#write bite
piperjistic · 9 months
(Po x Tigress, Tipo lmao)
It was midnight. Two warriors laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling. An arm laid under the tiger, an arm laid on top of the panda. Neither stiff as they laid together and stared at the ceiling. The wind blew gently outside, yet nothing creaked. That was unusual, it meant age, but also that if something or someone was out of place, they wouldn’t immediately know… That can be fixed though after a month or two living here.
The barracks was nice and all for the years they’ve trained and still train at the jade palace, however it was cramp. Especially for the panda, but even more for the couple. Once they started sleeping together, it was hard to stop. I mean, why would you?
To have a big pudgy and soft panda that keeps one warm, that’s the perfect cuddle bud. It saved them during mountain missions, it protected him from most attacks, and definitely comforted whoever needed a hug. So for Tigress, it was truly perfect.
Her eyes flicker over to Po briefly, seeing him contemplatively staring at the ceiling. He inhales deeply. She turns her attention back up too. Like the rest of this place, it was marble dotted in swirls, golden dots and black strokes, mimicking dragons flying through the roaring clouds. It was a beautiful mural, fit for the dragon warrior yet not too distracting or pretentious. A mural of Po would be too much, especially with him smirking and members of the valley praising him. She shakes her head.
Tigress’s tail sways across the bed, feeling out the bed’s surface that was smooth and silky, free from holes, dents, or creases. When she slept in the cots, she would sleep on the side and allow her tail to find a crevice to lay in that lead to the rest hanging off. Now though? There was no such thing. She sighed. Is this anxiousness? Confusion? No, it was astonishment.
She was still processing this change. It was completely unexpected to her. To them. Even though this bed fitted both of them perfectly. Even though this was only natural for them to move to a room together. Especially with the Jade Palace and its grounds being renovated inside and out, years after Kai’s assault to remove Oogway from memory. Was this even possible? What would stop them? Who would stop them? This was never a possibility in their mind. Sure they loyally and fiercely defended the valley, yet that’s suppose to be a thankless (minus the fanclubs) and grueling job. This isn’t even mentioning that Po is the dragon warrior, he outranks almost all, even Shifu.
Speaking of which… Po clears his this throat, her face flickers over to him, he slowly turns to his side to fully face her. His voice low as if the walls were made of paper instead of marble, though wearing a small warm smile. Her chest flutters. “I can’t believe Shifu agreed to let us get a room together.”
Even Po’s still figuring out the math. Her mouth twitches up, she’s not alone.
She leans in on her side, feeling his breath on her nose. It was warm. Her hand slides, yet doesn’t leave his chest. Rather, it gently caresses that patch of fur through her paws. His breath smelt liked earthy matcha & sweet broth.
“I can’t believe he even heard you out.”Tigress bluntly states. She feels his chest rise and fall as his blue focuses on her, his hand on her shoulder pushed them closer. Space between their faces were less than a foot away. Her tail curled.
“Oh come on, was it that much of a bad idea?” She hums. He rolls his eyes and smirks, his fingers tiptoe up her arm. “Well, personally it wasn’t if a lil—“
“Tiger, not kitty, Po.” She eyes him sternly, gently but firmly swatting his hand. His smiles grows, she knows his tricks. The panda lets his hand gesture widely as he continues.
“Okay, it wasn’t if a lil’ tiger agreed with me.” She clears her throat.
“I only said it was optimal… and promised it would allow you to train better.” She squints her eyes, there goes that cheeky smile again.
“Just admit it Ti, you want to cuddle with this belly—“ He beats it, it jiggles. “Every night.” It was her turn to roll her eyes. She would never. “I mean, I know I would.”
“You’re so full of yourself Po.” Her paw pats his belly, he chuckles.
“Yeah, well, everyone besides you says otherwise.” His open hand wraps around her waist, pulling her even closer, leaving their faces inches apart.
“Well that’s because they don’t really know you like I do.” Her finger ever so gently taps his snout. It was her turn to grin cheekily. His eyes widen before he bellows in laughter skyward, kicking his feet. His voice reverberated across the walls of the nearly empty room, practically lighting the room too life. It takes a minute for him to calm down and catch his breath. Tigress watched fondly, heart fluttering. He rolls back over, grinning.
“Righttttt, like I didn’t train with the rest of the five for the same amount of years as you.” She shakes her head.
“Oh but you didn’t. You and I sparred, and to this day, you’ve lost to me the most.” She asserts, grin twisting in confidence.
“Oh really?” Her smirk grew, knowing he was corner.
“Who trained with you the longest?” Po ddi the only thing he could do, play dumb as he glanced back at the ceiling and tapped his chin.
“Po.” She frowns, unamused.
“Okay Okay, you Ti. You. Always you.”Conceded the panda as he held his paw up in surrender.
“And if you add up all that time, I would probably be a year if not six months ahead of the rest. This is including missions.” She yawns, the warmth between them is getting to her.
“Oh wowww, using math on me now, are ya? So clever.” Po boops her snout. She manages to chuckle from under her scoff. Her tail curls over his leg.
He sighs, her laugh angelic. It wasn’t tight or forced, she was relaxed. The tail is a dead giveaway, but so were her half-lidded eyes and upright ears. Oh, and don’t forget this new hint he noticed lately, that when she stares at him, her amber eyes dilate. It was too cute. She was already super strong, clever, brave, attentive, diplomatic, decisive, reserved and elegant. And so much more!
And it was all his, well not literally but— he’s the only one that can see this side of her. The tough and stoic tiger kung-fu master lays wrapped in his arms, happily laughing and smiling. Who would of thought? His smile soft and loving, eyes filled with adoration.
“Tigress, I love you.” She blinks, taken back. She finds herself leaning back from their gentle embrace.
