#writing Missy is always fun <3
capybaraonabicycle · 6 months
Omg I will of course leave the final fic choice up to you, but doesn't "True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)" sound like the perfect setup to a Twissy fic 👀
Thank you, love!
~1.5 k words, so much for "let me just write 5 sentences for you real quick". But it's, of course, because you are right, this prompt was made for twissy 🥰
I have not actually read this again, so beware. But here you go :)
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[ID: gif of Missy's face in close up, smiling down like she is pitying someone mockingly. end ID]
“Can't you move a bit faster?”
If silly little companion pulled on her sleeve any more roughly, he was going to lose that new hand of his. Or maybe his nose, she wasn't really picky. The nose might taste better, Missy mused. She was quite sure it was the original one and not some cyborg-technology the Doctor had partly scavenged, partly cooked up himself. But that reasoning implied she had paid attention to the egg-head's babblings and she had a general policy never to do that.
It was lucky, comic relief had paid closer attention to her, however, because she didn't even need to voice her threat. Breathing out her nose audibly and baring her teeth sufficed easily and he squeaked, jumped, dropped her hand and hurried on a few inches further away from her.
“I am a time lady, snickerdoodle” she drawled, making a point of walking a tad more measuredly instead of hurrying up. “I always walk at the exact right speed.”
The Doctor's snack had the audacity to huff but he wisely chose not to talk back.
“It- it is just” he stuttered instead, “the Doctor, he is -”
“-dying?” she finished, already bored. “That's his usual Thursday, pup.”
“He asked for you!” the idiot-in-training blurted out and despite herself, Missy stopped and blinked.
“He did?” Now that were exciting news for a change. A bright smile grew on her face, simultaneously with the rising panic in plucky assistant's eyes.
“He said you could save him” he whispered, somehow managing to have his voice creak when he wasn't even properly using it.
“He did?” Missy repeated and by now her smile was positively giddy. Eggy started whimpering softly.
Missy didn't give him time to gather his bearings, instead grabbing his arm forcefully in turn, making him jump again. She brought her face close to his for good measure, revelling at the terror in his expression.
“Why. Didn't. You. Say. So. Immediately?” she asked, her voice stuck on the same note throughout the words, too high, too cheerful to be anything but disconcerting. “Hurry up, pet: I've got a day to save!”
He shuddered away from her and picked up the pace again, not looking back. But this time she was right there with him, excitement surging through her veins. The Doctor was in actual danger, helpless, pathetic and he had asked for her. Because he loved her. Because he needed her. And – most importantly – she would get to gloat. Once she had saved him. Which she obviously would. No matter what idiotic thing he had done, her silly sausage, she would get him up and running in no-time. She was his best friend, after all. His very best friend.
They reached the Doctor's office only a few minutes later, and Missy immediately noticed how serious the situation was. The psychic waves coming from him were all over the place – and not in the fun, chaotic way they usually were – they usually were a lot subtler as well, some things he had learnt in his thousand years of spacetravel – they were hurtful almost, full of pain and distress. She knew he was lying on the ground before she saw him, knew he was still conscious, too, even though his other little munch was convinced of the opposite. Missy paid her little mind how she was sitting on the floor with him, crying and mumbling affirmations. She only got in the way, really, with the way she was cradling the Doctor's head in her lap, she couldn't help him after all.
“I am here, oh, apple of my eye” Missy exclaimed dramatically, dropping to the floor at his side with great flourish.
“I don't, I don't think, he can hear you” girl-companion hiccuped through her tears, but Missy waved her interjection away.
“Of course he can, silly-billy” she huffed, reaching for the Doctor's hand that had come to lie on his stomach. She pressed it to her chest, holding on tightly.
“I am here” she whispered. “Tell me, Doctor, what do you need?”
Oh, she liked playing the hero. Being the one who held the Doctor's life in their hands. Being the one everyone looked at with those worshippy, wide eyes. She thought, right now, she could fathom why he had gotten addicted to it.
“We think he got cursed” supplementary fuss said behind her back. “We were on Tigella, and there was this sceptre. The Doctor touched -”
The last of the words died in his throat when Missy whirled around to him.
“Do you know what you're talking about?” she asked sweetly, but didn't give him a chance to answer. “No, you don't. So shut up before I change my mind and make a nice soup out of the three of you instead of helping. - okay?”
She fluttered her eyelids to emphasize the point and his mouth snapped shot, his jaw tightening.
“Thank you, much appreciated.” Missy turned towards the Doctor again, nearing her ear to his mouth. “Doctor, what do you need?”
“I need -” he rasped and french-fries-friendywend gasped when she heard him speak, almost making Missy miss his next words. Did these bumbling humans ever learn? “- a kiss. From – my worst enemy.”
“Awww” Missy bit her lip, drawing back. He needed his arch-enemy! And he had thought of her. “How very touching! I am so honoured, I am not even gonna bargain.”
He didn't answer or open his eyes, but there was a pleased twitch around his mouth that made her press his hand.
“I have to say though, Doctor,” she purred, leaning in again, “if you wanted for me to kiss you, there would have been easier ways to ask than going through the trouble of getting cursed.”
Now he snorted and measured by the state he was in, this tiny bit of banter was the greatest love confessions out of all the ones he had bestowed upon her today already.
“Come on, now - “ he coughed, “Missy. You would – have never – been content with – any – thing less – elaborate.”
“True” she smirked. She was hovering right above him now. “And I appreciate the effort, darling.”
His lips moved, searching hers, and she waited just another second, savouring the moment. Then human-thingy coughed pointedly and she drew it out yet another second, simply to antagonise her. But his breath was getting visibly shallower and there was a slight tremble in his hand. Plus, his lips looked chapped like burnt Earth and just as inviting. So, finally, she led their mouths together, her hand slipping across the extra's leg to support his head.
The moment their lips touched, it was like the life flooded back into him, his mouth's movement becoming more purposeful and his tongue meeting hers cordially when she slipped it past his teeth. His free hand even twitched, like he was trying to grasp her frock.
Of their own accord, Missy's eyes closed and for a moment she lost herself in the feeling of their lips meeting, the familiar taste of his tongue, the desperate way his breath fanned her chin and cheek, reminiscent of many breathless nights spent together, oh so long ago.
But then, his movement slowed, a distressed sound escaping his throat. Before Missy could decide whether to draw back – finally killing the Doctor by kissing him to death would have been an end she could have deemed worthy of their friendship – a rough hand was on her shoulder, pulling her away from him. She hissed and whirled around, biting hard into the offending limp. So, the sniveller had decided he didn't need this body part, after all, it seemed.
He cried out, pulling his hand away from her mouth with a pathetic whine. Missy spat out some blood and fake skin with a huff. It tasted as horribly as she had expected.
“What did you do that for?” he sobbed.
“Don't touch me, crybaby” she huffed, turning back around to the Doctor.
He was still lying motionless, if possible even paler now.
“Why didn't this work?” his pillow croaked, close to tears again. Missy drew her eyebrows together in agreement. Indeed. Why hadn't it? It should have worked, she had been supposed to save the day!
For some reason, the Doctor was smiling. Mind, it was barely visible, frail as he was, but Missy could read his face like a book in every incarnation and that so was his satisfied smile.
“Seems like,” he mumbled, “we aren't – strictly – enemies anymore, love.”
“Of course, we are, don't be stupid” she pressed out. Only now she noticed how desperately she was clutching his hand, it was almost like she was trying to imitate spare-parts over at the door who was licking his own injured paw.
“Don't smile” she told the Doctor off, and she was sounding more serious than she had any right to be. “You are dying and I am your enemy. You don't get to smile at that.”
She was sure, if he had had any strength left, his smile would have grown now.
“I am – sorry, Missy” he breathed instead, “but I must – ask you – to fetch – Da – Davros.”
Missy felt her mouth drop open in shock and humiliation. Davros? Fucking Davros got to save her Doctor??
This was rock bottom.
