#wwe arena effect
simptasticjoe · 1 year
Defending the Stun Gun Ending
Wrestling fans and wrestlers alike seem to agree that Goldberg losing to Kevin Nash after getting tazed was a bad idea; however, I loved the ending and thought it made the most sense. At that time, Goldberg was 173-0 in his WCW career, and it would take a lot more than interference to make him lose at that time. I didn’t hate the ending, but I hated what happened afterward. Kevin Nash lost to…
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damiansgoodgirll · 11 days
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decided to put this four requests together as they were kinda similar and i had an interesting idea! hope you don’t mind!
damian priest x reader / rhea ripley x reader (platonic) / the judgment day x reader (platonic) / jey uso x sister reader
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
‼️ brief mention of panic attack, typical wwe violence, angsty and some feels
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i’ll look after you
you were currently stressing backstage because your brother had an important match later that night and he wanted you there to support him. it was probably the only monday off of raw that you had and yet, your older brother insisted that you were there for him.
but now you were completely paralysed in front of the small tv screen in your locker room as you saw your best friend rhea and your crush damian priest getting destroyed by the new judgment day.
it was okay until the five of them attacked rhea’s injured leg and damian tried to shield her with his bigger body.
“oh my…” your brain went in autopilot mode. you had to do something. you ran out of the room, ignoring your brother’s calls and sprinted towards the arena.
everyone cheered when they saw you, making the judgment day stop their actions. even if you wanted, you knew that you wouldn’t have been able to stop them. it was you against all of them. that’s when liv got out of the ring and faced you. you had a dark smirk on your face that made liv shiver and before dom or anyone else could do something to stop you, you grabbed her hair a shoved her against the metallic stairs, making her yelp in pain.
dom saw that and while finn and the rest of the team continued their beating on damian, liv was crying on the ground, making dom shove you to the side so he could help her out.
jey saw everything from his changing room. and when he saw dom putting his hands on you, he couldn’t stay there and watch, he knew he had to do something. so he grabbed the first chair he could find and he run towards the ring, making everyone stop their actions on damian.
when the group left, smirking as if they won, you joined your brother inside the ring. you saw him holding rhea’s hand, comforting her and whispering soft words as she was in very much pain. your attention went to damian, who was clearly in pain too.
“hey…” you knelt down next to him “you’re okay…i promise you” you took his face into your hands and gently caressed his cheeks “i’m here…we’re gonna help you…”
“y/n…” damian’s broken voice called you “you shouldn’t have put your health at risk for us”
“i wanted to…” damian looked into your eyes as you said those words, seeing how genuine you were being.
“you’re crazy hermosa…” he whispered, making you chuckle a little. with his face still in your hands, damian took that as an opportunity and gently kissed your hands “thank you…this mean so much to me”
“you don’t have to thank me…” you smiled “we are gonna help you…”
and so, while jey was helping rhea, you were trying to keep damian on his feet, aiding him towards the backstage. his hand on your hip made you shiver but that was no time nor place to think about the effect that damian had on you.
you both let them sat while medical staff checked on them.
“what took you so long!” you whispered to your brother, slightly punching him in the stomach.
“woah! calm down sis! i don’t know…i wasn’t thinking when everything happened” he whispered back.
“your girl is getting beaten by five people and you weren’t thinking?”
“she’s not my girl…” he pouted, making you smile.
“yeah sure…” you smirked.
a couple of minutes later, medical staff told you that there were two ambulances waiting for them outside and that you could go with them if you wanted to.
jey wanted to but he had a match later that night so he told that he would have gone after the show, implying that you were free and would have gone with rhea and damian.
you nodded at the medical staff and they let you in the ambulance with damian. rhea was half unconscious and in much more distress that you didn’t want to bother her, knowing that doctors needed to work on her during the ride at the hospital. damian was sat on the stretcher, still in pain but not as bad as rhea was, even if he took more hits than her this time.
you sat next to him as nurses were working on him.
“we have to cut your shirt off sir” one of the nurses told damian. he simply nodded, letting them doing their jobs.
you tried to look away as damian was sitting half naked next to you. he saw how much you blushed and if it wasn’t for the extreme pain he was in, he would have definitely teased you.
he slightly jumped when one of the nurses touched his red and bruised shoulder “we should help you laying down” she said, making the stretcher more comfortable for damian.
as he laid down, he softly took his hand out, sign that he wanted you to hold him. with a soft look in your eyes, you delicately held his hand, whispering soft words to him.
“you’re okay damian…i’m gonna be here all week if needed to” you said chuckling a little “i’m here for you, always”
“thank you…this means so much for me” he whispered back.
once you arrived at the hospital, both ambulances took rhea and damian in emergency care, leaving you behind. the doctors who took care of them told you that you hat to wait outside for further news but your anxiety wasn’t helping. between not knowing how your brother was doing on his match and having your best friend and biggest crush both under observation, all this stress was taking a big toll on you.
you paced around the waiting room for what it felt like hours. people looking at you, some of them understood your position, others were just giving you weird looks.
you needed to have news about damian and rhea as soon as possible or you were going crazy.
a kind nurse offered you a cup of tea and she helped you sat down in one of the empty chairs in the room. she gave you an understanding nod before going back into emergency.
maybe she was right, you needed to calm yourself. but opening twitter wasn’t helping as all you were seeing on your feed were pictures of rhea and jey as they were holding hands and pictures of you and damian sharing sweet and loving looks.
reading the comments, you agreed with the people who said that rhea and jey were a cute couple. but it felt weird to you that people liked you and damian together too. you knew how his fans were protective of him, especially the girlies who never liked seeing him with friends. you were taken aback from those nice comments towards you.
the tea the nurse gave you helped you relax a little as you close your phone and let your eyes rest for a little. unconsciously you fell asleep, too tired of the events of the night.
a comforting hand gently woke you up, touching your shoulder “hey wake up sis…” your big brother jey softly whispered at you as he was sat next to you.
you yawned a little, opening your eyes “jey…”
“you tired?” he asked and you nodded.
“what time is it? it gotta be pretty late if you are already here..”
jey nodded at you “yeah, i finished the match and went straight here”
the match - you thought. the only reason you were at the arena on your monday off “how did it go? i’m so sorry i fell asleep, i wanted to watch it”
“i won” he said with the biggest grin on his face, almost making you jump in your seat.
“no way! i’m so proud of you! you deserve this! now go get your championship!” you whispered try not to scream as it was pretty late and there were other people around you. your little moment of happiness made him smile.
“ma’am?” one of the doctors that had rhea and damian under observation called you, making you and your brother turn your heads “both miss ripley and mister priest are okay” those words brought you and jey a sigh of relief “they are under medication at the moment but you are both free to see them if you want” you nodded and let the doctor show you rhea and damian’s rooms.
you softly opened his hospital room and you saw him sleeping so you didn’t want to wake him up. you tried to be as more silent as possible as you closed the door and took the seat next to his bed.
about ten minutes later damian tiredly opened his eyes, meeting yours “y/n…”
“hey…” you smiled at him “go back to sleep, the doctor said that you need to rest”
“i wanted to thank you” his raspy voice said “for everything you did today, for me and rhea…”
“shhh…you don’t need to do this and you don’t need to do this now” you moved closer to his bed so now you could grab his hands into yours. he looked at you with such tenderness in his eyes that you felt emotional for a second.
“but it’s true…” his voice raspy but soft.
“damian…go back to sleep”
“i will” he laughed “i’m so tired…remind me to thank your bother too”
“he’s with rhea now” you smiled.
“yeah…they would look good together” he had this tired look on his face that made him look even hotter than he was.
“yeah” you agreed with him.
“i feel like we would look good together too” he said, closing his eyes and smiling at you.
you were taken aback from his words, knowing that it probably was the medication speaking but before you could doubt yourself he spoke again “i’m serious y/n…the way you’re always so kind and supportive with me and rhea…the way you came to me first tonight in the ring…thank you”
you unconsciously smiled at his words “we should talk about this once you’re fully conscious”
“oh we will” he chuckled keeping his eyes closed “i think i love you y/n”
you were lucky he had his eyes closed otherwise he would have bursted out laughing at your speechless face.
“i’m serious…” he yawned “the conversation isn’t over”
“okay…” you whispered kissing his hands again “i’ll be here when you wake up, i’ll look after you damian…”
you kept your promise and waited till he was fully recovered. jey checked on him too and he had the biggest smile on his face when you told him about what damian confessed. he was definitely rooting for you two.
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knightyoomyoui · 6 months
The Tale Of The Bloodline | TWICE MiSaMo (Mina, Sana & Momo) x M/F Reader- CHAPTER 11: “The Myoui's Acknowledgment Celebration Goes Wrong”
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I'm back!
I know I've said this when I updated the TWICE x Reader one-shot book on my actual return, but lemme do this as I began to revive all my works that were left undone during my hiatus.
Speaking of hiatus, I'm sorry if yours truly took months of break away from writing. Your boy wasn't been treated well by the world but you know, you gotta find ways to keep on going and nevermind everything that's stopping you from making your life goes on, right?
Anyways, let's get these right back up as here you go, it's been since last year when I last updated this book, and boyyy the story is about to expand more as what's also been going on with The Bloodline's storyline right now in WWE (which is fucking fantastic again, if yall gonna ask me what I have to say about it. Can't wait for WrestleMania XL btw!)
I hope you enjoy the return of The Holy Trinity back in the ring to continue the tale, everyone!
"Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take that "Honorary"away, and I'm gonna make her our official Bloodline's muse." Yuta said as he points out at Sana's scarf around her neck, with YN now back at being seriousness even though the glimpse of how he surrendered herself from Sana's irresistable effect is still visible.
YN gave Yuta an incomprehensible look, muttering "You can't be serious, cous?!" but Yuta just nodded back at him and points his head. "Use the time well, think wisely."
"Well ladies and gentlemen, I think The Empire Chief has called an end to this segment. Please catch your Empire Chief LIVE and in person from all around the world next time on Friday Night Knockdown." Jinyoung said as he gave his closing remark in regards to The Bloodline, doing a mic drop before the arena played Yuta's theme again.
The show ended with The Bloodline as Yuta walked out on the ring first followed by Jinyoung, Mina, and Momo until YN and Sana were the last ones. Sana gave a cheeky smile on him in which he blushed before quickly rolling his eyes back and ignoring her to hid it away.
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1 WEEK LATER | November 4, 2022
The camera switches to the Bloodline members gathered around in their locker room. Momo is in her usual pose, elbows tucked against each other along with her poker face, Mina with her cool demeanor, YN with the angst and Sana looking hyper as ever.
"Girls, we are rolling, we are rolling, we are ROLLINGGG!!! Oh, The Bloodline is rolling right now!" Sana exclaimed in glee. "Roman is current handling business on his own..."
"Yup." Mina goes along with Sana's speech, responding to the words she's saying while nodding her head at the vibe.
"So are you girls against BLACKPINK..."
"And when you do, you girls were on the verge of breaking the all-time record as the longest Tag Team Champions in the history! You're there!" Sana clapped as she gave much emphasis at how important the last words should mean for the twins who are gonna face BLACKPINK tonight for the said mission.
"Yeah we're near there, and that means we're about to go out there right now and tell BLACKPINK what's about to happen tomorrow when they mess at us!" YN answered. Sana paused for a second as she looked confused. Mina and Momo looked at you too.
"With there? At the ring?"
"Right now."
Sana snorted and nervously laughs before proceeding to speak. "Uhm, YN... we talked about it okay?..."
Another complain coming from the Honorary Muse, blocking away your intention to do what you think is the right thing to do. That prompted you to remove the Tag Title belts on your shoulder frustratingly as blood began to boil again on your head.
"...and I feel like we're making some absolute progress here hmm?" Sana continued as you tried to intimidatingly staredown at her while waiting for her to finish talking. Mina is just watched the two's tension starting to grow again between each other.
"Can you please not do that? Going out there in the ring? There's no need the reason for it, the match is made, you get a good night sleep, you go beat BLACKPINK, you go on the record that's right there at the corner. There's no reason-" Sana's enumeration got interrupted when YN burst out the anomaly spotted behind those lines.
"Okay okay, so just because you're only one step ahead on becoming an official muse of The Bloodline, you think you're in change of me?" YN mocks Sana. Mina and Momo are just guarding them stressfully. "Because of what Yuta said huh? Hey, check this out: this ain't no Bloodline thing, it's exclusive only as The Myouis thing. We are tag team champions before you, and we will be still the tag team championship long after you're gone, Sana.", you pointed at her.
Sana only stared at you seriously who nudges your elbow at the back of Mina's arm to signal yourselves that they have to leave. As you disappeared at the scene, it left Mina looking at Sana apologetically.
"He's got a point, Sha." Mina's lips tilted and she shrugged before she departed too.
Sana and Momo were the ones left remaining inside the locker room. "Wait, Mina please don't go, girls don't go..." Sana beggingly tried to call their attention but went no effect.
"Why why why...oh well, they're gone." She slumped her hands on her waist, head bowing down in disappointment.
Meanwhile, The Myouis exit backstage to appear inside the arena, making their entrance to the ramp as they are scheduled for a segment tonight in the ring. They posed and bragged with their Tag Team Titles on the ropes before they grabbed microphones eached for their speech to be heard.
As their theme ended, it revealed the echoing boos from the crowd they received. The twins remained nonchalant, as it's part of being their bad guy routine anyway to piss people off but still remain undeniable.
"HEY HEY, THE BLOODLINE IS NOW IN YOUR CITY!!!" You shouted before you raised your finger to the sky followed by Mina to perform the signature gesture of your stable.
"Hey, brother / sister, we are on our way baby" Mina said to you with a large interested grin plastered in her face.
"To what?"
"We are on way to a history-making when it starts tomorrow night at Crystal Doom as the longest reigning Tag Team Champions EVER!" Mina clarified, hitting a preview for the viewers for what's most likely about to come this coming Saturday as they go on a fight with BLACKPINK in another pay-per-view event.
The crowd was divided in the chant, some are continously throwing boos while others began mentioning the unintentional joke that Sana made you embarassed and almost laugh at how silly it is.
You rolled your eyes at that flashback and avoided your gaze away at the crowd as shyness starts to become evident on your expression. "And it all starts with BLACKPINK. Yeah, that color group because YOU THE TWOS, AND WE... THE... ONES!" Both you and Mina proudly raised your fingers again before the crowd got uplifted as the titantron and the theme of MAMAMOO played in the arena.
The Myouis gazed annoyingly at the stage, watching the duo Solar and Moonbyul make their way into the ring.
"Hold up hold up hold up..." Solar was the first to speak while they're walking.
"Let's pump the brakes right now." Moonbyul followed.
"Slow it down...
"Take a second..."
"Just stop, stop..." Solar tells the twins. "At Crystal Doom, it's gonna be The Myouis vs. The BLACKPINK for the Japan Federation Tag Team Championships, and to be honest... we all root for BLACKPINK." she made it clear who they despise as they reached the ringside and approach the steel stairs.
They entered the ring, and stepped foot in front of The Myouis letting them talk their talk. "But if there's some Bloodline luck on yall and win against BLACKPINK then retain those titles, then we need you both to understand one thing." Moonbyul said as Mina following her glares.
