#y jewish!bucky barnes
gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
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G-J-B Fic Rec
A sweet and soft Hanukkah sickfic to warm you up on these cold winter nights.
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Rating: Not Rated
Relationship: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Jewish Bucky Barnes, Catholic Steve Rogers, Sick Fic, Becca Barnes is the best sister, Hanukkah, Christmas, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Domestic Fluff
Words: 4.9k | Complete
“I’m pretty sure he has the flu,” he said. “Normally, I’d make my ma’s chicken noodle, but I know how much he looks forward to Hanukkah and the food, and no matter how hard I try, he always kicks me out of the kitchen—” “Just say you have no idea what you’re doing when it comes to Jewish cuisine,” Becca said. “I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to Jewish cuisine.” Becca laughed. “Do you have a sheet of paper around?”
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gxrlcinema · 2 years
for dreidel drabbles can you write something about bucky celebrating hanukah with non-jewish!reader for the first time
the first night of hannukah
Pairing: Jewish!Bucky x Gentile!Reader
A/n: I did my best on this, but I've never been new to Hannukah, so it was sort of a hard perspective to adopt. Also, a lot of the Hannukkah traditions mentioned here are specific to Ashkenazi Jews, so it's not a complete representation of all Hannukkah celebrations.
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“What do you mean you haven’t done Hannukah since 1944?” you ask your boyfriend, your incredulous eyebrows lifted high on your face. 
You and Bucky were sitting on the couch in his apartment - the one you’d convinced him to purchase so he would actually have furniture - cuddled up and ready to watch a movie.
“Exactly what I said,” Bucky says in an even tone. “It was hard to celebrate during the war and HYDRA weren’t exactly uh-” he pauses, keeping his tone too even, “fans of the Jewish holidays.”
You wince. Of course they weren’t. But-
“But you’ve been back for years,” you say quietly to your hands. You know Bucky smiles at you in that way he does that looks like he’s swallowing glass. 
“The first year I didn’t remember I was Jewish until Hannukkah had already gone. Then I was in cryo in Wakanda, then I was dust…” his smile’s tinged with sadness, “I guess I’ve just had no one to celebrate with since then.”
You frown, then lean further into his side, as though pressing yourself all the way against him can chase all the sadness away. 
“Would you want to celebrate Hannukkah this year?” you ask.
Bucky scoffs. “Baby, what do you know about Hannukkah?”
“Enough!” you defend. Then you think. “Okay, well, nothing. But I could learn. We could get that candleholder thing-”
“A menorah?”
“-and I’ll make Jewish foods and research other Hannukkah things and it’ll be like, the perfect Hannukkah Bucky please?”
Your boyfriend’s expression is incredulous, but he smiles and shakes his head. 
“Alright, baby. We’ll do Hannukkah.”
“Yes!” you pump your fist. 
“Uh, Bucky?”
“When’s Hannukkah?”
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When Bucky walks into your apartment on the first night of Hannukah, menorah in hand, it’s clear that maybe he should’ve checked in on you a little more beforehand. Your apartment is spotless. The console table that’s normally in your entryway has been moved in front of the windows on the other side of the room, where a box of candles and a lighter are already set out. The dining table between the door and the windows is set with your nice plates and silverware. On it sits a brisket, what Bucky thinks is probably sweet kugel, and a bottle of Manischewitz. The whole house smells like fried onion, a familiar scent Bucky knows will linger until New Year’s, which means you also made latkes. His suspicion is confirmed when you come running out of the kitchen, a plate of the potato pancakes in your hands. 
“You’re here!” you shout, gently placing the plate of latkes on the table before running to Bucky and throwing your arms around him. “Chag Hannukah sameach!”
Your Hebrew is slow, awkward, and horribly mispronounced, but Bucky simply smiles and kisses you on the cheek. You pull away, grinning. 
“I figured we could light the candles first and then dinner? I moved the console table so that you could have the menorah in the window. Oh, and I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that kosher food needed to be made in a kosher kitchen, so the food isn’t really kosher. I thought a rabbi just blessed it or something, but it’s actually really complicated. You can’t have cheeseburgers?”
Bucky’s eyes go wide as you continue to talk at him a mile a minute. 
“Oh! I have sufganiyot in the oven for after dinner, and I bought gelt and even a couple dreidels if you want to play. I tried to find a Hannukkah movie on streaming but there are like, zero Hannukkah movies in existence and-”
“Baby,” Bucky cuts you off. “It’s okay. It’s more than okay, actually. This is amazing.”
His eyes are wide, an indication that he’s more than a little overwhelmed. Your smile deflates. 
“I went overboard, didn’t I?”
“Definitely,” Bucky agrees easily. “You know Hannukah’s a minor holiday, right?”
You pout, cheeks going hot. “Yeah, actually. It came up in my research.”
Bucky laughs, full and bright. You put your face in your hands, feeling like an idiot. 
“I just wanted to make it a perfect Hannukah for you!”
“It is!” Bucky says through a laugh. 
He pulls your hands from your face, brow furrowing as he takes in your hurt expression. 
“Baby, it’s beyond perfect. I didn’t even think I was celebrating this year and you…” he looks around the room, “put every household in Jerusalem to shame.”
You groan, leaning your face into his chest to hide your renewed embarrassment. Bucky holds you there, leaning down to kiss your temple. 
“It’s perfect,” he whispers. “It’s more than anyone’s ever done for me, more than I could ever dream of. Thank you.”
When you look up, you find Bucky’s steel blue eyes shiny with tears. “Thank you,” he says again. 
“You’re welcome,” you mumble, your embarrassment dimmed considerably by how touched your boyfriend looks. “Do you want to light the candles now?”
“Yeah,” he releases you from his hold. “You didn’t learn the blessings, did you?”
Your cheeks go hot again. “I mean, I might’ve listened to a couple recordings so I’d pronounce them right…”
Bucky shakes his head. “Oy gevult, showed up by a goy on Hannukah. My ma’s probably rolling in her grave.”
You gasp and turn to him, worried you’d somehow ruined the evening, but Bucky’s got a Chesire cat grin spreading across his face. That alone makes all the effort and embarrassment worth it.
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Shoutout to @firefly-graphics for the hannukah dividers!
If you liked this please reblog and/or leave a comment letting me know what spoke to you!
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wonderlandleighleigh · 9 months
Traditionally Jewish Bucky Barnes trying to make Christmas dinner for Steve and Nat, calling Sam for help:
"How do you touch a ham?"
"How do y-what?"
"How do you touch a ham? How do you cook a ham? How do you - I don't understand Christmas."
"Just make Turkey."
"That's for Thanksgiving."
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lillywillow · 2 years
It Takes A Village
Summary: When Bucky moves to a new place, he falls in love with the community there
 Written for: @buckybarnesbingo
 Words: 1961
 Square Filled: K2- Found Family
 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x SingleMother!Reader  
 Warnings: Fluff, mild swearing
 Bucky decided it was time to move out on his own. It was scary and he wasn’t sure if he was really ready to do it but it was something that he needed to do. For the first week, Bucky kept to himself. There was still a part of him that was afraid he’d lose his battle with the Winter Soldier and hurt people. That all started to change when he met you.
 The first time he saw you, he was heading out the door as you were coming home. You had a young boy holding your hand, excitedly telling you about his day while a girl a little bit older followed behind. You smiled at him as you crossed paths.
 After that, he bumped into you a few times since then, usually making small talk. One afternoon, Bucky was getting his mail as you were coming downstairs in a hurry. In your haste, you missed a step, sending you tumbling down.
 “My ankle!” you cried out.
 Bucky rushed over to help you, gently assessing the damage. You hissed in pain as he held your ankle. Already it was starting to swell and a purple bruise started to blossom.
 “You need a doctor to look at this…”
 “No! I’m too busy to get hurt! I’ve got to take Ida her lunch, and make the sandwiches for the men’s workshop and take my kids to their classes and bake for the-the…”
 “I can help you. Let me take you to the doctor and we’ll go from there…”
 There was something in his eyes that made you trust him.
 After a visit to the doctor, Bucky took you home to rest. Fortunately, your ankle wasn’t broken but it was badly sprained. Bucky helped you get comfortable with your foot elevated before going to take care of the first job on your list. He knocked on the door of the apartment a floor below yours. A small elderly woman answered the door.
 “Who is it? What do you want?” she asked in a Germanic accent.
 “Hello, Mrs Rosenburg. My name is Bucky and I’m helping Y/N take care of a few things since she hurt herself. I have your lunch for you…”
 “Ah! I know Y/N. Nice girl. She often brings my lunch,” the woman smiled, ushering Bucky inside.
 You had warned Bucky in advance that Ida liked to have a chat over lunch and she liked to chat a lot. You thought that she may be lonely.
 “You seem like a nice young man. I have a grandson just about your age,” she mused as she arranged what she needed for lunch.
 ‘I highly doubt that,’ Bucky thought.
 “Can I help you with anything Mrs Rosenburg?” Bucky offered.
 “Please, call me Ida. Mrs Rosenburg makes me feel so old,” she chuckled.
 Bucky walked over and helped Ida get comfortable at the table and made her a cup of tea. Ida insisted that he make one for himself too.
 “You remind me a lot of my husband… He was so handsome, charming and brave,” she smiled, pointing over to the cupboard full of photographs.
 Bucky walked over and picked up a sepia photo of a young man in a German uniform.
 “No easy times in those days. He had to hide his faith from those Nazi bastards. Saved a lot of lives…”
 Ida went on to tell Bucky the story of her husband. He was a German-Jewish who was drafted into the army when World War II broke out. Karl used his position as a soldier to help smuggle innocent people out of the country. In turn, Ida would help forge documents to help them on their travels. After the war, Karl and Ida immigrated to America. Their story was kept a secret until recently. Sadly, Karl passed away a year ago. Ida had been mostly on her own ever since. She told Bucky her children and grandchildren had offered to stay with her but she assured them she would be alright.
 “Goodness, look at the time. I must have talked your ear off by now. You’re welcome to come back any time,” she smiled, taking Bucky’s hand and patting it.
 He smiled and took his leave, making sure Ida was okay before heading out.
 Bucky checked to see you were still resting comfortably before he took the sandwiches you had made to the men’s workshop. As he looked around the place, Bucky felt a welcoming atmosphere. A large, burly man with long grey hair tied back in a braid with a beard to match.
 “Can I help you, lad? Are you looking to join?” he asked.
 “I’m here with the sandwiches Y/N made. She hurt her ankle and I’m helping her out while she gets better,”    Bucky explained.
 “We know Y/N! She’s a fine lass. Grub’s up fellas!” the man bellowed to the others working.
 The men all stopped what they were doing, switched off any machines they were using and headed over to where Bucky was standing with the food. They all swarmed, grabbing a sandwich and taking it to sit down and eat.
 “What’s your name?” the burly man asked.
 “Nice to meet you, Bucky. I’m Aaron. I’m the one who keeps an eye on this sorry lot,” he grinned, making the others laugh.
 “Hey, is that arm made of vibranium?” a slim built young man asked from his left.
 “Yes…” Bucky started to feel a little self- conscious.
 “That’s so cool! I’d love to get a hold of some of that to make some upgrades,” he grinned, pulling up his pants leg to show off a prosthetic leg.
 “I’m Soos, by the way. If ever you need any work done, I’d be happy to help you out some time,” he smiled.
 “Thanks, Soos,” Bucky smiled back. “I should be getting back to Y/N.”
 “Alright. If you want to come back and join us, you’re welcome to come back and do so,” Aaron beamed, giving Bucky a friendly pat on the back.
 Bucky thanked him and headed home.
 Bucky helped you do some baking while he waited with you for the kids to come home from school. Under your guidance, he actually produced some pretty good-looking cupcakes and cookies. While you worked, you told him all about your deadbeat ex who ran out on you and the kids. You had been working from home so you could still see your children while making sure you could afford a good life for them. You were also very active in the community. When your kids arrived home from school, they got changed so they could go to their classes. Your daughter put on her karate uniform and your son in ballet tights. Bucky was a little surprised but said nothing. If that’s the way the kids wanted it, then who was he to judge? You made a quick call to their teaches to let them know in advance of the change in drop off and pickup and informed Bucky of their password system which was an extra form of precaution.