Thank you for reading, I hope it is about what you envisioned <3
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it's thasmissy weirdsex hours <3
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pweepsiee · 21 days
INTRO!! :3
Please remember I am still an actual human being
I am not in any way shape or form yours, nor will I ever be. I am not your personal cam girl who falls at your feet.
If you can't handle that, go to someone else's blog.
I’m not always gonna be in the mood so if I’m not being sexual back to you just drop it. DO NOT SEND ME NUDES OR ANYTHING OF THE SORT UNLESS I MAKE A SPECIFIC POST ABOUT IT.
Prob only gonna be here for..(doing the math as I’m writing this..) three more years! :3
Not a dom!!!!
About me
Name: Estrella
Age: 18
Sexuality: bisexual (I lean towards women) (WHY ARE THERE NO DOMMES ON HERE?!
Religion: Hellenism
MBTI: INTP! Though you probably won't be able to tell unless you somehow manage to get the real me out hehe
Favorite shows: Gilmore girls, Shamless, Good Girls Favorite movies: Zootopia, Dumplin, Fear Street
Favorite books: Dracula, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Shadows of Perseus
My hobbies: painting, singing, writing, jewelry making, playing piano
My fav pet names: Missy/lil miss, angel, princess, baby/ babygirl, little one, love, sweetheart (probably others but I can't think of them..)
Lover of anything creepy, crawly, unsettling or dark!! (Only a vampire can love you forever, right?)
Also weirdly obsessed w Ancient Greece..wish I lived in that era ☹️
On a real note, I struggle a lot with depression and anxiety, waiting to be diagnosed! These are normally pretty debilitating for me but I try not to let it openly affect me too much. I also am suffering from a chronic illness so forgive me if my posting schedule is a little wonky!
I have multiple doms/dommes! Almost all of them are online, but a few are in person. These relationships are strictly D/s, nothing serious romantically! Always up for adding another dom/domme to my list :)
Yes I do indeed have daddy issues, did you come to check if I did hehe? If you're thinking "oh hooray!" Or whatever more mature celebration you're saying in your head, you re.probably going to be mildly disappointed. A lot of people (especially on here) have the misunderstanding that daddy issues cause girls to be super sexual, well, not true. I am indeed fact a pretty sexual person, but I'm not always going to be in the mood or down for sending/receiving spicy pics, l am after all a human being with many feelings. surprise surprise! That being said, my daddy issues are more (unless we're talking about a serious D/s relationship..you most likely won't have to worry about this unless we're getting into something serious the kind where I cry a lot and need to be treated like a princess haha. Enough ranting, the fun stuff is below :)
My kinks 🌈
Uhhh probably some others that I can’t remember rn?..
DNI/hard limits:
Trying to force me to send you anything.
Getting upset if I don't respond right away or at all.
Hating on me and or my blog.
Persisting if I am clearly not in the mood or if I am age regressing.
Asking me to show my face
Anti BDSM/anti sex (wtf r u doing here then man)
Nipple play
Anything anal. Just..no. Exit only.
Anything that results in long lasting harm (I'm in poor enough health..don't even need to think about adding onto it.)
NO body shaming. Too sensitive for it :<
Bottom line-I am a human being, I have the right to deny any request, not respond, or not like something you do.
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avrmee · 4 months
could you write about billie eilish x fem reader.
R has anxiety and ed. Billie helps her. But one day Reader had a bad anxiety attack so billie reassures her.
People can witness it and it out the couple
I'm here - Billie Eilish
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Summary: Billie and reader were coming home from eating at a restaurant and paparazzi swarms them and reader gets a panic attack
Warnings: panic attack, anxiety, cussing (let me know if I miss anything)
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"I had fun I can't lie" you said as you both started getting your things to go. It was your one year anniversary so you two went out to eat at a fancy restaurant.
"See I told you it wouldn't be that bad" Billie said with a small laugh. She held you hand and guided you to the door after she paid against your will.
You and billie didn't notice the paparazzi until they swarmed you. The flashing of the camera's almost blinding you.
Your chest started tightening and your breathing got heavier. Billie noticed and started walking faster to her car with your hand in hers.
Once billie made to the car, she instantly opened the door and let you In first. She then ran to the other side of the car and got in.
Billie held your hand and made you look at her. "Y/n, look at me" She said and tapped your cheek lightly for you to look at her.
"What are 5 things you can see?" Billie asked since it was a method that always helped you.
You were sobbing and completely disregarded her question.
"Baby, what are 5 things you can see?" Billie asked a little bit louder for you to hear her.
"You...trees...the picnic table...geese...that pond" You said between deep breaths. "Good job now what are 4 things you can touch?" Billie asked and held your head in her hands.
"Your hands.. the seat.. my necklace.. my shoes" You said. Your breathing became a lot more even, but Billie kept going just in case.
"Okay what about 3 things you can hear?" She asked
"Your voice. The birds. The music" You said and looked up at Billie.
"What about 2 things you can smell?" Billie asked you with a soft smile.
"Your perfume and the cookies from the bakery" you said with a small laugh making Billie smile.
"And 1 thing you can taste?" She asked.
"The leftover macaroni and cheese" You said with a smile.
"Good job. You okay?" She asked as she pulled you in and kissed your forehead . You just nodded
Billie instantly let out a breath of relief when she saw that you were okay now.
"Can we get some cookies?" You asked making billie laugh hard.
"Sure but you, Missy, wait here in the car" She said as she got out of the car. She walked to where you were sat and kissed you lips.
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Have a nice day🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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SaiyanPrincessSwanie Reading List Week 215 & 216
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A/N: Thank you again to those who recommended fanfics or tagged me. 💜 This week had me reading 45 fics. Absolutely amazing fics here. This has been so much fun for me and I hope you enjoy my reading lists.
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal-boosting them. The author is listed next to the title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
For my Masterlist click HERE.
Please make sure you’re reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers
Header by @fictional-affairs
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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Mine to Ruin - (Ari x Reader) - @saiyanprincessswanie
The Boss' Boss - (Steve x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Rewind? - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Fate - Part 3 - (Curtis x Reader) - @thezombieprostitute
His Favorite Person - (Ari x Reader) - @navybrat817
I KNOW TIME WILL TELL IF WE'RE MEANT FOR THIS - (Bucky x Reader) - @flordeamatista
Pining - (Steve x Reader) - @mostly-marvel-musings
Another Ending - 3 - (Bucky x Reader) - @deliciousangelfestival
The Interrogation - (Steve x Reader) - @dungeonpuppykai
GODDESS - (Bucky x Reader) - @sweetbbarnes
A Gift From The Heart - (Sam x Reader) - @americasass81
Dirty Dance - (Ari x Reader) - @labella420
Soak Up the Sun - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Don't Get Sad, Get Even - (Ari x Reader) - @writing-for-marvel
Turn back the clock - (Jake x Reader) - @syntheticavenger
Another Ending - 4 - (Bucky x Reader) - @deliciousangelfestival
Date Night - (Steve x Reader) - @targaryenvampireslayer
Space travel - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
I Hate It When You're Drunk - 7 - (Bucky x Reader) - @deliciousangelfestival
A Terrible Secret - (Ransom x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Curtis One-shot - @foxgloveprincess
Reprieve - (Steve x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Hold You Tight: Part 7 - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Not so Vanilla Man - (Steve x Reader) - @mercurial-chuckles
Mission Accomplished - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Peculiar routine - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Filthy - (Bucky x Reader) - @simplyholl
The Anatomy of an Orgasm - (Ari x Reader) - @cevansbrat0007
Bucky and the Bench - (Bucky x Reader) - @buckets-and-trees
Soft!dark Ari - @angrythingstarlight
The Good Kind of Trouble - (Frank x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Eye of the Beholder - (Steve x Reader) - @navybrat817
Another Ending - 5 - (Bucky x Reader) - @deliciousangelfestival
Wrong chose - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Goldilocks - (Steve x Reader) - @holylulusworld
Run In - (Curtis x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Seeing My Beauty Through His Eyes - (Bucky x Reader) - @flordeamatista
Insatiable - (Bucky x Reader) - @buckets-and-trees
long way home - (Lee x Reader) - @nickfowlerrr
tempting fate in the park - (Bucky x Reader) - @witchywithwhiskey
Highway savior - (Brock x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Cold hearted - Chp 5 - (Multi Pairings) - @missvelvetsstuff
Cold hearted - Chp 6 - (Multi Pairings) - @missvelvetsstuff
Indecent Proposal - (9) - (Stucky x Reader) - @holylulusworld
Indecent Proposal - (9.2) - (Stucky x Reader) - @holylulusworld
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buggyboba · 2 days
◘○◘○◘ Kinktober 2024 penned by Buggy ◘○◘○◘
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◦ Note to readers ◦
Hello everyone! So this is my first time attempting Kinktober, I have my list generated and a plan. I will be using this as the masterlist for the event, being as this is my first writing event in general, I am trying to piece together etiquette of how I’m supposed to tag anything.  I’ll be using my normal tags, with the added Kinktober tag. 
