dndsettingsinfo · 1 year
Giant Ruins of Xen'drik [50×40] by Cassastereo's Mapperie
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bnbc · 1 year
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Miz'ri v2.0
(I re-rolled her as a Xen'drik drow for a coming DnD campaign and we're starting sooooon)
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sun-marie · 16 days
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Setting up a character for an upcoming DnD game 👀
Her name is Equinox of Autumn (or just "Nox"), a tabaxi druid with the Folk Hero background from the jungles of Xen'drik.
She wouldn't be caught dead with a smile, unless you get her talking about her stay-at-home fisherman hubby 💗
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lodichi · 4 months
Cinders: An Eberron Adventure - A Primer
It is the year 1024 in the world of Eberron, 20 years after the Lord of Blades was defeated by a group of adventurers called The Wayfarers. One scholar who had been traveling with the Wayfarers, a half-dragon named Xarrash, left the continent of Khorvaire to explore the continent of Xen’drik in search of information about their draconic heritage. After discovering a large, crimson arch buried in Xen'drik, Xarrash launched an expedition to discover more about this mysterious "dragon gate" in hopes of finding Argonnessen, the ancient home of the dragons, who have all but disappeared from the land. The Xen'drik expedition is well established by now, and the third wave of airships are leaving from Sharn to arrive in the Xen'drik port of Stormreach. Unfortunately, before they can arrive, the airship the Owlbear is attacked by a group of Sahuagin, as well as a massive tentacled monster, which tore the ship asunder. After frantically scrambling to the lifeboats, six adventurers were swept away by the waves, only to be thrown into the midst of an ancient Draconic Prophecy...
Party below the cut! Character art will be credited as it appears.
The Party
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art by PlagueCleric/RollforAlis
Aysel: a human storm Cleric who was, apparently, a pirate before joining the Xen'drik expedition. Upbeat and cocky on the outside, she is also a deeply spiritual person who believe her god, the Storm Lord, sent her to Xen'drik. She also has some hidden anxieties about being trapped or held back. Her Draconic Relic is a blue quarterstaff that crackles with lightning.
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Art by puggaccino on discord, with colors by Changeling-Kisser/Al
Brân: a changeling (race currently not known by the party) barblock who wears a massive cloak and large hat over a sparkly bodysuit. They always keep one eye closed, hiding a false eye. They are outwardly stoic with a quiet intensity that shines through in certain moments. Since washing up in Xen'drik, they have been followed by a strange creature in their shadow, who called itself Ffrindllen. Their Draconic Relic is a bronze, double-bladed axe.
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art by puggaccino on Discord (sorry Osc do you have more socmed)
Gawain: a goblin Artificer with a number of prosthetic limbs, which are intricately carved to resemble tattoos. She is very cryptic and hard to read, but she has a deep love of tinkering, and will express great (unexpected) enthusiasm when watching people smith or craft. Probably bit all of the party members while on the Owlbear. Her Draconic Relic is a set of solid gold earrings.
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art by PlagueCleric/RollforAlis
Haze: a Kalashtar monk from Aundair. He was part of a Kalashtar monastery that followed the Path of Light, a spiritual philosophy of the Kalashtar that promotes the destruction of il-Lashtavar, the Dreaming Dark. He also worked closely with House Jorasco, the halfling dragonmarked house of healing. He is responsible and level-headed, but easily flustered by his party's teasing. His Draconic Relic is a set of ice-laced gauntlets.
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art by PlagueCleric/RollforAlis
Harth: a half-elf forge Cleric who used to be a house agent for House Lyrandar, the dragonmarked house of shipping and transportation. She apparently suffered some kind of injury to her eye recently, which has rattled her significantly. She is somewhat shy and meek, but she can be quite forceful when backed into a corner. Her Draconic Relic is an imposing black Quarterstaff with a large red fang on it.
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art by Changeling-Kisser/Al
Ishtar: a Minotaur rogue, the daughter of two enemy warlords who fell in love. She is very well-educated and polite, with a love of strategy games like Conqueror. She joined the Xen'drik expedition because she wanted to experience the kind of adventures she read about in her favorite books, a series written by the author Django d’Tharashk, who uh. Never exaggerated anything in his entire life. Her Draconic Relic is a green-scaled lantern.
