#wrong kind of conjugate
nothing interesting here it's the exact same scene i just like seeing it
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bigbroemen · 2 years
im glad that for most of the time that i spend playing games in jp and learning and practicing, i dont have someone watching me. because you will not believe the amount of times i will have to look up a word after having already looked it up 4 times previous
#talk#me flushing red going to the jisho search bar after seeing ike or someone use 訓練 for the nth time: god dammit what is wrong with me#but its good though. the more often it happens the more bound i am to be determined to remember it for next time so i dont embarass myself#even more in the future#ive learned a few words this way. 訓練 kunren・training/drill/practice/discipline. 報告 houkoku・report/briefing. 情報 jyouhou・information#finally 見事 migoto which i shouldve had learned the first or second time i looked it up (means splended/excellent/etc)#oh 交換 koukan............................ that was embarrassing thats on the mini menu so often. means exchange/interchange/switching/barter#任務 ninmu・duty/function/mission/task#ill tell you what i get embarrassed at myself a little but i forgive myself pretty quick too and its always only fun in the end#and fire emblem has just been so fun too. theres so much reading to do so it feels overwhelming sometimes but#despite not fully grasping the particular delivery of whats being communicated due to not having a strong enough hold on some grammar#im getting by pretty smoothly and understanding what everyone is saying. its very fun#there are definitely characters who are more difficult to read than others. elencia uses very proper language#and sorens speech and diction are very formal too which is difficult and easier to read all at once#formal conjugation is really easy to parse because its all kind of more standardized. formal diction can have a fair amount of#n2 and n1 vocabulary and grammar though.. but he talks so much that im getting used to it#this post got so long in these tags. thanks for yall who got up this far hehe
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thoughtsforsoob · 8 months
you’re frustrated because you’re struggling to learn Korean - txt
a/n: hello! I thought this post would be a little relatable bc I’m struggling rn with Japanese (but not bc of a man 😋). So much kanji to remember and so many words that they just all mush together. I love the language but it is testing my patience and my memory rn :( please enjoy this and lemme know if y’all speak other languages :) it’s cool to know im not the only one struggling with a trilingual brain🥰 requests are open as usual (no pics belong to me! Found on Pinterest)
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It was actually his idea to teach you Korean, starting with basic stuff such as phrases at the convenience store and at coffee shops. He knew it would help when you had to go out places on your own. You’re on the phone with him after he’s hyped you up and refreshed some phrases for ordering coffee. You finally are up to order and while your pronunciation has been good, you mispronounce a word and your face goes red. You apologize to the cashier who was very understanding and helped you say the word correctly. You paid and thanked them for their kindness. Yeonjun heart could burst at how the cashier was patient with you and how you tried your best and finally said the word right. “Oh my goodness! You did amazing! Next time you’re ordering coffee for the both of us.”
As the days went by, he could see your passion for learning his language was dwindling. You were struggling with your conjugation skills and he was just trying his best to help you learn and eventually practice. You both are sitting at the kitchen table, with your textbook in front of you (giving flashbacks to elementary math homework). He’s giving you example of conjugations your currently learning and how to used them. It’s starts to all mush up and you can’t figure it out or focus. You start to cry into your hands. He pulls you close to him, “don’t be sad. I promise that you’re gonna learn really soon. I believe in you.” That’s all it took for you to keep trying. He also promised he’d take you for a melona pop if you tried a few more conjugations (I love melona I’m so sorry 🤤…melon and banana are the best flavors not sorry)
homie is so serious and you get mad at him because of that. he’s teaching you silly phrases and on one occasion, he purposely teaches you the wrong phrase. So, you’re out at lunch with his members and you try the phrase on yeonjun and he looks so confused. “Did you just call me dumb?” Your face is furiously red and you run off, crying. Your frustration sets in. Why would be do this to me? He comes after you after giving you some time to cool down. “Baby? I’m so sorry. I didn’t think that would make you so upset. I promise I won’t do it anymore. We’re gonna get serious I swear.” He lures you out by telling you he’s gonna start teaching you from a really good Tex ok that was recommended to him. He also explains to yeonjun what happened and yeonjun gives him an earful as well, taking you side.
he actually is a really good person to help teach you. He has the patience of a saint when teaching you grammar. If you’ve attempted Korean, you know how challenging grammar can be to understand. Let’s say you’re out at a restaurant and try to order your own food..you make a mistake and the waiter is looking at you like huh? You start to feel embarrassed but taehyun explains you’re still learning and has you try it again. When you get it right this time, he smiled and the waited smiled as well. The pride he feels when he can see your improvement is like no other. “You did such a good job, honey. Tell you what, how about we get some ice cream after? You deserve a little treat.”
huening kai
I feel like he’d be very empathetic and understanding towards your struggle. He speaks many languages too and understands how frustrating when something isn’t sticking or when you forget words or grammar. For example, you’re at home and you’re both working on vocabulary. you messed up a few words in a row and start to feel discouraged. His best tool to keep you motivated to learn was tell you he was proud of you. He would always encourage you the best he could, “you’re for this bub! I’m so proud of you! I’m gonna keep helping you until you’ve got this :)”
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meichenxi · 3 months
attempting to read things in japanese as a chinese learner is so funny. it's the funniest thing. all of the incredibly formal ancient chinese vocabulary and a hugely different word order and utterly incomprehensible (to me) hiragana and katakana. I cannot help reading the kanji in chinese and they are beacons of formalised archaic light in a shining sea of darkness.
take this headline from a japanese news site:
生活環境の変化 認知機能への影響は? 被災地で調査始まる!
to me. as a chinese reader. this is like:
live environment の change cognition function への influence? suffer disaster earth で survey commencethまる!
it's predictably much easier for me as a chinese reader to read the news and other things with a lot of kanji - I can almost understand this! I wouldn't have realised it was a question without the question mark in the first sentence, but otherwise, it makes a fair amount of sense: do changes in the living environment affection cognitive function? investigation begins in a disaster-hit area.
but it's more than that. it feels SO old-timey. I've read elsewhere by learners of chinese that learning japanese isn't always straightforward because the kanji aren't the ones used in modern day chinese for the equivalent meaning, the meaning has changed, they have used a character that's been simplified in a different way or is far closer to the traditional character - and so on. but I think if you have a solid grasp of chinese characters, maybe like 3000, from glancing through this news site - the vast majority of kanji are familiar to me. it's just that something they don't mean exactly what you'd expect.
like (and this is from google translate; I do not speak any japanese whatsoever, I just choose this sentence to illustrate a point, it MAY be wrong):
'today I must study japanese' > 今日は日本語を勉強しなきゃ
as a chinese learner, it reads like:
upon this dayはjapaneseをforce myself reluctantly しなきゃ!
a few things about this which would tell me where to put my effort if all I wanted to do were read japanese and I didn't care about speaking:
今日 > 'today' > hilariously formal
は and を as particles I know from the very limited study I've done of japanese previously
勉強 > 'study' > this is deeply amusing to me. in chinese this means to force yourself to do something or to try really, really hard or to do something reluctantly. as in, 'do it if you can, but don't force yourself'. hilarious. 10/10
しなきゃ> well I'm guessing this is the auxiliary verb or some kind of conjugation. THIS is where I think I'd have to put the effort in, if I wanted to just learn to read japanese - speedrun verbs and adjective conjugations and other 'grammatical' bits and pieces that float around the kanji and determine what exactly is going on.
since I only need japanese for academic purposes (potentially for a masters), part of me is tempted to just...open up a pop-up dictionary, and go through news sites and note down all of the grammar stuff I don't know. this is not a particularly WISE way of learning, but if I wanted I guess I could also do more 'normal' learning for active production and listening alongside it. reading the news at the same time as learning how to count to ten. it's quite a funny experience. or perhaps I could just learn japanese FROM chinese as I've wondered about before and then start at the same level (ish) as everyone else who already can read most kanji to some degree. hmm
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ilynpilled · 1 year
also, in her converation with Ned, cersei outright TELLS him that Jaime would kill Robert if he knew how Robert abused her (fuck robert i hope he's rotting). and Robert knew it too which is why all his bruises were generally weren't on her face where people, specifically including Jaime, could see.
This is her exact quote: "Jaime would have killed him (Robert), even if it meant his own life"
that's probably one of the reasons why she doesn't tell him. she was in an awful, awful situation and it reflects the situation of so many other abuse victims across the world. it's not fair that she should have to keep this from her own family and worry about what her brother would do, but if he DIDN'T do anything...what kind of a person would he be? just look at Aemon the Dragonknight as a prime example
regarding this post: link
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yeah thats the quote they refused to take at face value when almost everything about his characterization indicates that it would be the case.
i think when it comes to the discussions of much of this the dissonance comes from not confronting that this society refuses to acknowledge marital rape as rape. i do not have the quote at hand (@/georgescitadel might have it) but george himself has expressed that marital rape as a concept doesnt exist in medieval society. that is why it makes sense that while jaime is aware that robert “claimed his rights”, he does not recklessly murder him for it in rage unless cersei gives the word (again, we already know he is ready to do it after he sees that robert is disrespecting her by cheating on her and proceeds to ask her if she wants him dead for it. but like you pointed out, cersei understands that if he saw evidence of physical abuse he likely would not ask for permission and potentially get himself killed.) this is because arranged marriages are treated as a norm in which conjugal rape and a man claiming his rights is not really acknowledged or understood (more like confronted tbh) as rape. this is an integral aspect of the patriarchal domination thats present in westerosi society, its woven into its very fabric. women are placed into a role of subordination, again, it is robert’s “right.” and jaime too is unable to conceptualize it as sexual abuse on the level of rape. hence we get quotes like this:
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like we know and understand that cersei was repeatedly raped by robert. we know she didnt make anyone kill her. we know what jaime is saying and thinking here is inconsistent and makes little sense if he believes that she was raped.
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that other passage suggests that jaime does not fully grasp or know this. and in general society doesn’t for the most part, including most of the victims themselves. “claiming his rights” is not referred to as rape. robert also knows that what he is doing is wrong, especially the part where he is hurting her (theres also the layer of the code of chivalry being completely contradicted), but he refuses to confront it in multiple ways, and i dont think even he fully acknowledges it as rape either even though i refuse to believe that he is not aware of it. cersei’s right to label him a coward. same with ned in that very conversation, he even sees and knows that robert physically hit her, heard her say that she can scarcely bear him touching her, and yet he asks: “a thousand other women might have loved him with all their hearts. what did he do to make you hate him so?”, and cersei also doesn’t give the answer: “he repeatedly raped me.” jaime understands rape as terrible, he shows concern towards brienne, and risks personal harm (and gets it too since he is kicked unconscious because of it) saving her from it, and it is an act driven by empathy, and he even ironically acknowledges that rape can leave someone broken in a way that does not show on the outside. he executes pia’s rapist too, sets a precedent among his father’s men, and recognizes that she’s “scarred” where it does not show: “That’s all she is, a little girl in a woman’s body, scarred and scared.”
