#writing fics is a hefty process 4 me
jesuistrestriste · 5 months
the soft dom!art donaldson fic is turning out to be a bit longer than anticipated :,D
i just can’t help myself, i love details.
like yes, the reader is about to makeout with him, but do u know how he smells?? how he’s sitting?? what he’s doing with his hands??
i will post it tonight, but it will probably be a lil bit from now lol. im taking a quick break and the reader hasn’t even been penetrated yet whoops
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jubilantwriter · 1 year
Well heelllloooo my beloved~
Let's go wiiiithhhh 4, 8, 16, 26, 55, and 68!
Helloooooo my darling~
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Usually through music, but nowadays I've been drawing inspiration from hefty quotes on tumblr and comics where there's a certain Flavor to it that I really like and wanna try with my own takes.
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
The middle! That's where the meat of the fic is, and where my general creativity really goes loose and uncontrolled lol. You can bet that my excess writing collects in the middle and just continues to unravel from there. Beginnings tend to be rough, but once I get a start, I manage to keep on chugging.
Endings are where I really struggle. Don't- [grabs your face to look away at my incomplete but published fics] -don't look over there.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
Oooohh so many. Granted, all of them tend to be centered around my and my friends' OCs, but the one I'm nursing right now is:
Clay (from Pokemon Black and White) has to deal with the grief and guilt of his younger cousin going missing (my OC, Rod, of whom you know), and processes it as healthily as he possibly can. Which is to say, he processes it poorly. There's blame tossed around and angry jealousy/envy towards another figure who's lost a family member.
Takes place just before Legends Arceus truly kicks off, but is set in that universe. I've actually been working on this fic for AGES, and it's only recently returned to bother me in the corners of my brain.
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
GOD. I would have to say... "The Space Between". It was my first true horror fic where I pushed myself to really experiment with my writing. Building the atmosphere, figuring out how to word things just right to drive home the pure terror David was in was a struggle, but a well fought one! I remember putting myself in David's headspace and freaking myself out with horror stuff to get me to really feel and experience what David felt to properly translate the terror into words. I even thought about reading a Stephen King book or two to understand how to write horror! Needless to say, I didn't end up doing that LOL
After all that build up tho came the downhill climb from all that horror tension, which honestly is what got me put into a standstill. Like, how do you write a satisfying conclusion to all that build up? That's still something I need to work on for that fic, and one that's been nagging at me for ages. Hopefully, I'll figure something out. I know how it ends, after all.
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
...........r Od, my pokémon OC. loL. Writing my own OC has been a pleasure and a joy, just because I can put him into so many situations and throw him into so many AUs with my friends. But also, the biggest appeal of Rod is that he's my own character. I know who he is and why he behaves the way he does better than anyone else - his motives, his drives, his weaknesses. Not only that, but he's a character who can change and grow into something else! He used to be a cis man before my friends and I talked more and more about him until we realized... no, actually, he's a transman. He leaves so much room for experimenting, for discovery and building that it's so much fun to work with him! It's less constraining to work with him than with established characters, and it's also SUCH a breath of fresh air!
My friends DEFINITELY had some part in my choice to write about him. They all just... loved him so much??? Right from conception when he was nothing more than a sock puppet with googly eyes and a fishing pun for a name. They loved him so much that they all breathed the life into him, until I actually had something to work with.
And then they kept playing with him!! Lord did they play with him. So I played dolls with their OCs as well, and this interconnected world with OCs just kinda grew and expanded and became so much fun to explore that I just couldn't not enjoy writing fics about him and their OCs falling in love or being a family or struggling together. A lot of the fics I write of Rod tend to be shared only amongst my friends, but maybe... some day... I'll post something here.
68. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
Listen to songs in hopes of getting my writing spunk on. That, or daydreaming! Daydreaming scenarios really helps.
The other thing I do is write my fic on minecraft which is a sane and nor Mal thing to do,
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ginneke · 1 year
4 (about 'what a fool you have made me'), 30, and 36 for the ask game :D
Questions here! [link]
4 - What detail in [What a fool you have made me] are you really proud of?
Possibly less "proud" and more "inordinately amused by", but a little thing that completely went over Revali's head:
So, the way that girls were noted to cast coy glances when trying to flirt with Link...? Link using the same approach with his bird.
30 - Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
I noted before that A Seed of Song is quite outside my usual realm of writing, and I would say there's quite a few things that I've learned through writing it -- both what you've seen thus far, and what's yet to come.
For starters, there's the slow and meandering pace through chapter 3, and the heavy emphasis on and lingering over the domesticity of those scenes: it was really freeing, in a way, to let myself take that time and linger over that chapter. (Even if chapter 2 + chapter 3 + the first portion of chapter 4 were all, in my original outline, supposed to be **the same chapter** -- if I'd stuck with that, you'd have had something over 20k words long, there.)
The process of writing that, and allowing myself permission to take my time and linger over scenes as and when felt appropriate, led to Corrigendum becoming what it became!
A future chapter of A Seed of Song also contains one of my first serious attempts at an action scene in a very, very long time. A few people who've read ch5 of Flowers noted enjoyment of the action scene there -- to which I'll note that that came second, and involved me putting some of the pacing lessons I learned from SoS into practice anew.
36. Do you visualize what you read/write?
Not as much when reading (it takes a very special passage, one that stops me in my tracks and makes me read and reread and reread like I'm trying to capture something elusive, almost like savouring the taste of smoke hanging on the air after extinguishing a candle) -- but when I'm writing, often, yes.
Though I should note that I do make hefty use of research and resources to try to enable my visualisation of a scene to be as complete as possible before I try to whittle away at it and capture it in words.
(Youtube rarely shows me any recommended videos that aren't nature cams of bird nests, now, and I for one am thriving in this particular algorithmic hellscape. Why yes I *do* want to watch another video of baby kestrels, or egrets, or bluetit hatchlings, or even the fascinating practices of parasitic bird species, or--- well, you get my drift.
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mock-arts · 2 years
1 3 15 and 28 for ask meme!
Ty for asking anon! ❤️
1. How many works of art have you made this year?
Soooo my conservative count is 40 (it was a productive year!) but that count includes things like the animated promos I did for bangs as a single piece each, when I guess I could count them as like. 3-4 pieces stacked. I also included as one piece some things that I eventually cropped and split into two separate images to post. Etc. So minimum 40 but you could maybe say 50?
3. How long did you spend creating in an average month this year? Was any month more or less creative?
I’m really not sure I can work this out without some hefty math. I’m guessing I probably pumped out the most art in like… whatever month it was that the SWBang was posting? I feel like I did a ton of pinch hits around that time. But I also had a huge flurry of Codywan bang related activity in like. January.
Conversely, in September and October I only put in like 5 minutes at a time with weeks in between where I did nothing. I have a real boom/bust approach going on I guess. I call it “respecting the laws of dormancy in nature” when I’m feelin fancy, but also sometimes I just don’t have the time or mental energy.
15. Is there any new style/technique/medium you want to explore next year?
This is PURELY wishful thinking but I really would love to learn to make AMVs. I have some video editing experience (more than a decade old lmao) and I bought a fairly powerful computer in 2020 that I uh. Haven’t really used. And I’m willing to drop a little cash on editing software…. But intellectually, I know I barely have the time for the hobbies I’m already good at lmao.
I’ve also got a fic or two rattling around in my head that I’d like to let out, but writing requires a kind of sustained focus and lack of external stress that is rare in my life these days.
28. Did you learn anything about your art/process/style this year?
Hmmm. I feel like I learned a lot of like. Psychological bits about how I work?
Starting is definitely the hardest part, and once I’ve got a piece set up I can chip away at it however slowly I need. I just need to get it set up.
As long as I figure it out ahead of time (really plan it out with modeling etc) I can dig into pretty complex backgrounds and scenes without feeling intimidated.
Past blorbos may as well be dead to me with how much harder it is for me to draw characters I am not currently obsessed with.
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tossawary · 4 years
Warning for non-graphic discussion of male pregnancy fic, bc I know it’s a squick for some people. 
I did the whole “inhuman reproduction methods” during the demon lore First Northern King bit of my Moshang horns fic because 1) they’re demons, 2) even among humans, unusual methods of reproduction occasionally being used in this fantasy world should be a thing, and 3) I have some opinions on Crack Treated Seriously mpreg plotlines for Moshang. 
Namely, I’ve only ever seen SQH set up as the (present/future) pregnant partner in fics and, frankly, I think it makes way more sense for Mobei-Jun to be the one carrying any children if that has to happen. 
Also, like, if you can write in-universe reasons for mpreg to happen to a cisgender man (if you are imagining SQH or MBJ as cis), you can also just as easily write adoption, in which MBJ just picks a cousin to be his heir and the vaguely cannibalistic ascension ritual functions just fine as the “continuation of the bloodline”. Or create some reproduction process that doesn’t require either of them to be pregnant. If it’s got to be mpreg happening, then let Mobei-Jun carry that torch sometimes! 
1) Screw strict and gendered “top and bottom” dynamics, honestly. 
2) Mobei-Jun is the one who “needs” to have a bio child. 
As a side note, Mobei-Jun deciding that it’s time to have a child and potentially telling Shang Qinghua, “You can contribute if you want, but I can do it more or less asexually, thanks to my demonic heritage,” is funny as hell. 
3) Mobei-Jun is tough as fuck and OP as hell, so he’s far better equipped to deal with the vulnerabilities of child-bearing. It could also be argued that a demonic pregnancy, especially a mixed one (if SQH contributes), could potentially be dangerous to SQH, so MBJ might just be casually like, “It’s easier for me to take on this burden. You’re too squishy and also human.” 
Shang Qinghua’s brain checked out of this conversation as soon as it started, not having expected, like, ANY of this AT ALL EVER. Mobei-Jun has to explain his family’s non-human reproduction process, like, twice, and Shang Qinghua still doesn’t fully understand it. What the fuck is happening. 
4) Mobei-Jun is HUGE in terms of height and muscle already. So, like, if you picture him as having a reasonable or hefty amount of body fat, he could totally be one of those people where the pregnancy is barely noticeable at all. 
Shen Yuan, fluttering a fan: “Hm, Mobei-Jun seems to have gained some weight? Married life agrees with him, maybe?” 
Shang Qinghua: “Haha, yeah.” 
Shang Qinghua: “But actually, holy shit, bro, he’s seven months pregnant and I’m going to be a dad to a little baby demon within the next couple months and I’m losing my fucking mind here?! He keeps going out to kill random shit and then he eats it in the world’s most fucked-up pregnancy cravings?!” 
Shen Yuan: “...What.” 
5) Shang Qinghua having to answer to his Cucumber Bro for knocking up Mobei-Jun is also funny as hell. As far as Shen Yuan is probably concerned, this is only what Airplane Bro deserves and (if Bingqiu is a thing) if this ridiculous Author God’s bullshit gives Luo Binghe any ideas, he’s going to die. 
Building on that, Cang Qiong Mountain Sect reacting to Shang Qinghua knocking up the Lord of the Northern Desert is also extremely funny. Like, get ready for the world’s most awkward baby shower or one-month. 
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ᾰ̓γᾰ́πη - Pt. III
Tumblr media
Pairing(s): Cursed!Seokjin x Reader
Genre(s): Fantasy Au, Fluff, Soulmate Au, Angst
Summary: “There’s a story whispered around here. One surrounding the beautifully carved statue of a man at the center of the town. Legend says that when the hand of his true love graces his palm, he shall wake from his cursed marbled slumber. It’s always been a silly old wives tale, until you give in to a friend’s dare.” (prompt idea from writing-prompt-s)
Warning(s): mild language
Word Count: 3.7k (oops)
Part I, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, …
taglist: @best-space-boy​ @maryelixabeth @mochimaw​ @yeontanismypresident​ @hannahantonette17​ @ign-is​ @fanfuckingfic​ @koala-wonderland​ @suchgayaesthetic​ @dulcaet​ @anoynmoustumbler​ @annoyingpessimist​
~ if you want to be added to the tag list for this fic, feel free to send me an ask! thank you💜
“It’s also a pleasure to finally see you again, Althaia,” Seokjin adds after a not at all awkward pause while Mira swiftly prepared an herbal tea meant to relax her noticeably uncomfortable guests. Looking over the rim of your cup as you took a long sip, your eyes darted from the man now sitting at the table across from you to the woman seated to your right.
He was watching her intently as she swirled her spoon around her cup, lightly agitating the liquid to blend the honey she always added. She once told you she’s not one for bitterness, and because she could never find the perfect blend sweet enough on its own, honey would have to suffice.
A long, dramatic sigh accompanied her look of disinterest.
“I’m quite surprised, though you don’t seem to be.” Again, your gaze flitted between the two, unsure of what to make of the situation. Mira didn’t seem bothered at all, almost as if this whole thing was something she expected, or at least, knew might be coming.
Why was she not correcting him? Insisting he must be mistaken; her name is Mira, not...not Althaia or whatever he said. And how could he insinuate he knows her in any way? He’s been a statue since before you were even born and Mira is only a few years older than you.
Mira had remained quiet, content as Seokjin waited for any kind of response. It would make more sense if she had outright denied his accusations, shut him down and insist a mistake had been made. Instead, she slowly moved her attention from her earlier ministrations, softly gazing upon you for a brief moment, then turning to him.
“I honestly didn’t think you’d remember me after all this time, let alone be able to recognize me, Mr. Kim.” Her voice was low and calm, calculated as she mulled over just how to address the situation to come. Something about the tone of her voice didn’t sit right with you. This was no longer the slightly agitating neighbor you’d grown fond of.
This person next to you was entirely different.
In the deepest part of her being, Mira knew it from the moment she met you that things were finally changing.
“What do you mean ‘remember?’” you piped up over the silent stare down the two had unconsciously engaged in. At an utter loss, your mind had taken the small bits of information provided to try and come to some sort of viable conclusion, but to no avail. Perhaps your mind was still processing your own dilemma, and you couldn’t afford to lend any brain power to this situation, or maybe it was just too far-fetched to even fathom.
Now, the two stared at you as if you were some poor, pathetic creature or a doll made of porcelain. Pitiful was one way to put it and it made your insides clench and churn, the situation all too reminiscent of a lamb about to be sacrificed to the slaughter. Eerie how suddenly you were the only one without a clue and it didn’t help that it now felt as if you were seated next to two strangers and not just one.
After the two continued in an annoyingly cryptic battle of stares, almost prodding the other to speak first, you decide the time for silence and secrets is officially over. Slapping two hands on the oak table as you shoot from your seat, the crack of skin on wood makes them fully focus on you. Not even bothering to look either one in the face, you let out a hefty sigh and close your eyes, mind suddenly battling an intensely growing migraine.
“Look, I don’t know whatever ‘this’,” hands waving between the two of them, “is, but I’m tired and done. With everything. Feel free to settle this on your own, I’m going home.”
