#ww smut recommend
somereaderinblue · 1 month
It's already Day 6 of Trigun Fanfiction Appreciation Week. I don't want any regrets so here goes: I give you a VW mpreg rec list. If this isn't your cup of tea, that's fine. If it is:
what I am trying to cultivate… by Altered-Havoc (Altered_Karma)
100/10, I've lost count on how many times I reread this. Both of them have suffered & after everything, they finally get a soft epilogue. Angst? Who dat? This is 80% comfort to me.
Surprise, Wolfwood! It's A Bouncing Baby Plant! by @attackofthezee, rated T
WW returns from the dead & there's a surprise waiting for him. 3 guesses as to what it is.
Until The End by squishycake, rated E
“Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story.” – Richard Siken A bittersweet fic wherein an aging WW makes peace with his mortality but not before Vash two new lives.
Innocent Souls by NaughtyJacks (JackalJamboree), rated T
In a quiet moment, Vash asks WW to bless the two blessings he carries. Vash knows WW is still keeping secrets from him, but he also knows that he's decided to choose Vash & his kids over them. And that only makes him love him more.
o' light, won't you shine (upon souls of youth) by seventhgiver (fifthgiver), rated T
Another bittersweet fic wherein WW still faces his canon death, but Meryl & Milly are there to support Vash through thick & thin. There's angst, but it really does have a happy ending.
dear star and spring bud, my preachers by elemmacil, rated T
Post-canon AU where VW have a child. Does a great job at depicting their awe over the fact that they were allowed to make this dream their reailty.
I've Taken to Calling Him Nico by mak000000, rated G
Short one-shot wherein Vash tells WW that the little boy he assumed to be Lina's baby brother is in fact someone's kid. 3 guesses as to who's the father.
i’d give you the sun (i’d give you the sun) by justotherdays, rated M
Set post-Trimax, full of nothing but tenderness & a much deserved happy ending.
This is not humanity's song, this is ours by O_ToJoy, rated M & T
An AU where Knives's victory is short-live & WW has to pick up the pieces, one of said pieces being Nikolai. He's 16 years too late, but that won't stop him from trying.
Talk About Timing by lucifergooseifer (Lucifergooseifer), rated M
A small detour causes everything to NOT go according to plan. BUT! Nothing (too) bad happens, I swear.
A Black Angel at Your Side by hazeltea (madlovescience), rated E
I would've listed this at the top but then I read it, cried, & slapped it here. I want to devour this but also throw up. On a side note, I like how this fic depicts Livio's still somewhat religious view on Plants & how said view is deeply embedded in NML's culture, which causes conflict with the Earth Federation. There's also a Meryl POV chapter where she justifiably remains wary of Livio/Razlo, which really individualizes her. Also has fanart.
Flower Dew, Deep Waters, Desert Thirst & Use My Heart by cloudbureiku, rated E & M
Aside from smut, there's also tender caring & non-sexual intimacy, all of which are three of many reasons why VW is our bread & butter.
Lavender by @vaporame
Gotta love it when Plant pregnancy involves markings & telepathic bonds. Totally makes breaking the news to your s/o less nerve-wracking. Their other VW works are also recommended.
Modern AUs
To Build a Home by hielhue, rated G
Everyone is alive & happy, and WW narrates how he met Vash, fell in love & started a family.
cause everything else is a substitute for your love by @sascake, rated M
VW have a bad history when it comes to using protection despite one of them ironically owning a sex shop. They're not perfect but they make it work.
little moment verse by justotherdays, rated G & M
VW's journey as parents. In the second fic in the series, the author isn't afraid to write how some parents, no matter how much they love their child, still inevitably struggle. Which is why it's important to have support.
devil on your shoulder (or the angel laying on your tummy) & paint the town red by cloudbureiku, not rated & G
The former guest stars the only & only Kuroneko while the latter shows us why it really isn't advisable for heavily pregnant parents to sit on the floor.
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weasleywinchester · 4 years
Save Yourself - Chapter 1
It Weighs Heavier On One's Heart
Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10 | Ch. 11 | Ch. 12 | Ch. 13 | Ch. 14 | Ch. 15 | Ch. 16 | Ch. 17 | Ch. 18 | Ch. 19 | Ch. 20 |Ch. 21 |Ch. 22 |Ch. 23 |Ch. 24 | Ch. 25
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Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Hello! The Dean Winchester series I hinted at forever ago is here! Well the first chapter anyways LOL. I decided to make this a Dean x reader, but do I put Plus Size? I’m “Plus Size” and when writing I picture myself so make that what you will. Took me a while to decide what I wanted to do with my first Dean series, because let’s be honest I day dream A LOT about Dean! But here it be, and I hope you enjoy! This chapter takes place somewhere in season 13(?).
Warnings: None as of now! Eventual Smut, angst (??) Idk I’m new, I don’t know how to do these tumblr writing things!
Series Summary:
"I promise.” Those two words would trap you in a life you never wanted. You are an artist, a hunter, a Winchester. And yet the pain in Dean’s eyes as demanded you live the life he wants you live, you couldn’t say no. You met the Winchesters by chance, found out they were real people. And you figured it was a once in a life time thing, but then Dean called you, and so did a new job. Both leading to the life you wanted, a family that didn’t begin or end in blood and a once in a life time love. And he said leave it and him behind, forget. But you can’t.
Chapter Summary:
You worked retail before, but that was Before the Winchesters. And now you’re back. And my Chuck is it THE WORST. So boring, so sexist and so not the life you love. Luckily Claire knows how to weasel around the specifics of promises and is very persuasive. She’ll drag you along for a few hunts as her chaperone but this time she’s got a plan up her sleeve.