She blinks again. How could one say that so casually? That’s like tossing wood on a bonefire— No— Scratch that, tossing a tub of flame sticks on it. Her cheeks warm up, fur standing tall and muscles tight. This is an alarm. No, important. Very important. With the most important!
And yet, his eyes of sunny skies were gentle and half lidded. He was almost always relaxed, but this… Is too much… She spoke up, trying to not trip over her own words. She waited too long to respond—
“And I… love… you… Po.”
Tigress winces shamefully, immediately adverting her eyes down. It’s so hard to say. She’s never done it before…. in years…. When she was but a cub and just adopted by Shifu, or maybe she said something of equivalence. Regardless, she loves Po. More than anything. And here he is professing his love once again when its only them and no one to witness but each other… And she can’t even reciprocate it… Sputtering isn’t enough.
Her eyebrows were knitted together, ears flattened and a bigger frown than her stoic face ever would be. She even drew her paw away that played with his fur and her tail. It hurt Po to see it. He watches her eyes, as if he sees her thoughts spiraling in circles. No more.
She flinches as a soft paw of black envelopes her cheek, gaze lifted back to his concerned eyes. “Hey… Don’t beat yourself up. Take your time, my tiger lily. I can wait.”
“No butts.” He engulfs her in the biggest panda hug he could muster. She couldn’t fight. She knew she couldn’t fight it. This is his expertise. She melts, chuffing. Her fur fluffs back down, tail sways before draping over his thigh. They lay there for what seems like an eternity. Though, he wasn’t done yet. He pulls back, grinning satisfied.
“Butts are for ducks.” Confusion spreads across her face. Po chortles before it’s interrupted with a yawn. He shifts, bringing his lips to her forehead and pressing firmly against her firm. Heat spread like wildfire throughout her body.
Instinctively to the foreign feeling, she tenses like cement… eyes wide. But… her tail doesn’t move form his thigh and she doesn’t pool away. Her face is probably flushed, her fur probably more coral than orange. Though either could tell. He pulls away, leaving her with his final murmur. “I’ll explain later….”
She only nods. The panda warrior doesn’t mind as he pulls her in close, chest to chest as he rubs his chin against her head. He settles, closing his eyes.
It was the opposite for Tigress for a few moments. However, she wasn’t ashamed or fearful as before. This was something she knew she didn’t have to reciprocate. If anything, in time, she’ll love to just receive and savor it.
She manages to inhale deeply, muscles relaxing and heart slowing once again. The heat within herself lingers comfortably. She smiles, chuckling to herself. The tiger warrior rubs her face against his soft fur. Every inch of her face rubs against his neck and shoulder, she couldn’t get enough. Then, Tigress buries her face with his shoulder, leaving her ears to peak out from the furry mass.
Someone once told her love was like a fire. It burned forever and brightly. It could wither, but it could also grow tenfold. Not just romantic, platonic too. Little fires sparkle inside her like the night sky. Shifu, Crane, Viper, Monkey, Mantis, even Mr.Ping, Li Shan, and little Lei Lei. They were her family.
And the other fire, the biggest fire of all, was self love. It sounded ridiculous for love to be described this way, but as time went on, it began to fit. So when it came back to herself…. She never considered her fire to burn brightly. She was proud of what she accomplished, her ability, her power. Though that’s what she was raised to be, a warrior first, a leader second and everything else last…
But then comes a goofy panda that believed in himself and other people; who became the grandmaster of kung fu and chi by being his true self and says other wise. Po wasn’t just a fire to her. He kept her warm on her darkest and coldest nights. She felt herself cheesing into his luscious white fur. Po was her kindle that blazed her the most.
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6love6bites6 · 5 months
Does anyone want to bite down into my shoulder while they fuck me? I promise I'll whimper and moan about it.
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teddybeartoji · 3 months
18+ mdni; gn!reader
yuuta gets so flustered whenever you sit on his lap – he just doesn't know what to do with himself:((((
you're laughing alongside with maki and nobara, your back to your boyfriend; your hips glued to yuuta's and the poor boy feels like he's on fire. he's trying so hard to focus on anything other than your ass right on top of his cock but it's simply impossible. it's taking him everything to keep listening to the conversation between yuuji and megumi; his eyes trained over your shoulders, on the way your lips stretch wider and wider with every word that tumbles from nobara's mouth. yuuta's glad you're having fun.
but he wishes he was having fun, too. how could he be if he's a breath away from popping the fattest boner right in front of his friends? a deep blush settles across his nose and his cheeks and he just hopes that the other's won't notice.
his impatient fingers dig into your waist and you immediately turn to him with wide eyes, making yuuta regret his decision to do so. you ask him whether he's okay, whether he wants anything and he feels like a proper pervert – you're just trying to make sure he's enjoying himself while he's here, thinking about how wet and warm and tight you'd feel around his aching cock.
shivers run up his back when your hand finds the back of his neck, fingers twirling in the dark strands of hair as you quip a sweet little 'hm?' at him. yuuta lets his eyes close in a desperate try to get his shit together. puppies, kittens, flowers. he has to think about anything other than you. bed, candy, kissing. fuck, that's not–
yuuta's eyes crack open the second he feels you wriggle your hips. just once, but it's enough to send another wave of blush all over his body. and the situation only gets worse when he sees your sticky, honeyed smile. oh, you know exactly what you're doing.
swiveling your hips again, yuuta's fingers sink into your waist almost painfully, his pretty lips parted as he mouths a 'please' at you. the need pooling in his eyes makes you giggle, catching the attention of your friends again. you turn back to them with a big grin, your body melting deeper into yuuta's while continuing on with the conversation as if nothing happened. as if you can't feel how hard your boyfriend is.
an almost silent whine brushes the shell of your ear as yuuta tries to hide his face in the crook of your neck, his face heating up even more when he hears you defend him by saying that he's simply tired. he tries to get a bit more comfortable by spreading his legs but that only makes you sink lower, closer to his bulge. yuuji calls out to him and he dreads raising his head from the comfort of your skin, knowing that if the pink-haired boy doesn't notice his pained face then megumi surely will. fuck, you're killing him – still smiling wide, you wriggle your hips every time you laugh, freely torturing your sweetheart of a boyfriend.
but he can't even be mad, can he? he loves you, and he loves when you do stuff like this. he's harder than ever and feeling a little dirty for being like this; pre-cum stains his boxers while he's sitting here with his friends. he knows you'll tease him for it later, too. call him pathetic, call him cute.
he's never been more excited to go home.