Before you could even make it 5 steps from your seat, the slightly ajar front door slams shut...on its own. Like a lone wind had decided to fiercely bound though the opening, or more fittingly, a spirit decided to trap you inside.
“The hell was that?” You mumbled to yourself as you cautiously approached the door, afraid it may come suddenly to life, considering the day you’d had.
As your hand curled around the cool metal knob, you heard someone rise from their seat, “Wait, Y/N, just stay and let...let me explain.”
Swiveling your head around enough to see Mira standing firmly by her chair, a scared expression on her face, the atmosphere shifted. It set you off, igniting a sense of, you’re not sure, maybe fear, within you. Something wasn’t right. Nothing about this whole situation felt right.
“I can’t do this. I don’t know what’s going on, but it doesn’t feel right. I can’t be here...with you.” You weren’t sure what exactly was triggering this flight response within you. Not once in your time knowing her had Mira ever done anything for you to react this way towards her, but today, with her pushing you to touch the statue, to the odd sense of familiarity between Seokjin and her, to the strange aura suddenly radiating off her, it was all too much.
Your senses were overloading. Too much had transpired and you’d not been given enough time to properly digest anything. Going from a relatively boring life to one suddenly plagued by some kind of weird magic, sorcery, whatever it was, in the span of a few hours is too much.
The migraine you’d been fighting was on the cusp of becoming a full fledged breakdown.
Ignoring the protests of the two behind you, again your body moved towards the door, handle turning a fraction of an inch before everything stopped.
Seconds, maybe minutes you stared at the slab of wood. Not a muscle moved, like your entire body was paralyzed, only slow shallow breaths could escape the numb confines of your lips. As if you no longer controlled the only vessel with which you solely could. You were a marionette, controlled by invisible strings.
And then all at once, a warm tingly feeling seeped through your veins, bringing with it the sweet taste of freedom. Nerves alight, muscles contracting, you finally had your body back.
But with this came the intense fear of the whole situation. Every other thought within you was gone, mind shut down, body going into lockdown mode, syphoning your remaining energy into getting away.
Away from whatever this strange new danger was.
Slowly, cautiously, prey reacting to predator, you turned your body back to the table.
It hurt. Hurt to look at them. To look at her.
At first, a part of your mind jumped straight to blaming the newcomer, but deep in your soul, you knew.
She looked pained, as if she hadn’t just defiled you in some unbelievable and terrifying way. Like she had instead been the one to somehow become nothing but a husk reduced to a master’s bidding.
The questions of how and why were disregarded for a greater purpose, saving yourself from whatever was happening and preventing it from ever happening again.
How dare someone you trusted, cared for, looked up to, do whatever that hell that was to you, a friend, even for the fleeting moments she did.
The blood in your body was now cold, face pale and painted with such a deep look of betrayal you could feel the guilt radiate from her being.
“Y/N.. I-“
You didn’t even breathe when she flinched at the steel tone of your voice. This was all too much. This whole day was entirely too much. You needed to get away from this, from them, and you needed to do it now.
She knew what she’d done. Not only had she lied to you your entire friendship, but she’d hurt you in a way that shouldn’t be humanely possible. Panicked in her efforts to come clean to you, protect you, and protect herself, she’d acted too quickly, doing something she’d swore never to do again. It was one thing to keep secrets, but another to use them against someone.
Seokjin forgotten, you briskly made your exit, making sure they couldn’t see as the tears fell.
“If I see one more walk by, I’m going out there and beating the shit out of them,” you mutter to yourself halfheartedly underneath the comfort of the blanket fort you’d built in the living room.
After spending a few days trying to piece yourself back together, you’d decided the best course of action was: avoidance. Within the tiny walls of your home, you could stay cooped up in a safe space and forget everything that happened. Statue man could stay with her and you could go on with your life, without the both of them.
It seemed do-able at first, spending an unhealthy amount of time in bed, watching movies, the occasional brief call with your mother, but it of course couldn’t stay that way.
You’d been naive enough to think that the town would go back to normal, find something new to obsess over and forget all about you and the stupid statue.
Oh, how wrong you’d been.
Suddenly your house was like an attraction for everyone. As soon as the sun rose, you’d catch a few faces passing by your windows, just outside the front gate. There they’d sit for a few minutes, gawk and gossip, and eventually leave, and be replaced by a new set of oglers ready for a show.
You weren’t afraid of the attention, just miffed that your plan to lay low and be alone failed from the beginning.
Despite the annoyance from the nosy town folk, you were grateful that it had only been them, and not two other faces outside.
Watching the last of the group of young girls get bored and disperse from your window, you turn your attention back to the movie on your screen. As the characters moved and music played in the background, you forced yourself to try and focus on that. Instead, thoughts of Kim Seokjin and your friend weasel their way in over the noise.
What were they doing? Were they thinking of a way to fix things with you? Had they forgotten about you and moved on? How did she even do that in the first place? And what is the whole backstory between them?
The questions tore you up inside, fighting with the stubborn part of you that wanted to forget them completely. The other downside to isolating yourself was the immense amount of free time to think about everything that’s happened. It was a nightmare going over everything, every single bit that made no sense, bits and pieces not adding up in any way you could understand.
Just a few days ago you were a normal girl living life in a boring town fighting with your friend over the legitimacy of a town legend.
She was your only friend, the only person who listened, who understood. Could you forgive her for what she did? It was quite obvious she’d been keeping things from you, but for how long, and why? And Seokjin, your soulmate, how are you supposed to love someone you don’t know, who’s probably lived a whole life before yours even began?
If he is your soulmate, why didn’t he stop her? Did he feel the pain you did when you were robbed of your own self? How could he see you in such distress and not do anything? Why hadn’t it scared him as much as it had you? What parts of Mira’s hidden past was he privy to that you were not?
Perhaps you were putting too much onto the whole soulmates thing. After all, how could you expect a stranger to assert himself into such a personal thing, even considering the circumstances. When it all comes down to it, soulmate or not, Kim Seokjin is an outsider, an alien to you.
He is no more a part of your life than the nosy towns people, the visiting tourists, or the migrating birds. You don’t owe him anything, and he you.
The only thing you could wish for him right now, is to go about his own life and not force himself into yours.
Pillow clutched unknowingly tight to your chest, grounding yourself, you couldn’t help the dull ache in your heart. That was the only thing you would allow yourself to chalk up to the soulmate thing. Maybe one day, like them, you’d be able to ignore it too.
Movie long abandoned, you trudged your way back and forth, pacing across the wooden floorboards like a caged animal. You were desperate to get out, see the stars, breathe in the fresh air, but your body was still afraid of what leaving these four walls might incur. Whether you were ready to face them or not, you couldn’t sit there and drive yourself insane any longer.
The sun had set hours ago, the light from the moon casting a hazy white glow over the landscape, and you were desperate for even just a second to bask in it.
Grabbing a light jacket to fend off the chilly night air, you brace yourself, hand wrapped tightly around the door knob, and take a deep breathe.
Now that you were truly thinking about it, it must look overly pathetic from an outsider’s perspective. You’d been holed up in your home for four days now, only peeking suspiciously through your windows to glare at the onlookers and then returning to a pitiful mope-fest with only one attendee; you.
You owed it to yourself to snap out of it, move on, and go back to life as normally as possible. The only thing you could control was yourself. It doesn’t matter what others do or don’t do, you need to do what you can, for you.
And right now, that’s enjoying some fresh night air and being brave.
Taking that first step out onto the front porch is what you imagine the first astronaut on the moon must’ve felt. The most mundane of things became a huge feat, and you weren’t about to ruin it for yourself, no matter how silly it seemed.
Looking out across the street, the sidewalk empty and streetlights dim, it was like you were finally yourself again. The stars above and the moon shining bright made the first smile in days appear.
All of the worries, the questions, the bitterness lifted away by a light breeze, the clouds in your head dispersed and you had the sudden urge to forgive. All your life you’d been quick to judge and draw conclusions, but something within you told you there was more to this than meets the eye. You needed the truth.
Like fate had been keeping a close eye, your attention was drawn to the figure making its way along the outside of your fence line. The long dark hair caused a breathe to catch in your throat, and you were suddenly questioning if you were really were ready to face things.
She stopped just before the gate, head looking up and catching your eyes with her own.
Hesitating, she clears her throat, “I...I didn’t think you’d be up.”
Watching as her hands lifted up, you spot the neat paper bag tucked within her palms.
Still afraid to say anything, not trusting yourself to stay calm and collected, she continues.
“He’s been asking a lot about you. I wanted to do something...to apologize.”
She pauses, waiting to see if you’d run away or tell her to leave, but when you nod in the direction of the bag, she finishes, “I showed him how to make your favorite cookies. But I thought it be best if just I came to drop them off. I didn’t want to overwhelm you.”
Arms protectively crossed over your chest, you take another deep breath and slowly descend the porch on step at a time. Instead of meeting her at the gate, you plant firmly in the grass.
It sounded choked coming out and you hated that. Not only did you not want to seem weak in front of her, you didn’t want her to think you hated her. The only thing you want is the truth. She owes you that much.
Mira fidgets a moment and returns her attention to you, not quite in the eyes, but it’s close enough.
“I didn’t mean to-I just-“ Tripping over her words, not exactly sure how to begin or where to go, you stop her quickly.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Finally meeting your eyes, she sees the strength you’ve managed to muster up, sees that twinge of forgiveness at the helm and realizes it’s now or never.
“I’ve wanted to explain everything, I just wasn’t sure how to go about it.”
“So instead you instigate me to break some curse you already somehow knew I’d be able to, pretend to be someone your not this entire time, and somehow posses me and take away my free will?”
The look of shame that melted onto her face struck a chord of guilt deep in your soul, but this was something you had to do. For too long you let others have free reign, it was time to take control.
“I wasn’t sure if you could handle it, or even believe me in the first place...”
“And how am I supposed to ever believe you now? I don’t even know who you really are, what you are...”
Tension building quickly in the cool air, things were becoming muddled. You weren’t even sure what you were pushing for, a confession? A secret so dark and unbelievable it was grounds enough to hide from you for as long as you were friends.
“I’m a witch.” There’s a long pause. You both stand there, staring at each other, unsure of who’s to make the next move. Mira’s afraid she’s just divulged her dangerous secret to someone who can’t handle it, and you’re afraid you’ve officially lost your mind.
“I know I sound like an old record player by now, but maybe we should take this somewhere more,” she pauses to look around the darkness cautiously, sending a shiver down your spine, “private?”
Turns out cookies at 2 in the morning are a good way to smooth over the confessions of the magical past of your only friend. Not going to lie, you’d taken plenty of breaks to try and absorb and process the incredible amount of information Mira, or formerly known as Althaia in the late 1800s, if you can believe it, had to unload on you. In her defense, you’d pushed her quite hard to open up and be 100% honest with you.
“So, you just...change your appearance and house every few centuries and pretend to be someone else?” Rubbing your head to ease the growing headache as you mindlessly shoved another cookie in your mouth, you felt like a little kid asking an adult really strange questions that shouldn’t have a serious answer.
Mira nods, wrapping her hands around the mug of coffee you made her and taking a sip.
“And you knew Seokjin when he was alive, well, in his own time, before he turned into a statue?”
She cringes a bit and it catches your attention, “About that...”
“You mean, you’re the one that cursed him?!?” It was probably the hundredth time you’d asked her that in the past half hour, but you couldn’t help it, you suddenly felt like you were going crazy, trapped in some bad supernatural rom-com or something. 
Sighing loudly enough to voice her growing impatience with you, she nodded, “Yes, for the millionth time. I put the curse on Kim Seokjin.”
“Well, why?” Resting your chin in your palms, eyes wide like a child, you prayed further. You just couldn’t understand why on Earth she’d curse him in the first place. Even if she is a witch, what could have warranted him to invoke a curse? And why this particular curse?
“Well, it’s not really my story to tell...”
Holding true to your childish theme growing in this conversation, you pouted, bottom lip sticking out and leaning forward on the table, “But you cursed him, how is not yours to tell?”
Mira only shakes her head, a small smile playing on her lips at your antics. You’d only shown your stubborn side like this to her on few occasions, and it made her laugh at how you could be so apathetic one minute and youthfully enthusiastic the next.
“True, but there’s much more to it than it seems. Besides, I think it’s time you both get together, talk, and figure things out.”
Your silent for a moment, fighting another pout and mulling over her words. Then suddenly, it hits you.
“Well, if you’re the one who cursed him, you can break our soulmate bond too, right?”
Her grin morphs into a neutral line, lips curled in. Like she’s trying to think of the best way to let you down.
“The thing is, I only enacted the curse. The means to break it were decided by fate, not me.” The look of disappointment that washed over you couldn’t help but bring a prick of guilt from the witch.
She’d invoked the curse reluctantly to help another, and now she was hurting someone again. If she could go back, maybe she’d have done differently.
Silence again stretched out between the both of you. It was one thing when it was some folk lore from town, but now knowing the truth, and knowing it is all very real and unavoidable; unfix-able, it’s a harder pill to swallow.
“Do you,” you squeak softly, eyes trained on the floor, “do you think we can actually do this? That I can do this?”
Mira’s hand reaches across the table to softly grasp your own. Despite your protests, a small tear slips from the corner of your eye, and you rush to brush it away.
“I’m scared.”
“Scared of what?” Even though she understands, she wants to hear you say it, for yourself to hear it.
“Of being tied to a stranger forever. Forced to be with someone I may not ever fall in love with...”
“To possibly fall for someone who’s forced to be bound to me forever, who may never truly love me back.”
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 Not going to lie, writing this portion was like pulling teeth. I’m not 100% happy with how it turned out, but in order to progress the way I want, I needed some things cleared up first. Now that we know Mira’s little secret, how will Y/N and her’s dynamic change? How will Seokjin fit into Y/N’s life and this new world? I promise, Y/N x Jinnie shenanigans are coming in the next part! 
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paintedrecs · 4 years
@mad-madam-m​ tagged me in the “list 5 OTPs from 5 fandoms” meme a couple days ago, which I laughed at her for because (a) she knows my otps FULL WELL (b) our lists are very nearly an exact match (which i am by the way delighted about because half my list right now is full of rare pairs, and I have never before known the hell of treading that landscape alone)
I’m gonna do the meme and double it up as an announcement of what I am currently into and what you’re likely to see on this blog if I start picking up my activity levels a little.
I honestly have no idea how active tumblr is at this point - how many of you are still around, and how many of you I might lose if I start reblogging my other fandoms in addition to Sterek - but after doing a Pillowfort experiment for a while, I think I’ve finally figured out how to use social media again in a way that works better for me.
My old method, before tumblr kinda imploded and fandom got weird (filled with antis and ship hate and constant infighting, ugh why), was to create a separate blog for everything I was into, which is why I have appreciatederek, appreciateshiro, appreciatejack, and...is that it? See, this is why I need to stop scattering myself into a zillion different pieces.
