#wrath esperanza
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Lovestruck | Daily Rewards Puzzles | 81-87
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Is it just me or is wrath underrated? Like don’t get me wrong I love the others but I don’t see a good amount of appreciation to wrath. I love her and her romantic heart ❤️❤️. I could honestly go on and on about her but that’s just because I’m weird and like fictional characters a little too much 😅.
Oh no, no, it is not weird. There are entire fanfics pages dedicated to our love for fictional characters, after all 😂
Wrath is the sweetest! She had to deal with so many things, and in her route things keep spiraling into chaos, she deserves her fans and appreciation. - Mod Jessa
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1-800-bi-myself · 11 months
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Happy Birthday to my favorite woman 🎉🎂🎈🎊
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umbran6 · 1 year
A Different Champion
Ok, hear me out on this - Leo should've been the champion of Hera rather than Jason. At the very least, they should've had a relatively more positive relationship in comparison to the one time they interacted in The Lost Hero.
For those who've seen my prior posts, you know I've analyzed Leo's importance in the plot. I would also further cement this in that Leo has more importance to Hera than Jason. Even from an initial viewpoint, Hera would have more motivation to help Leo considering his background. Esperanza Valdez was willing to raise her son and still love him despite her family blacklisting her for having a child as a single mother and willing to work 9-5 just so they could live. Jason was the second child of Jupiter and Beryl Grace, who this time was fully aware of her lover's divine nature, willingly having a child despite the fact that not only did it defile Hera's marriage, but it was the second child that was testament to Zeus' disregard for his Pact made among his brothers. Overall, Hera seems more likely to sympathize with Leo and Esperanza.
This sympathy and favor is visible when you examine how Hera interacts with them, even when they were young. I always found it pretty hard to believe that Hera would pressure Beryl Grace to sacrifice Jason to sate her wrath, because Jason and Thalia were already destined for persecution - Zeus had broken the Pact of the Big Three twice. Thalia was never specifically targeted by Hera ( and the statue incident is... questionable, considering Olympus was freaking collapsing and Hera was also busy fighting Typhon), and as far as we're informed by Riordan, Hera was never particularly active in Jason's life while he was in the 5th cohort of the legion.
On a side note, Beryl Grace was an utter idiot for naming her son after the OG Jason. The OG Jason may have initially been favored by Hera for being one of the few mortal heroes without any divine parentage. However, he also severely screwed the pooch because he willingly broke his wedding vows towards Medea by attempting to marry Glauce despite all that Medea did and risked for him, to the point that its noted in most analyses of Euripides' Medea that the titular protagonist got approval from the gods for all of her actions. So yeah, Beryl painted a very big target on her son with that name. And the less said about Thalia's name, the better.
Hera spends nearly most of Leo's youth acting as his nanny while Esperanza Valdez works in the warehouse so they can stay afloat. Though most of the time Leo discussed this in the Lost Hero, he focused on the bizarre and unusual — having him use knives to cut jalapeños, prodding him to poke a snake, the whole 'burning your fingerprints into the park bench' incident, there is more to it than that. Hera doesn't just encourage the traits of a stereotypical hero, but also Leo's creativity such as him drawing the Argo II in crayons and though he wasn't aware of it, gives Leo hints as to how his future may look like. We also kind of forget that Hera still willingly helped raise Leo for Esperanza, which must've been an immense boon because she was a single mother.
Hera even performs what is quite likely the same ritual Demeter applied to Demophon so long ago — roasting him in a fireplace so Hera can burn away his mortality. Of course, it could be argued that she was doing this to strengthen Leo so she could have a stronger demigod to fight against Gaea, but either way such a possibility would benefit him more than it would for Hera. Needless to say, she must've favored Leo to the extreme if she was willing to make him, a demigod son of Hephaestus, immortal.
Furthermore - and please hear me out - let's expand on this connection. Esperanza seemed to be aware of Hephaestus's true nature as an Olympian because she knew that Leo's powers came from him, so it wouldn't be too far to say she was aware of Hera's true nature. She didn't know, however, that Hera was planning to train Leo to become a being that would defeat Gaea when she rose. She made the Queen of the Gods to promise not to intervene in their lives until Leo became aware of his true nature when Esperanza saw the fireplace scene, because Leo noted that ever that day, Tia Callida never showed up in Leo's life afterwards. So when Leo knows he is a demigod, all bets are off and Hera can finally start playing a more active role in his life.
