mayariviolet · 2 months
anyone else feel super proud of their writing but also feel like they can never read it again? or is that just me?
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tinselkat · 7 months
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contrivedchaos · 3 months
So all the overlord demons have a normal form and a full on demonic horror form.
I bet Carmilla has her wings when she's in horror mode, still angelic white and gold, but claws, glowing eyes.
But it makes me think of Charlie transforming, the tail and all and makes me wonder both about the Carmine girls forms, and what happened to upset them enough the first time that they showed those forms.
I mean horrible angst is an option but with two girls either twins or very close in age toddler tantrums are also a great possibility lol
I like the idea of Carmilla having her own unique angelic demon form when she really goes ham. Lucifer's form seems very inspired by his snake and apple motif. Lots of reds and whites in his wings and tail, with the little heart maybe being a nod to his love for humanity before the fall. The little flame on his forehead is probably where his extra eye used to be.
I also want to note that I got this ask back-to-back with the dominion angel fanart that was sent to me, so I'm going to say I highly appreciate @alieliscious's design and may actually head canon some of those elements. (Like the galaxy theme, wuuuuut! How pretty is that! 😭😭)
My head canon will probably be a little different for Carmilla than yours. I initially envisioned Carmilla's motif having more blues or purples, as well more black, for the black swan thing. Maybe more black for her where Lucifer is white. Her wings are also probably a lot less reptilian than Lucifer's, and retain more of the bird-like features of a Seraphim.
Odette and Clara's forms are probably a combination of Carmilla's and their father's forms, like Charlie has a little of Lucifer and Lilith in hers (maybe leaning a little more toward Lucifer's, since his angel blood is probably stronger, and she gets her tail and horn shape from him). It's hard to say the exact features of Clara and Odette's, without knowing what their father was like, but they might also lean a little more toward looking like Carmilla since she's a fallen angel.
The first time Carmilla witnessed their demon forms was probably when they were having a spat, like over a toy or something. Kids overreact to so many little things, they'd probably go full demon mode over something small that they perceived as a big deal. She has to teach them to control those tantrums and not to blow up, because they could really hurt each other or others. They probably haven't done that again since they were children, but if Carmilla's life were in danger, that would definitely bring it out of them.
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revengemode · 8 months
Sex stories? I woke up in a room I recognized, I still had alcohol in my system so I was not connecting the dots....my friends recently divorced dad was in the bathroom and another girl that was a mutual friend was sleeping on the floor half naked...😊 I could not make this up I don't remember what happened but I know enough that could make me drown in embarrassment and I avoid that house like a plague everytime I go back home
HOLD UP! Anon wuuuuut
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liveleaker · 1 year
Blonde hair fits me cause Im retarded as fuck I love sitting there twirling my hair in my fingers like wuuuuut 🤤
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Inuyasha - Chapter 20 of 559...
Chapter Index
Nobunaga does not understand the concept of stealth. He runs through the castle shouting out for his beloved. Inuyasha is content to use this guy as bait to lure the yokai out.
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Kagome finds the princess, who has fallen asleep. Myoga volunteers to "wake" her.
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The princess wakes up.
Myoga Squash Count - 7
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The princess remembers who Nobunaga is! But it's because he's a dork...
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Aaaaaaaaaaand we've been friend-zoned.
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Nobunaga almost confesses to the princess...almost.
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As the yokai reveals himself, Inuyasha is ready to kick some ass!
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Surprise surprise. The yokai underneath those frog-shaped bandages...is a frog-shaped yokai!
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Right before Inuyasha can attack, the frog releases a bunch of miasma. Inuyasha is knocked TO TH FLOOR by this stuff.
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But Inuyasha gets back up!
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The frog yokai sees that the princess is there and he wants to...gobble her up. But like, to eat her soul. Wuuuuut...
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This princess is just SO lucky because if this Nobunaga guy had been the only person around to try to save her, they all would have become dead.
Chapter Index
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comatosebunny09 · 1 year
I feel like Platonic! Tengen would say some shit like this on a daily basis cause niggas aint shit
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aaaangel444 · 2 years
what CAN you even do in south surrey/white rock for fun. i feel like it’s soo dead there!!
wuuuuut. it’s dead if you wanna get drunk and party but there’s two beaches. trails. lookout spots. restaurants at the beach, a giant park. I feel like much more to do than say delta or poco
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elledjarin · 2 years
Wuuuuut it is your birthday!?
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Happy Birthday, Elle!!!! Have lots of fun!
thank you!! 🫶🏻🤍
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genesysofthestars · 5 months
Day 26
Part 3 of OC!chatfic: a series of "wrong chat" moments
Erina: Erick
Erina: Erick
Erina: Regem
Erina: Your Majestyyyyyy
Erick: hm
Erina: Want fried rice? Imma make some
Erick: sure
Rosa: i want some too
Erina: ...
Erick: ...
Erina: opps wrong chat
Erina: eh whatever
Darrin: Rosa you hungry?
Rosa: ...
Rosa: a little
Darrin: I'll be done in a minute what do you want
Rosa: fried rice
Darrin: Ok see what I can do
Rosa: don't forget to feed Renoir too
(Darrin Verne sent a "ok!" emoji)
Erick: erina
Erick: erina
Erick: erina
Erick: singularity
Erick: love
Erina: Wuuuuut?
Erick: im about to go home do you want anything
Erina: uhhh
Erina: donuts sounds good right now
Darrin: especially with some coffee yeah
Erina: ...
Erick: ...
Erina: wrong chat lol
Erick: gonna ignore my mistake
Erick: no offense darrin
Erick: any flavors erina
Erina: If there's cream filling, that.
Erina: If none, anything chocolate will do.
Rosa: @Darrin I got some coffee come here
Darrin: yay!
Darrin: I noticed that Erina and Erick had some...
Darrin: Unique nicknames for each other
Rosa: what nickanames?
Rosa: Regem and Singularity?
Rosa: they sound like aliases more than nicknames for me
Erina: ah
Erina: that
Darrin: I do wonder what it means.
Erina: That, my newfound friends...
Erina: is a secret ;3
Darrin: how much should we pay you so you can tell us?
Erina: If someone brings alcohol I might consider it.
Erick: so you're not gonna tell them you're a phantom thief
Erina: There's no way in hell I'm revealing my secrets first.
Erina: ...
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f0xd13-blog · 8 months
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Wait wuuuuut? Why are they not dressed flamencccci or with any sort of gitano clothing? Damn... they probably forgot they inveted us that day
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griefstew · 10 months
i thought I’ve just been more anxious than usually lately but I started to pay attention to when it was happening and I realized that after I eat sometimes it’s been making my heart race and I just feel off … wuuuuut is that all about?
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28dayslater · 1 year
wuuuuut that poll??? am in the demo above you and have had uhhh. less of a body count than that. significantly. is zero technically an actual number or (afaf)
Weirdly enough the issue people were having with it on Twitter was that the numbers were way too low, evidently not a problem amongst the followers of romeroworldcup.tumblr.com
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aether-rulz · 1 year
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videostak · 1 year
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wuuuuut :O
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Those TS apologists you get, though. WUUUUUT 💀💀🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Not only them, I got the CH/TW apoligist too. Both in one day. Crikey.
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