#writing drought over... ???
14dayswithyou · 2 months
I'm here to Redeem my kiss from Conan for reading the pinned post ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ I also come on the behalf of Conan Kissers requesting little crumbs, croutons even, about our #1 tired dad.
✦゜ANSWERED: Croutons you say..... In da staff fridge?? Don't mind if I do... >:3
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"Can you pass me the sugar, sweetheart?"
Conan's voice easily melds with the soft melody playing from the radio, but you somehow manage to hear him just fine. With a hum of acknowledgement, you leave the cake batter in Conan's care, take a cursory glance at all the ingredients scattered about on the table, and look for the rogue bag of sugar you were certain you pulled from the shelf earlier. Once you find it hidden amongst the flour and eggs, you place it within Conan's reach... before an idea comes to your mind.
With a mischievous grin blooming on your face, you casually lean over and plant a kiss on Conan's cheek. His reaction is almost instantaneous; it barely takes three seconds before the look of surprise forms on his face as the redhead turns towards you, slips a hand around your waist, and happily returns the favour.
"Cheeky," He murmurs, "You know that wasn't what I meant."
His other hand slips into your own grasp in an innocent gesture, and soon enough, you both find yourselves gently swaying to the music. The scruff of Conan's stubble tickles your forehead when he draws near, but you don't seem to mind it that much when he's pressing soft, butterfly kisses against it in a silent apology.
"...It's not often we get a quiet moment to ourselves like this."
Resting your head against his chest now, you listen to Conan's heartbeat as he continues to sway you back and forth in a soft lull. The gentle thrums emitting from his chest almost sync up with the romantic music as you both sway to the beat, but the tender moment comes to an end once the melody begins to fade out.
With a sigh, you glance up at the redhead and give him a soft look.
"We should finish baking Alice's birthday cake first." A playful nudge from your hip coerces Conan back to his original spot by the kitchen island — but not before he places one last kiss atop your head. "Are you done with the sugar?"
Your lover steals the air from your lungs by leaning down and placing one final kiss against your lips this time.
"...Now I am."
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just-null · 11 months
i have come here to personally thank you for giving me more than i asked for 🙏🏻 i am utterly grateful like IDJFKDKKFODOD 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ it made me so happy the last doodle has my heart he is so cute i will eat him
also there is a DROUGHT out there for us noritoshi fans like im living on CRUMBS its insane and omg dont even talk to me abt how it feels like to be a kashimo and ino lover (altho they are getting a bit more love now) my nori is still underrated :/ sooo hence im asking ur hand in friendship and in exchange i promise to share my hcs with you abt nori my sweet lil meow meow we're in this together 💪🏻💪🏻
also since its October, do you think he likes horror movies? i feel like he can withstand gory movies but its the jumpscares that get him and he wont tell u he's scared when u watch one with jumpscares owkfkdkd imagine him hiding his face against ur shoulder or something 😭😭😭 (i used to do that with my dad when we watched horror movies and i used to be like im not scared😤😤 when he asked if i was lmfao thats where this hc stemmed from)
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he's probably used to gore and gritty stuff like that since he sees it often being a jujutsu sorcerer and all. not to mention his technique is literally blood. maybe he's desensitized to gore films, the most you'll get from him is a disgusted scowl.
BUT DID YOU SEE HOW QUICK HIS EYE OPENED WHEN HANAMI SHOWED UP BEHIND HIM. YOURE SO FUCKING FR ABT JUMPSCARES. Noritoshi is that guy who wouldn't scream or yelp but gasp really loudly and jump out of his skin.
i feel like they get him most in horror because of the music building up anticipation. if its one of those fake outs where the jumpscare comes a bit after, he's fucked UP. It makes him instantly miffed, as he tries to regain his composure. He swears he's not usually like this, it got him by surprise is all..!
Noritoshi is the type that'd only watch a horror movie if the story is rich and complex. He's the type of guy to like open endings that make you think.. if it's a guilty pleasure movie where all the protags make stupid decisions, he gets annoyed right off the bat.
He's groaning and complaining about how imbecile the characters are, but would still watch it with you because you personally invited him. If he's lucky you could fall asleep on his shoulder or [insert movie cliche here] how could he pass that up? But Noritoshi wouldn't be able to focus on you if he gets twice as annoyed because its a bad movie + jumpscares. it still startles him, but the movie is so terrible, he's embarrassed it got him, especially in front of you!!!
if you get involved and you tell him to quiet down, Noritoshi would shift his focus towards you. like that awkward guy who thinks he's being smooth and lowkey about how he cuddles up next to you. He wants to be the tough guy who's shoulder you can hide in, and he is!! just not.. with jumpscares.......