So, now hopefully I've established that Leo should've been Hera's champion considering how she seems a lot more sympathetic to Leo. Now let's imagine how this plays out in the story. For now I'm going to specifically focus on the Lost Hero, because that's the series Hera is more prominent. Jason's memories are still wiped, Piper still thinks Jason is her boyfriend, but Leo is remarkably spared from the memory-warping effect of the Mist and is aware that Jason just straight up appeared out of nowhere.
Leo doesn't have that same edge of trust towards Jason, but that gives him a better perspective on what exactly Jason was sent out for. So he notices that Jason has a coin engraved with Latin, he uses latin terminology to describe the monsters that hunted Leo since he was young, and sees that Jason has combat skills far more advanced than an amnesiac should really have, he starts putting the pieces a lot earlier than we expect and when he is introduced to Camp Half-Blood, Leo cooks up the theory that Jason may have come from a Roman camp, and reasonably cooks up the corresponding idea that Percy is now in said Roman Camp.
When Leo figures out Jason's true origins, two things happen: he immediately tells it to Annabeth (he's not that much of a dick to hide what actually happened to her bf), and Hera conjures a specter to confirm this theory and explain why she's doing what she's doing. The whole scheme against the Earth Witch that killed Leo's mom, and that oh yeah, there's a wrench in the scheme. This concentrated method turns the gist of the quest from how the original Lost Hero presented it:
'Oh, this nebulous evil villain is going to use me as a freaking battery for her son/dragon and that sucks, so you must rescue me.' Oh yeah, and Percy is gone too, and we don't know where the freaking Tartarus he is, so there's that.
To this:
The Witch that was involved in your mother's death has captured me so that she can use me to fuel the resurrection of her strongest fighter. So if you want to get some sweet, sweet revenge/atonement for your mom's death you have to rescue me. Also, I'm holding your friend's memories with me so if you want to help him recover who he his he will also want to join. Percy Jackson? The guy who's gone missing? I have him with me as well, so Annabeth Chase better actually help out, or he's going to die too. You're in? Okay, here's how to do it, and you better get your butt here before the Winter Solstice because that is the day the absorption process is going to finish and things will really go to hell in a hand basket.
With that single message, we actually have people that aren't just following a prophecy. Annabeth joins the party because, oh yeah, now she finally knows where her boyfriend is and is willing to stomach saving the goddess she hates the most in order to help him. Jason's in it because Hera wants his memories and wants to know why she got him involved in her gambit in the first place. Leo? We have the direct motive of him wanting to atone for his mother's death while also getting revenge against the other party that was also involved. Piper's the unexpected fourth party member/possible traitor because her dad's still being held hostage.
Now, I'm not going to delve into the full plot detail changes, but a good chunk of it remains the same with some other changes. Annabeth gets a stronger friendship with Leo on an intellectual level, because you know, the guy was able to offer her a bit of hope in finding her boyfriend. He's more cautious of Jason, but also more genuinely comforting. And finally... he's suspicious as heck of Piper, because he can feel there's something more behind her joining the quest.
But I want to focus on this scene: when Leo gets claimed by Hera as her champion. I, preferably, would imagine it takes place after she is rescued from becoming a power source for Porphyrion. Mainly because then she would have enough power to do a proper claiming and thus she can be as extra with it as possible.
I mean, imagine it. Everyone's gotten back from rescuing Hera, they're all patting themselves on the back and everyone's praising Jason, Piper, and Annabeth unwittingly ignoring Leo. Everyone's hearing about Jason fighting Porphyrion, Piper getting to free her dad from Enceladus, the surprise reveal of the search for Percy, when...
A light starts to glow above Leo's head. It's faint at first, but then it grows more vibrant and swells to cover the entire dining pavilion, swallowing him whole. Then it fades away to reveal Hera, putting a crown of laurel leaves on Leo's head, his clothing replaced with a chiton that was dyed ruby red that glimmered against the firelight from the braziers. A peacock is glowing above his head, the hundreds of eyes shining like the aurora of the north.
