#wyv fan fics
sleepy-wyvern · 2 years
Can I request some smut with Eddie, where he’s not quite a virgin but he’s very inexperienced and him and reader have been together a good chunk of time. They are finally getting down to business and Eddie is so unsure of himself, but he’s hitting the most wonderful spots, but he keeps slowing and questioning reader if he’s good and if she’s okay and she’s just like “shut up, don’t stop, fuck me” not in a mean way just that she needs Eddie sooooo bad
Thanks so much for the request darling! What a fun idea <3 and tbh this prompt is definitely a head canon, he would completely act that way! I've literally been writing fan fics for hourrrrs and I proofread it but I hope it sounds legible lol. Hope you enjoy thanks so much for sending a request! <3
Dinner and a Movie | Eddie Munson x female!Reader Smut <3
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Synopsis: Tag along on a drive in movie (horror!) date while you’re a bundle of nerves about planning yours and Eddie’s first time.
SMUT! 18+ Only, please DNI if you are a minor!
Tags: inexperienced sex, couch sex, vanilla, fingering, p in v, condom, pet names: darling, sweetheart
Words: ~4.8k, AO3 link here
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Tonight’s the night you were finally going to have sex with the one and only Eddie Munson. 
Your stomach was an empty pit of nerves and butterflies fluttering against your rib cage. It seemed a good idea at the time, to mutually decide to take your relationship slow and steady. You hadn’t wanted a relationship centred around just sex, yet today that’s all you could think about. 
You and Eddie have been dating a while now and it wasn’t hard to tell he was the best boyfriend you’ve ever had. He hates to see you sad, whenever you were even a little discontent he worked so hard to make you happy. Stupid, goofy jokes and gags even in public just to make you laugh. Snacks and your favourite food and movies whenever you were too depressed to get out of bed. 
Well now you couldn’t sit still, bouncing your leg as you sat on the edge of the bed staring blankly into your closet. 
What the hell do I wear? Is there a designated first-time-having sex-with-my-boyfriend outfit?
Staring at yourself in the mirror you can’t help but be critical of yourself as he’ll see you naked in merely hours. 
Eddie assured you that he would follow your lead in the relationship, taking things as slow or fast as you wanted to. He really was fine with anything either way, you treasured that knowing it wasn’t always the easiest thing to find in a guy. 
Regardless, you hadn’t told him yet but you planned on initiating more than your usual steamy make outs tonight. Your body couldn’t take it anymore, after last night when you kissed in his van your thighs were soaking. The way he tasted lingered on your tongue, planting himself deep inside you. Your dreams were filled with desire for him. You couldn’t wait any longer, calling him as soon as you woke up to plan a date tonight. 
“Hey,” his sleepy voice answered the phone, slightly raspy which made things worse in a beautiful, wonderful way “everything alright?” you could almost feel his large brown eyes looking at you through the phone.
“Yeah, everythings perfect,” you press your lips into a tight line nervously, receding into the soft security of your bed sheets. “I was uh, just wondering if you wanted to do something tonight.”
You heard a slight ruffling noise, presumably from him shifting his position, “of course I would. Did you want to do anything in particular?”
Your mind blanked and you answered honestly, “I have no idea. I just wanted to be with you.”
He chuckled into the phone making you shiver “well, dinner and a movie?”
“Cheesy,” you smile into the phone.
“I mean, both at once,” he continues.
More ruffling from his end of the line before he replies “The drive in movie theatre, they’re playing a scary movie, your favvvooourrrite” he teases trying to make it sound more appealing. Truth be told, he didn’t need to play it up for you, you loved the idea.
He answers for you “I’ll pick you up at 7, good spots are taken early” the confidence in his voice makes you giddy like your crushes you had as a teenager.
“Sounds like you have that all figured out then,” you twirl your hair around your finger making a small curl.
The entire Saturday you couldn’t sit still. You puzzled for nearly an hour on what to wear, your spotify playlist beaming in your ears.
“Fuck it,” you sigh grabbing ripped jeans, a Metallica t-shirt, and your favourite underwear set, hidden beneath your outfit.
You fussed with your hair, trying to make it look as effortless as possible, yet with a shit ton of effort. You knew Eddie didn’t care- you could show in pyjamas or hell, even naked and he’d be happy. Maybe too happy. 
The time seemed to go both fast and slow until 7 rolled around. You had been waiting all day for this yet your body jumped as the door knocked. You open the door to see him standing there, hair pulled back into a sweet, casual messy bun with wild strands framing his face. In his hands he held some flowers, looking down at them you blush. 
“What’s the occasion?” You ask after thanking him, taking them from him after letting him in. 
He folded his arms, leaning back against the wall watching you look for a vase “Do I need one to give my girlfriend flowers?”
You glance back at him seeing his cocky smile “if you were a normal guy” you reply hauling out an old vase. 
You fill it high with water, placing the flowers in carefully as he speaks “Well I’m everything but normal.”
The purple, pink and white flowers rest lazily in the vase, creating an ornate centrepiece for your kitchen table. 
You walk up to him wrapping your arms around his torso in a tight hug. You could feel his heartbeat as you pressed your chest into his, the thumping rising the longer you stayed there. 
“Thank you,” You murmur, “they’re beautiful. I wouldn’t want you any other way.”
You looked up at him and you knew he didn't need reassurance to act himself, but it felt nice for him to hear that you liked him just the way he was and accepted his differences. He kissed the top of your head, running his hand along your upper back. 
“Let’s go, there’s some popcorn calling my name,” you smile against his chest before you pull back to put your shoes on. 
“Don’t forget the mysterious cant-legally-call-it-butter popcorn topping” he laughs at his own joke quietly and you roll your eyes. 
“It must be made with drugs,” you say, fixing your shoes. 
“Wouldn’t be surprised,” he agreed, “are you ready?” He whispered. 
You nod “I think so.”
Music blasted through the radio as he drove you in his esteemed van, windows down and wind cooling your nerves. Although his driving was reckless, you loved riding in the passenger side, sitting back listening to music with him next to you. The epitome of summer, and of near meditation, stripping any stress off of your body. Before you knew it, the van slowed to a stop as he paid for your tickets. 
“Thanks Eddie,” you spoke as soon as you drove away from the ticketer. 
“For what?” He asked and you knew he wouldn’t accept thanks for paying for the ticket. 
You turned your head to watch him concentrate on the road, and to find a parking spot. His brows are furrowed as he squints looking around.
“For everything,” you reply and he looks at you, confused for a moment.
“You don’t have to thank me for anything, sweetheart” he leans towards you to plant a kiss on your forehead.
“Are you going to tell me what we’re watching?” you ask just now realising you have no idea what movie you’re going to see.
He pulls into a parking spot where you both have a nice view of the screen, white against the setting sky, “Nope. You’ll have to find out the hard way” he grins.
You and Eddie make your way to the concession stand as you were sure he wouldn’t add enough mysterious topping to your popcorn, despite insisting he knows how much you like. While waiting for your turn for the gooey goodness, he practises throwing popcorn up in the air, one piece at a time trying to catch it in his mouth. 
“Eddie,” you scold as he finally catches one, unable to keep a wide goofy grin off of his face while he chews. 
You smack him lightly on the chest while he laughs at you “Eddie,” you repeat “they’re going to kick us out!”
He rolls back on the balls of his feet, careful not to spill the popcorn. Clearly he wasn’t made for standing still. It made things like waiting in line more interesting though, as he found new ways to make you laugh, hopefully without getting you both kicked out on date night. It didn’t take too long to get your turn, and you returned back to his van with your haul in your arms. Darkness spread further in the horizon, only a faint line of sun remained and you knew the movie would start soon.
“Okay so I lied,” he said in between chips “nachos and popcorn isn’t exactly the best meal…” he trailed off. 
“Actually I love it. Everyone’s childhood dream honestly” you smile warmly at him, taking a chip and dipping it in the cheese sauce. 
The screen lit up as the projector flickered to life. Eddie moved his hand quickly to the portable radio, switching the dials until tuned into the correct station, flipping through some music and news broadcasts as he did. 
You watch the screen as crickets chirp and campfire music starts playing through the speaker and you almost whip your head over to smile at him “Friday the 13th!” You cheer. 
“Shhh,” he said with a smirk “no talking at the movies,” 
You throw a piece of popcorn at him before looking back at the screen; Camp Crystal Lake 1958.
Eddie turns to you mimicking the ch ch ch ha ha ha of the music. 
“No talking!” You scold. 
After swallowing some popcorn he answers “hey, that was humming and that’s much better than their singing.”
You laugh, batting at him, “that’s talking!”
“Shhh, you’re going to miss the sex scene,” he teases, making you roll your eyes. 
All it made you think of was what you had planned for later tonight, making you readjust your position suddenly nervous. Well, it won’t go this bad right?
You’re lost in your thoughts as the movie zooms into the girls’ face in a still shot of her screaming, fading into the roll of intro credits as most older movies tended to have early in the movie. 
“Coke?” Eddie offers his drink to you and you raise your eyebrow. 
“Really? You’re offering me coke when I ordered Diet Coke?” You let out a small snort of a laugh. 
He shrugs innocently “it tastes different!”
You laugh “please don’t get me hooked on the hard stuff again.” You wave off his offer, taking a sip of your own drink out of the red and white striped straw. 
As the movie plays and you finish the nachos, you lean against his shoulder snuggling in as you work on the popcorn. Your hands brush together as you laugh at the first girl for ignoring every red flag. You share giggles in the darkness of the van over the comical kills of old movies. You made fun of them, sure, but that was part of the charm with old school slashers. 
Normally with movies you’d be yawning by the end of it, trying to stay awake. But you were nervous, and determined to make tonight as perfect- or at least as good as you possibly could. 
Looking over at him watching the movie intently filled you with a hot desire. His black leather jacket fit the atmosphere entirely and framed his body underneath. The feeling of his firm chest against your head was comforting but you wanted- no, needed- more of him. You wanted to feel his body on top of you, engulfed in everything that is him. Perfect dark brown wavy hair, tired droopy eyes filled with laughter, slim torso and a delicious waist. 
Perhaps he knew you wanted more, you wondered as he raised an arm putting it over your shoulder rendering you even closer to him. 
By the end of the movie, when they zoom the camera into the lake, your heart was pounding in your chest. Eddie had turned the van on to start it, putting the warm air on you hadn’t noticed how cool the air was. 
“Always love that” he smiles tapping his fingers against the van door. 
“Me too. Wanna come back to my place?” It took all of your courage to say it tonight, although every other night it came easily. Tonight was different, everything was different. 
“Yeah, are you okay?” He says noticing something off about you “we can call it a night if you want.”
“No” you said a little too quickly, redness rising to your cheeks “Yeah everything’s okay. Perfect actually,” and it was. Then why were you so nervous?
“Okay” he smiled, squeezing your knee gently.
You move your fingers to the car radio, switching to Bluetooth to play some music through Spotify on your phone. You put on the playlist Eddie had tailored for you, of his favourite music he’d thought you’d like. And it did help, before long you were fumbling with the keys to your apartment. 
