#wreck it ralp
i think that if Lightyear (2022) didn't have the meat-bread-meat sandwich scene i would like the movie way more. the sandwitch gag was just so flabbergasting and honestly gross (so unhygienic!!!) that it yanked me out of the "being immersed in a story with my disbelief suspended" into "Who In Their Right Mind Wrote This Into The Movie Script. Am I, The Viewer, Supposed To Think This Is Funny?" soooo fast (and it was already losing me with all the new watery characters and the lackluster zurg plotline). there's a cool scifi story happening before & after that scene and Those events are always shown as something natural, i guess (within the setting they make total sense, i mean), and i always trust the main character to know what to do and Belong in the story. but the sandwiches were weird and alien even to him and even moreso weird and alien to me by extension... and that feeling of weirdness contributed to nothing re: mood of the moment/overarching plot/character development and it wasnt even FUNNY. if the creators wanted to include the sandwich so bad they needed to have zurg eat it to show what a deranged freak he is.
#i know this is kind of insane nitpicking but i do sincerely believe this. for me that scene is one of the most memorable parts of the movie#origpost#lightyear#oh my god and the cucumbers... the WATERY VEGETABLE SLIDES FROM THE FATTY MEAT!!! THATS OBVIOUS AND DISGUSTING!!#YOU HAVE TO CUSHION IT WITH SOMETHING DRY/TEXTURED LIKE BREAD OR LETTUCE!!! OR SLICE THEM INTO STRIPS NOT CIRCLES!!!#NOT TO MENTION THAT THE BREAD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CUCUMBER SITUATION WILL BE SO SOPPING WET.#AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF THEY USED ANY SAUCE OR SPREAD BECAUSE IF SO THE BREAD WILL GET EVEN MORE MOIST???#unless the bread is covered on both sides with a fat-based spread eg butter which would prevent it from absorbing water. but who knows.#(echoing mumbling) or you could use cream cheese instead of butter... w/ some spices mixed in... god i wish theyd add some cheese on there.#um in conclusion. love to have characters take a break and enjoy some food that adds some flavor (ha!) to the setting.#like the grub in emperors new groove! or wreck it ralps pacman cherry! or wallace and gromits moon cracker!!#i just think the ly sandwiches underdelivered and the characters didn't even finish them (i mean buzz takes it [hands dirty] and#sets it on the table AND PICKS IT UP [HANDS DIRTY] AND ***TAKES A BITE***???? and LEAVES IT??? which is fucking insane????!?!?!?!)#um. sorry for ranting and nitpicking again. i just have Opinions on food. in scifi. i guess. (suddenly the blogger is weirdly embarrassed.)#the other food items in the vending machine were PICKLES btw. maybe the colony just got really good at growing cucumbers and nothing else..
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buginacup · 2 years
wreck it ralp: ralph day out
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 10 months
I like how in Wreck-it-Ralph nobody understood what Ralph was trying to say
Wreck it Raplh kinda struggled to express himself. What he wanted was to be liked and accepted. But he thought it is inevitable because he is a bad guy in his game.
He knew all along what the problem is. The nicelanders (and not just them) couldn't sepatrate his role in the show, from his actual person and threated him like an actuall vilian.
But Ralp is a simple guy and he had problem with fully formulating the thought. Just like the others he blamed his role, when the problem was the approach.
He ask them. "Why won't you let me be on that cake?" What he meant was "Why are you pushing me away?"
"Why can't I get a medal?" "Why am I never apprecieated for making our game run?"
"Because you are a bad guy! You don't get medals!"
And then he got the challenge. Go get a medal, and we will give you a penthouse. It was a bet. If he won he would win the right to live in a penthouse.
But he undersood it as "If you come back with a medal you will get accepted". Being accepted wasn't a part of the bet he had with Jin but he was completely convinced it would do that. Because he was not the guy that thinks twice. He was rushing forward.
If he came back stright form the "Heroes Duty" without delay, he would come back to still inhabited house. He would likely get that apartament but nothing else. No cake, no kudos.
They would just despise him from up close. Being force to live with him upstairs would proppably just make matters worse because nicelanders would be constantly annoing with his stomping and breaking furniture.