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sadgirlautumn · 5 months
Yesterday I explained the transition from joe to matty to travis to my mom and she is also a certified matty hater
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malifiquemakes · 5 months
Sooo @badninken has infected me with the Blade of the Immortal brainworms and I spent my vacation day smashing out a fic. No regrets!
This one's a lot darker than my usual, please check the tags and curate your own experience.
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Read it here <3
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daphnebowen · 9 months
day five of twelve days of rina: favorite episodes 🤩
I’m doing one from each season because I’m like that and can’t choose
season one: episode five - homecoming
homecoming is obviously one of the most important and essential episodes to rina’s storyline. This is where they all got started, this is when they really started to shine, and obviously without this episode there really wouldn’t be a rina. their chemistry was off the charts in this episode and honestly going back and seeing how genuine they are with each other and how they can be so fresh and just honest with each other; man it really is something else. rini never held a candle to rina, looking back on it. They never stood a chance. “I thought we sort of, like, got each other” and “You know I meant what I said. at the skate park, about you having your own style. I don't even think I knew how much I meant it when I said it.” like dude. monumental. Already these two characters are having such a profound effect on each other and it’s been only a couple of months. AND THE CHEEK KISS. THE FREAKING CHEEK KISS. because for me, rina was never really a thought in my mind until that kiss. Until Gina showed me that she was opening up her hard heart to the brown curly haired boy with the great voice and sass for days. until Ricky showed me he wasn’t opposed to it. until their chemistry was so off the charts I was blown away.
season two: episode four - the quincenero
okay, hear me out, this episode is actually pretty important to rina. There’s a ton of character growth from Gina specifically. obviously there are other moments but I really do like the moment where Ricky comes to Gina for advice about nini and she says that maybe they shouldn’t give advice to each other and she’s not nini. which I think is a beautiful parallel, looking back on it, to when Ricky didn’t try and convince Gina to stay in slc and not do the movie because he’d already had an experience with nini where he did tell her that and she completely fumbled and freaked out. which, understandable, whatever. That’s her. But the thing is, that’s what gina wants. Gina wants to be set apart from nini, Gina is completely different from nini and in this episode she’s trying to tell him that (which she’s right, bc nini did not like it at all when Ricky revealed he’d talked to miss Jenn about getting nini in the show, but the fact remains is that Gina said she’d be flattered but said “I’m not nini and we’re not dating” to try and tell Ricky that maybe that’s not what nini wants). Gina is telling him that the things that work for her are not going to work for nini because they are two different people and their relationships - both romantic and platonic, current and future - are entirely different. which is so profound and beautiful when you compare that to Ricky’s aversion of change and you see how nini and Ricky’s relationship began to fail because Ricky was using things Gina had told him all along. which is kind of emotional cheating but wtv. anyways, the fact that Ricky was dating the person he was “most comfortable with” but using the girl who represents change’s advice is something I just love. And I’m sure I’m not explaining it well, so if anyone sees this and wants to add/explain better pls do.
season three: episode five - the real campers of shallow lake
okay I absolutely love this episode and not just because of the rina content. everything about the drama between Maddox and jet to portwell drama to Ashlyn and Val and obviously Ricky angst and feisty gina makes this episode so 💋 but obviously, I’m here to talk about the what do you know about love duet. Which Ricky/josh and Gina/sofia ABSOLUTELY SLAPPED and I gave them a standing ovation as soon as it was finished. because this was EVERYTHING. Kourtney’s clear approval, Val’s interpretation of the whole thing, their freaking history, Carlos’s encouragement, ej’s uncomfortableness, it’s all perfection. their playful banter, their voices, this being their first duet, ugh it does things to me. And the fact that it really does represent gina as anna and Ricky as Kristoff seeing that Gina is in a brand new relationship and thinks everything is rainbows and butterflies while Ricky, who has only experienced love where he has to work for the other person and strive to make things work instead of it being more effortless and easy (as rina are later) is amazing and beautiful. I could explain this more later but I don’t want to run out of room so if you want to know more, lmk. and also the “rebound” afterwards where RICKY APOLOGIZES FOR HIS INTENSITY KNOWING GI WAS EQUALLY AS INTENSE because he knows something is up with ej. but he wants to be there for gi. He wants her first relationship to go well, and he defends her to ej as well telling him that she’s just tired and coming down from the rehearsal. watch out world, Ricky Bowen will defend Gina Porter with his entire being.