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“(Y/N) pleeeeease! Jodi said there’s no way I could go without supervision,” Claire air quotes the last word, “and both she and Donna are working all weekend.”
You rest your head on the shelf you’re stocking and clamp your eyes shut. No. Absolutely not. You made a promise to him. You couldn’t go behind his back. You knew he wouldn’t be keeping that close an eye on you. Cas on the other hand absolutely would, and they had to be in agreement about this promise right?
“(Y/N) I need to work this case! Hunting is-”
“The Family Business“ you whisper into the shelf. You’re technically there for supervision, not actual hunting. You tap your fingers against the shelf, Claire glaring at you.
“Come on! Cas already knows that I’m going to be on this, so the Winchester’s won’t be checkin in!” She whispers, her hand resting on one of your shoulders. You sigh, Claire is dying to be a hunter, and you sure as hell won’t stop her.
“I will supervise-“
Claire starts jumping up and down in celebration.
“BUT you have to drive, I get to pick the music and we get separate beds.”
“Deal!” She hugs you and sprints out the door.
You get back to your little apartment and slump onto the couch. Your feet are pulsing to a beat with no music and your eyelids are like bricks. Every day you have to fight men instead of monsters (which lets be honest, monsters are way easier). You figured working in a little outdoor supply store would be easy enough. But the men who shop and work there take one look at you and immediately write you off. Women can’t possibly know anything about guns, or knives, or fishing and no way they know more.
You of course don’t write off all men, there are a few customers who heed your advice or take your recommendation. But they are far and few in this little backwoods town and sometimes you wish you could run off on a hunt for the weekend...
You bolt upright, and a wide smile creeps onto your face. This weekend you do get to run off! You’re not going to “hunt” but it’ll be nice to throw a badge around and have just a little respect at your job (even if it is fake).
You launch yourself off the couch and you skip to your room. Your hunting bag on your bed and it’s packed. That’s weird. You pick up the paper sitting on top of it and recognize Claire’s handwriting:
Here’s your badge, and the ring. You’ll need both for the ass hats we’ll be dealing with.
You flip open the badge, it’s for a US Marshal named (Y/N) Evans. You tuck that into your duffel and turn to the small ring box. It feels like eons since the last time you wore it. You flip open the box and the diamond sparkles in the dim light of the evening. It’s a Celtic style set, where the bands interlock. It’s as perfect as the day you found it in a pawn shop with...
A knock at the door pulls you away from memory lane. You quickly slide on the ring and peep through the door. Claire snaps her gum as she stares directly through the peephole.
“What on earth are you doing here?” You swing the door open just enough to stick your face out.
“We’re going hunting… right?” She grits through her teeth.
“Ya but I thought we were leaving tomorrow...”
“Then why would I pack your bag? Let's move!” She spins on her heels and trots down to her car.
“How do I know you packed the stuff I feel like wearing?” You yell after her.
“Trust me I did! Grab your stuff and let's go!”
You grab your bag, phone and gun and run down the stairs after her.
“So where exactly is this case? And why the big deal?” Your questions are met with silence. Claire shifts in her seat and adjusts her grip on the steering wheel.
“It’s over in Kansas…” she finally answers, her eyes glued to the road. Your heartbeat quickens; you’ll be so close to home; the home you made with the Winchester’s. The bunker that has seen so many late nights, home made pies and romantic nights in...
“I checked with Cas, he said they were on a hunting trip. So relax.”
You tense even more. Kansas is so small, if you really wanted to you could easily run to the bunker, run home. Run back to the people you love the most. You love living with the Wayward sisters, they were much needed girl time. But the boys, your boys, that’s who you belonged with. You belonged researching all night with Sammy, watching bad late night TV with Cas and… in the arms of him.
“Earth to (Y/N)!” Claire’s waving her hand in front of your face.
“I said we’re at the motel, go check in. I gotta make a call.” She gestures over to the telephone booth at the other end of the parking lot. You gather your bag and get checked in. The lady at reception doesn’t seem very thrilled but she gives you the room at the end of the row.
You prop the door open for Claire and set your bag on the dusty bed. This is one of the few things you don’t miss. That old musty smell, outdated furnishings and run down carpet.
“Home sweet home.” Claire says as she walks past you into the room. You grunt in reply and flop onto the bed. Claire spreads out the little research she has and opens up her laptop.
A loud car zooms by and you bolt to the window and peek out. It must have been some other old car on the highway…
“Hey we have a crime scene, get dressed and let's go.” Claire throws your work suit at you and goes into the bathroom to change.
The scene isn’t too far from the motel, only local police seem to be here so far.
“FBI Agent Rose, this is US Marshal Evans.” Claire flashes her badge and you do the same.
“Wow, two ladies from very different departments…” the cop says, his eyes freely roaming your body but you throw him a look when he tries to do the same to Claire.
“I happened to be in the area, higher ups asked me to check in with Agent Rose.” You answer, almost wishing this guy would try and fight with you.
“Well come on and I’ll show you the damage.” He sighs, lifting the yellow tape for you.
Claire thoroughly questions the two witnesses, which has left them more scared than before; and you chat with the local cops. Most don’t know much but a couple have been on the last two scenes and say the mess left behind is similar to this one.
You’re inside the house looking at some evidence that has gathered on a table when you hear one of the officers say, “yes, both are through that door by the table.”
You look at the doorway and “CAS!” You practically leap on him.
“(Y/N).” A small smile appears as he wraps his arms around you. You step back to look at him and then you remember. Cas frowns at the horror on your face as you realize Cas would tell...
“Good thing you’re keeping Claire out of trouble.” He rubs your arms, a silent gesture that he understands why you're here. He lets you go and walks over to the table where Claire is.
