#writing the alt text was fun
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sea-webs · 1 month
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"I don't know who I want to be, anymore."
Oc - Cirque | The Dragon Chosen by the Shadows |
| mary oliver / franz wright / chelsea dingman / mary oliver / sue zhao / can't find :( / can't find :( / i am a dog. i have blood all over my teeth. - sciencedfiction / little weirds - jenny slate / the unabridged journals of sylvia |
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yuno-karei · 6 months
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Misfits water gun fight! Who will emerge victorious? Only one way to find out
I did this piece for one of the @mairumadevizine prints! It was also done long before the beach chapters in the manga and I really just... balled with their designs
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rainbowlack · 1 year
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couch-house · 1 month
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Merger AU comic... begin!! I think I've got my comic skills to a point where I want to try doing an STC-style multi-part story. I've got it all scripted, now I just have to do it. It's a lot of work! So erm 👉👈 I'd really appreciate if you'd ♥ 💬 or 🔁 to let me know what you think :)
Confused? Don't go here? Read my fanfiction as a prologue! Or don't! This picks up right after the end of Fleetway's Sonic The Comic, so you aren't really missing much. tl;dr for basic stc lore below:
In the UK Sonic comic, Sonic transforms into Super after exposure to large amounts of chaos energy or in times of great stress. Super is a violent, chaotic monster that destroys everything and everyone he sees until he loses power and reverts back to Sonic. Halfway through the comic, Super and Sonic are physically separated. Super then loses his powers and--briefly--his memories, becoming a nice little guy who wanders Metropolis Zone getting adopted by sweet old ladies. This includes Ebony the Mystic Mog (a witch/sorceres) and Pyjamas the Psychic. They take him in as family and give him a job at Ebony's coffee bar The Groovy Train. As Super's chaos energy fades, he starts dying. Ebony takes him to find the Chaos Emeralds to heal him, but runs into the Sonic Adventure 1 plot. Super absorb's Chaos' energy and becomes evil again, until Ebony seals him away in Sonic's body.
Hopefully some of that was apparent already! The only changes I've made to canon before this point is letting Super choose a new name as Fleet :)
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cappydoodle · 2 years
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rereading my own fic and yeah I'm a comedic genius I think
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itsdefinitely · 10 months
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he's so insane <3
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kurapikunt · 4 months
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You wake up in the dark and hear the screaming of the lambs.
(aka i read somewhere that Theta was inspired by Clarice Starling... and haven't been able to think about anything else since)
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myreitha · 6 months
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So my friend @charminglyantiquated shared a story-game with me that she's working on for @elsewhereuniversity and I became kiiinnnddadaa obsessed so for Christmas I had to make a little surprise for her about for the next letter I sent her.
Without giving spoilers, the narrative features an origami swan with writing on the back, and a special ring and I was like "I CAN DO SOMETHING WITH THAT".
So I did. Pls enjoy my beautiful origami that's hiding SECRETS.
[Image Description 1: A photo of an origami swan. The swan is made of fancy paper with gold detailing, but hiding in the underside of the wing can be seen some handwriting Image Description 2: On the backside of the unfolded swan is a number of quickly scratched notes in different handwritings and annotations in black ink as well as a drawing of a simple ring. There's also faded writing in blue ink that can't be read. One note points to the faded ink and reads "Looks like there might be something up here?" Pointing at the ring is a back and forth between different handwritings "Why a ring?", "Who's is it?", "no idea", "do we need to know?". The last writting at the bottom of the paper is in all caps and reads "These secrets are by season sealed, Only by winter's bite revealed." and had written comments point it it reading "riddle from Canyon, no idea where they got it" and "this is important??" End Description.]
Riddle solution and revealed text and under the cut
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The blue writing was written with a temperature-sensitive ink, which was revealed by making it cold - in this case, she stuck it in the freezer, which is exactly what I did when I tested the ink on the paper. The poem is about the central problem of the narrative :)
[Image ID 3: Another look at the back of the paper, now with small, neat cursive writing revealed in blue ink. A poem has been revealed written above and around the ring, and mysterious symbols written on the inside of the ring. The poem reads: "In time of love and trust betrayed, The Queen in birch and sleep had laid. For ruling Knight had little known, that grudges left unchecked had grown. A worthy soul the crows had found, To bring Spring Queen back to her crown. Now revels sing of Queen’s old songs, the friend of crows you find is gone. Replaced by neighbor, form eschewed, Their fate, you find, is up to you. Choose well, dear friend, which path you take, Soon all will know the story you make." End Description.]
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strwbrylilys · 1 month
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witch hat atelier x gravity falls!
i based this off similar duo dynamics from both things (although its not a perfect one to one similarity so feel free to disagree with me lol)
stan is alaira, dipper is euini, mabel is coco, and ford is qifrey :-)
if you want to know more about these dynamics and about the characters they are please read Witch Hat Atelier by Shirahama Kamome or watch the anime coming out in 2025! (yes this is also wha propaganda. sue me. ITS GREAT AND I WANT MORE PEOPLE TO GET INTO IT!)
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here’s a bonus mabel sketch that’s a redraw from a panel of the manga!!!!!
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softpine · 1 year
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and i ain't done nothing wrong but i can't find my way home
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i-still-mask-because · 11 months
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Let's talk about masking! 😷✨
The image description is in the alt text!
I'm hoping this flyer would help those that didn't already know the difference between masks, quality masks, and respirators, as well as some of the variety of options out there for quality, comfortable, breathable, snug-fitting masks & respirators!
Reblogs are tremendously appreciated, and please feel free to share this wherever you can! Print this, hang this up in your school, hang this up in your neighborhood, hang this up in public transportation, repost this, etc., etc., etc.!!!
