#‘sir wtf do you think these are then???’
itsafreetrialofdeath · 4 months
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love when npcs say something that no longer applies due to mods, and it cuts back to my tavs staring like “huh wha??”
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fandomsandfeminism · 4 months
Is there anything more bone-chilling as a woman who teaches in a middle school than when a male coworker starts to complain about kids breaking the dress code? (Or not EVEN breaking the actual dress code since ours is really lax, but breaking the dress code in their mind)
It's never good.
It's never a good time.
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"Let's normalize Bad Movie Erasure" are some bold words for a man who just drove off the godsdamn rails, if I do say so myself
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theygender · 9 months
Apparently the scene you get with Shadowheart if you get her approval all the way up and then tell her you want to get to spend time with her is the same one you're supposed to get at the tiefling party, which means if you trigger it early you may not get any scene with her at the party at all. This made things pretty confusing when I showed up expecting to advance my romance with her and instead she just gave me some generic "lol wine is good huh" dialogue meanwhile every other companion* BUT her was actively trying to jump my bones... Literally just had to beat everyone else off of my Tav with a stick and then go to bed alone 😔
*Except Lae'zel, who instead went on an unprompted rant about how she knew I wanted to fuck her sooo bad but I had Pissed Her Off by making her be Nice to People so now she would NEVER allow me the pleasure of having crazy hot githyanki sex with her. (She propositioned me a few days later anyways)
#i seem to have accidentally started a romance with lae'zel astarion AND gale in addition to shadowheart 😭#like the next day i had a notice to talk with astarion and it was the scene where hes talking about not being able to see his reflection#and it was literally like dodging fucking bullets trying to pick an option that wasnt flirting#i ended up having to pick some mean dialogue that was like 'maybe its for the best youre not exactly aging gracefully'#bc the ONLY other two options were like 'tell him you think hes beautiful' and 'gaze lovingly into his eyes' or some shit#and i was like '...okay im picking the mean one but i mean it as a joke. maybe it can be a joke' and i picked it an he was all horrified#but then the next dialogue gave me an option to say 'lol im just kidding' and i was like PHEW#but then he just went back to being fucking flirty again and was like 'really~ well then tell me what you like about me the most' or smth#and i was like FUCK. NO#but then the next dialogue tree in addition to having the normal flirty options had three additional options#that were like 'youre fine. but lae'zel/gale/shadowheart? now theres real beauty'#and i was like. fuckin. OKAY#ill wonder wtf those other two are doing there later but for now ill pick the one where i tell him in interested in shadowheart#so i picked that option and this bitch fucking APPROVED. told me he was going to have to work harder to keep up with his competition#like SIR. what do you MEAN competition. i let you bite me ONE time bc you said you were dying of thirst and i wanted to help a bro out#and then the next morning i immediately told you i didnt like it and i never wanted it to happen again#what do you mean competition dude you arent even on my radar 😭 im a DYKE#and why were lae'zel and gale there as options too??#the next night i got gales weave scene where he shows my character how to use magic#(my tav was pretty unimpressed as a fellow mage tbh but hes my friend and i was being polite)#and when i clicked the option to clearly say at the end that i was not interested in having an intimate moment with gale#he got all misty eyed and was like 'oh how quickly these moments fade away...'#like bro the moment didnt fade away i politely shut it down on purpose bc im not interested. what are you talking about#and THEN i got lae'zel trying to fuck me and when i turned her down she gave me the exact same dialogue#about how i would miss out on having hot githyanki sex with her. AGAIN#yall im JUST trying to romance shadowheart 😭 leave me alone#if anyone else is gonna try to trap me into flirting with them then at least let it be karlach next time please 😭🙏#(ill come back for lae'zel on another playthrough bc being between her and shadowheart sounds like a safety hazard tbh)#rambling
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gobubyourself · 2 months
things i love about logan: HIS LACK OF SELF CONTROL!!!! things i hate about logan: HIS LACK OF SELF CONTROL!!!!