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umblrspectrum · 5 months
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i love learning cursive just to write text for exactly one character
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sukunasteeth · 6 months
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Sukuna doesn't understand the hold you have on him.
He's never particularly been a people person. In fact, people annoyed him. This has held true ever since he was a child with his twin brother, Yuji. That is, until Yuji brought you home one fateful day in middle school, claiming to have met a new friend. 
You, with your sweet little smile, and your boundlessly generous heart. You with your giggle that chimes through his darkened soul like a golden bell. With the innocent rosy lips that he'd dreamed of having his first kiss with until high school, when it finally came to fruition. You had been irrevocably his ever since then, and it had been almost seven years.
So why does it still feel like you're the one with all the power here?
Why does it feel like you could create a monster out of him if you truly wanted to? Why does it feel like he's constantly at your beck and call? Why are you the one person on this green earth that reduces him to the feeling of an emotion as pathetic as helplessness?
He'll admit, he takes it out on you.
Like now, when you're lying naked beneath him (his favorite spot to have you in) and begging him to take it easy on you. He's got you covered in sweat, exerting you to your ultimate limit. He loved to see you train until failure, after all. Adored the way your legs quivered when he relentlessly made you keep riding him, despite your exhaustion. Cooed at the way you begged him to be gentle, even though he knows you prefer it rough. You were quick to submit when he had you behind closed doors, despite how independent you appeared outside of them. Sukuna knew you better. Knew how much you loved following his direction. Receiving his praise.
You were lucky you were such a good girl.
Sukuna was torturing you now already, and you hadn't even disobeyed him. He can't imagine what he would do if you were unruly. Actually, he can. And the thought has him salivating even more as he sucks relentlessly at the nape of your neck. You're covered in marks from his teeth or the raw scrape of his tongue. Your throat has been tormented by his worship to the extent that he's even broken skin in the spots where he can feel your pulse beneath his lips.
Even Sukuna has to admit that you didn't deserve this abuse. You hadn't done a thing out of line, besides selfishly tearing the heart out of his chest for good. It was yours now.
The thought makes him growl against you.
God, you weren't even trying.
Your victory over him was so effortless.
It pissed him off.
He doesn't realize that he's bitten you particularly hard until you're suddenly recoiling away, burrowing yourself into his pillows with a small yelp. Your hand has sprung up to press your palm over Sukuna's mouth in some weak attempt at getting him to stop. Your other hand holds your throat as you purse your lips at him, which have also seen a good amount of Sukuna's biting that day.
You looked good in his teeth marks, what can he say?
"Are you mad or something?" You're blinking up at him like a confused little deer. Sukuna can't help that it makes him hungry. You were a perfect prey to him and he would be chasing you to the end of this lifetime. He could tell solely in the way that your stupid little nickname for him makes his heartstrings snap.
He takes a frustrated breath through his nose over your hand, nipping at your fingers over his mouth like a muzzled dog. Before you can pull them away, he's grasping your wrist tightly, his unforgiving grip a warning in itself. Easily, he pins it to the side of your head, rendering you halfway useless.
"Don't interrupt." He murmurs, his gaze burning into yours.
A helpless sob escapes you, but otherwise you stop trying to squirm away from him. You allow the onslaught to continue without a peep, bracing yourself each and every time a new hickey is being bruised into your skin. He doesn't offer you any words in terms of praise, but his grip on your wrist eventually loosens a bit. He never fully lets you go, though.
While he appreciates your cooperation, you eventually go almost too quiet and Sukuna thinks for a moment that maybe he's pushed you too far. He pulls away from your neck to look at you, finding your pink little face screwed up in an intense mixture of pleasure and agony. He feels a content smile spread across his face but it's cut short when his eyes hone in on your lips, which you're currently biting hard enough to draw blood from.
His free hand reaches up and grasps your chin, pressing his thumb below your bottom lip and forcing you to relinquish it. You blink slowly, your logical brain having exhausted itself up until this point. You easily let him pry your teeth apart, panting in his grasp. 
"Mouth. Open." He commands.
You squirm in your overwhelming frustration, whining. "It hurts, 'Kuna!"
Sukuna hums in a mock sympathy, watching you suffer with a satisfied grin. You would have these marks for weeks. There were so many now, some more intense than others, and he wasn't even close to being done with you.
"You're being cruel." You accuse, watching your own hardship twinkle back at you in the reflection of his eyes. Your pout is purple and bruised from your attempts to keep quiet. Sukuna leans in closer and presses the sweetest kiss to your lips, as soft as the brush of a feather.
What was cruel was the fact that you had broken down everything Sukuna had ever known about himself. His strength was putty at your feet. His hatred for the world was a joke in your presence. His pride, a mere memory at the touch of your fingertips against his soul.
"You think this is cruel?" He whispers, mocking you. His voice is the taunt of a devilish trickster. "I think I've been going too easy on you. Allow me to rectify that."
There really is no curse more cruel than love.