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thuranni · 1 year
on one hand: confirmation of the alternate timelines, and that connor has died a lot of times as well as been a risk to others by getting possessed by quori (some idiot got tied to dal quor in the first timeline by the giants of xen'drik and she's weird now)
on the other hand: connor has a date
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sevilemar · 5 months
New DnD character just dropped for me. They haven't got a name yet, but they are a Halfling Arcanist (Innovation Master) that uses Xen'drik's Children of the Mist background. They have exactly as many genders as they have outfits:
Work (they/them)
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Male (he/him)
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Female (she/her)
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They live for magic and well-made things, some would say they are obsessed with it, which is why they are constantly amazed by feats of magic and artifice, and want to find new and exciting ways to improve and combine and shape and create. It is also why their outfits are of the highest quality they could find^^
They lost their right arm in a mab accident thirty years ago (mab=magical laboratory), when they were working on exciting new weapons for the war. Since then, they learned to compensate with magic that manifests in their hair, using their gorgeous purple-blue tresses for all sort of things, including but not limited to crawling along the ceiling, operating tools, and pranking co-workers.
Ever since they learned how a while back, they are always found with a small mechanical friend they make themselves called [X]. It takes whatever shape they're in the mood for when they make it anew, and usually does nothing more than hover around uselessly and get underfoot, but they love it nonetheless.
They lost their family in the war, as so many have, except for a brother that is out there somewhere doing sneaky stuff. They traveled together for a bit after the war, but separated amicably when their goals became too different to reconcile.
They are about to be hired as aid soon, because they've never had the opportunity to join an expedition to Xen'drik before (and our GM said we should make a second character that can be hired by the main party for their next expedition, which promises to be quite deadly).
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eldritch-baby · 10 months
History of Eberron
Every child knows the story of the Progenitor Dragons: Siberys, Khyber and Eberron. In the dawn of time, these three cosmic beings created 13 planes of existence, each embodying a concept. Their final work was the Material Plane, we're all their ideas would become manifest. A realm that would know war and peace, life and death, order and chaos. But cruel Khyber sought ultimate dominion over this new reality. She struck Siberys without warning and tore him apart. Eberron wrestled with Khyber and bound the traitor in her coils but could not defeat her. So Eberron became a living prison, a world that would forever contain Khyber's evil.
Almost every culture in the world shares this story as a myth that explains the world. Shattered Siberys became the ing of golden dragonshards wrapped around the planet, said to be the source of magic. Eberron is the world, the source of all natural life. And Khyber is the Underdark and the source of aberrations and fiends, forever struggling against her bonds and yearning to destroy the world above.
Another tale shared across cultures describes one more conflict that occurred in the first age of the world. Long ago, powerful archfiends known as the Overlords and their armies of rakshasa and lesser fiends dominated Eberron. Forces of light--some versions of the story say the nine gods of the Sovereign Host, others say an alliance of dragons and celestials--eventually defeated the Overlords. But these fiends couldn't be destroyed; instead their immortal essences were bound to Khyber. Should they ever break free of their bonds, the results would be catastrophic.
Over the course of the millennia, numerous civilizations rose only to fall. Giants built mighty kingdoms on the continent Xen'drik that were devastated by a war with the dragons of Argonnessen. The goblin empire of Dhakaan ruled Khorvaire until its reign was shattered by an invading army of mind flayers, beholders, and the foul creatures that crated them. Today these civilizations are known only through the remnants left behind.
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xykos-of-eberron · 11 months
Dragon shards, and their uses
Dragonshards! Such lovely little gems!
I've began studying these beautiful things a while ago! My studies have led me to many discoveries about the gems and their uses. All three deriving from the powerful progenitor dragons .
Eberron shards
Eberron shards! Potent conductors and enhancers of magic! Much like the copper wire to electricity they can focus magic on a single point! These are the most common and potentially useful dragonshard! If you live in areas that has soft soil you can usually find them in topsoil! Q'barra and the shadow marches are perfect places to find them!
Khyber shards
Khyber shards! Used to bind and can be seen in lots of khovairian advancements! These dragonshards can be seen in the lightning rail, ships, and airships of the dragonmarked houses. Zilargo is big on binding! These can be useful when you want to imprison an extraplanar being... Or the souls of the dead!
These shards are found anywhere in khyber!