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forgotten-daydreamer · 5 months
doctors and nurses should be forced to work in retail before being allowed anywhere near patients
#had to tell the stupid nurse “if i'm not familiar with any of this why am i expected to know everything about it? it's your job to explain”#“i- but-” no no shut up. i'm done with these things. honestly. shut up.#put them in their place. don't be scared to raise your voice when they act allmighty#“you're old enough to-” shut up. would you tell that to someone who's +30?#just because i'm young it doesn't mean you can talk to me like that. at all. stay in your fucking place.#i did every fucking thing by the book. shut the fuck up. it's not my fault if you guys don't fucking communicate#and you know. this happened to me when i got surgery. one doctor told me to take idk what before it.#then the aneathesiologist gave a second dose to me. and i was like “hm. i think i already took that one tho”#“oh really? you shouldn't have”#sir?? it's your colleague's fault. he prescribed it to me. said “take it before the surgery” and i did#how was i supposed to know that the two of you don't communicate??#“what do you study?” “translation.” “ok then you know languages and this isn't your field of exp-” fucking exactly#so why the fuck are you coning at me?? i'm not saying anything#imagine pulling up to the hospital and a nurse decides to patronise you for being a patient?? uh??#sir your people told me to do this and that. wtf.#coming*#“say something if you get lightheaded” i'd rather fucking die than rely on you. this is between me and god now. shut up.#* anaesthesiologist. i can spell.#“ok but if you got a weak immune system you should have-” sir. sir. i do what you people tell me to. i can't fucking do whatever i please.#you prescribe me the wrong stuff & then complain when you make a mistake as if it were my fault?? wow.#medical malpractice
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thelemoncoffee · 2 years
so i hc Kokichi has like- a really precice sleep scedual, he always goes to sleep at 8pm ans wakes up at 3am, Miu even being able to confirm this as he always sends her the telletubbies sun baby at 3:05am every morning on without fail.
but what if he didn't one day
what if one night, while living with Shuichi, Kokichi just could not get to sleep to save his life. he tried to rest, and eventually did- but at 11pm. as results he didn't want to get up at 3am and slept in long enough that a very confused Shuichi woke up before him, wondering why the fuck Kokichi was still in bed.
he tried to get Kokichi up, but to no avail, even ending up getting dragged back into bed against his will so Kokichi could drowsily snuggle him. depending on his mood Kokichi might either appologize or just try to pretend it didn't happen, but either way he's pretty flustered about it cause that wasn't normal for him by any means
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hinderr · 2 years
from a "i dont honestly care for star wars except for One (1) series" standpoint i honestly. kinda dont like what happened to luke skywalker's character in the last three movies. cause like ??? it makes him a BITCH to write honestly.
in the original trilogy he's like King of second chances and Incredibly wise and Smart and Not Without Flaws but he's Worked Past It and he cares a bunch??
and then in the last three movies he's like. my nephew had a nightmare, he should die. I'm going to kill him. i made a big mistake I'm going to hide and not do anything about it.
and like im going to bring up the Mandalorian cause that's my One (1) series that fuels me to Put Up with star wars as a whole and like. Original Trilogy Luke was like "I'm going to save my dictator father's life by Believing in him. it worked. love wins" and Mandalorian Luke was like "sorry grogu you have to choose between your father or my jedi order. I'm homophobic btw" and its so shjhjsdhsjhdjwhdjh
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ace-and-ranty · 1 year
The bathroom subplot in Hidden Figures is dumb for many reasons, but the top one I can’t get over it is... 
Why did her boss vandalize the colored bathroom sign? In a building that, as far as we all know, only has black people in it? How does that fucking help Katharine, you eedjit? You absolute buffoon? If you want a physical symbol to show she is welcome to use the bathrooms at your building ---which is what she actually needs--- then you should be smashing the “whites only” sign at your building. 
What the fuck are you breaking a bathroom miles away for. What the fucking hell does that even mean.
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fabbyf1 · 1 year
the vibes of the new story was giving mark, seb, and jenson and i’m living for it!!! the two teammates in an instance of will-they-won’t-they and then the third party boyfriend being like “yeah, you will.” i love ittttt and carlos was so sweet i’m worried for what you have for his anti-hero arc in warming4 🫨
Fuck. The way I would [redacted][screams][sirens] those old men!!!!!! (they're not much older than me, shhhh.)
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majorxmaggiexboy · 1 year
i lied actually the best scene(s) in the terror are the ones where jopson gets the sillies and just like. gently roasts crozier for no reason and crozier is just sitting there clearly loving it. 
