. After he left, you glanced at the clock, and  you realized that you had a couple of minutes until work started.
And that card still sat on your desk. 
You didn’t even think about what you were doing. In seconds, you had your phone out of your pocket, and had selected Ben’s name in your contacts, bringing it up to your ear as it began to ring. Of course, the longer he took to answer it, the more you thought about what a bad idea this must be. But after about four rings, he did answer, his hello rough and low in your ears. 
“Hey, um,” it was a startling revelation to realize that you were kind of nervous. For as long as you had known Ben Solo, you had felt several different emotions around him, but never had you been so anxious to hear his voice. “I - I got your flowers.” 
There was a pause, but only a moment. “I ordered those a couple of weeks ago. I apologize for not cancelling them.” 
“Cancelling them?” Your brow furrowed together as you sat down in your chair, frowning. The two of you were supposed to be dating, and your boss knew that. Why would he have wanted to stop them? Plus . . . they were beautiful, and you had spotted several of your favorite flowers in the arrangement. 
He didn’t give you a chance to ask anything else though. “Someone walked into my office. I’ll talk to you later,” and without waiting for you to say a word, he hung up. 
You looked down at your phone in disbelief at the sudden dismissal, and leaned back in your chair with an annoyed sigh. 
What the hell was going on with him? 
It was a full week before you found out what had happened. You  had decided to take your lunch break at a nearby park since the weather was nice. You were sitting and enjoying your sandwich when a large, brown mass of fur ran and jumped on you, knocking your food out of your hand and licking all over your face. 
At once a huge smile formed, and you began petting the large dog. “Well, hi there, Chewy. It’s nice to see you too.” You said through your laughter. 
“Get off you fuzzball!” Han’s annoyed voice called, and you glanced up to see the  man in question running in your direction, stopping once he realized who you were. “Oh, hey,” he said, and you watched as he ran a hand through his hair, “sorry about him.” 
“It’s fine,” you reassured him, giving him an encouraging smile that seemed to put Han more at ease. “I’ve missed the troublemaker.” You said, ruffling the dog’s fur. “I hope there haven't been any more attempts at escape?” 
Han let out a chuckle and sat down beside you on the bench. “Not yet, but I’m sure they’re coming. Damn dog’s almost more trouble than he’s worth.” 
You let out a chuckle of your own, turning your smile to the dog in question. “Well, if you ever need any help catching him, let me know. I wouldn’t mind helping out.” 
At your words, Han gave you a confused look. “You wouldn’t?” 
“Of course not. Why would I?” You asked, giving him your own unsure look. 
Han shifted around in his seat, his brow furrowed as he responded, “Since you and Ben broke up I thought -”
Everything else he said was muted in your head. It felt like you were underwater, your brain trying to catch up with his words. Ben had told his parents that the two of you had broken up? Without even telling you? You understood that there probably wasn’t a reason to keep the ruse going any longer, but a head’s up would have been nice so there wasn’t an awkward situation like this. Now you were scrambling for something to say, and Han was looking at you like he was waiting for you to speak. “Oh, um, right.” 
Thankfully, it seemed your confusion worked in your favor as Han gave you a sympathetic look and placed a hand on your shoulder. “Listen kid, give him time to come to his senses. My son’s got a stubborn side, that he got from his mother of course,” You couldn’t help but give him a small smile at that. “But I can tell he cares a lot about you. He just needs a minute to get his head on straight.” 
Ignoring the way Han’s words made your heart stutter, you nodded. “Yeah . . . maybe that’s all he needs.” 
This was a bad idea. 
Ever since you had talked to Han this afternoon, his words had echoed in your head, and you hated it. You had never been the type of person to spend hours thinking about a guy’s motives behind his actions, but now it seemed as if your brain could do nothing else. All during work you had been distracted, and that was not how you wanted to be when you were still new. So you weren’t going to let it continue. If Ben wasn’t going to give you any closure on what the two of you had gone through, you would make him. 
Sitting on the porch of his apartment with Poe probably wasn’t the best way to get it, but it was the first thing that you had thought of. 
You had a general idea of what time he came home, and thankfully you had only been sitting there for about an hour when you heard footsteps on the stairs. Your heart did an odd little stutter and anxiety filled your chest as you stood up, but you brushed it aside as best you could, determined to get some answers. 
He was startled to see you, that much was easy to see, but almost as soon as you read it, it was gone, a blank mask replacing the expression as he shrugged his bag higher up on his shoulder. “Are you waiting for Poe? He’s going to be late tonight.” 
“Waiting for -” You gave him an incredulous look. “Of course not. I’m waiting for you. Thought it might be a good idea to talk where your work couldn’t interrupt you.” 
“Well, you’ve never been here to see me, so I thought Poe was the logical conclusion.” Ben said, walking up the remaining steps and beginning to unlock the door. 
A flicker of irritation started to form in your heart, and you clenched your fists at your side. “I ran into Han today.” Even with his back to you, you saw the tension form in his shoulders. “If I had time to prepare, I would have brought a box of your things to return.” 
Ben turned back to look at you then, crossing his arms over his chest. “I guess I should have sent you an email. I told them last weekend.” 
“An email?” You repeated, your mouth almost dropping in disbelief. “Is that what I’ve been reduced to now? Not even worthy of an email?” 
He shrugged his shoulders as if his words hadn’t cut into your chest like a knife. “I didn’t expect you to run into my parents anytime soon. I apologize for that. I decided since we both got what we wanted, there wasn’t any need to keep lying.” 
“Don’t you think I should have had some sort of say in -” You started to say, but he cut you off. 
“In what? Our transaction?” 
The breath was robbed from your lungs. You had come here for closure, trying to discern his behavior, and with those words, you had gotten what you wanted. If, no matter everything the two of you had shared, all he saw from this was a transaction? It was obvious where his ‘caring’ feelings stood. 
If only you had been able to keep the same mindset. 
You couldn’t stand to look at him for any longer, knowing what you knew now. You wouldn’t dare let him see how much those simple words had affected you. You wouldn’t let yourself appear weak. “I would have liked a head’s up. That’s all, but you’re right. Whatever we had should end. It was going on for too long anyway.” You said, trying to match his tone. You picked up your bag from the ground, placing it over your shoulder. “Let Poe know I’m sorry I missed him.” You said, and without another word, turned on your heel and headed back to your car. 
A part of you, no matter how small, hoped that he would call you back, run to you and spin you around, kissing you like he had that day in the bathroom, like you were something precious that might slip through his fingers . . . but he didn’t. 
And you didn’t let the tears fall until you were safely in your car. 
It was a lot easier to say what happened between you and Ben hadn’t affected you than to believe it yourself. However, you didn’t think you were that convincing in the first place. Rey and Finn could sense something was wrong. It was obvious in the way that watched your every move, and came up with things to do to keep your mind occupied. You appreciated it, but you hated the fact that they even had to do it in the first place. In fact, you hated that you had let Ben Solo have any affect on you at all. 
Which was why you resolved to not let him have any more. 
“We don’t have to do this, you know.” Rey said as the three of you walked into one of your favorite bars, arms all linked together. 
“We can go back to your apartment, watch the Office again, and order takeout?” Finn suggested. 
“Guys,” you shot them a stern look, one after the other. “I want to be out. I want to do things, and most importantly . . .” You pulled away from them with a smirk, glancing around the bar. “I want to get laid.” 
“You want to . . . what?” Rey asked. 
You turned your attention back to her, crossing your arms over your chest. “I’ve been stuck in a stupid fake relationship for like three months where I wasn’t getting any, and I’ve been working hard on this new job. I think I’ve earned a bit of stress relief.” 
Finn and Rey exchanged glances. “Of course, if that’s what you want.” Finn said, shrugging his shoulders. 
What you really wanted was to get the sensation of Ben Solo’s lips off of yours, and this was the quickest way to do that. 
“Yes, this is what I want.” You reassured them, reaching out to grab both of their arms and tug them towards the bar. “Now let’s get some drinks. First round is on me.” 
It turned out finding someone to have a good time with was a lot harder than you thought it was going to be. Over the course of two hours, you had talked to around five guys, none of the conversations lasting more than twenty minutes, for purely, you would admit, shallow reasons on your behalf. 
One had the most annoying laughter you had ever heard. Another wouldn’t stop saying “really?” every other sentence. Then there was the guy who had smaller hands than you. If it wasn’t going bad enough, then you met the man who wouldn’t stop smiling with too big of a grin, and after talking to the last one, you realized what was holding you back. 
None of them made your heart race like Ben. 
“I’ve never seen someone looking so miserable at a bar.” A voice said as a body slid in beside you. 
You recognized it at once, turning to give Vic a genuine smile. “Well, I am about to run low on my drink.” You teased him. 
“Guess I’ve got to fix that.” He said, returning your smile as he gestured to the bartender. 
“Oh, no, I didn’t mean -” You tried to stop him, your face growing hot, but he shook his head. 
“You owe me a raincheck remember?” Vic said. 
“All right,” You agreed, watching as he turned back to the bartender and noticing for the first time how nice his eyes were. 
Maybe this night was finally starting to turn around. 
Three drinks later, you found yourself leaning against Vic’s side, snorting with laughter as he told you, Finn and Rey about the most embarrassing first day of a job he’s ever had. “So you just took off?” Rey said, covering her mouth with her hand in shock. 
“Didn’t say a word?” Finn asked, shaking his head in disbelief. 
Vic shrugged his shoulders. “Boss told me to get out of there. So that’s what I did.” He said, taking another sip of his drink. 
“You’re terrible. I can’t believe they hired you.” You teased him, bumping his shoulder. 
“Neither can I.” A low voice interrupted from behind you, a voice that made you freeze in your spot. If you hadn’t known by the voice, the looks on Rey and Finn’s faces told you at once that Ben Solo was standing behind you. 
You didn’t want to turn around. You didn’t want to look at him because you didn’t know if you could control your expression. Your heart was already pounding heavy in your chest, and if you looked at him . . . 
“Well, if it isn’t Ben Solo.” Vic said, and you glanced at him to find a rather callous grin on his face. A look that you had never seen, and had no desire to see again. 
As soon as you saw it, you couldn’t help it any longer, and looked behind you to Ben who had an equally unpleasant expression on his own face as he stared at Vic. 
It was at that moment that you realized the two of them must know each other. 
And not in a good way. 
You glanced back at Finn and Rey who were looking as confused as you did as they watched the exchange. Rey shrugged her shoulders and Finn raised his eyebrows, so clearly they had no idea what was going on either. 
Turning back to look at Ben, you felt a shiver roll down your spine. You had seen Ben angry several times. Your mind flashed back to that first night the two of you had pretended to be, ‘dating’, when you had overheard those girls talking about you in particular. The burning rage in his eyes almost seemed tame now compared to the look that he was giving Vic. “What are you doing here?” He asked, venom leaking from his tone. 
“Having a drink with a coworker.” He said, and did he lean even closer to your side or were you imagining it? 
Nope. You hadn’t imagined it, because as soon as you noticed it, it seemed Ben did too. His jaw tensed so hard it looked as if it had turned to stone. The fire in his eyes turned them even darker, a dangerous black, as his hands clenched into fists at his side. “Coming to get my girlfriend.” Ben hissed through his lips. 
You barely had time to stutter out the word, “girlfriend?” before Ben had hauled you up out of your chair and wrapped his arm around you. At once, Finn stood up, ready to intervene, but you shook your head at him, not wanting him or Rey involved in whatever this show of testosterone this was. 
“Ah, didn’t know she was your girlfriend considering the way she’s been flirting -” Vic started to say, but you cut him off. 
“Excuse me? If I was flirting with you -”
“Come on, we’re going.” Ben said, tightening his grip around you and tugging you along with him as he headed to the entrance of the bar. 
You thought about struggling. You thought about turning and screaming at him, and you thought about getting out of his arm, running back to the table, and planting one on Vic’s lips right then and there because it was clear how much that would piss Ben off. But you did none of those things, waving Finn and Rey off once more as they both stood to follow you, and allowed yourself to be taken outside where the two of you were alone. 
And then you turned around and let him have it. “What the hell, Solo?!” You yelled, shoving his arm off of you. “I wasn’t your girlfriend, but now that Vic’s involved I am?! What the hell is wrong with you?!” 
To your indignation, he ignored every word you said to him. “What the hell were you doing hanging out with him?! He’s bad news.” Ben said, sounding every bit as furious as you did. 
Which made no sense. “Bad news?” You let out a laugh lacking humor. “Guess he was fooling me, because other than Finn and Poe, he’s the only guy that’s been even somewhat nice to me.” You took a step towards him, invading his personal space. “He doesn’t treat me like a caveman dragging me around everywhere. He doesn’t avoid me. He doesn’t act like I have the plague after I kiss him!” You yelled, punctuating each sentence with a poke to his heaving chest. 
If you hadn’t been staring into his eyes with such intensity you would have missed it. The flash of pain that was gone within a blink of his eyes and replaced with that fiery fury. “You’ve kissed him?” He hissed. 
Out of all the things you had said, that was what he had picked up on? You weren’t sure whether you wanted to cry, laugh, scream or a combination of all three. “No, you asshole! I haven’t kissed anyone or anything since your stupid lips!” 
He looked relieved. 
And it just riled you up more. “You know what? Maybe I should give it a shot. He’s got some nice, kissable lips, might even be a good lay too -”
The breath left your lungs in a whoosh as you found yourself pinned between the cold stone of the building and Ben’s blistering, towering body. Shocked by the sudden movement, you looked up at him, but found the breath gone from your lungs once more. You had been trying to piss him off, make him as angry as you were, and there was no doubt he was from the absolute tension that lingered throughout his whole body. When you stared into his eyes though, you saw something you had never seen there. 
“Stay away from him. You’ll get hurt.” Ben said, his hands gripping your wrists in a tight grip as if waiting for you to haul off and run back in there to him. 
Which a part of you wanted to do, to piss him off, but the biggest part of you was more curious as to why he even cared. After all that talk about  the deal between the two of you being over, what should it matter to him if you got into a relationship that would end badly? “Quit bossing me around like you give a shit what happens to me.” You said, trying to sound as vicious as possible. 
Ben’s grip tightened on your wrist, his eyes tracing over all of the features on your face and leaving heat in their wake. “You think I don’t care about you? Every second of every day I’m fighting not to think about you.” He told you, equal amounts of anguish and anger in his voice. “What you’re doing, who you’re with, if you’re at that stupid restaurant with the bad breadsticks that you inist are the best in town -”
“T-that’s because they are.” You stuttered, your mind not able to comprehend the rest of the words he was saying yet. 
“Don’t ever, think for one second, that I don’t care about you.” Ben said, giving your wrists one more squeeze, and then letting them go. 
You watched as he turned and took a step away from you. At that moment, you were stricken with the realization that this could be it. If you didn’t say something right this second, nothing might ever come of you and Ben. 
There was no way you could let that chance pass you by. 
“Then why are you pushing me away?!” You called out to him, making him freeze. “Ben, I . . .” You took a deep breath, forcing the terrifying words to leave your mouth. “I want to be with you. Not in a fake relationship, but a real one.” You said, wrapping your arms around yourself as you took a step forward. 
Ben didn’t move, and kept his gaze locked on the ground in front of him when he spoke. “You think that you want that -”
“No. You’re wrong. No matter how big of an asshole you’ve been . . .” You said, shaking your head. “I know it’s what I want. I thought it that night when we were looking for Chewy, and I knew it when I kissed you. I know you felt it too.” You insisted, even though you knew no such thing, not anymore at least, but you had to hope. “Stop fighting your feelings.” 
You felt the tension release somewhat as he turned to look at you, but his face was so, so insecure that it took your breath away. Even more so when his hand, with the most gentle touch, cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing across your cheekbone. You closed your eyes as you felt him draw closer, his forehead resting against yours, his lips so close you could almost taste them. “Why do you always push?” Ben said, but it sounded more like a plea than a question. 
His lips brushed yours, and you knew, without a doubt, you couldn’t do it. If you let him kiss you, you wouldn’t have the strength to stand firm on what you wanted, what you needed. Your hand rested against his chest, exerting enough pressure to stop him. “Don’t,” you mumbled, shaking your head. “Don’t kiss me unless you’re willing to open up to me too.” You opened your eyes, gazing into his intense dark brown ones. “I can’t take it if you don’t.” 
Ben’s eyes closed, almost as if he couldn’t take the emotion in yours. You waited breathlessly for him to say something, do something, and finally he opened his mouth - 
Vic called your name from behind Ben, and your eyes flickered over his shoulder to see him, Rey and Finn a few feet behind, all watching the exchange. “Are you okay?” He asked, but you got the feeling he didn’t care. He just wanted to rile Ben up. 
It worked. As if that switch had been flipped, Ben took a step away from you, turning around to glare at Vic, hiding your body with his own. “She’s fine.” He answered for you. “Now get out of here.” 
“I wasn’t talking to you.” Vic snapped, moving so that he could look at you. “You all right, Sweetheart?” 
“I’m fine,” You answered, annoyed at him for interrupting and annoyed at Ben for letting Vic get to him. “I’m ready to go.” You called to Rey and Finn who nodded and went back inside to get your stuff. 
“Do you need a ride to your place?” Vic asked, and before you could say no, Ben answered for you. 
“I’m sure she can get home fine.” Ben hissed, moving to step between the two of you again. 
Vic smirked, taking a step even closer and holding his hand out to you. “He sure is possessive of you isn’t he? I promise if you stick with me, you won’t have to deal with that.” 
Ben stepped forward and good God was he menacing, towering over Vic, who was not short either. Everything about him in that moment screamed dangerous, and you found yourself wanting to take a step back yourself. “If you try to touch her again, you’re going to regret it.” Ben growled, sending shivers down your spine. 
“Ben!” You said, shocked by how angry he was getting when Vic was clearly trying to irritate him for God knows what reason. 
“What are you going to do about it, Solo? Wimp out like last time?” He glanced at you, and then looked back at Ben. “Does she even -”
It happened so fast you almost missed it. One minute Vic was taunting him, the next he was on the ground, clutching his nose, blood hitting the concrete beneath him. “Ben! What the hell?!” You gasped as soon as you realized what he had done, hurrying around him to Vic to check and see if he was okay. “Are you okay?” You asked him, trying to see how bad he was hurt. 
Vic nodded, glaring up at Ben, but didn’t say anything else. 
Biting your lip, you looked up at Ben who was still staring at Vic with poorly concealed fury. “You need to get out of here.” You told him. 
That’s when Ben turned his attention to you, disbelief on his face. “What?” 
Did you want him to go? No, you didn’t, but you couldn’t ignore what he had done. He needed time to calm down, and he wasn’t going to get that here, with Vic hanging around. You couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t goad him into another fight, and that was the last thing that needed to happen right now. “Go, Ben.” You insisted. “Get your head on straight.” You said, the words having more meaning than one. 
You couldn’t miss the flash of hurt that crossed his face, but then it was replaced by something almost worse. He almost seemed . . . resigned. Like he had expected you to order him away, and he wasn’t surprised that you had finally done it. Your brow furrowed, and you started to say something else, but before you could, he had turned and walked away, his hands clenched into fists at his side. 
As soon as he was gone, you turned to look at Vic who was staring after him with a clenched jaw. “Listen, I’m sorry about him, he’s -”
“He’s a dick,” Vic spat, moving away from you and standing up, “and if he’s your boyfriend, you don’t have a fucking idea what kind of person that he is.” 
Your eyes widened at the venom in his tone, and you watched as he stomped away as well, so distracted by his words that you didn’t even notice Finn and Rey coming up behind you. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Finn asked, rubbing your back with his warm hand. 
Sighing, you let yourself lean against his shoulder while Rey took your hand. “Not even remotely.” You admitted. “Can we just go back to my place and watch the Office like you guys suggested, and I can pretend I’m crushing on a Jim Halpert instead of a hot head who punched someone and won’t let me in?” 
Rey squeezed your hand with a reassuring smile. “You’re on.”
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heckyeahponyscans · 3 years
Yeloli Watch Party!
Season 1, Episode 5: Solitary Shelly
English translation
We start with Shelly heading down the alley, following the magic flower petals to the Yeloli Doll Shop.
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The end of the alley is incredibly narrow and the shop is in a cul-de-sac. I love this little detail.  A cut off, quiet space in an urban environment--now that is how you set up magic.
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Shelly is drawn to the doll shop, which still has Loli in the window, whoops. (Maybe she’s just visiting.) 
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Heading into the shop, Shelly meets Evelyn and tells her the dolls are beautiful.
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Shelly also talks about how lonely she is;  her studies and extra lessons mean she has no time to make friends and her parents are rarely home.  She has quite a lot of dolls at home, but they aren’t the same as a friend.
Evelyn says these dolls can be a friend.  But a doll and owner much mutually choose each other before leaving the shop.
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Then Evelyn uses her magic to open the doll cabinets.  This lady is not circumspect, but I guess she doesn’t have to be.