 “Now, listen to Mister Bucky and don’t wander away from him, okay?”
 “Okay, mama,” the kids agreed.
 You kissed their heads and let them go on their way.
 The whole way to the community centre, your son Dylan asked Bucky many questions while your daughter Sasha quietly followed next to him. Bucky tried to answer all the questions while also including Sasha.
 The classes would be held within an hour of each other so Bucky had plenty of time to wait. He got to know some of the parents while he was waiting, using the password system if they asked and explaining the situation. Bucky was in awe of your children when he watched them in action. Dylan was quite good at ballet and worked well with the little girls in his class. Sasha was the complete opposite in personality to her brother. She was a tough girl who didn’t give her competitors a chance. Bucky was completely amazed.
 After the lessons were over, Bucky started walking the children home when he saw a group of boys picking on a skinny kid.
 “Hey! Leave him alone!”
 All it took was one glance of seeing Bucky heading in their direction to send the bullies scattering. He walked over and helped the boy to his feet.
 “Are you okay?” Bucky asked, making sure he could stand on his feet.
 The kid puffed his inhaler and adjusted his glasses.
 “I’m okay. Those jerks were giving some ballerinas a hard time so I stepped in… Are those Y/N’s kids?” he asked.
 Bucky smiled a little. This kid reminded him a lot of Steve.
 “They are. She hurt herself this morning and I’m helping out until her ankle gets better. I’m her neighbour, Bucky.”
 “That’s Kim. He lives in our building too,” Dylan supplied.
 “Can I walk you home, Kim? It’s starting to get dark…”
 Kim thought for a few moments before nodding. Bucky walked the young man home, meeting his mothers Jade and her wife Marsha. They invited Bucky for dinner to say thank you for what he had done for their son but he politely declined, explaining he had to get back to you. They smiled, admiring his kindness, saying he could join them at any time. Bucky thanked them and walked the kids back to your place.
 That was just the start of Bucky’s week. Everyday he stopped by your place, helped make breakfast and get the kids to school. Bucky got any chores done you needed doing and took Ida her lunch. He took care of your every need. You also encouraged him to go out a little, assuring him you would be fine on your own for a little while. Bucky took the time to get to know the people he met a little better, joining the men’s workshop, meeting up with Jade and Marsha and having tea with Ida. In the weeks it took for you to recover, this community had become his family and he would do anything for them. Bucky’s neighbours weren’t the only ones he had fallen for; he had also fallen in love with you. He admired the way you were raising two kids on your own and the way you cared for the people around you.
 One afternoon, Bucky stopped by and knocked on your door.
 “Hi, Bucky. What brings you here?” you smiled.
 “I… these are for you,” he said, handing you a bouquet of beautiful flowers.
 “Oh, thank you!” you beamed, taking the flowers and breathing in their sweet fragrance.
 “I got them from Marsha’s flower stall. She made the arrangement herself…”
 Bucky was starting to become a little flustered.
 “That was very nice of her…”
 “She’s great. I was actually wondering if… I could ask you out on a date…”
 “A date?”
 Bucky’s face started to turn pink.
 “Yeah… I like you a lot, Y/N. You’re an amazing woman with amazing kids and I’d really like to go on a date with you…”
 Smiling, you hugged him tight and teared up a little.
 “You helped me when you didn’t have to. You helped to take care of my kids too. I would love to go on a date, Bucky.”
 Bucky smiled and worked out a time that would work best. He couldn’t wait. It was thanks to you that he was finally able to face the world again and found a place that he could once again call home.
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hanukkahbingo · 11 months
Hi, I'm sorry if either of these have been asked before, but I had two questions. One: Can I submit fic that is centered partly on OCs? Like specifically my idea is about Jewish!Bucky Barnes and a Jewish OC of mine. And Two: Do you have any advice on finding a Jewish beta reader? Thank you so much for organizing the event by the way :)
That's fine! Basically any character who is not demonstrably Not Jewish (someone like Matt Murdock/Daredevil, for example, who is canonically Catholic and whose story is centered on his Catholicism) is allowed, OCs included! Jewish Y/N fics are also allowed.
Finding a beta reader... hmm. Give us a little time to figure out a good way to help with that. If you haven't reached out to your followers to ask if anyone is Jewish and would be willing to beta read your work, I would try that first, but you're right that we should try to set up something as the Bingo itself.
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mthofferings · 1 year
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See roseszain’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Discord: roseszain Tumblr: roseszain
Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain: m/m and m/nb ships, Trans, nb, gnc and greysexual/ace content (canon or not) , Deaf and hard of hearing (gimme that ASL content), found family, fat and chubby positivity, Polyamory (getting together, relationship negotiations, etc), Autism, adhd, anxiety, and other neurodiversity content, Physical disability content (especially chronic pain issues like fibromyalgia), Bilingual content, Heritage and cultural works, especially Jewish content, Fix its, Pining, mutual pining, oblivious pining, First kisses/love confessions, Friends to lovers, Roommate or neighbors (future canon to AU, I ADORE these), Only one bed and forced proximity, Cuddling, snuggling, touch as love language, Slow burn, College AUs, Case fic/monster of the week fics
Will not create works that contain: major character death (unless temporary), Mpreg (incuding past, mentioned, or in the epilogue), suicide, extensive self harm, attempted suicide, unhappy/sad ending, permanent break up, major break ups and make ups, infidelity (between main ship), non con, dubcon iffy, detailed torture or abuse, relationships that are toxic and have unequal power dynamics, PWP - porn/smut with little to no plot, underage and major age differences with 18-20-somethings, Reader insert, 1st POV, 2nd POV, non-m/m ships are iffy (PLEASE ask first)
  -- Podfic --
Auction ID: 1049
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU Bruce Banner/Thor - MCU Peter Parker/Wade Wilson - Any Universe Matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson - MCU Matt Murdock/Peter Parker/Wade Wilson - Any Universe Matt Murdock/Wade Wilson - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Matt Murdock - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton - Any Universe Clint Barton/Matt Murdock - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Thor - MCU
Work Description: This is for a podfic of a fic voiced by me. I have a lower tenor-range androgynous voice that can lean masculine or feminine if the character or pov calls for it. My default accent is midwestern American, and have good proficiency in RP British, Heightened RP British, Mancunian and other north country British accents, and US Southern, and am currently working on perfecting Kiwi and Maori. I can often listen and study an accent from a specific character or person and learn to replicate it. I love longer works or bigger series that are plot and/or character development heavy. Along with the podfic, I can do sound effects, and have cover album art (all of which I would love ideas for if you have any). I love to try accents and voices that I haven't done. I also love working with non-standard formats (texts/messages, script, letters/emails), utilizing sound effects (phone calls/facetime/zoom, conversations in echo-y places, voices thru doors or across rooms) as well as foley-type sounds (footsteps, door creaks, things that make a piece more believable and real) and atmospheric sounds (things you'd hear in a restaurant or store or outside, people chatting, birds and bug noises outside or in a forest, etc). I'm most familiar with the MCU, but am more than willing to work in any universe. I prefer to do works pre-snap, though I do love me fix-it content. Ship and character info: Bucky/Steve - you can look at other stucky content i've made. So far I have not done their Boston or Brooklyn accents, but I'd be willing to give it a go this year. Super here for friends to lovers, but also works dealing with Bucky's arm, Jewish content, and both of their mental issues (PTSD, anxiety, flashbacks, etc) from their past. Bruce/Thor - I adore them, especially Ragnarok-era. I do a Heightened RP British voice for Thor. Again, you can refer to podfics I've done of them Bucky/Clint - I've loved everything I've come across with these boys. Bonding over trauma and being there for each other post Hydra. Clint - will gladly do content more comic based for him. I LOVE how the comics portrayed his hearing disability and love to see the MCU fandom add it. Any and all iterations of him I'd love to do. I'm newer to his side of the fandom, and have delved into few ships for him, but would love to work on ASL, sign, HOH, and deaf content for him in gen fic Steve, Bucky, Clint, Thor, Bruce, Matt - I'm aware that the other iterations of ships with these guys are in the VERY rare pair ship side, but I'd love to work with them! This also includes poly ships with them. I've got some fics marked for later to read. Again bonding and healing from trauma, being there after the big events. Peter Parker - with romantic fics, unless aged up/future au content, I don't want to do Tom Holland Spidey Deadpool - MY GUY! All good with the usual shenanigans for him, as well as any violence and profanity that come with it. I'm EXTRA for discussion, angst, and dealing with his scars, pain, physical appearance. Matt Murdock - I love fics dealing with his blindness, aids, and how he moves around in the world (extra fun with deaf or hoh clint, but fun regardless). I also love all the versions of him I've come across, more than willing to do non MCU Daredevil. I'm newer to Matt/Foggy, but SO here for it. If you have a fic in mind you'd like me to read, great. If you have a selection of stories (or a whole AO3 account, or your bookmarks, etc) and would like me to take my pick from those and discuss further, also great. If you’re asking me to record a work that you didn’t write, I might need a bit of time to get permission from the author, so if you can find a fic that has a permission statement on podfics (check their ao3 profile page or fpslist.org) that would make the process way quicker! Do reach out to me and ask about particular works and/or ships if you're not sure. I'd be happy to confirm my willingness to read something. You can check theorose.carrd.co/#podficcing for more in depths loves and hates $10 for the first 5000 words. $10 for each additional 5k words. Final word count can be divided into more than one work. No max word count
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Podfic --
Auction ID: 4001
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU Bruce Banner/Thor - MCU Peter Parker/Wade Wilson - Any Universe Matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson - MCU Matt Murdock/Peter Parker/Wade Wilson - Any Universe Matt Murdock/Wade Wilson - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Matt Murdock - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton - Any Universe Clint Barton/Matt Murdock - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Thor - MCU
Work Description: This is for a podfic of a fic voiced by me. I have a lower tenor-range androgynous voice that can lean masculine or feminine if the character or pov calls for it. My default accent is midwestern American, and have good proficiency in RP British, Heightened RP British, Mancunian and other north country British accents, and US Southern, and am currently working on perfecting Kiwi and Maori. I can often listen and study an accent from a specific character or person and learn to replicate it. I love longer works or bigger series that are plot and/or character development heavy. Along with the podfic, I can do sound effects, and have cover album art (all of which I would love ideas for if you have any). I love to try accents and voices that I haven't done. I also love working with non-standard formats (texts/messages, script, letters/emails), utilizing sound effects (phone calls/facetime/zoom, conversations in echo-y places, voices thru doors or across rooms) as well as foley-type sounds (footsteps, door creaks, things that make a piece more believable and real) and atmospheric sounds (things you'd hear in a restaurant or store or outside, people chatting, birds and bug noises outside or in a forest, etc). I'm most familiar with the MCU, but am more than willing to work in any universe. I prefer to do works pre-snap, though I do love me fix-it content. Ship and character info: Bucky/Steve - you can look at other stucky content i've made. So far I have not done their Boston or Brooklyn accents, but I'd be willing to give it a go this year. Super here for friends to lovers, but also works dealing with Bucky's arm, Jewish content, and both of their mental issues (PTSD, anxiety, flashbacks, etc) from their past. Bruce/Thor - I adore them, especially Ragnarok-era. I do a Heightened RP British voice for Thor. Again, you can refer to podfics I've done of them Bucky/Clint - I've loved everything I've come across with these boys. Bonding over trauma and being there for each other post Hydra. Clint - will gladly do content more comic based for him. I LOVE how the comics portrayed his hearing disability and love to see the MCU fandom add it. Any and all iterations of him I'd love to do. I'm newer to his side of the fandom, and have delved into few ships for him, but would love to work on ASL, sign, HOH, and deaf content for him in gen fic Steve, Bucky, Clint, Thor, Bruce, Matt - I'm aware that the other iterations of ships with these guys are in the VERY rare pair ship side, but I'd love to work with them! This also includes poly ships with them. I've got some fics marked for later to read. Again bonding and healing from trauma, being there after the big events. Peter Parker - with romantic fics, unless aged up/future au content, I don't want to do Tom Holland Spidey Deadpool - MY GUY! All good with the usual shenanigans for him, as well as any violence and profanity that come with it. I'm EXTRA for discussion, angst, and dealing with his scars, pain, physical appearance. Matt Murdock - I love fics dealing with his blindness, aids, and how he moves around in the world (extra fun with deaf or hoh clint, but fun regardless). I also love all the versions of him I've come across, more than willing to do non MCU Daredevil. I'm newer to Matt/Foggy, but SO here for it. If you have a fic in mind you'd like me to read, great. If you have a selection of stories (or a whole AO3 account, or your bookmarks, etc) and would like me to take my pick from those and discuss further, also great. If you’re asking me to record a work that you didn’t write, I might need a bit of time to get permission from the author, so if you can find a fic that has a permission statement on podfics (check their ao3 profile page or fpslist.org) that would make the process way quicker! Do reach out to me and ask about particular works and/or ships if you're not sure. I'd be happy to confirm my willingness to read something. You can check theorose.carrd.co/#podficcing for more in depths loves and hates $10 for the first 5000 words. $10 for each additional 5k words. Final word count can be divided into more than one work. No max word count
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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rogerswifesblog · 2 years
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#so when he realises he can't wash it off he starts crying because alpine is supposed to be white steve
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Best friends always tease each other. You always liked teasing Steve…but what if some words affect Steve more, than he lets you see it? After a failed mission, Steve needs more than just your teasing...