Bloodglass is a khyber Dragonshard mixed with obsidian. Some people said the giants used this to bind elementals into large houses made of bloodglass, and they could manipulate it and make openings through the bloodglass or close it! Now these are often used by the drow of xen'drik. A notable item is the shifting blades they have! A short sword that turns to a great sword?? Amazing! I'd love one!
Siberys shards
Siberys shards! These shards enhance innate abilities! Often used for magic items to increase the power of them! They can help with psionics, sorcery, or the breath attack of dragons! The inspired of sarlona sometimes embed these into their skulls! These are very useful and far rarer as they randomly fall from the ring of siberys, thus these shards can be found in, the sea of rage, xen'drik, argonesson, and the thunder sea!
It's also said the umbragen draw power from a large siberys shard that crushed an ancient civilization of elf!
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babybluesquid · 1 year
Session 5, The Malleon Murderer
Our Players this Week:
Hog 112, they/them, Weapon Thaumaturge, skirmisher warforged, the leader of the inquisitives agency and founding member, tends toward practicality and following a command structure.
Vestige, they/them, Bones Oracle, warforged placed into a human body, a healer and the agency’s fleshborn face, remains on the periphery with an individualistic streak.
Strategy, it/its, Empiricist Investigator, officer warforged, an old model who’s seen much action and uses the tactics they learned back during the war now under Sharn.
Samanta, she/they, Swashbuckler Fencer, skirmisher warforged, a spotter during the war who turned to spying for one of Sharn’s criminal families before joining the inquisitives agency.
Initial investigations into the Malleon murders being done, it’s back to the agency to rest and determine next moves. Forward’s still set to sorting out the aftermath of Jack-in-Irons. Clever, though, is nowhere to be found. Odd.
Strategy gives the cipher to Ventra Viran Viralae, company lawyer, to look at. She’s puzzled by it, and pulls out a codebreaking book. The meaning eludes her for a time, so it leaves her to it. It then checks out the gold and iron rings. Magic, clearly, but it can’t determine their purpose either. Hog takes a look at the magical dagger, but isn’t able to find any curse. It looks like a normal enhanced weapon. Concerning the Malleon sovereigns, they look through the registry of businesses in the Bazaar. Sure enough, there is a coin collector’s shop up there. They gather the other sleuths and head up to check it out.
The Bazaar’s crowded, though that’s not new. The twisted bridges are filled with every color and scent worth purchasing, and many which aren’t. Strategy and Vestige set to buying some tools they’ve found themselves lacking while Hog and Samanta looks for the place. They find it, tucked a ways away from the main crowds and causeways. It’s a little place, with the sign painted in looping elvish. Strategy reads it, “Gold and History,” it’s more poetic in the original tongue. The four head inside together. It’s full of coins on display, protected by locks and wards and glass cases. Prominent on one wall is a huge coin, looking like it must’ve been the money of the giants of Xen'drik. Behind the counter hangs a portrait of King Boranel, clearly from decades back when he was a young king. An ancient elf stands there, age visible on his face, and he greets the party.
Hog approaches the introduces the agency, showing the man the HF&A’s business card, then displaying the two Malleon sovereigns from the crime scenes. The shopkeep introduces himself as Thoriegh Shermine, and is pleased to help the forged as veterans of the Last War. As Hog explains the coins were down in Khyber’s Gate, Thoriegh finds that to be odd. The coins are rare and valuable, only two-hundred of them existing in the whole of Sharn, and ten are in his own shop. See, when the city was taken from Malleon, these coins were plundered and taken to Wroat, from where they were disseminated throughout Breland. Many were lost or reminted over the years. He comments that interest in these coins has increased of late, he just made a sale yesterday.
Hog asks who made that last purchase. Thoriegh isn’t able to place his name, but remembers he was an elven man with the veteran’s discount. He’d been wearing medals, and served the whole century of the conflict, first on the Eastern Front, then in the Hags’ War. He’d bought twelve Malleon sovereigns, which struck Thoriegh as odd because most collectors only buy one of each coin. Hog asks if he can recognize either of the two coins the brought particularly. Looking closer, he can, for a frustrating bit of damage to its side which he could not repair. The elf had been unbothered by the coin’s condition though, and bought it anyway.
