#xiao baizhu awkward fun times
possets · 1 month
@alatusatlas // 💚
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baizhu would, by no means, consider himself a chef. the technicalities involved in cooking weren't, on paper, that far off from making medicine, yet they still somehow managed to be two entirely different skill-sets. simply, he would not blame xiao if he did not make any attempt to flatter him as one, either. it shouldn't have tasted bad or anything — to mess up a simple, mild tofu dish would be almost humiliating — but the food only served to be excess padding to his excuse to visit the inn and have reason to linger.
was it truly needed? baizhu couldn't say. perhaps it was only a silly, unwarranted fear that xiao might think of him as too much of a mother hen, crossing the line to caring and concerned to just being a nuisance, if he only came with medicine that may or may not have even been effective in hand.
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"please let me know if it tastes alright," he said as he handed off the food, neatly placed in a container for freshness during his trek to the inn, "cooking isn't an ability i have much confidence in, but i do hope it's at least passable. feel no need to hold back any critique!"
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rougepancake · 9 months
Your first time (with them)
FT. The Genshin men
WARNINGS: Sexually explicit content under cut. Minors and ageless blogs dni.
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He treats you like a queen and handles you as if you’re a precious artifact. He wants to make this the most memorable experience of your life, and you can tell how anxious he is as he pours the wine for you. Sure he has a stoic expression, but you know how he is. What if he messes up? What if you don’t like it? Though, you know he’s read every book out there and that he’ll do his best to pleasure you tonight. Though, you’ve got nothing to worry about. He’ll tear orgasm after orgasm from you with ease, humping the bed shamelessly as he eats you out for hours on end. His one and only mission is to make sure you finish before him and then some.
Diluc, ALHAITHAM, ZHONGLI, Thoma, Dainslief, Neuvillette
He’s confident. He knows you’ll have the time of your life as long as he’s the one bringing you pleasure, and he has no shame in telling you so. Filthy things are whispered in your ear all day in preparation for the long night that awaits you. He knows that if he gets you worked up enough, he won’t have to work that hard to have you begging for his delicious cock. Once he treats you to a delicious orgasm, he goes right in for the main course, wasting no time in taking you fully. He tests things out here and there to see what you’re into, but he gets too distracted by the noises that you make. They’re just so cute… he doesn’t want to stop.
CHILDE, Kaeya, Ayato, Heizou, DOTTORE, Pantalone
He’s a jokester. He makes the experience as enjoyable as he possibly can, all while making sure that you’re having fun. Awkward silence? He’s got you covered. Sure there are times where it’s unnecessary, but you wouldn’t really have it any other way. He takes things slow, teasing you by using both his humor and his miraculous hands. Sensual and slow is his pace, but it makes no difference when he puts your pleasure above his own.
Gentle, gentle boy. Sweet and loving, even as his cock turns you to mush beneath him. He’s holding your hand throughout the whole thing, constantly praising you for how amazing your doing for him. Constantly checking in to see if you’re still alright, there’s not a moment where you feel unloved. It’s not possible. His kisses are sloppy and sexy, and his voice is high pitched in whines and pleas for more. He’s shameless. And the only thing he cares about in this moment is how you feel.
Gorou, TIGHNARI, Kazuha, XIAO, Albedo, BAIZHU, KAVEH
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seelestia · 2 months
in lieu of the boop fest: genshin men as boopers.
⎯ something made on a whim to commemorate the lovely booping chaos going on. may not be accurate but i tried!!! 🙏 which one are you?? tag yourself /j this is the silliest thing ever, forgive me. fluff & crack (and made with love).
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the harbinger of dedication (???): boop them once and oh, it's on. boops you back and will not stop booping you back — it's an all-out war! or at least, to them. they take this whole matter as an opportunity and certainly don't mind tiring their fingers out just tapping the button on repeat. does it for the fun and to get a reaction out of you. also, probably eats (sends) super boops for breakfast, lunch and dinner. it's their bread and butter.
childe (of course), arataki itto, cyno (has a desire to max out his boop-o-meter till the end - a completionist's habit).
the menace (as simple as that): they have no need to be booped because they're the one booping you first and a lot at that too. oh, you got 99+ notifs? yeah, that's an act of love and it's from them. they hoped you liked the gift because they had fun giving it. grab a handkerchief because you're gonna have to scrub that smirk off their face, literally.
wriothesley, kaeya, shikanoin heizou, lyney (he apologizes by treating you to a meal afterwards).
confusion (awkward ver.): ...what. what is this? what does 'boop' even mean? why does it sound so oddly menacing when uttered out loud? and why are you smiling at like that? it's a trend, you explain and they — reluctantly and nervously — send a boop back. they have no idea what they're doing but at least, seeing that proud look on your face amounts to something. maybe, they did well? they then proceed to send you another one just for good measure. how cute.
xiao, gorou.
confusion (boomer ver.): their first thought was that they're getting hacked by a... feline virus? how interesting (please explain). with some explanation from you, they'll eventually understand the concept! a passive booper at best, but has a proclivity to treat boops as a “i'm thinking about you” button. so just know one boop equals to one time you crossed their mind.
zhongli, neuvillette, dainsleif (still confused at the end of it), diluc (secretly because he has pride).
the 'humble' reciprocator (dark horse?): all is in perfect tandem. you give one boop, they give one back. you give two boops, they give two back. you squint your eyes at them from across the room suspiciously, they chuckle into their hand in response. is that an act of mischief or demureness? you wonder what will happen if you boop them one hundred times? well, let's find out. (they will give back the exact amount, no matter what.)
kaedehara kazuha, baizhu, kamisato ayato (a true hybrid between being humble and a menace, he is. starts off nice until he spams boops when you least expect it... with a smile, of course!).
the bystander with the popcorn: thanks for the boop, you get one back. yes, only one, sorry. they'd rather not participate in the chaos and prefer to keep their inbox clean. no offense meant, you're free to have your fun so go ahead. they're just here to observe because in their humblest opinion, it serves them well enough as participating does. oh, don't look at them like that. you did get one back, didn't you? rejoice in the fact that you're one of the few — if not, the only one — they gave a boop to. treat it as an approval badge. it means you're special (to them).
alhaitham, tighnari, albedo, wanderer (he thinks he's above this childish and pointless act of booping... or is he?).
the victim™: is getting booped left and right without rest. suffocating and drowning in them even. lady luck is not on their side; they swore they booped everyone back to infinity and beyond — surely, it's all repaid and they can take a break now, right? wrong. they rest for 5 minutes and come back to 99+ notifs every single time. (if you relate, you might be a victim of affectionate bullying. feel free to riot about it.)
kaveh, thoma.
the loser at the start line: sneezes whenever the paw comes up on screen, yikes. A+ for effort, though!
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— thanks for reading!
© seelestia on tumblr, apr 2024. please do not repost, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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lyneira · 1 year
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♡ say "cheese"! ♡
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-> how the hsr and genshin men act in a photobooth
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The type that goes all out
Sampo, Luka, Venti, Heizou, Kaveh, Itto, Childe, Kaeya
These guys will make the most out of the photobooth, going all out on poses, props and stickers. He'll be goofy with you, doing things like giving you rabbit ears or smushing his cheek against yours right in front of the camera.
You two would be stuck in the photobooth for a while because he won't get out until he's gone through all the poses and props that he wanted, enjoying the fond memories that you two have created.
10/10 photobooth partner!!
Does his best
Dan Heng, Cyno, Diluc, Xiao, Albedo
Will be incredibly awkward, blinking when the camera flashes, and overall unsure of how to naturally do a fun pose. The best he can do would be holding up casual peace signs with a nonchalant look on his face. They would try to smile, but it would look so forced that he's better off without it, LOL. If you want to induce a nice expression on him, then give him a quick kiss and he'll have the cutest blush on his face for the picture, hehe.
Smiles the whole time
Jing Yuan, Luocha, Welt, Zhongli, Ayato, Baizhu, Kazuha, Tighnari
These folks would smile brightly the entire time! Initially, they'd be smiling for the photo, but when they see your exhilarated face as you enjoy these moments taking photos with him, he can't help but soften his gaze and direct his smile towards you, falling in love all over again.