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skyhawkstragedy · 2 years
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kyle did WHAT
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i-am-become-a-name · 2 years
#prepare ahead in the notes for spoilers because i don't want to put them in the main text#gallifrey spoilers#lalalalalalalalalalalalalala cover your eyes#OH MY HEART MY DARLINGS#and they still speak of ace. god i want her back in gallifrey. and i want her to eat braxiatal ALIVE#you risked your life. your only life./of course. and i'd do all over again leela. i- i. / i know. i also know you want to ask me a question#and you know my answer. i cannot. / i think i've known all along.#though we are apart you are no longer alone narvin. / no no. i'm not. none of us are.#god it was so goooooooooood#ace might still be out there..... please sophie...... don't tease us like that .........#all those half finished sentences and knowing each other. god. it's been seventy or eighty years for him. and god knows how long for her.#and they thought each other dead. god.#they carry each other with them. and narvins carries ace and they both carry romana#i was... conflicted during the first two audios. because jesus there's a huge amount wrong with calling her a savage and literally fcking#collaring her. like holy sht wtf. and even with the collar gone it's still there. she's shackled and disrespected and her life isn't her own#and jfc the threat of Vibax if she didn't comply or wasn't good enough. it's sick.#but for once she's also being respected. the general (and who are you sir I'm sure you're going to be someone i'm too sus of you) genuinely#respects her opinions and trusts what she says where EVERYONE including narvin and romana have distrusted and dismissed her in the past#but he's also one of her. idk. one of the men with his hand on the button of her future.#LET ME LOOK AT YOU#oh sean honey talking about how he believed tw4 might have actually been the end of narvin and that's why he tweeted that video. oh darling
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wewontbesleeping · 2 years
I found a dead squirrel in my front yard when I got home and like. what do I do about that? obviously I’m just waiting until my bf gets home so he can deal with that because that’s clearly a man’s job, but like. is that just an inescapable part of life? We have to touch dead animals? shouldn’t there be someone we can call to do that for me? do we not live in a society? if my fridge breaks I can call someone… if an animal dies in my house I just gotta take care of it? i think this is a real opportunity for job creation….
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fastandcarlos · 22 days
Mr Steal Your Girl » Lando Norris ft. Charles LeClerc
summary: the little sister of the leclerc’s catches plenty of attention, but what happens when she particularly catches the attention of a man in papaya
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 349,281 comments
ynleclerc: another week of travelling round the world pretending to be the most popular member of the leclerc family ❤️
username1: you’ll always be the best leclerc sibling imo 🥰
username2: oh to be able to travel around with those three handsome faces
carlossainz55: lovely to see you y/n, same time next week?
ynleclerc: @/carlossainz55 you know charles won’t let me miss a race 😂
username3: you’re the most popular leclerc to me!!
arthur_leclerc: are we just going to pretend I wasn’t racing too? 😭
ynleclerc: @/arthur_leclerc what’s to say this is my only post about this weekend 🤔
username4: you must be such a proud sister y/n!
landonorris: you’ll be my favourite if you convince charles to let me win 😉
username5: lando wtf
username6: is lando tryna impress a leclerc 🤯
charles_leclerc: you always manage to find the most flattering photos of me 😂❤️
alexandrasaintmleux: don’t tell charles but you’re secretly my number one 🤐
ynleclerc/ @/alexandrasaintmleux secret is safe with me 🥰🥺
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liked by landonorris, arthur_leclerc and 428,903 others
ynleclerc: a few snippets of yet another week with my fave trio ☺️
username7: I just want to be part of the family too 😭
oscarpiastri: you seem to have forgotten your favourite brother…
ynleclerc: @/oscarpiastri dedicated post to my fave brother coming up 😂
username8: it’s not fair for one family to have so many good genes
landonorris: you guys are a bit cute 🌸
ynleclerc: @/landonorris we try our best 😇
username9: charles does not look like he wants to be part of these photos at all 😂😂
arthur_leclerc: number one spot belongs to me 🤔
ynleclerc: @/arthur_leclerc whatever helps you sleep at night bro
username10: are we all just going to ignore lando in the comments again
username11: protective brother mode incoming…
pierregasly: stop feeding all your brothers’ fans with these kinda photos y/n!!