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sub!Steve Rogers x (female)dom!Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smut, subspace [m] , needy!Steve, oral [messy blowjob], hint of mommy kink, crying, pet names like; pretty boy, good boy, Stevie, Madame, mistress
Because of the subspace it could be seen as dub-con but not really. I’ll just want to say it in case someone’s sees it that way.
If you feel uncomfortable with any of these above, this onshot may not be for you!
Have in mind English is not my first language! There could be some mistakes-let me know.
Don’t forget to like, reblog and comment <;3
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348 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
Could u do a best friends dad Steve Rogers x reader smut plz if possible🥰
Thank you for the request!<3 hope you’ll like it, let me know!
There is a bit of fluff and of course the smut-with a happy ending! Enjoy<3
If you’re here only for the smut and nothing else, skip to the part where reader gets out of the shower😝 I wanted to keep it short but…I couldn’t.😂 It’s filthy. I feel dirty. ;p
What you deserve
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: After you caught your-now ex-boyfriend cheating, your best friend let you stay over for the night…there was only one problem.
Her unbelievably hot dad.
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: BestFriendsDad!Steve Rogers & Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Age gap [ Steve is in his mid 40s, reader in early 20s], cheating [ from readers Ex], past Steve x Peggy[ not really mentioned] , forbidden / hidden romance, smut, oral f receiving], fingering, unprotected sex [ don’t be silly wrap your willy] p in v, finger sucking, size kink, overstimulation, squirting, cum eating, taking pictures/videos, petnames; sweetheart, angel, sweetie , baby
Keep in mind English is not my first language! There can be some mistakes. Just let me know:)
Don’t forget to like, reblog and comment please&lt;3
I’m taking requests!
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371 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
Getting to know you
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: During one of Starks famous party’s you and Steve…get to know each other better.
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Steve Rogers x Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: alcohol, drinking game [ truth or dare], smut, technically dub-con since both of them are drunk, dirty talk, slight Captain kink, fingering, oral ( F ), unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your willy ), hangovers
Please let me know if I need to add something.
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425 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You ran away from your abusive ex....after a few months he came looking for you. Good for you, you had such a great neighbour.
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: (neighbour)Steve Rogers x Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: abusive ex(called Matthew here), talking about toxic relationships, a slight injury
This idea came in my mind while watching the show 911
Keep in mind English is not my first language!
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588 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Keep you quiet
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Steve and you never liked each other. You always bickered, even on missions-which brought you in this situation; on you knees.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Steve Rogers x reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: enemies/rivals to...lovers?, smut, oral [M receiving], dom/sub undertones, Dom!steve, sub!reader, slightly mean Steve, size kink?, dumbification/degradation kink, slight Captain kink [blink and you miss it], dry humping, boot humping,  rough oral, rough treatment, face-fucking, cum swallowing, semi-public, allusion to threesome Tell me if I need to add anything
Keep in mind English is not my first language!
Don’t forget to like, comment and reblog!
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1,240 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
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bellejolras · 2 years
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I posted 9,857 times in 2022
34 posts created (0%)
9,823 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,125 of my posts in 2022
#art - 340 posts
#lotr - 297 posts
#2022 quextravaganza - 261 posts
#lotr art - 251 posts
#catposting - 198 posts
#video - 169 posts
#lotr memes - 109 posts
#lotr meta - 101 posts
#silm art - 94 posts
#jewish - 74 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#‘ok this isn’t cockroach class!’ only to have them chant ‘cockroach class! cockroach class!’ down the hall until one kid chanted one more
My Top Posts in 2022:
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watching the olympics <33
12 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
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reddit didn’t appreciate this but i feel like OP should have tried on here first
13 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
Why didn’t they just fly the eagles to Mordor? 
- chiefest and greatest of calamities
birds aren’t real
18 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
im tipsy, it’s 2 am, and i spent tonight watching “A Walk on the Moon” bc of this tweet
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anyway i give the movie 7/10 at best but wowieee this part of it def did not disappoint !
21 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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A Roll in the Hay
Rating: E(xplicit) / No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Eomer/fem reader
WC: 1.9k
Other tags: PWP, semi-public sex, no y/n
Summary: sometimes you just need a quickie in the barn, you know? #justrohanthings (in which it turns out the author may be an eomer girlie after all)
for @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book, for the prompt & for beta’ing 😌😌
It was warm in the barn. Thankfully a breeze was blowing, or it would be stifling. The horses didn’t seem to mind, though, snuffling in the air and kicking gently at the dirt as they always did, but it was beginning to get to her. Probably she shouldn’t have gone out at this time of day. Of course it would be warm when she got back. There was no longer wind blowing at her face, only the breeze through the open door to keep her cool as she cleaned up and put everything back where it went. This was no royal stables, with hired hands to care for the horses; they were out in the middle of nowhere. But she didn’t mind, even if it was more work than she had gotten used to.
She scooped some hay off the fresh pile at one end of the room to bring to the horse she had just taken out, then brought the saddle to hang up on the rack. Béma, was it always this heavy? It didn’t help that the only free spot was the most awkwardly placed, almost out of reach. As she lifted it up again, heaving it off the ground, she heard a voice behind her.
“Need some help with that?”
Even without turning around, she knew who stood in the doorway. It was a voice she knew all too well.
[read the rest on ao3!]
68 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
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Ich habe 13.072 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
152 Einträge erstellt (1%)
12.920 Einträge gerebloggt (99%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 602 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#my things – 143 Einträge
#sam wilson x reader – 94 Einträge
#sam wilson x you – 94 Einträge
#sam wilson x y/n – 94 Einträge
#my writing – 90 Einträge
#sam wilson fanfiction – 85 Einträge
#sam wilson x reader insert – 85 Einträge
#sam wilson fanfic – 82 Einträge
#sam wilson – 72 Einträge
#captain america x y/n – 65 Einträge
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#that anon couldve just asked a jewish writer why they dont make their jewish reader tell how their grandparents were murdered in auschwitz
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
Danny Wagner Masterlist
Henry Cavill Masterlist
Loki Masterlist
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
Sam Wilson Masterlist
Sharon Carter Masterlist
Steve Rogers Masterlist
Wanda Maximoff Masterlist
60 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 19. Januar 2022
Some Bad Luck Makes Good Things Happen
Pairing: florist!Sam Wilson x reader Summary: You’re in search of a flower shop for a friend’s wedding. When the shop you chose is suddenly out of business, you literally run into your salvation. Will something more come of it? Warnings: none, it’s all fluff Word count: around 2K A/N: @hot-chocolates-world did a florist!Sam Wilson AU moodboard some months ago and I had the inspiration to write something with the moodboard in the back of my mind and I feel like there's not enough Sam Wilson AUs
A wedding in your friends circle was in the works and one of the brides, Mina, had asked those closest to her to help with preparations. On the list where things like flowers, color scheme with appropriate fabrics, pastries, cakes (specifically a different point than ‘pastries’) and flowers.
You volunteered yourself for the flowers, since there had just opened a flower shop around your blocks corner.
The flower shop around the corner seemed like it would make nice arrangements, since they had quite the selection on display. During your lunch break, you went there and promptly an employee asked if she could help you.
“Yes, I’m looking for a flower shop that can supply the wedding of a friend with fifteen flower arrangements.”
“Of course. You’ve come to the right place. I’ll show you what we could do on the tablet and if you like that, we can move on to the real thing and deliver them the day of.”
“That sounds nice. I thought of calla lilies, baby’s breath and pink roses.”
The employee showed you what she’d do and you agreed with her selection to move forward. Two days later, you got a call to see the example arrangement in the flesh. At the shop, the flowers looked every bit like you imagined them. You paid the deposit and were in high hopes for the wedding.
The wedding came closer and closer, only ten days now. Your stroll took you around the neighborhood to the flower shop but what you saw made you stop dead in your tracks. The store front was dark, the sign above the door was missing and the inside was devoid of anything. No flowers, no tables, no bowls, no register. Next morning, you tried calling and googling them. It seemed like they had never existed. You called your friend and explained what had happened and ended with the promise to try and get replacements. She agreed about it being unlucky but told you she was thankful for you trying to fix a mess you weren’t responsible for.
You had been able to get out of work early and took a stroll in the evening light. Deep in thought, you bumped into something soft.
“Oof.” Came from in front of you.
The man turned around.
“I’m so-“ You cut yourself off when you looked at his face.
“Don’t worry about it.” He brushed it off.
“I should’ve watched where I’m going.” You shook your head.
“Deep in thought?”
“A bit. I’m just wondering where to get flower arrangements for my friend’s wedding.”
The man grinned at that.
“What’s so funny?” You questioned.
“Look behind me for a second.”
You did and saw a store front with double doors. The shop was dark inside but the street light and setting sun cast light onto several baskets full of different flowers, tablets saying which and how many flowers cost what and some arrangements. Above the doors stood in colorful, romantic letters “Sam’s Flowers”.
“I’m guessing you’re Sam?” You chuckled.
“Bingo. And you are?”
“Y/N.” You held out your hand.
Sam shook it, after transferring a small flower bouquet to his left hand.
“Flowers for your date?”
“Nah, flowers for me. No date in sight, just a good bottle of wine and a home cooked meal for myself.”
“I won’t keep you then. Have a nice evening.” You waved your hand and went home, as did Sam, you supposed. You thought about where to get flower arrangements and after a few steps you turned around.
“Uhm, Sam?” You called out.
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64 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 22. September 2022
Henry Cavill Masterlist
That’s my girl
Summary: Just a nice evening with Henry Warnings: Sex, eating out, restraints Word count: 2006 A/N: For everyone who wants some nice gentle rough dicking down
What should we name them?
Summary: You take Henry with you to a horse auction but it’s not a classical horse auction which gives you the chance to name the horses. Pairing: Henry Cavill x f!reader Word count: 2109 Warnings: none A/N: This is just me screaming about horses
Summary: Henry Cavill has to deal with his wife and their two daughters and their synced periods Warnings: Blood, obviously but not much more Word count: 1026 A/N: This was inspired by a small part of @keanureevesisbae fic “Mr. Cavill your dog is kinda fat” and myself starting my own period yesterday so I’m in desperate need of fluff that includes having your period. So, enjoy!
69 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 19. Januar 2022
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So I now have every Sam Funko of the TFATWS collection and the What If...? Sam and I'm very happy 🤗 but now there's six Sams who share one Bucky
148 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 3. Juni 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Holy shit, Fresh was so fucking good!
The real-ness of the first minutes with Noa's date being a fuckboy extraordinaire who was literally called Chad and then the man behind her when she walked to her car who just walked with his baby but it's just ingrained in us women to see these threats because not seeing them leads to our demise. And the immediate dickpic after the luring in with a nice doggo. And despite all these shitty things that are all too real there's still the need and want to believe in guys who are just nice. The whirlwind romance which than comes crashing down.