So when the photo strip comes out, you'll notice how the first photo will show him looking into the camera, but then the rest will reveal him admiring you the entire time, with such love and tenderness in his gaze. It's great that it's caught on camera because now you'll finally know how he looks at you everyday 😌
Doesn't pose or smile
Blade, Dainsleif, Alhaitham
They will be very boring with it, simply looking into the camera with an indifferent look despite your smiling face and happy expression beside him.
Yet, when you press a kiss to his cheek for the next photo, intending for it to be a cute and innocent shot, he'll lowly grumble, "If you're going to kiss me, do it right". He'll suddenly turn to you, firmly grabbing your chin to face him before going in to devour your lips. And he wouldn't tear away from you until the camera stopped flashing.
You wanted to go to the photobooth to capture memories right? Well now you've got some great things to remember, like the feeling of his lips, the clashing of each other's teeth, and the way his tongue danced with yours, and you have it all on a photostrip to look back at 🤭
Would be shy
Gepard, Gorou, Thoma
He would try his best to match your energy and poses in the photobooth, although he might be shy or hesitant about it. He'll constantly ask if he's doing it right, and would almost always have such a vibrant blush on his face. It'd make him look all the more adorable.
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He deserved to be in a category all on his own
Will intentionally be a little shit and not smile. Instead, he'll stick his tongue out at the camera and give a "blegh" face (like he does in his idle animation). If you try to match his expression, he'll huff or lowly chuckle, but deep down he finds it so endearing. He'd love it so much that he'll end up indulging you in the poses and props you'd like in return, claiming that he "just felt like it" or doing it because "he knows he can do them better than you". In truth, all he really wants to see is your smile and take this time to feel close to you
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tklpilled · 7 months
could i take this genshin character in a (tickle) fight
albedo: probably? unless he uses one of his alchemy tricks or smth idk
alhaitham: i could if he liked me enough
amber: yeah. shes probably smaller than me and even though she's strong i feel like she'd be easy to overpower while being tickled
itto: maybe. depends on the day
baizhu: i could but i wouldn't WANT to because i feel like i'd accidentally kill him
barbara: okay my initial thought was yes. but now that i think about it i feel like she'd be surprisingly good and pull out all the unexpected tricks and stuff
beidou: absolutely not and i'd let her wreck my shit
bennett: obviously
candace: no.
charlotte: i dont know much about her but just looking at her i'm saying yes
chongyun: i dont think that boy has won a tickle fight in his LIFE
cyno: i do think he's REALLY ticklish but tighnari's the only one who could win against him tbh
dainsleif: i think he's ticklish but only in random areas so he'd just stare at me if i tried tickling him and then destroy me
dehya: it would be a good fight. but yes
diluc: on one hand he's super ticklish but on the other hand he'd break my arm easily
eula: yes
faruzan: her old ass bones would SHATTER if i touched her idk
fischl: LMAO yeah
freminet: yes but i'd either let him win or accidentally squish him to death bc i get cuteness aggression and hes like. my son
furina: she'd be way too overconfident in herself and i would DEMOLISH her
ganyu: i could if i wanted to but i'd probably let it end in a tie
gorou: yall act like it'd be easy to beat him. NO that mf is a GENERAL of an ARMY. like i could win but that shit wouldnt be easy
hu tao: i think it'd be close but she'd win. it would be the most fun out of everyone though
jean: i definitely could but i'd be scared to try 😭
kazuha: yes. no question about it
kaeya: HELL no
ayaka: absolutely. she'd let me win too
ayato: idk im kinda scared of him
kaveh: i'd be surprised if he managed to lay a hand on me
keqing: i could if i tried hard enough
kirara: i know nothing about her except that she's canonically ticklish so yes
sara: she's either super ticklish or not ticklish at all i can't decide. so my answer changes depending on which
shinobu: i'm also scared of her but in a way that makes me want to beat her even more
layla: i don't know enough about her but first thought is yes
lisa: god no
lynette: she has not one but TWO brothers definitely not
lyney: i would only win if he let me
mika: i would rock his shit
mona: i could pay her to let me win. i'd win anyway but it would be easier
neuvillette: i'd probably punch him first but yeah
nilou: i could but a part of me wants to let her win
ningguang: yes but only if she doesn't stab me with her $16mil heels first
noelle: she could win if she wanted to but i think she'd be too nice to fight back
raiden: yes. plus i think she'd be curious abt what tickling feels like so she probably wouldnt even try to win
razor: maybe but i'm scared he'd bite me
rosaria: she would ALSO bite me
kokomi: i'd def win. just look at her
shenhe: i could in theory but i feel like she'd accidentally kill me
heizou: i would beat his ass
sucrose: like albedo but MUCH easier
childe: no. he has big brother advantage over me
thoma: honestly i have no clue. i'd just love to have a tickle fight with him regardless
tighnari: i want to say yes but he'd kick my ass if i even thought about it
traveler: i could win EASILY for both of them
venti: i could but i would have to spend like five minutes learning how to undo a corset and it would be really awkward
scaramouche: i want to say yes. i REALLY want to say yes. but realistically........
wriothesley: i wouldnt even waste my time trying
xiangling: in terms of strength and willpower i could probably win but i feel like she's super good with teasing and that would put me at a big disadvantage
xiao: kind of? i don't think he'd know what tickling is/how to do it but i also think he'd kill me before i could teach him
xingqiu: he'd be so confident in himself bc he wins against his friends all the time. hell no i'm beating his pretentious ass UP
xinyan: yes. another really fun one right up there next to hu tao
yae miko: she would end me and i'd probably thank her afterwards tbh
yanfei: see this one is tough bc i can see it going both ways
yelan: another character i don't know shit about. all i know is that she's pretty and her mains scare me so i'm gonna go with no
yoimiya: yes? but i have a feeling she'd kind of let me win bc she thinks its fun
yun jin: in some universe i'd lose. but it damn well isn't this one
zhongli: he'd make me agree to a contract with the tiniest print ever saying "no breathing" or something and then beat my ass when i break it
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jellojelli · 1 year
Names I think Genshin boys would call you
Honey, sweetpea, windblume
All very cliche, but Venti likes to call you the names of flowers and mixes it up sometimes by adding ‘my’
Muse is also a big one and even more of a cliche haha
Diluc 🦅
Love, dear
Diluc is a classic and honestly kind of awkward man and if he’s not just calling you by your name than it’s something tame like love or dear
Kaeya 🥃
Love, honey, dear
Kaeya is also kind of classic with his nicknames but he also uses those most to fluster you
Also he will make a nickname for you that he uses to tease you when you do something embarrassing in front him
Albedo 🌸
Honey or love
Albedo is still getting used to the whole terms of endearment thing so he uses what he hears most couples use in town or just your name
Bennett 🗺️
Cutie, sweetpea
Poor, sweet Bennett is very awkward so he sticks to these because they’re easier to get out and he doesn’t want to embarrass you with anything cringy
Razor 🐺
Razor is not one to use nicknames let’s be honest
The only thing you might get is him saying you’re his or his special lupucial
Zhongli 🍷
Love, dear, (his little) gemstone
Very classic with nicknames but only because he doesn’t want to embarrass you, I think he honestly has no issues calling you the most ridiculous of nicknames with a straight face lmao
Zhongli did think calling you his little gemstone was really cute though even if it’s a bit out of his norm and made him blush haha
Good luck getting him to call you anything other than your name
Unless you count him calling you an idiot or stupid affectionately
Maybe if he’s being extra docile he’ll call you his love
Childe ⚔️
Honestly Childe will call you every term under the sun
He’s embarrassing with it too
like he will call you something like pookie in public in front of some poor sales person with zero shame
Chongyun 🧊
Chongyun is another where nicknames are hard to come by
But he’ll eventually get comfortable with calling you something simple like baby or honey
Xingqiu 📚
Xingqiu is such a tease and will 100% call you every nickname he’s read in his romance novels
Honey, sweetie, cutie, my love, dear, dearest, etc