Leo's stunned as his mind does his best to process his new reality. Hera gives him a single, warm smile, and everyone else is staring in shock as she announces his status as her champion and gives him her divine blessing. Camp Half-Blood practically erupts in shock because this is the first time the camp has witnessed a male demigod being claimed as Hera's champion with the last guy being... the OG Jason.
I mean, the look of horror in Annabeth's eyes as she realizes one of her friends is now the champion of the goddess that she hates with a burning passion. Jason suddenly realizing that Leo was a lot more in the know of Hera's whole plot than he suspected, because why otherwise would Hera make him her champion? The members of Cabin Nine, suddenly looking at Leo with a sense of betrayal because yeah, Hera's the goddess that threw their dad off of Olympus. Leo isn't really sympathetic with them, Hephaestus had practically abandoned him for sixteen years of his life and forsaken him for eight. Piper can't exactly see him in the same light - how could she, when suddenly her friend had changed so suddenly?
All of this happens as Chiron steps forward, bowing in front of Leo and his patron before uttering these words: "Hera. Goddess of the Heavens, Protector of Men, Patron of Rulers. Hail, Leo Valdez, Champion of the Queen of Olympus."
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cartelheir · 4 months
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full name.   patricia inéz carosella ríos. nicknames / aliases.   pat. she's still too new within organized crime to get a good alias from other criminals/law enforcement, but it will happen at some point. height.   5′1″ / 155cm. age.   29. zodiac.   aries. spoken languages.   spanish and english.
hair colour.   dark brown. eye colour.   dark brown. skin tone.   a medium brown, olive/golden undertone. tans very easily, so her skin can look a few shades darker or lighter depending on the season. body type.  mesomorph, very hourglass-like in shape. dominant hand.   right. posture.   pretty good due to frequent exercising. scars.   laparotomy scar. she has a long scar on her scalp surrounded by some cigarette burns, all covered by her hair. other than those, a few scrapes here and there but nothing too noticeable. tattoos.   santa muerte on her thigh. on her right arm, the obsidian butterfly for the aztec goddess itzpapalotl. i'm constantly on the fence about giving her more or stopping there tbh. birthmarks.   she has many beauty marks all over her body but the ones on her face are the prettiest. most noticeable features.   not to be that person but boobs. hair & lips too.
place of birth.   ciudad juárez, chihuahua (mexico). siblings.  a half-brother on her mom's side who was given up to adoption as an infant. he's about 10 years older than pat and she has no idea what he's up to. parents.   javier carosella and esperanza ríos.
occupation.  businesswoman, owner of pristine airlines, involved with narcotics transportation for the juárez cartel. current residence(s).   a penthouse in mexico city. close friends.   she don't have those. relationship status.   single, more often than not tangled up in some messy situationship. driver’s license.   yes. criminal record.  spent 3 days in jail in guadalajara after a drug raid while her bosses were having some issues with their government deals. once things were worked out, she was released and the charges mysteriously disappeared. vices.   wrath, greed, pride, lust.
sexual orientation.   straight, mostly. in all my time writing pat, she's only had genuine strong feelings for another woman once or twice. so i think it's possible, just so unlikely i tend to not mention it. preferred sexual role.   usually leans towards submissive, but don't underestimate how dominant she can be given the right scenario. shouldn't be too surprising considering how bossy and commanding pat is outside of bed. libido.   pretty high. turn-ons.   powerful men tbh, specially if they're older. arrogance, assertiveness, danger, all that good stuff. turn-offs.   meekness, boredom, lack of money. love language.   physical touch, gift giving & quality time. relationship tendencies.   she tends to get into some pretty chaotic relationships and often gets bored and loses interest when things are too peaceful or when her partner is too emotionally available. she's very sweet and attentive when in love, but also jealous and possessive. can quickly turn into the stereotypical crazy ex who tears up your restraining order and sets your stuff on fire if you piss her off too badly.
hobbies to pass time.   singing, playing piano/guitar, playing games (chess, poker, card games, board games, it doesn't matter what it is she just really loves to compete and win), going out to dance, pissing people off on purpose. mental illnesses.   idk she's just like this. self-confidence level. alternates between thinking no person on earth compares to her and hating herself.
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tagged by: stolen 😎 tagging: @sharpsuite / @flmed / @mettleborn / @americanedpsycho / @crimeclean / @samuhelll / @cultfic / @redride / also @ everyone else please steal this
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jazzystudios82 · 25 days
Novel Recommendations ♡
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Much like Belle from "Beauty and the Beast", I love to read books. I've read a lot of books over the years, and here are some that, hopefully, sounds interesting enough to pick up as your next read if it intrigues you.
