#wyll and Karlach are always like GODS I HATE DEVILS
itsafreetrialofdeath · 7 months
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love when npcs say something that no longer applies due to mods, and it cuts back to my tavs staring like “huh wha??”
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xxcherrydevilxx · 2 months
“For Her” 1/3 
— Karlach x Fem!reader
— Warning: Angst, so much angst, some spoilers? Idk not really but just in case
— Summary: You would do anything for your beloved Karlach not to die from her infernal engine. She deserved the world, to be free, and gods you would give it to her. Selling your soul to a devil in exchange for her is nothing, you would do it every time for her, always for her. — Author's Note: This was supposed to be a one-shot, I have decided while writing that there is no way in hell that I could do all I want to do in one story. I am splitting it up into three parts! This is the first, the second being fluffy smut, and the third is the crescendo with you getting taken to the hells! I don’t know when those other two will be out, it could take a few weeks or more to get em just right! But fear not, they will happen.
— Word Count: 2.7k 
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The blood from Grotash’s corpse soaked into your robes, the sticky confirmation of the man’s death gave you a somber sense of accomplishment. However, for Karlach, it seemed only to ignite more rage and fear in her. Her ragged breathing drew you out of your dead stare at the mutilated body at your feet. 
“My love?” you hesitantly called, noting the lashing of her tail and your companions moving a step back. You had never seen her so… angry before. 
“So Gortash is nothing more than a pile of flesh?” she asked no one in particular. The toe of her boot kicked his head, as if willing for him to get back up, to make this mean something more.
You moved to lay a hand on her shoulder, to offer her some form of consolement, but she lurched from your grasp. The fire underneath her skin began to light and cast cruel shadows across her face, the temperature rising a degree.
“There's nothing, is there? I killed the bastard who ruined my life, and now my prize is to crawl into a corner and die.” her breathing hitched and the engine inside her flared with power as she let out a loud cry, her hands balling into fists. 
“Am I fucking missing something?” she called, her lips pulling into a snarl to bare her fangs at you. 
Your heart, the warmth to your cold, the being who smiled at you with such adoration. The one you would do anything for, the one who was dealt a cruel fate. 
“-I'm dying, I’m going to die,” her voice echoed off the palace walls. The flames curled and licked up her form, growing more intense as the seconds passed with tense stillness from everyone but Karlach.
“It’s- you won't, I refuse to allow it,” You immediately answered. Your voice caught and broke as you watched her feral eyes turn to you. The anger, the pain...
The eyes you stared into when you desired her compassion and love. 
All of that was gone now, she was fully engrossed in her rage and suffering, and you couldn’t hate her for it. 
“You can deny it all you want, soldier, but I'm dying, and you get to live.” Her lips turned up into a cruel smile, “And you- you get to watch the stars, warming your hands on the fire, dancing, eating, making fucking love- all of it, all of it,” she threw her hands up as if in defeat. The fire roared and her screams of anguish echoed off the walls. You gave her a helpless look, what could you do? What can you do to save her- to give her more time? Gods anything and you would do it, anything-
A deal. Karlach had finished her long, well deserved, tirade and told you that you could find her in camp later, once she had time to process. Your companions gave the both of you pitiful sad looks, some clasping their hand on your back as if a sign of moral support.
Your throat felt dry and scratchy, your eyes hot as if tears were about to overspill them. Your hands, still sticky with blood, clutched and let go of your robes as your mind worked frantically. Wyll was still by your side, waiting for you to speak, to ask for anything. That was always like him, caring for you and Karlach. 
Your voice sounded pathetic in your ears. “Can you- can you keep an eye on her for me, I have to… I just-” You cut yourself off, taking in a ragged breath as you felt the tears slip down your face that must have been covered in gore. 
“Of course, anything for you,” Wyll responded softly. Rubbing his calloused hand across your back. You felt more tears roll down your face and a guttural sound slip past your lips. It sounded so broken, you half thought it couldn’t have been your voice making such a sound. But when you felt Wyll pull you into a hug, a tight desperate hug, the sound which could only be described as heartbreak incarnate wretched itself from you yet again. You clung to Wyll, wailing like that until you could no longer produce tears, your fingers digging into his armor as if you could ground yourself with just action. 
You didn’t tell Wyll where you were going, you knew he and the rest of your party would try to stop you... But they couldn’t stop you from doing this. No god, tadpole, or what-have-you could stop your feet from moving towards the only cure for your beloved you knew of. If she knew what you would do for her, the lengths you were willing to go to for her, she would yell at your idiocy, say it wasn’t worth it. To you she was all you had, were you not supposed to try everything in your power to save her? If only for her to live longer, even if it meant without you.
The door that you stood in front of seemed to whisper your deepest desires. Was it because you were at Sharess' Caress? Or because a devil who probably knew of your arrival was waiting ever so patiently for you to knock. 
You rubbed your arm over your face, trying in a desperate attempt to seem more presentable. However, with the blood you tracked up the stairs and your puffy red eyes, all it did was further make you look desperate. Just what Raphael was hoping for. 
You brought your hand up to knock, the door opening after one tentative hit on the oak wood. He waited there, a devilish smile as he leaned languidly on the door.
“Well, pet, this is a welcome surprise.” he purred, opening the door more to allow you inside. The luxury of the room still astounds you, the plush bedding, and the intricate rugs that soften your step. 