Generally, since this is my first time doing anything remotely as large as this be gentle with me, please and thank you, I will be prefacing this, and in each fic this will be adult content, and if that’s not your jam I get it. Proceed with caution, and I will certainly be using tw in the ANs and the tags. I WILL be making a separate tag list post for this event because I want a very clear indication of who wants to be tagged specifically for this. These also aren’t going to be super long, each one around 1000 words give or take, also keep in mind a few of these new characters I’m writing for are characters I’ve never written before, and I am hopefully not breaking their character too much. As always feedback and reblogs are welcome, and my ask is always open, I am taking requests still.
The below list is subject to change but will be updated as the fics release, along with the Ao3 link, which I will make a collection, and have linked to the specific one. There is a mix of pairings including some canon x canon favorites. However, the majority of the fics are Canon x reader. Reader will be fem!presenting, at least with female anatomy, unless specified otherwise. Let me know which ones you are most excited for <3 -Buggy
●・○・●・○・●   ✦  ●・○・●・○・●
✦ October 1st | Hair pulling ● Kate Lethbridge-Stewart x Reader ↳ ○ A quick private moment in the director’s office, Kate is stressed and you want to help relieve some of it.
✦ October 2nd | Oral fixation ● The 10th doctor x reader  ↳ ○ On an adventure with your time lord, who simply can’t help but put things in his mouth. Your teasing him leads to one thing or another, and you may have just become his new favorite thing to put in his mouth. 
✦ October 3rd | Cunniligus  ● Missy x Reader ↳ ○ You never expected to be in this position, but here you are, after a sly comment on an adventure, your Mistress is going to show you why you shouldn’t talk like that to her, but you won’t learn your lesson.
✦ October 4th | Biting ● Simm!Master x Reader ↳ ○ This man should wear a warning, maybe then you wouldn’t find yourself his personal chew toy in bed. 
✦ October 5th | Blow Jobs  ● Simm!Master x Reader ↳ ○ Being Harold Saxon is stressful, having to play nice and be patient, he is used to the long con, but human politics? How boring that must be for him. You feel bad for him, and that's how you find yourself under his desk. 
✦ October 6th | Violence  ● The Thirteenth Doctor x Dhawan!master ↳ ○ a dangerous meeting, tension is high, and then it snaps, rough hits turn into rough sex, biting, clawing, primal, neither one is unscathed. 
✦ October 7th | Name calling ● Simm!Master x reader ↳ ○ what starts as a bit of teasing fun, reveals much more to him, and he absolutely uses it to his advantage. 
✦ October 8th | Sex toys ● River Song x The Thirteenth Doctor ↳ ○ It's River's birthday, and The Doctor wouldn't miss it for the world, especially since she has a gift for River, timeline be damned. 
✦ October 9th |  Lap dance  ● Missy x Reader ↳ ○ Smokey haze from the club around them fills the private room Missy had obtained for them, the muffled music from outside brews a tense longing, and reader knows she is the only one that Missy is watching.
✦ October 10th | Breath play  ● Missy x reader ↳ ○ During an argument Missy’s hands find their way around Reader’s throat, eliciting a groan from her dear pet, the argument turns into something much more fun.
✦ October 11th | Being forced to beg  ● The Eleventh Doctor x River Song ↳ ○ River is feeling devious and makes The Doctor beg for what he wants. 
✦ October 12th | Voyeurism    ● River x Reader x The Doctor ↳ ○ The Doctor walks into a rather compromising scene, and River isn’t going to let him play too, but it’s fine. 
✦ October 13th | Tease  ●  River x The Eleventh Doctor ↳ ○ River is bored and The Doctor is busy, but River is going to quickly change where his attention is.
✦ October 14th | Masturbation   ● The Master (Dhawan!master) ↳ ○ A new body needs a closer inspection doesn’t it? After regenerating a need to release all that energy that doesn’t include sleeping occurs.
✦ October 15th | Facesitting  ●  The Tenth doctor x Reader ↳ ○ A lazy day in the Tardis leads to The Doctor taking care of his companion.
✦ October 16th | Reward  ● Missy x reader ↳ ○ She said if you were a good girl all day she would reward you, now it’s time to collect.
✦ October 17th | Shower sex  ● The Fourteenth Doctor x Reader ↳ ○ Domestic life comes with domestic things, and sometimes dangerous shower sex is just what is needed to make a day more exciting.
✦ October 18th | Exhibitionism ● River x Reader x Doctor ↳ ○ River likes an audience and has found a very captive one in The Doctor and their companion.
✦ October 19th | Sharing  ● Missy x Simm!Master x Reader ↳ ○ While Sharing isn’t in their nature, they have decided to play nice because you looked so cute.
✦ October 20th | Collaring  ● Simm!Master x The Fourteenth Doctor ↳ ○ like a feral animal. 
✦ October 21st | Daddy kink  ● The Twelfth Doctor x reader  ↳ ○ in the loosest sense of the kink, reader calls him daddy. 
✦ October 22nd | Threesome  ●The Twelfth Doctor x Missy x Reader ↳ ○ Adventures outside the Vault, a near-death experience turns to your time lords showing you how much you mean to them. 
✦ October 23rd | Formal wear ● The Third Doctor x The Master  ↳ ○ A party in which they both attend, ends in a hall closet. 
✦ October 24th | Sex pollen  ● Simm!Master x Reader ↳ ○ how was he supposed to know the flowers on this planet were in bloom this time of year. How was he supposed to know how they would effect your human body? (Spoilers he knew.) 
✦ October 25th | Dominate ● Simm!Master x Reader ↳ ○ You misbehaved, and now you are paying the price. 
✦ October 26th | Mind control ● Missy x Reader ↳ ○ You are so cute and easy to control, how could she resist.
✦ October 27th | Honeymoon ● The Fourteenth Doctor x Reader ↳ ○ more domestic bliss, He takes you to a beautiful resort planet, and the night is perfect.
✦ October 28th | Telepathy  ● Dhawan!Master x Reader ↳ ○ split apart, across time and space, a familiar call pulls to you, while he can't be there physically he can still ensure you are thinking about him, and craving him. 
✦ October 29th | Hate fucking  ● The Fourteenth Doctor x Simm!Master ↳ ○ They call it hate, but it's more complicated than that, it always is.
✦ October 30th | Blood  ● Vampire!Missy x Reader ↳ ○ Blood play with a hungry vampire.
✦ October 31st | Crying  ●Dhawan!master x reader  ↳ ○ You can take it, he knows you can, you are his good girl after all. 