So I’m going to consolidate more (like I do on twitter and now Pillowfort), and also hopefully get back to my fandom roots: digging into more meta, like I did 8 years ago when I first fell in love with Sterek, and posting fic recs, like I also did thanks to Sterek. (And sharing my own fics as I write them. Guess which fandom pushed me down that path, too.)
So it’s fitting that the first ship on this list is...well, an obvious one.
1. STEREK (Teen Wolf)
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Y’all know this one. Sterek will always, always be the OTP of my heart. I love their dynamic. I love the creativity and passion of the fandom. I love that they brought my writing back to me and introduced me to so many of you.
I still have dozens of Sterek fic ideas; quite a few of them are partially written or have significant outlines, so at some point I will still be writing them. Life is just, as you know, very busy and very tiring and it’s so hard to fit everything into my days. I’m working on it, I promise. 
I’d like to start doing more updates with snippets of my upcoming fics, maybe a lil Q&A if anyone wants to chat about what I’m working on/my thought process behind what I’ve already written/what you’d like to see from me, etc. Interactive fun stuff! Sterek fandom is still the best and most supportive fandom I’ve ever been a part of, and it makes me happy every time I’m reminded we’re all still around and thriving.
And here’s some of the other stuff I’m into right now...
2. XANATOWEN (Gargoyles)
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I have been sailing this ship entirely by myself since January, recently joined by the aforementioned M, who also created this gif for me while she was still in the patient “I’m your friend, I will listen to you yelling about this show” stage. (ha ha ha look at her now, that’s what you get)
I’ve been genuinely holding myself back from spamming tumblr with my thoughts about this show and this ship, which I’m beginning to realize is...maybe silly. I’ll still try to keep it a little bit balanced, but you can definitely look forward to more Gargoyles on the horizon, including:
Fics - 30k so far, with another 4.6k that I’m hoping to post this afternoon, after I look over it and decide if I still like it (ha ha fic writing amirite). I also have a fairy tale AU that I’ve done a substantial outline for, so I’d really like to get that underway.
Episode recaps/meta posts - these are currently being posted over on Pillowfort. The goal is to get the last two episodes of Season 1 up there, then to start crossposting them here.
As long as it’s not a gigantic hassle to paste over all the screencaps, because I uh. I have a lot of them. And a lot of thoughts about the show as a whole, but particularly about the relationship between David Xanatos and Owen Burnett: the meta’s currently averaging from about 1.5k to 2.5k per episode, whoooops.
I love them. I love them a LOT. See my meta posts for very detailed explanations as to why.
3. TREVORCARD (Castlevania)
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I honestly did not expect to get this deeply invested in this ship. I watched and liked the first two seasons of Castlevania and really enjoyed the dynamic between Trevor and Alucard, but it wasn’t until the lead-up to Season 3 (and then the devastation of how absolutely terrible that season was) that I realized how much I loved these two together.
So now I’m having a very Sterek Fandom moment of “eff you canon, they’re ours now” in regards to Trevorcard. 
I’ve written one fic for them - it’s a 20k coffee shop/modern/college/artist/musician AU because they deserve all the fandom tropes and so much happiness together..
I don’t currently have plans to write any more, although if I do, it’ll likely be some sort of neighbors AU with wolf!Alucard, since my vast experience with Sterek fandom has taught me the absolute joys of exploring characters who can canonically turn into a beautiful giant effing wolf. 
I’ve also been steadily reading my way through every single Trevorcard fic in the AO3 tag, which unfortunately is only ~200. (HOW is this a rare pair. I will never ever understand it, they’re perfect together, and the animators literally said they intentionally storyboarded moments like the one above with the knowledge that people would start shipping them.)
Once I’ve finished up my AO3 tour, I’m going to compile the ones I enjoyed into rec lists. There are some really wonderful fics in there, and I’m excited to see what the rest are like.
4. TAIBANI (Tiger & Bunny)
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I really don’t talk about this ship much, but it’s so immensely close to my heart. I have...so much...official merch of Kotetsu and Barnaby; it makes me happy every single time I see it. If I used my Tiger & Bunny stuff as the standard for what sparks joy during a konmari, the rest of my apartment would probably wind up empty.
The show (which is finally getting a second season in 2022 - Kotetsu & Barnaby had better be getting married) is wonderful. I genuinely can’t recommend it enough. Great writing, wonderful character development, beautiful animation, and Kotetsu and Barnaby are absolutely perfect together. Here’s an old post where I talk about that a little bit.
I’ve only written one fic so far: a canon compliant established relationship future fic that focuses more on their family dynamic as Kotetsu’s daughter adapts to turning 18, becoming a hero, and living with her frustratingly affectionate dad & his new husband.
I have ideas for two AUs: a single dad mature student/young professor one and a sorta weird circus/steve irwin-inspired one. We’ll...we’ll see if I ever get around to either. What I end up writing always surprises me, so I sorta give up on planning what words will come out.
And oh wait! I totally forgot about the third idea, which will be roughly canon compliant, with “Kotetsu sets Barnaby up on a series of blind dates that Barnaby initially thinks will be with HIM” angsty/funny fic. Hrm. I should get back to that one, I’ve outlined part of it.
I haven’t actually read a ton of fic for this pairing, because the more I like canon material, the less I seek out fandom content to “fix” it, but I would like to start going through the AO3 tag after I finish my Trevorcard project. I did an initial rec list ages ago and would like to follow up with another.
5. SHEITH (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
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Here’s the last pairing I write fics for. I have several more in progress that I’d really like to finish - including a dragon AU that I wish someone else would just finish for me so I can read it, hahhhhhhh sigh. I wrote 15k, did a ton of research, and basically intimidated myself out of continuing, because it’s one of my Big Projects. Not gonna be like, PDIW length or anything, but it should be a pretty hefty fic once it’s done.
Then there’s the roommates AU, the burrito shop AU, the....wow. I really need to get back to these, don’t I. A couple of them are super close to being finished, too.
I’ve also compiled a few fic rec lists, although I haven’t updated those (or my Sheith blog) in a while.
This fandom has been...interesting. Rough sometimes. Sliding into some of the other pairings on this list has provided a good break for me, particularly since they’re all such small fandoms that they’re relatively free from drama and hate. Once I’m fully refreshed and re-inspired, I’d love to get back into writing Sheith. They’re such a perfect, feel-good, extraordinarily balanced and supportive ship, and I am disappointed every single day I remember that Voltron didn’t stick the landing with making them canon.
Look at that almost-kiss. Just...look at it. And tell me they aren’t in love.
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mikeanthony321 · 5 years
Almost Done with Offspring!
Just a bit of news here, for the few of you who follow me here and read my stories.  I’ve been in the process of working on the final chapter for Offspring during the last couple weeks, and it’s very nearly finished.  I’m saying this because I realize it has been almost 4 months since the last chapter, which...is a really long time to wait.  I can have a pretty manic mind sometimes, and lately I’ve had a lot of business with starting an internship at a cool tech company and buying a new car.  I’m still going at that until the end of the summer, but regardless, I’ve managed to find the time to have that last chapter out for you within the next week or so (assuming nothing else pops up)!
If any of you are aware of my Ko-Fi page and my plan to print Offspring as a book, there is news about that too.  I really, REALLY liked the idea of having my own copy of this fic as a book for myself, seeing how long I’ve managed to make it (in a 6″ x 9″ hardcover, it’d fill about 400 pages!), and it was that idea that led me to offer copies for anyone else that was willing to donate the printing and shipping costs.  However, I set that donation goal to a whopping $800 for roughly 50 books, and I realized soon after that that goal is a little steep for someone of my level.  So, I’ve decided to scrap the goal and print books for ANYONE who donates the $18 or more.  :)
Since the story is likely going to be done in the next week or two (at the most), I’d like to set the time frame for the printing at Labor Day.  In other words, anyone who donates at least $18 on Ko-Fi (equivalent to 6 coffees) by Labor Day and leaves their name and address with the donation will receive a hardcover copy of Offspring, courtesy of Barnes & Noble’s self-publishing service.  I only have about 4 people as of now who meet those criteria, which is easy on me for shipping purposes, but anyone who wants to throw their hat in the ring is more than welcome.  :D
Lastly, I still have an epilogue planned.  ;)  I plan to write it during the month of August (HOPEFULLY!!!) and add it to the story right on Labor Day, at the same time I set out to order the books for the donators.  The printed books will also, of course, include this new epilogue.  All of this news will be in the Author’s Note at the end of the chapter I’m working on, so those who don’t use Tumblr can see it as well.
After Offspring, I plan to deviate from Miphlink fanfiction.  I’m not disappearing though, so don’t mourn for me!  My next project, on which I’ve been collaborating with my girlfriend, is going to be a teen-romance themed Splatoon fic, featuring an octoling protagonist and a hefty group of lovable characters that she and I get to come up with ourselves.  It’s going to be...quite an interesting endeavor.  XD
Thank all of you for reading, and I’ll see you when the chapter comes out!  Here’s the link to my Ko-Fi, as well (ignore what it says about the goal, I haven’t updated it yet):
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mcu-owns-my-ass · 6 years
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word count: 2.9 k
Summary: Bucky and reader are hydra prisoners, but maybe they’ll find a way out
Warnings: Mentions of torture (Kind of), language (I can’t write without cursing apparently) ANGST
A/N: I wrote this for @fangirlfiction and @phoenixwintersolo #angstember challenge, @noshitstark writing challenge and @bucky-at-bedtime marvellous writing challenge. I am so so so incredibly sorry to be so late with this, I am a mess (and so is my fic but I tried). My prompts were: “You can’t do this to me”, “I’ll do it for you. I’ll do anything for you” and “Stay close to people that feel like sunlight). Thank you so much to Lila, Nikki and Jess for letting me be a part of their challenges and special thanks to @danyofwesteros and @its-a-pretty-interesting-wall for beta reading this for me! 
The yellow lights and the whirring noises of the machinery in the room were overwhelming.
You could barely focus your sight, which was adjusting glacially slow to the bright lights after months in the dark.
You wanted to collapse, vomit or maybe just die right there. You knew it was a matter of time before your legs gave way to the heaviness you felt.
If it weren’t for the arm of a man in a lab coat that held you steady, you’d had fallen already.
“Do it,” The man screamed, forcefully pushing you to stand near a chair where someone sat, bound and gagged.
Your brain was sluggish, and you opened and closed your eyes a few times trying to focus your eyes on the person on the chair, still not fully comprehending the situation.
“No,” You managed in a croaky voice
Another shove sent you tumbling and you grabbed on to the chair in order not to fall face first on the cold white floor.
You were inches from him, and now you could see clear enough.
“Bucky,” You mumbled, struggling to contain the nausea. You hadn’t seen him in years, not since the time they made you put the words in his head. His blue eyes beamed in recognition for the smallest of seconds, and you felt his hand seize yours with a steely grip. He didn’t answer but you felt how he slipped something into your hand. He stared at you, an anguish ridden glance, and you know what it meant.
Next thing you felt was a heavy blow to the head, and then it all went black.
The dripping sound of a leaking faucet wakes you, and this time the room is dark. You’re thankful for that. Your brain feels like it’s been through a blender.
You lift yourself from the ground and struggle to sit against the cold damp wall of the cell. Your wrist is bruised by the single handcuff they use to contain your powers. Dim light filters through the barred window in the door, and some muffled voices reach your ears.
“She’s not strong enough. You saw what happened this morning”
“Then wipe her. Let’s start clean. Wipe him too, while you’re at it. They’re recognizing each other again”
“Every time we do it, it takes her longer to learn to contain her power. I lost two people last time”
“Doesn’t matter. We have the machine now, thanks to her. And she’s becoming harder to manage. I’ve got half a mind to just … terminate her. If only we didn’t need her...”
“Please, don’t do that. She’s fascinating, scientifically… The first human being able to manipulate minds... Imagine if we could replicate it in other humans…”
“Yeah, yeah, I don’t care. Just deal with it.”
The words echoed in your brain like fireworks and your memory started to function again.
This morning
Your mind runs a play by play of the scene and it dawns on you suddenly.
You look at your closed fist, and when you open it you find a shard of metal, sharp and cold.
You trail off, remembering when you met him, so many years ago.
This talent of yours, it came at a price. They lure you under the pretense of science and research, and a hefty chunk of money, which sounds amazing for a broke college student. If only you had known… It was all very civilized, until he came along. Until the tests weren’t on you, but on him and others, and you stop cooperating.
Then they throw you in a cell. Cold and damp all the time, but at least you’re not alone. Or so you thought, but it would probably had been the same. He never talks, never moves, never does anything. Just sits there until they take him away for awhile and eventually throw him back in.
It’s strange at first but then you stop caring if he hears you or not, because the silence is deafening and you have to say something, even if to remember that you actually exist. So you talk, and talk and talk. You tell him the unprompted story of your miserable life, and how you came to be property of hydra.
Sometimes you just mumble nonsense, until your voice is hoarse.
Sometimes you sing whatever tune you remember from better days. Anything to drown the silence.
“How long have you been here?” You ask him once. Time moves different in the darkness, and you have already lost count of your own time there. Probably months.
His head hangs low, as always, but you’re not really expecting an answer, because he hasn’t uttered a word in all the time you’ve been locked together.
“What year is it?” He whispers
It surprises you, but you search your brain for the answer.
“1991. At least that’s what I remember”
He says nothing for a while, just grabs his head between his hands, trying to remember something.
“Four...almost five…”
Your eyes grow wide “five years?” You ask, astonished.
“Decades. Four, almost five decades”
Your mouth flies open in disbelief. You can’t fathom 5 years in this hell hole. But 5 decades…
You’re not sure why but you feel the unstoppable need to hug him, so you do. He jerks a little at the contact at first, but then he melts into it.
Then you cry, for him and for you and because you haven’t cried in so long that the first tear releases a flood. He cries with you, until you’re both out of tears, and he’s not the first to let go.
It all changes after that day.
He tells you the story of how he lost his arm, how hydra captured him. His name is Bucky. He had a friend named Steve. He was in WWII. However little he remembers from his past, he tells you.
Some nights you sleep next to each other, when the cold gets to be too much, and you wake up with his flesh arm around you. It feels nice, like a ray of sunlight in the darkness, and you never want to let go.
It’s never more, never less. Friendship seems a strange word for what you are. But it’s the closest.
Sometimes he asks you to sing for him, all the silly tunes you sang on those first weeks, and you comply. Misery seems more bearable when it’s shared.
Occasionally, when the nights are darkest, he’ll whisper in your ear “If we make it out of here, will you help me forget?”
Your heart shrinks at his words because you know what they mean, but your answer is always the same “I’ll do it for you. I’ll do anything for you”
Then he holds you tighter and you hope he never lets go.
