#y yeh
awacatin · 1 year
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Jons q termine antes de empezar a cabecear
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egginfroggin · 3 months
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Yet another meme redraw for you all this fine day
It hasn't been officiated by Nintendo yet, but frankly, I do subscribe to the theory that DMK corrupted Sectonia via the mirror; I also think that Taranza has every right to knock him out cold for it
Tell me, which bin do you think DMK belongs in, recycling or trash?
Also I did the perspective after one in the morning on this, don't mind how skrungled DMK is
Also if anyone knows the meme this is based off of and can give me its name or a link to it, please do so if you wouldn't mind, I couldn't find it and had to do this all from memory
Have a good day, everyone ^^
(Program: Krita; time: about 3 hours [same time half the effort as the last one. huh])
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darlingsaybonvoyage · 7 months
(G)I-DLE accidentally confess thinking you're a member
A/N: idk what this is, it's lame
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milagrosen · 9 months
Just signed on my new computer. Hopefully it will be here next week and i will get back to drawing if everything goes smoothly🙏
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dustedmagazine · 1 month
Various Artists — Creiriau Y Delyn Rawn / Relics of the Horsehair Harp (Amgen)
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Imagining new music is nothing new. Individually or collectively, spontaneously or through painstaking craft, research, and development, legions of music-makers have tried to come up with something sufficiently novel out of sounds and (sometimes) words that it hooks listeners’ attention. You can be sure that someone’s at it right now. But you probably won’t lose the farm if you bet it on the notion that the sequential imagining that went into the conception and execution of Creiriau Y Delyn Rawn is an unprecedented process that has yielded a remarkable outcome.
The Welsh language title translates into English as Relics Of The Horsehair Harp. It was produced by harpist Rhodri Davies as a companion to Telyn Rawn, a solo album that he released on his Amgen label. Telyn Rawn is named after the instrument that it introduced, a horsehair harp that Davies commissioned to be made by a couple harp makers and a leatherworker. Harps have a particular cultural resonance in Wales, since despite the instrument’s popularity, the art of making them nearly died out before making a comeback as part of a larger resurgence of Welsh culture. The original telyn rawn was made from wood and equine byproducts. After the sturdier Italian triple harp made it to the British Isles in the 1600s, it replaced the telyn rawn so thoroughly that for a couple centuries the triple harp was actually known as the Welsh harp (it was replaced by the pedal harp in the 20th century) while its predecessor was practically forgotten. When Davies, whose wide-ranging music encompasses free improvisation, modern composition, Konono-inspired junkyard noise, and rock and roll, got curious about those early harps, no one knew how to make one. The instrument on Telyn Rawn was designed using descriptions in early Welsh poetry and a couple pages addressing harp-tuning practices in a 17th century manuscript by Robert ap Huw.
When Davies finally set about playing the thing, he did not revive antique repertoire; he improvised short pieces equally informed both by his research and his own practice of playing freely, alone and with musicians like John Butcher, Andrew Leslie Hooker and the trio IST. Intricately plucked or vigorously bowed, some of the album’s eighteen tracks hinted at folkloric models, while others undid dense knots of sound that burst with harmonics and radiated overtones. Telyn Rawn came out during that first COVID summer, which was bad for many things, but was not so bad for spending some of that time that one wasn’t gigging cooking up new ideas. After its release, Davies reached out to friends and associates with this request: “I asked each contributor to imagine that the musical material improvised in 2020 was an ancient musical form that had fully existed in the medieval period, and that each of their responses were to have happened centuries after the imagined formation of the Telyn Rawn pieces.”
Such a brief can be taken in many directions, depending on the respondent’s experiences, equipment, and willingness to dig a new network out of someone else’s wormhole. Sixteen participants gave a response to one or two specific tracks from Telyn Rawn. Laura Cannell’s  opening piece, “The Tattered Skies Above,”  wastes little effort on interpreting Davies’ “Penriwh.” Instead, she constructs a fanfare from overdubbed recorders whose jolting sonorities and processional air establishes a through line linking a span of fantasized centuries. Next up, Orphy Robinson makes like a free-bopping jazz man. On “Nude, Lewd, Rude, Mood Food” he transfers bits of Davies’ intricate “Gorchan Sali” to a salaciously bulbous-sounding marimba, accelerates the tempo and lets it rip. Jem Finer plays “Y Geseg Fedi” pretty faithfully, simply transposing bowed harp to hurdy-gurdy; guitarist C. Joynes is similarly respectful to “”Dygan tro’r Ebill.” Credited as playing computer and mouse, “C. Spencer Yeh” visits a cut-and-splice surgical strike upon Davies’ recording of “Afon “Dewi Fawr;” Pat Thomas might do something similar on the turbulent electronic eruption, “Maddad.”