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So when I first saw this scene I thought it was weird how unsettling it was, instead of being a magic moment of awe for Shelly.  Then I translated the subtitles and you won’t believe what happened next (not clickbait).
What you are seeing here is a bunch of dolls rejecting Shelly. 
 “She’s rich, I’ll bet she’s a spoiled girl.” 
“She’s proud and indifferent, not my choice.” 
 “Didn’t she say she had some dolls already? She would ignore me.”  
And Shelly can hear all this, mind you.  Like, wow dolls.  You could just say “no thanks”, you don’t have to roast the poor girl.
So after all that Evelyn says, “I’m sorry, no one chose you.” and Shelly says, “Even dolls don’t want to be my friend. :( “
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But then, just as Shelly is resigning herself to a life of loneliness, a mysterious voices says, “I will be your friend!  Only a perfect girl like you is allowed to be my owner.  I will make you happy!”
The voice is coming from a magic peacock feather, which leads Shelly down the hall.  (The animation on the peacock feather is phenomenal.)
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Following the feather, Shelly enters a room full of more dolls, including a peacock themed one, who Evelyn introduces as . . . Peacock!
This doll is significant in that it’s the only that really got me interested in Yeloli dolls. What a beautiful design.
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Anyway, Shelly and Peacock have a conversation--like, astrally, in a floaty magical liminal space--and Peacock kicks it off by saying, “Hi. I choose you.”  If only Ash had had it this easy with Pikachu.
Evelyn brings Shelly back to reality and tells her, “Peacock is stubborn and arrogant at times. The other dolls think she is proud and indifferent, but actually she is very lonely.”
Of course Shelly immediately identifies with this.
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Unlike Mary, Shelly has plenty of money so she asks to buy Peacock.  But Evelyn doesn’t sell dolls.  Evelyn makes magic contracts from magic books.
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Books that already have your personal info in them!  (Shelly asks how Evelyn knew her name and Evelyn says, “A doll told me.” Nice.)
I think the Yeloli contract thing is supposed to tie-in to the brochure that comes with the dolls, which has a space for kids to write their names, like the adoption certificate that used to come with Pound Puppies.
Anyway, Shelly agrees to the terms (being sole owner of the doll and never giving it away) and she happily leaves the store with Peacock.
At least she’s happy until she gets back to the car, where the driver frets that she missed her piano lesson.  Give the kid a break, she was getting a magic doll.
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Shelly returns home, where she is sad to find she is returning to an empty house . . . again.  Her workaholic parents are never home, and she dreams of returning to the simpler days where they . . . ate whole turkeys together.
It’s especially devastating that they’re missing today . . . on her BIRTHDAY!  Dun dun dun!
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So Shelly is crying on her bed, sobbing “I wish my parents would come home”, and oh hey there’s a wish-granting fairy in earshot.
Almost instantly there’s the sound of the front door--it’s Shelly’s Dad!  Followed a minute later by Shelly’s Mom!
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A couple things about this scene:  
At first I was nervous that Peacock had magicked up fake replacement parents but no, they’re Shelly’s real mom and dad.
Peacock cancelled Dad’s meeting and Mom’s rehearsal to get them to come home.  Which is, uh, very utilitarian but kind of depressing that the parents weren’t motivated by suddenly remembering their daughter’s birthday or something.
Finally, I’m picking up some tension in the marriage.
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Like, when Mom comes through the door this is Shelly’s expression.
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And this is dad’s expression.
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Then Shelly happily grabs them by the hands, but I can’t help but notice the parents are physically distant from each other and there’s a painting in the background that symbolically makes it look like there’s a big rift between them.
Time will tell if I’m reading too much into this!
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For now, they are going to enjoy the cake that Shelly’s mom picked up.  You can tell China has different copyright laws because they sing the entirety of “Happy Birthday” (in Chinese, but same tune).
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Shelly’s mom tells her to make a wish, and Shelly does.  For being a rich kid, her wish is quite modest and attainable:  “I would like to make friends at school with my classmates, and also to be able to have ice cream after class.”
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Oh wait, it’s not attainable at all because Shelly’s mom is fucking furious.  How DAAAARE Shelly want to socialize and have a life??  Her destiny is to practice the piano at all waking hours so she can become a famous concert pianist like her mother.
Shelly immediately capitulates because she’s clearly used to having her dreams crushed.
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Is the dad going to challenge this viewpoint?  No, he also wants Shelly to become a famous concert pianist and he gives her a piano music box for her birthday.  Go to hell, Shelly’s dad.
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Shelly at least likes the music box and takes it to her bedroom where she reflects that she’s very happy that her parents came home early.
“But how did they get home so quickly? It's as if a fairy had granted my wish.”
From her box Peacock says, “Yes, it was me”, to which Shelly’s like “HWHAAAT?  I hear a VOICE??”
I really don’t get this; Peacock has talked to Shelly multiple times already.
We finish off with the narrator asking us, the audience, who’s talking to Shelly. We know who’s talking to Shelly, narrator!! Get it together!
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Unexpected [2/8]
Pairing: Dabi x reader, Hawks x reader, Touya x reader
Fluff, angst, AU
Tigger Warning: Alcohol consumption, 18+ scene (if you don’t want to read smut then read up to the line 😊)
Word count: 5.7K
A/N: So much love on the first chapter already???? I really don’t deserve it. Sorry for the late update! I was trying to work on the last scene and wanted to make it so good for you guys. Don’t come for me if its mediocre. I’m still learning on how to write those kinds of scenes! Let me know if you want to be on the taglist! 
Summary: Being quirkless wasn’t so bad. Especially when you had two badass best friends that had amazing quriks to make up for it. That is until one of them breaks your heart by disappearing in thin air. And the other breaks your heart by wanting to focus on his hero work. After coming back to Japan after studying abroad for 5 years, you were in for a whirlwind of surprises.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
You stared up at the man that saved you. Takami Keigo.
He had set you down safely, away from the fight, but didn’t glance at you a single time. Once he set you down, he was already rescuing another victim. He was fast. Flying to move others out of the way from falling debris. He even utilized his feathers to separate from his wings to do the same. Wow, where did he learn to do that? You were mesmerized by how swift and powerful he had become. But now wasn’t the time to daydream. You had to go to work. And now you were late.
Cursing in your head, you got up, dusted yourself off and continued on your way to work. But then you halted. You looked back at Keigo, watching him fight that villain. Maybe you should wait and thank him for saving you. He didn’t know he was saving you though. He didn’t look at you. He was just saving anyone he could at the moment. It would probably just be an awkward encounter anyway. You decided against it, but you couldn’t help but think about him, your heart racing just a bit.
You arrived at the school just in time. And that was all because you started running. You entered the teacher’s lounge where a meeting was about to begin. You sat down and greeted the other teachers around you before the principal of the school went to the front to start the meeting.
“Thank you all for being here so early. Let’s discuss today’s meeting. As you all know, it’s the first day of the term. Not very exciting but let’s still follow protocol.” The principal announced. Nods were seen coming from everyone, understanding that nothing new is happening. “But this year we are going to do something a little different. Every year, we have heroes come in to give speeches about their hero life and what students without quirks can contribute to hero society. This year, we are going to have that speech on the first day to give students more motivation to start the year off.” He explained. You nodded your head as well, fascinated that this is what they do in schools now. You jotted down some notes to save for later. The principal continued on with the meeting. Instructions seemed basic enough. Nothing too outrageous or out there. You were nervous for you first day for nothing.
“Before you all leave to your homeroom classes, let me introduce you to the heroes,” the principal gave the final announcement. All eyes turned to the door as a flood of heroes walked in and stood in the front besides the principal. A chorus of ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ filled the room upon seeing how strong and intimidating they were. You also ogled at the pro-heroes in front of you. You could tell it was going to be an interesting first day. Before the principal could finish introducing all the heroes, the front door swung open, causing a loud noise to fill the room. Immediately, all eyes were back on the front door at whoever just barged in.
“Hawks, you’re late.” One of the other pro-heroes said in a disappointed, authoritative tone.
“Sorry captain. Villain fight, if you know what I mean,” he jokingly informed the other pro-hero in a sarcastic tone of voice. He laughed it off while the other heroes kind of just rolled their eyes. When he was finished with his little antics, Hawks looked at the audience and looked at each teacher in the eye.
“Hawks. Nice to meet everyone,” he introduced himself. When he got to you, his eyes froze. You refused to meet his eye and looked away for the rest of the meeting. But you could feel his stare on you.
“Alright, meeting dismissed. Teachers, you can go to your classrooms. I’ll send you your assigned heroes in a bit.” The principal gave the final word and dismissed everyone. You quickly gathered your materials and bolted out of there, actively avoiding a certain blonde hero.
You anxiously wait in your homeroom class. Not because you were nervous about meeting the kids for the first time, but because you were anxious about which hero was assigned to your class to guest speak. A knock could be heard on your door and you quickly open it. Blonde hair properly groomed to the side. His outfit was made out of jeans from hear to toe. With a sigh of relief, you let the hero in. It wasn’t Keigo. Now you could relax without all the nerves messing you up through the day.
 You rolled your head in circles and massaged you shoulders. Man, it was a long first day. Fun and exciting, but definitely long. After the heroes gave their speeches to the students, they immediately left to focus back on their hero work. Good, because that meant you didn’t have to run into Keigo accidentally. You sighed and packed up your bag, ready to relax back at your apartment. Before you could escape your workplace, a female coworker wrapped their arms around your shoulder.
“Hey newcomer. Leaving already?” she asks. You look behind your shoulder and gave a curt nod. She pouted at your lack of response. “Aw, too bad. Well, everyone’s going out for drinks and a bit of dancing. Wanna join?”
“Right now? It’s barely dark out,” you question their thought process and look outside the window. The sun was still bright in the sky. I guess the sun was about to set, but not for another hour or two. “I guess it couldn’t hurt.” You mumbled to yourself. But your coworker heard you loud and clear. She was already smiling from ear to ear.
“Great! Let’s go!” she grabbed you by the arm and dragged you out of there, right behind the rest of your coworkers.
“Ah, but, I’m still in my work clothes,” you stuttered and looked down at your outfit. You were dressed pretty nice for your first day, but still. Going out in your work clothes was just not it. You could already feel the stares of strangers looking at you weirdly.
“We all are! It’s a company dinner. No one’s going to say anything,” she reassured you. And she was right. Looks like this was a regular thing in Japan. There were several groups of people wearing business casual or business formal attire at the place you were drinking at. It was more like a club. There were private rooms for big crowds, as well as a bar, a dance floor and a DJ. An interesting setting but no one else seemed effected by the atmosphere. Everyone was taking shots or taking sips of their drinks, laughing and having a good time.
You got to play some drinking games with your coworkers and got to know them within a short period of time. Drinking, even just a little bit, just brings out the chatter box in you. You usually only drink enough to have fun, but you were having a great time. You forgot about today’s events and just started living in the moment. Some of the male coworkers sang their hearts out to karaoke. You were shocked and appalled that the principal was also joining in. But you were all having fun, where’s the harm in that?
At the bar, Hawks was ordering a whiskey on the rocks. He put his drink to his lips, slowly drinking it with his arms resting on the countertop looking over at the people on the dance floor. He doesn’t usually come out to the bars. It was once in a blue moon, maybe even rarer. He didn’t have time to mess around nor was he really interested in crowds like this. But he had to figure out how to get someone out of his head. You. He had to get you out of his head. Hawks was not prepared to see you today. He wasn’t expecting or anticipating it. Seeing you took him completely off guard. Hell, he didn’t even know you were back in Japan. Dammit. And if it wasn’t enough, you avoided him. You actively refused to look at him and fuck did that sting like a motherfucker. Ah well, at least you guys won’t be bumping into each other often. Or so he thought.
You were currently being dragged to the dance floor with a few of your female coworkers. All of you surrounded yourselves with each other and formed your own little circle. At first you were shy. You knew how to get down when you were overseas but you weren’t sure if Japan shared the same energy. When you felt comfortable and safe enough, you started swaying your hips to the music. Letting the music take over your body and let’s be honest, you also let the alcohol do the talking. Eventually, you were dancing like it was nobody’s business, dancing with all the ladies around you.
Hawks cocked an eyebrow as he saw you dancing. You looked different. You looked… more carefree. Independent. Confident. And he can safely say that you were very much attracting him. His eyes traveled your body as you swayed your hips to the beat and even swayed against the other women that were with you. You were teaching your coworkers a few moves you picked up at college in the States and god damn was it sexy to watch. The way your work skirt hugged your ass was already catching his eye. But he couldn’t look away when you started to move your ass up and down, twerking on one of your coworkers. That coworker was embarrassed but played along but you eventually laughed it off.
You were having so much fun letting loose. When you turned around with a wide smile on your lips, you spotted a winged blondie looking your way. Keigo. You couldn’t tell if your heart was racing from the alcohol or if it was from seeing your ex again. But a thought came to your mind. Maybe it was the alcohol. You smirked to yourself and started to dance sexier. Keigo broke your heart to become a hero and because you didn’t have a quirk. Well you were going to show Hawks what this quirkless teacher can do and what he’s been missing out on.
You made eye contact with said hero and moved your body in a way that would attract anyone’s attention. You moved your hands up and down your body as you rolled your hips, feeling yourself to the music. Hawks scoffed and admired the show you were giving him. In one shot, he down the whiskey in his cup and forcefully set it down on the counter behind him. His predatory eyes were on you and only you. Hawks made his way towards you but before he could get to you, another man was rubbing himself on you.
Amidst your dance, you felt a pair of rough hands grab your waist and tug you backwards so that your body was flushed against someone’s chest. A hot breath met your left ear, making you shudder in fear. You tried to push his hands off you but to no avail. That just made him tighten his grip.
“Come on, dance with my pretty lady,” he disgustingly whispered in your ear. Your coworkers didn’t notice anything yet since everyone was dancing in the moment. And it was hard to tell that someone was touching you since the dance floor was filled with people and flushed bodies were everywhere. You were in a predicament. You wanted to say something but before you could, his grip magically let go. Turning your head, you saw Hawks grabbing the stranger’s wrist in a death grip.
“This pretty lady doesn’t look like she wants to dance with you,” he commented, eyes looking unamused. The man groaned at how tight his grip was but tried to fight him back. By this time, Hawks was already squeezing his body between you two, so that the man couldn’t get to you.
“Fuck off man,” the stranger shouted, swinging his free hand to aim at Hawks’ face. But Hawks was already one step ahead of him. He easily caught the man’s fist. But it made Hawks more furious. He spread his wings wide as a warning, scaring you, the pervert and everyone around you. He was careful enough to not hit anyone but it was still intimidating. This scared the man and he finally fled, going straight to the exit. When he deemed it was safe enough, he let his wings go back to their resting position. Taking a big, deep breath out, he turned to face you. You, still shocked, looked up at him. You both just stared at each other and everyone around you continued doing them.
“Are you okay?” he asked, concern written all over his face.
“Mm,” you hummed, looking down in embarrassment. “Thanks…” Your mood was ruined now. All because of some horny guy you couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
“You don’t look it,” Hawks commented, sensing your change of mood. You were grateful for what he did, of course. But now was not the time. You felt upset and violated that you just wanted to go home now.
“Look, Kei- ah, Hawks. I’ll be fine. Excuse me,” you excused yourself from his presence and approached one of your coworkers.
“Hey, I’m gonna head home now!” you told her, yelling loud enough so that she could hear. You could see the disappointment in her face but didn’t stop you. She acknowledged you and then went back to having fun. Giving one last look of appreciation to the hero of the night, you made your way out the door and into the cool, night air.
 Chills ran down your spine. You were not expecting it to be this cold out. And what’s worse, your head was still foggy from drinking so much at the bar. A sigh left your lips as you tried to pay attention and just focus on getting home. Once you got home, then could you finally relax and re-energize for work. And you could do that once you got a little birdie off your shoulder. You stopped in your tracks and sighed.
“Are you really following me?” you asked aloud. If there were passersby, they would think you were crazy for talking to yourself. Hawks came down from a nearby building, landing right in front of you with a sheepish smile on his face.
“You knew?”
“It was hard not to when I could hear to flapping your wings this whole time,” you explained. You put your hands on your hips in a disapproving manner. “Go home. I can walk by myself.” Hawks cleared his throat and straightened up, his wings moving along with him. Wow, they were bigger than you remember.
“Heroes have to make sure that the citizens stay safe from danger. You drank. And you’re walking alone in the middle of the night. I was just making sure you got home safe. You know, cause that’s my job. As a hero.” God, he was so awkward.
“Got it. Well if you want to walk me home, you’re gonna have to exchange it for your jacket,” you said, pointing to the brown jacket that he was wearing. You already knew Hawks wasn’t going to leave you alone, no matter how many times you tell him that you’re okay. So you took advantage of this opportunity to at least get some warmth on the way. Hawks smirked and handed you his jacket with no hesitation. And so you began to walk back to your apartment together.
Silence. Dead silence between you two. It was so awkward. Maybe you shouldn’t have said anything so that you could walk home in peace. But it was too late to think about that because now you were in this situation. Should you say something? What do you even say? What do you even talk about? Oh, how’s life after breaking my heart in high school? Please… that was 5 years ago. You couldn’t believe you were still salty about it. Believe it or not, Hawks was thinking the same thing. He didn’t know what to bring up. Does he bring up the past? Or does he bring up what he saw at the club? There was no point in asking ice breaker questions. Shit, so what does he bring up? And so you continued to walk in silence until you finally reached you apartment. You spun around and handed Hawks his jacket back.
“Thanks for the escort back. And… thanks for what happened back there,” you thanks him, embarrassed that that even happened.
“Always a pleasure,” he responded. Awkward silence. You bit the inside of your cheek. Man, this was really killing you.
“Well, good night,” you bid your farewell. Opening your door, you enter your apartment and was about to close the door when Hawks stuck his foot out to prevent you from closing it all the way. You open your door back up and look at him with a questioning look.
“Can we talk?” he asks.
“Oh,” that took you by surprise. “About what?” Hawks was hesitant to say.
“Us?” he asks like even he is questioning his decision.
“What’s there to talk about? It was a while ago and-”
“I know. I know but… I feel like I should apologize and explain for um, what happened so,” he said. It took a lot for him to swallow his pride but he had to do this. He had to make this right. It took you a second to process his request because you were not expecting that at all. You had two choices: either leave it alone and let the past be the past or clear up the ‘misunderstandings’ between you two? Well, it couldn’t hurt to choose the latter. You moved your body to the side and opened the door wider.
“Come on in, it’s cold.” You offered and Hawks gladly accepted.
He sat on your couch while you quickly went to make him a hot cup of tea. You set the tea on the coffee table in front of him and sat next to him, putting a throw pillow on your lap. You looked at him, waiting for him to start first. Hawks took a deep breath and faced you.
“I don’t even know where to start,” he confessed, giving a small laugh. You shifted in your seat, hugging the pillow tighter.
“Mmm, I guess… why did you break up with me?” you asked, not having the confidence to look at him anymore. You were opening up old wounds and started to feel some type of way.
“I didn’t want to break up with you, y’know? But when I thought about the future and aspired to be this great hero, I knew that you were going to have a difficult time. You were going to be hurt either way, so I guess. I don’t know. Decided to end it early before it got to that point?”
“And so you decided to be an ass to me?” you looked at him annoyed now. No matter what his reasons were, valid or not, his behavior was inexcusable to you.
“I’m sorry. I thought that if I treated you that way then you’d have an easier time moving on.”
“That’s the most cliché thing ever,” you pouted angrily, playing with the ends of the pillow. If he would have talked to you, then maybe you guys could have come to a compromise or met in the middle. Only if he would have talked and listened to you then this probably wouldn’t have happened. Dumb Keigo. Always trying to think about others but hurting them in the process. You couldn’t help but feel angry at his explanation. So much to the point where you were blinking the tears away. Hawks was staring at you this whole time and noticed the tears in your eyes and how you were trying to hard for them not to fall. When a single tear did finally escape, he cupped your cheek, rubbing the tear away.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I hurt you,” he apologized, barely above a whisper. You put your hand over his and looked up into his eyes. He must have moved closer to you because his face was just inches from yours.
“I’m fine. I kinda got over it a while ago,” you said, matching how soft his voice was.
“Let me make it up to you.” He suggested.
“How are you going to do that?” you looked up at him. His eyes could be seen wandering down the features of your face, landing on your lips that were slightly parted. He chuckled and he continued to stare at your lips.
“I mean, I know one way.” Then he looked back at your eyes. “If you’d let me.” He was asking permission. His eyes were more seductive and his voice went an octave lower. And it was turning you on. Hawks saw in your eyes that you were feeling the same way yet you didn’t say anything. He took this opportunity to slowly lean into you, ready to back away if you gave a signal. But you didn’t move. The closer he got, the lowers your lids got. By the time your eyes were fully closer, his lips met yours in a soft kiss. Not too light but not too forceful either. It was nice. He pulled away just barely. You could feel his breath on yours still as he broke away from the kiss. There was a pause. He was waiting for you to maybe back away or smack him but it never came. Taking that as a good sign, he went back in for another kiss, you kissing him back just as hard.