Lore & Lust The Gospel by Gen Z Red, White, and Royal Blue
The Bromance Book Club Numb to This: Memoir of a Mass Shooting
Crazy Rich Asians Vampires of Eden Legends and Lattes
A Lady for a Duke Frankenstein Can't Spell Treason without Tea
Angels Before Man
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Teen and YA (Young Adult):
The Hate U Give Cemetery Boys The Wrath & The Dawn duology
With the Fire on High The Lunar Chronicles Iron Widow (series)
Belladonna Series Lovely War Market of Monsters (series)
The Belles (series) Sisters of the Snake duology Felix Ever After
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (series)
Sorcery of Thorns Girls of Paper and Fire (series)
The Blood of Stars duology The Luis Ortega Survival Club
Love a la Mode Love and Gelato (series) 96 Words for Love
The Henna Wars Girls Made of Snow and Glass The Kyoshi Novels
Empress of all Seasons The Candle and the Flame
I Love You so Mochi Miles Morales: Suspended
The Hunger Games (series) Children of Blood and Bone (Series)
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Middle Grade:
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Heroes of Olympus
Howl's Moving Castle (series) Coraline Zachary Ying (series)
The Giver (series) Wonder Kiki's Delivery Service Holes
Girl Giant and the Monkey King Esperanza Rising
The School for Good and Evil Ever After High (series)
The Wolf Princess Witchings (series)
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rosesradio · 10 months
a Fun & Silly pjo poll (pls read the bottom piece before voting 🤠)
more info/“propaganda” for either side:
yes: Gaea being the cause, as stated, gives Leo a “redemption” of sorts and allows him to heal from thinking he was the cause of his mother’s death for so many years. It also makes him more motivated to defeat her.
no: If Leo were really the cause of the fire, it might have created more of a conflict within him with his fire abilities, creating routes where he may not even use it when his friends would be in need (example: a fight). It might have made his connection to the seven more ostracized, where they support being a “problem kid”, but to certain limits.
no (continued): It might have made him more easily bond with Nico (valdangelo brain talking), who also sometimes believes that he was the “cause” of his mother’s death since he and bianca were the cause of Zeus’s wrath, even if they didn’t ask to be born. If Nico was ever able to see Esperanza’s spirit and speak to her, it’d cement her as an even nobler character if she confirmed she loved Leo despite him accidentally causing her death. (I have a feeling her ghost was mentioned at one point, but idk if that really happened, my brain is muddled with fanfic lol).
*having more text on the no side doesn’t necessarily indicate a bias, it’s just an AU thing i’m trying to explain 😅
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explorya88 · 1 year
Today i want to try something more experimental fanfiction. I always liked the What if? of the Marvel comics, The Elseworlds and many others of the DC comics and in general the possibilty to explore the many possibilties of how a story could be ended and how with a one action, decision, and choice can lead to the downward spiral of an entire universe. and with this i'd like to present the:
Dark Sin World[(Where everything goes wrong, will go wrong in the wrongest way possible, Universe -0]
Index of my writing style:
I switch between first person when the characters are speanking and acting, then in third person as my avatar narrate the story akin to The Watcher of Marvel comics.
I utilize " " to use a term in methaphorical way
I utilize ` ` when a character is being sarcastic.
I apologize for some grammar mistakes that you will find in the stories since english isn't my native language.
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Wrath(Esperanza "Ranza" Gutierrez): The birth of Dark Destroyer Guardian of reality.
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Onyx: How to become a Demon goddess.
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Malakai: Duty taken too far.
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Cal: Dominated destiny.
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Yvette: The chosen one get's the spoils.
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Nahara: Brave New world.
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Vinca: Price of Victory.