Not only does Davies have a strong musical personality that transcends the particular harp he plays and the century his head’s in; he has picked his emissaries wisely. Despite the disparity of instrumentation and approach exhibited by the sixteen contributing musicians, Creiriau Y Delyn Rawn feels pretty cohesive as it carves out an imaginary timeline of musical evolution.
Bill Meyer
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windmills123 · 11 months
Im so angry at blood sausages they fuckgin changed the recipe or something like theres these god damned skin chunks taste like uterus tissue clots or something embedded next to the little blood grains and i cant eat them makes me gag man im pissoed off where is the holiday joy where is the clunk free blood (sorry for swearing)
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peste-bubonica · 2 years
So I've been having a headcanon the past few days.
The family that tried to get rid of Eclipse. Beyond the fact they tried to get rid of him, something that would've gotten his wrath already, what if another reason was because they were going to suggest [you] and their kid marry?
It's still new days; Eclipse doesn't understand the new influx of feelings you give and this too makes him weird. But it's not that pleasant odd. It's akin to when he destroyed the house. And it gets worse. He feels Fury at the images that flash to mind as he processes the idea.
The idea of you having their name? Having a ring on your finger? Being with another?! It makes his non-existant stomach curl in disgust. It makes him furious. It makes the disappearance of that family personal.
Thus instead of them just being killed and left as a show to others as a warning (what they gonna do? Arrest him?), they simply vanish. Letting his anger control his actions, he didn't leave anything left for people to find after all...
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In all honesty, I find it funny that I just put that part of the family disappearing on a whim to make it more edgy, but now you come and drop this absolute bomb of a headcanon. It’s canon now, and there will be a reference to it later on.
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starboymp3 · 1 year
nah like. tony stark was the best. like. bro. he was the realest of them all. bro. he was teally the betsest if them all dude. yeah. my go d
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hyah-lian · 7 months
I have been in program prep hell, and anxiety alley, and today is program day and I'm like Hm Yes. Perfect time to start rewatching that 8+ hour series on the history of antibiotics
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littleragondin · 1 year
Our skyy 2 yesterday: aw and look at this! ♡ we give you some soundwin SeanNe crumbs because we know you liked them in MSP ;)
Me, delusional: after their stupid jealousy ploy with Daonuea (and despite the complete failure of it), Sean somehow decides to rope Ne into playing pretend with him in Chiang Mai, in the hopes that jealousy might finally prompt Maitee to be clear about wtf is going on between them. (Efficiency of the plan still to be assessed.)
(Tho i also like @petrichoraline transmigration theory 😌)
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coldercreation · 1 year
The Gannet (WIP) - Moodboard & Notes
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" By today’s way of thinking, showing no fear of humans ought to be an endearing, if rare quality among wild species. Not so in the past. If a gannet’s nest site could be reached, the young of our largest seabird was easily seized and killed. This naive trust led Carl Linnaeus to classify its genus as Morus, ancient Greek for ‘stupid’. 
The same unfearing nature is found in the gannet’s close relative, booby. The English name "booby" was possibly based on the Spanish slang term bobo, meaning "stupid”, as these tame birds had a habit of landing on board sailing ships, where they were easily captured and eaten. "
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" Encountering a gannet is good luck, especially for someone who is about to undertake a voyage. Gannets spend long stretches of their lives at sea, diving from impressive heights onto shoals of fish and squid below. A gannet encounter can indicate a thirst for adventure as well as an inner fortitude that allows one to weather whatever storms may come. In addition, encountering a gannet may be a sign to take heart and have courage. Gannets must trust themselves to stay aloft over miles and miles of roiling sea. Furthermore, when the time is right these birds take death-defying plunges into the foamy waves. Encountering a gannet may be a sign to trust your instincts or to “take the plunge” and courageously dive into whatever challenge life sends your way. "
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The Gannet
The dull sting of a thin walking stick—nothing but a rod, in all honesty—whacked across the center of ??s back, his spine jerking upright in an instant. The hit wasn’t that hard. He knew it could’ve been worse, knew it had been worse in the past.