“I see you are in dire need of counsel.” His eyes watched, and a brow quirked as he saw no one else follow you inside. “And you've come alone, my pet.” he smiled, flicking a wrist and making the door shut snugly behind you. 
You stood in the middle of the extravagant room numbly, the blood on your shoes soaking the carpet. You watched the blood expand across the floors as prayers flashed through your mind, gods knew this was the only way, and yet… 
“Even without that fiery tiefling of Zariel’s… How interesting,” He hummed, his voice almost beckoning you to spill your desires. You found your eyes looking at him, he had found himself a plush chair to lounge in while he waited for you to do what he had been wishing for. His long nails tapped on the arm of the chair, a knowing look in his eyes. The mention of Karlach made your heart constrict. 
“Tell me, small pup, what you need to ask of me without your companion's knowledge..”
You bit the inside of your mouth, your eyes skirting away from the man who sat in front of you like a king waiting for a peasant to speak, to beg. 
“I think you know,” Your voice, rough from sobbing, still held traces of venom. A click of the tongue from Raphael made you hunch your shoulders. 
“I am here to make a deal, my soul- whatever you desire- for Karlach’s freedom,” you willed your stern glare to find its way back up to Raphael. He stared at you with a knowing gaze, the hint of a smirk curling his lips. His eyes found their way to his nails, examining them as if bored. 
“Ah, love, how precious,” He cooed mockingly, his nails reflecting their sharp edge in the light. “Kneel,” he ordered, one long claw-like nail pointing to the ground for you to follow suit. Your knees buckled and you hit the blood-stained rugs, half aware of the small tendrils of pain shooting up your knees, you would have bruises come next sunrise.
If you saw the next sunrise.
But, if all things go well, Karlach would. She would see the next sunrise and the next for years to come. Warming herself in the rays. Safe, from Zariel… from her infernal engine… never alone again. If this is what it takes, kneeling in front of a devil and selling your soul to him, you would. You would do it a thousand times over. 
“Zariel wouldn’t be happy with me, you know, I would be taking away her prized fighting dog.” Raphael talked, his tone dripping with the same condescending attitude you would expect of him. You had to press your palms into the ground to steady yourself. You wished you could jump him, dig your nails into his eyes, and hear the pop, to bite his neck out. Using you this way, using your love this way. But you were too tired, so tired…
So, so tired.
You wanted to sink into a bed, soft and filled with feathers. To hear the hum of your beloved, happy and content and safe, gods you wanted her to be safe. To be cherished, if not by you then someone else… But who were you fooling anyway? you didn’t deserve her… Not for a second. She was good, kind, beautiful - despite her years in literal hell. The only good thing to come from this cursed tadpole and doomed savior mission was meeting her, rescuing her, and getting to love her for all you were worth.
So you painted a smile on your face, your eyes as big as moons as you looked up at Raphael with what you expected would make him stutter in his condescension. There, you saw it, a flicker across his eyes, the stilling of the tapping. 
“Why would Zariel mind if you brought her the crown?” You asked, a coyness edging itself into your voice. A lie, ruse, whatever you would call it. Yet Raphael didn’t know that if you played this right, and you would, gods you would. 
A darkness shuddered past his eyes, and with it the candlelight flickered all around you, causing you to flinch. 
“The crown is mine,” He hissed. Standing from his chair and stalking over to you, looking down at you with disdain. Your eyes widened, this time not in pleading but in panic. You brought up your hands, swaying on your knees as you bowed your head. 
“Of course, I was foolish. my soul then?” you begged, cowering. He let out a sharp laugh pressing the toe of his boot underneath your chin, bringing your face harshly up to look at him where he stood above you.
“Not enough, pet, try again,” he commanded, his eyes boring into yours. You swore you could see the licks of flames in them, the hells itself reflecting. Perhaps even all the souls he stole before, screaming at you to flee. 
But you couldn’t. Not now. Not ever. 
“Use me as a dog, and I will do your bidding, bring you the crown, Zariel couldn’t lay a finger on you then,” you babbled, your voice high-pitched and wobbly. Were you losing in this battle of wits? How could you gain the upper hand? His foot had left your chin and was now digging itself into your upper thigh, making you hiss in pain as you looked down. Not a soul, not a crown…
“Gift me to her once I slay the absolute, a better fighter to trade,” You blurted, and the pain from his heel digging into you let up, ever so slightly. 
“Think of it, she wouldn’t need Karlach if she had me,” you continued, sweat dripping down the side of your face. An idea flashed through your mind, so sick it wanted to make you gag. Horrible. Something you would regret ever speaking aloud. 
Yet, if it promised her freedom…
“Gift her lover to Zariel, think of the everlasting pain it would put onto her, her cost of freedom being her first love at the mercy of Zariel,” It felt like bile on your tongue. The only saving grace was that you hoped she would find another, forget your love, and be happy again. Nevertheless, you hated the words that spewed from your mouth. You hated more the look of delight that washed over Raphael as he sauntered away from you to sit back down. 
“Promising, very promising, my little pup,” you hung your head in shame, your vision cloudy as you pressed your hands hard into the floor to stop yourself from falling over in defeat. 
Gods, what have you done? 
“A deal, my pet, sign here.” fiery paper appeared in front of you, a quill dipped in blood-red ink- you hoped- alongside it. You shuddered, shaking your head ever so slightly. 