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nhothicket · 8 months
Ever create a band au even though you cant draw instruments?
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more info below the cut :>
Meet Bdubs, 38, stage name BdoubleO - Boomer is often mistaken for his first name, but is just another nickname for the pile. Infamous online, if it weren't for the fact that he makes disgustingly good music he would probably have more hate followers than genuine fans. The line between charming asshole and just asshole is one he fails to tread lightly most days, but he's mostly harmless. Let's just say the Bdoubleo could also stand for boorish. A bit of a sellout, but he enjoys what he does and many appreciate his extremely.. candid attitude. Best likened to a cartoon villain dressed as a rockstar, with the ego to match. (It's usually his unrelenting pretentiousness that gets him into Twitter spats.)
Thank you @foxden-frontier for always helping out with my stupid aus ^v^
Annoying at worst, unfortunately very charismatic at best. You could say he's a softie at heart, but that implies its at all difficult to spot. Once he's done "clapping back at all the haters", in person he's still got a temper (he thinks he has a bad boy reputation to uphold) but is enthusiastically friendly.
Etho, 32, resident keytarist of creatively named band Canadian Bacon. Joined by his two best friends, Pause the frontman and bassist, and Beef their drummer. A deceptively popular band if judging by their permanent rough draft name and their nerdy-college-student dress code. Etho himself is just a guy who likes playing music with his buddies, their hobby having blown up under their noses. Now, as an unfortunately successful touring artist, Etho's anonymity is scarce, but he continues to wear his mask to discourage widespread photos of his face. In spirit. He's concerned about having his face plastered all over fan accounts, which still occurs, but a perk of having a completely rabid fanbase is that many will defend your boundaries to their last dying breath. Like his face, his legal name is out and about online, but its similarly discouraged. Best likened to just a guy.
If asked on the subject of his scar, the entire band has various different whimsical stories, brand new everytime. His lack of internet presence means Pause and Beef are free to make up whatever misinformation about him as they please completely unchecked (in jest of course), and they do take advantage of that. Many of these alternative facts are passed around on wikis and in fan circles.
To say Bdubs is jealous of Canadian Bacon's popularity is an understatement. They weren't even trying at all and yet they're the hot shit? But instead of putting that jealousy to hatred (which he had considered of course) he's instead set himself on proving himself. And if that means impressing Etho then so be it. Why does it mean impressing Etho? Good question, never ask it again. They say keep your enemies close, and Bdubs' enemies don't deserve personal space.
As it turns out, Etho wasn't too difficult to impress or maybe Bdubs was just that amazing. Either way, they end up hitting it off. Their friendship is an interesting one, mostly because Etho's fans basically hunt Bdubs for sport online. We're talking scribbled out of pictures, get behind me, #FreeEtho. Etho thinks he seems pretty cool though, if not a bit much sometimes, so no harm no foul.
Okay, rapid fire, some other notes for this au.
> Etho's legal name is Ethel. Because it is. My heart is so set on it. But if you're boring, Ethan or Ezekiel or something work too I guess.
> Etho's keytar mimics a more traditional guitar in most cases, though he's known to experiment a lot with how far he can push that.
> Etho's scar is from a mugging in this au, not a very fun story to tell. Beef practicing his brand new razor blade throwing hobby or fighting a bear to beat Pause in a bet is much more entertaining.
> Canadian Bacon is meant to have a manager, but I couldn't think of anyone I felt fit. Just a note.
> Bdubs has a habit of grabbing Etho by his tie and pulling him down to his level or otherwise using it as a leash. Etho doesn't usually wear the tie outside of show stuff or interviews, but he wears it around Bdubs because thinks its funny. When there's no tie that doesn't stop Bdubs, collars and hoodie strings are subject to the same usage.
> Etho isn't aware of how infamous Bdubs is when they meet as they meet at a festival with a big group of other musicians. Most of which already know Bdubs as his more excitable friendly self. He only finds out later when Bdubs complains about Etho's fans flaming him anytime he mentions him.
> Bdubs still has a self-imposed curfew, 10pm every night unless it conflicts with a show. He needs his beauty sleep.
> The trigger reason for the animosity toward Bdubs is due to being blamed by fans for the split of his last band that had a pretty hardcore cult following (OOG, I've not named their band yet), and that has since snowballed into what it is today, despite his actions being relatively harmless. To note, this was not an assumption at all promoted by either party, it was entirely a fanmade judgement.
> For those who can, picture s5 jungle Bdubs mixed with drunken OOG(E) ctm maps for his approximate personality. Still goofy but with a sharper tongue and a lot worse of a temper.
> Originally I considered Cleo as Bdubs' manager so he's not all alone in narrative sense, I still think it's not a bad idea I'd love to see her chew him out for acting like a moron. Ren or Scar would be also be options for manager.
> Bdubs needs a touring band, but I'm not well versed enough in the hermits to actually pick one out. Just a note.
Okay, that's most of it! There's some more pg-13 headcanons for this au, along the lines of fuck yeah rock'n roll lifestyle, but it's not really important I'm sure just that is enough to get the gist of it. Thank you for reading this overly long note. ^v~
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pipskippy · 8 months
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bird in a cage doll in a house
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couch-house · 1 year
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funny cutscene joak
the cutscene in question
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krowbby · 11 months
For the end of zinetober and last day of @quezify ‘s eggtober I made a zine of my favorite egg recipe! Full zine and food pics under the cut (along with the scan of the zine so you can print your own!)
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I even went to a zine fest and traded it with some folks! It was super super fun :)
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Here’s the instructions! Alt text is on all photos.
Now for some glamour shots of one I made yesterday:
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And finally, the scan! If you want your own copy of the zine, just print this on a normal piece of paper and look up how to fold a zine :) Enjoy!
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