“Hey Cas, get this- (Y/N)?”
“Sammy!?” You spin to face him, a smile plastered on both your faces. He wraps you in a hug, giving Cas and Claire a thumbs up. You’re dying to know how he’s been when you hear two loud voices coming down the hall.
“Oh you must be Marshal Evan’s husband ya?”
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“What?” Dean asks, doughnut in hand. He’s wearing the more fitted FBI suit that makes his ass look perfect. His hair has grown a little longer than normal, and his stubble is pushing into beard territory. And it’s all slow motion from there.
His eyes meet yours. Those candy apple green eyes, the eyes that shield everyone from the sadness and the anger; well everyone except you. You are - were- the exception. But a flicker of relief flashes across his eyes, despite you breaking the rules.
“Congrats on the new marriage, must be hard working jobs that take you to opposite ends of the earth most weeks!” One of the agents claps both of you on the shoulders before pushing past to talk to a witness. You and Dean share a look while the other three shuffle at the awkwardness.
“We should go… anywhere else. We’ll leave you two to talk.” Claire grabs Cas and Sam as they “yep” and shake their heads in agreement.
You and Dean stand in silence. You two… married… You’re going to murder Claire.
“I wondered why Sam and Cas pushed for the wedding ring. I thought maybe they didn’t want me going home with anyone.” He forces a chuckle out, fiddling with the wedding band he has on. It’s a band of Celtic knots that matches yours. You copy his movement and give a strained smile. The pressure building behind your eyes threatens to push tears over, but you hold them back. You’re working a case, he knows; so do your damn job. 
You shift your gaze to him. He looks tired, the bags under his eyes holding more than normal. You resist the urge to run your hand along his stubble, settling for burning every detail into your mind.
“You look like shit.” You crack a smile. 
“You look good.” He whispers, squaring his shoulders to face you.
“That’s what 10 layers of concealer will do for ya.” You pat his bicep and walk over to the agents who are supervising the evidence guys. Dean stares at the back of your head, wishing he could tell you all the things he misses. But he can’t, won’t. He can’t let what you two had get in the way of the life you have, the one that shouldn’t include the family business.
He joins you and the others, the five of you work the crime scene like any other hunt, promise be damned. Everyone comes up empty handed, so it’ll be a long night of research or even leaving it until tomorrow. You turn to ask the others what the verdict is when Sam, Cas and Claire freeze in their tracks.
“Hey guys, there’s been another attack a county over. Claire and Cas are going to check it out and I’m going to get started on some research. So we’ll, uh, meet you two back at the motel soon?” Sammy quickly gathers the other two and slams the door behind him.
“Hey!” You yell at the door. Dean huffs in frustration, throwing a look your way as he watches the last of the cops leave as well. The new found silence is almost deafening, your ears searching for any sound to focus on. You hear Sam say goodbye to the officers outside and get a mumble from the others.
“Hey Dean…” You look over at him, the grin on your face getting wider by the second. He lifts his eyebrows, silently asking you to continue.
“Wanna watch Sammy try to get into Claire’s car?” You share a smile and quickly walk to the window just in time to see both Sammy and Cas struggle to get into the blueberry sized car.
“Guess that means we should head out too?” Dean asks, straightening his tie and buttoning his jacket. He wants to grab your hand and walk you to the car, open the door for you and drive into the sunset. Maybe blast your favorite cassette, grab dinner and laugh at something stupid. 
“Ya.“ You can’t look at him. You want to kiss him on the cheek and dash to the car. For him to run after you, grab you by the waist and twirl you around so he can kiss you on the lips. You shake the thoughts from your mind; no use in day dreaming.
You walk out to the impala, Dean a few steps behind. You let your fingers glide over her freshly washed surface, the gleam of her chrome shines bright in the sunset like the diamond on your finger.
“I missed you girl.” You whisper.
Dean's heart almost rips in half, he knows it wasn’t fair to rip you away, but you have so much more to live for, he almost wishes that your paths never crossed just to spare you from the aftermath of everything.
“Want to grab dinner?” Dean whispers to you. You turn your face to him and nod. You both stand for a minute, letting all these feelings swirl inside. Do you talk about the promise? Or just let it go? The pressure behind your eyes is back and you shove everything into the corners of your mind. You both slide into the front seat, silence like a thick wall between the two of you. Baby roars to life and you roll the windows down, letting the wind carry everything away.
Next Chapter ->
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neorealm · 3 years
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☁︎ (fluff) ; ✦ (suggestive) ; ♡ (smut) ; ☽ (angst) ; ✩ (multiple parts)
how this shi- tag works / what to search:
#genre+initials of idol e.g. #fluffnjm
#ficrecs+initials of idol e.g. #ficrecsljn
#genre(space)ficrecs e.g. #angstfluff ficrecs
#nct(space)three/four/five/eight –some e.g. #nct fivesome
#favefics for my other unlisted fave fic recommendations
fluff, angst, suggestive, smut, dark, angstfluff, fluffsmut, angstsmut, darksmut, angstsuggestive, fluffsuggestive, darkangst
mti ; moon taeil
sjn ; seo johnny
lty ; lee taeyong
nyt ; nakamoto yuta
kun ; qian kun
kdy ; kim doyoung
ten ; ten
jjh ; jung jaehyun
ww ; winwin
kjw ; kim jungwoo
lcs ; lucas
mkl ; mark lee
xj ; xiaojun
hd ; hendery
hrj ; huang renjun
ljn ; lee jeno
lhc ; lee haechan
njm ; na jaemin
yy ; liu yangyang
tr ; osaki shotaro
jsc ; jung sungchan
zcl ; zhong chenle
pjs ; park jisung
00z ; 00 line prolly nct dream’s
95z ; nct or svt
lino ; lee know
oty ; ok taecyeon
psh ; park sunghoon
jww ; jeon wonwoo
jsh ; joshua hong
yjh ; yoon jeonghan
svt ; seventeen members except wonu, jisu, hannie
#neos : for nct/nct u
#ilichils : for nct 127
#dreamies : for nct dream
#visions : for wayv
#00z : for nct's 00 line
#sebongs : for seventeen
reminder: I’m of legal age, and if you are a minor, please refrain from accessing contents that aren’t tailored for you. However, if you are of legal age, read responsibly and do learn to disassociate the real-life people from the fan fiction you read. As writers have limited control over the reach of their content, we, as readers, must be responsible for the content we consume and respect each other’s boundaries. Don’t read what you don’t like, and don’t mandate other users what to read or write. Also, please show your support and gratitude for the writers’ free content by simply re-blogging their works as much as you can, as it helps more users to stumble upon them, share your thoughts about their works, and send them words of encouragement and/or gratitude. Happy Reading!