The kiss between you started out innocent and loving. But got hungrier and needier by the second. You attacked his lips like your life dependent on it. Hawks was leaning more into you, both arms on either side of you entrapping you between the couch and him. One hand gripped on his forearm and the other laid on top of his chest. Your nails softly and slowly raked his chest, causing a reaction out of him, nipping at your lower lip. Hawks was getting frustrated at the lack of contact because of the pillow that was still in your lap.
“Let’s get rid of this,” he quickly said, taking the pillow and throwing it aimlessly across the room. You giggled by how aggressive and eager he was to get it out of the way. But you couldn’t even bare to have his lips leave yours, even for that quick second. Your hands cupped his face, brining him closer, afraid that if you let go he could disappear, and kissed him again. Hawks smirked into the kiss, pressing his body on yours. The bulge in his pants prominent as his hips met yours. You moaned into the kiss when you felt his hard on press firmly onto your clit. Hawks took his opportunity to slide his tongue in your mouth. His wet muscle fought yours for dominance and explored every part of your mouth. Sucking, licking, pulling. Hawks couldn’t get enough. And he wanted more.
He detached his mouth from yours, a trail of saliva still connecting your tongues together. And went straight to attacking your neck. He wasted no time in leaving marks all over you neck, shoulder and chest. He sucked on the sensitive skin, biting it from time to time. It was painful but fuck did it feel so good. When he was done with one hickey, he licked it to ease the pain a bit but then immediately went to make another one. You probably should have stopped him because you didn’t want your coworkers or your boss to see them. But you didn’t want him to stop.
Your hands got tangled within his blonde locks while Hawks was grabbing hold of your waist, his hands impressively untucking your shirt to show a little bit of skin. You moan which causes him to growl in satisfaction. Oh god that was so sexy. The growl in his voice sent shock waves straight to your pussy. You were getting wetter and wetter by the second. You could feel yourself clenching around nothing and that was soon to change. God, how you wanted more of him right now. Grabbing his face, you brough him in for another dominating kiss. Hawks removed his hands from your waist and moved it to your thighs. Your skirt riding up nice and easy for him. He grabbed your thigh, forcefully hooking your leg to wrap around his waist to get better access to your ass.
He’s squeezing your ass, definitely leaving bruises to be found the next morning. And as much as he loved the taste of your lips, right now, he wanted to go back to attacking your sensitive neck. And that’s what he did. Your breathing became uneasy and turned into deep pants. Was it getting hotter in here? Because your body was growing hotter by the second. Luckily, Hawks was always one step ahead. His hands started to unbutton your white blouse. When it got halfway, he just takes both sides of your blouse and rips it open impatiently. It was taking too long and he was too needy to wait.
“Keigo,” you whined, playfully hitting his shoulder.
“I’ll buy you another one,” he said in a rush. Because he wasted no time in cupping your breasts, admiring the black laced bra you wore. As if he hadn’t eaten in weeks, he devoured your breasts in his mouth. He buried his face, sucking and leaving marks on the mounds of your breasts. He could spend a good time there because fuck, your tits were so perfect. You moaned as you felt the bulge on his pants grow even bigger. That wasn’t helping the friction you needed oh so badly down there. You tried lifting your hips to make contact with his boner but he had to strapped down so you could barely move.
“Keigo,” you cooed his name. “I want more.” You pleaded. He let go of one of your breasts with a loud pop and shushes you.
“Patience little birdie. I promise I’ll make you feel good,” he promises. He continues to massage your breasts, peppering kisses all over your cleavage.
Finally giving you what you want, his hand reaches lower until its right above your clit. You moan in pleasure as he teases your clit with his middle finger. One long stride going from your clit all the way down to your dripping core.
“Fuck, you’re already so wet,” he says, moving your panties to the side to reveal your dripping pussy. Hawks uses his middle finger to gather your juices and gently enters it in you. “Shit, look at that. I didn’t even need to prep you. Your pussy just took in my finger so well.” His mouth was watering watching you completely take his fingers with ease. But it was only one finger. Slowly, he added another finger and then another. Hawks was careful to make sure that he wasn’t hurting you. So every time he entered another finger, he would glance up and see if your facial expression changed. When you had adjusted to all three fingers in you, Hawks moved his fingers slowly. Pumping his fingers in an agonizingly slow pace, making sure he felt every inch of your walls. It was driving you mad. His fingers were finally in you but you were still craving more.
In an attempt to make him go faster, you used your free hand to grab the bulge in his pants. In the same agonizing pace he was going, you stroked his cock up and down through his pants. Hawks bit his bottom lip to prevent himself from moaning from your touch, but you heard it. He groaned, his voice vibrating from deep within his throat. But that seemed to do the trick. The faster he fingered you, the faster you pumped his cock. Moans were coming out of your mouth nonstop. His fingers kept hitting the perfect spot. And it didn’t help that he curled his fingers to add to the effect. Your head was in a daze, feeling your first orgasm coming. Your grip on his cock was softening because you were in such a euphoric state to continue. The moans coming out of your mouth became silent as the orgasm washed over you, your legs trembling. Hawks could feel you clench hard around his fingers, but he wasn’t stopping. He was going to help you ride it out until you couldn’t handle it anymore.
You were coming down from you high and now you were craving one thing. You needed his dick in your mouth. This time, you took the initiative. You pushed his shoulders back so that he was comfortably sitting back on the couch. You kneeled in front of him, already unbuckling his belt. While you were busy taking his pants off, Hawks got rid of the rest of his clothing and threw it somewhere around the room.
You got his pants down to his ankles and revealed his thick, throbbing cock. Precum was already dribbling on the side. Gripping his cock with one hand, you teased him by leaving one long lick, collecting the precum on your tongue. Several curses were being thrown by the winged man but you wanted to keep teasing him. You licked the tip of his dick where more precum was oozing out. Then you wrapped your lips fully around the tip, but just the tip. You pulled up, kissing the tip which made Hawks go crazy. His head was thrown back and his hands were gripping his hair. Seeing that view, you think you did enough teasing to him. Liking your lips in anticipation, you sunk your mouth all the way down his length.
“(y/n)!!!” Hawks screamed your name. His hands instinctively went straight to your hair. You were expecting him to push down on you to take as much of him in your mouth as you can but it didn’t come. Instead, he gathered all your hair in one hand, holding it up for you. But his grip was strong enough to leave pleasure running down your spine. You looked up to see him already eyeing you and how full your mouth was with his dick and his dick alone. Drool was coming down the side of your mouth. At that sight, Hawks’ mouth was left agape.
“Look at that pretty mouth,” he complimented you. If you could smile, you would. But your mouth was already full, preventing you from doing so. So, you hummed in response. The vibrations of your mouth sent Hawks over the edge and he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Fuck, come here,” he takes you off his dick and before you know it, you were straddling his waist, being lifted into the air. “Where’s your room?” he breathed.
“Down the hall to the left,” you breathed back. Your lips connected to one another once again. He carries you down the hall, kicks open your door and throws you on the bed. Before you could process what was happening, Hawks was spreading your legs wide open. He completely removed your panties and your skirt so that your glistening pussy was open and ready for him. He pinned your legs down so you couldn’t squirm around or close your legs shut. Taking one big whiff of your essence, blush rushed to your cheeks. You couldn’t help but cover your face at such an embarrassing act.
“Come on little birdie. Why are you covering your face,” he teased, his lips lightly brushing against your folds.
“I’m embarrassed…”  you admitted. Hawks smirked and made you uncover your face.
“Don’t be. I wanna see your face scrunch up in pleasure when I eat you out,” he said. As soon as he finished that statement, he was devouring your pussy like there was no tomorrow. He slurped up all your flowing juices. Tongue exploring every part of you, leaving no place untouched. The noise that he was making was so sinful. But it turned you on even more. It wasn’t long before he could control himself. He gave you one last lick and then spit on your pussy as a parting gift.
He pumped his cock a few times before lining it in front of your entrance. Slowly, he sinks his cock into you, causing you both to moan in sync. Hawks takes is slow at first. Fully taking his cock out and filling you back up again. Then, out of nowhere, he’s ramming his cock in you, going at an impressive speed. Moans filled the room. They were so loud, you were certain that your neighbors could hear every tune coming out of your mouth.
“Fuck. So tight,” he grunts. Staying the same position, he puts your legs together and hugs them, gaining better access. His cock reaches deeper than before in this position. He hits that sweet spot that makes you roll your eyes back and made your back arch.
“Oh god, r-right there! Please fuck me right there!” you beg, already feeling another orgasm coming. He obeys, hitting the same spot over and over again until you’re seeing stars. Your pussy clenches so tight around his member that that was the last straw. He pulls out and is soon cumming all over your chest and stomach. Both of you are a panting, sweaty mess. While you were both coming down from your high, Hawks leans over and bumps your foreheads together. You take that moment to just be in each other’s presence.
“Um, Keigo?” you call out his name. He snaps his eyes to you. “I’m sticky.” You inform him. Immediately, he gets up from the bed in a panic.
“Oh shit shit shit shit,” he kept repeating and runs to find the bathroom. When he comes back, he has a wet towel in hand to clean up the mess he made on you. He throws the towel in the dirty laundry basket that was by your door and lays down next to you on the bed.
“That was-” he starts.
“yeah…” you finish. There was no deny that that quick sex session was absolutely amazing. And there were absolutely no words to describe how good it felt. You both looked at each other and laughed, cuddling closer together.
“Can I stay the night?” he asks. His hand moves the hair out of your face and then cups your cheek.
“Yes please.”
Tagged: @ditu-m9 @snuckerfrcnicken @flowersgirl02 @bestgirlkonan
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misqato · 4 years
𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 || 𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐤𝐞𝐢
A/N: wow, this took me quite a while in writing but here it is!! hope you guys enjoy this fic. requests are still open my loves! ‘til next time, claire❤
Word Count: 1633 words
Genre: Fluff
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You were six when you first declared your love for Kei.
It was a bright and sunny afternoon. The golden rays of the sun shining down on your backyard. You had invited your best friend and next-door neighbor, Tsukishima Kei.
“Tsukishima-kun! I have a special surprise for you!” You pulled out a ring made of construction paper and covered with golden glitter, like the one you were wearing at that moment. “Huh? What’s that?” “It’s a wedding ring Tsukishima-kun! I made it!” “But why do we need a wedding ring? We’re not married yet.”
You gave him a gap-toothed grin. “We aren’t married yet, Tsukishima-kun, but if you wear this, it’ll look like we are.”
The boy cocked his head to the side. “Why do we need to look like we’re married?”
“Because I love you Tsukishima-kun!”
His eyes widened at the statement. “You love me?”, he asked.
“Yes! I love you Tsukishima-kun! I love you with all my heart!”
Your mother suddenly came and called Kei because his mother was outside calling for him.
You put the ring on his palm and planted a kiss on his cheek. He was completely speechless and before he could think of anything to say, your mom called out again to remind Kei that his mom was outside.
"Bye Tsukishima-kun! I hope you like it!", you called out after him.
Years have passed by since the incident.
It didn’t change anything in your relationship with him, except for the fact that your bond with him became stronger. Even when Yamaguchi came along, you and Kei were still close. But not only that your friendship had improved, your feelings toward each other had increased throughout the years. 
He didn’t wear the ring the next day. In fact, he didn’t wear the ring at all. Instead, he’d kept it. He kept it in a tiny box and put it on his shelf along with his dinosaur figurines. He even kept yours, which fell from your pocket as you were running on the way home.
Kei didn’t show it, but he was in love with you. He wasn’t sure at first, but when he’d start noticing all those tiny details about you, like the way you’d roll your eyes when he’d make a sarcastic remark, the way you laugh at your own stupid jokes before you could even get to the punchline, and even the way you pout when he teases you (he finds it adorable), he knew for sure that he was in love.
Now, both of you were in high school. He’d been meaning to confess his feelings towards you, but he just couldn’t find the words to say. He’d been missing every opportunity he could get.
Until after their match against Shiratorizawa, he knew it wasn’t the right time to tell you, but when you congratulated him with a hug so tight after the match, he completely melted and just as everyone was about to go home, he’d decided to finally tell you. 
“Oi, chibi-chan”
“Yeah, Tsukki?”
“C’mere for a bit. I have something to tell you.”
You were kind of confused, but you just went along and pushed through his teammates who were still celebrating their victory on the match. “Tsukishima, Y/N, where are you two heading?”, you heard Daichi call out. “We’ll be back in a bit, just need to talk about something.”, you replied. “Okay, but don’t take too long, we’re about to leave any minute.”, the captain said.
So then Tsukishima pulled you to the side where it was much more quiet. He was very nervous and he tried his very best not to show it, but knowing him for the longest time, you knew something was off. “Um okay, what is this about?”, you asked. “Okay, so let me get straight to the point.”, he stated, making you raise an eyebrow.
He then took a deep breath and said, “I like you, a lot. Actually no, that’s an understatement. I’m in love with you, and I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while now but I just can’t find an opportunity to do so.”
You gaped at him. You hadn’t expected your best friend to be in love with you but you were so so happy to hear those words from him.
You had the biggest crush on him ever since you were little kids. Even though he was the saltiest little thing, you still fell in love with him every single day. You really hadn’t expected him to like you back so what he just said made you completely speechless.
“Um? Anything to say? Hello? Earth to Y/N?”
You didn’t realize that you’d been gaping at him for a while. “Oh, sorry sorry.”, you replied. Finally finding the words to say you asked, “Wait, so are you asking me out?”. “Um, yeah I guess.” You then chuckled and said, “Well, you should’ve asked me sooner you know.”, you smirked. “Oh, why’s that?” “Cause then I would’ve had motivated you more today as your girlfriend.” 
He then made a soft smile and said, “Well, even though you weren’t my girlfriend then, just seeing you watch the game gave me all the motivation I need.” That statement made your heart completely melt and so you leaped in to give him a warm hug which he gave into your touch and carried you in his embrace. 
“So, should I take that as a yes?”, he asks. “Yeah”, you giggled. 
“I love you dummy.”
“Love you too idiot.”
When you got back and told the team about the news, everyone started cheering and congratulating you both. Your co-managers Yachi and Kiyoko gave you a warm hug while the boys patted Tsukishima’s back. 
Needless to say, everything worked out amazing in your relationship with Kei. The boy wasn’t big on PDA but when the two of you are alone, he gets all lovey dovey with you. You weren’t used to it the first time around, of course, for it wasn’t the salty, sarcastic boy you knew. But you grew accustomed to it because it’s nice seeing the affectionate side of him. But of course, he still keeps that usual salty side to him, which you didn’t really mind, you fell in love with that version of him anyway.
Kei hadn’t been happier in his life for he’s finally dating the girl he loved. Even though he’s not good with words and such, he makes sure to tell you how much he loves you often. 
You both are staying strong even through college as you both decide on going to the same university. Even though your schedules were packed, you made sure to have some time for each other as much as possible. 
And so the years pass by and you both graduate university. After both you had found stable jobs, you’d decided to move in together.
Life hasn’t been any better. You and Kei had been living with each other for about a year now. You both had tight schedules, but you still managed to find some time off to go on dates with each other.
It was a cool September evening when Kei had brought you to the sandy beach just a few minutes away from your shared apartment. It was windy that evening, and Kei admired the way the wind blew your hair away, the way your face gleamed in the moonlight, and how your eyes twinkled like the stars.
Both of you enjoyed nights like this, just sitting by the beach on a cool, windy evening, just talking about life. Sometimes, both of you would even climb on the rooftop of your apartment just to get a perfect view of the stars. It was your way of de-stressing with him. It made you feel at peace, just being away from everything and being with the man you loved, and it made him feel at peace too, because you’re just there right beside him, and that’s all that matters to him.
He’d been meaning to propose to you for months now. He found it difficult because of your busy schedules, so he thought, why not do it in your most favorite place in the whole wide world.
You’ve been sitting there quietly for a while, with your knees tucked to your chest to keep you warm. You rested your head on Kei’s shoulder.
“Do you remember when we were still around six, I think, and you gave me a paper ring and told me that we’ll get married?”, he asked, which made you laugh. “Omg I almost forgot about that. Man, that was actually kind of embarrassing. I didn’t wear the ring that long though, it probably got lost at some point.” 
“Yeah well, I actually kept them.” He pulled out a small box from his pocket and showed it to you. You were surprised he even remembered the incident, let alone the fact that he’d kept those rings. “Wow, I can’t believe you kept them.” You got the box and opened it. Inside were two of the paper rings that you made back in kindergarten, but along with it, was a 24 carat diamond ring. 
Your eyes were spilling with tears of joy. You didn’t expect this to happen. Kei suddenly bent down on one knee and said, “I know I’m not good with words and all, so I’ll just go straight to the point. Y/N L/N, the love of my life, will you marry me?” You nodded furiously, “Yes! Yes I will!” You both sat up as he pulled you into his embrace. You’ve never felt this happy in your entire life, and so did he.
“I love you Y/N L/N, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“Me too, Kei, me too.”
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Wow..you really replied...
In case you want to know, I'm laughing now. Maybe you can, too? :)
When I wrote my first letter I only had access to your first one...All the others, also the ones from Rai, came through shortly after I sent mine. And I am still mindblown.
Sooo, where to start now? [Words crossed out mutliple times] Oh, I know! You are right, I am still able to hold contact with everyone in my world (it feels so weird to write that!!) except for the Duskwood group. It is my third stasis and the last one took almost 4 months, at least if counted right. But it seems..different than before.
What I mean when saying this is: I went out today and I saw some of the 'I am Jake' stickers (this happened with you too, right? I still cannot believe that) that people put everywhere in my city. When the whole I thing started I saw some boys from my neighborhood putting some stickers in place, even filming a video. I have to admit, I only trusted myself to do a picture when it happened... [the next words are a bit difficult to read] But I a_ dig_ess__g.
[They're readable again] Sorry, I had to search a different pen!! So, continuing my weird story. I saw those boys again when I went out to buy some things to cook tonight (I wanted to make something chinese...). And I don't know why, but I got the absoluetely GREAT (not) idea to ask them about the stickers. Why they put them there.
Maybe my time with the Crow-Crew (hehe, I like that) from Duskwood made me do as dumb things as just breaking in somewhere.
But the reply of the boys was very weird...They asked me what stickers I meant and when I told them they said they looked cool but never once saw them before. And I know those boys. Normally they would not lie to me. But maybe I'm just becoming paranoid, too.
But yeah, that was what happened...And still no message from anyone in Duskwood. Honestly, I really miss my Jake. It was complicated, but...he started to open up so much. Started imagining what would happen if the both of us just would run away together (even though he'd never do it..my safety...) :) But yeah [again there is a single tear stain], could you tell your Jake I said hi? It's not the same, but..yeah...
I hope you're feeling well,
[The text seems to be written very hastily] Ps. Oh my..I [words crossed out]. I didn't think I would add more to the letter. But I just wanted to send it (like the last one). In this moment I'm staring at a call I'm getting. Unknown...
[Heyho, real person behind Liska. I hope that's not too far-fetched xD]
Huh. I wonder why it sent like that. Maybe the eldritch entity of trees and whatever the hell is happening anymore messed up? If so, that’s actually pretty relieving, knowing it CAN mess up.
Four months? Oh hell. I do NOT want to be stuck in this damn place for FOUR MONTHS. I need to find a way out asap.
Yeah, the #IAmJake happened here too; and while Rai didn’t specifically confirm nor deny whether it happened in their world they didn’t ask surprised at all when I mentioned it, and their Jake was okay with us using his name. So, it seems like our universes have that in common, at least.
Crow Crew XD   I’m gonna have to steal that sometime.
That’s... very odd, about the stickers, though. I have no idea what the hell is up with that. Maybe the entity has trouble filtering everything related to Duskwood in your world? Maybe that’s why I’m in here instead, easier to control one person and freeze a world than to specifically filter for things relating to the Duskwood case. Maybe some stuff slipped through the cracks.
Jake is probably I can understand Jake fairly well. What I don’t understand is his stance on our feelings. I tend to take the attitude of “shove it all in a box and forget it exists” towards issues like this, but you saw how well that worked out when I finally told Jake everything.
I left out some of the more personal stuff, since I wasn’t sure whether or not you wanted Jake to hear it, even if it’s not “your” Jake, but I said hi to him for you. He says hi back. He’s been fairly sympathetic towards you in between trying to deal with the damn trees, and he told me to assure you that whatever was keeping your Jake from contacting you, it had absolutely nothing to do with Jake himself nor his pursuers.
“Unknown”? That, uh, sounds. Well. Interesting. Let me know how that one turns out. There’s a limited number of people I can think of who that’d likely be (plus spam callers XD), and only one of them is someone I’d particularly like to speak to.
Thanks for the well-wishes, Liska. You too, especially since you’re actually in a place where you can be injured...
(The letter tucks itself in the paper clip with the others.)