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and re the present: while i have a sympathy for jaime in the sense that the betrayal that he was confronted with shatters the delusion that he made immense sacrifices for and defined most of his life atp, and the fact that it makes him feel that he was not actually loved by her as well as recontextualizing his most horrible decisions, he should be showing more consideration and empathy (and i am not saying that he is obligated to die for her either. he isnt) and put in the effort to actually place himself in cersei’s shoes and navigate these blindspots that he has (he has the capacity to, again: “they will leave her a cripple too, but inside, where it does not show”). right now, he is extremely bitter, violently even, and can be selfish and misogynistic as hell about it, and i obviously believe that that is something that has to be recognized by readers for what it is.
but still, regarding the rest, i also think ppl dont acknowledge that because of how medieval society operates there is a very skewed perspective and understanding of certain things and how that affects characters. even with rhaella, jaime is disturbed by the physical abuse:
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like he doesnt use the word rape like he does with brienne and the bloody mummers, but he obviously hears and sees that the abuse thats happening to rhaella is horrid and hurts her, and feels a need/obligation to protect her. this is why it is not inconsistent at all that jaime would recklessly murder robert without “permission” even if it meant his own life if he saw evidence of physical abuse, but does not do the same for the marital rape/him claiming his rights. in this society it is not viewed as a violation of rights because women do not really have these rights in these circumstances. their purpose is to marry and bear children. rape is mostly understood and recognized as “low born criminals violently raping women”, “knights and soldiers violently raping women when their blood is up” etc, not “nobles in marriages raping their wives when they claim their rights”, or “coerced rape occurring every time nobles use brothels” etc.
and, as you may have noticed, there’s a strong “you’re hurting me” motif with all of this, because no matter what westerosi society normalizes to maintain patriarchal hegemony, it is obviously all an utter violation of human rights that deals immense harm and trauma to women.
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killerlookz · 2 months
heyy! i hope this doesn’t come off as rude because you’re one of my fav joost writers and i genuinely enjoy ur writing so much but i have sort of some constructive criticism¿¿¿ so i love the way u characterize joost sm, however, sth that i find hard to believe in pretty much every joost fic in this app is the dialogue. now, joost has great english skills, however they’re not quite perfect. the way he words some phrases, how he conjugates some verbs, his overall expressions are very telling that he’s not a native speaker. and sometimes i read some of his dialogue in fics and i’m like “there’s no way he would’ve said that😭”, because while u do a great job writing what he would say, he wouldn’t say it in that way, you know what i mean? So yeah i really hope you’re not offended by this, i just think u have so much to offer, and by changing this tiny aspect (making his grammar a bit different, etc.) your fics would be even better. but that’s it, again, u can completely ignore this, ik it’s unsolicited advice and it can be annoying asf😭 thank u anyway!
hiiiiii!!! i totally understand where you’re coming from anon !!! i don’t mind constructive and your message was very respectful.
i’ve definitely thought about changing joost’s speech patterns / grammar in my fics, i do know i write his speech very “perfect” (i am a native english speaker haha) i just don’t want to come off like i’m “mocking” his accent u feel me? mostly because it’s hard to tell which words he doesn’t always get right and that’s not necessarily something i want to make up because then it does kind of get into kind of a weird territory. (i hope this makes sense? it just feels wrong to me to make up which words/grammar rules he’d get wrong, since it’s not always a 100% thing with him. he’ll get something right one time, and get it wrong another)
on the other side of the coin i also don’t want it to seem like im “dismissing” the fact he speaks with an accent so of course i always strive to make dialogue more accurate so i appreciate your comment. i do tend to watch interviews of his / videos of him when i’m writing so i can keep his general “vibe” in mind, but yeah for sure i’ll definitely watch out for particulars that are solidified in his speech when it comes to his english speaking!
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eesirachs · 9 months
can you talk about judas? if it was god’s plan for him to betray jesus in order for the whole crucifixion + salvation of sins thing to happen, why would he be condemned to hell? i don’t believe in heaven the way most people do, but i like to think that judas is with jesus again.
jesus, a first century jew, had no conception of hell. only sheol (שְׁאוֹל‎): an after-life that all of the dead conjugated into. justice was sought in this life, enacted either upon upon the wrong-doing body (as is in the case of judas: he suffered dis-ease and killed himself) or, alternatively, it would move intergenerationally. judas suffered for the duration of his ministry, a ministry which moved in tandem with god's own. and judas' auto-death in a field is tragic. god knows it, mourns it. the early jesus movement, still foreign from a notion of hell as we wield it, mourns it too: we have gnostic exchanges of sympathy with judas. later christians develop, carve into the hole of the earth, a kind of hell, and only afterwards place judas there. but judas is not there, not really. he is, as he always was: with his twelve friends, in that last room on the last night, eating supper, palms outstretched and bread warm, thirty ἀργύρια pieces heavy, so heavy, in a pocket
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Digimon Adventure 01x25 - The Sleeping Tyrant! TonosamaGekomon / Princess Karaoke
Previously on Digimon Adventure: A curious thing happened on the way to Gennai. Koushiro was offered a self-help seminar that turned out to be a scam, so he filed suit and was awarded a new computer program by the arbiter.
Now, only two members of our group are still out there, though one seems to be lurking around. By process of elimination, there can be only one person Taichi and Jou are on their way to collect.
(That's right, fuckers; It's finally time to talk about my kid's Crest! I have been waiting for this episode since this project began. This is one of my most anticipated episodes!)
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While Yamato and Takeru left on foot, Taichi and Jou seem to have doubled back to grab Yamato's swan boat. We find them pedaling their way across the great lake while Agumon and Gomamon confirm the reason that Gabumon couldn't have gone to get Takeru himself way back when.
Agumon: What beautiful weather! Gomamon: The water's sparkling! It feels great! Agumon: Keep it up, you two! Gomamon: We've lot to trade places with you.... Both: But we're too short to reach the pedals, ahahahahaha! Taichi: You weren't going to switch with us anyway! Agumon: Was that obvious? Taichi: Blatantly.
Absolute dicks, the both of them.
In his second line, Agumon playfully tells them to "Ganbare", a conjugation of ganbaru previously discussed in the WereGarurumon episode. This is particularly asshole of him. Considering recent circumstances, I think Jou's had quite enough of ganbaru to last a while.
This is a perfect spot for the dub to add a little spice.
Agumon: Hey, what's wrong, you guys? Can't you make this bucket go any faster? Joe: What are you doing to help? Agumon: Watching for icebergs. Gomamon: We'd gladly trade places with you but-- Both: --unfortunately our little legs won't reach the pedals! Hahahahahaha! Tai: Hey! We could go faster if we threw you off! Agumon: You wouldn't! Tai: It's tempting! Gomamon: ...better not.
The central gag this exchange is built around is preserved perfectly. Tai's comeback in particular is a lot stronger in the dub. He even scores a hit, as Gomamon sounds a little nervous in his final line.
As their boat makes shore, they look upwards in the direction of the signal to find their unexpected destination.
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Taichi: That's... Jou: A castle! Taichi: (checks Digivice) The signal is coming from inside!
Pretty basic utility dialogue.
Most of this scene is sweeping shots of the landscape so the dub's able to start the boys talking much earlier, giving them more time to fill in longer lines.
Joe: That palace is huge! Everyone: Woooooow.... Tai: And way up there! As if my legs weren't tired already.... (checks Digivice) But there's no doubt about it; That is Mimi. So up we go!
Tai, how do you know that from a blip on a radar? We, the audience, know that to be Mimi because we know where Sora and Izzy are right now, but why do you know that? That could be one of three separate people.
I appreciate him bringing up the exhausting boat ride, though.
The boys make their way up a staircase carved into the cliff to reach the castle. Since there's no guards outside and the doors are unlocked, they're able to crack the door open and peek in.
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There they find two new kinds of Digimon racing about in a panic.
Taichi: Frogs and tadpoles? Jou: What are they doing?
In the dub, Joe raises a valid question on the way up the stairs.
Joe: How do they get their mail!? (The boys peek inside) Tai: Is this a palace or some kind of looney bin? Joe: Seems like it's both.
While the boys spy in, the narrator comes in with rundowns for both of these new Digimon. The frogs are Gekomon, Adult-stage Virus-type Amphibian Digimon, while the tadpoles are Otamamon, Child-stage Virus-type Amphibian Digimon.
It probably goes without saying but they share an evolutionary lineage. Their line is in the same veil as Vegiemon, Numemon, and Scumon. A neglected Mochimon will evolve into Otamamon, while a poorly cared for Otamamon will then evolve into Gekomon.
(Mimi sure does have a way with bad evolutions. At least these ones aren't throwing poop at her.)
Gekomon: Busy-gero! Busy-gero! Narrator: Gekomon. You might not be able to tell but he loves music. With the three holes on the tip of his tongue, he uses the horn around his neck to perform his special attack, Crash Symphony. Otamamon: Busy-tama! Busy-tama! Narrator: Otamamon! An amphibian Digimon. Their special attack, Lullabye Bubble, lulls one to sleep.
Gekomon's name comes from the onomatopoeia for a frog's croak, of which there's a few variants. Gerogero, kerokero, and gekogeko are commonly used. Adventure uses gerogero and gekogeko interchangeably for the involuntary croaks that Gekomon add to their dialogue.
Otamamon comes from otamajakushi, the Japanese word for "tadpole". It's also worth noting that Japan often associates tadpoles with music, even to the point of using otamajakushi to also mean "musical note". I'm not 100% but I believe it's because of their similar shapes. This is why Otamamon sprout musical horns when they grow into Gekomon.
Over in the dub, the Partners deliver the diegetic rundown together.
Gekomon: Her Highness is getting angry! Gomamon: Oh, these are Gekomon? I've heard of them! They really love music. Not surprising since they're born with those horns. Otamamon: Hurry! Before she blows her top! Agumon: And I've heard of the other Digimon! They're called Otamamon!
Agumon, you told us nothing. You are bad at rundowns. Gomamon, meanwhile, told us bald-faced lies. They aren't born with those horns. The horns grow naturally when they evolve.
This is why Tentomon usually handles these.
Seeking more information, the group trespasses right the hell in and interrupts these feudal servants to find out what the hell's going on.