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aomineswifey · 3 years
SOOOOO i wanna write smut about aomine bc ik that d*ick is big😮‍💨
(my first smut 😂 pls i’m ik it’s kinda bad but hope like it and aomine man i love me some of him)
You and aomine went on a trip with the rest of his team. Everyone knew you guys were together and loved each other. You was nervous the first time you meant them they were so tall and your only [your height] they were intimidating. You guys were goin to the US for a basketball camp.
You and aomine been dating for 1 year now and you love being with him and love everything about him. This was you first trip together and you wanted to make it special. “baby you up we’re here” you said as he was laying his head in your lap. “mhmm already” he said getting up. “Yes dai let’s get our stay and checkin at the hotel.” you said. Aomine was always touchy and you loved it he touched everything on your body squeezed it, hugged it, kissed it, licked it and etc. anything you could think of he did it.
once we checked into the hotel room our room was next to Wakamatsu and Imayoshi. we went to there room to watch movies, play games and eat. We watching fifth shades of grey since momoi recommended it. A spicy scene came on and i felt something in my stomach i looked toward aomine who was watching and about to fall asleep. I moved over to him and he let me sit on his lap. we was still watching the spicy scene he didn’t notice that i was thinking about me and him doing what was in the scene.
I felt some touch my pussy i didn’t want his to notice that i noticed. Aomine sat up and i felt his breathe on my neck as he whispered in my ear that “ i feel how wet your pretty pussy is.” he said with a smirk. I was blushing so hard “ww-what are you talking about.” you said nervously. Aomine stood you up and told everyone you wasn’t feeling well and took you to the bed to lay down. “you think would noticed after watched the spicy that you were thinking nasty things about me and you y/n.” he said looking down at you. You knew he was a freak but so were you.
“So what are you goin to do about it” you wrapped you arm around his neck and whispered into his ear “daddy”. Aomine heard that and his dick stiffed, you felt it in you leg. He flipped you on your knees and chest onto the bed. He smacked your ass took your pants and panties off. “look at this pretty wet pussy.” hearing that made you even wetter. He took you shirt off and saw your hard nipples, he teased you but you didn’t want to moan because you didn’t want his friend to hear you. “yeah it feels good y/n let me hear you moan” “i love it when you moan my name”aomine said. “i don’t want them to hear me” you said after covering your mouth. “i want them to know you feel good because of me baby and how you like to be slutted out” he said smirking.
he sucked on you nipples and licked them hard and rough you moan his name and called him daddy which he was loving. “let me taste this wet ass pussy baby.” you were still coming after he played wit with you nipples. “ahh -mine it feels so good yyy-our tongue” you tried to talk but it felt too good. “yeah? baby i’ll make you feel even better when you cum in my mouth and on my fingers” he said watching you squirt and squirm under him. “Yeah cum cum cum in my fingers.” he said looking down at you which he was loving seeing you like this knowing alone he can make you like this.
You were so horny you could go rounds and rounds. you heard a knock at the door and you guys both looked.
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catxsnow · 4 years
Which Fic?
Tag game! No pressure tags:  Tagging all my mutuals who write!! you know who you are lol + a cute little Gif that I felt inclined to include 
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Which fic...
...did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it got?
Coffee Break There was a lot of hype before I posted and then it got a lot less notes than I expected 🤷‍♀️
...got a better reaction than you expected?
Warming Up It was cute and all but I never expected it to get that many notes lol. It was also the first Bruce/Batmom fic I wrote so I wasn’t really sure what I was doing
...is your funniest?
W(h)ine lol. 
...is your darkest/angstiest?
Same Fate is probably my darkest but WW III had some real good angst too
...is your absolute favorite?
Sleepless Sanctuary and Let’s have a Baby I just - they’re my favourite and I genuinely can’t explain why
...is your least favorite?
all of them lol no probably Together or Never Trust a Luthor Sometimes requests I get I can see what they want and I just don’t know how to bring it to life 
...was the easiest to write?
You not him for a 5k fic I wrote this incredibly fast. It just came so nicely to me idk why but it was a fun one to do. 
...was the hardest to write?
Please It was my first actual smut and I didn’t really know what I was doing and It took me a long time to actually be somewhat satisifed with it. 
...has your favorite line/exchange/paragraph? (share it)
From Believe in You I’m not sure if this is my all time favourite but it was the first one I thought of
“Thank you,” Gar trembled. His eyes were red and his whole body seemed to shake with anxiety. “For having my back, I know it’s not easy standing up to the people you care about.”
“I care about you, Gar. It’s easy to stand up for the people that you care about, no matter who it’s against,” You assured him. “This wasn’t your fault, no matter what Dick says. I know you, I know in your heart that you would never mean to do something like that. I believe in you, more than you know.”