“Do you not have to converse with Zariel?” you whimpered. Wishing to stall for time, if only to have a few more seconds of freedom. You wanted to run back to your camp, your home. To cling to Karlach, to cover her in kisses, thread your fingers through her hair, touch every bit of her. Sear it into your memory. 
“Ah, no, I think this will suffice her…” he paused, licking his lips as he gave you another devilish smile “Only, and only if you do kill the absolute, the contract will then be activated. Her engine fixed, you whisked away to the hells.” he ran a hand through his hair, you could tell he felt smug about his idea, which was just your idea with extra padding. 
But this gave you time, sweet precious time with Karlach. Before your lives were both broken by your decision… yet, the benefits far outweighed the cons. With a cringe, as you picked up the quill, you signed the dotted line. Your soul and body now belonged to Raphael, you just hoped you could keep your promise.
“Wonderful little mouse!” he clapped, whisking the contract through the air to bring it to him. He licked his lips as if this was the most tasty meal he had ever devoured, and you wanted to rip the contract to shreds, quick and fast. 
“You can run along to your sweet if you would like,” he continued, bored of you already. He snapped his fingers and the contract and quill both disappeared. You were free to go now, yet as you left the far too beautiful devil’s den you swore you felt two axes hover over your neck. One, the ability to actually do the deal you signed on for… if you couldn’t make good on your promise, what then? There had to be loopholes, the contract wouldn’t be voided, and he would never allow that.
And the second, far more scarier, was if you made good on the promise. You could already feel the swift breeze of the proverbial ax as it loomed overhead. You ran a hand along your neck, feeling the sweat and grime build up. Your body was so tired, your mind had been pushed to its limit during the tense negotiation with Raphael, having to use every advantage you could think of. Now, you were signed off to one of the most notorious demons that lurked in the hell…
You shook slightly as you continued to stumble back to camp, holding yourself up by leaning into walls when you could. You felt sick, every part of you ached and you had hot flashes and chills a-plenty as you stumbled into camp. You wanted to curl up and wait for your freedom to slip. 
“Ah, soldier, where have you- gods are you alright?” her voice…it sounded like church bells, a lover calling you inside, a harp being played in the heavens. Her arms encircled you, worry etching itself across her face the longer she gazes down at you. She smelt of brimstone, sweat, and a hint of sweetness.
She smelt like home.
Her arms, her lips, her beautiful eyes. Gods, you never would stare into those eyes again. You would never feel her strong assured arms- 
“H-hey Karlach!” you let out a startled gasp. She had lifted you up, princess style, to carry your tired frame to her tent. 
“Let me take care of you for tonight, you look like you've seen the hells,” she mumbled into your ear, brushing her lips across your temple before dipping the both of you into her closed-off tent. 
You didn’t have the heart to tell her, you would see the hells soon enough. Because you traded yourself for her, groveled at the feet of a devil. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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oops-all-concrete · 9 months
This was requested by @wine-effectao3 !!
BG3 characters react to the other companions story events/conflicts! These lovelies watch each other go through so much and I have so many HC's about how they feel/interact. There isn't a HC for every character combination, but I did as many as I have rn- I'm open to a part 2 👀
Spoilers for BG3! Enjoy the fluff ^^
(I don't have another image rn, so enjoy my necromancer durge; Ezerah)
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Lae'zel -
Lae'zel tends to keep to her own affairs, so stays distant, but watching the Blade of Frontiers gain horns from the source of his commitment and power over what was essentially a mislead, a lie?? The thought of Vlaakith doing the same to her, makes her sick. But inspired her all the same, seeing him take it in stride. She always spoke highly of him as a warrior. Shadowheart gained Lae'zels sympathies as well after the fall of Ketheric. Both Wyll and Shadowheart never have to worry about their weapons being maintained and sharpened. Lae'zel gladly allows them both as much time to relax as she can.
Shadowheart -
Knowing she and Astarion have such similar stories makes the vampire seem a lot more...human, for lack of a better term. She understands that all his avoidance and irritation with immediate kindness isn't out of just being mean- he doesn't want to come off as vulnerable or easy to take advantage of ever again. She goes out of her way to make comments so people know the kindness is begrudging or hesitant, so people don't get that idea. He doesn't know she does that. She won't tell him either. And as much as they butt heads, Lae'zel would have a cleric at her side at a moments notice if she asked.
Wyll -
Watching a man like Gale (someone Wyll looked up to given his mastery of magic without need for a devil's pact) be told by his goddess his old lover- turn so cold as to ask for his death? Nothing makes him more hopeless. Wyll tried to take his mind off it by asking Gale about his home, asking him about plans, making sure he has them. Because Wyll won't let him sacrifice himself. On top of that, he feels awful for Karlach. She inspires him so much knowing what she went through in Avernus and survived, still giggling and dancing. As a lover of dance, he teaches her ballroom and formal dance, in turn, she teaches him house and breakdancing.
Karlach -
There is nobody she feels for in the camp quite like Astarion. She cannot stand the utter hopelessness, anger and betrayal in his eyes and voice whenever he speaks of Cazador, and how willing he is for help from a devil of all people. She knows that desperation. It hurts to see. She sh!t talks Gortash and Zariel with him, so he has an excuse to talk about wiping the floor with Cazador. She also likes watching Gale get excited whenever she asks him a question about- anything really. She hates when his big brown eyes get all sad, so she'll keep him occupied talking about weave and potioncraft and old scripture.