Until one day they take him, and he doesn’t comeback. And then shortly after, they come for you.
Your next meeting is less than pleasant.
You hear footsteps approaching and they rip you from your memories. Then the latch on the door whirs as it unlocks. A tall man enters the room, the same guy from this morning, dressed in black pants and a pristine white coat.
“Feeling better?” He asks with a mocking grin as he kneels in front of you until you’re to eye level.
“Fuck you,” You spit in his face, and he’s less than pleased, but otherwise non-reactive. He moves to produce a paper tissue from his pocket and you know it’s now or never.
Your hand flies in front of his face, and before he can even process what’s happening, the shard of metal is sinking into the thin skin of his neck. His eyes widen in confusion, and his blood spatters across your face, and his next words drown in his throat with his dying breath.
Adrenaline kicks in and you pry the key of the cells from the dead guy’s hand. In a matter of seconds you’re out of the cell and running the halls like a mad person. You count the cells until you get to his.
He sits on the same chair, and someone it’s next to him but they have their back to the door.
An alarm starts blaring the second his eyes meet yours, but he wastes no time. The restraints around his arms are no match for his super soldier strength and his metallic arm.
You’re in a frenzy trying to kick open the locked door, and you hear rushed footsteps coming your way. You have seconds, and the adrenaline kicks again.
Inside the room Bucky’s fighting someone but the fight doesn't last long and finally he’s there, one locked door away from you.
Then you remember: You have the keys.
You fumble with them and try a couple of them until the right one opens the door.
You can already see the armed guards coming your way from one end of the hallway, and it’s like you’re glued to the floor, panic setting in your confused eyes.
The super soldier grabs your hand and pulls you out of the stupor. You run with him through the maze of hallways that is the Hydra base.
He stops for a second forcing you to stop with him. He looks at you, like he’s trying to figure something out but can’t. Whatever is going through his mind remains a mystery and then with a flick of his metal hand he releases your wrist from the handcuff designed to contain you.
He grabs your arm again, softly this time and guides you. You hope to god that he knows the way out of this place.
As soon as you turn the next hallway there’s already armed guards waiting for you and you stop dead on your tracks. The soldier tries pulling you but you’re frozen again in fear. This is the closest you’ve ever gotten to escaping. And now it’s over.
However, he’s not willing to go down without fighting and he takes on the 4 guys that are coming at you. You’ve seen him in action before but this is surreal. There are limbs flying about, and it’s a miracle how in a couple of seconds he already has 2 of the guards down on the floor.
You watch him, eyes wide in awe. But finally a bullet catches his shoulder and it’s like a bucket of cold water just fell on top of you.
And you remember. You can help him.
You close your eyes, and concentrate, and it hurts, it’s horrible, but it works.
Your scream is loud and firm and the second you utter it, the remaining two guards stop, vacant eyes and drooling faces.
You both stare at each other for a moment, and then you run to catch up to him. You encounter a couple more guards on your way out but they’re no match to you and the soldier. The sound of the alarms is deafening to the point where you can barely hear your own thoughts, but it doesn’t matter because you can see the exit.
He reaches the door first and the night air hits you in the face as he opens the heavy door to a patch of woods. But you don’t have time to stop since now you have the whole of hydra breathing down your neck. You hear gunshots and in a trembling second you take his hand and run, run, run into the woods.
He manages much better in the terrain, and you haven’t even seen the outside in years, but somehow manage to keep up with him by will alone.
Neither of you stop even for a breath for a long time. Fortunately, everytime you dare to look back, the flashlights of the people looking for you seem farther and farther.
Then it dies down, the adrenaline rush is over and your body is screaming for a break.
“Bucky,” you say in between shortened breaths, leaning your arm on a tree for support.
He stops and looks at you, not even a drop of sweat on him.
“You keep calling me that. And so did the man on the bridge,” He trails off and his eyes get lost in the void of night.
“What?” you squint at him
“Who the hell is Bucky?” He asks
“You don’t remember,” You sigh, biting your lip, “Wait… If you don’t remember...Why did you help me? You could have made a run for it without me”
“I don’t know. I just felt like I should. Like I knew you”
He looks at you as if you hold all the answers. You take a cautious step towards him, and you go to touch his cheek, but he takes a step back.
“I don’t want to hurt you… I can help you remember,” You say, and your lips curl in a small smile, more sad than anything.
He doesn’t move and you take it as an ok to get closer. Maybe the face was too intimate, so instead you take his hand on yours, and he flinches a bit but he doesn’t step away this time.
You take a deep breath and close your eyes. You can feel something leaving you and going through him.
He feels it too, warm and soft, washing over him and making him somewhat whole again, slowly filling the empty spaces inside his brain, layers upon layers of memories, good and bad.
The cold reaches your bones for the first time that night and you know it’s done, so you let go of him.
“That’s all I have. I can only give you back what they made me take. But I’m sure there’s more,”
The change inside of him is evident, and his steel blue eyes no longer look lost, but crystalline and bright.
This time he’s the one closing the distance between the two of you. How could he forget you? And yet, he knows you’re the one to blame. But he also knows it’s not your fault, because he has done awful things too, none of them willing.
You’re not sure if he’s going to attack you or not, but he’s near and you want to be near again so you don’t move, and suddenly he’s enveloping you in his strong arms, hugging you so tight that you can feel your own heartbeat pouncing on his shirt. You hug him back and it’s everything you remember, wholehearted and pleasant like a blanket on a rainy day.
You cry and laugh and so does he, grabbing your face in his hands and looking at you as if it were the first time. He looks tired and sad and incredibly handsome under the pale moonlight, so your brain chooses to disregard the precarious nature of your current situation, and before you know it, you’re crashing your lips on his.
His eyes widen in surprise for a moment but almost instantaneously he’s kissing you back. He tastes sweet and salty, and the kiss is full, intense like a storm and almost as violent.
Then it all comes crashing down. There’s gunshots coming from every other direction, and one buries in your in leg. Rushed footsteps sound between the trees, and you know they’re close.
There’s no pain, only a burning feeling in your leg, and the familiar sensation of blood running down your thigh.
He looks at you in confusion and he understands in a second. He grabs you by the arm again, and you move to start running beside him but the second your leg takes a step, it crumbles in itself, and you fall to the leaf covered ground. You’re not gonna make it, but he might, if he runs
“RUN!” You scream at him
“No. I won’t without you,” He found you again. He’s determined not to lose you. So he kneels beside you and tries to lift you but you can’t stand. The initial shock is wearing off and it’s rising into mind shattering pain.
“You have to,” You mumble, and you know what has to happen next, “Come back for me. If you can,”
“No. Don’t! You can’t do this to me!” He screams in despair but there’s no other way
“I am so sorry,” you say as a single tear escapes your struggling eyes
“Don’t d-”
But he never finishes his sentence, because your hand is already in his shoulder, and you don’t even need words anymore. You can feel his memory dissolving between your fingers, like butter. It won’t last long, just a few hours. Just until you can lead them away from him, and he’s far away from this place.
“Run,” You whisper in his ear, “Find the man on the bridge”
You see his eyes go blank and you hate yourself for what you did. But there was no other way. And your heart it’s breaking into a million pieces,
You struggle but find footing and you limp as far away from him as you can, purposefully making noise that will alert hydra of your position. It’s you who they want after all. They have more winter soldiers. But only one of you.
You look back and you can see the reflection of a metal arm running in the distance, until he’s out of sight, and you know it’s time.
“I’m here assholes,” You whimper.
With a heavy thud you let yourself fall to the ground again. They’re looming over you, and soon enough you’ll be a prisoner again. But at least he’s safe now.
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softlyjiminie · 7 years
sanctuary |  p.j.m
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⇢ pairing(s): mafia boss!park x mafia wife!reader.
⇢ word count: 8.3K.
⇢ rating: 17+, mature.
⇢ genre: angst, fluff, violence, mafia!au.
⇢ summary: park jimin was an unforgiving, notorious mafia king, dominating the world. he could have anything he wanted, whenever he wanted but if there is one thing he loved more than the games, the weapons, the money…it was you.
⇢ warning(s): please read! mentions of kidnapping, swearing, violence ( mentions of shootings, slapping, wounds, explosives and fight scenes ), angst, mentions of sex, mentions of weapons and drugs.
⇢ author’s note(s): i’ve always had a thing for mafia aus, a gift from above so i had so much fun writing this. ( update: this fic has been slightly edited and updated as of 2020 )
⇢ parts: 1 2 3 4
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⇢ sanctuary:  refuge or safety from pursuit, persecution, or other danger.
he would give everything he owned to see you smile, because, you were his home. his safe place. his sanctuary.
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it hadn’t taken you long to come to, or at least that’s what you had initially thought. the harsh, overwhelming scent of damp and mould coaxed you into a reality that was typical for you to face, causing annoyance to roll in strong waves across your body. as you blinked rapidly, you took the time to assess your surroundings. dark warehouse? check. a room with shitty guarding? double check. you gave a light tug on your wrists that had been bound behind your back and sighed. cheap rope to tie up your wrists? triple check.
you rolled your eyes. see? typical.
you weren’t stupid. it was obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes that this was a ransom kidnapping, or anyone who had been as experienced in these situations as you had. slumping back in your seat, you sighed deeply, throat dry as you tried to recover your thoughts. the last events you remember coherently being the argument.
yourself and your boyfriend had just returned from a gala. your black ball gown restricting your breathing, causing you to grow frustrated whilst you tugged at the glittering diamonds that graced your neck. he wanted you to move in with him. you didn’t want that. he did...and your boyfriend was someone who always got what he wanted. you hadn’t know what had gotten him so mad, especially when you’d told him no. all you remembered, was that one second he was sweetly unzipping your dress whilst you consistently told him ‘we’ll talk later’ and in the next he was fuming and storming out of your small studio flat and back to the sleek black chrysler 3000 out front.
everything was pretty much a blur after that, aside from when you were hit in the head. you were painfully aware of that now. the dull ache in the back of your head seemed to have grown considerably and it was only then that you realised it was bleeding ever so slightly.
so many people were going to die tonight.
firstly the people who had kidnapped you and secondly, yourself. you were still wearing the gown, the one your boyfriend had bought you and blood stained easily. he would probably give you hell for the dry cleaning bill. exhaling again, you blew some of your matted fringe away from your eyes, squinting them to see if you could make out the figures by the door.
“hey shitheads,” you yelled, cursing unceremoniously. the men switched their attention over to you as you leaned forward in the chair they had oh-so-kindly strapped you to. “could you do me a favour and get a girl a glass of water? i’m a little parched. and some aspirin for this headache would be good too.”
one of the men laughed, his hefty frame jolting up and down as he looked over to his friend who only smiled smugly. “oh sweetheart, in case you hadn’t noticed...this isn’t some five star hotel.”
you bite back a growl. “listen here bub, ‘m just trying to make things easier for you. the better condition you return me in, the better chance you have at staying alive for the next twenty-four hours.” 
this time he snorted, walking closer to you before deciding to run the barrel of his gun down your jawline and then under your chin forcing you to look upwards. jimin was going to kill him. you grimaced, the man fanning his hot and potent breath over your face as he smiled. “who’s to say we won’t kill you before then?” he joked, leaning down so that your noses were only inches apart. you let a cruel grin spread across your pink lips, an eyebrow quirking in the process.
tilting your head, you looked the guard directly in the eye and whispered in a cool tone. “you won’t lay a hand on me if you know what’s good for you...”
and then you spat in his face.
the man reeled back in shock, desperately wiping his face as you smiled with satisfaction. if they were going to kidnap you and ruin what could’ve been a night of relaxation, you were going to have fun with it. his black beady eyes narrowed at you when he was done, and then, he was throwing down his gun and charging at you. “you bitch,” he hissed, heavy hand coming down against the soft skin of your cheek. it burned, leaving a red mark as the area begun to bruise. now, although you weren’t afraid, you had to admit you weren’t expecting that. the air in your lungs seemed to fly elsewhere and your head flew to the side with a slight crack. a silence swept over the room, the only sounds coming from the echo of the hit that had just been delivered to you and rough breaths that escaped from between your bruising lips. the man chuckled smugly, turning away from you for a second. “that’ll teach you.”
moving slowly, you turned to face him again and laughed. it was bitter, cool and would have sent chills down the spines of anyone who could see you. your damp hair falling fell over your face, cloaking it in darkness..
“he’s going to fucking murder you.”
the guard looked as if he was going to try and hit you again when the doors burst open, revealing a slightly shorter male, carrying a glass of water and what seemed like a pack of pills. “now now,” he murmured condescendingly to the guard before you, a twisted grin formulating on his thin lips. “i thought i asked you to play nice?”