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sputniksdown · 2 years
recent reads
Lit crit -
Beyond a misogynist's aesthetic: rereading the fiction of Philip Roth and Martin Amis by Nicole Peeler (i only read the Martin Amis parts but it was really good)
Ideas and Identity in Michel Faber’s Under the Skin by Patrick Rogers
Fuck Foucault! -
Chomsky vs Foucault Revisited by Alexander Blum
Foucault: The Faux Rebel by Gabriel Rockhill
Foucault, Femininity and the Modernisation of Patriarchy by Sandra Lee Bartky
Culture/Politics -
The Jeffrey Epstein Cover Up: Pedophilia, Lies, and Ghislaine Maxwell by Nick Bryant
“The Shape of the Wrath to Come”: James Baldwin’s Radicalism and the Evolution of his His Thought on Israel by Nadia Alahmed
Difficult Women: The Silencing of Alexandra Kollontai by Ashleigh Barnes
A Socialist, Feminist, and Transgender Analysis of “Sex Work” by Esperanza (idk her surname sorry!)
The Limits of Sex Work Radicalism by J. Moufawad-Paul
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dizzy-pixels · 7 months
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Previous Assassin Group
Dorran (Leader/Pride)*
Cal (Sloth)
Esperanza (Wrath)
Izaiah (Gluttony)*
Ripley (Envy)*
Gage (Lust)*
Yvette (Greed)
Current Assassin Group
Esperanza (Leader/Wrath)
Cal (Sloth)
Malakai (Gluttony)
Onyx (Envy)
Darius (Lust)
Vinca (Pride)
Yvette (Greed)
Assassin Seer
Demons are parasites that take hosts in humans. After taking host, the human has only a week to live. The main way to exorcist them is to murder the demon. They prefer taking host in sinful people which is why there is an abundance of them in Las Vegas (Sin City). When a demon dies, it takes the damaged afflicted with them. As a result, humans are okay after the exorcism but will experience no memory of their time as a host and will be confused.
Their different colored marks correspond to the seven demons that match for each sin. The marks appear when a demon is cornered or about to inhabit another body. Demons bleed green, alcohol poisons them, and humans cannot see their real faces. Demons can grant humans special abilities in return for their loyalty. This is seen with Yvette being given the ability of illusions, Vinca given the power to read minds, and Lazareth given the ability to manipulate emotions.
Another way to get the demon out of a human is to torture it so much that the demon has to leave the body. But this is not recommend as it causes pain to the human since the demon is leaving the body instead of dying and therefore not taking the pain inflicted with it. This leaves the human with the pain.
Also another way to get rid of a demon is by normal exorcisms, such as what Malakai's mom does, but this takes a long time and since a human only has one week to live. The preferred method is the troupe's way which is just to kill the demon in while it inhabits the host.
Long ago demons ruled the earth so the Assassins were created by Malakai's ancestors to fight back. Assassins are chosen based on how well they match their sin. This makes them the best choice to take down the main demon correlating to the sin when the time comes. When an Assassin dies, another one is chosen to take their spot. The Assassin Seer is the one who gets visions of the one who will become the next sin. Then the troupe's ringleader will find them to join.
The envy assassin is the only one that becomes reincarnated into an animal after they die. Malakai's family passes the gluttony assassin down from generation to generation instead of being chosen. The pride assassin was originally always the Ringleaders until now with Wrath.
Assassins are immune to demon inhabitation.
Humans cannot usually see demons. Once a human is infected with a demon, they have up to a week to live (Unless a demon contract is used). There are ways for a human to see demons. These include being involved in rituals (Darius, Cal & Onyx route.). Or having special objects (Demon Heirloom in Wrath route, Gemstone in Yvette's Route).
Assassin Seer
The Assassin Seer has the power of precognition and magic. They act as a consultant for the sins and is also the one who chooses the next sins after they die. Nahara is the current Assassin Seer (she was previously Pride before Dorran). She can also control vines.
Envy Assassin
The Envy Assassin is the only sin that does not completely die but instead comes back as an animal. They can talk to a certain animal while alive, but that does not necessarily mean that is the animal they will come back as when they die. An example is Ripley could talk to raccoons when they were alive but came back as a bear after dying.
Gluttony Assassin
The assassins as a whole were started by Malakai's ancestors to fight against the demons. After creating the assassins, they took on the role of the Gluttony one. The Gluttony Assassin is the only sin that is not picked by the Seer but instead passed down in their family. Members have to compete to be picked as the next assassin. Malakai's mom was the Gluttony Assassin and passed it down to Izaiah. After Izaiah died, Malakai took over.