Gale -
While it doesn't bother Wyll so much, Gale is a mommas boy, and can't imagine not having her. He makes plans for his mother to meet Wyll. She makes amazing brownies, and every person should be able to enjoy a mothers baking. (Wyll loves Morena and visits her often after act 3. She loves him for keeping her son safe.) Other than this, watching Lae'zel and Shadowheart lose the admiration of their Gods hurts him personally. He knows that fall. Goes out of his way to make sure they don't lose hope. "Who's to say you can't still have a dragon? There's plenty around. Bigger. Scarier. Probably also hates mind-flayers. Perfect for a woman of your demeanour." He assures her. / "If its any consolation, I like the new hair, Shadowheart. Between you and me, you look much better with white hair than he does" He jokes.
Astarion -
As a man used to fixing his things (since they're all he's got) he goes out of his way to make sure Karlachs things are all in good shape. Clive gets torn at some point or other, and he's pulling out his fabrics and sewing set and wordlessly returns him to Karlachs tent, much to her relief. Neither of them have a lot- so of course he's going to maintain what she has. She deserves it. Also, Shadowheart telling her story hits home for Astarion a lot. Being vulnerable, scared and otherwise an easy target- and having your whole life turned upside down because someone took advantage of it? He becomes a lot more talkative with her. Even if it's just over wine and complaining. Oh, and of course nothing makes him happier than watching Lae'zel turn her back on Vlaakith. Go her.
Halsin -
Halsin has nothing but praise for Wyll. His endless kindness, his patience with the teifling children, his level-headedness in crisis- he is the leader Halsin wishes he was. Halsin also sees Astarions hunger for power. Halsin might not speak of it often, but he's had at least 3 years of what Astarion's suffered for 200, and he knows how much powerlessness feels like vulnerability. He let's the vampire know he's got a bear at his back, even if its met with an eye roll.
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alpaca-clouds · 10 months
Becoming What You Hate - On BG3's Final Character Decisions
This is kinda based on a discussion we had on the BG3 Discord Server a few days ago and I cannot help but write this down in a somewhat more orderly fashion now. Because I think it is one of the most interesting aspects - storywise - of the game. With the exception of Karlach basically all characters do face some sort of decision in the end to become what they hate. Or to be put differently, to become their abuser.
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Spoilers for BG3 behind this. Also CW for abuse.
As with the grooming theme this is very much a topic that is the most obvious with Astarion and Shadowheart. Because in both cases the game really beats you over the head with this.
If you let Astarion ascent, he becomes like Cazador. Which is another aspect where I got to say: Yes, you are allowed to like Ascended Astarion, but this is really the ending in which he becomes like Cazador. Which is also why he will not turn you as the player into a full vampire, keeping you around as his spawn. Yes, he makes for a cute bat, but he will give into what ends up being generational trauma.
Because yes, with him and Shadowheart it is also made very clear that this is in some form generational trauma. Cazador was abused as a spawn by his sire - and once he overcame him, he became the next abuser. And if Astarion ascends, this story is going to repeat itself once more.
The same happens with Shadowheart. With her it is fairly similar. You have the option to overcome the abuse she was put through by Shar and start over anew - or she can basically upsurp Viconia and become just like her.
It is not that dissimilar with Gale. In the end his decisions boils down to is "crawl back to abuser", "become a god like Mystra (eg. another potential abuser)" or "let go of the power". Which goes back into the same kind of idea.
In all three characters there is also a very big emphasis on the idea of "ultimate power corrupts ultimately". There is always this idea in a lot of people. The classical "I can fix him/her". Which I absolutely understand. But the game here very much ends on the idea that this really is not true and that power will not allow you to overcome trauma.
It is a bit less clear with Wyll, I admit. Because he never can become an actual devil to overcome Mizora - the only thing he can become is the next duke. Make of that what you will.
Admittedly I do not know how this exactly plays out with Lae'zel. I have been told it is similar with her, but... I admit, in my first playthrough I mostly ignored her, because I found her so abrasive.
Again, Karlach really is the incorruptable. She is never even tempted to use her engine to gain power for herself or anything. Because she is a good woman. Which kinda makes her special. :D
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phoenixpearl-ashes · 10 months
Alright, I've had food and gathered my thoughts (though to be honest most of them are still just incoherent happy yells) regarding the new finale party. So here we are, divided by each character below the cut, in roughly the arbitrary order I talked to them in.
Halsin- I was pleasantly surprised he went back to the moonrise region. Less surprised that he chills as a bear a lot of the time, but still delightful. But oh my goodness hearing he gets to settle down and take care of a bunch of kids? Highlight of the conversation. And he gave me a wooden duck! I will treasure it forever. Hug 10/10, one of the few party members not being just dwarfed by my dragonborn durge.
Astarion- Yes I know I arrived with him but I wanted to make sure he was good. As mentioned already I was so freaking happy to see how much he's managed to relax in the six months. And oh my gods him saying six months with Aeranan was equal weight to the literal 200 years of torture? Good gods. Aeranan loves this vampire so dearly. Also, absolutely fascinated by one of his lines saying that we have eternity likely confirming my theory that redeemed durge is still immortal. Which is awesome both for further story purposes and because I would absolutely hate to leave him alone again. Hug was 100/10, fucking loved the zoom in on him just tucked close and relaxed.