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Gomamon: Hey, hey! Why are you in such a rush? Gekomon 1: The princess said she wants gomoku chahan right this minute-gero! Group: Gomoku chahan!? Gekomon 2: No! The princess said she wants cold yaki udon-gero! Group: Cold yaki udon!? Gekomon 3: What are you saying? The princess said she wanted Mediterranean-style okara miso soup-gero! Group: Mediterranean-style okara miso soup!? Gekomon 1: No! Gomoku chahan-gero! Gekomon 2: Cold yaki udon-gero! Gekomon 3: Mediterranean-style okara miso-gero! Taichi: Now, now... What if you made all of that and gave it-- Otamamon 1: They're all wrong-tama! Jou: What now? Otamamon 1: The princess wants a gaudy polka-dotted dress-tama! Otamamon 2: No-tama! She wants an antique ring-tama! Otamamon 1: Polka-dotted dress-tama! Otamamon 2: Antique ring-tama! Jou: If this princess jerks her servants around like this.... Taichi: She must be incredibly selfish. Agumon: Hey, didn't you guys say you were in a hurry? Servants: That's right! (scatter)
I mean. She probably does want all of those things. They're making this big argument over which one she really wants but. Like. A polka dot dress and antique ring are not mutually exclusive. Nor do they contradict her food order.
Which, yeah, Taichi's right: Just make all the items she asked for. Stop trying to figure out which one's the real food order. She probably wants all of them. She's a princess; They tend to be wasteful.
Over in the dub, those Japanese food items are unexpectedly swapped out.
Gomamon: Um, hello? Can you help us? We're looking for someone. Gekomon 1: About time you got here! Where's the triple hot fudge sundae we ordered for delivery to the princess? Group: That's not us! Gekomon 2: Then you must be delivering her bacon chili cheeseburger with fries and a super-sized milkshake. Group: That's not us either! Gekomon 3: Of course not! They're delivering the garden-fresh salad with low-fat dressing without dessert! Group: We'd like to ask a question, if you don't mind. Gekomon 1: Her Highness asked for a fudge sundae! Gekomon 2: No, she wants a bacon chili cheeseburger! Gekomon 3: Excuse me, she said she wanted a Greek salad! Tai: Hey, excuse me! Have you seen a girl in a hat-- Otamamon 1: Hey! We're ordering lunch here! Joe: Oh. Well, then I'll have a burger-- Otamamon 1: All the princess really cares about is that polka-dot party dress she ordered! Otamamon 2: Old news. Now she wants pink leather pants with matching boots and accessories. Otamamon 1: No one told me that! Otamamon 2: Oh, get with the program! Joe: It sounds to me like this princess of theirs is extremely picky. Tai: She sounds kinda spoiled if you ask me! Agumon: I wonder what happens if they don't do what she says? Servants: Here she comes! AUGH!!! (scatter)
No lie, I adore this version. Huge improvement over the original scene. First, by replacing "what we're getting" with "what you're delivering", they incorporate the to-them unexplained presence of random children into the conversation.
In the original, nobody questions the trespassers tromping all over the palace. But in the dub, they make an assumption and barrage the kids with it.
It also explains why they're just uselessly running around instead of, like, preparing the things that were requested. They're waiting on deliveries. They can't physically do anything to contribute, and are instead forced to stand around watching time tick by while the princess's impatience grows. I'd be stressed out too.
Finally, while he still seems inexplicably psychic about that blip's identity, I like that Tai stays on-topic and pushes the issue of their missing friend rather than getting caught up in the Otama Drama.
Suddenly, the Gekomon sound their horns! The princess has arrived!
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Look at how happy she is. That is the happiest Mimi has ever been since the day she set foot on File Island.
Geckomon: The princess has ARRIIIIIIIVED!!! Gekogeko.... (Mimi emerges into the foyer) Taichi: Ah!? Mimi-chan! Jou: (simultaneously) Ah!? Mimi-kun! Mimi: (disappointed) Oh, it's you. (pleasant smile) It's been a long time! Taichi: What the hell are you doing here!? Mimi: (proudly) What am I doing here? I'm being a princess. Can't you tell? Agumon: Then the selfish princess around here-- Group: --iS YOU!?!? Mimi: Who are you calling selfish!? How rude!
Mimi veils herself in politeness and decorum befitting a princess but she's lying. Her initial kneejerk reaction upon seeing Taichi and Jou betrays her subsequent attempt at acting regal - A mask that falls right back off the second Agumon insults her.
In the dub:
Gekomon: Presenting Her Highness, the princess! Tai: Cool! We're gonna get to meet the princess! (Mimi emerges into the foyer) Tai & Joe: Huh!? It's Mimi! Mimi: (disappointed) Oh, bummer.
The dub inserts a commercial break here. So we leave off on Mimi's disappointment, then replay Tai and Joe's reaction upon return so we can pick the scene back up.
Tai & Joe: Huh!? Mimi: (pleasant smile) What a surprise. Tai: You're telling me! What are you doing up there!? Mimi: What do you think? I'm being a princess, of course. Agumon: So you're the spoiled princess we've been hearing about! Group: We should have known it was Mimi! Mimi: Don't call me Mimi anymore! That's Princess now!
At this point, Dub Mimi is so used to being spontaneously insulted by this group that I guess it's like water off a duck's back. Instead, they have her throw a fit at the use of her name? Weird.
In any case, this commercial break has a disruptive effect on the flow of the scene. Are you really going to remember that she said "What a bummer" after getting up to make a Hot Pocket in the microwave while ads for Sailor Moon play in the background?
The stark transition between those two lines is kind of important, but here that transition got eaten by the Hamburglar.
Elsewhere, PicoDevimon reports on the situation at the castle.
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PicoDevimon: An honor, as always. This is PicoDevimon. Vamdemon: How are the defenses? PicoDevimon: Everything is going well. Vamdemon: What about the situation at the castle? PicoDevimon: It's good. The Gekomon are treating her like a princess. If they keep this up, the Crest of Purity will never activate. Vamdemon: You understand what will happen if you repeat your mistakes? PicoDevimon: (cowering) O-Of course! Vamdemon: (vanishing) I expect results.
Over in the dub, Myotismon is the kind of boss where it's our project if it's working but your project when there's setbacks.
DemiDevimon: Don't you worry, almighty wickedness! This time we cannot fail! Myotismon: "We"!? You'd better not fail! DemiDevimon: It's in the bag! Piece of cake! Myotismon: Is the plan at the palace working? DemiDevimon: Couldn't be better. The Gekomon are spoiling her rotten and she's eating it up! If she keeps this up much longer, her Crest of Sincerity's going to be useless, Master! Myotismon: Do you know what will happen if you disappoint me again, DemiDevimon? DemiDevimon: (cowering) I've got a big idea! Myotismon: (vanishing) Good. Then see that you don't.
In these two exchanges, we get the official name for Mimi's Crest. Though the dub already spoiled Mimi's in an episode title. It's the Crest of Purity, which the dub calls Sincerity. This might seem like a significant change but that's actually a pretty faithful translation of the idea behind Mimi's Crest.
The concept of purity in Japan is different from American purity. In the U.S., purity means. Like. The purest essence of goodness. To be pure of heart means you are virtue personified. Above all flaws or sins or vices.
But in Japan, purity isn't a moral judgment. It means you wear no masks. Nothing you say or do is ever social performance; You are, at all times, the truest expression of yourself. You wear your heart on your sleeve, say what you mean and express what you feel. Honestly, without reservation.
The opposite of U.S. purity is being corrupt. The opposite of Japanese purity is being two-faced.
Mimi, for better and for worse, is always honest about herself. She might throw a tantrum about how hangry she is or inadvisably open a Numemon den wanting Cola. She can be childish and is often guided by her feelings more than anything else. It'd sound weird to call her Crest attribute "Purity" from an American perspective.
Switching language to Sincerity does a good job of conveying the idea behind Japanese Purity. She isn't exactly Virtue Personified, but every word out of her mouth is a heartfelt expression of her truest self.
Except here in this fucking castle.
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Jou: Anyway, it's good to see you safe! Taichi: Yeah, hurry up and change! Let's get going! Mimi: Huh? Jou: Is something wrong, Mimi-kun? Mimi: Why do I have to change? Agumon: What do you mean, why? It'll be hard to walk in that dress. Mimi: Why do I have to walk!? Jou: We can't travel while carrying you on our backs! Mimi: I'm not going. Boys: EHHHHH!?!? Mimi: There's no reason to believe we'll ever make it back to our world, so why should I bother traveling out there where it's dangerous? Jou: Hey, Mimi-kun-- Mimi: Besides, I have everything in here! A bath, a soft bed, and good food! What's more, I'm the princess of this castle!
The dub plays this pretty much word-for-word. Even Jou's line about carrying Mimi is translated completely faithfully. No jokes added or removed.
That smile up there? That is the ecstatic smile of despair. Mimi gives the game away when she says, "There's no reason to believe we'll make it back." That's it. That was her nugget of truth. As much as Jou's constant refrain has been "Maybe there's humans", Mimi's was "I want to go home."
Being here in this castle offers Mimi enough material contentment that she can pretend she's happy here. That she can pretend to be her favorite character Otohime from the fable of Urashima Taaro that she once chatted with Jou about. It's better than being out there.
But she's not happy. If she were really happy, she wouldn't be running her servants ragged trying to find the thing that will satisfy the despair in her heart. Mimi is lying to herself out of fear of this awful place she's trapped in.
Suddenly, the voice of salvation arrives. Palmon calls out from the other room. As a subtle moment, we actually see Mimi's mask fall off just for a moment when she hears Palmon's voice. Her confident, almost malicious grin falls away and her sincerity momentarily emerges.
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She honestly looks like she's about to cry. She is terrified of what her life's become.
Palmon: Mimi, is something wrong? Agumon: That strange voice.... Gomamon: It's Palmon! Jou: It's great having you here, Palmon! Come talk sense into her!
Palmon enters the room wearing a similar dress to Mimi's.
Palmon: About what? Boys: AUGH!!! (comical face vault) Jou: PALMON, YOU TOO!?!? Taichi: Hey, Mimi-chan and Palmon, we can't waste time playing along with your jokes! Hurry up and get ready. Mimi: I'm not joking around! Taichi & Jou: Huh!? Mimi: I'm serious about staying here! If you don't have anything else to say then HURRY UP AND LEAVE!!! Palmon: Hey, Mimi, why are you mad? Mimi: Be quiet, Palmon! Taichi: No, you must be joking! You think we'll just agree to that and leave!? Jou: He's right! Do you have any idea what we went through to get here? Mimi: (turns away and folds her arms in a huff) I don't want to know!
Despite the funny moment of Palmon's arrival, she actually does seem concerned. We see little of her in this exchange, but she does seem bothered by Mimi's behavior in her one line. This should be a happy reunion, but the boys present a threat to Mimi's illusion.
Again, the dub plays this almost word-for-word. There are only two notable changes. One is that the dub continues the "Don't call me Mimi" thing with Palmon's line as she enters the room.
Joe: Finally, a voice of reason. Palmon, come talk some sense into Mimi. Palmon: (enters in her dress) As in Princess?
They also remove the part where Mimi snaps at Palmon.