(For the most part, I’m going to try to avoid going out of character on this blog. However, I’ll make an exception this time.
I already have my entity, its MO, its motivations, and the very basic plot progression of this blog (if Yuvon and Jake can stop obsessing over the fucking trees for ONE second, I stg I made Yuvon’s character and I still don’t understand the shit she does sometimes) mapped out, plus exactly how much I’m going to address the current pause between episodes. Some bits of all this are going to be kind of insane, so don’t worry about things being far-fetched. However, whatever Yuvon thinks, the entity she’s dealing with and whatever’s causing your character’s situation don’t quite match up, so our characters can’t work together on that front.
Feel free to make your own entity, though, if you want to. There’s definitely enough of the reality warping amoral bastards to go around, and Yuvon will still help Liska however she can.
Oh. One tip for interacting with this blog, since no one’s quite done this yet, and you sort of need to very soon for Yuvon’s next little plot arc.
Yuvon is not a reliable narrator. Yuvon lies.
Sometimes, you may need to confront her on this.
If you ever need a hint, ask or message @yuvon-augold79​ the word “hint”, and specify what you’re stuck on, and I’ll come up with one.)
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kiyo-yoon · 5 years
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Hes already bored of watching everyone fawn over valentines day so he's probably spent all his time listening to music. Yamaguchi has been oddly quiet all day and anytime he speaks, he won't shut up about the event. He thinks a quiet Yamaguchi is an annoying Yamaguchi and eventually breaks when they're walking home after practice.
"Why do you look so depressed?"
"Umm...I'm not, it's just...Daichi and Suga were really affectionate weren't they?"
"Well they are boyfriends and its valentines day. Are you blaming them or something?"
"What? No! No! No! No! It's just...we're boyfriends and...we don't really do that...umm, but I'm not trying to hint that we do more stuff, just pointing out and observing! Ahh! But not in the creepy way! Just th-umm?"
Yamaguchis rambling would be interrupted by Tsukkishima suddenly placing his headphones on him. He would get to listen to some metal band playing for two seconds before the blonde would lean over and kiss him.
"Valentines is about love isnt it? I love music so...so take what I love. Here, J-just listen and shut up..."
And he would walk away with a blush on his face, but never allow Yamaguchi to see it! Meanwhile, Yamaguchi is literally dying on the spot, face red and hands shaking and lips tingling. Plus he's got to listen through Tsukkis headphones which is a bonus!
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All day, he's been watching couples get together and give each other gifts and cards and even kisses. During breaks between classes, he cant help but point out a new couple that's gotten together, or even someone who's been kissed or hugged...
They had a short practice of volleyball today, but he couldn't even concentrate because he's been busy admiring Suga and Daichis affectionate teasing and behaviour. He's totally jealous, but doesn't show it and as a result, realises that his own boyfriend has actually forgot what day it is. They all leave Asahi and Noya to lock up and on the way home, Tsukki finally breaks and asks him what's up.
He explains and then totally freaks out when Tsukki thinks hes not happy for Suga and Daichi. His freaking out disappears when Tsukki gives him headphones and a kiss and...that's enough for him, really.
"I can't believe Tsukki just-oh my g-!"
"What did you say? Something wrong?"
"No! Sorry Tsukki!"
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Considering that they're already a couple, Daichi plans out the perfect day for them. His parents are away on holiday for a week, so he's pretty keen to get Suga at his house. He's been admittedly more lovey dovey than usual and after giving Asahi a pep talk for later, he takes Suga out of practice and out to town. He takes him to a cake shop where they would have cake and whilst he's ordering, Sugas waiting at the table.
Daichi is totally known for his jealous nature and when he returns to the table and spots some drunk delinquent high schooler, with an arm draped around Suga, he politely tells the guy to...go away.
And of course when he doesnt, Daichi would provoke him until the delinquent ends up trying to start a fight. The cake shop owner ends up kicking all three of them out and Daichi storms away in a mood because everything's been ruined until Suga stops him and grabs him into a hug.
"Sorry...I guess I just wanted today to be...perfect..."
And after a bit of reassurance from Suga, a cheeky innuendo, they end up sharing a smooch and head back to Daichis.
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Suga would be the type to constantly tease Daichi for not getting everything right, it's in his nature to be cheeky. He succeeds in making Daichi blush when he lies and says he's upset for not getting flowers. Where's his kiss and hug? He didn't even get him a card? Heartbroken...
Still, Its cute that Daichi is dedicated anyways. Suga would probably be the type to leave a longing kiss, enough for Daichi to remember long in class. He's been listening to his boyfriend mumble their plans to himself and he's totally flustered with that because that's just adorable.
At the end of practice, they walk towards a cake shop, hands joined together and Suga sits down at a booth whilst he's waiting for Daichi to come back with cake. Suddenly theres a weight on his shoulder and he realises it's a teenager, maybe his age? And...yep, definitely drunk and now rambling about anything and everything.
After a few attempts of trying to get this guys arm off him, the guy is refusing to budge and Daichi is standing there and then the pair start arguing and before they know it, the owner of the shop has kicked them all out. Suga ends up chasing Daichi down the street when he storms away in a huff.
"Oi wait up! Daichi! Oi!"
Daichi rambles on about how he wanted today to go perfectly and then Suga pulls him and hugs him again.
"Today was more than perfect. You were pretty perfect too"
Suga would bring his face down for a kiss and then squeeze Daichis hands and grin and hint that they should probably go back to his place because Daichis parents arent in and the rest is up to them.
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All day today, his new boyfriend of one week, Kageyama has been in some sort of weird mood. It's their first valentines together, so Hinata had done some research and bought Kageyama chocolates. Unfortunately for Hinata, he didnt know Kageyama is...allergic to nuts and therefore couldn't eat it.
Practice was short that day so Kageyama decided to use the special date as...their official first date together. Hinata is still wondering why the heck his boyfriend is in a bad mood until he spots an arcade poster and teases Kageyama that he would beat him in all the games.
Challenge accepted.
They head to the arcade and after constant arguing about the other somehow cheating, they go to the coin slot machine because...its impossible to cheat on that game. Hinata spots an adorable keychain of a nose with kawaii eyes and tries his best to get it. He fails, watches Kageyama get it and when Kageyama does, Hinata has to scream at him that the keychain is not ugly, it's cute!
On their way home, Hinata is about to split ways from Kageyama when Kageyama gets all sad and moody.
"I'm not just saying it though! I'm serious!"
Hinata would nod with a smile.
"This is my favourite day with you!"
Kageyama would surprise him by tossing the nose keychain over and after listening to Kageyama have some sort of weird battle with himself, Hinata would try something they've never done before.
Except...they've never done it, Hinata doesnt know how to and he's too short to reach Kageyama. Kageyama leans down because Hinata is making some weird face and Hinata pushes himself up on his toes and kisses Kageyama on the cheek.
The lips are too far for their early stage relationship right now.
But his face turns scarlet and he cycles away home and turns around and laughs when he sees Kageyama wobble in his steps. Not bad for a first valentines.
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So as soon as he wakes up, Kageyama NEEDS to plan out today since he and Hinata just got together last week. Only problem is...he's utterly clueless. What's he supposed to get Hinata? Flowers? Chocolates? Those are normal...if you're a girl.
Still, he's unsure but decides to just let today go with the flow. At school, Hinatas been commenting on his 'scary' face which, rude, it's the face he was born with. Hinata tries to give him chocolates but...hes allergic to those specific ones..oops.
He's still pretty much clueless, decides at the last minute that maybe he should do extra volleyball practice because Hinata likes that, only for Nishinoya to explain that he and Asahi are locking up instead. They havent been on a date yet so...maybe a date would be pretty good for today?
So on their walk after school, thankfully Hinata finds something for them to do! He finds a poster for a new arcade that's opened and he literally just called him a loser...
Challenge accepted!
Hinata somehow wins the air hockey game three times in a row, cheating obviously, until they both settle on a coin slot game. No way Hinata could cheat on that...
He doesn't, but now Hinata has a new motive and that's to get the most ugliest nose keychain in the world...it even has kawaii eyes on it, as if that'll make it look cute.
In the end, Hinata doesn't win the keychain, but he does instead. He keeps it for a while because...is he supposed to give it to him right now? Later?
They end up walking to a certain path that they'll split ways when Kageyama finally decides to hand over the ugly stupid keychain that makes Hinata smile so much.
"Yeah, just keep it, or throw it away, or keep it..."
And then Hinata would surprise him by making some sort of...weird face by widening his eyes and suddenly theres lips on his cheek and...wow, they technically just kinda kissed in some sort of weird way...
Before he knows it, Hinatas cycled away and he needs to walk home and...wow, his legs are so wobbly right now.
Thank God Hinata can't see his embarrassing smile right now.
Hopefully valentines will be the same next year.
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She's not really bothered about valentines to be honest. She's just getting right into her studies and managing the volleyball team etc...
During school, she spots several couples acting all loved up because of the day and...well, she just passes by. She's not one for poking around in anyones personal business, even if it is just something silly like receiving a box of chocolates.
Her only thought right now is...why is she the manager of a ridiculous childish volleyball team?
Because it certainly looks like Tanaka is proposing to Nishinoya and the libero is hiding some sort of letter behind his back. Oh. Tanaka is using his girl voice...isnt it usually the guy who proposes?
Still, she cant help but let out an adorable giggle which attracts Tanakas attention and suddenly, he's bounding over towards her with his face flushed red. He shouts her name loudly, once exactly and then suddenly retracts and spins around and sprints out the hallway.
What...just happened?
Later, at practice, Kiyoko ends up getting a call from her mum, warning her that it's still quite dark at night so she was to be careful.
Tanaka, being the loud person with a heightened sense of hearing, decides to shout and declare that he'll walk her home and...well, maybe a bit of company would be nice?
Maybe she should put Tanaka out of his misery already...
Nah, she's way too playful like that.
"Maybe...maybe you can walk me home?"
And Tanaka? Well, he does his usual adorable cheer that he does and they're on their way! She refuses to let him hold her bag though, shes self independent that way.
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Its decided as soon as the clock struck midnight and its valentines, but he decides that he wants to make today a day that Kiyoko will remember!
Obviously he'll get the bro advice from Nishinoya since he has also asked for some advice. So, he ends up heading to school, bumps into Nishinoya who is...screaming about a letter that was posted through his door that morning and Tanaka can only snort at the original poem that's been written inside.
He advises his bro that he should totally just let it play out, be all romantic and even does a simple drama performance for him to follow. And then...Kiyoko is standing there looking perfect as per usual and she blinks twice and suddenly, his feet have left the floor, ready to shout for Kiyoko to hear his confession!
Hes supposed to be all suave and romantic, especially on the most romantic day of the year. So he stops, clears his throat and spins around and sprints out of there, embarrassed! He was totally NOT cool!
Later at practice, he hears Kiyoko mention that they'll be finishing up soon and then answers her phone. Tanaka just so happens to be standing nearby and hears Kiyokos mother mention how dangerous the streets are because it's still quite dark. This could be his chance!
He could totally walk her home, right? At least occupy her?
"Oi! Kiyoko! I can walk you home if you want!"
For a second, it seems like shes gonna just ignore him again, but then she gives him the most adorable tiny smile ever and nods ever so slightly.
"Maybe...maybe you can walk me home?"
Then hes ready to run away because Kiyoko ignoring him is pretty hot but-hang on, she just said...
"Spending valentines with Kiyoko!"
She smiles again and he notices her bag and holds a hand out.
"I'll carry your bag!"
"No thanks"
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Where to begin?
Asahi ends up having a nightmare of a valentines! Hes spent every single day of being in Nishinoyas presence, debating whether he should confess to him or not. He ends up asking for Asahi and Sugas advice over the phone for several nights before he finally comes up with the idea.
A letter? That's pretty basic and even Nishinoya should understand the concept behind that. So he wrote one out, maybe the original poem was too much but he had too many things to say and a poem sounds like it should be enough to express his feelings.
He slides it into Nishinoyas foot locker and sprints away before the said boy comes in and catches him. Now he just needs to wait.
So naturally, in class, he cant concentrate. He cant focus on any of his schoolwork and Suga ends up flicking him on the back of the head with a rubber during class because he can literally see Asahi shaking that much...
Why did he ask Nishinoya to stay behind after practice again? Why did he write that? Nishinoya probably wants a different valentines. What if he rejects him? What if he decides that he just...oh god. What if he quits the team? Never speaks to him again? Could he be reading all of Noyas signals wrong?
Something hard hits the back of his head again and he turns around and theres Suga again with his criticising look. The teacher yells and he turns back around with an apology. How embarrassing.
Later, at practice, he's ready to freak out again because Kageyama asks Nishinoya if he and Hinata could lock up. They'd recently become a couple...what if Noya said yes? Asahi wouldnt be able to give his confession...
Thankfully, Noya says no with an apology and then a short explanation that he and Asahi would do it instead. Then Daichi is running over and patting Asahi on the back with a calm 'Try not to freak out. Dont worry, just worry about Suga if you do end up chickening out' and then hes away again!
When it's just the two of them, they clean up together, quietly until Nishinoya finally pulls out the letter from his bag and looks up at Asahi.
"This letter..."
And of course...he freaks out.
"Umm! Oh! It's just...you dont have to read it, well even though it looks like you already have, but it's not worth reading, I suppose you could just look at it as a joke if you want to, but even though it's real...I'm sorry if it wasted your time!"
And to his surprise, Nishinoya only laughs and wiggles the letter in his hand.
"It didn't waste my time, but...are you serious? About your feelings...about you liking me since I was a first year?"
"Mhmm! Of course! I just...sorry, that probably sounded creepy!"
"Eh? No! No of course not!"
"But it's the truth! I'm completely honest! You...you're the best person to have ever come into my life so...so please hear my confession! I...I love you Noya!"
He's pretty sure he hears Noya chuckle for a bit and he wishes he could see him, but suddenly tears are building in his eyes and the thought of rejection from Nishinoya of all people is enough to make him cry.
His body is suddenly falling forwards, Noya is falling backwards because hes grabbed onto him but Asahi is fast, so he loops his arms around Noya and straightens them up so they're standing. Noya grins and then pushes forwards for a hug and presses his forehead against Asahis forehead, his blonde fringe pushing against the aces headband. Asahi can only sigh in relief because thank god...he couldn't imagine going on in life if this turned out differently.
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He's never really thought about valentines to be honest. He's always had one person in mind and he's pretty sure that's rude to try and confess to your upperclassmen. Sure he plays along with Tanaka to protect Kiyoko, but its more of a...let's protect the girl because guys are creepy predators kinda thing...
Anyways, he heads to school like a normal day, changes shoes and...is that a letter?
It totally is!
Someone just...this is definitely Asahis handwriting! This was a dream, right? If so, please dont wake him up!
He reads the inside, smiles at the cute poem and when he realises theres a message asking to stay behind after practice so they could talk, he fist pumps the air and rushes to find Tanaka.
He shows him the letter, asks for advice and all Tanaka does is simply tell him to let the day play it out, just like a volleyball game. He even gets down on one knee and pretends to propose, as if that'll happen today.
Still, he keeps it in mind, not for...future reasons...
He watches Tanaka sprint over to Kiyoko within seconds and then run away and remembers that he and Tanaka were on the phone last night. The future ace had declared that he wanted valentines to go perfectly for Kiyoko, so he would act like the perfect gentleman!
Still, he waves to Kiyoko and heads to class.
The rest of the day, he doesnt see Asahi which isnt much of a surprise since they're in different years. He has caught sight of Suga and Daichi kissing at some point and frowns.
If he and Asahi were to get together, there would surely be a lot of looks. People already mistook him as an elementary kid and Asahi as a grown man who is also apparently a delinquent. But hey, when was he to care about looks?
He looks away from Suga and Daichi in the distance and lightly pats his burning cheeks twice before shaking his head. He liked Asahi, no, he loved Asahi! He'd admired the man from day one!
So when it comes to the end of practice which is cut fairly short, he has to quickly explain to Kageyama that he and Asahi would be locking up instead. Kageyama looks slightly annoyed but hey, he always looks like that. He ends up showing Asahi the letter and of course, the big ball of anxiety starts to flip.
But in the end, Asahi confesses properly...reveals that he's liked Noya from day one and...
"I love you too you big baby! Oi! Why are you crying?! I accepted your confession! Baka!"
And then he lunges forwards to try and grab Asahi into a hug but they end up staggering for a bit and...god, he wishes Asahi would just stop crying! He does though, and they hug and Noya really wants to kiss him right now, but hes pretty sure the ace would faint if he did it right now. So he settles for a forehead touch, just so he can reassure Asahi that he's there and...he's not planning on going away anytime soon.
He's there, he's not disappearing and even when Asahi graduates, he knows they'll still be together, no matter what obstacle they face.
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
02/14/2021 DAB Transcript
Exodus 37:1-38:31, Matthew 28:1-20, Psalms 34:11-22, Proverbs 9:9-10
Today is the 14th day of February welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian welcome to a brand-new shiny sparkly week out in front of us. And happy St. Valentine's Day. One year ago, one year ago today we were on our way to Israel for our Israel annual pilgrimage and we were passing through Italy, I remember this, just before like these rumors of like this bad virus, they had been kind of swirling around, but they were not starting… starting to actually take hold in earnest, especially in Italy, and then like right after we got out of there to Israel it wasn't just a few days before Italy shut down. And that began because I think…I believe they were the first country, like officially closed down and trying to isolate from the virus. And, so, wow, what…what can happen in a year. Look at what can transpire in a year of time and look what can change in our lives over the course of a year. And, so, let's just remember that these changes are happening day by day step by step, including today. So, happy St. Valentine's Day. We got a brand-new week. We will read from the Common English Bible this week and we will be picking up the story in the book of Exodus. And it feels like we’ve been camping out in Exodus for a while now because we have but we’ll conclude the book of Exodus tomorrow. But that's then and this is now. Today, Exodus chapters 37 and 38.
Father, we thank You for Your word and for bringing us this far…this far into the year, this this brand-new week that is opening up to us, this St. Valentine's Day where we commemorate and observe love, love in the world, especially the romantic kind of love and we’re grateful for that gift. And we are thankful for the story that we read in the book of Matthew today, the story of the resurrection, the story that has set our hearts on fire but has also set everything into motion, everything that comes next into motion because of Your resurrection. And, so, Father we are…we’re here in the…pretty much the dead center of the month, but we are turning pages and getting ready to move into some new territory. We concluded the gospel of Matthew today, the first of the four Gospels. So, we will move forward into another gospel tomorrow. And we will conclude the book of Exodus tomorrow and begin to move forward from there, the day after that. So, the next couple of days are going to be days of transition for us as we continue to move forward, we invite Your Holy Spirit into this…into this week and everything we do, everything that we think, everything that we say, all of the motives of our hearts, may they be surrendered to You we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it's where the Global Campfire lives, it’s where the Global Campfire is burning. So, check it out. Stay familiar and connected in any way that you can and any way that you want to.
Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there that are hand in glove they’re tailor-made for the journey that we are on and for the community that we share as we gather around the Global Campfire each day. So, check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if life and light and good news are being spoken into your life and bringing life and direction from the Scriptures, if that makes a difference, if that matters to you then thank you profoundly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that's your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button that looks kinda like a hotline button in the app up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi this is Tiffany from Cleveland and I just want to thank everyone that has prayed for me and my husband Tony for the death of our daughter Jeanna. And I also want to ask that you pray…that I could receive joy again. My joy was lost when my daughter died, and I believe in the Lord and I believe in His peace and I believe that He can give me joy but it's gone, and I desire it. I also want to pray for all those that have lost their children, that their children have died through miscarriage, infant loss, disease, sickness, cancer. It's so hard on us. Our lives are never the same after our children die. I just pray that we could receive peace and joy again in our lives and as we live and learn to live without them. In Jesus’ name.
Hello this is Susan and I'm calling on February the 11th. I just wanted to reply to Jessica from California who spoke today on the…as I was listening to Daily Audio Bible and just to say how much she encouraged me. My father…it was always difficult to communicate with my father. For many years I was not sure why then I found out recently he’s probably on the autistic spectrum. I've also been separated from my husband going on eight years. And, so, a relationship with men is sometimes difficult. I have more male colleagues now at my work and I was just coming home today feeling rather pitiful, discouraged and not sure if I can communicate or compete in the male workplace where more males around me and then come home and look after my children, be strong for all of them. So, thank you so much for the words of encouragement, the words that you say to yourself, thank you God for just the way I am. Thank you God for just the way I am.” And also, the verse in the Bible, I think it's Psalm 139 saying, “we are fearfully and wonderfully made.” So, I just wanted to say thank you Jessica from California for the encouragement you gave me today. Thank you.