Steve Kemp literally being and as Mollie said in the movie "a straight girls' fantasy" plus a mix of all dark fics we ever read that weren't set in an AU (and that exclusion is just because his profession wasn't that profession in dark fics). How Mimi Cave didn't shy away from the possibility of rape and making it all that much more realistic because that possibility is always on the table and how there wasn't anything sexually unconsensual.
How Noa played along and fooled Steve and never once compromised her principles and did what she could to save the to her basically foreign woman and her best friend not even stopping from the utmost measures and getting her revenge just as Mollie at the almost end.
And then in the very last second Chad's text encapsulating literally every fuckboy ever!
It was an incredible movie and that was the first movie Mimi Cave directed and it was already this masterpiece, we can expect great movies from her! But I still wanna know who is responsible for Ann having one amputated lower leg. Was that Steve? If yes, why did he stop after "just" the lower leg? Did she agree to turning a blind eye to Steve's "antics" so her lifestyle can be financed? How long has she been okay or even complacent in all of it?
249 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 5. März 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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beckzorz · 5 years
Pizza Night (one-shot)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader Words: 1967 Summary: What makes this pizza night different from all other pizza nights? A/N: Happy holidays ;-) Something of a companion piece to Snowed In (thematically, anyway). Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think.
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The third Sunday of every month is pizza night at the compound. Tony gets pizza delivered straight from the city, usually from a different place every month, for absolutely everyone—janitors, Avengers, programmers, medics, doctors, physical therapists…
And you.
Pizza night is one of your favorite traditions here. It’s less classy than the cocktail party-type get-togethers that Tony likes to throw; no mixed drinks, just water, soda, and beer for those inclined. And yes, you do like getting dressed up once in a while, but there’s effort involved, and your job is enough work, thank you very much.
Unwinding without expectations is nice.
Also, pizza.
“Hi Paul!” You slide into the passenger seat of your neighbor’s car and tuck your shopping bag between your feet. “Thanks so much for the ride.”
“No problem,” Paul says. He pulls away from the curb and drives towards the compound. “It’s literally five houses out of my way.”
“Yes, but still.” It’s cloudy but warm, so you open the window and let your hand dangle, catching the wind between your fingers. “How’s it feel to have tax season over?”
Paul groans in relief. “Oh my god, like freedom herself came and blessed me with those lottery days off last week.”
You laugh. Most accountants are dull as the grave, but Paul’s pretty funny, all things considered.
“What’s in the bag?” he asks.
“Oh…” You shift a little in your seat. “Just some stuff for tonight.”
“Fun,” he says.
Your noncommittal answer doesn’t lead to a reply, and Paul turns on NPR. All Things Considered is good as far as radio shows go, but tonight your mind is wandering.
Pizza night’s going to be a little different this time around, and the thought of standing out makes your heart squeeze painfully. You’ve only been at this job long enough to take part in five, maybe six pizza nights, and you’re just starting to feel comfortable enough to make some waves. A suggestion for implementing a new project, a few more personal effects by your desk… It’s all gone well, but tonight?
You’re not sure.
It’s another fifteen minutes before you and Paul flash your security badges to the gate guard. There’s already a bunch of cars in the front lot—no surprise; the compound runs 24/7. Paul squeezes into a spot between two SUVs, and you suck in your breath to slip out of the car with your bag.
The second you walk into the right building, your mouth starts to water. You can smell it all—the bakery smell of the crust, the gooey cheese, the garlic. Even the tang of pepperoni, which you don’t eat.
It smells like a greasy pizzeria, replete with checkered tables and silvery napkin holders and rotating countertop displays with slices waiting to be shucked onto paper plates. It smells like a hole-in-the-wall with a gruff chef whose mouth would give Gordon Ramsay a run for his money. It smells like the kind of place you don’t wear white to.
It smells like heaven.
“Fuck,” you mutter, and Paul chuckles beside you.
“Eager, huh?”
“Not exactly.” You shift your bag to your other hand and try to keep your breathing steady.
Paul gives you a funny look, but he doesn’t push as you both climb up the lobby stairs to the lounge. He nods at you and makes a beeline straight for the buffet table. You don’t follow quite yet.
You pause by the top of the stairs as you take it all in. Maybe it’s a little cliché, but you still can’t quite believe your luck. How many people can say they work with superheros? Eat pizza with superheros? Sure, some of them are away right now—it’s Easter today, after all—but there are still plenty here tonight. Steve Rogers, of course, and his cute friend Bucky Barnes. Natasha Romanoff, Vision, Wanda Maximoff. Plenty of people.
Someone bumps into you, and you tighten your grip on your bag and make your way to the kitchen. It’s commercial-sized, with an oven the size of a closet full of oozing pizzas waiting to replace the ones on the buffet. You pause in front of it, gazing longingly at the rotating rack of pies, before one of the outside waitstaff ushers you aside.
You snag a plate from a cabinet and a spoon from a drawer. With a heavy heart, you open your shopping bag. Out comes a box, a bag of shredded mozzarella, a glass jar of marinara sauce. You carefully spread the sauce and sprinkle the cheese. Sixty-six seconds in the microwave, and you sigh as you pull the warm plate out.
“What’s that?”
You jump out of your skin. Natasha Romanoff is at your elbow, eyeing your plate curiously.
“Oh, uh, hi, Natasha.” You shift your weight, cheeks hot. “It’s matzah pizza.”
“Oh right,” Natasha says. “It’s Passover, isn’t it?”
“Yep.” You force a smile and squeeze by her to get back to the lounge, but she sticks to you.
“Isn’t all this—” she gestures to the pizza buffet as you pass by— “awfully tempting?”
You snort. “Of course! And it’s only day two.”
“Eight days?”
“Outside of Israel, yup.”
“And no bread?”
“No bread, no cake, no pasta—well, no normal pasta, anyway—no cereal, no oatmeal, no beer, no cookies,” you rattle off. “And I’m sure I’m missing something.”
Natasha puts a hand on your arm and leads to the couch she usually shares with some of the other Avengers. You sit down, head swimming with surprise. You usually hang out with coworkers from your department, not… the department.
Still, you do your best to smile at Steve, who’s next to you.
“How are—oh,” he says. He blinks at your pizza, then looks back at you with a sympathetic wince. “You’re brave.”
“I would go with masochistic before brave,” you reply. You take a deep breath, eyes fluttering shut for the briefest moment before you pull yourself together. A bite of matzah pizza does nothing to resolve the craving for real pizza. “This is hell.”
Steve chuckles. “So why’d you come?”
“Yeah, seriously,” Natasha chimes in. She’s perched on the arm of the couch beside you, a half-eaten slice of pizza folded in her hand.
“Eh, pizza night’s my favorite thing we have here,” you say. “It’s nice to hang out without having to think about work, you know?”
“Fair enough.”
“Bucky,” Natasha says suddenly, amusement dripping from her tone, “you look like a fish.”
You turn to look up at Bucky. His eyes are glued to your plate. To your pizza. He snaps his mouth shut and swallows, glancing down at his own plate. He’s got two big pieces of pepperoni pizza, one piled on top of the other.
“Something wrong, Buck?” Steve asks.
“No,” Bucky says, but you don’t buy it for a second.
Based on their raised eyebrows, neither do Natasha and Steve. Bucky nudges Steve’s leg with his boot, and Steve shifts over as much as he can.
Bucky sits down next to you, his thigh pressed against yours. He discards his pizza on the coffee table and sits back, still looking at your plate. Your mouth suddenly goes dry, pizza smell be damned. So close to Bucky, you’ve caught whiff of something a million times more intoxicating. He smells intoxicating, all heady and exhilarating and distinctively unique.
Greasy pizzeria as heaven?
No, heaven is sitting next to Bucky Barnes, his solid thigh against yours and his hand brushing your arm from where it’s slung on the back of the couch.
“You know,” he says, voice small and almost faraway, “the missions used to come to the front for Passover.”
You blink. Bucky is still looking at the matzah pizza on your plate.
“The front? You mean, during World War II?” you ask.
“Yeah.” His eyes flit to yours, his lips quirking up just enough to set your heart beating a little faster. “Those seders were the best part of the year.”
You gape. It can’t be attractive, but—Bucky Barnes is Jewish? Like you? It’s impossible.
“I don’t remember any,” Steve says. “What about ‘44?”
“Eh, by the time you came along, we had other things to do,” Bucky tells Steve, but he’s still facing you. He lowers his voice, ducks his head a little as his gaze tightens on yours. “Can I—did you bring that?”
You nod, thoroughly speechless.
“Can I have one?”
“Just one?” Natasha teases. You huff a little, half amused, half offended on Bucky’s behalf, but he’s rolling his eyes fondly.
“Of course,” you tell him. You force yourself up from the couch, left thigh cold from the loss of his leg pressed against yours. Is your face as warm as it feels? Can they all see? “Be right back.”
But Bucky jumps to his feet before you can make your escape. “You gotta show me how,” he says. He puts a hand on the small of your back and guides you through the crowd to the kitchen, greeting some of the waitstaff by name.
You’re not just speechless now; you’re breathless. His hand on your back, with just a thin shirt between his metal hand and your skin. His rich baritone, the gentle smile you can see out of the corner of your eye if you turn your head just a little.
Out comes the matzah, the sauce, the cheese. Bucky grabs a fresh plate and watches with careful focus as you assemble a matzah pizza for him.
“Can I do more cheese?” he asks.
“Eh, you could, but if you do too much it gets soggy.”
You stand side-by-side in front of the microwave as you punch in sixty-six seconds. The microwave comes on with a whoosh.
“So,” Bucky says. “I didn’t know you were Jewish.”
Your lips twitch. “Bucky, I don’t think we’ve exchanged more than half a dozen words before tonight.” You raise an eyebrow at him, and he purses his lips in reluctant agreement. “But I didn’t know you were. And we learned about you all in school!”
“Well, my mom was. We didn’t practice or anything.” He tucks his hair behind his ear. “Not like you.”
“Everyone does it differently,” you say. “It’s all about what works for you.”
The microwave beeps, and Bucky pulls the plate out. “I haven’t really thought about it in ages,” he says. “But…” He smiles at you, eyes crinkling. “Maybe it’s time to see what works for me now that things have changed.”
“Hear hear!” You grin back. Never mind the heat in your cheeks—Bucky is smiling. At you. Who cares if you’re blushing? “No time like the present.”
“Amen,” he says. He lifts the plate close to his face and tries a bite of matzah pizza. His expression is thoughtful by the time he swallows. “I mean, it’s not as good as the stuff out there usually is, but it’s not bad.”
“I’ll be honest, I’m going to eat a whole pizza next month,” you tell him.
“Next month?” Bucky asks through another bite.
“Next pizza night,” you clarify.
He swallows, Adam’s apple bobbing on his pale neck. “How long is Passover? Eight days, right?”
“Yeah…?” You tilt your head, confused.
“Forget next month. We can go for some proper pizza next Sunday. I mean—if you want?”
Bucky’s blue eyes are wide, hopeful as he looks at you. You can’t help smiling. Pizza to end Passover is an old family tradition, one you thought you’d miss out on now that you’re living so far from home. But it’s like Bucky said.
Time to see what works, now that things have changed.
“I want,” you say, and he grins back, smile as bright as the moon.
“To pizza night,” he says, lifting his matzah pizza in a toast.
You bump elbows with him, heart soaring. “To pizza night.”
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Party of one, two, three?
Pre-serum Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x FTM reader
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I wrote this months ago, long before i made this blog and i accidentally found it when going through my things. I still enjoy the concept so i wanted to post it here. Tell me what you guys think, maybe ill write more for it, if its something you all want.
I know very little about the time period around WW2 in Brooklyn USA. So, this is just based off what I’ve read in fics and heard in videos about the time. This includes the treatment of the poorer people and the Irish. In my hc Steve is Irish and the Barnes family are Jewish and second-generation Romani, I don’t know much about Romani people in general. It’s not really mentioned a lot but it’s still a hc of mine.
Tw: Unsafe binding, Dysphoria
In his bathroom stood Y/N. He stared intently at himself, eyes glaring at the body he saw. His ribs and chest were faintly discoloured and ached from the pressure of the many layers he wrapped around it on an everyday basis. There were times he would even sleep with the tight layers, when he couldn’t bear to look down and see a body that didn’t fit.