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okay-j-hannah · 2 years
Lovey Dovey
Pirates of the Caribbean : Fic
Will Turner x Reader
Word Count: 1541
Warnings: Hilarious sibling banter... Will be a king treating his woman like a queen 👑 swashbuckling pirate swears
Request: “This is me absolutely begging and foaming at the mouth for you to write a Will Turner x reader. I’m fine with fluff or smut lmao. I have a couple ideas if you also want to write multiple (or blend them into 1), you totally don’t have to though. 3. Being Jack Sparrow’s (sister/close relationship) and dating Will - First of all,THE C H A O S Jack constantly bugging you about being all “lovey dovey” on his ship (even if it’s not a significant amount). Jack also always complaining in general lmao. I think this is cute because Jack being over protective of you dating Will just seems so precious to me. PLEASE INCLUDE SOME FORM OF SIBLING BANTER 🙏🏻. Having accurate sibling teasing or banter is so important when writing relationships like these! Plus Sharing a hammock below deck” @gingerdissapointment​
A/N: Jack has never been overjoyed at the thought of you and your boyfriend - especially when you’re kissing on his ship
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The skies were a rich coastal blue between the clouds. The gulls gave their cries as they flew overhead, pestering the inhabitants below for a morsel to eat. The sea was gentle as it rocked the ship.
Rocked the ship and the first mate.
(Y/N) was clearly taking her position on the ship very seriously as she lay across the edge of the starboard side. Her hat drawn to keep the sun off her face, she looked as a cat might just before a long nap.
Until the captain, laden with beads and braided scarves, came from his quarters. The black, heavy lids of his eyes fell into a squint as he spotted his first mate. She did enjoy testing his authority.
Sucking on a gold tooth, Captain Jack Sparrow sauntered over, slamming a hand onto the weathered wood beneath her. “I say, man! Hoist the sails, pull anchor, and undock this ship before I find another to replace yer useless, sleepy arse.”
She barely flinched as he bombarded her beginnings of sleep. A heavily ringed hand lifted to tilt her hat back, shooting the captain a look. It clearly spoke of how disappointing his efforts had become in motivating her.
“Go back to your Tortugan women and let me doze.”
“For your information, missy – we’re not on Tortuga anymore.”
“And you’re telling me you haven’t kept a few pretties in your cabin?”
Jack chewed the inside of his cheek, speaking lowly, “You know Gibbs will cause a mutiny if he sees any woman on this ship but you.”
“Yes, and being unable to escape your persistent stupidity, I’d thought challenging Gibbs would make smuggling barmaids all the more fun.”
Hat back over her face, (Y/N) couldn’t see the way Jack flailed his arms in a pitiful attempt to express his frustration. “If I hadn’t promised mum…”
“If you hadn’t promised mum what?” she suddenly sat up, swinging her legs so she was facing him.
His expression was dry, “If I hadn’t promised to watch over you aboard this ship – I would push you off this instant – to hell with the plank.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” she smirked.
In a flash, Jack shoved her shoulder, just enough that she was caught off balance. And the fear that flashed across her face, however short lived, made him smile. “You should be kinder to your captain.”
He went for the wheel, fishing for his compass. (Y/N) slid from her spot, stomping after him, “You really would let me fall in?”
“You can swim.”
She punched his shoulder and he winced.
“You wouldn’t last a week on the seas without me.”
It was the usual bickering between the captain and the first mate. And many of the crew had to dodge as buckets of water and empty rum bottles flew at each other. There was rarely a voice of reason between the two – Gibbs had given up after an incident with a sea turtle and a peg leg – making only one option for a mediator.
“Mr. Will Turner,” Gibbs laughed gruffly, “’Bout time you came aboard.”
Will raised his eyebrows, stepping off the boarding plank, “Are things really so severe without me here?”
A wooden chair came flying from the captain’s quarters, splintering against the wheel. A second later (Y/N) came bounding out, a small chest in her hands, and ran to hold it over the side of the ship.
Jack cried after her, flailing his arms and tripping over the broken chair along the way, “DO NOT toss that treasure overboard.”
“What does it matter? You’re a pirate – go find some more!”
“Yes, but that chest is particularly valuable to me, and I would sorely miss it’s contents. So kindly return it before I tie you to the mast and let the seagulls shit down your pretty face.”
Will coughed obnoxiously and both siblings turned to face him. “What’s so important about the chest?”
(Y/N) grinned, “Will!” She let go of the treasure chest and ran for him. Jack yelled as he dove for the chest, catching it just before it fell over the edge.
“Why must you pester your brother?” Will asked, hugging her tight and kissing her cheek, “I would rather he be reasonable when I visit – he’s not overly fond of me.”
She grabbed his face and gave him a proper kiss, “I don’t care what my brother thinks.” She kissed him hard, losing balance.
A retching could be heard from behind them, “I’d sooner battle the kraken than watch you two swabbing tongues.” Jack sauntered back to his cabin, “We’re leaving in an hour.”
“He’s just jealous the longest he’s ever had a partner was overnight.”
Will snickered, taking her hand, “Best leave him be. I want you all to myself tonight.”
Jack poked his head out of the door, “And if I catch any lovey dovey nonsense on my ship, you can walk the plank and get your quota of kisses from the sharks!”
(Y/N) bit her lip, dragging Will by the hand and below deck.
“Did you hear me?” Jack cried almost desperately, “You keep that hand a safe distance from her!”
“I don’t care how much you fight,” Will said as they descended the stairs, “Jack loves you.”
“He’s protective, is all,” (Y/N) sighed, “I wish he showed he cared in other ways. Like letting me have first pick in a treasure hoard.”
They laughed and kissed all the way to the hammocks used for sleeping while sailing the seas. (Y/N) pushed him into one and jumped on top of him. The hammock swung from the jump, their tangled limbs fitting snug into a cocoon. (Y/N) wrapped herself around him, feeling safe and warm and vulnerable next to him.
“I want to tell you something,” Will whispered to her, running his fingers lightly down her arm.
She squirmed at the tickling, “What is it?”
“I’ve been meeting with the Port Royal banks, building a line of credit with them.”
(Y/N) became very still, her thumb trailing down his ribs, “Why do that? You already own the smithery.”
“I sold it.”
She sat up, hand against his chest, “Why do that? You’re an excellent blacksmith.”
His eyes were shining in the dim light, “I’m buying you a ship. A ship for us.”
“What?” There was a smile on her lips like she didn’t believe him, “A real ship?”
“I’m doing it the right way,” he mumbled, “It takes longer, but… We’ll have a home on the sea.”
She giggled, “A real ship? With a crew?”
“If you want.”
“And you’ll be the captain and I’ll be the first mate,” she grinned, running a hand up his neck to hold his cheek.
Will smiled fondly, “You will be captain. And I’ll be your first mate.”
(Y/N) marveled at him, getting quiet when she said, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” And he tilted his head to catch her lips, gripping her tight by the waist.
She kept ahold of his cheek, giggling as he tickled her sides. They were too preoccupied to hear a set of footsteps tromping down the stairs.
“Oh, God! Damned Davy Jones. What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
(Y/N) fell into Will’s shoulder, sighing, “What does it look like we’re doing?”
“Not on my ship, missy. Not. On. My. Ship.”
“Oh, sod off,” (Y/N) yelled, “Grab your rum and go.”
“I’m going to be honest with you, mate,” Jack pointed a wavering finger, “If you don’t get your sticky paws off my sister, I’m going to chain you to a cannonball and throw you overboard for the kraken to eat.”
(Y/N) toppled out of the hammock, “Jack you’re taking it a little far. Will’s been nothing but good to me since we’ve known him. I don’t understand this vendetta you have against him.”
“He’s… well, there’s something about him.” Jack twiddled his fingers, “And I promised – I swore to mum that I’d…” He suddenly became quiet, “That I’d look after you.”
Her heart softened, “And you’ve done a pretty damn good job so far.” She knew he needed to hear it, “And I’m not asking you to stop looking after me. I’m asking that you let someone else help. Someone good and kind. And a partner for me – I’m sorry captain, but that’s not something you can give me.” She tried at a smile.
And Jack did have the slightest crack of his lips, “You were always going to outgrow me.”
Will came up behind (Y/N) and placed an arm around her shoulders. Surprisingly Jack didn’t retort, “You’re not the only one that cares about her.”
“I’m still not a fan of the lovey dovey nonsense.”
“That’s fine,” (Y/N) laughed, “We’re gonna do it anyway.”