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siltyriver · 10 months
I am such a slut for Danny having supernatural strength and being able to kill someone with a single slap because he’s used to fighting ghosts who are built Sturdy (and literally can’t die, that is very helpful in a sparing partner) so he has to learn such meticulous control when he moves to Gotham where he starts regularly getting into scuffles with humans who think he’s an easy target (he looks like he has the sturdiness of a wet newspaper) and the whole time he’s more stressed about not drawing the Bats attention by being too good or accidentally killing someone so he has to walk that fine line of acting like a scrawny loser and dipping out at his first chance without being clocked as a meta.
Danny, laying on the ground and getting kicked repeatedly by a thug: *tries to angle himself so the guy can kick out a knot in his back*
Danny: *deadpan* oh, ow, stop that hurts, oof
Robin, watching from the rooftop and recognizing the dramatics from the Supers: father there is a meta
Batman, also watching and having flashbacks to Clark’s earlier days: *so so tired and already mentally getting the adoption paperwork ready*
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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is this who you believe you are?
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xochimillilili · 6 months
I need to use a cute boy's thighs and tummy as a chew toy so fucking bad, I wanna hear their soft whines and moans as I bite a heart shape on their skin !!!
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corkinavoid · 1 day
DPxDC Danny's Unconventional Pets
I've seen a post about Vulture Culture (by @ender-reader), I've seen some posts about Danny befriending crows, stray cats and dogs and bats in the Batcave.
But what if it's rats? Gotham has lots of those, and, going along with a scenario of runaway, homeless Danny who is dumpster-diving on regular basis, he would see lots of them. And rats are smart.
Cue Danny the Piper of Hamelin Gotham, feral child who would fight you for stale leftover pizza, whose eyes always slide just over your shoulder like he sees something else behind you. The local cryptid of Gotham alleyways, who no one can track down but who somehow shows up in the most bizarre places because the rats told me you are here.
Imagine a Bat of your choice stumbling across him in an abandoned apartment, only it's not a child they see but a moving pile of a few dozen rats covering Danny like a blanket for warmth.
Also, rats are scary when they decide to fight you. Danny Phantom, the twisted Disney princess, with a street rat on his shoulder and a cold, guarded glare that is just a bit too green.
And, when given a home - any home, be it Batdoption or a Rogue - he brings his friends with him. Street rats click their teeth and nuzzle in his hands, and steal pieces of crackers out of his hands because rats are opportunists.
Just ✨️rat Danny✨️
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bluerosefox · 8 months
Possessed Pearl's
You know how in some ghost stories sometimes its not a person or a land that's haunted but the items?
Well what if, when looking for a mother's day gift for his mom, Danny is looking around a pawn shop and finds a necklace, it's missing some pearls but it's just enough to pass off as a decent gift. Danny humms but decides against it and goes to leave it....
That was until he gasped out blue frost and spots a ghostly woman appear out of the necklace with a somber smile. She isn't as seeable as the other ghosts in Amity though, meaning she doesn't have enough ectoplasm on her own (that might change the longer she's in Amity and around Danny though) and that right now only Danny can see her.
And Danny well... hes been doing his hero gig for a bit now, might go and ask if there was anything he can do to help.
And later Danny's good deed... bites him back. Oh boy. Because now he has the Bats looking into Amity Park... Wait what do you mean Martha is now strong enough to be seen?!
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piperjistic · 10 days
After further thought I’ve come to realize that appreciating life (or an aspect about it) occurs more commonly in Disney/pixar films than people think. Hell, it’s the main focus of several big movies.
Ones to note:
Up (2009)
• Old man appreciate life & the present while moving forward from past.
Meet the Robinsons (2007)
• Smart child appreciate life & the present while moving forward from past.
Incredibles (2004)
• Middle-aged man appreciate life & his family (present), while moving forward from his old dream (past).
Mickey Twice Upon A Christmas* (2004)
• (Max) Young man appreciate his father and his quirks, as what happened in the past doesn’t matter/wasn’t that bad.
Treasure planet (2002)*
• Space pirate appreciate life and people (present) over ancient treasure (past).
Tangled (2010)*
• Eugene appreciates someone in front of him (present) over the title/wealth/glory from books of the past.
Wreck-It-Ralph (2012)
• Giant digital middle-aged man appreciate himself, what he can do, and his life despite his past/past treatment.
Emperor’s New Groove (2000) *
• Royal man appreciate other
Cars (2006)
• Red fast car appreciates simpler things in life and humility over title/glory of old car while stuck in a town (present)
TinkerBell 1+2 (2008)
• OMG Finally a woman on this list. But it’s a fairy so it doesn’t counttttt. But anyway, fairy appreciates talent and other fairy abilities/life over chasing past decisions.
* I want to include Bolt (2008) but no, he learns about life rather than appreciate it since he got Truman-ed.
* Can’t include Princess & The Frog (2009) either because the movie is more like find love not appreciate life lmao which would of been better and actually tackled the hard working black woman trope.
Toy Story 4 (2019)
• Sheriff toy finds a new way to enact purpose in life (bring joy to children) and moves forward from his past, realizing there’s more than one way to do it (parks, carnivals, etc) and other things to do as a toy in life (explore, love, etc).
Soul (2020)
• Middle-aged man appreciate life & the little things (present), while moving forward from his unrealized dream (the past technically as well).
* Subplot/Stretch
Damn, it’s as if appreciating life is something people need to be reminded of at all and any ages constantly. Puss in Boots 2 got nothing on these movies ngl.
Another message to take away is: Damn also guess guys don’t appreciate life and need to learn through life-changing events. Oh and I guess woman already appreciate life so y’all don’t need a movie. /Jk VwV
This was interesting to look at ngl.
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pjs-art-cosmos · 2 months
Sonic - Explore (F)Uncautiously
Tails taps away at his tablet, taps echoing in the abandoned mine the duo finds themselves in. Dust clouds rolled after each step.
“There’s no sign of the Oasis for Thermos.” He said, as Sonic walks besides him, sliding his hand across the wall. He stops, eye twinkling in excitement.