"When you're on that plane, flying back home, as soon as you both got back down and step here in Japanese soil, you will have the longest reigning World Tag Team Champions waiting to tear you both from limb to limb in order to protect our legacy!"
The crowd cheered. Mina and YN nodded and smirking impressively at their challenge while being too boastful deep inside of them that they're just gonna be another obstacle to pass in their journey.
"In other words, we got next!" Solar simplified their plans in one sentence. They want the turn for the titles.
Moonbyul raises her mic to make the crowd cheering for their team name to be heard louder. Mina and YN mocked them as they presented the titles gripped around their hands. They went away from the microphones and traded barbed words at each other off mic as things slowly get fuming up between the two most legendary tag team in the company's modern history.
In the middle of their confrontation, it was surprisingly interrupted by a sudden blindside attack by BLACKPINK who hit both Mina and YN on their backs, sending them down on the mat.
Rosé and Jisoo are now standing face to face with Moonbyul and Solar who met their arrival.
After seconds of silence and staredown, their minds had one thing in common, and their intrusive thought won as each pair attacks The Myouis. Moonbyul and Jisoo is stomping YN while Solar and Rosé is doing the same thing on Mina.
"MAMAMOO and BLACKPINK are teaming up against The Myouis!" commentator Knight Yoo calls the scenario on the ring.
"Both in kahoots with their common enemies!" his partner Lee Kwang-soo added a remark as they watch the ongoing outnumbered advantage of attacks being given to The Myouis.
That didn't last long when Minatozaki Sana and Hirai Momo of The Bloodline came down rushing to the ramp to help their members.
MAMAMOO turned around as they noticed additional footsteps from behind. They were then met by a strong clothesline by The Fighting Machine of The Bloodline.
Sana then charged at Rosé and the two traded hits around their bodies. Jisoo then ran at Momo and cradled her from behind, trapping her into a choke.
Momo grunted as she uses her full strength to push Jisoo upwards until she got placed on top on her shoulders before being slammed down hard on the ring.
Sana dodged Rosé's hit and pushed her towards Momo who greeted her with a loud superkick straight to the face.
Momo is completely decimating the chaos in the ring. She picks up Jisoo and throws her out of the ring through the ropes while Mina goes for a superkick also on Moonbyul.
Joining your twin, you superkicked Solar also as soon as she got right back up on her feet, having her rolled out of the ring. All of The Bloodline members remained and the only enemy they have left with them is Rosè who is still hurting from Momo's superkick.
They all pointed at the poor helpless fighter. Momo and Sana picks up Rosé while you and Mina readied yourselves in a distance. They pushed her to receive a thunderous double superkick from The Myouis.
Rosé was knocked out while The Bloodline marches around the ring to boast at everyone watching who owns the show and who is on the top here.
Sana then directed Mina and YN to climb up to the ropes to do one more devastating assault. They followed the Honorary Muse and they both prepared to jump high for a double frog splash down through Rosé's broken body.
However, it didn't happen when thankfully Jisoo came back in for a rescue and this time in a much more effective way. Bringing the classic strong style in her, she brought a steel chair with her and quickly smashes it on Momo and Sana before she scares off The Myouis out from the turnbuckles.
She was so distracted that she didn't realized that Momo came back up and surprises her with a superkick to shut her off. She they hurriedly hooks Jisoo and performs her finisher Spinning Momo as she slams her hard again on the ring.
Momo lets out a battlecry before she checks upon her co-members. "And tonight, The Bloodline unifies. Tonight, on the same page. Tonight, protecting the family." Knight Yoo reacted.
The Bloodline members rolled out of the ring, leaving the damage they have done on their opponents as they end their segment for this week's episode of Knockdown.
3 DAYS LATER | November 7, 2022
Following Monday Night War, The Bloodline opened the show with the still defending Japan Federation World Tag Team Champions The Myouis with Hirai Momo successfully defended the titles against BLACKPINK this past Saturday at Crystal Doom pay-per-view event held in the Philippines.
They were interrupted by MAMAMOO who still has scores to settle against them after receiving attacks last Friday night.
"Ladies and gentlemen, in just 4 days on Friday night, you are looking at the longest Japan World Tag Team Champions in history defending our reign against the current Tag Team Champions, The Myouis." Moonbyul confirmed to everybody about their upcoming match this week with them.
"But... but... listen to us when we say you both the truth that after match, we will become the champions once again and most importantly, our reign of 483 days before will never be broken." Moonbyul smirked.
"Look, wait... we gave yall your promise right? Hell of a tag team."
"Also record-breakers." YN agreed to his/her sister.
"Breaking down barriers..."
"And multiple tag team champions too." They kept continuing on mentioning MAMAMOO's accomplishments before. "You know, I'm proud of yall."
"I'm really proud too."
"Yeah, and these people must be so proud of yall too." Mina included the crowd who proved her thoughts correct as they cheered. "Even me would be so proud, it must have feel so great to become... the SECOND greatest tag-team champions of all time."
Mina laughed as the crowd switched into boos.
"Wait, did they said 'second best'?" Moonbyul asked with a weirded reaction. "You two must have forgotten: we still hold the record, so that means YOU are chasing US." She said as she pointed back and forth at them to theirs.
"That means you're chasing the girls who built this place from ground to up. You two are chasing the girls who changed what Tag Team wrestling should be in Japan. Lastly, you two are chasing us who are first-generational superstars." Moonbyul referred to their team.
"You see, you all had people cuddling and holding you two around teaching you how to do this. You both got tryouts baaed from what your families did before you!" Moonbyul continued to spit some facts against their famous rivals. YN and Mina are getting sour at their reality check.
"You two have built your legacy from the backs of your cousins, your uncles, your fathers, grandfathers while WE built our legacy from our OWN BACKS!" The crowd then cheered louder at how harshly true she's beginning to be.
"You don't know about the pressure we've been on before!" Mina argued back, not letting theirselves getting humiliated. "What do you know about pressure, huh? What do you know about making a name for yourself, coming from a family like ours!"
"They don't!" YN assisted. "Yall have never been in the ring with our family before!"
"Do you know who belongs in the ring here with you now?"
"Talk to them!"
"It's the perfect definition of what two tag-team are!"
"Since day one, we the ones!"
"YN and Mina... we are THE MYOUIS!!!" YN exclaimed as loud as he/she can get to release the fire building up inside of him/her.
"NOW THAT'S PRESSURE!" Mina bragged about the intensity of the exchange of their lines to slap back against these two biggest haters of their careers in front of them. The crowd were very impressed at their mic skills and how they were able to return back the favor after being destroyed by Solar and Moonbyul earlier.
Moonbyul stepped forward and eyed sharply at both YN and Mina. "Do. Not. Speak. To. Us. Like. You. Know. What. Pressure. Is.
PRESSURE is when you are roaming at the backstage, not knowing if you'll get fired someday. PRESSURE is when you want to try other things outside of this company just to see if it'll work and provide you higher rate of survival in your daily life. PRESSURE is when you put three of the most important women together in one team only to get booed at first, so don't you both dare speak to us like YOU KNOW WHAT REAL PRESSURE FEELS LIKE!"
The crowd is getting wild from their positive reactions at the sight of this masterclass of a segment between these two professional teams going personal within each other.
Moonbyul and Solar heard their names being chanted and they appreciated it wholeheartedly. "Do you hear that? Because they know what we've been through. That all those pressure has what turned us into DIAMONDS!"
"DIAMONDS? You talking about those diamonds in your crown?" Mina retorted, referring to when Moonbyul won a tournament before and crowned as the 'Queen of the Battleground' only to get destroyed by The Bloodline, especially Yuta Nakamoto who smashed her accessories.
"Those diamonds must be those jewels that our cousin Yuta Nakamoto stomped in?" Mina and YN scoffed and chuckled as they teased Moonbyul who is getting offended.
"Poor you, cuz look at us, we got the real diamonds around here now!" Mina and YN then raised their title belts above.
"And about you, Solar..." YN focused on her this time after being quiet while letting her friend Moonbyul talk about their frustrations. Solar's attention got taken, as she stares directly at YN.
"If we haven't forfeited in that turmoil years ago, there will never be a WrestleTopia moment for you!" The crowd ooh-ed at how brutal that fact was. The Myouis were talking about that moment 3 years ago when they were babyface at that time, they helped Solar win the whole gauntlet match by forfeiting their spot so that she can advantage on the last opponent in which she won and granted her a world title match at the main event of WrestleTopia. Months later, she won and had her first world title win.
"Remember that? We gave you that chance and that moment! Having your kids running around and taking pictures with you, so you're welcome Solar!" YN sarcastically told her. "As a matter of fact, don't even show up on Friday.  Just stay home with your kids and let us do what we always do."
Solar sneezed and shook her head before replying to YN. "Stay home with my kids, huh. What kind of mother would I be if I chose to forfeit such an important match from the likes of... you?"
YN got insulted, her smirk shrinked. "You don't understand what this reign means for us. For yall it's just another accomplishment, another championship but for us, this represents us back in the times when we started with a lame concept that nobdoy should've ever overcame that, BUT WE DID!
It represents a time when we come for work, clawing and scratching all we have just to fight to attain a resemblance of what a success of  team should be like for this industry, all to be told by many that we suck but we did that!
And lastly, it represents a time... that might be the last time that us, MAMAMOO as whole who will elevate you in the process so... no. We will not forfeit in this match just to let yall continue to reign."
Solar and Moonbyul has made their final decision, dropping their mics as well as The Myouis who has no other chouce but to accept the determination and bravery of these two tp step on the plate and challenge them for one of the richest prize in the industry.
They raised the title belts and they all looked up at it, mesmerized and motivated that either of them will become a champion this Friday night on their showdown.
4 DAYS LATER | November 11, 2022
The Bloodline once again opens up the show but this time, for this weeks Friday Night Knockdown and it is understandable when the people know that it has been announced that tonight, The Empire Chief is gonna pay another city a visit to lead a "Bloodline Acknowledgment Ceremony" for The Myouis once they win against MAMAMOO (in which they did, making them now the longest reigning Tag Team Champs of all time earlier at the show), and for them to...
"...RECOGNIZE ME!" Yuta Nakamoto yelled on his command, making the rest of The Bloodline (except for Sana who is absent for a day-off due to personal matters) and most of the crowd raising their ones to the sky for the current World Champion. YN felt a weird reflex when your head moved on it's way and your eyes lingered around, someone's missing beside you. You realized that Sana wasn't there. Furrowing your eyebrows, it had your perplexed why of all the members of your group, she's the one you sought to find first.
The special adviser for The Bloodline, Park Jinyoung took the opportunity to speak next about the topic he has in store for the public. You shook your head to focus yourself back on the most relevant subject here. "Ladies and gentlemen, your Empire Chief and I were having a discussion on the private jet flying onto this hellhole..." The crowd of Yokohama then booed loudly at him for insulting their city. Jinyoung was shocked as he spun around to witness the whole audience hating him.
He went silent to enjoy the whiny voice echoing around the arena before proceeding to speak. "MAMAMOO vs The Myouis is not a good sports rivalry. MAMAMOO aren't gonna compare to The Myouis. No team can! The longest reigning tag team champions in the history lives on the Island Of Relevancy and now, MAMAMOO has been cast out of the Ocean of Obsecurity like any other beings who stepped up against The Empire Chief... Tbe Highness Of The Land... and your Japan Combat Federation World Champion, Yuta Nakamoto."
Jinyoung said, praising the stable he's managing. He then passed the mic on Yuta after gesturing him to do so.
"It's not easy to be my cousin. Our whole lives, everyone has been acknowledging me for my greatness. And honestly, I never thought I'll see this moment to come." Yuta said as he walked back and forth on delivering his speech. "YN... Mina..."
Yuta paused when they heard the theme of BLACKPINK play, ruining their celebration. Rosé and Jisoo came out with microphones in their hand.
"You see, we're sick of The Bloodline using numbers game every week." Rosé spoke up. "Well, tonight... it's fight night! And we... got some backup."
A familar theme hits the speakers, causing the crowd to erupt in joy. Rosé and Jisoo got hyped up to see a close friend return in one piece.
Lisa Manoban confidently makes her appearance, with a bandage wrapped around her arm.
"It is indeed fight night! The woman who The Bloodline took out of action with a fractured elbow is back!" Knight Yoo exclaimed on the commentary.
She began to speak, but the crowd nor even The Bloodline can hear what she's saying. The microphone is having a technical difficulty, but Lisa kept on continuing to speak through stutters.
Yuta laughed out loud. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA what is this? Y-you can't even get the microphone work, I mean come on! What are you gonna do now?"
Lisa sighed and got a little bit pissed off at the technical team for embarassing her at her return but she just placed it aside and walked with Rosé and Jisoo on the ramp, approaching the ring.
"You see, Yuta..." Lisa's voice is now loud and clear. "I have no problem saying it to your face when the truth of the matter is that..."
Rosé and Jisoo instead sprinted through the ring as Lisa secretly tasked them to get distracted. She follows her friends as BLACKPINK collided with The Myouis while she went forward against Hirai Momo.
Yuta Nakamoto disgustingly watched the whole mess around him before he decided to join the fray by stomping on Jisoo. It has became a 4 on 3 assault, with The Bloodline slowly punishing BLACKPINK.
Yuta was about to boast the domination they're having in the ring but he got interrupted when the titantron plays the theme of "The Korean Warrior" Kim Jennie, eliciting another loud cheers from the fans.
All reactions from The Bloodline was shock and disbelief as they didn't expect that Jennie would help her former friends, but little did they know that because of the assault and what they did on Lisa's elbow a month ago has  made BLACKPINK to change from heels to babyfaces in order to battle against The Bloodline.
Mina came rushing on Jennie but she presented her with a big boot, then rapidly rushed through the ring before YN approaches her next, only to receive a beadbutt.
Jennie then goes face to face with the woman who costs her the World Championship back at her homeland in Clash In The Combat months ago, Hirai Momo. The two stares down at each other before they unloaded exchange blows at one another.
Momo slapped Jennie hard but she bounced back on the ropes and clotheslined Momo. She then received a sneaky big boot by Yuta who was watching their fight.
Yuta then knuckled Jennie's top of the head until Lisa gets back up and spun Yuta around, turning his attention on her as she passed couple of hits around his face.
He then stopped her attacks by wrapping her around the waist and carried her on the turnbuckle to unleash some bumps on her midsection. The rest of the Bloodline and BLACKPINK then went on to continue attacking each other around the ring, giving the viewers a possible hint of a future feud and a match to come.
The show ends with the security and backstage personnels arrive in the ring to break up the brawl beween The Bloodline and BLACKPINK as the time runs out to air.
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romanreignseater · 1 year
Just The Three Of Us.
USOs x Black Female Reader
Rating: 18+
Warning: Very heavy smut; threesome, double penetration, blowjob, anal play, and a whole lot more. 🤭
“You’ve caught the Usos eyes ever since you joined the main roster and boy… did you love their attention.”