Jack laughed too, taking a step back and making for the stairs. He snatched a bottle of rum from the stores as he said, “Put a sock on the cabin door next time. I already have enough trauma without seeing whatever you two do alone.”
And that was about as close as Jack was going to get in saying he accepted his sister dating. Will gripped her side and whispered jovially in her ear.
“You want to get all lovey dovey?”
“Let me grab a sock first.”
Tag List:
@caswinchester2000 @aria253264 @bippity-boppity-boopa @kaqua @cameleonfrenzy @shyposttree 
Remember to check out my tag list so you’re updated when a fic you like is posted on my blog! Tag List
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darkstar225 · 1 year
Twice’s 10th member twerking just like her unnies
A/N: I got an ask on Tumblr and I loved writing it, tysm! I was blushing picturing the situation lmaooo I hope this sweet anon that gave me this idea likes it! xoxo :)
The request: Loe, it's me again . I've been seeing mina and now jihyo twerking on my fyp and onces are going crazy about it 😆. I would like to (request) see how the twice members will react when their innocent maknae do it like who will stop her or who will hype her up more 😆😂 . Love your work, please continue spreading happiness ☺️ ❤️
PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
Once upon a lively concert night, TWICE's members were preparing to take the stage. The excitement filled the air as fans eagerly awaited their favourite K-pop group's performance. Among the nine talented and vibrant girls stood Y/N, the youngest member known for her innocence and charm. Little did her unnies know that tonight, their maknae had a mischievous plan up her sleeve. As the pulsating beats of the music echoed throughout the venue, the concert began. TWICE members appeared one by one, capturing the hearts of their adoring fans. The crowd erupted in cheers as TWICE's honey stepped forward, her eyes sparkling with determination. Unbeknownst to her unnies, she was about to surprise them all.
Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo, also known as the 3Mix or the moms of TWICE, had always been protective of their lovely maknae. To them, the girl was the embodiment of youth and purity. They cherished her like a little sister, shielding her from the harsh realities of the world. However, as the night progressed, the three moms sensed a change in the atmosphere. Y/N's solo performance began, and the stage transformed into a vibrant playground of colours and lights. The crowd's enthusiasm reached new heights as she gracefully moved to the rhythm. Suddenly, the music shifted, and a catchy beat filled the stadium. To the shock and delight of the audience, Y/N transitioned into a twerking routine that she had secretly practised for weeks. Her body swayed with confidence and precision, mesmerizing the spectators. The fans went wild, their cheers growing louder by the second (I mean- I'd die if I saw Sharon twerking live lol).
The first one to react was Nayeon that looked wide-eyed while whispering to the rest of 3mix, that was surprised to the point of becoming speechless for a little.
Nayeon - Is that... our child?
Jeongyeon - I can't believe it. Our innocent maknae... twerking?
Jihyo - She's really grown up, hasn't she? But this is so unexpected!
In a moment of collective agreement, the three moms rushed forward, arms outstretched, ready to shield their baby from the crowd's prying eyes. But before they could reach her, Y/N playfully dodged their grasp, giggling mischievously. She looked back at them with a twinkle in her eyes, silently asking for their approval while still laughing.
Y/N -  Unnies, relax! It's just a bit of fun!
Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo exchanged glances, realizing that they couldn't hold back their youngest forever. Their initial instinct to protect her began to fade away as they saw the radiant joy on the kid's face. They decided to let her be, but not without a playful cover-up for a moment.
 Nayeon started acting stern, playfully covering Y/N. Jeongyeon and Jihyo soon joined while smirking and trying not to laugh right away. 
Nayeon - Alright, missy! You better behave yourself!
Jeongyeon - We can't have our sugar twerking up a storm without warning us!
Jihyo - That's right! Our little lovebug is all grown up now!
The crowd erupted in laughter, witnessing the endearing exchange between the three moms and their maknae. It was a lighthearted reminder that Y/N would always be their precious little sister, no matter how much she grew. After their playful interlude, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo stepped aside, allowing their precious dongsang to shine on her own. The other TWICE members, who had been watching the scene unfold, joined in with full enthusiasm. Sana, Momo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu surrounded Y/N, forming a circle of hype women (lol this would be so much fun).
Sana - Darling, you're amazing! Show them what you've got! 
Momo - Our sunshine is a force to be reckoned with!
Mina - You're adorable, baby.
Dahyun - Go, bae! We've got your back!
Chaeyoung - You've got this, maknae! Let your confidence shine!
Tzuyu - We're proud of you, babygirl. Dance like nobody's watching!
Together, they cheered Y/N on, hyping her up with cheers and applause. The stage transformed into a celebration of freedom and self-expression. The girl's innocence blended seamlessly with her newfound confidence, creating a captivating performance that left the audience in awe. As Y/N twerked her way through the routine, her unnies admired her growth from a distance. They saw how she fearlessly embraced her individuality, embodying the spirit of youth and exploration. Although they still found it hard to accept that their maknae was no longer a child, they realized that this was a part of her journey as an artist and as a person. That realization made Nayeon start to whisper to Jeongyeon and Jihyo, making them nod with motherly smiles.
Nayeon - Look at her go. Our kiddo is truly amazing.
Jeongyeon - She's becoming the person she's meant to be. We have to support her.
Jihyo - We've done a great job raising her. It's time to let her spread her wings.
The concert ended with thunderous applause, and Y/N's surprise twerking routine became a highlight of the night. The members gathered backstage, their hearts filled with pride and love for their maknae. They embraced their pride and joy, showering her with words of encouragement and admiration.
Nayeon - Baby, that was incredible! You've grown so much, and we couldn't be prouder of you.
Jeongyeon - You're not the little maknae that we first met anymore. You're a strong, talented woman.
Jihyo - Keep shining, sweetie. We'll always be here to support you, no matter what.
Y/N smiled, feeling the warmth of her unnies' love. She realized that her growth didn't mean leaving her past behind but embracing it as she stepped into the future. With newfound confidence, she thanked her unnies and the rest of TWICE for their unwavering support. And so, with hearts united and spirits lifted, TWICE continued to spread happiness through their music, each member shining in their own unique way. Their bond as a group grew stronger, and their love for Y/N as the mischievous maknae deepened, accepting her growth and celebrating it with open hearts. Together, they embarked on a journey filled with music, friendship, and endless possibilities and this made the unnies have only one thought:
We are proud of our dear maknae.
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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butchtwelfthdoctor · 5 months
hello mack my friend, i hope life is treating you well! i have a couple questions from the fandom asks if you want: 22, 16 and 12 :)
hello mandy!! i'm doing pretty good hehe :D
22 - headcanons for a character
the tenth doctor listens to björk i know this is true in my heart <3
16 - do people irl know you participate in fandom?
yeah but idk to what degree.......... i went to a fan convention as ten just the other day (my first one!!! it was really fun i got an autograph from catherine tate and got t ask her a question about wild blue yonder!!) and i show friends my fanart sometimes but i dont think they know just how Into It into it i am. but a lot of them are really invested in fandoms for other things that they talk about all the time so it's not that i'm hiding it from them or anything just that none of them are as wild about doctor who as i am. ALTHOUGH i do have one of my friends to thank for getting me into good omens which led me into doctor who and literally changed my life hehe <3 and ofc my family knows cos i never shut up about it lol
12 - what's the funniest or craziest au you've ever come up with?
WELL i'm currently writing a fic based on a dream that @bygollybymerlinsbeard / @/oramgetardisscarf had about ten and rose getting stuck on a planet where the twelfth doctor has gone mad with grief, but like literally half an hour ago i thought omg what if missy was there......... if twelve is so wracked with loss and missy is beside him nudging him into destructive activities cos it's what she's always done & she gets a sort of validation out of knowing he can be bad the same way he hopes to be validated by knowing she can be good and the layers of guilt that come with that.............
which isnt funny or crazy but i'm not generally one for au's. but thats what i've got lol.