He will say them no shame in front of everyone and yes he will be dramatic about it if he knows it flusters you
Dearest or my beloved
These are the only endearments I can see Baizhu giving you
Chengsheng made fun of him the first time he called you it too lmao
Baby and babe
Those are usually Heizou’s go to’s but I can also see him using (my) love here and there
Probably when he’s trying to get on your good side lmao
Arataki Itto 👹
His lil oni kabuto
Or his one and oni
Itto is a pun-y loser and I love him
He’s also big on calling you babe/baby and maybe slip in a wifey/hubby here and there
Kazhua 🍁
Kazhua sticks to the classics like dear, (my) dearest, and love
However, he might start to copy any nickname you give him or make a complimenting one for you
So be careful if you wanna call him something weird especially if it’s in public because he will not hold back💀
Ayato 🧋
Ayato probably won’t be calling you anything crazy
Just dear and love
He would maybe in private call you those funny and sickeningly sweet ones but he won’t say it in public
Thoma 🧹
Thoma is sickeningly sweet
Calls you gumdrop or honey pie and he’s not even trying to fluster you at all
He just really thinks those are so cute
Gorou 🦋
Honestly Gorou would stick to honey
If he wants to fluster you tho might call you his wife/husband or his beloved
In public? Scara is not calling you anything other than your name
In private or if someone is coming on to you he’ll say you’re his
An maybe when you’re asleep he’ll call his most beloved but he will never tell you that
His flower, sweet pea, really any plant based nickname
Tighnari isn’t very showy and his names aren’t going to be anything embarrassing or something he won’t call you in front of others
Unless maybe you call him something dumb in public, in that case be prepared because he will take revenge
Alhaitham is a tough one, but he probably won’t be calling you anything other than your name in front of others
Unless you complain about it then he might be petty and call you something downright horrendous in front of everyone
Might be sweet when it’s just you two and call you love or honey
Cyno is a man of few words and to be honest he won’t want to draw attention to you both by calling you something cute in public for everyone to hear
Maybe in private you can hear him call you his love tho
He will try to make a pun-y nickname for you, it is up to you to encourage or shoot that down it will not stop him either way
Honestly Kaveh is fine calling you any nickname and often mixes it up everyday
Unlike others though he doesn’t want to embarrass you so his more crazy ones stay between you and him when you’re being playful
He will slip up one day and call you his wife/husband and he will be SO embarrassed
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1. He likes to think he can someday represent a sunflower, something that may bring in happiness, the feeling of warmth and joy...but currently he feels he is somewhat of a lilly
2. Canyon would have an umbreon (shiny only) or a zygarde (mostly in 10% form)
Zero- Cerulege 
Rami- Alteria
Naisha- spinda
Bomber- gengar
Rey- mabostiff
Noodle- dedenne 
Leaf - swadloon
Tag- Galarian zigzagoon
Nim- Noibat
3. Zero- He may argue with the man from time to time, but he respects him and admires his fighting style…wishes he wouldn’t read his mind tho
Rami- He likes rami quite a lot, he thinks he’s is fun to be around…he just feels bad rami has to deal with so much of his crap 
Naisha- he really doesn’t know how to act around them…he’s very awkward
Bomber- She’s very kind, and is definitely the kind of role model people need. Her work is also very impressive to him
Rey- he loves his captain very much, his respect is endless. Some days he wishes to cuddle up with the furry guy and just nap the day away…though he knows he cannot
Noodle- He often wonders what he even did to deserve the love and overall wonderful treatment he gets from his significant other. Despite his dire wishes against it, deep down he believes the man would be much happier with someone less messed up than he is…someone much more pleasant to be around
Leaf - He thinks the smaller man is very entertaining, sharing his hobbies and greenery with leaf brings him so much joy, even if their time spent together is usually calm and relaxed (and under the influence)
Tag- The man is hard to handle, yet has a kind heart. Despite his frustrations, he doesn’t mind having tag around at all, it’s entertaining sometimes 
Nim- they’re fun to talk to and relax with, finding their weapon collection/interest very fascinating and fun to listen to when spoken about
4. He loved to relax in his family’s bath with calming music around him, beautiful flowers floating around the water, and the wonderful smell that made it all come together…he once sat in the bath for over 4 hours until a few staff got worried he drowned and called for him
5. Al-Haitham
Zero- Xiao
Rami- Lyney
Naisha- Bennet
Bomber- Navia
Rey- Cyno
Noodle- Dori
Leaf - Baizhu
Tag- Razor
Nim- Shinobu
6. “I wonder what blue tea tastes like…”
7. He would watch MLP with noodle or something then get very invested in the lore…yet would never ask to watch on his own
8. Code Geass or death note
9. Zero- Cat
Rami- swan
Naisha- rat
Bomber- hyena 
Rey- a bear 
Noodle- koi 
Leaf - sloth
Tag- mutt
Nim- bat
10. Nilered, he watches it when bored or going to sleep. food/style theory or any chemistry/informational video backed by science
11. This one bc he thinks this design is most creative 
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12. Hiro or Gordon 
13. Accomplice -Fukase cover
14. Yes, mostly scenery, flowers, and animals tho
15. No
16. He’s on the autism spectrum 
17. He’s ambidextrous and switches his hands depending on who is sitting next to him or his mood (right for an okay day, left for a not so okay day)
18. PS5
19. Neither, he hates the texture of both and will gag if either are tastes
20. Chinese zombie
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starglitterz · 3 years
cynosure. (v)
─── chapter 5 ! ~ irl fps ?!
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summary; you and xiao are genmates under the famed streamer company genshin impact. the chemistry between the two of you is undeniable, and your fanbases absolutely love your collaborations. but when you both start meeting up offline more and more, your connection starts to deepen past just harmless flirting and playful banter. with these real feelings starting to affect both your job and reputation online, how will you two react when your relationship becomes the internet’s cynosure?
a/n: sorry for the wait T_T this part has actual writing and it is So Long hehe, plus tbh it should be called quill rambling abt how pretty xiao is for 4k words LMAOOO hope you enjoy !! :D
also 哥哥 means big brother in chinese :)
warnings; toy guns mentioned, slightly suggestive, possible ooc xiao but idc this has been in my head Forever /nm
please reblog ! it helps a lot :)
no but seriously if u guys don't reblog this i will use musou no hitotachi on you /j
this chapter is dedicated to my beloved @nurserinnn !!! thank u for always sending me loads of hcs and brainrot after every chapter + super cute & sweet asks SKDJSK ily loads [as a harem member] <3
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private messages !
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irl !
qiqi crouches on the pavement outside, one hand absently tracing the cracks in the stone ground with the other raised to the sky to block her pale face from the sun's harsh glare. xiao, meanwhile, is leaning against the fence, arms crossed over his torso as he gazes at the small girl to ensure she's alright. "hey qiqi," he begins, tilting his head to gauge her reaction, "do you remember that person i told you about?" "um..." qiqi scrunches up her face as if digging about in her memories to recall, "is it that girl you said was really pretty and fun? qiqi thinks her name is y/n." xiao's face turns redder than a tomato, but he doesn't deny anything, "you're right. she's coming over today." "qiqi wants to meet her," qiqi states, but then doesn't continue as her attention is diverted by a butterfly flying around her. xiao glances at his watch, "at this rate, you probably will. baizhu's late, as usual." "dr baizhu... qiqi doesn't remember his face," qiqi returns to trailing her finger along the lines of the ground.
suddenly, xiao hears footsteps and he looks up, only to be met with the sight of you right in front of him! "hey, xiao!" you beam excitedly, clasping your hands behind your back as you grin at him. both xiao's brain and his heart nearly explode simultaneously because; 1) you look way too adorable in your outfit - sure, it's just casual clothes, but still, how do you always manage to look stunning?! and 2) he cannot believe that you actually came and didn't bail on him, and you're standing here outside his house! and you're going to stay here for the night! xiao doesn't know how he's going to survive the rest of the day without getting a heart attack.
