#xandri  corelel
tallysgreatestfan · 2 months
Autistic (Coded) Characters I Actually Relate To
That easy little video I made for Autism Acceptance Month ended up being nearly forty minutes and took me quite a while.
And yeah, I will add subtitles as soon as possible, just would not have managed to finish this before the end of the month otherwise.
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redrocketpanda · 3 months
Thanks for answering my ask before. If you don't mind me asking (again), can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......
Hello again - thanks so much for all of these questions!
Hmmmm, I have so many favourite things across so many different forms of media that choosing a top 7/10 is super hard. I've gone with my gut of the first things I thought of that I love, but the list could easily be wayyyyyy longer. I'm sorry - I tried to keep this as short as I could... In no particular order:
My Hero Academia (anime + manga) MHA is the first anime that I think I ever really properly enjoyed. I watched it in 2021/2022, immediately fell in love with it, and proceeded to devour both the anime and almost all of the manga. I obviously adore all of the characters, but I also love the way that MHA portrays superpowers - both in terms of how they function (w/ there being unique limitations to them) as well as how it depicts/explores superhero society. I don't normally go in for superhero type media anymore, but the combination of all of the above (plus literally the sickest soundtrack from Yuki Hayashi) easily makes it one of my fave ever things
The Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers (books) I could write an entire dissertation on why this is one of my favourite series of all time, and why Becky Chambers is one of my favourite authors. But the shorter answer is: literally everything about them. Chambers' writing is beautiful, her narratives are full of love, hope and community, and her characters are incredibly diverse and well written. My fave book from the series is Record of a Spaceborn Few.
Dragon Age series (video games) I first came across Dragon Age at a fan convention back in 2016/2017 during a panel on queer media (I think). In addition to the panel discussing the general queer relationships/characters in the series, they specifically highlighted Dorian and Krem in DA: Inquisition. The following day I went out, purchased all the games, and then played them through from the first game. IThe games are super fun to play, the writing is *chefs kiss*, and I love the themes that the games explore. I love them so much I've even written an article and done a podcast episode about them!
Jurassic Park franchise (films, books, games) Jurassic Park is one of the franchises that I was raised on (along with Star Wars) and I have been obsessed with it ever since. I've seen all the films (up to Jurassic World), read the books, own books about JP, played a bunch of the games, and even have a poster map of Isla Nublar on my wall. Dinosaurs are one of the big reasons I love them, but also I think the films have always been very interesting to me for how they give us a lens in which to think about animal rights + conservation in a science fictional setting (something else I have also done a paper on!)
Final Fantasy XV (video game) I'll keep this one short and sweet: best boys on a roadtrip that will both make your heart full of joy but will ultimately leave you a sobbing mess on the floor (Honestly I didn't play FFXV until the end of 2022 and I am still !!!!!!! over it)
Haikyuu!! (anime) sksalkkljsa. I don't even know what to say about this. HQ is just the fucking best.
I Was a Teenage Exocolonist (video game) I don't talk about it so much anymore, but Exocolonist is still one of my favourite games and it makes my heart feel so much whenever I think about it. I love the entire aesthetic of it. I love how impactful your choices feel and how many different routes you can go down. I love how inclusive the game is, not just in terms of gender, race and sexuality but also with polyamoury + family/community dynamics. The worldbuilding is beautiful, the soundtrack is *cries*. Just...it's such a wonderful game.
Manic (film) There are a lot of films I could choose for this list, but if I can only choose one (bc space) then I think Manic is a good pick. It's the 2001 indie film with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel, Don Cheadle, etc, and is set in an adolescent psychiatric ward. This film means a lot to me personally, I'll just leave it at that.
Xandri Corelel series (books) I spoke a bit about why I love the series so much in response to your favourite characters question but to summarise: cool as fuck science fiction series where cool as fuck autistic bisexual polyam protagonist, Xandri, is the head of the xeno-liaisons team. It's got stellar worldbuilding, excellent characters, and explores lots of interesting issues. Also, my favourite book is Tone of Voice (2nd in the series) partly bc its got space whales in it.
Mass Effect (video games) I think by now its pretty clear I love science fiction, so Mass Effect was always gonna be a big hit with me. I actually played Dragon Age first, and then a friend told me I had to play ME. The entire series is just sooooo good for very similar reasons to a lot of my other favourites: well-written, beloved characters, cool ass narrative/s, choice-based, fun FPS moments, cool worldbuilding, sick soundtrack!
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tallysgreatestfan-art · 3 months
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While actual accurate autistic rep is still extremely rare, I am so delighted how there are not one, not two, but three bisexual autistic women* I can relate too.