The lead clear now, Hog asks for a more complete description of the buyer. Thoriegh is able to remember he had a scarred arm, the dark complexion of Southern Breland, was bald and had piercing green eyes. He’d seen the man in the Gold and White on occasion. It’s a bar up in Daggerwatch, see, popular with the veterans and the watch. Thoriegh visits on occasion to hear the tales of younger men. He’d served himself, though at the beginning of the war before his health began to fail him. He’d never had the opportunity to serve alongside the warforged, but appreciates their contribution to the nation.
Considering the coins and the man, Hog asks how much they’re worth. Thoriegh says it depends on the condition, the damaged one would be about seven galifars, but one near mint would be worth thirty-five galifars at the least. They question its use as a calling card, considering the cost. Thoriegh points out that Malleon is a powerful symbol for some, invoking his name or image sends a powerful message of hate against the goblin folk. Hog thanks the man for his time and the valuable clues, and then it’s off to the Gold and White to see if the sleuths can’t find another lead on the mystery buyer.
Up the lift to Upper Dura, Daggerwatch. The district’s an uncomfortable place. Not hostile, but the inquisitives don’t belong. For every neutral glance, there’s a look of suspect. Heading into the place, it’s not much better. The Gold and White’s patriotic and grandly decorated with an animated tapestry of a Brelish victory. The patrons gaze on the party warily. However, one looks at Hog, then cheers, “aye! The Ringbriar!” This alleviates the tensions some, and the fleshborn go back to ignoring the forged. Hog approaches the kind one. He’s a khoravar with a cut scar on his cheek and a burn scar on his arm, but he bears a medal of valor for saving his fellows. He’s also got a copper badge, but is clearly off-duty at the moment.
“Oy, soldier,” Hog greets, “I hope another soldier of Breland is welcome in this establishment.” “All in the Gold and White,” the cop replies cheerily. “We are inquisitives and a lead brought us up here,” they explain, “we’re looking for a fellow soldier, elf man, bald and dark skinned, may be a coin collector.” The man thinks on that, “what are you investigating, if you don’t mind me asking.” “We’re looking into some killings in the lower city, related to cults of the Dragon Below,” when Hog says that, the man makes a sign of Dol Arrah. Continuing, Hog produces one of the Maleon sovereigns, “we found this coin at the scene of the crime. We think this man might’ve sold it on to the killer.” Recognition passes over the watchman’s face, “I think he may know something. He’s in some sort of secret society, I think. Matthias Corbee, he comes in with his buddies often when I come in. I’ve talked to him often.” Strategy flashes Hog a hand sign, the man seems honest. So Hog goes about being pleasant, asking when the guy’s normally in. He says he’ll be on-duty tonight, but Matthias’ll probably be in. Then, the guy asks how far down Hog lives. They reply that they work down in the Cogs, in the parts of the city where the Hags’ War never ended. That response proves more that satisfactory.
Hog reports back to the others that there’s some time before the suspect comes in. They opt to leave Samanta behind to continue talking to patrons of the Gold and White. They’ll follow up on identifying the rings. Strategy can go back down to check up on the cipher. Vestige opts to also return to the lower city.
HF&A, LLC, Strategy enters Ventra’s office. She delivers the cracked cipher, telling it that they’ve got a big problem. Reading the message over, it’s inclined to agree.
“Hello M
I hope this message finds you well, the progress on the weapon continues at a great pace. Our ends will likely be achieved. Glory to King and Country. I will meet you in the sanctum in 4 days. We will discuss further then.
Strategy goes to collect Mognyr. It shows him the translated cipher. He doesn’t know much, course, but he wants to come along to crash the meeting if the inquisitives can find it. See, he’s a solider too, fought in the Hags’ War, on the side of the hags. He’s good at hanging back in the shadows, and would like to be backup for the sleuths’ activities. Strategy agrees, it’d be good to have him along.
Vestige, having an itch to know who Aggregate is, heads over to the Red Hammer to look for anyone who recognizes the ghulra. As soon as they step inside, the place is buzzing with activity. Forged stand and mill about, talking animatedly. Cross is there, and they see Vestige and shout over to them, “there’s been a miracle!” Then, Vestige’s eyes settle on Hook. He’s alive. They approach, stunned, “what happened?” “I don’t quite now but I’m back and look,” Hook holds out his hand, which alights with orange flame, “I don’t know what it is, but I’m filled with purpose, the gods, Dol Arrah. I woke up on the streets alive once again. They must’ve intervened.” Vestige notices that his missing leg’s been replaced, and the new one is a rough match. “What of the other victims? Any news on them?” They ask. “I don’t know. I think I’m the only who’s returned.”
