#western leftists
hussyknee · 6 months
I know some dickheads have now decided that Judaism is the "bad, violent, terrorist religion" and Islam is the "good, peaceful" one, which is only to be expected of white people, but how much of an issue is it currently? Like I've seen some USAmericans sharing how the Islamic faith shapes Gazans values and perseverance (good) except with that distinct white hippie "I'm about to imprint on this like the world's most racist duck" vibe (bad), but I didn't think they're already turning on Judaism in numbers.
Do they realize that Christianity is also the same kind of comfort to Christian minorities in Asia and Africa? That it was Buddhists that genocided the Rohingyas in Myanmar and Tamils in Sri Lanka? That Hindu fundamentalists are even now trying to ethnically cleanse Muslims in India? How Hindus and Christians are terrorized and persecuted in Pakistan? That Muslims have a history of persecuting and ethnically cleansing Jews too?
Really tired of asking y'all to be normal about people's religions man. There's no religion that's inherently violent or exceptionally peaceful. It's just like any other ideology that becomes a weapon in the hands of ethnic power. Interrogate power, not religion, and respect people's belief systems insofar as they aren't in your business.
Edit: I've amended the "long history" of Muslim persecution of Jews because it might be misleading in the current political climate. Zionism and antisemitic Arab nationalism are twin births resulting directly from Christian colonization, and Islamic empires tended to actually be more tolerant of other religions compared to Christianity, especially Judaism, which was considered a sibling religion. Antisemitism wasn't ideologically entrenched in Islamic tradition. It's simply that ethno-religious power will lead to ethno religious domination and intermittent cleansing of minorities, and Islam is no exception. Humans be humaning always.
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lady-nightmare · 2 years
They are sitting with their latte in democratic country and via internet dreaming about communism. It always confused me especially tankies in lgbtq community when they think that they` ll be equal, individuals, free. But reality of communism was that you couldn` t be indiviadual. Individuality is an enemy of a system because individuality could lead to free thinking. Collectivity is its gem- collective thinking (read: what The Party thinks. In communism you can`t choose between few options or create your own. There is only one option). But it means you cannot be in any way different. Lgbtq would be then dead or in jail or in psychiatric asylum.
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swamp-cats-den · 5 months
An American: hmm how do I show that I'm against genocide and occupation?
Also an American: Oh I know! I'll tell a person going through genocide and occupation to choke and call them morons!
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bear-of-mirrors · 1 year
Not seeing anyone who wants to say it, so I’ll say it. The reason why most western, non-Jewish leftists view the world in a binary morality system (those who supported “tank communism” during the Cold War, those who whitewash Joseph Stalin today, those who ignore what is happening to the Uyghurs in China, and those who praise Putin and Russia’s imperial war while demonizing Ukraine) have that binary morality because of the impact of Xtian cultural hegemony due to that religion constantly reinforcing the idea that there IS a binary morality.
Western colonialism and imperialism is bad, therefore anyone who opposes a western power is universally, 100% good. Because the West is colonial and imperialist, that means that when we talk about imperialism we never talk about Japan or anyone that’s not European and certainly never Old World Imperialism. Because the West has done these things, anyone who is against the West is on the side of the angels and anything said against them is capitalist propaganda. It doesn’t matter that Russia today is no longer communist or that it’s ruled by a fascist dictator and is increasingly oppressing lgbt people and dissidents (just like the USSR did, but they don’t talk about that either). It doesn’t matter that it is still illegal to be queer in China or that there is a genocide happening to the Uyghur population. They oppose American interests/European interests, therefore they’re the good guys, right?
Like. It all is traceable back to Xtianity’s efforts to create people with “faith like a child” that has bled into how western culture views morality in general. A child sees the world in black and white because that’s all they can do. There’s evil, so good opposes it. That’s how things work in children’s stories and in escapist fantasy stories for adults. For the children’s stories, whether religious-based or not, that binary is there because they’re for children who are young and not mature enough for nuance of the grey and complexity of the real world. For adult fantasy stories, it’s for escapism from a world that can be so hard to deal with and handle at times that you need a break (though even Tolkien regretted that he didn’t find a way to give complexity to the Orcs instead of portraying them as Always Chaotic Evil). But the problem of Xtian Cultural Hegemony in regards to morality is that that particular infection sees non-Jewish (I should really rather say leftists that do not belong to a religious minority in the West) Leftists in the West never grow out of that childish mindset about the world and the problems in it.
The Soviet Union toppled the Russian Empire and the Tzars, but it also chose Joseph Stalin as a leader and his brutality cast a shadow over every single communist movement that followed his ascent to power. The Soviet famines, like the Holodomor, that were implemented under Stalin’s watch because he didn’t appoint any agricultural experts to oversee land reform but only flunkies directly led to China trying the exact same kind of land reform on its own, and that led to famines there too. But the Soviet Union opposed capitalism! Yes, and it also signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact that saw it forcibly annex western Poland and the Baltic states, while turning over German communists that lived in the Soviet Union due to having to flee Germany to escape the Nazis and also saw Stalin order world communist movements to stop spreading anti-fascist rhetoric.
Like. There are wide ranging complexities in regards to world events and powers and nations and people. Very very rarely is it a binary. And certainly never in the way this particular brand of leftists want. Like, yeah I’m a communist myself, but I don’t go pulling shit like trying to say the USSR was great cause it got near-100% literacy for it’s population while I ignore the fact that it always locked up dissidents of all ages (yes, that includes idealistic teenagers who had study groups to talk about how to reform the CPSU) whether in gulags, prisons, or mental asylums, nor that it had institutional antisemitism (since communism can’t get rid of the prejudices people have from before).