Hello everybody my name is Doug from Oklahoma I've been a long-time listener I've just never called in. I have a vaccine schedule tomorrow for Covid and I'm really, really scared. I have bad anxiety and panic attacks and…but I feel like I need to get this vaccine and I would just like your prayers, that nothing goes wrong, I don't have any bad reactions or anything. And, of course, then I'll have to get a second one. So, I love you guys. I…I…I pray for you all too. And I just don't call in very much because I really don't…I'm not a very good talker as you can tell. But anyways your prayers are appreciated for tomorrow. I know the time you hear this the vaccine will be over but, you know, God already knows. So, I thank you all. Doug from Oklahoma. Love you. Bye.
Good evening DABbers my sisters and brothers in Christ this prayer is going to Latasha in California. You spoke of being homeless with your children at one point and just now getting into the housing and afraid that you're going to lose it and be homeless again. I've been homeless before Latasha and I had a young son and I know how scary it is especially when you don't know where you're going to live the next day. Besides if things fall apart you have no safety net. So, Father God I come to You as humble as I know how Father. Father we have a mother right now Father that doesn't know what the situation…how the situation is going to turn out. She's being torn between one person saying one thing and someone expecting another Father God, but I just ask that You put in her heart Father that to stand and feel Your Salvation. God if she stands, she knows where her help will come from. You didn't bring her this far Father for her and her children to be back into the homeless situation. Father, so I ask that You give her strength, give her confidence, give her peace Father, that peace that surpasses all understanding Father that things will be OK. And Latasha, you say you're fearful. God did not give us a spirit of fear but of sound mind. So, just stand and watch his Salvation work this out for you. I look forward to hearing a praise report on how things will work out, not going to, but will. Running Desperately to Jesus. Also known as...
Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is Renzo from Maryland I just want to say just really appreciate what you guys are doing, just keep encouraging people, just keep getting them closer to the Lord. It's amazing to see everybody, all the age groups, all the different ages young and old. It's crazy just to see what the Lord is doing. And just…just asking for prayers for my family, for my mom my dad and my grandfather. Recently they've…they…they've had Covid but they've been getting better and their quarantines about to be up by the grace of God. I just thank God for you…for you guys prayers. And my mom was starting to feel better. She suffers with complex regional pain syndrome and just chronic pain in every part of her body and the Corona virus really hit her really bad but I'm just glad that she's feeling a little bit better. And I just thank the Lord for everything He's blessed me with. And just please just keep them in prayers. And I just want to pray for any of you guys going through anything. Father God I just thank You for everything You bless us with Lord and just please help us to just get closer and closer to You Lord and I thank You for the Daily Audio Bible family and everything they’re doing to encourage and keep Your name to be known. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. God bless you guys. Have a blessed rest of your day. Jesus loves you. God bless.
Hello DAB family this is your brother Daniel Johnson junior from beautiful Cincinnati OH. Hey, let's pray. Almighty God, You are omniscient all powerful all seeing all knowing and ever…and everywhere omnipresent. God You are so good to all of us and I know that You're working through mankind in all these different ways. I pray for our medical professionals, especially those that are making this vaccine and the distribution of this vaccine, everybody that's in charge of all this. I pray that everybody everywhere can get this vaccine, that Your enemy will be completely defeated as he's looking to tear and seek and skill and destroy…steal, kill, and destroy. I come against the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ and I pray that Your spiritual forces of good, Your spiritual sources Jesus because You’ve achieved…You achieved the complete and total victory, that Your spiritual forces would levy and lay down a serious nuclear style beat down against the enemy to force them back…to…I bind and banish the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ in regard to everything that is related to this coronavirus. May it be according to Your will in Jesus’ name. Amen. Hey God bless you all from beautiful Cincinnati OH this is Daniel Johnson junior. Make it a great day.
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sunflowercakemix · 4 years
Chuuya Nakahara x fem/Reader
/ Part 2
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Reader P. O. V
,,..... There's waffles in the air, but flour in my hair.... " I sang softly carrying a large tray of cakes from the oven through the buzz of the bakery kitchen. The warm vanilla scent embraced me from the back as I got further from the oven station just for to quickly be replaced by the crisp air filled with the sound of crackling, wisking and busy foot steps from the main baking area. I change my singing tune happily as I develop a bounce to my step, my happiness blossoming into a little flower in my chest only for it to wither away with a loud yell " OI, L/N MOVE IT OVER THERE! THE CUSTOMERS AIN'T GONNA WAIT THE WHOLE MORNIN'!"
A sour thought and expression follow from me "Wow boss you really know how to motivate, eh?". I wave my boss away placing tray of cakes on a large table and walking out of his sight.
Right as I step back into the main kitchen I go back to tending to my flower of happiness, enjoying the scent playing in my nose. "Back to work Y/N!" I tell myself.
On their own my hands start moving, picking up flower and sugar. Trough my fingertips I let my emotions flow, right into the bowl with the mix. I let the stars of my dreams and lightning of my fear melt away in the bater, just to pour it in the mold to shove it in the oven to settle.
Closing up my first batch of the day I steal a glance at the people at the cash registre. I smile softly wishing I could see their faces or hear their heartbeat when they take the first bite, to see them be engulfed in the world I've baked. A smile tugs on my warm cheek one more time as I go back to baking with a new tune to my lips to my bosses dismay.
Third person P. O. V
Black hallways of the Port Mafia building echoed with the steps of a coat draped ginger wallking through them. The shallow sound following him all the way to large doors to his bosses office.
,,... Boss" the ginger said stepping inside.
,, Ah, Chuuya-kun you're here!".
Chuuya's boss, Mori Ougai, leaned to look at him from his kneeling position from the floor in front of a young blonde girl.
Chuuya quickly bowed ,, My apologies for interrupting you Sir but you quickly requested me to come here"
Mori started getting up from the floor. ,, In fact I did. The situation is rather urgent. Some of our smmuglers have turned out to be in fact another organization stealing from us. They have stolen an impressive amount of our cargo. " He sat at his desk ,, An impressive amount that's worth over 80 000 yen on the black market"
Chuuya nodded to this ,, So what's the plan?"
,, You'll take the Black Lizard on a raid to their hideout, leave the leaders alive and bring them to me. Understood?"
,, Yes boss! "
,, Good."
Chuuya bowed again as he exited the office.
                                 - || -
,, Damn it! The sun is gonna kill me." Chuuya cursed under his breath as he walked in front of a large tunnel. ,, Oya, and underground organization? This just might finnaly become interesting." he thought with a smirk.
Feverish red glow started to appear around him, his footsteps increasing in force 10 times as he started to walk inside of the darkness of the tunel.
,, These fuckers really are about to see what it's like to be crushed by gravity. "
Reader P. O. V
The noons in the bakery were always quiet so it wasn't very surprising to see most of my co-workers lazing around or smoking outside by the park.
These were also the times I used to work on my own recepies and notes since the kitchen was mostly empty.
The soft spikes of silence were scraping on my back as I was measuring honey over a bowl. I was enjoying my peacfull time until an explosion ripped from the park.
Dropping my utencials in shock, I snap my head towards the glass door where I see my co-workers gathering outside. I hurriedly join them, shaking.
They are yelling and pointing to the park near by, all of them soon silenced by another much bigger explosion. This one being followed by a wave of red glow pushing the whole crowd away.
,, Fuck no, I'm not dying today!!" was all my shaken up brain could muster.
My wobbly legs carried me back inside, where it was crammed with people. Both bystanders and workers.
Another explosion roared piercing the glass. ,, GURL get the hell out of here!" my head yelled and I listened. Pushing out through the crowd I found my way to the back ally behind the bakery. Hiding behind old boxes and garbage cans I hugged my knees hoping to calm my heart, wich was about to burst from fear. My hiding spot smelled like shit, but my best hope was that shit was gonna get blown up instead of me.
Third person P. O. V
Chuuya sent another piece of concrete flying ,,Hirotsu, call for back up!! We're losing here!!!".
As he yelled the piece he had sent flying  came back at him full force, followed by a wave of green acid.
,, Damn gifted..." Chuuya wipped the blood of his lip. The boss didn't tell him that the three leaders seem to have very powerful abilities. Two of them being the one he was fighting now.
One of them being able to copy his opponent's attacks the other one being able to control acid. The Black Lizard was currently fighting the third one, who was able to multiply herself.
No wonder they were able to steal so much.
Chuuya kept on attacking trying his best to then dodge his own moves, plus a rain of acid.
,, This is the feared Port Mafia?!?" asked the acid controler mockingly. ,, Im surprised you even figured us out with the weak ass game you showing here!" he yelled walking over to Chuuya who was now laying on the ground. The acid guy smirked and with a whip of his hand sent a hit of acid across Chuuya's chest.
Chuuya yelled from the pain. He tried to attack again, the pain on his chest making him weaker. The acid controler was preparing another hit when a black shadow punched through the air knocking him to the ground.
Chuuya tried lifting his head ,,Aktagawa?". He didn't get an answer just an image of a man in a black coat with a blonde female at his tail shooting.
Explosions different from earlier started forming around, stepped up by gun shots in the back.
Weak from his injuries Chuuya couldn't move until a nasty blast blew him away, knocking him unconscious while the shots contuied in the back.
Reader P. O. V
My knees and my mind kept shaking. I heard screams in the far open. I wanted join them in their demonstration of fear but I also felt like I needed to do something to help. Yet I stayed there quvivering.
I shut my numb eyes, I forgot how to blink in this ruckus, until I heard another blow closer to my hiding spot.
"FUCK I'M GONNA DIE" I thought
A thud followed, I got up ready to run until I saw body of an unconscious man laying in the beging of the ally way.
,, Someone else will help him.... " I looked around for that someone then another explosion came. ,,Aaaand that someone is me!"
I ran over to him and pulled him back to the place where I was hiding.
The bangs and thuds continued to bloom all around us. I looked over at the ginger man I pulled from the street hoping he would wake up so we could run from here.
He was out cold.
I couldn't just leave him there but neither could I run with him like this , so I just hugged my shaking knees again, praying that this would end soon.
Reared P. O. V
The chaos was finnaly cleared when it was deep in the night. The silence following it even harsher then the sounds of explosions before it.
I peeped out of my hidding, I saw police helping the scared or the injured on the streets but avoiding the area of the explosions.
I heard something shuffle next to me I quickly turn to find the ginger man opening his eyes.
With a lot of effort two bule eyes started looking into me.
,, Who the hell are.... You?!?" he snapped through his teeth.
,, Ummm.... Y/N... I'm Y/N!"
He kept panting and staring at me. ,, You better not be... AAGH!!" He yelped mid sentence clutching his chest.
,, Oh my god, are you ok?!?" I ask quickly.
He didn't answer.
,, The police is over there they can help you and.. "
,, NO, not the police! Just..." he went quiet again.
I looked at him worried. "He's not dying. Is he?!" I thought. Back at the street the sight seemed to have cleared. I put his arm over my shoulder.
,, What are you doing?!?" he snaps at me.
,, Sshh I'm gonna help you. Try to stay concious!"
Pulling the man with me through the back door into bakery kitchen I helped him sit on a table and lean against the wall.
,, Where are you hurt?" I ask. He points to his chest. I'm not given a chance to say more because he just started taking of his shirt.
A blush runs to my face. ,,Stop standing there and help me out. Do you have a faucet over here?" he asks. I lead him to the faucet where he washes what I now notice to be a burn. After washing it off he bandages himself up with the first aid kid I dug up from the drawers.
,, How are you feeling now?"
,, It hurts, but I'm better now" he replies. ,,Thank you.... erghh.. "
,, Y/N"
,, Thank you, Y/N"
His head leans against the wall making his hat drape over his eyes. ,, And mind if I ask who are you? " I cautiously break the silence.
He looks back at me,, Im Chuuya. Chuuya Nakahara"
,, Nice to meet you then, and one more thing why did you avoid the police when you clearly need help?" a little bravery awakes in me as I speak.
,, You don't play around, huh? Don't worry about that my boss took care of that" a smirk grows on his lips ,,You should worry about you breaking in here"
,, Hah! Nice try but I work here" I smirk back with pride.
,, What you're a baker?". He winces from pain a little as he speaks.
,, Mhm" I answer ,,Are you sure you are ok?"
A sighs comes out of him ,,I am just... Can you help me with my shirt, I... need to get going"
I sport a faint blush again as I help him with his shirt and coat. ,,You are sure about this? You don't seem ok"
He fixes his hat as he weakly gets off the table ,, I am".
Even with that strong reply I still am not convinced ,, Like 100% sure? "
I hear a light chuckle from him ,, 100% sure, thank you again Y/N" he tips his hat towards me.
,, It's nothing, hope you get back, wherever you came from, safe. Chuuya"
As I watch him leave through the back door with a weak step I try to sink in the strange man I had just met.
Chuuya P. O. V
The plush of the pillow in infirmary supported my head as the doctor tied new bandages to my back. The burn from that acid asshole was sure to leave a scar he said.
,, A-and that should do it" the doctor said. Soon after that we heard the door open.
,, How are you Chuuya-kun?". I recoginsed the voice and got up.
,, Much better Boss"
He nodded his head and as if on que the doctor left the room to us.
,, Im sorry to be the barer of bad news but I have to tell you that the group  got away, and that the most of the cargo was either destroyed or used in the battle"
,, THOSE SONS OF A BITCH" I stumped my fist on the mattress
,, Calm down Chuuya. This is a great loss for the Mafia but if we manage to catch them we will get much more than we have lost"
,, What do you mean?"
,, This organization has been trying to overthrow the Port Mafia by making deals with other groups. If we kill them we will get the money they offered to other groups and get fear in the bones of those who belived they could beat us." he paused to look at me ,, But for that I expect to see you back at work soon"
I nod ,, You will boss"
                                    - || -
I was going back from the head quarters, carrying with me weight of a failed mission. It stung even worse than that burn on my chest.
I started looking around the streets of Yokohama thinking how a nice a bottle of wine will ease my sorrows when I get home.
This was the plan until I noticed a broken glass door. Behind it a familiar sighing sillouet tapping her fingers on the registre.
I decided to drown my troubles with something else.
Reader P. O. V
It's been three days since the bomb attacks and because the bakery was the closest to the scene of crime many people have become scared to come here, and the few gossipers wich did show up were only greeted with broken shop windows.
Guess that was preety flavorless for them since they never stayed long to buy anything.
Ticking of the clock was the only thing keeping me company. For the first time I couldn't wait to get out of here. The closing shifts were never fun.
Ticking then got interrupted by the sound of the bell above the door signaling a customer.
,, Is this still open?" the customer asked.
To my great surprise it was the man I pulled from the street.
,, Oh, it's you!?"
He walked over to the counter. ,, Hello Y/N"
Damn, he even remembers my name. ,,Um, hi! What brings you here?"
I ask.
,, I noticed you on the counter and rembered you work here, so I thought I should try what you gotta offer" he replied now looking at the displayed cakes and sweets.
Light crackles through me. This is my chance. ,,You know these displayed ones aren't the best tasting ones, right?" he raises an eyebrow to this ,,Really?"
,, Yup! Sit over there I'll join you soon". I run towards the kitchen and start cutting up a piece of strawberry cake I baked with my own recepie. The one boss refused to display.
                                 - || -
Carrying my pride and joy back I find the man sitting at a table looking around.
,, Heree you go~" I sing placing the cake in front of him. As he examines the piece I sit beside him placing my head on my hands. Heart thumping in wait to see his reaction.
Chuuya P. O. V
I wanted to grab a pastry and leave and yet I ended up here. Sitting in front of a girl with litteral fireworks pouring out of her eyes.
,, You really love your job, eh?" I ask. She laughs ,, My, my what gave it away!"
,, Your eyes and how you litteraly jumped at an opportunity to give me this cake" I honestly reply, turning my eyes back on the cake.
She crooks an eyebrow ,, You really don't miss anything?" she smiles ,, And I gotta say you're absolutely right. But I think it will be even clearer when you try the cake. Now chop, chop!"
I listen to her and place a fork in my mouth.
I feel my eyes go wide. It's like I just swallowed a ball of melted flowers in my mouth.
,, You.. You made this!? " I ask. Her sparkling eyes were on the verge of popping out. ,, I did. Do you like it?!"
,, It's amazing!" I greedily take another bite. A smile rivaling the sun appears on her face. Warming up the room.
The cake soon dissapered from the plate wich her didn't fail to notice.
,, Would you like some more?" she smirks. I cover my half full mouth to answer ,, Yes please!"
A chuckle follows her as she grabs the plate from me.
Soon she comes back. ,, You know I'm really glad you stopped by today! Since that whole bombing incident we haven't had many customers."
Guilt starts to wash over my throat. ,, Really?"
,, Yeah, it's not that fun without customers. Seeing their faces when they eat our treats to me is the greatest charm to baking!" she leans her head back smiling.
I continue to enjoy the cake and Y/N's radiating happiness when she speaks up again.
,, By the way, how did you end up getting caught in that blast back then? If you don't mind me asking."
I choke up a little. ,,I had buissnes there".
Her eyebrow quirks again ,, Some dangerous buissnes, eh? I hope your injury wasn't too bad"
Trying to brush off the conversation I say ,, I'm fine now thank you for asking".
,, You do kinda give me the gangster vibe". I don't think she knew how dangerous those words were.
,, Anyhow, I should get going. How much will this be?" I get up from the table.
,, It's on the house" Y/N says.
,, Hah! Do you do this for all your customers?" I laugh
,, Nah, only for the ones I like and besides" she gets up from her seat ,, You gave me the positive feedback I need to get that cake on the menu so thank you for that!"
The room felt warm again with her words I couldn't help but smile myself
,,In that case I'm glad I stopped by"
I walk over to the door as her voice rings through the room ,, Come again soon!"
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mlovesstories · 4 years
Feeling the Burn Part 5
Warnings: active self-harm, cussing, therapy, emotional issues
Words 2300
AN- Tough stuff, guys.  Read the warnings. 
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“You have a what?” Danneel brought everyone water as she sat down next to Jensen across the table from YN.
“Half-brother.  Are you mad at me?” YN looked down and rang her hands together.
“No, of course not,” Danneel stared at Jensen, telling him to calm down.  
“I think we are just confused as to why you didn’t say anything.  You’ve been with us for over a year.”
“Look, I don’t expect you to understand.” YN huffed.
“But we want to.  You just have to give us a chance.”
“He never liked me, always treated me like crap when I was younger, so I just stayed away.  Learned to do that early.  Kenyan was always in trouble at school.  My parents didn’t know what to do with him.  I think he was the main reason they started drinking and being stupid.  I couldn’t go out or have fun with my friends because they assumed I was out drinking or doing drugs like he was.  So, I got a job and stayed at the library as much as possible.”
“Hence your good work ethic,” Jensen smiled.
“I try,” YN shrugged. “Kenyan would follow me or sabotage stuff for me.”
Danneel gasped.
“What?” Jensen turned to her suddenly.
“Those notes that were left.  Maybe he wrote them.”
“What notes?”  YN squinted.
“Someone left me notes about how you were a terrible employee.  We tried to find out who was doing it, but then it stopped.”
“I’m gonna kill him.” YN growled.  
“Let the detective take care of him.  He chose to destroy your life.  Don’t let him do it anymore.  You need an appointed security guard.  Anywhere you go.”
“Oh, Jensen.  No.  He wouldn’t actually hurt me.”
“Sweetie, he almost killed Jensen.” Danneel tried to calm the girl down.  
“I’m not having a warden.”
“Oh, shut up, you two.” Danneel slammed a towel down on the counter.  “Look, you are in potential danger.  I know the fire happened a while ago.  Why don’t we make a compromise.  You check in when you go somewhere.  If you are somewhere other than school for more than two hours, you check in.  Deal?”
“Dee, we need to be more vigilant than that-”
“No.  We are not going to change her life around.  If we don’t hear from her, we’ll call the detective.”
“Fine,” Jensen rolled his eyes.  
“She hasn’t texted me back.” Danneel ran into the living room.  “I texted her ten minutes ago.”
Jensen whipped out his phone and called YN.
“ANSWER YOUR PHONE!” Jensen yelled.  “You were supposed to respond ten minutes ago.”
“I’m sorry,” YN whispered.  “I’m working.”
“I don’t care.  You text us back!” Jensen slammed the phone down on the couch after hanging up.
“Jensen!” Danneel yelled at him.  
“I’m going to go give her a piece of my mind,” Jensen stood from the couch and started to walk toward the door.
“Jensen Ackles!” Danneel stepped in front of him.  He froze.  “You better cool it right now!” He took a deep breath.  “My gosh, Jensen.  She missed one check-in.  And she was working.”
“He BURNED me! I could have die-” Jensen’s face dropped.  His wife recognized the expression on his face, and she closed the space between them.  
“I know,’ she whispered.  “But you’re here.  With me.  You’re okay.” Danneel felt something wet on her cheek.  “You didn’t tell me how much this has been bothering you.”
YN slowly entered the house.  Danneel and Jensen looked up at her.  She bit her lip and faced them.
“I’m sorry.” YN clasped her hands together behind her back.  “You’ve been crying.  I’ve never had someone do that over me before.  You’re crying because I didn’t listen, right?”