“You mean more to me than you’ll ever know,” Gar repeated your words from the other night. It was the truth, you meant everything to him. He wished that he could express how much he truly cared for you - just as you wanted for him.
“Stay with me tonight?” You asked. Truth be told you didn’t want to let Gar out of your sight. You didn’t want Dick to try and lecture him again, and you certainly didn’t want anyone to spoil this better mood you got him in. “Mutual benefit and all, right?”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
...have you re-read the most?
Not to sound narcissistic but I re-read mine all the time whoops 
Probably Sleepless Sanctuary 
...would you recommend to someone reading your work for the first time?
Easier This Way it kinda touches on a little bit of everything in that one and I really like it. 
...are you most proud of?
none of them  Home because it was my very first fic and the reason that I started this blog 
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aubrey-plaza · 4 years
I've seen a lot of fic rec lists lately given everything happening. Do you have any recommendations to get us through the lock down? p.s. I love everything you write.
omg thanks anon!!
I know these are scary times so have here a quick and dirty list of my fave fics starting with Staubrey and then just... veering offcourse. They’re all femslash except the one I marked with an asterisk but yeah. 
as always, I’m not gonna rec my own fics on my this list bc that’s cheating but if you wanna read them pls click this link and that ends the self promo for today lmao
 recs under the cut!
Stacie x Aubrey
by ACamp_toner / @stepintotherevolve​ (22.171, complete, rated E)
summary: The Bellas go on a ski trip and Staubrey happens
notes: this has amazing smut and features just enough jealousy to spark these two idiots into a meaningful talk. there’s also side bechloe and a healthy dose of humour.  
The Howl
by @tiny-maus-boots​ (30.739, wip/currently being written, AU)
summary: Stacie's pack is forcing her into a corner but Fate has other plans for her - if she doesn't die first.
notes: werewolf!Stacie and vampire!Aubrey who meet on a full moon and fuck. there’s more to it and a great backstory that’s being wonderfully developed (trust me, I’ve been told of the plans and I’m ri-ve-ted). also has some amazing soft moments and a fab spark of heat.  
Prelude in Lydian Mode
by knappster / @ss-staubrey​ (5972, complete)
summary: Remember tonight... for it is the beginning of always.
notes: I will rec this fic til the day I die. It’s such a lovely brand of staubrey and a perfect example of the idiots to lovers trope.  
and the songbirds are singing (like they know the score)
by angelranger (2326, complete)
summary: It came as a slight surprise to Stacie that Aubrey, the same Aubrey who had grown up in a strict and dysfunctional household, was just so good with her daughter.
Bella seemed to unearth a side of Aubrey that was just so unbelievably soft, a side Stacie is almost positive even Aubrey didn’t know existed. But there she is, sat on the carpeted floor in front of the coffee table, sat right next to Bella, drawing outlines for the four year old to colour in.
notes: oh god i love a good, soft bella fic and this one hits all the right notes. it’s sweet and lovely and features singing Bella to sleep which is like. my weakness. go leave some more love on this deserved fic!
Sansa x Margaery
The Crackpots and These Women
by Netgirl_y2k (8089, complete, WEST WING AU)
summary: "You're in charge of press relations," Yara told Margaery, gesturing to Sansa. "Relate.”
summary: yeah you read that fuckin right that’s a West Wing AU. My love for this mashup has no bounds. It’s so perfectly coy, the way I imagine adult Sansa and Margaery would be, combined with the hopeful tinge of WW, and the pining of a somewhat open ended yet hopeful finish. If you like either of these universes, read this.  
Kind Regards
by MsCFH / @hell-much (9835, complete, explicit, part of a series!)
summary: Margaery Tyrell is determined on setting foot in the Northern market of Westeros by establishing a collaboration between the Tyrell Corporation and Stark Incorporated.
The only problem? The likewise gorgeous and stubborn Deputy Managing Director Sansa Stark.
summary: holy hell this fic is amazing. they hate each other SO MUCH. the author has a vibe setting skill that makes me want to weep. the smut is off the charts hot like there are literally no words. go read it and then read the series bc it’s *that good*. please go get your church lady fan before reading because you WILL need it.  
EXTRA NOTE: same author is writing a post-s6 canon compliant fic where Marg is actually still alive and if you’re looking for a full weekend activity, go ahead and binge this one (it’s a wip but is still being updated)
lay all your love on me
by 1once (9498, complete, show-compliant)
summary: It has been eight years since her demise.
But for the world of her, she cannot figure out why. For what? Why was she alive?
notes: i will say just one thing: flower. magic. okay, i’ll say more things. this fic is the redemption show!marg deserved combined with the fun supernatural magicky aspect of flower magic that’s just so in character. reading this fic feels the way a warm cup of tea in your hands on a cold winter’s day does.  
til you come back home
by heart_nouveau (7978, complete, AU - modern setting)
summary: “Using one-night stands to distract myself from my crush on my roommate counts, right?”
Margaery Tyrell is an ambitious law student who needs a perfect grade point average if she wants to stay at the top of her class - and she is not going to throw that away by falling for her very attractive, very sweet roommate, one Sansa Stark.
notes: margaery is a moron with feelings aka my favourite type of character.  
Birds of Prey’s Dinah x Helena
Siren Call
by ThanksForListening (3300, complete, part 2 of a series) 
summary: "It always happened in the quiet moments. The early hours of the morning, when the leftover energy from a mission hadn’t quite disappeared yet. The sleepless nights, when memories clawed their way into her mind and wouldn’t let go until her screams released them. The lazy afternoons, when the radio played softly and melodies she’d almost forgotten danced around her lips. It was only when the world went still that Dinah felt her watching.