“But there are traces of the guiding lines like the locals said.” He rubs his fingers together and see faint blue pigment smudged across his gloves. He squints down the hallway, but isn’t successful in seeing through the darkness. The only light source was a floating lantern developed by Tails that shimmer brightly yet not enough to clear away all the shadows of the mine.
The yellow fox glanced at Sonic, studying him for a second. He shakes his head a moment later, continuing to walk on, waiting for his scan to finish interpreting data.
“Can’t believe you’re fluent in their language.” He claps his hands of the pigment and stretches his leg against the wall, intently staring at it like there was more to discover if he for once waited long enough.
“You run long enough to hear it all.”
“That’s not how it works.” He retorts.
“It does for me.” He shots back at him, flashing his signature smirk and fingergun. Tails only rolls his eyes and tap at his tablet again. Results of his latest search finally appeared.
“Okay after a mini scan, there’s definitely plenty of cave systems around and in the direction we’re going there seems to be an anomaly? It’s irregularly shaped and overlaps with a cave system so it could lead into one.” Tails glances back up to Sonic, who jogs after him. “However, I still have my doubts on this, maybe we—“
“We can handle this like we handled that thorn beast from earlier.” He frowns and stops, reaching a fork in the road.
“That’s a terrible example.”
“Nonsense!” Waving him off. “Les get moving innnn this direction!” He points to the right and jogs, feet echoing past the fox.
He sighs, flying to catch up. Tails plucks a thorn out of Sonic’s quills. “Last time I checked said monster almost prickled you alive.”
“But I dodged it.” He winks at him. His best friend rolls his eyes. “Besides you know closed spaces aren’t my strong- no- my strongest suit.” The fox rubs his temple.
“There are easier ways of doing this, you know.” He drags his hand back across the wall again.
“Yeah, but would any of them be as fun?” He claps the dust, sending Tails flying back in a coughing fit. He grimaces.
“So fun trumps safety?”
“Yup.” Popping the P and Sonic jumps rock-to-rock protruding through the ground, careful of the sharp edges.
“You didn’t register what I just said didn’t you?”
“Nope.” Popping the P again, he rolls into his signature ball and bounces off the cave wall where another fork lies.
“You’re gonna get us stuck one day.”
“And I’ll get us unstuck that day and that very hour.” He fingerguns, smiling infectiously this time. Tails shook his head but smile himself. His endless energy must come with endless confidence. He wishes he could have that.
“Which way Tails? You won’t lead us astray.” The fox smiles playfully, tugging his tablet out of his backpack.
“Unless I did it to teach you a lesson, right?”
“Well you are smart enough to full me.” He says, rubbing his nose, smiling softly.
“Yeah, yeah, flatter won’t get you anywhere. But my tablet will. We should probably take the left, it might lead to the cave crack.” He points. They return on to the path. As the tablet said and the lantern illuminated, there was a crack in the wall that lead to a cave large enough for them to shuffle through, earning him a gently punch to his arm. “Atta boy.”
Sonic slides down the slope, feeling the the dirt and lumps under his fingers and feet. He looks up, beaming.
Crystals dotted the cave in shades of blue, yellow, and green. Foliage curled around them in a bright shade of forest green. Moss and grass spread across the walls and edges of the ground, forming a winding path in the middle that must of been followed a long long time ago.
The best part as Sonic skips ahead, is the light, seemingly sunlight cascades over the cave, illuminating in colorful array when light reflected off the crystals. It was a warm light show. His eyes sparkles. He looks down and sees his foot already in blue light from the teal crystal above.
Indulging, he steps in the blue light, his glove a light shade of teal. He giggles and espies a green circle a few feet from him and another teal light and a yellow one and a green one and— He skips to one after the other, staying in the colored radiated light and avoiding the rest as a personal little game of his.
Eventually he reached a big yellow one and looks up. Before the hedgehog was a giant yellow crystal reflecting most of the light in the room. Above was the crack in the cave, allowing actually sunlight. There as also a door with faded scribbles, that he could only guess leads to the chamber they’re after. Turning back around, he noticed the blue lines on the wall. They’re more vibrant. It was a shade of cobalt and decorated the door before him. “Wow….”
Sonic steps down and readjust, dusting off his shoes and moving something among his quills. He puts his hands on his hip. Eyes catch the rocks near the door-way with craved lettering. Amy would have a field day with this stuff. He inhales the air, it’s more minty than he expected, with a slight hint of salt.
There must me more foliage up ahead, unnatural too or maybe—
Tails lands beside him, untwisting his tails and rubs his brow. He asks. “How ya holding up buddy?”
“Exahuasted. There’s so much heat built up down here.” He sips water from his canteen, staring at the door & giant crystal above and pulling out his tablet once more.
“Take a break, I’ll look ahead.” Tails eyes widen and shake his head, puffing his chest fur and waving his hands.
“No, no, I can keep up.” The blue blur grabs firmly his shoulders and gently pulls him down to a rock. He replies softly.
“I know you can keep up, so sit down.”Tails couldn’t refuse. He shifts to a comfortable position on the rock. Sonic pats his shoulders, smiling brightly again.
“Besides, if I don’t get there first, Rouge will and I can’t have her bragging.” Ugh, Tails rolls his eyes.
“Remind me who started the bragging rights competiton again?”
“Yours truly, and that means I have to stay one step ahead of her.” Tail raises a brow.
“But you already are?”
“Figuratively not literally, Tails.” Wagging his finger. “Now lets go down there, and by let’s, I mean me, opening the door and peeking in there for booby traps.”
“I doubt there are any booby traps down there, it seems no one’s been down here for a while thanks to the thorn monsters.”
“You never know. Better safe than sorry.” He sketches his legs, leaning side to side once again then takes off with a cloud of dust behind him. Tails coughs and waves it away.
