#y'all need the food
art-by-a-gus · 11 months
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This was gonna be a bonus doodle for something but figured I'd post the sketch
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soaps-mohawk · 4 months
As an American, I love reading poly 141 x reader solely because I know half the time they speak imma be looking at them like:
😐😑😐 "Translation, please?"
Just picturing an example like
"Anybody else fancy a Chinese?"
Me: "A Chinese what?"
"Whatdya mean what? To eat."
(Also looking at British Chinese takeout makes me sad. Why are there fries for one??)
(Apologies to any Brits reading this... not really. Dumping ur tea in the harbor again just for calling chips "crisps" /LH)
It's hard trying to write them 😭 the way my Google searches are just "how do you say [insert word/phrase here] in Scottish" and "how would a British person say [insert phrase here]" (Google is not helpful btw). Sometimes I just have to go with my gut or just something I'm certain they'd say 😭
No but British Chinese food is so sad. I was on that side of tiktok for a while and why is it all soggy but at the same time dry?? (And yes the fries 😭 fries and curry with Chinese, y'all need help 😭)
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ragnarssons · 5 months
people out there pretending the watcher dudes are struggling wittle poow artists having to live by capitalist rules :((((( to justify their dumb ass move... y'all are cute, i guess.
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I'm never going to financially recover from this.
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But seriously. A vet visit for two sick cats, totaling $671, and my pet insurance reimbursed...$35. I pay $25 a month for this!!! What is the point???
Anyway, I truly hate to ask, but if anyone would like to help me pay this off, I would be eternally grateful. I'll even write you a little fic of your choosing as a thank-you. Just message me and ask <3
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krotiation · 5 months
Even though I don't think Timothy would ever miss Jack per se I imagine that his death still left a void that Tim doesn't know how to fill
Because what exactly do you do when the man who essentially dictated every aspect of your life is now dead? What can you even do when you're still wearing his face? Fuck if Tim knows
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fourswords · 18 days
it IS hilarious to me how shadow was the only actual villain who got ANYTHING done during the fsa manga. do you think after vaati was released it was just nonstop bitching between him and ganon and finally shadow had to be like "well fuck someone's gotta destroy the kingdom around here." the villain that stepped up if you will
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djevelbl · 22 days
Quick question — could you realistically make latte art on IM!Cup's hair????
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butmakeitgayblog · 6 months
Ok apparently I didn't realize this was A Thing with some people in relationships, and I just found out today, but I need to know like what's the general consensus here: do most people not regularly share their food with their partner??? I mean as in, do you both order your own food and you have your own different meals, but you don't offer bites and trade pieces and share dips?
I need to clarify this, it's with the understanding that each party asks before just sticking their hands in the other's plate. I don't mean a situation where you guys just reach over and take whatever you want. I mean like regularly throughout the meal, "You want a bite? Do you want part of this? Can I have a few fries? Want to share this last part?"
Not just being a rude animal and grabby handsing on their food 😅
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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911 Lone Star | Paul Strickland + Chicago
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emelinstriker · 9 months
...If we're going to make reader bloodthirsty, then what iff...reader is a cannibal-*gets shot*
Me considering that possibility of at least one cannibal Reader in the system, while also remembering the greater majority of the servants are already cannibals in some way, and would most definitely revel in the idea of their Master joining them:
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fattributes · 1 year
I want to know why Arby's markets itself as one of the best gluten-friendly fast food restaurants when they don't have a safe bread option. Yes, "we have the meats" rings true, but I'm not breaking into a steaming lump of fluffed beef and melted cheese in the parking lot.
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pinkhysteria · 11 months
so america is annoying and pathetic for being in bed crying too long, but cory is also evil and horrible for taking occasional breaks from comforting her to campaign a little? they're not even making any sense atp djskdjsk
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holocene-sims · 3 months
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next // previous
september 1, 2021 7:00 p.m. basil's restaurant
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
the autistic rage that is living with other people, actively waiting to go into a room till everyone's out of the room and doing their own things so you can use the room undisturbed, and the second you walk in there you have seemingly reminded people the room exists as they all need to be in there that very second, literally. everyone could be in there rooms, my grandma could be half asleep watching her soaps, but the second I put my headphones all the way on and start going about washing dishes (I find it relaxing) or fixing a snack, they're all in here
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anthromimicry · 5 months
okay, so i believe it's time to talk about what kind of powers misao possesses. let me start off by saying that she is by no means invincible and/or invulnerable: so, she can be defeated in combat, of course. i just wanted to affirm that with y'all because she does have an enhanced healing factor. but unlike a regenerative healing factor, which heals a lot of things pretty much automatically, it does still take a good amount of time for her to heal. i'd say it's just a bit faster than a human's ability to heal, and so she can not do things like regrow limbs / reattach her head.
BUT to counteract her lack of a more proficient healing ability... misao and all jorōgumo can produce very sharp, silk-like threads and manipulate them to their liking to attack other's + create constructs out of these silk threads that can be used as weapons. and thus, one could argue that she has a certain 'advantage' over humans since this is a long-range attack, which would mean only they would have to get closer to her in combat if they didn't have any long-range weapons themselves. being a spider in actuality, misao can also make webbing that comes from within her. also, because of her true nature as a spider, misao can control diminutive spiders or just regularly sized spiders at will.
another, and her last ability, is that she has venom available at her disposal much like a real spider that targets the central nervous system / is a potent neurotoxin ( in which she would transfer directly into someone through a bite ) buttt the thing is is that she will often not use this method of killing, and/or seriously harming someone because of how long it takes for her body to regenerate the venom. thus, most of the time, misao will only use it if she is in a very dire situation where she has to defend herself or someone she cares about.
and as a result, those who are in combat with her don't really have to worry about her using this ability unless she's genuinely on death's door or something of that nature. so yeah; i hoped this gave you all a little more insight as to what exactly she can do with her powers as a jorōgumo.
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herrscherofmagic · 6 months
another WIP!
anyways, when I was going into Part 2, I was not expecting a bunch of generic-model NPCs (albeit very pretty ones) to end up being some of my favorite characters of the story
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I'd do anything to protect these silly little goobers!!!!
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