Lae'zel- I was incredibly happy to see her, even astrally projected because I royally fucked up her quest last game and she was a fugitive. So to see her this time, not only alive but in good spirits, was incredible. Orpheus remains alive, albeit in mind flayer form, and it seems likely to me that they stay in touch. She's doing amazing as the leader of the revolution. I wanted to hug her very badly, but alas, magic projection says no. Teensy bit sad I couldn't say hi to the red dragons but maybe after the whole war thing is over I can go and visit. ALSO she admitted she missed me so I am feeling so very loved right now.
Karlach- Karlach! I was so happy to see her okay. I missed the chance to hug her because apparently it's a missable dialogue choice so that was sad. But, the fact that she's up here again and there's actually hope to fix her engine!!! I'm so fucking happy about that. I hope they fix her heart and we all get to chuck the old engine at Zariel's head as it explodes. Also really happy she's getting on well with Wyll. She didn't deserve to be alone ever again.
Wyll- The blade of Avernus is as dashing as ever. Absolutely love that he reclassed into ranger and is just massacring devils. Fuck them up Wyll. Also the fact that we managed to keep his father alive this time around and they;re both proud of each other is just. Yes. I don't know if he'll stay in Avernus if Karlach can leave but I hope they stay a dynamic devil slaying duo for as long as they can.
Gale- Ahh he's a professor! So proud of him for not going mad with power and getting to settle down sans death orb. I'm less enthused he seems to still be vying for Mystra's attentions, but hey it's his life. I hugged him immediately because we are magic pals forever and he always looks like he needs on quite frankly. Another 10/10 hug Genuinely love his sincerity all through the game on his care for our friendship, and this portion was no different. Aeranan is going to guest lecture at his class with Astarion sometime and make every student gag at their lovey-dovey behavior.
(Bonus Tara)-I love Tara so much. Fantastic tressym no notes. Absolutely an honor to meet her. I would 100% give her the best place by the fire.
Jaheira- Friendly teasing with her continues as always. Teased Aeranan about the idea of starting a family although quite frankly I'm not sure that would even work given Aeranan and Astarion's...everything. But cute thoughts regardless. Any future kids would call Jaheira auntie and she would complain the whole time and love it. I did promise not to let any of them get into blood duels though. Aeranan's life aside, it was excellent to hear she's doing well and reconnected to her kids, and is getting the Harpers all coordinated on the city restoration. She seems happiest when she's busy, even if it does involve saving Minsc from himself every day or so.
Shadowheart- I'm really glad she's getting to live that free life she was robbed of as a child. Perhaps one day Nocturne can rejoin her as well but in the meantime its a lovely thing to think of her just drifting through the world as she pleases, making some alcohol perhaps, calling on old friends, and simply put, living. Hugged her with zero hesitation as well. 10/10 gave her multiple hugs throughout the evening because she always deserves them. I'm glad she's decided to pick up the responsibility of party planning in future though because Aeranan does not have the social skills to arrange this nonsense every 6 months or so. Well. They'd try for this group.
Minsc- Not even remotely surprised this man had to be portalled in from a jail cell. I was worried for about 5 secinds and them remembered him tearing open a mimic from the inside, so I think he'll be fine. Besides, Jaheira wouldn't leave him to rot in a jail cell, no matter how foolish he was to land himself there. Boo was cute as ever.
Scratch- Happy to see the good boy still doing well. Did not remember to have an animal speaking potion but ah well. Hilarious that the astral prism is a fetch toy now.
Owlbear Cub- Extremely cute and sweet as always. Gave him many many pats. Also arranged for him to live with Halsin. I think he'd be well able to take care of him and was very enthusiastic about the kids loving him. Our little cub deserves a happy and chill life.
Volo- Hilarious that he showed up without an invitation. Probably going to have to sue him for fraud/identity theft/libel at some point but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Milil- I adore that we had a forgotten music deity as our evening entertainment. Super happy when I recognized him, obliged by playing songs that made me cry before the party was over. Hope I can chat with him again at future parties.
And there it was. A night to fondly remember and a group to return to time and time again. Friends, comrades, and the family Aeranan would always choose.
To us.
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hazzyking · 11 months
Reasons why everyone in my party hates me:
Astarion: absolutely does not hate me, always flirting and feeding... we are mega power couple ((I wish I recorded the fight that made us the power couple, but you'll just have to take my word for it)). He let me help him read his back, and he thinks I'm cute ❤️
Gale: dosnt hate me, but he doesn't like me. Simply because he is not in my main party and I keep him at camp cause I am afraid of him exploding and killing my whole party. Bonus: he told me how he fucked a God and I was like "I'm fucking a vampire" and we bonded it was cool ((this didn't really happen))
Lae'zel: doesn't hate me. In fact, she loves me. Me breathing is enough to wake that horny little beast inside her. Would definitely kill for me. And probably has killed for me
Shadowheart: hates me because I defended Lae'zel. I also won't ask her about her tragic back story. I tell her constantly that she is only in my group cause she can heal us. I would kick her out if she wasn't a good healer.