“Always chasing something.” He mumbles before coughing. The fox wipes his brow again for sweat before opening his pack again. He drinks water from his canteen and eats an apple in one hand with the other tapping at the tablet. The lantern drone lands in a sunny spot, reflecting the yellow crystal’s light. The inventor smiles to himself, happy that the solar power mod works properly.
It was mostly quiet, a light hum seem to be trapped in these caves. He looks around curiously like his spiky friend.
The crystals gleamed and glow, bigger than average crystals. Are they connected to that large crystal up there somehow? He reaches to one below the rock, it was green and twinkled between his fingers. His lips twitched up to a small smile, then takes another swig.
How come none of the villagers mentioned or have any tales about these crystals? He knows he doesn’t have the right to know if it’s sacred and all. But it was vastly absent in everything.
He taps at his tablet, scrolling through each photo of murals they either were shown to them or came across in the caves. None of them have scratchings of crystal. But they DO carry their color. Green, blue and yellow. Maybe these crystals were used as pigments in older days and the colors were passed down throughout the years? If he could get a few of them, he could analyze them and gift them to the village.
His ears twitch. Something big either fell or slammed into the wall.
Probably Sonic somehow.
Tail stands up, dusting off himself and taps his pad, his drone wakes up. He flutters his tails a few times. They’re not sore yet but will be tomorrow. He runs them. “Hopefully Amy has some cream when we get back.”
The fox twirls his tails and darts into the cave, drove following closely. He calls out to his best friend through the darkness that not even the drone can penetrate. “Sonic! Sonicccc!”
His voice bounces of the walls as the path heads steeply down while the ceiling grows fangs. He maneuvers around them, noticing some were rock, some were crystal, specifically a deep opaque blue. “Lapis lazuli…?” He murmurs. His ears twitch again, something banged against the walls again, shaking the cave. Tails dives down until the path levels out. His eye catches the blue streaks on the wall. “Hm.. Oh!”
The streaks lead to another mural. A great on if that. “A47-C-Light on please.”
The drone flashes the wall in a wide and intense light. Crystals and carvings craft an image of blue, green, and yellowing spilling from a large sitting crystal under the sun where water flows into a small white bowl then a bigger one. Natives surround it on their knees, extending their hands. Finally… there were…. dots? The fox wipe his eyes and flew closer to it, almost touching. These dots had wings…They’re not dots, they’re beetles in the air, surrounding all of them. He flies back to take it all in again.
The blue streaks lead to here…. Tails takes a low-flash photo, marveling it. “Amazing…. This must be centuries old.”
He peeks at the plants curling around the edges, covering the entire wall, and leaf lines all pulsating a soft blue. “It must be a fountain… A fountain of life. These plants have no sunlight nearby yet-“ His fingers bush against the leaf, which leans into his touch. “They’re so alive…”
Of course, the touching moment doesn’t last as another bang echos down the cavern. Tails perks up.
“Sonic!” He rushes away, drove in suit. The leaf waves an unseen goodbye.
The blue blur hits the wall once more before rolling on his back, smiling.
“Tails.” He rolls out of a rock smashing into the ground. He hops on top sitting on it. A beetle twice their size hisses in their direction, their hide made of black granite as green crystals protrudes in spikes along its back.
“Can you help me crack this big rock, please?” The drone shines light in it’s eyes, showcasing every rocky detail.
“Umm, I don’t think we can crack open this one.”
“Oh ye, of little faith. We just need to get stuck in a little hole.” He points to a mini cavern hole on the left to it. They nod, go in sync.
Sonic charges in with his signature spin dash, the beetle dodges, hissing. Trained on the blue blur, and shoots out spikes to retaliate. Sonic flawlessly dodges each spike that penetrate the wall. “Is that the best you can do?” Tails flies to the wall, grabbing the cascading vine. The drone accompanies him and he ties the end around the drone, the other end in hand.
It only takes a moment of calculating the best angle to run the vine at. He whistles, flying towards the hole.
Sonic repels a spike with his air dash and nods. “Come on beetle boy, you have to just be warming up, right?” It hisses louder, sputtering in fury.
“Don’t worry, it’s my turn now.” The hedgehog rolls back up and starts bouncing around the cave elegantly. The bug stuck darting around to anticipate his attack and slowing backing up.
In a blink of an eye, Tails & drone pull the vine straight, ready to receive. And all it took was one hit to send it toppling over the edge. They hear one last hiss before the echo carries it a few moments later. “Bing bam boom.” The duo fist bump.
“Being down here with the fountain, if it’s still here, must of made it mutate.”
“Ya don’t say?” The fox unwraps his hands from his palm while the other unties the vine from his drone.
“It also must be the guardian of the fountain.”
“Ya don- Wait what-“
“There was a mural that depicted some beetles in it,” He shows him the picture on his tablet. “They seems to matter on the mural so it makes sense with the bush creature before hand.”
He hums in agreement. They glance over to the other hole the beetle was blocking. They smile and head down the slope.
“Come on Tails, isn’t this better than sitting in some stuffy lab and sending a signal to find where it is, and head staight there?” The fox coughs before responding, keeping up with him.
“A stuffy lab has air conditioning.” The path winds downwards, in a curve, follow with ease.
“I dont know what to tell you, it feels great down here.” He says, while wiping his brow. Tails deadpan.
“For you and your quills, not for my fur.”
“Skill issue.”
“Shut up.” Sonic rolls his eyes, smiling but wipes his brow. He won’t lie, the heat is starting to build up down here. He isn’t completely immune to heat…. yet.
They reach the end of the slope, back on their feet. As they slid down, the vines were decorating the walls, and they were thicker which culminated in a spiky thick wall of tangled vines in front of the adventurers, ready to prick and stab anyone away from their most sacred treasure.