Though still reeling, Vestige came to the Red Hammer with purpose, purpose they need to fulfill. The place is packed. Surely this’ll be the best time to get their question asked. “Has anybody heard of a forged named Aggregate?” Everyone goes quiet. Then, a forged in the back rises. They’re tall, large, battle damaged and wear a Brel tabard. They respond in a gravely tone, “I think I have. Who are you? I think I’ve seen you a few times before.” Conscious of the fact their fleshborn body sticks them out in this place, Vestige picks their response, “I am Vestige, Shadowblack’s kin.”
The name’s clearly also familiar to the stranger, who immediately grows displeased, “lemme tell you something. The Blades will bring ruin on the forged. What’s your deal, anyway?” “I’m an inquisitive, tryna get to the bottom of this Aggregate fellow.” “The Associates? On Washery Street?” “Yeah.” That seems to dissolve some of the thick tension, “why?” “Suspect in a case.” Finally, they give, “they’re very dangerous, is the best impression I’ve gotten. Shadowblack, I think, has spoken to Aggregate. He’s not here right now.” The forged taps their temple before continuing, “be careful when looking into someone that dangerous. You never know what they might do.” “I’ll keep that in mind,” Vestige replies, “thank you.” “Name’s Verdant 23. I’ve got a personal interest in Aggregate. If you find more about him, I’d like to see it.” “Of course,” Vestige leaves, on back to the agency.
The Gold and White, Samanta speaks to the patrons. Mostly, she tells and hears stories. She also gets at more information on Matthias. He’s a veteran and a watchman. Neither coin collector nor trader. He’s into the cult, maybe a secret society. Nobody knows details on that.
Meanwhile, Hog sets to finding a member of the Circle. Course, they’ve got no idea where to find one. Ends up wandering, approaching some people and given them coded phrases. To no avail though. Then, a halfling approaches, hissing about how they’re being far too obvious before ushering them off. He’s Andri, a student from Aundair who’s planning to transfer to Arcanix eventually. Though they weren’t hoping to get some college kid, Hog shows him the rings. Andri recognizes them immediately. Doubling rings, invented by the Tairnidal to share enchantments between two weapons. They need to be worn on both hands to work. He wrote a paper on them. Hog also shows Andri the symbols from the Malleon murder crime scenes, but ones again gets the same explanation of sword and crown for Rak Tulkesh and bear for Breland. Bit disappointed, Hog returns to the Gold and White and gives the rings to Samanta, with explaining how they work. If she uses the enchanted dagger, her sword’s strikes will have that same edge.
Strategy and Vestige are back as well. They relay that Hook’s miraculously been returned, now with fire magic at his behest. Hog comments that must be the work of gods or demons. Strategy relates the translated cipher. All agree, it’s gonna be a big problem. The group splits up then, choosing to not be seen together when Matthias might arrive. Vestige goes unmasked among the fleshborn. The lot set to starting conversations with those surrounding, though the fact they’re new is obvious.
Enter an elf man, southern Brel with a scar on his arm, a bald head, piercing green eyes, military medals. It’s Matthias Corbee without doubt, and he’s all alone. He takes a seat at the bar, orders himself a glass of wine. Samanta approaches, sitting next to him, revealing the Malleon sovereign. She asks if he knows what it is. He claims it’s just some old coin, he’d bought some cause he thought he could make some money flipping them. Samanta asks who it is, since she hasn’t the faintest clue about history as a forged. He says it’s Malleron the Reaver, the first human to take Sharn from the dar. Malleon had been a warlord of the sea who wanted a port, and he had more reavers among his number than builders.
The conversation shifts when Matthias asks what Samanta’s role was. She shares she was an artillery scout, and fairly young all things considered. Matthias served for fifty years of war, and ended up joining up with the bear cavalry’s Steel Riders. He recalls fighting in the Hags’ War against various beasts, including the terrifying Skull Crushers. Many were lost. The two commiserate that. Matthias relates that he’s pleased with King Boranel’s strategic mind which saw the nation through the war, and supports Aegar as the next king. The man’s fiery, like Boranel in his youth. He toasts Boranel, and Samanta raises an empty glass to that.