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liked by oscarpiastri, danielricciardo and 1,392,340 others
landonorris: thank you montreal for a lovely week, a wholesome week doing my favourite things 🌸🏎️
username12: isn’t that the same emoji he posted on y/n’s post yesterday
username13: move the glass lando!!
alex_albon: something you want to tell me norris 🤔
georgerussell63: well the last photo is a bit of a surprise huh
username14: soft boyfriend lando is back ladies and gentleman
username15: petition for a face reveal asap
ynleclerc: that’s a big smile you’ve got there ☺️
landonorris: @/ynleclerc I just seem to be around someone who makes me pretty happy right now
username16: @/charles_leclerc @/arthur_leclerc come get your sister pls
username17: don’t say it…don’t say it…I think lando and y/n are dating
charles_leclerc: why are so many people sending me this post, what’s going on here sir?
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liked by ybffusername, arthur_leclerc and 428,003 others
ynleclerc: the best week with you! 💕🥺
username18: more pretty pink flowers omg
arthur_leclerc: idk where in the world you are but I expect you back at my house asap
ynleclerc: @/arthur_leclerc im not a child anymore fyi 🙃
username19: no one can convince me that this isn’t lando
username20: all the signs point to a certain tanned brit 🤯🤯🤯
charles_leclerc: is this how you tell your brother that you’re with a boy, I refuse to accept this until you let me tell whoever they are exactly what I expect of them
username21: @/charles_leclerc luckily for you you’ll be seeing lando on thursday
oscarpiastri: I second what charles said, as your brother I expected better than this 😡
ynleclerc: @/oscarpiastri don’t you start as well
username22: if this is true…they might just be the cutest couple in the world
landonorris: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and 539,403 others
ynusername: I can be a mclaren girl for a week…right? 🏎️��
43,829 others
landonorris: you can be a mclaren girl every week as far as I’m concerned 🥰🤩
ynleclerc: @/landonorris my brothers aren’t happy that you’ve stolen me just so you know
landonorris: @/ynleclerc just call me mr steal your girl 🥰
username23: patiently waiting for charles to appear
username24: don’t tell your brothers, but papaya suits you more y/n 🧡
oscarpiastri: nice of you to come to the better team and support the better brother 😂
username25: y/n avoiding the ferrari garage for the foreseeable
charles_leclerc: um no…you’re a leclerc therefore you cheer for ferrari
ynleclerc: @/charles_leclerc I can support two teams, right?
charles_leclerc: @/ynleclerc no you cannot, why do you even want to support mclaren anyway?
ynleclerc: @/charles_leclerc I think you might no why 😝
username26: charles’ heart secretly breaking as his sister slips away
username27: preparing for lando to tease charles for the rest of his life
danielricciardo: you’re a brave girl…very brave
arthur_leclerc: we’ll be having words little sister
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liked by ynusername, carlossainz55 and 1,392,507 others
landonorris: live footage of charles leclerc officially welcoming me to the family 😂🏆
arthur_leclerc: congrats on the podium finish lando…charles might welcome you, but I’m the tougher brother 😂
landonorris: @/arthur_leclerc I already know that you adore me 🥺
username28: you just know charles is giving lando the sternest warning of his life
username29: are we potentially seeing a new bromance??
ynleclerc: charles told me what he said to you…I’m so sorry 😂
landonorris: @/charles_leclerc don’t worry love, I’ll take the rant if it means being with you 🧡
username30: charles tryna act all protective when deep down he’s the soppiest brother ever
username31: can’t wait to see endless interactions between lando and the leclercs
username32: @/username31 don’t forget brother piastri too
charles_leclerc: you’ve not got the seal of approval just yet norris…👀
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liked by georgerussell63, alex_albon and 493,017 others
ynusername: my brothers keep asking me what I see in lando…I’m hoping this post will shut them up ☺️
charles_leclerc: nothing will ever make this make sense to me 🙄
alexandrasaintmleux: @/charles_leclerc that’s not true, @/ynleclerc you should’ve heard him gushing about lando last night
charles_leclerc: @/alexandrasaintmleux I thought you loved me…that was between us 😡
ynleclerc: @/alexandrasaintmleux I knew I could rely on you for the truth 💕
username33: please just keep posting more and more boyfriend lando y/n
username34: thank you for feeding us fans what we want
alex_albon: well this is a little bit cute 🤩🩷
landonorris: thank you for finding all my best angles 🥰🧡
username35: how can anyone resist that smile??