It was by the end of the movie in the prison when Raph found a way to explain to Felix what his problem is. It helped that Felix himself yell it in his face.
"Everybody are treating me like trash?! Its horrible!!"
"Ye, I know this. This is why I ran away and acted out. You guys treat me this way."
And Felix listened. He was not the sharpest hammer in the toolbox either but he finally got the message. Felix never actually seemed to hate Ralph but he did nothing to snand up for him. He seemed to play paceamaker by keeping nicelanders and Ralph away from each other. Once he understood he changed his behaviour.
And when he, the heroic figure talked to nicelanders they changed their ways too.
Felix fixed it.
Ralph didn't need to change. But everybody needed to understand the issue.
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rollercoaster59 · 4 months
Top 3 scores, wreck it ralp
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annamatedarts · 6 years
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Tiana’s turn! Jasmine is next, she’s my favorite princess.
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sgtcalhouns · 5 years
this started out as “wouldn’t it be cute if felix and tamora laid in the back of his truck and looked at the stars” and i tried to condense that very vague and broad idea into a sweet moment between them. this is somewhat early on in their relationship, when things are just beginning to get serious between them. enjoy!
“I want to show you something.”
They had just finished cleaning up after dinner when Felix looked over at Tamora and made the declaration. She followed him, thinking he wanted to show her something in another room of the apartment, but he led her outside to his truck and started driving. No matter how many times she asked, he wouldn’t reveal the secret to her, smiling to himself each time she tried to phrase the question in a new way that might trip him up. He brought her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of her palm as he assured her that she had nothing to worry about. All would be revealed soon enough. 
The truck finally came to a stop in the middle of an open field. Tamora had never been here before, and she glanced at him in confusion as she looked out the windshield and saw absolutely nothing of interest. Felix didn’t respond as he hopped out the driver’s side door and rounded the truck to open her door.
“I have a surprise for you,” he said as he reached for her hand and helped her down. 
He walked her to the back of the car, smiling at her in anticipation before pulling off the bed cover. Underneath the cover, the bed of his truck had been transformed into something of an actual bed, with an assortment of blankets and pillows filling the space. 
“What is this?” she asked, smiling through her disbelief. 
“Come on,” he replied, “I’ll show you.”
He helped her up and followed behind her. They settled back against the pillows and Felix pulled one of the big, fluffy blankets over them.
“Is this what you wanted to show me?” she asked.
“Not quite,” he answered. “Look up.”
She focused her attention on the sky and gasped at the multitude of stars that covered the night sky. They weren’t normally this visible with the light pollution in town, but out here, the view was incredible. Felix beamed with pride as she took it all in. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before pointing out some of the constellations they could see from the truck. They fell into a companionable silence after a while, content to cuddle close together and enjoy the moment.
“This is amazing, Felix,” Tamora said, breaking the silence. “You didn’t have to do all this for me.”
“It was nothin’ really, Tammy,” he replied. “I just wanted to do something special for you.”
“I don’t think anyone’s ever given me so many special moments like this before,” she said.
“Well, it’s what you deserve,” he said. “I’d be a fool to give you anything less.”
“That’s very sweet of you,” she responded, “but, really, don’t feel like you have to do things like this all the time.”
“Of course I do,” he said. “Look, Tammy, I’m no dummy. I know that fellas like me don’t usually end up with gals like you. I don’t know how I got so lucky to be with you, but whenever I earn a moment of your time, I want to make it worth your while.”
“It’s worth it, Felix,” she said. “It always is.”
Felix smiled, and it was quiet between them for a moment before Tamora spoke again.
“What did you mean by that?” she asked. “That men like you don’t end up with women like me?”
“Well, I mean, just look at you. You’re stunningly beautiful--the first time I saw your face, I completely lost my train of thought because I was so dazed,” he explained. “You’re tall and strong and confident and I’m several inches shorter than you and a nervous wreck.”
“You’re also honest and patient and the most thoughtful, considerate person I’ve ever met,” she countered. “And I’m also standoffish, grumpy, and downright rude at times.”
“Tammy Jean,” he gently scolded her.
“All I’m saying is neither of us is perfect,” she said. 