Palmon: Wait, Mimi. Don't be mean; They're our friends. Mimi: IF YOU WANT TO GO, BE MY GUEST!!!
Which is unfortunate. The show often uses characters snapping at their loved ones, usually their Digimon partner or Yamato at Takeru, to convey that they're freaking out and not in their right mind. Mimi ordering Palmon to shut it is another chink in her mask.
Mimi doesn't typically talk to Palmon like that. Remember in Gear Savannah when she exposed herself to the harsh elements so that Palmon could wear her shade-bestowing hat? As usual, snapping like this is a meaningful point of uncharacteristic dialogue.
With Mimi being so stubborn, Taichi decides he has no choice but to stage a sit-in protest right here in her bedroom.
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It does not go well.
Taichi: Oh, that's it! Now you can never make me leave this place! (sits down) I will not move from this spot until Mimi-chan comes with us! Agumon: (sits) Me neither! Gomamon: (does his best impersonation of cross-legged sitting for a quadruped) Me neither! Mimi: Is that so? Well, I have an idea.
Mimi rings a bell to summon her Gekomon entourage.
Gekomon: Princess-sama! Is there a problem-gekogeko? Mimi: These people want to leave! Show them to the exit!
The Gekomon grab the boys, carting them out of the room. As they're removed, they shout a variety of things drowning each other out.
The dub goes all in on Mimi's fake regality for her last line.
Gekomon: Your highness! What is it that you desire? Mimi: I desire these rude and bothersome peasants to be removed from my boudoir at once!
Strong line. The dub's been going hard with this one.
Dragging away the boys, the Gekomon lower the front gate and hurl them out.
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Agumon: Oww.... Gomamon: Treat your guests more courteously! Jou: In any case, I wonder what happened to Mimi-kun? Taichi: These frogs are spoiling her rotten, that's what! Gekomon: It's exactly that-gero....
The dub adds a quip to the boys getting thrown out.
Tai: I won't dissect frogs in biology, okay!? (The Gekomon throw the boys out) Gomamon: If that's the way you treat your guests, we're never coming back! Joe: Now what are we gonna do!? She's totally into this Digi-Fairy Tale! Tai: I wonder what she could have done to get them to wait on her hand and foot like this? Gekomon: You really want to know? Tai: Uhh, sure.
Joe and Tai basically swap roles here, with Joe being frustrated and accusatory while Tai's calm and inquisitive.
The dub version also has a subtle tonal shift, as the original accuses the Gekomon of doing this to Mimi while the dub accuses Mimi of doing this to the Gekomon.
As we'll later learn, there's blame to go around. The Gekomon unwittingly provoked this personality shift in Mimi, who is now taking advantage of and coercing them for admittedly sympathetic reasons. So both accusations are fair and unfair all at once.
That said... the dub's accusation implies that this is normal behavior for Mimi, which is the opposite of the intended takeaway. They dub's been writing her as a pampered rich girl from the start, and unfortunately that's going to have some knock-on effects for her character arc in this episode.
Now that they've completed their task of throwing the boys out, the three Gekomon and two of the Otamamon guarding the gate promptly lead them back in to show them the truth of this princess situation: A karaoke stage with a secret to reveal.
(There were three Otamamon guarding the gate but only two come with them. So I guess it takes Five Guys Burgers and Fries to escort the kids and only one tadpole kiddo to protect the place from intruders. That's fair, one of the boys is Taichi and he might pull shit if not properly supervised.)
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Gekomon 3 (counting from left to right): This is our lord-gero. Taichi: Whoa! That's a pretty big statue. Gekomon 3: It's not a statue-gero. It's our lord himself-gero! Boys: HUH!?!? Agumon: That thing is alive!? Otamamon 2: Yes-tama! Gekomon 2: He's been like this for the last 300 years-gero. It's said that the shock of losing a karaoke match put him in this state-gero. To bring back our lord, it's said that a voice even more lovely than the one that defeated him must sing to him-gero. So we've held a karaoke competition every year-gero but our lord never so much as twitches-gero.... Gekomon 1: Of course, this led us to think the legend was just a lie-geko. Otamamon 1: Right at that moment, we heard of a human girl who's an amazing singer and brought her here to the palace-tama!
You get three guesses who told them that and the first two don't count. A flashback shows us PicoDevimon persuading the three Gekomon and three Otamamon at the gate to go get Mimi.
On the way into the karaoke hall, the dub adds some dialogue.
Joe: You're not taking us to an evil Digimon, are you? Gekomon 2: Uh-uh! Tai: What if Mimi catches us? Gekomon 3: She won't.
From there, the dub version of the story starts by giving the Gekomon's lord a name.
Gekomon 2: (possessing Gekomon 3) Here is our master, Lord Shogunmon[sic]. Tai: Whoa! Somebody's had a few too many donuts! Joe: Is it a statue or what? Gekomon 3: No, it's not a statue. He's very much alive. Boys: Huh? Agumon: Hey may be alive but he's not lively, is he? Otamamon 2: He's sleeping. Gekomon 2: He's been this way for over 300 years. You see, Lord Shogunmon was proud of his voice and entered this singing contest but he lost. He felt so bad, he fell into a deep sleep from which he's never recovered. It's said only a voice as beautiful as the one that beat him can wake him. For centuries, we've tried but every song's failed. Gekomon 1: We Gekomon love music but unfortunately not one of us has a voice that would be considered beautiful. Otamamon 1: Then we got a break! A strange little Digimon spoke of a girl with a pretty voice. He told us where to find her and we did!
They flub the first line by having Gekomon 2 speak, even though it's Gekomon 3 that's gesturing to the stage and moving his lips. You can see him in the wide shot above still gesturing, before he returns to neutral position. But the line's delivered in close-up on just the one Gekomon so I guess they overlooked that and just picked one.
Tai immediately makes a fat joke upon being introduced to actual authority, forcing Joe to keep us on-script by delivering his line instead. Rude. But also fitting for Tai. And Joe, for that matter.
We'll talk more about "Shogunmon" when we get to his official Digimon Analyzer entry but it's certainly an unexpected translation choice for multiple reasons. Here in this unmistakably Japanese palace, it seems like they're finally starting to give up on localizing this as an American-based series.
I do take issue with how the "singing contest" is described. Not with the fact that they shun the word karaoke. Japan loves karaoke but American kids might not know what that is. Rather, I don't like that they say he "entered a singing contest" when the stage is right here in his house. He's clearly the one hosting the singing contests.
Lastly, they cut the part where Gekomon 1 expresses doubt that the legend's even true. Instead, he shit-talks the Gekomon species as universally having bad voices; Apparently that guy has some internalized racism to deal with because he's judging his own people by the cultural standards of humans.
In flashback, we see Mimi take her shot at the stage.
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Appropriately enough, since Mimi's actress sings the ending credits theme for the show, Mimi gets up on stage and actually sings the ending credits theme "I Wish".
Mimi: When I wish on a star with my pride riding on the wind / I can see a tomorrow that can't be erased by today! / I'm sure of it.... (long pause) Mimi: I'm sorry, I forgot the rest!
I'm not 100% but I think "I Wish" was written specifically for the anime. So Mimi is paradoxically karaoke-singing a song recorded for her own show. That's fun.
As she's singing, the Gekomon Lord's head-tail-antenna thing starts lifting upwards, responding to her voice. But when she drops the song, it falls back down.
To try and help Mimi remember the lyrics, the Gekomon present her with a huge feast. Then she's back on stage for a second attempt.
Mimi: When I wish on a star with my pride riding on the wind / I can see a tomorrow-- (speaking normal) Hmm.... Since this is karaoke, we should have a mirror ball here to get more of an atmosphere going. Also, the interior decorating in this room is gross!
An ambiguous number of attempts later, Mimi is onstage in her princess dress with the mirror ball spinning and several Gekomon serving as backup dancers behind her. This time, she doesn't even start.
Mimi: No more. I'm sleepy.
With Mimi's attribute being Purity/Sincerity, the second attempt could be excused as a sincere expression of "Wait, why is this karaoke stage bad?" Purity's like that. But it could just as easily be the opportunism of Princess Mimi kicking in, having been triggered by that feast.
By that last bit, however, she's unambiguously begun lying. Making excuses to keep a good thing going. Burying herself in an escape from her ugly reality at the Gekomon's expense.
Just as PicoDevimon planned.
Dub Mimi skips the paradox of singing her own show's anthem by adlibbing her own original song.
Mimi: I wanna sing a song / A song that'll wake you up / And when you hear my voice / You'll call me your sweet buttercu-oo-up! / Just give me a listen.... (long pause) Mimi: Sorry, I forgot the words!
I... sincerely hope Shogunmon will not call Mimi his "sweet buttercup". She's been harassed enough in Digi-World.
For Mimi's second attempt:
Mimi: I wanna sing a song / A song that'll wake you up / And when you hear my voice / You'll call me.... (speaking normally) Hmm... You know, this place is too dark. How about we get a disco ball and some spotlights, huh? And of course we'll need hair, makeup, and some costumes!
They add all the extra stuff from Mimi's final attempt into her request here. All that extra stuff in the original had implied a couple more tries inbetween, but here it's clearly just her third try.
As an aside, the animation doesn't really suit the dialogue at the end. She says "We'll need hair, makeup, and costumes!" in a cheerful voice while making the disgusted gesture from "The interior decorating is gross."
Her final attempt ends the same way as in the original.
Mimi: Oh, I'm tired. Let's pick it up tomorrow.
Though Dub Mimi at least promises further attempts.
The Gekomon and Otamamon finish their sad tale of mistakes and trauma-induced selfishness.
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Otamamon 1: Over time, this is how things ended up-tama. Gekomon 1: At first, the princess would sing for us every three days-geko. Now she holds it over our heads to get what she wants. Otamamon 1: When we try to refuse her demands.... (flashback to Mimi) Mimi: Ehh, are you sure? I won't sing for you anymore.... (present) Otamamon 2: We can't talk back at all when she threatens that-tama! Jou: (angry) So that's how Mimi-kun became so selfish! Gekomon 1: That's why we have a request for you-geko! Otamamon 2: Can you get the princess to sing for us-tama? Agumon: I doubt she'll listen to us--
But Taichi's fist clenches, listening to all this. Suddenly, boisterously, he smacks his chest and makes a declaration.
Taichi: I've got this. Leave it to me! Group: EHHHH!? Gekomon 3: You'll ask her for us-gero!? Both Otamamon: Hoorah! Jou: (freaking out) Hang on, Taichi-- Taichi: So you're saying we just need to wake this big guy up, right? Then I'll do the singing!
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The rest of the group has some concerns about Taichi's plan.
Over in the dub, we again see the unfortunate interaction of how they've written Mimi with what is intended to be unusual behavior from her.