“No.  Come here,” Jensen sat up straight.  YN sat on the arm of the chair next to him.  “I’m not mad at you.  I realized I am dealing with the fire in a not-so-good way.  And I took it out on you.”
“You’re cutting?” YN looked at his collarbone.  
“What?  No.  I took out my anger on you.  Are YOU cutting?” Jensen asked, surprised by her thought process.
“I used to, not anymore.  And you have been cutting.  I saw it on your hips the other day when you were going to work out.  Your collarbone has marks on it too.”
“Jensen?” Danneel leaned back to see him.  “Really?” She asked softly.
“No, I-.” He took a deep breath.
“How come I didn’t notice?” Danneel said to herself.
“He hid them.  Probably told you they were scratches from fight scenes would be my guess.” YN surmised.  
Jensen looked up at her with sad eyes.  
“Good job, ladies.  You found out my secret.” The man sighed and stood up, exiting and leaving the girls on the couch.  Danneel’s eyes were watery.
“I promise he will be okay,” YN scooted to be closer to Danneel. “I struggled with it for a long time.  If we can help him now, he can fight it.” She opened her arms to the older one.
After a few minutes, Danneel sat up from being in YN’s arms.  
“You’re amazing,” Danneel smiled and wiped her last tear away.  
“Not really, just been through some stuff.”
Danneel walked into the master bedroom.  She found Jensen standing in front of their bathroom mirror.  
“Can I see?” Danneel walked behind him and wrapped her arms around him.  Jensen sighed, feeling defeated. He slowly unbuttoned his long-sleeved plaid shirt. Danneel walked next to him to see the marks on his body.  “Ouch,” Danneel said under her breath.  Danneel ran her fingers over the long, thin lines on his chest.  “These are newer,” she met his eyes.  Danneel saw tears about to spill over.  “No more of that.  No more tears today.  Let’s talk.” She turned him to face her.  “Why?”
“Why are you here, Mister Ackles?”
Jensen leaned back against his seat, sighed and crossed his arms.  
“Ah, you’re gonna be a hard one to crack, huh?” Dr. Brown grinned.  
“I’m only here because my foster daughter threatened to not go to her own counseling sessions if I didn’t come here,” he answered through gritted teeth.  
“You must love her very much.”
“Don’t placate me,” Jensen stated.  
“Just making a comment, Mister Ackles.  Not everyone has an agenda.  So, Cowboys, huh?”
“You’re lanyard,” Dr. Brown nodded to Jensen’s keys on the side table.
“Oh, yeah.  Best team in the league.  Even when they aren’t,” Jensen smiled.  
“Stop it.”
“No, answer me.  How did it go?  You don’t have to give me specifics.  Are you glad you went?”  YN followed Jensen toward his room.
“I told him I only went because you made me,” he refused to look at her.
“And because you want to get better,” YN reinforced.  As they entered the master bedroom, she stopped right inside the door.  “Where is it?”
“Where is what?”
“The razor.”
“No.  I’m not having a moment with you.”
“You want to get better?  Give it to me. I don’t want you having it unsupervised.”
“I’m not giving it to you.  You’ve cut too.”
“Then let’s throw it away.  Go get it,” she weakly smiled.  
“Fine,” he sighed.
“Mister Ackles,” Dr. Brown started.
“What? What do you want?  Can I leave now?”
“Well, yeah.  I mean, you’re the one showing up here.”
“Great.” Jensen said matter-of-factly. He stood up to exit.
“BUT-,” The doctor stopped Jensen.  “If you leave, I’m assuming you won’t go to another psychologist, and therefore you won’t get better.  Do you want to-”
“Yes! Yes, I do want to get better.” Jensen shouted.
“If you are going to remain in here, you are going to be quiet and not disturb the other clients in this building,” the doctor said deeply.  “Furthermore, that’s not what I was going to say.  Are you going to stay and try or are you going to interrupt me and then I kick you out?”
Jensen quietly looked away from the doctor and walked back to his seat on the couch.
“What I was going to say was: do you want to play a game for me to get to know you, or would you rather start telling me about yourself?  I still don’t know your motivation for coming other than your foster daughter said you should.”
“Whatever.” Jensen gave in.  “Look, my foster daughter, YN, and I saw some scary shit.  We made her go see her school counselor.  I didn’t think I was affected by it.  I blew up at her after she ignored our rules to keep her safe because of what happened.  Well, sort of.  I was stressed, and I had been thinking about what happened.”
“Sounds terrible.  Do we need to get to know each other more before you tell me?” Dr. Brown readjusted his shirt and waited.  
“Someone kidnapped her.  We found her, but then the guy got killed because he came at us with a knife.  Cop shot him.  Cop said to get down, so we dropped to the ground.  I covered her so that she wouldn’t get hurt.”  Jensen put his head in his hands.  
“Ah.  Yeah, that’s pretty messed up,” Dr. Brown agreed.  “It wouldn’t also have anything to do with that, would it?”
Jensen looked down to see the small scars on his skin.
“How’d you know?”
“Saw the news when the fire happened.  I recognized you from the news report.  Apparently you’re famous.”
“To some people, I guess.” Jensen sat up straighter.  “Yeah, okay, fine.  That’s the real reason why I freaked, okay?”
“And what does a fire that you were injured in have to do with YN?”
The doctor saw Jensen take in a deep breath and not let it out.
“Let’s try something else.  What do you like to do for fun?”
“Umm.  I like to box, hang out with my wife. I’ve run a few marathons.”
“Good.  You have some good coping skills.”
“I sound like a freaking science experiment.”
“No, you sound like you have some positive ways of dealing with stressors.  How’re the Cowboys doing this season?”
“Eh.  I just watch it right now to fall asleep to.”
“That’s what I use it for too,” the doctor smiled. “Tell me about YN.  She seems to have an impact on you.”
Jensen went on to explain YN’s history and what he knew about her. He told the doctor that YN had been through a lot, and she was seeking help.
“She is the hardest working kid I’ve ever seen.  Sad thing is, it comes from a terrible place.  YN had to be perfect at home.  We never put that pressure on her.  If anything, we try to get her to relax.  I’m hoping seeing the counselor will help.”
“Wow.  I can see the connection you have.  She is a lucky girl to have you and your wife…” he looked at Jensen’s file.  “Danielle?” Jensen laughed.
“Danneel,” he smiled.  
“Right,” the doctor nodded.  
So how’d it go?” Danneel wrapped her arms around her husband as she snuggled into him on the couch.  
“Okay.  I don’t like it, but YN-”
“If I have to go, so do you,” YN walked in and crash-landed to the couch next to Jensen.  
“How’s it going for you?” Danneel looked beyond Jensen to see YN.
“Okay,” YN said quietly.  
“Yeah, not so easy to talk about, huh?” Jensen growled.
“Oh, shut up, Jensen!” YN screamed and stood up.  “You’re not too good for this.  You almost burned to death.  Let’s be real.  And we saw someone die in front of this.  No big deal or anything.  Stop being an ass about it, and do the work!  You’re turning into my dad with your attitude and the way you treat me! No thanks! When I turn eighteen, I’m out of here!”
“YNN-“ Jensen sighed, defeated.
“You cut?”
“How did you know too?” Jensen rolled his eyes. “You gonna tell the world? Everyone seems to know.”
“You’re crossing your arms, wearing a long sleeve shirt that is Big and Tall. And it’s buttoned up all the way.”
Jensen stared past the doctor.
“Oh. Yeah. Fine, yes. Am I going to get in trouble with you too?”
“People don’t get in trouble here. I’m guessing someone found out?”
Jensen explained that YN found out first and then Danneel had been treating him with kid gloves since the girls found out.
“What’d you do with the blade?”
“YN and I threw it out.  She made me walk it to the trash. I didn’t want it in the house for her to find anyway.  She used to self-harm too.”
“Wow. You three are really close.”
“Not anymore. Not after a few days ago. YN won’t even talk to me, and Danneel is acting weird because she found out I was hurting myself. I know she looks me over to see if I’ve done it lately. She doesn’t say anything, but I know she does.”
“Can you blame her?”
“No,” Jensen sighed.
“What happened the other day with YN?”
“I told her I didn’t like coming here and I didn’t want to talk about anything related to therapy, and she flipped out and said I needed to deal with my stuff and just do it. No offense, doc.”
“None taken. I get it. People don’t want to talk about feelings. Psychologists are often the faces of negative feelings.”
“Homework,” Dr. Brown smiled.
“No,” Jensen whined.  
“Therapy is work, my friend,” the doctor put his notes to the side.  
“Check on YN two times a day.  Text, call, be in the same room, whatever fits the context.  You don’t even have to say anything if you don’t want to.”
“That’s it?” Jensen squinted at the doctor.  
“You’ll find it’s harder than you might think,” Dr. Brown laughed.  “Go, get out of here.  I know that’s what you’ve been thinking about for the last hour.  You’re free, go home,” Dr. Brown opened the office door to a hallway.  
“Thanks, doc.” 
Forever Friends (Everything):
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
Sonamy Prompt (Original idea!)
It’s so nice that I can finally stretch out my fingers and write my OWN prompts again! It’s been years since I’ve been able to do so. I love writing other people’s ideas, but sometimes, don’t you wonder what my own might be like too?
Here is one of them, I’ll try and write quite a bit more before I actually release the date where the Grand Reopening will happen for the prompt ask box! Until then, please enjoy my carefully written out prompts that I’ve been wanting to write down for years now!
PROMPTS ARE STILL ON SHUTDOWN! But what’s this I smell? *sniff sniff* Smells like something’s coming just around the horizon... Don’t submit any prompts until the grand reopening announcement! :Db
“Where’d you say the universal message was?” Sonic seemed confused, but Tails happily took a breath and explained it all once more.
“To put it simply, It’s an ancient device that allows your message to vocally be carried wherever it’s counterpart is. However, the counterpart that Amy was tracking down wasn’t in the best of places. Amy’s now captured and they’re trying to lure you to them through her!” He seemed to get more and more animated as he spoke, finally bundling up his hands as he leaned forward to emphasize the danger ahead.
“What?” Sonic seemed to finally understand, honing in on the dangerous part. “Why didn’t you say so, Tails?” Sonic patted his shoulder and was about to take off, but Tails quickly reached back and grabbed his arm with both his hands, shaking his head frantically.
“Wait, wait, wait! You don’t even know where she is!”
Sonic smirked, “I got an idea.” He winked, holding up the stone, compacted vase that almost looked like a small and holed through Hokora.
He was about to speak into it, but suddenly heard windy sounds from within it.
He paused, placing his ear to the hole as Amy’s voice became more clear...
“-and that’s when I swore to never show my insecurities, never let Sonic or any of my friends see just how much I really do miss him. I have many troubles... I get sad sometimes... but I know how much Sonic loves smiles. If I didn’t smile, would he not like me? W-would he not stand to be around me? No matter how hard it might be to smile while he’s gone, I will never stop smiling. I still, hehe, remember when Sonic first called me Amy instead of my nickname, Rosy. I’ll never forget it, he said that I looked unafraid. That’s why I always say, no fear! And that’s why no matter what happens to me today... I know in my heart, no matter how weak or insignificant I may feel... that Sonic still believes me to be brave. If I can channel his courage, and make it my own,... his memory will always make me smile. No matter what! I will fight! No matter the cost, I’ll find Sonic!”
Sonic suddenly heard her voice crack, he heard the soft sobbing... that suddenly turned to a muffled cry that he had never heard from Amy before.
His face dropped and his mouth opened to say something, but he was cut off by her voice echoing through the strange, handheld ancient technology again.
“I can’t let him know how truly afraid I can be sometimes... How I really don’t think I’m that strong... but I want to be. If everyone believes Sonic puts on an act of heroism then is it so wrong to put on a brave face too? I may not know...” another interuptive, sharp breath pulled Sonic’s ear out of the device a moment before he slowly and willingly put it back into place. “I may not know where he is or how long he’ll take but I know Sonic will find me... I hope he believes in me as much as I do him. I hope he knows how much I care... how much I miss him... but I know that’s so selfish. I don’t want him to feel sad because I am. I wish he wanted to be around me more... but I know that wishing can sometimes affect the hearts of those we long for the most. If I hold Sonic in my heart, I know he’ll feel me, and then... he’ll know that I’m waiting for him. I want to be strong, I want to fight! But when all seems lost... I won’t ever lose my hope in Sonic The Hedgehog..! Please be alright... Please,... let him be safe and on his way soon. Let him trust in whatever courage he believes me to have... let me have it. Let me never lose my smile and disappoint him... Oh, Sonic... Where are you?”
He closed his eyes, letting her words--which he never before had thought she felt--sink into his heart before pulling the device away.
He looked at it, lightly bobbing it in his hands and feeling its weight, as he figuritively felt the weight of her personal prayer for him and delcaration in his hands.
Her voice sounded so distraught, desperate, as though this was just her peptalk to herself. He had listened in on an intimate moment he was never meant to hear, but he knew he needed it.
He had taken this whole adventure so light-heartedly... he had no idea how scared she really was. What if they captured her? What if she was motivating herself to fight the enemy alone?
All alone...
Not on Sonic’s watch.
He tightened his grip on the device and narrowed his eyes, fixing his convictions securely in his heart as though stabbing a declaration to the ground and digging it through the center of the earth, making sure it stood forever.
“What’s wrong? You looked like you were taking a call...” Tails bent his ears back, not sure why Sonic had ignored him for so long.
“It’s like a seashell, I suppose.” Sonic admitted, turning around to point to the device, “If you hold it close enough, you can speak into it, and someone can hear you.”
“I know, that’s why it’s the universal message system of the past!” Tails exclaimed, but Sonic just held the device away from him, not wanting Amy to accidentally hear something...
“Right, right.” Sonic nodded, being careful. “Tails, quickly, I need Amy’s location. Think you can pull it up for me, buddy?”
“So you will save her!” both his ears and tails perked up.
“Of course I will! What kind of exclaimation was that?” Sonic gestured a hand out, trying to seem carelessly chill but really... his heart was racing.
Was Amy still crying? How would he pull her smile back? How would he help her find the strength he knew was always in her? When did she start missing him so terribly that it left her so... so crippled like this without him?
He had always thought she could manage on her own... but now, he truly saw how much she hated that. She wasn’t one to live on her own... but just by her own terms.
He had been silently making her follow his lead after all these years... A mask? He had always seen her as wearing her heart as her dress, in a sense, having it be too big to just sit on her shoulder--it’d topple over!
So now... his poor friend, what was she up against? Both in her mind... and in her heart?
“Got it!” Tails rushed back, and seemed to finally have time to answer Sonic’s question. “This will lead you to Amy. Sorry, I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad...” He scratched behind his head, “I knew you would! I was just worried you would say there was something bigger out there, and that Amy would have to handle herself for a little while longer.” Tails’s explaination stung Sonic even more.
‘...Do all my friends want me to feel secure in their abilities... That they won’t ask me for help when they desperately need it the most?’
Sonic’s heart felt heavy, and he instinctively put a hand to Tails’s shoulder, “I always have time for my friends.” He stated that with absolute certainty, as though that should never be put up for question again. “I’m here for you all, Tails. That will never change.” He shook his head and tilted his body, showing he had to go now.
Tails looked touched by the gesture, “Wow... S-sorry! I’m just not used to seeing you this way!” he shook his hands out as Sonic removed his hand. “You’ve... You’ve changed in a matter of seconds! When did you suddenly get so considerate of us, Sonic?”
Sonic looked to the universal message device.
“I guess I just needed my eyes opened to what was really happening while I’ve been away from you guys... Sorry, Tails. I never meant to make you all feel you had to be a certain way for me. I know my life style can be... challenging... but I’ve always been thankful for you all.” He nodded to Tails, then waved his farewell, “We’ll have to talk about this later, Amy needs me!”
“Right!” Tails rubbed his nose on his arm, fighting back the urge to get emotional. “I’d like that. Take care, Sonic! Good luck! Make sure you find Amy!!!” He called out, waving as Sonic took off at lightspeeds!
-After some time-
“It’s the end of the road, hedgehog!” A brutish, interdimensional animal and his gang had used an invisible technology to clear a giant and narrow ravine between them. “Hand over the counterpart, and we’ll let the girl go!”
Amy was being held by two of their men, each gripping an arm so she couldn’t move, but she struggled anyway.
“Sonic! Don’t listen to them! They’ll throw us off the-!” she was grabbed from behind as a man threw his arm up to cut off her words.
Sonic, on the other side of the ravine, having chased them and taken down their small spaceship carried an air of superiority and strength as he watched them.
He knew if he made a careless mistake now, that they wouldn’t hesitate to throw Amy down into the gorge below.
“Your choice! Either you fling over the device, or we fling down the girl!”
Amy tried to fight back but soon gave up, looking to Sonic for her answers.
Sonic’s harsh gaze turned sweet as he moved his attention from the ringleader of the interdimensional animals to Amy.
‘...How do I help you understand?’ he thought to himself, slowly bringing his hand up with each thought. ‘What true power lies inside you..?’
In actual reality, he was too beaten down to really fight the alien scum. They wanted to invade the planet, and beforehand, he was barely able to keep their fleet at bay.
Eggman had given them too much information about the planet, it was clear they wanted to mutate it, which would cause life to mutate into their hideous hides as well. Plants... Animals... everyone would be corrupted like them with the poison that destroyed them.
“...Amy,” Sonic extended his hand out, as though she could reach out and grab it.
                                                “Come on,... Let’s go.”
It seemed like simple words, but even at ‘Come’ Amy felt a strength in her rise.
‘He... He trusts me.’ she felt the world move in slow motion for a second, but her heart intensify into a raging drum. ‘He believes in me... that I can do this. He never once doubted me... did he?’
“Grr... Enough games! Shoot him down-!”
As the leader gave the order, Amy shook the guy with a powerful jerk to the side, flinging him off of her and forcing him off the ground. She flung him down behind her and ripped the other creature off her trapped arm to where he faltered forward and then was shoved to the side.
With each powerful footfall, Amy’s escalated heart rate propelled her body to the edge of the cliff.
“Nooo..!!! Stop her!” the leader tried to grab her, and others tried to shoot her after their initial shock subsided.
She felt like air itself was pushing her forward, that her steps felt like blasting explosions that kept moving her on.
Sonic’s outstretched hand... him beckoning her to come to him... it was more than she had ever wished for.
With lasers flying around her, she leaped.
The men were stunned as Sonic looked to see she was long-shooting the distance, and scrambled back in his slight amazement to adjust where he was, seeing her arms swirl as she tried to remain upright in the air.
He replaced the outstretched hand with both arms encircling her, catching her as lasers finally sparked up again around her in the air, and she completely fell into his arms.
“How did she make that..?” The leader gawked.
Sonic held her a moment longer, his head ducked down to bring her closer and his hand moving up to encase the back of her head.
“You... You believed in me.��� Amy whispered. “How did you know I could make it..?”
He didn’t say anything, just looked up and saw the men reforming to try and fire at them across the ravine.
He pulled Amy up and into a bridal style hold in his arms, “Thank you, Amy. For your words.” He nodded to her, and for a moment, she was lost in the strong look of a hero he gave her. It looked so sincere... was he saying he truly never doubted her? “I now have the strength I need to win this.” He held her a bit more firmly in his arms, causing her to blush.
He then looked behind him, over his shoulder before racing off, “Let’s get going, Amy!”
As he took off, Amy finally had the guts to ask what he meant by ‘her words..?’
He let her figure it out. The device had worked! She was awestruck and mortified that he had heard her inner-ramblings that she had spoken out loud to try while holding the device close to her.
“I-I never intended you to hear that!” she covered her face, but he just shrugged and smiled.
“It doesn’t matter now, it’s in the past. Then again...” He leaned his head down to her, looking directly at her, “It meant a lot... hearing how worried you were about looking weak or insecure around me.”
She let out a high-pitched cry that could only mean one of two things. One, she was hyperly embarrassed by him understanding her secret emotions and struggles, and two, she was still swooning~
“This is so embarrassing!!! No, no, no!” she squirmed in his grasp, but he just readjusted and chuckled to himself.
“I heard a different side of yourself talking, Amy...”
He caught her attention again, making her peek through her hands to look up at him again.
“And I can honestly say... that even your sorrows are beautiful.”
He met her gaze, seemed a bit shaken, and looked up at the sky to avoid the genuine look of love on her face.
“I’m glad for what I heard... even if it was hard to hear you crying, Amy... That without me, you really do feel helpless... but so long as you don’t feel worthless, or even just knowing you can clear that entire crack in the earth with a single bound,... that you bring more to me than I do to you.” he finally got over his shyness and met her eyes again.
“I will never take back what I said... So don’t ask me a second time, okay?” He grinned, trying to play it off, but he knew the effect had hit home and there was no going back now.
When the adventure was over, Sonic had incorporated each one of his friends’ strengths into the fight. He made absolutely sure everyone knew their own power from within before ever taking another step forward, and for that, the whole team praised and adored him, celebrating in his victory as though they won it together.
