#wynn lullaby
heartheadedcomic · 3 days
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rubyfunkey · 1 month
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"Penny is My Best Friend"
I've been wanting to make some comics about Ryn and Penny + Hero for a while so here's a little break in between main comic stuff :p
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onlybeeewrites · 5 months
Meadow's Lullaby
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Requests: Yes!
Pairing: Sejanus Plinth x fem!reader, onesided Coriolanus x reader, platonic Lucy Gray x reader
Warnings: none, this is a fluffy one....for now :)
Word count: 1.3K
The Valley Song Series: Part 1 <- -> Part 3
Author's Note: You guys are literally so amazing??? Thank you so much for showing your love for The Valley Song. I came up with this idea and direction so hopefully you all enjoy it. Thank you, lovies! Also once again, because I love Maiah Wynne, the music below is what the reader plays :)) Also this was just so much fun to write
You were a lot shyer than Lucy Gray. That was one of the first things that came to Coriolanus' mind as he watched Lucy Gray pull you over as the performance ended for the night. Maude Ivory had taken your old wooden guitar from you as the rest of the Covey put their instruments away and gathered all the donations from around the Hob.
Your shy and bashful nature had intrigued Coriolanus greatly, but it had with Sejanus as well. He could tell so as his...friend's face got more pink in his cheeks as you neared. A curiosity in his eyes as you neared.
"Y/N, It is finally time for you to meet my boy, Coriolanus Snow. And this is his fine friend, Sejanus," Lucy Gray had introduced them. Her boy, he thought to himself with great distaste. Coriolanus did not belong to anyone, and his little songbird counted. He was not one to be owned. He owned others.
"Y/N here is my older cousin. Just by a year though so it ain't nothing fancy." Lucy Gray said with a laugh, causing you to shyly roll your eyes at your cousin's words. It was clear this wasn't the first time this was brought up in any sort of conversation.
"A pleasure to meet you, Y/N" Coriolanus said with a charming smile and a nod as Lucy Gray let go of her cousin's hand and moved to step beside Coryo, her arm going around his waist.
You gave him a bit of a shy smile as you gave him a nod, "The pleasure is all mine, Coriolanus. I cannot thank you enough for bringing my cousin back to us. I owe you," you chuckled. And even your chuckle was like soft wind chimes; soft.
Sejanus could not help but look to you in some sort of admiration. Even by the look in your eyes, you were gentle kind, and compassionate. Even after all you had been through with losing your family, singing for your dinners, almost losing your cousin...you were still kind. Almost like him.
Your eyes moved to look at him and you could feel your face heating up. He was beautiful. Almost too beautiful, especially to be somewhere like here in District Twelve. You couldn't help but wonder what he had done to be sent there.
"Pleasure to meet you Sejanus.." You say after a moment of almost staring at each other, realizing the silence may have gone on for a little bit too long. In the corner of your eye, you see your cousin smirking at you, glancing up at Coryo as if she had planned this sort of meeting all along.
"Trust me....the pleasure is all mine. You were uh...you were amazing up there by the way," Sejanus said nervously, though the smile stayed on his face.
The bashful smile returned to your lips at his almost too-kind words. "Why thank you. I don't sing on my own very often so I'm pleased you enjoyed it,"
Lucy Gray grinned before remembering. "Oh! I almost forgot. The Covey, we're all making a trip out tomorrow. You both should join us!" she offered.
Coriolanus and Sejanus both shared a look. They both had nothing else to do. So after a moment of sharing a look, Coriolanus smiled slightly and nodded, "We'd love to,"
Lucy Gray almost squealed with excitement, "Oh perfect. You boys are going to love it. Coryo, come by our house by mornin', alright? We'll see you both tomorrow," she said with a grin, taking your hand and rushing back towards the rest of the covey.
You turned and gave them both one last wave and smile before being pulled backstage, leaving the two boys in almost awe: Sejanus being more obvious.
"I can't wait for tomorrow," Sejanus sighed.
When tomorrow finally came, the two boys made it to the small Covey home on the edge of the Seam. And by an hour after sunrise, you all started the hike up to the lake. You lingered behind talking with Barb Azure, listening to Maude Ivory singing and Lucy speaking with Coryo. Halfway through you lingered back, falling back in step with Sejanus.
After hours of hiking, you all made it to the lake and set your things down. The heat was seemingly unbearable, and many of the covey found their way to the lake, aching to cool off their skin with the cold water.
You decided to join them later. Moving to settle under one of the nearby trees, you fixed your old dress before pulling your guitar onto your lap. Your delicate fingers started to string along to the song that Lucy Gray would sing whenever anyone had any nightmares.
As you played you failed to see Sejanus, who was about to join the others in the water before spotting you on your own. He didn't think twice before he made his way over to you, taking a seat a little next to you.
You looked up in surprise, pausing the strumming of the delicate cords. "Sejanus. Sorry, I didn't hear you coming," you add with a smile, flattered and almost happy that out of everything, he wanted to come and sit with you.
"Well I saw you were on your own, figured you could use some company," he used as an excuse, feeling his face warm; though with the heat of the day, it was hard to tell the difference. "What were you playing? I sounded pretty," he then asked.
"Oh, it was just some music I wrote for one of Lucy Gray's songs. She calls it Deep in the Meadow. She usually sings it when Maude Ivory has a nightmare or trouble sleeping. I figured I could add some music to help," you explain, looking at him, flushing as you realize that he never once had taken his eyes off you.
And how beautiful his eyes were. You could see the kindness and admiration, they were captivating and warm. And it all caused a fluttering within your stomach.
"You wrote that all yourself?" He asked in amazement, and as you nodded he gave a small whistle, "That is incredible....could you play something else you wrote?" he asked hopefully before he quickly added in what seemed to be panic, "Of course, you don't have to if you don't want to, I just...your playing is beautiful.."