Switching on the lights, your small apartment felt somehow different than you left it, even though no nook or cranny had been touched. The soft arrangement of flowers still held strong in their vase, slurping up the water you provided. You lazily lay your purse on the kitchen table next to them, leaving your shoes at the door. Eddie does the same, making himself at home as he always does, with a carefree attitude.
“Thirsty?” you ask, you grab the remote flipping on some sitcom on the tv. 
“Naw,” he shakes his head, taking off his leather jacket revealing a dark long sleeved shirt beneath.
Flopping yourself on the couch you sigh as he sits next to you. He was much more relaxed than you, leaning back into the couch as if it were his own, tapping his fingers against his knee. The tv hums in your ears as you connect your phone to Bluetooth, switching the playlist on through your speakers, quiet enough to not disturb any neighbours. You curl up into him, pressing your thighs against his legs and leaning your head against his chest. 
After a moment of music playing, his foot tapping against the floorboards, the words leave your lips cautiously “I had fun tonight Ed’s…”
“Me too,” he whispered into you, brushing his lips along your hair. “I always have fun when I’m with you” his whisper was louder as his lips touched your ear, making you shudder.
Suddenly you’re looking up at him as the butterflies inside your chest take over, brown eyes staring down, hypnotising you. Your lips meet in a deep kiss for the first time this evening, a sweet relief. 
He pulls back for a moment to say “You know, you don’t have to feel pressured to do anything. I’m happy with the way things are, with whatever you want.” 
You blush realising he knew exactly what you were thinking. 
“I-I know…” you trail off “yeah I’m just really nervous” your eyes meet his “but it’s because I really want this, and I want it to be perfect.”
He smiles at you, and you’re worried you said something wrong “I’ve been so nervous about this since the day we started dating.” He runs his hand through his hair, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him this nervous “I don’t exactly have much in terms of experience.” He admits, red rising to his cheeks, a rare sight. 
“Anything with you would be perfect,” you say to him with a smile. 
“Actually, that’s my line here sweetheart” brown eyes glistened with joy. 
“You know,” You admit “I called you this morning because I had this dream and…” you trail off cheeks even redder. 
“A dream?” He smirked down at you, running his thumb along your waist. Clearly, he understood what he needed to do, “tell me about it,” he whispered. 
You recount the dream you had, suddenly feeling flustered but you wanted him to know exactly how badly you wanted him “we-we we’re at the beach,” you start and he hums. 
“Sex on the beach?” He smirks at you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear “lovely drink too.”
“No, silly. Well yes but… we went swimming” you think back to the dream, the sky was dark and the moon illuminated both of you, dancing off the water. “You dragged me into the water, asshole move by the way,” you glare at him. 
He sighs “dream me getting me in trouble.”
“You say that like you wouldn't do it in reality.”
“Okay fair” he laughs as you smack his shoulder “continue.”
“You dunked me under water, so I pulled you in. Then we started kissing…” his hand trailed up under the fabric of your shirt ever so slightly. “You started grabbing my thighs…”
“Like this?” He asks, bringing his hand to your thigh. 
Strong fingers grasp it, his thumb traces random patterns on your jeans “mmhmm,” you whisper as he slowly moves up. Your legs heat up as you feel yourself starting to wetten. 
“And then, you untied my swimsuit top, throwing it into the ocean so I couldn’t grab it” he twisted his body to face you as you spoke, bringing his free hand to the small of your back. 
“Go me,” he whispered with a smile. 
You laugh before continuing “and you kissed me. Everywhere. I mean, everywhere.”
“You know,” he snuck his hand underneath your shirt, running over the bare skin of your waist. “I could do that for you, if you like.”
You find yourself climbing on top of his lap, straddling his hips. He was taken aback but pleasantly so, eyes staring up at you in wonder. He grabbed both of your love thighs, trailing his hands back to your ass. You lean down kissing him deeply, feeling his tongue against yours tasting his sweetness. He grabs your ass lovingly as you kiss, hard and deep while you release his wild hair from the confines of his messy bun.
You run your fingers through his hair lovingly, kissing him passionately, gasping into each others’ mouths. His hands are up and cupping your breasts through the light fabric of your bra. You imagine riding him then and there, letting out an ever so slight moan. His breath was shaky, first you were a little embarrassed by the noise but clearly it fed something in him. 
He moves his hands to the clasp of your bra, fiddling with it for a few moments before you feel the band slacken. You shimmy the straps off of your shoulders, letting the bra fall out of your t-shirt onto your thighs. You look up at him innocently as he looks at your bra in wonder “go me” he whispered with a playful grin. 
You feel your nipples stiffen against your shirt as you pull it up and over your head, his jaw nearly dropped, “you are so damn gorgeous…” he mumbles, bringing his mouth to your breast. 
Your head falls back as he kisses your nipple, licking his tongue hungrily along your breast. He brushes his tongue quickly against your nipple, back and forth making you let out a moan. He moves to the other one to show it some love, alternating between sucking and licking as his strong hands hold you steady. His wavy hair tickles against your skin, a pleasant sensation. 
You bring your hands down to the rim of his long sleeve shirt, lifting it up. He pulls his head back, taking over to lift his shirt over his head. You put your hand against his chest, tracing your finger over his tattoos “you’re beautiful…”
“Hey, that’s my line again,” he kissed your neck playfully, you let out a laugh as it tickled. 
The feeling of his body pressed into yours was heavenly mixed with his lips against the delicate skin of your neck. He pecked gentle kisses into you, making his way to your mouth. Bringing his hands to your waist he gently guided you to lay down on the couch, your back pressed into the cushion. 
He lowers himself on top of you, holding himself steady against the couch. He seemed nervous as he did, breaths unsteady. You pull his head down to you, locking your lips together. You were addicted to the taste of him, you wanted to stay there forever inhaling him. Smoke and sweet soda intertwined, taking over you. Suddenly though, there were too much clothes keeping you apart.
Your hands instinctively move down his chest, over his stomach and grabbing at his belt buckle. His bulge didn’t even try to hide from you as his cock pressed tightly against his jeans. 
His lips brushed yours, breath catching in his throat as you wiggle your fingers underneath the fabric. You fumble with his belt buckle as he moves to nibble at your neck, breath hot against your ear. You slide the belt out, dropping it to the floor with the sound of metal clinking. 
You move your fingers back, undoing the button of his jeans, unzipping them gracefully. You can hear the gulp heavy in his throat, adams’ apple bobbing. He moves a hand to your jeans to reciprocate, undoing the button much easier than you had. You feel your thighs start moving instinctively as his hands are now dangerously close to your cunt. Your body shivers, feeling weak beneath his touch, wanting to succumb to all of him. 
You shimmy out of your jeans, discarding them along with your socks to the floor rendering you naked below him save for your soaking panties. 
“Wow,” he says, shaking his head, flashing his perfect teeth at you in shock, running his tongue over them thirstily, “you’re absolutely soaked for me darling.”
You manage a nod “I want you, so bad,” you look up at him with begging eyes “all of you, tonight.”
He couldn’t say no, not that he ever would refuse you, “anything you want,” he whispers, standing and removing the last of his fabric keeping him apart from you. 
He pressed his naked body against yours, heat mingling together. You kiss him, love drunk on his taste and scent, wanting to consume it all. 
“Please,” you murmur, your cunt throbbing with every heartbeat. 
He moves a hand to your panties, sliding them down over your goosebump covered thighs until they reach the floor and it’s just you and him. His hot, firm body against your cool, shivering, soft one. Bodies now connected by the chapped lips on his pale marble body.
You wrap your arms around his neck as he brings his hand to your wet cunt. He looks to you for confirmation and you nod eagerly. He had fingered you before but you savoured it every damn time. 
He wasted no time plunging his fingers inside tonight. The sight of your back arching as you moan makes his cock throb, letting out precum for you as you squirm under his grip. His fingers rub against the walls of your cunt methodologically, his rings adding a new form of pleasure to the experience. He takes his sweet time preparing you for him, making sure you're soaked and stretched. 
“Eds,” You say, bringing your hand down to catch his wrist, shivering at the sigh of his fingers inside you “I’m ready.”
“A-are you sure…?” His voice is low. 
You nod eagerly “yes, yes please.”
He reaches down into his jean pockets, long forgotten, pulling out his wallet. He reaches into the old worn leather grabbing a small packet, which you eagerly grab from him.
“We don’t have to, if you don’t want to” he reminds you, dropping his wallet to the floor but you’ve already got the condom opened. 
“I want to” You look him deep into his eyes, bringing your gentle fingers to touch his shaft. 
He groans and throbs against your touch as you roll the condom down over his cock, fitting perfectly. He takes over, lining up his tip with your cunt. He looks at your face, studying your expression and you nod. 
Slowly, he slides in until about halfway when you let out a groan of wonderful, tight pressure, your walls clenching against him. He squeezes your shoulder comfortingly with one hand.
“I-I’m sorry,” he stutters “Does it hurt?”
You shake your head, letting yourself relax against the couch. 
“Okay, okay” you breathe deep “you can keep going.”
He slowly starts pushing himself into you again, your toes curl as all of him is finally inside. You both let out a gasp of air, smiling at each other. 
“Finally,” you whisper, not intending that to be out loud. 
You longed for this since the day you met him, feeling him deep inside you right where he belongs, fitting perfectly inside.  
He pushes your hair back away from your face, “you look so beautiful with my cock in you, sweetheart” he wears a proud grin looking down at your naked body. 
“Keep going” you urge him along. 
He pulls out, not entirely but enough for him to thrust back inside, smoother this time. He sits there for a moment, checking in again. 
“Is that okay?” He asks. 
“Uh-huh,” You nod more confidently this time. 
He repeats the process, thrusting in a little faster this time and he’s rewarded with a sweet, high pitched moan. He continues at a steady pace for more thrusts, getting used to the feeling of sliding in and out of you. 
He reaches down to a couch pillow discarded to the floor, picking it up. He pulls out for just a moment, lifting your ass into the air, he shoves the small pillow underneath you. 
He brings his cock to your entrance for the second time, sliding it in much more easily this time. Thrusting in the second time he brushes against the wonderful spot deep inside you, making you grasp the couch and moan louder this time. 
He smiles knowing he found your spot, pulling out and thrusting back over it again “how’s that darling?” 
“‘S good, so good” your toes curl against the couch. 
He continues ramming his cock against that wonderful spot, and just as you feel your pleasure climb he slows a little. 
“How are you doing?” Eddie asks, a little nervous. 
“Please Eds” you whimper “shut up and fuck me, and don’t you dare fucking stop.”
He chuckles at your reaction and obliges, having his confidence return “whatever pleases my lady.”
You grasp at his back for dear life then as he no longer holds back. Your body is pressed hard into the couch as he rams into you over and over, “yes Eddie! Right there right there baby,” you encourage, chasing that sweet ecstasy. 