“I know that,” he replied, rolling onto his side to face her. “It’s just that, when I first met you, I saw this gorgeous woman who was way out of my league and I thought I was delusional for wanting to ask you out. I thought there was no way you would ever say yes.”
“But I did,” she said with a small smile as she shifted to face him.
“You did, and I couldn’t believe it,” he said. “And even now, after all this time, I still haven’t gotten over it. I get to take you on dates and kiss you and cook for you. It’s more than I ever thought I would get. I thank my lucky stars that my car broke down that night and brought you into my life.”
Felix was taken by surprise as Tamora reeled him in for a kiss. He wasted no time brushing his fingers into her hair and stroking her cheek with his thumb. No matter how many times she kissed him like this, it would always make his heart race. She pulled away and they took a moment to catch their breath.
“You know,” Tamora said between breaths, “I’m pretty lucky, too.”
“Well, not to brag,” he said, “but I’m currently cuddled up looking at the stars with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and she just gave me one doozy of a kiss, so I think I might be a little luckier than you.”
“Oh yeah?” she smirked. “Because I’m under a blanket with this cute guy who plans romantic gestures like this for me on a regular basis. I think I might be the winner here.”
“We’ll just see about that,” he teased.
He kissed her again, and before long they found themselves completely lost in the affection. Their connection was so powerful it was almost palpable, and neither could find it in themselves to pull away. The kiss only seemed to deepen as time passed and a noticeable heat crept in. Just as Felix’s hand found its way to her lower back and Tamora’s fingers began to tug on the buttons of his shirt, the sound of footsteps tore them apart. Felix sat up to look for their intruder and found a police officer walking toward the truck. As he got closer, Felix recognized him.
“Officer Duncan,” Felix said as he approached. “How are you tonight, sir?”
“Well, if it isn’t Mister Fix-It himself,” the officer chuckled. “Boy, is it a relief to see you out here. I thought I was gonna find a couple’a crazy kids doin’ the horizontal tango, if you know what I mean.”
“Oh no, nothing like that,” Felix replied, his face flushing a deep red. He flinched as Tamora squeezed his thigh under the blanket, a mischievous smile on her face. “I just brought my lady out here to look at the stars.”
Tamora sat up next to him. 
“This is Tamora,” he said before turning his attention back to her. “Officer Duncan’s an old friend of mine. I’ve done a lot of repairs at the precinct over the years.”
“Thanks to Felix, we’ve been able to push off buying a new radiator for six years,” said Duncan. “Every time I think that old thing’s finally ready to crap out, he works another miracle.”
“Just doin’ my job,” Felix said.
“Well, anyway, I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it. Nice to meet you, miss,” Duncan said, taking a step back from the truck. “Happy stargazing.”
“Goodnight, officer,” Felix called out as he walked away.
He glanced at Tamora, who started laughing at the embarrassment that was evident on his face.
“That could’a been a close call,” he said. “We got a little carried away for a minute there.”
“Oh, relax,” she teased. “Everything is fine.”
“I guess you’re right,” he said, reaching for her hand. 
“He did ruin my plan, though,” she said.
“What plan?”
“Since we were arguing over who’s the luckiest, I figured the only way to even the score was for us both to get lucky out here,” she said, unable to hold in a chuckle at the immediate effect her words had on him. His face was blank for a moment until his mind was able to process her suggestion, at which point his skin seemed to glow a bright, vivid red.
“So, you want--I... I never,” he stuttered. Tamora had apparently short-circuited his brain, leaving him unable to form one coherent sentence. “I... Out here?!”
“Are you alright?” she asked with an amused smile. She leaned in and kissed his cheek, which was hot against her lips. 
He nodded slowly.
“I just... I’ve heard about that sort of thing before but no one’s ever... I’ve never...” he trailed off, unable to finish his statement without shrinking down into a little ball of embarrassment.
“I wouldn’t have said anything if I knew it would freak you out like this,” she said.
“I’m not freaked out, it’s just a little shocking, is all,” he replied. “You, um... You wouldn’t be interested in coming back to my apartment for the night, would you? Maybe we can reach some sort of compromise to your plan.”