His words made you grow flustered, but you gave out a small laugh. Something about him allowed you to feel comfortable where you had never felt comfortable before. There were very few people outside the covey that you would do this with, Sejanus may have just been the quickest that you allowed.
"No...no, I don't mind," you quickly reassured him before playing another song you had written, leaving the capital boy silent as he admired the music you had created.
As you both were having your moment, playing him your music, neither of you was aware of the pale eyes that were watching from the water. Coriolanus felt his jaw clench at the sight of them, how Sejanus was able to chat you up about whatever it was.
What were you both talking about? He hated that he didn't know, that he wasn't in the loop, that he couldn't control whatever it was that came from Sejanus' mouth.
Lucy Gray gently climbing onto his back, wrapping her arms around him to keep afloat snapped him out of his thoughts.
"I think they'd make a mighty fine couple, wouldn't you say?" she asked, rather pleased with her match-making skills. Coriolanus on the other hand, wasn't as pleased. But regardless he nodded.
"Hm. She seems a fine match for Sejanus." A fine match was the nicest thing he could come up with as he stared at the few figures underneath the tree.
A fine match with Sejanus would be enough for you now, but he wondered how fine it would be when trouble would eventually find its way back around.
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ohwynne · 2 months
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When Wynne asked if she had anything to give to Regan, Jade considered passing. After all, they parted ways forever, right? No hard feelings. Regan was adamant there would be no other way to reach her, refusing to disclose the address where banshees got their correspondence. This was breaking the rules, so to speak. And Jade loved breaking dumb rules, but she always respected Regan’s decision over everything.
But there was still conflict in Jade’s heart, so she consulted with her cats over the following days. Concluding, thanks to Lullaby’s wise input, that she couldn’t pass up on the opportunity to reach out. Except, she had nothing to give Regan, nothing she hadn’t already taken with her. More consulting was needed for Jade to have her lightbulb moment. See, there wasn’t a thing Regan needed from her currently, not with Wynne and Elias going after her. But in the future, maybe, possibly, if something came up and minds suddenly changed (as unlikely as that was to ever happen), she wanted Regan to know where she stood. 
Jade figured a change of mind wouldn’t be enough for Regan’s stubborn ass to leave Ireland and what she believed to be her duty behind. No, Jade knew she’d try to make it work, somehow. No matter how miserable she felt. So Jade wanted to give Regan a hand, all the way from Wicked’s Rest, on the chance that Regan felt like her own desires didn’t matter enough to tip the scales. Regan had always been a little weak for Jade’s big-brained logic, hadn’t she? So she ended up handing Wynne a small envelope before they left for Ireland. The outside read: “Break in case of emergency”, and then below, “DO NOT break. OPEN” for Regan and Wynne’s more literal brains.
If Regan were to ever open the envelope, she’d find… a letter. It starts with a dramatic opening, “Regan. Hey…if you are reading this it means [del: I‘m]… things are not looking good”.
“Things might be super mega bad, right now, actually. And I know you wanna stick to your guns, I know you think there’s a way to turn this around and make it work. A last-second 3-pointer that’s gonna fix it all and make your granny cheer (I watched Space Jam, I think that’s how basketball works). I almost wanna believe in you, cause that’s all I do. But please… hear me out. Ireland isn’t the end of it. You can do what you must do here. I should’ve said it. You should’ve stayed. I wanted you to. But that’s not why I’m writing to you. I want you to stop thinking about everyone else but yourself. You are a person too. [del:You’re my] But if you can’t think about you, think about me, okay? You enjoy doing that a lot too.” 
The message is followed by a list titled: “69 reasons why we should be together (number 69 will make your jaw drop)”. Jade started the list months before Ireland was even on the horizon, back when Regan was still pretending there was nothing going on between them. She never planned on finishing it, cause she got the girl, but desperate times called for desperate measures. 
The list… is a bit of a mess. Parts heartfelt, part inside jokes, the numbers are not in order, cause, why would they, it’s Jade? Number 12 talks about both of them being nosy, which totally means they would have all the tea about the town, followed by Number 36, a simple “We can share clothes”. Number 20 is “You need someone to watch whales decompose with, I happen to have my Google alerts on”. Number 69 is just a winky face, but number 66 says, “bog sex might happen”. Number 17 mentions how opposites attract, while Number 18 points out that they’re more similar than either wants to admit. Number 52 is “We’d never run out of things to talk about”. Number 47 is “Porcupines deserve to be held too, in fact, they might need it more than others”. Number 10 reads, “Chemistry that should be studied in a lab, actually”, and Number 2, “I’d give up on hearing music for the rest of my life if that meant hearing your voice whisper my name again”.
At the bottom of the list, there’s Number 1, and it says: “I love you, and you love me. That’s not changing in this lifetime. So not doing something about it? Super irresponsible”
The letter ends with,
“Prove me right”. 
Wynne has taken the envelope to Ireland and has not opened or broken it, even if there were some emergencies. The letter is left in Regan’s clinic, as mentioned in Dead End.