“but she-“ the guard defended, only to earn a glare from his boss. he looked down at you with a slight grunt and you faked a sweet smile back at him as he moved back into position.
you turned your gaze to focus on the man who held the glass of water, your brows furrowing as you took in his appearance. he was on the shorter side, hazel brown eyes and lightly tanned skin. his face was oval, framed by greasy black hair but he was young...he couldn’t have been more than twenty, yet you figured he wasn’t much younger than you or jimin.
he smiled down at you, causing your body to fill to the brim with a nauseated feeling. pushing the pill that he’d been holding past your plump lips, he held  the cool glass to them and allowing you to sip from it. you gulped down the water a little too eagerly than you would have liked, trying to soothe the ache that rested in your dry throat.“that better, sweet thing?” god, you wanted to throw up. narrowing your eyes, you nodded at his words, watching as he placed the glass on a nearby storage unit. “i’m glad.”
he returned to you, running a calloused finger along the length of  your jaw before withdrawing from your bruised and tired form. “who the fuck are you?” you asked, boredom laced between each word. your mind couldn’t help but wonder how long you’d been here for, or how long this man had been watching you. it was obivous that he was after something... they always were and for some reason this exchange always involved you.
you wondered if jimin was looking for you, even after the fight. if he even knew you were missing. the thought alone sent chills down your spine, causing goosebumps to arise across the plains of your arm. ‘don’t be scared YN,’ you chanted to yourself like a prayer. ‘he’s looking for you right now.’
all you wanted in that moment was to go home and cuddle up to your boys. jimin’s men had treated you like family ever since you had started dating him, and you would give anything to be with them in this current moment. instead you were stuck here with some asshole who’s name you didn’t even know. “that’s a good question, dear YN,” the man smiled causing you to roll your eyes impatiently. He probably thought that knowing your name would intimidate you. He was wrong. “i, am sim sejun.” he ran a hand through his greasy locks, making you want to gag. “leader of the south, serpent side gang”
ahh. so he wasn’t a mafia leader. silly man.
thinking back to what you knew of mafia life, you figured that he was just a sub division of a larger group and it was then easier for you to decide that he definitely wasn’t a match for jimin’s men. your boyfriend was leader to one of the largest mafia units in south korea, dominating areas of seoul and busan alike, as well as having contacts across the globe. his unit was so infamous that they were practically impossible to track down, essentially remaining off the radar, very few low-level gangs actually knew of their existence. you take it that this guy did not.
anyone who knew jimin, knew that he treated everyone under him, like family. he had safe houses for all of his men and anyone connected to them. everyone knew that if they even laid a hand on his workers, let alone you, they were as good as dead the next day. you sighed again; slightly irked by the dramatics this man was putting on to scare you. “that’s just great! now that we’re acquainted with each other, mind telling me how long I’ve been out for?”
sejun glanced down at his watch, seemingly surprised by your sassy mouth and lack of fear.  “i’d say about forty-seven hours and thirty minutes, give or take a few,” he let his wrist drop to his side and gestured to one of his men to bring over a silver brief case. one of your boyfriend’s rules was to protect you with his life; that meant being kitted out with panic buttons and distress signals at all times but this man had been smart, removing your watch and bracelets which both contained a tracking device and a distress signal. jimin had promised you, that in the instance you weren’t able to use any of those devices, he would find you within forty-eight hours.  
not once had he failed to do so.
all you had to do was keep this man occupied for the next thirty minutes before jimin got to you. you trusted him with your life and he’d never let you down  thus far. “may i ask, mr sim,” you paused, checking to see if you’d captured his attention. his nimble fingers had paused on the keyboard of the laptop hidden away in the silver brief case and he glanced at you with suspecting eyes. “what exactly is it, that you’re hoping to get out of me?”  
sejun let, what looked like a cross between a pained expression and a grin form on his oily features as he dragged a chair to face opposite you. he sat backwards on it, nodding for one of his men to bring over the brief case from earlier. you watched with confused eyes as he tapped a few keys on it, revealing an image. “this is one of the most renowned weapons dealer in all of seoul,” sejun begun, turning the screen so that you could see. you couldn’t help the small gasp that tumbled from between your chapped lips as your tired eyes fell over the picture. it was of you and seokjin, one of jimin’s most trusted men. the picture had been taken roughly three weeks ago when the older male had taken you to his favourite café to treat you for getting a job promotion. “you know him and he as some artillery that we want.”
they had been watching you.
that meant that they had been tracking your every move for almost a month. they must’ve known where you worked and where your favourite place to eat was. where you lived. sim seemed to take pleasure in your shock, your unbothered facade faltering ever so slightly. “we’re hoping to make a little deal with seokjin’s boss, and you’re our end of the bargain,” the oblivion eyed man explained, tapping your swollen cheek slightly. you winced in response, screwing your eyes shut at the pain that spread across the sensitive area. “tonight, we’ll contact mr.kim and make some arrangements. then, I’ll think about letting you go.”
“fuck you.” you spat, mustering up all the venom you could. they didn’t even know who jin worked for and here they were using you as a bluff for some weapons. ugh. men and their toys. sejun didn’t seem to like you insulting him, so leaned over the frame of his chair to yank your sweaty locks back, forcing you to look up at him. without premeditation, the gang leader pressed a silver blade to your throat, and shot you a menacing look. come on. seriously?
“what was that?”
“d-don’t you boys know h-how to play nice?” you forced out through gritted teeth, a lump catching in the ridges of your throat. “I’m sure if you asked politely, jinnie would have been happy to help you.”
the gang leader pulled on your hair again, causing you to yelp out in pain and tears to form in your eyes. “that’s not how we do things around here ms.LN.” he yanked a third time, pressing the knife closer to your untainted flesh and you gasped, biting your lip as you tried not to cry.
“i d-don’t think seokjin’s b-boss would be very...pleased to hear you say that...” you mumbled, hating the feeling of this man’s fingers pressing against your scalp. Suddenly, he let go, letting your head drop forward was you struggled to catch your breath. Mr Sim walked away, grabbing a cloth from the top of a storage unit and wiping the blade he had once held to your neck with it.
he glanced back at you with a quirked brow. “his boss?”
you laughed deliriously, your hair falling over to cover your face as the sound bounced off every wall and surface in the blackened warehouse. Looking up, you allowed your eyes to lock with the man who had threatened to take your life and smiled, a large, genuine smile.“t-tell me mr.sim,” you began with a smooth and silky voice, putting him and his men on edge.
“what exactly do you know about park jimin?”
you laughed again when his eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. sejun began to frantically order his men about, shouting at them to up security on all exits. your head lolled to the side slightly from the blood loss as you watched everyone whizz around in a desperate attempt to stand their ground.
“not very much, i take it.”
a voice sounded from the overhead speakers. you perked up, instantly recognising its source. your gaze flickered over to where sejun was standing as he looked up at the ceiling, confused. you grinned. “jinnie? that you?” you called out, happiness evident in your voice. “can you hear me?”
“loud and clear, darling.” he voiced back causing excitement to course through your veins. they had found you and now you could get the hell out of this place.
you shook your head fondly, looking up as sejun begun to pace out of fear. “how did you get through our security systems undetected?” the gang leader yelled, growing angsty.
“for starters; your firewall is pretty shitty and we have the best hacker in all of the world. right namjoon?” there was a clapping sound over the mic, followed by a groan which made you let out a light hearted giggle. “and i’d have to die before i let you touch MY weapons.”
sejun let out another growl before forcing one of his men to tend to his firewall which was currently down. you looked around you, watching as the chaos unfolded. “it took you long enough to find me jinnie!” you teased fondly, hoping that he could hear you above this mess of a gang. “i was starting to think you boys weren’t coming.”
“have a little more faith in us darling, we still have fifteen minutes.”
you let out a giggle that was instantly silenced by the gang leader who was now charging at you. he raised a hand, like he was about to attack but froze when jin took over the speakers again. “hey man, you gotta stop that. if you’re gonna act like that towards our girl, reinforcements will be sent in.” the older male complained, so much so that you could almost hear the pout in his voice. “jungkook, taehyung; you’re up.”
it was almost as if time had slowed down when a sudden beeping sound filled your ears. quickly realising what was happening you ducked your head and brought a knee up to protect your face as wall to the right of you exploded. jin sure did love his explosives. sejun, who had realised a little too late, was thrown to the floor and you screwed your eyes shut as small bits of rubble came your way.
“nice one jin!” a voice that you identified to be taehyung’s cheered as he and the makane stepped through the gaping hole that had been made in the dry wall. the two boys quickly brushed off their black, gucci suits to remove the rubble. the oldest boy, jin, let out a cocky thank you as the youngest members entered the warehouse, knocking out anyone who came their way. “noona!”
the boxed grinned boy smiled when he noticed you, practically forcing his way through the streams of mean who came his way. jungkook followed suit, snapping the neck of someone who had held a gun to him. “that’s what you get for laying your fucking hands on my noona.” the midnight haired boy cursed.
“really kook?, did you really have to kill him?” this time it was namjoon’s voice that flowed from the speakers. he was clearly unimpressed, never being one for violence and fighting. the youngest boy pouted, looking up at the ceiling as he effortlessly punched a guy in the face with the barrel of his gun.
“he hurt my noona...” he whined. your heart warmed, wriggling with anticipation as the pair made their way over to release you, but out of nowhere, sejun jumped up, quickly hollering for more men who begun to swamp the maknaes. you knew they would be okay, with their extensive training they knew how to work under pressure but you couldn’t help but worry.
unexpectedly, you felt yourself being hoisted from the chair you had once been bound to. they were moving your location. “get her out of here!” sim roared, his voice dripping with anger. his men rushed you to what looked like a garage and you assumed they were taking you to a bigger and more protected base.
what happened next, occurred too quickly for your brain to register. within an instant, you were tumbling to the ground, the two men that were carrying you and sejun following suit. you groaned in pain, rolling onto your back as your vision became clear and aligned again. the guards appeared to be dead, but the other gangster was too far away for you to tell.
“YN, you okay?” an orange haired figure asked, helping you to stand on one leg. you looked up with a hiss, locking eyes with a soft pair of brown hues and gentle grin.
“i’ll be okay, hoseok,” you reassured, trying your best not to put any pressure on your right leg. “thank you for shooting my thigh, yoongi.”
the pale blonde male ran up beside you with a lazy smirk, tucking his gun into its holster. “sorry LN, it was the only way i could get them without killing you.” you rolled your eyes at that. hoseok and yoongi were the best snipers you’d ever seen. they worked much better over longer distances compared to tae and kook, who were more experienced with hand to hand combat. “namjoon and jin are just outside with the car, it’s not a long walk but we need to move fast, before reinforcements come.”
you nodded, limping along as quickly as you could with hoseok’s support. your mind slipped into thoughts of jimin and he was or if he was even coming at all. the three of you moved past sejun, who still seemed to be unconscious and begun to make your way to the exit. you didn’t have much time to dwell on the thought of jimin, when you noticed a small red dot right at the centre of yoongi’s back. your eyes blew wide with realisation.“yoongi! get down!” you practically screamed, grabbing his shoulder and pulling him down just as a bullet whizzed past his head. yourself, hoseok and yoongi fell to the floor, not even giving the boys time to register the shooter.
the two older boys rushed to pick you up, letting out curses as they ran to the exit. your forced yourself forward, ignoring the searing pain in your right leg, only to have your friends collapse merely metres away from the exit. “for fucks sake,” you whined, trying to keep yourself sturdy as the two boys struggled to pick themselves up off the floor. sneakily, sejun had managed to gain on the three of you and tugged you into his chest, spinning you around.
“tranquilliser darts huh? god’s gift i say,” he teased, panting as blood poured from a wound in his shoulder. the gang leader gripped your wrist tightly, causing you to whimper. “you think you can escape? eh? you don’t get to leave until i get what i want.”
sim forced your arm behind your back, before switching out his weapon and pointing his gun at your two friends. “i should kill you both right here for the stunt you pulled earlier,” he threatened, before switching the gun to your head. “or maybe i’ll shoot her first.”
hoseok let out a bitter laugh, somehow managing to lift his head. you blinked rapidly, trying to stop the tears that were threatening to spill. jimin, where are you? “i don’t think mr.park would like that very much, don’t you agree yoongs?”
“i think you’re right hobi,” the blonde chuckled in response, watching as sejun trembled with fear. whatever these boys were playing at, you’d make sure to kill them if you didn’t die first. “how long did you say he’d be?”
a breath of relief escaped your when lips when you felt your arm being released from the gang leader’s grip. you watched as your friends’ expression switched to grateful smiles as another arm snuck around your waist.this was a familiar and comforting embrace, different to the one that had you trapped before. you could feel jimin’s hot breath fan down the nape of your neck and instantly felt relieved.
  “he’s right on time.”
you looked down at the floor, to see sejun lying as a crippled mess to the right of hoseok and yoongi, his nimble fingers clutching his head from where Jimin had so mercilessly hit him. “o-oh, mr. park! how nice of you to join us.” he stumbled over his words as he tried to scoot away from the Mafia Leader.
your boyfriend is having none of that. instead, he cocked his gun.
“mr. sim i’m going to make it clear to you that i have no intentions of letting you live tonight.” the silver haired man begun, his usually honey brown eyes seeping into an intimidating shade of blackblackblack. “but before i kill you, i want to teach you a lesson. if you want to make a deal with me, all you have to do is ask...nicely.” jimin’s voice remained cool and even as he spoke, his expression stoic and icy, eliciting a sense of fear from even you.
“i had every intention of-“
the busan male let out a light ‘tsk’ a dark expression taking over his ethereal features as his arm tightened its grip on you. “i don’t think kidnapping and threatening to kill my girlfriend counts as being polite mr. sim, don’t you agree?” you shivered at every word that passed jimin’s pink plump lips, your heartbeat picking up with fear for the man before you. you hated this part. do you know what i do with men like you sejun?” your boyfriend asked, his voice dropping an octave as the man who had kidnapped you, shook his head. “usually, i take a man like you and break them down to their wits end. i take everything from them, their money, their men, their sanity. i toy with their minds, wreck them. i didn’t get to the top with sunshine and rainbows mr. sim, but you see,” jimin continued, letting go of your waist to hold your hand as he ducks down to the gangster’s level. his hand felt warm and comforting in yours, contrasting with his dark and mysterious persona as of now. “family is very important to me and i don’t tolerate anyone who lays a hand on them. with that in mind, you’ve just bought a one way ticket to your grave sir. no one touches my girlfriend and lives to tell the tale.”
“mr. park, jimin- please...have mercy!” the black haired man begged weakly, causing the mafia leader  to let out a deep hand menacing chuckle.
your boyfriend rises to a stand before taking you in his arms again. with a tilted head, he smiled down at sejun, flashing his pearly whites. do you know who i am? how i got here? to the top?” jimin asked cooly, causing you to bury your face in his chest. “i am park jimin, i show no mercy.”
a loud bang cut through the pleas of the man who had taken you and you know for sure that he’s dead. your silver haired lover leaves you for a brief second, moving to check on yoongi and hoseok who seem to have the effects of the tranquilliser wearing off. “jeongguk, how’s it looking in there?” he hollered over the coms, helping his orange haired friend into a sitting position. there’s a bit of static over the line before the maknae’s voice is filtered through.
“everything’s good on our end, reinforcements have just come in.”
“send someone in here, min and jung are down and YN is wounded, i need to get her back to namjoon.” jimin responded with a sigh, looking back at your shaken up form. there’s another pause and some more static before Jungkook replies.
“roger that hyung,” and then the coms turn silent.
almost instantaneously, jimin had returned to your side, pulling you into his chest as his hand found purchase in your hair. he ran hand up and down your back as he sensed your uneven breathing, before pulling away to look into your eyes. “i’m so sorry princess, i should’ve come for you sooner..” the silver haired male cooed, as you curl into his chest, his features are softer now, a concerned expression taking over. “but I’ve got you now, okay? you don’t have to worry about him anymore.”
“i know, i’m okay now, jimin.” you leaned into his touch, wanting nothing more than his warm embrace. his hand cupped your cheek, a thumb rubbing over it’s bruised skin so softly that anyone would have found it hard to believe that he’d just killed a man. you can tell that he’s getting worked up and mad at himself about your injuries just by the way he holds you closer to his chest but you let your own hand cover his in order to comfort him. “’m okay baby. really. i love you.”
jimin smiled lightly at your words, pressing a tentative kiss to your lips as he did so. “i love you too princess, now let’s get you out of here.”