Y/N felt his eyes heat and dampen as his lip wobbled when he couldn’t will his body to change on the spot. He hated his body, how it didn’t look right, how it didn’t feel right. It just wasn’t right, and because of this body so many people would call him a ‘she’ or a ‘her’, even when he told them that wasn’t right. He had demanded people call him a man when he was still small, but his parents had been horrified and made him never say that again. Now his parents weren’t around to demand he be a lady anymore.
Y/N snorted to himself as he picked up the wide bandages, starting to wind them tightly around his chest in multiple layers. A small huff pulled itself from his chest at the tightening feeling, taking smaller breaths as he couldn’t take deep ones anymore. The older people who were like him always told him not to bind to tightly, and to take breaks at least one day a week. Of course, Y/N didn’t listen and did it every day. He had to work every day or go into public, so of course he had to make his chest flat.
It was Saturday, and his friends finally had a day off from work. Steve and Bucky had apparently set up a triple date for them, or rather Bucky had set up the date for all of them. So, Y/N expected it would end up Steve and himself walking together as Bucky had three girls hanging off his arms like always. Y/N normally didn’t mind of course, as he liked spending time with Steve. But quelling the jealous fire the burned in his stomach whenever Bucky would hold the random lady close and whisper in her ear, could be a struggle. Y/N knew Steve felt the same way, and Steve knew Y/N felt this way too, but neither spoke about it because that’s not something you could talk about.
Tightening the bandages one last time, Y/N stepped back from the mirror and out of the tiny bathroom and into his small bedroom. On his bed laid his clothes, which he made quick work of putting on. A white undershirt, a faded pale button up and baggy pants in dark grey. Pulling on the scratchy clothes, Y/N sat down on his bed and pulled on his socks and shoes, which were dark boots he had been given by one of the older people like him. Apparently, it made them feel bigger and stronger than they looked.
With a sigh Y/N shoved himself to his feet with a grunt, grabbing his keys and wallet off his dresser and shoving them in his pockets. He walked to his front door, grabbing the dark grey newsboy cap from the hook and pulling it on. Bucky once said it made him look handsome, back when they were still young, so Y/N had worn it almost every day since. Not that he would ever tell anybody that.
Locking the door behind him, Y/N made his way down the stairs of the apartment building he lived in. When he got outside, he looked at his watch to make sure he was on time and made his way towards the place he was meeting his ‘date’. It was a dancing hall, with a large area to dance for the couples, an area to sit where of course you could buy drinks, and a stage with a live band most nights. At least that’s what Bucky said when he tried to convince his two friends to go.
When Y/N reached the location, he was supposed to go, he saw his two friends and the three women. They were pretty, as always, but Y/N didn’t feel the kind of attraction to them that other men seemed to have. Steve looked uncomfortable as he made small talk with whom Y/N assumed was his date. The thump of Y/Ns heavy boots seemed to catch his friend’s attention and Bucky looked up, a grin lighting up on his face as his eyes fell on the shape of his second friend.
Y/N gave a small smirk in greeting, giving a two fingered salute as he walked over. The one girl who wasn’t with either of his friends smiled sweetly at him, which he returned. Bucky made quick work of introducing the women to him. Betty, who was Bucky’s date, Mary, who was Steve’s date, and Helen, who would be his date. Y/N made sure to shake all their hands, and complimented Helen on her dress, which was a pretty blue colour.
They hadn’t been able to start up much of a conversation before Bucky pulled their group inside of the dance hall. Now, Y/N couldn’t dance for the life of him, neither could Steve if he was being honest. The only one with their feet screwed on right was Bucky, he had already swooped his date away to start swinging and twirling her around the dance floor.
The evening went on at a snail’s pace if you asked Y/N, and his chest had started to ache as his date and himself kept up dancing. At times he had to excuse himself to cough and wheeze in the restroom which made him lightheaded, the edges of his vision painting black for few moments at a time. Y/N splashed water in his face and shook his head to clear it, he wouldn’t let that get in the way, Bucky seemed to be having such a good time, and Helen seemed to even enjoy his company.
When he excited the bathroom, his eyes searched for his date. When he found her, he chuckled to himself, as he saw not only Betty, but Mary and Helen were dancing with Bucky. Seemed like he had swooped in again to knock their dates off their feet. Y/N shook his head slightly with a huff, turning to look for his blonde friend, whom he found sitting at one of the tables furthest away from the dancing floor.
Y/N coughed into his sleeve, his vision blurring for a short while and his face feeling warm. Damn he hated this, his chest ached, and his throat hurt but he didn’t let it show, he couldn’t. Shaking his head Y/N made his way over to the table where Steve was sitting, looking less excited than average. But that was expected, seeing as Steve never really enjoyed these triple dates.
Giving a whistle to catch Steve’s attention, Y/N sat himself down at the table where his blonde friend was placed. Y/N grinned at his friend in a half joking manner, snickering out loud as Steve rolled his eyes in a slightly annoyed manner. They both knew they didn’t really want to be here, but only did it to make Bucky happy. Steve took a gulp of the drink Y/N had just noticed he was drinking.
The smaller of the two held the drink out to Y/N, who took it and threw back a huge gulp. He started coughing as the liquid passed down his throat, burning on the way down. Y/N covered his face with his arm, coughing roughly at not just the drink but the pain that was blooming in his chest again. Steve laughed, assuming his friend had drunk more than he had wanted too.
As the coughing finally stopped, Y/N started laughing along having always been influenced by his friend’s mood. He gave a huff as he placed the now almost empty drink on the table, shaking his head as they both finally calmed down from their snickering fit. They both glanced around them, just to make sure no one was staring at them weirdly for being two men snickering like schoolchildren. When they saw no one, they turned to look at one another again.
“Why am I not surprised you´re over here sulking, Rogers?” Y/N stated, placing his elbow on the table, and leaning into his hand as he sent a jokingly judgemental look at his friend. Steve scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he sent a just as judgemental look at Y/N. “You´re one to talk, from what I see you ran away from that poor girl the first chance you got”. The two stared intently at one another, before breaking into chuckles again.
“But to be honest, I don’t think she was ever really interested in me. I’m guessing she thought Bucky’s friend would look like him, and not be some short scrawny punk like me.” Steve sighed, his expression crumbling a bit as he leant backwards in his seat. This was how it always went when they were on triple dates. Steve and Y/N´s dates always seemed disappointed when they showed up, Steve more than Y/N, and would end up on Bucky’s arms late that night.
This of course meant Y/N got to spend more time with Steve, which made him happy. He wished Bucky would be there too, but it would also be suspicious if a group of three men sat as close and gossiped as they tended to do at times. If all three came in with a girl, and those girls just happened to gravitate towards Bucky, what could the other two do.
Y/N made a face as his friend put himself down, which sadly wasn’t an unusual occurrence. Leaning forward, he reached over and placed a hand on Steve´s shoulder. “Oi, don’t put yourself down like that. If those girls don’t want you, they aren’t good enough for you. They don’t know what they’re missing out on” he said, voice sure and unwavering.
Steve stared at Y/N a faint colouring rising to his cheeks, his mouth opened and closed a few times like he didn’t know how to form words, like he was speechless. Seeming to realise his Y/N ripped his hand away from Steve´s shoulder, shoving them into his pockets as he felt his own face heat up in embarrassment. He glanced off to the side, catching Bucky twirling one of the girls around, whilst the other two seemed to be giggling together.
“I´m uh… I´m gonna go outside, its late so I should probably be going home anyways” Y/N muttered, just barely audible to Steve, as he pushed his chair back and got to his feet, shoving both his hands deep into his pockets. Steve pushed himself up too with a quickness, stumbling over some words about him going too so they should go together. Y/N tried to suppress the warmth that spread in his chest, as he nodded his head and seemingly curling in on himself as the two went outside.
Normally they´d tell Bucky they were leaving, but they caught his eye before they went outside, the tallest of the group grinning at them with that cocky grin of his, that always made Y/N weak in the knees. Together Steve and Y/N walked in the direction of their houses, which just so happened to be in the same direction, so they could go together instead of having to split up.
They stayed silent for a good while, seemingly both not knowing what to say or not daring to say anything. Y/N opened his mouth, but closed it quickly again, beating himself over the head for even thinking about saying anything. He couldn’t dare say what he wanted to say, to let the warm bubbling feeling in his chest form into words and burst forth. He didn’t want to somehow lose the only friendship he had, as he bit his tongue and buried his face in the collar of his shirt.
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genuineformality · 2 years
A, B, N, R and Y for the fic meme! <3
Ask games! You too can ask me questions for which I will give excessively long answers.
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
In Six of Crows, I'm really pleased with The Lies We Tell Ourselves, which I wrote for the SoC Mini-bang, which wound up being a lot more challenging than I thought it would be, since 3000 words isn't a lot and I picked a topic and a title for the fic before I had a plot. I wound up reworking it a few times before I finally published it (or even handed it to a beta), but I love the flow of it and the understated arson.
I wrote a bunch of Potter fic a million years ago (according to FFN, I was fairly active in 2005, so 17 years ago 😱, which in internet years may as well be the cretaceous period), and I wrote a weird little outsider POV about Snape that I still have a lot of fondness for, even though it's not something I would write now.
(I have a lot of very complicated feelings about Harry Potter, JKR, identity as a Jewish enby and how utterly unkind JKR has been to my intersections of identity, formative fiction, etc. I'm glad for the friendships I made in that fandom and don't regret the time I spent in it, but I'm more than content to leave it behind.)
(More behind the jump. Like, A LOT more.)
B:  What was the first fandom you read fic in?  Which was the first you wrote fic for?
Reading: Almost certainly X-Men. I was on an X-Men fandom message group in the late 90s/early 00s (now defunct and I'm pretty sure the entire archive was blown up in some early 00s internet drama). Nightcrawler has been my boy ever since I learned to love comics (although I find comics to be a difficult medium to read for a variety of reasons).
Writing: I've been writing fanfic longer than I've known what fanfic was. I've definitely referenced my love of Andre Norton's Scarface and the various stories I wrote for myself in that book. I wrote some Valdemar fanfic in the 90s that I never let see the light of day. My first original fiction as a tween/teenager was heavily inspired by Andre Norton's High Hallack novels (The Crystal Gryphon especially) and Norton's Dipple novels (Night of Masks still gets a reread every few years).
Published/let anyone else see: X-Men, again on that now-defunct message group. It's probably for the best that those stories have disappeared. I published one of the only ficlets I had a copy of on FFN, but the rest are lost to time.
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
You are certainly the person I natter at the most about projects, so none of these are likely a big shock:
Wylan Grieving Matthias Religion Continuing Inej's Modern Anti-Slavery Ops (this is what I'm working on right now) Yentl Fix-It (y'all motherfuckers need polyamory) Deus Ex Character Study (losing the majority of your body and having it replaced by cybernetics is traumatic, yo) Bucky Barnes Character Study (Trauma. It's trauma all the way down)
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
Andre Norton was foundational and formative for me, and the more I write, the more I realize how much of how I shape stories is directly influenced by her. She wrote deeply sincere, tightly paced adventures about misfits and people who did not belong in fantastical places and while a lot of her writing feels very dated at this point, there's so much sincerity and heart in what she wrote. As a cripplingly sincere misfit myself, it's pretty clear why her work speaks to me.
Other writers of note whose works are constant companions and if we are ever talking, please know that one or more of these is never more than a couple of conversational jumps away: CJ Cherryh (Downbelow Station), Neal Stephenson (Cryptonomicon), Ted Chiang (Stories of Your Life and Others), Becky Chambers (Wayfarers Series), Martha Wells (Murderbot)
Y: What are your thoughts on your personal satisfaction with something you’ve written vs. the popularity of your stories?  Do you tend to be most satisfied with your most popular stories?
I've been in this iteration of my fanfiction career for *checks notes* five months and have published very little so far. I'm still gathering data on what is and is not popular, but I have a small data set with which to work now.