"oh, y/n! hi," he says, hoping neither his shyness nor his flusteredness show on his expression. however, before he can say anything else, he's interrupted by qiqi popping up between the two of you. "oh. you are really pretty," the young girl states bluntly as she looks up at you. heat rushes to your face at the innocent compliment, but then you realise something odd and query, "thank you! but wait, you know who i am?" "yes," qiqi states, the smallest hint of a smile curving her lips, "xiao 哥哥 talks about you a lot-" "hahaha qiqi, baizhu's here! it's time for you to go home!" without warning, xiao pulls qiqi into an awkward hug, one hand flying to cover her mouth. while you try to hide your laughter, qiqi stares up at him slowly and nods once, her gaze then travelling to the sleek black car which has just driven up.
the window rolls down, and an unknown man with a pet snake coiled around his neck calls out, "sorry for being late, xiao! qiqi, hop in." he glances at you, and his eyes narrow, almost like a predator gazing at his prey, "now who are you?" "i'm y/n, xiao's genmate in genshin," you reply, perceiving him to be harmless. but then xiao steps in front of you and growls, "leave her alone, baizhu. she doesn't want your dumb services." baizhu feigns an affronted expression, "how mean! i'm merely a doctor." "yeah, a shady one," xiao mutters under his breath as he helps qiqi buckle her seatbelt. "you wound me, xiao," baizhu smirks, to which xiao answers, "good," and shuts the door. before baizhu drives away, qiqi peers up through the window and gives the two of you a small wave, "byebye, xiao 哥哥. byebye, y/n." you wave back at her, internally freaking out over how adorable she is, "byebye!"
as soon as the car disappears into the distance, you bump your hip against xiao's, "so, xiao, care to tell me what you've talked about me? it's apparently a lot~." xiao's face flushes, and he really hopes you think it's because of the summer sun, "let's just go inside, y/n." with a happy giggle, you decide to stop teasing xiao and follow him into his house.
"holy shoot xiao, your setup is so cool!" you gush in awe as you step into xiao's 'streaming room'. it's lit by led lights, which are currently set to a dark teal greenish shade, mimicking the highlights in xiao's hair. there's a small fridge in the corner of the room, and when xiao pads over to open it and take out a drink for the two of you, you realise it's filled almost entirely with energy drinks. "is that even healthy...?" you accidentally say out loud, prompting xiao to turn back to you and ask, "is what healthy?" "ah! nothing!" you panic, "just the sheer amount of energy drinks in there." xiao seems to be much more in his element in his familiar streaming room, and his features relax into a soft smile as he tosses you a can, "don't worry, i don't drink them all the time." "oh, that's good then," you fumble to catch it and reply, feeling as if you're making this ten times more awkward then it should be. archons, transferring online relationships to real life is so much more difficult than it seems.
to break the sudden silence, you quickly ask, "so, who was that little girl out there? i'm going to take a guess and assume you don't have a kid." "no, she's not my daughter!" the tips of xiao's ears turn red, and you stifle a chuckle - it's so easy to fluster him. "her name's qiqi, she's a young girl that i rescued on the street, she was all alone and just claimed she didn't know where her parents were. i couldn't just leave her like that, so i took her in, and later aether told me about his doctor friend baizhu, who's the creep you met outside," xiao leans against his desk, cupping the can of drink in one hand and seeming to drift off into his memories. "he didn't seem like that much of a creep," you shrug, cracking open the can to take a sip. xiao's eyes flash with a trace of an unknown emotion... jealousy, perhaps? then after a moment of contemplation he responds, "yeah, he isn't all bad. after all, he took qiqi under his wing without hesitation."
it's only now that you realise how incredible xiao looks. the afternoon sun filters in through the window, bathing him in a gentle glow, and he seems so at ease compared to the aloof version of him from the online collaborations you've had with him. he's dressed in a simple black hoodie, and wonky black nail polish adorns his nails - you assume qiqi painted them for him. in fact, you barely hear his reply from how captivated you've become in admiring his appearance. only when xiao clears his throat do you snap out of your thoughts, "y/n, you're staring. is there something on my face?" "no, no, no! nothing at all!" you turn away, praying to every deity you know that the flaming heat you can feel on your face isn't obvious to him.
trying to turn the tables, you comment, "don't think i'm letting go of the fact that you talk about me." xiao groans, "oh no." you spin around, having managed to successfully conceal your embarrassment and prance up to him with a playful grin, "i'm so honoured to have the famous xiao praise me!" xiao drags a hand down his face slowly, hiding his expression, "y/n..." "i'm kidding!" you giggle, "but seriously, it's cute that you talk about me. only good things though, i hope." "of course, what else is there to say?" xiao's eyes flick up to yours from how he was attempting to look literally anywhere else in the room. what catches you off guard is the genuineness in his tone, he isn't spewing sleazy compliments to grab your attention, he's saying what he actually thinks, and that makes your heart do several backflips. "well... i talk about you to my friends too," you mumble, and xiao's eyes widen, "really?!" "yeah."
silence blankets the room, and both of you are unwilling to shatter the moment. it's almost as if you want to freeze this second in time, this second where both of you seem so eager to fall in love, yet shy and hesitant too. finally, xiao coughs, "y/n, should i start teaching you how to play val now? you can use the second desktop right beside mine." "sure!" you answer, plopping into the comfy chair next to his - you recognise it from his streams. the excited smile you shoot xiao as you open up the game is almost like an arrow from cupid right through his heart.
"ahhh, i'm tired," you lean back in your seat, cracking your knuckles and stretching. when you glance out the window, the sun's already beginning to dip below the horizon, a sign reminding you of how long you and xiao have been playing. you both made dummy accounts to practice, and had a fun afternoon messing around in game, with xiao guiding you through valorant's mechanics and you picking it up as quick as you could. although xiao's aim obviously far outshone yours, you were pretty sure you could be considered a worthy opponent now. "yeah, we should probably stop playing for now," xiao says, looking at you with a concerned gaze. "can i look around?" you ask, ensuring you receive xiao's permission before poking around his stuff. "go ahead, i need to sort out a thumbnail for tomorrow's stream." "yay! if you need any help, you better ask me! don't be a dumbass and try to do it all on your own," you warn, shaking your finger at him. a chuckle escapes his throat, and xiao nods before beginning to scroll through twitter, searching for fanart of the two of you to use as part of the thumbnail.
you hop from the chair, strolling straight towards the shelf at the back of the room. you've seen it briefly during xiao's streams, but due his background always being slightly blurred, you've never been able to make out what's actually on it, and you've also always been quite curious about it. as you scan each rack, you notice each one has something different on it. the first shelf has a bunch of potted succulents and books, the second has a couple of anime character figurines and some dvds- wait, hang on a minute. "xiao?" "mhm?" "is this my debut commemorative voice merch? you know, those voicelines they made us record for our 1 month anniversary." xiao nearly falls off his chair as he spins around faster than the speed of light to face you, "n-no! i mean yes! it is, but i bought everyone's from our generation, just to support you all." you giggle softly, "strange though, i don't see yanfei and hu tao's here. nor your own, which is even weirder." "ah, theirs must be somewhere around here in this mess. and why would i buy my own voicelines? that's just narcissistic." xiao's excuse is completely made up, and it's almost painfully obvious - there's not a hair out of place in his room, you have no clue what mess he's talking about. it's cute though, so you'll let it slide.
just then, something on the third shelf catches your attention, and a mischievous smile graces your features. "xiao?" you call out again, and he turns to reply to you, "yeah?" however, as soon as he faces you, you shoot a bullet at him from the toy nerf gun in your hand, and (un)fortunately, it smacks him right in the face, "gotcha!" xiao is stunned, and he freezes up for a second, causing you to worry you've annoyed him. lucky for you, the next second he laughs softly before smirking at you with gleaming golden eyes, "oh, it is on."
xiao grabs another toy gun from somewhere on his desk and aims it at you, prompting you to squeal and run away. once you're safely outside his room, you stick your tongue out, "you'll never catch me, xiao!" he merely fires off a plastic bullet at you, "yeah right, "and you dart your head around the corner to dodge. as you lean against the wall, you exhale in relief, but then squeeze your eyes shut in mortification - what on earth were you thinking, shooting xiao like that? now he was going to think you were a total child, he was probably playing along just to stop the situation from becoming awkward.
groaning internally, you turn back around the corner, preparing yourself to apologise but then- you smack into something. "ah!" a surprised sound escapes your throat at the same time as you hear a grunt from right above you. you open your eyes slowly, only to be met with xiao's amber irises. both time and your brain seem to freeze as you meet his gaze, and only after a split second which feels like an eternity do you process what happened. the two of you quickly move backwards from your position of bumping into him, and xiao coughs once, trying to dismiss the embarrassing atmosphere. instead of saying anything though, he aims his nerf gun at you and shoots you right in the centre of your torso. with a small, slightly smug smirk adorning his lips, xiao tilts his head, "told you i'd catch you." suddenly, laughter bubbles up from your lips, and you grin at him, "the game isn't over yet, xiao!" with that, you shoot back at him and take off at a dash down the corridor, leaving xiao to pursue you.
perhaps he doesn't think you're that much of a child after all.
groupchat !