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nobodys-saviour · 2 months
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in a parallel universe, or another world, or a different life
(a dawnbreaker playlist) | spotify
lives for the memory / a woman who's just in his head (she - harry styles) | cold sheets, oh, where's my love? / I am searching high / i'm searching low in the night (where's my love - syml) | needing you now to come into me / feeling it slow, over this dream (heavenly - cigarettes after sex) | after all this time, it turns out all you found / is one more love out to break your heart (one more love song - mac de marco) | i've been awake in every state line / dying to make it last a lifetime (state lines - novo amor) | oh my life is fallin' apart / maybe no one will notice if i disappear / but i'll pray for you all the time (seasons - wave to earth) | i'd put the piece in your backyard / in hopes to be enough for you to stay (j's lullaby (darlin i'd wait for you) - delaney bailey) | i was good at feeling nothing, now i'm hopeless (halley's comet - billie eilish) | this world, it's dark / this world, it's scary / i've taken some hits, so no wonder i'm wary / it's why i need you (pure as the driven snow - maiah wynne)
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you should listen to The Valley Song by Maiah Wynne :) gives vibes of something you’d enjoy
oh yeah that is totally my vibe
folksy acoustic with a somewhat melancholy feel my beloved
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smalltownfae · 2 years
Favourite Opening Lines:
“He came one late, wet spring, and brought the wide world back to my doorstep.” - Fool’s Errand by Robin Hobb
“In the land of Ingary, where such things as seven-league boots and cloaks of invisibility really exist, it is quite a misfortune to be born the eldest of three.” - Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
“I lost an arm on my last trip home.” - Kindred by Octavia E. Butler
“No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream.” - The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
“Let’s start with the end of the world, why don’t we?” - The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
“The  unicorn lived in a lilac wood, and she lived all alone.” - The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.” - The Hobbit by J.R. R. Tolkien
“I’ll make my report as if I told a story, for I was taught as a child on my homeworld that Truth is a matter of the imagination.” - The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
“Marley was dead, to begin with.” - A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.” - A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Favourite Ending Lines:
Careful with spoilers.
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” - Animal Farm by George Orwell (Name a more iconic ending. You can’t.)
“If Hundreds Hall is haunted, however, it’s ghost doesn’t show itself to me. For I’ll turn, and am disappointed –  realising that what I am looking at is only a cracked window-pane, and that the face gazing distortedly from it, baffled and longing, is my own.” - The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters (Killer reveal)
“Oh,Constance,” I said, “we are so happy.” - We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson (this has the same effect on me as the ending of the movie Midsommer)
“I When they entered, they found hanging upon the wall a splendid portrait of their master as they had last seen him, in all the wonder of his exquisite youth and beauty. Lying on the floor was a dead man, in evening dress, with a knife in his heart. He was withered, wrinkled, and loathsome of visage. It was not till they had examined the rings that they recognized who it was.” - The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
“In the darkness, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood, like a hundred golden urns pouring out the sun.” - The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
“Wolves have no Kings.” - Royal Assassin / “We dream of carving our dragon.” - Assassin’s Quest / “She settled into it and continued towards her destiny.” - The Mad Ship / “The past is no further away than the last breath you took.” - Fool’s Errand / “Perhaps having the courage to find a better path is having the courage to risk making new mistakes.” - The Golden Fool (all by Robin Hobb)
“Hoping that this time it will remain a lullaby. That this time the wind will not hear. That this time – please just this once – it will leave without us.” - Chocolat by Joanne Harris
“And Cat, though he was still a little lonely and tearful, managed to laugh too.” - Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones
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godofsmallthings · 5 months
btw. if u even care.
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cullenakingirog · 1 year
OC Theme Song - Main WS Edition
Tagged by @alienturnipp​
I decided to focus on my main WS OCs first so the next time this goes around I could focus on my other worldstates.
Paraluman Surana - Liwanag sa Dilim by Yeng Constantino
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Ituring ang iyong sariling tagahawi ng ulap Sa kalangitang kulimlim Kampanang yayanig sa bawat nilalang Magigising ang lupang kulang sa dilig Ikaw ang magsasabing, "Kaya mo 'to" Tulad ng isang tanglaw sa gitna ng bagyo Isigaw mo sa hangin, tumindig at magsilbing Liwanag, liwanag sa dilim Harapin mong magiting ang bagong awitin Ikaw ang liwanag sa dilim
Liwanag sa Dilim translates to Light in the Dark. It’s a song of hope and with Paraluman, it fits her role in the story quite well.
Though hesitant with taking the lead, Paraluman eventually grows into her role as a leader and even encourages hope among others in any way she can. From promising Jowan his chance to escape to Redcliffe and even in Broken Circle where she tells Wynne of a chance to avoid annulling the circle, she keeps trying to find slivers of hope that would spell their success or even just their survival.
Liwanag sa Dilim makes use of a tune that just keeps trying to pull you up which is how Paraluman’s character arc also fits. She often tries to give hope to others and throughout the story, she also starts growing as a person, seeing herself as deserving of a better life and a different fate. 
Benedicta Alejandra Hawke y Amell - Ikaw ang Aking Mahal by Regine Velasquez
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Ang buhay ko ay sadyang ganito Pira-pirasong mga alaala 'Di ko mabatid kung ano ang totoo Tadhana'y mailap at 'di na ako makakilos Ako'y nauubos ito na ba ang buhay kong taglay
Nang ako'y nawalan ng pag-asa Nagpakita ka at ako'y biglang nangarap Na ikaw na ang magsasalba sa akin
Maari bang ako'y iyong yakapin Maari bang ako'y iyong hagkan Ikaw ang lahat para sa'kin Ikaw na ba ang pag-ibig na naghihintay Maari bang huwag ka ng lumisan Maari bang huwag mo na akong saktan Ikaw ang lahat para sa'kin Ikaw ang aking mahal
To translate, the song is about someone who had grown used to a life where they were treated unfairly and how fate seems like it’s evading them and how they can’t move and that their very being is just running out. The person wonders if this is the life they will have to lead whether they like it or not. 
Until they met someone who made them dream and hope that this person they met could save them.
The third verse is the person asking if they could be embraced or kissed. How this person they met is everything to them and how the person singing is wondering if this person they met is the love they were waiting for. The singer continues with pleas for the person they met not to leave them, for this person they met not to hurt them before reiterating how they are everything to the singer and that this person is their love.
This fits Benedicta all too well who gave up so much to help and be a filial child to their family at the cost of their health, their dreams and everything else. It wasn’t until they got to Kirkwall and met Anders, Varric, Fenris, etc. that they had people reminding them to put themself first aside from Carver.
Ikaw Ang Aking Mahal stands in for Benedicta’s plea that the people they grew to love in Kirkwall do not hurt them and that they would stay with them during a time they needed most.