He grunts in response, sweating as his cock pushes you along the trail of pleasure, higher and higher.
“Yes Eddie, yes, I need you so bad” Your voice is almost a shout. 
Your hands grasp desperately at his firm back, muscles tensing as he fucks you. He pushes you over the edge of orgasm as you let out a breathless moan, mouth draped open as your eyes practically roll back. 
Seeing you writhing in pleasure below him was too much, he releases his orgasm inside of the condom with a deep, husky moan that makes your spine shiver. 
He lays on top of you, still inside, breathing heavy as his sweat drips onto you. You bring your numb hands up to his head, running your fingers through his sweaty hair, brushing it back and out of his face. 
“Wow” you whisper after a moment, enjoying the comforting pressure of his weight against you. 
“Wow,” he confirms with a quick nod and you can feel his heart pumping in his chest. 
You lay there for maybe minutes that only feel like seconds before he pulls himself out of you. You realise how cold the air is as his body leaves yours, standing up and tossing the used condom in the trash. 
“Come here” you reach your hands out beckoning him to come forward.
He obliged almost curiously, as you pulled him by the waist closer to you. Mouth watering, you take his soaking cock into the embrace of your tongue, licking up every last drop of his orgasm. With any other guy before Eddie you honestly hated it, the taste and the feel. But with Eddie, you felt like you couldn’t live without it as your tongue begged for him.
“Okay, okay,” He pulled out when the sensations became too much, lifting himself behind you to snuggle into your back, nuzzling sweetly into your neck.
He pressed his warm body up against you, holding you securely in his grasp. 
“Better than the dream?” He asked playfully, kissing your ear. 
“Better than my dream” you confirm, sharing a sweet giggle. As he held you tightly then and there, you knew this would be the first time of many.
Thanks so much for reading, if you enjoyed leave a like/reblog/comment if you feel so inclined, no matter how old/new this fic is when you read it!
My requests are currently OPEN! Turnaround time is usually 1-2 days depending on length <3
Have a great day my lovely reader!
227 notes · View notes
pleasantanathema · 4 years
Pleasant’s Writer Recs!
I’ve gotten a few asks in my inbox over the past few weeks asking me for writer recs, so I thought the best way to do this was to compile a list of my fav authors on tumblr and rec my favorite fic of theirs! A lot of these amazing authors are moots—I’m very lucky to call many of them close friends. This list could be much longer, and I could go on for days about every single author, but I’ll try to keep it brief. Most all of these authors, like myself, write 18+ only content. Hopefully this can be a useful tool for authors and readers alike looking for amazing fanfic 💕
@bakatenshii | Angel is so phenomenal with her writing that I almost can’t put her style and amazing ability into words (but I’ll try). Angel’s work is beautiful, masterful, full of poetry, elegance, and smut that will all leave you gasping. Fav Fic: Blitz [Ushijima x Reader]
@blahkugo | Sunnt, Thunnth, Sunny, whatever you call her, she is brilliant. No one writes Tsukishima quite like she does. She is beyond creative and her writing style flows like the sexiest water, it’ll make you thirsty and quench your aches. Fav Fic: Tower [Tsukishima x Reader]
@deathcab4daddy | Tay is all about details, details, details. She fills in every gap and paints gorgeous, sexy pictures and situations for the reader to feel immersed in. Fav Fic: Cerulean Blue [Akaashi x Reader]
@dymphnasprose | Dymphna is all about fun, sex, and slowly filling out her holy bible of smut. She’s amazing at creating realistic sub/dom relationships and her smut almost always comes with a healthy dose of build-up. Fav Fic: Green Scrunchies [Ukai x Reader]
@enjifuckersupreme | Ketsl reigns supreme over pure, unadulterated porn. They are phenomenal at making me the reader wet, and every fic is crafted with so much care. Enji fuckers should bow down at their feet, no one loves and writes Enji like Ketsl. Fav Fic: Attitude Adjustment [Enji x Reader]
@hisoknen | Raph is one of the first dark blogs I ever started reading, and she never, ever disappoints. She writes pieces that chill you to the bone, but warms your sex- her writing is casual, smooth, and realistic, always giving you everything you need, but leaving you wanting a little more. Fav Fic: Sleeping Beauty [Dabi x Reader]
@hoe-doroki | Ana is one of the sweetest writers I know. Every time I talk to her, she’s working on comfort requests or beta-reading for other people. Her writing is such a pleasure to read, as you can tell she pours love and consideration into every fic for her readers. Fav Fic: Can’t Find My Breath [Bakugou x Reader]
@joyousandverywarlike | Zo...holy fucking shit. Zo is a writer who consistently blows me out of the water with her skill. This woman is a novelist blessing us with juicy, rich smut and love stories like no one else can. She is incredibly poetic and her writing is an absolute joy to read; she also writes amazing fics for black readers and has an amazing voice that she uses for asmr audios! Fav Fic: How We Met [Ushijima x Reader]
@lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten | Leah is an author who takes immense care with her work. She works incredibly hard to craft sexy, healthy bdsm fics for bnha. She is a great blog to go to for bdsm education, and she’s also got a side blog @lemonlordleah-extra-sour for all you extra naughty readers who like the darker side of fanfic. You should also check out her Patreon! Fav Fic: Between the Evergreen [Aizawa x Reader]
@linestrider | Nyki’s work is like smooth water, it’s calming, refreshing, but she also adds a nice, chill bite to it as well with her darker style. Nyki puts such an impressive amount of care into her work; a word is never out of place, every sentence has meaning, every paragraph gives you something new. It was very hard to choose just one fic to recommend. Fav Fic: What’s Said is Said [Hawks x Reader]
@lookslikeleese | Leese is one of the most fun writers on Tumblr, and by that I mean you just have a shitload of fun reading her fics. They are like little, sexy treats to take in right before bed and feel a little more full than you were before. She is also the Cucking Queen. Fav Fic: Cola [Enji x Reader] 
@messwriting | Lee is also another fun writer! Her writing is exhilarating to read, and you’d never guess she’s a sexy Brazilian whose second language is English based on how well she writes. She’s a little sex goddess who will give you everything you want and more in every fic. Fav Fic: What We Could’ve Been [Tsukishima x Reader]
@mindninjax | Marquie is a full on sweetie with a sexy side. She. Is. So. Creative. Every fic of hers is so unique and her masterlist is a whole reading experience. She writes Bakugou Katsuki so damn well, she’s a master at characterization, even in au’s. She also writes beautiful fics for black readers. Fav Fic: Bound to You [Bakugou x Reader]
@nekokoafanfictions | I first found Ai on Ao3, and then was fortunate enough to come across their blog here on Tumblr! I’ve said this before in previous rec lists, and I’ll say it again, I still read their fics some nights to fall asleep to, they are just that good, every fic will have you coming back at some point to read it again. Fav Fic: City Lights [Enji x Reader]
@present-mel | The. Queen. Of. Dialogue. Mel is a master at making her fanfic feel real, gritty, sexy, and beautiful all at the same time. This woman pours her heart and soul into fanfic, especially into her Erwin series Fragments of Memories. I was so captivated by her work that I just had to become her friend, her work is enchanting and thrilling. Fav Fic: Until the Fire Played [Enji x Reader]
@rat-suki | Annie makes me horny. Like, real horny. Her smut is fantastic and are often little thrill rides within themselves. Fuck rollercoasters, just go to Annie’s masterlist to find a joy ride. Fav Fic: Hell Fire [Enji x Reader]
@rivendell101 | I’m such a big fan of Alisha, that I sent her a request months ago before we even became friends. This author knows how to craft a story, her work is very meticulous with details and her plots are always so spot on. Fav Fic: Sweet Thing [Natsuo x Reader]
@smutbardpeach | Smutbard is the most accurate title for Peach, as her fics read like poetry and song, filled with beautiful language, imagery, and allusions to the brim. If you’re ever looking for something romantic, sensual, delightful, and just overall magnificent to read, this is the blog to go to. Peach’s work is like reading poetry and classics right off the shelf. Fav Fic: Truth in Wine [Hizashi x Reader]
@spicyness | Are you thirsty? Do you like fun, sexy headcanons? Ness is the author for you. Ness is so, so fun and sweet, and is active with her followers and is always posting something new and creative for us to nibble at. Her blog is full of fun thirsts and she’s always a joy to see pop-up on my dash. Fav Fic: Pride [Bakugou x Reader]
@sugardaddykenma | Lin has the most amazing brain. I wish I could just...see and understand how she thinks. Her blog is full to the brim with hilarious, iconic, and down right fucking true headcanons for haikyuu characters. Many nights I have stayed up laughing my ass off and saying “why is that so true?” while reading through her astonishingly creative work. Fav Fic: Haikyuu on Drugs
@thewheezingwyvern | Wyv is a writer who gets straight to the point; her words are poignant, meaningful, and always paint a very clear picture. She is a Shinsou and Aizawa lover/fucker all the way to her core, and she’s amazing at bringing those characters to life in her work. Fav Fic: Salt Lines [Aizawa & Shinsou x Reader]
@thisisthehardestthing | Claudia is one of the most talented writers I have ever met. Period. She has a vocabulary, a depth, an ability to craft the most intense, alluring, and magnificent fanfic you’ve ever read. Most of her work doesn’t even seem like fanfic, it reads like love letters stuffed into the pages of a book that stand the test of time with her marvelous writing abilities. She always awes me, as every single fic is unique and powerful it its own way. Fav Fic: Tocka [Tanaka x Reader]
@tomurasprincess | The Queen of Darkness herself, Mari is amazing at fulfilling all of your dark desires. I’ve never met anyone else who is as active as she is with her followers, as she’s constantly pushing herself to answer requests and give people exactly what they want to see. She has such an expansive masterlist, any dark fic lover can find something worthwhile from her! She’s almost made a Shigaraki fucker out of me, almost. Fav Fic: Wraith’s Touch [Shigaraki x Reader]
@undermattsun | Miki taught me what a skate rat is. Do I understand it yet? Not really, but I fucking like it. Miki is so much fun and is always active with her followers, giving out awesome thirsts, visuals, and headcanons for her fav haikyuu characters. Fav Fic: Flavor of the Month [Matsukawa x Reader]
@vixen-scribbles | Vixen is someone who cares about everyone around her, and her blog reflects that. Amongst all her amazing writing, you’ll always find her recommending her friends and supporting other writers. Her writing is fucking sexy, she knows her way around the bedroom when it comes to fics, and she’s got a lengthy masterlist to fawn over. Fav Fic: Take All of Me [Ushijima x Reader]
@whats-her-quirk | Truly, the best has been saved for last. June’s work is the heart and soul of classic, fucking amazing fanfic. I can’t even explain how much I love her fics, like they will put the biggest smile on your face and have your thighs rubbing together in anticipation. June is writing her fantasies and having fun, and we are privileged to enjoy the ride with her. She knocked kinktober out of the fucking park, with each fic being a new, fresh delight. Fav Fic: Once in a Blue Moon [Karasuno x Reader Gangbang]
This list could honestly be twice as long, and perhaps in the future I’ll make a companion to it as I meet new authors and read more amazing fanfic. Please give all these authors a follow or at least check out their blogs. 💖
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thegc4life · 4 years
Platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts platonic soulmates thoughts- Platonic 👏 soulmates 👏 thoughts 👏👏👏👀
XD I’m getting the feeling that you’re a tiny bit invested in platonic soulmates. 