OH BUT catherine tate said at the convention (obv not my idea but i'll say it anyways) that she thinks nine and donna (as characters, not her and chris eccleston) would do a good production of taming of the shrew and i think i know what roles she meant....... ninedonna shakespeare........ ough................... but tbh you'd have to change the ending of the taming of the shrew donna is Not getting tamed nosirree hehe
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22degreehalo · 3 days
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It's finished!!!!!!! \o/
Many thanks to @ficreadingchallenge for running this - it really did encourage me to seek out fics I wouldn't have otherwise, and it was overall a lot of fun! :)
New recs below, and then I'll post a Masterpost with all of them together!
Take Your Fandom to Work AU aching to find who they are by preciousthings (11.1k, Jon Favreau/Tommy Vietor)
I’m not normally one for RPF, but when I stumbled upon this I decided to give it a go since it fit the square, and I enjoyed it! :) It’s very sweet and low-conflict, but somehow never feels boring or overly idealised? I enjoyed the gradual reveal of the world’s mechanics and the characters’ backstory and the multimedia epistolary elements!
Enemies to Friends/Lovers The Web of Life Woven by Havoka (6.2k, Symmetra+Lifeweaver)
I’m frankly in love with this author’s writing of Symmetra, and I agree completely that Lifeweaver was exactly the change-up her character needed! This fic is so delicate and thoughtful: Satya and Niran are so fundamentally different people, but their personalities and points of view are expressed with such care and sympathy. Satya provides an outsider POV of Niran’s crisis of faith with Vishkar, and it works, keeping the fic from getting too bogged into details, and allowing for a peek into Satya’s own doubts, which are buried deep even when she’s the protagonist. I’ll definitely be reading more by this author!
Whump Kintsugi by brightly_lit (4.6k, Sam+Dean)
This hurt :’) (as it should have!!) I don’t want to say too much because the exact nature of the AU is itself a spoiler, but it’s certainly something that could have happened if canon went a little differently and boy is it upsetting :’)))
FREE Only as Young as the Minute is Full of it by angelheadedhipster (2.8k, Torrence/Missy)
I happened to rewatch Bring it On recently, so of course I had to look up the fic out of curiosity, and I stumbled upon this little gem! It’s short, but it fits so perfectly into the canon that it just feels like it belongs there. As far as I’m concerned, this is how the story really went :P
Reread an Old Fave Strangetown, Here We Come! by strange-tomato (very long, various Sims 2 pairings)
I was reminded of this old fic recently and knew instantly that it would be my choice for this square <3 To this day it’s still one of my favourite poly stories ever, with a perfect slow burn build (so slow it wasn’t even initially intended!) and plenty of other fascinating sometimes-queer side stories as well! Re-reading it now and it’s just as great as I remembered it being; time will only tell if I get so attached to these characters again that I end up being really tempted to reinstall TS2 like last time!
Secret Relationship [podfic] not to listen but to hear read by Podsayers, written by Misandrywitch (47:29, 9k, Holmes/Watson)
This is a sweet fic!! It covers a large swathe of time between these two men, including after Reichenbach, so the progression feels completely natural. Sherlock’s POV is always something different, and this one delivers on giving it a really distinctive feel!
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capybaraonabicycle · 6 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thank you so much for tagging me @ravenlilyrose! I had way too much fun with this :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
55 :)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Doctor Who! 49 of those fics are for dw and all the other fandoms only have one fic to them each. Those are:
Le Visiteur du Futur
Edgar Allan Poe's Murder Mystery Dinner Party
The Penderwicks Series (Jeanne Birdsall)
Linie 1 (I've actually written the only fic in that fandom)
Die Känguru Chroniken (Marc-Uwe Kling)
Le Petit Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
Headless (A Sleepy Hollow Story)
36 Questions
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Family Wedding (Spacewives getting married and Jenny attending their wedding and meeting so many of her mum's friends, including her grandparents <3)
Come with me? (my second fic on ao3! Reader-insert with River, 11 and Missy squabbling over who gets to ask the reader out on a date. There is a lovely alien planet and species I made up and someone is stealing art. Also involves Bill, Nardi and 12 going to pride for some reason)
Fix you(r hair) (soft and sad twissy hairbrushing during vault time <3)
Take in one last sunrise (13 asks the TARDIS for a sunrise when regenerating and she takes her to Darillium. Tenteen falls right back into his old mannerisms and consequently hurts River. They talk it out and some hope is found in the appearance of the old-new body)
Night Light (Very sweet 12/reader reader insert. I wrote this to comfort myself when things were rough and I think (if you like reader-inserts) this is my most comforting, calming fic)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always. There was like one that I had to delete but I adore comments and I always need to let the commenter know. I am also quite a self-indulgent comment answerer, the answers often turn out longer than the original comment
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think that'd be We've got to tell them. It's a Mels x Reader fic - which I guess is bound to be angsty. And the second chapter is already pretty bad with the reader getting her heart broken. And then the third chapter is Mels' inner monologue on her just losing it. So. Yeah.
(- I was going to put the ending here as a little snippet. But it is actually really dark and I decided against it. But, yeah, feel free to check out the angst?)
Runner ups are Forget Me Not (Or: Stealing a TARDIS and Running Away) and The One Time You Want to Say Goodbye, two fics that describe the same situation from two different perspectives. This one is between Mels and the fugitive Doctor. Mels is a rather tragic character </3
Finally, Mels turned back to the Doctor, leaning up and pressing one last, lingering kiss to the corner of her mouth. “Goodbye, Doctor.” “Goodbye, Mels.” Ever so gently, the Doctor’s fingertips landed on her temple, taking her old life away.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
There are a bunch among my fics that are just pure fluff, so maybe let's choose something with a bigger development from angst to fluff.
A Bright Blue Box does that! It's a Jenny & fugitive Doctor fic and in the beginning, they're both on their own. But then Jenny fights for the Doctor to adopt her and in the end they fly away together.
“Come on, then” her mum said finally. “We should get you to the medic wing.” “In a second” Jenny murmured, savouring the hug. Her mum chuckled into her hair. “Alright” she agreed. “Whenever you’re ready.”
The woman who kills the Doctor also has an extreme development from very angsty to very lighthearted in the last chapter. Mels assassinates the Doctor in chapter 2 and in the last chapter she is off to university, ready to grow into River Song. There is a little bit of sadness here because she is leaving but mostly it is so hopeful and uplifting after all the heavy load you read before. So I feel like I need to mention it here:
“Don't make me late” she winked while [the Doctor] fiddled with the coordinates. “First impressions are important.” “Oh, you’ll leave an impression, alright” he murmured as he passed her. “Luna won't know what hit them with you as their student.” He smiled at her fondly, saying her name with such reverence it made her heart flutter. “They’ll be so lucky to have you, River Song.”
There's a storm coming tonight is also worthy of a mention. This one is pure fluff but has such a soft, almost cheesy, ending when canon wouldn't give them softness <3
[Alfhildr] felt the first drops of rain landing on her skin and Tore’s warm hand in hers. Heard the howling of the wind increase and drown out the affectionate insults Urd was shooting at them. Saw the dark, bulky clouds gather over their heads, right before they entered their house, shutting the storm out. And knew that, whatever might happen that night, they were ready. Because they were together and that was all that mattered.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really, no. I had one incident where someone thought it appropriate to tell me they'd rather I had used another incarnation of the Doctor because they disliked the regeneration I wrote for. Which I deleted after some consideration. Because - what? That is my decision to make and also I happen to like this Doctor, please keep your hate to your own space and out of my comment section.
But I have never received hate for my fics themselves, so this far I have been very lucky
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, not as of yet. I write some more sensual kissing sometimes and quite often smut is implied, but so far I have never actually written the smut itself. I don't think I could write that very well tbh.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes! Nothing crazy, really. I have written 3 dw crossovers so far, with Headless, with The Little Prince and with The Kangaroo Chronicles.
The craziest is probably Gallifreyan Rules, just because the kangaroo is a rather unhinged character by itself. And the Doctor in its role has got to be a little intense.