My impression of the SOC fandom is that canon-compliant-ish stories are generally more popular (or at least get more clicks), but I'm also still building a reputation as a writer in this fandom. My first stories were a modern AU (and kind of a weird one at that), but it's hard to tell whether their lack of traction was more about their subject matter, my writing style not clicking, or just that no one had heard of me and therefore had less investment in checking out what I'd written. I am noticing that having more recent fics is driving traffic to some of the older fics now, and that's really interesting to me; apparently there's enough interest in my writing (style or subject matter - unclear), that readers are interested in seeing what else I've done.
I'm a giant data nerd and I'm finding the ways that fandom popularity ebbs and flows really fascinating; my last fandom forays were significantly less social-media driven (largely because these particular social media platforms just didn't exist).
The relative popularity of my fics is not a driver in my personal satisfaction of my fics, although as someone who is chronically dopamine deficient, every kudos and comment is giving me life. I really love Exit Strategy, for example, but it's by far the weirdest, least popular fic I've written for this fandom (second only to The Cleaning Lady, which is currently winning the award for fringiest, least popular fic, which makes sense because it's fanfic of a modern AU fanfic, and if I wanted to distill the circumstances under which a fic could be overlooked in an otherwise popular fandom, I couldn't have created more ideal conditions).
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
Hey Neighbor (Part 15)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 4021 Warnings: fluff, mentions of the Holocaust
Summary: You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right… that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
A/N: Thank you also to Ary (formerly @johnnynunzio) for helping me with information and resources for the history of Romani people during the Holocaust
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Walking up the steps to the hospital becomes a little difficult as you zig-zag through groups of people trying not to hit anyone with your umbrella. Under the overhang of the building you shake it out after closing it, hoping the umbrella doesn’t drip too much on the floors as you make your way to the elevator.
It’s been a really wet day but you don’t mind it so much considering all this rain is supposed to bring beautiful flowers next month and the hope of something beautiful is exactly what you needed now.
It hasn’t been the easiest going to work every day. Metro-General is where you first met Billy and now that you’ve broken up it’s all you can think about every time you have to head down to the ER.
Wanda came over that night you got back from work and broke the news that she and Sam spotted Billy with another woman. You insisted on seeing the proof, the pictures being the final push in your decision to end things with Billy.
You admitted how things weren’t the same anymore, his attitude plus lack of caring when you were sick really made you reconsider your relationship. It had been a few days since you spoke to Billy but you wanted to call him out in person, meeting at a coffee shop to discuss things.
Confronting him was easier than you thought but watching him lie to your face was not. You had proof and he still accused you and your friends of lying just to make him look bad. After a small outburst he finally fessed up to seeing the woman named Krista. Billy didn’t tell you how long he had been cheating which pissed you off but you walked away feeling good about ending things.
It didn’t mean that you felt good. You knew that it was Billy’s loss but still, it didn’t feel good to be cheated on. You questioned everything. Was he lying from the beginning? Was work the real reason he had to cancel a few times? All of these questions made you doubt your self-worth.
Your friends were great after your breakup, each one of them there for you, readily offering up a chance to kick Billy’s ass if you let them. You all went out to celebrate how you “took out the trash,” round after round dedicated to your new freedom. But being surrounded by everyone in relationships didn’t make you feel the best, everyone except Bucky.
You might have had a little too much to drink that night and in a tearful drunken cry you might have asked him what was so wrong with you to make Billy cheat.
Bucky might also have had too much as he slurred his answer, but still he was insistent.
“There ain’t nothing wrong about you Y/N. Nothin’. Assholes like Billy treat the world like it belongs to them, like everything is up for the taking, no consequences apply. But he’s wrong and he lost the best thing to ever happen to him. You hear me? You’re the best thing that could happen t’anybody.”
You replay Bucky’s words in your mind as you pass by the nurses’ desk where Billy gave you his card. It was his loss.
Since the breakup you’ve been throwing yourself into work again. Dating Billy wasn’t a mistake, he just wasn’t the right person for you and after careful consideration you decided to chalk up those feelings you might have had towards Bucky towards all the care he gave you when you were sick. 
Bucky was your friend and a great one at that and so you made sure to fill your weekends by keeping a promise. You and Bucky began your pizza quest and it has been amazing. Your pants don’t quite agree with you but it’s definitely been worth it.
In between cases you responded to a text from Wanda. The exhibit she had been working on for The Jewish Museum is opening in a few weeks and she wanted to confirm you would be there. Like she really had to ask, of course you would.
Over the last few months she’s been working so hard on this and you couldn’t wait to be there to support her. Everyone was going and Sam made sure to take the day off.
Bucky: You up for a trek to Brooklyn?
The message caught you off guard but still brought a large smile to your face. You replied quickly asking what he was talking about and by the end of your shift it was decided; you and Bucky were going to Brooklyn for pizza. 
“I haven’t been here in forever,” Bucky said, while opening the door to Spumoni Gardens for you.
“These better be worth the two transfers Bucky. I am starving!”
You may have exaggerated a little but you were pretty hungry. Bucky insisted that you must try this famous pizza, arguing that Brooklyn is technically within the boundaries as part of your pizza quest. Semantics aside, you trusted that the hour long trip to get here would be worth it.
Spumoni Gardens was famous for their Sicilian pie and Bucky ordered one the moment you were seated. Soon enough twelve thick slices were laid out in front of you in the most interesting looking square of pizza you had seen before, with the sauce on top.
With a skeptical eye you squint at Bucky who urges you to take a bite, eagerly awaiting your response. There was no denying it, as you sank your teeth into the deliciously thick crust, with sauce and cheese hitting your taste buds like a pinball setting off lights and sound as it hits the winning targets.
A proud grin settled on Bucky’s face as he held up his own slice, taking a bite as he watched you dab at the bit of sauce in the corner of your mouth with a napkin. His eyes light up, raising his brows in a silent request for your opinion.
“So good.” Every bit of enthusiasm is behind the few words you’ve said, combined with the smile that stayed plastered on your face as you quickly took another bite, needing to taste the symphony of flavors again.
Bucky paid for everything despite your protests. He insisted that since you indulged him in his craving after a long day of work it was only fair. Side by side you slowly strolled back to the train, making a promise to come back for the spumoni when you haven’t stuffed yourselves full of pizza.
Conversation was always easy with Bucky, making the ride back home a breeze. When you reached your block you saw familiar faces headed towards the building.
“Hey guys,” Bucky greeted Clint and Natasha, as they walked with their arms linked to the door.
“We just had the best pizza!” you blurted out, unable to control your enthusiasm for the amazing dinner you had.
“Oh yeah, well we just had some shitty pasta.” Natasha playfully smacked Clint in the stomach for his blunt remark. “What? It wasn’t good!” he snarked.
“We just came back from a wedding expo,” she added.
Her lips were tense as they pressed together. They had been wedding planning for a while, not getting very far. Natasha’s work had set her back, which she didn’t mind since she was excelling professionally but it did require her and Clint to push back their wedding date a few times since they couldn’t commit to the time frame required.
“It’ll come together in time,” you said, offering a hopeful smile.
“All I know is Sonny Burch is not going to cater our wedding. That food was awful. Now tell me more about this pizza.”
Clint was practically drooling throughout the elevator ride as you and Bucky described the incredible pizza you had. After saying goodnight to them you and Bucky held back your laughter hearing Clint begging Natasha to go to Spumoni Gardens tomorrow as the elevator doors were shutting.
“Thanks for dinner Bucky,” you said, pressing a kiss to his cheek before unlocking your door. “Oh wait! Hang on one second!”
As you went inside your apartment you missed the way Bucky touched his cheek, still feeling the tingle of your lips against his skin. A moment later you came out, handing him a wrapped present.
“For taking care of me last month when I was sick.”
“You didn’t have to Y/N.” He meant it, whatever it was you got him really wasn’t necessary but you insisted it was.
Your lips pressed together with excited anticipation, staring at Bucky with widened eyes as he began to tear off the wrapping. He held up the stretched white canvas rectangle with vertical lines of varied height going across it. He smiled kindly, unsure exactly what he was looking at which was fine, his gift needed a little explanation.
“It’s Herrmann’s Psycho score in soundwave form.”
Bucky’s jaw dropped open as he stared at the vertical lines that conveyed every beat, seeing the taller lines represent the higher strings, the greater tension of the score. It was so unique, so perfectly suited for him and he knew you truly understood who he was.
“I love it. Thank you so much Y/N.”
One arm wrapped around you as he held the artwork out of the way. This gift reaffirmed the feelings he felt for you, making it harder to deal with the fact that he wasn’t going to do anything about them.
After your break up with Billy you made it very clear that you were not interested in dating. This was not the time for him to open up to you. He didn’t want to push you into anything you weren’t comfortable with so once again Bucky needed a distraction from his feelings. This is how he found himself back on the dating apps.
He finally went on a date with Bobbi, a few actually, only to find that the real chemistry they had was in the bedroom. The longer Bucky stared at the artwork you gave him the more he felt like calling her to help push aside you and thoughts of the amazing non-date that you had, but he knew she was out of town for the weekend.
Bucky’s too tired to get involved with calling someone else so instead he settled down in front of his keyboard. His fingers glide across the keys as he’s filled with inspiration, pouring his heart into a melody with you on his mind.
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Wanda paced back and forth in her apartment, stopping each time to check her reflection in the scalloped mirror above her dresser when she passed it. The way she swept back the few loose tendrils of her now more conservative light brown hair wasn’t out of vanity but nerves, needing to do anything to stop the shakiness of her hands.
“Hey, everything’s going to be perfect. I promise you have nothing to worry about,” you said, offering open arms to Wanda.
She was so fidgety she was barely able to stay in your embrace for more than a second. Wanda couldn’t help it. Tonight was the opening of The Jewish Museum’s exhibit on The Holocaust and Wanda was extremely nervous. Knowing this day was so important to her, you took off from your internship, promising Elena you would make up the hours.
The buzzer of her doorbell rang and Wanda jumped with excitement. “Mom!” Wanda called out, running towards the door.
It had only been a few months since they saw each other but on a stressful day like this nothing comforted Wanda more than her mom.
“Y/N, it’s so good to see you sweetheart.” Marya wrapped her arms around you and it felt like home, and seeing her brought back all the memories of your youth with Wanda and Pietro.
It was impossible not to think about him, especially considering he shared so many features with his mom. Piet would have been so proud of Wanda today and amidst the hug you choke back the tears you felt forming.
Wanda needed to be at the museum early so you and Marya went for a light dinner first as she headed there. Catching up was easy and Marya told you how proud she was for all the hard work you’ve been putting in to get your degree. The passion behind social work was unspoken because she already knew how deeply you felt about the circumstances of Wanda and Pietro’s upbringing.
“I think about it sometimes… what could have been.”
The twinkle in her eye suggested she knew the childhood crush you harbored for her son. It wasn’t something you ever admitted before. Even Wanda didn’t know.
“Years ago I finally had the strength to go through his things. I may have found your names in a heart, scratched on what should have been his notes on American history.”
You brushed aside a tear that trickled down along the curved cheek from your smile. Piet hated history so doodling became a common way to pass the time, and knowing he felt the same doesn’t make it any easier in losing him.
Marya brought a napkin to her face to soak up her own tears. She apologized though you told her there was no reason to. “So tell me, are you seeing anyone?”
As you retold the story of putting off relationships while you earned your degree you saw her mouth pull into a frown.
“Don’t put your life on hold, you know how quickly things can change.”
Her advice didn’t feel like a lecture, and you knew you might have jumped the gun on calling off dating again; not everyone would be like Billy.
An intricately detailed archway leads you through the main doors and into the crowded lobby of the museum. It’s past the normal operating hours, premiering the exhibit for the media and friends and family first.  
You spot your friends gathered together in the corner and happily introduce them to Marya. Sam smiles a little wider as he introduces himself. “Yes, that Sam,” he replied. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Bucky is wearing his long hair down, neatly tucked behind his ears and even in all black he stands out. The white printed pattern on his black button down shirt draws your eye to the velvet blazer that makes him look incredibly sophisticated.
“You look great,” Bucky said, as you both leaned in to press your cheeks against each other for a kiss.
He couldn’t take his eyes off of you and the shine of your beige satin shirt. The delicate gold chain you wore draped lower than the V-neck cut and he let his eyes linger down your body, from the black pants that hugged your figure to the pointed black heels.