She didn’t remember the first time she noticed it. The staring. Maybe it was because Helena was always watching everything and everyone around them that Dinah didn’t realize how frequently that attention fell on her. How it felt different. Helena looked at the world with suspicion and anger and indifference, but not her. She looked at her with something much softer, something she hadn’t found a name for just yet. No word in her arsenal was deep enough or strong enough to describe it.
Whatever it was, she could feel it now.”
notes: gahhhhh this fic. “What do you see,” she finally asked, “when you look at me?” is a line that I’m gonna think about until the day I die. this is the second fic in a series and you can read it as a standalone but the first fic is also fuckin amazing
after the afterparty
by novoaa1 (1181, complete, set right after the movie ends)
summary: The Canary had let loose a delighted snort at that, as if she found the whole thing somehow laughable.
(Which it wasn’t, to be clear—laughable, that is.)
“Are y'all seeing this shit?” she’d turned to ask the rest of them, earning a giddy squeal from Harley and a bemused scoff from Montoya even whilst Helena remained stock still in place, dutifully blinding herself with one hand. “Absolutely adorable.”
“Shut up,” Helena had hissed back more out of instinct than anything else, though her tone was markedly devoid of any real anger.
(And if Helena had felt her cheeks flush ever so slightly beneath her palm at the Canary’s glib assertion, she certainly didn’t let on.)
Or: Sionis falls. The rest of them remain.
notes: just. read it.  
knew your love (before i kissed you)
by z0ejake / @zxyjxy (58.263, wip / currently being written, rated E for the last chapter)
summary: Surviving the massacre of your entire family at the age of eight is a pretty impressive feat. Training for fifteen years in Sicily until you can kill a man with one hand and a hairpin is also a pretty impressive feat. Returning to the city where your family was cut down and killing every single person involved in their deaths is maybe the most impressive feat. Somehow, it's never been enough for Helena.
notes: bro this fic is a masterpiece and zoe is a genius. features absolute moron feral dumb jock helena and my favourite version of dinah: patient and endeared and a little teasing.  
the war is over (and we are beginning)
by ace_verity (12.573, 5/5, complete)
summary: The thing is, Helena has no idea what comes after.
The past fifteen years, she’s had a singular goal. She's never given any thought to what she’d do once she killed the men who murdered her family in front of her.
Maybe, Helena realizes, she never actually thought she’d make it this far.
In which Helena Bertinelli joins a team, buys a cactus, beats up criminals, goes to church, bakes bread, and falls in love.
(Not necessarily in that order.)
notes: this fic is beautiful and perfectly explores a lost Helena. I also love the way Renee is written in this and the whole vibe of the story is just *chefs kiss*
cheap shampoo
by OfElvesAndAliens (1609, complete)
summary: The thing is, Helena is a rigidly focused kind of gal, iron rage forged into skilled precision. Dinah has also noticed it in the little things, like the way she frowns a bit when she's doing something as trivial as writing, her penmanship always neat and firm. That same tiny furrow of her brow is showing up again while she's methodically whisking some eggs in a bowl.
Dinah finds it cute. Fucking sue her.
notes: oh god but i love a bedsharing fic and this one? feeding and post-mission and just winding down together??? ohhhh my god
two extra random goodies just for fun:
by the_years_between_us (116.915, wip, rated E)
show/ship: The Fall, Stella Gibson/Reed Smith
summary: Stella gets a call from Reed directly following the final episode of The Fall S3.
notes: this is one of only a handful of wips that I’m keeping up with and reading constantly. It’s written like goddamn poetry and I love an older ship with more baggage, because the emotions here run so much higher with their shared history and the tentative steps they’re trying to take. Also, given the source material, this is almost cathartic to read.  
Nothing to Lose*
by tielan (8013, complete, rated E)
fandom/ship: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Maria Hill/Steve Rogers
summary: “It’s one of the traditional rituals of manhood,” Natasha observes as they’re sparring. “Kill a man, fuck a woman.”
notes: listen. i know. okay? i know this seems like a crackship. but I love it SO MUCH and this author writes so well that I’ve been fully converted. ~something some of you have told me I do for you~ so go read this fic, and then read the others, and then fall in love and join me in this lonely ship. You won’t regret it.  
I’ll be writing while in isolation so if you have any Dinah/Helena or Stacie/Aubrey prompts, shoot ‘em my way!
and also hit me up for anything, as always. 
peace and love, and stay safe everybody!
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Dragon’s 1k Follower Celebration!
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That’s right, my lovelies. You read that title correctly! I hit 1k Followers!
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First of all, I love each and every single one of you. I never imagined when I started writing that I’d actually make it this far.
When I started, I barely knew how to use Tumblr (if I’m being honest, I’m still faking it till I make it) and only wrote for my own benefit. I wanted to see the stories I had in my head come to life. Sharing them with you all, though, was a way more enjoyable experience than I ever expected it to be.
Without further ado, let’s get this shit started. This will be a two-part celebration. A Q&A and a fan pick fic (kind of like I did for 500 followers back at the beginning- ... the beginning of the month??? That was only a few weeks ago? What the hell. *interally screaming*). I’m doing the Q&A because I’m not exactly a talkative blogger. I answer asks privately and that means you only really get to hear me talk in my author notes, on fic recommendations, or when I reply to anons. I really do love all of you, I swear, I just don’t want to spam you guys with ask answers <3. Please know you’re always welcome to pm me or send me asks! I like talking to all of you.
*Please participate by sending me an ask. Feel free to send all requests/questions in as anonymous (please use the honor system and only vote for a fic once). You don’t have to follow me to send in a question or your fic request, although it kind of defeats the purpose of a follower celebration ;) New followers are always welcome, of course!*
Asks will be posted to my blog, so sorry in advance for the spam!