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irl !
the sound of the bathroom door opening prompts you to switch off your phone and glance upwards from how you were perched on a beanbag on the floor of xiao's bedroom. ever the gentleman, he had encouraged you to shower first, claiming he didn't mind waiting. he was showering right now, or at least he was supposed to be. the sight you're gazing at now seems to prove otherwise.
xiao has stepped out of the bathroom, wearing only a loose pair of black shorts. you blink once, then twice, before realising that no, you aren't hallucinating; xiao is actually shirtless in front of you. your eyes trace up his torso, widening upon noticing his perfectly defined set of abs. no wonder it hurt so much when you crashed into him earlier. a loose white towel is tossed carelessly around his neck, and it provides a stark contrast to the dark green tattoos snaking around his incredibly toned upper arms in an intricate pattern. droplets of water still cling to his jade-streaked hair, framing his face like a picture. his amber eyes glimmer like jewels, and you find yourself wondering what it would be like to get lost in them.
then suddenly, you snap out of your daze and realise how perverted you sound. covering your eyes with your hand, you ask playfully, pretending like your cheeks aren't flaming hot, "xiao, did you mean to give me such a show?" "what?!" from what you can hear, xiao seems to whirl around and remember you're in his room too. "i... i forgot my shirt, that's all," he says quickly, embarrassment filling his tone, "i'm going to change." "mmkay," you reply with a chuckle, peeking through your fingers to see a very flustered xiao rush back into the bathroom and slam the door, "don't make me wait too long!"
"no way!" you fold your arms across your chest and pout like a petulant child, frowning at xiao. "i meant that i'll take the sofa, you can have the bed," xiao says confusedly, not understanding why you're upset. "let me take the sofa, i'll feel bad if i'm kicking you out of your own room!" "no," xiao replies promptly and decisively, leaving no room for argument. as a final attempt, you suggest, "then why don't we just share the bed?" xiao fell silent, and you realised the tips of his ears have turned red - archons, he's so cute! "of course, if you don't want to, that's fine as well! i don't mind taking the couch," you add on quickly, not wanting to pressure him into anything he was uncomfortable with. "no!" he speaks up, "i don't mind sharing the bed... if you're alright with it too." a huge grin paints itself across your cheeks, and for xiao, it was almost like seeing sunshine break through the clouds on a rainy day.
and that is how you ended up sharing a bed with the one and only adeptus xiao.
although right now, you're kinda starting to regret it. it's far too difficult to fall asleep when you can feel xiao's warmth beside you, even though there's a thin bolster between you both. "hey xiao?" you ask, the two words breaking the silence. "hm?" "today was really fun!" you turn around to face him, and upon realising he's already facing you, you beam at him. "yeah, it was," xiao murmurs, a small smile curving his lips. he seems to already be half-asleep, and you wonder if this is a consequence of the endurance stream that he pulled yesterday. he probably hasn't slept since then.
"hey xiao?" you ask again, your voice much softer this time, tinged with a hint of hesitation. "mm?" he really is almost asleep now, but for some reason you've just got a huge burst of confidence, so you press on. "would it be okay if i... slept closer to you?" the question escapes your lips in a whisper, and you almost want to cover your face to hide from his reply. but xiao merely opens his golden catlike eyes, heavy with sleepiness, and stares at you for a moment as if weighing his options. then wordlessly, he moves the bolster away and opens his arms to you.
trying to hide your joy from his lack of a rejection, you cuddle closer to him, and his arm wraps around your torso. there's no other way to say it, both of you are actually cuddling now. and you're this close to spontaneously combusting. xiao smells like qingxin petals, you think to yourself absently as he rests his chin on your head. you don't dare move, lest you ruin the peace, but as your eyes slide shut, you murmur softly, "goodnight, xiao. good luck for tomorrow." you're not sure if you've already started dreaming when you feel a shy kiss on the top of your head and a quiet reply, "goodnight, y/n. sweet dreams."
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a/n; HELLOOOO AHHHHH THE ENDING AKWJDJKASKJDSA CRIES /POS this chapter took like 750 years im so sorry T_T i hope u enjoyed it loads tho, i had sm fun writing it JKDKJSD there were so many cute moments here. yeah i wanna have a nerf gun fight w xiao what abt it??? HAHAHA ok i better go sleep now i have school tmrw pain </3 YOU ALL BETTER REBLOG THIS WITH FUN COMMENTS OR I WILL EAT YOU /J (pls do, this took ages and also send me some swag asks abt it pls and thank u hehe)
rin came up w the idea of xiao having qiqi as a sorta younger sister here !
and xiao's room inspo is half inspired from luca's ask here !
aaaa i love how i get to interact w you guys abt cynosure and incorporate ur super sexc ideas omg (with permission ofc) :D !! thank u for supporting cynosure so far, and i hope you all continue to enjoy it until the end mwah <3333
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© starglitterz 2021. do not repost or modify in any way.
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kiriiqt · 2 years
xiao modern au profile
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characters: xiao
requested by: myself lol
a/n: this is xiao’s character profile (and voicelines) for my modern au. eventually I'll make a masterlist which will include contextual information about the au too. I might write a full fic at some point, but for now I just have these notes, so I hope you enjoy them! side note: in this scenario the reader (or whoever you want xiao to refer to) is a junior who transferred in the beginning of the school year.
warnings: not fully proofread! parental issues, implied trauma, sleeping issues, smoking mention, cursing, me struggling to write xiao realistically, bad references
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⏳ now loading character profile...⌛️ 
Fun fact; The Whispering Woods is the largest forest near Mondstadt, and was once thought to be haunted by an ancient dragon spirit.
⏳ character profile loaded⌛️
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Name: Xiao
Birthday: 17-04-20XX
Description: Xiao is an 18-year-old senior at Barbatos High with a major case of senioritis. He prefers spending time alone or with his closest friends, away from crowds. You’ll often find him in the arts classroom when it’s not in use. He lives with his older brother Zhongli and younger sister Qiqi, whom he has a soft spot for, near the suburbs. 
Likes: SYML, black coffee, vanitas, almond tofu, gaming, teal, lantern rite, his motorcycle, pop’s tea & shaved ice.
Dislikes: math, hard candy, too many colours, crowds, senioritis, childe.
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Zhongli ✦✦✦✦✦
Qiqi ✦✦✦✦✦
Venti ✦✦✦✦✦
Baizhu ✦✦✦✦✧
Aether ✦✦✦✦✧
Albedo ✦✦✦✦✧
Lumine ✦✦✦✧✧
Ganyu ✦✦✦✧✧
Childe ✦✧✧✧✧
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Friendship level 0
About Qiqi; My lunch? Oh, it was made by my sister, Qiqi. She likes to cook, though her methods can be odd… I don’t think she has really understood the concept of complementing tastes. Throw it out? No, why would I do that? It tastes fine… Why are you smiling at me like that? Quit it!
About Zhongli; I’ll spare you the awkward part. Zhongli is my brother, we don’t see our parents. He’s a professor at the university of Liyue, so you might’ve heard of him before. He’s quite popular in the academic community. I’ll tell you now though, he has the worst dad humor, ever. Like, Erwin Smith from a Slap on Titan level of bad humor. Not even Venti finds it funny… Don’t tell him I said that though, we all laugh at his jokes anyway.
About school; I highly doubt that you haven’t noticed how done I am with this place. I’ll miss the school itself and my friends, but I’m ready to get it over with. I’m excited to be able to draw or read without it being academic. Venti and Albedo keep calling me the CEO of senioritis… I see that look on your face. Don’t you dare.
About hobbies; I don’t do a lot… I guess my most exciting hobby would be my motorcycle. I’m no mechanic, but I know how to maintain it. I like to draw and play videogames too. Which games? Oh, just random ones. Nothing special.
About Venti; You know, people usually ask Venti about me, not the other way around. No, I don't mind, I'm just…surprised? Anyway, he's actually one of the oldest in my class, though he looks a lot younger. Best friend? I mean… sure, I guess you could call him that. We do spend most of our time together. He can be a pain sometimes though.