Dalisay Kato Bagwisan - Sa Ugoy ng Duyan by Ice Seguerra
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Sana'y di magmaliw ang dati kong araw Nang munti pang bata sa piling ni nanay Nais kong maulit ang awit ni inang mahal Awit ng pag-ibig habang ako'y nasa duyan
Sa Ugoy ng Duyan. To The Cradle’s Rocking. This song is about the singer reminiscing the days where they were in their cradle and expressing a wistful desire to return to those days. It’s a lullaby that I liked singing along to, listening to and back then, listening to my mother sing to me. It was often soft and sweet, almost dreamy and the whole song just fits Dalisay.
Dalisay had been traumatised by the circle she ended up in, she had seen and experienced things she shouldn’t have had to. Because of that, Dalisay for a time just wants to go back to the simpler times of her youth where she didn’t have to be scared and where she was more eager with meeting people outside of her immediate family. Not only that but the song also fits this soft wistful tone I like thinking Dalisay does tend to have and even speak with.
Ginoong/Atubang Mahalina Kato Bagwisan - Nyebe by SB19
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'Di ko na alam ang aking gagawin pa Ako'y kuntento na basta alam kong tayo'y humihinga pa Sa dami ng pinagdaanan ay hindi ko na Alam kung paano pa ba ako magiging masaya
Nyebe is a song that hits with talking about loneliness and anxiety and so many other emotions that would need comfort and gives you that comfort. I decided to use this for Mahalina as a way to nod to his grief about losing his best friends but also it speaks of how he began feeling throughout Inquisition. He does his duty as a leader of the group but he knows he doesn’t belong in any of these circles, he just wanted to go back home, raise his daughters and be with his mother. He loves Cassandra but he wouldn’t force her to go back to his home with him. Cassandra does eventually tell him she wants to see his home and they do eventually get married to each other but when the relationship was starting, he didn’t want to risk anything.
It became this numbing cold feeling that he pushes past or tries to live with that finally thawed and faded away when he and Dalisay decided to dissolve the Inquisition. He spent two years away from his home and people, his small contingent of Clan Bagwisan members spent two years away from family. They just wanted to go back at the end. 
Nyebe fits this as Mahalina’s homesickness is there but also his way of missing loved ones could be used to appear in the lyrics too and since he normally appears so sure and unshakeable to his people, the line of “I know it’s impossible/But why is snow falling?” fits cause this feeling is basically uncharted and never felt until now for him save for his grief.
Himagsikan Marikit Kato Magsumakit - Sabel by Ben&Ben
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Sinubukan ka nilang pilayin Sinubukan ka nilang patahimikin Akala ba nila, hahayaan mo sila? Hindi na Sinubukan nga akong sirain Katotohana'y sinubukang baliktarin Akala ba nila, hahayaan ko sila? Hindi na
This song has English subs and it’s perfect for Himagsikan due to the song about how “Sabel” had been mistreated and put down. The first two verses translate to “They tried to cripple you/They tried to silence you/Did they think you would let them?/Not anymore” and “They tried to ruin me/They tried to twist the truth/Did they think I would let them?/Not anymore” which fits in with Himagsikan’s story so well due to the fact that prior to being recruited for DA4, that was what happened with Himagsikan. They had a rigged trial, their father tried to take away all their power and rights and Himagsikan didn’t bend or waiver in their stance.
Sabel encompasses the determination of Himagsikan’s character and their strength to keep going despite the constant shit they had to deal with that led to their title being stripped from them.
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heartheadedcomic · 6 days
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rubyfunkey · 4 days
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warm-up wynn and warm-up wynn jr
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onlybeeewrites · 5 months
The Valley Song
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Requested: nope, I just wanted to write this
TW: just Coriolanus’ being himself.
Pairing: possible Coriolanus x reader, Sejanus x reader, Lucy gray x platonic!reader
Authors note: Listen to this for the story. I imagine this is what the reader sounds like when singing <3, I’m also changing the lore a little to the reader wrote the valley song to fit the story :)
The Valley Song Series: Part 2 -> Part 3
The Hob was filled with people as usual. The crowd of people made the heat even more unbearable, but everyone arrived to hear the Covey preform as always. The summer heat caused sweat to drip down everyone’s faces, but no one seemed to mind as they awaited the Covery to preform.
Drinks were being passed sound eagerly as the members of the district awaited the sound of the music and voices that allowed them to escape just for a few hours.
Coriolanus Snow stood towards the back of the Hob, Sejanus by his side as they spoke to his bunkmates, what were their names? Smiley and Bug. Such stupid names, Coriolanus thought he to himself as he leaned against the back, unsecured wall of the hob.
It wasn’t always his first idea of what to do in their night off, but then again they were in District Twelve…there wasn’t much to do to begin with.
Coriolanus’ attention was turned back to the stage as eager whoops and applause filled the Hob as Lucy Gray and the rest of the Covey made their way on stage.
With their clothes and make up, the girls had flowers entangled in their hair. It made it seem like they had rolled around in a field before coming up on stage. It was intriguing, but very much district, and it made Coriolanus internally scowl.
The covey continued to play for a few hours, rotating songs and singers. Giving each other a break, Maude Ivory sang for a while before Lucy Gray returned. Of course she held the audience in a captivated gaze at the sound of her voice.
Coriolanus and the other off duty peacekeepers were no exception as she twirled around the stage with her black guitar in hand. It was a sight, certainly one that would make her plenty of money if she came with him back to the capital. She would make a pretty capital girl, once she was cleaned up and better fed at least, Coriolanus thought.
The end of the night was winding down, and everyone was exhausted from the dancing over the last few hours. Lucy Gray panted softly before approaching the microphone once more.
“District Twelve ya’ll have been amazing as always,” she said with the biggest grin, like it was a privilege to be preforming at the Hob in the lowest district in Panem.
“And just before we go for the night we got a special treat. My cousin Y/N Rose Baird! She got an awful special song for y’all tonight to finish us off.. y/n!” Lucy gray turned and beckoned her cousin up front.