Entrapta (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power): Master enginner and mad scientist but secretly longing for connection. I see myself so much in how austracized she is by everybody but her love interest, disabled too Hordak, and her other struggles and mental health issues, but also, this is the only non-own-voices rep on the list and it shows, and large parts of the fandom are awfully ableist too
Aster (An Unkindness of Ghosts - Rivers Solomon): Forced to live on the lower decks of a racially segregated generation ship, Aster acts as an doctor for the people there and is very needed in her community, but also ends up having frictions with them due to her directness, and more dangerously, ends up in conflict with the white overlords
Xandri (Failure To Communicate - Kaia Sonderby): Xandri acts as the first contact and language expert on her spaceship, using her outsiders view to her advantage. Her fellow crew is fairly accepting in the most part, but command isn't, and the aliens she encounters on diplomatic missions, or the human reactionaries also are not.
*Aster, probably due to the generation ship being patriarchal and so language about that being limited, calls herself a woman and uses she/her, but she also, like her lover, is non-binary.
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autisticburnham · 2 months
Michael's approach to xeno-anthropology reminds me so much of the Xandri Corelel series, in which an autistic woman serves as a xeno-liasons officer on a ship in a system reminiscent of the Federation, though more explicitly ableist. And Xandri is so good at her job because she never has any natural idea how to interact with people, has to constantly be paying attention to everything and approach every interaction like a puzzle. So that skill set that she's been forced to develop translates well to alien interactions because she's already always doing it. And I know this isn't a surprising take from tumblr user autisticburnham, but that's sooooo Michael.
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charliedanilovich · 3 years
cool Failure to Communicate moments off the top of my head:
-The bird alien Aki letting Xan stim with their feathers to help w her overstimulation in public places? cool
-also just the psitticans in general... love those birdies... they are cool...
-Xan having noise cancellation things in her hoodie and having sensory issues throughout the whole book? cool
-Xan having love interests and also being explicitly canonically autistic? cool
-Xan having to deal with ableism from her employers but having a group who believe in her, support her, and call out this ableism? cool
-Xan infodumping scenes? cool 
-the scenes where Xan and any alien are mates? cool
-Xandri Corelel the space bi autist??? cool!!!  
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queerastronauts · 5 years
book recs for pride vol 2
Last year, on a whim, I made a post titled book recs for pride. I never expected it to be as successful as it was, but... it’s got over 4k notes at the time of writing this. That’s crazy.
Anyway, I’ve read quite a lot of books since, some of them obscure, some of them not, and I figured I’d make an updated version. I should mention: I’ve read other lgbtqa+ books; these are ones I recommend. However, please feel free to add your recs in replies or reblogs.
Favorite are bolded
Sci-fi and Fantasy
The Raven Cycle - mlm
Six of Crows - mlm and one character is confirmed wlw in another book
Never Contented Things - wlw, mlm, nb
Xandri Corelel - wlw, nb, a-spec
Sawkill Girls - wlw, a-spec
Song of Achilles - mlm
The Witch Sea - wlw
The Girl With the Red Balloon - wlw
The Winnowing Flame trilogy - wlw, mlm
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing - wlw
Love in the Time of Global Warming - wlw, trans
The Infinite Noise - mlm, questioning (this book is out in September, I got my hands on an ARC)
The Gilded Wolves - mlm
Ace of Shades - mlm, nb
Wonders of the Invisible World - mlm
Shades of Magic - mlm
The Darkest Part of the Forest - mlm
More Than This - mlm
Historical Fiction
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - wlw, mlm
The Miseducation of Cameron Post - wlw, two-spirit
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue - mlm, a-spec (there’s a sequel, but I haven’t finished it yet)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - mlm
Romance & Contemporary
All For the Game (trilogy) - mlm
I'll Give You The Sun - mlm
Girl Made of Stars - wlw, nb
Beauty Queens - wlw, trans
It’s Not Like It’s a Secret - wlw
Everything Leads to You - wlw
We Are Okay - wlw
Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda - mlm
Leah on the Offbeat - wlw, mlm
Alice Oseman’s books, in general - mlm, wlw, a-spec, trans (depends on the book)
Comics and Graphic Novels
Nimona - mlm
Giant Days - wlw
Spinning - wlw
Lumberjanes - trans, nb, wlw
The Wicked and the Divine - wlw, trans, mlm, a-spec
On a Sunbeam - wlw, nb
DeadEndia - mlm, nb, trans
Check Please - mlm
All Out - all of the above (short story anthology)
Why Be Happy When You Can Be Normal - wlw (autobiography)
Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈
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domwho11 · 4 years
Please check out my interview with Kaia Sonderby! Thanks
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Xandri Corelel from Failure To Communicate is bisexual
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urregrets · 5 years
the books fucking SLAP ok!!! heres some pure fuckin FACTS:
protag is an autistic first contact person for aliens and if that isnt sick as fuck idk what is
(also the author is autistic so its legit)
theres so much lgbtq representation including a bi/pan protag, poly relationships and a character who uses vi/vir pronouns
the worldbuilding is fucking AWESOME and there are some SICK ASS ALIENS that nobody is drawing fanart of?? unbelievable
all 3 books will literally cost u less than $10 on amazon
please fucking read these books i am begging you. i cannot be the founding father of an entire fandom by my gay ass self i need SUPPORT here u fuckers!!!