season four: episode five - admissions
AGHHHHHHHHHH this episode lowkey might be my favorite of the entire series. but then again I loved every moment of every episode so I won’t say that. But this episode is MONUMENTAL for both Gina and Ricky and especially in their relationship. Gina finally opens up to her mom abt her and Ricky, Ricky opens up to ej about his fears and confronts his tendency to hide when things go wrong, and it all culminates in a beautiful second chance confession rain kiss spin hug. UGH, Tim, my FRICKIN HEART! I really do love the conversation between ej and Ricky because they truly are brothers and besties. ej truly helps Ricky so so much. And I could have a whole conversation about their conversation and all the ways it is beautiful but I won’t. Gina, meanwhile, is coming to the realization that Ricky is her inspiration and Ricky is the reason why she is happy. Ricky Bowen makes her the happiest she has ever been and it physically hurts her that her mother does not know this (it hurt me, as a viewer!) and the beautiful second chance playing as Ricky sees Mack and Gina and turns away~ it really shows that 02x12 really was about Gina all along, it was never about lilly. it was always Gina. nobody else ever stood a chance.
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littlechivalry · 3 months
Stranger Things modern day AU where it took Steve and Eddie three weeks of tense negotiation to make a playlist for what Steve refers to as 'intimate time' that Eddie calls the Fuckfest Soundtrack. Robin is their unwilling arbiter.
Yes, Eddie gets the okay to add Welcome to the Jungle but in exchange Steve is allowed to add Peaches & Cream, which... gross, dingus
It was working well for a while. Like REALLY well.
Until mid-coitus Alice Cooper starts blasting out of the speakers screaming Feed My Frankenstein and Eddie starts giggling so hard he loses his erection.
Steve... is not amused.
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russadler · 3 months
yall im writing again its actually happening
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alexiskk · 1 year
Hiii‼️‼️ I M SO GLAD THAT TLOU TICKLE COMMUNITY IS GETTING BIGGER🫶🫶 and I have a few fics ab tlou myself so if you wanna check it or what you are free to go, but I have a few tickle ideas for Ellie and Joel because I LOVE THEM
1. Ellie is trying to get Joel laughing but it can be reversed into a tickle fight
2. Joel is just messing with Ellie when teaching her how to play a guitar
3. Tickle fight between Tommy and Joel (brotherly moment) (and Ellie could just saw it and join😭😭)
omg I literally want to do all of these(and i probably will at some point) they are so good but i have to do #3 I have the best little drabble in my head! hope u enjoy🫶 srry it’s rough, i wrote this in one night and i got a bit carried away lol
also go check out @potatohater their fics are big slay ! ! !
Brotherly Love
“there is no way im helping you with the truck”
“quit throwing such a fit ya stubborn asshole” Joel smiled and shoved into his brother’s shoulder as he scooted his way over in the kitchen to the lukewarm pot of coffee.
Joel was in quiet the good mood today. A few days ago on a patrol around Jackson, he found himself upon a bright red 2003 Ford-F150. Well, he assumed it was bright red in its glory days, as by now it had accumulated a dull rusty exterior followed by a coat of moss that had begun creeping up off the tires and onto the rest of the car. But he didn’t seem to care, as all he saw was an opportunity in front of him. While Jackson provided Ellie and him with a sense of comfort, he selfishly missed the days of traveling across the states together, and he could sense that restless energy in Ellie as well. Even if they were short trips, he wanted something back that he felt like he was missing since they had settled. Yes, Ellie relying on him scared him, but it also seemed to give him a sense of purpose he just couldn’t quite find here.
“Joel, i-i got the kid this weekend, Maria’s on patrol and in meetings an-”
“you are such a bad liar little brother” Joel looked up from his mug as he sipped and gave Tommy a sly smile.
“I already talked to her this mornin’. Said you’d be just fineee helpin’ out.” Joel smirked and leaned up against the counter behind him. “Said it’d keep you outta trouble”
Tommy shot Joel a side eye and shook his head as he let out a sigh
“Talk about trouble, what the hell do you think your gonna do with that truck Joel”
“Mmm so you are gonna help me now huh?”
“There is no way in hell, but if I were, I’d want to make sure you don’t kill yourself once it’s all done with” Tommy’s eyes searched the counter that Joel was leaned up against as he spoke.
“This can’t be just for joyrides Joel, where the hell is it you’re wantin’ to go?”
“You gotta shake on it first”
Tommy shot another look at Joel as he remembered where what he was looking for was.