A/N: I got stories man… I GOT STORIES. I have about three fics I’m releasing soon, but I gotta do this one first. Thank you for all your support always ❤️!!
GIF: @r-truth
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I loved working for WWE. The fans, the traveling, and my coworkers, specifically two of my coworkers.
I started out as a ring announcer for NXT and soon lived out my dream of being a WWE Superstar. Climbing to the top, becoming your NXT Women’s Champion and even becoming 1/2 of your NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions.
But, my time has finally come to really reach for the stars. I was the first pick in the second round, drafted to SmackDown.
A place I dreaded, yet was the most excited for.
The Usos have been around me since the NXT days. They would come around backstage every now and then in support of their little brother, Solo Sikoa. They constantly flirted with me and teased me, calling me “baby girl”, “ma”, “mama”, or even “princess”. It was really annoying, but I always found myself back in their face.
Being on NXT was great for me as they weren’t always there, but being on SmackDown with them means I’ll have to see them every week.
“What’s up baby girl?!” My eyes rolled at the sound of a deep voice. Turning around I see tweedle dee and tweedle dum.
Jimmy and Jey Uso. All clad in black, except for their signature white Nikes. Jey’s crop top in full effect and Jimmy’s hat all the way backwards. “Hey Thing 1 and 2.” Laughing at my snide comment, they both begin to approach me. I sat on a crate as they stand on each side of my thighs.
“That ring gear looking’ real good, you did that for us?!” Jey looked me directly in my eyes while Jimmy played with the hem of my shorts.
“As if Uso, what do y’all take me for?!” Crossing my arms over my chest, heaving my breasts up. Their eyes were immediately drawn to my ample cleavage. “I’m pretty sure we take you as ours.” Jimmy’s hand soon grips my hip.
“Are you crazy?! I don’t belong to NO—BODY.”
“Yet, yo ass ain’t moved up off this crate.” Jey’s face inches away from mine as he grazed my inner thigh with his hand. My eyes quickly look back and forth from Jey to Jimmy from Jimmy to Jey.
“You guys are dicks.”
“Yo ass finna be taking and sucking these dicks real soon.” Jimmy laughed at his twin’s plan and grabbed my phone from my hand. As Jimmy was typing something, Jey snuck a kiss behind my ear. “You belong to us, ya understand?!” He pushed back as we looked each other deeply in the eyes.
“Meet us in our room at 11.” Jimmy spoke up. “Let’s go Uce.” He smacked his brother on the chest and they left into the night.
Jesus Christ…
Another day, another match won, and another step on the ladder climbed. But, throughout that entire match all I could think about was the Usos and their request.
“Meet us in our room at 11.”
My match against Zelina went well, but I was definitely off my game. The Usos were nowhere to be seen after my match and our little encounter. Packing up my gear and makeup for the night, I step outside of the arena in order to get an Uber.
And lo and behold, it’s the Usos.
Camping by a large black Escalade. Jey beckoned me to come over to them, and honestly… how could I say no to that boy?!
“Y’all just gonna keep staring at me or what?!”
They both looked at one another then back to me. “You already what’s about to go down.” Jey said. “It’s 10:15, the hotel is 20 minutes away, and our meeting is at 11. You got some time to put on something nice underneath.” Jimmy careful analysis of the time kind of freaked me out.
“What makes you guys think I’m actually attending this ‘meeting’?!”
Jimmy smiles and looks to his twin. Jey pushes himself away from the door of the Escalade and right by my side.
He circled me like a shark circling his prey. “If you wasn’t gonna attend this ‘meeting’, why you still here talking to us?! Better yet, we was allll up on you earlier and yo’ ass ain’t move from that crate.”
My eyes peered from Jimmy’s smirking face to my white painted toes. I gasped as Jey soon pressed himself up against me. His gruff voice boasted through my ears.
“If you ain’t gonna attend our ‘meeting’, you could either hop in the car or take your ass home. And by the way you still letting me be all up behind you like this… bro you might as well open up that door.”
The backseat door of the Escalade was soon swung open by Jimmy and he directed his hand to the seat.
I looked back at Jey and rolled my eyes. I pushed myself off of him and entered the car. Jimmy closes the door, and through the extremely tinted window I could see them fist bump one another.
They entered the car and we drove off to our hotel. “$100 Bill” by Jay-Z was playing in the background as I stared out of the window, wondering what I’m about to get myself into.
I looked away from the outside and my eyes caught both Jimmy and Jey’s in the mirror.
“Lord give me strength.”
And boy did I need it…
The boys dropped me off at my hotel room and kissed me on each cheek. As Jimmy walked away, as Jey watched his brother walk away, he gripped my hip and pulled me close.
“I got a little present for you in there. You betta put it ALL on.”
And with that, I was alone again. Entering my room, atop my bed was bag from Savage x Fenty and beside it, a plain taped brown box. In the bag was a high waisted black lace thong set.
Just in my size.
I reached for some scissors and looked to the time as 10:40. “This shit better not take me 20 minutes.”
I gasped as I finally got the box opened. Inside was a pink, glittery butt plug.
These niggas is crazy…
But, so was I.
I shifted in the elevator alone, glowing with cocoa butter and smelling like vanilla cashmere. Wig secured and tied into a ponytail. A nice pair of jean shorts, a pair of white forces, and my merch shirt. My silk press still maintaining its sleekness, but I doubt that’ll last long.
The elevator dings as I reach the 20th floor, where the Usos were staying. As I reached Room 20-11, I was tempted to run back into my room and hide out forever. Maybe even leave the hotel, and eventually the country.
I looked down to my Apple Watch, 11:00 on the dot my clock struck. Before I could even knock, the doorknob began to jangle. I could overhear arguing. Sooner or later, the door was swung open and there stood Jimmy.
We stared at one another for a moment before Jey revealed himself from behind the door. “Yo ass ain’t even saying nuthin’. Lemme answer the door next time weirdo. Come on baby.”
I brushed past Jimmy and entered their hotel room. I sat on one of their beds and made myself comfortable. They both stood in front of me with smirks on their faces.
“What does this meeting entail exactly?!” I slightly whimpered with nervousness in my heart. The twins became at eye level with, they did their thing again and looked at one another.
“You know exactly what this ‘meeting’ entails.” Jimmy rose from my eyes and pushed me back onto the bed. I got onto my elbows and watched their every move. Jey went to circle me once, but stoped halfway at the edge of the bed were my head was.
I looked as the brothers nodded at one another. Jimmy soon took my legs and spread them open. My vision was obstructed as Jey began kissing me, I could feel my shorts being pulled off of me and heard them fall to the ground.
Jey fondled my breasts and Jimmy massaged my inner thighs. “I knew this thong would look sexy on her.”
Jey paused his passionate kissing and looked up to his brother laid between my legs. “They do look good… now rip em’ off.” Jimmy smirked while laughing and soon my panties were ripped from my body.
“We finna take care of you girl.”
My pussy lips were soon spread open and I flinched as I felt hot air strike my beating clit.
“She going crazy already bro, get in there.” Jey’s words make me shiver as Jimmy soon took a deep dive into my dripping cunt.
My legs tighten around his head, but they were pried open by his younger twin. “Unhh, I can’t it’s too m—uch.” The Usos both laughed as the ministrations just began, and I already felt overstimulated.
Jey smacked my thighs and ordered me to keep them open. As Jimmy twirled his tongue in small, delicate circles back and forth from my hole to clit, Jey began to remove his member from his pants. His entire length sent a shadow over my whole face.
“Oh my god, where’s that gonna go?!”
I rolled my eyes in pleasure as I asked a striking question to Jey.
“It’s gonna go in that pussy later mama, but for right now it’s going in that sweet little mouth.” Jey tapped his length across my cheek and then tapped his drooling tip onto my lips. He gripped the base of his cock and I opened my mouth, waiting for it to enter as Jimmy continued to eat me out.
Lapping up the pre-cum that had gathered at his tip, I opened my mouth wider to slid his length back and forth across my tongue. He stared down at me with such intense eyes. His hips jerking forward slightly as I slid the rest of him in my mouth.
Jimmy tortuously abused my pussy. Jabbing the tip of his tongue between my folds. Pushing his long, thick middle finger inside of me, making me cream all over his single digit as Jey’s cock was still in my mouth. Adding another finger, my wetness flooded his fingers as he thrusted them in and out with ease.
Jey watched my every reaction, my mouth tight and wet, but he needed more.
“Jimmy… baby don’t stop.” I said muffled as I continued to suck Jey’s cock. Jimmy then sucked my pussy lips a little harder, making the sloppiest of sounds with his warm, fat tongue obliterating my slick cunt.
“Let’s switch up.” Jey’s cock left my mouth and he leaped off the bed. Jimmy sent one last kiss to my pussy as Jey laid down on the bed.
“Get on top mama.” I switched from my position from my back to my knees. Jimmy from behind smacked my ass, encouraging me to his brother’s dick. My legs fall spread between both of Jey’s thighs. I grasped his shoulders and awaited his massive cock to enter me.
I heard Jimmy rustling behind me as I made out with Jey, our tongues fighting in a dominate battle. Turning around, my jaw drops as I examine his girthy and veiny length.
“Glad you got that plug, cause I’m finna stretch you out.” Jimmy soon removed my plug and hole began to clench.
“We both finna stretch you out.”
I moaned as Jey’s length entered me through my pussy and I screamed as Jimmy entered my back hole. Feeling immensely stretched, I rested my head against Jey’s shoulder, crying in pleasure and pain.
“It’s gonna go away mama, and it’s gonna fell sooo good.” Jimmy rubbed my head and hair.
Jey began to thrust upward into my cunt, and Jimmy soon followed. Both my cunt and asshole were being pummeled by two large Samoan kings.
What a time to be alive…
Jey’s dick hit the bottom of my pussy, hitting my g-spot perfectly. Rough and hard, abusing my already hurt pussy. And Jimmy was slow and methodical, yet not skipping a beat.
“Oh my GOD, I’m gonna cum…”
“Hold on baby. Wait for us.”
I don’t even know which twin spoke to me as I was lost in far away land. Having my pussy ravaged at nearly midnight.
The grunts of the boys increased my pleasure and made me want to cum even more. “Unhh… cum for us baby, we right there witchu’.” Jey moaned into my ear and placed his hands on my tits, sucking my breasts as if I were breastfeeding him.
Jimmy massaged the other from behind and his strokes became sloppier. “Oh shit, cum for us baby.”
“AHHHHHHHH.” I yelled at the top of my lungs as I came like I’ve never before. The Usos both relaxed as their seed entered both of my holes.
We all sighed out of breath, still with our bodies intertwined.
Jey’s arms were placed behind his head as he watched Jimmy sensually make out with me. Nipping my bottom lip and fighting my tongue.
Jey grabbed my tit and gauged my attention.
“Same time at the next hotel.”
Definitely my longest fic I think 😭.
MY TAG SQUAD: @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @nayys-world @mzv11 @babybatlover @vogueyonce @harmshake @harlem11680 @seeingstarks @thewarlordsworld @alyyaanna @southerngirl41 @christinabae @pitlissa22 @thealliasylum @fame-ass-ers @iluvthebloodline @jeyusos-girl @ah-fin3sse @solosikoasgf @msbigredmachine @rollinsland @angelicflower2020
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Gangsta’s Paradise
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Pairing: Cody Rhodes/OC (Riley Carter)
Summary: After suffering a loss at Wrestlemania, Cody’s downward spiral is cut short when a certain American Gangsta seeks to tend to The American Nightmare’s wounds with a vacay. 
Warnings: Switch!OC, Switch!Cody Rhodes, Cody gets a bit feral ngl, Use of handcuffs and a blindfold, choking (lil bit), spanking, Oral (M. and F receiving), Dirty Talk, someone gets fucked dumb, etc.
Author’s Note: 10 months…It took me 10 MONTHS TO WRITE THIS SHIT. I hate writer’s block and low inspiration. Anyway, Enjoy my debauchery. As per usual,  
By proceeding with reading this work, you therefore accept any and all drawbacks from horniness. I.e, sudden soul departure, loss of underwear and extreme thirst. The author is not liable for medical and/or therapy costs, should side effects occur. 
-Signed Management
“And your winner…AND STILL The Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, ROMAN REIGNS!”
Straight Cow Manure. 
These were the thoughts that ran through Riley’s head when she heard the announcement, watching the match in Cody’s locker room. The frustrated sigh that she exhaled as she rubbed her face in both hands to prevent herself from not hauling ass out there, her infamous Harley Quinn-eque mallet swinging and busting heads. She looked back at the TV just in time to see the look on her boyfriend’s face. 
Heartbreak and defeat was evident on it which further angered her and broke her heart at the same time. She could tell what he was thinking, too; How he was so close and how he would’ve won if it wasn’t for those rat bastards that were the bloodline’s shenanigans. Riley also took note of how quiet the arena was after that. 
Frankly, disappointment was in everyone’s spirits except for the bloodline, their small group of fans and Vince McMahon. Or Hunter. Who knows and who gives a shit, she thinks when Cody enters his locker room. Riley turns around to look at him, shoulders sagged with that look of defeat on his face still as he sits on the couch next to her. 
“Hey there, Angel Eyes…” Riley hopes to sweeten up to him as she leans over to rub his shoulders. “You ok? I know it’s a dumb question to ask right now but…I need to know what my baby’s thinking or feeling right now.” Cody gives her a deep sigh as he rubs his face. 
“I had him. I almost had him, Riles. But then I-." 
“Don’t you fucking dare, Mister.” Riley stops and rests her hands on his shoulders. "That sleazeball Paul and Solo are the reason The Tribal Chief doesn't sleep with nightmares tonight." She sighs as she slips her hands down his arms to wrap her arms around his waist. “In due time, babe. In due time.” There was a slight pause before she continued. “In the meantime, how about I cash in your victory gift?” 
This made Cody look up at her. “My victory gift? Riles, I didn't win.” 
"The belts, you didn’t win but you did win a vacation." Riley clarified. "Remember back in June, I said that I was gonna pay for our vacation this time but you got hurt and then you were mad busy because someone decided to win the rumble and the build up to Wrestlemania on top of being an EVP of AEW. Basically, what I’m saying Code, is that yo ass needs a break.” 
There was a brief pause as Cody reflected on her words before he spoke. “Well, you do have a point. Can’t remember the last time I had a break.” 
“Yeah, Mister ‘Do the work’.” She tosses him his bag. “Now do the work and pack up. I don’t want to keep the pilot waiting.” 
Cody raises an eyebrow, his face in bewilderment. “Pilot?”
“Yeah, a pilot. What, you think I'mma take a 12 hour plane ride with the poors in First Class?” Riley raised an eyebrow in question. “Angel, I may be a frugal motherfucka sometimes but even I have standards. Standards that don’t include that bullshit you call The Nightmare Express” This gets a chuckle out of him.
“You really need to stop hanging around Max.” Cody said as he got up to pack.
Riley cringes at the statement. “I do not. That fatherless bastard likes to harass me for advice like the orphan he is. Now, hurry up or you gettin’ left.” 