A girl, maybe not much older than Lucy Gray, maybe a year or two stepped up wearing a pink blouse and off white skirt, her hair was done half up, help of what looked like baby’s breath through her hair.
Coriolanus’ eyes widened a bit at the side of her, the soft rouge on her cheeks and pink on her lips. It was soft. Not harsh make up like Lucy gray had worn, but very little.
“Oh wow…” he heard Sejanus’ voice beside him, and for a moment he had completely forgotten he was there, “she’s beautiful,”
Sejanus was right though. This Y/N Rose was beautiful. Even from the way that she held the old brown guitar in her hands, everything about her intrigued him. The softness in her eyes and expression. Glancing around the room, he felt a hot jealously spring through him as he saw many of the other men looking at her the same way.
They didn’t deserve to look at you that way. You were too gentle, too soft and vulnerable. He could tell by just looking at you. The shy way you were glancing around the room. You preferred the background, and he liked that.
Lucy gray was always upfront, bold. Abrasive. But that wasn’t you. You weren’t like your cousin, who had killed in the games, you would never hurt anyone. And you needed protecting. He could do that.
“Thank y’all for comin’” Y/N’s voice rang into the microphone and he couldn’t help but stare. In the corner of his eye he could see Sejanus almost making heart eyes.
“This is a song I wrote a little while ago. Lost someone as we all have. Hope y’all like it,” she said nervously before she gently began to strum the guitar in her hands. One note after another. Then she began to sing.
“Down in the valley, valley so low,
Late in the evening, hear the train blow.
The train, love, hear the train blow.
Late in the evening, hear the train blow.”
Coriolanus felt like he was in a trance as she began to sing. Her voice was soft and airy, almost shy. It was so different to Lucy Gray. Though his mind snapped out of his thoughts as Lucy Gray found her way over to him with a grin.
“Hi! Good ain’t she?” She asked happily, rather proud of her cousin.
“Good isn’t the word for it,” Sejanus said, his cheek flushing a bit as he looked from Lucy Gray back to the stage.
Coriolanus cleared his throat, “yes, she’s quite good. But most of the Covey is,” he said, listening as Y/N continued.
“Go build me a mansion, build it so high,
So I can see my true love go by.
See him go by, love, see him go by.
So I can see my true love go by.”
“She was always shyer than most,” Lucy Gray said, “prefers the background. But I couldn’t let her not sing this one,” she said, and it make Coriolanus think….who was it about? Was this recent?
“Go write a letter, send it by mail.
Bake it and stamp it to the Capitol jail.
Capitol jail, love, to the Capitol jail.”
“Who is it about?” Coriolanus asked, he couldn’t help himself.
Lucy gray let out a small sigh, “someone she was with about a year ago. He was the bakers son. Honestly I never seen someone so smitten before,” she said fondly, remembering how Y/N was with the boy before shaking her head,
“but he got himself into some bad trouble with the peacekeepers. Attempted to bribe one of the commanders. They thought he was all involved with the rebels and then he was sent off to the capital jail. Never seen someone so heart broken before.” Lucy gray shook her head, her messy black curls moving as she did so.
“But anyway, she wrote this a while ago. But just finished coming up with the music. I think it’s a hit with the district. Many people lost a lot of loved ones. For things like stealing and illegal trading,” she finished explaining.
“Roses are red, love; violets are blue.
Birds in the heavens know I love you.
Know I love you, oh, know I love you,
Birds in the heavens know I love you.”
Coriolanus’ head snapped back as she continued to sing the last verses of her song. It reminded him of his mother, she would sing those same lines to him. And it made his stomach flutter. Nerves? Anxiety? He couldn’t tell.
Sejanus cleared his throat, “Lucy Gray….do you think you could introduce us?” He asked hopefully, and Lucy Gray gave a knowing grin.
“Why of course. Once the crowd clears,” Lucy Gray said.
Coriolanus couldn’t help but internally scoff at Sejanus. What could he do for a sweet shy girl like you? Sejanus was just as weak. You needed someone to protect you, who knew better. Sejanus couldn’t do that to you. But Coriolanus could. And he wouldn’t lose to someone like Sejanus.
His pale eyes moved from Sejanus as the crowd erupted into applause, and watched as Y/N gave a bashful smile and a cute little bow.
He couldn’t lose you to anyone.
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sonyclasica · 12 days
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El famoso violonchelista HAUSER desvela el videoclip de “Slavonic Dance,” incluido en el álbum ‘CLASSIC II,’ que debutó en el #1 de la lista de Clásico de Billboard.
Consíguelo AQUÍ
Mira el vídeo AQUÍ
Con una vibrante y cautivadora interpretación al violonchelo de “Slavonic Dance”, HAUSER impregna la composición con su característica mezcla de energía, ingenio y precisión rítmica. El vídeo, que tiene como impresionante telón de fondo su Croacia natal, capta la profundidad emocional del tema.  MÍRALO AQUÍ.
CLASSIC II muestra el excepcional talento de HAUSER a través de una meticulosa selección de las melodías más emblemáticas de la música clásica. HAUSER ha colaborado con la prestigiosa Orquesta Sinfónica de Londres, bajo la dirección de Robert Ziegler, para crear 18 inolvidables interpretaciones con nuevos y reveladores arreglos, y ofrecer así una experiencia musical trascendental. El vídeo de la «Sinfonía nº 2 de Rachmaninoff» muestra la maravillosa interpretación de HAUSER del clásico con el violonchelo, acompañado por una orquesta, dando vida al tema:  MÍRALO AQUÍ.  Desde composiciones de inquietante belleza hasta estimulantes obras maestras, CLASSIC II invita a los oyentes a embarcarse en un viaje a través de los tesoros atemporales de la música clásica.