About Albedo; Yes, Albedo and I are friends. Why is that so surprising? We’ve been in the same advanced art class for years now. He’s actually a really good friend of mine. You didn’t know I liked art that much? Well, I do, and I’d say I’m decent at it. Don’t look at my backpack like that, my sketchbook is in the classroom. Wait, where are you going?
About food; My favorite food? Almond tofu, but vanilla ice cream is pretty good too… There was this one place I went to that had really good shaved ice. Hm? Yeah, I guess I do prefer sweets more… Is that weird? You sound surprised.
Friendship level 2
About crushes; Why are you asking me about… nevermind. No, I don’t ‘fancy’ anyone. What kind of question is that?
About sleep; I noticed you looking at me all worried and shit… I’m fine. I don’t need a lot of sleep to get through the day. The bags under my eyes are genetic, they don’t really go away. No, I’m not lying.
Friendship level 4
About gaming; Venti told you about my what?! Streaming? Why would he… he knows I don’t want people to know about it… just ignore it- why are you laughing? Hey, he’s never done this before, of course I’m freaking out- oh. He never told you? You just…figured it out? Not a word about this to anyone. Also, give me your username, I’m blocking you right now. No, I’m serious! Hey, stop laughing!
Xiao’s troubles; Oh, so you noticed I wasn’t in for the first period? Before you ask, no I wasn’t skipping, I just had a doctor's appointment. My back pain has been acting up again. It’s nothing major, I’m just a dumbass with shitty posture. Can’t say that the amount of crap I carry in my backpack helps either.
About Childe; Hm? The ginger dude? Ignore him, he’s just a random guy who went to one of Zhongli’s lectures and decided to become the real life equivalent of Navi from Legend of Zelda, just ten times more annoying. I swear it’s like he’s obsessed with my brother or something… no shit I don’t like him, how’d you guess?
Friendship level 6
About motorcycles; We’re off at the same time today, right? Meet me by the school entrance. No reason, I just wanted to…hang out with you. And I finally fixed up my bike, so if you wanted to we could go for a ride, I have a spare helmet… only if you want to though, I-I know some people don’t enjoy bikes, so don’t worry too much about it- you want to? Oh, okay, that’s great, awesome, see you then.
Protective; You okay? Were they bothering you? You’re a really shitty liar, you know… but fine, I’ll leave it for now. Come on. Hm? I’m taking you to that shitty cafe you like so much…no, it’s on me. Stop with the dramatics, money isn’t an issue. Besides, you’ve clearly had a shit day. Oh, and Qiqi’s asking when you’re visiting next, seems like today is perfect for that…and the next time someone bothers you, don’t hesitate to call me.
About Kunikuzushi; Hm? Ask away... oh, you overheard a conversation about...Scara? Ignore it. They’re stupid rumors. He’s coming back from a private boarding school soon, so people have really amped it up. Don’t listen to them unless you want to lose braincells by the second. I, well, I guess by Scara’s standards I am a close friend. We mostly just text and smoke together at parties whenever he’s actually here.
Friendship level 8
About Parents; Don’t…don’t feel bad for asking about my parents. Some people have been much less considerate about it. Short version is, Zhongli is our half brother. He got lucky, his dad was a decent guy, but Qiqi and I have never really had contact with our dad, and our mom has…issues. She kept in contact with Zhongli’s dad for the money. Needless to say, he got custody of Zhongli as soon as possible. It’s uh, it’s a long story, but Zhongli is the primary caretaker of Qiqi and I now, and it’s hopefully going to stay that way. His dad? He’s quite a bit older than our father, he didn’t really step up to take care of us, but I don’t blame him. We were essentially strangers. He tries though. Don’t feel bad for us, Zhongli is really a great brother.
About gaming II; About that… Sorry for overreacting last time you asked about it. I’m not really scared of other people judging me, but I like to fly under the radar at school, so if it gets out that I have a following of sorts, that might change.
About sleep II; I told you not to worry about that. I know, you can’t really help it, but I’m fine. Don’t tell anyone, but Baizhu prescribed me some new medication for it, so I won’t have to wait for my doctors to get their shit together. Hopefully it’ll help…Hey, don’t look so sad. I’m used to it. Besides, it’s been getting a lot better recently…uhh, no, I don’t know why…
Xiao’s troubles; I really don’t like my mom, but part of me wishes that Qiqi would at least get to have a motherly figure. She never talks about life before Zhongli took us in, and I’m scared to bring it up…I still have some good memories of our mom, but I highly doubt Qiqi does. If she even remembers her in the first place. Her memory is abnormally bad for a child, even Baizhu worries about it.
About Baizhu; Baizhu? Oh right, I’ve been mentioning him this entire time without explaining who he is... sorry about that. He’s a doctor, though he’s also worked with universities, which is how we know him. He’s kind of like a second parent. Honestly... Venti and I are convinced he and Zhongli had something going on in the past and never really got over it, it’s kind of sad. I can’t get a word out about it from either of them.
About us; Hey, (name)? I’m here for you if you need anything, remember? No, there’s no particular reason I’m reminding you…I just feel like I don’t say it enough. No, my face is NOT red, shut the hell up!
Friendship level 10
Chats in late spring; Schools over soon… It feels weird. You’ve been here for a while too, now. It’s cliche, but somehow it feels like no time has passed at all since I got to know you. I guess that’s what happens when you ‘click’ with people…I know it’s still a month away, but let’s stay in contact when I graduate, yeah? My siblings would be sad if you stopped coming around… and I guess I would be sad too.
Xiao’s troubles II; Ah, so you noticed? Don’t worry about me, it’s just one of those days…actually, I’d like to…talk about it, I guess. Today is my mom’s birthday. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t miss her, well I miss the good times, but not her. Honestly it’s best if she stays away. But I guess I can’t really stop thinking about her, since I associate today with her... Venti always offers to hang out to distract me, but I usually just drive somewhere by myself. I’m not sad though. Well, maybe I am. Sorry. I never talk about this with anyone... you’re right, one time has to be the first. Shaved ice?..sure, that actually sounds pretty good right now.
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celestialarchon · 3 years
Celebrating 600+ Followers
i can’t believe i’m writing another celebration post less than two days after my first
this has been rotting in my head all day and might become a series in the future
Genshin Impact x F!Reader | Modernish AU | warning: it’s cute!
“I hope you don’t mind, we gave you a student teacher as well. It’s only fair since you were given the most troublesome class,” Headmistress Ping smiled at you warmly.
“Ah,” You nodded, “Thats fine.”
The elder woman patted your back, “Genshin Academy is truly lucky to have you. Your track record is impressive and you have an extremely rare vision. I think you’ll get along fairly well with Mr. Aether, he’s a good kid.”
You smiled at her, honored by her words. Genshin Academy, the elite and prestigious school, had taken you as a teacher. The education system was impressive and diverse, teaching elementary to college aged students. You were given the first year elementary school students and now a student teacher as well. No matter how troublesome the class may be, having assistance would be appreciated. If it didn’t, the extraordinary pay would make up for any issues you had.
The older woman walked you to the doors of the building and then left you to prepare yourself. Clutching your class roster, you stepped in and made your way to your classroom. When you entered your room, you were greeted by a young blonde man. He introduced himself as your assistant teacher and made some small talk before leaving you to prepare for the day. You appreciated his thoughtfulness as you tidied the room up a bit, smiling at your class pet, Dvalin.
Soon enough, the children poured in and greeted each other and you. Aether returned to the room, beaming at each child. You took attendance, ticking off each name as they all answered. Qiqi, Teucer, Klee, and Diona seemed to be the most lively of them all. They were also marked with asterisks as the worst “troublemakers” but so far things were running smoothly.
“Welcome, my name is Miss Bright,” You beamed at the children, “Let’s have a good year, okay?”
“Wow, you’re very pretty Miss Bright!” An energetic Teucer exclaimed.
Klee squealed, “I’m so excited!”
Diona scoffed and Qiqi nodded in agreement. You went through the motions, following your detailed curriculum perfectly. There were two separate general subjects, academics and control. One was simple enough, teaching the kids by the book. The other was all about assisting your students in controlling and growing their abilities as vision users.