“Should of seen that coming.” The drone scans the wall, and the tablet comes to life again. “It’s several inches thick and more vines are hiding behind, that are just as thick if not more. We’re not getting thought without protection. And the laser on this model will die after cutting one maybe two.” He looks up to Sonic, who’s staring off at the hole they came from. His ear twitches. He was listening. Tails leans in, now hearing a sound getting louder…. Like it was barreling down the tunnel… to them. The hedgehog smirks. “Guess who caught up to us.”
“Unfortunately.” Tails slips his tablet away, and hovers, ready to evade.
“Don’t be like that, who else is gonna open the door?” Tails perks up, realizing that would work perfectly.
“You’re right, let’s give it a warm welcome. A47-C-Light on please!”
The drone shines brightly above them, pointed ahead just as the rocky beetle arrives. Blinded, it dashes forward as the duo dodge to the side. Falling through, it hisses in confusion, and bumps against the wall, shaking the cave. It stumbles to the left, to the right, before laying on the ground knocked out. There was a small crack in its hide as the cave settles.
“Guess we cracked the case…!” He wipes his nose.
“Wrong time, wrong place, Sonic.”
“Anytime is the right time.”
Tails rolls his eyes once more and flitters ahead of him. Sonic follows with a light jog. They peak to the final cave below where their unwilling friend resides.
“Oh.. Wow..”
“That’s it, isn’t it.”
The mural didn’t do the fountain justice regardless of the wear and tear it received. A crack of sunshine rains down from above, illuminating the fountain before them. Fully intact, made from basalt and carved through weathering.
A bowl held the yellow crystal sparkling from the sunlight, crystal clear water splash around in the basalt bowl and rolled to the basin below. Blue, green, and yellow prisms spit all over the gray rock, top to bottom.
Smaller beetle-sized beetles flew around or drank dew from the grass skirting the fountain. Life flourished from it as eggs could be seen sitting in the water. Some cracks allowed water to slither out and grow this mighty field.
Both hop down and take care steps around. Tails goes to a large brilliant yellow crystal, double his size, feeling the smooth and cool surface, taking in his reflection. It even looks like there were crystals inside that crystal. He chuckles. “Fascinating…”
He glances down to see baby ones sprouting from the base. Gently he cups it in a container and stores it away while his drone takes aerial shots above.
Sonic inhales deeply, taking in the thick mint and tingling in his nose. He sighs, rolling his shoulders back, grounding himself there as if he’s been there since it was forgotten.
Another low-flash photo was taken by hand this time, to cement this occasion. His scientific companion smiles ecstatically as he flies down, swiping at the reel of photos on his tablet.
“Got what you needed, Tails?”
“Yep. You?”
Sonic untucks a battered flower hidden beneath his quills. Only one petal remains, and that petal drops. Tails tilts his head. “Hey, what’s that?”
“A flower I step on earlier, I couldn’t leave this little guy behind if the fountain was truly here.”
“Think it’ll work?”
“Absolutely.” He reaches over carefully and slowly lowers the flower into the water, careful to not get his finger wet.
“It’s an adventurer like us.”
“It did technically explore the caves with us…”
“Exactly.” He replies with a pat on the fox’s chest. “Now let’s go before our friend wakes up.” Nudging over to the corner were the beetle lies.
“Actually, let’s patch him up.” That caught Sonic of guard for once, blinking before immediately shaking his head rapidly.
“It was our fault after-all and they were just doing their job, ya know.”
He sighs dramatically, “Fineeeee.” He follows Tails over. The fox hovers over, observing the damage.
The crack was on its head and the size of his hand. He rumbles through his bag, taking out a tube and pops the cap. The hedgehog watches cautiously for any sudden movements as his brother squeezes cream on to its head and rubs it in carefully. The beetle hitches for only a moment, before going back to normal.
“And all patch up, the gel should heal it quickly. I don’t see anything else.”
“Good, now let’s scaddle. I’m pretty sure the beetles can keep this place up and the vines will regrow.” He says, wiping his brow again.
“Yep!” That catches the guardian’s attention as they open their eyes and rise to their feet again. The stumble for a few moments, steadying itself and immediately sights the two. It glares them down, scanning them, ready to charge.
Both glance back, Sonic raising a brow while Tail waves with a smile. It hisses, sputtering spit that may or may not be acidic. They blink, shrug and continue walking out.
Now it was their turn to blink, hissing confused, down right floored by the duo. It glances to the crystals and fountain, undisturbed except a budding flower attaching itself to the basin’s wall. Not a single-
Wait, its head wasn’t… hurting??? It catches its reflection in a blue crystal, seeing the crack filled with gel. It felt good, soothing actually-
It chirps at them, baffled by the duo’s abrupt visit without stealing a drop of water from the fountain of life. They chuckle in return as if it wasn’t invaluable. At last, the guardian sits peacefully alone….
They’re crazy. On the other hand though, it must be fun to explore uncautiously.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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He is at his limit.
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teddybeartoji · 5 months
18+ mdni; gn!reader
thinking about roomie!suguru, who steps out of the bathroom with just a towel hanging loosely around his waist. it's dangerously low and his happy trail is... leading your eyes to a forbidden place. water droplets cascade down his temple and his neck, his scarred chest and his toned muscles.
he finishes drying his hair with another, smaller towel before slinging it over his shoulder. he gives you a warm smile. there's still a bit of sleep in his tired eyes but he looks fresh, he looks good.