Which is PERFECT. 
Soul friends? Soul family? Soul siblings? SOUL?! Yes. Very much yes.
I have... I have so many thoughts, for so many stories (fan and original), and thousands of characters but I’ll center on Hawks for clarity.
Because you have reminded me of more fic ideas I had for Hawks, Wyv, you sneaky trickster bean. You- you Snean.
Soul Friends:
-Hawks/Rumi: already working on it in Hawks-sensei, but in AU soulmate verse? They know who their platonic soulmate is the second they meet each other. And they hate each other. Hawks, because he was raised to throw away all emotional attachment that could get in the way of his job which automatically made him block Rumi out the second he realized who she was. He wants, and wants, and wants so bad but he has a job and that is his priority. So no soulmate. Rumi hates him cause he’s a cocky asshole and she never wanted to be tied down by the expectations of fate. If she was going to love anyone, in any way, it was going to be on her own damn terms. Fate, of course, keeps throwing them together in random situations until eventually Rumi start begrudgingly admitting that, okay, this guy isn’t so bad. He’s kind of funny, and he’s strong enough to keep up with her. Which makes competitions fun. And Hawks adores her, she’s so strong, and cool, and kind in a way he didn’t see at first. God, he wants to be her friend so bad. And that’s the whole story. Them slowly building on each other until one can’t imagine life without the other and the causes that has in their lives.
-Hawks/random civilian: I just think this would be cute. It could be a neighbor at his apartment. It could be someone that works a small job at his Agency. It could be the ice cream lady. It could be a librarian since he loves books so damn much. Just, civilian sweetheart who he adores with all his heart and visits whenever he can because being around them just makes him feel calm and happy and safe. Very cute.
Hawks/Twice: *coughs* angst train. Very sweet, very cute, very painful. Would the soulbond change the choices made in the end? Well, who knows.
Hawks/Thirteen: Space dorks. Thirteen knows Hawks is their soulmate the second they see his wings for the first time. They don’t want to pressure him into being their friend, they want it to be his choice, so they just try to meet up with him coincidentally and offer to hang out sometimes. Hawks says sure, cause Thirteen is kind of mysterious and he’d love to know more about them (insatiable curiosity, this one). Starts really enjoying hanging out with Thirteen. Eventually realizes that they’re soulmates and feels horribly torn because of the Commission training and because he really, really adores Thirteen now. And he knows that if he were to distance him now, after all this time, it would really hurt Thirteen. And he can’t hurt Thirteen. He doesn’t have to tell the Commission he found his soulmate though. It’s easy enough to hide, no one has even questioned their friendship and its been months. It’ll be fine. (It’s only ‘kind of’ fine but don’t worry, Thirteen won’t let anyone treat their friend like shit).
Hawks/Hizashi: These two just really vibe with me as friends. They have enough similarities to mesh super well, but a lot of differences to create some neat dynamics. And if Hawks tried to distance himself from his soulmate? Hizashi isn’t having that shit. He saw Shouta lose his soulmate, and the pain it cause, he wasn’t going to let his go for a second. Cue aggressive friending with Nemuri and Aizawa as hardcore, if unwilling, accomplices.
Soul Family:
-Jeanist/Hawks: You’ve completely corrupted me with the paternal soulmate AU’s Wyv. Just, I love it. It’s flipping beautiful.
-Aizawa/Hawks: this one!!! Going off the same concept where you have your paternal soulmate I have it that Hawks knows it’s Aizawa immediately. Aizawa, does not know. So he treats Hawks like he usually does and Hawks keeps flocking to him like a baby duckling and Aizawa has no idea why, it’s not like he’s overly nice to the winged hero. But he starts becoming fond of the dumb bird, and eventually, when some stuff goes down with the Commission and Hawks stops coming around (perhaps argument? Or just unfortunate situation? Or just asshole Commission?) Aizawa tracks him down and takes him back before ever even knowing about the bond. And Hawks is so touched and emotional cause Aizawa loves him that much without even knowing. And when Aizawa finally figure it out? “...Makes sense” and then continues on like it’s no big deal. He’d treat Hawks the same either way.
-Gang Orca/Hawks: This would be so flipping cute!! I’d have it set around when Hawks is a teen, either right before or around the time he gets his hero license. Maybe a bit younger, but fifteen at the youngest. Gang Orca does not take ‘no’ for an answer when he runs into his soul kid, especially after some concerns are raised. And just, Gang Orca and his extreme fondness for children and Hawks being in awe of him cause he’s so flipping cool? Perfect. Wonderful.
-Hawks/Tokoyami: Hawks was always planning on rejecting the platonic familial bond, cause he didn't need anyone in his life looking after him. He didn’t need a family. It never crossed his mind that the bond would tie him to someone younger. That he would be the one looking after them. That changes everything. The amount of mother henning and adoration explodes tenfold!
-Hawks/Kamakiri: You had to know I’d have this one. After all the fluff? I need it. And it just gives Kamakiri even more incentive to drag Hawks into his family by any means necessary. And with the soul bond? Hideo’s on board, even if his idea differed from his son’s XD
-Nezu: Just... just yes. Oh my god. And since Nezu has a reason he starts looking for Hawk early. And, because he’s Nezu, he finds him. At the Commission. Shit goes down.
There’s so fricken many that would be good Wyv! Tensei! Literally all of the staff! All of the kids! The LEAGUE! Platonic soulmate with Shigaraki? Or, dear god, could you imagine have a platonic soulbond with fucking Chisaki? The flaming trashbin that would be? Dang it Wyv!
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prince-liest · 4 years
Dishabille ☼
☼: how i came up with the idea for Dishabille
lkxcjgh no joke literally just @wyvernspirit was talking in a Discord server I used to be in (before I pruned the number of servers I’m in because I really don’t talk in that many) about Hawks shortly post-debut being made uncomfortable by fans regarding his body and costume choices, and Best Jeanist stepping in with regards to the situation. I’m sure the original idea was partly inspired in relation to the other Jeanist & Hawks fic that Wyv commissioned Sif for, and I thought it made a lot of sense with how Best Jeanist acts around Bakugou and his general relation to fashion.
Definitely credits to Wyv for the concept behind that fic! I do wish that I had finagled trans!Hawks more explicitly into the fic, but at the time I was flailing about writing Damocles and unfortunately did not. :(
[from this ask meme]
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sleepy-wyvern · 1 year
Billy Hargrove x Female!Reader (SMUT)
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Chapter: 1/? (smut in later chapter) part 2 here
Summary: Billy pursues an uninterested reader trying to gain her adoration. When reader finds her crush kissing someone else that's when she realizes her feelings are towards the wrong guy.
TW/CW: persistent flirting, cigarettes, marijuana, violent threat (not towards reader)
This fic only contains characters that are 18+ and will contain smut, as such 18+ readers only, minors absolutely DNI
For the lovely @strangelysupernatural ! Thanks for challenging me to write a difficult character! It was super fun and I'm sorry part one took so long 😂 go check out her page for her part of the challenge to write for my baby Steve Harrington! And more AMAZING billy & eddie fics sure to make you melt! 🥰
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The moment Billy laid eyes on you he had one thing in mind: the need to corrupt your shy, goody two-shoes attitude. The fact that you weren’t interested in him seemed to drive his instinct to chase even more.
You were 18 but unfortunately had to move to a new town known as Hawkins before graduation. It was absolutely the worst time to make friends as cliques had already been long since established and most people were parting ways in a month or so.
Still, you were the shiny new toy amongst the high school so people stared curiously. You ignored them all except one that you couldn’t seem to avoid.
The moment you saw him across the cafeteria your heart leapt in your throat. You looked away but still felt his hungry eyes on your body. You couldn’t help but feel drawn to him, part of you was urging you to go to him like a magnet you fought to ignore.
He had large soft eyes, a curly mullet that seemed to grow on you, a faint hint of facial hair and of course a muscular frame. The man was built like a truck; seemingly out of place amongst the other students.
“Whose that?” You asked, clutching your dull blue cafeteria tray as you sat at the lunch table. 
Your first friend in this foreign world had sat next to you, graciously giving you company and the run down of the place. She had always worn a heavy metal or rock themed outfit, perhaps at first coming off as scary but she was the sweetest person at this wretched place. You were thankful you had been placed at the empty desk next to hers in English class.
“That’s Billy Hargrove,” she answered with a loving sigh. “Don’t waste your time though he’s a fuck boy that only cares about one night stands.”
You look down at your lunch trying to avoid eye contact but you could feel his gaze over you. 
“Thanks Bunny,” you smiled to her genuinely appreciating the warning. 
She tucked a strand of wild brown hair behind her ear as she smiled to you softly before noticing him walking towards you in the corner of her eye. “Uh-oh,” she sighed.
His steps approached and your breath seemed to catch in your throat. You held your hands in front of you nervously as your mind buzzed. He’s definitely not coming this way, right? Even if he was, he wouldn't speak to you because you're sitting with someone right?
When he neared your table your heart stopped as he did.
“Well, well, well. Who do we have here?” His voice seemed to purr as he put his hands on the table “fresh meat?” 
“Leave her alone, Billy, she’s not interested.” Bunny groaned at him with a glare that would’ve scared you had it been directed your way. Her beautiful blue eyes seemed equally terrifying under the cafeteria fluorescent lights.
He wasn't yet deterred as he leaned forward with his fists on the cafeteria table. You could smell a hint of expensive cologne as he loomed over you.
“How about she tell me that herself?” His pink tongue rolled over his chapped lips as he spoke, soft eyes watching you intently with his head tilted. You wondered for a moment how his expression was so soft when the rest of him was covered in sharp edges.
You stood holding your tray with half eaten food “Not interested.”
You make your way to the trash can, throwing the scraps out before returning your tray. When you turned around though, he was still standing there. 
You couldn’t look him in the eyes, gaze caught on his firm chest which didn’t seem like a great alternative choice for your mental resolve.
“Can I help you?” You asked as polite and calm as you could muster. 
“Yeah, actually.” He folded his arms clearly flexing his muscles as he did “How about a date?”
It took all of your willpower to ignore the tone of muscle in his arms.
You squint your eyes at him finding the courage to look up to his face “did you not hear me? I’m not interested.”
You walk past him catching the scent of his cologne once again, this time it seemed to fill your entire body, swirling through your veins like addictive poison. A sweet, delicious toxin.
“We’ll see about that,” he called from behind you and you were glad he couldn’t see your expression. 
“Careful, y/n,” Bunny warned with a sly smile “that’s a spicy one. You get caught in that trap you’ll never get out.”
Thankfully that was the last of his advances for that day. The next day however, you found he was still not deterred. 