2 days had passed before the two had left the city of angels behind and had arrived at the hotel in Venice, Italy. Already irritated at the shenanigans of Brock on the following Monday night, Riley gave him an ultimatum that he could handle whatever business he can before they were on the plane before Cody convinced her to let him work while on the plane.
‘A’ight, fine but once the plane lands,’ She kissed him on the cheek while he was on call with Kenny and The Bucks. ‘You’re all mine, Angel…’ She smiled. Once the couple arrived at their suite, Riley immediately dropped her bags by the door and plopped face first on the bed in the master bedroom. 
“Ah, finally…” Riley sighs, muffled into the bed. “I was almost about to lose my mind in that jet.” 
Cody chuckled and placed his bags next to hers. “I’m sorry, Doll.” He sits down next to her on the bed. “I would’ve kept you entertained if I could.” 
Riley shook her head, rising to sit up straight next to him. “Mm-mm. Nah, I wanted you to handle whatever business you had to do, Mista Executive because, like I said on the plane,” She kissed him on the lips. “You’re all mine…” She smiled at him which he returned.
“Well…” Cody picked her up by her hips to sit him in his lap. “I’m all yours now. What do you wanna do to me?” He leans forward to kiss her but Riley cuts him off with a finger to his lips.
“Uh-uh-uh. Nope. You didn’t wanna join the mile high club so you not gettin’ the nookie that easily. Besides, we’re in Italy! And I really wanna check out the Golden Rectangle. Mami needs more Armani and Cartier.” She hops off his lap. 
He sighs, plopping backwards on the bed as she walks to the bathroom. “Really? You brought us here just to shop?” He exasperated. 
Riley scoffs. “No, dummy. I have other plans for you as well.”
"Babe, come on. How much more do you need?" Cody sat on the couch outside the dressing room, his head on his hand while he watched the inky crimson fluffy coils that was Riley’s 'fro roamed around the Dolce and Gabbana store. “You already practically bought out all of Versace.” He gestured to the boatload of bags at his feet. Riley sputters as she looks through the lingerie section. 
“S’cuse me, I have a special night planned with my man and the clothes I bought with me are not up to par with the event planned.” She explains as she collects a few sets. “Speaking of that, you have a decent suit?” She stopped in front of the dressing room, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
Cody scoffs. “Of course I do, Doll. Why?” 
“What color is it?” She further questioned.
“It’s the dark purple one you like. You know, the one I wore to that photoshoot for my dog collar match with Brodie. I had black hair at the time.” He explained.
“Mmm-mmm-mmm…Lord have mercy.” Riley nods in remembrance. “You really do look good in that suit.” She walks into the dressing room. “Really brings out those pretty eyes of yours.”
“So you tell me, babe. Why do you ask?” 
“So in order to avoid waiting for me to get dressed, I would like to know exactly what I’m gonna wear tonight.” She said from behind the door. Cody then chuckles. 
“Great, so now I only have to wait an hour for you to get ready.” 
“Ya mama!” She responded with playful venom as he laughed.
A few hours passed after Riley practically dragged Cody around her shopping spree and they were back at the hotel. 
"Cody, hurry yo ass up! Yo hair is fine, ya idiot now come on before we miss our reservation!" Riley yelled after him as she adjusted her dress in the mirror of the foyer. “I swear, got the nerve to tell me I take too long and here he go…”  She then hears the sounds of Cody’s footsteps making his way to the foyer, adjusting his cufflinks. 
“I’m right here, babe.” He kissed her on her cheek before grabbing their coats by the door. “Besides, what’s the rush? Didn’t you rent out the whole restaurant?” 
“Just because no one else is gonna be there to witness me in my finest unless they paid me first, it does not excuse us being late.” She said as Cody helped her put on her coat. “Something, something punctuality. Something, something good time management. Now, hurry along. I have a hot date and I refuse to be late, even if fashionably.” She declared as she stormed out the room with her head up high and swinging the door open in a dramatic fashion. Cody chuckles at her antics. 
After they arrived and ate, Riley led him to the ferry station nearby for a gondola ride to see the sights at night. It is there when the American Couple found themselves cuddled together, holding each other
“The city is so beautiful at night.” She commented, resting her head on his shoulder. 
“Yeah, it is.” He said, looking at her. 
“I swear to god, if I look up and see you looking at me, I'mma throw you overboard, you absolute cheeseball.” Cody laughs at her semi-serious threat. 
“So you’re saying you’re not beautiful?” 
“I ain’t say all that, now.” She looks up at him. “I’m saying you’re corny, sir.” 
“Like taking a gondola ride in Venice with your girlfriend is not corny either.” He laughs, pulling her close. 
“Yeah, well…” She leans forward, lips almost touching. “Maybe I like a little corny.” She gives him a teasing smirk with a little chuckle. Cody then reaches over with his hand to pull her in closer to kiss her. Riley couldn’t help but release a soft moan as he grips her a little tighter around the waist. She then pushed him back before the kiss got too deep. 
 “Easy, tiger.” She teased. “We’ll have all the time in the world back at the hotel.” 
If only she believed that. As soon as the couple came back to the hotel, she pushed him up against the wall once they passed the hotel room threshold. “Baby, wait…” Cody gasps as she untucks his shirt from his pants while kissing his neck. “S-Slow down…” This made her giggle mischievously. 
“Oh why, Angel Eyes?” Riley presses her body against his, taking his tie in her hands. “Why slow down when you seemed so adamant on having me on my back as soon as we got here, hmm?” She pulls his tie, yanking him down to bring him face to face with her. 
Cody exhales a breath to calm himself as Riley moves her other hand to his belt to undo. He then looks her deep in the eyes. “Because Doll, unless you want to be fucked dumb and fucked proper, I would suggest you stop.” This made Riley giggle before she walked away from him deeper into the foyer where she stops.
“Well, then…” Riley unzips the back of her dress, letting it fall at her feet before putting her curls up into two space buns. She turns her head to look at him. “You’re gonna threaten me with a good time or what?” She taunted him, which shakes him out of his thoughts in his head. She could see the way his eyes darken before he snatches the tie off his neck, opening his shirt a bit in the process. 
“I’mma make you regret those words, babydoll.” Cody said before he chased after her, a playful squeal leaving her as she quickly ran to the bedroom. However, she doesn’t get far as Cody catches her before she reaches the room. He pushes her up against the wall, taking her hands into one of his own. “You know, I think you like to try me sometimes…” 
“To try you is to assume you have some control over me in the first place…” Riley muttered, feeling vulnerable as she looked down at her feet. Cody then grabs her face by the chin to make her look back up at him.
“Oh? And I don’t?” He then picks her up, causing her to wrap her legs around his waist with a shriek of surprise as she was suddenly airbourne. He then walks into the bedroom towards the bed where he places her down on her back. He strips out his shirt and vest before he takes hold of her hands above her head by her wrists. “We’ll see about that now, won’t we?” He leaned down to whisper in her ear before kissing underneath her ear which made her gasp. 
“Yeah…” Riley sighed before she looked up at the headboard of the bed for her surprise. She smirks at him when he looks back at her. “We will…” 
“What are you-?” Cody tried to ask before Riley managed to break her hands free of his grip to press against his chest to flip him over onto his back. She takes advantage of his confusion to then grab the handcuffs around the headboard to handcuff him to the bed. She then mounts him on his lap as she watches him struggle against the cuffs. 
“Ah, ah, ah. Don’t struggle, baby boy. I would hate for your wrists to be rubbed raw. No doubt, that would be hard to explain to your friends and peers.” She gives him a smug smile. Cody looks at her once he realizes he can’t break free. 
“Babydoll, whatcha got up your sleeve, huh?” He licks his lips as his breath gets a little heavy as he takes in her form again. “ All day, you’ve been leading me to surprise after surprise. Just treating me to things. What gives?” 
“I told you, baby.” Riley said, her hands sliding down his arms. “You haven’t had a real break in like 2 years. If you weren't busy with shit going on backstage in AEW, you were dealing with finishing the story in WWE. Basically…Papi?” She leans forward, placing her hands on the bed to meet him face to face. “You’ve been in control of things and when shit falls apart, you take the blame for it; even if it was something out of your control. So this whole vacation was dedicated to make sure you didn’t..” She leans closer, their lips barely touching. Cody gasps a bit at the slight contact. “Because I didn’t want you to further stress about anything. Can you do that?” She leans back, rubbing her hands down his chest to his abs. “Can you let me have control tonight?” .
“F-Fuck, doll…” Cody stuttered with a shiver, panting as her nails scratched him a little bit. "I…God fucking yes, baby.” He pleaded when she moved off his lap to lay in between his legs. “Ruin me…abuse me. Make me earn it, Baby…" His statement made her raise an amused eyebrow. 
“Make you earn it?” Riley chuckled as she slid off the bed which caused him to whine at the loss of contact. . “I just said I wanted to spoil you, Darlin’.” She teased him when she made her way over to her bags.
“I know. F-Fuck…” He mewled when he threw his head back, writhing against the cuffs. “But I-I wanna earn it. It’s not as rewarding if I don’t. So, please…” He felt movement on the bed before he raised his head again to look at her but couldn’t when she suddenly grabbed him by the chin, forcing him to look up at the ceiling. He whined, waiting to see more of her as she mounted his lap again.
“You must really want me to torment you, considering you forgot your place under me.” She sweetly threatens before she takes the silk blindfold and ties it around his eyes. She giggles a bit at his whimpering when she rolls her hips against his cock through his pants. “Don’t worry. I have all the time in the world to remind you where you belong.” She runs her fingers through his blonde hair. 
“F-fuck me…” Cody pants with anticipation when she lightly scratches his scalp like she knew he liked. He let a sharp gasp of air when he felt her kiss his neck up to his ear. Riley giggles seductively in his ear which causes him to shiver.
“Begging for me already? But I’ve barely got started, my sweet…” She licks and bites his earlobe. 
Cody squirms in the cuffs at Riley’s teasing and swallows his spit thickly. “God-. You’re gonna-.” He gasps again as he feels Riley’s fingers trace along his abs, tracing circles in between his belly button and his pants. “You’re gonna be the death of me.” Riley gives him a mischievous chuckle before she slides down his body, now eye level with the bulge in the pants. 
“Oh, Cody, Cody, Cody, mon âme…If what I’m doing to you right now already has you on the edge, then I see now how Roman bested you.” She felt Cody’s hips buck when she finally undid his belt before sliding it off entirely. “All that time spent in the gym…all that time spent wrestling matches to prove just how great you are, only to lose to a man who barely shows his face anymore? Just lose to a man, who in my sleep, I can outwit and outmaneuver him? I haven’t even done anything to make you lose your mind just yet so you know what?” She said as she slowly dragged his belt across his nipples. His hips bucked at the sensation. “Let's have a test of will.” She takes the belt and folds it in half to snap the belt, the sound damn near echoing throughout the room. She giggles mischievously when she sees his abs contract as he shudders a moan at the sound. “Since you’re a closeted masochist, I think maybe 10 spanks across the chest. A light punishment for you. That okay?” Cody gives her a nod which makes her slap and grips his thigh harshly, manicured nails digging in a little. He whines a little at the pleasure and pain. “Des mots, chérie. I can’t hear you.”
“Yes, mami. I-I understand.” Riley chuckled before she leaned down to kiss, lick and tease his nipples, drawing more moans out of him. 
“Mami, huh? Well, are you just a good boy?” She taunts him before she takes the belt and hits him across the chest with it. Cody throws his head back, letting out one of the deepest groans Riley ever heard out of him. She raises an eyebrow at the sound, humming pleased by it. “Mmm, never heard you make that sound before. Do it again.” She demanded as she hit him with the belt again.
“Oh, fu-.” Cody moans before she hits him again, cutting him off. “Fuck!” Another. “Fucking h-hell.” Another. “Baby…” Another. “Mami…” Cody whimpered as he fought against the cuffs the harder she hit him. 
She chuckled and looked down at him to take it in his disheveled stance. Riley raises her hand to gently stroke his hair. “Don’t tell me you’re tapping out already.” She bends down to kiss his forehead. “We’re not even done with your punishment yet.” 
“Shit…” Cody whines at her gentle touch. “I’m trying not to, babe but…you’re making it hard not to. Ah…” He moaned as he tried to find his resolve to not bust too quickly in his pants. 
“T’is the reason why I said it was a test of will. It’s not supposed to be easy.” She sighs as she moves the hand in his hair down to his now reddening chest.. “If you can’t hold off from losing your mind in pleasure and pain for longer than a few minutes, then what makes you think you can be undisputed champion, baby?” She teases one of his nipples, drawing out more sounds from him.  “While I may be spoiling you, dear, I also mean to make you better in more ways than one so…” She takes her hand off of him. “Try to last as long as you can…otherwise, it’s gonna be a long night for you.” Riley warns before she strikes him with the belt again, this time catching his other nipple.
“Go-God, baby, fuck!” Cody tugs on the cuff as his back arches from the intense pain. “Fuck! I’m trying but you-oh fuck, you’re so fucking-. Ah-! Ha-!” She strikes him again for the eighth time. “Shit…Riley…Mami, I think I’m gonna-. I’m gonna-.” 
Riley looks down at him with a raised eyebrow. “Really? You’re gonna cum in your pants from a few hits to the chest like a horny teenager?” She laughed. “Oh, how the mighty fall. How do you survive taking chops to the chests then?” 
“It’s…one thing…to get chopped in the chest…by a grown ass man…and another..to get whipped by a smoking hot grown ass woman…with an italian leather belt.” He then swallows the excess saliva in his mouth before he continues. “One’s a job…the other’s a privilege.” Riley laughs before she delivers the ninth hit. “Mercy, Mami, Mercy. Ple-please!” His plea makes her shush him. 
“You have one more, baby. You’ve survived this long, mon âme. One more won’t kill you.”  Riley’s sweetened threat made him whine in anticipation. 
“No but you will.” His response sparks another laugh from her again. 
“I wouldn’t dare. After all…” She leans down to whisper in his ear. “There’s not a man on this earth that is as half as good at dicking me down as you, Mr. Rhodes.”  
“S-Shit…” Cody whimpers as she reaches down to squeeze his dick. “Mami…Mami, I’m gonna-gonna-!” Cody tries to warn her before she comes down with the belt from the tenth and final strike hard. He pulls against the cuffs, moaning as he cums in his pants. “Oh fuckfuckfuck! Mami…!” He continued to whimper as she continued to shake from his orgasm. There’s a sudden crack Riley hears coming from the headboard. 
“Oh, my. Looks like someone wants to break free, no Queen.” She laughs as she moves back up the bed, straddling Cody’s hips once more to check on the cuffs. She sees one of the links of the cuffs separate but not entirely break off. She also sees there’s a crack in the wood of the headboard when she attached the cuffs. She also checks his wrists to see that they’re a bit rubbed raw and red against the leather cuffs.She looks down at him to check him, seeing him catching his breath as he comes back down to earth. She lifts the blindfold off of his eyes to take a good look at him. “Hey…” She whispered softly to him, taking hold of the cuffs to get his attention. When he looked up, she could see the haziness in his eyes.  “Do you want your freedom, my love? You have earned it.” Cody just nods numbly. She reaches up to undo the cuffs, rubbing his wrists a little before she reaches around his head to fully take off the blindfold. Cody shuts his eyes to let them adjust before he locks eyes with hers. “Hi, my pretty… You were such a good boy. I think you deserve a reward now, right?” He then shakes his head which makes Riley’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline in surprise. “No? Why not?” 