Tldr: many non-religious minority leftists in the West have an awful and inaccurate binary morality in their world views directly due to Xtian Cultural Hegemony.
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potuzzz · 11 months
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TLDR: A good, effective communist these days should be doing everything in their power, even dirty shit, even straight up being a capitalist, to Play, and to Win, The Game here in the imperial core.
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(No longer TLDR)
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I don't even want to open the can of worms that is Caleb Maupin, but a quote from him that I deeply resonate with, and that I think all im the Western Left should resonate with, is "out of the movement, and into the masses."
Here in the United States especially, the situation is so dire that we need to put on our War Hat and prepare to (potentially drastically) reduce our moral, ideological, and ethical standards for ourselves and our comrades.
The current methods have proven disastrously ineffective.
In war, if you can afford it, absolutely you should do the right thing. You should avoid civilian casualties and critical infrastructure, you should treat POWs kindly, you should loudly and patiently give enemies a chance to surrender, to tend to their wounded, to evacuate non combatants. Etc., etc.
However, we can not afford it. The current methods have failed us. We are behind. We are losing The Game, the dog eat dog game that this world is under a capitalist hegemony.
We do not have the power to dictate the rules of engagement. That isn't to say that small acts of kindness are not important, they are, but as a matter of policy, of doctrine? Mask off today. Scorched earth if need be.
We need money, we need power, we need numbers. By any means necessary. It is that simple.
If you're a comrade, go get you some money. Go get you some power. By any means necessary.
Another favorite quote:
"Revolution is no place for silk gloves."
Every successful revolution and socialist country has had periods of great struggle, where corners both material and moral had to be cut (certainly not to the extent of their enemies, nor the propaganda their enemies painted of them).
China had a period of ideological hardline, the Cultural Revolution. It was a disaster for them! To survive to play another day, and to play the long game, they then shifted towards opportunistic and shameless Dengism. And, by following the code of Socialism By Any Means Necessary, we arrive at where they are today under Xi: implementing incredible reforms that DO speak loudly to morals and ethics, that DO spend that little extra bit of cash or time or effort, just to do THE RIGHT THING...because they can afford it NOW, only AFTER the winnings of cold and calculating Dengism.
Again, we are not our enemies, and we never will be. Even in war, communist forces universally do not commit the amount of atrocities that capitalist or especially fascist forces do. We're softies. We care about people and mark-ass shit like that. But if, in those military conflicts, these softies across time and space didn't say, "Okay, I will kill a man to protect my home and people and thus socialism. I don't have to enjoy it, but I have to do it," they would have gone extinct.
We are at war. It has been here for a long time, it is just made to be obscure and indirect. It will get hotter as time goes on. It is a Cold War right now, but the consequences in the long term will be the same.
We are at war, and I think on a global scale, the war is over. Save for something truly heinous like Nuclear Armageddon, capitalism has lost. Socialism has won. It's just a matter of waiting for the rabid dog to die, minimizing the damage as it thrashes about, and for exorcising the poison out of all the bite marks it has left across the world.
However, on a much smaller scale, such as the United States, the future is not so clearly bright. I feel like our sins are great and they will come home to roost. I feel like this limb will be in many ways amputated from the rest of the world. Oh, they're gonna build a Wall all right. Just not facing the direction US Americans think it will.
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I disagree with @txttletale here but make sure to check out this blog it's great innit.
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whentheynameyoujoy · 2 years
100% convinced that the main reason why western leftists show this seething anger at Ukrainians for being visible is that unlike those worthless larpers Ukrainians decided to topple their corrupt governance and actually did it.
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hilacopter · 3 months
it's the way american leftists will insist on separating themselves from their government because, you know, a single governing force does not represent an entire country full of people with differing opinions. and then they absolutely refuse to apply that logic to non-western countries.
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ahaura · 5 months
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(Nov. 23) [1] [2]
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hussyknee · 9 months
One thing you have to remember is that online queer discourse doesn't make a damn bit of difference to systemic queerphobia irl or LGBT rights. No amount of playing respectability politics by identifying the "real freaks" will ever lead to sexual emancipation or prevent sexual violence. No amount of trying to identify and cast out "oppressors" and "infiltrators" will ever make homophobes and transphobes respect the sanctity of your sexual identity. Not letting people have words and flags and colours is absolutely nothing except a weapon for online harrassment and clout-chasing wielded by white and Western weirdos who've drunk the colonizer Kool-Aid.
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lady-nightmare · 2 years
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mylimoji · 7 months
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history understander has logged on
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klassicknight · 1 year
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nooradeservedbetter · 7 months
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brw · 7 months
idk just shocked at the amount of people who are surprised that war is messy and violent and shocking. that bad things happen when a war is going on that violence and death is common when a war is being fought. and that obviously the completely peaceful and nonviolent alternative of YEARS of settler colonialism and oppression and warfare and of land becoming smaller and smaller despite being theirs first is what we should strive for. lmao. this is not a call for more blood this is a call for people to realise no revolution or resistance has been without blood and you can't allow your reasonable shock about violence to be weaponised into upholding n supporting imperialism. idk.
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whentheynameyoujoy · 2 years
Can’t decide whether it’s more pathetic or amusing how ‘murican lefties always blabber about ontological evil this, ontological evil that, yet are now shitting and pissing themselves in rage as they westsplain xenophobia to Eastern Europeans who aren’t exactly ecstatic at the prospect of welcoming masses of draft-dodging Z supporters in their midst.
No ‘murican leftie, btw, had any problem understanding why Trumpers getting slapped with consequences after their failed coup was mega super fucking giga funny. But this doesn’t concern them so that’s of course completely different, how could I have not realized.
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