Tras el lanzamiento del álbum, el tema central “Rapsodia sobre un tema de Paganini” obtuvo un codiciado puesto en la lista de reproducción de novedades clásicas de Spotify, consolidando aún más la posición de HAUSER como figura destacada en la escena de la música clásica.
Con una creciente base de fans que supera los 1.000 millones de streams de audio y los 4.000 millones de reproducciones de vídeo en todo el mundo, HAUSER seguirá asombrando al público con su primera gira en solitario por EE. UU. esta primavera, que comenzará el 31 de mayo en el Hard Rock Live de Hollywood, FL. La gira incluye paradas en escenarios emblemáticos como el Carnegie Hall de Nueva York (¡con entradas agotadas!), el Ravinia Festival de Chicago, el Ryman Auditorium de Nashville y el Orpheum Theatre de Los Ángeles.
Las entradas para la gira estadounidense 2024 de HAUSER ya están disponibles aquí: HAUSERofficial.com/event-directory.
Albinoni Adagio 
Mozart Piano Concerto No. 23
Rachmaninoff Symphony No. 2
Slavonic Dance 
Kiss The Rain 
Song to the Moon (from Rusalka) 
Una Furtiva Lagrima 
Pathétique Sonata
Adagio d'Amore
Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini 
Postlude No. 3 
Vie, 31 de mayo de 2024 - Hollywood, FL - Hard Rock Live 
Sáb, 1 de junio de 2024 - Clearwater, FL - Ruth Eckerd Hall 
Dom, 2 de junio de 2024 - Orlando, FL - Walt Disney Theater 
Martes, 4 de junio de 2024 - Virginia Beach, VA - Sandler Center 
Mié, 5 de junio de 2024 - Washington, DC - Teatro Warner 
Jueves, 6 de junio de 2024 - Nueva York, NY - Carnegie Hall 
Sáb, 8 de junio de 2024 -Toronto, ON - Massey Hall 
Dom, 9 de junio de 2024 - Detroit, MI - Fisher Theatre 
Martes, 11 de junio de 2024 - Indianápolis, IN - Teatro Murat 
Jueves, 13 de junio de 2024 - Minneapolis, MN - State Theatre 
Vie, 14 de junio de 2024 - Chicago, IL - Festival Ravinia 
Sáb, 15 de junio de 2024 - Nashville, TN - Ryman Auditorium 
Lun, 17 de junio de 2024 - Dallas, TX - AT&T Performing Arts Center 
Martes, 18 de junio de 2024 - Austin, TX - Bass Concert Hall 
Jueves, 20 de junio de 2024 - Denver, CO - Paramount Theatre 
Vie, 21 de junio de 2024 - Salt Lake City, UT - Eccles Theater 
Sáb, 22 de junio de 2024 - Las Vegas, NV - Wynn Las Vegas - Encore Theater 
Dom, 23 de junio de 2024 - Costa Mesa, CA - Segerstrom Center for the Arts 
Martes, 25 de junio de 2024 - Phoenix, AZ - Mesa Arts Center 
Jueves, 27 de junio de 2024 - Los Angeles, CA - Orpheum Theatre 
Vie, 28 de junio de 2024 - Saratoga, CA - The Mountain Winery 
Sáb, 29 de junio de 2024 - Oakland, CA - Fox Theater  
Dom 30 de junio de 2024 - Temecula, CA - Pechanga Resort & Casino  
Viernes 12 de abril de 2024 - Brisbane, Australia - Brisbane Entertainment Centre 
Sábado 13 de abril de 2024 - Sydney, Australia - Qudos Bank Arena 
Miércoles 17 de abril de 2024 - Auckland, New Zealand - Spark Arena 
Viernes 19 de abril de 2024 - Melbourne, Australia - Rod Laver Arena 
Sábado 20 de abril de 2024 - Perth, Australia - RAC Arena 
Mié, 24 de abril de 2024 - Osaka, Japón - Centro Internacional de Convenciones de Osaka (Grand Cube) 
Jueves, 25 de abril de 2024 - Tokio, Japón - Foro Internacional de Tokio Sala A 
Sáb, 27 de abril de 2024 - Tokio, Japón - NHK Hall 
Martes, 30 de abril de 2024 – Taipei, Taiwan – Taipei Music Center 
Vie, 16 de mayo de 2024 - Dubái, Emiratos Árabes Unidos - Ópera de Dubái 
Sáb, 17 de mayo de 2024 - Dubái, Emiratos Árabes Unidos - Ópera de Dubái 
Sábado 6 de julio de 2024 - Passariano, Italia - Villa Manin 
Martes, 9 de julio de 2024 - Tartu, Estonia - Tartu Lauluväljak 
Mié, 10 de julio de 2024 - Sigulda, Letonia - Castillo De La Orden De Livonia 
Jueves, 11 de julio de 2024 - Vilna, Lituania - Kalnų parkas 
Sáb, 13 de julio de 2024 - Bucarest, Rumanía - Las Arenas Romanas 
Dom, 14 de julio de 2024 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria - Teatro Antiguo 
Lun, 15 de julio, 2-24 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria - Teatro Antiguo 
Mié, 17 de julio de 2024 - Ratisbona, Alemania - Thurn und Taxis Schlossfestspiele 
Dom, 21 de julio de 2024 - Łódź, Polonia - Atlas Arena 
Mié, 24 de julio de 2024 - Nitra, Eslovaquia - Anfiteatro 
Vie, 26 de julio de 2024 - Kroměříž, Chequia - Palacio Arzobispal de Kroměříž 
Sáb, 27 de julio de 2024 - Kroměříž, Chequia - Palacio Arzobispal de Kroměříž 
Jue, 1 de agosto de 2024 - Sitges, España - Jardins de Terramar 
Sábado 3 de agosto de 2024 – Murcia, España – Festival Murcia On 
Domingo 4 de agosto de 2024 - Chiclana de la Frontera, España – Concert Music Festival 
Miércoles 7 de agosto de 2024 – Marbella, España – Starlite Marbella 
Miércoles 14 de agosto de 2024 - Estambul, Turquía - Maximum UNIQ Outdoor 
Sábado 17 de agosto de 2024 – Antalya, Turquía - Aspendos Theater
Miércoles 11 de septiembre de 2024 - Thessaloniki, Grecia - Earth Theatre
Viernes 13 de septiembre de 2024 – Athina, Grecia - Anfiteatro Lycabettus
0 notes
dominiquethomas · 5 months
Bitch I’m so solid, cut my wrist you gon' see concrete
Albums : 
Veeze - GANGER
Freeze Corleone - ADC
Soft Kill - Metta World Peace
Olivia Rodrigo - GUTS
bar italia - Tracey Denim
Butter Bullets - JAZZ
Paris Texas - MID AIR
Subjxct 5 - AM/PM
Sexyy Red - Hood Hottest Princess (Deluxe)
EBK Jaaybo - Sinners Prayer
Morceaux : 
Shygirl - Shlut (feat. Sevdaliza)
Freeze Corleone - Kpop
Charli XCX - Speed Drive
Rae Sremmurd - Not So Bad
Soft Kill - Paranoid (feat. Evil Pimp)
OT7Quanny - Run The Hood (feat. Leaf Ward & NR Boor)
Sexyy Red - Shake Yo Dreads
Olivia Rodrigo - get him back!