“Do you want money?” the Doctor asked, grabbing for the bank and throwing some notes at her. “There’s plenty of money here, take all you want.” “You can’t do that” Clara said calmly, inwardly grasping for the last remains of her patience. “Of course, I can” the Doctor chuckled, reaching into the bank again. “Do you want some more?” This time one of the notes got stuck in her hair. “That’s against the rules.” “No, it’s not” the Doctor stated. “This is Gallifreyan Monopoly.” “You said it used the same rules as the Earth one” Clara sighed, detangling the banknote and carefully placing it back into the box. “Yeah, but someone just made those up” the Doctor shrugged. “And I just made up some new rules.”
(most of the fic is directly translated from the chapter "New Rules" with names and details exchanged - I actually talked to the ao3 support about plagiarism issues and they said it was okay like this)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? I had someone copy-paste a comment I wrote once though 😅 which was strange, but well, I think it was mostly uncomfortable for the author
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I translated my very first fic on ao3, The Responsible Thing to Do! There is a German version here.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I tried once, ages ago. It didn't go very far. I would definitely be interested in trying again though.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Let's have a look, shall we?
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[ID: screenshot of the ao3 relationships filter, showing the top 6 relationship tags: The Doctor/River Song (9), The Doctor | Ruth Clayton/River Song (6), The Doctor | Ruth Clayton/Mels Zucker (6), Twelfth Doctor/River Song (4), Amy Pond/Rory Williams (3) and Thirteenth Doctor/River Song (3). end ID]
Well.....that must be Doctorriver, then 😅
Funfact, I did not tag every Doctorriver story with that exact tag (but using incarnations instead), so if you filter for Doctorriver, you'll end up with 25 fics!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh God, definitely Dancing with the Doctor. I watched Dancing with the stars again some time ago and thought to myself "It would be really lovely to continue that fic some day, wouldn't it?" But tbh, I don't think I will. Human AUs are not really my thing to write, long fics aren't really my thing, either, and this idea is already way too complicated. But it is so cute, putting them all in this little (very queer) dancing community <3
There is Bill & River and Jack/River and Yaz & Ryan and the Paternoster Gang and Donna & 10 and Jackie & 13 and Dan has a dog called Karvanista and Swarm is busy pissing everyone off and it is just very, very sweet and so much fun to write. Just like, look:
[Jack] pulled lightly on River’s hair – which got him a deadly stare – and grinned to himself. “On second thought, you’re right, Billy” he decided. “I am out of River’s league.” “Everyone knows I’m a league of my own” River smiled, reaching for his hand to intertwine their fingers. “But it’s cute how you’re trying to talk yourself up.” “So, you’re properly married?” Bill asked again. “For real?” “What do you say, hon?” Jack asked, tilting his head. “Are we married?” “Heavens no” River grinned. “Then we would have shared income! I can do better than the scraps you make.”
(the joke here is that they're both working the same job btw. also, no, they aren't married but they basically are; they're best friends at the very least.)
“I’m Jenny”, she answered. “Welcome to the Paternoster Realm, Ma’am. We’ll be making sure you're looking great in the shows.” “Not that that’ll be much work with you” Vastra chimed in, gliding towards them in one of the opulent black gowns she liked to wear. “My, you are gorgeous! Breath-taking, I’ll say. Who will you be dancing with?” “That’s Vastra” Jenny said and added rather pointedly: “My wife.”
“Jo, I won’t be dancing with you” Yaz said and her voice was too earnest for it to be a joke. “You will have another partner.” “Oh” she said softly. “I assumed…” “I know” Yaz said. “But I didn’t really have a choice. And even if…I think it’s better that we’re not dancing together. The show can get tough and you might need a friend. One who is not forcing you to repeat that stupid pirouette for the hundredth time.” “I’d have Ryan” Jo said stubbornly, even if she knew there was no point. Ryan looked surprised and very happy to have been called her friend already and Yaz smiled as well. “You’ll have Ryan anyway” she promised. “And me. Plus, a mighty fine dance partner, if you ask me. You’ll love them, I just know.”
Sorry if that were too many extracts (actually, I am quite sure you're not even supposed to put extracts into this questionnaire at all but anyway) but there are 20k of this fic existing that I fear I will never do anything with.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I am good at dialogue? Like coming up with quips and making a conversation flow between two people or even more (although more than three people is tough, like it must be for anybody). I also like writing introspection, characters reflecting on their feelings, and I have gotten some compliments for this :) I have also gotten compliments for general characterisation which make me giddy with happiness even though I sometimes find them hard to believe.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing stuff :) Also anything long and plot-y. I have trouble making the story work as a whole and have a dramatic arc. Sometimes it feels more like different short works smashed together than one fic.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have never done this? I think? I speak like three languages that would be useful for this, but I think I would always rather write that someone was speaking in a language the narrator doesn't understand or just translate it directly in a "[English sentence]" they said in [language that isn't English] - way, if the narrator does speak the language.
I do love it in books when something is in French or German though and I understand it :D
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This is so difficult 😅 Maybe The Rose? It's the only one of my fics I've made fanart for and I love the art a lot as well (it's the header on my blog). I love 12 and I love The Little Prince and the rose was so much fun to write. The whole ambience of the fic is delightful, so calm and contemplative and sad and hopeful. And it was written for the Love is in the air writing challenge for Valentine's day specifically to be a platonic fic. Idk, I like that one a lot.
Okay, so I'll be tagging a bunch of people who I know write because this was fun and I would love to hear about your fics! But feel free to ignore this <3 And if I should have missed your blog, and you want to be, please consider yourself tagged anyway!
@marvellouspinecone, @trekkingaroundasgard, @jennyandvastraflint, @pia-writes-things, @riversofmars, @thembosupreme, @songofdefiance, @none-ofthisnonsense, @frogsmulder, @spacewives-in-spacetime, @spacebetweengalaxies, @gender-snatched, @helennorvilles
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mikunology · 10 months
Hey!!! Congrats on hitting your donation goal first off, I'm really happy that you've got the money you need :3
Second!! At the hypothetical start of the story, where would everyone be in terms of development (like what challenges they need to overcome, etc)? Since i saw you discussing rin/len character growth things hehe >:)
hello!! thank you very much, I'm honestly really surprised I was able to meet the goal so soon?? but I'm seriously grateful ;v;
:0c!! good question! um, lessee...I was gonna write this out as paragraphs but my dumb brain isn't working correctly so I'm gonna bullet point it
Goals for Miku, summed up:
finding out what being a "hero", an "idol" and a "kind person" really means to her
become less of a coward, adapt to her new status as a heroine and realize the consequences of sitting idly/being too naive
stand up for herself and set better boundaries so that she doesn't drive herself to insanity trying to please people or letting people walk all over her
be more honest with the people around her about her feelings rather than keeping everything to herself/stop being afraid of ruining other people's images of her
learn to manage her anxiety better
Goals for Rin:
putting aside her self-imposed rivalry with Miku and realize that she doesn't need to be like Miku (or Len, for that matter) to be successful
learn to become more genuinely confident and not rely on bravado and arrogance
learn to be more mature and pay more mind to others' needs and desires (and realize that she can't rely on Len for everything)
learn to work better with others and handle criticism, both in terms of playing music and in terms of acting as part of the superhero team
learn to manage her temper. just a little.
Goals for Len:
realizing that people (including his family) like him for the way he is and that everyone won't abandon him because he isn't perfect
learn to take himself less seriously and find more fun in doing things (Rin helps him with this)
learn to not get defensive and handle criticism as well
believe it or not, Kagamine Len. you are not always right
stop working yourself to death I swear to god
find genuine confidence in himself and his own abilities
Goals for Luka:
figure out what kind of person she wants to be and how to get there
figure out her own reasons for singing and fighting that don't just follow the others
learn to be comfortable with herself even if she can't be like the others
realize that logic and efficiency doesn't dictate everything and that she's allowed to have fun doing things just as much as everyone else
learn that just because she's a robot she doesn't have to put up with just anything done or said to her
learn how to better communicate how she feels and what she's thinking
I'll leave you with these for now!