By the end of the day you were exhausted. Soon enough the week flew by. As Friday came, you were exhausted. Most people had made these kids out to be terrible and mischievous, and in some ways they were. Yet, you had already grown very fond of all of them. They were much more tame than you had expected, save for some explosions and outbursts. Now you were stuck as some of the children were late being picked up.
“I hope my big brother gets a girlfriend like Miss Bright. She’s so nice and pretty.” You overheard Teucer whisper to the last three kids.
“Oh yeah!” Klee’s whispers weren’t whispers at all, “She’s like a princess. My brother is a prince. I wish he’d marry Miss Bright.”
“Tch,” Diona intervened, “Honestly, I wish Miss Bright had adopted me instead of that annoying man at home.”
“Qiqi thinks Xiao and Zhongli would like Miss Bright a lot.”
You giggled at their words, they were too sweet. Aether chuckled overhearing them as well and waving you off.
“Go finish up your paperwork, I’ll take care of them.” The cheerful blonde nearly pushed you out the door.
You sighed and made your way to the office up front. Paperwork was such a drag, not nearly as fun as over hearing those brats gossiping. The paperwork ended up taking up the rest of your time. By the time you were done you wanted to scream. As you left the office, a handful of coworkers approached you and invited you out. No was not an option as they insisted you let them treat you.
You were exhausted as they led you to their favorite bar. Aether followed like a lost puppy and you sighed.
“You can’t drink can you?” You questioned him.
“Ahhh,” Aether started but was interrupted.
“It’s fine! I know the owner. He doesn’t have to drink he can just babysit us.” Venti exclaimed.
Poor Aether couldn’t get out of it either. Once you entered the bar, things blurred. Immediately, your coworkers bought you many drinks. Venti was especially aggressive about drinking. The short music teacher was babbling to an extremely handsome bartender with vibrant red hair.
The scarlet haired man seemed to be a bit annoyed by the drunken chaos ensuing. Amber was giggling crazily and the school nurse, Baizhu had cornered a tall man with amber eyes, and Ganyu was petting you. Aether was awkwardly fidgeting, stone cold sober. Eventually, your poor student teacher ended up having to call a cab and carry you home. He was forced to try and navigate to your cozy apartment by unlocking your phone with your drunken face. It took way too many attempts.
You awoke the next day with a pounding headache and over a hundred notifications. The night was still a blur so you proceeded to try and take care of yourself. Aether was kind enough to go out and buy you some pain medicine and left it on your counter with your keys. It was embarrassing how you couldn’t find any memories of your adventures in liquor.
The weekend flew by until Sunday night came and your phone buzzed. You looked down and horror filled your body. Tomorrow was parent conferences. It wasn’t mandatory for parents but encouraged. Suddenly, you were tearing through your apartment trying to prepare for the upcoming doom.
Before you knew it, parent conferences were upon you. Aether wasn’t attending because it wasn’t mandatory and you insisted he go home and rest. He had done so much for you already, you didn’t want him to suffer through it with you. You looked up as somebody knocked on your class door and opened it to see two beautiful blondes.
“Hello, is this Miss Bright’s room?” The woman’s blue eyes met yours.
“Yes,” You held your hand out, “Hello, I’m Miss Bright.”
The woman shook your hand, “I am Jean, Klee’s guardian. This is her older brother Albedo.”
The young man’s beautiful eyes bore into you as he shook your hand. You stepped aside and gestured to the tables in your room. The two took their seats and almost immediately a tall red haired man sauntered up to you.
“Hello!” His tone was cheerful, “I’m Childe, Teucer’s older brother!”
“A pleasure to meet you, Childe. I am Miss Bright.”
“Ah,” a crooked smile formed on his lips, “The pleasure is all mine. You are just as beautiful as Teucer claimed.”
You blushed and laughed nervously, but before you could answer he was shoved into your room. He turned to glare at the two dark haired men in the doorway. Huffing, he found his way to a table and sat.
“So annoying.” The shorter of the two men scowled.
The taller one sighed, “Hello, Miss Bright. My name is Zhongli, and this is my cousin Xiao. We are Qiqi’s foster family.”
Xiao stomped past you, Zhongli followed him quickly. You didn’t have time to introduce yourself to either of them before they sat down.
“How rude,” A smooth voice came from your door.
Two men stood there, a tan man with dark hair and a very familiar red head. Internally, you groaned at the sight of the bartender. It was going to be a long conference wasn’t it? You were glad you had organized your agenda so well.
“Diluc. Guardian of Diona, and this is my brother Kaeya.” The redhead said almost sternly.
He strolled through the doorway to sit at a table, all four families spread out. Kaeya winked at you and followed his brother. Now you were sure the night would be long.
No other families came, and you were left alone with the strange bunch. In the back of your mind, you were thinking of your roster and the asterisks. The irony in all of it was that the troublemaker’s parents were the only ones who showed. The room was quiet, families only talking among themselves. You cleared your throat and introduced yourself once more, starting in to your very planned speech.
A short time had passed but it felt like years to you. You felt incredibly awkward but continued on. Childe raised his hand which nearly made you laugh but you contained your amusement and paused.
“Yes?” You called out to him.
The lanky man smirked, “I’m sorry but what sort of vision do you use?”
“I will address that later on.” Your voice was kind but also stern.
This response earned several looks from the families listening. All of a sudden, their full attention was on you. The change of atmosphere had put you on edge. You tried to continue on but Childe stood abruptly.
“That’s an interesting response.” He chuckled.
“Tartaglia!” Jean intervened, “Thats enough.”
Kaeya kicked his feet up on the table, “You can’t say you’re not curious though, right? It’s only natural we want to know. This school has just as much focus on vision skills as academic skills.”
You were beginning to grow irritated. The children were more respectful than the adults. Composing yourself, you sighed. Nobody denied Kaeya’s words, although Zhongli and Jean seemed to disapprove of the attitude.
“As i said before i will-“ you were interrupted again by an arrow of water, you easily side stepped it.
Jean stood, sword in hand and glared at Childe. Diluc shoved his brother’s feet off the table and scowled. Albedo yawned while Xiao clicked his tongue. Zhongli merely observed the scene. Childe cackled at Jean which only angered her more as she dove at him.
You opened your mouth to say something but were forced to dodge a cold sword. Kaeya grinned at you but was yanked back by Zhongli. The room was in utter chaos. You gritted your teeth and once more tried to remain calm. Another arrow narrowly missed your ear and you felt yourself become enraged. Kaeya dodged Zhongli and thrust his sword at you but was stopped by a sharp pillar of light.
“That’s enough.” Your voice was cold as you used your own weapon to shove the pushy cryo wielder away from you.
As if by magic, suddenly everyone stopped to stare at you. Quickly, they sat down. Albedo’s eyes were alert now, he was suddenly interested in every word you had to say. Even Xiao seemed to have a better attitude.
You continued your speech without any further interruptions. Finally, the end was in sight.
“And to answer your earlier question,” You pushed your hair back behind your ear to reveal your vision on an earring, “I am a light wielder. I will not take any questions on it. Have a wonderful night and thank you for coming.”
You turned and exited your classroom quickly as murmurs spread across the room. Light visions were only gifted to those who were recognized by multiple gods. Light was a strange element that could mold itself and change to take shape of different elements, although it wasn’t perfect. Elemental mastery took a lot of time and the light could only bend to your will for short periods of time. Using light as anything other than itself could backfire easily. Ontop of the many complications, attaining a light vision meant going through a crisis so terrible that multiple gods had to intervene. It was a blessing and a curse.
As you headed home, shivers ran down your back. You couldn’t help but feel that you were being watched or followed. You shook it off and returned home. It was just paranoid thoughts after a rough night.
After the conference, you seemed to be plagued by the families. Outside of work you ran into them constantly. It was nerve wracking.
“Miss Bright, Teucer loves you so much. He’d love to see you on the weekend. We could get lunch and then have a play date with him. What do ya say?” Childe grinned at you as you exited your classroom.
“Sorry, sir” An arm slid around your shoulders, “But i’m afraid she has plans for this weekend.”
You looked up to see the school librarian with a tight smile. Lisa was so kind, saving you from his shameless flirting. Although, she often seemed to flirt with you as well. You couldn’t really tell if she was being nice or flirting though.