“Because I-. I c-ame without permission, Mami.” Cody said hoarsely. “I don’t-deserve it.” Riley tilts his head up, clicking her tongue.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” She shakes her head. “Oh, darlin’...Always so hard on yourself.” She leans closer to him. “Did I say that you couldn’t cum?” 
“No, I didn't. I said try to hold out as long as you can and you did. You didn’t break until I gave you the final hit with the belt so…” She kisses him on the forehead. “That means you listened and followed instructions which gets you a reward. Now, sit on the edge of the bed and accept your reward like a good boy.” Riley backs off for him to give him room to do as she instructed him. Riley gives him a mischievous chuckle before she slides down his body, now eye level with the bulge in the pants. 
“Now, then…” She gets onto her knees between his legs. “Time for me to get my reward.” She said as she slowly unbuttons and unzips his pants. He raises his hip to help her lower them a bit to free his dick from its prison. His dick smacks her in the face still hard, sparking a moan from her. “Fuck...” She sees his abs contract as he shudders a moan when she turns slightly to give his cock a few light kisses along his shaft. “I love this dick so fucking much.” Cody gives her a groan in pleasure when she licks his cum clean off his cock. She moans again where she feels it twitch against her lips. She licked all the way up his shaft from base to tip, drawing more moans out of him. “Mami…Can I…?” 
“Angel wants to pull Mami’s hair while she sucks him dry?” She taunts him before she takes his tip into her mouth. Cody throws his head back as Riley uses her tongue around the head of his cock. 
“Yes, Mami…Please, Mami.” Cody muttered as he balls his fists into the sheets the more Riley’s mouth sank down his cock slowly. She chuckled and looked up at him when she took one of his hands to put it in her hair. Cody looks down to see what Riley was doing only to have his eyes roll in the back of his head as Riley slowly deepthroats him as she does. “Goddamnthattongueisdangerous.” The hand Cody had in her hair grips the back of her head to guide her head up and down with her pace. Riley takes her free hand to play and toy with his balls. “Shit…” He throws his head again as she takes his dick out of her mouth to suck on his balls. “Goddamn…I think I’m gonna cum again.” He moaned as he tried to find his resolve to not bust too quickly. 
She gives his balls a firm suck before she lets them go to speak. “Much as I love for you to just nut in my mouth,” She sighs as she adjusted her position on the bed to nestle his cock in between her breasts.“I’ll let you decide. Do you wanna cum in my mouth…” She squeezed her breasts together to massage his dick. “Or on my tits?” Riley asks before she tongues and sucks on the head of his dick while continuing to stroke his cock with her breasts. 
“Oh, shit..” Cody groans into a gasp as he feels himself get closer. He looks down at her faux innocent look. “I’d rather cum in your pussy, Mami.” She looks up back at him with a raised eyebrow which makes him plead. “Can I please, Mami?” Riley’s firm look turns into a look of mischief before she speeds up her tempo, making him cry out. As quickly as she sped up, she stopped to stand on her feet. She places her hands on his knees. 
“I guess you can but you’re gonna have to do the work if you really want it-.” Riley suddenly shrieked as Cody grabs her by the waist and throws her onto the bed, immediately kissing all over her face. “Baby!” She giggled at the eager affection Cody was giving her as he crawled on top of her. “Baby, please!” 
“Mmm, sorry, doll but I’ve been waiting to just…fuck the shit outta you since we’ve arrived.” He whispered in her ear before kissing and sucking hickeys on her neck. “All day. All goddamn day, you’ve been teasing me. From the shopping trip, wearing those tight shorts that makes that plump ass of yours bounce everytime you walk,” His kisses moved down to her chest as he popped her on the ass, earning him a yelp of surprise. “That fucking dress you wore to dinner.” He took one of her nipples into his mouth, sparking a sharp gasp from Riley when he bites down. “ God, your tits...Tits were just…sitting pretty in that dress.” She continued to moan as he toys with the other nipple before he kisses down her stomach. ‘Your stomach and those rolls I love so much. Even though you hate when I show them love, I love that chub of yours, baby. But there’s something I love more than all that I just mentioned.” Cody sits up to pull her closer and throws her legs over his shoulders. Riley sits up on her forearms to watch as he kisses up her calf to her thigh, this time leaving love bites on them. “I absolutely love this pussy.” He muttered as he pushed her legs back to get a good look at her pussy, spreading her lips open to look at how wet she was. “So wet. You must really want me, don’t you?” She nodded, hiding her face with one hand. Cody tsked as he reached up to pull her hand away. “Uh-uh, Mami. Tell me. Do. You. Want. Me?” He enunciated. She nods eagerly, sitting up a little further to look him in the eyes.
“I want you…I always want you.” Her response earns her a sexy chuckle from Cody.
“Good girl. Now, hold your knees for me, doll.” He commanded as he pushed her knees to her for her to grab. “It’s gonna be a long night for you if you don’t behave while I indulge in my favorite treat, all right?” 
“Yes, sir.” Riley meekly answers as she does what she is told. Cody rolls his eyes in his head as he growls at the name.
“Goddamn, you obedient little thing…” He muttered before he leaned down to her pussy to lick from her hole to her clit in a long slow lick. 
“Ahn!” She moaned as she felt her eyes cross a bit when Cody flicks his tongue against her clit. “Oh, shit…” Cody growls into her when he feels her get wetter and drips more of her juice into his mouth. He slaps her thigh hard as he sucks on her clit. “Ah! Fuck…” Cody releases her clit to gently rub it the way he knows that will drive her crazy. Riley’s grip on her knees gets tighter when he does. “Oh, god…Too much! How-How are you so good at that?.” 
“Well, gorgeous.” He hits her with that blinding smile of his before he slips two fingers into her. The action makes her legs twitch with a hungry moan. “When you’re dating a very buxom, short, brazen woman who has spent her entire life, mouthing off to anything that displeases her…” He then curls his fingers up to caress her spot that made her sob with agonizing delight. “You learn how to not be on the receiving end of that brutality.” He sucks in a breath as he feels his fingers get more saturated with her essence. “Ooh, that’s the spot, ain’t it? That’s where you want me to touch, right?” He begins to scissor her with his fingertips assaulting her spot more, coupled with him going back to suck on her clit. Riley, in her ravenous want for more, lets go of her knees to grab the back of his head and pull his hair. He growled into her pussy at the pain and pulled away entirely to take hold of her hands in his free one, standing up. “Bad girl.” He began to scissor her faster, making her tremble in pleasure. “Did I say, you can let go of your legs, gorgeous?” Riley shakes her head which made him stop moving his fingers. “And now, you don’t want to answer Papi properly. Words, love or as you like to say, ‘Des mots, de l'amour’. I can't hear you.” 
“Nnnhmm, no..no, Papi. Y-you didn't…” Riley mewled. “I’m sorry, Papi.”
“No. I didn’t. So tell me why…” Cody said as she picked up his pace again, making her tug at his grip of her hands with a whine. “I should let you come after disobeying you.” 
“Nhn! Be-Beca-use if you don’t…You-Ohh! You wouldn’t be able to…fuck me properly.” She cracked her eyes open a little bit. “Plus, seeing me cum my brains would just make you harder than you already are.” He chuckles at her reasoning before he leans over her to kiss her. Riley kept squirming on the bed as she felt herself get closer and closer to the edge. She tried to break his grip to push him back but that didn’t work. She tried to break the kiss but she could barely get any words out as Cody just kept coming back for more kisses. After a few moments, he lets up on the kisses when he feels her squeeze his fingers tighter than before. “Nmh! Cody! Please! I’m gonna cum-Ahnn!” She shrieks as she squirts all over his fingers and even a little on the floor. Cody stands up straight and takes his fingers out of her. He chuckles as he looks at his hand.
“Tsk. You’re squirted all over me and the floor.” He licks his fingers as his dick twitches, getting harder at her smell and taste. “Making my dick so hard it hurts, you brat.” He moves to pick her up to move her further up the bed, kneels on the bed over her and folds her in half. “Things are gonna get rough, doll. You don’t mind, do you?” Riley keens as she feels Cody’s dick prod at her entrance. “Shit, you’re so soaked, just like I love it.” He then puts her legs back over his shoulders. “I’ve been waiting these past few months to have you.” He then slips the tip in when he takes hold of her hands on either side of her head to get leverage. “I don’t think I can be gentle.” His dick then just plunges into her pussy, causing her to arch her back in delightful agony. He feels her get impossibly tight around him and wetter. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head in disapproval. “You fucking brat. Nnh…you came again.” He started to rock his hips to drive his dick in a slow pace to prolong her orgasm. Riley then drops back to the bed, hands gripping Cody’s hands harder at the pleasure.
“Nhaa! Ha! I-I can’t…! C-Cody! Oh!” She gripe with insatiable ecstasy. 
“You can’t take any more?” He asked her to which she nodded. “Oh but darling…I think you need more.” He shifted his weight to his hands to start rocking his hip faster to pound into her with gluttonous thirst. The change of pace makes her struggle for breath and her toes curl. 
“Ahh! Oh, fuck…Ohhh, fuck me…nnahmm…” Riley thrashed in debauched bliss as she feels her eyes cross, the view of Cody above her getting more and more out of focus. Cody lets go of one of her hands to wrap it around her neck. He smirked when he saw her stick out her tongue with panting breaths. 
“Holy shit…you’re so fucking pretty like this. So fucked out of your mind, that you can’t focus on anything but how my hand feels around your neck…” He squeezes her neck a bit harder which causes her to tighten up more around his dick. “Or how my cock feels, digging out that tight little hole of yours. Fuck…I could just…fuck you full until that pussy couldn’t take anymore. Until every time I fill you up with another load, it would just push the ones before it until there’s a fucking puddle underneath you and yet…even if you would be that fucking stuffed, you’d still ask me for another, wouldn’t you?” He taunts her but Riley just nods, too fucked out to really process what he’s actually saying. He laughs as he leans closer to kiss her. He lets go of her neck when he pulls away. “Go ahead, baby. Cum. Cum all over Papi’s dick again so Papi can fill you up like he knows you like.” He reaches down to thumb her clit which makes her close her eyes tightly. “C’mon, babygirl. Make me proud and cum. Cum and lost the last of your fucking mind. Make a mess of these sheets baby. C’mon…C’mon…” He encourages her before her back arches again and she cums on his cock again, her pussy juices squirting all over the sheets as Cody keeps thrusting through her orgasm to chase his own. He leans down to get close to her ear. “Yesyesyes, fuck! Good girl! Good fucking girl. Take it. Take my fucking load, baby. Fuck, lemme fucking fill you up. Fuck…Fuck! Take it, Mami! Take it!” He growled into her ear as he finally came deep inside her, hips slowing down to feel her pussy pulse around him. “Shit! Oh, shit, baby! Fuck…” He groaned as he moved her legs from his shoulders to fall on the bed beside her. Once he gets on his back, he pulls her close to cuddle her. “C’mere, doll.” He kissed her on the temple to calm down her trembling body. “Hey, doll. You’re still with me, right?”
“Mhmm…” She hummed in confirmation. “We…really shouldn’t go months…without doing that…again.” She cuddled closer to him.
“Agreed…” Cody squeezed her tighter to him. “Last thing we need is you incapacitated from me dicking you down.” They both chuckled. He kissed her temple again and stood up. “All right, up you go.” He turns around to pick her up off the bed to carry her to the bathroom. “Someone made a mess and now we gotta clean it up.” 
“You’re sure that’s all we doing?” She teased him.
“Don’t start, woman. You already can’t feel your legs.” 
10 Months later… February 2024, Wrestlemania 40 Kickoff
“...Because I have made a legendary career out of knocking golden girls off their top spot…so Mami is gonna learn how to be a bottom.” Becky Lynch taunts the current champion, Rhea Ripley who steps closer to her. “Because that’s what happens when The Man comes around.” The two engage in a staredown as Becky’s theme plays in the background before it’s cut off by someone attacking Becky in the back with a steel chair, pushing her into Rhea to knock them both down. Becky crumbs to the floor as the unknown attacker hits her with the chair again. Once Becky is down, the attacker props the chair around her knee before she focuses her attention on Rhea. The attacker props Rhea onto their to deliver a fireman’s carry spinebuster onto the chair that Becky’s knee was in, causing both of them to scream in agony. The attacker then gets a mic and kneels down to Becky before they pull off the mask, revealing the face of Riley. Riley smirks at Becky’s look of surprise. She then puts the mic to her lips. 
“You know, Becky, I know you said that you’ve made a career out of knocking golden girls off their top spot…” She looks back to the knee Becky was grabbing at. “But I’ve made a career outta rewriting legends, no matter the gender, no matter the company because I know just how boring Life can get when it’s predetermined.” Riley then stands to her feet to look at the hard camera. “And at Elimination Chamber, I plan on rewriting the legend again because no matter who’s the champion. It doesn't matter who’s in the chamber. I’m walking into the chamber. I’m gonna win the chamber and at Mania, I’m gonna take the title off of whichever one of you two unlucky bitches has it by the time we meet.” She stops for a moment to take in the cheers and jeers from the crowd. “But I won’t just stop there because everyone’s got a story to finish but I’m the only one with the pen and paper…because I’m the American Gangsta and to mess with me is to mess with the best.” She drops the mic as she leaves the arena through the crowd. Meanwhile, Backstage, Cody just chuckles at the antics of his girlfriend. 
“She always did know how to make a statement.” 
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saintmagx · 11 months
I Knew you were Trouble❤️‍🔥
Part 3
Pairing: Jimmy Uso x reader
AN: if you would like tagged let me know 💖 Trinity is still with WWE. No specific timeline
⚠️ Warnings: 18+ , swearing, violence (this is the WWE after all) slight smut, infidelity, jealous Jimmy, bad writing, cringe story telling, the Usos (because they are a warning in themselves) ⚠️
JIMMY IS SO FINE LIKE 😭🤤 HELP!!!! Also is anyone else just loving how much fun he’s having on Smackdown right now????? YEEET 🤪 NO YEET 😐
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The hustle and bustle of the gorilla can be a bit much for some people but not me, it strangely helps me get in the zone, ready to become my onscreen persona and throw yn out the window. Hunter confirmed the timeline for myself and trinity to win the tag team titles - five weeks away at Summerslam. Trin was still determined to get us an in ring team name and had enlisted Beverly the seamstress to start working on matching outfits - I love her but when she sets her mind to something - nothing and I mean nothing stands in her way.
Tonight I had a singles match against Liv Morgan, a simple one on one match with a clean win for me. Waiting for my cue the Uso’s come through the curtain after finishing their match. Josh greets me with his huge infectious smile and warm embrace, Jon on the other hand greets me with his signature fiery stare.
“Good luck out there yn. The crowd is on fire tonight!”
Josh walks away leaving me standing with Jon once more.