Then, Matthias asks if the other warforged around the room are Samanta’s friends. Being caught, she confirms it, and points out Hog 112 as having served back in the Witch War too. She beckons them over. Hog introduces themself to Matthias as Ringbriar Brigade Hog 112, deactivated. Matthias comments something about Boranel’s treaty saying the forged are free now, then shakes their hand. The gesture’s confusing to Hog, who says the war’s not over. They’re still fighting it down in the Cogs, protecting the human and forged workers as an inquisitive. Matthias approves, someone’s gotta run Daask outa town, and the higher ups in the Watch are too scared to try it. Samanta excuses herself to talk to someone else.
Her gone, Hog leans in and says quiet that they know what Matthias is up to down in Khyber’s Gate, and they want in on it. Matthias suddenly grows grave, friendliness dissolving in an instant, and warns Hog to stay out of it. He finishes his wine as Hog gets up and leaves.
Outside the Gold and White. Hog located Mognyr in his hiding pace and tells him about Matthias. Asks if he can help the party tail him without catching attention in this district. Mognyr confirms that’ll be no issue for him. The rest of the inquisitives filter out of the Gold and White slowly, trying to give some impression like they’re leaving separate. Eventually, Matthias heads out as well. The group follows, tailing in groups with the less sneaky being further back. He heads down to the Bazaar, stopping in front of a closed weapons shop. He unlocks the door, steps inside, and locks it behind him. Thinking this might be the sanctuary from the cipher, Hog determines it would be best to stakeout and see who else arrives. In order to watch all possible exits, someone’s gonna have to hang off the bridge on a rope. Naturally, it’s Samanta who’s gotta do that. Hog takes up position at the top of the bridge near her. The rest spread out round the shop.
The crowds are still about, even this late at night. The Bazaar never sleeps. A man approaches the shop. He’s an elf as well. Then, he stops right at the door, and then turns to walk away. Suspicious, Hog quickly pulls Samanta up. The two begin to follow the guy, and Mognyr begins to follow of his own accord. Strategy and Vestige opt to hang back, for fear of alerting him with their pursuit, being the least sneaky of the sleuths. The strange man heads down a set of stairs, to a less dense area of Lower Dura. Still, there’s some pedestrians around. Then, he turns round. “I can smell you, forged,” he announces in Hog’s direction.
Being noticed, Hog steps out of the shadows, “you’re a funny sorta elf.” “What’s your game?” The man asks. “We’re what passes for law down in the Cogs.” The man sneers, “stop lookin’ into me if you wanna stay livin’.” “I just need to know what you’re doing,” Hog says. “You don’t need to know what I’m doing and you won’t look into what I’m doing. Do we have an understanding?” “Afraid I can’t do that.” “I’m gonna tell you one more time,” the man warns, “you’re gonna stop investigating me or I’m gonna kill you and all your friends.” Hog taps their arm as they draw real close, “unfortunately, I’m terminally unable to stay out of others’ business.” “We seem to be at an impasse then. What happens now?” “We can still talk this out. I just need to know what you’re doing down there.” “I’m making sure Breland will win the next war, that’s all you need to know,” the man says, “I know who you are and what you’ve built, so unless you stop looking into me, there’ll be no more Hog, Forward, & Associates Inquisitives Agency on Washery Street, Limited Liability Corporation.” “Oh, have you also got one of our business cards? Those seem to be turning up all over the place lately,” Hog draws their sword.
Samanta, rapier and dagger in hand, emerges from hiding and strides toward the elf. She feints and, catching him off his guard, drives the rapier into his chest. Shocked, the man watches as she pulls the blade free with a spray of blood. It’s surely fatal, but he does not fall! Mognyr emerges, drawing his bow. “Seems your confidence was misplaced,” he growls, then fires.
The elf man suddenly lurches, then shifts. Hair sprouts and bristles. His face elongates and teeth grow. His eyes grow yellow and animal. He’s a werewolf, caught between man and beast. Then, he lunges for Samanta, biting her. Teeth cut deep into her wooden musculature. She’s downed in an instant. The werewolf wheels on Hog and claws tear through armor and wood alike. Shaken, Hog recalls the power of silver against such beasts. They pull out the Malleon sovereign and present it as they strike out at the werewolf. He’s clearly very wounded, but still speaks with confidence, “you didn’t listen to me, and now you’re gonna die.”