M Huncho - g.a.b.o.s
bar Italia - punkt
KrispyLife Kidd - Gall Dept (feat. RMC Mike)
Tropa do Bruxo - Baile do Bruxo
Li 9 - Still Tippin (feat. Veeze)
Trench Business - Trench City
BigXthaPlug - Rush Hour
Veeze - boat interlude (feat. Lil Yachty)
BLP Kosher - Castle
Hudson Mohawke & Nikki Nair - Set The Roof (feat. Tayla Parx)
Diplo - Wasted (feat. Kodak Black & Koe Wetzel)
Earl Sweatshirt - Making The Band (Danity Kane)
BLP Kosher & BabyTron - Mazel Tron
Butter Bullets - Chanson froide
Papo2oo4 & DJ Lucas - Latrell
Babyfxce E - Chicken Little
NLE Choppa - AIN’T GONNA ANSWER (feat. Lil Wayne)
DJ Seinfeld & Confidence Man - Now U Do
So La Lune - Suspects (feat. Sch)
TaTa - Insecurities
EBK Jaaybo - Had Enough
Paris Texas - DnD (feat. Kenny Mason)
Koyo - You’re On The List (minus one)
Lil Yachts - Slide
Tisakorean - hOw yOu gOnE Do dAt.mP3
Papo2oo4 - Leeds
Malty 2BZ - TN (feat. Kerchak)
Ascendant Vierge - Juvénile
RMC Mike & Rio Da Yung OG - Lucid Nightmare 2
Mike Sherm - Run It (feat. BabyTron)
Slimesito - ZOMBIELAND
YTB FATT - Get Back
R3 Da Chiliman - Like It’s His (feat. 03 Greedo)
OhGeezy - GEEKALEEK (feat. Cash Kidd)
Overmono - Is U
Joe Pablo & MarijuanaXO - Broadday
Luh Tyler - Okay Bet pt. 2 (feat. Skilla Baby)
S5 - Product of da Streets
Ninho - 25G
Bandgang Javar - Wake Up (feat. The Godfather, Bandgang Biggs & Glockboyz Teejaee)
OT7 Quanny & Leaf Ward - Power
Subjxct5 - 4st3p2c1oser
OG MarilynMonROLLUP - Vox
BabySolo33 - TBT2K19
SLK - Vie de bandit (feat. Kerchak)
DJ Roca & DJ Vitinho - Faz Macete 3
Kodak Black - Lemme See
BLP Kosher & Yung Lean - Violent Lullaby
Buggin - Kick Rocks
slowthai - Wotz Funny
Fitfy Fifty - Cupid
A.G. Cook - Beautiful (2023 Edit)
Bandmanrill - Business Man (feat. 24Lefteye)
EBK BCKDOE - Beyonce
Gee Tee - Heart-Throb
Rio Da Yung OG - Talkin Crazy
moistbreezy - Why Can’t It Be You
Skrillex - Hydrate (feat. Flowdan, BEAM & PEEKABOO)
Sha Ek & Bandmanrill - Pistons (feat. MCVERTT)
DJ Physical - Get Busy
Conservative Military Image - Burberry Hat
Safety Trance & DJ LOSER - Dreamshater
KP Skywalka - Hardknock
2rare - 2HUMPY Anthem (feat. GE3Z, Jmoney & DJ Crazy)
Cotto - Barbie Bitch
Kenya Grace - Strangers
BabyTron - RIP Hutch (feat. Remble & Rico Nasty)
Babyface Ray - Ron Artest (feat. 42 Dugg)
Puchmade Dev - Credit Card Chain
Nekomi - dissension (feat. emotegi)
Peggy Gou - (It Goes Like) Nanana
EthanUno - no te entiendo
Zola & Koba laD - Aller sans retour
Duwap Kaine - Lil Uzi
Spook - SUCKAZ
Homixide Gang - Snot Sh!t
six impala - EARDRUM
DRXG ADXICTION - I’ll die next summer (no joke)
Killbourne - Sunshine Terror
DJ K - Isso Não é um Teste
Tinashe - Talk To Me Nice
Lancey Foux - MMM HMM (feat. Sexyy Red)
L5 - Urus (feat. Luh Loaded)
Isabella Lovestory - Latina (Safety Trance Remix)
Rallye - cheval 2_3
King Doudou - Shake Yo Dreads (Dur dans la peinture x Bouyon Remix)
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mywifeleftme · 6 months
237: Various Artists // Howl...A Farewell Compilation of Unreleased Songs
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Howl...A Farewell Compilation of Unreleased Songs Various Artists 1994, Glitterhouse
Released in 1994 by German indie label Glitterhouse as a double 10”, Howl…A Farewell Compilation of Unreleased Songs collects 18 songs by a real odds and sods assortment of Americana, indie folk, and alt. country acts. I’m not super-familiar with Glitterhouse beyond the fact that they were Sub-Pop’s European distributor during that label’s 1987 to 1995 grunge apex. The patchy history recounted on the Glitterhouse website indicates they were making a turn towards singer-songwriter fare at the time the Sub-Pop relationship petered out, and I can imagine this comp serving as a sort of soft launch of the label’s new direction. I’m not sure how many of these artists were signed to the label directly, though presumably Glitterhouse distro’d a number of them. Iin any case, it makes for a great sampler of some of the better artists of the time who operated at the meeting place of roots and alternative music, many of them still active today, and mostly still lesser-known outside of connoisseur circles.