He found you once more, this time at the library as you looked for a new book to read. 
“Huh, and she reads?” He asked rolling a cherry red lollipop over his tongue as he leaned against the door frame.
His voice startled you at first but quickly you rolled your eyes “I’m surprised you’re here. You don’t seem like the type.”
“The type to read?” He asked, hovering his lollipop over his lips.
“The type to be literate,” you muttered, “since you clearly ignored what I said yesterday.”
Instead of being offended he chuckled low seeming to enjoy your remark “Feisty. I like it.”
You sighed.
“Listen Billy, I know exactly about boys like you. You dote on girls, say whatever they want to hear to get them to spread their legs for you and then you don’t call them in the morning. I’m not falling for that crap.” You looked at him seriously but his soft brown eyes didn’t change expression as they darted between yours. They were soft and seemed to be filled with almost an innocent adoration you figured to be a ploy.
“Are you listening? Did you even hear a word I said?” You asked. 
He took the lollipop out of his mouth with two fingers “honestly? No. I was too busy looking at how gorgeous you are.”
Despite the flutter of butterflies it awoke inside you you weren’t interested. Guys like him were bad news, good for nothing and definitely not boyfriend material. You weren’t exactly looking for a one night stand either, not with this fuckboy. 
You rolled your eyes turning to leave, feeling his eyes watch your curves as you stride away.
The next part of your plan was to ignore him until he lost interest. It worked well even in the shared class together. You sat towards the front of the class while he sat in the back, leaning against the uncomfortable plastic chair.
Bunny was in that class with you too, and she leaned over to whisper to you while the teacher was occupied. 
“The man is consuming you with his eyes back there, y/n. What did you say to him?” Bunny looked both confused and intrigued. 
You sigh with a slight eye roll, not daring to look back at him “I told him I’m not interested.”
There was one guy you were a little interested in though since moving here. 
Steve Harrington he was known as, or Steve “The Hair” Harrington Bunny called him. Total jock as well, which wasn't exactly your type but the man was gorgeous and sweet like golden honey.
When he actually paid attention to you it was a surreal feeling. How could a guy like that have any interest in someone like me?
You were hooked since the day he introduced himself to you and since then you looked forward to every chance you got to see him.
“Hey I was thinking,” Steve asked, his hazel eyes glowing as he leaned against the brick wall of the school. You were outside with the sun beaming down giving him an almost angelic appearance. “I was going to have a party at my place since my parents are gone anyways. You wanna come? You could take Bunny and her boyfriend, Eddie was it?”
“Yeah,” although it wasn’t Eddie’s scene you knew Bunny would likely drag him along if she was interested. You run your lips together before smiling “I’d like that.”
“Steve Harrington!” The loud voice booms and you close your eyes keeping back a groan.
God damnit Billy Hargrove I swear if you mess this up for me. 
Steve turned his head to look at Billy, body tensing “yeah it’s me. Don’t get your panties in a twist.”
“King Steve! I’ve heard so much about you,” Billy smiled but his tone was anything but friendly as he slapped his arm against Steve’s back. 
You roll your eyes “take it to the locker room why don’t you and leave me the hell alone Billy.”
“Is it that bad to just want to talk?” He asked innocently. 
“You heard the girl,” Steve said with a glare that could kill a man.
You looked at Steve and sighed “you go on, I’ll call you later.”
Steve glared at Billy as he walked by “call me when you get back to your house.” It was a sweet gesture but you knew it was a threat to Billy that he ignored.
“Y/n,” his silky voice spoke, making you groan when Steve was out of earshot “have you been avoiding me?”
“Awww look he’s smart, putting two and two together finally?” You turned to him clearly not interested in his bullshit. 
He smiled wildly when you noticed he held a cigarette between his lips “oh but it’s hard to forget about you, the absence of beauty is heavy on my heart.”
“Listen,” you turn to him and he raises his eyebrows surprised. “I know you think you’re hot shit or whatever but not every girl likes you and you’re just going to have to accept it. I'm not playing hard to get, I’m just not interested and I want you to leave me alone.”
He put his hands up defensively “alright, you’re right, I’m sorry. I’ll leave you alone.”
From the treatment of guys past you were genuinely surprised at how easily he had accepted your words. He actually did seem sorry and he took his vow seriously. The next few days you hadn’t heard from him at all. 
Instead you enjoyed your uninterrupted time after classes talking to Steve. You hated to admit it but you had a crush.
As you were leaving class on Thursday, you walked down the hall when a sight made your heart drop to your stomach. Steve was up against Nancy's locker with his lips pressed into hers. His ex you knew, as Bunny had filled you in.
Angry tears burned in your eyes as you walked past. Was it that you had misinterpreted his advances and he just wanted to be friends? You cursed at yourself for letting your guard down, brushing the back of your hand against your cheeks to wipe away the tears
As you stuff your books into your locker you grab your bag, throwing it over your shoulder. When you shut your locker you look down the hall seeing them locked in an embrace again. You thought you did your best to hide your reaction but as you glance further down the line of lockers you notice Billy looking at you, eyes melting from interest to concern. 
You blink back any anger or upset feelings brewing inside you, turning and walking quickly down the hall. 
“Hey, y/n,” Billy called out as you pushed past the crowd headed the opposite direction.
“Y/n!” He shouted. 
You reached for the metal handle on the side door, pulling it back but his strong hand slammed it shut again. 
“Listen,” Billy said and you turned to look at him. 
“What do you want, Billy? I’m really not in the fucking mood,” your eyes flashed anger at him. 
“It’s not fair that he did that to you,” he ran his fingers through his curls “in fact if you hadn’t ran off I probably would’ve punched him then and there.”
You let out a scoff you didn’t mean to, you didn’t want to admit it but his words did make you feel better. 
“And about the other day, you’re right. I need to give you space and I was a douche bag to you for not respecting that.” He paused looking outside for a moment before back at you. “I was planning on leaving you alone without saying anything but then I saw that in the hall and-“
Your sudden strange reaction caught him off guard mid-sentence as he stopped speaking. You look over your shoulder and up the school stairwell ensuring no one was watching.
“What?” He asked and as you watched his pink lips move you knew what you needed to do; to test something.
You pushed him against the old school wall with your hand to his chest. Wrapping your arms around his neck you stood on your tiptoes, losing your fingers in his hair as you pulled him down into a kiss. 
As the shock wore off he took over, pulling you close to him by your waist. His soft tongue brushed against your lips requesting an entrance as you parted them for him. His taste was addicting as it swirled a tinge of sweet tobacco. His hands explored his way ever so slightly beneath the fabric of your top.
“Hey!” A teacher yelled as your body jolted in shock, pulling away from him “save it for off school property please.”
Bright red painted your cheeks but the teacher just sounded annoyed. 
“Sure thing Ms. O'Donnell,” Billy’s lips were curved in a smirk as he ran his tongue over his lips. 
You rolled your eyes pushing open the side door and stepping out into the cool air. You could hear his footsteps trailing behind you as you walked but you didn’t turn around. 
“Would you stop running from me, please?” He seemed to growl low in his throat as you turned to look at him. “I think we should talk,” words you didn’t expect him to say.
You tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear before turning to look at him. He stood behind you, hands in his pockets and you weren’t sure if you trusted the compassionate look in his eyes. 
“What, Billy?” You sighed looking around “Look, I’ve heard the stories about you. It’s not exactly a secret that you have one night stands with whatever pretty little thing you lay your eyes on. Frankly, I’m not interested.”
“I was like that. You’re right. And normally I’d be down for that kind of thing. Since I met you though, you’re different.” He hesitated looking into the distance “ever since I saw you in that cafeteria I can’t stop thinking about you. Every day, every night. You’re always on my mind.”
The cool breeze seemed to suck the air out of your lungs as your lips parted in a gasp.
Part 2
Hope you enjoyed! Reminder my requests are OPEN!
Have a great day my lovely reader 💙
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sleepy-wyvern · 2 years
This is annon because I don't want this on my Main blog. Would you be comfortable with writing Eddie Munson × female!reader having period sex? In the " I have heard that it helps with cramps" kinda way ?
Sure thing Nonny I gotchu! I forgot to include in my FAQ that I don’t mind period blood. Somehow that totally escaped my brain while writing it lol. Thanks so much for sending in a request dolly, no worries about being anon at all. I thought this was the perfect excuse for some shower fun, I hope I do your request justice and that you enjoy!
"For Science" Menstrual Comfort
Eddie Munson x female!reader SMUT
CW: menstrual topics, playful biting, unprotected sex 18+ explicit minors dni
Tags: period sex, fingering, p in v, shower sex, curvy reader
Pet names: baby, darling, sweetheart (no use of y/n)
Word count: 2.1k
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You snuggled up against Eddie, slowly shimmying your ass against his crotch as you reposition yourself. 
Today you stayed home from work because of your menstrual symptoms, and although you insisted it was okay Eddie wanted to be by your side at all times. He cooked you breakfast himself, he learned exactly the way you liked it down to how much milk and sugar in your tea or coffee. He also took out the trash, swept the house and watered the plants. He even had a load of laundry in the washing machine, trying to do everything he could think of to lighten your burdens.
You knew that today Eddie wouldn’t bring up the prospect of sex to you because although there is never a time he would say no to you, today was about what you wanted solely directed by you. It was increasingly difficult for him to not initiate something as you lay in bed together, your ass up against him, feeling the way your curves fit perfectly into his grip around you. He wondered if you were doing it on purpose to test his resolve. 
“You know Ed’s…” you trail off your question. 
Seeing you so vulnerable filled him with a sense of protection, he wanted to hold you there, keeping you safe from the world. He’d give you anything you wanted, and desired you somehow even more. But he kept his eyes on the tv, tucking loose strands of hair behind your ear and burying his lips into the top of your head to distract himself. Just say the word, and he knew he couldn’t hold back any longer. 
“Uh huh?” His attention quickly shifts from the show and onto you. 
You tugged at your shirt nervously. Today you wore an oversized Metallica shirt you had stolen from Eddie along with some old pyjama pants you had. You decided to try period panties instead of your usual tampon or pad this time around, wearing old pants just in case. 
His hand was underneath the fabric of your shirt as you requested, slowly massaging your pelvic region to try and mitigate your cramps. Something about the hold he had on you drove you mad. You knew enough was enough and you had to do something about it. 
“I think I wanna take a shower,” you rubbed your lips together. 
“Okay, yeah, sure darling whatever you need,” as he loosened his grip on you, you immediately missed his touch and were reminded of the aching pain in your body.
He lifted your weighted blanket off of you both, the cool room air making you shiver. You reluctantly stand, motivated only by your plan you had hatched in your head.
Eddie pauses the show for you before going to grab your towel as you make your way to the bathroom. He sets the towel folded neatly near the shower and takes his lighter out of his pocket. You smile to yourself watching his thumb flick a few times before a bright orange flame sprouted up. He brought it up to the candle you had sitting on the counter top, filling the room with your favourite aroma. 