Sonic reminded them that they did.
Later, Amy hadn’t gotten over her flustered behavior and was still sighing about how awful it was for Sonic to hear her true feelings in such a way. “He must have felt so bad...” the counterpart device... was still with her.
“OoooOOOOooooohh... how will I ever get Sonic to like me now that he knows how desperately I pine for him every day!” She fell back on the couch, her arms spreading out as the device rolled to her lap. She kicked a foot out, “I wonder if he ever misses me that way too... was he empathetic when he said that? Or sympathetic? Ohhh! I can’t tell!” she covered her face, blushing.
“Hopefully, not as either -pathetic!” as though hearing an alarm go off from a distant tunnel, Amy shot up straight and looked only with her eyes around her home.
“Boy, it’s sure funny hearing you talk to yourself out loud, Amy. It’s like the walls can hear you too!”
“Sonic!” She cried out, grabbing the device she realized was still with her. “Are you..!? Spying on me???”
She nervously placed the device up to her ear, realizing he was speaking loudly into it so she could hear him.
“It’s kinda hard not to when you make so much noise with this thing! Honestly! Do you realize how loud you project your voice?”
“AH!” she threw the device off the couch, struggling to remain calm now and kicking her feet under her and away from it.
The device, like the block of stone it was, flopped to each of its squarish sides before finally settling.
“Hey! Watch it, Amy! This thing’s thousands of centuries-old! Tsk, tsk. This is why you can’t have nice things Not to mention your hammer-tantrums! Why you really shouldn’t display anything nice in your house!”
She squee’d, covering her face in further shame. “Tails..!” she breathed out, reaching for her miles-electric.
“What was that? Tails? What do you need him for?” Sonic’s voice turned more humorous, she could tell he was mocking her.
“Tails! Oh, thank goodness! Get Sonic away from the universal message device!” she begged through the communicator, glaring at it before looking hopeless as Tails just let out a long--Weeellll...
“He can’t help you now, Amy! As long as you got this thing, you’re stuck with me!” he openly teased again.
“What? Did you stick your whole ear in it!?” she was confused about how he could hear her so well, “Nosy!”
“Besides, haven’t you always wanted my number..? An easier way to reach me? Honestly, Amy, I thought you’d be thrilled just from the presence of my melodious, handsome voice~ Ringing through the universe to send you a message... straight from my lips... out from my heart... You’re too loud!”
“Ease-dropper!” she hollered out, turning off Tails as he seemed to roll his figurative eyes and slightly laugh at this exchange and then stomp over to the device. Picking up the device, she shock it, “Ohhh!!! Creep!” she was blushing madly by now, puffing up her cheeks. “Sooonnniiicc!!!” she cried as loud as she could into it.
“Yikes! I’m deaf! Satisfied?”
“I’d be more so if this were your actual ear!” she continued to scream into the device, but suddenly...
She heard her voice from across the way...
In behind her door...
She gulped.
Slowly opening it, she peeked out to see flowers.
She gasped and dropped the device again, but Sonic’s foot swooped into the gap in the door--causing the door to swing wider now--and caught the stone on his foot.
It was a delicate thing, but he was showing off his reflex skills. “Geez, Amy. You really can’t have a phone can you? You’d crack it before the day even started!” he kicked the device up into his hand, pairing it with its true receiver and then balancing the flowers towards her with his other hand.
“So? Can I come in? Or are you really gonna blow my eardrums out?”
It was a sweet end to a long, tireless, draining day for Amy...
He held her on the couch and talked about his adventures, something he knew she never got tired of, as she clung to his arm and leaned against his shoulder, listening and commenting as any doting girlfriend would.
By the next morning, she woke up to notice the flowers in a vase of water and Sonic nowhere to be seen.
She smiled.
She didn’t feel so lonely anymore...
He must have pulled a blanket over her, and realized then that...
Under the blanket, right up against her, was the device’s counterpart.
She smiled leaned it up to her face, slipping back under the cover of the blanket and whispering out, “Good morning.”
She waited a moment, shot her eyes to the corner of her vision in annoyance at having to wait so long, and then stated a little louder. “Good morning, Sonic The Hedgehog.”
She heard wind wooshing then, as though the ocean through a conch shell before a familiar voice chimed on through the universe to reach her.
                                  “Well, long time no hear, Miss Rose.”
She beamed and blushed as she scrunched herself deeper into the couch, grinning widely on her muzzle.
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iwaswritingmywayout · 4 years
BTMH: Chapter 23: Fanboy
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‘Hello! I’m Katsuki Y/N, one of the top figure skaters certified by the JSF. My first competition this season is the Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu Championship.’
Y/N was sitting next to the three other skaters competing in the Co-Ed singles competition. She had on her costume, with her black team japan jacket on top.
“I hear I’m the oldest of the four skating in the senior co-ed single division,” Y/N said. Seonghwa nodded, showing she was correct.
The three other skaters were 17, 17, and 18, while Y/N is 23. When it was time for them to draw the order they would compete in, Y/N crossed her fingers. “Anything but the first spot!” She whispered before pulling out the card. “Not the first spot!”
“Skater Katsuki Y/N, you’re up first,” The lady said.
Y/N held her head in her hands as she sat down. “Not again…I have the most horrible luck of the draw. It was the same in the last Nationals…”
Seonghwa wasn’t really listening to what Y/N was going on about, he was thinking about the competition. He really hoped that she would earn gold.
Wooyoung sat on the bench as well. His fists were balled up and he was sitting next to another one of the competitors.
“Hey,” the competitor said.
Y/N looked up about the person that had spoken “Hm?”
Wooyoung looked up at the girl and blushed.
Y/N sweatdropped. ‘Why is he blushing at me? Please don’t tell me he likes me,’ Y/N thought, groaning internally.
Seonghwa saw the interaction and laughed softly when he saw Y/N’s reaction. She was always so overly dramatic.
“I got to see you draw the first spot in person again, Y/N! I love it!” Wooyoung said. He was fangirling very hard.
Y/N had a blank expression on her face. ‘Why couldn’t I have done better at Nationals last year…’ She thought. “Um…” She said.
“What, you don’t remember me? What a shock!” Wooyoung said. He put his head against his head and started kicking his legs.
Y/N motioned for Seonghwa to walk over and bend down so she could whisper in his ear. He nodded and walked over to her, bending down.
“Is he throwing a tantrum?” Y/N whispered, not sure exactly what was happening.
Seonghwa laughed and shook his head. “No, he’s fine.”
“What a shock!” The lady with Wooyoung said.
When Wooyoung’s name was called, he raised his hand. “Right here! I’m Wooyoung Kenjiro!” Wooyoung ran up and put his hand in the bag.
‘Who is he again?’ Y/N thought.
“Yay! I’m going fourth!” Wooyoung called.
Later on, Y/N and Seonghwa were getting interviewed.
“We’ve timed her to peak at the Grand Prix Final, so this isn’t a problem. She can take it easy and earn a personal best score today. However, I’m hoping that score will earn her a gold medal,” Seonghwa said.
That’s right. If Y/N earned a gold medal her and Seonghwa would become a couple. That gave her even more motivation to do well and earn a gold medal.
Y/N turned to face Seonghwa. “I think I’ve told you this many times, but last year’s nationals I bombed everything. They wondered if I was injured, but embarrassingly, nothing was physically wrong with me and I wasn’t having knee pain. I lost, despite being a top contender, because I was mentally weak,” Y/N explained.
Seonghwa put his hand up to his mouth, trying to cover the look of shock on his face. “Wow.”
“You don’t need to cover your face, I can already tell you’re shocked,” Y/N said.
Y/N put her skates on as she sat on a bench. Once she finished she stood up and walked to where Seonghwa was standing on the edge of the rink.
‘I haven’t been in a single competition since last year’s Nationals,’ Y/N thought as she fiddled with her hands.
Seonghwa smiled at her and held up a poodle tissue box. “Makkachin’s cheering for you, too!”
Y/N took a tissue from the poodle and dabbed at her forehead. “Oh, yeah. Real cute,” Y/N said.
‘I’ve been practicing with Seonghwa this whole time, but to be honest, I’m still not sure about myself,’ Y/N thought.
That morning she woke up with her knee in a lot of pain. She knew if she told Seonghwa about it he would most likely not allow her to skate, but she didn’t want to miss the competition, so she took some pain meds, wrapped it up, and got ready to head to the arena.
“Try to be happier,” Seonghwa said. “Besides, if you win gold today you’ll get a boyfriend.”
Y/N looked back at him after she stepped onto the ice. “Still can’t believe you’re making me win the ability to date you.”
“Just another thing to give you motivation,” Seonghwa said. He didn’t mention that he was still going to date her even if she didn’t win. He wasn’t going to make their relationship status be determined by a skating competition.
She skated around the ice, practicing bits and pieces of her choreography. Her knee wasn’t hurting her as bad, so that was good. “I have to figure out if I’m in good enough shape for the Grand Prix series. The other skaters don’t matter.”
Y/N stood on the ice; her arms crossed as her hand trembled. She looked clearly uncomfortable. She raised an eyebrow and looked around. “I feel someone staring at me…”
Y/N looked to her right and saw the kid, Wooyoung, staring at her.
“Wooyoung, focus, okay? Focus!” His coach said.
Y/N looked creeped out as Wooyoung skated past her, craning his neck to continue staring at her.
“Remember how focused you were at Nationals! Don’t get overwhelmed by the energy around you!” Wooyoung’s coach said.
Y/N remembered how last years National’s went and she flinched as she thought about how embarrassing it was. ‘Focus! Focus!’ She thought.
Minako, Takeshi, and Yuuri stood near a crowd and were talking.
“Wow, what a crowd,” Minako said.
“It’s been like this since the public practice this morning,” Takeshi said.
“Is Y/N okay? She tends to get nervous before competitions,” Yuuri asked.
Y/N ran up to the trio, her hair up in a bun like she wears it for competitions.
“Hey! Have you seen Seonghwa? The competitions about to start and I can’t find him,” Y/N asked.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Seonghwa said as he walked towards the group. He had on a suit. Y/N wasn’t sure why he was dressed so fancy, but he looked very nice.
“Why did you change clothes?” She asked.
“Today is my glorious debut as a coach, so I should be in formal dress,” Seonghwa said, putting a hand on his chest.
Y/N out her head in her hands. “You’re exactly right…”
“That Russian coach stands out more than the skaters,” Minako said.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, this event is the senior co-ed short program. Will the competitors please take the ice for your warm-up? You have six minutes,” The announcer said.
Y/N unzipped her jacket and placed it next to Seonghwa. She took her skate guards off and held them in her hands. Seonghwa looked very excited, Y/N, not so much. Her biggest worry, though, wasn’t winning or losing, it was that she’d end up hurt half-way through and not being able to finish.
“As your coach, what should I say before sending you off to the program? What I’m thinking of right now is…” Seonghwa said.
Y/N laughed softly before handing Seonghwa her skate guards. “Think about it and tell me before my program,” Y/N said.
‘My goal is to reach the Grand Prix Final. I can’t get nervous already at this stage,’ Y/N thought.
‘She’s nervous,’ Minako thought.
Y/N spent the six minutes doing the spins she knew she’d land for certain. When she wouldn’t land a jump during practice it would make her even more nervous. She also did some of the moves she’d do to stretch herself out. If she stretched properly it would lessen her pain after the competition.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, the warm-up has ended,” the announcer said. The clock showing the time had four seconds left. “Please leave the ice.”
Wooyoung and the other skater left the ice, while Y/N skated over to where Seonghwa was and leaned against the edge. She grabbed her water bottle while Seonghwa was pouting. Why was he pouting? What could she have possible done in 6 minutes to bother him so much.
‘Why is Seonghwa getting so prickly?’ Y/N thought. She then took a sip of her water.
“Y/N, turn around,” Seonghwa said.
“Huh? Y/N asked.
“Turn around, okay?” Seonghwa insisted.
Y/N wasn’t sure why Seonghwa wanted her to turn around, but she just shrugged and did it. “Um, like this?” She asked after she turned around.
Seonghwa hugged Y/N from behind, wrapping his arms around her tightly. Y/N clearly looked shocked. She didn’t expect him to hug her while they were in public. Y/N blushed very brightly. The photographers were so surprised to see it that they started snapping pictures as soon as it happened. She’d be in the tabloids the next day.
Seonghwa made sure his mouth was close to her ear before whispering in a low voice. “Seduce me with all you have. If your performance can charm me, you can enthrall the entire audience. That’s what I always say in practice, right?”
“R-right,” Y/N said.
“Good luck!” Minako shouted.
“Good luck, Y/N!” Takeshi shouted.
Y/N skated to the center and took her starting position. ‘Remember, just skate like you do in practice,’ she thought.
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marvinswriting · 4 years
Northshore's couples, written by anonymous, about anonymous.
a crack idea bear and I had that I took seriously
g/t mean girls
November, 12th
Hey, Northshore! Welcome to a new section of the school newspaper. I've been fighting for a gossip blog for a hot minute now, and since the paper is dying down, Northshore is finally allowing it. 
But this isn't just any gossip blog.
This is the place where I'm gonna -try- to answer your most burning questions about Northshore couples in question.
All through anonymity and observation.
To start, let's meet the students. All names have been changed so identities can stay hidden. In the tinies we've got: J, A, and R. Then in the giants there is: D, C, G, K, and S.
Who's with who? Who hates who? Who's got some secrets under the surface? Come back next week.
"Full offense to Northshore, this sounds stupid as fuck." Janis huffed, tossing down the newspaper, letting it fall to the table. 
Karen looked at the small girl of Damian's shoulder.
"Why do you think?"
"Gossip blogs are unoriginal and boring. The school newspaper is grasping at straws."
"They can be fun when done right." Regina points out. "I say we check in next week and find out more about the students it's about."
"Whats-" Cady frowned. "What's a gossip blog?"
"Aww, baby's first gossip blog! We have to keep up with this one. Just for Cady." Damian said.
Karen watched with amusement as her friends discussed gossip blogs and if they were any good.
This will be fun. 
November 19th
Love the feedback from last week guys! You're all as hyped as I am. And no. I won't confirm who your suspicions are. Stop slipping notes under the computer lab door.
This week J and D were seen together. (It's not uncommon.) 
A was seen kissing C when they thought nobody was looking. But don't be fooled, somebody is always looking.
Not to be creepy or anything.
Just- we saw that, A. 
You won't spot R without K or G anywhere near them, don't know if any of them are dating though.
Development into J and D's relationship as D is seen defending J from S. Sources couldn't hear what they were saying but it sounded pretty hostile. Is it just caring friends or something a little more? 
This blog is focused around uncovering Northshore's couples once and for all. Have any tips? There's been a box placed by the computer lab door. Got any other people you want to see covered? Let me know!
Until next week, the anon who writes about anons. Xx!
"So," Cady looked down at her newspaper. "A gossip blog, is just talking about people?"
"Hence, the gossip part." Janis folder her own tiny newspaper, tossing it onto the cafeteria table from Damian's pocket. "And it's stupid."
"I wonder who it's about?" Gretchen said. "I know everything about everybody. But all this info? This is news to me."
"It's obviously about-" Karen paused. Was she the only one to figure it out?
Wasn't she the dumb one?
"Never mind. I dunno who it's about either."
"I don't understand why you care so much." Janis huffed.
"Because its fun to be nosey about lives that aren't ours. Duh." Regina said.
November, 26th
Happy Friday, Northshore!
Wow, lots of you sent in info about J and D. Whether you've cracked the code on who they are or maybe you're just observant of two fellow students- there is no denying they're pretty affectionate.
Since we're on the topic, let's start with J and D.
Kisses. Lots of them.
Romantic, or just friends? The duo themselves give pretty mixed answers so we must take matters into our own hands and draw our own conclusions. J was seen skipping class on multiple occasions and hiding with D. I hope J has a good tutor. I could never miss that much info.
R and G are seen together. K seems like they're third-wheeling. Somebody get them out of there. K, if you need a sos, slip a note in the box bby. We've got you.
If you want to talk about PDA, look no further than A and C. Wow! A hello kiss, a kiss kiss, a GOODBYE KISS? They may not say it themselves but those two are definitely a fairytale couple.
No updates to S. #singleforlife.
Sorry, S. If you're reading this.
"Well, A and C just sound gross." Janis frowns.
"Don't be negative, Jan." Damian shakes his head at the girl on the table. "They sound cute."
"Overly cute." Cady says.
"I'm glad somebody agrees." Janis huffed.
"Poor K. Thridwheeling a couple is awful." Gretchen sympathizes.
"We don't know if R and G are dating." Aaron points out. "We don't know if any of these people are dating. I'm kinda hooked."
"Well, third-wheeling best friends is even worse." Cady sighs, glancing at Damian and Janis. 
Karen looked at the newspaper in her hands with a soft smile. She had a note to drop off.
December 3rd
Happppppy Friday! I have a big announcement right off the bat!
It is I, the writer, formally known as Anon. But now there's two of us! Me, the writer, and another student- the spy. Between the two of us (and your help from the box!) we're gonna crack these relationships open in no time!
This week's rundown!
R was with G the whole week. There was not one time they were separated. 
A, J, and R were seen in the tiny halls together where  A was overheard talking fondly about C.
Is there a fight for J?
D and S seem to never want to leave J alone.
Although, if you asked the writer, I'm totally team JD. Message for S? This isn't middle school anymore. Being mean to somebody isn't a good way to show your emotions. Message for D? You're doing fabulous, I'm rooting for you. Message for J? Pick fucking wisely. 
I'm a bit biased but my info is not. 
Don't you worry.
Until next week, you know where the box is! Xx.
"Aw, J and D sound like a cute couple." Regina cooes.
"A and C don't." Janis shook her head. "To sappy."
"Is Jan warming up to the gossip blog? And forming opinions?" Damian teased.
Karen shook her head in disbelief. The fact that her friends were yet to catch on-
-they were dense. Not idiots, just dense.
"S sounds like an asshole." Gretchen shook her head. "Bet its a boy. Yknow when a boy would pull your hair in elementary school and you'd get told, oh boys will be boys. He just likes you! Yeah. S is a dude for sure."
"Not every boy was like that. I wasn't." Damian said.
"You're gay." Janis rolled her eyes. 
December 10th
Heyo Northshore! It's the writer. Might I say, you look wonderful today? 
I don't see you but I'm sure you're just stunning.
A must be p r e t t y stupid because they were seen all this week studying with C. A kiss for every problem right? Hey, it's not a bad deal.
R was seen primarily with K this week, throwing off all previous theories.
Must have been a rough week for J. I'd imagine you've got to be stressed as hell to just break down randomly but guess what- they did. Lack of sleep? Hunger? S? Who knows what the culprit was.
But don't you worry, D was quick to whisk them off to someplace quiet.
Love to see it, I want a significant other like that.
The day they confirm their relationship is the day I expect a wedding invite.
See you next week! Xx.
"Wow! Looks like Jan isn't the only one in Northshore who needs to learn when to take a break before the break takes them." Damian deadpanned, lowing his newspaper.
Karen blinked. Are you kidding me?
"I was just tired." Janis huffed. "I needed a nap."
"I dunno man. A and C sound cheesy as fuck." Gretchen shook her head.
"They do. Now J and D though? That couple goals." Janis said.
Karen's hand shot to her mouth as she covered a laugh with a forced cough. "Couple? You think they're together?"
"For sure. They sound made to be!"
Oh dear.
December 17th
Winter break next week! Who's excited? We get full two weeks off this year and I'm so ready for a break.
I'll miss our resident couples in question though.
Not to throw everyone off but-
J spent the week with G. R spent the week with C. And A was with D?
Now granted by the time you're reading this print, this is two-week-old information- but why?
Did you get bored and just s w a p?
Anyway, I guess S wanted into the mix too? Because they took advantage of no D to try and get to J. It didn't work. G was there to protect our favorite JD ship. I'm not saying they're a cockblocker bc I don't wanna imply anything, but S is d e f i n it l y trying to get something out of J. Motive unclear but hey, we can assume :/
Anyway, there were multiple fights that broke out that day so idk what yall were on but jesus christ calm down. Not relationship-related but be fucking nice to tineis.
K had no part in this swap of s/o but hey, they weren't third-wheeling anymore. 
"Be fucking nice to tinies!" Regina cheers.
"J and G?" Janis frowned at the tiny newspaper in her hands. "Sorry, only know about J and D."
"Janis went from, ew gossip, to I'd die to have JD confirmed, real fast." Aaron pointed out.
"As she should." Gretchen pointed out. "They sound cute as fuck.
"Hands down they're lesbians." Regina said.
Karen shook her head, totally dumbfounded.
January, 7th
Did you miss me! I missed you. Mwah.
Right off the bat-
Uh. The box has been filled with messages from S saying, they do not like J. 
So I guess they're just an asshole.
Hey, just means team JD is gonna win.
Speaking of-
When J was asked directly they said that, I quote "D is the love of my life." But when asking D, I was told: "[J is] just a good friend". Sort your story idiots. The school wants to know!