(he looks more than good.)
the morning light shines in through the small window of your shared kitchen and he hums at the smell of coffee. you're an angel leaning on the counter, hands busy with preparing your drink as he steps inside.
he chuckles. he asked you a question but you didn't hear it. he smells so fucking good; the smell of his shampoo and his fancy conditioner wash over your senses and it's easy to forget where you are. his eyes flick behind you before walking over to you with a smug little grin.
he bores his sharp purple eyes into yours – he loves how you react to him. he doesn't shy away from it, he's cockier than he looks. he loves the attention, he loves to be in your spotlight. he wouldn't care so much if you were a stranger, if you were a random person on the street ogling away, ut you're neither of those things, are you? no, you're something else.
he exudes warmth as he towers over you, his head tilted down to keep his eyes on you. he wants to play with you a little – he loves the way you're staring up at him right now. eyes big and wide, lip tucked under between your teeth. he's good with people, he can read them like a book and you're no different. he sees you swallow a dry lump, he sees you grace him with a flustered smile as you try to brush by the fact that he caught you admiring him red handed. he sees the way you're taking deeper breaths than normal, surely just to keep your composure. he can't wait to break you.
his arm reaches behind you to turn off the coffee machine with a small click.
"wouldn't wanna make a mess this early in the morning, now would we?"
melting. crumbling. falling down to your knees. you hate how much he teases (you love it), you hate how patronizing he sounds (it's hot). he's the only one that can get away with it – a charming smile that hides his deepest desires of sinking his teeth into little lambs like you, soft eyes that hide the need to watch them unfold before him.
his gentle hands long to hold, long to keep and covet. he thinks about you a lot; your shared mornings and afternoons, your exhausted naps and bitter rants about your days. shy gazes and lingering touches, stupid jokes and the cute little hidden sounds he keeps hearing from your room in the late hours. he's being patient, he's warming you up.
he's just as infatuated with you as you are with him. he's just more subtle with it.
or is he?
because you've heard him, too.
you don't know whether he's doing it unknowingly or he's actually trying to make you go insane – whichever it is, you are ready to bend at his will. soft groans accompanied by a steady slick pump; you didn't mean to listen in. you just wanted to make sure he's okay!
ear against the wooden door, you listened to him think about you. your name was on the tip of his tongue, but it was too early for that. he wants to smear you with his honey, he wants to drag you in but he needs to wait for it. this is perfect.
he did know you're were there.
he heard the floor creak, he heard the cutest gasp that left your pretty lips. fuck, you're perfect. his head was lolled back as he stroked himself to the thought of your wide, doe-eyes. how flustered you'd be, how flustered you were in that very moment. he imagined your trembling hands and your stuttered words and his dick twitched in his palm.
he thought about inviting you in and just making him watch as a form of punishment, for being a little pervert. he shuddered out a laugh and watched a glob of pre-cum cover his own fingers before mixing with the saliva and spit that's covering him already. he thought about making you sit between his legs so he could jerk off right in front of your beautiful face, he thought about your wobbly lips, your teary eyes. the way your thighs would press together.
your fingers would itch and twitch and he'd make you place them on your legs. he wouldn't want you to touch. yet. maybe he'd make you apologize and maybe he'd make you kiss the tip. he thought about how good you'd smell, how good you'd taste. another raspy groan crawled up his throat and you were about to cum untouched behind his door. like a creep.
he loves it. he's proud of you, he wants to push you even further. he wants to see what else he can make you do. this is exciting and he can't wait to devour you whole as a reward after he's done bullying himself into your body and your mind. utterly loved and corrupted—
— you're meant for him.
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delusionalisted · 2 months
“Low Spoon” witchcraft doesn’t exist.
This is a post for all my disabled siblings. (But it applies to broke or low-income siblings as well.)
By the way, you heard me. What does exist is capitalism, consumerism and scarcity, all things that don’t belong to witchcraft. Witches in the past were mostly poor, unprivileged and unhealthy individuals with just one skill: knowledge. Yes, for today’s americentric standards they’d have been called “low-spoons practitioners”.
No fancy candles? No cauldron? Just one heavily used tarot deck?
Yes, no fancy candles Susan, you can keep those paraffin toxins to yourself.
Cauldron, Deborah? I have no money to waste for your pinterest aesthetics. We cook in this house, I can simply use a kitchen pot.
Mais oui Elizabeth, just one old tarot deck. It’s used my dear Elizabeth, you know… that’s something that happens when you actually use… tarot instead of purchasing 15 decks, then ending up using just one or two of them and leaving the other 13 to collect dust and resentment towards you.
This is all to say, witchcraft doesn’t need a 9-steps process to be achieved. Calling it “low-spoons” practice just means “high spoons” practice is the norm. It is not. Most importantly, it never was. You don’t need 30 specific crystals to perform a spell, you don’t even need one most of the times.
— Addition: If you fit into the “Low Spoons” type of witch and you noticed that your spells or rituals don’t work, then let me share one of the possible reasons why they fail: you followed a “low spoons” recipe or spell preparation, consciously or unconsciously gave the title “too much power” (your subconscious registered your spell as something lesser than a proper ceremony) and any energy that you and the ingredients released just plopped like a pudding on the floor.
Branding something as “lesser” in spirituality can lead to two results: failure or high delays. Yes, the herbs you use still have, nourish and release power, but without YOUR faith, their power alone can do so much; in most cases, your subconscious skepticism rejects your desired manifestation leading to a delayed or completely failed magickal attempt.
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art donaldson who crawls up the bed only to find himself above you and FUCKING PLOPS down, covering you in his whole body weight because he just needs to give his love to one person, completely, 24/7
seriously guys i love that we all just think art is That Guy who plops down on top of you bc yes??????
you could be lying on the couch, scrolling through your phone, minding your own business and then he comes in from the gym or from the tennis court (bc you know he would have one at home ofc) and just go, “ohhhh, I’m so tired…” while you let out that strained grunt, “art, you’re crushing me…” and he just kisses your neck and your cheek and wherever else he can reach like,
“No, I’m shrouding you with my love.”
“Well, your love stinks. Go shower.”
And you know he would give you a playful bite before he finally gets up off you 😝
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