“Thanks, you look pretty good yourself. Ooh fancy,” you said, running your hands along his velvet lapel.
The chatter in the lobby grew for another ten minutes until you were directed to follow the group towards the exhibit. Marya was accompanied by Sam and both their faces lit up as they spotted Wanda, standing proudly beside a curtain that was drawn across the entry of the main room. Her eyes twinkled as she spotted them, you and everyone amongst the crowd.
A man not much taller than her walked in front of the curtain with a microphone in hand. He introduced himself as the museum’s director Phillip Coulson. Wanda had always spoken highly of him and you can see why. He was soft spoken with a kind smile, welcoming everyone to the exhibit.
“On the eve of Yom HaShoah we invite you to do what is asked, remember. We remember through stories, from letters that made it out while their writers did not. We remember through pictures, of people and the faces we strive to never forget, of discarded belongings left behind deemed as irrelevant as the lives of their owners. As we remember the decimation and destruction we also remember the endurance, the survival. We remember and we will never forget.”
A round of applause breaks through the crowd with the increased flashing of camera lights as Director Coulson gestures to Wanda who proudly draws open the curtain, opening the exhibit.
The large room is painted in a somber blue, as if the life had been sucked out of a once vibrant sky. It’s fitting. This is a place of reverence, surrounded by artifacts that tell a painful history.
There were three smaller rooms connected to the main area, each showcasing smaller exhibits, one of which you knew was the one Wanda was most proud of. She stood in front of it, awaiting her friends so you could walk through it together.
“It’s called The Ghosts of Genocide and it focuses on the Romani aspect of the Holocaust.”
Unlike the main room there were few displays. One wall was dedicated to Philomena Franz, the first Romani woman to document her experiences in the concentration camps. You read the information beside her photograph, “Zwischen Liebe und Hass” (“Between Love and Hate”) was her autobiography, the dichotomy of a happy childhood against the brutality of Auschwitz.
The next photograph was of Elena Lacková, a Slovakian Romani poet and playwright. “Holocaust Romů v povídkách” (“Holocaust of Roma in short stories”). A copy of the out of print book was behind a glass enclosure.
The large wall featured the paintings of Ceija Stojka, an Austrian Romani Holocaust survivor. You chew on your bottom lip tensely as you stare at the images. Simple ink depictions of dead bodies stacked in a haphazard pile like they were nothing more than logs meant for a fire. One image burns itself into your brain, “Mama in Auschwitz” the wide-eyed look of fear immortalized by the memory of a child.
“Wanda.” You clear your voice of the thickness that built up inside, the heavy lump that weighed on your chest from reading everything. “Forgive me if this sounds disrespectful but I thought you were supposed to incorporate the history of those who were Jewish and Romani.”
She sighed heavily. “I was but there are so many factors that play into the reason why I couldn’t; loss of information being a big one but also most people didn’t specify that they were Jewish. Obviously we know that some were but it was an issue of safety. They were already dealing with being Romani and the prejudices that came with that so they couldn’t come out with it. It’s why we have this.”
She turned you around to the far wall, glossy black tile shines against striking spotlights.
“But it’s blank.”
She nodded, pointing to the dedication. “For the countless, nameless Jewish-Romani lives lost.”
You reached out to touch the wall, your palm against the cold tile; the emptiness that contrasts so starkly in a place filled with history on every wall. And you suppose the lack of information is a lesson learned in history itself.
“This is pretty powerful stuff,” Bucky’s voice called out from behind you.
“Yeah. It is.” You didn’t have any more words.
When the night was coming to a close everyone went home quietly. Wanda’s achievements would be celebrated another night. It was comfortably silent as you and Bucky left the elevator. The unexpected feeling of your arms wrapping around him for a hug was surprising but nice and he deepened the action, firmly pulling you closer to the soft fabric of his blazer.
“Sweet dreams Y/N,” he whispered before you went inside.
That night Marya’s words replayed in your mind and after the exhibit’s reminder on how precious life is you promise yourself to be open to whatever the future brings.
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Golden hues begin to creep in on the blue sky ahead of you. As the day starts to wind down the city doesn’t stop. Construction is contained by go-away green walls, with orange and white barricades used to redirect traffic on the busy street. Brake lights flare as the cars begin honking incessantly at the driver going far too slow for the city’s standards.
You see it all from the observation deck of the High Line, accompanied by Bucky and a dozen other people enjoying the first weekend of warmth. You climb the stairs away from the crowd and find a bench beside a small tree.
Bucky opens the box he’s been carrying for a while, revealing two unique and delicious doughnuts that you couldn’t wait to try.
“What’s the square one again?” you asked, licking your lips in anticipation.
“Blackberry jam, and the other is rose I think?” his voice raises with uncertainty. “It looks like a rose at least.”
That it did. The dough was shaped to look like a rose in bloom, with a pink glaze over it. Both were tempting you and the decision was tough but you chose to try the jam filled doughnut first. Hands made sticky by the glaze, you tried your best to pull it apart evenly for Bucky to have an equal share.
Your head nodded in approval as you tasted the sweetness of the jam, mixed perfectly with the airy dough. “This is good,” you said, with your hand hovering over your mouth as you continued to chew through your words.
Bucky brushed his fingers down the corners of his mouth, wiping them on a napkin afterwards and you laughed to yourself. When you were ready Bucky presented the rose shaped doughnut to you as if he was handing over a bouquet.
“How sweet,” you feigned sweetness, bringing your hands together in your best impression of a Disney princess pose.
He let you rip off the first piece of the doughnut, finding it had come apart in a small crescent which was fine, you weren’t sure you could eat much more than that.
Bucky cleared his throat as the glaze melted against his fingers. “So, uh, I have something to ask you.” His nerves stilled momentarily as you hummed in response, sucking the glaze off your fingers.
“Will you be my date to my cousin’s wedding?”
You weren’t sure what he was going to ask but this was definitely not what you imagined. It surprised you especially considering the long list of available women he had to choose from and you couldn’t help but ask him that.
“Them? No. They’re not good enough to bring to a wedding,” he replied.
“Bucky that’s horrible!” you playfully scoffed.
His head dropped down, cringing at his words. “I didn’t mean it like that! I don’t really know any of ‘em that well, and it would be nice to have a friend with me and just have fun.”
Thoughts were running through your head faster than you could process them. Being asked to be Bucky’s date seemed like a dream come true. Yes, despite losing hope in dating after what you went through with Billy it didn’t stop the crush you had on Bucky from growing. But your mind stopped your heart from indulging in its fantasy, reminding you that Bucky legitimately had a long list of women to choose from and you were one of many.
His reasons for asking you made sense, you were very close and sometimes you questioned Bucky’s intentions. He’s never made you feel uncomfortable, it’s the opposite. You’re always comfortable with Bucky, no matter what you do. It feels like what a relationship should be except without the intimacy.
That was the scariest part of it all. Part of you wanted to take a risk and see if there could be something more to what you had but what if it makes you just another girl on his list. A convenient person to sleep with along with the others.
“Please, I already RSVP’d for two,” he begged, staring at you with big eyes as his plush bottom lip protruded out comically far.
The tug of war between your brain and heart wins in favor of the latter as you agreed to go with him, convincing yourself that it’s just a date to a wedding with a friend and nothing more.
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hopesbarnes · 4 years
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Bucky Barnes Oneshots
🌟- Personal Favorites
🔥- Smut (18+)
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It’s All Gonna Be Okay
Your boyfriend Bucky has had a bad day, who knew what you were stressing about would be exactly what he needed to hear?
Wildest Dreams 🔥🌟
Everyone said he was a bad guy, that he broke hearts. But maybe they were wrong about him. Based on the song Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift. 
Chanukah Lights
(Jewish!Reader) Bucky spends his first Hanukkah with your family!
(Jewish!Reader) Bucky cooks latkes with his girlfriend 
Speak Now
Your best friend’s wedding is just wrong. Wrong dress, wrong decor, and mostly wrong bride for him to marry.
Underneath 🔥🌟
When your best friend offers to help relieve your stress you say yes. It spirals into months of the best sex of your life. But things can’t stay that simple. 
Second Hand News
Inspired by the song Second Hand News. Bucky had y/n but let her go, and she’s now in love with Steve. The problem is, Bucky’s still in love with her. Part of the Rumors one-shots 
Songbird 🌟
Inspired by the song Songbird. Hades!Bucky x Persephone!Reader. It’s almost time for y/n to go back to Olympus with her mom, but she wants one more day with her love first. Part of the Rumors one-shots. 
Dream Girl 
You’ve been in love with Bucky since the moment you met him. But he’s never seen it. 
False Assumptions 🔥
Waking up from a one night stand isn’t the worst thing to happen. But when it’s the one guy you have been hiding your feelings from? It might be.
But… I Am a Good Girl 🔥
Based on the song from the movie Burlesque, a dinner date and more with Ex-SugarDaddy!Bucky and Burlesque!Reader
Flowers & Skulls 🔥
Hades!Bucky had a long day and just wants to spend some time with his wife. (Persephone!Reader)
Rosey Inn 🌟
A decade ago you left your small town, but when your mom dies and leaves you the family inn you’re forced to return to all that you left behind. Including your ex boyfriend Bucky.
Sweet Like Cinnamon 🔥
It’s been a long day, and all you really want is get a little stress relief. Preferably the type with no clothes and a man between your thighs.
Along the War
1943 and after moping around when your boyfriend leaves for the war you decide to do your part and enlist as well (as an army nurse). 
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aliceaddellheidde · 4 years
A/N: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club Lucky in love. March 2 - Big Break
WORDS: 1154
WARNINGS: swearing, kinda mind control
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x reader (eventually) {Soulmates AU}
DISCLAIMERS: Endgame happened, but only Thanos and his peasants died. English isn´t my first language so sorry for mistakes.
Moi, Rai and Parca are genderless & are using they/their pronouns.
This is soulmates au. When you get tattoo, your soulmate gets it as well on same spot. It glows when you touch.
This is multi-chapter story. 2/19
Gif from here
Divider by @rainbowkisses31
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„How was your mission with boys yesterday?” Wanda asked. „Good. Bucky was annoying as always. Gosh, how I would like to give him piece of his own medicine!” Wanda and Natasha laughed with you. You had girls night, with face masks, nails painting and gossiping. „You actually can do that.” Nat smirked. „How?” „Wanda can help you. With her magic thingy.” „And what exactly we should do?” you asked. „You nothing just repeat what she will tell you.” You were looking at her wide smile. „No. I can see your evil plan Nat.” „Oh c'mon! It will be fun! And Wanda has no problem with it, right?” She shook her head. „You promise it will not be anything too crazy?” „Yop.” „Ooooooookkkkkeeyy then.” „Yeas!” Nat squealed and they both threw themselves on me. „I hope I´ll not have to kill you.” „Don t worry. Now lets finish movie.”
„Parca, what did you do?!” Moi screamed at younger sibling. „Nothing!” Then disappeared in silver mist before Moi could throw something. Rai looked at them. „Come, it´s time to wash our masks off.”
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Next morning you let Wanda in your head and walked to the kitchen. Bucky was already there, preparing his breakfast. „I didn’t know you are fan of Jews.” you said. „What?” he looked at you, surprised. „Bagel. It is a bread product originating in the Jewish communities of Poland.” „Cool.” He opened fridge and took out a butter and ham. „Did you know it takes 21 pints of milk to make a pound of butter? Interesting right?” „Not really.” „It also has vitamins D, E, K and A.” you said, dancing like cheerleader. Bucky laughed, watching you. „Wanna some tea?” „Second most consumed beverage on the planet – after Water? Sure, why not.” You ate in peace, which was surprising.
