#y'all are so KIND
nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
i am holding you at (water) gun point. which fic are you most proud of.
Thank you so much for this ask! It's incredibly sweet, and I'm sorry it took so long to answer!
This is such a hard ask. I'd say SOS, just because of all the cool plot twists, how much it adds to the canon that we never got from the show. If you're sad the show got cancelled and/or need something to fill your time, I'd highly recommend it. I'd also recommend it if you like stories about redemption, guilt, complex/broken family dynamics, plot twists, and forgiveness.
However, in terms of themes, I love my book Martina redemption fic. If you're a books fan and want a shorter fic, I'd recommend this one. The executives in the books were abused as children, and I don't think that wasn't talked enough. I also loved writing this fic, particularly because it concisely expresses my view about redemption and forgiveness, and I think that's a very important message.
Here's a snippet from the fic where Mr. Benedict is talking to Martina. It was one of my favorite parts to write:
“I am being honest with you Martina. I don't think you’re irredeemable.”
The former executive looked up at Mr. Benedict in surprise.
“I think you have done bad things," he clarified, "but I do not think that makes you a bad person. No, I believe that you were a young and vulnerable child who did her very best to survive under very unfair circumstances. I don't see you as a monster, and I don't agree that the world would be better off without you in it. I look at you, and I see a very beautiful and intelligent young woman who my brother kept from enjoying her freedom and sharing her gifts and joy with the rest of society. And I think it would be a shame if you allowed the memory of my brother to continue to limit and suppress your potential. The best way to make up for what you've done is not to hide yourself away, nor is it to destroy yourself. It is to say that you are going to be different from the person my brother tried to mold you into. That you are going to find out who you are and who you were meant to be and be that person instead, despite what he tried to do to you. And that you won't allow the world to be deprived of that person any longer.”
Thank you again so much for this ask, Kats! I hope you have a wonderful day!
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mbvgifs · 1 year
Hey MBAV fandom, I'm going to stick to asking you guys about this cuz I'm literally an MBAV blog, but It's not really related. Basically I'm here because this is the only blog of mine I can find that shows in any tag. I know this site did a lot with controlling and censoring stuff but I have no idea how to go about fixing this? I have a blog that's older than this one and it's not ever able to get posts out to tags, and neither does my brand new one. I understand the new one because I know they have to do some kind of process to prove you're not a bot (even though that doesn't really work clearly lol) But I can't for the life of me figure out what to do for my old blog. Neither one of those is my "main" account blog, but I don't even think my main blog would have anything to do with it because this blog is clearly fine and shows up in the tags (I'm going to lose my mind if this doesn't show up in the tags and the last post was just a fluke but we trying ok) everything I've read about it hasn't really been helpful or hasn't been relevant. Am I at a point where I should just contact support? Or just play the hope game and post things and expect nobody to see it :/ I dunno. I'm just at a loss fam At the very least, if this doesn't show in the tag, I at least have some followers who are active here, unlike my other blogs who have.. nothing but bot followers lmao
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inspiteallthedanger · 2 years
How’s your summer going?
I had the most amazing time with amazing people in Seattle and San Francisco. Now I'm off on another road trip to see some countryside (and some Beatles Cirque Du Soleil). Swam in Lake Tahoe today which was very beautiful.
Hope you're having the best summer possible, lovely nonny.
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for scared anon - I don’t know how much this helps, but there are others like you. There are so many of us. And so many more who are just queer and poor, or disabled and queer, or disabled and poor. There’s more of us than there are of them
(in reference to this ask!)
absolutely - thank you for sending this!
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hb-obsessed · 10 days
Ay yo where is your profile picture from it’s so cute!
thanks! I think I got it off google? idk...
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rosieofcorona · 4 months
art appreciate time! i love that your characters always have such subtle expressions. it makes them look so human, idk how to explain it
i am. cryin 🥲
tysm my darling!!! in my mind i am kissing u softly on the head
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pokimoko · 1 year
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I can't keep being fundamentally changed as a person by animated movies, it's just not sustainable.