He turns to you then, his eyes darting around the room as he does wondering if he missed anything. “Alright, did you need anything else?” He asked, his eyes finally landing on you. They were large and brown, looking at you with warm love. 
“Ed’s, I’d like you to join me,” your cheeks turn pink as you blush and he’s taken aback by your request. He tries his best to not accept it too hastily, to show you he wasn’t just doing this to see you naked. 
“I’d love to,” he replied and he was just happy to wash your hair and scrub your back. But you wanted a little more than that. 
“You know Eds I was thinking,” you trail your fingers along his waist and unseat her his waistband, tugging him towards you. You could already see the bulge lift in his pants. 
“I read online that sex is good for your period” your eyes look up to meet him and a wicked grin grows on his face. 
“Oh is that so sweetheart?” He licks his lips after he speaks, pressing them together. 
You undo his belt buckle as you smile back at him. You’ve done it enough times by now you could do it with your eyes closed. Plus you knew it drove him mad the way you stared into his eyes while you dropped the belt to the floor with a light thud and clink of metal against the tile. 
His hands slide underneath the fabric of your oversized t shirt “well, I guess I could oblige,” he sighs pretending to be as uninterested as possible with a sly smile on his face to let you know he was being playful “you know, in the name of science.”
“Yes, of course,” you giggle as he pulls your shirt up and over your head, something he had wanted to do the entire morning knowing you had no bra underneath. 
You pull him closer to you again, undoing his jeans quickly, unzipping his fly and feeling yourself getting wet for him. 
He pulls his hellfire tee up and over his head while you shimmy out of your pyjama bottoms, feeling your wetness against your thigh. He was sure to flex his arms and shoulders in the way you liked as he did, showing off his torso for you. 
You smiled teasingly back at him before turning to get into the shower, letting him have full view of your ass.
His eyes move down your body hungrily “wow,” he whispers tracing the curves of your body with his eyes. 
You enter the shower feeling the warm droplets touch your shivering skin. Brushing your hair back with your hands you let the water flow over you. Before long Eddie joins you, first laying his hand gently on your waist as the water dampens his hair. Quickly his desire takes over as he grasps at your love handles. 
You turn to face him, the water trickling down your back as you do. You wrap your arms around his neck and your lips meet in a loving, heated kiss. His hand moves to your breasts as he gently runs his fingers over you, careful due to your increased sensitivity. You tilt your head back as he toys with your nipples, moving his lips to your neck. He trails kisses beneath the droplets of water before gently sucking, his other hand pulling your body into his. 
You let out a gasp of air, the faintest moan as he nibbles at your neck, thumb swirling against your skin. He moved his fingers down between your legs, feeling how wet your entrance was. He smiled with eyebrows raised as he brushed his fingers against you. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, giving your ear kisses “you just always overtake me with how lovely your entire body is.”
You giggle at him, a little flustered by his response “you know you don’t have to flatter me like that, you already have me here naked” you turn away from him then, letting the water hit your face. 
“I know,” he wraps his arms around your body and you can feel his hard on pressing against your butt “but that won’t ever stop me from worshiping you like you deserve,” he whispers lovingly into your ear. 
You bend your body over, grinding your spread ass up against his crotch. He grabs at the roundness of your ass cheeks as you do, unable to resist. He brings his fingers to your entrance before easily plunging in, making you let out a moan that was louder than you intended, sending sparks through Eddie’s entire body. 
You spread your legs eagerly for him, granting better access. He moves his fingers inside of you lovingly, testing different motions to see what elicits the best response out of you. The feeling was no less than divine but you wanted- no, needed- more of him.
“Ed’s,” you whimper, hands pressed against the wall of the shower. 
The water flowed over your arched back and you felt it dribble down your thighs. You turn your head to catch a glance at him, his wet hair pressed against his neck. He looked into your eyes sweetly as he continued fingering you and you knew he’d give you anything you wanted. 
“I want your cock,” your lip quivered as you spoke “please,”
“Whatever my baby wants,” he ran a hand lovingly over your back sending chills through you.
You close your eyes letting the sensations take over, feeling his tip slowly press against your throbbing cunt. You were glad the wall was there to steady you as he slowly, yet easily, slipped into you. The tight pressure never felt so good, distracting you from everything else. Your body shakes as he fully enters, hitting the back of your cunt. 
“Is-is that okay?” Eddie stutters, grabbing at your ass. 
“Mmhmm” you mumble before realizing he may not hear you against the rushing water “keep going,” you say louder this time. 
He pulls out a little before sliding back in, pushing you against the shower wall, this time letting out a loving moan. He takes this as a good sign of encouragement, thrusting in and out more, motivated by every movement and every sound you make. He was gentle at first, afraid somehow being on your period it would hurt you. But before long he was grunting as he held your ass, ramming into your slippery cunt. 
Your sweet high pitched moans sounded like a song against his deeper grunts and thigh slapping against the water. It was a perfect combination, an irresistible one and it had Eddie feeling like he would finish before he should, so he slowed to a stop.
You were curious as to his intention, opening your eyes to watch him. The sight of him inside you made you squirm as he offered you a shaken lustful smirk. He moved his fingers to your cunt, rubbing against you until he found your clit. 
Closing your eyes again you let out a moan “yes-yes! There there,” you beg him, biting your lower lip as he runs circles over your clit. 
Your mouth droops open as he toys with you, letting out quick gasps of air. His cock throbs inside of you as your walls tighten against him enjoying the attention. You felt your pleasure building up as you clench your fingers against the wall, he starts thrusting into you again, slowly as sure to not interrupt his finger work. 
The feeling was too much as it pushed you over the edge of orgasm, as your cunt clenched against him he knew you finished. He moved his fingers to caress your back instead. 
“Good job baby,” he whispered, the words fluttering through your chest. 
He continues to thrust into you, faster now. Your body presses into the cold shower wall, still limp and numb from pleasure. You bring a hand back to your ass, squeezing it and spreading it for him, pressing back into him. 
As the feeling in your cunt returns you moan in overstimulation doing your best to keep from squirming. He grabs your hips to help as he grunts, he lets out a gasp and you knew he was there, cock twitching inside of you as he released his orgasm into you. Your heart beats in your ear drums as you let out a deep breath of air, feeling satisfied and filled with him. 
He pulls out of you grabbing at your waist as you straighten your body. You turn to face him with a large smile on your lips. 
“Have fun darling? Cause I sure as hell did” he laughed with joy in his eyes, pulling your body up against him.
Your bodies touched in a warm loving embrace, he never felt so good as the water ran down you both. He held you close and tight with strong loving arms and your cheek pressed into the tattoo on his chest. 
“My cramps are gone” you say against him, grinning wildly. 
“Well well well, guess we’ll know what the doctor orders for you the rest of the week,” he kisses your forehead as you laugh.
You look up into his brown eyes, his hair caked against his forehead in wild wet curls. You fake a disappointed sigh, betrayed by the upward tilt in the corner of your lips. 
“I guess if it’s what the doctor says I need,” you reply before sharing a deep, loving kiss. 
If you like this, feel free to leave a comment, like, or reblog, I treasure every one! My requests are currently open as well!
As always, hope you have a great day my lovely reader!
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sleepy-wyvern · 1 year
Scars and Stretch Marks (Eddie Munson x female!Reader) Part 1
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Chapter: 1/? (in progress) Part 2 here
Synopsis: Reader helps Eddie deal with his body insecurities. Eddie Munson wakes up after the most metal concert in the world covered in scars. These scars bring on insecurity from Eddie when he meets a gorgeous woman with her own scar that she doesn't mind showing off. They work together to win the love of a little black kitten with a scar over its eye.
Dedication: Miniseries for the lovely loony tunes @alienthingstwo 💙 hope you enjoy, more parts to come!
Word count: 1.5k (first chapter)
Smut will be included in later chapters so minors please do not interact! 18+!
Warnings/Content tags: Scars, stretch marks, body insecurity, body worship
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Where there once was chaos, suddenly there was peace. The bats have cleared leaving the savior stranded on the ground. Somehow the clouded sky and polluted atmosphere cleared away to a normal blue of Hawkins Indiana.
Eddie Munson woke with a gasp, bringing his hand to his chest. Once where excruciating pain had been had been replaced with… nothing. Nothing but a normal beating heart as if the whole ordeal had never happened.
He looked down at his hands, flexing his calloused fingers. His fingertips were still covered in dried scarlet from when he tried to stop his own bleeding. Had it worked? Surely not, as he had passed out soon after. Yet here he was, breathing and sitting up. No fresh blood.
“What the f-” he mumbled looking at the world around him.
His hands moved down to his torso feeling the drying blood stains and ripped holes through the fabric of his hellfire shirt. The last thing he remember was being chased by a swarm of demobats but suddenly things felt different. He was no longer in the upside down.
He pulled the bottom of his ruined hellfire shirt up to reveal bright red scars covering his chest and abdomen. Dozens of bites and scratches where claws tore away at skin. His heart caught in his throat before smoothing the fabric back down again and running his fingers through his long shaggy hair.
How exactly was he going to explain this to anyone? He had no idea. 
Meanwhile, down by the old metal trailer stood a woman crouched by the ground curiously. She wore jean shorts and a tank top to escape the heat, showing a long scar on her hip trailing down to her thigh.
“Kitty kitty kitty,” you cooed trying to coax the little black kitten out from underneath the trailer. 
Of course once you saw him there you had to try and coax him out. Poor baby was likely in need of some food and a bath. He was small and fluffy but clearly a fighter you could tell. 
You sighed under the heat, wiping the back of your hand against your forehead. You were determined to win this little guys love despite how much patience it would take.
He stared at you from underneath the doorstep, a fearful curiosity in his large green eyes. Part of his left ear was missing and there was a scar above his right eye, perhaps from a fight over some food or god knows what. Even so, he was adorable. Scars and all.
The ceramic dish with wet cat food sat in front of you, you knew it would be hard for the kitten to resist. Now it was a game of patience and wits.
“Come on little guy,” you spoke as softly as you could. “Come on out. I promise you a lifetime of food, cuddles, treats and toys.”
“Sign me up.” The voice behind you made you jump as you turned around. 
You blinked wondering if what you were seeing in front of you was real. Eddie Munson, the guy who had been missing and maybe a week prior a wanted suspected murderer was standing in front of you. His image had been cleared from the police reports but on his forearm you spotted a streak of dried blood.
He wore jeans and a grey shirt with sleeves that ended at his elbows, concealing whatever was hidden underneath. You’ve never seen him in that shirt before when you shared classes together, he was barely seen outside of the hellfire tee. If you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought he plucked it off of a clothesline nearby. 
“Uhh, are you alright?” You asked cautiously, trailing your eyes up the mark of dark red.
People had started rumors about him, how Satanic he was. Stereotypes were never something you cared to follow though. Right here right now he just seemed... Flustered. Messy, chaotic and confused.
He followed your gaze to the dried blood and pressed his lips together in annoyance, “apparently I am.”