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there’s a few types of silence when it comes to park jimin. the first, and probably most common is the one that makes the temperature of the room drop, oxygen seems to nonexistent and you can feel his eyes staring past you and right into your soul. that type of silence is what he uses when he tries to intimidate someone, is mad at his workers or is going to kill someone. the second type of silence is soothing and endearing, the type where his face is most relaxed and he looks like a peaceful angel. You often had those moments when it was just the two of you, enjoying each other’s company, without a care in the world.
the others could explained but the last one was the most unwanted and dangerous. this silence was the type jimin would give, where he was red hot pissed. anything, anyone said or did could have them ending up in a ditch or a pool of their own blood, in the next country over without notice. but of course, jimin wouldn’t dare threaten you, even he knew better than that.
however; that was the silence that you were forced to deal with on the way home. after everything was cleared up, jimin had namjoon remove the bullet from your leg and bandage it up onsite since you couldn’t go to a public hospital without raising major questions. the light cut on your neck would be dealt with when you’d all returned to headquarters. undoubtedly, you wouldn’t be returning to your studio flat anytime soon and you were almost certain that your boyfriend had sent someone to remove your belongings.
but what you couldn’t figure out, for the life of you, as seokjin and joon drove you back to jimin’s mansion, was why your boyfriend was so pissed. it’s not like you had done anything, you didn’t ask to be kidnapped, yet with the dark and fowl look on the silver haired man’s face, you wouldn’t dare question him. Instead you chose to lean your bruised head on the cool, tinted glass of the chrysler and watch the rain drops fall from the top of the window, down to the bottom as they merged with others to form one whole.
your tired gaze flickered away from the window for a brief second to watch the mafia leader, his silver locks glimmering under the fluorescent back light. his mahogany hues are focused on his phone screen, and you decide that he’s probably making arrangements for his men to track down the larger unit. “jimin,” you sighed, sitting up slightly as you peeled your hot skin away from the cool leather seats. “are you mad at me?” he grunted in response, body joling with the noise as he barley bothered to send you a glance. “would you at least look at me?”
his eyes remain trained on the sleek black device that rested in his large palm. jimin clicked the top button to lock his phone, before glancing out of the window on his side of the car. you frowned. you didn’t understand his sudden change of mood, he had been so tentative and caring when he’d found you but now he was shutting down on you. “fine, don’t say anything and just shut me out like you always do,” you growled, clearly annoyed. you could feel the tension growing within the compact car and was sure joonie and jin could feel it too. they even rolled up the partisan. “asshole-“
“how many more times do you need to be kidnapped for you to realise you’re not safe on your own?” the leader questioned, his gaze finally falling on your perked up form. his stance was stoic, as his face expressionless and his attitude only sparked annoyance within you.
“excuse me?”
he rolled his eyes, still maintaining a straight face. “your home has been compromised several times in the past three months and you still won’t move in with me,” jimin started, clicking his jaw. “you live across town and won’t even let me assign you a body guard, i can’t protect you from where i am and yet you still choose to live where you are.”
your eyes blow wider at each word that passes from the busan native’s plump pink lips and you can’t believe what he’s saying. “so that’s what this is about?” you countered, the flame of fury igniting in your chest. “i just got kidnapped, again and you’re mad at me for not wanting to live with you? seriously Jimin?”
“exactly.” jimin growled in response, his anger increasing. “this hasn’t just happened once, it’s happened twice, thrice times! if low level criminals can break into your home, imagine what other mafia units could do. is it going to take a near death experience for you to move in with me? i won’t always be there to protect you-“
“would it kill you to just shut up about that?” you cut your boyfriend off with a violent yell, slapping your hands down on the seats beside you. jimin’s dark eyes widen as shock takes residence on his usually angelic features. “it’s not up to you to decide when i do or do not need protection, i’m a grown fucking woman park jimin.”
you could tell by the way he looked at you that he was surprised at your out burst. “so what?” he continued on, as if you hadn’t spoken at all, eyes narrowing, yet he still managed to maintain an even voice. “I’m supposed to sit back and relax every time someone whisks you away from under my nose?“
you didn’t need this right now, a lecture. you were an adult and not a child that was someone else’s responsibility. “this isn’t all about you jimin! you make it out as if i want to get taken from my home.”
“i don’t know, maybe you do!” his voice is raised this time, and he never raises his voice, especially when it’s directed towards you. “i cant keep wasting time and resources every time your ass decides to go missing!”
“well maybe i wouldn’t always go missing if you weren’t the leader of a fucking mafia!” you screeched back as the car comes to a sudden halt. the vehicle is filled with heavy panting as you and jimin stare each other down, his expression seems crestfallen as he tears his gaze away from you. hurt swirling in his dark orbs. you’d hit a nerve, you knew you had and you didn’t have a right to go there. jimin had never asked to take over the mafia so young, his father being killed in one of those street wars. your boyfriend had never even had the opportunity to go to university like yourself, taehyung or kook...having become leader at just eighteen.
the beating rain on the roof of the bulletproof car and the constant click of the indication filled the awkward space between the words you were trying to string together. “uh, jimin” seokjin whispered cautiously through the divide. “we’re here” the notorious mafia leader is the first to exit, stepping out into the pouring rain without so much as a second glance. you followed soon after, desperate to apologise to him, not even caring if you got soaked to the bone. the other boys jumped out of their cars not long after you, watching as jimin burst through the mansion’s doors.
“what’s his deal?” yoongi groaned monotonously, still recovering from the tranquilliser dart. the two eldest members, chose not to respond, having heard the whole conversation and suggest that everyone goes inside before they catch a cold. for about an hour everyone remained in the common room, laughing along as taehyung and jungkook fought a lengthy battle in overwatch. usually, you would have enjoyed watching the two maknae kick each other’s asses but the image of jimin’s heartbroken face had been preoccupying your thoughts. hoseok was quick to offer you a change of clothes from the wet ones you had worn earlier but you’d decided to call it a night anyways, gently rejecting his offer. despite the boys’ protests.
you crept up the stairs to the top floor where Jimin was; nerves expanding in your chest and settling in your rib cage. chewing your bottom lip, you pushed open the door to his master bedroom, only pausing slightly in the doorway to make sure the door closed quietly. jimin’s room was your favourite rooms in the whole of the mansion. It’s white and cream interior contrasting dramatically with the blood red and obsidian black colours that usually decorated the place. each item of furniture that dotted the room was sleek and glossy, flashes of gray peaking out in certain places. a king sized bed draped in the finest silks and egyptian cotton was pressed; folded over the side.
“YN,” his voice smooth like silk, lustrous and powerful, keeping you glued to your spot at the doorway. his moon silver locks glistened under the natural light of the window as he emerged from his walk in closet, linen shirt loose around his broad shoulders. you could see the muscles of his toned stomach ripple as he moved across the room, to sit on his bed and you gulped, trying to keep your mouth from watering. the mafia leader let the corners of his lips twitch up into a smirk, a small ‘hmph’ passing from their confines. you frowned at his cockiness, rolling your shoulders as you slipped a firm scowl onto your features. you were going to beat park jimin at his own game. “’m mad at you,” were the first words to leave his plump lips and you had to refrain from letting out an exasperated gasp. your boyfriend was a literal child but you were partly in the wrong. sucking it up, you took a step into the room, feeling his cool gaze settle over your form. hating how he was amused by your nerves, you crossed your arms over your chest and held your head high, a frown falling over your lips. you weren’t going to let yourself be intimidated by him. “you said some pretty hurtful things back there, YN.”
you winced, jimin rarely ever used your real name, opting for nicknames instead. he was definitely upset. “baby...” you started, grasping your lover’s attention. he tilted his head with a look of innocence; as if you hadn’t just had a fight. as if he hadn’t killed a man. “i know what i said was uncalled for... you didn’t ask for this life but what you said back there hurt me too jimin.” the silver haired man dropped his gaze to the floor but that didn’t stop you from continuing. “i don’t ask to be kidnapped , i don’t ask to be taken from my home but you make it out to seem like i do and that’s not fair. we both owe each other an apology for that.”
a silence drifts between the pair of you as you watch Jimin purse his lips and clench and unclench his fists. you know he’s looking for the right words, he’s never been good with emotions. “you’re right, I’m sorry,” he whispered softly, after sometime. you sigh in relief at his words, feeling your shoulders drop as if they’d been carrying a large weight. “you know i never want to hurt you but some things that i said, i meant it.”
you know that he was talking about you moving in but you ignore the comment as you rush towards him and wrap your arms around him in a tight embrace. not even a second passed before Jimin had tugged you further into his exposed chest, burying his face in your hair. he may not have been good with his talking but he could express all his emotions through a simple gesture. he was definitely sorry. pulling away, jimin locked his gaze on you, leaning in ever so slowly to press his lips to yours. you couldn’t help but subconsciously let your hand trail up his shoulders and neck before finding purchase on the edge of his jaw, forcing his lips to meet yours.
he kissed you with such raw passion but it wasn’t lustful, full of love and worry. his lips mouthed over your pink ones softly, bruising them ever so lightly as his tongue explored the cavern of your mouth. the mafia leader’s nimble fingers trailed down to your waist, pushing you against his hips as he walked you further back into the bathroom door. you gasped when your back hit the rough surface, and it took all your might to rip yourself away from your boyfriend’s lip lock. as much as you loved him, you weren’t going to go any further just after a fight. “j-jimin” you heaved, through light pants, your smaller hands curling into fists within the depths of his moonlight kissed locks. the man didn’t stop, opting to mouth at your neck wetly, instead. “jimin...i am not hav-having sex with you right now.”
said male pulled away from you with a smirk, his hand leaving your hip to reach for the door handle. “i know, I just wanted to get you to the bathroom,” he whispered teasingly, pushing open the door and stepping into his en suit bathroom. your eyes blow wide, slightly flustered at the moon haired man’s antics before you step inside after him.
the room is tiled with cream marble, a smooth, white ceramic bath tub residing in the centre. everything is accented with white, it’s shining under the bright fluorescent lights. as soon as you enter, the sweet smell of vanilla fills your nostrils along with a dash of roses. you can tell instantly that it’s your favourite shower gel, since you always kept a bottle of it at jimin’s. the bath is filled to the brim with bubbles and is dusted with baby pink rose petals, you could tell that your boyfriend had been preparing the bath for a while, as if he knew you would cave and apologise first. thick, rose water scented candles flickered as jimin moved to remove the rest of his clothes, his eyes flashing up to yours when he noticed you were still standing in the doorway. “this is what we’re gonna do instead of having sex,” he teased with a cheeky smile, his eyes forming creases at the edges. “now are you gonna get in? or am i going to have to enjoy this bath all to myself?”
“what? am i really that undesirable?” you laugh back with a pout, moving to shrug off your shirt. you slip it over your head, only to reveal an almost sinful sight. your boyfriend had just lowered himself into the tub, his head hanging over the edge with a pleased look on his face as the hot water eased his tense muscles. his silvery hair was plastered to his forehead because of the humidity and his lips were ever so slightly parted.
“hurry up, little girl, or i might have to come over there and undress you myself.” jimin murmured, and although he meant it as a lighthearted joke, you could tell he was getting impatient. you made quick work of tearing off the small remainder of your clothes before tiptoeing over to the bath tub. you sunk in, facing opposite to jimin and let out a small moan as the heated water lapped at your bruised skin. the man peaked open a dark eye, smiling at you gently. “c’mere” he mumbled sweetly, making grabby hands at you causing you to shake  your head fondly as you swam over to him.
the normally ruthless (but now soft) man turned you over, so that your bare and soapy back rested against his hard chest and that the rest of your body was slotted perfectly between his legs. his soft hands wrapped around your waist as you leaned back into him, whimpering softly when he pressed a kiss to your damp shoulder. itt was a sweet moment, filled with a comforting silence and it made you grateful for small moments like this; where you weren’t worrying about jimin’s safety or your own. where you could just enjoy each other, and be close with one another. your soft hues fluttered shut, as you listened out for the sounds of jimin’s breathing, savouring the feeling of his skin against yours.
“why won’t you move in with me?” he asked gently, his voice barely above a whisper. you could tell he was feeling vulnerable, from the tone of his voice and the way he forced his head into the junction between your neck and shoulder. he pressed a small kiss there and you sighed contentedly, not even opening an eye.
the male whined slightly causing you to exhale through your nose, deeply. “jimin...” you tried to fend him off, not wanting to talk about the topic at hand and instead wanting to enjoy his presence. yet, you knew he wouldn’t let the subject drop. it needed to be discussed, but why were you so afraid to do so?
“please YN,” he begged lightly. “just tell me so I can protect you better this time..”
chewing your bottom lip with nerves, you screwed your eyes shut and clamped your hand over Jimin’s . “it’s because of him...” you explained quietly, hating the way your boyfriend’s body tensed at mentions of your ex. before you’d met jimin, you had been in a serious long term relationship with your childhood friend. you had moved in together during your final years of college and had started thinking about creating a future together. that image was soon shattered when you’d come home to find him with another woman. your ex had literally kicked you to the curb, leaving you without a place to stay. this was when you had met jimin, he offered you a place to stay as a friend and feelings caused your friendship to develop into something more.
your ex was the reason you were afraid to move in with Jimin, you were afraid of becoming to dependant on someone else again.
“i just don’t want to have to rely on someone again,” you whimpered, not realising that your voice had become hoarse from your light crying. you felt jimin pull you closer, as if he was trying to protect you from something and you found yourself easing into his touch.
he let out a heavy exhale. “ i know what he did to you, hurt you baby.” jimin started softly, whispering sweetly into your ear. “you know i would never treat you like that but you have to know, that’s it’s okay to be the slightest bit reliant on someone, at times. sometimes it’s good to have a person to fall back on. I’m that person for you.”
“i-“ you tried, but the words seemed to catch in your throat. Instead of speaking, you chose to let your gaze drop to your pruning fingers in the scented water.
“YN do you love me?” kimin asked quietly, taking your hand in his own.
“more than anything,” came your reply, which was almost instantaneous. jimin grinned against your back, squeezing your hand lightly before his next question.
  “do you trust me?”
“with my life.”
there was a pause, and a moment where your lover pulled away from your exposed skin, leaving you slightly cold despite being half submerged in hot water. “then move in with me?” he pushed the statement out into the open, humid air and you froze. you knew it was more of a question, a suggestion if you will but to you, it felt like a statement. that’s what you wanted it to be. what reason did you have, to not move in with jimin? you trusted him with every ounce of your being and loved him in the same manner. your boyfriend with the sliver of the moon weaved into his fluffy locks always made your happiness and safety his priority, he loved you, he protected you. so what was holding you back?
“wait what?”
you turned to face Jimin in the water, your slightly pruned fingers sliding up to cup his damp and lightly sweating face. you let your eyes fall over his with a hooded gaze, allowing yourself to take note of his unfairly pretty molten chocolate eyes and how their colour shifted under the room’s lighting. you could feel his warm breath fanning over the bow of his lips as you positioned yourself in his lap, his palm securing you by your waist. “yes...” you exclaimed with a whisper. “i’ll move in with you.”
and not a second later did jimin capture your lips, in an ecstatic and searing kiss.