arthur_leclerc: stop guilting us into public acceptance 😂
ynleclerc: @/arthur_leclerc idk what you’re talking about 😂
username36: the leclercs are officially my favourite family ever
oscarpiastri: if it counts for anything - I approve ☺️
ynleclerc: @/oscarpiastri fave brother 🏆✅
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 732,049 others
ynusername: a girl can have more than one favourite can’t she ❤️🧡
username37: imagine having four people in your life who adore you as much as these guys adore y/n
username38: it’s the all white coordination for me
carla.brocker: I thought that I was your fave 💔
ynleclerc: @/carla.brocker you are…it’s top secret
username39: I don’t think my heart can take anymore
arthur_leclerc: I guess we all just love you so much 😂
username40: the photo with charles omg
charles_leclerc: what can I say? I adore you little sis ❤️🥰
username41: the love between y/n and charles and lando is the sweetest
landonorris: I’ll happily be one of your favourites if it means getting to spend the rest of my life with you 🌸🧡
arthur_leclerc: @/landonorris 🤮🤮
ynleclerc: @/landonorris I can’t wait for forever with you!!
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liked by ynusername, danielricciardo and 1,492,503 others
landonorris: officially stole your girl…
charles_leclerc: I will never let you truly steal my little sister 😡
username42: you just can’t help yourself lando 😂
username43: waiting for the day a leclerc knocks lando out lmao
arthur_leclerc: sharing is caring lando norris!
ynleclerc: @/arthur_leclerc im a human not a pizza fyi 🙄
oscarpiastri: you really weren’t lying…mr steal your girl 👏🏻
username44: secretly charles is seething seeing this
alex_albon: that first photo looks like you’ve just been caught out by charles 😂
username45: still my favourite leclerc in the world 🌍
danielricciardo: congrats on cracking the leclercs!!
ynleclerc: you’re lucky I (and my brothers) love you so much 🧡 thank you for the best holiday 🌸
 ˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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dumplingsjinson · 8 months
List of “not-so-random suggestive and non-suggestive” prompts 
“How was your sleep?” “Mm.. It was good. Better.” “Better how?” “Better because you’re here.” (THE WAY I GOT SO FLUSTERED WTF)
“That’s my girl/boy,” Character B murmurs in a hushed voice, stroking their fingers through Character A’s hair while Character A rests their head on their chest, trying to catch their breath. (THE SCREAM I SCRUMPT INTERNALLY, THE AUDACITY HE AUDACITIED??? WHAT THE FUCK??? EXCUSEEEE MEEEEEE??? BTW, SIR, HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS IN THE MORNING-)
“Fuck, you turn me on so much with the noises you make,” Character B groans, thrusting their hips up into Character A’s and Character A whimpering softly at that. (Okay so I added the fuck at the start because it’s hotter this way bUTTTT WKGKSKFS PLSSSSS I JUST- OH MY GOD, I think I just realised that dialogue to me is SO IMPORTANT LMFAOOO)
“There are two hot things in this room right now: you, and the temperature.” (LET ME BREATHE, DAMNNNN) 
“Mmm, I’m gonna hog the bed so you can’t get on,” Character A murmurs, laying sprawled out on the bed. “That’s fine, I can just lay on you,” Character B says, making their way to the bed. “…Are you calling me a bed?” Character A questions as Character B gets on top of them, careful not to crush them under their weight. “Yeah, you're my bed,” Character B murmurs, snuggling close to Character A. (FUCKCKKCKXKDKKSKGKAKD HE’S JUST OUT HERE FLIRTING TO THE MAX WITH ME AND LEAVING ME SPEECHLESS TF)
“I told you my bed’s cozy,” Character B says, chuckling as they make their way over to Character A, who’s snuggled up under the covers. They pull the cover back and climb into the bed next to Character A, wrapping their arms around them. “And now it’s even cozier,” Character B murmurs into Character A’s neck. “Because you’re here?” Character A questions playfully. “Yeah,” Character B answers.
A laughter filled tickling play fight session somehow turning into them making out, turning into Character A straddling Character B, head thrown back in pleasure as they grind their hips against Character B’s while Character B holds onto their hips, thrusts matching the momentum of Character A’s movements.  
Spending way too much time tickling each other, peals of laughter coming from them both as they both try to attack each other’s sensitive spots. (His laughter is so cute AND I REALLY MISS HIM PLS WJDSK)
Morning cuddles and kisses as sunlight spills into the room.