“Is… is it a bad thing to be okay?” You asked confused.
He rubbed his forehead with his hands. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. It’s fine. Clearly I’m dead and gone to heaven.” He hauls the bandana off of his head, stuffing it into his pocket.
“Uhhh, did you hit your head or something? I think I’d be aware if this was heaven” you shifted your weight from one leg to the next, folding your arms as he watched you. 
“Then why the hell are you here?” He asked, cheeks immediately going red as he realized the implication of his own words. “Uhhh, I mean, I thought you were in California or something.” He avoided eye contact with you.
You remembered sitting across the room from him in high school the year before. You had barely exchanged many words, perhaps only for a group project once. You would have been surprised to hear he knew your name, let alone the fact that he just told you he knew you moved to California.
You tilted your head at him, “I came back. Hawkins is far from any heaven but it’s a type of home.”
He dug into his pockets searching for something. He wasn’t ignoring you, you could tell, just a thousand different things were running through his mind.
“Is this your place?” You asked.
He nodded, an expression of pure relief washing over his face as he pulled out his keys.
This entire situation was odd yet it amused you, “why haven’t you asked why I’m here yet? In front of your trailer.”
“Well, it’s my uncles. Frankly, stranger things have happened to me than a pretty girl standing around my place…” he thought for a moment, “never mind, scratch that. This is the strangest thing I’ve experienced but I assume you’re not into eating cat food on a stranger's doorstep.”
You felt heat rise to your cheeks at his words. You turned back around noticing the kitten unfortunately had taken the food and scampered off. 
“Well, there’s been a stray kitten hanging out around here. I've been trying to catch him.” You sighed. 
He unlocked the door but was more intrigued by the conversation at hand. You turned back just in time to see his eyes flutter up from the scar on your leg. It didn’t bother you, in fact you were used to the looks by now. The way he looked at you felt different than the stares of horror or curiousness. Instead it seemed like adoration?
He was embarrassed though as he looked away, scratching his neck nonchalantly trying to think of something to say to save himself. “Have you, uh, always had that scar?”
“Have you always had an arm covered in blood?” You nodded to him and he shook his head.
“No, believe it or not I woke up like this.” He pulled down on his shirt nervously. Perhaps some questions were better off left unanswered.
You tap your finger against your chin “well, I've woken up in worse states.”
He seemed amused by your response as he chuckled. “Trust me, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
“Right, I should see the other guy huh?” Frankly you didn’t believe him. 
He smirked from your comment before shaking his head “I wish. It was a, uh, raccoon attack.” He scratched the back of his head, wincing before continuing, “I didn’t run this time at least.”
You wondered to yourself if perhaps he should have ran instead. “Well, maybe you should get yourself a rabies shot.”
He stuffed his hands in his back pockets, “will do.”
You both stood there for a moment seemingly unsure of what to say yet not exactly wanting to leave.
“Hey, uh, mind if I leave the cat food here and come back around sometime to try and get him? Poor guy looked starved.” Your voice was suddenly nervous and you weren’t sure why. 
“Oh, yeah sure.” Eddie shook his head as if to try and regain his composure. “If you’ll excuse me I'm in dire need of a shower… and the cure for rabies.”
“Right.” You smiled slyly. “I’ll see you around then?”
“Yeah, yeah for sure,” he nodded with a small smile. You could tell he was doing his best not to cringe at himself for not finding the right words. 
“I’ll keep an eye out for your, uh, cat,” he called as you started walking away. 
“Thanks,” You smirked back at him before turning back around, feeling his gaze follow you.
“There’s no cure for rabies by the way!” You called out. 
“What?!” He shouted and sounded fearful as you chuckled, "what do you mean?!"
You wove as you walked away without turning back, "see you later."
Scars and Stretch Marks
Hope you enjoyed!!! Next chapters will be coming soon!
Have a great day my lovely readers!
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sleepy-wyvern · 1 year
Scars and Stretch Marks (Eddie Munson x female!Reader) Part 2!
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Gif found here, if anyone finds the original artist lmk so I can credit!
Chapter: 2/? (in progress) Read part 1 here, part 3 TBD
Synopsis: This chapter is pure fluff with smut to come! You and Eddie Munson try to tame a little black kitten with a missing ear and scar over it's eye. This fic deals with body image, body scars and body confidence!
Dedication: Miniseries for the lovely loony tunes @alienthingstwo💙 hope you enjoy, more parts to come!
Word count: 1.9k (second chapter)
Smut will be included in later chapters so minors please do not interact! 18+!
Warnings/Content tags: Scars, stretch marks, body insecurity, body worship
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Eddie Munson sat on the front step, one hand on his knee the other holding a cigarette between his two fingers. Today he wore a light grey muscle shirt to escape the heat. He was careful that it covered every pink scar on his torso, lest it be seen especially by a pretty girl.
The thick black tobacco smoke dispersed into the sky as he tapped his foot against the gravel.
It still felt surreal to be here and alive but it was less like a dream now. He was glad to get some alone time after being bombarded with questions and hugs as much as he appreciated them.
Dustin and his uncle had of course the biggest reactions. Ones enough to make tears well in his eyes but he was sure to blink them away as quickly as possible. Even Steve and Nancy who he barely knew were relieved to see him alive and well.
After the reunions a cigarette was deemed necessary along with some fresh air. The moment he stepped outside though he spotted the empty cat dish.
He sat on the trailer steps wondering if the scarred beauty from yesterday would be here again. Perhaps that part was the dream or hallucination. How she was so comfortable with her own scar Eddie had no idea. He figured he’d never be that comfortable to show his own, instead hiding them beneath the fabric of his shirt. 
You walked down the road clutching your fingers around your tote. Within it held the metal tin of cat food you purchased before heading over. You were hoping that the cat would show up, lest the food be going to a raccoon instead. You also had a selection of cat toys and flea shampoo in case you ever did manage to catch the sly kitty. It was better to be prepared but at the same time you didn’t want to get your hopes up.
It was still shorts and tank top weather, at least if you wanted any kind of relief. The sun was beating down against your skin and you were grateful you remembered to apply sunscreen.
You wondered if Eddie would be there today, hopefully with less mysteriously dried blood on him. Still, he had seemed normal as ever. As normal as Eddie Munson could be anyways. Not that you minded.
You thought back to your experience in school with him. He never gave a shit what anyone thought of him and his hobbies. That always intrigued you and inspired you, you tried so hard to fit in for a long time that perhaps you were starting to realise that it was doing more harm than good. That maybe without his viewpoint you were about to reach a point where your entire personality wasn't personal at all. Just a mash of pop culture and hobbies deemed acceptable in a desperate plea to fit in. You were thankful things were different now.
Every encounter with him had been memorable in some way. You recalled him catching your gaze from across the cafeteria. It was a look of caution yet intrigue, perhaps that he knew you were a lost sheep but in disguise as someone who didn’t need saving.
Now, especially with your first year of university underneath your belt you decided to accept yourself for who you were. You wondered how much of that had to do with Eddie, but shook it off. Surely not, you weren’t even really friends in high school. Not that you never wanted to be, maybe it was fear of rejection that stopped you. Not anymore.
With every step down the road somehow you didn’t feel nervous. In fact, you felt excited and curious. You wanted to learn more about this ex-suspected-murderer. Normally this is something people would run away from yet you were far from normal.
He sat on the front step of his trailer smoking a cigarette. You felt a gentle tug on the corner of your lip as you spotted him before he saw you further down the road. He looked nervous, an expression you were never used to seeing on Eddie Munson. The moment he noticed you though it seemed to mostly melt away in a facade of awkward confidence he always wore.
You could feel the heat soaking into your body from the sun as you walked down to greet him. He held a beer bottle in his hand that he tapped his index finger against nervously. The thought of him being nervous to talk to you made you a little giddy.
“Hey, Eddie,” you folded your arms as you looked down at him. 
“Hey, y/n,” he spoke curtly. “Back for your kitty?”
You couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes hesitated over the scar on your hip before he met your gaze. It had to be half a second at most but you didn’t miss it.
“That’s the plan.” You smiled before nodding to the beer in his hand, “you didn’t get me one?”
“Oh- I uh, yeah I could-“ he turned to get up before you interrupted.
“I was just teasing. It seems like you need it, you’re as on edge as our cat.” You offered a sympathetic smile. 
He nodded and shrugged “yeah, well, been through a lot the last, uh, week. Long story.” 
You moved to sit on the wooden platform of the other entrance that held a chair and sofa. You placed your bag of cat things next to you as Eddie watched curiously. 
“Well, I’ve got time.” You crossed your legs as you pulled out a tin of cat food, opening it and dumping the contents on the dish you brought.
“That’s disgusting,” Eddie watched the cat food plop onto the plate amused. 
“Oh yeah, it tastes great on sandwiches.” You smiled at him mischievously as he looked at you in horror. 
“Kidding,” you shook your head at him. “What’s got you so jumpy?”
There was a bit of a pause as he hesitated, perhaps wondering if he should make up a lie or tell the truth. It seemed he picked the latter.
“Do you believe in monsters?” He asked nonchalantly, big brown eyes trying to read your expression.
You put a finger to your chin thinking for a moment. “Depends. Werewolves? No way. Bigfoot? Yes. Moth man? Definitely.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow unable to tell if you were joking or not. 
You smirked, “I keep an open mind but the real monsters are people.”
You hopped off the platform carrying the cat dish with you. You could tell Eddie was trying hard to avoid watching you as you placed the dish on the ground. Instead he brought the bottle to his lips, his adams apple bobbing as he drank. 
“Well, you got that right.” He nodded nonchalantly.
He seemed to hesitate as if holding something back. Instead of pushing him you returned back to your spot on the wooden platform letting him take his time. 
“Ever hear of the cult of Vecna?” He asked, staring blankly into the sky before looking at you with sad brown eyes. 
“Vecna Lives! from the world of Greyhawk?” You asked and he looked back at you pleasantly surprised.
He nodded, “well it seems Vecna does live. Some kind of time and space multidimensional being that gets inside your head and uh, you can guess the rest.”
“I see,” You kicked your feet against the ground slightly. “Is that who caused your arm to bleed?”
You weren’t sure if he was telling the truth or not but you didn’t want to deem him a liar. Who would make up a lie like that?
“No,” his gaze fell to his arm. “Those were demobats. Still think my explanation is sane?” He looked up at you. 
You shook your head at him. “I’ve heard worse. Not sure what a demobat is though.”
“Well, it doesn't matter because in the end they were no match for me!” He smiled as he put the butt of his cigarette out on the dirty ashtray.
You did your best to not make it seem like you were staring but it was hard to not notice the muscle tone in his arms as he moved.
Truth is Eddie Munson amused you and interested you at the same time. He seemed like a simple guy that did what he pleased yet he was perplexing at the same time. What was he hiding?
A small black spot in the corner of your eye moved. Your eyes darted over to the plate of food noticing the kitty happily chowing down.
“Don’t make any sudden movements,” you warned. 