The best-known act on the comp today is easily the Mountain Goats, which I doubt anyone would’ve predicted in 1994—their contribution, “Against Agamemnon,” is typical of John Darnielle’s early direct-to-boombox sound, a bare sketch that refers obliquely to Greek mythology but could as easily describe waking up with a nosebleed on an existential camping trip. Steve Wynn (ex-Dream Syndicate) pops up in the midst of his wandering ‘90s period, and we’ve also got a desert jazz instrumental version of “Route 66” from the venerable Giant Sand, which anticipates the sound members John Covertino and Joey Burns would refine after departing to form Calexico. The next tier of notability down would be… I guess Vic Chesnutt, the devastating Georgian songwriter who offers a moving cover of Yoko Ono’s “Goodbye Sadness”; long-running heartland groovers the Silos (featuring Vulgar Boatmen founder Walter Salas-Humara) with the demo “Nothing But You”; alt. country forerunners Freakwater with their woozy “Lullaby”; and venerated songwriter Victoria Williams, who unfortunately contributes an irritating rendition of “Feed the Birds” from Mary Poppins.
Howl doesn’t transcend its times, but if you like this era of weird Americana, it makes for good company. You’ll likely pick up a band or five who’ve slipped your filter that you’ll want to check out (my pick being Chicago’s Souled American, whose woeful “Suitor’s Bridge” would see eventual re-release on their final record Notes Campfire).
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namenerdery · 8 months
Girls with interesting names born in Ohio between 2016-2020 [J, K & L]
Jacsyn Jenevieve Jagglyn Rose Jaispyr Annette Brooklyn Jakilianna Betty Jameslynne Opal
Janet'Ston Jeff'Lyn-Manet Japan Ashanti Jaxslynn Denhamn Kenadee Jayvhanna Marie Virginia Jedryanix Nairoby
Jeinievieve Anyse Jekalynn Royalty Dream Jeniuses Armoni Jeveah Skyye Noelle Jexas Irene
Joshephine Marie Jupiter Orion J'Uream Johnae
Kacede Ziair Kaddison Lee Kae'Viynn Monse Marie Kagney May Kairigan Lelene
Kaliapea Reign Kalifornya Rayne Kallieciannyacarmina Maryroseritaitzel-Kate Ka'Lorie Remauria Kanezley Mai
Kaos Marie Kaptain Ava Karizmah Miracle-Lynn Karnation Alberta Karona Rhy'Leih Neukeia
Kaschmere Audrianna-Elise Kasengela Blessing Kayevianah Zahveiah Marie Kaylex Lee Kay'Pryest Summer
Kayzalynn Maybelle Keenlynn Grace Kellcyn Adrian Kembryl Ann Kenistyn Anae'
Kentzleigh Aletheia-Nadine Kenzalina Hazel Lai Kepley Quinn Kestryl Sphinx Khairrington Lei
Kha'Leetsy Dallice Khaos Marie Kha'Ribyn Reign Khayriyyah Jessenia-Monique Khionyx Vera Kathryn
Khopelynn Wynn Khosen Anna'Marie Khyndness Marie Kieghlyen Jane Kilo Kaliber
Kinstley Dawn Kipten Jaine Kittsen Ava Klairity Marie Klo'He Marcianna Ta'Mar
Klymintyne Deloris Kn'Dence Lashai Knevayah Savannah-Louise Kno'Elle Antwonette Knyomie Nevaeh Renee
Kolombiana Shanice Koriander Rose Kosmic Odyssey Koylynn Sofia Rennay Kurencie Marie
Kybrlee Marie Kynzliy Jaide Kyrian Mae Yoda Forever Renee Rosalee
Lalaiyah Twania Lovel Landreigh Haydyn Elise Larkspur Dianna Laundyn Adele Lavada Lucille Rose
Lawsynn Grace-Espen Layleeanah Rose Marie Lazayaeh Anastasia Rose Leahness Joy Leatrice-Maude Skyeann Ja'Mae
Legaciyvonne Shamar Legaxy My'Luv Legendary Joe Lynn Leghaci-Lehlani Amourah Lei'Hahntys Mai'Rhie O'Zyell
Lemon Loraine Lenzie-Michelle Tyra Leopoldine Anne Marie Le'Viniti Legaci Le'Vinci Lhistoriah Liliana
Lieghanna Mary Sue Lilac Arielle Liloubelle Ashley Linyx Rayne Lioness Yahnaya
Liridyn Evette Liylo Brandalynn Lizzianna Marie Loftynn Ryan Loghynn Alani
Lomaxx Reign Lotus Blossom Loueva Rose Louisiana Violet Louista Elaine Michele
Loveleigh Reignn Lovely-Koko Beautiful Charlotte Michelle Lubella Elizabeth Marie Lucidity Lynne Lulahnii Mae
Lullaby Annaliese Lunafrey Quinn Lunasaurus Beloudon Luxlon Cherish Lyfe Dream
Lyhlian Marie May Lykea Joy Lynexx Kouture Lyrical Liberty-Aviona Lyryc Skye
0 notes