While S may be out of the running, many sources say JC is a rising ship? Between A and C and J and C, I can't help but wonder, is there a behind the scenes JCA?
Fellow tiny students report A and J not being very close in the tiny hallways though. Now J and R tho-
J is just one lucky mate.
Who's your favorite? Let me know in the box! Xx.
"J and D." Janis says from her perch on Damian's shoulder. 
Karen just looked at her phone.
"You think there's a threesome going on in school?" Gretchen asked.
"Unlikely. I don't even this A and C sound cute. Why add another." Aaron rolled his eyes.
You don't think-
Karen sighed.
She really should tell them but- it was so much funnier this was.
Janis stood up on Damian's shoulder, pressing a quick kiss to his jaw without motive. 
Karen turned back to her phone, unsurprised if that would pop up in next week's article. 
January 14th
I love you- signed the writer.
Glad we got that out of the way.
This was quite the week for our "couples".
First off, D and J? PDA through the roof.
Idk, maybe it's a special week, or maybe we're paying more attention and they've always been like that.
Those tiny kisses aren't lost on me, J. I see all.
Ugh, so cute.
A and C are-
"Skip this passage," Janis whined. "Nobody cares about them."
Everyone around the lunch table nodded as Karen began to read out loud again.
G kissed R?! R might have given a scowl but bystanders didn't miss the blush. Platonic or something more? That's the big question of this article but hey- this is a big step for all you GR shippers. Sorry to whoever wrote that long letter in the box passionately explaining how JR was peak friends to enemies to lovers. 
#JD, anyway, you know where the box is! Xx.
"Fuck A and C. All my homies hate A and C." Janis grinned.
Cady nodded. "They're too cliche. It's annoying and I don't even know who they are."
Karen placed her head on the table with a groan.
She may not be smart, but these people were flat out idiots.
She felt a tug on her hair and looked up, resting her chin on the table.
"You okay, Karen?" Janis stood in front of her, Newspaper held at her side.
"Yeah, just dying on the inside a bit. Yknow, leaf emoji."
Janis made a face. "I don't but uh-" She leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to Karen's nose. "Don't leaf emoji. We like you here, alive on the inside."
Karen smiles. "Thanks, Janis." 
January 21st
Just when you think it's all figured out- J kisses K. 
In front of D.
At this point- they're all together. One big happy family. 
I'm still clinging onto my JD dream. 
Speaking off-
S is back. Did you miss them? Me neither.
They just grabbed J like nothing? Anyway, D was there to save the day obviously.
Our great big hero got a pretty precious nose kiss from J.  
I could make their own newspaper section about how cute they are. There is no way you can be that cute and n o t already engaged.
On another J note, if JD doesn't happen, I'd be pretty content with some CJ. C was seen giving J "a nice-sized smooch" (somebody from the box).
No development in the R and G category, just their usual cuteness.
Leave any tips in the box! You know where it is. Xx.
"Uh uh. JD over CJ." Janis shook her head.
Karen just placed the newspaper in her bag. Janis and Damian were quick to become J and D's biggest shippers. They were so good at confusing the school about their relationship status that they had themselves fooled.
Cady and Aaron, who were dating and just won't confirm it, hated C and A's relationship. Calling it cheesy and artificially sweet.
And Regina though R sounded like a bitch and G deserved somebody better.
The whole thing was just crazy. 
"I gotta go talk to a teacher this period. It was fun reading the paper together though." Karen said getting up.
There was a chorus of 'bye Karen's as she walked away.
The newspaper holder in the hallways was empty. Northshore's 'couples' was quick to catch on and save the newspaper program. 
Karen pushed the door open to the computer lab, making her way over to the tiny end.
"Hey, Glen."
Glen Coco looked up at her with a grin. "Got anything for me, spy?"
@realmisspolarbear @smallsoysauce @musicallygt
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the-delta-42 · 5 years
Expected Better
Based on This Post by @nerdasaurus1200
Expected better
Marinette just wanted to lie down and rest, was that too much to ask. Apparently, it was, since Kagami was frantically knocking on the door.
“I swear to god, if she wants me to look at those bloody cat pictures again, I’m going to rip her head off.” Grumbled Marinette, getting to her feet and stomping over to the door, “Okay, Kagami, this better be good.”
“The boys are in trouble.” Said Kagami, Marinette peered behind her and spotted Juleka and Alya.
Marinette sagged and looked at the Japanese woman, “Is it Kim or Adrien responsible for this mess?”
“Luka.” Came the tense reply, making Marinette straighten up.
“What?” Came the equally tense response.
Viperion tried not to flinch as Chat Noir was thrown against the wall. The new Hawkmoth sauntered her way over.
“You know this will only stop if you tell me where the other Miraculous are.” Said Hawkmoth, her hair tucked up in what looked like sausages.
“Even if I knew,” Panted Chat, “You’d be the last one on the list.”
Hawkmoth frowned, before deciding to run her hands over Chat, “Well, I guess I’ll have to find other ways of making you talk.”
“Let. Him. Go.” Came a stern command above them. Everyone looked up and spotted Ladybug, along with Ryuuko, Rena Rouge and Tigress. Hawkmoth only smirked at the sight of the Heroine.
Chat grunted as he was casually thrown aside, Ladybug jumped down and circled around Hawkmoth, allowing Rena, Tigress and Ryuuko to get the rest of the captured group, King Monkey and Pegasus immediately set about helping, while Silene’s head rolled around in her unconscious state and Queen Bee struggled to breathe through a broken nose.
The odd sound of Ladybug and Hawkmoth coming to blows filled the background, until there was a quiet gasp for air, as Ladybug made Hawkmoth stab herself with her own weapon. Hawkmoth immediately started to run, with Viperion ready to take off after her, only for Ladybug to grab a hold of his shoulder.
“Back to base.” Growled the normally happy woman, “Now.”
The looks he got from Rena and Tigress weren’t good, especially when Ryuuko joined them and looked like she was ready to full on snarl at him.
“Sorry, M’Lady,” Muttered Chat, “We underestimated them.”
“We’ll talk later.” Whispered Ladybug, her gaze falling on Viperion, her expression darkening, “I, evidently, have a lot to talk about.”
Viperion tried not to show how scared he was.
When they arrived at the Mansion, Nino and Ivan were the first to greet them, Nino taking the injured to ones to get patched up.
“Luka, if you and Kagami can meet me in the study.” Came Marinette’s voice, her tone leaving no room for argument.
Kagami marched up the stairs and towards study, as Sabrina was vacating it for Marinette.
Luka and Kagami entered to find Marinette looking out the window, the feeling of cold seething rage rolling off her in waves.
Marinette quietly exhaled, “You know, when Kagami told me that you lot were in trouble, I expected Kim or Adrien to be the mastermind of this mess.”
Luka flinched, “I thought-”
“You thought? YOU THOUGHT?! Luka, we very nearly lost six Miraculouses as well as six of our team mates nearly losing their lives!” Snapped Marinette, whirling around and stalking up to him, “Do you know what damage that could’ve done? How we would’ve had to explain to the public how six of our team mates decided to go galivanting off to seek glory in taking down Hawkmoth, who we all know to be a psychotic individual, who takes their pleasure in killing innocent people?!”
“We had a chance to take Hawkmoth out,” Luka snapped at her, “We had a chance to grab her and bring her to justice, but you were too much of a coward to even try.”
Marinette was silent, before she looked at him, “Obviously, you didn’t listen to what I said, Hawkmoth is a psychopath who takes pleasure in killing. The fact you knew this and still put your teammates lives into an unnecessary risk speaks volumes.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Demanded Luka, affronted.
“It means Timber Wolf and Basilisk’s deaths didn’t sink in deep enough for you to realise that this isn’t some game where you can go back to the last time you saved every time something you don’t like happens, take the time Kagami had to use the snake.” Said Marinette, before sighing, “It means that the snake Miraculous is too much of a liability at this point and I’m considering putting back in the box.”
“What?!” Gasped Luka, “But it saved so many people.”
“Tell me, did you have a ‘save point’ before you engaged Hawkmoth?” Questioned Marinette, “Because it seemed like you didn’t, and I’ve already seen enough of my teammates dying in front of me to know what is an asset and what is a liability. I’ve seen enough deaths, I don’t wish to see a death that cannot be reversed.”
Luka was quiet.
“Do you know what Bunnyx showed me, when she arrived from the future?” Marinette asked, her voice starting to waiver, “She showed me everyone dying, each a different way and you don’t know how close that came to being a reality.”
Luka could only look down at his feet.
“I can’t say how disappointed I am, I honestly expected better, especially from you.” Marinette stalked out of the room.
“Wow, she went easy on you.” Remarked Kagami, her arms folded, “Then again, no one died in this mess.”
“I think I’m on probation now.” whimpered Luka, his throat tight.
“I think that would be a given,” Said Kagami, “You remember how Gabriel was caught?”
“Because Marinette was captured and tortured for a month and a half.” Came Luka’s quiet response.
“You also know how a grand total of three people know what happened during that month and a half,” Said Kagami, turning to leave, “and believe me, it’s the stuff of nightmares, if Adrien isn’t being dramatic.”
Luka flinched slightly as the door closed. Marinette had returned a changed person, her original hesitance to harm people gone, more inclined to solve problems with violence, it had taken her little over a year to get back into her previous mindset, and even then, there were times where she would actively seek out a fight.
Marinette said she’d been broken, but she never told anyone how.
Marinette sighed and lied back down on her bed, Adrien quietly lying next to her.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Adrien asked, quietly.
“Not really.” Came Marinette’s response, as she rolled over and tucked herself into his shoulder.
Adrien said nothing as Marinette started to cling on to him and started to shake. Both were vaguely aware of Kagami entering the room.
“I’ve given Luka few things to think about,” Said Kagami, her voice soft, “I don’t think he’ll be joining us tonight.”
Adrien and Marinette were quiet.
“I think putting the Snake Miraculous away for the time being is a good thing, the whole second chance thing has impaired his judgement.” Continued Kagami, “When I left, Juleka was waiting outside the door.”
“I feel sorry for him already.” Muttered Adrien, as Marinette’s trembles died down, “I hope that side lining him won’t shoot us in the foot.”
“I think we all have that hope,” Said Kagami, sliding down, “now, get some sleep, Marinette isn’t going to be in a good mood in the morning.”
“I think I’m glad that it’s not aimed at me.” Said Adrien.
The whole team was gathered in the lobby, tension thick in the air as Marinette stalked around. Max, Kim, Marc, Chloe, Adrien and Luka all shifted guiltily.
“It still escapes my understanding,” Said Marinette, her hand pinching the bridge if her nose, “How six of our number, two of which being Senior members, made the rookie mistake of getting caught by shouting.”
“Adrien turned up to try and stop us.” Said Marc, making Marinette zero in on him, “Originally it was Kim, Chloe, Luka and I going, Max joined when he heard, and Adrien tracked us to the location.”
Marinette sighed and looked at Adrien, “I think your assistance is required elsewhere at the moment.”
Adrien shakily nodded, knowing the informal dismissal. While he had been let off the hook, he knew Marinette wasn’t happy she wasn’t informed about the situation.
“I can understand some of your motives, Max, you went to try and reign them in, correct?” Questioned Marinette, making Max nod, “Chloe, the answer is plain and simple, you went for revenge.”
The paraplegic looked down at her lap.
“Kim, I’m assuming that you went on a dare, despite the fact you were supposed to be patrolling with Marc, who you decided to bring along for the ride.” Said Marinette, her voice hard, her gaze then settled on Luka, “The only trouble I’m having is why, in the name of all things bright and beautiful, you thought going after AN ACTUAL PSYCHOPATH WAS A GOOD IDEA?!”
Everyone jumped as Marinette shouted, not many people were used to her shouting, as she was generally soft spoken. Marinette took a deep breath, “Luka, I placed you in a position of explicit trust that wasn’t something to take lightly and these past few months you’ve not only managed to change your attitude, but also the public perception of you.”
“What?” Asked Luka, his shoulder slumping.
“I believe you’re aware of the, Mr. Pigeon incident?” Asked Marinette, getting a few green faces, “The public have been referring to your attitude, namely your ‘new way of dealing with Akuma’s’.”
“I don’t see the problem.” Luka muttered.
“You threw a six-year-old off a building, just to distract the Akuma.” Said Marinette, folding her arms, “and that is only one example.”
Marinette sighed, “As of today, the Snake Miraculous is being retired, at least until we figure out what the hell is going on. But, before then, Sass is to remain outside of his Miraculous, you are only to transform when you are given explicit permission by either myself or another Senior member of the team.”
Luka nodded numbly.
“Until we figure out, and fixed, what’s happened, you are not to respond to Akuma attacks, unless called for.” Said Marinette, firmly, before she sighed, “Luka, for all we know, the constant resets could be deteriorating your mind and impairing your judgement, make you a danger to others and yourself. We can’t have what happened to Aurore happen to you.”
Everyone shifted at the mention of Aurore, who’d gone mad after the Miraculous she had been using was damaged by Hawkmoth. Marinette was still working on putting the fragments of the Peacock back together, hoping that it would help in reversing the damage done to Aurore’s mind.
“You can keep the Miraculous, providing you don’t use it.” Said Marinette, a tone of finality in her voice.
Luka nodded, as Marinette gave a jerk of her head, silently dismissing everyone. After everyone had gone, Luka looked down at the Snake Miraculous and traced the thin, hair-line crack that marred the surface of it. Luka steeled himself, before following after Marinette, it was time he told her what happened to the Snake and the Peacock.
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erbferbatinlerb · 5 years
Happy Birthday, Ferb!
it is a very good boy's birthday today and it's also the leap day so i thought he deserved something special being as it only gets to happen every 4 years, so here's a quick lil thing i wrote!
Phineas waited until he was sure Ferb was asleep to get out of bed. Ferb was normally perfectly quiet when he's awake, so he could feign sleep exceptionally well... to anyone except Phineas. Phineas knew the difference between the Ferb silence and the Ferb sleep silence. It couldn't be more clear. It was night and day, honestly.
Phineas held his breath for a few seconds to confirm what he was hearing. Yup, he was asleep.
He crawled out of bed, careful as possible, to minimize noise and to ensure he didn't disturb Perry, who was asleep at the end of his bed, snoring gently. Phineas paused to take a look at him. He smiled.
He braced his body against the door to combat its natural creak, before slipping through, out into the hallway. He tiptoed past Mom and Dad's room and slinked towards Candace's pink door.
He peered into the room to see his sister fitfully stirring in her sleep.
"But, your honour..." she mumbled.
"Oh, Candace must be having that bank robbery dream again. I'll wait. I really do want to know if she's guilty or not." 
Phineas clicked the door closed gently behind him and quietly found a seat at Candace's vanity.
Candace stirred, murmured some less comprehensible words. Phineas tapped his fingers on the table as he waited.
"...but how could the talking zebra have been my accomplice if we only met when-" Candace sat up, coming back into consciousness. She looked right at him, but it took a few seconds before she processed it. "Phineas?" she asked groggily.
"Hi Candace! I'm sorry, did I interrupt your dream? I was really hoping we'd get to find out what happens after the talking zebra this time."
"What are you doing in my room?"
"I need your help planning Ferb's surprise party."
"Phineas, it is..." Candace glanced over at the clock. "Four in the morning."
"Well, Ferb and I's identical circadian rhythms wake us up at precisely 6:59, so we don't have a lot of time."
"Okay, I'm going to ignore how insanely weird that thing you just said was and let you get to the point."
"Ferb's birthday is this weekend — as you know. And it's REALLY his birthday this year, unlike three quarters of the years, where we have to either celebrate it a day before or after, depending on which one falls more weekend-adjacent. I wanna plan something extra special for him, but I'm gonna need your help."
"Okay, I'm in, what do you need me to do?"
Phineas was up at the crack of dawn on Ferb's birthday, and this time, Candace was waiting down the hall for him already, having set her own alarm to wake up on time to prepare. She nodded at him, and they made their way down the stairs as quickly and quietly as possible. 
They slipped on their shoes and jackets and slid back the glass door to the backyard. There was still a thin veil of snow covering the lawn, and Phineas could hear Candace shivering already as she closed the door behind them. 
Phineas relished in the crunch of the snow beneath his sneakers. He was more of a summer guy, of course, but he loved to make the most of the snow for the few short months it lasted.
"So," Candace demanded, hugging her arms around herself. "When are your little friends supposed to be getting here to-"
As if on cue, the back gate opened up to reveal Isabella, with the Fireside Girls in tow. Phineas rushed over to greet them.
"Hey Phineas. How ya doin'?"
"Isabella! Ladies. Thank you all so much for coming."
"You got it, Phineas. Let's get to work, girls!"
The party set-up went pretty smoothly. It was cold enough to motivate everyone to keep moving, and with Candace and all of the Fireside Girls helping, they made quick work of setting up all the party decorations, balloons, streamers, the works. Phineas knew it was unconventional to have a birthday party first thing in the morning, but Ferb loved it when he thought outside the box. And besides, the real party didn't start until tonight anyway; this was just an intimate get-together.
Baljeet and Buford arrived shortly after the girls, and with all of their help everything was set up in no time. With that, everyone got to waiting, while Candace went inside to get breakfast ready — Phineas had insisted that you can't eat cake until after a balanced breakfast.
Phineas on the other hand, went to put the finishing touches on his invention. 
Phineas slipped back into the house at about 6:45, having finished with just a few minutes to spare. He wiped the motor oil from his hands on a terry cloth as he came into the kitchen.
"I'll never know how you can build that stuff so fast," said Candace, deadpan. She was just putting the first plate of pancakes onto the table.
Phineas shrugged. He inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of Candace's homemade breakfast.
"Nice work, sis!"
Phineas washed his hands in the sink and helped Candace plate the bacon and eggs.
They took a step back to admire her work, high-fiving.
"Ferb will be down any minute, I'm sure." Phineas took a seat at the kitchen table. "I'll text Isabella to make sure all the party guests are in place."
A nonchalant birthday breakfast with Ferb was a success, but Phineas was practically vibrating in his seat the entire time, excited for him to see what he had built. Ferb thanked Candace for the meal, and stood up, and Phineas followed suit. He had planned for a more subtle approach, but his excitement got the better of him and he ended up pulling his brother by the arm to the backyard.
"Happy birthday, Ferb!!!" came a chorus of voices 
Ferb looked surprised for a second, then his expression shifted into a smile. He turned to Phineas, gratitude written on his face.
He looked out at the party. A union jack cake, yellow balloons, giant ice sculptures… Phineas had thought of everything.
Along with the girls, Baljeet, and Buford, were a few other guests. Standing next to the cake table were Irving, Stacy, Jeremy, and… Vanessa Doofenshmirtz. Ferb punched Phineas in the arm. Phineas laughed. "You haven't even seen the best part yet, c'mon!"
He led Ferb to the garage, where his real present lie.
"Presenting... the all-new... Phineas-and-Ferb Super Spectacular, Awe-inspiring, Awesome-tacular Automobile! Or, the Phineas-and-Ferb-mobile, for short."
"What, is it the awesome-tacular? I know, I know, I use that word a lot, we can change it, if you-"
"Is this a solar-powered, remote-controlled hybrid car?"
"And it flies! Watch this."
Phineas pressed a button and a set of wings folded out.
"And it has extra cup holders, a surround sound stereo system with bluetooth hookup, a sunglass compartment, en-flight refreshments, and a holographic video screen in the backseat."
"Does it have a hot tub?"
"Does it--" Phineas stopped. "It-it doesn't, actually. I- wow. I didn't really expect you to ask that. I guess I... You know, I had considered the possibility, but I just didn't think-- Normally, I'm the one who-- Oh, you're just teasing me! I get it."
Ferb nodded.
"You're just teasing me, because... I already thought of everything?"
"Yes. Yes, I am. It's perfect."
Phineas pulled his brother into a hug. He held out the remote to him. "Wanna do the honours, bro?"
Ferb eagerly accepted the remote.
After an amazing fly around Danville in Phineas's spectacular new car, Phineas and Ferb returned to the party. The guests all cheered as they landed the vehicle.
The cake was cut, and Phineas went over to thank Isabella for her hard work, leaving Ferb by the refreshment table with Baljeet.
"There is no way you did not know about all of this," Baljeet commented. "We were using power tools in your backyard in the earliest hours of the morning. I am very surprised that your parents are not awake yet, actually."
"Of course I knew about this," Ferb confessed. "I've known he's been planning something for weeks. But Phineas loves to surprise people. It makes him happy. So of course I'll go along with it. Besides, this is a pretty cool party. Thank you guys."
Baljeet stared at him for a moment. "That is the most lines I have ever heard you say all at once. I feel quite privileged, yet at the same time, very weirded out." Ferb opened his mouth to respond to this, but Baljeet silenced him. "You are welcome. I am going to go see what Buford is doing now. Happy birthday."
Ferb watched Baljeet walk away.
He shrugged. "His loss, I suppose."
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