“Stop being nosy, and sit up proper, for heaven’s sake,” Mrs Malcolm(??) scolded drily.
Biting on his tongue ?? made sure to have his chin raised just right, his shoulders back and chest firmly held. With effortless dignity, poised, polished, polite. The exact way that had been drilled into him over and over, since before he had even known how to walk.
“That’s better. See, we all know you know how.”
Of course he knew. How could he not?
Regardless, the questions held silently, childishly, under his tense tongue were: 
Did knowing how to do it mean that he had to do it?
What if he, simply, didn’t want to do it?
Did it matter what he did or did not want?
These were all questions ?? had been taught not to ask. Had been whacked by Mrs Malcolm’s walking stick for asking; had been scolded and scorned and shamed for asking.
Such aimless curiosity was unbecoming for a young gentleman like him. Curiosity, for things that the society—and thus, his family—deemed inappropriate.
Or, unimportant.
Or, below his station.
Or, reckless.
For someone like ??, who sometimes genuinely believed that curiosity was the very thing that kept his blood warm, it was nearing torture to constantly be told to focus, to stop asking questions, to do as you are told.
Where on the everloving Earth was the spark in that?
The walking stick snapped down over his pin straight shoulders.
“Hopeless!” Mrs Malcolm declared. The crow’s feet around her eyes looked unhappy, as usual. ?? blinked up at his disappointed tutor, forcefully dragging his attention to the present moment. 
The book in front of him still showed the very same page from before, his progress practically nonexistent. 
It was no surprise, then, that Mrs Malcolm’s walking stick was so overtly excited and active today.
“Could we not learn about something… Something less… Ah, stiff?” ?? enquired, knowing full well that he shouldn’t.
Mrs Malcolm whacked at the table top, by the book, and too close to comfort when it came to where ??s fingers rested. 
?? curled his hand into a careful fist.
“Yes, Mrs Malcolm,” he said, holding back a sigh. Young men of his station weren’t to be caught huffing and puffing, it was unsightly and unattractive. 
?? pulled the book slightly closer, eyes dragging sorely over the text. Endless flowery cursive moaning about old failed techniques used in even older failed wars. 
Silently, to himself, ?? thought that all wars were failed wars.
Thus, perhaps, failed was his war against… 
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egginfroggin · 11 months
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(Revenge of the highlighter brush)
I had a Thought last night, and while Emmet doesn't actually have Arceus's crest on each of his eyes in WtST, I thought that it would look really cool, so here we are.
Now that I'm more awake, I realize that this concept was most like implanted in my brain a while ago after looking at this piece of artwork by Esprei. Which is fantastic, by the way, go look at it and give it attention, look at it it's beautiful. (Still a little confused on the mentioning etiquette on here; I don't know if I should tag people whenever I mention them or not, as every time I've tagged another user has been when I've either made something for them or found something I think they'd like, and I'm quite concerned about bothering people. Sorry)
While I'm not totally, 100% happy with everything about this piece, I do really the contrast with everything being monochrome but a few sparkles and the crests in his eyes. I do like that a lot. Contrast, beloved.
Could I have done this with Akari or Rei and had it not be WtST stuff? Yes, yes I could have. Did I? No, of course not, how was I supposed to resist the chance to give Emmet a li'l extra funk?
Welp, have a good day!
(Program used: Krita; time taken: 1 hour, 45 minutes)
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newyorkkiss · 2 years
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bornetoblood · 2 years
26 for the Soulsborne ask game uwu
Are there any ships that you enjoy?
You have fired the neurons in my brain. I am THE moon divorce blogger sorry.
Not gonna bore you by talking about how much I adore Laurence/Gehrman. It's most of my blog. I wrote a whole essay on them. In short, they present the game's themes really well and make the plot actively more cohesive and depressing (IMO obviously). Also they just play off each other really well they have a nice little contrast.
Other Bloodborne ships I really enjoy are Mariadeline, Bowblade, Caryll/Rom and I think Djura/Archiblad is really cute actually. (Though I enjoy most ships just as a baseline).
In terms of other From games, I really like Sulyvaldrich for the pure, unbridled evil energy they can have when combined. I'm also a massive fan of Melenia/Finley for... obvious reasons.
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harunrune · 2 months
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