Otamamon 1: And that's the way it's been. One excuse after another! Gekomon 1: We've done all she's wanted! We even redecorated the entire palace for her! I used to like pink but now I can't stand to look at it. Otamamon 1: And if any one of us complains to her.... (flashback) Mimi: Whoa! Be careful... You wouldn't want me to lose my voice now, would ya? (present) Otamamon 2: So we're in a terrible position, you see? We're totally hopeless. Joe: Unfortunately, you've given Mimi the life she's been accustomed to and then some. Gekomon 1: Well, since you're friends of hers.... Otamamon 2: Could you please reason with her? Please? We'd be so eternally grateful. Agumon: I don't think she knows what 'reason' is! Tai: (fist clenched, slaps chest, volunteering) Just leave it to me, guys! I've got it! Group: Whuh!? Gekomon 2: (possessing Gekomon 3 again) I knew it! I knew you'd come through! Both Otamamon: Yay! Joe: What are you thinking, Tai!? Tai: Well, who says you need Mimi to wake up Jumbo? Crank it up and let me take a shot!
Again, a line meant to indicate a change in Mimi's behavior has been altered to suggest she's normally like this. The change in Joe's dialogue then turns Agumon's follow-up line, which had been a fair assessment of how their last encounter went, into a potshot at her personality.
Similarly, the dub drops the mention that Mimi did keep making attempts every three day for a while, but then eventually stopped. This, again, highlights the gradual transformation of the Mimi we knew into Princess MImi. But since the dub's selling Princess Mimi as her true colors, that part got cut and replaced with a laugh line.
Following up on Taichi's bad idea, the boys take turns making. Just. The worst attempts at matching Mimi's elegant singing.
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What follows is a bit of absolutely untranslatable comedy predicated on the boys badly singing homonyms of the lyrics from "I Wish". As a reminder, the lines are:
"When I wish on a star with my pride riding on the wind / I can see a tomorrow that can't be erased by today!"
Instead, the boys deliver:
Taichi: When I wish on a star and scoop pudding in a bowl! / I can take tomorrow if I don't grab today! Jou: When I wish on Chinese eels with fried potatoes in the wind / I can see no option but to cool off my sweat! Agumon & Gomamon: When I see stars in the wind, things are going pretty good / I can get rid of tomorrow so today won't arrive!
Taichi's attempt at least draws some meager applause from the Gekomon, but Jou just gets dead stares while Agumon and Gomamon drive everyone to cover their ears.
Though, for me, Jou knocked it out of the park with his homonym set including the English fucking words "fried potatoes". Jou, what possessed you to think those were the lyrics? XD
Despite their best attempts, the boys come to a solid conclusion.
Taichi: No good, huh? Jou: It won't be possible to wake him without Mimi singing.
For their part, the dub kids are under no obligation to match Mimi's song because they aren't doing karaoke. But they still try their best to put their own badly sung spin on her original lyrics. Uh. Despite having never heard them.
Tai: I'm gonna sing aaaaa soooong! A song that will wake you up! / I'm gonna belt it OUT! Shogunmon, it's time to get UUUUUUUUP!!! Joe: (monotone) I'm attempting to sing a song, a song that will waken you and aid all the Gekomon that are loyal to your worldview and the idea of you being in charge. / I'm attempting to sing a song, a song that will waken you and aid all the Gekomon-- Agumon: (with Gomamon doing backup groaning) I croon this song to you! A tune from now until June! / When you hear us sing, you'll call us singing buffoons! / We just wanna wake ya! / So don't close your ears / Or you could sleep for years!
From there, they too agree that this isn't going to work.
Joe: it's no use. Tai: After that, he might not wake up for another 300 years!
Though, funnily enough, they once again kinda swapped lines. Joe makes the short and simple assessment followed by a longer summary of their failure by Tai.
Joe takes it away with his song again. I unironically love Joe's song derailing into political exposition. It's so perfectly Joe. No matter the language, Jou/Joe is the MVP of terrible karaoke.
In any case, since they can't do the homonym gag, they instead use these songs as an expression of raw, unbridled personality and it works.
While the boys are mulling over their failures, Palmon finds them at the karaoke stage.
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Palmon: Everyone! Taichi: Palmon! Palmon: I was worried about you. What happened? Agumon: What do you mean, 'what happened'? Haven't you noticed that Mimi's been acting weird? Palmon: Weird? (folds her arms and considers for a moment) Oh, you think so too!? I've been thinking that!
Palmon's body language doesn't match her words because she's meant to be full of shit here. She just realized that Mimi's behavior is off for the first time and is trying to pretend she suspected it all along.
Tai: (disappointed) Really. Gomamon: (disappointed) At least figure it out for yourself.... Palmon: (nervous) Ehehe....
Over in the dub, they finally acknowledge that this behavior is unusual for Mimi... sorta.
Palmon: Hey, guys. Tai: Palmon! Palmon: Why did you all disappear like that? It's like you weren't even happy to see us. Agumon: What are you talking about? In case you hadn't noticed, Mimi's gone nuts. Palmon: Yeah? (folds her arms and considers for a moment) Now that I think of it, she has kinda gone off the deep end. I mean, even for her! Tai: (disappointed) Oh, you noticed? Gomamon: (disappointed) You're so observant. Palmon: (nervous) Ehehe....
Palmon, you were in the room when the Gekomon took them away. Did you black out?
In any case, we've made it from "Typical Mimi" to "Mimi's worst traits have been exaggerated by the situation." Which is, at least, closer to where we're supposed to be: "Mimi is uncharacteristically lying and faking contentment as a defense mechanism."
Conspiring with Palmon, the boys bug Mimi's room to try and get a recording of her singing voice.
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Presumably the equipment for this came from the karaoke studio.
Jou: A recording, huh? Great idea! Taichi: I can be pretty smart when I want to be. (sound of a door opening) Gomamon: Here she comes. (everyone takes cover)
The dub decided that this plan needs to be explained in more detail.
Joe: So she'll be performing and won't even know it! Tai: Yeah, and we'll get the whole thing on tape! (sound of a door opening) Gomamon: Watch it! (everyone takes cover)
This comes at the cost of giving Tai props for being the one who had this smart idea. Poor Tai.
As the boys hush up, Palmon steps up to play her role inside the room.
Mimi: What's this? Palmon: A karaoke set. Mimi: (irate) I can see that. What's it doing here? Palmon: I-I just suddenly wanted to hear your beautiful singing!
This is the same in the dub; They even correctly identify the equipment in Mimi's room as a karaoke set. But the dub adds some extra dialogue at the end.
Palmon: Now, feel the music! Feel the music! Joe: (whisper) Tai, is she falling for it? Tai: Mmhmm....
Joe, we're doing crime here! Don't talk during crime unless you have something important to say! (He would be bad at crime....)
Without any further questioning, Mimi falls for it. The scowl on her face melts away into a genuine smile and she starts bouncing to the music. But then she sees it.
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Instantly, the mask comes right back on. Her face hardens into the cruel visage of Princess Mimi and she screams into the microphone at full volume, nearly deafening Taichi outside.
There's no dialogue in this bit, but the dub adds a line from Mimi.
Mimi: Hmm? What's that cord for? ...I see....
You'd think this would have tipped off Palmon that their cover's blown, but I guess not.
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Princess Mimi has them all locked away in the dungeon for this. Even Palmon.
Mimi: I'm pretty sure I can guess what your plan was. Taichi: Mimi-chan, come to your senses! Agumon: Mimi! Jou: Do you realize right now what you're doing? Mimi: (condescendingly pretends to think) Yeah? Am I doing something wrong? Taichi: You can't even tell anymore!? Don't you feel anything from doing this to your nakama!? Agumon: It's not just us! You're making a lot of trouble for the Gekomon too!
Mimi looks down at the Gekomon as if to confirm that they, too, resent her. They cower under her glare, shrinking down into themselves but saying nothing.
There's Taichi with nakama again. As a reminder, nakama is a group of people who form around a shared activity, interest, or goal and develop a powerful social connection from their mutual pursuit of it. We're a sports team, a project group, a military squad. Siblings-in-arms against the dangerous evils of the Digimon World.
Using it here is kind of a slap in the face, as Mimi's made her intention to break from their mutual activity very clear. Even if the others did think of themselves as nakama (which, right now, it's just Taichi using that word), Mimi doesn't want to be nakama anymore.
In the dub, for the sake of setting up the worst comeback in history, Mimi abruptly forgets that she's not supposed to be called Mimi anymore.
Mimi: So, you thought you could pull a fast one on Princess Mimi, did you? Tai: That's Princess Meanie! Agumon: Yeah! Joe: Who do you think you are, anyway!? Don't you remember that we're your friends!? Mimi: (condescendingly pretends to think) I remember you tried to trick me. Tai: We tried to trick you because we're trying to save you! Have you completely forgotten about the Crest of Sincerity!? Agumon: Have you completely forgotten it's not nice to lock people up in your dungeon!? Where's your manners!?
As usual, references to Mimi's behavior being unusual for her have been removed.
Having to talk around the fact that Mimi's behaving out-of-character makes this whole exchange janky. Tai brings the Crest of Sincerity into this but it's not super clear what he's talking about. Or where he learned that terminology, for that matter.
(Sora once name-dropped his Crest of Courage in the dub too, so I guess Gennai sent them an email with all the Crest names for their convenience back when they landed on Server.)
It ends with Mimi furiously turning her gaze on the Gekomon, but the dub exchange gives her no reason to be angry at them.
Mimi furiously storms off. But as she passes Palmon, her Partner calls out to her.
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Mimi: Hmph! (storms off) Taichi: Mimi-chan! Jou: (simultaneously) Mimi-kun! Palmon: Mimi! (Mimi stops walking, turning to listen to Palmon) Palmon: This is too horrible of a thing for you to do! (Mimi scowls at Palmon, but she's listening) Palmon: When you act like this... (crying) When you act like this.... (Mimi turns towards Palmon to hear her) Palmon: I HATE YOU!!!
Mimi gasps, her eyes quivering as if about to cry, and she quickly turns away from Palmon.
Mimi: (quiet, vulnerable) I see....
Then she slips her mask back on and turns on Palmon.
Mimi: (furious) WELL, I HATE YOU TOO!!!
Mimi exits the dungeon, followed by her Gekomon followers. Palmon, in her cell, lowers her head and mourns their relationship.
In the dub, Palmon's outburst comes off a bit more rehearsed.
Mimi: Hmph. (storms off) Taichi: Wait! Palmon: Uh... (Mimi stops walking, turning to listen to Palmon) Palmon: Before you go, I have something I want to tell you. (Mimi scowls at Palmon, but she's listening) Palmon: Nobody likes you more than I do. (crying) It hurts me deeply to have to say this, but.... (Mimi turns towards Palmon to hear her) Palmon: YOU'RE A SPOILED BRAT!!! (Mimi gasps and turns away from Palmon) Mimi: (angry) Oh!? Is that a fact!? (Mimi turns on Palmon) Mimi: WELL, IT'S NICE TO KNOW HOW YOU REALLY FEEL!!!