● I am fucking Astarion
● I called him a coward for making a deal with the devil
● I made fun of his horns
● told him I wasn't going to save his daddy
● told him to fuck off several times
● I am letting Astarion use me and abuse me as he so chooses
● I Resurrected dead characters
● I am actively breathing
Karlach: is a golden retriever and is Incapable of hating anyone and that includes me. She said that she would also ride Astarion if given the chance and she fully supports me and Astarion 😭 I loved having girl talk with her
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
I’m glad you mentioned about Sean viewing Randgrid differently after his bad ending because I have definitely thought about how he’d be around his fellow Merry Men after his bad ending. Bad ending Sean would be very hateful towards anyone who doesn’t agree with him or anyone who even ever had a past of selfishness and greediness. He’d take low shots at people’s background “Zarek wasn’t your mother so consumed by greed they turned you into one of those statue actors on the street?” Stuff like that. Him hating Randgrid because she is the spawn of a dragon would also show how far he’s fallen because I always imagined him believing that there are no naturally evil races. “All goblins are evil? Nonsense those guys just suck.” He’d turn on the companions too even if they had their good ending, Astarion and Gale for being power hungry, Wyll just for having a noble background, hell maybe even Karlach for fighting for a devil and working with Gortash even if it was against her will. If Sol was a companion he’d probably turn on her for her dragon heritage.
But enough about that the last Merry Men kid is Alfred Nikolas a goblin Artificer nicknamed Fun-Sized Fred. He is based on Tiny Tim from A Christmas Carol. He was taken in by Lord Marion (genderbent Lady Marian) as more of a protégée than an adopted child given his parents are still alive and still on good terms unlike the rest of the kids. He became a well-known artificer using the money of his version of Scrooge after he gave all his money to Fred’s family when he passed. Fred uses modified crutches to get around but they double as his weapons. Really wish they had Goblins as a race in bg3 so I could make him in it. I’ll just have to make him in Hero Forge at some point.
Okay, wait, I'm obsessed with the potential for Sean and Sol interactions. Let's play barbies with our OCs for a hot second.
Let's say by some miracle the two of them end up kinda friends in act 3. Maybe a series of failed bullying attempts from Sol that just strengthened their bond instead.
Now bad endings! Sean gets hyper-vigilant and vindictive with his judgment. Everyone is put under the microscope and all their hearts are weighted on a scale against a feather just so they wouldn't end up on his list of enemies.
What if, Sol gets their bad ending too. But since Sean bothered to befriend them, they think "oh. Maybe he belongs to my hoard."
It's basically about 2-5 years of life before they die. Might as well make the most out of it yk? So eventually after amassing all the gold and gems they want, they think it's time to round up the people they care about.
Romanced Tav tied up in gold chains in their chambers? Check.
That one druid who was nice to them and restored their flower? Check.
That dog who didn't bite them too hard when they tried to pet it after he smelled dragon on them? Check.
Now, time to get the friends.
Ascended Astarion and God Gale would be too hard for Sol to manage with their short lifespan so they'd skip them. Sharran Shadowheart would hide too well for them to find and Lae'zel is on another plane of existence serving Vlaakith.
Halsin is there, free to grab. They pass by his village and don't look back. He can stay, he's not on the list.
Minthara IS on the list however. Although they have no idea where she is in the underdark or how to get to her. Did she get killed? They'll pay some drows to search for news about her and wait.
Now Sean, he would be fun because Sol is on the list of his enemies. He would seek them out himself. Afterall it is his fault for being kind to them to the past, now they see him as a part of their hoard.
And oh they'd be so delighted, he spared them the trouble of hunting him down, how kind of him, now off to the cage.
But he just keeps escaping, it's driving them crazy how time after time he comes trying to steal from them or kill them, and they throw him in a pure gold cell and the next day he's gone.
Do they have to pin him down with magic? Curse him with a tracker? How does he keep managing it? They follow him in their dragon form and take back their gold, pick him up with their claws and return him to the hoard.
It's a constant cycle of playing tag, except it is murder and steal tag.
If it's their good ending they'd just be confused, there is as much dragon in them as there are wings in a fish, even their scales fell of buddy. They're fully human.
If he brings up their past, it would anger them. After all, they sacrificed? After all the effort they've put in to change? Now he brings it up? Sol would call him a hypocrite for befriending their awful self before and coming to hold them accountable now.
I doubt it would work or convince him but honestly words is all Sol has at that point. They're a low level human fighter who lost all their powerful magic, not even a family left to hide behind. They're weak and defenceless and an experienced rogue could easily take them down.
So they'd keep attempting to use their high charisma to convince him or at least distract him from their trail. They might be able to overpower him with strength, but he'd be too tricky and slippery.
Him coming after them even after their half-frienship would hurt them but they'd never show it. It wouldn't anger them.
But him going after his own family? That'd infuriate them so much because he definitely talked the whole camp's ears off before about his family and moms and how much he loves them. They'd take more offence to that than him betraying them
At least Sol knows themselves, they were shitty and deserved it, but his family weren't shitty to him. Especially if he brings up Sol's greedy family after condemning his own. They'll dig at him for being just as rotten and greedy as the rest of them.
But also, that is all hypothetical bc I'm not even sure if Sol would bother kidnapping anyone but romanced Tav, yk? Like platonic Tav wouldn't interest them and they'll just increase their security against Sean instead of putting him in their hoard.