There is a ward on their tatus that prevents them from falling in love so that they focus on their mission. If they do fall in love they will feel such intense pain and can even die. Even to have children to carry on the gluttony line, it can not be for love. This often results in children not knowing their other parent.
It is soon revealed that the wards were placed on them in the first place as there are two Gluttony Assasins and they become each other's true love. One is always fated to eventually fall under a trance towards the Mouth of Merzogot and die there. The wards were placed to prevent Gluttony Assasins from dying by not having them fall in love and meet their true love in the first place.
Lust Demons
Lust demons can create dreams for other people and enter them. The Lust sin is the sin of living in fantasy and dreams are the most potent fantasies hearts can have.
This is the time where the natural energies of the human soul and earth align. This is when human souls are at their strongest, strong enough to push back a demon's influence.
Demon Mark Ritual
First step is to leave demonic tidbits in your target as a result of being possessed many times. The next step is to give the target demon sight. The last step is to bite them with a bite of passion. This bite gives them a demon mark that can be drawn upon as a well of power. If the target kneels to its spark (the person who initiated the ritual), the demons will grow to unimaginable power. The only way to stop the ritual is by killing its spark.
The spark can augment the demons powers while the bearer of the mark can augment the assassins powers.
Mouth of the Merzogot
The Mouth of the Merzogot is the gateway to hell. No assassin has actually known its location and it has been thought to be just a myth until Malakai's route. The entrance is located in the desert and covered by black sand that swirls in the air and is repelled by Earth's magnetism.
Ograth is a demon monster. Demons work like a hive mind, bestial and terrifying at once. MC's ancestors knocked out Ograth's tooth back in the days when demons ruled the earth and it incapacitated every demon. They couldn't kill it completely but sealed it in an heirloom passed down in their family for generations. MC's family has always been tasked with finding a way to kill Ograth once and for all.
Lava Demons
Lava Demons are a special kind of demon that lives in the earth's core and wants to end life on the surface. They have orange flaming eyes. They get their powers by feeding on the energy of the earth's core and seek to suck it dry. They have immeasurable strength and can vanish into the earth to escape capture.
Demon Contracts
It is very rare for a demon to be intelligent enough to sign a contract with a mortal. Signing the contract allows the demon to inhabit the human longer without killing its host since humans can only survive one week when inhabited by a demon.
Virtues existed for as long as demons have and perhaps before then as Virtues are the antithesis of demons created for the world to keep itself in balance. They can only be called upon by those of good nature, though they often refuse when called or deny help to those requesting it.
28 years ago a demon was placed inside Darius for a chance to once day reawaken and continue the plan for demons to be able to take over and walk the earth. Kozolok thought the demon was inside MC, but it was actually inside Darius the whole time. After the ritual of his S1, his demon side is slowly awakening and becoming more powerful. As no ritual was done to awaken it in the other routes, he's still human in those ones.
Kozholok is looking for the demon they sealed away that will help them continue the plan of having demons roam the earth again. Kozholok has been residing inside Nero for over a year and splitting Nero's heart into two to use his soul as a sacrifice in the ritual to awaken that demon. After sacrificing his soul and awakening the demon in Darius, there is now little of Nero left and Kozholok remains in control of his body.
Vuzgamad is the eyeless demon that killed Yvette's parents and bite her which cursed her to burn every living thing her skin touches. She has also claimed to raise and groom Yvette despite being on her own and having to fend for herself. Vuzgamad wants MC dead for her own plans. Vuzgamad is special as she is smarter than the average demon, similar to Kozholok. Her powers include keeping her hosts conscious as she inhabits them so she can torture them physiologically. She also pays respects to her victims and visits their graves
Nitsa is half human half demon and this makes her an exception to many rules. One, is that she does not show demon lines on her human skin surface and it can only be seen when she splits it open to show her demon face. Because of this, when she inhabits people, it's hard to know because there are no demon marks on the skin.
Nita's goal is to inhabit Onyx's dragon form which Onyx will turn into if she was to die.
Wrath unknowingly dated the demon that long ago cursed Yvette to have her burning skin. During an attack to finally catch that demon, Wrath let her go which led to the demon blowing up the building the sins were in and send more demons to finish them off. Everyone died except Wrath, Cal, and Yvette.
Yvette left the troupe afterward and at some point, Vinca joined her. They have their own show with another person working along the demons named Lazareth.