He scowled and turned. Lisa laughed and squeezed you tighter. She escorted you out of the building, telling you about the new books the library had just received. Her eyes twinkled as you laughed at her puns and asked her questions about being a librarian.
“Excuse me,” A deep voice said “May I have a moment of Miss Bright’s time?”
You turned to see Zhongli, one of the only reasonable guardians you’d met. So far you’d not seen him after the meeting so you felt safer around him. Even Jean had appeared before you several times, though it didn’t seem intentional. You weren’t entirely sure but you’d swore you’d even seen Xiao lurking around when you were out.
“Of course,” You waved Lisa off.
She frowned and kissed your cheek before sauntering off. Zhongli raised his eyebrows as you laughed, clearly embarrassed. The nerve of that woman sometimes.
“Sorry, she’s a friend but she’s very affectionate,” you apologized quickly.
“Hm,” Zhongli nodded and stared at you intently, “I’m sorry to bother you but is there a way I could schedule another meeting with you? I would like to hear about Qiqi’s progress.”
Your heart nearly melted. He was so kind and it was refreshing.
“Of course! How about this weekend?” You beamed at him.
The two of you scheduled a conference lunch and parted ways. From afar, Diluc grimaced. He was curious about Diona’s behavior in school. She was a very moody child. Furthermore, he was curious about you. Kaeya had also pestered you for a date so the scarlet haired man was trying to find the right time to ask you. He didn’t want to come off the way he was sure Kaeya did.
“I would also like to attend the meeting.” Xiao announced to Zhongli once he got into the car.
“Too bad,” Zhongli chuckled “It’s one on one, you’ll have to schedule your own.”
Xiao huffed at his words. He disliked the idea of the two of you doing anything one on one. He couldn’t decide whether he was jealous of you or Zhongli. He decided it was you, since both Qiqi and Zhongli seemed to be infatuated with you. He clicked his tongue, Zhongli merely smiled, and Qiqi demanded coco goat milk.
“Does she like science?” Albedo questioned Klee.
“Miss Bright likes a lot of things I think.” Klee said, ice cream smeared on her face.
“I want to know more.” Albedo stated.
Klee grinned, “More ice cream?”
Albedo nodded, only hoping Jean wouldn’t catch them.
This new job had many opportunities open up for you. With so many people in pursuit of you, who would you choose?
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kae-karo · 2 years
1, 11, and 15 for the genshin ask game ❤️
hi hello hi epi thank u !!!! 💜💜
send me genshin asks from this list!
1. top 5 favorite characters? what specifically do you like about each one?
1. kaeya kaeya kaeya kaeya he's such a fun complex character with SO many secrets and i just know he's gonna be super central to the lore of the game and i ADORE writing him !!!!! i am making this short cause i WILL lose myself writing abt him if i'm not careful. also himb prettie 🥺
2. childe i love a good murdery boi with a heart of gold it makes for such an interesting narrative and i'm very intrigued to see how things play out with him as we get closer to snezhnaya and the end of the story
3. zhongli he has the RANGE darling he's a bloodied victor of the archon war he's a gentle man with cultured interests he's six thousand years old he's thirty he's wise beyond his years he's endearingly awkward he fits so wonderfully with every ship i've ever seen him in and it's fantastic
4. diluc my boy my son they did u so dirty in the game but i'll forgive them. batman but give him fire??? daddy issues and anger issues and communication issues AND he went on a fatui murder spree? and he's a sweetheart who cares so deeply that the ocean itself wouldn't dare compare??
5. baizhu and it's 50% theories abt his role in the game and 50% prettie snek man
11. what character did you end up liking way more than you thought you would?
okay hear me out. childe. and i say this with all sincerity cause i started playing this game in january 2021 right and xiao was my first 5 star and then i got into xiaoven (alongside kaeluc) as ships that i was super into. and i was like !!!! i want venti!!! he's coming up !!! give me the himb!!! and i lost the 50/50 to mona (hi mona) and didn't manage to get back to pity by the time venti's banner ended. so then i pulled on childe's banner, which was right after that, basically like 'well i guess i'll get him? he seems alright'
he is now my only triple-crowned character and i adore him.
honorable mentions go to barb, diona, and xingqiu lmao
15. what’s a canon scene you can’t stop thinking about?
hmm, i mean it's gotta be kaeluc doesn't it? the first scene that came to mind was the OG kaeluc scene, which is actually what got me to play genshin to begin with lmao, but tbh the one that lives rent free in my head is the longest kaeluc exchange we've gotten so far, aka during venti's story quest lmao. and/or fated to be doomed together which is just fantastic as far as interactions go
send me genshin asks from this list!
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chocogi · 3 years
-Diluc, Xiao, Zhongli, Venti with Tourettes!s/o
haha i dont have anyone except for zhongli (recently) so expect mistakes
got this as my first request but uhhh how do i include the request in the post itself help-
• idk, would probably find it cute
•I mean face it. tourettes are sometimes annoying when doing stuff but otherwise, just by itself, watching your tics are kinda cute for people who appreciate you
•ngl he would be a tad more overprotective on you and would probably be against the idea of you going out alone
•you? cooking? like, chopping food to add in the pot?
•wdym bby u won’t be allowed near anything sharp
•you got a pretty bad tic while chopping some carrots, resulting in you dropping the knife, diluc freaking out, and the knife dropping safely on the wooden floor, not hitting your feet
•the knife not hitting you did not calm him one bit I swear
•10/10 would be someone to get you to have adequate sleep just because he heard it can help with tics
•someone is making fun of your tics? go back to Dawn Winery and don’t mind asking about why his claymore went missing
•stg he’d laugh or giggle before coming around to the process of absolutely adoring your tics
•mans wont even hide his laughing
•he’d probably play you a tune to help you calm down and to help you focus on something else
•he’ll still leech the wine out of the Angel’s Share tavern till it’s out or till Diluc kicks him out
•cuddles galore
•when insecure about your tics, he’ll make you forget with some tunes and a good coddling
•wanna go out? wait let him get ready
•would huddle you away from stressing situations because he’s heard it worsens tics
•i dont have venti idk him aside from headcannons i pick up ;-;
•someone else laughs at you? haha no thats not allowed
•expect for bad rumours circling the people that laughed mockingly at you for the following week
•i dont think xiao would be someone who knows what tourettes is
•he doesnt really go out aside from patrolling right? idk
•so he would
•awkward hugs time
•every tic, it’s awkward huggies time until he goes for patrols
•he’d probably ask Zhongli or Madam Ping about it, or maybe Baizhu? Zhongli most likely tho
•i headcannon him to be pretty close to Qiqi, so Qiqi could explain what tourettes is before she forgets so that xiao could have peace of mind that nothing major is wrong
•keeps you at least a room away from his mask and spear, or if you insist on seeing it, at least a foot away unless he’s holding said mask and spear.
•on cold nights, he accepts every tic as you shivering from the cold and he’ll slowly envelop you in his body heat
•maybe play you an occasional tune from his flute one that he’s heard millenia ago to save himself from karma
•someone mocks your tics? suddenly they’re no longer welcomed in Wangshu Inn
•you question what happened? Huai’an is distracted from checking the stairs, Goldet is tight-lipped, Smiley Yanxiao continues cooking and Xiao changes subjects fast
•would smile and pull you over, probably offering you tea
•his tales relax you and helps you forget your tics
•hugs you to keep you focused on his body heat
•would be a little more lax in terms of your personal freedom and wouldn’t be that overprotective until you want to see what’s outside liyue harbour
•haha wait one second dear lemme just get my polearm and we’ll be going-
•would be happy if you knew how to brew tea
•what is this hibiscus tea you talk so fondly of
• he wants to try it
•this is the character i have and i barely know him </3
•dont mind that anyways-
•you want food? you’ll be smelling slow-cooked bamboo shoot soup in 30 minutes
•oh, you like the jewel? awww it’s yours now
•you wanna see the very peak of jueyun karst? you’re escorted there safely by yours truly
•who’s paying? childe duh not that he knows it’s for you and not zhongli
•tics bothering you? he’ll brew you some warm tea and a nice long cuddle session
•someone doesn’t like your cute tics? haha no thats illegal
•oh dear what happened to their business-
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