“We need to stop meeting like this.” Jon says with a smirk
“Ah yes, however it is hard when we work at the same place and are friends with the same people, the likelihood of us continually bumping into each other is pretty high.” Proud of my self for my reply I look at him smiling awaiting his response.
“Ya know, for a pretty girl you have a pretty smartass mouth. I sure hope you ain’t all talk and can back up that mouth babygirl.” He gives me a final once over and heads over to Josh who is standing chatting to his cousin Joe.
Focus yn, focus.
“Yn, you’ve missed your cue, get out there NOW.”
Shit. I don’t need distractions right now, I need to prove to Hunter and everyone backstage that i deserve to be here and I deserve these titles.
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My match against Liv went to plan, we only had a 7 minute slot so it was quick and effective.
Hey so a few of us are heading to dinner before you guys have to be back on the road for the European tour. You in?
Of course girl, lemme get ready and I’ll meet you at the car 💗
I’ve already left the arena, but Jon and Josh are still there, tag along with them and I’ll see you at dinner 💕
Great. The more I try to keep away from Jon the more fate keeps throwing us together.
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The car ride to the restaurant was pretty normal actually. Jon and Josh were in the front talking tactics from their match and goofing off. Me on the other hand was a simple bystander to this, it was nice. The bond the boys have is special, really warms the heart.
“Earth to yn!”
Josh snaps me out of my thoughts
“Sorry, um what were you saying?”
“Damn, not even paying attention to me huh.”
“Oh shush Josh, I’m tired.” I say laughing, I wouldn’t tell them that the real reason I was preoccupied was because I was in awe of them and their bond, those boys don’t need bigger heads.
With Josh fake falling out with me, I turn my attention to Jon.
“Can you tell me what he said?”
“Please?” I beg batting my eyelids, being a little flirtatious always gave me the upper hand, but with Jon it was dangerous territory I was entering.
Looking at me from the mirror he licks his lips.
“Sorry yn! Ain’t no way I ain’t siding with my bro.”
“That’s right uce. Day ones!”
Josh turns to me with a smug ass look on his face. Rolling my eyes I turn my attention to my phone ignoring them both.
Sighing I question “how am I going to manage myself with you two double teaming me.”
Jon’s eyes dart to the mirror with a playful glint in his eyes.
“Im sure you’ll be able to take us.” His eyes revert back to the road as we pull up to the restaurant.
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Fluttering. Everywhere. That’s the only way I can describe it. There wasn’t a part in my body left that hadn’t been effected by Jon and his words. When I said double teaming me I hadn’t meant anything by it other than then ganging up on me but now, all I can think about is both their hands on me, Josh attacking my neck, Jon all over my breasts sucking and caressing them.
“You’ve been pretty quiet tonight, what’s up?” Trin enquires.
Truth is I’ve been distracted, Jon’s words in the car, watching Jon interact with Trin like a normal husband and wife, the feeling of jealousy and shame washing over me.
“I’m just tired honestly, plus I’ve still got so much to do before I leave for Europe tomorrow.”
“And moody, was all pissy with me in the car earlier, right Jon?”
“She sure was.”
I look at the twins and flip them off making the everyone at the table laugh lightening the mood. I hate how one man has effect me so much. And I know it’s only going to get worse once we kick of the European tour. No wife and me close by for 7 whole days - it has disaster written all over it.
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Sorry it’s kinda short, felt like this was a good place to end! Anyhooo
Tagged: @southerngirl41 @missfamilyjeweles @jeyusos-girl @christinabae @jeyusosgirl @raya-hunter01 @harlem11680 @theogsamoanqueen @harmshake
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sydsaint · 1 year
I present to you, one flirty GM and her three cocky dickhead boyfriends. 💜
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Summary: The reader is one of the Smackdown GMs and friends with Austin, LA, and Grayson. One night Pearce snaps at her while he's in a bad mood and she finds her boys are more than willing to defend her.
It's just another Friday night when you pull up to the arena for Smackdown. Security meets you at the front of the building and escorts you inside past the raging crowd gathering outside for the show. You get inside the safety of the building and are greeted by LA Knight right outside your office for the night.
"Already, Knight?" You quip with a grin when you see him leaning outside your office door. "What? A girl can't even get her coffee before you start bothering her?" You joke.
"I got your coffee right here, sweetheart." Knight lifts his hand with a wink to reveal a steaming cup of coffee.
You have to laugh that he knows you so well. You graciously take the coffee from him and step inside the office. "Oh, so you want something from me, then?" You ask in a knowing tone as you make your way over to your desk.
"Me? No." Knight shakes his head. "I just wanted to drop by and say hello." He insists.
"Well, then." You sit down and begin unloading some stuff from your bag. "Is there anything else?"
Knight grins at you but shakes his head. "Nope. You take care tonight, boss." He winks at you one last time before he walks off.
You smile to yourself and shake your head. You went out for drinks with Knight and a few a few days ago, but you didn't think that was all it was going to take to have Knight so obsessed with you.
A few minutes later, your fellow general manager of WWE shows up at the office with an annoyed look on his face. "Adam!" You greet him. "Why the face? Work hasn't even really started yet."
"Don't even get me started." Adam groans and stomps over to his desk. "Is that coffee? Where did you get coffee at? Catering was out when I went by there looking for some." He eyes your steaming coffee with jealous eyes.
"A friend dropped it off." You grin to yourself and take a sip from the cup.
Your vague answer only fuels Adam's foul mood. But you don't let his grumbling get to you.
A little while later Grayson Waller pops into the office with his setlist for the Grayson Waller Effect to be approved by either you or Adam. And the Aussie has Austin Theory with him since the two of them have been hanging out lately.
"Y/N! Don't you look lovely tonight?" Grayson compliments you as he comes through the door. "Don't you agree, Austin?" He nudges Theory.
"Duh." Austin agrees with a smug grin. "Y/N's always looking hot.'
You roll your eyes and beckon the pair over to your desk before Adam starts yelling at them for messing around. "Mhm. Behave you two." You warn the pair. "Grayson, is that your set list?" You ask him.
"Sure is." Grayson nods and hands the list over to you. "You know, Y/N, I was thinking. And I think that you'd make a great guest on my show sometime." He informs you.
"Really now?" You indulge Grayson's little game for the moment. "Boring old me?"
Grayson and Austin both chuckle while you're reading over Grayson's setlist. "Now now, don't sell yourself short, Y/N," Grayson assures you.
"Yeah! You're great." Austin backs Grayson up.
"Mhm, well I'm unfortunately going to have to decline." You hand Grayson back his list with your signature neatly penned in at the bottom. "I am flattered by the offer though."
Grayson nods and takes his approved setlist back. Austin picks up the slack and flashes you a dashing smile. "You have definitely got to join us for drinks after the show then." He insists.
"I've got plans." You giggle at the pair's eagerness to see you after work hours.
"I bet they aren't as fun as hanging out with us." Grayson doesn't give up just yet.
You laugh and shake your head. "I beg to differ." You tease them. "But if the two of you are that desperate, you're going to have to talk to LA Knight."
Austin and Grayson share a small look and bid their farewell to you before they hastily exit the office. You laugh at their antics and get back to work. But you can hear Adam grumbling still to himself on the other side of the room. You know that your little charade with Waller and Theory couldn't have made his mood any better than it was when he arrived.
"I'm gonna go down to the production truck, Adam." You get to your feet after a few minutes of silence. "Need anything?"
"No," Pearce grumbles once again.
"Okay. Be back soon." You shrug and walk off.
Later into the night, you are back in the office when Pearce dismisses himself to film a quick backstage segment. While he's gone, you call your three favorite superstars back to the office to discuss an upcoming six-man tag match for next week's show.
"Miss me that much, Y/N?" LA Knight comes sauntering into the office a few minutes after the call.
"Terribly." You joke and gesture to an empty seat next to your desk.
Knight shuts the door behind him but declines your offer of a chair. "Thanks, but I'll stand." He insists.
"Of course you will." You playfully roll your eyes when Knight leans against your desk. "Now we just need the two stooges."
"You talking about Waller n' Theory?" Knight replies. "Those two came by the locker room asking about me and you earlier you know?"
You smile to yourself but manage to play it cool. "Did they know? What for?" You ask Knight.
"Wanted to know what was going on between you and me," Knight explains.
"And what did you tell them?" You turn your chair a bit to face Knight.
Knight smiles down at you. "The truth." He answers you.
"Oh? And what's that?" You bat your eyelashes at him.
The tension in the room is palpable until Austin and Grayson finally arrive. You switch back into work mode and get discussing the tag match out of the way before you can get back to having some fun.
A bit later, Pearce finally finishes up filming his backstage segment. A task that took way longer than he'd hoped it would. Annoyed and in a bad mood, Pearce slips back into the office only to find it being occupied.
Silence falls over the office when Pearce slams the door. You direct your gaze to the door and find Adam, red in the face and staring a hole in you from the doorway.
"Adam." You greet Pearce. "Something wrong?" You ask him casually, arms folded in front of you.
Pearce stares at you before his gaze switches to the three men currently surrounding your desk. Knight is at your right side wearing his usual confident smile and leaning ever so slightly over you. Grayson is opposite him and leaning against your desk with Austin at his shoulder. All three men are crowded around you instead of on the other side of the desk where they should be.
"What's all this?" Pearce huffs, his foul mood finally rearing its ugly head. "What? Are the four of you discussing when to schedule your next orgy?!" He snaps.
You blink a couple of times at Pearce's outburst but don't offer an immediate reply. Instead, you've got three pissed-off pro athletes ready to defend your honor.
"Hey!" Knight, being the oldest and most mature of the trio, is the first one to snap. "Don't talk to her like that!" He puffs out his chest and steps toward Pearce.
"Yeah! You'd best apologize, right now!" Grayson speaks up next, wearing the same expression of ill intent as Knight.
Austin, being the youngest of the group, is the last to come to your defense. But he's also the one to make the most intimidating threat. "Apologize to her, now!" Austin growls. "Because I guarantee we've all got enough money to pay a suspension fine for kicking your ass."
You watch Pearce swallow hard and nearly fold in on himself in fear. You get to your feet and gesture for your harem of angry suitors to back off. "It's alright, you three." You speak in a calm tone. "I'm sure Adam didn't mean it. He's just been having a rough, night. Right, Adam?" You offer him a chance to avoid getting his ass kicked.
"Yes. Forgive me." Pearce vigorously nods. "I...I don't know what came over me."
"See." You glance between Knight, Waller, and Austin. "You three can go now. I'll email you with more details later." You dismiss them before things escalate further.
Austin, Knight, and Waller all glare at Pearce as they exit the room. You shut the door behind them and hand Pearce the schedule for next week's show with one match underlined.
"I was talking to them about their tag match next week." You point to the underlined passage on the page.
Pearce looks at the passage and runs a hand over his face. "I'm sorry." He apologizes to you.
"Apology accepted." You nod and walk back over to your desk. "But, Adam?" You sit down and Pearce is forced to look at you. "Don't let it happen again. Or those three won't be your only problem." You warn him.
Pearce nods and swallows again. He buries himself in his work and doesn't talk to you again for the rest of the night.
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improvised-finish · 3 days
FFXIV Write 2024 - Prompt #20 - Duel
Content Warnings: Nothing major, mentions of fighting in a WWE-style arena setting
Summary: A masked and hooded figure turns up to the Arcadion, fresh off the streets of Solution Nine and looking to claim the top spot, if rumors swirling around the city are to be believed. But every journey through the ranks starts with a single bout.
Check it out below or on Ao3:
Lehon'a took a deep breath. The bass of the music soundtracking the Arcadion’s main ring was so loud it shook the walls, but she simply closed her eyes and focused in on the feeling of her heartbeat, as she had before many other high stress encounters.
This one was a bit different, though. She'd never really fought for fun before, or for other people's entertainment, and now she'd managed to get herself roped into doing both, somehow. 
At the very least she'd had the foresight to operate pseudonymously, wearing a mask and a hood to cover her ears and face, in the hopes of keeping her true identity under wraps. Lehon’a had given her name as “The Neon Shadow”, which seemed fittingly over-the-top for such a theatrical arena. She figured there was a decent chance that someone would recognize her, but better for it to be an unconfirmed rumor that added to the growing spectacle than an up front statement of her likelihood of mopping the floor with the fighters in front of her. 
Plus, if she had any hope of getting to the bottom of the mystery of the beast soul transformations and their effects on the fighters, she figured it would be more likely that anyone involved would spill their guts to a plucky underdog from the city than they would to a friend of the rulers of Tural. Not to mention the trapped souls she stood to free with each potential win.
Regardless, the only way she'd accomplish any of these goals would be to simply focus on the opponents in front of her, one fighter at a time.
She'd been introduced to the first member of the lightweight division, who went by Black Cat, before they were set to square off, and though Lehon’a didn't know much about her personally, it was plain to see the youthful, brash overconfidence that would be easy enough to exploit. Underneath that exterior, though, Lehon’a got the sense that there was more to her story. 
Lehon’a mulled it over a bit longer as she inspected her gunblade, double and triple-checking to ensure it was in working order before the fight. It was only a few moments after she'd finished putting it back together that a message blared over the intercom telling her she had only a minute left before it was showtime.
Lehon’a quickly pulled her hood back over the cap she was already wearing and grabbed her face mask from the seat next to her, where it was sitting. She reattached it in one smooth motion, inhabiting the ‘mysterious lone fighter’ character she’d created for herself as it snapped into place. She then got up from her seat and walked towards the large door that separated the main arena from the waiting room. As it began to slide open, she rested the barrel of her gunblade across her shoulder and struck the coolest pose she could think of. As the blinding spotlights glinted off her weapon, she pulled it from off her back and pointed it in the direction of her opponent; a silent taunt. The crowd did the hard work for her, roaring their enthusiasm and getting her blood pumping.“AND OUR CHALLENGER: A MYSTERIOUS FIGHTER STRAIGHT FROM THE STREETS OF SOLUTION NINE, THE NEOOOOOOON SHADOOOOOOW!”
Lehon’a gave a smirk she knew would only be visible in her eyes as she stepped into the ring. She watched with those same amethyst eyes as Black Cat transformed, tapping into the power of her beast soul.
All right then, let’s get this party started, Lehon’a thought as she sprinted ahead, scraping the edge of her blade along the ground in time with a crescendo in the music.
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What Love Is - Hangman x Emery
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Part of my Dark Angel of the Bullet Club series
Word Count: 2527
Based On: Dynamite April 5th 2023
Warnings: mentions of blood, physical violence
Tag List: @blxxckheart @summertimefun1982 (If you want to be added to my tag lists let me know. I have 3 for the separate companies - NJPW, AEW and WWE)
(border by)
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Emery stood backstage, her arms wrapped around her abdomen in an attempt to comfort herself. For the first time since AEW began, she was alone.
No Bucks. No Kenny.
She’d always had them beside her, almost since the beginning of her career. Now? Blackpool Combat Club had effectively removed all three from the equation.
As she stood off to the side, her brown eyes stared a hole into the wall across from her. It took everything in her power not to seek out the one person she had left.