Laz is Malakai's brother who was erased from the Gluttony line after going against traditional and choosing his lover over his duty. This is because whoever is the soulmate of the Gluttony Assassin also becomes Gluttony and one of them is always doomed to be taken by the Mouth of Merzogot. Laz left the gluttony line which erased his memory from everyone in the gluttony line including Malakai. But it did not stop his fate as his lover still died to the Mouth of Merzogot. He sided with the demons so that he can find a way to close the Mouth so Malakai doesn't face the same fate one day and was rewarded empathy powers, but this came at a cost of his humanity that he tries to hang on to by writing his goal over and over for hours so that he doesn't forget, though sometimes he does. He later forms a friendship with Vinca and Yvette and is part of their circus. He does fire tricks like Malakai.
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unholyprophecies · 2 years
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A duality of hot and cold taken human form, benevolence on a leash, silent thoughts which flow like a steady stream, grudges growing like little weeds between ribs. The Gentle Razor. 43. Councilperson. Former medic. BIOGRAPHY || HEADCANONS || CONNECTIONS
A gaze always focused elsewhere, muted thoughts, the slow slither of a snake, clenched fists even in sleep, fleet-footed and chasing a better chance at survival, the curling and dissipating steam rising from a coffee cup. The Shifting Shadow. 31. Hunter. BIOGRAPHY || HEADCANONS || CONNECTIONS
Wrath and anguish personified, a mother without a child, reverberating echoes of a past long gone, snuffed out candles, writhing shadows, a heart wrapped in thorns. The Burning Requiem. 38. Engineer. BIOGRAPHY || HEADCANONS || CONNECTIONS
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Empathy - Yvette Short Story (Part 2)
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Oh no, this is really bad.
I spectate in concern as Yvette picks herself up, the left side of her cheek swollen. Blood drips from her mouth and she quickly wipes it off. “Get her!” she commands, the demons obliging to her and darting towards Wrath.
“Three versus one, huh? You never like to play fair, Yvette.”
“The more the merrier.”
Wrath cracks her head as she changes into a defensive stance. When one of them comes close, the ringleader grabs his face and throws him towards Yvette. The green-haired girl curses and quickly moves to avoid the body missle.
As the other demon approaches Wrath, she grabs it by the throat, strangling it with frightening strength. The demon struggles, clawing at the bodybuilder’s arms to break free. She lifts it from the ground and glares hard at the demon, whose thrashes eventually come to a halt. Wrath then throws it aside like it’s nothing. The demon lands in a way that its face is towards me, and I watch in horror as its lifeless eyes bore into mine.
It will take a while before I get used to seeing demons dying in front of me.
“Heads up, MC,” shouts Wrath, who throws a pocketknife near me.
She then turns her attention back to Greed. “Enough games, Yvette. Face me personally.”
Yvette knits her eyebrows in irk and proceeds to hold the gem at the end of her staff. She then drags it out to reveal a shiny, sharp sword that seems like it can cut through even diamond. “The one that lives wins.”
And with that, the two sinners close the distance between them, sword and fists colliding with each other. The loud sound of metal grinding on metal rings in my ear as I cut through my rope with Wrath’s pocketknife.
When will these two stop? At this rate, one of them is going to be seriously hurt.
The rope around my wrists loosens and I release a breath of relief, taking a moment to rub my reddened wrists. I start slicing the rope around my knees and watch as the fight between the two grows intense.
Greed strikes her sword on Wrath over and over again, and the ringleader swiftly deflects them with her brass knuckles. “You think you’re so high and mighty, huh? Saving people from demons.”
The green-haired girl brutally slams her sword, causing Wrath to break her defensive stance and the blade to cut her shoulder. “But never forget. You killed people before.”
Wait, Wrath actually killed humans? I thought she only deals with demon-humans!
As Greed swings her sword up again, Wrath speedily boots her right in the gut, sending her to tumble on the ground.
A firm hand on her open wound, the ringleader glares at the green-haired lady who’s clutching her stomach.
“I did, didn’t I?” the ringleader asks, but it comes off more like a question to herself. Her solemn demeanour soon changes to an angry one. “I guess it doesn’t make a difference if I kill you now!”
Greed laughs breathlessly. “The truth’s finally out of you, Esperanza. Some leader you are, who wants to murder her comrade.”