“Look, I’m just saying messin with that truck in any regard is a stupid fuckin idea I mea-EAN-!” Tommy was suddenly cut off while he opened the overhead cabinet diagonal to Joel’s head to grab a pan for his morning eggs. Out of nowhere, Joel jabbed his fingers into Tommy’s side, almost as if it was a reflex. Tommy entire body jolted accompanied by a concealed squeal that he tried to play off by clearing his throat, but it seemed to be too late for him, as the stare Joel was sending him was already telling him everything he needed to know.
The two brothers stared at each other in silence, both quite shocked to what transpired seconds before. After the jab Tommy had jumped back about a foot, but he was still in close enough territory to remain nervous about his big brother’s next move.
Joel had his eyebrows slightly raised with slightly squinted eyes, but he held a straight face and a calm demeanor, even still, you could hear that hint of smirk behind every word.
“Hey Tommy, would you come here for a second?”
Tommy’s face looked angry, but was almost ghost white with fear at the same time, like he knew what could happen at any second.
“Don’t you dare Joel”
“Awh don’t be so shy baby brother”
In a whorl-wind, Joel leap over at Tommy, hands outstretched like bear claws towards his torso. In a spontaneous yet, extremely strategic move, Joel wrapped his hands around Tommy’s sides and squeezed. Tommy’s once escape plan of sprinting away crumbled in front of him as he felt himself crumble with a grunt under Joel’s grasp, and in a swift move Joel has knocked him off his feet and pinned him beneath him on the kitchen floor. From here Tommy began to struggle below his older brother, and as his feet slipped against the hardwood floor a familiar helpless feeling began to fade back in.
“Just like ol’ times eh Tom?”
“You old fucker get off of mEHEHA-”
Tommy felt his dignity slip from his grasp as his brother enormous hands shook around his ribcage. There was little time between the stifling spurts of laughter to full on childlike giggles pouring out of Tommy’s mouth, and Joel was eating up every minute of it. He pretended like he wasn’t paying attention as his little brother was bouncing below him, fit to be tied with his own laughter, but there was a recognizable smile that crept onto Joel’s face wether he liked it or not. There seemed to be little to none of these nostalgic brotherly moments for them these days, so for Joel to catch him like this was music to his ears.
“I’m sorry what’s that Tommy? somethin about helpin me with the truck?” Joel chuckled as he pretended to yell over Tommy’s laughing fits as he switched to digging his knuckles into his brothers sides.
“Mmm yeah you definitely seem to be in a position to do that brother.” Joel smirked, he was having way too much fun with this.
Tommy was continuously trying to push against Joel’s hands digging away at his sides, when Joel saw an opportunity to snake his hands up underneath Tommy’s arms where he realized Tommy’s laughter could reach a new octave.
Tommy’s head was thrown back and arms clamped to his sides as he sucumbed to the torture joel was dealing him. His laughter was on the verge of silence and he couldn’t beli-
“What the fuck joel are you trying to kill him?”
Between all the commotion, neither brother had bothered to notice a shocked Ellie waltz downstairs, most probably woken up from all the ruckus they were causing. Both brothers turned to look at her, Joel stopped his assault but did not get up, while Tommy was merely attempting to catch his breath.
“Uhhh he owes me a favor El.” Joel replied with a smirk on his face, yet slightly embarrassed from Ellie witnessing the encounter.
“Uh-huh” Ellie replied, still in shock to see the brothers this affectionate.
“H-He’s a fuckin’ liar E-Ellie don’t fall f-for it” Tommy sputtered out, still trying to recover.
Joel shot him a dirty look, but a smile began to creep on to his face, one that terrified Tommy.
“Hey kid, care to help?”
Immediately Tommy’s chorus of no’s directed at Ellie filled the room followed by a desperate “you gotta help me El” only to be followed up with muffled chatter as one of Joel’s hands covered his mouth.
Ellie took a few seconds to realize what she was getting herself into, after all not every morning at the Millers presented an opportunity like this, but she knew what she had to do.
“Want me to get his knees?” She asked almost too excitedly, causing Tommy to groan beneath Joel.
“Smart kid”
Joel gesture her over and she placed her knees on either side of Tommy’s shins.
“Ready El?”
“Sure am”
Tommy’s pleas continued, growing in volume the closer Joes hands got. But, as soon as Joel reached his arms forward into Tommy’s sides, Ellie saw the opportunity she needed. She shot her hands forward right underneath Joel’s arms and squeezed like there was no tomorrow. She felt the confusion in Joel’s body, first tightness and then resistance, and for a scary second she thought he might not b-
Joel’s entire body began fighting the ticklish sensation pulsating through his body, curving and arching his back in anyway he could to shake the little rascal off. He had completely forgotten his attack on Tommy, giving his little brother the opportunity to help out with the onslaught but wrapping his hands around Joel’s hipbones, and from there Joel was done for.