Mognyr rushes in, drawing his battle axe. “I’m not gonna let you get away with what you did!” He yells then strike. The werewolf knocks the axe aside, bears in, and bites. He knocks Mognyr to the ground and tears the flesh from his shoulder. Then, he claws into Mognyr’s chest, ripping deep. The gnoll shudders and lies still, eyes unmoving. Hog desperately reaches into their pack and produces and icon of the Silver Flame, “remember this?!” The werewolf only growls, unafraid as Hog comes in with a sword strike, which he dodges! Hog breaks out into a song, one of those marching tunes they learned to raises the spirits, “soldier of Breland, where have you gone?” They come in with another strike, which the werewolf ducks aside. He comes in jaws first, but Hog avoids the bite. His claws find only metal and his hand is slammed aside by their pommel. Hog continues to sing! “Great gods find you, Soldier of Breland!” The icon of the Silver Flame begins to glow with an inner light, casting fear into the beast’s eyes. He manages to avoid Hog’s next swing but then he’s caught by a deep slash to the chest. Still, he does not fall!
The werewolf shifts again, crouching down into the form of a massive wolf. Then, he begins to run. Hog runs after, stops, draws their crossbow, and fires. “Soldier of Breland, victory finds you.” The bolt trails silver light behind it, then flies true, finding the wolf’s heart! The werewolf stops, stumbles, and falls dead. He begins to revert to his elven form. “Soldier of Breland, keep fighting on.”
Enter dwarven watchman, running out of breath and shocked pale, “what? What happen? Was that a werewolf?” “Get your wits about you, man! Help me!” Hog replies, rushing back over to Samanta and Mognyr. “Help with what?” The cop asks, dazed. “I’ve got two casualties here. Help me.” The snaps him to, “got it. I’ll see to that one’s bleeding. You go get more help.” He kneels down by Mognyr and opens up a field medic kit. Hog rushes over the the watch office. With them roused, they come over with more healing supplies. One officer pours a potion down Samanta’s throat. She comes to, not dead. The dwarf stops them from trying healing magics on Mognyr, the gnoll's already dead.
Samanta rises, looking about the scurrying coppers, ”I feel like I missed something. Did we get him, Hog?” “Yeah,” they respond, “we got him.” She looks down at Mognyr, “is he going to be okay?” The dwarf watchman rises and sadly reports, “the monster got him. I’m sorry,” he turns to Hog, bowing and producing his own Silver Flame symbol, “the Flame has blessed us this day.” “I’m just a soldier of Breland,” they say, then realize, “there’s more of them.” The dwarf goes pale anew, “there’s more of them? We need to get the rest of the Watch!” Hog accompanies the man to rush over to the watch office. Samanta goes back to Vestige and Strategy, hoping nothing’s happened on their end.
Shortly after the trio’d gone off after the werewolf, someone else arrived at the weapons shop. The figure’s obscured, and seems to be on the stakeout as well. Strategy goes to get a closer look, it’s a shifter woman in a dark jacket and hat, who’s wearing studded leather armor and has a rapier at her belt. “Should we talk to her? Back down?” It asks Vestige. “I think we oughta figure out what her deal is. Let’s talk to her.” “You should talk to her.” “Alright,” Vestige replies, taking off their mask. They approach, Strategy staying nearby enough to listen in. “Hello, who are you?” The woman asks once it’s clear she’s been seen. “I’m an inquisitive, and you?” “A concerned citizen, let’s say.” “And what concerns you?”
The shifter points at the weapons shop, scrunching her nose like she’s caught a foul scent, “there’s absolutely a cult meeting in there.” “Yeah,” Vestige says, “that’s what we’re here to investigate.” “We can stake it out together, I guess. What’s your name?” “Vestige.” She seems to ponder that for a second before giving out her own, “River.”
Ventra Viran Viralae, she/her, the agency’s lawyer. She’s a Sivis trained gnome and damn good at her job.
Hook, he/him, once killed by Jack-in-Irons, now back from the dead by the blessing of Dol Arrah, or so he believes.
Matthias Corbee, he/him, an elf veteran who bought those Malleon sovereigns found at the crime scenes in Khyber’s Gate. It’s looking like he’s definitely a cultist of the Rage of War too.
O?, he/him, some elf fellow who’s a werewolf. Thought he could act real tough and scare off the agency, but ultimately took Hog’s bolt to the heart.
Mognyr, he/him, poor fellow was killed dead by the werewolf, but at least Hog avenged him and his kin.