“You had a choice to choose the right path, Yvette, but you strayed into the wrong one. Now you’ll pay the consequences of your actions.”
The green-haired girl proceeds to stab her sword into the sand, supporting herself up. She then plucks it out, wielding it like a knight who has fought in many wars. “We’ll see about that.”
The rope around my knees finally comes loose and I quickly approach the two. They are currently in a staredown, weapons on the ready.
“Wrath! Yvette! Please stop!”
“This is none of your business, MC. Stay out of it,” commands Wrath, whose narrowed eyes stay glued on Yvette.
“Yeah, listen to Wrath. She might accidentally kill you if you intervene.”
The ringleader growls and dashes towards the green-haired girl; pure hatred flushing on her face. When close enough, she pummels the other girl with her brass knuckles at lightning speed, trying to find an opening to land a hit. Yvette matches Wrath’s incredible speed, deflecting every deadly punch with her blade.
“You’re slowing down, Yvette,” Wrath taunts, quickening her hits and advancing her steps greatly. “Getting tired?”
“Not even a bit,” Yvette replies, but the sweat on her forehead betrays her words.
I know for a fact that Wrath has ridiculous stamina from all the training and fighting she’s been through; she can literally fight several demons without breaking a sweat.
Yvette, on the other hand, is putting on a brave exterior, unwilling to be defeated by her worst enemy.
My blood runs cold when Wrath manages to strike a blow that sends Greed’s sword to fly. She then punches the side of Yvette’s head; the heavy impact causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.
The green-haired girl stumbles on the ground with a roll. A trail of red follows her.
“Stop! That’s enough!” I dash towards Yvette, whose body is so still it frightens me. The sight of cuts, bruises and blood on her makes me cringe in empathy, and my heart is suddenly overwhelmed with a need to protect her.
I turn to face the ringleader who is approaching me. “Move aside, MC.”
I flail my arms out defensively. “I will not let you kill her!”
She shoots me a disbelief look, and it quickly contorts into anger. “Why are you protecting her? She has done nothing but bad deeds.”
“We’re all sinners, we do bad deeds. But that isn’t an excuse to kill!”
“You have no idea how cunning she is. How much suffering she has put others through.” The ringleader huffs, shaking her head. “I don’t want to have to force you to move. So step aside now.”
“Wrath, she might be your enemy now but she used to be your friend! Don’t you have any mercy? She’s still hu-”
“She’ll never be worthy of my friendship and she’s not human. She’s a fucking traitor and a demon!” Wrath lashes out, but her anger soon dissipates when an arm hooks around my shoulder.
“The heirloom,” demands Yvette, who hovers her bare hand near my throat. “Or she dies.”
What the fuck?! Oh wait, I did want this to happen. Please give her the charm Wrath please give her the charm!
Wrath shows a disapproving look before reaching into her pocket and pulling out the charm. “We swap at the same time.”
Yvette lightly pushes me to Wrath when the charm reaches her gloved hand. I watch as she observes the ancient artifact on her palm, a look of victory on her expression. She whispers a “finally” to herself and curls her fingers on it.
Instead of disappearing like I have expected, Yvette lingers behind. Her eyes meet mine in a way that makes my heart accelerate, and her expression seems to display both gratitude and…regret?
“Well, why are you still standing here for?” Wrath breaks the silence and my moment with Yvette. “Get lost before I change my mind!”
A hint of desperation flashes across Yvette’s face as she maintains eye contact with me. It seems like she wants to say something but is hesitating.
“Go,” I mouth to Yvette, not wanting another fight to spike up again.
She sighs softly.
Shutting her eyes, she disappears, leaving just the scent of her perfume behind.
May our paths cross again, Yvette.
Part 1 | Part 3
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galaxy-potatoo · 2 years
Well then, I think MC will need a wheelchair
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harbingerofdespair · 3 years
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Idc who disagrees with me, this was the best and most interesting series on the whole entire app.
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bloodyshadow1 · 2 years
does anyone have Wrath/Ranza’s route or know a discord with it available? Hearts or not. Out of all my favorite LI’s she’s the only one who I can’t find anywhere other than her first chapter and it’s a bummer. 
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🎪 Happy Birthday to our favorite ringleader! Esperanza Gutierrez! 🎪 - The Mods
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