Q&A Portion
You can ask me just about anything, really, but here’s a list of questions to get those brain juices flowing:
01: When did you first start writing? 02: What was your favorite book growing up? 03: Are you an avid reader? 04: Have you ever thrown a book across the room? 05: Did you take writing courses in school/college? 06: Have you read any writing advice books? 07: Have you ever been part of a critique group? 08: What’s the best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten? 09: What’s the worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten? 10: What’s your biggest writer pet-peeve? 11: Which one of your fics would you want to be known for? 12: Who is your favorite author? 13: What’s your favorite writing quote? 14: What are some of your favorite writing blogs? 15: What would you say has inspired you the most? 16: How do you feel about movies based on books? 17: Make me choose (between any characters or actors from Mass Effect, Dragon Age, MCU, Supernatural, and Harry Potter universes). 18: How do you feel about love triangles? 19: Do you prefer writing on a computer or longhand? 20: As a blogger, do you have any pet peeves? 21: Do you outline? 22: Do you start with characters or plot? 23: What’s your favorite & least favorite part of making characters? 24: What’s your favorite & least favorite part of plotting? 25: What advice would you give to young writers? 26: Which do you enjoy reading the most: physical, ebook, or both? 27: Which is your favorite genre to write? 28: Which do you find hardest: the beginning, the middle, or the end? 29: Which do you find easiest: writing or editing? 30: Take an excerpt from one of my stories (500 words or less) and ask me anything about it (how I was feeling when I wrote it, what it means for the rest of the series, why I wrote it the way I did, etc). 31: Have you ever been published? 32: How do you feel about friends and close relatives reading your work? 33: Are you interested in having your work published? 34: Describe your writing space. 35: What’s your favorite time of day for writing? 36: Do you listen to music when you write? 37: What’s your oldest WIP? 38: What’s your current WIP? 39: What’s the weirdest story idea you’ve ever had? 40: What’s a random fact about you? 41: What do you do when characters don’t follow the outline? 42: Do you enjoy making your characters or readers suffer? 43: Have you ever killed a main character? 44: What’s the weirdest character concept you’ve ever come up with? 45: What’s your favorite character name? 46: Describe your perfect writing space. 47: If you could steal one character from another author and make then yours, who would it be and why? 48: If you could write the next book of any series, which one would it be, and what would you make the book about? 49: If you could write a collaboration with another author, who would it be and what would you write about? 50: If you could live in any fictional world, which would it be?
Now, the part you’re all here for:
Fan Pick Fic
Here’s a list of possible topics/fics/ideas I haven’t really considered writing up until this point for whatever reason. Send in the *one* you want to see, either with your question or just by itself!
A: A Dance With the Devil 3 (it will be mostly smut-free, focusing on the dilemmas presented in ADWtD 2) B: One Mistake 2 (a dark, gritty sequel focusing on vengeance) C: Monster!Bucky (you decide which monster!) D: Tarzan!Bucky and Jane!Reader (I got this request some time and have been toying with the idea, but I’ve been focusing on WW and Bah, Humbuck!) E: A Night to Remember Sequel (think Supernatural, but more like the first few seasons. You Steve and Bucky roaming around ganking monsters) F: Medieval MCU AU with Feudal Lord!Bucky and a Destiny-bound Reader
If you have any questions, feel free to pm me or send me an ask!
I’d be ever so grateful for any reblog signal boosts!
Once again, thank you so much! I’m really excited to hear from all of you! Please please please participate! You can vote or ask a question or both! No pressure, sweethearts!
Voting/submissions will end Friday at 3 am (ET), so be sure to get them in before then! Asks will be answered as we go and the winning fic will be announced at the end!
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kenzieam · 7 years
Phoenix Rising - Chapter 7 (Eric X OC)
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Rating: M (violence/swearing/smut :p)
Genre: General/Drama/Angst
Thanks everyone for the re-blogs and support!!! IT IS SO AWESOME!!!  
@emmysrandomthoughts @beautifulramblingbrains @iammarylastar @tigpooh67 @bookwarm85 @frecklefaceb @mom2reesie @elaacreditava @badassbaker @captstefanbrandt @jaihardy @treeleaf @pathybo @beltz2016 @lilu46
Fox paced anxiously out in the hallway. After they had brought Eric back from the surgery ward, the doctor and nurses had moved directly into prepping him for the healing serum, and had asked Fox to leave to avoid seeing any ‘unpleasantness’. Fox shuddered as she imagined what 'unpleasantness’ could entail, what could be worse than what she’d already seen, what were they doing to Eric’s helpless form?
“Mrs. Coulter, you may come back in now.”
Fox turned and hesitantly entered the room again. The first thing that hit her was an eerie, robotic hiss. In addition to a cast on his newly repaired left leg, Eric now sported a large tube from his mouth taped securely to his lips; and Fox realized that was where the hissing was coming from. Eric was in a coma, the only thing breathing for him was that tube and the machine it was hooked to; his chest moved mechanically with each hiss and whoosh the machine made and Fox’s skin began to crawl. A large IV bag of amber liquid hung beside the bed, the healing serum, and ran into a vein in the crook of Eric’s elbow. Eric’s wrists and ankles were restrained with padded straps. A strap crossed over his chest , another over his hips, and one on his forehead, holding his head completely immobile. God, what are we about to do? The doctor hovered nearby, waiting for questions.
“He’s in a coma now? That machine is breathing for him, like you said?” Fox’s voice quavered only slightly.
The doctor nodded. “He is very heavily sedated, if you removed the tube or turned off the machine, Eric would quickly suffocate.”