Again, this take on the scene sucks. They don't even let Mimi have her moment of vulnerability in the middle of the fracture. Palmon also comes across less torn up by what she's saying; In fact, she very matter-of-factly stops Mimi on purpose so she can say it, where the original Palmon is drowning in her feelings and word-vomiting those emotions in Mimi's direction.
We leave the others to their fate here, but the camera closes in on the window against the back wall - with a familiar looking silhouette of a girl in a helmet looking in on the boys' and Palmon's plight. In case it wasn't clear who that is, the dub gives her a line.
Sora: What can I do?
That night, Mimi has a full-blown PTSD nightmare. Fun!
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Etemon and Devimon emerge from the abyss. Mimi frantically calls out to the Gekomon and Otamamon to save her.
Mimi: Gekomon! Otamamon! Save me! Gekomon/Otamamon: No-gero/No-tama! Mimi: Eh? Fine! Then I won't sing for you anymore! Gekomon 2: That's fine-gero. You won't sing for us even if we do help you-gero. Gekomon 1: We're going home to sleep-gero! Mimi: Wait! I'll sing! Please help me!
They leave her to her fate. As Etemon and Devimon close in, Mimi suddenly sees Taichi, Jou, Agumon, Gomamon, and Palmon all appear.
Mimi: Everyone! Help! Taichi: You're not part of our nakama. Agumon: It serves you right. Jou: Did you forget what you did to us?
The boys leave, abandoning Mimi too. Only Palmon remains.
Mimi: Palmon-- Palmon: I hate you!
Then she, too, walks away. As Etemon and Devimon close in, there's nobody left to protect Mimi.
In the dub, the Gekomon and Otamamon's rejection is identical to the original. However, the rest of the group uses softer and less accusatory language in telling Mimi to go fuck herself.
Mimi: Oh! Mm, help me, please? Tai: Sorry, but we only help our friends! Agumon: What's wrong, Mimi? Joe: What's the matter? I thought you were having the time of your life. Mimi: Palmon-- Palmon: I've gotta go now, Mimi; Goodbye.
What, did Palmon leave something in the oven? Also, Tai, that is a bald-faced lie; You've helped plenty of randos since arriving at File Island.
I probably don't have to say it again, but the boys' jovial mocking and Palmon's unexplained departure do not land with the same emotional intensity as their assertive rebukes in the original.
Someone may or may not come to visit her that night.
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Mimi: Taichi-san... Agumon... WAIT!!! Palmon-- Sora: Mimi-chan? Mimi-chan! Mimi: (wakes) Sora: Mimi-chan! Mimi: Sora...-san? Sora: You know what you've done is wrong, don't you? Mimi: I... (crying) I'm so sorry! Sora: Then you know how you can fix things, right? Mimi: Yeah.... Sora: (takes Mimi's hand) That's good. You really are a good kid, Mimi-chan.
In the dub, Sora interprets Mimi's sleep-talking so she can browbeat her with it.
Mimi: Oh, won't anybody help me? Please! Palmon! Don't leave me! Sora: Hey. Hey! Mimi: (wakes) Huh? Sora: Hey, Mimi. Mimi: Where am I? What? Sora: Do you have any idea what that horrible dream was trying to tell you, Mimi? Mimi: (crying) I'm sorry! Oh, I really am! Sora: Well, then you know what you have to do to make things right. Mimi: Yes. Sora: (takes Mimi's hand) Thattagirl! I knew you'd find yourself again.
Hey, we're finally acknowledging that her behavior's meant to be a departure from normalcy! Now that it's over!
Mimi wakes again, as if her talk with Sora was a dream too, to the brilliant green glow from the Crest of Purity.
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Sora isn't there, but Mimi's balcony door is hanging open, implying that she really was here in person.
Mimi takes action immediately, right there in the dead of night. Instructing the Gekomon to retrieve Taichi and the others from their cell, and calling everyone into the karaoke hall.
Gathering in the karaoke hall, the Gekomon express their frustration.
Gekomon 1: What does she want from us so late at night-gero!? Gekomon 2: She's probably going to give us even harder orders-gero.
While, in the dub, Tai and Joe discuss an alarming possibility.
Tai: Is she gonna chop off our heads!? Joe: (somber) Don't even joke.
Once everyone's gathered together, Mimi makes her appearance; Rising up from a stage lift in front of the mic, dressed in her normal clothes.
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Mimi: Gekomon and Otamamon... Taichi-san, Jou-senpai, Agumon and Gomamon... And Palmon... Everyone. I'M SO SORRY!!! (Miscellaneous murmurings from the crowd) Mimi: (crying) I know that an apology may not be enough, but I've come to my senses. I realize how horribly I've treated all of you! So... So...! Palmon: Mimi, sing for us! Gekomon: We want to hear you sing, Princess-gero! Mimi: (wiping tears from her eyes) Everyone.... Palmon: Start the music!
Though clearly directed at the Gekomon and Otamamon, Dub Mimi's apology only name-drops her friends.
Mimi: First of all, there's something I have to say to everyone here. Tai and Joe, Agumon and Gomamon... Palmon... All of you've been so nice! I'm so sorry! (Miscellaneous murmurings from the crowd) Mimi: (crying) I've been such a little idiot! If you can find it in your hearts to forgive me, and I don't know why you would, but if you can then I'd be honored to sing for you one more time! Palmon: We forgive you! Gekomon: Of course we do! Sing, your highness! Mimi: (wiping tears from her eyes) Thank you! Palmon: Hit the lights and cue the music!
Palmon, don't speak for the group like that. You weren't on the receiving end for most of Mimi's transgressions. You can't forgive her on someone else's behalf. That's not how forgiveness works.
Mimi sings the song, this time continuing on instead of stopping early. The Japanese version is "I Wish", while Mimi sings a different version of her song that thankfully removes the buttercup line.
Mimi: I want to sing a song / A song to bring Shogunmon arou~ound! / When he hears my voice / I hope he likes the sound. / He has to listen. / Listen to my sincere heart. / I've learned that friends are friends / Even when they're apart! / I've asked my friends to forgive me / From the bottom of my he~eart! / If it's my choice / His eyes will open wide. / And the Gekomon will be cheering / Cheering with pride!
Again, using the character-adlibbed song to express personality, here conveying where Mimi is emotionally right now.
Mimi's music gets through to the Gekomon's lord. He rises to his feet, interrupting her song with his awakening.
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Before their lord has even done anything, the narrator jumps in with the rundown.
This is TonosamaGekomon, a Perfect-stage Virus-type Amphibian Digimon. Tonosama means "feudal lord". To my understanding, the term is colloquial and doesn't refer to any one specific lordship title. You might address a lord with the honorifics -dono or -sama, thus tonosama. I'm not 100% on that though.
Narrator: TonosamaGekomon. As his name says, he is the Gekomon's tonosama! The low frequency waves from his horn unleash his special attack, Kobushi Tone!
In keeping with the tadpole/musical note thing, TonosamaGekomon's attack name is a pun. Spelled コブシ on the Digimon Analyzer, kobushi is a word for "samurai". However, its homonym 小節 kobushi is a type of musical flourish.
In the dub, the Gekomon handle the diegetic rundown. Unlike tonosama, the word shogun does refer to a specific title. A shogun was the supreme leader of the military and effectively governed Japan, though subordinate to the role of the tennou (heavenly emperor).
Gekomon: Don't panic! It's our lord and master Shogunmon! Finally restored to us after so many centuries!
The Digimon Analyzer for the dub also reveals another "Animation team and writing team apparently didn't exchange notes" moment: TonosamaGekomon, the Digimon we've been calling Shogunmon all episode - including in dialogue for this very rundown - has his name rewritten as "SHOGUNGEKOMON" on the English Analyzer screen.
Again, I swear they did not actually watch the finished episodes one time before publishing them. This stuff keeps happening.
Awakened from his centuries-long slumber, TonosamaGekomon demonstrates his gratitude by fucking opening fire.
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TonosamaGekomon: I was having a wonderful nap. Who woke me up-geko!?
He stomps around and kicks in the walls, nearly stepping on Mimi in the process. Everybody flees for their lives.
But they don't get away. TonosamaGekomon fires his Kobushi Tone, using a short bit of karaoke to send a sonic blast through his horns. The shot blasts Taichi, Jou, Agumon, Gomamon, and the Gekomon and Otamamon through the wall behind them. They and the debris plunge into the lake outside the castle.
A valuable lesson in the perils of romanticizing historical figures. Maybe we should have written down more details about TonosamaGekomon than just "He sure did love to karaoke." A three-dimensional image of an important but flawed person could have saved us a lot of trouble.
In the dub, the would-be escapees use their lines to quip.
Joe: And I thought I was cranky when I first wake up! Gomamon: GIMME THE MEAN MIMI BACK ANY DAY!!! Gekomon: Who's idea was this!? Remind me never to listen to him again!
The Gekomon line may be a cliche but it still got me. The implication that this implied-to-be-long-ass search for a heavenly voice was just one dipshit's stupid idea. XD
Only Mimi is spared the blast from Kobushi Tone, though Palmon manages to cling to the floor and withstand it. However, a chunk of debris crumbles from the ceiling, threatening to fall on top of her. Palmon evolves to protect her.
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Togemon: (fucking punches the debris away) Are you alright, Mimi? Mimi: Togemon, I'm sorry. Togemon: It doesn't matter anymore. Mimi: I... (hugs Togemon's fist) I love you, Togemon. Togemon: I love you too, Mimi. Mimi: Togemon....
Before anyone gets weird about this moment, the words Mimi uses are "Watashi... Togemon daisuki". The word daisuki is a relationship-neutral way of expressing a strong affection. What that means is that you can safely say it to your lover, but it's also used among friends. The Japanese equivalent of a dude shouting "I love you, bruh!"
The way to say "I love you romantically" would be "Aishiteru".
This doesn't hit as hard in the dub since they didn't have the "I hate you!" moment earlier to contrast against it. But they still convey affection for one another.
Togemon: That was a close one! Mimi: Can you forgive me? Togemon: Of course I can! Mimi: Togemon... you're the best! (hugs Togemon's fist) Oh, thank you! Togemon: I'm just glad Old Mimi's back! Mimi: Really? You mean it? Then let's take care of this out-of-tune goon!
Again, we're finally acknowledging that Mimi changed now that she's changed back. Well, better late than never.
With her momentary reunion with Togemon over, Mimi grabs up the mic from the floor and turns on TonosamaGekomon.