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skiitter · 10 months
low key very obsessed with sex-adverse Astarion. like he's The Thirst Companion. The fucking Only Fangs joke. All the smut fan content. And then it does a total 180 and he's like "actually my sexual identity was weaponized against me and i was forced to use it to lead hundreds of people to their deaths". It's just such a compelling and interesting twist on his character. I love it.
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dmitryanya · 1 year
I love your art style!! Could you possibly draw some Crutchie for me?! If not I Absolutely understand!! Have a ✨wonderful✨ day either way!!!
thank you so much, i'm so happy you enjoy my art!! your message made me realize i haven't drawn crutchie in Years and this had to be remedied, so i just posted him!!
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abd-illustrates · 3 months
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💛 The Boi 💛
Hello, hope y'all are doing well! (^^)/ Wanted to make a quick post to let y'all know that my annual January curse has breeched containment and I'm currently in the middle of organizing sudden household repairs and unexpected medical appointments and miscellaneous stress sgdfgh-- 🫠 All that to say: no new video this week while I'm stuck grappling with all of the above sgdfksfd -- but here's a doodle of Heartless in the meantime! I wanna figure out a more solid design for his ghouls 🤔👻
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hussyknee · 7 months
I know some dickheads have now decided that Judaism is the "bad, violent, terrorist religion" and Islam is the "good, peaceful" one, which is only to be expected of white people, but how much of an issue is it currently? Like I've seen some USAmericans sharing how the Islamic faith shapes Gazans values and perseverance (good) except with that distinct white hippie "I'm about to imprint on this like the world's most racist duck" vibe (bad), but I didn't think they're already turning on Judaism in numbers.
Do they realize that Christianity is also the same kind of comfort to Christian minorities in Asia and Africa? That it was Buddhists that genocided the Rohingyas in Myanmar and Tamils in Sri Lanka? That Hindu fundamentalists are even now trying to ethnically cleanse Muslims in India? How Hindus and Christians are terrorized and persecuted in Pakistan? That Muslims have a history of persecuting and ethnically cleansing Jews too?
Really tired of asking y'all to be normal about people's religions man. There's no religion that's inherently violent or exceptionally peaceful. It's just like any other ideology that becomes a weapon in the hands of ethnic power. Interrogate power, not religion, and respect people's belief systems insofar as they aren't in your business.
Edit: I've amended the "long history" of Muslim persecution of Jews because it might be misleading in the current political climate. Zionism and antisemitic Arab nationalism are twin births resulting directly from Christian colonization, and Islamic empires tended to actually be more tolerant of other religions compared to Christianity, especially Judaism, which was considered a sibling religion. Antisemitism wasn't ideologically entrenched in Islamic tradition. It's simply that ethno-religious power will lead to ethno religious domination and intermittent cleansing of minorities, and Islam is no exception. Humans be humaning always.
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mobius-m-mobius · 4 months
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aeb-art · 6 months
help wanted 2 brainwashed me so here's some ooc self-indulgence:
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hey mike, maybe if you played moon's games and took a nap, it wouldn't chase you around the building, just a thought
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dafry-shenanigans · 9 months
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What would you do if you saw an alternate version of yourself cry?
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kittycatcorner · 2 months
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the worst double date in history 🐷💘
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metaben · 1 month
idk why this fandom has such an issue with acknowledging abuse when it isn't Astarion but Gale was pretty obviously abused and groomed and I would rather people in denial of this unfollow me :|
grooming is also not a minor-specific act so trying to use his age as a reason he wasn't abused is pretty dumb and shows both your ignorance and that you don't take abuse on adults seriously. like suddenly cults and brainwashing and power imbalances and human trafficking doesn't exist because you just don't want to see Gale as a survivor of abuse himself lol?
it basically comes down to people being ignorant about what grooming is in wider terms. and even if you want to ignore the actual definition of grooming and how adult survivors are impacted, Mystra is still a GODDESS. if anyone is able to exact a power imbalance on someone equivalent to the traditional child-grooming that you think is the only type to exist, it would be a Goddess to her Chosen
this is also ignoring the fact that he started discovering his powers around 8 and Mystra would have been aware of him immediately?
also-also ignoring Minsc outright describing how magical boys in his village were hidden away from Mystra?
just how is this even an argument? you are simply wrong...
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