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
14 Questions Tag | Tagged by @cassietrn <3 | Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @poisonedtruth @madparadoxum @jacobsneed @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @trench-rot @adelaidedrubman @thesingularityseries @theelderhazelnut @jinfromyarikawa @euryalex and anyone that would like to do the tag <3
Nickname: My name is already too short (Eva), so I don't have nicknames :D
Sign: Aquarius
Height: 1,70 m (5' 7")
Last thing I googled: We Happy Few Reform Club (idk what y'all think it would be, but yeah, it's hilarious)
Song stuck in my head: 
Amount of Sleep: 5 to 8 hours mostly (if I'm lucky and nobody decides to create a mini explosion somewhere in the distance... 9), mostly depends on what I'm working on, with college I had gone on 1 hour of sleep sometimes...
Dream Job: *confused noises* What is that at this point in life.
Wearing: black zip up turtleneck, blue jeans, socks with puppers on them
Movies/Books/Media that Summarize You: I can mention a lot of titles here, but Tale of the nine tailed (the combo of serious and comedic, totally my vibe <3)
Favorite Song: 
Instrument: I can't play any (though I wish I could), if it's about favorites: violin (always gives me the chills in songs), acoustic guitar.
Aesthetic: (dark or white) Academia, denim, leather, books, plants everywhere you look, landscapes, chunky shoes, handmade jewelry, coats.. all the coats <3
Favorite Author: Many, many. I love Abbi Glines' books.
Random Fun Fact: I love listening to music or having a video playing in the background while I work on edits or write. :D
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heronpoxed · 9 months
Was talking to someone the other day about SOA, and I really feel like the later seasons could’ve benefited from some lighter/humorous scenes. I wish we could’ve had a Abel bday party episode, or Jax and Tara in the bath tub scene. I think that’s why people favor (besides the writing) the early seasons..there’s so much gloom and despair from season 5-7 it really would’ve benefited from some scenes of normalcy or humor .
What are some of your favorite so-called scenes of “normalcy”? From either Tara and Jax or the club etc. Some favorites of mine are Jax and Tara in the park from season 2, hell even her ultrasound from season 3 episode 12, lol. Tara and Gemma shooting up p*rn posters at Cara cara, Juice waking up with a sign stapled to his chest while wearing a diaper (hahaha) and lastly when Jax meet Thomas for the first time.
Oh yeah, definitely. Some lightness and a lil bit of humor never hurts things. Even though I would've loved more scenes of normalcy and light humorous situations, I understand why the writers would want to incorporate less of those. In later seasons, stakes were higher, dangers were worse and people were losing their minds so I guess no one had any time or energy to joke around.
In a sense, that was the whole point of the show -- to show the viewers that the club life buried those ppl so deep in their shit that mundane things like quiet, normalcy and humor were the luxury they could no longer afford.
I absolutely love 1x03 when Gemma and SAMCRO are in an arcade just vibing and having fun like children. I love 2x03 as a whole. It's a good episode for Jax and Tara -- just them riding around, having fun and being a normal couple. It's absolutely adorable. SAMCRO getting out of prison and reuniting with their favorite people always brings smile to my face. Tara and Unser's conversation during his chemo in s5 is also my fave. Tig looking at a picture of Missy. Hell, even them just being mechanics instead of outlaws is enough to make me feel happy. There's so little of them just being happy and goofy that I cherish all the crumbs that we get.
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Five fun facts about me that nobody asked for, well, except @purecupcake lol
I'd love to know more about @living-dead-girl515 @strikezilla01 @melindagrey @infamouslyroggylives
1) I'm actually a professional writer but not in "that way." I'm a journalist/editor for an online newspaper and I'm a TV news producer and I also freelance write. Besides dark emo poetry, I also write microfiction, erotica stories and short stories! I'm gonna put together a collection/memoir of my writing! I'm also an avid photographer and take a lot of photos and my faves are what isn't typically beautiful, but I can find the beauty in abandoned houses, industrial areas and junkyards for example.
2) I'm married but we are ENM so I also date other people and that's why I tend to write about a lot of my ummm... heartbreaks 😅 but my wife is my ride or die partner in crime and soulmate and i drive my gfs crazy 🥰
3) I have three dogs and two cats and I like to name them after Rockstars! I've got a one eyed rescue pittie named presley, a golden names journey, a pomeranian named Missy and an orange cat named bowie and a tabby named idol!
4) I LOVE karaoke and poker. For karaoke I just love getting on stage and while I'm a bad singer imo, I'm entertaining and that's why my groupies love me! It's all about song choice ... and I love playing poker! I can walk into any poker room or poker party and sit at any table with dozens of men and win people's money 🤑
5) I'm covered in tattoos (like, almost everything above waist including hands and neck) and I have a bunch of piercings and a mohawk. I'm literally changing my hair colour all the time. Right now it's half black and half blue, I've also done pink and green and silver and white. You'd never know I'm a professional 40something because I'm rough around the edges and always look like I just got out of jail 😆
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If I may, #1 ("Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?" - I am more and more curious about the technobabble you've been posting, haha), #3 ("What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need?") and #18 ("Do any of your stories have alternative versions? [...] Tell us about them.")
1."Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?"
current project is a thasmissy fic (wait do people even know that portmanteau? ive just been using it. yaz/13/missy) set between revolution and flux. it's basically vault times but with 13 and yaz instead of 12 and bill. it's about coming to terms with trauma and coming to terms with your sexuality i think most concisely put. or in other words i think ive put it like it's about "the things we dont want to touch and the things we DO want to touch". heres the video i made of it last year for anyone who hasnt seen it:
this video took a full month to make and drove me almost insane which makes sense bc editing this fic rn is driving me again insane. just need to finish two more scenes. one of which is the technobabble
it's really fun to do but also takes soooo much time. my favourite tardis wiki page is the tardis components one so im on that a lot, and then ive got a thousand wikipedia pages open about philosophical, linguistic and mathematical concepts and then i try to put words together in a way thats at least superficially a little bit convincing
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it's completely incoherent of course but it sounds fun. my browser history looks like this now:
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no idea what any of those things actually are <3
3 "What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need?"
honestly i dont think i have a lot of those? i think generally my writing process is just that i write the scene i want to write, and either that turns into the whole fic, or i combine it with other scenes i wanted to write and shuffle then all around for a long time until it resembles something like a story. who needs set up? just jump into the medias of res babey
18 "Do any of your stories have alternative versions? […] Tell us about them."
full stories probably not or maybe there were but i dont remember now. but theres a lot of scenes with alternative versions in this thasmissy fic bc i had to puzzle and recut and rewrite a lot until it made the least bit of sense due to aforementioned "shuffle around until it resembles a story" approach
theres one scene where there was a really clear fork in the road where first i went down one route and then i was like 'oh no i cant do this, it breaks the relationship beyond what i want it to' so i had to go back and take the other path. im still fond of that alternative scene because it was also an interesting one i think
it's a scene between yaz and missy and in the cut version yaz said/did something that sort of cemented their dynamic as an echo of what my interpretation is of vault times thoschei, ie that the doctor keeps the master trapped. half physically half emotionally. because i think the master could leave, the vault or 13's tardis in this fic, but emotionally it's more complicated than that. the power the doctor has over them is that they want the doctor's love, especially missy is super overtly driven by that. the master always is but missy is unashamed and almost unresentful of it i think. missy will say "love me" out loud, basically. "i need my friend back" you know?
and what i had yaz do put missy in that same kind of position she is wrt the doctor. and they both immediately realised that and missy was like "youre just like her" and yaz was like "oh shit i fucked up". it's an interesting scene i think because being like the doctor is what yaz wants, right? and being like the doctor is why missy is drawn to her. but yaz doesnt want to replicate the relationship dynamic of the doctor and the master. she wants to be like the doctor but she also has that I Can Fix Her instinct. and i think with missy that is way more important because missy doesnt need another doctor (even though she also wouldnt be interested in someone who wasnt a little bit the doctor, you know? hi clara. i think 12/missy/clara and 13/dhawan/yaz are like two sides of the same coin. the companion a mirror to both the doctor and the master)
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