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„Why is music so loud?” Bucky asked when he came to gym only in his shorts. „Listening to music while exercising can improve work out performance by 15%.” „Turn volume down. I can´t concentrate.” „But it´s helping me. You don’t wanna me to be healthy, strong and flexible?” „You have headphones. Use those!” You stuck your tongue at him, but obeyed and started your routine. What you didn’t see was Bucky staring at you. After 30 minutes on treadmill you moved to rowing machine. Letting your mind wondering in imaginary world you hardly felt tap on the shoulder. Only when Bucky repeated it, you turned to him. „Hey, what's up?” you gave him wide smile. „You're like Maria Sharapova.” he growled, his eyes wide. „I'm sorry?” you asked innocently. „Grunts too much.” „Makes you hard sergeant?” He was breathing shallowly and you felt your cheeks getting warmer. What was Wanda doing? „No. Just be bit quieter.” Then he turned and quickly went back to his punching bag. „I'm still not as loud as Michelle Larcher De Brito!” you screamed behind him and with smug smile you watched as he hit the bag and it fell on the floor.
„I'm not really happy about it, dear Moi, but Parca´s plan somehow works.” Moi looked at Rai sitting on trampoline and frowned. „I had nice dinner preparing on mind for them. To give them some domestic vibe. Not Y/N teasing Bucky like this!” Rai just shrugged and jumped on jumping mat. You screamed and startled Bucky as well. „What the hell Y/N?” „Trampoline moved by itself. We have ghosts here Borky. Save me, please?” You hugged him around waist and he stiffed. „If you will stop being so annoying with your random trivia. I still don’t understand how you can hold all of them in head.” „Ok, but only for today.” You stood up, took your water bottle and was ready for another machine when your next words left you in shame. „Do you know that the more muscle mass you have, the more fat your body burns while resting? I looove your muscles. Make me weak.” You realised what you have done when Bucky turned red and Wanda´s voice spoke in your head. „Run Y/N, RUN!” And that's what you did. Bucky was shouting your name and profanities in gym. „Run Y/N, run, run.” „Why are you speaking to yourself?” Wanda laughed in your head. „Shush you!” After few minutes you ran into her room, locking door behind you.
„What was that Wan? Now he's thinking I´m horny mess from him! For him!” „And you are not?” „Not at all! He's pesky, provocative, arrogant little bitch!” „Hmmm, I think he's not little. More like huge and has good package.” „Wanda!” She was laughing so much she started crying. „Don´t you have Vision for that?” „Yes. But I can have a look. You know it means nothing to me. I want only the best for you, even if Buck isn't your true soulmate. You still can have fun.” You sighed and sat next to her. „I envy you and others. I wished tattoo would appear on my skin for so long, but until now nothing happened so I decided I will do it myself.” „That's great! Whoever it is, I bet they will love you.” She wanted to hug you but then pulled away. „Sorry, but you really need shower.” You said your byes and went to your room.
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You didn’t realized you fell asleep, but knocking on your door woke you up. When you opened it you met Bucky in red Henley and jogger pants. „Want something to eat?” he asked. „What?” you said taken aback. „Food. Dinner. Others left, so it´s just us.” „Coming.” You quickly put fluffy socks on and followed him to kitchen.
„Wanna some bolognese spaghetti? Or something else?” „Spaghetti is fine. Red wine?” „Why not?” You both smiled at each other as Bucky was preparing sauce and you were putting pasta in pan. Then he was cutting meat while you sat on counter, watching him. „Wanna watch something?” you asked him. „I heard Witcher is good.” „Oh, it is! Henry Cavill is there and he's sexy as fuck with his long white hair, yellow eyes and that dreamy hairy chest. Don’t forget his ass and thighs!” Bucky looked at you with raised eybrows, smirking. „What?” „I really don’t wanna your ramblings about him.” „Why? Afraid you can't compete with him?” you grinned. „I'm much better.” He stepped between your open legs, his hands on sides of your thighs. His face was closer and closer until you heard sauce bubling on stove. „We don’t wanna burned food. Right, Borky?” You handed him two plates and he put pasta, sauce and cheese on them. „To the movie room!” „And beyond!” You couldn’t stop laughing as you took wine bottle and followed him.
You ended watching half of season one and then fell asleep on Bucky´s shoulder.
Moi and Rai were on chairs happily looking at their hardest case. You two were on good way to your destiny after all.
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fatbottombucky · 5 years
Dreidel *Bucky Barnes x Reader*
This is for @sexylibrarian1​ :) I don’t know if you’ve played Dreidel, I recommend looking into the rules and playing it with a few friends, I’m pretty sure me and my family play it kinda wrong... so, I’ve tried to go through the proper rules and it come across a bit weird cause I’ve also thrown in a few of my fam’s rules lol
Pairing: Bucky x [F]Reader (Jewish Reader)
Additional Characters: Sam Wilson & Wanda Maximoff 
Rating: [13+] Teen
Warnings: None, just fluffy goodness
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“You sure they want to?” You asked your boyfriend in a whispered breath, gnawing at your bottom lip and holding the small pewter box. 
He lets slip a sigh, casting his azure eyes down at you, “Of course, they’re really excited to meet you and play this game.” 
You nod and smile slightly. The nerves didn’t leave you though, despite only hearing nice things about Bucky’s friends and, obviously, they’re Avengers so they’re bound to be nice. You still had this deep dread that they didn’t like you, that they would tell Bucky you’re not attractive or wrong for him. 
You’re just a normal person; not a superhero or a vigilante.  You met Bucky because of your friendship with Steve Rogers during the snappening, you went to the weekly meetings he held at the VA. You lost everyone during those five years, you tried to get through and your talks with Captain America sorta helped. 
Now you’re still trying to rebuild your old life, sure everyone is back but everything has changed. 
The best change has been Bucky, you still need to thank Steve for introducing you to him. It was a chance meeting, a weird one at that because Steve was suddenly old... well, looked old. But Bucky had captured your heart from the moment you met him, despite his initial awkward stage, once he warmed to you there was no going back.
Now you’re at the stage of meeting one another’s family and friends, granted that Buckys’s family is now his friends; the pressure was starting to get to you. You thought Bucky meeting your Jewish family was bad stress, meeting Bucky’s superhero family was worse.
“Stop worrying,” lips press to your temple, “they’re going to love you.” 
You let a small sigh, squeezing his hand lightly as he walked up the porch steps and watch as he opened the front door to Sam’s house. You raised an eyebrow as Bucky just lets himself in, he gives a cheeky smile over his shoulder as he leads you in. 
“Samwise?” Bucky yells you let out a short snicker before seeing the Falcon give his friend a disapproving look, “Door was unlocked, I’ve told you many times to lock it.” 
Sam only rolls his eyes, “Hi Y/N, I’m Sam,” he steps forward and holds his arms out for a hug, which you gladly accept whilst chuckling. “Happy Hanukkah,” you smile brightly as Sam does a proud, victorious smile at your reaction. 
“He only said that because I reminded him that you’re Jewish,” Bucky snickers and hugs Wanda tightly, allowing the girl to greet you briefly. 
“Still,” you begin, “It’s the sentiment that counts, James.” 
Sam only nods in agreement, “I’ll drink to that,” he downs half a cup of eggnog as you chuckle. 
You end up sitting in Sam’s living room, glasses of various hot drinks being consumed along with cookies shaped like trees. The movie It’s A Wonderful Life serving as background noise to the mindless chatter, Sam and Bucky deep in conversation about sports, yourself and Wanda in conversation about life. 
“Bucky tells me that you were alone during those five years,” Wanda smiles softly and you nod, “must’ve been rough, Clint doesn’t really talk about what happened during that time just because it’s… painful.” 
“I was lucky enough to find Steve a year in,” you smiled, “it was nice to just have a friend, I guess. All my family was snapped, there wasn’t much reason for my job. I ended up going to one of his meetings and then I kinda relied on it.” 
Wanda nodded, “Can’t imagine the holiday seasons were that fun. I mean, holidays without my brother are bad enough, but without everyone?” The mere thought of being alone makes the Maximoff girl shudder.
A deep exhale left you, you hardly celebrated any Jewish holiday during those years. It was hard to, especially without your family. You may not stick to your Jewish roots through the entire year, but during the holidays you kept up the traditions. 
“I got Steve to celebrate Hanukkah with me once,” Sam raised his eyebrows at that, “it wasn’t anything grand, we lit the Menorah and ate latkes, played a few games of Dreidel too. It was like a stripped back version of Hanukkah for me, probably, what my bubbe used to do back in her days- well, Steve’s also, but he isn’t Jewish.” 
You shake your head cursing yourself for rambling, meeting Bucky’s eyes who are sparkling with amusement at your little ramble. He looks like he’s about to say something but Sam breaks the silence before him, almost spilling the contents of his drink as he talks. 
“Dreidel, that’s the game you bought, right?” You nod once, “I’mma need a rundown of this game, also I’m incredibly competitive, so no cheating since you must know all the tricks.” He gives you a stern glare as he lowers himself to the floor, watching you open the small box you came with. 
You let slip a giggle, “It’s hard to cheat at Dreidel, my brother always found a way though, I still have no idea how.” Wanda gets comfortable beside Bucky’s legs, “rules are simple enough, I even brought along the Dreidel that has the translation on, so I won’t be able to cheat by making it up to better me.”
You start by pulling out chocolate coins, instantly grabbing Bucky’s attention, handing them out evenly till you all have 15 each. “Okay, start by placing one of your coins into the centre, we’ll do this every round,” Sam looks reluctant to let his piece go but he does once Bucky throws his into the pile. “Now I’ll spin the Dreidel, each letter means something,” you spin the Dreidel and it lands with a dull thud on Nun. “That means do nothing, so I do nothing, now it’s Wanda’s turn but first,” you throw a coin in and watch as everyone does the same. 
You watch as Wanda spins the Dreidel, also landing on Nun before it’s passed to Sam you each put a new coin. “We’ll do this till someone runs out or wins all the coins, by the way,” Sam already looks tense as he counts his remaining coins. His spin lands on Shin, “you have to put in two coins,” the disbelief on his face is priceless.” 
Bucky takes his turn, “Hay,” he smiles triumphantly, “take half the pot!” 
The little chuckle that emits from the Winter Soldier is priceless, pulling the chocolate coins towards him with a smirk that sets the Falcon off. 
“Every game. I swear, every game we play,” Sam sulks, even though he hasn’t even lost, yet. 
“There’s still a chance for you to get Gimel, that means everything in the pot,” you try to defuse the situation- and it works… briefly. 
By the end of the first game, Bucky was winning, not even caring to hide his laugh as Sam kept getting Shin or Nun. The second game, that was mostly for Sam, it was an equal playing field. By the third game, it was just between the two, yourself and Wanda sat and watched, laughing and mostly rooting for Sam- much to Bucky’s dismay. 
“That game,” Sam sighed as he walked you and Bucky to his door, “you have to bring it to the new Avengers HQ,” you nod with a grin, “I’m totally gonna kick T’Challa’s ass at it.” He hugs you goodbye. 
“Have a good Christmas, Sammy,” he gives you a mock glare but a smile is hidden beneath as he waves you down the path. 
The walk back to your place is silent, your hand is in Bucky’s once again and you're swinging them as you walk, a bright grin plastered on your face despite the cold, frosty night air. 
“I told you,” Bucky breaks the silence, pulling you slightly into his side and letting go of your hand to wrap an arm around your waist, “they love you. Almost as much as I do,” that makes your heart flutter, even though you’ve heard those words before. 
“Didn’t think Sam would get that competitive at Dreidel, honestly.” 
Bucky chuckles, throwing his head back, “You’ve opened a can of worms with that one, I suspect he’s gonna buy his own to practice,” you let out a snort but you could totally see that happening. 
“Says you,” Bucky looks down at you, “you got the exact same when playing against my dad last week.” 
“And I still have yet to beat him, he’s really good at it,” Bucky sighs lightly, “One day. One day I will beat him at Dreidel, he won’t let me marry you till I prove that,” it’s clearly a joke but the seriousness of his voice makes you doubled over in laughter. “You laugh but in twenty years time when I still haven’t asked you, it’s because of that game.” 
You calm down and kiss his cold cheek softly, still giggling against his stubbly jaw. “You still gotta get through Rosh Hashanah, you missed this year due to being a superhero, next year… you’ll see. Next year we’ll go full Jewish, I’m willing to be super Christmasy with you this year.” 
Bucky only smiles down at you, he tightens his hold around your waist. He doesn’t really mind what you celebrate, the fact you picture spending the next year with him makes his heart fill with joy.
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