She’d known him as long as she had the Bucks. At one point, they had been extremely close, thick as thieves. However, after everything fell apart when Hangman and Kenny lost their tag team championships and Kenny went heel—Emery felt the distance between her and Hangman grow. It grew and grew until he was completely absent from her life.
And it killed her inside.
Especially when he’d be at odds with Kenny and the Bucks. She’d secretly cheer for him, be behind him when good things would happen, wins in his career, especially when he won the AEW World Championship. Though it was a happy moment—it also was a sad one, as he had beat Kenny for it.
She had been ringside, right there with the Bucks. Emery had seen each brother give Hangman a nod before he delivered buckshot lariats for the win.
After that, she thought that maybe—just maybe—things would mend between all of them. That was not the case, however. They’d remain distant and at odds, coming to a head again in the tournament for the Trios Championships.
That was, what—seven months ago? Eight? Emery had hoped things would mend after that, eventually, but nothing happened. It took everything in her not to reach out, text Hangman, or call him. Especially now, with everything going on.
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Emery heard the familiar music of the BCC blare through the arena, signaling they had won their match. Taking a deep breath, she dropped her head and stared at the floor, willing the tears not to fall from her eyes.
It seemed like everyone had someone backstage—except for her.
“You see, I was at home with my family. And I love my family.” Emery heard Bryan Danielson’s voice ring out, as he apparently had taken a microphone.
“You know who else I love? I love Jon Moxley—and him ripping at people’s mouths! You know who else I love? Claudio Castagnoli and him destroying people. You know who else I love? Wheeler Yuta! Even if he’s a little shithead! I love him.”
“Yuta…” Emery thought sadly. They had been friends at one point, but that seems so long ago at this moment.
“And you know what else I love? I love. Professional. Wrestling. Do these guys look like professionals to you? They look like some people the EVPS might have hired, and their nothing—”
Emery looked up from the wall at the mention of the EVPs, her eyes narrowing slightly. Pushing up off the wall, she walked over to a nearby monitor and watched.
“—Impotent amateurs. And as I look around this building tonight, I think the four of us; I think we’re the only—”
Emery heard the fast-paced feet of someone behind her, and as she glanced, her stomach done flip flops. Hangman sped past her without a glance as he approached the ring. He had on one of her favorite jackets- the black leather with the tassels; pair that with the dark wash jeans and the brown cowboy boots—he looked every bit her cowboy that she remembered.
With a soft smile, Emery turned her attention back to the screen as Hangman’s music hit, and he stalked down the ramp.
“Ohhh boy. Here comes another amateur,” Bryan smirked as the BCC waited for Hangman in the ring. Bryan leaned in the corner as Mox, Yuta, and Claudio stood in a line in the middle of the ring, ready and waiting.
Emery did not have a good feeling about this and watched with bated breath as Hangman climbed onto the apron, entering the ring.
“What do you got, Hangman?” Bryan asked. It didn’t take long- and it wasn’t much of a surprise considering past bad blood between them- but Hangman goes at Mox first, swinging fists down. Yuta and Claudio instantly swarmed him, though, and as Mox held Hangman in the ropes, they kicked at him, wearing him down.
“Amateur. You’re an amateur!” Bryan called out, getting closer to Hangman and pointing at him,” You want to know what a professional is? Claudio is a professional. Mox is a professional!”
Biting her lip, Emery watched in horror as they continued to beat Hangman up, forearms to the back of his head and neck, kicking at every inch of him they could reach. As she watched Hangman try to ball up in the middle of the ring, doing anything to protect himself—Emery felt her patience waning.  
“I LOVE these men! Do you know what?” Bryan said as they circled Hangman, Claudio still kicking at him,” You don’t have anybody—that loves you.”
That was it. That was the last straw for Emery. She wasn’t standing by anymore and doing nothing. Emery stalked past everyone backstage and ran up the stairs to the stage- ignoring the calls of people trying to stop her.
“Is anybody coming out from the back? NO! Not a damn person! Cuz nobody loves this man! In fact, they don’t even know what love---”
The second the crowd saw her, they began cheering, and it got the BCC’s attention as they looked up the ramp. As Emery got to the ring and climbed up and through the ropes, BCC took a few steps back. She stood protectively in front of Hangman, glaring daggers at the four men across from her, staring each one in the eyes individually. When her eyes met Yuta’s – she saw a brief flicker of worry in his expression, but it quickly disappeared.
“Ohhh, look what we have here.”
Turning her back on them, Emery knelt down and reached out towards Hangman. Her hand gently gripped his upper arm, and he looked up at her with his baby-blue eyes. She could see the pain written all over his face, which only angered her more. Reaching out her other hand, Emery was surprised as solid arms wrapped around her and pulled her away from Hangman. The cowboy reached out his hand- worry now crossing his face; he was desperate to help her. Grimacing in agony, Hangman started pushing himself up off the matt. If anything ever happened to her, Hangman would never forgive himself. Claudio and Yuta intercepted him, though, and continued the beatdown as Mox held a struggling Emery in his grasp. She kicked her legs frantically, trying everything to escape Mox’s strong hold, clawing at his arms with her nails.
“Stop it!” she yelled, reaching out for Hangman in vain.
“You really think that you—” Bryan said,” You? Could stop us? That’s cute. Hey, Cowboy—Emery thinks she knows what love is. She thinks she loves you. Hah.”
Mox’s grip slacked briefly, and Emery pushed away from him with all her strength, but he quickly readjusted before she could get away. She could hear his heavy breathing in her ear, growing tired of her struggles.
“But I know what love is,” Bryan stated, pulling a screwdriver out from his jacket. Emery didn’t see it yet, though, as she was too busy struggling against Mox with her focus on Hangman.
“In fact, when I’ve been at home, I’ve been teaching my kids a few things. A few things about how to fix up your house. And I think the house that is AEW needs to be fixed up. From all these AMATEURS!”
Claudio and Yuta picked Hangman, who stood there limply- his legs unsteady from the beatdown he had sustained. When Emery finally saw the screwdriver, she fought even more against Mox, her whole body thrashing in his arms.
“AMATEURS!” Bryan yelled as he got closer and closer to Hangman.
“No! Please—don’t do---- ADAM!” Emery cried out, reaching out toward him.
Hangman glared at Bryan as he approached, his eyes briefly glancing toward Emery as she struggled to break free. To him, if his taking this assault meant she would be unharmed, then he’d gladly take it. His eyes focused on Bryan once more, glancing from the screwdriver to Bryan.
“Adam! Please--- don’t do this! Don’t---!”
By now, the tears were falling down her face, but Emery didn’t care.
She was scared—scared for her friend. Scared at the situation.
“NO!” Emery yelled, flinching as the tip of the steel tool met Hangman’s forehead, and Bryan began to gouge at the skin. Time seemed to stop as she watched in horror, unable to do anything to help Hangman; he fell to the matt below as Yuta and Claudio released their hold on him. Bryan looked back at Mox, who finally released his hold on Emery. The second he let her go, she bolted across the ring, rushing past the BCC and stopping at Hangman’s writing body.
“Adam—” she cried, her hands going to his face.
“Hangman. Is an amateur. Like I said. We are the only real Pro wrestlers in the building tonight. We are the only real professional wrestlers. In AEW tonight. Hell, from what I’ve seen this week, we are the only real professional wrestlers in all damn America tonight.”
Bryan dropped the microphone as Mox walked over towards Emery, crouching down. Her attention snapled to him, glaring daggers despite tears falling from her eyes. Mox merely chuckled at her, shaking his head slightly.
"Told ya last week sweetheart. When we took care of Omega. Stay out. Of this. I'm not gonna warn you again."
He stood up and without further incident, BCC left the ring leaving Emery and Hangman alone. The ringside doctor had come over and began checking on the injury as blood was seeping down Hangman’s face.
“Let’s get him to the back,” the doctor said as Hangman slowly slid under the bottom rope. Emery quickly followed, leaning her body against the cowboy to help support him as they walked up the ramp.
They walked down the small staircase and through the halls in the back, everyone parting to make room for them. Eventually, they made it to the medical room, and Emery had to force herself to let go of Hangman, the doctor taking over supporting him. Taking a few steps back, Emery slowly turned away from the room and slowly walked down the hall. The tears had stopped falling a bit ago, but she knew it wouldn’t take much for them to start falling again. Leaning her back against the white stone wall, Emery rested her head on the cold surface and closed her eyes before sliding down the wall. Bringing her knees to her chest, she wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her head against her knees.
All around her, the show continued on as nothing had happened; like Blackpool Combat Club wasn’t taking out the Elite piece by piece. She heard the footsteps near but didn’t register someone calling out her name until she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“Hey—you okay?”
Slowly, her head rose up, and she looked at Brandon sadly.
“I-“her words refused to come, and Emery could feel the tears building back up in the corners of her eyes, “—Hangman--.”
“Emery,” Brandon shook his head,” Are you okay?” He repeated his question, emphasizing the you, as she let the question sink in.
Nodding her head twice, she replied,” Y-yeah. I-I-“Taking a few deep breaths to keep calm, she continued,” They didn’t hurt me… not physically, at least…”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help,” Brandon frowned,” I was outside with some of the other guys—”
“It’s ‘kay,” Emery gave him a soft smile,” I just… I couldn’t stand by—not while they—”
Wordlessly, Brandon nodded. He knew that we had all been close once; his best friends were the Bucks, and at the start of AEW, he had gotten close to Hangman too. Albeit not as close as the rest of us, but there was still that connection.
“He gonna be okay?” Brandon asked hesitantly.
“Dunno yet,” Emery told him,” The doctor is still checking him.”
“Right… well—let me know, okay? I’m gonna go find Nakazawa…”
Emery gave him a nod, and after giving a reassuring squeeze to her shoulder, Brandon stood up and walked off, disappearing around a corner down the hall.  
Just as she was about to lay her head down, someone called out, making her head shoot back up. Looking around, she saw the doctor walking towards her and quickly stood up.
“He lost a fair amount of blood, but it wasn’t too terrible damage. I got him bandaged up, though,” the doctor told her.
“Thank you,” Emery nodded, wringing her hands together.
“Of course. He’s uh, he’s asking for you.” With that, the doctor walked off, leaving Emery standing there, unsure.
Taking a deep breath, she walked down the hall and paused outside the room. Hesitantly, Emery peered into the room before taking a step inside. She saw Hangman sitting on one of the chairs to the side, his hands clasped in front of him, deep in concentration on something.
Emery raised her hand and knocked twice on the door, alerting him to her presence; his whole body seemed to jolt as his attention snapped up to her. They stared briefly at each other before Hangman stood and walked over to her.
She could tell he was trying to find the right words, swallowing a lump in his throat before he spoke.
“Why’d you do it? Why’d you put yourself in danger, Ree?” Hangman asked her, his brow furrowed.
“Because….” Emery tried, trailing off as she felt her eyes tear up again,”… Because I couldn’t stand by anymore and let them hurt the people I care about. They’ve already taken out Matt and Nick—and Kenny. Without them here, I’m all alone—”
“You’ve got me,” Hangman interrupted her, a frown on his face,” You’ve always got me.”
“I- I wasn’t sure… with everything that’s happened…” Emery looked down at the ground, “I just knew I couldn’t let them continue…”
“Emery, darlin’,” Hangman said, gently placing a palm on her cheek and bringing her eyes up to his,” If something had happened to you out there—I’d never forgive myself. You… you’re the most important person in my life…”
As a tear fell down her face, Emery felt Hangman wipe it away with his thumb.
“Can… can I have a hug?” she asked him; he gave her a soft grin, nodding to her as he brought her closer to his body. His arms wrapped around her smaller frame, and he rested his chin on the top of her head as Emery snaked her arms around him, gripping his shirt.
Taking a deep breath, she felt peaceful.
The feelings she had not even an hour ago of being alone were replaced with feelings of knowing she was never alone; not as long as she had her cowboy.
“I love you, Adam,” Emery whispered against his chest, missing the smile on his face.
“I love you too, Ree.”
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simptasticjoe · 1 year
WWE Releases
The WWE releases have started, and the only surprising names so far for me are Dolph Ziggler and Shelton Benjamin. Sadly, I always felt like both men were underappreciated talents, but the rosters are too stacked at the moment for either man to make a significant impact. The rest of the releases aren’t surprising to me. Elias, Rick Boogs, Shanky, and others haven’t made a dent on any…
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shanie · 2 years
Friendly reminder that the BOOM! Comics Retconned/Established
List of spoilers for the BOOM! Comics underneath cut:
Any resentment Kevin might have had over Sami getting to WWE before him never happened. This is simply an effect of Sami's shitty memory and, really Kevin was not only overjoyed for Sami, Kevin took him out to a fancy restaurant to celebrate.
Sami's reasons for turning heel and saving Kevin. It was NOT strictly because of ambition, it was because he found out Kevin was getting hurt badly by Shane and, having visions of their lives together, realized that Kevin loves him after all (and that he loves Kevin back) and saved him for that.
There is a very oblique, one panel reference to Generico via the Ole chant that can be taken as an implication Sami is connected to him.
Sami's initial betrayal before Fastlane is completely glossed over and ignored and Sami's actions leading up to the PPV are simply described as "Wishy Washy".
Sami and Kevin, back in Canada, went on movie dates marathons on a regular basis.
Shane shouts "Here Comes The Money" when he does a Leap of Faith (that one's not Zowens, it's just funny to me personally.)
Kevin spent years doing things he hated with Sami strictly because they involved Sami and he wanted to make Sami happy.
Sami didn't back away/retreat after saving Kevin at HIAC, he stayed at his side and helped him up and out of the arena.
That Sami has always looked like he did in 2017 but, somehow, Kevin still looked like Kevin Steen in the Indies.
So basically, there's a whole bunch of reasons why you should read "The Sami and Kevin Show from BOOM! Comics and, well, there's one reason you might not want to.
Sami doesn't keep Halal. At all. He's shown at various points not only drinking alcohol but also eating pepperoni pizza. That part kind of bugs me but I guess you can potentially handwave it away as it's sparkling grape juice and turkey/beef pepperoni? Maybe? I dunno. Either way, just a content warning for that one.
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(Tw: mention/ talks of death )
(I’m currently watching dark side if the ring)
So i don’t know if y’all remember that whole thing i posted about some of the history of wrestling and the part about the famous families in wrestling. Well one of the families i had mentioned was the hart family and i wanna talk about bit more about them. Because just like the Von Erichs the family was big part of wrestling. Now two brothers in particular that had a bad run with wrestling ones life ended because of it and another basically was made to lose his championship without even knowing he was gonna lose. These two brothers are Owen and brett hart.
Brett Hart or better known as hitman in the wrestling world. is the one who lost his championship do to a thing known as (The Montreal screw job) this is what is (everything is from wiki)
“Hart had been WWF Champion since August 1997. A week prior to Survivor Series, Hart, who had performed for the WWF since 1984, agreed to join rival wrestling promotion World Championship Wrestling (WCW) from December 1997. McMahon sought to prevent Hart from leaving the WWF as champion, but Hart was unwilling to lose to Michaels – with whom he had a legitimate feud – at Survivor Series, as it was taking place in his home country of Canada. The match was planned to end in disqualification, causing Hart to retain the title, and then losing or forfeiting it at a later date. Instead, under McMahon's direction, referee Earl Hebner ended the match as Michaels held Hart in the sharpshooter submission hold (Hart's signature move); although Hart did not submit, Michaels was declared the winner by submission and became WWF Champion.