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despite trying to hold out on jimin, you had spent the remaining hours of the night worshiping and loving one another’s bodies. now, you found yourself tangled in silk sheets and buried within one of jimin’s larger cotton shirts, his familiar scent helping you drift into a peaceful slumber.
the busan native, quietly closed the bathroom door behind him; having just come out of the shower. he watched you with fond eyes as your chest rose up and down, mimicking the patterns of sleep. no matter how hard he tried, there were never enough words to describe how much he loved you, how much he yearned to protect you from the dangers that lay outside of his- now your shared- home.
sitting on the edge of the bed, jimin let his hand trail over the outline of your supple cheek, and he smiled when you mumbled something in your sleep before rolling over. running a hand through his dampened locks, the mafia leader chuckled lightly before taking his watch from the pocket of his sweatpants and opening his bedside draw to tuck it away.
a dark blue, velvet box in the corner caught his eye and a tentative hand reached towards it to remove it from the draw. opening the box, jimin beamed to himself when its contents were revealed, a diamond sat glistening in all its glory under the light of the stars from its position on a ring. an engagement ring.
to jimin, you were his everything. you kept him going when times had been rough, gave him a reason to wake up every morning when the responsibility of mafia leader had become to much. he would give everything he owned to see you smile because you were his home. his safe place. his sanctuary.
and he wanted to be your sanctuary for as long as you’d let him.
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stylinbreeze60 · 6 years
My “WIPs”
Thanks @sugaandyams. I don't get tagged too often, so thank you!
“The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.”
Oh my goodness. I had stuffed saved in all different places. I’ll start with the folders that contained fics that are incomplete. Welp, here I go!
Great Galactic War - this folder is the dump for my Haikyuu space/war AU, one of three or four fics I may focus on writing in the near future (first chapter is already published); the folder has very little atm, but I have about two dozen different scenes on my phone that aren't saved on PC
Kenma Project - the dump for my actively ongoing Haikyuu next gen captain war AU. I have a file in here further titled Ennoshita chapter. I wonder what that’s about? ;)
Three Kings - the dump for my Haikyuu samurai AU starring Hinata and Noya, the second possible fic I may commit to writing (first 2 chapters already published); there’s a chapter outline (which is dated because I’ve updated it in my head so much), and there are notes and many chapter tidbits on my phone too
Vice - the dump for a canonverse Haikyuu fic that was borne from a desire to write more Nekoma, so I subjected them to debilitating angst. There’s a rough chapter outline in here, and there are a couple of chapter drafts saved as emails on my phone. It’s the third fic that I might commit my time to (first 2 chapters, starring poor Inuoka, already published)
March of Justice - this folder was the dump for my aborted One Piece/My Hero Academia crossover, in which a couple of One Piece villains travel to the BnHA universe to conquer it
And here’s the rest I found. Some of these are just notes on fanciful ideas I had for a day and then never revisited. Others were never intended to see the light of day whatsoever
Abe dake ga Inai Machi - Oofuri-Erased - oh goodness. I had to stare at that title for a while to figure out what was wrong with it. An Oofuri/Big Windup fanfic that I didn’t play with for very long, but I was surprised to find I actually wrote the first chapter. Like Boku Dake ga Inai Machi (Erased), there’s a murder and then Abe finds himself transported back to the start of the Oofuri series, 10 months earlier. I reread some of this first chapter, and by my standards, it’s awful
Ace of Diamond - scandal fanfic - one of the ones never intended to see the light of day. It’s just notes. Basically Seidou pulls off its own Black Sox scandal and gets nailed, with some drama over whether Eijun is actually guilty
Ace of Iron / Ace of Swords - a Diamond no Ace samurai AU, mostly notes but also including drafts of a first chapter. It grew so huge there was no chance I could ever write it as a fanfic, so I actually converted it into an original story idea that I may do something with some day
Big Windup - cheating ploy disaster - this one is just notes and also never intended to see the light of day. An Oofuri idea in which Nishiura’s defeated rivals suspect them of cheating and kidnap the club boys to force them to confess. It goes even more downhill. (I’m very glad that, since discovering Haikyuu, I now conceive fanfics I actually want to write.)
Day of the Countercoup - I had to dig to find this one cos I knew it existed, but it wasn't a file. It was a tab in an Excel doc I used for my Haikyuu political AU, Coup d’Etat. It’s notes for an aborted sequel (Coup d’Etat’s original title was “Night of the Coup,” hence this contrasting title) that I scrapped soon after starting work on it. So glad too! Coup d’Etat got its due, and that AUverse shall be left to itself now
Haikyu - Gospel of Shouyou - oh goodness. I’m not gonna explain this one. Me experimenting, not intended to see the light of day
Haikyu - Nightmare from Heaven - this one may be the fourth candidate for continuation as a long-term fic but is currently unpublished. A war/occupation fic in which Miyagi Prefecture is conquered during a contemporary World War III, and the Karasuno boys must now live under foreign military occupation. The first chapter and part of the second were written, and I've got several notes on my phone and PC about subsequent chapters. Thank goodness tensions in that part of the world have simmered down since I devised it
Life Hereafter - Chapter 6.5 alternate ending - oh no. Life Hereafter is my darkest and most sensitive fic, published only on FFN, written to process a RL tragedy I was distantly affected by. I struggled with the ending of Chapter 6, which covered Tsukki and Yamaguchi’s coping with the canonverse tragedy. One draft (called “6.5″ in case I ever wanted to publish it, but I likely never will) featured Tsukki, seeking solace and desperately wanting to console Yamaguchi, giving in to poor judgment and kissing him. Only to then learn Yamaguchi doesn't have the same feelings back. Topping off their hurt with this was far too cruel and painful, and even before I started typing it, I knew I wouldn’t actually publish it. Rereading the draft even now made me feel uncomfortable which is why I kept it because it’s perhaps the best friendship-ruining moment I’ve ever written
Oofuri fanfic - Sakura Conspiracy - I thought I wrote a chapter 1 draft too, but this is an outline for a WWII Oofuri AU in which Nishiura, after winning Koshien in the late 20s or early 30s, moves on to military and political careers, one of their former teammates dies under suspicious circumstances, and Mihashi fears one of his old teammates may be responsible. The story stretches from 1937 to 1945
I'm actually surprised I found no notes on my Haikyuu mafia AU idea. I guess I never actually transcribed any, even though the plot is substantially complete in my head!
These four are all notes for gigantic crossovers:
Periods of World fanfic - This was an experiment, in which each century from 2000 BC to 2000 AD was listed out, a different part of the world selected for each century, and then a different anime or manga assigned to each part of the world. The idea was to write a chapter set in that century in that area starring those characters. The last chapter, for the new millennium, would have covered all parts of the world. The file is dated 2013. It never became more than this list
Periods of World fanfic 2 - and so it seems I tried again! This file is dated 2014 and shows just a teeny bit more dedication, with the 20th century further subdivided into decades, then every year from 2000-2009, and then every six months for 2010-2014. There are some different anime choices than the 2013 version. Never went anywhere with it, never gonna
Reborn epic crossover anime tribute layout - yes, that’s the literal filename. This is from my days as a Katekyo Hitman Reborn fan, and I don't even recognize most of the character names anymore. Apparently the villains of Reborn travel to seven other anime universes to kidnap major characters to sacrifice them as part of some weird magic scheme that I can’t properly decipher now
Random multi-anime WWII fanfic plan - yes, that’s also the literal filename. This is an outline for a 50-chapter crossover set before and during World War II, where the main characters of Naruto are Russian, One Piece are British, Bleach are French, Katekyo Hitman Reborn are German, Blue Exorcist are Italian, Fairy Tail are Japanese, and Ed and Al from FMA are American. The plot is emotionally devastating, doesn’t pull the punches on all sorts of WWII-related triggers, and frequently and cruelly denies catharsis.
To be perfectly honest though, rereading it, I swear this is the best story I have ever invented! It has a heartrending blend of tragedy, poignant poetic justice, subplot causality, and social commentary and contains few of the traps I sometimes fall into like cheap shock and subplots going nowhere. I really wish I could do something with this narrative now
And I’ll count the hefty handful of TV scripts I’ve written in an effort to practice and hone my scriptwriting skills. All but the last one of these are hypothetical new seasons of real anime:
Blue Exorcist s2 - 1 episode. My attempt to write the Impure King arc, years before they actually produced the Impure King arc. This was not my best work
Noragami: God’s Secret - 2 episodes for a manga-based Season 3. These were pretty decent imo
Oofuri/Big Windup: The Coming of Fall - 17 episodes. I got really into this one. A speculative season 3 assuming three cours (imo we probably won’t be blessed with that many episodes if season 3 comes), covering everything up until the end of the fall tournament. The first 13 episodes covered the story up to chapter 84 minus the Kasukabe match, followed by an OVA (ep 13.5), and then I was working on the Kasukabe match told in hindsight before planning to continue with the big game of the fall prelims. The third cour would have covered the fall tournament itself
Mekakucity Actors XX - 4 episodes. My own idea for a season 2/alternate ending. Because I was very conflicted with how the anime ended
School Babysitters - this was an original episode idea for Gakuen Babysitters that I enjoyed writing very much but turned out too long (40 pages) and features the babies turning into insects. I wouldn't mind publishing it somewhere actually!
I am going to tag @wire-pudding and @kemoiunder! Anyone else who reads this and wants to explore the abyss that is non-started WIPs, be my guest too!
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cefstickles · 7 years
Excitement Extraction
Finally! This is a fic based on the prompt:  “Umm for a prompt, how about a 4 against 1 on Thomas? Like, maybe he was getting frustrated with something and he snaps at them, so they cheer him up and get revenge?” - HappyAnon.
This took me a couple days to write. Marching Band has been really hefty. I might take a three day hiatus from writing fics because I’m tired out. But I’ll be back hopefully by saturday.
Without further ado please enjoy:
Excitement Extraction
(Ships): None
Words ~ 1,974 ~
It had been three days since Thomas had last called upon his sides for help. The human sat in the kitchen on his phone, elbow to the table and hand on his cheek. Melancholy would be the best word to describe Thomas at the moment. Not really happy, not really sad, just extremely lethargic and unproductive.
Logan had noticed this much before any of the other sides. His thought process became jumbled after the first day, unabling him to do much work. He tolerated longer than he would have because he concluded that Thomas just needed some space, but after two more days of this he had had enough.
“Thomas.” Logan popped up with his arms folded, obviously in a very irritated mood. “Please. Engage your brain,” He motioned to himself as he said this. “So I can be rid of this so called...funk.” He picked out a vocab card for the last word to make sure he used it right.
“Yeah sure whatever.” Thomas whisked the logical trait off by mentally pushing him back down into the mind space.
“Hey! Wai-” But he was already gone, out of earshot for the human to hear anymore of his pleas. Thomas knew Logan had went and complained to the others, because not a moment later Roman appeared in the same place.
“Excuse you! I am about as irritated as Logan right now and I-”
“Yeah yeah sure. That’s great Princey.” With that the human, pushed the aspect in the same manner as Logan, clearly being ignorant of anything the fanciful aspect had to say.
Next to show up was Patton. “Heya kiddo. You’ve been distant lately? Are you...avoiding us?” Patton looked at his feet then back up at his human. Thomas groaned in response.
“No Patton, I just don’t want to be bothered right now. Nothing against you or any of the others. Please just go away.”
“But kiddo-” Morality tried to reach out only to have Thomas shoot him down.
“Don’t kiddo me and just sink down or Ill push you down like the others.” Thomas didn't look up from his phone at all, so he did not see the heartbroken, pouty face the dad trait gave as he sank down slowly.
For five more minutes it was quiet. Thomas sighed in relief as he thought the others had learned their lessons. He did not see the black figure slowly rising from behind him.
“THOMAS!!” A voice yelled in his ear causing the human to jump and fall out of his chair.
“AAAAAHHHH!!” He whipped his head toward the source of the voice, in enough time to see Virgil hopping on top of the table and swiping Thomas’s discarded phone.
“Thats enough of that.” Virgil huffed as he sat criss-cross applesauce on top of the table and peered down at Thomas from his perch. “Start talking.” He looked at his human sternly and shoved the phone in his pocket.
Thomas shook his head as he rose to his feet and sat back down. “Please Virgil...I just...I don’t want to talk to anyone, let alone myself.”
“I know. I’ve noticed. How do you think I feel when you keep pulling me into your videos? We are talking whether you like it or not. You owe me that much.”
Thomas sighed as he got up off the floor and sat back in the chair he was previously in.
“Look...I enjoy talking to you guys...but I need my peace and quiet too.”
“You got your peace and quiet! For three whole days we left you alone! Do you know how worried Patton has been? Or how restless Roman was? Even Logan couldn’t keep himself together! You’ve just been sitting around doing nothing! I can’t even do my job! What's the deal dude?! Do you hate us or something?!” Virgil accused feeling betrayed.
“No! No...its just-” Thomas quieted as he felt a set of hands carefully place themselves on his back lovingly. Virgil turned his attention to look at the cardigan-clad figure behind Thomas.
“I know what the problem is.”
“You do?”
“You do?”
Just like that, the other two Sander’s Sides popped out from the floor, pulled a chair over, and sat at the table as well. Both Logan and Roman were eager to hear Patton’s take on the situation so that this predicament could be solved.
“He just went to New York, met a ton of really awesome people, and do a lot of really cool stuff! But now that it’s over, he’s-”
“-having withdrawals.” Logan finished looking at Thomas as an epiphany struck him. “You are having withdrawals from the excitement that you were given over the weekend. Thus it is making you extremely lethargic.” Eyes widening, he extended a hand motioning to Thomas, before bringing it back to rest under his chin.
“Aww...I wanted to explain.” Patton pouted earning a snrk from Virgil.
“So...what your saying Logan is that I’m unmotivated...because…”
“Because the rush of adrenaline that you last felt three days ago is over, thus your body refuses to do anything until it feels the same rush of adrenaline once more.”
“But that isnt going to happen on its own...is it?” Virgil added.The human lowered his head in shame, shaking no in response to Virgil.
“Then it is our job to raise his adrenaline level once more!” Roman pounded his fist on the table. “But ways to do this…” Roman thought as the others including Thomas leaned in to hear his ideas. “We can cook a meal together, or go see an action movie in theatres.”
“Pillow fight!” Patton interjected earning a chuckle from everyone but Roman, who just glared at his fellow side. Thomas lifted his head, mood slightly lifted with a smile on his face.
“Well whatever it is before we begin I want a proper apology from you, Thomas!” Roman shaked a finger at the human sternly.
“Yes I must agree with Roman on this. That was extremely uncalled for.” Logan frowned.
Thomas re-hung his head. “I know I should apologize, but I don't...really...feel like doing that right now...either…?” his voice trailed off and became smaller when he began to notice the looks on his sides’ faces became more irate with each word that he spoke. Even Patton looked like he was about to give the human a stern talking to. Which, he did after a minute of awkward silence had passed.