Man Jaheira has her work cut out for her, first Ascended Astarion neighbour, then vigilante Sean lurking the streets and now a dragon-human mutant flying over the city and stealing everything.
Not mentioning corrupted Arch-Duke Wyll and the Shar cult just below the city with Justicier Shadowheart.
Anyway goblin guy let's goo!! When I read fun-sized-Fred, I thought of scooby doo Fred ngl. And omfg modfied crutches that actually shoot bullets? It's like that one meme with "call the hospital call the hospital...but not for me" and Fred lifts his crutches and starts firing and it's glorious.
The only one on good terms with his parents, if he is adopted I wonder if he ever thinks about his bio parents. Sol would probably encourage him to, because they feel a special connection to their kin, be it another draconic being or their actual family and would think that Alfred needs to experience it too.
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riddlerosehearts · 6 months
decided i'm going to start posting my thoughts on baldur's gate 3 every so often as i make my way through the game, because it'd be nice to have some of this stuff about first playthrough written down somewhere! my tav is a half-high elf bard named elenion (he/they) who's neutral good-aligned, and despite being a bard he's very reserved and is always feigning self-confidence. also, he's a college of lore bard who honestly would've fit the sage background pretty well but i went ahead and gave him entertainer instead lol. i guess that actually gives me the opportunity to see more of the inspiration goals by not having the same background as gale! anyway though, here's a few thoughts about what i've done while still being very early in act 1:
at the point i'm at in the story right now, i was supposed to go look for halsin, but instead i decided to finally find karlach. i feel like i probably should've gotten her sooner, but once i got to the grove i didn't wanna venture too far from the main objectives--and the grove is where you recruit wyll and learn about karlach in the first place.
however, halsin sounds very wise and capable so i guess he can handle himself while he waits, and the mindflayer tadpole symptoms aren't progressing like they're supposed to, so why not just go off and act like we've got all the time in the world! maybe elenion is just easily distracted. they did waste quite a bit of time earlier when they found alfira and felt compelled to help her finish her song. and speaking of, i was not expecting such a beautiful cutscene for that?! or for the squirrels we talked to using speak with animals to be so mean and hate her song 😭 but i hope we get to see alfira again and that nothing bad happens to her, and i hope i don't eventually regret saying that!
also, wyll did say karlach is a danger to the entire sword coast, which makes hunting her down sound pretty important... and elenion has an interest in history so they recognized the phrase "advocatus diaboli" and were able to mention the blood war when wyll first talked about her. so maybe they're also interested in seeing if they can get a devil who fought in the blood war and is now wandering the material plane to answer a few questions before taking her down. anyway, point is we're leaving the druids and our quest for a cure hanging to go hunt a devil.
took me a bit to find her despite wyll's quest leading you to her, though. i have a horrible sense of direction, which i guess is okay because my horrible sense of direction did lead me to accidentally find scratch and now we have a dog!
eventually i did get to karlach, and elenion's mind connected to hers and gave him a much closer look at who karlach is and what she's doing here than he expected. naturally he convinced wyll to stand down because karlach does not seem evil. and then he tried to ask karlach some of the questions he had in mind back at camp, but she won't reveal anything until we hunt down the paladins that are still hunting her. understandable, i guess. i like her though! i should try and make sure to get her earlier on my next playthrough.
encountered mizora for the first time when i rested at camp, and i'm very intrigued by what's going on with wyll and i actually have been since way before i played the game and found out he was a fabled hero who was also a warlock. which is why i also think it's a huge shame that from what i've heard at least, he was given a lot less content for his quest and his romance than the other companions were.
wandered around the world a bit more and ended up freeing a poor guy who was being spun around on a windmill by goblins. then i got the scene with gale where he teaches you how to channel the weave, and it not only had bard-specific dialogue options but also had an option that specifically reflected my character's proficiency in history, which was all really neat to see. god, there must be an insane amount of different dialogue branches in this game. love that there was also an option to be like "yeah that was neat, but i could've done it myself lol" since a bard is already a spellcaster.
the range of these particular dialogue options is killing me LMAO
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i had high enough approval with gale to trigger a very obviously romantic scene and then the game is literally like "okay, so do you want to kiss him or do you want his severed head on a spike" 😭 like wtf do you THINK?! i can't even imagine how i'd roleplay a character who would be cruel enough to get this far and lead gale on so much before picking to project an image of his head on a spike directly into his mind. and yet i am so curious about what happens if you do--but not curious enough to reload and try to find out. mostly because i cannot bring myself to be mean to gale.
anyway, i picked the romantic walk option. i thought elenion would consider the kiss thing to be a bit too forward. but that was such a sweet scene and i love flustered gale gets when he realizes how you feel about him. going into this game i really thought i'd wanna try for astarion or shadowheart's romances first, and i do like them a lot and want to keep learning more about both of them, but gale surprised me with how much i already liked him from his introduction. he's just really charming and funny and also fits well with the character i made, so i will definitely keep progressing his romance.
aaand i've been progressing a bit slowly because of irl stuff but everything about this game is so good that i wish i'd picked it up sooner! i've been spoiled on quite a bit of things about the story already, but there's also a lot that i haven't been spoiled on and i can't wait to experience all of it anyway.