As a result of the screwjob, McMahon and Michaels elicited angry responses from Canadian audiences and others for many years. McMahon was viewed by many fans to have betrayed Hart, who was one of the WWF's longest-tenured and most popular performers at the time. The screwjob impacted the professional wrestling industry in several ways: according to WWE, the incident is considered the beginning of the Attitude Era,[4] leading to McMahon featuring as a villainous on-screen character on WWF television broadcasts, and has been used as a theme in matches and storylines across the wrestling industry. It was also partly chronicled in the documentary film Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows (1998).
The Montreal Screwjob has garnered a notorious legacy; accounts differ as to who exactly was involved in the plan and the extent of their involvement, while some wrestling fans, performers and bookers believe the incident was an elaborate work executed in collaboration with Hart, which he denies. Hart did not return to the WWE until his induction into the WWE Hall of Fame in April 2006, and he made his next live appearance on WWE programming in January 2010. Hart later said he legitimately reconciled with McMahon and Michaels, and the screwjob was used in a storyline between McMahon and Hart, leading to a match at WrestleMania XXVI. Longtime industry writer Mike Johnson referred to the screwjob as "arguably the most talked-about [event] in the history of professional wrestling".[5][6][7]”
Next is His brother Owen Hart (best known as The Blue Angel or The Blue Blazer in wrestling) (again everything is from wiki)
On May 23, 1999, Hart fell to his death in Kansas City, Missouri, during the Over the Edge pay-per-view event.[64] Hart was in the process of being lowered via harness and grapple line into the ring from the rafters of Kemper Arena for a booked Intercontinental Championship match against The Godfather. In keeping with the Blazer's new "buffoonish superhero" character, he was to begin a dramatic entrance, being lowered to just above ring level, at which time he would act "entangled", then release himself from the safety harness and fall flat on his face for comedic effect—this necessitated the use of a quick release mechanism. It was an elaboration on a Blue Blazer stunt done previously on the Sunday Night Heat before Survivor Series in 1998.[60] Before being lowered into the ring, Hart fell 78 feet (24 m), landing chest-first on the top rope (approximately a foot from the nearest turnbuckle).[65]
Hart had performed the stunt a few times before. Hart's widow Martha has suggested that, by moving around to get comfortable with both the harness and his cape on, Hart unintentionally triggered an early release. Television viewers did not see the incident. During the fall, a pre-taped vignette was being shown on the pay-per-view broadcast as well as on the monitors in the darkened arena. Afterward, while Hart was being worked on by medical personnel inside the ring, the live event's broadcast showed only the audience. Meanwhile, WWF television announcer Jim Ross repeatedly told those watching live on pay-per-view that what had just transpired was not a wrestling angle or storyline and that Hart was hurt badly, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.[66] Hart was transported to Truman Medical Center in Kansas City. While several attempts to revive him were made, he died due to his injuries. The cause of death was later revealed to be internal bleeding from blunt force trauma. The impact severed his aorta, resulting in Hart bleeding to death just minutes later; he was 34 years old.
The after math
WWF and Vince McMahon drew controversy when the company chose to continue the pay-per-view event after Jim Ross announced Owen Hart's death on the live broadcast.[67][68] Over the Edge was never commercially released on WWF Home Video, although it was available on the WWE Network in 2014 for the first time since its original air date. Other than a short memorial that was added before the show began, all footage and mention of Hart was edited out.[69]
A special episode of Raw Is War that aired on May 24, 1999, the night after Hart's death, was dubbed Raw Is Owen. It was broadcast live from the Kiel Center in St. Louis.[70] The tribute show scored a 7.2 Nielsen rating, making it the highest-rated special episode in Raw history and the third highest-rated episode of Raw overall.[71] The next day, WWF taped the episode of Raw for May 31, 1999. During that show, Jeff Jarrett defeated The Godfather to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship,[23] the title Hart was booked to win for a third time at Over the Edge. Celebrating his victory, Jarrett screamed Hart's name.[72]
On October 4, 1999, five months after Hart's death, Bret Hart faced Chris Benoit on WCW Nitro in a tribute to his brother. The match took place in the same arena in which Hart had fallen to his death.[73]
After a lawsuit that lasted over a year and a half, a settlement was reached on November 2, 2000, which saw WWF pay the estate of Owen Hart US$18 million with the help of Pamela Fischer.[74][75][76] The manufacturer of the harness system was also a defendant against the Hart family, but they were dismissed from the case after the settlement was reached.[77][74] Owen Hart's widow Martha used some of the settlement to establish the Owen Hart Foundation.[78]
In 2001, Hart's sister Diana released her first book named Under the Mat which discussed the Hart family. The book was written partially in response to Hart's death.[79] Martha Hart pursued legal action, stating that the book was "filled with distortions, misstatements and unjustified slurs that attempt to destroy the reputation of my family and me, and undermine the memory of Owen."[80][81][82]
In 2002, Martha wrote a book about Hart's life called Broken Harts: The Life and Death of Owen Hart.[21]
In June 2010, Martha filed a lawsuit against WWE over its use of Hart's name and likeness as well as personal photos of Hart's family in the WWE Hart & Soul DVD, as well as the failure to make royalty payments. The matter was scheduled to go to trial in June 2013 before the settlement was reached in April 2013 for an undisclosed amount.[83]
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zedxspacess · 29 days
I’ve only been a wrestling fan for less than a year but the effect of someone like Bryan Danielson has on me has become like, a core element. He’s really made me love, respect, and appreciate pro wrestling in a way that makes me grateful he was the specific catalyst in deepening my fandom because of the way he’s passionate about wrestling. He really sees it as an art with history, culture, genres, and lessons to learn from.
I watched aew weekly, and was lured in by the big stories and characters of pro wrestling, but what really got me hooked to every episode were the series of dream matches and bangers Bryan Danielson would have. I very quickly learned that a Bryan match is must see viewing. Matches with legends of the industry that would expand my interest and scope of wrestling. Matches that made me pay attention to his in ring work along with his way of storytelling that was more grounded, realistic, and raw. People criticize Collision for various reasons, but I personally love it more than Dynamite at certain times because of how wrestling focused it is; I just want to tune into a show and watch good matches, and Bryan’s performances is part of why I have that preference.
Because of Bryan in AEW, I checked out old Ring of Honor, and that style of wrestling and presentation clicked with me very quickly. Gritty, in ring focus, appreciation for all kinds of wrestling if a bit too self serious/dudebro-y at times. I checked out NOAH, AJPW, and puro outside of NJPW because of ROH. And seeing this young Bryan, still fiery, aggressive, passionate, selfish and selfless, silly, creative, real, made me love him even more. Watching his indie career, that is Bryan’s home. He knows how to perform in big arenas and stadiums, but to see him perform in cramped, smokey armories, that is his element, that’s where it looks like he feels alive. In the year 2024, he still praises his time in Butlins as one of his most fond memories in wrestling. His autobiography written while he was a champion in the WWE, he talks about how he feels more connected with the people he met in the indies he hasn’t seen in years than good friends he made in the company. And then listening to shoot interviews of him talking about his love of the art form of wrestling, a very true and real love that has little concern with ego, fame, pomp and circumstance in an industry filled to the brim with liars and hyper capitalists. Man. Bryan Danielson is a wrestling persona, but it’s also just himself exaggerated in certain aspects. You feel the passion and emotion in his promos and performances because that’s real. He’s had It, that secret ingredient, innate talent to be the most violent, smug SOB in the world and the most beloved babyface of a company since the indies. And I feel like he would’ve been happy wrestling in the indies or Japan for the rest of his career. Heck, he could’ve quit wrestling in 2009 and his career would still be lauded in some degree.
The only part of his career I haven’t explored much of is his time in the WWE, and it’s really because the promotion and its presentation feels like the antithesis of what he represents. How big and extra it is, how it’s become more TV focused than wrestling, the polished capitalism of it all. Polar bear in Arlington Texas, and all that. But the fact that he was super over by the fans despite management fighting against it, the fact that he stood out like a sore thumb but adapted and thrived is all the more fitting and compelling enough for me to check it out eventually, because it’s so Bryan. That he’s just so good at this art form he could succeed in any environment and genre it has.
I wax on about his views of pro wrestling, but his ideas as a human being and the experiences and lessons he took away from his struggles also inspire me too. What it means to do what you love no matter the cost, what it means to struggle and how you synthesize it, living in the moment, appreciating life and nature and the people around you in the here and now.
Bryan Danielson is pro wrestling to me in its purest form.
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jbblackwell · 4 months
WWE: "Blood" (The Brood) Theme Song + AE (Arena Effect)
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rickygoldman34 · 11 months
Hello everyone Ricky Goldman here.
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Its WWE Crown Jewel 2023 live at Mohammed Abdu arena in Riyadh,Saudi Arabia. There is a match on the kick off show for the 1st time in years its Sami Zayn vs JD McDonough. Very hot crowd, in this plenty back and forth action between both men looking good here,JD stayed in this and gave it to Sami even though he had a huge bruise on his ribs he hit a Spanish fly and came close to winning but Sami hits a helluva kick followed by a blue Thunder bomb for the W.
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The match to begin the main show is Seth Rollins vs Drew McIntyre for the world heavyweight. The crowd very loud as this match started,Drew with chops and a snap suplex to Seth before Rollins chopped Drew then hit a knee to Drew on the outside. Back in Drew with a spine buster to no avail,both men exchanged chops before Drew hit a boot to Seth in the corner. Seth came into it again hitting a swan ton bomb followed by a moonsault but Drew kicked out so Seth followed it up with a Falcon arrow to no avail. Seth looked for a Pedigree then Drew looked for a futureshock DDT but Seth took him to the top rope hitting a super plex,Drew cut him off from hitting another falcon arrow then hits the futureshock DDT to no avail. Seth hits a suicide dive on the outside but Drew caught him sending him into the steps followed by a side slam on the ring apron. Back in and Seth hits a pedigree but Drew kicks out. Seth with hard shots to Drew but it didn't stop McIntyre as he went for a Claymore but ran into a superkick followed up by a stomp that didnt put Drew away,Seth going for the Phoenix splash but was met with a Claymore to no avail. He went for another Claymore but missed,Pedigree then a stomp for Seth to retain. After the match out came Damien Priest to cash in but Sami Zayn cut him off and ran away with the briefcase.
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Next here is Nia Jax vs Raquel Rodriguez vs Shayna Baszler vs Zoey Stark vs Rhea Ripley in a fatal five way match for the women's world heavyweight title. Nia took a rest on the outside as the other 4 looked for a very quick roll up. Nia in now but gets taken out again as the rest go after each other and all getting thier shots in. Nia once again back in and targeting the champion. Zoey pulling out all the stops as Shayna hooks on an ankle lock onto Raquel. Rhea and Zoey fight as they and Raquel get brought down from the top by Shayna. Raquel and Rhea turn their attention to each other which causes them to fight to the outside,Zoey flying off the top rope onto them she then hits her finisher on Rhes but Nia breaks the count. Raquel with a tanhana bomb on Nia but to no avail,all women fight on but its Rhea with the rip tide to stay as champion.
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To the next one we go John Cena vs Solo Sikoa. Cena was in control from the start trying to end it early it didn't last long as Solo came back in it looking a Samoan spike but Cena blocked one and ducked a 2nd one putting Solo into an STF but Solo fought out and put Cena back down but Cena wouldn't give up here. Cena with the 5 knuckle shuffle he goes for an AA but is met with a Samoan drop. Cena wouldn't go away and even hit a chokeslam to no avail. Solo with spinning Solo also to no avail,Cena with another STF but Solo fought out and hit multiple Samoan spikes to pick up a massive win against Cena.
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Now we got Miz TV his guest is Ibrahim Al Hajjaj. Grayson Waller came out and turned it into the Grayson Waller effect,Grayson got beat up by Miz and Ibrahim.
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streamxbattle · 1 year
🔥WWE 2K23 - Sumo Girl vs. The Great Khali : WWE 2K Sept 28, 2023
Are you ready for an epic wrestling showdown? Watch Sumo Girl take on The Great Khali in WWE 2K23. It's a match you won't forget. The anticipation is building as Sumo Girl, known for her incredible strength and technique, steps into the ring to face off against the formidable opponent, The Great Khali. The crowd roars with excitement, their cheers echoing throughout the arena. (🔥WWE 2K23 - Sumo Girl vs. The Great Khali : WWE 2K Sept 28, 2023) 
The tension in the air is palpable as both wrestlers stare each other down, ready to give it their all. 
Sumo Girl, with her impressive size and agility, matches The Great Khali's sheer power with swift moves and impressive holds. With each slam and suplex, the intensity of the match grows, captivating the audience's attention. The energy is electric as the two wrestlers push their limits, unleashing their signature moves in a display of skill and athleticism. 
0:00 - Introduction and Background of the Superstar
0:36 - The Superstar's Aggressive Start and Attempt at a Pin
1:02 - Double Ax Handle and Unrelenting Offense
1:31 - Forearm Smash and Continued Aggression
2:00 - Effects of the Last Hit and Potential Counter
2:23 - Display of Adrenaline and a Powerful Splash
2:52 - Knee Lift Targeting the Opponent
3:11 - Climbing the Corner for a High-Risk Move
3:30 - Apron Senton for Impactful Maneuver
3:48 - Floor Dive, Sign of Daredevil Spirit
4:06 - Reengagement with a Veral Strike
4:24 - Back Elbow and Switched Momentum
4:49 - Side Headlock Takeover for Pressure
5:08 - Steadfast Approach and Crowd Support
5:31 - Display of Strength with a Backbreaker
5:50 - Cover Attempt for Victory
6:06 - Final Surge of Offense and Ultimate Kick
6:20 - Wrap-up, Exhausting Victory, and Celebration
Next Coming Matches in 2023: 
1. Sumo Girl takes down The Great Khali: WWE 2K23.
2. The greatest WWE showdown of all time: Sumo Girl vs. The Great Khali.
3. You won't believe what happens in WWE 2K23: Sumo Girl vs. The Great Khali.
4. The ultimate battle: Sumo Girl vs. The Great Khali.
5. WWE 2K23 epic match: Sumo Girl vs. The Great Khali.
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🔥WWE 2K23 - STARLA vs. Sumo Girl: WWE2K Sept 15, 2023
🔥WWE 2K23 - Sting (Steve Borden) vs. Sumo Girl : WWE2K Sept 13, 2023
🔥WWE 2K23 - Bruce Lee vs. Sumo Girl : WWE2K Sept 13, 2023
🔥WWE 2K23 | The Great Khali vs. Sumo Girl : WWE2K Sept 13, 2023
🔥WWE 2K23 | Braun Strowman vs. Sumo Girl - WWE 2K Sept 12, 2023
The Best WWE Video Games To Play If You're a WWE Fan. WWE 2K
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