“I’m gonna fuck you so good once we get there, yeah?” (MY HONEST REACTION WAS LITERALLY “???” I JUST?? WHAT?? SINCE WHEN WAS HE- AND HIM SWEARING? HOT HOT HOT HOT WKGKAKS)
Character A taking Character B’s hand into theirs while they’re driving. “You can drive with one hand, right?” they ask with a little grin, and Character B chuckles and nods. “Of course I can.” (HIM DRIVING WITH ONE HAND IS SO HOT BYE)
Character B guiding the speed of Character A’s hips as Character A grinds against them. (can he PLEASE manhandle me-)
“Okay, I’ll let you tickle me wherever you want if you give me one kiss.” (He lied a few times AHAHA, dodged my attacks instead after I gave him his kisses bruhhh) 
Character B lending their clothes to Character A since Character A’s staying the night. (The way I smelled like him AHHHH)
The soft “yeah?” Character B would mutter in response when they’re messing around with Character A and noises would fall from Character A’s mouth, involuntarily.
Stopping their play fight every now and again to kiss each other. 
Character B flirting with Character A and Character A not knowing how to respond other than half groaning and half laughing and calling them insufferable (affectionately). (Like I said, I’m romantically constipated-) 
Character B laughing every time Character A calls them annoying and insufferable whenever they flirt with them. 
Character A leaning in to kiss Character B… And then using that opportunity to tickle them when Character B’s guards are down. 
Them just laughing with each other at the dumbest shit until they’re out of breath; finding comfort and joy in each other’s company. 
Character A teasing Character B with how ticklish they are on certain spots. 
Character B tugging at the hem of Character A’s top, wanting to take it off, but Character A shakes their head and Character B immediately respects that by backing off a bit. (I’m including this because I don’t think people understand that any signs of no means no. Some people need to take notes for real)
“So… Are you going to stay over tonight?” “…Mm, maybe next time.” “You always say next time, though.” (EWLKNFWELN He really wanted me to stay, and I clearly folded so um pwnfewklnf) 
“I’m sorry if I’m like… Slow with all of this? I’m not experienced with any of this, and I don’t know what I’m doing. And I don’t think I’m ready for… You know.” “And that’s fine. Like I said, we’ll take it slow; we’ve got all the time in the world to get comfortable with each other, hm?” (WHEN I SAY I WAS GOING WEKJFNEWJKNEWFLN WHEN HE REASSURED ME, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AHHH)
Character B climbing back into bed after taking their morning shower to get more cuddles in with Character A before they have to go to work.
“You can just change in here if you want.” (WO4HKLWFN THIS FUCKING MAN LMFAOOO, the way I didn’t listen and went to the bathroom to change because I’m still feeling too embarrassed to change in front of him even though he’s kind of seen me topless before)
Hugging each other a little tighter, and Character A mumbling, “God, I really don’t want to leave” before they part ways.
“The way you keep running around in my mind everyday… How dare you?” Character A mumbles. “Well, is there a problem with that?” Character B questions with a chuckle. (I’m bold for this one, praise me LKNEFKLNWG)
The constant check ins from Character B, to make sure Character A’s all good and well. (every prompt list has this because it’s something I’ll always fucking harp on about lmao)
Character B grasping Character A’s wrists so they’d stop attacking their ticklish spots, pulling them in for a kiss instead. (He did this SO MANY TIMES AND FAILED SO MANY TIMES AHAHA, I’m a sneaky menace) 
Character A pulling the Spiderman kiss on Character B while Character B’s lying down. (I WANNA KISS HIM MORE FUCKSLKFNES’F)
Character A waking up in Character B’s clothes and in their bed, hair all mussed up and sporting a faint mark on their neck. (I think I uh… I think I like having marks on my neck?? Made by him, specifically, IDK wpeofnew;nf)
Get home safe! Love you lots and lots, Character B texts Character A. (THE WAY I SMILED WHEN I SAW HIS TEXT WHILE HEADING TO THE STATION AHAHA, it wasn’t even ten minutes since we parted and he sent me this and I was fangirling about it to my friends AHAHA) 
“Aren’t you going to get up now? You gotta get to work,” Character A says, poking Character B’s side. “Mmm, five more minutes,” Character B murmurs, pulling Character A closer to them. (HE’S SO CLINGY AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH AHDFOEKNF)
Character A realising they might actually be falling in love, slowly but surely, with Character B. (YEAH SO THIS IS A REVELATION AND A HALF AND IDK HOW TO FEEL ABOUT IT) 
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