Tamora was taken aback by his forwardness; the physical aspect of their relationship was still somewhat new, and thus far Felix had been very shy when it came time for him to speak on his desire. He had fumbled a bit on the delivery, but the message was loud and clear, and she had no qualms with his suggestion.
“I think we can definitely come to an agreement.”
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lordofthewild · 6 years
Me, waking up in a cold sweat at 3 AM: L,, Leo but he talks like Fix-It Felix Jr, from Wreck it Ralph
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toyboyfan · 6 years
I wonder if Disney were to do an Avengers like crossover movie with the Disney Princesses, what would it be like?
Like would they all team up to defeat a villain? Maleficent? Evil Princess?
Would they all be in the same universe or would they have their own worlds and there is a world connecting them where they meet?  
What would the interactions be like? would there be some drama? For example would Cinderella and Elsa have some kind of rivalry? Would Ariel and Moana develop a beautiful friendship?
Would there be epic battles with the princesses? or would Disney want to keep everything as safe as possible for the young demographic? 
So many different potential possibilities for a Disney Princess crossover movie. 
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ejw16 · 7 years
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how I spent the morning on my day off
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doctorsex69 · 3 years
reddit ralph 2
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karkat · 3 years
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the shit i find in my decade old art folder really cracks me up
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pj-was-here · 4 years
Headcanons for Red Panda!Vanellope
She used to live in an orphanage until she decided to run away in the dead of night due to the orphnage being abusive
She spent most of her time walking the streets looking for food scraps until one day she found an old discarded scroll when she was searching for food
With curiosity getting the better of her she decided take a look at it and realized it was a scroll on kung fu she decided to try some of the techniques out since she had nothing better to do and to her surprise she did it with ease and did the techniques perfectly on her first try
But unbeknowist to her she wasn't the only one to notice, a passerby noticed her smooth movements unfortunatley that passerby was non other than Tong Fo who had seen great potential in the child if she was able to execute such an advance technique perfectly
Tong approached Vanny the latter becoming startle saying she didn't mean to look at his scroll he said it was okay saying he was impressed by her kung fu movements and wanted her to be his student Vanellope at the time was naïve and gullible so she took his offer not knowing how much worser her situation was to become
A few months had passed and Vanellope no longer was the same person, gone was the naïve little red panda now all their was was a sharp tounged, cunning, trickster who could steal things without any problems Tong Fo had broke her but when he was captured she fled the scene abandoning her former master during this time she would trick travelers and steal their valubles she ended up meeting Sanzu and became second-in-command since he was unable to frighten or trick her
She ended up meeting the furious five during the events of "Po Picks a Pocket"
Her kung fu style is similar to Red Panda style but with a twist she is agile and can easily dodge attacks like Crane but her attacks are devastating and hit surprisingly hard like Tigress
It is SUPER hard to hit her but if you mange to do it congratulations you have made a death wish to meet the Mama Tiger Mulan
After the events of "Po Picks a Pocket" she decides to travel on to search for a good and productive way to use her skills on her journey she meets a panda street fighter, a monkey repairman and a retired leopord sergeant who become a rag tag gang of misfits who perform to an audience to earn for a living OH and a Legendary Tigress Heroine who saved China and it's emporor who she becomes a student under to hone her skills
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73m0n · 6 years
Guys! it really happend! The sugar rush wheel is for sale, and it’s autographed by Sarah, Gal and Jane!  
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You only have to bid over  the prize of 1600$ and then it’s yours! https://www.ebay.com/itm/183683141029
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emibalissen · 6 years
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daffodilsinspring · 2 years
Yuno - The Cat Returns
Asta - The Jungle Book
Noelle - Beauty and the Beast
Leopold - Wreck-It Ralp
Secre - When Marnie Was There
Mimosa - Encanto
Henry - Frozen
Klaus - Peter Pan
Liebe - Wall-E
Luck - Bolt
Magna - The Lion King
Vanessa - Whisper of the Heart
Charmy - Ratatoille
Gordon - Abominable
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anonymous-gremlin · 3 years
Wreck it Ralp platonic Glittergolf au
Monty is Ralph
Sun is Vaneloppe
Moon is either the real King Candy (with corrupted Moon taking the role of Turbo) or also Vaneloppe
Freddy is Felix
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