Fox shivered. Again she wondered what she agreed to put Eric through. “When will you test him?”
“Later this afternoon. You will probably want to be elsewhere then.”
Fox shook her head vehemently. She had chosen this torture, chosen the end regardless of the means, she would own this, she would suffer right beside Eric.
Fox had been thinking about this; once Eric was conscious, even if he didn’t remember anything, he would be able to hear her. Fox would stay right beside Eric’s head and comfort him as the tests were run, as his body was wracked with unbelievable pain and he was restrained from fighting against it. She would stare hard at the agony in his eyes that she’d chosen for him and do her best to help him through it. It would be her own torture.
The doctor waited a few more moments before quietly excusing himself. Fox pulled her chair close to the bed and sat, taking the less damaged of Eric’s two hands and stroking gentle circles.
Max and Four came by, Max standing awkwardly at the foot of the bed, while Four sat beside Fox. Max watched Eric awkwardly, a deep sadness and resignation in his eyes and Fox knew why. As the leader of the warrior faction, Max had to maintain not only it’s reputation, but the real strength behind it. There was no place in Dauntless for a leader that couldn’t walk. There was no place for the old or the sick; they always had a way of vanishing. If Eric did not respond fully to the serum, and heal completely, Max would be forced to either banish or kill the man he’d pegged as his own replacement, a man he thought of as a son. Fox did not envy the position Max was in, but she had little time to linger on it, she had enough on her own plate right now. The two men didn’t stay long, Max’s obvious discomfort causing them to leave not long after they arrived.
Fox decided to try a nap and stretched out gingerly on the cot. She’d managed to pull it closer to Eric’s bed, but was still too far away for her own security. She wanted to be touching Eric constantly, reassuring herself that even though she couldn’t hear his low sexy voice, or his surprisingly contagious laugh, feel his arm around her and his lips on hers; that he was still there. Her back ached, but the twins were surprisingly subdued, taking it easy on Fox; worried about their father as well.
Fox was gently wakened later by someone shaking her shoulder. The doctor leaned over her, his face apologetic. “We are going to wake Eric up now. I’d recommend you leave, but it is up to you.”
“I’m not leaving Eric just when he needs me the most.” Fox’s words came out sharper than she intended and she bowed her head. “I’m sorry.”
“Not at all.” He replied mildly, moving to stand by Eric’s head. Fox stood and cautiously stretched. More machines and computers had been brought into the room, none looked familiar. The same nurses Fox recognized from yesterday were there, as well as a few new ones. Everyone had a look of grim determination on their face. The doctor nodded to Fox.
“Please stay by his head, once he is awake we will be moving quickly all around him.”
Fox nodded and moved closer. She watched the lead nurse inject a large syringe into Eric’s IV line. “How long until that works?”
“Not long,” the nurse murmured.
Fox watched Eric closely, her eyes flicking to the monitors, which the nurses were watching closely. Eric twitched and Fox stared down at him, holding her breath.
Eric’s brow furrowed under the strap and his eyes shot open. Fox saw the exact moment he realized that he couldn’t move; that he couldn’t speak around the tube in his throat and that he was in absolute agony. Terror like Fox had never seen in Eric’s stormy grey eyes flashed and the muscles in his neck tightened as he tried to lift his head. Fox could tell he was trying to thrash, throw off the restraints, rip the tube from his throat, but was completely unable to. She caught his gargled scream, muffled by the tube over the sounds of the medical team rushing around her. The doctor and head nurse barked orders and everyone was moving rapidly, trying their best not to prolong this.
Animal pain and fear filled Eric’s eyes. The only part of his body that he still could move with his spinal injury were his shoulders, neck and head. The muscles there were rock-hard and trembling as Eric fought the restraints, his eyes rolling. The rest of his body remained chillingly motionless. A tear squeezed out, trailing down his temple, and Fox; temporarily startled, jolted back into action.
“Eric!” She said sharply, leaning down over his face. She cupped his cheeks, but couldn’t move his head to look at her. Eric’s eyes snapped to hers, latching on like a drowning man to a raft. He tried to cry out 'Fox’ around the tube but couldn’t. The fear, agony and confusion in his eyes ripped Fox’s chest apart and tears sprung to her eyes. What the fuck are we doing to him??
“Eric, baby, look at me. You were in an accident, you broke your back…we’re trying to help you. I’m so sorry, I know it hurts…please baby, just look at me, listen to me.” Fox’s voice broke.
Eric’s eyes implored, begged Fox to stop the pain, stop the agony. Sweat beaded on his skin. He tried to speak again, more tears filling his eyes. Fox cupped his cheeks and stroked his skin desperately. “Please Eric, just breathe. Breathe with me, in and out. This will be over soon.” Fox didn’t bother telling him he would be going through the same torture tomorrow, he wouldn’t remember soon anyway.
She was losing him, Fox could tell, to the pain, her voice wasn’t strong enough to hold him through the agony, he was rapidly falling into mindless panic. Fox dropped her head and pressed her lips to his cheek, their combined tears salty on her tongue. Eric moaned under her, and Fox’s pulse thumped with relief when he relaxed slightly under her, returning somewhat to her and this hellish reality.
Fox pulled away enough to rest her forehead against his, staring deep into his eyes, “stay with me. Eric, please.” Fox murmured fiercely. The raw agony in his eyes burned into Fox, but she didn’t falter or pull back. If there was ever a time she needed to be right here with Eric, it was definitely now. Fox would not make this harder on him by abandoning him, even to arm’s length. Stubborn man, he tried again to speak and Fox made out more of it this time.
“I’m so sorry baby. It’ll be over soon, stay with me.” Fox had never felt so afraid, so sick, so helpless and so guilty.
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