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codexanathema · 2 years
Un vistazo a Xen'drik
Xen'drik no solo es misterioso en la actualidad, sino también en su origen.
En Xen’drik, el Continente de los Misterios, todo es posible. Aventureros medianamente reconocidos podrían intentar destruir un arma mística antes de que caiga en manos de los villanos, luchar contra gigantes salvajes en las ruinas de sus antiguas ciudades o incluso poner a prueba su capacidad para sobrevivir en las profundidades de una jungla primordial. Cualquier seguidor del Anfitrión…
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cepheidelta · 4 years
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Eberron Pokémon #11 - Stormreach
Me: Stormreach is a colony at the edge of a jungle, a wretched hive of scum and villainy, and the main hub for extraction of ancient relics from Xen’drik to Khorvaire. Naturally, its Pokémon should be a grass type because its a jungle mon, and dark type as a critique on the evils of colonialism. I should look up a bunch of invasive plant species and...
Also me: he’s just this lil’ guy
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dndsettingsinfo · 1 year
Lost City in Xen'Drik [40×60] by Cassastereo's Mapperie
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cryoverkiltmilk · 7 years
Dragons in Eberron campaigns should be somewhat removed from the course of events concerning the players, unless they are truly established as exceptions to the norm. Remember, unlike core settings where draconic societies actively and openly pursue their goals in the world, Eberron’s dragons are largely withdrawn, to research and pursue the Draconic Prophecy.
The dragons of Eberron have only moved as one twice in recorded history. One time they wiped out the Dragonmark of Death, and the other time they blasted the entire continent of Xen’Drik back to the stone age.
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dmsguide · 7 years
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Back at campaign building! Drow ruins! Wilds of xen'drik? Secret dragon NPC? What could go wrong? (Insert maniacal laugh)
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lodichi · 1 month
Haze's Party Opinions (as of 08.23.24)
Aysel She's so pushy and a little reckless, but... somehow, I feel like I can't lie to her. She just looks right through me. Still, I'd rather she not learn any unnecessary details about me – I think she'd just use them to tease me. At least she leaves it at teasing; I don't think she's cruel. In fact, I think some of her boisterous personality is just an act, a way to make her seem older and tougher than she actually is. She claims she used to be a pirate? But I wonder about that. I thought pirates couldn't just stop being pirates.
Brân Reliable, but I worry about them. Something definitely happened to them before they came to Xen'drik, but I think they're tough enough to take care of themselves... I hope. Their axe is probably bigger than my head, and they can wield it like it's nothing -- it's really a sight to behold. They can be vicious, but they can be very gentle, too, like with that strange bipedal lizard we ran into. And they knew to try and differential me from my reflections when we were attacked in that flooded room... they really have a way of looking at the world. I'd like to learn from them.
Gawain She's tenacious, more than I initially gave her credit for, but I guess I should have expected that after she bit me on the ship; she's certainly scrappy. Ha, and I guess that's a pun -- the stuff she can make out of metal, it's incredible. Her iron beast is even bigger than she is, but somehow, when I look at the two of them together, Gawain's the one who seems to loom over Havoc. I'm glad we're friends – wait, are we friends? I just know I don't want to be her enemy.
Harth I'm still surprised I met up with her again, but I'm happy, too. She seems more comfortable now than when she was first recovering from her injury. Still, there's something about her – I can't put my finger on it – but I feel like she's changed. Maybe it's 's arrogant of me to assume I knew her well enough to say that, though; it's not like we were best friends or anything. I'm glad I've been able to see her do some smithing, too -- she seems really passionate about it. I think the Xen'drik expedition will be a good experience for her.
Ishtar The first thing she did when we met was beat me senseless in Conqueror. The second thing she did was walk me through the game in excruciating detail, explaining the pros and cons of certain strategies -- and that's Ishtar, to me. She's incredibly knowledgeable and she knows how to apply that knowledge, too. The way she can translate Giant is incredibly impressive -- I can't believe the monks made me spend ten years memorizing the Quori script when Ishtar can't be older than me and she speaks like six languages. She's brave as hell, too. I'm glad to have her here.
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vorn-legacy · 7 years
Dear Oozes, Slimes and other Gelatinous Creatures
GO AWAY! Stop breaking all my lovely weapons with your non-newtonian sliminess. Yours faithfully, Mr Paladin (level 7)
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