“Are those your final words Thomas?” The other three sides stared at him in surprise. The fact that Patton had actually said his name instead of the nickname he commonly used unnerved them all. Virgil, wanting to get away from the angry Patton, slowly crawled off the table and backed away a couple steps, wanting to observe from afar.
“What...Patton…?” Thomas meekly asked for clarification on Patton’s words.
“I said…” Patton stomped up to Thomas and looked at him straight in the eyes. “...are those your final words?”
“...yes…?” Thomas gulped feeling extremely intimidated, but was soon replaced with bewilderment as a small, mischievous grin appeared on the parental trait’s face.
“Well then I guess we'll just have to find some way to get that apology out of you.” Patton stepped behind Thomas and motioned something to the other aspects that the human could not see.
Judging by the smile that spread on Roman’s face and the grins of both Virgil and Logan, he could tell they were up to something.
“Thomas. I believe we have found a way to both restore your adrenaline and bring forth an apology.” Logan arose from his chair and began to walk towards Patton.
Once Roman also decided to advance, Thomas finally felt the adrenaline pulsing through his body, compelling him to apologize and stop their plans. “Hehey guys! I feel the excitement again! You don’t have to do this...I can apologize now!! I’m sorry!! I didn’t mean it!! I was just....cranky...you know…” His words seemed to have no effect on any of them and he realized this as he felt his arms being trapped above him.
“Do you really think we are going to listen to you after all those mean words Thomas?” Not a second later, Roman trapped both of his legs underneath his arms.
Thomas began to giggle with anticipation. “Noho tickles!!”
“Yes tickles!” Patton teased as he used his free hand to scuttle along Thomas’s side, while Logan got in position to tickle his kneecaps.
Thomas’s giggles turned into laughter like lightning. “Hahahahaha!!! Nyuhuhuhuhu!!”
“Hey Virgil! Wanna help?” Anxiety looked upon the restrained, laughing human and shrugged.
“Sure. Not like I got anything better to do.” He casually walked over and positioned himself next to Thomas’s stomach.
“GUHUHUHHUYSSSS!!! I’m SOHOHOHOHORRRYYY!!!” As Logan scratched his fingers behind Thomas’s kneecaps and Roman began to work off his socks and shoes, all aspects were hellbent on getting their revenge. Virgil casually rested a hand on Thomas’s stomach and began to squeeze the loose bits raising Thomas’s laughter even more.
“Hahaha! I forgot how ticklish Thomas is!” Roman scuttled his fingers up and down the trapped humans sole.
“Heeheehee! He is! But that also means we are too!!” Patton moved his hand from his side up into his armpit swirling slowly and teasing as he went. “Tickle tickle Thomas! Maybe this’ll teach you not to mess with yourself!”
“Patton that sounded wrong.” Virgil commented, now lifting up Thomas’s shirt and spider tickling his soft skin.
“THEHEHEHEH TAHAHAHAHLKING MAHAHAHHAKING IHIHHIHHIT WOHOHOHOHOHRSEEEE!!!” Thomas was howling with laughter as tears of joy splashed down his face.
“Oh it is? Well then...perhaps some more exposition will speed up this process.” Logan gave a silly grin while he squeezed the human’s inner thighs.
“Pffffahahahaha! Good one Logan.” Roman was now slowly stroking his fingers in between and under Thomas’s ticklish toes.
“GUHUHUHUHUYSSSSS!!! I CAHAHAHAHAHAHAN’TTT TAHAHAHAKE IT AHAHAHNYMOHOHOHOREEE!!” Thomas had been trying to flail and escape, but in this situation he was his own captor.
“Yeah...he needs a break. I’m his fight or flight reaction so...you’d kinda think I would know when to stop.” And stop is what he did, but not before dishing out a sharp poke to Thomas’s belly button and putting his shirt down.
“Oh alright.” Roman stopped tickling but held his feet in place. Logan lifted his hands off of Thomas’s thigh and took a step back.
“Awww…” Patton pouted, clearly not wanting to be done yet. “Oh fine. But not before I do this!” Ever so slightly did the parental trait wiggle his fingers against the sides of Thomas’s neck, eliciting several squeals from the human. Everyone chuckled at the human’s reaction.
“Alright Patton. That’s enough.” Roman nodded back to Morality at which he reluctantly ceased his attack. They all carefully released the giggling human and stepped back as Thomas began to stand up.
“Hehe...what wahahahas this...youhoohoho are all...ahahs ticklish as mehe?” He looked up at them, bright red in the face and panting, with danger shining in his eyes.
“SCATTER!” Roman yelled as all the sides ran different places around the apartment.
Thomas just laughed. “Guys I’m johoking! You’d just all gang up on me ag-”
“Patton wha-asdfhjkkl” The rest of Thomas’s words were smothered by a pillow to the face thrown by the moral aspect. The pillow dropped to the floor in enough time to see Patton pelting the other sides with pillows. He shrugged, laughed, and joined in the fun. After five minutes of all the silliness, the five clones sat down together on the floor, all giggling their hearts out.
“Looks like Patton got his pillow fight.” Virgil commented. They all nodded in agreement.
“How about you Thomas? Do you feel better?” Roman asked.
“Yes. I do. I’m really sorry. I won’t ever say anything like that again. To any of you. I love you all so much!”
“We love you too Thomas! We love you too.”
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worldsentwined · 7 years
Comics, trust, and stories that I didn’t expect to break my heart
In which I am still not over the 9-page update and keep discovering new ways that it has messed me up.
(Warning: May contain SSSS spoilers, so if you haven’t caught up, don’t read under the cut!)
So as anyone who’s talked to me about the current state of Stand Still Stay Silent knows, I’m still trying to process what Those Pages mean for the comic going forward. (Mostly by entertaining lots of crack theories and writing “nothing bad happens to anyone” AU fic). But I’m still pretty shaken, not just by the actual events but by the tonal shift they represent. 
I’ve written before about how the events of those pages change the comic from what I always thought it was - a post-apocalyptic story with some dark/horror moments, but carried along by a spirit of friendship and adventure - to something I can’t really describe. I suspect it will be a long time before I can see the shape of the overall story again. (Especially because it’s very slow-moving - as far as I can tell, in the past month we’ve covered approximately one day in the story.)
Anyway, this transition has also made me excessively sensitive to the possibility of unexpected tragedy in other works of fiction. I’ve been reading a lot of fanfiction (even before the Events) and I realize I’ve come to really rely on those helpful Archive Warnings on AO3. Especially the “major character death” one. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I have a lifelong dislike for stories with sad endings, especially when a favorite character dies. It’s turned me off series before (I read through a bunch of the Fables comic a few years ago, but then my favorite character was killed off and I just...stopped) and I’ve gotten to the end of many books and thought “well I really liked that until the end, and now I don’t.” (This isn’t to say that character death can’t be done well, but I feel like it happens more than it needs to - it’s not, for me, a satisfying story element.) And I doubt traditionally published fiction will ever adopt an archive warnings method in any kind of formal way, though sometimes I wish that was a thing.
But at least with a novel, I can go through the reading experience in a matter of days and then move on to the next story if I don’t like how it ends. (Ongoing series are a bit more of a risk, but the actual reading process is broken up into smaller chunks). With webcomics, updates come a page or two at a time, and mostly at a rate of 1-4 pages a week. It’s a slower way of reading, and I like it for a lot of reasons - it gives the story space to take root in my mind, and allows for lots of time outside the story to think about possibilities. The waiting is less excruciating than the whole “oh crap, I just read this book and the next won’t be out for over a year” thing, even when the writers/artists take chapter breaks or go on hiatus. I imagine this is a bit how people who watch daily soap operas or even keep up with television shows as they come out experience their media. 
In any case, the downside of webcomics is - well, as I’ve now seen with SSSS, the frequent exposure makes it easier to get attached. It’s an investment of time for the reader, especially if one starts reading the story near the beginning. Plenty of comics I’ve come across late, which means binge-reading the archive and getting a hefty dose of plot before waiting for updates - not so different from reading a novel. But I found out about SSSS before it even started (I got into reading A Redtail’s Dream a few months before it ended, so I knew there was a new comic coming.) I had to get little bits of it at a time, and each new development revealed more of the story. I remember the shock when we discovered that the main comic was set 90 years after the prologue - there had been lots of speculation, but I think most of us expected a shorter gap - and the screaming excitement when we finally had a name for Braidy. As the story has gone on, there have been plenty of dark moments, but it’s always come back around to feeling more hopeful...until now.
The thing is (and now we get to the whole reason I’m writing this post) it took over seven hundred pages and nearly four years for SSSS to get to this point. If someone binge-read the archive a year ago, they’d have had years of content that all pointed in a hopeful direction, no matter how bad things got. They’d have missed the agony of the weekend cliffhanger when Reynir got scratched (and we didn’t yet have the reassurance that it didn’t break the skin) which, until the Tuuri arc we’ve just experienced, was the most scared I’ve ever been for a character in this story. And I’m not trying to be like, some kind of SSSS hipster (”I was reading before everything was on fire!”). What I’m saying is, if such a drastic tone shift could happen with SSSS, a story with years of history and story development...what’s to stop it from happening in any other comic?
This isn’t coming completely out of the blue, although I realize I’ve been rambling on without explaining my motivation for writing. See, last night I stumbled upon a comic called No End, and I binge-read the entire archive. It has over 500 pages, plus extras in between chapters, and is on its eighth chapter now. It’s a post-apocalyptic setting, socially much grittier than SSSS (in that it’s not safe to trust anyone, especially the military, and that’s before you start worrying about the zombies). It’s more of a standard zombie apocalypse story, but very character-driven and with a generous dose of romance (I already ship some things SO HARD, and some of them are actually canon. Also, everyone is some shade of gay/bi/pan/ace which is delightful). Sure, it has its dark moments, there’s a fair amount of body horror and gore and omnipresent danger. But, like, that doesn’t seem to be the most important part of the story, it’s more about character relationships and adventure.
Wait. Hang on a second.
Sure, it has its dark moments, there’s a fair amount of body horror and gore and omnipresent danger. But, like, that doesn’t seem to be the most important part of the story, it’s more about character relationships and adventure.
Does this sound familiar? It should, because up until recently I would have said the same thing about SSSS. And now, despite the fact that I just read something I really like, that I think some of my friends would like based on the fact that they like SSSS, I’m scared. I’m scared to get attached to these characters, (even though it’s too late for me, I’m already attached) because there are already elements set up that could lead to future tragedy, if the authors decide to take it that way. I’m scared to invest myself emotionally in yet another story that could take its setting in the logical direction and kill my faves. And I’m scared to recommend this story to other people, because what if it goes that way? 
TL;DR, SSSS has given me major trust issues, and I don’t quite know what to do about it. But if anyone else reads No End and wants to talk to me about it (or suffer with me in my anxiety) let me know, I guess?
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vmins · 7 years
what's your opinions on shipping?
hoo boy… this will be a controversial one but might as well do my impending rant here and now since you’ve asked lmao [note: strong opinions and possible controversy under the cut so if you wanna keep viewing me as a pretty, quiet aesthetic blog, then avoid this post i guess!!]
well then, let’s talk about my views on shipping, since it’s something that is so heavily debated about amongst fandoms as of late and to be honest, i’m fine with being a controversial bitch and losing followers, all that is completely irrelevant to me: i’m not here to appease other people, i’m here to support a group i love so eep.
[buzzfeed unsolved voice] that being said, let’s move on to… my opinion. i think when it comes to shipping, there is a line that’s easily crossed which isn’t okay and i’m going to list of behaviour that in regards to shipping real people, isn’t unacceptable.
1) relating everything back to a ship. if you’re watching an idol solely to find something they do with a fellow member to fawn over opposed to appreciating them as a human being then you’re not even viewing said person as a human being at all and instead as a tool to fuel your own personal fantasies.
2) commenting on ships to an idols face, like you don’t bring things like that up to people, what the fuck? they are real human beings with real feelings and they deserve to be treated as such. remember back when you were a kid and people would ask you about a crush or if you liked someone in front of that person, how uncomfortable that made you regardless of whether it was fact or fiction? that’s likely how you’re making them feel.
3) segregating other members because they’re interfering with your ‘otp’. do i even need to elaborate on that one? it’s fucking disgusting and unacceptable, period.
4) viewing them as sexual objects opposed to living beings. they’re not fucking dildos, they have feelings and a heart beat, just like you.
now, reading that you’re probably thinking !!!! exactly, so how is it possible to counteract that and say that it’s acceptable in any form? so here’s, in my opinion, what is okay.
1) fawning over the interactions of a paring, but casually; appreciating the dynamic for what it is and not what you want it to be.
2) finding a source of comfort in a ship. to be honest, a lot of problematic shippers i’ve seen come from cisgendered heterosexual females that use the notion of two men being in love to get off, but there’s another side to that sometimes too. sometimes there is a teenager in the closet who feels extremely lost and confused, that so happens to stumble across a pairing, look into it thus reading further into sexualities and learning to accept themselves in the process.
3) now this is the probably the one that’ll cause controversy, but it is what it is - fanfiction. let me start out by saying, if you’re reading or writing fics with the notion that it’s reality then honestly leave lmao. anyway, reverting back to my last statement about finding a source of acceptance and comfort, sometimes fics help LGBTQ+ people with that. it might’ve not been the situation for you, but talking from experience, my family was (and now is except from my mum, who also used to be) extremely biphobic when i was growing up and as someone that tried to come out to her mum at sixteen years old, only to be told bisexual people were disgusting and needed to ‘pick a side’, i’m not sure how well i would’ve coped without reading fics. they lead me into reading about sexuality more, finding resources online and coming to an understanding that loving someone of the same sex is very much okay and because of the education i’ve given myself through that, it’s also lead to me being able to educate and open up my mums mind a lot more – enough so that i came out to her last week and she accepted me which given that five years ago, the reaction was to be shot down before i’d even started, says a lot.
to say it’s over sexualising an idol might be true in the cases of some people, but that was never the case for me; it was comfort, it was self expression, it was a source of education that my family and school failed to provide me with and i for one am very much able to separate fact from fiction - when i read something, i don’t associate with the ‘real’ person but rather a character derived from that persons characteristics.
by all means, scold people for fetishising behaviour, but don’t target people for finding a moment (provided by fan service for gods sake!!) to be cute, or for finding comfort in reading or writing things online, so long as it’s handled respectfully. shipping is always going to be a thing; it’s not something any celebrity or idol is unaware of and oftentimes, it’s encouraged as it brings exposure (sad truth) by starting literal online hate campaigns over it…. honestly, all you’re doing is wasting your breath. it’s a thing that’s been going on since even before the internet was a thing and while a hefty majority of aspects of shipping are immoral and wrong, there’s not much that you can do about it 🤷🏽‍♀️
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