“What, is there a spider?” He asked suddenly with a tinge of fear.
“I sure hope not,” you did your best to suppress your laughter.
You nodded to the plate of cat food as Eddie’s large eyes followed yours.
“What do we do now?” He asked, a little surprised but trying not to be too loud.
“Not sure, I honestly didn’t think I’d get this far,” you replied honestly as his serious expression turned into a heartfelt smile that made your heart race.
“Psspsspss!” Eddie tried to call him over.
The little black kitten looked up at him, twitching his ripped ear cautiously at the noise. He just finished the last of his food and was looking for more. His hungry tummy must’ve got the better of him as he slowly started to make his way towards Eddie.
“Awh,” You say quietly as if to not scare him. “He likes you.”
“I don’t know about that,” Eddie whispered as he held his hand out.
The kitty cautiously sniffed his hand, seemingly annoyed when there was no food in it.
You swiftly reached into your bag pulling out some cat treats. The kitten looked over nervously as soon as he heard the bag crinkle and you tossed a couple in front of you. His eyes darted quickly to the spot on the ground where the treats landed. He crouched down low giving an adorable little butt wiggle before pouncing on one of the treats.
“Man has his priorities in order,” you laughed. 
Eddie smiled genuinely at the sight and it seemed to be the most relaxed you’ve seen him. His shoulders were lower as if he had released the hidden tension as he leaned back. He brought the beer to his lips drinking the last of the liquid while the scene before him unfolded.
The kitten slowly started to make his way towards you, his tiny paws cautiously padding across the gravel. The little black kitten rubbed against your leg graciously, you figured it to be a thank you for the treats.
You leaned down holding your hand out with a treat in the palm of your hand. At first he was apprehensive but then he graciously accepted the treat. You ran your fingers over the soft fur on his head as he chomped down on the treat.
The kitten seemed less scared of you now so you scooped him up into your hands. Somehow, some way it worked. You could even feel the soft vibration of him purring against your arms. 
“Look at you, cat whisperer,” Eddie rolled his tongue over the words.
“It’s the food, that’s how you win his love.” You smiled scratching the kitties head.
Eddie nodded “Yeah well, little buddies got the right idea, don’t ya Scar?”
“Scar? A little on the nose don’t you think?” Still it made you smile. “Are you a fan of the lion king?”
“I still cry at the movie,” he admitted. “So now what do we do with the rascal?”
“Well, we can bring him inside but he’s dirty. I’ve got some clear shampoo with me.”
“Sounds like it’s time to give him a b-a-t-h,” Eddie whispered as if the cat could understand. “We can give him one here.”
“I don’t think he knows the word bat-“ you started. 
“Shhh! Don’t say it, you'll freak him out.” Eddie protested. 
You laughed as Eddie stood, turning to open the door. Now it was time to enter the home of Eddie Munson for the first time.
Thanks so much for reading, likes, reblogs & comments are much appreciated!
Hope you have a lovely day my reader!
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sleepy-wyvern · 2 years
Like You've Seen A Ghost
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Dom!Ghostface!Eddie x Female!Sub!Reader (~2.3k words)
TW: fake knife (prop), light choking (play), light bondage (rope, handcuffs), light cnc
Synopsis: you love slashers, especially scream. Before going to watch scream 6 (no spoilers) you and Eddie engage in some role play. Spicer than my usual works 😇
Other Tags: FAKE knife play, light breeding, fingering, p in v, cream pie, chubby reader
@taintedcigs gets all the blame for my ghostface hyper-fixation 🤣🥰 she has an AMAZING final girl reader fic you should DEFINITELY check out, my favourite writer ever I’m her biggest fan!
All characters in this fic are 18+, 18+ mature readers only, this is explicit! Minors DNI!
“What’s your favorite scary movie?” Eddie Munson’s deep voice drove you crazy. Whenever he did a ghost face impression it made you... Hungry .... He pulled a fake plastic knife from his pocket and you could hear his deep, heavy breaths against the cold white mask. The loving embrace turned lustful as he pulled you tight with one arm. He brought the plastic toy to your throat, pressing it gently into the delicate skin of your neck. The mask tilted as he angled his head, as if he were curious and Eds knew he had you then and there. The head tilts were too much.
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sleepy-wyvern · 2 years
Wyvern's Fan Fic Master List
Hi I'm Wyvern! I write comfort fics and ⋆。°✩filth✩°。⋆ I decided to make a master list of my fics, mostly with x readers! ♡ Because of the nature of my fics they are 18+ minors, DNI
Right now my obsession is targeted towards the wonderful Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington. I also love house of the dragon and ghostface, I'd be willing to write for those too! Requests and questions open but please note I may not accept every one but I'll do my best!!! My guidelines for what I dont write are here.
Feel free to filter any content you don’t want to see from me! tags I use: #wyv rambles #wyv fan art #wyv fan fic #stranger things spoilers #hotd spoilers
My Wattpad Profile || My AO3 Profile
Tag pages: Fan Fiction Here || Fan Art Here ||
FAQ/About me Here
Master List
Notes: trigger warnings are included on individual works I try to include as many as I can think of. Please only interact if 18+. I do not use "y/n" but I occasionally use "your name" as naturally as possible to keep the flow (ex. "he whispers your name") and also pet names (listed in trigger/warning section of full fan fictions). I use AO3 for multiple chapter works.
Eddie Munson ❤️‍🔥
Cold nights hot chocolate Eddie x shy fem!Reader (~10k words, 6 chapters complete, 18+, sweet/fluffy, my chemical romance)
"For Science" Menstrual Comfort Eddie x fem!Reader (~2.1k word oneshot, period and shower sex)
Like You've Seen A Ghost dom!ghostface!Eddie x sub!fem!Reader (~2.3k words, roleplay, a lil spicy!)
Black Lace Surprise bf!Eddie x fem!Reader oneshot (~4.5k words, thigh obsessed, lingerie)
Dinner and a Movie bf!Eddie x fem!Reader oneshot (~4.8k words, first time sex between you and Eddie)
Scars and Stretch Marks Eddie x fem!Reader tumblr miniseries (reader comforts Eddie's body insecurities about his scars, on going)
Comfort - every day scenario one shots
Coming home from an annoying day Eddie X Reader (~0.5k word blurb)
Menstrual Comfort / doting (morning no smut) Eddie X Fem!Reader (~1.5k word blurb)
Steve Harrington
Mint chocolate chip pleasure Steve x Curvy!Fem!Reader (~1.8k word oneshot)
Billy Hargrove
Icy Blue Billy Hargrove x fem!Reader (4 chapters, complete, smut, ~9.4k w/c total)
Scream & Ghostface
Ethan Landry Oneshots
The Love Interest soft!virgin!Ethan Landry x female!Reader (13 chapters complete, scream VI re-imagined, smut)
Lost In The Thrill dom!Ethan Landry x female!OC (?/? ongoing, SMUT, ghostface pov)
Method Acting Jack Champion x actress!Reader (?/? ongoing, no smut, spin off of the love interest) full version on AO3 & wattpad
Other Fandoms
• His Hummingbird Miguel O’Hara x female!reader (angst SMUT) AO3
Thanks so much for reading, if you enjoyed send a like, reblog and comment I treasure every one no matter how old the fic is!
Have a great day my lovely reader!
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sleepy-wyvern · 1 year
A snippet of Lost In The Thrill my least popular novel:
When people say it’s hard to imagine a life without your significant other, I can’t relate simply because it is impossible to imagine my life without him.
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sleepy-wyvern · 2 years
Welcome to the Wyvern Den!
Little horny goblin Tumblr writer ✍🏼 💙
Hi there! My name is Wyvern, a pen name just for privacy reasons. You can call me Wyvern, Wy, Wyv (she/her) 💙 I'm demisexual & biromantic, and am in my mid 20s. I intend to use this blog as a den for my obsessions and hyper fixations! Feel free to say hello I’d love to chat! :) messages and requests open but please only interact if 18+
Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Ghostface (I can fix him), Daemon Targ (I can’t fix him), The Red Viper (he’s perfect already)
My fics are only of characters 18+! please only interact if 18+, minors DNI!
REQUESTS: Open for both blurbs and sketches ♡ more info in FAQ
My Fan Fic master list/post directory
Tag Pages: My Fan Fiction || My Fan Art
Read more for PERMISSIONS & FAQ
Tags I Use- Feel free to block the content you don’t want to see from me if you use a tumblr extension! #wyv rambles #wyv fan art #wyv fan fics #stranger things spoilers #hotd spoilers #scream 6 spoilers
You can repost any of my fan art linking back to me for credit. When used as profile pictures and icons you do not need to link back but it’s appreciated. Tracing and editing is allowed so long as you link back to me in the post stating it was a trace/edit of my work. You can use my artwork as a reference to make your own, and so long as many aspects are changed and aren't traced/copied you do not need to provide credit but it is appreciated. My only other no-no is using my artwork for monetary gain!
Art requests: Stranger things, ghostface and house of the dragon (and generic features viewer). If you would like you or your oc drawn please message me about commissions <3 The only things that I refuse to draw are illegal sexual themes, gore/violence (love choking is fine), bodily fluids other than spit and fe/male love juices. Note I am not very interested in drawing: guns (knives are ok for my ghosty fans , just as a prop!), cars, mech, intricate architecture/background. I’m not an experienced 🌽 artist but I draw a lot of romance
Writing requests: I will respond to whatever prompts I can, I enjoy doing them for inspo! These will generally be blurbs. I currently only write for the scream franchise, ST Eddie, Steve, Billy, Robin (fem!reader only for her) and only fem or gender neutral reader (please specify! <3). I do not write anything that’s illegal in a sexual nature except (soft) public stuff. CNC is fine. No gore/vomit, I'm a bit squeamish- spit, period, and love juices are fine!
Can I message you?
to prevent spam my inbox is mutuals only, feel free to send an ask if you would like to get in contact 💙💙💙
Drawing tools?
2.0/0.7mm 2b lead pencil, gum/rubber eraser, moleskine journal, iPad pro 2020, apple pencil, procreate
Why do you draw with a grey canvas?
White backgrounds while drawing give me migraines!
Other Socials?
Just my AO3 for fanfictions here! I have a main tumblr/instagram account that's kept completely private and separate not fandom related and under a different name. I kindly ask to keep these accounts separate (if you happen upon it!) but feel free to message me here if you want to be friends!! This is just for privacy reasons if we become friends I’ll share other socials (I don’t want my family to find this tumblr 😅)
What does your sexuality mean?
I identify as demisexual biromantic as I feel this is the label that fits me best! I do not form a sexual attraction to someone until I have made a connection with them (yep, including fictional characters!) and this can happen with males or females 💕 and this doesn’t happen all the time I make a connection with someone
Other fandoms?
House of the dragon ♡ a song of ice and fire, ghost face, hazbin hotel/helluva boss, corpse party
What games do you play?
Animal crossing, story of seasons, dead by daylight, huniepop, valorant, ffxiv 💙
Have a great day my lovely reader
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