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Mimi: HEY!!! YOU UNGRATEFUL SWINE!!! TonosamaGekomon: Ehh? Mimi: Don't you even know who woke you up!? TonosamaGekomon: WHO CARES!?!?
In the dub, Mimi's copping an attitude rather than screaming blood fury.
Mimi: Hey you! How about some gratitude! Shogunmon: Huh? Mimi: I sang you out of your 300-year-nap, you wannabe crooner! Shogunmon: All that racket!? It was you!? Mimi: Uh-oh....
As an insult, I like "ungrateful swine" the best. But the way Dub Mimi keeps shit-talking his singing like they're rival artists is pretty funny.
Mimi vs Shogunmon Rap Battle when?
TonosamaGekomon stomps forward, about to attack when a Harpoon Vulcan flies right over Mimi and Togemon and explodes right in front of him. The artillery cannon has entered the battle.
Turning his attention from Mimi, TonosamaGekomon bounds to the hole he made in the wall to see who dares. Greymon and Ikkakumon are down on the beach next to the swan boat. They open fire on him together with Mega Flame and Harpoon Vulcan.
But this is a Perfect-stage Digimon. TonosamaGekomon lets off another shot of Kobushi Tone, obliterating their shots and laying both of them out.
Taichi: I can't believe it! Jou: He looks stupid but he's actually really strong!
Just because we're getting our asses kicked, that doesn't mean we can't stop to roast a dumbass monster design, okay? XD
Over in the dub, Joe quips out a pun.
Tai: Did you see that!? Joe: Yeah! He gives new meaning to the term 'flat note'!
Back into the dungeon with you, Joe.
With the Digimon on their backs, TonosamaGekomon goes for the children with his "Tonosama Jump" attack. It consists of jumping on top of his opponent and trying to crush them under his body weight.
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It does not go well.
Greymon super-evolves into MetalGreymon and hurls his ass right back up into the theater. He follows up with an incredibly well-aimed Giga Destroyer, sending his two missiles straight down both of TonosamaGekomon's horns.
The explosion collapses the entire theater, burying TonosamaGekomon in the rubble.
Mimi: Sleep for the rest of your life! Everyone: (laughs) Narrator: After being honest with herself and recognizing her mistakes, Mimi's Crest of Purity attained its light. However, why won't Sora reveal herself to the others? The only thing we could know for sure was....
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PicoDevimon: AHHHHHHHHH HOT HOT HOT HEEEEEELP MEEEEEE!!! Narrator: ...that PicoDevimon was getting his just desserts.
Those Giga Destroyers exploded inside TonosamaGekomon's horns. If DIgimon didn't disintegrate into pixels upon death, I would totally peg him for dead here. But we see his tail-antenna-thing sticking out of the rubble, so he's alive.
As usual, the dub cuts the narrator out of this denouement.
Mimi: He deserved to hear that last flat note, don't you think? Everyone: (laughs) Tai: Well, ready to go, Mimi? Mimi: Yeah! Do you think I could take some of my princess clothes with me? Tai: Mimi! Mimi: Well, it just seems such a waste! The jewels at least? (Cut to Myotismon's castle) Myotismon: Didn't you say you knew what would happen if you failed? DemiDevimon: Well, when I said that I "knew", I didn't really mean that I "knew" knew, y'know what I mean? But now that I do know, if it's not too much trouble sir, COULD I BOTHER YOU FOR A GLASS OF WATER!?!?
Given the "Don't make me sit in a tree all night" last episode, I totally thought they were going to cut the firepit torture. Nope! They do change DemiDevimon's dialogue to be a lot more casual about it, however.
Mimi, we already made a "flat note" joke.
Assessment: This is one of my all-time favorite episodes. When I think of Digimon Adventure, this is one of the episodes that sticks out most firmly in my memory.
Most Mimi episodes stick out in my memory. She's my kid. I wanted so badly to be her when I was a child. So I'm sorry, I can't be fair and impartial. This episode rules and haters can jump on a Togemon needle.
The dub of this episode is so good when Mimi isn't in focus but absolutely butchers Mimi's character arc. Which unfortunately means it starts out strong but then gets weaker once the plot arrives, though it still has its shining moments.
It really doesn't do a good job of portraying the central idea, however: That Mimi's princess guise is fake. A mask she is wearing in violation of her Crest attribute, which is complete emotional sincerity. The dub's disdain for Mimi as a character sabotages its ability to properly tell her story here.
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spanishskulduggery · 5 months
May I ask on the usage of the terms te and me?
I'd like to know the rules so I know when to use them. I think they're used to indicate who owns the action, like "me gusta" or "te encanto". But then I see them used for other situations, like "me llamo" or "te amo".
It also makes me wonder why "tú" and "yo" can't be used in the same context, such as "tu amo mi". Too literal maybe?
I'm not sure how far you are in Spanish so I'm going to quickly go over some things and I'm sorry if it's too much info all at once or if it sounds like I'm talking down to you, I just want to be very clear on things and grammatical terms so you can look things up if you need to
First, your question is really about "pronouns" vs. "objects" vs. "prepositional objects"
In other words if you were asking about English you would be asking what the difference between "I" and "me", or "he" and "him", or "we" and "us" is
I think the easiest way to explain it is that when you mix them up it sounds like caveman speech kind of? This might be long - let me know if there's anything you need more info on
yo -> I tú -> you (informal) él -> he ella -> she ellos / ellas -> they ustedes -> you all vosotros/vosotras -> you all [informal; Spain] nosotros/nosotras -> we
Pronouns act as subjects, taking the place of people (or things). Because they're subjects they're the things that do the things.
Objects are a bit different - they mark who/what is receiving the action. In Spanish's case there are direct objects [things acted upon] and indirect objects [to whom or for whom something is done]
The objects are technically different, but aside from 3rd person they look exactly the same. There is a difference in what verbs take direct objects or indirect objects though; as an example, the verbs like gustar use indirect objects
Direct objects:
yo -> me tú -> te él -> lo ella -> la ellos -> los ellas -> las vosotros/vosotras -> os nosotros/nosotras -> nos
*Note: ustedes could be los or las depending on the gender of the "you all"
Indirect objects:
yo -> me tú -> te él / ella / usted -> le ellos / ellas / ustedes -> les vosotros/vosotras -> os nosotros/nosotras -> nos
As an example between the differences, decir la verdad "to tell the truth" could go to la digo "I say it" where the la takes the place of the noun
Then if you're "telling someone (something)" it's le digo "I tell them"
In other words, saying using the objects instead of the subjects is like "you love I" or "us love she", it comes out wrong. It's not so off that someone wouldn't be able to piece together what you mean but it comes out a bit... "caveman-y" if you know what I mean
Note: This is also ignoring reflexives which aren't necessarily "objects" in the traditional sense; they mark when the subject and object are the same - so me llamo is literally "I call myself", and te llamas "you call yourself" though it comes out as "my name is" and "your name is"
Put simply, the reflexive marker will match the conjugation if it's reflexive - a yo is conjugated like yo but then you have the reflexive pronoun... so it's me llamo
Those other objects are me, te, se [all of 3rd person], nos, and os. Again, it's only 3rd person you need to worry about
But with reflexives something like se baña "he/she bathes" vs. se bañan "they bathe" is distinguished by the verb conjugation matching
Prepositional objects are a little bit different; they're specific objects that come up when you use a preposition - primarily, a, de, en, entre, hacia, para, por and a few others*
And for the most part there's only two to know
yo -> mí tú -> ti
There is also sí which is supposed to take the place of "it", like en sí is often "in and of itself"... it takes the place of se which is primarily a 3rd person thing
You will see something like a/con sí mismo/a "to/with oneself" here and there
But in general it's something like por mí "for me / on my behalf", por ti "for you / on your behalf", then it goes to like por él/ella/nosotros/vosotros so it's not really another set of words, just two
The one preposition to watch is con because that is a bit irregular:
conmigo is "with me"
contigo is "with you"
[they come from Latin cum mecum and cum tecum so it's an irregularity that passed over to Spanish]
You also occasionally see consigo "with itself" but not as commonly
These in general are easy enough to spot. Really what might trip you up is when a verb uses a special preposition which do happen but they're the minority of verbs:
Pienso en ti. = I think of you. Me acuerdo de ti. = I remember you. Puedes contar conmigo. = You can count on me. / You can trust me. Votas por mí. = You're voting for me.
Those prepositional verbs you learn as you go for the most part.
Your first exposure to these is primarily with gustar where it's more emphatic, as the a
Me gusta = I like it. A mí me gusta. = I like it. [more like "I do indeed like it" or "I am the one who likes it" or possibly "well I like it"] Te gusta = You like it A ti te gusta = You are the one who likes it
And again past that you're using regular pronouns. Only thing to keep in mind there is when you have a + masculine nouns
Like al señor le gusta "the man likes it" vs. a la señora le gusta "the woman likes it"
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haedalkoo · 2 months
Your point about native speakers not noticing minor differences is so true. I’ve been learning my ethnic language’s writing formally (I could only speak semi-fluently, previously illiterate) and there’s definitely minute differences that most natives didn’t even know they use wrong. My mom, a native, often mixes up her diacritics in conversation without noticing anything sounding wrong.
I hate how non-natives who make the effort to learn and understand different languages are devalued for not being “authentic” in said language. Part of a formal grasp of language does come from diligent studying because it doesn’t come as naturally as it would to natives 😪
This exactly!!! Whenever I tried to help my foreign friends to learn my native language I would ALWAYS have to look up grammar explanations to put into words something that comes to me naturally. I don't know what the difference between using one conjugation or another is in an specific scenario because I'm not a linguist or a professional teacher and that's OK, it doesn't mean I don't understand my language!
Thank you for your kind ask 💜
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lead-to-code · 3 months
you know i'm not particularly against using an online translator if you need it, but i don't really want the poems i write in spanish to have that done to them, there is something that gets lost when you do, not even necessarily like a cultural meaning or anything, just really basic shit that non spanish speakers won't even notice, obviously i can't stop people and that's not what i'm complaining about (do as you will)
but much to my dismay, i'm kind of unfamiliar with spanish in spite of the fact that i've been speaking and hearing it all my life, so i often consult a dictionary and a translator just in case i got the conjugation wrong, or i misspelled something or if i just straight up got the definition of the word wrong, but a dictionary doesn't provide conjugation rules so i turn to the translator and a lot of the time it doesn't know what the fuck its doing
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 11 months
Hey I'm really confused about this and thought maybe you'd have the answer?
In the relationship charts Gonta says—Quote—"I didn't want to!" To Maki of all people
The two hardly interact and his wording implies he did something bad that someone influenced or made him do to her(And it's in first person,,,)
His words to/about everyone else is about what he thinks of them(Or in few cases, Defending himself; Like to Tenko he reminds her that he's a gentleman)
Any clue what this means since you seem to know alot about Gonta?