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tallysgreatestfan · 11 months
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Disability Pride Month Portraits: Xandri Corelel (Failure To Communicate)
I love space operas, but usually the people I can relate to because they are autistic like me aren't even autistic in the text at all, but just aliens or androids accidentally written like that. Not so with Xandri. She truly is the fictional character I could see the most of myself in, down to the details - no wonder, she is written by an autistic woman. Ah, she also is bi and poly.
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xandricorelel · 6 years
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Xandri Corelel Aesthetics- Xandri Corelel from the Xandri Corelel Series for @disabilityfest
“Sometimes I was a one woman communications breakdown… I tried not to flinch as murmurs rippled around the tiny mess hall… I eased a hand into the top pocket of my cargo pants and rubbed my fingers across the satin sewn along the top…” -Xandri Corelel, Failure to Communicate
“…most of my brain was focused forward on slingspace, hearing it chime around me in the sweet voices of silver bells. I saw it and I heard it, and I tasted it like cooling mint in my mouth…” -Xandri Corelel, Failure to Communicate 
Abuse Survivor
“’Did you think I wouldn’t see the signs?’ Marco asked softly, ‘I know what to look for. But I can’t tell if you flinch so much from the emotional abuse, or the physical abuse.’” -Marco Antilles, Failure to Communicate
[ID: A three by three moodboard in light colours, green, pink, brown, grey, and white. A light green feather. Black letters spelling “the torture of small talk” on a white background. A cup of creamy coffee with a wreath of light pink and brown flowers around it. Text from a book reading, “For the ones who dream of stranger worlds”. A front on headshot of Jasmine Sanders, a mixed race woman with blonde hair, grey eyes, and light brown skin. Text reading, “you don’t need social approval” in grey capital letters on a light pink background. Grey, pink, and green eucalyptus leaves. Black text on a white background reading, “kick ass/ go to space/ represent the human race.” A green button with a white speech bubble saying, “I need some time alone.” End ID.]
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tallysgreatestfan-art · 4 months
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That scene between Kiri and Xandri...
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autisticslp · 3 years
Day Ten of Autism Acceptance Month
How important is representation to you? Is the representation that is out there generally good or bad? What is your favorite piece of representation? What you like to see more of in autism representation? What would you like to see less of?
I have many thoughts, but not the brain power to fully articulate those thoughts, so if anyone wants me to clarify please ask because I will do so when I have more brain.
It’s really nice to see someone who operates like me on screen or in a book. It makes me feel like I’m not some total freak of nature. I think autism representation is pretty mixed, but I the waters are also muddied by the number of characters who aren’t explicitly autistic or are autistic coded. I wish that more people had the guts to do their research, talk to people, and create unapologetic, canonically autistic characters.
Some autistic characters I like include Pablo from the kid’s show Pablo, Entrapta from She-Ra, Abed from Community, Manik from the podcast Autonomic, and Xandri from the book Failure to Communicate. The list of autistic coded characters is a lot longer. I also have a large collection of picture books featuring ND kids, but that would be a whole separate post (or seven).
I would really like to see more canon autistic characters who have just normal lives (or at least, normal lives considering the work of fiction they’re in). I love characters like Data with all my heart, but I think that sci fi is especially bad at rarely having actual canon autistic characters. I wish there was more diversity in autistic characters, in terms of ethnicity, family of origin, interests, occupation, co-occurring disabilities, use of speech, etc. This is especially something I struggle with when it comes to kidlit. I’m always trying to find books that mirror my students, but finding a book about a black, hard of hearing, nonspeaking autistic teen girl with an intellectual disability, OCD, and a communication device? Not gonna happen. What about a Peruvian American nonbinary kid with cerebral palsy and severe faceblindness who’s currently in foster care? No way. Even finding something reflecting a few of those characteristics is impossible.
I also wish that media wouldn’t shy away from showing the “hard” part of autism, but that it could be done in a way that wasn’t tragic. Lots of characters are bad in social situations and have intense interests, but very few also have sensory differences, meltdowns, stimming, difficulties speaking, etc. Basically I’m saying that I want more holistically autistic characters. 
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wordmage-girl · 5 years
My favorite genre of scifi is spaceship full of humans and aliens become a family. Also gay
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rosemariecawkwell · 4 years
Review: Xandri Corelel Series by Kaia Sonderby
Review: Xandri Corelel Series by Kaia Sonderby
This is a review of Testing Pandora (Xandri Corelel #0), Failure to Communicate (Xandri Corelel #1) and Tone of Voice (Xandri Corelel #2), but that would make the blog post title really long.
I am caffeinated, sorry. Been to Maccys for breakfast with my sister and we had two Millionaire’s Lattes each. Might make this review a bit bouncy.
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In the far future, genetic engineering is used to…
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