With attacks coming from both sides his body seemed to be in sensory overload, as he didn’t even notice Tommy slip out from underneath him, where he then pushed him to his side, and pinned him down himself, never ceasing the rhythm of jabs into his hips. Ellie at this point was able to let Tommy take over, well until-
“Hey Ellie, get his knees!”
Joel was continuously trying to compose himself, but as Tommy moved his attack up his older brothers sides, the electrical ticklish shocks he felt throughout his body caused any gruff, strength, and pride he had in his tough demeanor to slowly fade away.
Ellie’s smile was as big as Joel’s at this point, she had never seen the man who protected her across the US from infected, cannibals, and everything else in between, giggle, at least never like this. She couldn’t help but join in herself as she positioned herself so familiarly over Joel’s shins.
Tommy paused for a brief second as Joel was too incapacitated by exhaustion to back any kinds of counter attack.
“Do right above the kneecaps, he’ll love that”
“Oooo your gonna get it motherfucker” Ellie smiled and positioned her hands.
“N-Now if y-you asshats do-HOHONT KNOHAHCKAHAHA-”
There was not even a second for Joel to keep his cool as Tommy dove his hands into each space within his ribcage accompanied by the rapid squeezing provided by Ellie, this was full on torture for the man.
“Nothin but a bit of brotherly love eh Joel?”
“Awh quit throwing such a fit ya stubborn asshole”
Even as his own words were used against him, Joel couldn’t fight the joyful snickers and uncontrollable laughter that seems to bubble out of him, for a a strong as he is he felt everything leave him under the touch of the two smiling bafoons that held him down.
“Joel you’re such an asshole for never mentioning this, you made me use the joke book to make you laugh?” Ellie smiled and joined in on the tease, as she was now squeezed to the rhythm of an old song she used to have on tape.
Joel had no response to the teenagers quip as he held is head in his palm in his own fit of giggles, surprising even Tommy at this point.
“Alright alright, we probably shouldn’t kill the old man” Tommy let up on his brother, patting his shoulder as he stood up.
“U-uh we might not have killed him but he looks pretty fucking broken. This isn’t the Joel I ever remember” Ellie had gotten up at this point and was now squatted next to Joel, holding the sides of his head at his temples. His eyes were closed as he was attempting to regain himself but the constant sputter of laughter would seep out through his nose or mouth, almost as though there were residual tickles all on and around him.
This by far was the most relaxed Joel’s felt in years, his brain had completely let go and although he would never admit it, he would probably say that brotherly love did him more good than a rusty old truck ever could. Instead, he finally regained his breath after a few more out-spurts and turned his smile into one of his disapproving frowns as he opened his eyes and looked up at Ellie and Tommy.
“If either of you ever do that again, so help me god I will break your godamn jaws”
“Awh just say you liked it motherfucker”
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sotwk · 1 year
After over two months of trying and trying and failing and thinking I was broken, I finally have a completed fanfic to post.
It's a self-indulgent one and doesn't even feature a canon, (it's an OC x Reader--whaaaaat now) much less a popular ship, and I'd fall over with shock if it gets more than a handful of notes but OMG I'm just SO happy I finished a thing that I'm gonna treat myself to a nice dessert for lunch.
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lale-txt · 7 months
howling at the autocorrect because on one hand, given everything we know about the Zen'in clan, this is a probably correct and valid suggestion, on the other however NOT the kind of fic i was trying to write today (ns.fw warning for under the cut)
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as someone who is an absolute sucker for pathetic fallacy in any shape or form, i can’t get over the fact that there’s been a uk level drought where i live over the last couple months and literally THE MOMENT miles was onstage playing 505 the heavens opened and there has been torrential rain all evening ever since
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*That feeling you get when you drag yourself bloodied and bruised and muddy and exhausted over the finish line of a wip you’ve been struggling with for a whole damn year*
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houndsinhades · 25 days
Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can’t l-
et Remus Lupin experience happiness.
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jamiesfootball · 11 months
Sometimes looking at your own author's notes can make you feel so galaxy brained. Like yeah, that IS an amazing idea. Fuck, people are gonna love that bit.
But then you have to shut up about it until the bit is actually written and it sucks
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puncheur · 2 months
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jessahmewren · 2 years
I wrote something yaaayy
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