Okay, I looked into this because I honestly have not looked at the artbook relationship charts too much
As far as I'm aware, there aren't any official translations of the artbook. I lost it now, but I found the version of Maki's relationship chart that you were looking at (with Gonta saying this), and some of the other's reactions were also kind of weirdly translated. I managed to find a different one which I saved:
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(Sorry that the image quality so low! In case you can't read it, Gonta's says "Gonta didn't do anything!")
This translation seems more accurate to me, and I even asked my friend who has a copy of the artbook to send me a picture of it in Japanese:
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Now my Japanese isn't Good but I do recognize the verb and did some quick googling vis a vis verb conjugations and I don't think it could translate to "I didn't want to!" So I think the translation of "Gonta didn't do anything!" is probably more accurate
In that case, I think what Gonta means here is that Maki is kinda cold to him, and he can't figure out why. Of course, she's just kind of that way with almost everyone in the part of the game that Gonta's around (Definitely on first impressions) but Gonta might have thought he did something wrong to make her act that way with him.
Those are just my thoughts anyway haha hope this helps!!
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sayitaliano · 1 year
Ciao, I have a few questions:
what is the difference between lesbica and lesbiche?
Also, if I wanted to list my pronouns (he/she/xe) in Italian, what would I say?
Which kinda a follow up- are there neopronouns in Italian?
grazie, buono giornata!
lesbica = lesbian, singular; lesbiche = lesbians, plural I'm leaving you a few links about the lgbtq+ vocabulary, just in case you need: Lgbtqa Vocabulary | Lgbt+ | non binary (writing)
for pronouns I suggest you to read here (and other posts in the grammar masterpost in the pronomi section, right after pronomi diretti/indiretti). Btw personal pronouns are: I = io, You = tu, He/She = egli/lui, ella/lei (there's no specific agender pronoun as far as I know but check point n.3) We = noi You = voi They = essi/loro, esse/loro The pronouns I "deleted" are the ones taught in school for declaring verbs conjugations while studying, but not much used in common language. The fact that English provides the 2 forms pronouns (eg. they/them), doesn't need to be applied in Italian too: you can simply write he=lui / she=lei / they=loro as necessary.
Italian is a pretty gendered language, every noun has its gender to which you need to conjugate articles, adjectives and sometimes other parts of speech. Eg. you wrote "buono giornata": that's grammatically wrong cause "giornata" is a feminine word, so the adjective "buono" -masculine- is not correct; you should use "buona" -feminine- -> "buona giornata". We're still kinda behind with neopronouns, so when talking it gets a bit difficult. You can call a person by their name or be formal before asking how they rather be called (formal speech needs you to use a general "Lei", which has nothing to do with the person's gender despite seeming feminine -we recognize you're being formal cause you need to use verbs at the 3rd singular person too); or you can use the noun "persona" = person. Persona is a feminine noun, but you can use it no matter the gender of the person you're talking with cause it's just the noun itself being feminine. When writing you can add an */u/ə/ä at the end of the noun, instead of the "gendering" vowel when it comes to other nouns/adjectives and so on: eg. sono alt* = I'm tall (no gender specified). You can try using "u" when talking too (eg. sono altu), I heard it once so... yeah, you can try. It really reminds me of Sardinia tbh (Regional stereotypes, sorry) but if it works... I'm no one to tell y'all otherwise. Not saying we're not working on finding a solution, but it's a tough research and translating from English, a language that has a different grammar from ours, is pretty impossible. I've been researching a bit online and I noticed that English neologisms are probably to be used in Italian as well so: “ze/hir”, “xe/xem”, “ey/em”, “ve/ver”... just go with what makes you feel better anyway. You can still explain what you mean if someone doesn't get it (it doesn't have to be a bad/rude person, it's just that is something new for many of us, especially the elders, that are not so much online or informed about this kind of pronouns/changes). BTW you can try watching tonight's show about the Diversity Media Awards, maybe you'll get some more recent news on that matter too (IDK).
Hope this helps somehow, please feel free to ask for further infos if you need!
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jadiya · 2 years
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Woman chubby size of the brothers sano
The brothers sano returned from a very long day of work, he had only one desire it was to find their wife he had not warned him that he would return rather as a kind of surprise izana He even got you a bouquet of flowers and chocolates to make up for not being around the house much lately But they were surprised that you didn't come running to greet them
Mikey: My darling WHERE ARE YOU
While your youngest husband started screaming, hoping to find you, and fearing the worst, his brother izana saw an exploded mirror and blood stains by reflex, he pulled out his gun and his younger brother also did so by the same occasion
Izana: if one of those bastards dares to touch a single hair I'll break their jaws and make maracas out of them
They both moved to your conjugal room
You were literally lying on the floor blood around you and bits of glass scattered on the floor, he put away their weapons.He approached you as quickly as possible.
Mikey: Who did this to you?
: no one
They both looked at each other, and tried to understand the situation without really understanding
Izana: explain to me y/n you did it yourself but for what reason
You didn't want to tell them in their eyes You could very well understand that once it was all over Carnage would happen, and that's not what you wanted
Mikey grabbed you by the chin and looked into your dark eyes "if you don't tell me, I'll know, but you better tell me".
You started to cry without him understanding once again he took you in their arms to try to comfort you, even if expressing their emotions, but you are not their greatest quality
Izana: just give us a name and their suffering will be equal to yours
Out of desperation, you then began to explain what had happened to you
You had seen a bag in this high fashion store some time ago but every time you wanted to buy it, some saleswoman told you that it was already booked and today I had decided to go back to this store to see if they were, but the saleswomen
all look at you with disgust when you had just set foot in the store one of them approached you, and then how it talk to you
"Madam, it seems to me that you are in the wrong store here. We are at ****** and we don't do sizes. for people like you"
"Oh yes, I understand, but I'm just looking for a bag.
"please, don't make things more complicated than they already are, just go away and get in the way of our customers and the passage"
You lowered the eyes it was necessary that you succeeded in holding back its tears so that this bitch remade in plastic but not the pleasure to go to boast to its colleagues to be made you part you raised the head and you smile
It's something you hate doing having to confront people like that, but if you don't do it, no one will, and other girls who don't have an answer will be humiliated by this bitch
"I hate people like you think you are superior because men are interested in you feel superior when you pass by me and in your eyes I can see the disgust you feel but it is a pleasure at the bottom because people like you, spend their time to humiliate others because they have no life and they will never have one" you paused so that she could answer
She laughed, "I don't think the little fat girl understood, this store is not for people like you, you better just go to a gym or phone a good surgeon, so get out of here before I call security, Piggy the fat girl badly fucked by the company ".
After you explained it to them you tried to look him straight in the eye but it was literally impossible, they had bruised eyes
And then, silence took its place until izana started to carry you like a princess and put you gently on the bed
Izana: y/n know one thing, or his clients will regret their bad words and their look towards you because nobody in this world, Has the right to make you cry the only people who have the right is me and idiot Next to me
Mikey: For now let's not think about it. Let's start by disinfecting your hands, they are full of blood.
They have never been very attentive but let's say that for today they made an exception izana Disinfect you please while mikey make some phone calls to bonten executives
Izana didn't let you out of his sight, he started laughing
: What's the matter?
Izana: I just realized that the stretch marks you have on your belly form like several small waves and it's strangely very beautiful says it before starting to touch your belly
You laughed, which was not his style, but it's the kind of thing that comforts
His hand went down to your thighs
Izana: if one day I have to die, I want your thighs to cause my death
Mikey: what's wrong with you two now?
Izana: Well, our wife refuses to kill me with her thighs
: Mikey please tell her that dying smothered in my thighs is not an option
Mikey: why wouldn't it be an option Personally, if my death has to be caused, I would much rather die in your breasts
: but you see that's your problem you may hate each other deep down, you're the same
Izana : then certainly not the only thing that we have in common, it is that our woman is the most beautiful And She has a divine body but since she is completely stupid She prefers to listen to barbies, all in plastic, instead of listening to us
Mikey: that's my favorite thing about this jerk he says as he walks up to the two of you, giving you a hug
A few hours later, it was dark in the streets of Japan and the two brothers sano walk towards a very precise direction
Mikey: sanzu managed to find the address of this bitch
Izana: well let's go they will regret to have hurt y/n
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
Still on my Duolingo French grind and without fail I ALWAYS get at least one gender conjugation question wrong what kind of stupid fucking idiot decided to gender oranges
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eternal-moss · 7 months
I’m like. *this close* to writing Genshin fan fiction in Latin, not even joking. I’d probably stick to Mondstadt characters bc Latin conjugation would not be very compatible with Liyue/Inazuma/Sumeru character names. Maybe some Fontaine characters as well, but I’m less interested in most of them.
Some Mondstadt characters are pretty compatible, examples like ‘albedo’ which already exists in the nominative singular (nice!) but grammatically female (I can just make him grammatically masculine. Or change it to neuter or leave it haha. So many options).
‘Kaeya’ is not derived from Romance languages, I can’t find concrete information but I think it’s from Sanskrit or one of the derived languages (let me know if that’s wrong!) either way, very much not derived from Latin, but I could probably make it decline like ‘nauta’ and keep it grammatically masculine.
Names like Lumine are funny because ‘lumine’ does exist in Latin, but isn’t in the nominative singular (which is lumen, and a neuter noun also). I could make it decline like ‘Penelope’ maybe, and keep it neuter to honour the non binary coding of the travellers.
Klee is a German word, and I don’t know much about German conjugation but I think it just goes klee, klee, klee, klees, klees, klees, klees, klee. So I would need to give it a Latin declension of some kind to make a sentence with her name make sense. I could make it so that it declines like Penelope too, but then I don’t know if I’d keep both ees. Maybe just keep it like Klee, Kleen, Klees, Kleae (???) either way it sounds really clunky lmao.
‘Aether’ thank god is nominative singular already. Hehe what if I make it grammatically neuter though…. >:]
Diona, Eula, Babara, Lisa, Mona, Rosaria should be easy, just keeping them as first declension feminine.
Noelle and Sucrose shouldn’t sound too clunky with the Penelope treatment.
Mika can get the Kaeya/nauta treatment.
Everyone else with a final consonant can be 3rd declension m/f (eg Razor, Razorem, Razoris, Razori, Razore).
AND THEN VENTI. I don’t know what to do with him?? Venti is the gen singular or nom/voc plural of ventus. And there is no nominative singular ending in all of Latin or Greek (my Greek knowledge is bad so tell me if I’m wrong lmao) that ends in ‘i’ so wtf do I do???
I’m debating just keeping him as Venti, and him being treated like a plural noun like idk ‘posteri’ or something. It would be semi lore accurate, if his name is based of the thousand winds (plural!) as a way of honouring them. I don’t know this is a massive stretch. Anyway that’s the best solution to the Venti Problem.
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