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mt07131 · 6 months
solanine and ardanthe, for that tav/durge questionnairre with the companions #1 for each relevant companion
Y'know thank god you reblogged this ask game from me so I could find it easily myself lmaooooo
Ask me about my Tavs and their relationships here
What was your character’s first impression of Lae’zel, encountering her on the nautiloid?
Solanine: She was insulted at first, but then impressed. She respected Lae'zel's instincts.
Ardanthe: Not gonna lie, Lae'zel scared her. She was still trying to get her bearings with everything that happened so a sword to her face was not ideal.
Did your character attempt to save Shadowheart on the nautiloid? Why or why not, and were they successful?
Solanine: She did it, but because she knew she could get something out of it. Whether that be an ally or something to hold over her head to blackmail her. She was successful in this.
Ardanthe: She's got a bleeding heart, of course she did. It wouldn't be right for her to leave someone to an unknown fate. She was also successful.
How did your character react to Astarion’s little charade and dagger first encounter?
Solanine: Not impressed. He did not scare her in the slightest, but she would later (begrudgingly) give him props for the charade.
Ardanthe: Obviously she saw someone in need and was completely willing to help. The more allies the better, right? She considers the dagger just a minor hiccup, always trying to look on the bright side.
How did your character feel about giving Gale magical objects to absorb?
Solanine: She did not like the idea of having to give Gale magical objects, being that they're powerful and she is a glutton for power. Eventually though she weighed the options and a powerful wizard on her side was more important than the objects.
Ardanthe: She was almost intrigued how it worked, but as always was completely willing to help him out. She hates seeing people suffer, so whatever she could do to help, she would do.
Did your character have any knowledge of Wyll’s reputation as the Blade of Frontiers prior to meeting him?
Solanine: Not really, she didn't care much of heroes and the whole forced amnesia thing was there anyway.
Ardanthe: She had vaguely heard of him, mostly through stories that she picked up on whenever she traveled into Baldur's gate.
What convinced your character to believe Karlach wasn’t a devil?
Solanine: To her, no devil would beg the way she did. Not that it mattered much, Karlach was gone soon after the raid on the grove.
Ardanthe: She's also a tiefling, like recognizes like and all that. Also being a survivor of the Hells, despite her experiencing being far shorter than Karlach's, she sort of understood that desperation and that need for freedom.
What motivated your character to rescue Halsin from the goblin camp?
Ardanthe: Being a druid, it's no surprise she found the druids to be the most trustworthy in finding a cure. Plus, Halsin specifically being a pretty well-known archdruid, she had heard of him and knew that if he got captured of all people, he definitely needed help.
What motivated your character to initially spare or side with Minthara, then later rescue her from Moonrise Tower?
Solanine: Power. Solanine recognize power and strength in Minthara and she saw her as someone who was willing to do what needed to be done. Of course they shared a night, so while she saw a powerful companion, she also felt a connection with her that made her want to save Minthara.
Did your character have any knowledge of Jaheira’s reputation as a hero prior to meeting her?
Solanine: Not really, and as established she could care less about heroes
Ardanthe: She absolutely did. Not only is Jaheria a renowned druid, she’s a hero of Baldur’s Gate. Jaheria was definitely a hero and icon that Ardanthe looked up to and still looks up to.
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haunthead · 9 months
@folie2deux: take care of each other, and be smart.
the soul coin flips over vin's knuckles, an easy rhythm, twitches of her fingers moving it back and forth. infernal iron always has a kind of cold heat to it from whatever process mammon puts it through two layers deeper into the hells.
there's something fascinating, in learning about each of the nine hells' unique ecosystems. avernus, though, is and always will be the land of flame. the sky burns. karlach's infernal engine, when it ignites here, does little besides blend in with the environment. in comparison the coin really does feel more cold than anything else. soon enough, in the next hour or so, she'll slip this coin into karlach's palm before they set out again, climbing across singed crags and crumbling boulders twisted into the shape of agonized faces.
there are worse places you can be. not by much, but still.
"trust me," vin says with a hoarse laugh, "between the three of us, we have plenty of intelligence to spare after a day of killing nashrous. i don't know if you've run into them before. ten limbs of razor sharp chitin and not a thought between any pair of them at all." more like wolves than anything, just with a thirst for blood that bhaal would appreciate.
that he does appreciate no less. the lord of murder whispers and turns over in a half-dulled sleep still. vin imagines their shared progenitor as a kind of worm dripping ichor, twisting through the hole in her brain gored by orin's knife. demons, though, have no particular urge to worship, for even the minimal amount of ceremony required for a thing such as bhaal. yet, for all this slaughter, for the hundreds of bodies left crumpled throughout avernus, none of it feeds him. demons and devils, after all, do not have souls. they steal them away and press them into coins to barter with.
it is a mockery of what bhaal wished for.
she pauses. her gaze drifts off to the side. karlach's already asleep, snoring softly in the cave they found. wyll patches a place in his armor where claws shredded it, working under the illumination spilling from from a stone enchanted with light. there are new burn scars along his hands and arms, same as all of them.
"you know i extend the same wishes to you. i suppose it must be useful to have a wizard around in that regard, assuming he doesn't run off and decide to become a lich or something equally foolish." she pauses. "gods. he hasn't shown an interest in lichdom, has he? i'd hate to hear you had to kill him thanks to the folly of genius."
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